Message from the Pleiades

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Fran <strong>the</strong> German l anguage originals<br />

collected by <strong>the</strong> Stevens- El.der-s- jcel ch team during <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

six year on- s i te investigati on while events were happening<br />

Edited and annotat ed by w. C.<br />

Stevens<br />

Liberal r e fere nce has been made to Elders and welch<br />

f i l e notes, memor anda, and r ecor ds of <strong>the</strong> trips<br />


All rights, inc: ltrling that of translaticn into any otrer are<br />

specdfIcal.Iv reserved. lb part of this publicatioo may be reprcdoced in any<br />

fOIID, stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted. by any rreth::d or<br />

IIEanS, electrical, uechani.cal, recordiriq, or o<strong>the</strong>rwise, with--<br />

cut prior permtssdcn of tre cqJ';{right holders. All rights are exclusi vely<br />

held by <strong>the</strong> a::pyright bolders,<br />

Originally p rinted. in <strong>the</strong> lhited. States of lnerica<br />

Q:pyri.ghts 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, arrl 1979<br />

ty UFO m:JID l\RCJIlVES, P.O. lbx 172Cfj, 'rucscn, l1Z 85710 ; am QNESIS III<br />

Publishi..rq, Inc. , P.O. nra-er J J, l·Urrls Park, p,z 86017, U.S.A.<br />

ISBN 0- 934269- 14- 0

'Ihis is tiE J::x::x:k of ccntact rctes f It:lll tfe Pleiaies case that was<br />

sro.n at <strong>the</strong> errl of <strong>the</strong> IIDVie d:x:::uIEntary lJFQ; ME RFAL.. \tU.c:h has<br />

caused so IIJJCh interest.



Privately Published


Up to 500 wo rds may be quoted, in correct cont ext , f ran<br />

this work free of charge provided this source i s c l earl y and<br />

carpletel y identifi ed with that exerpt,<br />

Publisher<br />



"Th e only thing limiting <strong>the</strong> progress o f <strong>the</strong><br />

Ea rth-human , is <strong>the</strong> Earth-human hims elf .-<br />

Se mjase<br />

Extraterres trial Being<br />


•<br />

tecercer 1974. '!his is <strong>the</strong> reter f C£Iri.ly in R:i.rMil at a!::alt <strong>the</strong> t.iIIE <strong>the</strong>se<br />

ccntaets with <strong>the</strong> Pleialian ext.ratez'rest.r'Lal.a beqan - Etluard was <strong>the</strong>n<br />

\-.Qrki.ng wot:king part tine as a security gum:1 . ....trich c:harq:rl when he began<br />

to care to at tent.ia1 I:::ecause of his gq::erimces ard tre<br />

of <strong>the</strong><br />

ship; he c 1.aiJ!Ed to have taken.<br />



After e leven years of investigation into this extensive<br />

UFO contact case taking p lace in SWitzerland, and years of<br />

testing of <strong>the</strong> physical evidence produced, such as UFO photographs,<br />

recorded sounds of <strong>the</strong> spacecraft, meta.l residue<br />

and ship I s landing t racks i I have decided to publish rrore of<br />

<strong>the</strong> e laborate contact notes for your study and evaluation.<br />

These notes were never intended for public release, and<br />

<strong>the</strong>y have much infoDmation o f a very personal nature<br />

to certain of <strong>the</strong> individuals involved. Also <strong>the</strong>y are very<br />

vo luminous and could not pcssi.bty be squeezed into one book.<br />

Thus we have purged out parts of a personal nature, dialogue<br />

of lesser interest , and conversation not of general concern<br />

to all.<br />

The Contact Notes have actually been translated several<br />

ti..rres by bi- lingual scholars with different backgrounds, but<br />

<strong>the</strong>re have a lways been problems wi th <strong>the</strong> translation -- accuracy<br />

being critical. There are txco basic steps to translating<br />

wri tten Lnformat.Lon fran one l angua ge to ano<strong>the</strong>r. The<br />

first is transliteration; changing <strong>the</strong> wcrds, The second i s<br />

interpretation or r e-phrasing of <strong>the</strong> converted wo rds to ITOst<br />

accurately express <strong>the</strong> original i dea in proper form in <strong>the</strong><br />

new language.<br />

Since <strong>the</strong>re frequently are several choices for substitution<br />

of words, scrre conveying different emphasis and sore conveying<br />

rrcdi.fication of <strong>the</strong> rreentnq, it is Impor-tant; that <strong>the</strong><br />

translator have a considerable kncwfedqe of <strong>the</strong> original idea<br />

being expressed when he is making his choice of words .<br />

TIle second step is rrore troublesare because here <strong>the</strong> transliterated<br />

words must be rephrased in <strong>the</strong> new l anguage to<br />

rrost accurately convey <strong>the</strong> desired idea. '!here a re always<br />

several ways t o re-phrase <strong>the</strong>m, and so a gcx:xl understanding<br />

of <strong>the</strong> basic i dea is a lso critical .<br />

One Christian translator chose words and re-phrased in <strong>the</strong><br />

interpretation step according to her understanding in gcx:xl<br />

Chr.iat.Lan t.erms, '!he student of '!heosophy interpreted in<br />

terms o f her C1>m metaphysical concepts, and <strong>the</strong> phrasing<br />

carte out quite differently. The Universi ty scholar tried to<br />

interpret in tenns of modern scientific thought, and that<br />

was different too, because <strong>the</strong> cannunications were imparted<br />

to <strong>the</strong> witness in concepts we Ll undaratcod by him, who was<br />

nei<strong>the</strong>r Christian nor Theosophist, nor scholar, but a farmer<br />

with a l imited education and much practical experience in<br />


<strong>the</strong> schcol o f life, a l ways experienced at a very rrodest incare<br />

level . His concepts are frarred in <strong>the</strong> understanding he<br />

has developed based on <strong>the</strong>se experfences,<br />

\1e have t ried f or years to agree on one o r ano<strong>the</strong>r o f <strong>the</strong><br />

translati ons, and finally cane to accept this present version<br />

as <strong>the</strong> rmre accura te conversion into English. Of course , f or<br />

r eal accura cy, <strong>the</strong> Contact Notes s hould be r ead in <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

origina l German.<br />

'!his t ransl ation was made by a young German college student<br />

who spent a great deal o f t i.rre at <strong>the</strong> r.leier hare, living<br />

with <strong>the</strong>m and observing <strong>the</strong> various witnesses in <strong>the</strong>ir daily<br />

lives, and seeking very carefuf explanations. His translations<br />

were <strong>the</strong>n checked and approved, as he proceeded, by<br />

both <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs a t <strong>the</strong> hare and by Eduard Neier himself.<br />

'Ihi.s may be about as accurate as we can get a t this time.<br />

\'1e have o<strong>the</strong>r problems in publishing <strong>the</strong>se notes ..cever ,<br />

such as <strong>the</strong> r estrictions on r elease of infonnation by both<br />

<strong>the</strong> extraterrestrials and a lso by o<strong>the</strong>r witnesses and friends<br />

involved.<br />

Our purging of <strong>the</strong>se notes of per sonal and o<strong>the</strong>r sensit i ve<br />

infonna.tion mentioned in tile origina l notes necessarily results<br />

in sene discont inuity of thought , but we have s ought<br />

to preserve as much o f <strong>the</strong> infonnati on as it i s possible to<br />

r elease publ icl y a t this t i.rre.<br />

We have carried forward <strong>the</strong> original paragraph numbering<br />

within each of <strong>the</strong> contact notes in order to f acili tate a ll<br />

future research. It a lso provided a l imited measure of <strong>the</strong><br />

arrount o f sensitive infonnation in those notes that can not<br />

yet 1::::e released.<br />

\'men <strong>the</strong> notes first started, after <strong>the</strong> first contact with<br />

this extraterrestrial team on 28 January 1975, Eduard (Billy)<br />

r.1eier sat down to write what he could r emember about; <strong>the</strong><br />

contact , and <strong>the</strong>n discovered that it was caning through to<br />

him rapidly, including <strong>the</strong> whole dia logue, word f or word,<br />

just as though he had recorded i t . La.ter he found that <strong>the</strong><br />

dialogue was in fact recorded by <strong>the</strong> extra terrestrials and<br />

was 1::::eing rrechanically/telepathically played back to him<br />

fran a ccnputer- like device on <strong>the</strong> s pacecraft , and he was<br />

receiving it in a form o f autcmatic writ ing.<br />

h'hen r.1eier was l oaned a typewriter, <strong>the</strong> Pleiadians asked<br />

to borrow it for examination, and Bi lly took it to <strong>the</strong>m on<br />

<strong>the</strong> next contact. '!hey gave it back to him a few days later<br />

saying it was a primitive machine, and <strong>the</strong>n l>:ieier found that<br />

when he sat down to hunt-and-peck sere notes, a contact mes -<br />


sage cerre through alIrost as r apidly a s <strong>the</strong> writ ing , en <strong>the</strong><br />

typewriter, \',Urking i t with only one f inger on his singl e<br />

hand , in a kind of autanat ic typing - - again t ransmitted<br />

fran <strong>the</strong> canputer aboard <strong>the</strong> s hip.<br />

Still l ater, s arel::ody gave M=:ier an U N. Se lectronic electric<br />

t ypewri ter , and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> notes transmission was shifted<br />

to i t in <strong>the</strong> serre way. At that point he was t yping nearly 60<br />

words per minute, with one finger , under rrechano/telepathic<br />

control fran <strong>the</strong> s hip. have recordings of this eutrmat.Ic<br />

typing.<br />

As <strong>the</strong> l e vel o f imparted infonnat ion trrcroved, <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrial<br />

s began informing o f sere things he could<br />

not reveal to o<strong>the</strong>r people, things tbat he needed to know<br />

for his 0NJ1 understanding only.<br />

Then he discovered that ecre o f <strong>the</strong> dialogue was being<br />

l e ft out o f <strong>the</strong> t ext on <strong>the</strong> autanat i c r e-transmis sion. The<br />

Pleiadians t o ld him that <strong>the</strong>y were witllo l d ing scrre o f <strong>the</strong><br />

sens itive inf onration f or his own qcod. Nhat he did not renember<br />

cou l d not be ccreprcrni.sed, He had one o f hi s first<br />

serious a r gurrents wi th <strong>the</strong>m over this and obtained a concession<br />

on <strong>the</strong>ir part.<br />

1he contacts were not a ll s.i.rrple dialogue. '!he r e ..·..e re r ea l<br />

argurrents, discussions, hurror , agreerrents, and e ven sore<br />

outright threats, and we have been able to preserve exarrples<br />

of all o f <strong>the</strong>se for you.<br />

'!he fonnat f or this p r esentation i s chronological in <strong>the</strong><br />

o rder that <strong>the</strong> contacts occurred. TIle notes ....'ere usua lly<br />

written up within hours o f <strong>the</strong> contact and ano<strong>the</strong>r person<br />

would r ead <strong>the</strong>m and witness and date <strong>the</strong> report.<br />

'!he initial screening of <strong>the</strong>se contact notes was done in<br />

9.-titze r land by <strong>the</strong> witnesses <strong>the</strong>re. I f you f eel that not<br />

enough infonrat ion i s given, or that proofs are being withheld,<br />

r emember- that those people involved <strong>the</strong>re have <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

ccn proofs and need no o<strong>the</strong> r assurance of any kind . 'Ihey are<br />

not i.rrpe lled, nor do <strong>the</strong>y s ee any need, to prove anything to<br />

anybody el se. 'Ihey have enough threa ts, harrassrrent, and<br />

intimidation now, and do not seek to add t o <strong>the</strong>ir ccn burden.<br />

have persuaded <strong>the</strong>m t o share this much with you for your<br />

own infonnat ion, to accept o r disbelieve as you choose. 'Ihey<br />

are not <strong>the</strong> l east bit c oncerned about; your choice , nor are<br />

we. After all, you c lassify your own self in <strong>the</strong>se mat .te r s .<br />

N:>body e lse does .<br />

The contact notes open with a per s onal s tat.errent by :.:eier<br />

about how i t all began fo r him.<br />


\'1e tackle this Contact Notes part o f <strong>the</strong> Pl e iades Report<br />

with a great deal of trepidation and no inconsiderable fear.<br />

we could deal with <strong>the</strong> objective physical aspects o f this<br />

case scientifical l y , and could draw conclusions f ran <strong>the</strong><br />

testing and our exper iences during <strong>the</strong> investi gation.<br />

Reporting <strong>the</strong> subjective aspects o f this case i s much more<br />

difficult . Realizing our def iciencies in kna.vledge, exper'-'<br />

ience, and expertese in <strong>the</strong>se mat ters o f spi rit and being,<br />

....-e f eel totally unqualified to judge and even to r eport<br />

<strong>the</strong>se rressages to you.<br />

There a re a s pects that we agree with, and <strong>the</strong>re are sore<br />

aspects that we have very qcod reason to a ccept , but a t <strong>the</strong><br />

s ane t i..rre <strong>the</strong>re are o<strong>the</strong>r aspects with which we total!Y dis -<br />

agree. Our disagreerrent hccever , does not make <strong>the</strong>m any rmre<br />

or less valid. '!hey are as <strong>the</strong>y are, and we each see <strong>the</strong>m in<br />

our ocn way . \-Ie have tri ed not to filter <strong>the</strong>se notes for you<br />

so that you may j udge f o r yoursel f.<br />

Here bhen i s our presentat ion.<br />

Interj ections , footnotes, coeeents and CCllllllent ary by <strong>the</strong> cOftllile rs of t his<br />

t ranslat ion a re ins ert ed "here ne cessary, and are s et out in d ifferent t ype<br />

s tyle and s ize so as to clearly distinguish <strong>the</strong>m f rom t he original tr an s -<br />

l ations . These co rrments are made according t o our own belie f an d limited<br />

i n formation , and do not necessarily represent <strong>the</strong> view s o f t he origina l<br />

wi tnesses. If we disagree with <strong>the</strong>m, it is fo r ou r ONfl r ea sons and does not<br />



MY FI RST OBSERVATION - (Fduard J. Nei e r )<br />

'!HE FIRST PHYSICAL CDm'ACI', 28 January 1975<br />



SEXDND iay 1975<br />

SIXTEENlli CDm'ACl' , 3 Hay 1975<br />

SE.VmI'EENIH CONI'ACl', 9 May 1975<br />

EIGh"TEENllJ m NI'Acr . 15 May 1975<br />

NINEITEENlH m NrAcr. 16 1975<br />

1WEN TIE:IH OONI'ACl', 20 May 1975<br />

TI1ENI.'Y FIRsr OONrACl', 27 l-1ay 1975<br />

TI'iIENlY SEX))ND CDNTACl', 28 Hay 197 5<br />

TIVENIT 'THI RD OON'I'ACl', 3 June 1975<br />

'IWENI"{ F'OUR'IH OONTACl', 7 J une 1975<br />

5<br />

11<br />

23<br />

33<br />

35<br />

43<br />

47<br />

52<br />

61<br />

72<br />

79<br />

112<br />

123<br />

141<br />

148<br />

155<br />

164<br />

169<br />

180<br />

183<br />

187<br />

189<br />

197<br />

198<br />

203<br />

208<br />

221<br />

230<br />


'IWENIY FIFlH OONTACT, 16 June 1975<br />

TI'lENI'Y SIX'IH OONI'ACT, 18 June 1975<br />

TI'lENTY SEVENIH OONTACT, 25 June 1975<br />

TIoJENi'Y EIGH'IH OONTACT, 27 J une 1975<br />

TI'lENI'Y NIN'IH CONTACT, 7 July 1975<br />

'IHIRTIEnI comet, 15 July 1975<br />

THIRTY FIRST CONI'ACT, 17 July 1975<br />

'IHIRTY SECDND OONI'ACT, B September 1975<br />

'I1HRTY 'IHIRD OONTACI', 12 Sept ember 19 75<br />

'IHIRTY FOOR'IH OONTACT, 14 September 1975<br />

WIRTY FIFlli CX1.'n'ACT, 16 September 1975<br />


241<br />

251<br />

256<br />

263<br />

266<br />

280<br />

283<br />

340<br />

349<br />

355<br />

376<br />

399<br />



At <strong>the</strong> age o f five I had my first consc ious UFO experience.<br />

'lhis was <strong>the</strong> observat ion o f a great disc-like (flying) object.<br />

It was on <strong>the</strong> second of June 1942, at exactly nine<br />

o 'cl ock in <strong>the</strong> rroming, at BUl ach, in Kanton Zurich. 'Ibget.her<br />

with my fa<strong>the</strong>r, I was s tanding behind our house bes i de a<br />

great nut-tree, and l ooking eastward in <strong>the</strong> sky, l ike being<br />

attracted bu t o n l y vaguely knowing why . I felt an until now<br />

unknown desire i n roe, which canpelled rre to l ook high above<br />

<strong>the</strong> eastern horizon for scrretjunq. '!hat seemed very mys ter -<br />

i ous to rre <strong>the</strong>n. So I just f e l t <strong>the</strong> strange desire , and I<br />

l ooked for anything in <strong>the</strong> azure blueness of <strong>the</strong> sky 00 this<br />

ra<strong>the</strong>r warm and beautiful Sumner rroming.<br />

Ten o r fifteen minutes may have passed before my eyes<br />

fastened onto sarething peculiar. Fran out o f <strong>the</strong> light sky,<br />

with quick velocity, a silver flash shot down, hurled like a<br />

gigant ic rretallic arrow', over Eschemoserberg, right toward<br />

<strong>the</strong> 75 rreters tall Refomed Church s teeple . But just<br />

short o f that great ta.-.-er <strong>the</strong> silver flash cut to <strong>the</strong> r ight<br />

and shot past i t directly 'toward our house , and with enor -<br />

rrous speed swooped up again. In that small part of a second,<br />

<strong>the</strong> swift flash became gigantically l arge and r ound, to a<br />

great flat rretal disc. It was l ike a huge discus 25 0 to 30 0<br />

rreters in diarreter. '!he disc sped a l ong at on ly 200 rreters<br />

height above us , canpletely silent. Like a flash, as i t had<br />

appeared only a second before in <strong>the</strong> east, it now disappeared<br />

to <strong>the</strong> west; over <strong>the</strong> HOr agen forest .<br />

For a l ong ti..rre I stared westward after <strong>the</strong> disappearing<br />

object, and <strong>the</strong>n I realized that my perplexed f a<strong>the</strong>r was<br />

a lso staring headshakingly into <strong>the</strong> we st., I asked him ebout.<br />

<strong>the</strong> fast-flying disc, and he observed reflectively that,<br />

"'lhis mist; be <strong>the</strong> newest secret weapcn of Hitler" .<br />

At five years o f age that answer was quite insufficient<br />

f or me, '!he ponderous Arrerican bcnbers o f ten flew over our<br />

village, dropping bcmbs while, as oft en happened, German<br />

"St ukas" and o<strong>the</strong>r f ighter c raft could be seen acr oss <strong>the</strong><br />

border. I n my e stimat i on <strong>the</strong>y were as primitive as <strong>the</strong> Ameri<br />

can bcrebera, s ore of which had been shot down directly<br />

over our village by <strong>the</strong> SWi ss Air Force, o r o<strong>the</strong> rwise capt<br />

ured. 'Ihis did not seem to agree wi th my f a<strong>the</strong>r's explanation.<br />

He, being a straight f orward, dependable, o ld f ashi<br />

oned man , harbored no great thoughts about; t echnical de-<br />


veioprenta, But I, as a five year o ld roy, was very inter -<br />

e s ted in s uch marvels produced by <strong>the</strong> wild and evil warcr ies<br />

around <strong>the</strong> wor ld. I f ollowed, by radio , <strong>the</strong> cont inuous bcmb<br />

attacks o f <strong>the</strong> Arret-Leans and <strong>the</strong> rolling thunder- o f <strong>the</strong> heavy<br />

tank and artillery guns which carried to our village over<br />

rrany kilareters day and night.<br />

It was just not logical to Ire that a ll <strong>the</strong> primitive and<br />

nurderous weapons of this s econd wor-Id war could have anything<br />

in ccmron with <strong>the</strong> futuristic disc I had s een. '!hese<br />

and o<strong>the</strong>r reflections about two very different wor lds rushed<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r in my consciousness a s I pondered this bel ew that<br />

nut t ree. '!here had to be ano<strong>the</strong>r explanation than my fa<strong>the</strong>r<br />

had, not on ly because of my thoughts, but also because <strong>the</strong><br />

disc suddenly seered to me r a<strong>the</strong>r familiar. I could not get<br />

over <strong>the</strong> thought that I had already seen <strong>the</strong> sarre or very<br />

s imilar discs el sewhere, and under rmre peaceful c dr cumatance<br />

s.<br />

Hy thoughts and p resentiJTents l ed Ire to watch <strong>the</strong> sky day<br />

and night , especially at night when I could see "travelling<br />

stars" high in <strong>the</strong> sky, sene bigger and ecrre smaller. Sate<br />

l lites were <strong>the</strong>n still unknown , and I a l ready r ecognized<br />

