A Solemn Appeal - James White

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in the cherishing of amorous reveries and<br />

"lascivious daydreams," And still more are they<br />

who have no idea of the excesses of married life<br />

being by this law forbidden. The consequences of<br />

this ignorance are, as we have already seen, just<br />

what might be expected--one is a mental adulterer,<br />

another is an onanist, and another still is a married,<br />

legal, sensualist--and all three, if not perfectly at<br />

ease morally, are kind of conscientious, and think<br />

themselves innocent of any violation of revealed<br />

law! Now who will wonder that unchastity should,<br />

under these circumstances, spread itself so rapidly?<br />

Parents, through ignorance leave their children<br />

an easy prey to filthy vice. Parental love, however<br />

solicitous and careful, cannot teach children<br />

lessons which itself has never learned; nor guard<br />

them against dangers which it has never itself<br />

discovered. And hence while many parents are<br />

"verily guilty concerning the blood of their<br />

children," many more are doomed to see their<br />

children ruined, in perfect ignorance of what might<br />

have been done to save them. For the latter,<br />

ignorance may be a sufficient apology, when to the<br />


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