A Solemn Appeal - James White

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decay, checks of conscience, expostulations of<br />

judgment, and medical assistance, will all be lost<br />

on thee; God, and God alone, can save thee from<br />

an evil which has in its issue the destruction of thy<br />

body, and the final perdition of thy soul.'<br />

" 'Facts,' etc., to 'Young Men,' narrates the<br />

history of a young man of high talents and<br />

standing, promoted to an important post of honor,<br />

which he once filled satisfactorily to his<br />

constituents, and who had amassed considerable<br />

wealth, and was engaged to be married, as follows:<br />

" 'But his health began to fail. His constant<br />

complaint was--"my nerves are weak"--"my hands<br />

tremble"--"my wrists ache"--"my knees are weak"-<br />

-"I have bad dreams," etc. He was advised to take<br />

outdoor exercise, ride horseback, and take<br />

strengthening remedies, with a nourishing diet. But<br />

all this did no good. The symptoms increased. He<br />

soon became dyspeptic and hypochondriac; and<br />

then followed, not only the aches and pains that<br />

were consequent upon such a state of the body, but<br />

all those ten thousand imaginary physical and<br />


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