2015-16 New Year's Party

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Wormhole Bistro<br />

30. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Shadow comes out ob da kitchen wiff Pookie n Starlie n Troubie carryin da hooge cake<br />

singin ♫ Happy Gotcha Day tu mew Miss HoneyBun, Happy Gotcha Day tu mew ♫

Dawn Barela That is a MEWTIFUL cake!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal ♪ ♫<br />

up fancy cakes...<br />

I'm amazed how fast the kitties here are able to whip<br />

Pat Gancarski I think our kitties somehow know when theirs a birthday or gotcha<br />

day coming up. So they make up a cake just so that everyone can celebrate. Cats<br />

are very perceptive you know.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ans sums magik too GM Pat but me can nevers tells awl our<br />

secwets<br />

Pat Gancarski AH! Magic too! I forgot that part. This place is very magical.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad puts him's paw ober him's mouff...Teeheehee! Yup GM Pat<br />

der bes lots ob it includin our magikal wands dat Salem The Cat gibs tu us awl.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Laughing, yup Brother Shad! I got one to from Salem.<br />

Collin takes out of his jacket pocket. See, I got one!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me furgets dat mew habs one too Collin, maybes we shud use<br />

dem on our mommas ans makie dem awl beddas Habs mew been practisings<br />

wiff it? GM Pat<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin ~ You think them works that way Shad? I been practicing<br />

some. But I been working on getting better mostly.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Den holds off untils mew bes stronger afors mew due any big<br />

majiks Collin, cuz it due takie sums energies out ob mew.<br />

Pat Gancarski I am still working in that Shad. I can does little bits of majiks, like<br />

getting treats and making Ma carrys me around. But making her feel better bes<br />

BIG majiks.

Wormhole Bistro Auntie Johanna we habs our magikal wands dat Salem gibs tu us.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (slaps forehead) Why, of course! How could I forget about<br />

those!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew gunna habs da bruise ib mew due dat too muchie Auntie<br />

Johanna<br />

not sews hard!<br />

Dawn Barela Shad is right Johanna!! Don't bop yourself so hard!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Thank mew! < She "accidentally" puts her paw into the<br />

icing. > Ooooh, a whippie cream cake!<br />

Dawn Barela Happy Gotcha Day HoneyBun!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yuppers Miss HoneyBun dat bes whippie Dragon Fruit Cweam<br />

icing just fur mew now enjoys it. as Shad gibs her da wittle hug n kiss on da<br />

cheek.<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Thank you, Mr. Shadow. Thank you, everybody. It'z<br />

good to be a Gotcha Kitty.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Happy Gotcha Day, HoneyBun. Collin gives HoneyBun a<br />

hug and kiss.<br />

Pat Gancarski Happy Gotcha Day, HoneyBun. That's a beautiful cake!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yuppers Miss HoneyBun, it shur due bes gud tu bes da Gotcha<br />

Kitty cuz me bes one too!

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Thank you, Collin and Auntie Pat. You is right, Mr.<br />

Shadow, it'z very good to be da Gotcha Kitty. Meomy says I'z the bestest one to<br />

our house!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Momma says dat her wuds bes lost wiffouts me here!<br />

Pat Gancarski I'd be lost with out my boys and all my boys and girls that are now<br />

at the bridge. They helped to keep me going when I was sad and lonely. All my<br />

kitties have been Gotcha kitties.<br />

Janie Devaux<br />

Janie Devaux<br />

Pat Gancarski That's a beautiful cake! WOW! You did a wonderful job decorating it!<br />

Wormhole Bistro We awl dids dat GM Pat ans den bes sums magik der too<br />

Pat Gancarski This place is very magical.<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun looks at the Aunties. > We still gots cake, and Meomy says it<br />

tastes berry good wif coffee. Eberybody haz a piece, hokay?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

Thank you very much, HoneyBun!

Wormhole Bistro Me wuds lubs tu habs da piece ob mew's pecial cake made wiff<br />

Dragon Fruits sew bes carefuls eberypawdy as Shad brings ober sum plates n<br />

silberwear tu eats wiff ans da cawfee pot tu fills eberypawdy's cup up, fank mew<br />

Miss HoneyBun<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin takes out his ipaw and texts something. Several minutes later in<br />

walk Dillon and Luke with Charlie Gurl.<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun's eyes go wide and she starts to dance in place.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Can mew due dis Collin? Bes mew strong enuffs yet?<br />

habs me joins mew? GM Pat shud dem?<br />

Wanna<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon, Luke and Collin go to HoneyBun and start to sing:<br />

Happy Gotcha Day to you<br />

Happy Gotcha Day to youuu<br />

Happy Gotcha Day Dear HoneyBun,<br />

Happy Gotcha Day tooo youuuuu!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun squeals > Thank you. I haz the bestest friends in the<br />

whole wide world.<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon, Luke and Collin all give HoneyBun a big group hug and<br />

kisses.<br />

You're our best and biggest fan HoneyBun. We couldn't let you Gotcha Day pass<br />

without singing to you.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad joins him's Brudders in da singin ans awl dems voices<br />

blends in tugethers purrfectlys! Dillon n Luke lookie at Shad ans say 'we thots<br />

sew'<br />

Pat Gancarski GB~ Yup! We knew you had a good voice Shad. You could be part<br />

of the Ginger Boys ya know. Us would like you to think 'bout joining us. We'd like<br />

that.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me habs been finkin bouts dat me Brudders ans momma n me<br />

says da YES cuz me wuds lubs tu sing wiff mew but me gotta learns dem wurds tu<br />

mew's song tho. GM Pat wat mew finks?

Pat Gancarski I think that if you want to be a Ginger Boy it's a good thing.<br />

There's a lot of work that goes into it though. Lots of practicing and singing<br />

together often to get it right. If you want to do it I'm okay with it. It would give<br />

Collin the chance to rest and go into semi- retirement. I'm sure they'll be a song or<br />

two that he'll still want to sing from time to time. Like today. Not a grueling<br />

concert tour or a stint in Vegas, 2 shows a night.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me unnerstands dat GM Pat ans dat why me wanna due dis fur<br />

Collin<br />

Pat Gancarski I hope I didn't scare you off GS Shad. But on the up side you could<br />

come over and practice at my house or the boys could go to your house to<br />

practice. Then there's meeting up here to practice too. Ya know that Luke and<br />

Dillon could come here and learn to cook while you guys practice.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Thank you Brother Shad! This means so much to me. I<br />

been worried about the group. Dillon and Luke and sing leads until your ready to<br />

do lead. It isn't hard at all. I need to concentrate on my health now. With you<br />

Dillon and Luke it can bes a seamless transition. All our fans habe heard you sing<br />

wif us afore. So it bes a good thing for you and my other brothers. You don't mind<br />

if sometimes if I feels up to it I could sing a number,do you. I not want to be totally<br />

away. Maybe a special song for someone special once in a while. All of us can help<br />

you be a Ginger Boy. Okay?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat sounds likie da purrfect plan tu me Collin, maybe we cud<br />

eben due sums duets too or 4 parts harmony likie da Barber Shop Quartets fingys.<br />

or dem new groups likie dem Beatles or One Direction stouffs.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Yup! That's what I bes thinking for the future. You and<br />

Dillon and Luke can do all the heaby lifting from now on. I can watch with Ma and<br />

Charlie Gurl.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ans mew can coach me maybes too, sew dat me voice blends<br />

in purrfects too Collin!<br />

Pat Gancarski I think us need to talk more later Shad. I needs to head home for<br />

some napping. So all of us are going to be heading home. The boys and Charlie<br />

give Shad a big group hug! Pat hug Shad. She whispers to him, Welcome to the<br />

Ginger Boys Family Godson! Your now a member of the Ginger Boys! Won't Bonnie<br />

be surprised!

Pat Gancarski Come on Boys, Charlie. Let's get Collin home. Bye Shad! Bye<br />

HoneyBun!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Bye, Pat, Collin, Dillon, Luke and Charlie Girl!<br />

Pat Gancarski Bye Auntie Johanna! Pat~ Bye Johanna! See you at the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Year's</strong><br />

party!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal See you there!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Bye, Ginger Boys and Charlie Gurl. Bye, Auntie Pat.<br />

Thank you for making my Gotcha Day so special.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad runs n gibs GM Pat, awl him's Brudders n Charlie Gurl da<br />

group hugs, me go n rest ans we meows laters.<br />

Liz Reeve Bye bye Pat, Ginger Boys and Charlie!<br />

Pat Gancarski Ginger Boys~ we all like to sing to our friends on them special days<br />

more then when we gives concerts. We love to be with our friends. It bes our gift to<br />

you.<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Beautiful!<br />

Wormhole Bistro We awl fank mew's Auntie Karyn<br />

Karyn Vanderburg<br />

Audra Gednalske Beautiful cake.<br />

Dawn Widener Pratt Nice cake

Donna Ater-Bills Beautiful cake Shadow<br />

Wormhole Bistro Pookie & Starlight n Troubie ans me awl helpie tu makie dis cake<br />

Auntie Donna ans we fank mew bery muchie<br />

Daphne Berry What a beautiful cake. Too pretty to eat.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember 2014<br />

Freddie Froops Frolicks, Quincey and Bonnie,Shadow Man da Sammi's Purrtection League<br />

Chief George in Charge n Cooper & Brudder Freddie. gather round a ribbon at da entwance<br />

tu da new room. *SC Cooper* It be time. Auntie Jacky will be wif us fureber n we gonna<br />

haves da pwace tu awlways weminds us. Her designed dis woom afore her wents tu da<br />

Bridge. It ownly right it be hers pwace. *reaches out n cuts da ribbon tu da Jacky Marvin<br />

Stutz game room*<br />

Lets awl raise da glass tu our Auntie Jacky. Tu da gweat furiend n da wunnerfur hooman.<br />

Dawn Barela I am going to spend a LOT of time here!!

Wormhole Bistro Shadow Man raises him glass tu our beloved Auntie Jacky<br />

Ruger and Co. *raises glass*<br />

Susan Siefers Is there Twister? I is berry good at that.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Of course there's Twister!!! MOL!!! Come on<br />

HoneyBun, let's play....<br />

Susan Siefers Goodie! But I warn you, I am very good.<br />

Brenda Sue Petty To Jacky! Clinks glass with Shadow.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (raises her glass) To Auntie Jacky - may her legacy live on<br />

forever and keep bringing joy to everyone getting in touch with it!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shadow looks around...OMC, der bes ebery kinds ob game mew<br />

cuds imagine heres<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I see a dart-board... and some high-quality darts, too... oh,<br />

it's been such a long time... I'll have to try!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie To Jacky Marvin Stutz . Now lead me to. The billiards table<br />

please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oooh I've never played Billiards Auntie Vicky, would you<br />

show me how to play please???<br />

Dawn Barela I will play billiards too!!