<strong>the</strong> banbers and fighters sufficient ly by <strong>the</strong>ir continuous<br />

appearance . On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand <strong>the</strong>se rrore primitive a ircraft<br />

were not able t o fly so high , l ike <strong>the</strong>se "driven and o f ten<br />

flashing s tars ", which moreover o f ten executed zig- zag<br />

flights, like I had never seen any airplane make. Just as I<br />

saw those travelling s tars <strong>the</strong>n, one can see <strong>the</strong>m today,<br />

very high in <strong>the</strong> sky, a t 20 to 40 kilareters height, at<br />

night in a clear sky. 'Ib be s ure you are not watching sate<br />

l lites, <strong>the</strong> best t drre to observe i s between 22 :00 and 02 :00<br />

because at this tiirre <strong>the</strong> Earth fuLl.y s hadows <strong>the</strong> s ky fran<br />

<strong>the</strong> s unlight behind i t , and it can not r eflect fran pass ing<br />

satellites above. Even, in scee cases, certain s cientists<br />

try to affinn <strong>the</strong> contrary. As <strong>the</strong> UFOs perform <strong>the</strong>ir controlled<br />

fli ghts high in <strong>the</strong> sky, <strong>the</strong>y are usually seen no<br />

bigger than stars. Hy f i rst observations were a lone at night<br />

when I observed <strong>the</strong>n as "t rave lling stars ", but this changed<br />

in a r a<strong>the</strong>r s hort t .Irre . One n i ce and warm l ate Surrrner day I<br />

saw, to my del ight, a spher ical object high in <strong>the</strong> sky ,<br />

s lowly approaching and descending until I could see that it<br />

was a regular sphere. '!hen it disappeared in a flash with no<br />

trace and without any noise or reason.<br />

FollONing that ti.Ire <strong>the</strong>se daylight operations were repeat-<br />


ed, and one day I again felt sarething s t range in Ire . It was<br />

like a voice sarewhere in my head, and also inexplicable<br />

pictures pr esented <strong>the</strong>mselves. '!he inner voice and pictures<br />

advised Ire intently and cont inuous l y to search f or answer-s<br />

and also to f i nd <strong>the</strong>m. 'Ibis began in <strong>the</strong> late Aut umn of 19 42<br />

onl y a few rn::mths before my 6th bi rthday.<br />

'Ihese strange thoughts, <strong>the</strong> inner voice , and <strong>the</strong> pictures<br />

began to worry me, because in my ignor ance of such things<br />

<strong>the</strong> thought carre to rre that I might be going crazy .<br />

'!his was <strong>the</strong> reason I turned to one of our protestant ministers<br />

in <strong>the</strong> hope that he coul d help me. And he did very<br />

readily, and with evident kncwledqe about this mat ter, a l-<br />

though I had never told him anything before. It seerred to me<br />

that he was very well Lnf orrred on this UFO mat ter and had<br />

considerable kncwledqe in this respect. So he advised me<br />

about; UFOs and my inne r voice and <strong>the</strong> pictures, and expl ained<br />

that I should try as quickly as possibl e , by myself, to answer<br />

<strong>the</strong> voices calling inside Ire. I can still r errember his<br />

kindly taking away my fears with <strong>the</strong> words. "You need not<br />

\o,Drry, as you knew that what you hear and see inside of you<br />

i s only telepathy." For my astonished l ook he <strong>the</strong>n expl ained<br />

to Ire in much detail what I should knew about t e l epathy.<br />

Besides this, he explained for me many o<strong>the</strong>r facts which I<br />

at that age did not unders tand teo well, but in later years<br />

l earned to undersrtand canpletel y when I a lso carte to kna vof<br />

this old wor-thy- of-dove c Ierqyman being an initiate.<br />

I did as <strong>the</strong> priest advis ed, and tried intently to direct<br />

IIrf thoughts to <strong>the</strong> of ten neard voice and to address i t. One<br />

day, a short while later, I suddenly f e l t my thoughts making<br />

contact sarewhere, scrrehcw.<br />

'!he first reaction fran <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r side was like a gent le<br />

light l aughter, which I heard deep insi de of Ire, pleasant<br />

and relaxing which calmed and delighted me. '!hen <strong>the</strong> contact<br />

faded away once mere, and I nei<strong>the</strong>r heard <strong>the</strong> voice nor saw<br />

<strong>the</strong> pictures. SUddenly all was quiet again.<br />

St udent s of t his phenomena and r ea l will i mmediat el y r ecognize<br />

t hese symptoms of va lidity and be able to relate to wha t is devel opi ng here<br />

wi t h Eduard Meier. To <strong>the</strong>m hi s exper iences have meani ng and confir m t he<br />

nature of what i s happening t o hi m.<br />

But before that, while I continued my observations, in<br />

N::>vember of 1942, I had a ra<strong>the</strong>r peculiar experience. It<br />

happened. in <strong>the</strong> "Lmgenziggen" , in an out -of- <strong>the</strong>-way meadow<br />


ehind HOragen forest which was used f or glider landings.<br />

One day, fran a cloudy sky, a pear-shaped f l ying object descended<br />

and touched <strong>the</strong> ground. Out o f <strong>the</strong> object carre a very<br />

o ld man, and he signalled for rre to care to him. I fot Icwed<br />

him without a word to say, and e j.Lcwed him to take rre into<br />

his air-vehicle. Alnost i..Imediately, I noticed on <strong>the</strong> screens<br />

that we were high above <strong>the</strong> ground. '!hen <strong>the</strong> pearly ship decended<br />

again and s e ttled gently onto <strong>the</strong> qround without my<br />

even feeling <strong>the</strong> touchdown, '!he o l d nan nntioned for rre to<br />

wa l k out , which I did, l ike wa l king in a dream. As SCXX1 as<br />

I was out <strong>the</strong> object rose s traight up and disappeared into<br />

<strong>the</strong> s ky at a splitting speed as I stared in astonishrren.t.<br />

Deep in thought, I hea ded hare, deHberatdnq whe<strong>the</strong>r I<br />

s hould t e ll anybody about my experience. '!hen I decided to<br />

keep silent and not even t e ll <strong>the</strong> priest. So I l i ved with<br />

my s ecret and becarre all <strong>the</strong> rrore reserved. D..1ring my simple<br />

object observations over <strong>the</strong> next two years , ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

far-reaching experience frightened roe, EVen though explained<br />

by <strong>the</strong> priest, I had no idea of <strong>the</strong> diff erent forms o f t elepathy,<br />

and becarre frightened when on my birthday, on 3 February<br />

1944, a new voice suddenly r ose in my consciousness<br />

and ordered rre to nCM carefully learn and collect knowledge ,<br />

to be transmitted to me in this way. I feared I may be l o s -<br />

ing my sanity again, and so I was afraid. I did not dare t o<br />

entrust this new s ituation to my parents because I did not<br />

think <strong>the</strong>y wou ld be abl e to understand ITe . On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand<br />

I did not trust this inner voi ce, which this tarre was very<br />

c l ear in my consciousness, because I was of <strong>the</strong> opinion that<br />

this c ould be sere form o f delusion, though I a lways tri ed<br />

to calm myse l f. In fear, I again c onfided this new s i tuation<br />

to <strong>the</strong> pr iest listened very pat iently and attentive ly. I<br />

told him everything in <strong>the</strong> srrallest detail. Gently <strong>the</strong>n,<br />

this wise man smiled and said that I had no need to worry,<br />

because he was Inforrred about; <strong>the</strong>se things. But, regretfully,<br />

he could on ly do so much , and teach Ire thoroughly certain<br />

matters. I n this res pect i t would be necessary that I keep<br />

abso lute sile nce , as <strong>the</strong>se things did not agree wi th his<br />

pr ofession (as a minister) . He wou ld continue his mission,<br />

to work as a priest, and for certain reasons at this l oca -<br />

tion, to try to make clear to human beings, slowly , <strong>the</strong><br />

truths o f <strong>the</strong>ir r eligion. 'Ihis was a heavy undertaking, as<br />

<strong>the</strong> hurrana in my hare village were very strong believers i n<br />

God, and with this , superstitious too.<br />


•<br />

I did not understand <strong>the</strong>n, exactl y what he was talking<br />

ebcot., and a l so did not grasp <strong>the</strong> deeper meaning. It vas<br />

on ly many years later, when I had already forgotten <strong>the</strong><br />

priest, that I c learly carte to understand that <strong>the</strong> voi ce in<br />

my consciousness had nothing to do with i nsani ty o r de lusion ,<br />

but was onl y ano<strong>the</strong>r kind o f t e l epathy, and was <strong>the</strong> thoughtvoice<br />

of ano<strong>the</strong>r hurran being who lived on ano<strong>the</strong>r wor -Id.<br />

The priest explained that <strong>the</strong> voice s ounding in my consciousness<br />

was a t elepathic camunication rretihod like <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

telepathy event of two years before. '!his f orm of t elepathy<br />

could be exerci sed over unlimited distances and without i.mpedirrent,<br />

except for spiritual b lockade. For <strong>the</strong> first t i..rre<br />

I heard <strong>the</strong> expression, t ele pathy , when he ca lled this f orm<br />

of carmmication by that narre, It could a l so be exerci sed<br />

fran human to human over <strong>the</strong>ir normat consciousness a s 'Well .<br />

'I\o:o years before, when he spoke of t ele pathy, he s poke o f<br />

spiritual t elepathy, yet not <strong>the</strong> overriding o f one ' s pr imary<br />

thouqht.s , transmitted through material consciousness . In <strong>the</strong><br />

second conversation he f i rst explained to Ire that I was exceptionally<br />

receptive to extrerrely h igh frequencies, and<br />

that c r eatures o f l ower l evels, s uch as Earth humans f or<br />

exarrpl e , wou .ld not be able to force entry into Ire (spirit -<br />

ually) . 'Ibis woutd be only exclusive ly possible f or higher<br />

devel oped creatures , because I had care into this life to<br />

carry out a special mission, and s o had to be protected f r an<br />

wicked machinat ions and influenc es of l e sse r deve l oped intelligences<br />

and beings .<br />

'!he explanations o f <strong>the</strong> priest seemed very qcod, though he<br />

gave Ire a blCM when he explained that my life woul d be very<br />

dif ficult and full o f pr ivate suf fer ing, whi ch has been t.rue<br />

up to today. ''lith his explanat ions I cvercerre my fear and<br />

troubl ed mysel f to enlarge <strong>the</strong> t e lepathic contacts, whi.ch<br />

unt il n CM had been one-sided. I put ques tions and r eceived<br />

answers too, which c onfirrred what <strong>the</strong> priest had said.<br />

'!hese t e l epathic contacts tUITIed out to be c cmnunications<br />

with a human betnq who called himself SFA'IH . I \...as initiated<br />

into what appeared to be gigantic events, which often s eared<br />

to Ire r a<strong>the</strong>r mad. 'Ibe consequence o f this \...as that it all<br />

bet; isolated Ire fran my environrrent. I a H oced intrigues to<br />

take p l ace against rre without de fence , a s I had also<br />

done before. By this I became <strong>the</strong> s capegoat for a ll evil<br />

deeds which happened in <strong>the</strong> v i lla ge. But I did not care about<br />

this , and only silently smil ed inside myself when such 00-<br />


truths were o f f e r ed agains t me, and I suffered f or those. I<br />

was o f ten t reated to s uch b l CMS that a fterwards I could<br />

nei <strong>the</strong>r s tand nor sit. In this way my who le pos.Lt.Ion becarre<br />

rrore toughened. as \'o'ell as a t SChCXII , which I began to miss.<br />

But thi s did not dis turb me because I never<strong>the</strong> l ess learned<br />

much in s chool , to becane later and in better ti.rre s t i ll<br />

mere thoroughly and deeply educated by <strong>the</strong> t e j e patruc contacts<br />

with Sfath.<br />

'Through my many unexc use d absences (<strong>the</strong> "masterpi ece" in<br />

<strong>the</strong> ....o rst, year arrourrted to 173 unexcused absences) , peculiarly,<br />

nothing happened f ran <strong>the</strong> s chCXII administ ration. On<br />

<strong>the</strong> contrary, <strong>the</strong>y l e f t matters as <strong>the</strong>y we r e , unt il I had<br />

crnpleted a l l <strong>the</strong> s chCXII l evels unt il onl y 6 months r erratnect,<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> s c hool admini s tration struck back. But <strong>the</strong>se<br />

events, which v•..ere only a t i ny jot o f my life , ant icipated<br />

<strong>the</strong> consequent course o f my h i story, in which I shall not go<br />

into detail here.<br />

It was <strong>the</strong>n in 1944 when Sfath began tel epathic contact<br />

with Ire, and I , turned by <strong>the</strong> p r iest 's explanat ions, res<br />

pcnded posLt .tve Iy to this c ontact. St ill I did not knew<br />

<strong>the</strong>n that <strong>the</strong> first contact o f 0..'0 years ago sprang f ran <strong>the</strong><br />

s erre s ource, and that <strong>the</strong> old rren who had taken Ire wi th h im<br />

in <strong>the</strong> pear-shaped c raft was <strong>the</strong> sarre Sfath, himself, ...Iho<br />

OeM inf omed me tel e pathically about; being prepared f or a<br />

very difficult and rrost trrcortant, mis sion. I nON' had to<br />

decide for myself whe<strong>the</strong> r I woutd want to undertake <strong>the</strong><br />

burden o f this per sonal miss ion o r not . Fran his explana<br />

t ions, I had been s e lected f or this before my birth, and<br />

was , a ccor ding to this, unde r s teady contro l by this person .<br />

'!hat it was r eally t rue, I would be abl e to prove f r an <strong>the</strong><br />

fact that at an age o f six rronths I had f allen ill f ran a<br />

ve ry severe case of pneurronia, and hope f or my survdval had<br />

been g iven up. Late in <strong>the</strong> ni ght , Dr . Strebel , a medic a l<br />

doctor , had p r epared my parents f o r <strong>the</strong> shock , that on that<br />

sane night I ....rou.ld finish my life. As I l ay in a cam, a t<br />

<strong>the</strong> pcdnt; o f l eaving my earthly life , he, Sfath, had inter -<br />

vened and b r ought rre back to lif e .<br />

Of course I wanted t o examine this stat errent o f Sf ath I 5 ,<br />

and s o I asked my mo<strong>the</strong>r about events o f my babyhood. 'Ib rrry<br />

astonishrrent , she confinred Sf ath' s ....-ords and explained,<br />

that a "miracle " happened, a s <strong>the</strong>r e really was no hope for<br />

my young life. Even Dr . Strebel c a lled it a mi racle whi.ch<br />

was p l ainly unexpl ainable for him, because accor ding to his<br />


edical t ests <strong>the</strong> night before , I s houl d have been dead in<br />

<strong>the</strong> norrunq ,<br />

Sfath explained to Ire many o<strong>the</strong> r matters, taught Ire, and<br />

gave Ire data and infonration about whi ch I mist; remain<br />

s i lent my whole l ife.<br />

So <strong>the</strong> ti.rre passed unt il late Surrrrer 1944, when once again,<br />

as I strolled a l one, deep in thought , through <strong>the</strong> "Langenzinggen"<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Horagen forest near BUlach , I had walked<br />

sene dis tance a l ong , when suddenly Sfath announced himself<br />

by his neM becaning familiar telepathic method, and expl ained<br />

to rre that I should wai t sore minutes and not get worried.<br />

So I just waited expectantly to see what v..'QUId happen. I t<br />

did not take l ong, only a f ew minut es, and <strong>the</strong>re a silvery<br />

object flew- fran <strong>the</strong> sky. A, f o r my understanding, seeming<br />

ra<strong>the</strong>r strange f ormatdon of rretal not rmre than five or six<br />

meters in diarreter. Near to Ire <strong>the</strong> object touched <strong>the</strong> ground,<br />

a pearl- like flying machine, as I stared in fascina t i on. I<br />

coul d nCM see sarething rroving in <strong>the</strong> side of <strong>the</strong> object , an<br />

opening f o ITlling i tself, and outstepped a figure. It was an<br />

a lready very o l d man, who was inside of a very s trange suit.<br />

He was now walking 'towards me, like bef ore, when years ago<br />

I saw him f o r <strong>the</strong> first t iIre. '!his tiJre he was in a sort o f<br />

deep-sea diving-suit, which was quite silvery outside, and<br />

of which <strong>the</strong> helIret was missing. Yet through this suit his<br />

wh ote appearance seared venerable and wise, and I still renembered<br />

very well how he seerred to rre like a venerable o l d<br />

patri arch.<br />

A bit awkwardly, <strong>the</strong> old man c erre up t o roe and spoke up in<br />

my rro<strong>the</strong>r's l anguage, and <strong>the</strong> flat dialect used in our<br />

village. But evidently he was a bi t unaquainted with it,<br />

because he pronounced sene syllables incorrectly, which<br />

struck rre a t o nce. He explained that he was Sfath, and that<br />

I shoul d care with him now . Under an easy sort of coerc ion<br />

I f o j Iosed him, as I had done a f ew years before , to <strong>the</strong><br />

peculiar pearl- like object, and <strong>the</strong>re I was screhcc e levated<br />

through <strong>the</strong> door wi thout r ecognizing how I was lif t ed.. Suddenly<br />

<strong>the</strong> door c l os ed i tself behind us, <strong>the</strong>n Sfath l ed Ire<br />

through ano<strong>the</strong>r door into <strong>the</strong> inner part of <strong>the</strong> object , to a<br />

small r ocm in which <strong>the</strong>re were three peculiar chairs. The<br />

walls and strange desks were fUll o f instrurrents and controls.<br />

I also saw sore different small windcws in which figures<br />

rroved, and in sene I saw <strong>the</strong> who le l andsc ape around outside<br />

<strong>the</strong> flight machine. '!hen Sfath o r dered Ire to sit da.m. , and<br />


he ....zor ked with s crre aparatus <strong>the</strong>re. I did not understand.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> different small i lluminated wtndowa, I saw that <strong>the</strong><br />

figures and <strong>the</strong> pictures o f <strong>the</strong> landscape were changing and<br />

I suddenly r e a lized that I was seeing a bird's-eye view.<br />

Inquiringly, I now turned my eyes to Sfath, who turned to<br />

rre and sat down. He explained, "Those littl e ' windows' are<br />

not windows, but v.lewmq s creens, which a t present and also<br />

in <strong>the</strong> f uture will be developed on Ear-th", It treated o f a<br />

picture transmission by c e rtai n energies . Then he explained<br />

to me that now we we re very high above <strong>the</strong> g r ound , at about<br />

70 kilerreters height . He r e would stay for scrre f ew hours,<br />

as he wou l d h ave t o t e ll me many very Irrpor-tent. f acts and<br />

educate Ire on sane ve ry Irrpor-tent; mat.ter-s . He explained t o<br />

Ire my reason f or being alre ady developed to <strong>the</strong> a ge o f a 35<br />

year o ld due to his efforts and that my spiritual developrrent<br />

was about equa l . I had passed and l e ft behind Farth<br />

s tandards. And because o f this nobody ....uuld be able to answersane<br />

o f my spiritually directed questions . (\',hich r e a lly<br />

happened as ne i<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> priest nor my <strong>the</strong>n t eacher Karl Graf<br />

were able to answer sere o f my questions.)<br />

It is interesting f or Ire tcdey to r eca ll, having <strong>the</strong>n felt<br />

no fear when Sfath t o l d me that ....ee floated 70 , 000 meters<br />

above Earth. I d id not even wonder about thi s as everything<br />

appeared r a <strong>the</strong> r familiar to me, and se lf expl anatory. In<br />

fact I no l onge r wondered about those explanations of Sfath,<br />

and I kept stoic calmness when he told rre that he would fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

care for me on l y until <strong>the</strong> beginning o f <strong>the</strong> 50s, and<br />

coujd hand this mission over to ano<strong>the</strong>r, as his t.iIre was<br />

nearing it's end. ..<br />

Sfath explained that manktnd of Farth would approach a<br />

very dangerous ti.Ire, and <strong>the</strong> still running s econd wsor-Id war<br />

would see i t 's end in <strong>the</strong> f ollowing year o f 1945, because<br />

<strong>the</strong> .t i.Ire woutd care when <strong>the</strong> event o f Sodccn and Garorrha<br />

....oujd be repeated in all it' s rralignance, and f ran which <strong>the</strong><br />

end o f <strong>the</strong> war wo u Id be initiated. (Today it is evident that<br />

<strong>the</strong> dark p r ophecy pertained t o Hi roshima and Nagasaki which<br />

received <strong>the</strong> first a taauc bombs o f our age .) Sfath a lso made<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r s taterrents about which I am obliged t o keep s ilent <strong>the</strong><br />

r e st o f my life .<br />

Sfath never told me his a ge, yet I estimated him t o be 90<br />

to 95 years o ld. He never told me his o r igin, and what my<br />

mission would eventua lly beccrre, '!he first I knew o f <strong>the</strong><br />

last rratter carre decades later, f r an ano<strong>the</strong> r s ource.<br />


But much woukd happen before <strong>the</strong>n, and I would meet with<br />

IMnY things which o ften f o rced Ire to <strong>the</strong> edge o f del usion,<br />

and a lso to <strong>the</strong> edge of death.<br />

I was a lways able to<br />

bridge <strong>the</strong> dangerous situation with my own forces, and onl y<br />

in a few cases was I given help, about which I now know for<br />

sure today, and that this was always directly or indirectly<br />

by extraterrestrial intervention.

