Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students - Ellen G. White

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nature of medical missionary work, those who<br />

desire <strong>to</strong> take up this line should first be thoroughly<br />

examined by competent physicians <strong>to</strong> ascertain<br />

whether or not they have the strength necessary <strong>to</strong><br />

endure the course of study through which they<br />

must pass in the training school.<br />

* * * * *<br />

We have a work <strong>to</strong> do in securing the best<br />

talent <strong>and</strong> in placing these workers in positions<br />

where they can educate other workers. Then when<br />

our sanitariums <strong>and</strong> mission fields call for<br />

physicians, we shall have young men who, through<br />

their experience gained by practical work, have<br />

become fitted <strong>to</strong> bear responsibilities.<br />

The Medical Student<br />

While seeking a preparation for his lifework,<br />

the medical student should be encouraged <strong>to</strong> attain<br />

the highest possible development of all his powers.<br />

His studies, taxing though they are, need not<br />

necessarily undermine his physical health or lessen<br />


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