Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students - Ellen G. White

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Making Home Attractive<br />

While many parents err on the side of<br />

indulgence, others go <strong>to</strong> the opposite extreme, <strong>and</strong><br />

rule their children with a rod of iron. They seem <strong>to</strong><br />

forget that they themselves were once children.<br />

They are dignified, cold, unsympathetic. Childish<br />

mirth <strong>and</strong> waywardness, the restless activity of the<br />

young life, find no excuse in their eyes. Trifling<br />

misdemeanors are treated as grave sins. Such<br />

discipline is not Christlike. Children thus trained<br />

fear their parents, but do not love them; they do not<br />

confide in them their childish experiences. Some of<br />

the most valuable qualities of mind <strong>and</strong> heart are<br />

chilled <strong>to</strong> death as a tender plant before the wintry<br />

blast.<br />

While we are not <strong>to</strong> indulge blind affection,<br />

neither are we <strong>to</strong> manifest undue severity. Children<br />

cannot be brought <strong>to</strong> the Lord by force. They can<br />

be led, but not driven. “My sheep hear My voice,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I know them, <strong>and</strong> they follow Me,” Christ<br />

declares. John 10:27. He does not say, My sheep<br />

hear My voice <strong>and</strong> are forced in<strong>to</strong> the path of<br />


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