Thi s r emar kabl e instrument and it' s use by Sfath r ema inds us o f a s i mi lar<br />

" i nc ulcation" device used on Bill He rrmann by his ex t.r e t erree t r ua r abduc t -<br />

or s f r om Reticul um. (See UfO FROM RETICULUM, by Stevens and William<br />

J . Her r mann, same pub l isher. ) In <strong>the</strong> Charleston case t he device was used<br />

t o incul cate vas t amount s of knowledge into Bill Herr man ' s mi nd which was<br />

all pr evious ly to hi m, an d i t inc luded anci ent past history as<br />

as fut ur e events as de scr ibed by Eduard uet e r here . tluch of t he krrow l e dqe<br />

was inculcat ed in such a way t hat a given event happen i ng would tri gger t he<br />

r elease o f a quantity of knordedge not pr eviously in <strong>the</strong> cons c ious mind o f<br />

Bill Herrmann.<br />

After <strong>the</strong>se l ast explana t ions, Sf ath br o ught Ire back t o<br />

Earth again, t o exact l y <strong>the</strong> s ame place where we had s tarted<br />

fran hours before . Then he once rrore disappeared into his<br />

pear- shaped ship and I ne ver s aw him a gain. Only I still<br />

noticed his voice for sere years a fter , when he transmitt ed<br />

many f acts and much knowl e dge to ITe . On <strong>the</strong> 3rd o f February<br />

in <strong>the</strong> year of xxxx, his voi ce di smiss ed me as he s ounded<br />

o l d and t ired, and <strong>the</strong>n he f a ded away f oreve r .<br />

Only a few hours after Sfath I s f ading voi ce, which had in<br />

<strong>the</strong> rreant.Irre becare l ike a part of rre , a new voice carte into<br />

rre just as wi th Sfath. It sinply was suddenl y <strong>the</strong>re and spoke<br />

to me. I f elt this voi ce a s w i ng young and fresh, f ull of<br />

f orce and qui te different fran that of Sf a th, very soft and<br />

hanronic . 'Ibis new voice told me i t was a she , and coul d be<br />

c a lled A S K E T, and s he now woul d be my new c crrpeny , So<br />

she becarre <strong>the</strong> s econd contact, and through her in <strong>the</strong> course<br />

of <strong>the</strong> fa llowing years, I aqui red a phencrrenat knowl edge and<br />

phenarenal understandings . Through her and her abilities I<br />

was l ed out <strong>the</strong> first t i.Jre 'towards <strong>the</strong> far 'WOrld, which I<br />

late r would journey f or a very l ong t i.Jre, and <strong>the</strong>re we re so<br />

few s hort years f o r Ire to examine and exp l o re s o many things ,<br />

and above a ll, t o learn f r an this.<br />

Upon establishing telepathic contac t with Me i e r , Asket t ook over his<br />

educat ion Sfath had left off and guided him through a series of ad -<br />

ventur es de s igned t o toughen him f or adv ersity . It eas she l ed him<br />

t hrough Af r ica and t he french f o r e i gn legion, <strong>the</strong> Des ert Caravans , t he<br />

s lavers and <strong>the</strong> bootleg gers, i nto t he ha nds of <strong>the</strong> Pi rat es of t he Arabian<br />

Sea, and across t he Indian Ocean with smugglers t o t he sub- continent o f<br />

Indi a he made his living a s a snake c atcher , mendicant and aes<strong>the</strong>tic.<br />

In India he made his way to an Ashram north of Delhi , he studied<br />

an d meditat ed unde r a " t eache r " . And t he re Aske t contacted h i m many times<br />

and he saw and photogr aphed her sh i ps on a number of occasions , sometimes<br />

i n front o f hundr eds and e ven thousands of wi tnesses .<br />


But t hat i s ano<strong>the</strong>r stor y , quite extensive a lso, and very illuminating,<br />

but far t oo much to go i nto detail on in this r eport. In fact <strong>the</strong> OAls •<br />

..ere well kn OYtn t o <strong>the</strong> Pleiadians and Asket knew Seejeee persona lly and<br />

even ca rried ou t research projects with he r .<br />



First Cantact Thesday, 28 J anuary 1975<br />

I t was on Tuesday , 28 January 1975, at 13 :00, when I was<br />

occupi ed at hare with trying to record "tape-voice s ", a try<br />

that had been unsuccessful f or rronths, and a lso continued<br />

fur<strong>the</strong> r on . Never<strong>the</strong> l ess , on that day I was I ucky, even if<br />

i t was o<strong>the</strong>rwi se than what I expected. I t concerned scnetrunq<br />

f o r this point in t ine crnpletel y new, and pertained to an<br />

event I had not expected unt il one year l ater.<br />

Like f r an out o f nothing, suddenl y s crrething was ins i de o f<br />

me, a force , which a ll()\o,'E!d me t o lis ten inside. St owjy a ll<br />

becarre c l ear for me, and f or <strong>the</strong> first t iJre r esolved matters<br />

SlCMly crys talizing <strong>the</strong>mse lves. '!hey were words, thoughts of<br />

scrrecne , whi ch s Icwt y made <strong>the</strong>mselves understandable to me<br />

and a lIcwed me to listen. '!hey ce re ve ry peaceful and very<br />

f amiliar to me, though <strong>the</strong>y carre up in this strange manner<br />

and forced <strong>the</strong>mselves into me, and <strong>the</strong>y carte fran saneone<br />

who was up to now unknown to me. Quite suddenly I understocd<br />

<strong>the</strong> meaning o f <strong>the</strong>se s ymbolic picture f o rms and words which<br />

transmitted. a mes sage to me, that I s houl d take a camera and<br />

leave <strong>the</strong> house, whi ch I did without ques t ioning and Wi thout<br />

kncwing why I did s o , l ike obeying an irresi s table ccnrrand ,<br />

The call s eerred t o be for me, a lJrost l ike a soft coer cion.<br />

So I took my vehicle, a rrotor c ycl e , and drove awa y . I drove<br />

a imlessl y , i t seemed to me, but we.l I gui ded to a certain<br />

p lace , as l a t e r becarre evident .<br />

I drove through <strong>the</strong> Vi llage (Hinwil) on several s treets,<br />

and scrre ten minut es beyond . I carre to fields, drove across<br />

and a long through meadows and f orests, and in this wayreached<br />

a quite l one ly area (in <strong>the</strong> Fr echt Nature Preserve ). On a<br />

little r oad , near <strong>the</strong> nature preserve region, s toc:d a l ong<br />

dis tance t r ansport truck whose driver had disappeared into<br />

<strong>the</strong> near forest, apparently to do sarething . Interes ted in<br />

<strong>the</strong> big van, I stopped and examined i t fran all sides . It<br />

was a German truck f r an <strong>the</strong> cont r o l number on <strong>the</strong> p lates.<br />

I g l anced a t my watch and no t iced that it was 14: 12. I had<br />

been driving around for one full hour a l ready. Just at this<br />

rrcrrent; I heard a very silent but s anehcw known , peculiar<br />

stirring in <strong>the</strong> air, s o I looked up into <strong>the</strong> c l oudy sky.<br />

I saw made me wo nder' if I was dreaming, though this<br />

s i ght was already lma.m to me s ince earliest youth.<br />

Yet what I saw was not expected. s o soon, because as I had<br />

been told, I counted on this first happening one year l ater,<br />

still to care.<br />


Fran out of <strong>the</strong> c l ouds an ob ject came, reducing its s peed<br />

considerably and s i cwry curved a long about 350 met .era of<br />

f or est . 'The stirring had suddenl y s topped as <strong>the</strong> obj ect re -<br />

duced i t I s speed nore, It nCM flew in carpl ete silence, and<br />

I coul d see i ts exact f o rm, a disc-l ike object wi.th s imilar<br />

shape on top and botton. The upper dcrre was sore l arger than<br />

<strong>the</strong> base, and was equipped \vith red, high p l a ced, r ectang l es<br />

if I sa\"l cor rect l y .<br />

Hastily I seized my camera and a trred at <strong>the</strong> ob j ect , because<br />

I knew v e ry f ran earlier experience that I had to<br />

be very qudck with <strong>the</strong> photographing if I wanted to have a<br />

chance at getting a photo on <strong>the</strong> film . Because o f <strong>the</strong>ir extrrerre<br />

veloci ty, erratic flying, and <strong>the</strong>ir suddenly di sappearing,<br />

<strong>the</strong>se ob jects can s e 1dcm be photographed, and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

in IIDst cases are on l y seen in pic t ures a s dissolved shadows.<br />

So I quickly snapped <strong>the</strong> first picture , at exactl y 14: 15,<br />

when <strong>the</strong> ob j ect was onl y 150 rreters away fran Ire, and al so<br />

flying a t about 150 rreter s above <strong>the</strong> ground .<br />

Only a fr act ion o f a s econd af ter s hooting this p i cture,<br />

<strong>the</strong> ob j ect rapid ly s ped away to <strong>the</strong> west and disappeared.<br />

'!hen s uddenly <strong>the</strong> sti rring was in <strong>the</strong> air again, but <strong>the</strong><br />

flying object had r api dly returned a lrea dy and was hover ing<br />

about 100 rreters above <strong>the</strong> truck as suddenly <strong>the</strong> s tirring<br />

grew silent again. I t was exact l y 44 rreters to <strong>the</strong> truck as<br />

l ater treasured. It was <strong>the</strong>n that I shot <strong>the</strong> second pic ture.<br />

But j ust a t <strong>the</strong> mcment I pushed <strong>the</strong> r e lease on my c arrera ,<br />

<strong>the</strong> ob ject began to approach f r an that hove r position - t o<br />

s tcp s uddenl y in <strong>the</strong> air on ly 50 meter s above <strong>the</strong> ground<br />

beyond <strong>the</strong> truck. New I was able to s ee <strong>the</strong> object very d istinctly<br />

, and to r ecognize i t as certainly not an Earth flying<br />

rrechine , but an extraterrestria l fligh t vehic le, a t first<br />

still an unidenti fied flying obj ect o f unknown or igin, a<br />

"flying saucer " as <strong>the</strong> s e obj ects had in error and s o r edieu10usly<br />

i::lecare de s ignated.<br />

'!he Iooer s i de o f <strong>the</strong> disc s eared to vibrate as though it<br />

a l i.ve . I t l ooked l ike l ittle waves running cont inuousl y<br />

in and through <strong>the</strong> unders ide of <strong>the</strong> ship, by which <strong>the</strong> skin<br />

appeared damaged and o ld, near ly l ike a was h ing- board . 'Ihese<br />

waves s eerred to be i rregular and kind of inconsist ent, but<br />

very peculiar and of energet ic character . Solid matt er seemed<br />

t o dissolve in <strong>the</strong> r adia t ions o f <strong>the</strong>se waves. The t ruck<br />

looked l ike it was s uddenly enveloped in heat i-wa ves . I could<br />

not see it c l ear ly, and beside s this i t seerred much f ar<strong>the</strong>r<br />


28 January 1975, 14:32 , Frecht Nature Preserve SOJt h.,'€'St of Hi.n\'1il village.<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> fcurth picture of <strong>the</strong> f irst series o f Ifrt.cgrafhs of <strong>the</strong> Pleiedtan<br />

spacecraft m'rle bj B::iuard /·eier in S,'litzerlarrl. This craft a:ri.tted a<br />

variable In..rrr:1in:]-v.'hining scurrl as i t approached am prepared to land. !·leier<br />

rot.teed a rifpling wave-like rrotioo fran center to r im en <strong>the</strong> urrlerside.<br />


28<br />

Ieo<br />


,<br />

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!l<br />

co<br />

N<br />


.<br />

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ject wi th <strong>the</strong>ir f iner senses and f led in panic.<br />

Slo.vly <strong>the</strong> object OCM curved down over <strong>the</strong> f or est 'towards<br />

<strong>the</strong> c learing, and no.... very s i cwry i t sank doNn <strong>the</strong>re. I na.v<br />

shot <strong>the</strong> next picture, <strong>the</strong> third one now, and that as exactly<br />

14:31. One minute l ater <strong>the</strong> f ourth picture followed,<br />

taken f ran about 180 meters distance. '!hen I sew <strong>the</strong> object<br />

sink dCMl1 f ur<strong>the</strong> r to <strong>the</strong> ground and finally touch gently on<br />

<strong>the</strong> meadow ground of <strong>the</strong> clearing - carpletely silent, as<br />

<strong>the</strong> stir ring had died away.<br />

After <strong>the</strong> l anding I bofdl.y went. up and wanted to observe<br />

<strong>the</strong> object f ran c lose-by, but about; 100 meters before <strong>the</strong><br />

object, a great power' seerred to check my progress . I t seerred<br />

l ike I was bucking <strong>the</strong> winds of a silent storm, or against<br />

an oppoaite po.led rraqnet, ''lith a great effort I t r ied to<br />

stnlggle against this and to nove forward, I even succeeded<br />

at this, but for only a few rreters, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> counteracting<br />

f orce was simply teo great, and I just sat down <strong>the</strong>re on<br />

<strong>the</strong> ground. I stared over at <strong>the</strong> object and waited to see<br />

what would happen, whi ch surely had t o care. And I was not<br />

mistaken, because in less than a minute sanething happened.<br />

Fran behind <strong>the</strong> object a figure appear ed, obviously a human<br />

being in a peculiar but never<strong>the</strong>less already knOM1 to me<br />

suit, a cosmic suit , sarething l ike that used by our Farth<br />

astronauts, except it was not as c .lumsy and heavy as <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth prcx:1ucts, but seemed to be very pliant and light , as<br />

soon as I could tel l. Actually <strong>the</strong> suit was rrore l ike a<br />

coverall of a peculiar gray color. Fran very c lose it looked<br />

as i f it ....'ere rrade o f e lephant's skin - at l east <strong>the</strong> naterial<br />

r eminded me o f <strong>the</strong> skin of an elephant which I once had<br />

touched in Africa , and a lso ano<strong>the</strong>r whose skin I once t ouched<br />

and l ooked at c loser in SWi tzer land, in <strong>the</strong> zoo. Besides<br />

this, <strong>the</strong> s uit was c lose-fit ted on <strong>the</strong> body and extrerrely<br />

durable which was easy to see. Around <strong>the</strong> neck r an a ring,<br />

which evidently served for <strong>the</strong> rrounting of a helrret, which<br />

this l ong- hai r ed ufonaut was not wearing new . Evidently <strong>the</strong><br />

Farth a tIrosphere was suited for him. '!he head was free and<br />

no doubt that of a ....'Cm:lI1 o r simply a girl. '!he l ook o f her<br />

face was open and free , and nothing indicated supe.r-bumanness,<br />

pretentiousness or spirituality. She just seemed t o be<br />

a norrraI hurran being, ...i thout super-ability o r super-beauty,<br />

or even a supra-wor -Ld beauty. She simply l ooked l ike a quite<br />

normal. f emal e creature, though she was devilishly attractive.<br />

She a lso wa l ked qui.te norrral, like a normal wanan , yet scrre<br />


stronger, rrore sure , and not particularly dainty, affected,<br />

proud, or trying to make any s pecial iITpression. She just<br />

wal ked like a wcman with natural self- consciousness, selfconfidence<br />

and easy nat ural grace .<br />

Stowty this creature c arre near to Ire, seized rre by my a rm<br />

and pul led Ire up. '!he grip of <strong>the</strong> girl was strong and sure ,<br />

but yet very pleasant and secure. By s low s teps went to<br />

II¥ vehicle, where we roth just sat do.om in <strong>the</strong> dry grass.<br />

Then <strong>the</strong> lIFCrgirl began to speak, not in my hare l anguage,<br />

but in a per fect German, with an a ccent peculiar to rre. The<br />

introductory conversation was not very l ong, but <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong><br />

f ollC1Ning conversat ion l ast ed for a l onger t i.Ire bef ore <strong>the</strong><br />

girl went o f f again, dfsappeared into <strong>the</strong> object and flew<br />

away, to vanish f ran my s ight seconds l a ter high above <strong>the</strong><br />

c louds .<br />

She l eft Ire a t 15: 51. Shortl y after <strong>the</strong> s tarting of <strong>the</strong><br />

s hip , a t 15: 58 , I shot sore rrore pictures fran about; 185<br />

rreters distance. \'lith interest, I noticed that shortly before<br />

s tarting <strong>the</strong> s hip , reIOW' and to <strong>the</strong> sides of it, everything<br />

rrerged toge<strong>the</strong>r in strong heat-waves which seerred to<br />

disso l ve <strong>the</strong> environrrent as well a s <strong>the</strong> contours of <strong>the</strong> trees<br />

and all, while e verything changed into diff erent col o rs, evidently<br />

by sore radiation. Also <strong>the</strong> distances seerred to a l -<br />

ternate, and everything gave <strong>the</strong> iITpression o f being distorted,<br />

as I had already seen when I s napped <strong>the</strong> second p i c-<br />

t ure. At <strong>the</strong> start of <strong>the</strong> s hip here it was more e asy to s ee,<br />

and I noticed <strong>the</strong> abso l ute c learness o f a b lue-red r adiati on,<br />

which nay be s een in <strong>the</strong> fifth exposure.<br />

After shcoting my last p icture, <strong>the</strong> ship t urned away over<br />

<strong>the</strong> tops o f three firs, and slowly withdrew northwards into<br />

<strong>the</strong> sky where it stopped j ust beyond <strong>the</strong> t rees. I took <strong>the</strong><br />

l ast photo a t 16 :00, being <strong>the</strong> l ast f rarre on <strong>the</strong> roll o f<br />

f ilm. Onty seconds after this last picture <strong>the</strong> s t irring<br />

sound began again and <strong>the</strong> ship s hot fran a standing position<br />

by read speed s traight upwards into <strong>the</strong> c l oudy sky and finally<br />

disappeared fran view.<br />

Meier returned home <strong>from</strong> t his first co ntact with this £ Twoman, he<br />

sat do vo.fl t o write up l"ha t he coul d remember of <strong>the</strong> details of <strong>the</strong> expe r I eoce<br />

and <strong>the</strong> con ve rsat ion wi th <strong>the</strong> ufonaut. he began to nrite down <strong>the</strong> conve<br />

rsation, i t came ba ck to him word-far-word, j us t as it had be en spoken ,<br />

r apidly and c learly. Thi s was h i s fi rst expe r- Ience with t he new form of<br />

" t r ans mi ssion" that wss s oon perfected and refined to t he ext ent that l ong<br />

and detailed dial ogues were r e-capt ured for <strong>the</strong> Con tact file .<br />


