Beginner's - ArtTrader Magazine

Beginner's - ArtTrader Magazine

Beginner's - ArtTrader Magazine


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Art TRADER<br />

m a g a z i n e<br />

To Draw Attention Away<br />

You can actually use color to draw attention away from something in your art (such as a mistake!) Use a<br />

neutral color for the area you wish to draw attention from, and use brighter, more intense color (this is called<br />

saturation) in an area away from the neutral colors. Let’s look at the Peace postcard once more: You will<br />

see that the hands are a neutral color. Skin color can be any color; red, yellow, black, brown etc. But the<br />

hands for this image were specifically colored a neutral tan/gray so as not to compete with the round Earth!<br />

Because a neutral color can so easily fade into the background, the hands are outlined in fuchsia, so as to<br />

remain visible to the eye. Fuchsia was carefully chosen, though, so it would remain cohesive with the rest<br />

of the purple/blue elements in the design.<br />

To Draw Attention To<br />

The same principle applies here. If you wish to draw attention to a face, or to text, use color to draw the<br />

eye.<br />

This postcard has a really difficult composition: The text and collaged hand are almost competing with the<br />

cupcake because they take up about the same amount of space in the postcard. However, you can use<br />

color to save an iffy composition such as this. Notice that that hand/text area and the background all are<br />

fuchsias, blues and purples. All of these colors have some amount of blue in them, and are considered<br />

‘cool’ in temperature. In order to draw the eye toward the cupcake, I used warm colors, colors that would<br />

contain some amount of yellow. The green surrounding the cupcake contain yellow (yellow + blue = green),<br />

and I shaded the pink frosting with orange (yellow + red = orange) to warm it up! The cherry girl’s skirt is<br />

green and yellow, and the cake portion of the cupcake is a warm brown (which also contains yellow.) I left<br />

the collaged ‘pointing hand’ a neutral gray so as not to stand out more than it already does; the gray is tied<br />

into the color composition by the silver I used around the border of the card.<br />


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