Dawn Barela Are there slot machines? Jacky loved slot machines><br />

Linda Schnare Ms Muffin speekin~ us rerry<br />

rikes tu prays tag, ans Hydes ans Seeks, ans mees ans Jazzy rikes da way ups jump an<br />

my sifter Cinder ans me sumstimes rike to box. Ins deer enuff rooms fur dese<br />

aktibities?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ob corse der bes rooms fur dem too Mis Muffin, me likie to box<br />

too<br />

Pat Gancarski This place is somethin else! Pool tables, dry boards, every game you<br />

can think of is here. There has to be... Anything at... Well maybe..<br />

I'll go drink my cocoa.<br />

She's wanders around just looking at the game tables and wanders out the door to her<br />

table. Collin is happily eating his Chickie custard. She sits down with Collin and sips<br />

her cocoa.<br />

Angel Girl OMC!!!!! dis bees so furtastic!!!!!!! she wud wuvs dis room!!!!!! ::raises<br />

hers nipsie glass ta Jacky:: play ball!!! wait, dats what dey say befores dey play basey<br />

ball... hummm let tha gud game roll!!!! Do Jacky has one dem basey balls wiff hers<br />

name on it here sumplace? me bees lookin fur it n I cants find it. maybees I too short<br />

ta sees it ::hops up on tha card table n slaps the dice roun:: she bees proud of dis<br />

room. she probably heres now!!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew musta missed it Miss Angel Girl, here it bes!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Wait... (twirls her dart in the fingers) I thought I've seen<br />

something over there on that board over the billard cues... oh, yes, look, there it<br />

is! (points with the dart, then throws it in the general direction of the dart-board)

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Right under her bat, and the glove is there, too...<br />

Angel Girl me sure did miss it!!! dey boff so beautiful!!!! me is almost blind n<br />

donts see too gud anymores... dat must bees why.. silly me thank yu fur<br />

showin dem ta me...<br />

Liz Reeve Yes there has to be a ball with her name on it...and it has to be sent<br />

through the Wormhole!<br />

Dawn Barela Here Is a Star Trek slot machine. Jacky loved Trek.

Dawn Barela and Star Wars!<br />

Dawn Barela And Lord Of The Rings!!<br />

Dawn Barela I looked for an NCIS one. Because she LOVED that show. but no luck.<br />

Linda Schnare Mai Meowmie habs all the first eleban seesons obs da<br />

NCIS cuz hers rubs it tu. Her saids hers am going tu watch dem when eberyting ams<br />

peesfill ans quiet because her tays Auntie Jaxie will bees able to sees dem thens.<br />

Linda Schnare One from me and each of my furbabies .<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Well I see two billiards tables. Hmm we humans use cues<br />

but I think kitties might like batting the balls around the table. Sounds fun to me.<br />

Dawn Barela It would be more fun batting the balls around the tables for me!!

Vicky Wagner McKenzie We need to bring in a viewing table so Pat Gancarski and<br />

other spectators have a place to watch.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Quincey brings in his special brew in honour of auntie Jacky*<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, that looks great, Quincey! (raises her glass) In memory<br />

of Jacky!<br />

Wormhole Bistro To auntie Jacky *raises glass*<br />

Pookie & Starlight (raise glasses) Ta auntie Jacky!<br />

Wormhole Bistro To Auntie Jacky wiff our lubs awlways!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Auntie Jacky..... We love you!<br />

Dawn Barela To Jacky!! Love you!!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie To Jacky! As long as there are shades of purple and little<br />

black kitties you'll never be forgotten.

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Dawn Barela I learned To play by rolling the balls. My.<br />

Grandparents lived across the street from a nightclub. They had a lunchroom off the<br />

side with pinballs and a pool table. My Gpa would take me over for a soda and he<br />

socialized. If no one was playing I could but the owner refused to let me use the cues<br />

till I was older.it's a great way to learn the angles and bankshots as you can<br />

concentrate on aiming and not how to hold the cue. Actually I was a bit short too.<br />

Dawn Barela I have played before. One of the apartment complexes I lived in had<br />

tables. And a Family friend had one too. I was ok. But it has been a long time!!<br />

Cicely Berry To Jax! (Tosses back a stiff drink).<br />

Len Abeyta Pawesome. Very nice of yew to do this in memory of our sweet friend.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oooh... glowing waves...!

Dawn Barela FANTASTIC!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Good da mornin, furends - da lastest mornin of dis<br />

yeer!<br />

Fur yawr brekkie tadaee, uz hab set da taebels an purrpaerd sum da brekkie buffet, an ya<br />

kan hab da bakum butties de luks, da Eggies Bennie, fa palatschinken wid da fillin of yawr<br />

tshoize, da warm aprikot paestrees, da niez, fresh salad an, of korze, da fresh breds an<br />

buns an da lots of kaffee, tees, tshoozies, smoofies an milkie shaeks!<br />

Tadaee uz no gonna serf da dinna, but hab da buffet - an kook alla kart, if nezessarree...<br />

Uz wish ya da good start inta da lastest daee of da yeer!

Audra Gednalske<br />

Wormhole Bistro An da Happee Nyoo Yeer ta<br />

ya, Auntie Audra!<br />

Audra Gednalske It all looks great!<br />

Need fuel for the new year<br />

Slice of each<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun da full brekkie menu kommin rite up fur ya,<br />

Auntie Audra!<br />

Janie Devaux 15 bacon butties deluxe one coffee and 14 milks please<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Janie an da gang!<br />

butties, forteen milkies an wun kaffee be on da waee fur ya!<br />

Fifteen da bakum<br />

Liz Reeve Janie do I see an increase in numbers there??? I mean, every time there<br />

is a higher number of meals you want...Mol!<br />

Sheila Bloom Any bacon? I love bacon.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Sheila! Wut ya dink baut da niez, big<br />

bakum buttie wid da lots of bakum in it?

Quirky the Blind Kitten HAPPY MEW YEAR... 'gets to box....' thank you fur such<br />

yummies....<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Quirky, an da Happee<br />

Nyoo Yeer ta ya, too!<br />

Leann Applegate<br />

Wormhole Bistro Happee... naaah, not yet!<br />

Leann Applegate I know! Hehe I'm early! Cuz z I'll bees Doing the big move and I<br />

wanted to tell you cuz I won't bees on that day!! Hugs and kisses total! I lubs you<br />

berry munchie! Love auntie LeAnn<br />

Susan Siefers Good morning! May I have a cup of coffee and a bacon buttie deluxe<br />

please. HoneyBun stayed at home this morning, but she wanted to thank you again for<br />

her impromptu party yesterday. She had zoomies all night and kept practicing her soft<br />

landing techniques until I threatened to make her sleep in the closet where she couldn't<br />

bounce so much.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good mornin, Auntie Susan! Wun kup of kaffee an<br />

da bakum buttie kommin rite up! Uz be happee ta heer dat HoneyBun be back ta<br />

herz selfie...<br />

Susan Siefers (Sigh) She's back with a vengence. Sometimes I wish she would<br />

pretend to be somekitty else for an hour or two.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Aw, ya woold be missin her if her rellee did<br />

tshaendsh!<br />

Leann Applegate Hiya Susan! I'll have eggs ben and large kaffe please!

Susan Siefers Hi, Leann. Are you planning to stay up to see the old year out and<br />

the new year in, or are you like me and planning to sleep thru it?<br />

Leann Applegate I'm still moving!<br />

Sleep!! Lol!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie LeAnn!<br />

hyoodsh kaffee on da waee fur ya!<br />

Wun da eggies Bennie an da<br />

Leann Applegate Thank you berry munchie Trouble! Gives big hugs and kisses<br />

nose!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hmmm... Auntie LeAnn... Hau ya sleepie wenn<br />

moofin? Ya be sleepie walkin?<br />

Leann Applegate Haha! I thinks so Troubie! Ise so tired I'm just sleepwalking<br />

three this move! That reminds me of Cam's song "Sleepwalking"!<br />

Liz Reeve Hello everybody! Let's start with...the eggies Bennie! And coffee and some<br />

juice of course.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Liz!<br />

Wun da eggies Bennie, da kaffee an da tshoozie be on da waee!<br />

Liz Reeve Thank you guys!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Thanks for the warm brekkie!....Cinamon.<br />

Me be back later with me wife Rosie and me besties Chestnut and Phineas for the <strong>New</strong><br />

Year party. Thank mew

Wormhole Bistro Uz be lookin forward ta dat, Auntie Kenna!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page The event post says the party be now. Nobody home?<br />

Dawn Barela Happy last day of the year Kidz!! May I please have the Eggs Bennie,<br />

palatschinken with chocolate chips and whippy creams, apricot pastries with butter and<br />

a cup of English Brekkie tea with cream please?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Dawn! Da eggies Bennie, palas wid da<br />

tshokalaet tships an wippee kreemz, aprikot paestrees wid budda an da English<br />

brekkie tee fur ya tadaee!<br />

Dawn Barela Thanks Starlie!! Happy almost <strong>New</strong> Year to you sweetie!<br />

Shadow Man OMC OMC, me gots da nerbs!!!! Maybe me shuds try tu eats sumfings,<br />

can me gets da Mochcinno ans da Eggie Benny purrlease n fank mews Starlie darlin?<br />

Dawn Barela Why are you nervous Shaddie?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai Shad! Hab da seet, kalm daun an laee da nerf<br />

on da kushyon besaid ya, kaee? Wun Mokkatsheeno an da Eggies Bennie be on da<br />

waee fur ya!<br />

Pat Gancarski A nip tea will calm your nerves better than any coffee, Shad. Pat<br />

says.<br />

Shadow Man Mew will sees Auntie Dawn, it comin soons<br />

Shadow Man A nip tea ... OMC GM Pat mew sneakie ups on me as Shad gibs her<br />

da hooge paw hugs ans den sees Collin, Dillon n Luke n Charlie Gurl. Ans da hugs<br />

fest begins wiff dem awl gigglin ans awl anypawdy can sees is ears, paws, n tails<br />


Pat Gancarski Collin,Dillon,Luke,Charlie and Pat all group hug Shad! Paws, tails<br />

an arm a black tail is all that's seen of the group hug.<br />

Pat Gancarski As I was going to GS Shad,a nip tea with some extra nip is what<br />

the boys drive before they sing. It keeps them calm. No food because it's a bad<br />

scene if your get sick up there.<br />

Shadow Man Really GM Pat? as Shad spits him's noms out ob him's mouff! Darn it<br />

waz sew gud too. Starlie wen mew gets da chance can we gets 4 nip teas wiff da<br />

wittle bits extwa nip? Purrlease!<br />

Pat Gancarski And some crackers or biscuits to go with it. Just enough to settle<br />

tummies. After the boys sing that's when they eat everything in sight.<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat walks in with Collin in her arms, followed by Luke, Dillon and Charlie<br />

Girl.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Pat, Collin, Dillon,<br />

Luke an Charlie Girl!<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat~ Hi Pookie,Starli and Troubie! Happy <strong>New</strong> Year to you!<br />

Collin,Dillon,Luke, Charlie~ Hi Pookie, Hi Starli Hi Troubie!!! Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin gets down from Pat's arms and walks over to Shad. Hi Brother<br />

Shad!<br />

Shadow Man Shad gibs Collin da wink ans da extwa hug! Can mew scuse me fur da<br />

minutes as me gunna gets sums snackies out fur eberypawdy dat me pared last<br />

nite n hids away<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin follows Shad. Ya know Shad, it's best that singers not eat a<br />

lot afore we goes up on stage. Some tea,nip tea and some biscuits are okay. But<br />

not a full meal. It's bad if we gets a furball in the middle of a song. That's why we<br />

all be starving when we finish singing.