28 January 1975 , 15 :58, Precht Nature Preserve near HinwiL, '!his is <strong>the</strong><br />

fifth picture o f <strong>the</strong> first series o f o f <strong>the</strong> Pleiadian strips<br />

taxen by" Etluard "Bi lly" i'e ier. This is o f <strong>the</strong> first t:YIE of Ple.ia::lian craft<br />

seen, Io.'hich we have called variation I for identilication. I t is al:o.tt<br />

seven rosters in dtareter ,<br />


•<br />

28 1975, 15 : 59, Frecht nature Preserve near Hirwi.L, This is tre<br />

s ixth ard best picture o f <strong>the</strong> first seri es o f fh::I\:ograJX1s o f <strong>the</strong> Pleia:ii.a.1<br />

spececraft., Variaticn I , captured ty E:fuard !·eier in that first ccotect<br />


Here are f-lei e r ' s first contact not es describing t he ex pe r i ence , and now<br />

ee present t hat f i r-st di alogue just as Eduard l1eier recorded it in his<br />

not es. \-le have made on e change i n <strong>the</strong> form where have s ubstituted lhe<br />

names of t he s peak e rs ,·,hen <strong>the</strong> original nol es us("d a symbo l for each speaker<br />

to save repetitious writing of <strong>the</strong> names .<br />

First Conversat ion With The UFOnaut<br />

(True-to-\vord .repeat.,<br />

as f ar as .rerrerroered)<br />

UFO W:m:m- You are a fearless human being .<br />

I<br />

have un learned fear and have beccre object ive.<br />

UFO W:::IIBn- I know, because I have s tudied you for years.<br />

Very nice -<br />

and why this?<br />

UFO W:m:m- Because I want to wake sanething c lear t o you .<br />

I s nobc:x:1y e lse suited for<br />

that?<br />

UFO W:::IIBn- SUre ly, but ....'e have provided you, because you<br />

already occupy yourself f o r many years wi th this probl em,<br />

and think really and sincere ly l ike this as weLl .<br />

'Ihanks for <strong>the</strong> f .locer-s,<br />

UFO Vbran- No r eason, because <strong>the</strong>y are your own rre r -i.t. .<br />

\-Jell ,<br />

but who are you really?<br />

UFO W::::m'm- J ust cal l ID2 "du" (you) , as I do as wa Ll to you.<br />

But<br />

um\'bIEn-<br />

<strong>Pleiades</strong> .<br />

who are you?<br />

I am called<br />

In <strong>the</strong> <strong>Pleiades</strong>?<br />

Semjese- Surely .<br />

" SEH J ASE" , and I or iginat e in <strong>the</strong><br />

A nice walk I would say. HCM did you perfo rm s uch a<br />

walk - perhaps through hyper-space?<br />

senjase- You often knew rm re than we desire.<br />

s o? I am c l ose (mou<strong>the</strong>d) and no cha t rter box ,<br />

senjase- I know and because of that your kncwl edge is in<br />

<strong>the</strong> right p lace. I and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs thus have no sor-rows for<br />

that sake .<br />


\.,b.y have you obstructed <strong>the</strong> way reward your s hip<br />

against Ire ? about <strong>the</strong> film in my carrera? Has it been<br />

destroyed?<br />

Semjase- Certainl y not, and you a t l east s hall have photo.<br />

proofs .<br />

Mf!:ier- I see, I ought to publicise, but how shall I arrange<br />

such?<br />

Semjase- You will, and l ater I will explain <strong>the</strong> way f or you.<br />

Mf!:ier- <strong>the</strong>n, but i s n't this .sarewha t dangerous, to<br />

l eave your ship l anded so openly when o<strong>the</strong> r human beings may<br />

pass a long here?<br />

Semj ase-- Don t t; worry, because it is s o provided that no<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r human being c an care nearer than 500 meters in circumference<br />

around i t. And besides this, <strong>the</strong> bearnship i s protected<br />

by <strong>the</strong> forest and <strong>the</strong> hill against s ight fran very<br />

far.<br />

Mf!:ier- Yes, '!hen I am to beccrre drawn into <strong>the</strong> rreet ing by<br />

myself alone?<br />

semjase-- Yes, and you know why .<br />

Mf!:ier- I understand - unfortunat ely .<br />

Semjase- ..'hen you a lso regret i t, <strong>the</strong>re i s nothing to change<br />

in this, nor in <strong>the</strong> future.<br />

Meier- I a lso understand - Hy dear fe .lIcw creat ures .<br />

semjase- Surely, <strong>the</strong>ir s pi r i tual r ecognitions have a l ong<br />

way t o go . But you have taken <strong>the</strong> trouble and have l earned.<br />

You have f ound <strong>the</strong> truth and have acqui.red <strong>the</strong> kncwtedqe ,<br />

Because of this, you stand out f ran <strong>the</strong> great mass o f hurran<br />

beings, and thus we have decided on you.<br />

M:!:ier- You al ways s ay "we" , Does this neen, that .<br />

Semjase- SUrely. I have a lready said tha t you o ften knee<br />

rror e than may be pleasant f or us . Pl ease keep silence about<br />

this, because <strong>the</strong> truth i s already difficult enough f or <strong>the</strong><br />

hurran beings .<br />

Jot!ier- I have never owned this kncMledge , and consequently<br />

I a lso can not tell about i t .<br />

Semjase-- You can a lso tell it, as you do , and I knew that<br />


you will hush. I know that you WOU ld even contest all and<br />

<strong>the</strong> whol e event, and o ffer it for fantasy if anyone should<br />

want to f orce you to s peak.<br />

M'ller- You really knew Ire very we Ll ,<br />

Semja.se- '!hus we have chosen you, but enough of <strong>the</strong> questions<br />

and enscersr do lis ten new very thoroughly to Ire, what<br />

I have to tell you . Write everything down and go to <strong>the</strong> public<br />

with this <strong>the</strong>n.<br />

fuier- HCM can I , as I have nothing he r e f o r wri ting . I<br />

a lso have no r ecorder or anything s imil ar.<br />

SEmja.se- N:J about that , because you can wri te it down<br />

l ater. Fi rst , I wi ll explain it a ll to you so that you have<br />

a survey. en <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand it is easier for Ire l ater, to<br />

pet myself in connection with you and give this into your<br />

t.hcxJ.ghts, f ran which you can <strong>the</strong>n wri te i t all dcwn wordfer-word,<br />

everything very exactl y.<br />

brought<br />

Are you thinking o f <strong>the</strong> Satre manner in which you<br />

Ire to here?<br />

Semjase- You really know too mrch, and make a ll honor for u s .<br />

'Ihank. you.<br />

Semj ase- All right <strong>the</strong>n. So do listen nCM and only interrupt<br />

fIE when you r eally do not understand. . .<br />

frOll t his point on all s ent ences s poke n by an y of t he Pl eiadians in any<br />

contact a re numbered sequent i ally , by contact , fo r future reference. We<br />

have been asked t o c ontinue t he numbe ring s o as to f aci l i t at e cross-checki<br />

ng with <strong>the</strong> original ve rsi on in Ge r man .<br />

Semjase's Exp lanation<br />

Semjase- l/Already, for s ene t i.rre we have been urged. to<br />

make contact with ano<strong>the</strong>r Earth-hurran being, who really and<br />

sincer e ly wants to be hel pful to our mission. 2/Al ready<br />

very of ten we have tried this , but <strong>the</strong> human beings chosen<br />

cere not kncwl edqeahl e enough, and willing, and a lso l acked<br />

sincerity and l oya l ty. 3/ And those .... had s e lected f or our<br />

endeavors, feared for <strong>the</strong>mse l ves and kept silence about; our<br />

appearfnq. 4/They insist <strong>the</strong>y eourd be abused f or insanity<br />

and may be harned by official and s tupid-human intrigues,<br />

and be accused o f lying. 5/But despite that, many boastiful<br />


•<br />

humans care up, pret ending contact with us and pretending<br />

even having flown in <strong>the</strong> s hips . 6/Those are nothing rrore<br />

than deceivers who s un <strong>the</strong>mselves in doubt ful gl ory and want<br />

to profit f ran all. 7/ Earth-hurnans have whole organizations<br />

\oIhi.ch trouble <strong>the</strong>msel ves to explain our beamships, but above<br />

all <strong>the</strong>re exi sts a few that really were au<strong>the</strong>nt ic. 8/They<br />

have many photos , which but expose nothing rrore than sore<br />

lights and light - a ppearances of na t u r al or igin, o r quit e<br />

conscious f alsificati ons. 9/ 0l1y very f ew o f <strong>the</strong>se photoproofs<br />

are au<strong>the</strong>ntic and really show our bearrships. l O/r-bst<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se photos are onl y creat ions o f photographica l deceit<br />

manufactured by c heater s and charlatans whose nerres becare<br />

known wor l dwide by this . l1/ 'Their books and manuscripts<br />

wr i tten f ran this poaLtdon are al so a decept ion fo r purpose<br />

o f r eputat ion and self -glory. I 2/ 0n <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r hand, many<br />

dare to connect us with <strong>the</strong> human r e ligions, wi th which v.'e<br />

want no concern in any way or any t .Irre , 13/Your so-called<br />

sects don ' t shrink fran this s tep , and <strong>the</strong>mselves deceive<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir f e Ll .cw creatures by s uch belie f. 14/These inf arrous<br />

and primit i ve rrechtna t .Lons s hould stop before <strong>the</strong> whore<br />

\oo'Orld is overccee by such. 15/ 1f <strong>the</strong>se deceivers were really<br />

in contact with us, and resredned so, <strong>the</strong>n \-.'e wo u ld have off<br />

e red <strong>the</strong>m a c hance to get very c lear photographic proof o f<br />

our beamshtps. 16 / But as <strong>the</strong>y are r eally no t sincere humans<br />

we h ave not g i ven this chance to <strong>the</strong>m. 17/ Fo r evidence o f<br />

this f act o f t ruth, w: gave you <strong>the</strong> chance to make distinct<br />

pictures of one of our beamships. 18/ Yet a lso fur<strong>the</strong> r on,<br />

\...e will o ffer a chance for you to obtain s till better and<br />

c learer picture evidence.<br />

19/The Earth human being ca lls us extraterrestria l s or<br />

star-peop l e , o r however he wants . 20/ He addicts to us s u-<br />

pernatural things and does not knew us in <strong>the</strong> least . 21/ In<br />

truth we are human beings l ike <strong>the</strong> Earth human being, 'teo,<br />

but our knowl edge and wis dcm are superior t o his , as we l I as<br />

our t echnology. 22 / All right, <strong>the</strong> Earth human has taken his<br />

first very small step 'towar ds cosmic s paceflight , but this<br />

is no mere t han <strong>the</strong> f irst primitive at tempt . 23/Even if he<br />

....,ou l d reach <strong>the</strong> lobon by his miss iles, he has not r eached<br />

cosmic space. 24 /By <strong>the</strong> hi<strong>the</strong>rto manner ', he a lso ....,oul d never<br />

reach it at any t ime, f o r necessary f o r this i s an irrpulsion<br />

which is able to penetrate <strong>the</strong> hyperspace and dissolve <strong>the</strong><br />

infini te dis tances . 25/Space and ti..rre a re not overcare by<br />

space and t ime, but by spacelessness and timel essness , \.mich<br />


eans that space and t ine collapse into one ano<strong>the</strong>r and becare<br />

equally directional to zero-tine. 26/ By that , a few<br />

f ractions of a s econd are enough to rush through b i llions of<br />

light years, practically without l oss of t i.rre, because <strong>the</strong><br />

zero-tirre neutralizes space and t.Ine s i..multaneously .<br />

27/ Hany deceivers pr etend <strong>the</strong>y are in contact wf th (o<strong>the</strong>r)<br />

planetary human beings of your sol ar system, and even having<br />

flCMrl with o r i n <strong>the</strong>ir s hips. 28/'Ihat i s nothing rrore than<br />

f alse, as rrost o f <strong>the</strong> stars (planets) indicated are so desol<br />

ate that human life i s not e ven possibl e <strong>the</strong> r e . 29/ o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

planets (in this so lar system) on <strong>the</strong> contrary are l ong<br />

since dead o f life , or are in <strong>the</strong> f i rst s tages o f development<br />

. 3D/Still o<strong>the</strong>r solar syst ems have manifold life, and<br />

not only human . 31/ 'Ihe forms of life are various, of human<br />

and ani.ma.l sort. 32/Also many aniIrel - like, or even plant<br />

f o rms , o f life have deve loped to higher states. 33/SJ <strong>the</strong>re<br />

exist sorts which aquired. much kncwtedqe and freed <strong>the</strong>rrselves<br />

fran <strong>the</strong>ir life regions, and <strong>the</strong>y a lso travel through <strong>the</strong><br />

Universe, and here and <strong>the</strong>re care to <strong>the</strong> Earth. 34 /l>lany of<br />

<strong>the</strong>m a re r a<strong>the</strong>r nasty corrterrporarfes and live in a certain<br />

barbari sm, which is still wo r-se than yours. 35/You ought to<br />

be on your guard before <strong>the</strong>se, because <strong>the</strong>y often attack and<br />

des troy e verything that cares in <strong>the</strong>ir way. 36/ They even<br />

have dest royed. whole planets or beaten <strong>the</strong>ir inhabitants<br />

into barbarous bondage.<br />

37/ 'Ihis is one o f our mi ssions, to warn <strong>the</strong> Earth human<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se creatures. 38/Let this be known to <strong>the</strong> burrans, because<br />

rrore and rrore <strong>the</strong> t .Irre approaches when a conflict with<br />

<strong>the</strong>se becares unavoidable .<br />

39/A f ur<strong>the</strong>r mission i s airred a t your religions and <strong>the</strong><br />

connected underdeveloprent o f <strong>the</strong> human s pi ri t . 40 /1J.bove<br />

everything <strong>the</strong>re r emains bu t one that posesses <strong>the</strong> pccer o f<br />

life and death over each creature. 41/'Ihis is <strong>the</strong><br />

a lone, whtch has laid its l a \','S over a ll . 42/Ia\','S whi ch are<br />

irre futable and o f e ternal validity . 43/ 'Ihe human being can<br />

r ecognize <strong>the</strong>m in nature when he t.rcub.les himself to do so.<br />

44/'Ihey expose for h im <strong>the</strong> way of life and <strong>the</strong> \-lay to spiritual<br />

greatness , emlxxiying <strong>the</strong> goal of l ife. v'hile <strong>the</strong><br />

human indul ges in his r eligions , and by this a heresy, he<br />

pines rrore and mere a\vay (in spirit) which final ly l eads to<br />

a bottomless abyss.<br />

46/'Ihe human being may r ecognize tbat a God can never take<br />

over <strong>the</strong> part o f <strong>the</strong> Creation or destin <strong>the</strong> f ate o f a human<br />


l:::eing. 47/1>. God i s only a Governor and rroreover a human<br />

being who exercises a pcwar fu.l reign o f tyranny over his<br />

felLow creatures. 48/God i s not <strong>the</strong> CREATION, but as we l I<br />

onl y a c reature of i t , like a ll Creat ion dependent creatures.<br />

49/ But <strong>the</strong> human being hunts for hi s r elig i ous wrong beliefs<br />

and aff inns God being <strong>the</strong> Creation itself . SO/He goes even<br />

f ur<strong>the</strong>r and pretends a nOlTl\3.1 Earthnan by <strong>the</strong> nerre of "Immanuel"<br />

who is a l so called "Jes us Olri stn i s God ' s sen and<br />

<strong>the</strong> Creation itself. 51/ Sti ll different sects of <strong>the</strong> new<br />

t i.rre go on to maintain <strong>the</strong>se s arre things , which al ready appr<br />

oach del usion .<br />

52/ Yet , as a l ready rrent.Loned, beamship deceivers a lso wal k<br />

in <strong>the</strong> sene direction, and very c l early put out <strong>the</strong> lie to<br />

<strong>the</strong> corid , that \"'e o r our bro<strong>the</strong>rs and s isters fran o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

p l anets o f <strong>the</strong> cosrros wou .ld care a t <strong>the</strong> or der o f God (wi th<br />

whan <strong>the</strong>y mean <strong>the</strong> Creation) as Angels or s imilar, to bring<br />

<strong>the</strong> Earth human <strong>the</strong> l ong hoped f or peace and <strong>the</strong> t ruth o f<br />

religion and <strong>the</strong> protection and order o f God . 53/ 'Ihat i s<br />

nothing rrore than a .....ell-considered f a l s ehcx:xi fran s ectarians<br />

and deceivers. 54/For.....e never had s uch orders, and we as<br />

we.lI will never do that. 55/'Ihe Creati on itself gives <strong>the</strong><br />

carmands, because i t emlxxlies <strong>the</strong> greatest poser- in this<br />

Universe , and never i s in ne ed of c armands or religions .<br />

56/Religion i s only <strong>the</strong> p r imit ive wor k of human beings , in<br />

purpose to l ead <strong>the</strong>m, to suppress <strong>the</strong>m, and f o r exploitat ion,<br />

to which on ly spiri tually def icient lif e can f all.<br />

S7/ Bring this t ruth to <strong>the</strong> light o f <strong>the</strong> wo r-Ld and make it<br />

known, S8/This i s a fur<strong>the</strong>r part of our mission. 59/ 1f<br />

this does not happen, <strong>the</strong>n mmkind \...i 11 s Icwl .y destroy i t-<br />

s e l f and f all into comp l ete s piritual darkness .<br />

knew that you are awa r e o f a secret o ld scripture<br />

whose o r igina l s were unfortunately destroyed by <strong>the</strong> carel essness<br />

o f our camli.ssioner , who was your friend, and who by<br />

regret has f a iled in fear. 61/Diffuse and s pread <strong>the</strong> t ranslat<br />

i oo of this scri pture, because it i s <strong>the</strong> on ly one which<br />

i s au<strong>the</strong>nti c truth. 62/ And as we know, you also wri te about;<br />

this scrip tum and <strong>the</strong> truth. 63/ To us, i t s e ems t o be <strong>the</strong><br />

rrost important book to be writt en, but i t will be harsh in<br />

l anguage and wi ll rreet; with hate. 64/1t only offers <strong>the</strong><br />

truth to Earth humans, though sore s peculations are in it.<br />

6S/But it is finally abl e t o des troy, for many, <strong>the</strong> madness<br />

of religion, or a t l east t o t.eeper it very deliberately.<br />

66/ 1t i s an extraor dinary work, and you ought t o make i t<br />


accessible for human beings.<br />

67! For <strong>the</strong> first, I have t o ld you all necessary, but it<br />

cannot be enough that way . 68!Hany fur<strong>the</strong>r contacts will<br />

follCM after this f i rst, and I w"ill call you at a given<br />

point o f t .trre, 69/But a lso by rreans of thought-transmission,<br />

which you c a ll t ele pathy, I will get in contact with you and<br />

transmit fur<strong>the</strong>r inf onna.tion. 70/ 0;:) not wor-ry that I will<br />

do this at unsuited tirre, bu t o nly <strong>the</strong>n when you want i t .<br />

71 /1 know to regard your character and a lso your will for<br />

independence and thus I shall a Iwaye direct myself to you .<br />

72/Tne t irre will care f o r you , when we will rree t; toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

in my bearnship, and a lso when you will be a llONed to undertake<br />

flight 'towards cosmic s pace with me. 73/But for <strong>the</strong><br />

next t ure, such will not be possibl e , because due to certain<br />

circums tances and regrettabl e occurrences this is not advis<br />

able . 74/ 1V:x:Jut this I will Inform you a t a la ter ti.rre in<br />

detai l. 75/50 live "-'ell until <strong>the</strong> next t ine when I will<br />

give you fur<strong>the</strong>r inportant information. 76/ But <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong><br />

conversati oo shoul d no rrore be so one-sided as today, when I<br />

had to explain to you. 77/In <strong>the</strong> f uture, each conver sat ion<br />

will be quite norrrel , like i s usual with questions and answe<br />

rs, 78/ See you again - and unt il soon . . . 79/ 1 say Hello .<br />

Heier's knowle dge of hyperspace and <strong>the</strong> flighl behavior o f <strong>the</strong>se shi ps<br />

lias already known to Seejese, He had met and had face-to-face discussions<br />

with a cosmonaut of t he OAL Universe in India, and knew <strong>the</strong> dif ficu lty of<br />

photographing such e l usive c raft . He also found out l ater t ha t Asket of t he<br />

