A Solemn Appeal - James White

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Excessive indulgence, of whatever kind,<br />

necessarily inflames, and therefore weakens and<br />

diseases the sexual apparatus; and hence that<br />

falling of the womb, fluor albus, and other<br />

common female complaints, as well as prostration,<br />

or pendency, or irritation, or priapism, or<br />

gonorrhoea, etc., of males, which excessive<br />

indulgence always and necessarily creates. Nor,<br />

once effectually impaired, does this apparatus ever<br />

fully regain its former tone and power. As with a<br />

dislocated joint, or affection of the stomach, or<br />

lungs, slighter, and still slighter, occasions of<br />

disease renew the chronic complaint, so<br />

indulgence, otherwise not injurious, now renews<br />

the disease, and re-impairs the health, besides<br />

enfeebling both this function and its product.<br />

"Allow here a single remark relative to the<br />

effect of indulgence, whether promiscuous,<br />

matrimonial, or solitary, upon offspring. It has<br />

been seen that power of sexual passion contributes<br />

to the endowment of offspring, and its feebleness<br />

leaves them proportionally the less endowed. Now<br />

nature has provided for the retention of this<br />


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