A Solemn Appeal - James White

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means aside from selfabuse; for it follows in the<br />

train of all sexual abuses, and is often present as<br />

the result of inherited weaknesses. It is exceedingly<br />

debilitating, and, sad as it is, it is nevertheless true<br />

that our American women as a class are almost<br />

universally afflicted with this exhausting loss.<br />

"The best blood of woman, as well as man,<br />

goes to the generative organs for the purpose of<br />

forming the new being; and, if it is lost by this<br />

constant drain from a million women, who can<br />

estimate how much lower we stand in consequence<br />

of this, both as regards physical and mental<br />

conditions, than we might have done had the lifeforces<br />

of our progenitors been preserved intact?"<br />

Spermatorrhea<br />

"If every boy in the land, who is just beginning<br />

the practice of self-abuse, could be made fully to<br />

understand that this habit would soon produce such<br />

a weakness and irritation of the genital organs that<br />

they would act involuntarily upon the least<br />

excitement, or even when they were asleep, and<br />


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