OAt Universe and Semjsse actually acquainted and s ometimes carried ou t<br />

mi ssions t oge<strong>the</strong>r, which al so r ais es <strong>the</strong> que s tion o f "h and i ng orr" t he<br />

contactee f r om one [ T group to ano<strong>the</strong> r . In f act, re .rer saw t he t wo extrat<br />

errestr ial t oge<strong>the</strong> r on one occasion and <strong>the</strong>y s eemed to be ve ry<br />

acquainted .<br />

It "as appa rent f rom <strong>the</strong> ve ry beginning that Semj ase did not " anl Mei e r<br />

interested i n o<strong>the</strong>r uro cases, poss ibly fea ring that this mi ght distract<br />

his i nte rest <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. She is shar ply cr itical o f o<strong>the</strong>r UFO contacts and<br />

and de nounc ed many of <strong>the</strong>m as f r auds, which now t urned <strong>the</strong> UfO s tudy gr oups<br />

against this case an d Meie r person ally, and to some extent us as wel l . Up<br />

t hrough sentence 20 she ha s left t he i rrpression that t hei r beams tups are<br />

t he on l y real ones and t ha t all o<strong>the</strong>rs are dec ept ions . By sentence 37 she<br />

has correc ted this but she made her po int , that <strong>the</strong>y " ere <strong>the</strong> one s he shoul d<br />

be dealing " ith.<br />

In sentence 39 she s t rike s a very sensi tive ner ve fo r Earth humanity<br />

she atlerrpts t o point out that <strong>the</strong> re is no s trictly t rue religion on Earth<br />


today . Thi s i mmediat el y ear ne d Heier <strong>the</strong> enmi ty o f all organized religions<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> wor-Ld, and was directly r espons ible for two of <strong>the</strong> a sassaina tion<br />

at terrpt s on Meier's life.<br />

The anti- rel igion s tatements nearl y ended ou r<br />

o f t his case.<br />

and i n Fact did en d t eo o<strong>the</strong>r major Eur opean I nvesti qa t Iv e e fforts, bu t in<br />

our case we had alr e ady e nscoveree t oo much t hat we s illlply could not dispr<br />

ove . Something was indeed going on . hh e t her i t was benevol en t , Satanic,<br />

or <strong>the</strong> Anti-Chr ist, we c oul d not be sure . for proo f <strong>the</strong> Pleiadian UfOnau ts<br />

only appeal ed to r eason , insi s t i ng that nobody s houl d accept any s tateme n t<br />

cn f aith a lone . They insisted t hat we shoul d know r.ha t l'le be lieve and rihy<br />

we believe it. Even <strong>the</strong> i r s t at ements should be que s tioned and subject to<br />

<strong>the</strong> same t est s . This did not s eem quite so ill ogical , becaus e i n this sense<br />

<strong>the</strong>y nere no t just attacking relig ions any more than an y o<strong>the</strong>r system o f<br />

ed ucation and belief. They pointed out t hat Ear th hi s t ories o f <strong>the</strong> s ame<br />

event differ f r om count ry t o countr y , and that i n Fact <strong>the</strong>y ar e us ually<br />

quite False , being r e- interpreted an d changed by each new r eg ime and each<br />

generat i on to suit its own needs .<br />

<strong>the</strong>y l i kewi s e pointed out t hat <strong>the</strong>re is no t ruely al t r uistic government<br />

in t hi s worl d today , and that one is as ba d or as good as <strong>the</strong> ne xt.,<br />

and a ll are oppressive of human s pi rit and man ag ed by power broke rs For t he<br />

be nefit of i nst i tutional i ze d and en t r enched burdensome sys t ems o f control ,<br />

I\e became conce rned For ou r 01'll1 safety in cont inu i ng t his Investi qat i en ,<br />

because now <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadians ftere attacking all governments as wel l, without<br />

except Ion ,<br />

Thi s thi r d po i nt o f vi ew r eminded us o f a po l iti ca l s tat ement r ecently . A<br />

United St ates Sen ator , co rrparing po ints of vi ew, s a id : "Reme mbe r t hat <strong>the</strong><br />

Terror i sts to one side are <strong>the</strong> freedom fighters to <strong>the</strong> ot he r . " I t seemed<br />

like <strong>the</strong> Pleiadi ans ...ere at tacking everybody enen i n f act t hey wer -e merely<br />

observing fr om an outside po int of ",iew . But <strong>the</strong>y o ffered no solutions,<br />

only appe aling t o r eason, and saying that Earth humanity has a greater<br />

destiny than to docilly accept ensl aveme nt by its kind - - if i t can<br />

s urvive <strong>the</strong> fat e it ha s planned for its elf!<br />

We became afraid to deal with <strong>the</strong> phi losophical aspects of <strong>the</strong>se contacts<br />

and chose to r eport only t he t echnical aspects, ..,;hich could be deal t with<br />

objectively, an d l imi ted our comment on t he se mess ages on ly to carefully<br />

selected s tatements , editing out \'Ihat «ere no t prepared t o deal with.<br />

f'.:O\'/ <strong>the</strong> "chickens have c ome home to r oost" and we a re forced to face up<br />

t o we und erstand no bett er than you.<br />

We ha d no i dea t hi s i nvestigati on to <strong>the</strong> p roportion it has no"<br />

taken on , or fte l ike l y would have t aken t he safer rout e of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. We<br />

no l onger could s i mpl y deny to ..,;e a l r eady knew, and I\e could<br />

not suppor t all o f I'.hat e.er-e f inding . I'le are still i n that position now.<br />

We can not hang , and can 't l et go .<br />


I'le offer ou r findings little explanation. That will ha ve to be done<br />

by o<strong>the</strong>rs, and i t may take sti ll more year s .<br />

In sent ence 60 we sense a feeling o f vani ty over a scriptum <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> past<br />

\',hich may ha ve been i nspired or ev en o ffered by one of <strong>the</strong> partic ipants i n<br />

t his drama, wtm also claims pa r ticipation i n some of <strong>the</strong> Biblical dra ma on<br />

y,hich our wor ld r e ligions a re based. Pe rhaps t his is one reason fo r<br />

t he extraterrestrial contempt. They j us t may i n fact knm

SPEcrAL sora<br />

In a l etter dated 11 J lU1e 1984, L. V. (full identification<br />

known to <strong>the</strong> canpiler s o f this work) reported a simil ar contact<br />

with an o l d UFOnaut in a gray s uit in 1945 when she was<br />

3\ years o ld and liVing in Trenton, New J ersey. He s poke to<br />

her verbally and flashed vis ual images . M1en s he asked his<br />

name he told her s he could call him SFA'IH. He said <strong>the</strong>y had<br />

known e ach o <strong>the</strong> r 300 years earlie r , and that he c arte f ran<br />

<strong>the</strong> sky . She saw him a t <strong>the</strong> back fence to <strong>the</strong>ir yard a t hare.<br />

Al l <strong>the</strong> t iIre <strong>the</strong> man was <strong>the</strong> r e a Hershey "Ki ss"-s haped silvery-qray<br />

object about <strong>the</strong> s i ze of a small pumpkin e i <strong>the</strong>r<br />

sat on <strong>the</strong> ground in <strong>the</strong> back driVelaY o r hovered just ebove<br />

i t . l1hen she asked about i t <strong>the</strong> o ld man told her i t was a<br />

protection, and he let her touch it. She s aid it felt l ike<br />

e lephant hi de. It f e l t like it was alive . Several contacts<br />

took p l ace during that earl y intrcx:iuct i on and <strong>the</strong>n stopped<br />

until she was 8 years o ld. '!here were contacts again at 16<br />

and 18 years o f a ge . At 23 she heard a great and very l oud<br />

humning- wtrining noise outside <strong>the</strong> house, which she knew was<br />

<strong>the</strong> spacecraft but did not go out that t i..Ire beca use s he was<br />

a l one and s arewhat frightened. At 25 years o l d s he saw <strong>the</strong><br />

ship fr an <strong>the</strong> Plei ades f or an hour and fourty minutes . Her<br />

s ke tch rrade in 1979 l ooks very s imilar to <strong>the</strong> Ple iacli an vari<br />

at ion two sty l e of <strong>the</strong> ships vis i ting Swi t zer land . t-bre<br />

details o f <strong>the</strong>se contacts were r ecovered in a series o f hypnotic<br />

r egressions carr ied out in 1979 by a trained expert, a<br />

doctor o f dental surgery. L. V. did not hear o f <strong>the</strong> Swfas<br />

sontacts wi th Eduard until l a ter, according to her<br />

l etter, and upon hearing o f <strong>the</strong>m she got in touch \'1ith our<br />

investigating t eam.<br />

The hurnning- whining sound a t tributed to <strong>the</strong> s pacecraf t<br />

here i s o f considerabl e interest to us because, on four s e p-<br />

arate occasi ons, j ust such a humning-whining s ound was heard<br />

and r ecorded by Eduard Heier and sore o f his assoc.letes, and<br />

this sound was s o loud once, that it was heard and brought<br />

peopl e :running f r an two miles away. The sound was s o intense<br />

that Neier had to wrap h i s j a cke t around his head in protection,<br />

and still he was deaf and had aching eyes f or three<br />

days after. 'Ihese sounds were sirnul taneously r ecorded on<br />

four separate audio recorders by <strong>the</strong> Swis s group that day .<br />

There cere 18 witne sses to <strong>the</strong> 9.riss sound recording.<br />


5eand OJntact I'blday, 3 February 1975 22:10 h<br />

senjase- l / Yo u astonished Ire after my first try, because<br />

your r eceptivi t y was greater than we had c a l culated. 2/Indeed<br />

we s hould be acquainted with surprises fran you a l ong<br />

t ilre ago, as in <strong>the</strong> course of <strong>the</strong> years you have S hCMIl far -<br />

thinking. 3/'lhough your canbinat ions o f thoughts are often<br />

extrerre, <strong>the</strong>y get to <strong>the</strong> point o f <strong>the</strong> mat ter and suggest<br />

sol utions to probl ems which rray perpl ex your ccntecporarres,<br />

4/ Actually you s urpr ised Ire on that first visit when you<br />

rematned s ilent and d id not ask as I gave you different explanations.<br />

5/ In this I am thinking o f <strong>the</strong> discuss ion of<br />

s pace and time and zero t ime. 6/At l east <strong>the</strong>re , I thought,<br />

you wou l d have a quest ion. 7/'Ihen I a H ewed myself t o explore<br />

inside of your thoughts and recogni zed that you r eally<br />

had no question, because you under stocrl my interpretati cn -<br />

even rmre than I tol d you • ••<br />

&ier- You put Ire in a predicarrent , semj ase, Everything<br />

today s eems to be praise and flattery. I do not l ike such a<br />

thing , and i t seems primitive to Ire. So p lease keep off it.<br />

seajese- 12/You are very open, but are used to this fran<br />

you . 13/ But I do not want to praise and flatter you, as ....se<br />

are l ong beyond this conduct. 14/1 will only give you c lear<br />

s tat.eItents of fact accordingly, as you l ike .<br />

Maier- '!hen I am content.<br />

Semjase-<br />

I S/ You no l onger think I am primitive?<br />

M=:i er- Certainl y not - - but why don't you s earch f or it<br />

inside my thoughts? Or should I excuse myself for saying?<br />

Sanjase- 16/ 1 believe you, yes, and I don' t expect an excuse<br />

fran you. Excuses are at best empty words and seldan offer<br />

<strong>the</strong> r eal opinion. 17/ On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, I doo't feel your<br />

wor ds o ffensive, because I knew well that you say what you<br />

feel. 18/For your f e llow-creatures, your words may sound<br />

o f f ensi ve, but o n l y because <strong>the</strong>y do not knew and under s tand<br />

your speaking exactly f ran your feelings, guided by your own<br />

knowl edge and wi s dan. 19/'Ihus, much will appear to you to<br />

be pr imitive and even s tupi d . 20/ But a lways rerrember <strong>the</strong><br />

grt:Mth o f your fellaN' creatures, possibly not able to think<br />

and treat spiritually, because <strong>the</strong>y have never l eamed it<br />

and still l ay captured too much in <strong>the</strong> issues of pure human<br />


inc lination. 21/hhen I want; to r esearch into your thoughts,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n I do so, i f this seems a llright t o me. 22/ It is not<br />

our behavior , o r desire, to penetrate <strong>the</strong> thoughts of o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

when this i s not important . 23/ Apart fran this , we have no<br />

r i ght t o for ce into <strong>the</strong> personal secrets o f o<strong>the</strong>rs . 24/If<br />

one penetrates <strong>the</strong> thoughts o f ano<strong>the</strong>r , <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> danger<br />

a lways exists o f seeing rrore f ran this than was actually<br />

<strong>the</strong>re. ..<br />

M:::!ier- \'ihat about this concern, when UFO contactees pretend<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir f r iends f ran <strong>the</strong> stars, arronq o<strong>the</strong>r things, ccrrmunfcate<br />

wi.th tel epathy?<br />

Senjase- 26/Surely , s uch creature s do exist . . . 27/ 'Iheir<br />

c ommunication was e i <strong>the</strong>r or iginally t e lepathic , o r <strong>the</strong>y<br />

p ly l e t <strong>the</strong>ir tongue go .<br />

Mtier- I have my thoughts, that many of those so-called UFO<br />

contact ees could be s imply dece ivers . Hav woutd you character<br />

i ze thi s concept?<br />

senjese- 31/On pure f acts, which can a lways be witnessed.<br />

Al l o f those would-be ccntactees suggest we are on a mission<br />

for God , or to <strong>the</strong> Olrist ian relig i on. 32/An untruth which<br />

detracts fran <strong>the</strong> r eal t rue.<br />

loEier- hhat is <strong>the</strong> case with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r contactors?<br />

Semjase- 33/Although many deceivers exist, <strong>the</strong>re are marty<br />

who r eally have had contact, or still have . 34/t\'urIErous<br />

arrong <strong>the</strong>se never had rmre than visual contact. 35/Contact -<br />

ees <strong>the</strong>n, ....mo only saw spa.cecraft f ran afar, often were able<br />

to take pictures too. 36 /Only a f ew of <strong>the</strong>m obtained per -<br />

sonal contact as it is today. 37/fobst of those c lo<strong>the</strong>d<br />

<strong>the</strong>mselves in s ilence, in fear fran t heir feI l.ow c reatures.<br />

38/0ften, a l ready, s trange-race creatures have care to your<br />

Earth in <strong>the</strong>ir expeditions. 39/They collected different<br />

things which could serve <strong>the</strong>ir investigations. 40/And so it<br />

will happen again, such c reatures caning here and performing<br />

<strong>the</strong>i r s tudies . 41/TI1ey care f r an different wor -Ids and sys -<br />

tems. 42/'Ihey often are still new in <strong>the</strong> field o f space<br />

travel, and s o perform <strong>the</strong>ir expeditions to expand <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

knowledge and understanding. 43 /Here it a lso can happen<br />

that <strong>the</strong>y care i n t o contact w.it.h F.a.rth hUIT'BI1s unexpectedly,<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n never return. 44 /They are not thirsty for might<br />

and pccer and similar, and are g lad to f inally have calm and<br />


o rder in <strong>the</strong>ir a-on wo r'Ids, 45/It may also happen that <strong>the</strong>y,<br />

here and <strong>the</strong>re, take posession of Earth hurrans , bring <strong>the</strong>se<br />

into <strong>the</strong>ir spaceships and examine <strong>the</strong>m carefully ..vi t.h ins<br />

t.nnrents and conduct a rrost; detailed study of <strong>the</strong>ir ana tany.<br />

46/But <strong>the</strong>y l et <strong>the</strong>se humans go again, without except ion, as<br />

<strong>the</strong>y do not want to harm <strong>the</strong>m. 47 / Tney o ften are rmre humane<br />

than <strong>the</strong> Earth human is. 48 /But unfortunately, quite ba r-<br />

barous c r eatures also travel through <strong>the</strong> cosrms, and<br />

here and <strong>the</strong>re care t o Earth, too, many being power- hungry<br />

and wi c ked. 49/With <strong>the</strong>m it can happen, that <strong>the</strong>y kidnap<br />

Earth Humans , a s well a s o<strong>the</strong>r planetary human beings f ran<br />

o<strong>the</strong> r systems, and abduct <strong>the</strong>m away t o <strong>the</strong>ir hare planet.<br />

50/There <strong>the</strong>se poor- creatures <strong>the</strong>n lead alife on exhibition<br />

and beccrre objects of exper.irrent.. 51/ Earth hurrans , and inhabi<br />

tants o f o<strong>the</strong>r ....'oz-Jds , mus t take care about; <strong>the</strong>se creatures,<br />

as in <strong>the</strong>ir malignance <strong>the</strong>y o f ten use great pceerr<br />

feel ings and o<strong>the</strong>r human characteristics and rroverrents are<br />

often very strange f or <strong>the</strong>m, thus a life means nothing of<br />

va l ue t o <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

J.Ei er- That 's a ll very interes ting, Semj ase , bu t I have<br />

known thi s for sane t ime.<br />

Sem.jase- 52 / SUrelYi I kno.... that you think far.<br />

fuier- tce j L, okay, no,.; p lease tell rre one thing. You already<br />

s poke o f deceivers who with <strong>the</strong>ir fantast ic UFO tales<br />

have gained publicity, and can you a lso t e ll rre scrre narre s ?<br />

senjase- 53/Surely, but you knew IIDst o f <strong>the</strong>m by narre.<br />

fuier- Never<strong>the</strong>less p lease tell Ire yet sane few.<br />

Semjase- 54 /As you l ike; with v..non s hould I J:::egin?<br />

In <strong>the</strong> first p lace, I am interested in, what about<br />

Kenneth Arnold. Am I right that he ..vas no deceiver?<br />

Semj ase- 55/Surely, this man was no deceiver, as he really<br />

had s een UFO s paceships. 56/Also many o<strong>the</strong> r pilots have rret;<br />

with ours, or o<strong>the</strong>r str ange s hips . ..<br />

1hank. you, this a lready suffices. . .<br />

Semjase- 63/ \·:e coul d evidence this, but fran your side, you<br />

should not t ry that, because <strong>the</strong> Fa.rth human is very difficult<br />

to convince o f <strong>the</strong> tru.th. .. 64/One day, he has to find<br />

<strong>the</strong> tru.th f or himse l f and t hen he will accept it as know-<br />


•<br />

l edge. •.<br />

This is evident, b ut how s hould I face this - <strong>the</strong>y<br />

will not give Ire relief when I reveal <strong>the</strong> truth.<br />

Semjase- 67/Have no worries, because you be long to a circ l e<br />

o f thinking human beings who wi ll help you. 68/1 will give<br />

you <strong>the</strong> nerres of those who are i.rrportant to you , but r errerober'<br />

<strong>the</strong>m by yourself alone and never reveal <strong>the</strong>m in public.. .<br />

(Seven nerres and addresses were <strong>the</strong>n q.iverr . }<br />

Mtier-<br />

Are <strong>the</strong>se names s ufficient?<br />

Semjase- 69/They are, and now my t irre i s over . 70/9:) I<br />

have to l eave you <strong>the</strong>n and transmit to you later , as i s beeaning<br />

eamon , my thoughts a t a l ater tirre r eplay, so that<br />

you can write <strong>the</strong>m down.<br />


1hi.nl Ccntact Saturday , 8 FebruaIy 197 5<br />

After some p reliminar y dialogue on an o<strong>the</strong> r ma lter, a referenc e ",as made<br />

t o <strong>the</strong> apparen t s uperiority in kn o....l edge and de velopment of t he e xt.raterrest<br />

rial u rOnauts now v isi ting our Earth, e ven asc r ibing per fect i on to some.<br />

Semjase replies now to t hat particular reference.<br />

Semjase- l O/ But we, as well, are still far distant fran this<br />

poai .tdon , and ITD.1St develop ourselves continually f orward.<br />

l1/ we are not <strong>the</strong> s o-caHed super - t:eings, as Farth rren l ike<br />

to c a ll us in <strong>the</strong>ir own imagination. 12/t';le a l so are not<br />

teachers, miss ionaries , or way- preparera, 13/l',Te just have<br />

an obligat ion in duty to prese rve <strong>the</strong> existing life al ready<br />

developing in this universe. 14/This means that we endeavor<br />

to keep o r der and to control certain lif e . 15/ He r e and <strong>the</strong>re<br />

we open contacts with inhabitants of diffe rent wor I ds, search<br />

out s ingle ones of <strong>the</strong>m and give explanati ons to <strong>the</strong>m, but<br />

only when a race deve l ops i tself t o r a t ional thinking consciousness<br />

. 16/ 1hen we s I owky prepare <strong>the</strong>m to get aquainted<br />

with <strong>the</strong> thought that <strong>the</strong>y are not <strong>the</strong> only thinking creat -<br />

ures in that universe. 17/ Here and <strong>the</strong>re we also he l p by<br />

telepathic rreens to instill certain c ogni tions for <strong>the</strong> discovery<br />

of ti..ITe-phased inventions.<br />

loeier-<br />

'Ihen my cal culations are cor r ect?<br />

Semj ase- 29/Certainly, s t i ll about this I wi ll gi ve you<br />

informat ion at ano<strong>the</strong>r tirre, and thoroughly.<br />

Meier-<br />

As \

thousand , o r e ven hundreds of thousand , years o l d when he<br />

r eaches a certain l evel o f spiritual devel oprent and evolution.<br />

35/ But beyond this state, <strong>the</strong> spirit no l onger needs<br />

a mater ial body, 36/He <strong>the</strong>n does live in pure spirit and<br />

within such high s pheres that one can no l onger ccrrmmdcate<br />

with h im f rem this l evel.<br />

I see, but rray I still ask one rror e ques t i on, or<br />

even tvJo o f <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

Semjase- 37/Just ask.<br />

M3ier- You surely know that our dear Earth wcren keep <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

ages s ecret ?<br />

Semjase- 38/ SUre l y. 39 / 'Ihey deny <strong>the</strong>mse lves by that .<br />