Pat Gancarski Collin~ We needs to go and put our tuxes on Brother Shad.You want to<br />

come to the dressing room with us? You know, to keep us company. Collin winks an eye<br />

at him and nods. Come on talk to us while we gets ready. There's nip tea there. Starli<br />

always puts it back there for us. Starli is the best. We only asked her once and she<br />

remembers to put it there. We appreciate Starli bery much.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dank ya ferree mutsh, Collin!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin goes over and gives Starli a hug and kiss. You are bery<br />

special Starli!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin looks at Shad. Breath! He says to Shad. Come on! Breath.<br />

You'll be fine!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Danks agaeen, Collin!<br />

(blushing slightly)<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page to Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Phineas is escorting his fiance Tilly to the <strong>New</strong> Year party. Happy <strong>New</strong> Year !!<br />

Samantha Cooleyund Jacqueline L James.<br />

❤ – mit

Wormhole Bistro Wellkomm ta da Bistro an da Happee Nyoo Yeer!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page to Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Cinamon and his wife Rosie are arriving for the party. Happy <strong>New</strong> Year !!<br />

Samantha Cooley.<br />

❤ – mit

Wormhole Bistro Aw, ya look byootifull!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Thank mew..Cinahugs<br />

❤<br />

Samantha Cooley Sanks so much, ~ Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Me is back Milady..had to go feed the momma<br />

❤<br />

Lunca SusannaWormhole a<br />

Bistro<br />

n<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

hi eberybody it's 19.00 here in da netherlands that means 5 hours untill midnight i would<br />

like to wish eberybody a happy new year in case facepoop starts doing dificult at midnight<br />

lots of love and happines for ebery one<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Shadow brins out sum horderves dat him pared last nite ans hids way. Sum Strawberry<br />

Horderves, sums Mato n Cweam Cheeze Crustinis, sums Debiled Eggies wiff Cavier, ans<br />

sums Shrimpie Horderves.<br />

Jon Adams *walks in in wif clowder and opossums in tow * " hai eberybody! Howse be<br />

eberybody tuday? " *everybody finds seat* "hai shad man 21 twoll burgers wif da fyes,<br />

and da nipsi-cola cola, please and Thanky yous" * walks into kitchen to help shad man<br />

wif da hooge noms order* *peeks around corner * "shad man, daddy, ai<br />

can halp wif da nomz?"

Wormhole Bistro HAI, Unkie Jon an da familie!<br />

Wellkomm ta owr littul partie! Tshuss hab da seet an relaks, uz all be heer ta<br />

taek kaer of da wurks!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Hey gang! Sorry I've been away for so long--I was the<br />

victim/survivor of a hit and run on Oct. 3rd and I'm lucky to be alive! I've been<br />

looking at Shad's horderves , in particular the Mato n Cweam Cheeze Crustinis--yumm!<br />

I love anything with cream cheese! I hope that y'all are well and happy and are ready<br />

for a new year. I missed you all.<br />

Wormhole Bistro HAI, AUNTIE VAL!<br />

Wellkomm back ta da Bistro! Uz be sooo happee ta see ya heer agaeen!<br />

Wormhole Bistro (nudges Pookie) Go, get it owt of da stasis dingie!<br />

Shadow Man Shadow stops in him's tracks seein Auntie Valarie, rubs him's eyes<br />

wiff him's paws ans den starts da runnin tu her but stops just short ans gentle<br />

jumps up on her lap n gibs her paw hugs n nosie kisses. Us shur habs missed mew<br />

bery muchie ans sew glads dat mew cud comes tuday. Dis makie tuday extwa<br />

pecials.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, HI, Val! Welcome back here! It's great to see you<br />

getting back on your feet!<br />

Pat Gancarski Ginger Boys~ Hi Auntie Val! We're so glad you came taday! We<br />

are singing taday! Welcome back to the Bistro Auntie Val!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Shadow Man Aww, Shad--I needed a special hug from a<br />

handsome man. Thanks sweetie. It's great to be back!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Pat Gancarski I can't wait to hear you sing!<br />

Pat Gancarski The boys are getting ready.

Liz Reeve Hi Auntie Val! That's a long time since we saw you here! So nice you<br />

were able to come over!<br />

Susan Siefers Welcome back, Val. We've missed you.<br />

Valarie Delbridge Susan Siefers Susan, I missed all of you guys! It's wonderful to<br />

be here.<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Girl~ Yum! Thanks Shad! It all looks delicious!<br />

Shadow Man Charlie Gurl, me will gets mew sums steak or ribs ib mew wuds likie<br />

Pat Gancarski You bez busy now Shad. How's about after. I can eat all the other<br />

stuff here. Pookie can make me something too.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wut ebber ya want wen ebber ya liek, Charlie Girl!<br />

Me allwaeez hab da niez staek fur ya haided awaee!<br />

Jacqueline L James Hello Shaddie and everyone we are hungry ~ Chestnut and<br />

Phineas<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Hi besties<br />

Jacqueline L James Hello Cinny<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Snack time..Cinamon<br />

Wormhole Bistro HAI, Chestnut, Pnineas an Cinamon! Graet ta hab all<br />

of ya heer tadaee!<br />

Jacqueline L James Hello Starlie thank you for having us.~ Chestnut and<br />


Shadow Man Woohoo mew awl bes here fur da biggie sirprizes dat bes planned<br />

fur tuday, grate tu sees mew ans him goes obers fur hugs n paw slaps wiff Auntie<br />

Jacqueline n gang. Be Miss Em gunna bes able tu comes wiff our gang?<br />

Jacqueline L James Hugs and kisses Shaddie ~ auntie Jacqueline and Chestnut<br />

and Phineas<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Me thinks Tilly and Rosie are coming over..Cinamon<br />

6 Cats and a Dog named Dave Hi Phineas, sorry we are a bit late.....I wanted to<br />

look purrty for yous! ~ Tilly<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Hey besties..try these..Cinamon<br />

Jacqueline L James<br />

Jacqueline L James Hello my loves kisses Phineas holds the seat out for his love<br />

Jacqueline L James These are delicious ~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Mmm..tasty! Hey besties!!!<br />

❤ Cinamon<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hi, Cinamon!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Hi there. How are you all doing?..Cinamon

6 Cats and a Dog named Dave Oh There yous are Cinahunny.....I thought I'd lost<br />

yous! ~ Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Hello Milady..here's a plate fur you..Cinahugs<br />

❤<br />

Samantha Cooley Kenna Sands Page Thank yous mines lub.....yous look after me<br />

so well ~ Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Me trys..Cinamon blushes<br />

Precious Jezzie Ohh I tink momma and me habs some of eberyting pwease<br />

Ima Calico Cat Hi guys! I'm gonna grab a plate an' load<br />

up on horderves. Who wants ta eat cat food on a day like dis?<br />

Samantha Cooley Oh Miss Amber.....if we had known you would be here we would<br />

have brought Benji......he will be so sad he missed yous ~ Rosie<br />

Ima Calico Cat Hi Rosie! Dat's okay...I come here by myself a lot. I'm sure Benji<br />

has a date fur <strong>New</strong> Years Eve. *winks*<br />

Liz Reeve I could eat horderves all night! What do you think, Cleo? Cleo? Come down!<br />

Don't walk on the buffet!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Mom's gonna eat horderves all night. She's goin' to a surpwise<br />

birfday pawty.<br />

Liz Reeve Oh how nice! But you are going to stay at home Amber? With Bella?<br />

Ima Calico Cat Yup! I'll be babysittin' Bella.<br />

Liz Reeve Are you two having a party...?

Dawn Barela Yum! I get a plate with the strawberries and the crustinis!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Shad brins out sum mur Horderves too. Sums Salmon Horderves, sums Mixed Horderves,<br />

sums French Onion Puffs, ans sums Mini Snausage Bites.<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Delish.. Want some Rosie?<br />

Samantha Cooley<br />

6 Cats and a Dog named Dave Oh yes please.....it all looks so nice......where shall I<br />

start? ~ Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Salmon looks good..Cinamon<br />

Samantha Cooley Kenna Sands Page Then I'll start with the salmon ......but I<br />

think if we take it slowly we might be able to try all the nibbles......they all look so<br />

good! ~ Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Yes a mini buffet..mol..Cinamon<br />

Jacqueline L James Shaddie has really delicious snacks do the girls want some<br />

snacks ~ Phineas<br />

6 Cats and a Dog named Dave Thanks Phineas......I'd love some salmon.....but it<br />

all looks so good.......~ Tilly

Jacqueline L James You can trys a little bit of everything Tilly they make really<br />

good food her ~ Phones<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Me called Rosie..we shall see...Cinamon<br />

6 Cats and a Dog named Dave Rosie reaches up and kisses his whiskers......we're<br />

here now darling! ~ Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Cinamon gives her a smooch<br />

Samantha Cooley Kenna Sands Page Rosie smooches him right back!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page That's me gal<br />

Cinamon so proud of his wife<br />

Samantha Cooley<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Girl~ Oooo snausage bites! I lubs those! She fills up her plate<br />

and savors them.<br />

Audra Gednalske Might have to stay all night and slowly make my way round all the<br />

goods being served<br />

☺<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dere be moar ta komm, Auntie Audra...<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Good idea..Cinamon<br />

Precious Jezzie Ohh my...fills two plates...momma bes here somewheres BOL<br />

Lisa A Broshar What a spread. All of it tastes so good.

