A Solemn Appeal - James White

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"Confining children in-doors; compelling them<br />

to sit on hard benches, with their toes scarcely<br />

reaching the floor, in ill-ventilated school-rooms;<br />

low, vulgar stories upon subjects relating to the<br />

sexual function, which many young men and boys,<br />

yes, and old men too! are so fond of relating to<br />

excite the imagination and arouse the curiosity of<br />

all who listen to them; giving children false<br />

impressions as to how they were born--and this is<br />

as often done by parents as by others--and of the<br />

nature and use of the sexual function; reading low<br />

novels and obscene stories; looking at obscene<br />

pictures--all tend to excite the imagination, and<br />

arouse and pervert the sexual instinct."<br />

"Talking to children about 'sweethearts' and<br />

'lovers' is a fruitful cause of premature excitement<br />

of the sexual system, and often leads to self-abuse,<br />

as well as to promiscuous sexual indulgence. I am<br />

often horror-stricken at the lightness and levity<br />

with which these seeds of damnation are sown in<br />

the minds of children. Parents and others who sow<br />

such seed may thank themselves for the fruit<br />

thereof.<br />


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