}Eier- So I also believe. Yet ha.... i s i t with you? Do you<br />

a lso have s uch de lusions?<br />

Semjase-<br />

40/certainly not.<br />

Meier- <strong>the</strong>n, will I a lso be a i rocec to ask you hew o ld<br />

you are in f act?<br />

Semjase- 41/ Yes, and what do you asaurre?<br />

M3i er- I am not exper ienced at est imating human beings of<br />

your kind, but when I count by my s tandard <strong>the</strong>n you would be<br />

about 32 or 33 years o ld.<br />

Semjase- 42 /You under stand as you profess, as I really would<br />

te so old by Farth measure, f r an my looks . 43/ Yet you don ' t<br />

knew that <strong>the</strong> life ave rage f or us i s much higher and arrounts<br />

to s evera l hundred years, by which I mean about; 1 , 000 years.<br />

44/ Fr crn that , I am still very young at 330 years, whi.ch cor -<br />

r esponds to your 33 years o f your measure.<br />

M3ier- hbat do you mean by "my measure"? If you had told rre<br />

your aver age age before, <strong>the</strong>n I wou ld have esitrnated you<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rwise t oo. How could I know this <strong>the</strong>n, as I al so do not<br />

xno... everything?<br />

senjese- 45/ It i s al ready okay; indeed i t was my mis take.<br />

But now I have to go again, and So farewe l L<br />

This 1, 000 years average age for <strong>the</strong> Pleiadians seems s t r enu ekv coincidental,<br />

as t hat is <strong>the</strong> reported average ag e of Earth humans be f ore t he<br />

Great fl ood , t he dense va por en velop e s ur r ounding t he Earth came<br />

i n t or r ents eve rywhere f or scores of day s . l oss of <strong>the</strong> vapor en velope re-<br />


duced <strong>the</strong> atmospher ic protection of Ear th's creatu.e species f . om <strong>the</strong> ha rsh<br />

r adrat Iune of ou r sun, and <strong>the</strong> lifespans of all c reatures decreased quite<br />

dramatically an d rapidly to under 100 years fo r humans, and vegetable and<br />

plant yields r educed accordingly.<br />

Recalling <strong>the</strong> extrat errest rial's statements that ...e are descendents of<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir ancestors ....hen <strong>the</strong>y were here long ago, our 1,000 year Biblical<br />

longevities take on nee meaning. Loss o f that atecspxertc protection has<br />

shortened our lifes pans t o 1/IOth its former scale.<br />

In view o f this s tartling revelation, it i s no ...onder that <strong>the</strong> ex traterr<br />

estrials' fi rst ccmrcmcat ron mentioned one o f <strong>the</strong>ir prime and cont inuing<br />

concerns, t he teeunent 1055 of ",nat little protection remains in our thin<br />

ionosphere no


(l) I t is diffia.l1.t to deny that SCI:'I:!thi.Ig unusual was cpirg en here in<br />

S.;itzerlarrl, and. it is also difficult to deey <strong>the</strong> extsterca of tbe ccntect.<br />

rressaq:?S, becaJJse <strong>the</strong>re was just teo IIUCh. evidence a.It.side of I-a ier' s<br />

centrol that terrle:j to tre ccrteces as alkgrl. 'Ihe Ole thin;l that<br />

"''as within his o:ntrol was tt.e cx::nte1t arrl p,rasin:;J of <strong>the</strong> IreS53g?S <strong>the</strong>mselves.<br />

It is pceedble that su::h. a:uld be cn:ring f rtIJ arD<strong>the</strong>r level. of <strong>the</strong><br />

a::nscioosness of <strong>the</strong> nan himself arrl still be t:rans";lltted by <strong>the</strong> rerarkable<br />

rreans ccserved. In that case <strong>the</strong> transnitte1 infOIlIHtia1 CO.l1.d be heavily<br />

colored by Hr. I-a ier's o m ideas. B..1t ideas were f nquently int.rcduc:Erl that<br />

cere alien to l-e ier also.<br />

Jln:J<strong>the</strong>r W

seej ese, a scr ipture reportedly wri ttm t1:f J\.rlas Ischarioth as <strong>the</strong> ally<br />

desciple \',ro kept \','I"i ttm records, n'!Iltittls anot her scenario in \',hich alE!<br />

JLrlah Dlarioth, <strong>the</strong> sen of a R'larisee poi.rtacren, Si1:J:n Dlarioth. stold a<br />

scroll of <strong>the</strong> teach:irr1s of<br />

f ran J u:3as Ischarioth for his f a<strong>the</strong>r,<br />

to be used in cc:nvictin:::J J;rr.-'1I1Uel. JtDah recetved 70 pieces o f f or<br />

<strong>the</strong> scroll arrl was to receive arP<strong>the</strong>r 30 u;x:n delivery of .kram.Jel. to tiE<br />

a:nstables. Jlrlah realize1 ...nat be hed cb1e, he threw <strong>the</strong> lD1eY tag in<br />

fnnt of <strong>the</strong> hi.cP priests arrl elders arrl heit to <strong>the</strong> R:Jtter Field tehirrl<br />

<strong>the</strong> walls of <strong>the</strong> city a:rl harq:rl himself. later ccnfusi.al was said to<br />

te deliberately intrc::dtx::ed. t1:f <strong>the</strong> Fharisees to save <strong>the</strong> n:r:E of Sim:l1, tre<br />

HI3.risee fatber,<br />

A nu.:h respected ard well krom scientist ard de:licate:1 reseercrer, also<br />

a rom again Ou:istian (\'oro declines identificatim bere at trus tirre) ,<br />

seeirq <strong>the</strong> cha.1l.erlcJ2 offered t¥ this purported scriptun, urdertccsc a 0..0<br />

year sttrly o f it in relatial to our presently accepted tccses of our fe....<br />

'fest:arent erd its develcprent . Ch1trary to his initial expectiat.icns., he<br />

faro that this scr.iptun was i.n::1ee:j unique am very well a:uld have teen<br />

\'o'rittm I::efore any of our o<strong>the</strong>r present bccscs in <strong>the</strong> rbd 'reste-ent , ve krxx...<br />

that nme of trose were wr it ten in ccoreccorary tine of <strong>the</strong>se days, ard<br />

were in fact<br />

eccconce o:rn:nitte:i to writin:;J after <strong>the</strong> participants<br />

in trcse eventa were all deed.<br />

n-e srctesscr wrote up an entire treatise m this Th.1m.rl Jt::1:"anuel ard<br />

his .investigaticn o f it \',tdch be p.Jblish:d se-e tine in <strong>the</strong> future \'oTel<br />

<strong>the</strong> sccial c linate is less h:::stile to socn revetetacos.<br />


Fourth Caltact Saturday , 15 February 1975 01:48 h<br />

A fo ur th contac t look place , still \'Iithin <strong>the</strong> First three eeeks , and <strong>the</strong><br />

di alogue began to be l ess formal .<br />

The second cont act had l aken place after da rk , and no... <strong>the</strong> t h ird and<br />

fourth meetings ha ve been s hi f t ed to ve ry l al e at night . All of <strong>the</strong>se cont<br />

ac ts have laken place in quite di fferent l ocations, and some r a<strong>the</strong>r reecte,<br />

'·tlen Me i e r thought t o ask about this la t e r, he was lold that <strong>the</strong>re wer-e<br />

a l eaye unexpected cbserve re , an d t his s hifting o f l ocations was int en ded t o<br />

confus e anybody s eeking t o intrude upon t hese di scussions .<br />

Although surprised an d awed by <strong>the</strong> phenome na l nature of <strong>the</strong>se ext raterr<br />

es trial contac t s \"l i th an Earth be ing . Fe t e r was not t ctal Ly di sarmed by<br />

t hem because <strong>the</strong>y \'ie re not c omp l etely unexpected. And he had al ready und er -<br />

gone earlier conditioning and prepa r ation expe r-Iences i n India wi t h Askel ,<br />

anot he r e..traterre strial who al so he l d discu s sions l'lith Beier earlier i n<br />

his life and i lTJla rted much i nformation be f ore this time, i nc l uding an indic<br />

ation of <strong>the</strong>se cont acts t o come, but not qui t e so soon.<br />

By t his t i me teier had obs e rv ed t hat Semj ase di d no t a lways co me al one t o<br />

t hese con t act s, but had ano<strong>the</strong>r be ing in t he ship when she arr i ved , and he<br />

suspe c t ed t hat t here may be o<strong>the</strong>r pr ot ect i ve meas ur es beside s t hat . She was<br />

t he on l y one so far \';ho made direct contact with him , and t he on l y one he<br />

seemed t o be i n telepathic communication at this t i me.<br />

He wondered about that cOlllTl.mication, and how di d she s peak <strong>the</strong> German<br />

dia lec t so fluently? He also wonder e d she seemed t o know so much about<br />

\·,hat was go i ng on . She certainly se emed to be wej I informed on al most any -<br />

thing he mentione d . He ...sonder ed too about t he t elepathic t ransmissions<br />

after each of <strong>the</strong>se meetings . The dialogue he r eceived was su r pr isingly<br />

accurate and co ecfete when it was r epeated back t o him . They ha d to be<br />

r ecording i t and playing it back s omehOri , but he nev er salv any form of<br />

r ecording dev i c e or equi pment. There we r e no micro phones and <strong>the</strong>y spoke i n<br />

no rma l voices , an d sume t i mes at a Ica l e vel. They a l so s eemed t o be awar e-<br />

of h is actions , even out o f t heir pres ence, and t he actions of o<strong>the</strong> r s t oo.<br />

He deci ded to ask about <strong>the</strong>se things .<br />

Sanjase- 1/ In <strong>the</strong>se last days I have r ece ived many str ong<br />

thoughts f ran you; you t roubl e yourse lf much with <strong>the</strong> ITOs t<br />

different things , but for your own s ecurity I am not aH owed<br />

to answer a ll of your questions .<br />

You have told Ire that you woul d not penetrate my<br />

thoughts, except for sore urgent need!<br />

Sernjase-. 2/Certainly . &1t I did not f orce into your thought<br />

ye t . You have directed your thoughts so int ently onto Ire that<br />

I jus t had to r eceive <strong>the</strong>m. 3/ You have a strong thought<br />


force, not usually dem:mstrated by humans.<br />

f·Eier - I had not consider ed this , and I did not want to<br />

trouble you.<br />

Semjase- 4/ It i s well a l ready, because <strong>the</strong>n I cou ld occupy<br />

myself \....ith your questions which , r egret tabl y, I can no t<br />

answe r a s thoroughl y as I woul d l ike. 5/ ! myself, and also<br />

<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, f ully trust you, but <strong>the</strong>re do exist Earth hurrens<br />

wi th great in <strong>the</strong>ir hands who could elicit such sec<br />

rets f ran you. 6/1 knew, a ll r i ght, that you would def end<br />

yourself against this , but never<strong>the</strong>less <strong>the</strong>y might e licit<br />

sore things f ran you. 7/ 'Ihus \ \"E' have to take great care and<br />

precaution eve rywhere. 8/But ask your questions a t your<br />

disc r etion because I do not want , and simpl y can not answer<br />

d ictator ially to you, and I wi ll put my quest ions aft er your<br />

a;'ffi .<br />

foEier- '!hank you, Semj ase . You speak a per f ect Gennan l anguage<br />

- where did you mast er this l angua ge ?<br />

Semjase- 9/A qood quest ion which can be easily answered.<br />

J ust l ike Farth humans, we have to l earn a l anguage . I O/ Yet<br />

this is much easi e r for us , and less trouble . 11/he posess<br />

a ll rarth languages , present and earlier , that we re ever<br />

spoken, have detailed knc-..l edge of <strong>the</strong>m in ITOst dif -<br />

ferent ways. 13/ Fran <strong>the</strong>m, l anguage t raining cou r s es are<br />

made, as you wout d c all i t. 14/'Ihis work i s par forrred by<br />

language-s c ient is ts and machi nes, similar to what you ca ll<br />

canput ers. 15/r-achines of similar s ort serve <strong>the</strong>n, to trans -<br />

mit <strong>the</strong> desired language and instill i t into us . 16/ t-1e a re<br />

l inked to such a machine or apparatus whi.ch <strong>the</strong>n t ransmits<br />

<strong>the</strong> des ired language . 17/ 'Ihis is per fonned in a machine-induced<br />

hypnot ic- like state, and by this method <strong>the</strong> l anguage<br />

term; and senses becare irrplanted and registered. IS/This<br />

proces s takes 21 days . 19/ 'Ihen ....e need ano<strong>the</strong> r 9 to 10 days<br />

practi ce to be able to speak <strong>the</strong> l anguage correctly as ....'ell.<br />

20/'Ihis means ....re must train \...i th <strong>the</strong> hel p of appar atus and<br />

<strong>the</strong> l anguage s cient ists as we ll foe correct speaking and<br />

pronounciat ion. 21/ 'Ib l earn one language takes about; 30 to<br />

31 days . 22/ In r espect to this , Earth means , especially at<br />

language institutions, are a lready using tape-recor ders in<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir l anguage courses. 23/ 'Ihis i s alr e ady <strong>the</strong> first s tep<br />

to building apparatus and machines like ours , and to put<br />

<strong>the</strong>m into use. 24/ Such carputers a re a l ready in r esearch at<br />

diffe r ent p l aces of your Dar-th, (1)<br />


foEier- About; like I have imagined.<br />

senjase-<br />

25/1 know<br />

foEier- Hy next quest ion c oncerns what you have a l ready exp<br />

lained to rre in our first meeting, that Earth rren woutd<br />

never be able to travel <strong>the</strong> Universe i f <strong>the</strong>y did not invent<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r rrethod o f propulsion. I can only imagine he re that<br />

you mean a form of r adiat i on p r opulsion, a hyper - drive, so<br />

to speak. In my opinion that mus t treat o f a drive which in<br />

sare way changes rratter , l ikely beyond <strong>the</strong> speed of light,<br />

and by that <strong>the</strong> beamshfps enter a hyper -space, in which<br />

space and ti..rre are para lyzed, as you a lready explained. I<br />

assurre that space and t i..rre in such a way collapsing into<br />

e ach o<strong>the</strong>r are scrrehcw ccrnplet e l y disso l ved.<br />

senjase- 26 /You take honors a s a scie ntist . 27/ \oJhen we<br />

c onside r <strong>the</strong>n, that all your knowledge cons ists of autodi -<br />

dactical «ork, i t is phenarena l. 28/You are ccrpj .etet y r ight<br />

in your assmrption. 29/ For travelling through cosmic space,<br />

a drive i s necessary which s urpasses <strong>the</strong> s peed o f light by<br />

millions of t ilres. 30/ But this propulsion can on ly care<br />

into act ion when <strong>the</strong> s peed o f light has a l ready been r eached.<br />

31/ Fran that it f o l Icws that a f ur<strong>the</strong>r drive is needed r egu<br />

lating normal s peed up to that o f light. 32/This means<br />

<strong>the</strong>n that a bearnship needs b.u drives, first <strong>the</strong> normal which<br />

accelerates up to <strong>the</strong> s peed o f light, and <strong>the</strong>n a s econd f or<br />

<strong>the</strong> hyperdrive, as you call i t . 33 /A drive <strong>the</strong>n, which generates<br />

a million-fold, and bi lli on-fold, <strong>the</strong> speed o f light,<br />

thus <strong>the</strong> hyper - speed by whi.ch hyper - space is pene t rated .<br />

34 /A space i n which <strong>the</strong> mass increases in relati on to s peed.<br />

35 /50 t i..rre and s pace collapse , and <strong>the</strong>y beccrre zero t i..rre and<br />

zero space. 36/ 'Ihis rreans ti..rre and space cease to exist .<br />

37/kld exactly by that , distances o f nurrerous light years are<br />

trave r s ed in a fra c tion o f a s econd, with no t i..rre. l ag. (2)<br />

foEier- tees this mean that f or a bearnship and its passenge<br />

r s , <strong>the</strong> sarre t itre pas ses a s on <strong>the</strong> hare p l anet, o r ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

star?<br />

semjase- 38/Surel y. 39/\';l)en, f o r example, ....'e l eave <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Pleiades</strong> and need about 7 hours to get to Earth, <strong>the</strong>n on our<br />

cwn p lanet, a nd on Earth, 7 hours pass. 40/\·;e need this<br />

l ong because we first have t o fly beyond <strong>the</strong> r e ach of <strong>the</strong><br />

planets by nonnal propuslion , and on l y far out in s pace can<br />

we convert to hyperspeed. 41/ Back f ran <strong>the</strong> hyper space <strong>the</strong>n ,<br />


f ar outside your solar system, we c onvert to norma l. drive.<br />

a re never a llowed to enter hyperspace too near to a<br />

p l anet . •.<br />

Meier- '!his is ve ry interesting , but hCM, essentially , does<br />

s uch a hyper -dri ve work , and what happens to <strong>the</strong> norrmj drive?<br />

Semjase- 50/1 am not e Lloeed to give you closer details on<br />

this, because if Earth sci entist.s knew rm re details <strong>the</strong>y<br />

wou.ld have s olved <strong>the</strong>ir drive problems a lready in a short<br />

t .Irre , 51/'!his is not. in our c osmic int.erest., as <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

human i s s till not f ree enough to f l y in cosmic space. 52/Bu t<br />

he will in a g i ven ti.Jre solve <strong>the</strong> problem himself, which is<br />

not far o ff. 53/1 am only e.LIowed to give so much o f this<br />

secret, many of your scientists already being on <strong>the</strong> r ight<br />

track and working and conducting research on <strong>the</strong> necessary<br />

propulsions . 54/1 am onl y a I Icced to say this concerning<br />

propulsions ; your s cienti sts a re a lready working on I i ghtemit<br />

ting drive s . 55/ Li ght -emitting drives wo rk for normal<br />

propulsion , and rrove <strong>the</strong> beamships near p lanets and unt.L t<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are a s afe distance a\vay . 56/'Ihere (ano<strong>the</strong>r drivel i s<br />

activated when greater distances are to be cverccre, 57/ That<br />

i s for <strong>the</strong> hyper-propulsion system, whi.ch surpasses t.Irre and<br />

space. call roth o f <strong>the</strong>se propulsions by o<strong>the</strong> r designations,<br />

but <strong>the</strong> sense is similar. have ano<strong>the</strong>r- l anguage<br />

than Earth h1..1ITBIls , and s o I have to expl ain it to you<br />

in tenns which you understand.<br />

l-Eier- '!hat i s evident , ye t I do not understand hcJ..l such a<br />

drive functions . I understand <strong>the</strong> emittance , and <strong>the</strong><br />

meaning o f "tacheons" , but I cannot imagine <strong>the</strong> actual pr o-<br />

cess by which <strong>the</strong>y r esult in propulsion. Can you tell Ire<br />

rmre about; this?<br />

Semjase- GO/No, I am not a llC1...red to do s o , because it might<br />

reveal <strong>the</strong> s ecret of <strong>the</strong> whole drive, and also <strong>the</strong> generating<br />

and harnessing of <strong>the</strong> cacheonsr and <strong>the</strong> sane wi th <strong>the</strong> emittance<br />

drive.<br />

Meier- '!hank you, that suffi ces, f or I do not want to urge<br />

you. One thing still interests me . If I consi der right, <strong>the</strong>n<br />