Ima Calico Cat <br />

Liz Reeve Hi there Amber!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Hi Cleo! Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!<br />

Liz Reeve <br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Cleo, there be a kitty buffet table on the other side of<br />

the room. There is plenty of room for us kitties to jump up and check out the noms.<br />

Liz Reeve Oh thank you HoneyBun! Cleo go with HoneyBun you can walk on the<br />

buffet there!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > there be lots more toona snacks and shrimpies and<br />

chickie custard tarts on dat kitty table. Oh, and lots of whippie cream, too.<br />

Liz Reeve <br />

Liz Reeve Well it's only <strong>New</strong> Years Eve once a year..I''ll start with her education<br />

right away tomorrow..<br />

Ima Calico Cat Liz Reeve good luck wif dat!<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans Yummy!!<br />

Dawn Barela YUM. Mini sausage bites!!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

<br />


Kenna Cinamon Page Nice cake..me likes pink..Cinamon<br />

Samantha Cooley Oh wow! ......pink cake.....and flowers......and a bow.......it doesn't<br />

get much better than that! ~ Tilly

Kenna Cinamon Page I missed the bow..cute..Cinamon<br />

Jacqueline L James That's is very pretty pink is the bomb my mom says~ Phineas<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Yep..Cinamon<br />

Precious Jezzie Ohhh bootiful<br />

Valarie Delbridge Oh, my goodness! How special you've made me feel! Thank you<br />

from the bottom of my heart.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hey, uz hab<br />

PURRMIZED ya da kaek, Auntie Val! Woold ya liek da niez kup of kaffee ta go<br />

wid it?<br />

Valarie Delbridge Wormhole Bistro A cup of coffee, 1/3 half n half and 2/3 coffee,<br />

would be lovely, kids! I am so honored that you made the wonderful cake<br />

especially for me. It's amazing to go into a new year feeling so special and loved.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Uz tshuss be sooo happee ta hab ya back, Auntie Val!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Wormhole Bistro I can't tell you how happy I am to be back. I<br />

missed everyone so very much!.

Dawn Barela Welcome back Valarie!!<br />

Dawn Barela Gorgeous cake!!<br />

Daphne How beautiful! You folks are the nicest.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Shad goes n gets sum ob da dwinks fur eberypawdy tu habs sumfings gud. Sums glasses<br />

ob Champagne, sums Auntie Jacky's Cocktails, sums Niptinis, ans sums glasses ob Beer.<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Cinamon hands drink to Rosie..Cheers my darling<br />

❤<br />

Samantha Cooley Thanks mines lub......yous know niptinis are mines favourite! ~<br />

Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Woohoo! Cinamon<br />

Jacqueline L James Tilly would you like me to get you a drink ~ Phineas<br />

Samantha Cooley Jacqueline L James Oh yes purlease.....can I try one of those<br />

blue ones......they look fun! ~ Tilly

Kenna Cinamon Page We gonna get wound up tight with these..Cinamon<br />

Jacqueline L James Here you go my loves ~ Phineas<br />

Samantha Cooley Kenna Sands Page Well it's about time we got to let our furs<br />

down Cinahunny ......it has been a rollercoaster of a year! ~ Rosie<br />

Precious Jezzie Two Auntie jackies cocktail pwease fpr momma and me<br />

Lunca Susanna may i have a auntie jackie cocktail<br />

Liz Reeve Hi Shad please an Auntiie Jackie cocktail!<br />

Wormhole Bistro One Auntie Jackie cocktail, Madam. Sorry, Master<br />

Shadow currently is busy at another location!<br />

Liz Reeve It's all right Garcin! Thank you!<br />

Valarie Delbridge I'm still taking strong pain killers, so nothing with alcohol for me.<br />

How about some lemonaide?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wanna traee sum speshyalitee - da Elderflauer<br />

lemonade, wid da bubbelz?

Kenna Cinamon Page Cinamon licks whiskers<br />

Valarie Delbridge Wormhole Bistro Oooo! That sounds kinky! I would love to try<br />

some.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Heer ya be!<br />

kall it "Spring wine".<br />

It be da Austrian speshyalitee... uz<br />

Valarie Delbridge Wormhole Bistro It looks like it's going to taste wonderful--<br />

thank you very much.<br />

Dawn Barela May I have one of Jacky's cocktails please?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun Auntie Jacky Speshyul fur ya, Auntie Dawn!<br />

Dawn Barela Thanks Shad!!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

(taps the microphone) Ahem... Ladies an Gentlekatz, me praudlee purrzent ta<br />

ya... Da Original Ginger Boys, straeet frum <strong>New</strong> York, wid da big surpraiz tanite!<br />

Pleeze wellkomm owr Grammy Award winning Ginger Boys wid da dunderin applauze!

Thomas Thüt Yay Ginger boys!<br />

Precious Jezzie Claps paws loudly...whistles<br />

Wormhole Bistro (checks the lighting and gets his camera ready, to record<br />

the performance.)<br />

Jacqueline L James The Ginger boys are here they are very good signers.~ Chestnut<br />

and Phineas<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Woo-hoooo! CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-STOMP!

Kenna Cinamon Page Hiya..Cinamon<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin comes to the front of the stage, takes the mike in paw and sings.<br />

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,<br />

And never brought to mind?<br />

Should Auld acquaintance to forgot,<br />

And auld lang dune.<br />

For auld lang syne, my dear<br />

For auld lang Syne<br />

We'll talk a cup of kindnes yet,<br />

For Auld Langs Syne!<br />

(Collin slowly backs away from the front of the stage.)<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (wipes a little tear from her eye and applaudes frenetically)<br />

Samantha Cooley Awww beautifully sung........always makes me cry though.....~<br />

Rosie wipes away a tear and claps her paws at the wonderful singing.<br />

Shadow Man Shadow steps up to the mike.<br />

And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp,<br />

And surely I'll be mine,<br />

And we'll tak a cup o kindness yet,<br />

For auld lang syne!<br />

We twa hae run about the braes,<br />

And pou'd the gowans fine,<br />

But we've wander'd monie a weary fit,<br />

Sin auld lang syne.<br />

We twa hae paidl'd in the burn,<br />

Frae morning sun till dine,<br />

But seas between us braid hae roar'd<br />

Sin auld lang syne.<br />

And there's a hand my trusty fiere,<br />

And gie's a hand o thine,<br />

And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught,<br />

For auld lang syne.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (stares up at the stage, breathlessly listening, then<br />

breaks out in another round of applause) Woo-hooo! WONDERFULLY done, Shad!

Samantha Cooley Rosies face is awash with tears now........"So beautifully sung"<br />

Liz Reeve <br />

Jacqueline L James Wonderful job Shaddie ~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > I wants a CD wif Mr. Shadow singing on it to take<br />

home. I hope the Ginger Boys make a new CD soon.<br />

Wormhole Bistro No worree, HoneyBun! Uz hab rekorded da entaier<br />

konzert - an dere eeben gonna be da moofie of dis historikal efent! As soon as<br />

Mama be finish editin in on da puter...<br />

Dawn Barela Me too HoneyBun!!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Singer's mewow..Cinamon<br />

Jacqueline L James Those ginger boys rock~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Lisa A Broshar Yes they do. And they are quite cute I might add....<br />

Samantha Cooley That was just beautiful.......~ Rosie cuddles into Cinamon and sips<br />

her drink.<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Nice show..Cinamon nods<br />

Quincey and Bonnie Yay!! The ginger boys! We're just in time!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Hai, furends! Hai, Joey...

Liz Reeve Quincey and Bonnie! Joey! Is Emily here too?<br />

Quincey and Bonnie Yes she's here somewhere, probably hiding under a table -<br />

mew know what she's like<br />

Quincey and Bonnie *Joey purrs and straightens his collar* Hey Pookie and<br />

Starlie xx<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie ~ I lubs mi Ginger Boys!! Whoop whoop!<br />

Jacqueline L James Miss Em is here hi my loves ~ Chestnut<br />

Quincey and Bonnie Hey Chestnut. Come and play wiff me xx<br />

Jacqueline L James Okay my loves i am so happy to see you what do you want<br />

to play ~ Chestnut<br />

Wormhole Bistro (Back up on the stage, on the side and a bit in the<br />

shadows) Gib owr Shadow Man a raund of applauze, furends!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Cinamon claps<br />

Samantha Cooley Rosie and Tilly clap their paws together<br />

enthusiastically......both agreeing that he was great!<br />

Liz Reeve <br />

Quincey and Bonnie *Bonnie claps like mad and looks so proud of her beloved*

Pat Gancarski Collin. Comes to the front of the stage.<br />

May I hab eberyones attention please.<br />

Do to my recent illness. I am going into semi - retirement. We have added a new Ginger<br />

Boy. Our Brudder from another Momma, Shadow Man.<br />

Don't worry fans. I'll still sing from time to time. But I can no longer tour and do long<br />

shows. I will always be A Ginger Boy though. A big round of applause for Shad! Our<br />

newest Ginger Boy!!!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (heavy sigh) You'll ALWAYS be our Number One Ginger Boy,<br />

Collin!<br />

Shadow Man Shad goes tu Collin n gibs him da hooge hug ans wiff him's paw on<br />

Collin's sholder, come on eberypawdys gib da biggest eber round ob applause fur<br />

Collin as him wipes da tear frum him's eye bein bery proud ob him's Brudders<br />

awl<br />

Liz Reeve Yay for Collin! He'll always be the face of the Ginger Boys!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Thank you so much Shad. I'm glad your the one who is the<br />

newest Ginger Boy. Just amember that I always am going be a Ginger Boy too! He<br />

hugs Shad. Dillon and Luke come over and they have a group hug on stage.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (smiles, claps her hands and stomps her feet) Woo-hooo<br />

for The Ginger Boys - all FOUR of them!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Aunties Liz and Johanna, I'm always gonna be THEE Ginger<br />

Boy. It's cause you all heard me so g that the Ginger Boys came to be. I may not<br />

be on the grueling tours and 2 shows a night in Vegas and <strong>New</strong> York. But I can still<br />

come here and belt out a sing or two for and wif my best friends here at the bistro.<br />

I still have songs in my heart to sing.<br />

Liz Reeve I'm glad you have, Collin and we love to hear them!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Thank you Auntie Liz! I still love to sing. I just gets tired<br />

fast now. I can't afford to get sick and worn down. I can't bounce back like I use to.<br />

Liz Reeve I understand Collin! It's time to make place for the younger ones.

