A Solemn Appeal - James White

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premature death, for this foul cause alone--some,<br />

while in the halls of education, and others, soon<br />

after leaving college, adorned with its higher<br />

honors."<br />

We have already heard Mrs. Grove say, "There<br />

is hardly an end to these diseases" (diseases caused<br />

by this vice). She enumerates "dyspepsia, spinal<br />

complaint, headache, epilepsy, impaired eyesight,<br />

palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, bleeding at<br />

the lungs, spasms of the heart and lungs, diabetes,<br />

or incontinence of urine, fluor albus, or whites,<br />

inflammation of the urinary organs." Dr.<br />

Deslandes, besides many of these, instances<br />

rheumatism, affected perspiration, consumption,<br />

asthma, catarrh, polypus of the heart, affection of<br />

the bones, fevers, priapism strangury, polypus<br />

uteri, blood discharges, etc., etc.<br />

The following startling case occurred but a few<br />

miles from the residence of the writer. It is<br />

received on credible information. A boy, about four<br />

years old, was afflicted with weakness and stiffness<br />

of limbs. (The exact symptoms the writer has not<br />


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