<strong>the</strong> form o f <strong>the</strong> beamship plays no deci sive rol e , yet a disc -<br />

f orm would be <strong>the</strong> rmre ideal beca use , aerodynamically , in en<br />

atr.osphere, i t surel y offers <strong>the</strong> l e a st resistance, whi.ch<br />

wou.ld a lso be <strong>the</strong> case in water.<br />

Semjase- 61/ Surely s o , you have struck a point.<br />

55<br />

62( But

tiaken in all, <strong>the</strong> f orm r eally pl ays lit tle part. 63/'Ihe<br />

disc-l ike f or.m vouches <strong>the</strong> l ea s t resistance , and also offer s<br />

<strong>the</strong> largest surface, to e nable <strong>the</strong> drives on <strong>the</strong>m to be rros t;<br />

effective.<br />

loEier- This i s evide nt , but how is it possibl e for a beam--<br />

ship in <strong>the</strong> gr avi ty of a planet , or in its atrrospher e , to<br />

attain s uch grea t speed wi thout; glal1ing, o r <strong>the</strong> passengers<br />

succumbing to <strong>the</strong> huge pres sures?<br />

5emjase-- 64/ 'Ihis is very easy to explain, and a lso no secret<br />

any rmre to .Earth humans, a t l eas t not <strong>the</strong> scientists; <strong>the</strong><br />

beamship i s surrounded by a pr otectian-beam-girdle, whtch<br />

a 11CMS every interf e r ance t o glide away, without pushing .<br />

65/ The s ane a l so happens i n <strong>the</strong> cosrros , which swa rms wt.th<br />

particl es . 66/ 50 <strong>the</strong> beam-pr otec t ion s c reen functions to<br />

protect <strong>the</strong> ship against all influences and r esistances,<br />

with anything contac ting <strong>the</strong> screen becaning di sintegrated<br />

o r "f Icwed" away. 67/All penetrating, o r res istance-offer ing<br />

things are simply diverted without evoking pressure. 68/ A<br />

pressure wou.ld mean r esistance and ....rou.ld inhibit unlIrru.ted<br />

speed. 69/But r errova j o f <strong>the</strong> protecting screen initiates<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r Irrportiant; effect whdch is o f great importance to <strong>the</strong><br />

passenge r s . 70/ 'Ihe g lide- away e f fect of <strong>the</strong> beam--protectionscreen<br />

a l so neutralizes <strong>the</strong> a t tracti ve f orce of a planet .<br />

73/. ......mi.ch resul ts in <strong>the</strong> beams hfp not being subject to <strong>the</strong><br />

gravi t y f o r ces of <strong>the</strong> planet . 74/The gravi ty of a p l ane t is,<br />

besides this, not a l ways <strong>the</strong> sene, o r of <strong>the</strong> sane s trength,<br />

owing to certain a l ternat ions which \'1i 11 be discovered by<br />

your sci entis ts in a r easonabl e tiJre. 75/ 'Ihe beam--protect-<br />

Ive-screen diverts <strong>the</strong> gravity and attract ive forces, and<br />

<strong>the</strong> beamshfp in eff ect beccrrea a miniature p l anet whfch can<br />

travel a t nearly lightspeed through any atrrosphere wi.thout.<br />

risk. 76/As <strong>the</strong> gravity of a concerned p lanet does no t influence<br />

<strong>the</strong> beamship , <strong>the</strong> passenge r s feel nonnal and unburde<br />

ned, as if <strong>the</strong>y wer e on <strong>the</strong>i r pl ane t i t self, a Iways under<br />

<strong>the</strong> premise that <strong>the</strong> p lanetary gravity is in accordance wi t h<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir anatanical capabilities. 77/ In <strong>the</strong> beamship itself,<br />

<strong>the</strong> gravity of course is t uned t o <strong>the</strong> pass engers and is<br />

carpl etel y cont rollabl e . 78/ \'ihen pas sengers on spacecraft<br />

f ran o<strong>the</strong>r wor-Lds reeve in atmospheres a lien to <strong>the</strong>m, or on<br />

host ile p lanets unbea rable gravi ty, <strong>the</strong>y use suits and<br />

small trans portabl e instrurrents whtch gene r at e f o r that<br />

c reat ure , <strong>the</strong> necessary beam-protect ive-screen f o r <strong>the</strong> i r<br />

particular ship and peculiar r equf r errent,<br />


pocer -, and will s t ill be f or a l ong t i.Jre, infinitely super -<br />

i or to all technical rreans o f <strong>the</strong> Earth human being. 98/And<br />

where this is not <strong>the</strong> case, <strong>the</strong>y may be under <strong>the</strong> protect ion<br />

o f ano<strong>the</strong>r and rrore deve l oped i nt e lli gence whose techniques<br />

approach <strong>the</strong> last perfecti on.<br />

Mei.er- These are nice expectations .<br />

senjase- 99/It i s <strong>the</strong> only way to preserve peace and not<br />

bring death and destruction to your Universe, and this mus t<br />

be tol d to <strong>the</strong> Earth human, f or hi s spiritual wisdan is<br />

s till very poor -Iy developed. lOO/ The Earth human should<br />

a ccarodate himself to <strong>the</strong> thought, that his forefa<strong>the</strong>rs have<br />

forced a ll o f mankind and <strong>the</strong> Eartl1 i tself to <strong>the</strong> edge of<br />

ruin, and had to evacuat e <strong>the</strong> p lanet in wild flight. (4)<br />

lO l /It shoul d also s erve to warn him of power-hungry and<br />

barbaric death-br inging characters. l02 / A second r ace had<br />

to experience this in your solar system. l03/ \1ithin <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

l imitress hate and unquenchable thirst f or pcoer , <strong>the</strong>y destroyed<br />

<strong>the</strong>mselves to <strong>the</strong> l ast nan, and no creature survived<br />

<strong>the</strong> conflict . l 04/ 'Ihey dest royed <strong>the</strong>ir own p l anet wf th a<br />

vast explosion that blew i t up, and nothing .remadned o f that<br />

p lanet save <strong>the</strong> many thousands of asteroids, which s till<br />

today circle round your sun ...- as ner.orial stones to <strong>the</strong><br />

deadly unreasonabili ty of human creatures . lO S/ Remnants of<br />

<strong>the</strong> one t i.rre s t anding and rnarve tousry flourishing p l anet of<br />

"natoma", which its inhabitants dest royed in <strong>the</strong>ir barbarous<br />

thirst for power' , and <strong>the</strong>ir unreasonable might , survive<br />

today. (5)<br />

Dear gir l, that is very interesting ; do you s till<br />

knCM rrore s uch things?<br />

Semj ase- l OG/ Surely, but for today that has t o be enough.<br />

l 07/ 1he next tiIre you shall l earn IIDre.<br />



(1) In crepcer 9 of UFO AEnJ::I'IQ-l lJJ.' B:JIOCAIU (this p.ililis.'-erL we learn<br />

of a .rercva'e pastor arrl his \rife, FEn:linio arrl aterce sets, havirg<br />

teen alrlu::tErl al:oaI:d an EI' space:;:raft tccerrer, rein;; fit te:i with l'J:>ai;ear<br />

that parfomed eutccatdc s iI:ul.tanea..1s translatial of <strong>the</strong> sr' s to<br />

<strong>the</strong>irs arrl <strong>the</strong>irs to his. 'rtere «as sere irrlicatioo that \"ith similar<br />

equi.pJB1t <strong>the</strong>y can Learn 0Jr larq.Jages in a sf-crt; t ir.e. They a::uld edjus t;<br />

tre translator device to any present zarth l..ar'q.age as as <strong>the</strong>se of<br />

0Jr pest.,<br />

(2) E'arth. scientists recrntly sb.rly:in:J this prc:b1em of su;:er- lig!1t. speed,<br />

David Frt:nirq o f<br />

Mva.""Ce;j Prcp.1l.sim systece Laboratory<br />

trere, arrl Ala" fbit fomerly of H:iustal, eqree that for tl:e<br />

process descril::e1 to rase place it would be necessary to transcerrl tre<br />

fhysi.cal--dEnical speet.rcn of into arctber ...'here tie oniinary<br />

cal lID.'S of d'lemical matter ro l.aq=r y, am tlat it might be possible<br />

to 00 this in a field that ecceteretes all etccs in tfe field simlltan--<br />

EnJSly.<br />

(3) This ran to unify has been 11B1t.i!nErl l:¥ <strong>the</strong>se arrl o<strong>the</strong>r E1's as a<br />

necessary prerequisite to space travel. If can rot get almg en cur a-n<br />

terre planet, can never bope to est aJ.c:n:J with o<strong>the</strong>r intel ligent l:e ings<br />

quite dilferent fran us . 'Ihis and <strong>the</strong> need for a unifia:l planetary effort<br />

rrergin:J all of <strong>the</strong> technical resources. scientific kn:,.. arrl capebUity<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> planet in a o::nstructive prcqrem t:hat can r:vve forward<br />

ccoestvery, arrl witlu.1t <strong>the</strong> cestroctaveoess of <strong>the</strong> past, th::y say. is tre<br />

ally way we will ever

-<br />

told bj those El's that certain Russian scientists an:j rna<strong>the</strong>r.aticians had<br />

run calculatiuls in orbital cecrentcs. recersrrq <strong>the</strong> orbits of Jov,.,n<br />

asteroids, arrl that ....'hen <strong>the</strong>y did so, trey fa...-crl that <strong>the</strong> asteroids<br />

all retnrred to a cc-rcn pairrt; at a certain par-led in tarre, have never<br />

teen able to anfirm this . '!his was told to us at that tare as an exeaple<br />

of wha t 0Jr "'on igrorant mrlless was Ieedtrq to. 1hey had j ust told us<br />

that ale of cur big atonic e:oq;:erir:Ents had cptten cut of o:ntrol am vaporized<br />

<strong>the</strong> entire site isl..arrl to a o::nsi.derable depth urder water, They<br />

sug:JeStro that had i t oot fortunately been over water arrl <strong>the</strong> greater<br />

ceol..irq effect of that rredfim, might have exper-Ienced <strong>the</strong> fate of <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r planet. 1·Wrle.1

Fifth Contact Sunday, 16 February 1975<br />

This f i fth c ontact t ook place j ust be fore mi dn i ght only on e d ay a fler <strong>the</strong><br />

f ourth mee ting with Semj ase, She greeted hi m a nd <strong>the</strong>y d iscusse d a proj ec l<br />

he was wor k mq on and t he ne ed for a greater s piritua l i nsight on <strong>the</strong> part<br />

o f average Earth humans. Then she remind ed h i m t ha t ou r Ea rth chron o logy is<br />

not ve ry exact, a nd she offe r ed <strong>the</strong> foll owing in f orma tion for cceoa r f s on<br />

with ou r present recor ds.<br />

Semjase- 31/Hany researchers since o ld tines try to calculate<br />

<strong>the</strong> t ine of your Biblical "Gr e a t Flood", yet up to<br />

na.... with little s uccess. 32/Fr an your present O1ristian<br />

chronology, <strong>the</strong> Great Flood t ook place exactly 10 ,079 years<br />

ago . 33/ It was caused by a wor-Idwt de catastrophe of cosmic<br />

origin, when a gi ant ccret; di spl aced Earth f ran its orbi t<br />

and changed i t s per-iod of r evolut i on and di r ect i on . 34/ At<br />

t hat; t ine an Earth day was mor e than 40 hours and <strong>the</strong> s un<br />

did not r i se in <strong>the</strong> east as i t dces nCM. 35/Such changing<br />

pe riod and direction of r evol ut ion events have afflicted <strong>the</strong><br />

Ear-th two rrore tines s ince <strong>the</strong> f Iced, but <strong>the</strong>y have not produced<br />

s uch destructive catastrophies . 36/ 'Ihe last change of<br />

this kind happened 3,500 years a go , about; which I will speak.<br />

later. (1)<br />

37/Tne gr eat flcx:rl 10, 079 years ago was pr oduced by a gi gantic<br />

ccrret., which has a l ready caused much damage and rroves through<br />

<strong>the</strong> Univer se since very ancient t ines. 38/\\e call it <strong>the</strong><br />

"tes t.royer" , and we are aware of its traveling through this<br />

un i verse for mi llions of years. 39/Fran your chronology,<br />

this dangerous caret posesses a revo l utionary period of 575<br />

and one half years , and will c crre dangerously c l ose to <strong>the</strong><br />

Ear-th again in <strong>the</strong> year 2255 of your calendar, if not changed<br />

by c osmic c i rcumstances. 40/ 'Ihe l ast (c los e) passage to this<br />

planet tcok p lace 295 years ago i n 1680. 41/But 10,079 years<br />

ago, this giant caret, ori ginated by natural catastrophe,<br />

passed near Earth and very nearly dest royed i t . 44/ The l ast<br />

catastrophe produced by this caret was scrre 3,500 years a go ,<br />

as I ment ioned. 45/ It happened exactl y 3,453 years back in<br />

your chronology. 46/\'lith this ccrret; occurred an event seldom<br />

wi.tneased in this univer se, <strong>the</strong> tran sp l antation of a p l anet<br />

f ran a distant solar system, t.hrown <strong>from</strong> its orbit and<br />

pu shed into c osmic space, where it ran parallel to t he gi ant<br />

destructive caret. than 130 years this planet tr ave<br />

led behind <strong>the</strong> giant, and on l y unimaginably s Iowl .y deviated<br />

f ran i ts course. 48/'Ihen, 3,453 years ago, <strong>the</strong> dest r oyer<br />


penetra ted this s o lar s ystem and disarranged <strong>the</strong> p lanetary<br />

orbi ts. 49/Passing near E3.rth, i t shrouded her in i ts vast<br />

trail and dis turbed her mightily. SO/Extens ive s torms and<br />

vo lcanic erupt ions we r e <strong>the</strong> cons equence. 51/Hurnan beings<br />

and animals died in gr eat numbers , rrountains were disp laced,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> depths o f <strong>the</strong> oceans c hanged. S2/ In <strong>the</strong> r-iediterr<br />

anean Sea <strong>the</strong> l ava walls of <strong>the</strong> volcano Santorini were rent<br />

deep and l arge quant ities of water penetrated. 53/This pr o-<br />

duced a might y catastrophy, because f r an this <strong>the</strong> vo lcano<br />

exp.lcded and dest royed <strong>the</strong> I sle . 54/'Ihe explosion generated<br />

a huge atormfIocd which qreol up to 2, 000 meter-s into <strong>the</strong> sky<br />

and r a ged l ike a pzfrreve.l rronster over <strong>the</strong> ocean. 55/All<br />

ins ide it was k i lled and destroyed and <strong>the</strong> waters were r ed<br />

with b leed. 56/In Egypt this s tormfIood i nundated l arge<br />

areas and c aused epidemics, while <strong>the</strong> floodwave r an back<br />

over <strong>the</strong> eastern shores o f present Syria and destroyed all<br />

harbor citi es and <strong>the</strong> l andscape. S7/ 'Ihe caret shot through<br />

this sol ar system and rushed out into <strong>the</strong> cosmos again, to<br />

ret urn in ano<strong>the</strong>r 575 and a half years . 58/In its trail<br />

follo.o.'ed <strong>the</strong> displaced p lanet, about; <strong>the</strong> s ize o f Ea.rth, and<br />

was captured by <strong>the</strong> gravity field o f this Sun (and i ts<br />

s ystem) . 59/'Ihe gigantic forces guided this p l anet into<br />

orbit between Hercury and Earth. 60/And since <strong>the</strong>n, this<br />

transplanted inmigrant p lanet i s known to Earth men as <strong>the</strong><br />

p lanet Venus . (2)<br />

Meier- Fantastic ,<br />

5emjase.<br />

Semjase- 61/Surel y , but I have not f inished, as I want to<br />

tell you new ano<strong>the</strong>r o r igin, for this fateful caret a lso<br />

brought a long your rrcon, a sma.ll planet fran a far away solar<br />

sys tem. 62/The Earth' s l-b::!n o r iginated as a little planet<br />

4.5 mi llion years o lder than <strong>the</strong> Earth. 63/ It happened millions<br />

o f years ago. 64/ reep in unexplored space, in a suneysten<br />

near <strong>the</strong> milky way (ecliptic) , a l one s tar floated<br />

far f ran <strong>the</strong> normal courses of <strong>the</strong> sun-circling orbits.<br />

65/ I t was a "dark star" empty of life, very dange rous in<br />

its e rratic course into which i t was c ast by a huge eruption<br />

of its nat ive sun. 66/'ihis exploding sun destroyed<br />

rrost of i ts circling satellites, o r shot <strong>the</strong>m as dangerous<br />

missiles out i nto space. 67/'Ihat sun i tself <strong>the</strong>n collapsed<br />

i nto i t self and t ore a hole in <strong>the</strong> Universe . 68/ Her ma.t t er<br />

pressed in upon itse lf by vast forces was carpressed into a<br />

srra.lI VOlurTE. 69/\\hile that SlU1 in its normal pulsating<br />

state had a diar.eter of eleven mi llion kilareters, i t now<br />


shriveled toge<strong>the</strong>r to a densi ty of only 4 . 2 xttcrctcre (in<br />

dianet e r) . 70/Thus <strong>the</strong> matter became so ccroressed that a<br />

s ingle cubi c centi.rrEt er weighed sever a l thou sand t ons . 71/<br />

Since <strong>the</strong>n it floats a s a dark gaping void in <strong>the</strong> cosrros ,<br />

which f or mil lions of kilareters around her tears everything<br />

'towards her . 72/ 'lhe a t - that - ti.Ire flung away dark star was<br />

capt ured by a neighboring s un- system and i t circled it <strong>the</strong>re<br />

on an unstable course. 73/ For many thousands o f years i t<br />

o r bi ted that sun and its s atellites . . . 74/But still far<br />

away fran those «or -Ida, <strong>the</strong> lifeless dark-star traveled<br />

s pace. 75/ Big and ina cc essib l e , i t float ed through <strong>the</strong> i cy<br />

univers e , an expellee, a dangerous wanderer in a strange<br />

sys tem, dark and dead l y . 76/In <strong>the</strong> run o f <strong>the</strong> mtLl .endums<br />

it reeved rmre and more within <strong>the</strong> r each of <strong>the</strong> sat ellite<br />

bodtes of that system which i t had circ l ed f o r so long a<br />

trirre, 77/Inperceptably its course nar-rcsced and <strong>the</strong> dange r<br />

grew. 78/ m ti.rre i t fell s uddenly and unexpectedly .into tile<br />

narrocest. o rbi ts of that sun and her p lanets. ..., a l -<br />

ready recognizable as a dark spher e , <strong>the</strong> des troyer r efle c t ed<br />

<strong>the</strong> sunlight whi Ie it drew behind i t a thin veil of l uminous<br />

particle s . 8S/ Still s ore hundred thousands of units of dis -<br />

tance to <strong>the</strong> nearest wo r t da , i t evoked on <strong>the</strong>m helli sh s torms<br />

which destroyed great areas cul tivated <strong>the</strong>re by peacef u l<br />

human beings . 89/ I n <strong>the</strong> night o f <strong>the</strong> third day a fter penetrati<br />

on o f <strong>the</strong> destroyer into <strong>the</strong> courses of <strong>the</strong> planets;<br />

<strong>the</strong> c osmic traveler invaded <strong>the</strong> elliptical orbit of <strong>the</strong> 6th<br />

planet . 90/ Evoking grea t cosmic storms, i t dis p l aced this<br />

planet serre un.its out of i ts course and dangerous1y near<br />

<strong>the</strong> s un . 91/ Irnrense eruptions and storms rent <strong>the</strong> flourishing<br />

beauty of this p lanet. 92/lobuntains collapsed into<br />

<strong>the</strong>mse l ve s and oceans were 'thrown f ran <strong>the</strong>ir beds as that<br />

p lanet fo und a new course around <strong>the</strong> s un . 93/ Fi lled with<br />

horror and f right _fr an <strong>the</strong> vast power of nature, <strong>the</strong> human<br />

beings fled to <strong>the</strong> l arge plains scat tered over that planet.<br />

94/But t he r e l eased natural f orce s overcarre <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

thir ds of <strong>the</strong> inhabi tants of that planet we r e l ost i n <strong>the</strong><br />

tesrcest,s of natur e . 96/\'lild waters tore away great parts of<br />

<strong>the</strong> s olid land, while expl cding vol canos buried huge plains<br />

under- g lCMing l ava and l a i d it in ashes and ruin. 97/Tne<br />

rotat ion of <strong>the</strong> p l anet s Iowed and <strong>the</strong> day becarre twi ce as<br />

l ong, and <strong>the</strong> p lanet changed direction in i ts o r bi t about;<br />

