A Solemn Appeal - James White

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kept his hands tied behind him as the only<br />

preventive, but at length disposed of him as<br />

incorrigible. The boy has since died. I have known<br />

boys not yet four years old, both practice it, and<br />

also indulge with the opposite sex; and known<br />

hundreds ruined by it before they entered their<br />

teens! Nor are any children safe from this<br />

loathsome habit. Especially are our schools the<br />

nurseries of this vice, where it is often practiced in<br />

companies. 'I speak what I do know, and testify<br />

what I have seen.' Nor are any of even our own<br />

dear children, though watched however closely,<br />

safe from this corrupting and deadly snare!<br />

"Nor am I alone in this view of its extensive<br />

practice among children. Dr. Woodward, higher<br />

authority than whom I could hardly quote, writes<br />

thus, touching this matter: 'Those who hold these<br />

opinions,' namely, that information on this subject<br />

is either unnecessary or injurious, and 'are hardly<br />

aware how extensively known this habit is with the<br />

young, or how early in life it is sometimes<br />

practiced. I have never conversed with a lad twelve<br />

years of age who did not know all about the<br />


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