Kenna Cinamon Page Cinamon claps<br />

Shadow Man Shad steps away from the mike n turns to him's Brudders ans dem<br />

whispers tugethers. Dem awl nod ans Shad steps back up to the mike.<br />

I've been sitting here so long, wasting time<br />

Just staring at the phone<br />

And I was wondering should I call you<br />

Then I thought, maybe you're not alone<br />

Please give me one more night<br />

Give me one more night<br />

Oh, one more night<br />

'Cause I can't wait forever<br />

Just give me just one more night<br />

one more night<br />

Oh, one more night<br />

'Cause I can't wait forever<br />

Give me one more night<br />

Give me just one more night<br />

Ooh, one more night<br />

'Cause I can't wait forever<br />

Like a river to the sea<br />

I will always be with you<br />

And if you sail away<br />

I will follow you<br />

Give me one more night<br />

Give me just one more night<br />

Oh, one more night<br />

Coz I can't wait forever<br />

I know there'll never be a time<br />

You'll ever feel the same<br />

And I know it's only words<br />

But if you change your mind<br />

You know that I'll be here<br />

And maybe we both can learn<br />

Give me just one more night<br />

Give me just one more night<br />

Ooh, one more night<br />

'Cause I can't wait forever<br />

Give me just one more night<br />

Give me just one more night<br />

Ooh, one more night<br />

'Cause I can't wait forever

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Wow - what a great voice! I never knew...!<br />

Pat Gancarski Thank you Shad! That song means a great deal to me. ( those<br />

allergies! Where are my Kleenex?)<br />

Samantha Cooley He's really really good isn't he Cinamon? ~ Rosie<br />

Sands Page<br />

Kenna<br />

Wormhole Bistro (handing a box of kleenex to Auntie Pat Gancarski, as<br />

that has got somethng to do with cleaning) May I offer you some, Madame?<br />

Pat Gancarski A double of Quincey's special brew for today would be nice, Mabel.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Wormhole Bistro (slightly nervous about a request aside from cleaning<br />

up anything) Yes, Madam, one glass of Master Quincey's Special Brew! I will be<br />

right back with it.<br />

Dawn Barela PAWESOME JOB SHADDIE!! You sing mewtifully!! No wonder you<br />

were all nervy this morning!!<br />

Thomas Thüt For old road sign, I mean aul lang syne<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Ima Calico Cat Mol<br />

Thomas Thüt *waves* Hey Amber!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Hey Thomas Thut! Nice ta see ya! I furgot your cat's name.<br />

Thomas Thüt Smokey The Baby Attorney at Claw!!!!

Ima Calico Cat Dat's right! Now I wemember...I must be gettin' senile.<br />

Smokey The Baby Attorney at Claw Is you an old lady Miss Amber? I'm just a<br />

baby, says so right in my name.<br />

Ima Calico Cat Yah, I'm old, but dat won't stop me!<br />

Thomas Thüt yay Amber!<br />

Jacqueline L James Yeah Shaddie ~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Linda Jablonski Hassa Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon and Luke ~ The two boys take the mike. Let's give Starlight a big<br />

round of applause! Starli is our official Emcee for the Ginger Boys! She's an official part<br />

of the group now! YAY!!!!They all clap their paws for Starli!!!<br />

Samantha Cooley Rosie and Tilly clap their paws.....they are having such a good<br />

time and both are discussing how come they have never been here before!<br />

Jacqueline L James Chestnut and Phineas clap there paws we love it Here ~<br />

Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Pookie & Starlight (still at the side of the stage, holding on to her<br />

microphone for dear life, slightly blushes and perfectly curteyes) Dank ya so<br />

mutsh fur dis honor!<br />

Samantha Cooley Jacqueline L James We will have to come again Phineas.......it is<br />

so much fun .....and the food is great too! ~ Tilly<br />

Jacqueline L James We can comes anytimes Tilly they serve a Wonderful<br />


Samantha Cooley Jacqueline L James Oh....Iz will ask mines Meowmy to work out<br />

the time difference and which day hers can bring me......hers gets very<br />

confused .....it's her age I think! ~ Tilly<br />

Thomas Thüt Oh yeah, you should come as often as you can! I used to come all<br />

the time when I saw them in my newsfeed, I don't see them too much any more<br />

even with them on "see first" I should just visit the page more often.<br />

Jacqueline L James I would love to brings you Tilly my love ~ Phineas .<br />

Shadow Man Shad wiff da hooge smile on him's face ans him's paws on him's Brudder<br />

sholders dem awl go tu da front ob da stage ans takie da deep bow ans dem awl sings<br />

tu da crowd ♫ Thank you ♫<br />

Samantha Cooley It's us that should be thanking yous .....yous were brilliant! ~<br />

Tilly & Rosie<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Girl~ Auntie Samantha Cooley, the Ginger Boys are the "<br />

house boy band". Collin is me cat brother and him was a founding member. These<br />

guys can rock the house down,them be that good! Them are gonna be so happy<br />

you all like them so much.<br />

Samantha Cooley Pat Gancarski This is our first visit here.....and it sure won't be<br />

our last .....we are having such a good time. Thsank yous so much for having us!<br />

~ Rosie & Tilly<br />

Jacqueline L James Encore performance yell Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Rebecca Rey GilGon How exiting<br />

Shadow Man Shad turns tu him's Brudders ans dem whispers gains ans dem awl nods.

Wormhole Bistro (slowly pans the crowd to catch all the reactions to<br />

Collin's announcement and Shad's first performance as Ginger Boy, then zooms back in<br />

on the stage.) Dis HAB ta be purrpurlee rekorded...!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Wonderful show..Cinamon<br />

Shadow Man Starlie can mew join us up on front stage purrlease ans da Boys takie her<br />

paws and lead her up.<br />

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.<br />

When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.<br />

I guess you'd say<br />

What can make me feel this way?<br />

Our girl (Our girl, Our girl)<br />

Talkin' 'bout Our girl (Our girl).<br />

I've got so much honey the bees envy me.<br />

I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.<br />

Well, I guess you'd say<br />

What can make me feel this way?<br />

Our girl (Our girl, Our girl)<br />

Talkin' 'bout Our girl (Our girl).<br />

Hey hey hey<br />

Hey hey hey<br />

Ooooh.<br />

I don't need no money, fortune or fame.<br />

I've got all the riches, baby, one man can claim.<br />

Well, I guess you'd say<br />

What can make me feel this way?<br />

Our girl (Our girl, Our girl)<br />

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).<br />

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day<br />

With Our girl.<br />

I've even got the month of May<br />

With Our girl<br />

Talkin' 'bout<br />

Talkin' 'bout<br />

Talkin' 'bout<br />

Our girl<br />

Ooooh<br />

Our girl<br />

As long as I can talk about Our girl...

Pookie & Starlight (takes a deep breath, composes herself and swings<br />

along with the Ginger Boys, smiling radiantly)<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Aw, my little girl up on the big stage!<br />

Pat Gancarski Aww poor Starli didn't expect that.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

I bet she can live with the attention...<br />

Samantha Cooley Cinamon and Rosie sway together to the music.<br />

Jacqueline L James Oh that's a great song what do you think ladies and Cinny<br />

Samantha Cooley Oh we are loving it.....the song the venue...all of it! ~ Tilly<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Girl~ Whoop! whole! Hurray for Starli!!! You go Girl!!!<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke steps for and speaks.<br />

We always do at least one song for the cats. Only fellow kitties understand what we are<br />

singing. Auntie, Unkies sit back and enjoy the song while us cats Rock!<br />

Luke sings:<br />

Mmmmmeeeeoooowwwww<br />

Mmmmmeeeeoooowwwww<br />

Mmmeeeeoooowwww<br />

Mew mew mew mew purrsss purrrrrsss<br />

Mew mew mew meeewww<br />

Mmeeewwww MMMEEEWWWW<br />

Purrsss puuuurrrrssss<br />

Ppppuuuurrrssss mewwwe<br />

Mmmmeeewwww mmeeww<br />

Puuurrrsss puuurrrsss puuurrrsss<br />

Meow meow meow mew<br />

Puuurrss puuurrsd mew<br />

mew mew mew purr purr<br />


Wormhole Bistro PURRRR!<br />

♪Purrrrrz!♫<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

words...<br />

It's beautiful even if one doesn't understand the<br />

Pat Gancarski I know! Luke sounds so much like Collin,doesn't he! I can hear it<br />

here more so than at home. The acoustics here are do much better than my<br />

house. That's my Lukie!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Oh, da song ob our people!<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke: This song is for my Brother Collin. Who taught me to sing from<br />

my soul.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Collin certainly is a great teacher - and he obviously had a<br />

talented pupil!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ladies an Gentelkatz, uz dank ya ferree mutsh fur yawr<br />

attendanz an applauze, an uz wish ya da graet eefenin an da Happee Nyoo Yeer frum<br />

da Ginger Boys!<br />

Pat Gancarski All the Ginger Boys take a bow. Thank you everybody say Dillon. You're<br />

all a fantastic audience!! Thank you!! Thank you!!!<br />

They all run off stage.<br />

Jacqueline L James Oh yeah meooow hiss this song is going to be a hit ~ Chestnut<br />

and Phineas.<br />

Jacqueline L James Cinny that sounds is awesome ~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Wormhole Bistro (hurries backstage with a big tray full of chickie custard<br />

tarts and milk shakes) Heer, furends - ya shoor need sum da noms an drinks neaoo!<br />

Ya hab been FAN-TASS-TIK, all of ya!

Thomas Thüt Chickie milk shakes? let me go get Smokey!<br />

Jacqueline L James Oh that is delicious Tilly Rosie Cinny here is some for you ~<br />

Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Girl~ They make the best milky shakes here! Chickie ones<br />

and beef ones for doggies!<br />

Ima Calico Cat <br />

Pat Gancarski Collin, Dillon and Luke ~ Thank you do much Pookie! We're always<br />

hungry when we finish singing.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Of korze ya be - it be da hard wurk ta sing an purrform<br />

liek dat! Dat waee me staee in ma kitshun...<br />

Pat Gancarski It is Pookie. The boys are always starving for food after s show. My<br />

boys don't eat a lot before they sing. So nip tea and biscuits don't hold you for too<br />

long. But getting a furball while singing isn't pretty. So they wait to really eat after<br />

they've finished the show.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat be wut me be heer fur, Auntie Pat!<br />

Valarie Delbridge *Clapping wildly* Yay Ginger Boys!!! Sing it loud and clear!<br />

Pat Gancarski Hi Val! You picked the right day to come back here,to the bistro. You<br />

got to see the Ginger Boys singing. We are all so glad your here with us. 8 hope<br />

your enjoyed the mini concert.<br />

Valarie Delbridge Pat Gancarski I sorely wish the sound on my stupid laptop<br />

worked. It's been broken since I left CA in mid-July. My daughter got me a new<br />

one for Christmas and it will be here Jan. 6th. I will save all Ginger Boys songs to<br />

my hard disk so that I can hear it then.<br />

Pat Gancarski I'm sorry to hear that. It's nice your daughter got you a new one.

