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Ocean disposal in Canada is regulated by Environment Canada and refers to disposal of<br />

offal generated at a land-based facility in the ocean. To date, only one permit for ocean<br />

dumping of offal has been granted by Environment Canada (for emergency disposal), as<br />

officials of the department are of the opinion that sufficient alternatives for the beneficial<br />

use of offal exist in B.C. (pers. comm. with Ms. Dixie Sullivan of Environment Canada).<br />

The discharge of offal with effluent is not considered ocean dumping and is regulated<br />

under permit by MOELP. Three processors in B.C. are permitted to use this form of offal<br />

disposal (see Section 5.1. 1).<br />

Disposal of offal at sea after gutting at sea, as is the practice for troll-caught fish is not<br />

considered ocean dumping.<br />

5.5.2 Landfilling<br />

Sanitary Iandfilling is usually a poor choice for the disposal of fisheries waste from both J<br />

an environmental and economic points of view (Green and Mattick, 1977). Large volumes<br />

of waste are required before costs, particularly hauling expenses, can be reduced.<br />

5.5.3 Incineration and Pyrolysis<br />

Although energy can be recovered from burning the waste, the sophisticated equipment<br />

capital costs and high operating costs of incineration and pyrolysis are beyond the means<br />

of most seafood processors. To the knowledge of the authors this process is not applied<br />

at B.C. fish processing facilities, nor is fish offal sent to municipal garbage incinerators.<br />

5.5.4 Comporting<br />

Direct use of fish wastes as manure by spreading on fields is uncommon due to the<br />

typical obnoxious odours of putrefying fish or shellfish. Comporting fish waste is an<br />

intermediary step to utilizing fish as a soil conditioner. The comporting process converts<br />

organic solid waste into a stable, humus like product whose chief use is as a soil<br />

conditioner and fertilizer (Canadian Fishery Consultants Ltd., 1991 ). Comporting is<br />

environmentally acceptable and an economically viable solution in specific instances.<br />


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