A Solemn Appeal - James White

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learned it from others, often commence the habit of<br />

self-abuse about the age of puberty when the<br />

development of the sexual organs and the<br />

establishment of the sexual function produce a<br />

peculiar uneasiness of the parts, to allay which, this<br />

habit is at first almost unconsciously fallen into.<br />

"Of course, the excitement and irritation,<br />

instead of being allayed, are by this means<br />

increased, and the momentary pleasure experienced<br />

induces a repetition of the act, till by-and-by the<br />

habit becomes fully established. This goes on<br />

voluntarily for from three to ten years, till those<br />

who practice it learn from some source that this<br />

habit must, sooner or later, lead them to misery<br />

and, perhaps, destruction; but by this time the<br />

organs have become so weakened, and the system<br />

so impoverished, that, although the habit may be<br />

abandoned, in nine cases out of ten the loss will be<br />

continued in the form of involuntary nocturnal and,<br />

perhaps, diurnal emissions."<br />

Mr. O. S. Fowler says: 'I have known boys not<br />

yet four years old both practice self-abuse and<br />


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