Valarie Delbridge Pat Gancarski Me too, tho' I can't complain. My husband,<br />

David, bought this one for me almost 10 years ago and I haven't had any trouble<br />

with it until the sound went bad.<br />

Pat Gancarski I only have a smartphone for now. I just got a secondhand laptop.<br />

Never been used before. So I have to learn how to use it now. Help!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Pat Gancarski Did it come with the instruction manual?<br />

Rebecca Rey GilGon Awww dat cood bees mai song to kawayapee....<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

It be taim fur da fyoo moar snackies... Sum da debiled eggies, da baekd<br />

mushierumz, an da sushi an sashimi fur ya!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Shrimpys hooray...Cinamon<br />

Thomas Thüt Oh I bet Smokey and I could eat all that raw fishies!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Auntie Jacqueline L James. Shwimpys...!!!!!<br />

❤<br />

Jacqueline L James Oh shrimpies yummy ~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Me like em A lot...Cinamon

Ima Calico Cat I'm just starbing...<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Hi Amber..Cinamon<br />

Pat Gancarski I'll have some of everything there! I'm starving too.<br />

Collin is filling up on chickie custard tarts and chickie milky shakes! Mol! That's my boy!<br />

Charlie wants a steak, Shad promised her one after the show. Maybe she can get<br />

Pookie to toss one on the grill for her.<br />

Wormhole Bistro (calling out from the kitchen) Dat staek be on da grill!<br />

Tshuss wun moar moment!<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Girl ~ Thank you Pookie! I'm right here waiting for it!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Heer ya be, Charlie Girl - wun da niez, big, tshoozie t-<br />

bone staek fur ya! Pleeze entshoee!<br />

Pat Gancarski This is the only place I trust the sushi & sashimi from. Cats know when<br />

the fish is fresh.<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page True dat Cinamon...<br />

Thomas Thüt I've never eaten bad fish even sushi at chinese buffets! I count<br />

myself very lucky.

Shadow Man Shad sits down wiff him's Brudders, Charlie Gurl ans GM Pat, Whoosh me<br />

starbins now, oh bes dat lonely Chickie Milkie Shakie fur me ans him sets da hooge<br />

platter ob Shrimpies n Chickie Nuggets ans sums deep fried mushyrooms on da table<br />

fur eberypawdy tu habs sums wiff him.<br />

Thomas Thüt Oh Shaddy I will join you! just get another round of chickie<br />

milkshakes and Smokey and I will dig into that shrimpies and the nuggies!<br />

Smokey The Baby Attorney at Claw That's right Shad, I'm here for the noms<br />

and good friends!<br />

Pat Gancarski You boys all did a wonderful holiday b singing today. I'm proud of<br />

you all. Now eat! Your all so hungry after all that singing. Eat!<br />

You too Charlie, you earned that steak today. Your the best protector of the Ginger<br />

Boys.<br />

Wormhole Bistro (hovering to the table, fully loaded and with a big<br />

tray in his hands, too.) May I serve some additional chicken milk shakes, one beef<br />

milk shake for the doggy lady, and a few more snacks?<br />

Thomas Thüt Oh very nice Garcon! right on time with all the delicious noms and<br />

chickie milkshakes!<br />

Shadow Man Mew Unkie Thomas ans me gud buddy Smokie awlways weliecomes<br />

tu joins fur dwinks n noms now dig in eberypawdys cuz me gunna<br />

Pat Gancarski Of course Garcon! Thank you! Charlie Girl loves the beef milky<br />

shakes. My boys will have another chickie milk shake each too. Snacks too are<br />

good!<br />

Lizz Swanson Well the food looks delish<br />

Susan Siefers Happy <strong>New</strong> Year everyone. HoneyBun and I have to stop at<br />

GrandMeomy's now, but I plan on checking for leftovers in the stasis thingy tomorrow.

Wormhole Bistro (hug and kiss HoneyBun and<br />

Auntie Susan) Hab da happee, luckee, helfee Nyoo Yeer!<br />

Me gonna maek shoor dere be sum da tshickie kustard tarts an shrimpie<br />

debiled eggies left, kaee?<br />

Thomas Thüt Bye Susan! I saw you liking my comments but I didn't see you<br />

around to say hi!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Bye, Susan and HoneyBun, and a Happy <strong>New</strong> Year for<br />

you! Oh, and give our best regards to GrandMeomy!<br />

Liz Reeve Bye Susan! HoneyBun!<br />

Pat Gancarski Bye Susan! Bye HoneyBun! Tell your GrandMeomy we all said<br />

Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!<br />

Shadow Man Bye Auntie Susan ans wittle Miss HoneyBun as Shad frows her da<br />

kiss Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!<br />

Liz Reeve Oh how nice!<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Oh my! I will have to have some of each! It all looks so fabulous!<br />

Thanky mew!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

The juke box springs suddenly to life and this song starts to play:<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQswfILThsY<br />

Bob Seger - Old Time Rock n Roll - The Distance Tour 1983<br />

Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - The Distance Tour 1983…

Jacqueline L James Come on Tilly let's dance ~ Phineas<br />

Dawn Barela Hey Miss Jacky! Miss you Lady Loon!<br />

Shadow Man Shad lookie up ans frows da smooch tu da Rainbow Wormhole, me lubs n<br />

misses mew Auntie Angel Jacky<br />

as him wipes da tears frum him's eyes.<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Happy <strong>New</strong> Year, Auntie Angel Jacky!<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Me loves this song...Cinamon<br />

Pat Gancarski Auntie Jacky's here! She wants ta party!!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (raises her glass to the sky) Happy <strong>New</strong> Year, Jacky!

Valarie Delbridge to Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Hey my loves! I have to leave for physical therapy in a few minutes (1:30pm) but will be<br />

back afterwards and will check in. Have a lovely time, all! Here is a picture of me about a<br />

month ago with Muffin. She belongs to my physical therapist and is my reward for working<br />

hard at therapy!

Valarie Delbridge Muffin and me.<br />

Kurt Bullard Hang in there Val...and do keep moving, working those muscles....all of<br />

this will soon seem like a bad dream....<br />

Valarie Delbridge My therapists make me work almost every day.<br />

Marilyn Messer Smith Hi Val, happy to see that smile! Hope 20<strong>16</strong> brings you all<br />

good things, but especially health and happiness!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Shad goes up tu da jukie box ans pways dis song! Ans starts dancin rounds, come<br />

eberypawdy "Let's Dancie"<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeKxQ9LQAB4<br />

Gloria Estefan - Conga<br />

Music video by Gloria Estefan performing Conga. (Live in Las Vegas 2003)(C) 2003 Epic<br />

Records, a division of Sony Music…<br />


Jacqueline L James Come on Tilly Cinny and Rosie let's dance<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Hehe besties....movn shakn.Cinamon<br />

Jacqueline L James We're doing the hustle.~ Phineas<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Ok. Phinny taught me that one..Cinamon<br />

Samantha Cooley Oh this is funs! ~ Tilly<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Kick up youz paws..Cinamon<br />

6 Cats and a Dog named Dave Come on Cinahunny ......get those feet moving! ~<br />

Rosie<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Cinamon puts paws on Rosies hips<br />

Samantha Cooley<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Cinamon whistles...<br />

Samantha Cooley<br />

Kenna Cinamon Page Woohoo

Kenna Cinamon Page Conga fever...Cinamon<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Good thing I had some Dragon Fruit sorbet...<br />

Shadow Man Da Da Da Da Da kick, da da da da da kick, da da da da da twirl, da da da<br />

da da kick.<br />

Jacqueline L James Choo choo<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Hurry Meowmy, we're already late and now we're<br />

gonna miss the Conga.<br />

Vicky: (running) huff puff wheeze huff. I'm running as fast as I can, remember I'm only a<br />

bipedal.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Tshuss komm on in! HAI, Auntie Vicky an Circles!<br />

Wellkomm ta owr littul partie heer!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Da da da da da kick da da da da kick<br />

Vicky: Da da da da da gasp da da da da da wheeze<br />

Wormhole Bistro (hovering throught the dancers) Madam... may I offer<br />

you a cold beverage... or maybe an oxygen mask?<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oxygen mask? Do you really have one? Oh yes please<br />

and some special Auntie Jacky purple brew please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro (pulling the oxygen mask out of his front loading<br />

area) As you wish, Madam! And here is your Cocktail.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Thank you much! Ahhh that's better. Geeshk I thought I<br />

would age like a fine wine but I seem to be aging more like curdled milk. Oh<br />

but I am feeling much better now.

Liz Reeve Oh I'm not in good shape today...<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: (checks out Miss Cleo, up and down twice and<br />

and extra good lol at her tail) merrrowww! You look in pretty fine shape to me.<br />

Liz Reeve I'm in better shape than mama...Circles? Do you like me?<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie ( giggles) blushing - yes<br />

Liz Reeve <br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: (reaches over and puts his paw on Miss Cleos.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Hi. Little parties are my favorite. Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!<br />

Vicky: Thank you Starlie. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!<br />

Liz Reeve Circles will you conga with me?<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Gulps down his champagne, giggles) yes I think<br />

id like that. (giggles)<br />

(grabs Miss Cleo's paw and dances off.)

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Ah... wid all da danzin, me dink sum da furends will need sum da moar refreshin<br />

stuff... liek da Dragon Froot Sorbet, da speshyul milkie shaeks, da root beer floats, an fur<br />

da faitaminz, da sangreeya...<br />

Samantha Cooley Oooooh the pink sorbet sure looks good! ~Rosie<br />

Wormhole Bistro Heer ya be, Miss Rosie - tshuss be kaerfull, if ya hat<br />

too mutsh of dat, ya start flyin!<br />

Samantha Cooley Thank yous Pookie.....yous sure make great food here! ~Rosie<br />

Audra Gednalske Root beer float please! ☺<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun da root beer float fur ya, Auntie Audra!<br />

Shadow Man Dat Roots Beer Float habs me name on it purrlease Pookie & Starlight<br />

Wormhole Bistro An da root beer float fur ya, Shad! Ya did GRAET up on<br />

dat staetsh tadaee!

Jacqueline L James We wills hab the root beer float please ~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Tilly what would you like ~ Phineas<br />

Wormhole Bistro Too da root beer floats fur ya, heer ya be!<br />

Jacqueline L James Thank you very much Pookie it is delicious<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Mmm a milkshake please.<br />

Vicky: Oh my that dragon fruit sorbet looks refreshingly yummy.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun speshyul milkie shaek an wun Dragon Froot<br />

Sorbet... Kaerfull, Auntie Vicky, dat Sorbet be purrtee upliftin!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh!? Is it spiked with brew?<br />

Wormhole Bistro No, Auntie Vicky, not dat wun... it be da Dragon<br />

Froot, ya neaoo! Uz hab find owt dat ya start ta flaee wenn eeting da bit moar of<br />

it... Hm... too of dree serfingz of dat sorbet should lift ya straet inta da aeer!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh it's magical. How fun!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Eggsaktlee, Auntie Vicky!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Sangreeya!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Heer ya be, Amber!<br />

Prosit!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Thanks!!

