A Solemn Appeal - James White

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suffering, her constitution has failed, and her<br />

intellect has become weakened, by so great a<br />

draught upon her vital resources.Her offspring<br />

suffer her debility, and thus a class is thrown upon<br />

society, poorly fitted, through the mother's inability<br />

to educate them, to be of the least benefit.<br />

If these mothers had given birth to but few<br />

children, and if they had been careful to live upon<br />

such food as would preserve physical health and<br />

mental strength, so that the moral and intellectual<br />

might predominate over the animal, they could<br />

have so educated their children for usefulness, as to<br />

have made them bright ornaments to society.<br />

If parents in past generations had, with<br />

firmness of purpose, kept the body servant to the<br />

mind, and had not allowed the intellectual to be<br />

enslaved by animal passions, there would be in this<br />

age a different order of beings upon the earth. And<br />

if the mother, before the birth of her offspring, had<br />

always possessed selfcontrol, realizing that she was<br />

giving the stamp of character to future generations,<br />

the present state of society would not be so<br />


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