A Solemn Appeal - James White

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as great a business as he may, he rarely becomes<br />

rich, but see how many fortunes it has squandered!<br />

No one who "goes after strange women" can be<br />

good, honest, and true; but he who does, will<br />

commit almost any other form of sin. This passion<br />

will sow the seeds of depravity in the purest of<br />

souls, and convert those most irreproachable into<br />

demons. This is staple truth, apply it where you<br />

will.<br />

"Moralists! behold in this relation of perverted<br />

sexuality to universal depravity, your first work of<br />

reform. As long as this passion is thus uncontrolled<br />

and perverted, so long will all other forms of<br />

depravity be rife, and all forms of virtue be<br />

trampled in the dust! Ministers may preach till<br />

doomsday against any and all other vices without<br />

effect, till they preach moral purity, and in all its<br />

forms. It is a matter of perfect surprise, that so few<br />

ministers preach against this sin in any of its forms,<br />

especially against self-abuse; but most of them,<br />

though posted on the moral watch-towers of<br />

society, are 'dead dogs,' that 'will not bark,'<br />

touching this, the very key-stone of the arch of<br />


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