Dawn Barela May I have a root beer float please?<br />

Liz Reeve I'll have the Sangria!<br />

Pat Gancarski Yum!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, so mannee orders... me hardlee hab da taim ta<br />

breff...<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh my, you all need to go back to the big buffets and spend<br />

more time socializing.<br />

Donna Ater-Bills I would love to have some sorbet it looks delicious<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun da flaeein sorbet fur ya, Auntie Donna!<br />

it hab taek da bit long...<br />

Sorree<br />

Donna Ater-Bills It's ok I understand totally thank you<br />

Janie Devaux 14 milkshakes and one sangria please .<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Janie an da gang!<br />

shaeks an wun sangreeya fur ya, heer ya be!<br />

Forteen da milkie<br />

Danni Hart Root beer floats please!!!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mzpuUzLKx4<br />

Blake Shelton - Footloose (Official Video)<br />

Stream on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/neonlightspotifyhttp://www.blakeshelton.com<br />

https://twitter.com/blakeshelton h…<br />


Ima Calico Cat Oooh, I think I'll drink on it!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUFObCZtGWQ<br />

Trisha Yearwood - She's In Love With The Boy<br />

Music video by Trisha Yearwood performing She's In Love…<br />


Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHPgco6GQk8&list=PL3E8A4CFDA7C95E7A<br />

Roy Orbison-Oh Pretty Woman (with lyrics)<br />


Samantha Cooley Cinamon and Rosie dance together.....in their own little world.....this<br />

is the song Cinamon always sings to Rosie.<br />

Jacqueline L James This is dedicated to my love Tilly<br />

Dawn Barela I love this song!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Shadow brings out da large tway wiff mur Champagne fur eberypawdy!

Ima Calico Cat Cheers everypawdy!<br />

I'm habbin' a blast!!<br />

Samantha Cooley If I drink any more poor Cinahunny will habs to carry me home!<br />

~Rosie<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles : Meowmy can I have sone sparkly ✨ drink? Pretty<br />

please?<br />

Vicky: Just a small one, it's only 5:30 here. Those bubbles may be fun tickling your nose<br />

but too many and your tummy won't be too happy.<br />

Shadow Man Ans me not gots any baff robes here eithers Auntie Vicky<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh I think were okay in that department. I've packed<br />

my thong string bikini away for the season even though its still warm.<br />

Shadow Man Dat bes da gud fing but can mew imagine bringin in da <strong>New</strong> Year<br />

likie dat Auntie Vicky?<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Well in my shape it was a good attention getter for<br />

protesting!<br />

Jacqueline L James Yummy champagne here you go Tilly ~ Phineas<br />

Pat Gancarski We'll have champagne here GS Shad!

Shadow Man Shad comes obers wiff da tray ob Champagne ans offers GM Pat,<br />

him's Brudders ans Charlie Gurl da glass ob da bubblie stouffs<br />

Pat Gancarski Thank you Shad! Thanks Brother Shad say all the boys and<br />

Charlie.<br />

How are you now that it's all over for today, Shad?<br />

Donna Ater-Bills Thank you raising my glass for a toast<br />

Liz Reeve Yay! Champagne!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzhbGaCwBzs<br />

Be my baby - The Ronettes<br />

Cruisin' Oldies<br />


Samantha Cooley The music sure is good here! ~Rosie<br />

Ima Calico Cat I luv da oldies!<br />

Samantha Cooley That's all Meowmy plays in out house.....but to her they aren't<br />

oldies!!!!! ~Rosie<br />

Ima Calico Cat Hey, where's Smokey The Baby Attorney at Claw?

Smokey The Baby Attorney at Claw phwew, boy am I late!<br />

Jacqueline L James Love the oldies~ Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Dawn Barela fun song!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcjzHMhBtf0<br />

Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Live in Houston)<br />

Journey's official live video for 'Don't Stop Believin'' performed…<br />


Dawn Barela PAWESOME SONG!!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Dat's me, a small town girl...<br />

Jacqueline L James This is a awesome song my mommy loves Journey

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch…<br />

Toby Keith - How Do You Like Me Now?!<br />

Hope On The Rocks Releases 10/30/2012 Pre-Order on iTunes here!<br />

http://smarturl.it/hotritunespre<br />


Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDXLmYyFu4I<br />

Alan Jackson - Livin' On Love<br />

Alan Jackson's official music video for 'Livin' On Love'. Click to listen to Alan Jackson on<br />

Spotify: http://smarturl.it/AJacksonS…<br />


Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Pleeze ekskyooz uz an da Mama fur da fyoo minnits - it<br />

be neerlee midnite back home four uz, an uz hab da cheer ta da Nyoo Yeer wid da Papa!

Shadow Man Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Auntie Johanna, Pookie & Starlight n Troubie ans Unkie<br />

Bear<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Thank you very much! I think we are about the first ones...<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles and Vicky: HAPPY <strong>New</strong> Year<br />

Samantha Cooley Happy new year everybody! ~ Rosie, Tilly and Cinamon.<br />

Samantha Cooley Where is home for you guys?.....somewhere in Europe?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Yes, we are from Austria!<br />

Liz Reeve Prosit Neujahr Johanna, Pookie, Starlie, Big Bear, Troubie!

Pat Gancarski Happy <strong>New</strong> Year, Auntie Johanna, Starli,Pookie and Troubie!<br />

Ima Calico Cat Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Pookie, Troubardix and Starlight! We've got almost 7<br />

hours ta go yet. Pawty on!<br />

Jacqueline L James Happy <strong>New</strong> Year ~ Rosie Tilly~Chestnut and Phineas<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

31. Dezember 2014 ·<br />

Auntie Judi is here!!!!<br />

Judi Davis Grebel to Wormhole Bistro<br />

HI! I am the twins new human. My favorite color is purple , I love Garfield the cat & Ozzy<br />

Osbourne & roses. My husband is going to build freaking cat walks around the inside of<br />

house... Sni Purr & Leki are rescuing me ... & I get to keep a part of Jacky<br />

Wormhole Bistro Welliecome awlways Auntie Judi wud mew likie da cawfee or sumfings<br />

else?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yup too much nip tea in me....hic!<br />

Susan Siefers I'm so glad Sni and Leki will be together with someone who loves them.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Welcome, Auntie Judi! So happy to see you here!<br />

Pat Gancarski Welcome Auntie Judi! Thank you for adopting the Twins. It's good to<br />

know that their with someone who loves and cares bout them. Happy to see you here!

Wormhole Bistro *Quincey, Bonnie and Emily rush over* Welcome auntie Judi! Did<br />

mew bring the twins? We are so happy they have a lovely new home.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Wellkomm, Auntie Judi! Uz bee sooo happee dat Sni an Leki hab da<br />

graet nyoo home wid ya!<br />

Angel Girl cat walks roun tha inside of tha house??? jus like me seen in pictures?<br />

wholly cat nip!!!! dem ninjas gonna wuvs dat!!!!! gud ta sees yu Aunt Judi!!!<br />

(((huggies))))))<br />

Liz Reeve They will be soooo happy!<br />

Pat Gancarski Hi Liz! It's hood to see you here. I think the Twins hit the lottery with<br />

who has adopted them! I'm so glad Auntie Judi took them in.<br />

Liz Reeve Oh yes!<br />

Liz Reeve Auntie Judi, welcome!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

1. Januar <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

I thought we could have a<br />

finger buffet....

Pam Baird A wonderful idea<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Great... and, as here it's just midnight, a Happy <strong>New</strong> Year to all<br />

of you!<br />

Liz Reeve Yeah! Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Auntie Johanna!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal, we still gots<br />

almost 6 more hours to go<br />

Wormhole Bistro Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Auntie Johanna!!! We hope<br />

it's a wonderful one!!<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Wonderful! Now I won't have to cook! This is just purrfect as usual!

Linda Schnare Oh my shattered diet Freddie! Thank Ceiling Cat everything is no<br />

calories! Everything looks so delicious and you have done a beautiful presentation!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh thank you Auntie Linda...... Yep, there's no calories<br />

and no fat so you can eat as much as you want.....<br />

Dawn Barela I get a plate and start with turkey, veggies and cranberry sauce.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Auntie Johanna! Who's next? Its only<br />

7:30ish here EST.<br />

Kathy Piland Happy <strong>New</strong> Year everyone!<br />

Cicely Berry It all looks sooo good!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

1. Januar <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Music time!<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqNcyFNMfLM<br />

Shirley Bassey - Get The <strong>Party</strong> Started (Official Video)<br />

DSB - The Ultimate Diva.. Discover & Download More @ http…<br />


Liz Reeve Dancing into <strong>2015</strong>!

Wormhole Bistro Oh yes!!!<br />

Dawn Barela Great dancing song!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

*Quincey brings out a selection of brews* A little something to toast the Mew Year.<br />

Dawn Barela OOH! Yum!!<br />

Liz Reeve totheMew Year!<br />

Pam Baird takes a glass...Toa Happy <strong>New</strong> Year<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Mmm 6. How many time zones are there? I can havea<br />

different one each <strong>New</strong> Year celebration.<br />

Wormhole Bistro There's more on the bar Auntie Vicky...........<br />

Dawn Barela 24 time zones but we missed most of them already!! Its January 1st in<br />

Australia already

Kathy Piland The Dr. said I could have a drink from the Bistro tonight! Whatto have,<br />

what to have! Any suggestions?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Try sums ob dem awl Auntie Kathy Piland, me not tells on mew<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie What's that Auntie Dawn? We've mixed some? How many?? I<br />

need. To catch up. Happy. <strong>New</strong> Year gulp, Happy <strong>New</strong> Year. Gulp Happy <strong>New</strong> Year gulp.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

1. Januar <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

I love this one!!! <br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwWRjvwlLKg<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoUmyY6CQRo<br />

Liz Reeve <br />

Markus Roßkotten Happy <strong>New</strong> Year from Deutschland.PAAAAAAAARTYYYYYYYY!mol<br />

Wormhole Bistro Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Uncle<br />

Markus!!!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Ooh I've never learned the Macarena. It seems simple<br />

enough. Mostly hands and arms. Great less chance of tripping over my 3 left feet.

Wormhole Bistro I've got 3 left paws too!!! MOL!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shadow says tu Freddie Froops Frolicks me wanna sees mew due dat<br />

Macarena<br />

Wormhole Bistro < Freddie accepts the challenge and starts shaking his tail!><br />

Liz Reeve Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Markus!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Ooooh I like this one..... I can shake my coffee beans to this!!<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p47fEXGabaY<br />

Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca<br />

Music video by Ricky Martin performing Livin' La Vida Loca. © 1999 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT<br />

(Holland) B.V.<br />


Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh yeah... that's a good one!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie As long as that's all you shake Miss Polly. We don't need any<br />

twerking cat butts. And definitely no twerking Auntie butts.<br />

Wormhole Bistro But I love T'werk MOL!!!!! (Yorkshire<br />


Vicky Wagner McKenzie Well I do have sunglasses. Is t'werk and twerk the same<br />

thing?<br />

Wormhole Bistro me dunna knows eben wat twerk bes Auntie Vicky Wagner<br />

McKenzie sew me canna answer dat one.<br />

Wormhole Bistro < Polly > no, Mol! Every morning as momma leaves she says "I'm<br />

going T'werk, be good till I get home < Polly rolls on the floor laughing!> T'werk! To<br />

work! Mol!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie I thought maybe you meant it that way. I know you kitties<br />

love having the house to yourselves.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Is that Shadow Man? Hmm yes you are a married gent now<br />

Miss. Emer I mean Mrs. Bonnie can take special dance lessons then give you a show.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dis sounds bery interesting now Auntie Vicky Wagner McKenzie,<br />

me gunna habs tu ask me Bride Bonnie bouts dis.<br />

Wormhole Bistro < Polly > oh yes! Lounging mm the bed, sleeping all day, oh no wait,<br />

we do that when Momma is at home too<br />

Wormhole Bistro mew too ans me thot me waz da only one dat due dat<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

It's midnight in the UK..... Lets start the <strong>New</strong> Year with a<br />

bang!!!!!!<br />


BBC Symphony, Chorus & Singers - Auld Lang Syne<br />

Auld Lang Syne by BBC's Symphony Orchester! LYRICS…<br />


Dawn Barela Happy <strong>New</strong> Year to my UK buddies!! I still have 7 hours to go!!<br />

Pam Baird Happy <strong>New</strong> year<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Happy <strong>New</strong> Year! * gulps down another of Quincey's brews*<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Well we can't have <strong>New</strong> Year without a CONGA!!!!!!!<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V6N4elMVX4<br />

Black Lace - Do The Conga<br />

Black Lace - Do The Conga<br />


Ruger and Co. We love the CONGA!<br />

Dawn Barela Da da da da da Kick!!! Da da da da da da da Kick! This is for Jacky!! Da<br />

da da da da Kick!

Wormhole Bistro For Auntie Jacky!! Da da da da da<br />

da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick! Da<br />

da da da da da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick! Da da da da da<br />

da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick! Da da da da da da Kick!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shadow joins in da da da da da kick, for Auntie Jacky, da da da da<br />

da kick, da da da da da kick ans spin, da da da da da kick, da da da da da kick ans<br />

spin, da da da da da kick<br />

Dawn Barela Da da da da da Kick!!! Da da da da da da da Kick!! Da da da da da Kick!<br />

Da da da da da Kick!!! Da da da da da da da Kick!! Da da da da da Kick!Da da da da da<br />

Kick!!! Da da da da da da da Kick!! Da da da da da Kick!<br />

Pam Baird DA DA DA DA DA KICK<br />

Liz Reeve Da da da da da kick!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh dear, I haven't caught my breath after grocery shopping.<br />

Well for Auntie Jacky I can do it. da da Da da da kick (for Jacky) da da da da da kick (for<br />

Jacky) da da da da da kick<br />

Think I'll go rest with a nipsy vola with mice cubes.<br />

Wormhole Bistro <br />

Hi Auntie Vicky..... Here you go...... I'm getting too old to conga for long... Can I join<br />

you??<br />

Dawn Barela Hi Miss Vicky! pawses to catch breath Can I sit with you? I think I over did<br />

it!!<br />

Pam Baird sits down out of breath...whewwwwwwwww<br />

Liz Reeve Ohhh, we really are 'old aunties'!!!!!!!

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh dear Liz did you have to say it out loud. By all means<br />

everyone, have a seat.<br />

Dawn Barela Hi Pam, Hi Liz!! Hi Vicky! Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Thank you Mallory. This nipsi will hold me till the next hour<br />

and brew.<br />

Dawn Barela Liz. SSSHHHHH!!! We don't want folks to know that!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Happy <strong>New</strong> Year.<br />

Kathy Piland Happy <strong>New</strong> Year Aunties! I've missed you all!<br />

Cicely Berry Bright Blessings! Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans Happy <strong>New</strong> Year!!!!<br />

Angel Girl da da da da da kick da da da da da kick spin da da da da da kick da da da<br />

kick!!!<br />

Liz Reeve Oh Angel Girl......! So much energy!

Linda Schnare Happy first new day eberypawdry! It sounds like a great time was had<br />

by all last evening. My fur babies got up long enough to have their brekkie and pills and<br />

now they've all gone back to bed. They were up late taking care of me because I think<br />

I'm getting the flu and I had a bad evening and night.<br />

Thank you, Nurse Muffin. I'll go right away.<br />

Ms Muffin just came and took my temperature with her little pink nose and she has<br />

ordered me back to bed.<br />

I'm glad you remembered a Conga for Auntie Jacky. OK! OK! Muffy. I'm getting under<br />

the covers! Sheesh! What a bossy nurse!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Yeah!!! Groovy!!!<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux2WXNsqfe8<br />

K.C. and The Sunshine Band - Boogie Shoes<br />

copyright © 1975 , 1976 sherlyn publishing co issued on…<br />


Karyn Vanderburg I love this!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Does beebopping in my chair count as boogieing?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yup, dat bes called da Hand Jive Auntie Vicky Wagner McKenzie

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Queen - We Will Rock You<br />

Obviously this isnt the video, but since there arent any videos for this song on here now,…<br />


Rena Ann Kolodnicki Ha'ag it played fur me thank mew very much.<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Great accident MOL<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Weird... it's there allright in little Austria!<br />


WORKING.<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Yappy mew year Ha'ag<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki http://youtu.be/3GwjfUFyY6M<br />

Kool & The Gang - Celebration<br />

Music video by Kool & The Gang performing Celebration. (C) 1980 The Island Def Jam…<br />


Rena Ann Kolodnicki Ha'ag i had to hipcheck the jukebox again<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Stupid thing<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Johanna Duffek-Kowal Ha'ag made me giggle lol<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Does THIS link worrk for you?<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I7hjSERKwA<br />

Queen - We Will Rock You (Official video)<br />

All rights reserved to Queen.<br />


Johanna Duffek-Kowal or this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?<br />

v=wqhPm4ru_eY<br />

"We Will Rock You" - Queen [High Definition]<br />

"We Will Rock You" official music video. Taken…<br />


Johanna Duffek-Kowal Sometimes YouTube is as silly as facepoop...<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Come On You Stupid thing!

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Johanna Duffek-Kowal,the first link worked,the second one<br />

did not.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal As I said... they're just WEIRD!<br />

✋<br />

Liz Reeve Ha'ag you really rock! <br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

1. Januar <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

For Auntie Jacky, this is how we all feel about you!<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JWTaaS7LdU<br />

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You<br />

Music video by Whitney Houston performing I Will Always…<br />


Pam Baird ohhh love this<br />

Wormhole Bistro me too Auntie Pam Baird<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Beautiful song for a beautiful soul.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me agrees Auntie Vicky Wagner McKenzie<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

And one of Auntie Jacky's fabourite songs!

www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQswfILThsY<br />

Bob Seger - Old Time<br />

Rock n Roll - The<br />

Distance Tour 1983<br />

Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - The<br />

Distance Tour 1983 - Detroit - Cobo Hall<br />


Karyn Vanderburg I love this song!<br />

Wormhole Bistro me ans da momma boff due too<br />

Pam Baird great song<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Love this song. Well doesn't everyone.<br />

Dawn Barela I sure do!<br />

Liz Reeve I do too!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow brings out sum more noms fur da munchies abter dat dancin stouffs. Da bakum n<br />

egg canapes, da cheese tray, da cold cuts, da debiled eggies, ans da Grilled Cheesy<br />

Buttery Shrimps.

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Any prosciutto on da cold cut tray Auntie Rena likes prosciutto.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Der shuds be sums der Auntie Rena<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Italian ham<br />

Wormhole Bistro wat be Italian Ham Auntie Rena, me neber hears ob it><br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki

Pam Baird Likes it all...will have some of everything<br />

Wormhole Bistro Please helpie mew selfish Auntie Pam Baird ans enjoys too<br />

Pam Baird gets a plate...I am going to<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Mmm Auntie Vicky loves finger foods. Tehehe Auntie Vicky<br />

loves food.<br />

Wormhole Bistro me too Auntie Vicky Wagner McKenzie, me too<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal We do have some things in common, Auntie Vicky...<br />

Dawn Barela Me too food is good!<br />

Wormhole Bistro food bes gud fur mew too, sew da more we eat ob gud noms da<br />

healthiers we awl bes<br />

Janie Devaux A little bit of everything please .<br />

Wormhole Bistro Here mew bes Auntie Janie Devaux ans Happy Mew Year tu mew<br />

Janie Devaux Yummy .<br />

Karyn Vanderburg How wonderful. Just a little bit of everything please!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Here mew bes Auntie Karyn Vanderburgme wanna wish mew da<br />

Happy Mew Year too<br />

Dawn Barela I get a plate with everything except the fishy stuff!

Wormhole Bistro Me knows dat Auntie Dawn Barela, here mew bes<br />

Dawn Barela Thank mew Shadow!!<br />

Dawn Barela The debiled eggies are the best!!<br />

Liz Reeve Oh this will be my breakfast!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

1. Januar <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Oooh it's Mr Idol..<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAmgTNATJkk<br />

Billy Idol - "Mony Mony"<br />

From the Greatest Hits CD. Track 2.<br />


Rena Ann Kolodnicki Georgia great song choice<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Diz a great song<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hiya Mrraoworks Cats it bes gud tu sees mews awl<br />

tunite....Happy Mew Year too me furriends<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Auntie Rena gets up ans asks Georgia to dance

Wormhole Bistro < Georgia accepts and starts dancing><br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Georgia you are a pawsome dancer<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Great dance song!<br />

Cicely Berry ALMOST as good as Tommy James and the Shondells!! C'mon,<br />

EVERYBODY dance! Get up off your bums! WhooHoo!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

1. Januar <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

This is from Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

slowly dancing in the street performed by David Bowie and<br />

Mick Jagger<br />


Wormhole Bistro<br />

1. Januar <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

This is from Auntie Rena<br />

Dirty Dancing Soundtrack - I've Had The Time Of My Life<br />

Dirty Dancing Theme !<br />


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