<strong>the</strong> s un. 98/Forced by cosmic dest iny, <strong>the</strong> s urvivors had to<br />

begin again - dest i t ute of culture - recast into a pr Inevat<br />

tine of origin. 99/ The des troyer rushed through <strong>the</strong> sys t em<br />


-<br />

s preading death and great destruction. IOO/It crossed <strong>the</strong><br />

course of <strong>the</strong> 5th planet, a worl d a t <strong>the</strong> beginning of life<br />

f ormatdon, lOI/Still , this one , a t <strong>the</strong> tine of <strong>the</strong> event ,<br />

fortunately, was teo distant to be seriously darna.ged by <strong>the</strong><br />

effects . 102/Aside fran earthquakes and great sto.rrns little<br />

damage was done. 103/'Ihe 4th p l anet in this sys tem was destroyed<br />

in this bat tle of wor Ids , l 04/ As <strong>the</strong> s mallest of<br />

<strong>the</strong> p lane ts it held its course which crossed <strong>the</strong> path of<br />

<strong>the</strong> wanderer directly ahead. IDS/ And s o it happened, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

rushed on v...ith i r resistabl e f orce. l OG/ Like t\vo wild rronsters,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y rushed toge<strong>the</strong>r ; a giant and a & ...arf. 107/ Ye t<br />

before <strong>the</strong>y could COllide, huge explosions rent <strong>the</strong> lifeless<br />

dwarf p lanet . lOB/Its shattered f ragrrents were flung to<br />

<strong>the</strong> endless wfdths o f <strong>the</strong> Universe, where <strong>the</strong>y are s een a s<br />

falling stars or meteors when caught by <strong>the</strong> f orces of o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

s tars and planets, and <strong>the</strong>y find <strong>the</strong>ir f inal end g lCMing<br />

a\'laY in o<strong>the</strong>r a t::rrospheres . I 09/ O<strong>the</strong>r parts o f <strong>the</strong> d'....arf fell<br />

into <strong>the</strong> s un and were atanized. llO/ fobre parts feU into<br />

<strong>the</strong> destroyer and becerre a part of it. UI/ Fl ung , as by a<br />

giant 's fist, a l arge piece of that dwarf p lanet shot away<br />

through s pace with dis tant a im . 11 2/ As it carre wi thin <strong>the</strong><br />

inf1uence of o<strong>the</strong>r stars, i t was s haken and struck. by meteors<br />

and f alling debr is changing i ts form. 113/ In <strong>the</strong> passing<br />

cent uries it took a rounder form, 114/ It was dead and wasted<br />

and cover ed \...ith huge craters, and was i nhospitabl e for lif e .<br />

U 5/ The forces of dif ferent systiems changed its speed, and<br />

saneti.Ires i t's course, unt il one day it was attracted by a<br />

s un-system and drawn into orbit . 11 6/ As a dark dead star it<br />

passed through <strong>the</strong> outer p lanet ' s orbits without caus ing<br />

damage. 117/1n <strong>the</strong> inner orbit i t struck s crre pieces of a<br />

destroyed planet whfch only cut SCIl'E deep craters in i t .<br />

lIB/ This c hanged its course again and forced it parallel to<br />

<strong>the</strong> course of <strong>the</strong> second planet , which had a l ready developed<br />

primitive life. 119 / 1he planet was covered by l arge oceans<br />

and dense orirreval forests . 120/ Fran this point in t .Irre only<br />

34 days passed unt il <strong>the</strong> dwa r f caught up with <strong>the</strong> p l anet and<br />

was caught into orbit around it. 12 1/ The forces of that<br />

planet vce re enough to tie <strong>the</strong> dwarf to i t as a new satellite<br />

on a steadily changing elliptical orbit. 122/Since <strong>the</strong>n i t<br />

circl es a s <strong>the</strong> a r ound Earth, 4.5 mi llion years older<br />

than its pr-imary body. (4)<br />

123/In <strong>the</strong> 'dis tant solar system <strong>the</strong> destroyer r aged on.<br />

124/It des troyed everythfnq in i ts path, t.hrowfnq by 00-<br />


imaginable pcoer, <strong>the</strong> inner p l anet of that system into its<br />

sun, before which <strong>the</strong> planet \...as consurred by huge exp t osI ons<br />

and f e ll as pieces into <strong>the</strong> sun and was atanized . . 12 5/ 'Ihe<br />

destroyer was deflect ed f r an its course by a f ee... units, and<br />

shot dangerously near t he sane sun and back i nto <strong>the</strong> depths<br />

of space. 125/In <strong>the</strong> unimaginable energies o f <strong>the</strong> near pass<br />

by that sun, t he danger ous wanderer was liquifi ed, and in<br />

its .imrense speed o f passage through that s ystem, and <strong>the</strong><br />

cosmic t urbu l ence generated, cast gla...ing substances and<br />

particl es f r an i ts surface, gene r a t ing a l uminous trail a<br />

hundred thousand uni ts l ong, q ro,...i ng l ike <strong>the</strong> dest roye r i t -<br />

sel f , which had no,... become a giant deadly caret . 127/ In <strong>the</strong><br />

cold o f cosmic space <strong>the</strong> wanderer s olidified a gain . 12S/ The<br />

l uminosity r emained with i t as well as i ts l uminous tail,<br />

and myr iads and myriads o f sma l l e r partic l es and gasses s urr<br />

ound i t since <strong>the</strong>n ove.rfIcwinq it and <strong>the</strong> long t ail behind<br />

i t. .. (5)<br />

U5/The o ne-thi rd survivors o f t hat distant ravaged s olar<br />

s ystem regan t o r ebuild <strong>the</strong>ir societ y . 136/'Ihis was difficult<br />

and rich in privation, but in l ess than 9 centuries<br />

<strong>the</strong>y c r eated a new civilization and cul ture with advanced<br />

t echnical sciences. . . 141 /Then a t irre cerre when <strong>the</strong>y<br />

f Iewaround in disc-shaped rrac htnes and developed beam-drives<br />

and t raveled <strong>the</strong> \...i dths o f <strong>the</strong> cosrros, 142/ O<strong>the</strong>r systems o f<br />

suns and planets were discovered and explored . 143/New<br />

wor -Ids and possibilities were d iscl osed, and scrre began t o<br />

emigrate, <strong>the</strong>ir hare p lanet having beccrre to sma .lI for <strong>the</strong><br />

nBv<br />

144/Their scientists created great spaceships,<br />

sufficient ly equipped with rreens o f every kind, and fantastic<br />

capabi lities f or exploring space and l earni ng nev things.<br />

145/'lhey f ound many habitable cor-Ids and s o lar syatems whi.ch<br />

<strong>the</strong>y o f t en subjugated by use o f <strong>the</strong>ir radiation weapons<br />

after short one-sided battles, t o conquer <strong>the</strong>m f o r settle -<br />

rrent. of <strong>the</strong>ir r ace. (6)<br />

146/Besides <strong>the</strong>ir m:ms t rous techniques, <strong>the</strong>y still improved<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir spirit, and nothing that <strong>the</strong>y want ed t o exp Ioru .rematned<br />

str ange for <strong>the</strong>m any l onger . 147/ By ut i lizing <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

spiritual f orces <strong>the</strong>y r ais ed <strong>the</strong>mse lves ahead o f rrany o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

races, becaning <strong>the</strong>ir governors. 143/At that t.Irre <strong>the</strong>y called<br />

<strong>the</strong>mselves "Ki ngs o f wtsdcn" , by t he wor d "I ffi'iI-!" which<br />

on Earth i s translated to mean "Cod" , 149/ Spi ritually far<br />

superior to sene o f <strong>the</strong>ir c ontempcrar I e s, <strong>the</strong>y soon governed<br />

<strong>the</strong>m in evil dictatorial f orm. 1 5D/But in <strong>the</strong> passing cen-<br />


-<br />

t uri es , having beccrre t i red o f <strong>the</strong> Godly scientists, <strong>the</strong><br />

oppressed people rose up against <strong>the</strong>m, a t first by s ilent<br />

r evolution. l Si / Oppres s ed by <strong>the</strong> spiritual f o r ces and <strong>the</strong><br />

greate r kncwledge of <strong>the</strong> "Gods" , <strong>the</strong> nations were forced to<br />

bow in s ubjugation to <strong>the</strong>ir rulers. 152/But <strong>the</strong>ir will for<br />

f reedan ins pired <strong>the</strong>m to prepare secretly f o r a battle .<br />

153/Like a srrou l dering f ire i t g l CMed undetected for 500<br />

years, to flame up a t a given rrcrrent. a s an unquenchable wild<br />

fire t orch. 154/ln Earth chronology that was about; 230 , 000<br />

years ago , when <strong>the</strong> conflict f o r freedcm began. iSS/ Evil<br />

wars spread to many p l anets and sate wer e destroyed. (7)<br />

156 / A scientist narred ASAEL took this chance to make tumself<br />

independent and to f l ee. 157 / Secre tly he succeeded in<br />

takingpossession of a l arge fleet o f spaceships, manned <strong>the</strong>m<br />

and fled under heavy war act ivity. 158/\'li th 133 c rossrenas<br />

(great s pacers) and about 250 explor e r cl ass ships having<br />

360 , 000 h uman beings aboard, he departed his hare system.<br />

159/ 'Ihey f l ew f o r many years through s pace, until one day<br />

<strong>the</strong>y encountered a sun-system which offer ed life-developing<br />

possibil ities for <strong>the</strong>m f ar f r om <strong>the</strong> i r horne sys tem. 160/ After<br />

taking pcseeeafonof <strong>the</strong> new p lanet, three hundred years pass<br />

ed, wh i le <strong>the</strong>y created a new mankdnd, 161/ 'Ihen <strong>the</strong>y se t t led<br />

t-o mor e p lanets in <strong>the</strong>ir new hare system, and <strong>the</strong>n resurred<br />

<strong>the</strong> expl orati on of <strong>the</strong>ir universe again.<br />

162/ Then <strong>the</strong>y encountered your solar s ys tem. 163 / fure<br />

<strong>the</strong>y put l anding parties on three different p l anets and<br />

started <strong>the</strong> or ganization of a new culture . 164/These planets<br />

were r a <strong>the</strong>r inhospitable and of t en hostile . 165/ 50 <strong>the</strong>y<br />

departed <strong>the</strong>se pl anets again and on ly nov and <strong>the</strong>n v isit ed<br />

<strong>the</strong>n a f ter that . 166/ hhen on <strong>the</strong> (<strong>the</strong>n) second plane t , <strong>the</strong><br />

Farth, intelligent life began to trove , <strong>the</strong>y cerre again and<br />

na.v l i ved <strong>the</strong>re. (8)<br />

167/ As in <strong>the</strong> nature o f hurrans, confli cts over <strong>the</strong> control<br />

of governrrent broke out a gain and once rrore <strong>the</strong>y l e ft Earth.<br />

16B/ Fran <strong>the</strong> nee hare p lanet (in <strong>the</strong> Pl eiades) , deve l oprents<br />

on Earth were c ontinually watched, and contro lled t o sene<br />

degree, through expeditions year aft er year. 169/ Fram t ine<br />

to t i..rre o<strong>the</strong> r attempts were also made to settl e this pl anet .<br />

170/Also o <strong>the</strong> r creatures were depor-ted to Earth and s inply<br />

l eft here to <strong>the</strong>ir fate, with no t echno l ogy o r help . 171 /<br />

se-e degenerated and becerre wild and bestial. 172/ Then a t<br />

l a s t a t irre c arte when a great step cou l d be undertaken.<br />

173/ A certain cul t ure deve loped, which had exi s t ed sene<br />


thousands o f years. 174/ But once rmre, thirst for po...'er<br />

broke out and a ll w'ere destroyed. 175/ 50 <strong>the</strong> Earth fell<br />

again into her old character. 176/ 'Ihen it took sore<br />

nu Ll endums, until a new effort was undertaken, but no ITOre<br />

in <strong>the</strong> sense of an expedi.t.fonr on <strong>the</strong> hare planet dissension<br />

in opinion broke out, because <strong>the</strong> scient ists once rrcre had<br />

e levated <strong>the</strong>mse l ves as Gods and held <strong>the</strong> nations in bondage .<br />

I77/ The r es ult of this was that a group of dissenting scientists<br />

and o<strong>the</strong>r human beings a l lied <strong>the</strong>mselves toge<strong>the</strong>r and<br />

took poseaaLon of dif ferent spaceships. 178/Al:::out 70, 000<br />

hunan beings fled that pl anet and settled on Earth. 179/<br />

Their l eader, named Pele gan, was voluntarily ackncwledqed<br />

by a ll as an IHh'H (Godl , and he matncafned tight control.<br />

l BO/ He had nearly 200 sub-l eaders, who ....'ere each respons i bl e<br />

for one special fi eld of sci ence. 181/ They were to be known<br />

as "sub-Gods", and a lso cere ca lled "Gua r dians " . 182/ 01 <strong>the</strong><br />

hare planet war r aged, and rnrch ....ras damaged and lost. 183/<br />

But <strong>the</strong> human beings finally aqu i r ed freedom and peace.<br />

184/ 'Ihis has r emained unt il nCM, and a l so \...ill never change.<br />

185/In Earth chrono l ogy this happened about; 50, 000 years ago.<br />

18G/ Onl y on Earth i tself, i t was not a Iways so peaceful an d<br />

rrany mistakes were ma.de . 187/ By one of <strong>the</strong>se mistakes <strong>the</strong><br />

original Earth race cerre into existence, whose descendents<br />

live today and have inherit ed <strong>the</strong> inclinati on to carmit <strong>the</strong><br />

sane faul ts as our f orefa<strong>the</strong>rs have a lready done.<br />

fr£ier- '!his i s r eally fantastic , Semjase . Ho ... does all thd.s<br />

contnnue? I am r eally anxious to kncse,<br />

semjase- 188/'Ihis I believe , yet for today I cannot tell<br />

you rrore, as my tirre i s over. 189 / 'Ihe next t in'e you shall<br />

learn rrore. . .<br />



(l) The tine parked giVEn he re for <strong>the</strong> great f locd as 10,079 years a;p<br />

ro..qhly corrcsp::rrls to tre eecinared tdre of tre sinlU.n::J of tre mythical<br />

islarrls o f Atlantis as reported bj <strong>the</strong> Greek Priest Solm. in Plato's w:Jrk<br />

m 'AElJS. O<strong>the</strong>r researchers since <strong>the</strong>n, such as Otto } jauc:k, H. P. D:::n'lelly<br />

am reds spe-ce: am TlEtaFhUsicians such as H. Rardall steve-e. scott<br />

Elliot arrt H.P. alevetsxy, also agree. t-ore auth:::lritat.ive ecteoti£ic<br />

researcres that tJ-e flo::d rray have occurred ab:ut 11,385<br />


cre solar system in ano<strong>the</strong>r ccnstellatial.<br />

(6) '!he Pl eia:lian erceetcrs left <strong>the</strong>ir parent planet in ano<strong>the</strong>r ccoetet-<br />

Iat.Icn arrl rcered space settling o<strong>the</strong>r worlds. created a kirrl of<br />

space ecprre ..tU.Ch t:tey exploi.tEd for <strong>the</strong>ir cxcn heretit.<br />

(7) Pleiadia..""IS (before <strong>the</strong>y cocece Plei.a.:iians) fled. <strong>the</strong> scece<br />

Etpi.re arrl ultimately enqineered an:l. occupied three planets in <strong>the</strong> groop<br />

of s tars n:::J,1 call <strong>the</strong> Ple iades, hence cur n:r.E for <strong>the</strong>se extraterrest ial<br />

n d n:;JS .<br />

(8) PenEg;.de steieatere, escapi.n'g q:pressi!:n again. cere to ocr solar<br />

sysrsra, ....eere <strong>the</strong>y vrareed al'rl operated surface tesee 01 three of 0Jr<br />

pre-eta. 'Ihey were forced to evacuate sevaraj, tdres bJt <strong>the</strong>y always retl.rn'H:i<br />

as <strong>the</strong>y cb m -l.<br />


That was a staggeri ng r-evejatIon and boggles t he mi nd without a l ittle<br />

e xpl airvknq unti l i t is r ead ever a few times. \1e ha ve been ab l e t o l e ave<br />

IIIOs t o f t his di alogue int act be caus e o f t he natu re of <strong>the</strong> ncns en s.rt. Iv e but<br />

high l y i nterest i ng s ubj ect mat ter discu s sed .<br />

It has been postulated by o<strong>the</strong>rs t hat <strong>the</strong> "Great rlood" was caus ed by<br />

precipitation of t he vapor envelope that shrouded <strong>the</strong> Ea rth to a great<br />

depth before t hat time, l'lhen this plane t was like a gr eat gre enhouse an d<br />

<strong>the</strong> surface nev er sa" t he sun di rectly . Vegetation grew to great s i ze and<br />

n ouri s hed eu per abundant Iv , A problem with t his t heory i s I'lhat was <strong>the</strong><br />

cause o f t he change i n tempe rature , enough co oling on a planetary sca l e to<br />

precipitate t he va por envelope? This account at l e ast offer s a solution t o<br />

t hat puz zl e . And it accounts for some ot he r things t oo, such as <strong>the</strong> observ ed<br />

changes in po larity an d sudden great changes i n c limate and <strong>the</strong> l and and<br />

water surfaces, and t he buryi ng and eeeo ressmq of t hat lush dense veqetat<br />

ion produc i ng ou r coal beds, a l l events that happen on a co smic scale,<br />

and suddenl y Ire are of f e red a cause. There a re no records of that vast<br />

des t r uc tion except in nat ure itself, but we do have r ecords of t he return<br />

of a "destroye r" cel estial bod y i n mo re recent times , whi ch may ha ve been<br />

r espons i b l e for o<strong>the</strong>r but l e ss seve r e co smic ch anges .<br />

There a re a lso suggest i ons that Venus i s so diffe rent <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r col d<br />

bodie s in ou r solar syst em t hat it may no t be na t I ce t o it , but a capt ur e<br />

i n t he no t too distant past , ano <strong>the</strong>r e vent that produced co smic dr at. ur ban -<br />

ces i n t his solar svet ee a t t he t i me. I-:e had not on ly t he great tidal<br />

walles in <strong>the</strong> Mediter rane an , as ment ioned , but a l lover <strong>the</strong> "arId. The great<br />

Amazon ian In l and Sea was s loshed around i n it s basin co nt'letely destr oyi ng<br />

doz en s of great cities around its be autiful sho res before it was eeot tec<br />

i nt o t he Atlan tic l eavi ng black silt hundreds o f feet de ep i n t he mouth of<br />

t hat gr eat river and beyond into <strong>the</strong> ocean . The Gobi Sea was emptied into<br />

t he Arct ic and l arge i slands in t he Atlant ic and t he Pacific, an d <strong>the</strong><br />

Indian Ocean as well, co mp letely disappeared and t he grea t mount ain ranges<br />

wer e r a ised. These ellents a r e so big t hat t he y almost had to be t he result<br />

of forces on an interpl anetar y sca le , and t his s tory sat is f l.es of <strong>the</strong><br />

myster i es that seemed un answerabl e before .<br />

The s tory o f t he orig in of t he in ano<strong>the</strong>r so lar system is un i que but<br />

cert a inly no more imp lausibl e than any such s tory offered. Aftervje f inall y<br />

got to <strong>the</strong> I·loon an d b r ought back some s aeo tes of its mat er i al , we did in<br />

fact find t hat it was probab l y older than <strong>the</strong> Earth. The co llapsing sun<br />

that s pa wned our Moon i n this stor y i s no l onge r an unkn onn pnenQttJenon .<br />

[ndeed , i t i s no.. believ ed to be quite ccmron and that <strong>the</strong>re are many such<br />

singu larities scat tered throughout known space.<br />

rictually. accordi ng t o this story . ou r rcon i s no t a pa rt of that hug e<br />

r ogue co l d planet , bu t a result of t hat body's coll isi on " ith t he 4t h<br />

pl anet i.n <strong>the</strong> parent s olar solar 5)stem o f <strong>the</strong> anc es tors of those we nO\\l<br />


c all Pleiadians , t hey l i ve d in t hei r own s olar s ystem i n anot h er star<br />

constellation. Ou r present r·loon is alleged t o be a part of t hat destroyed<br />

f our th planet , and <strong>the</strong> present Pleiadians a re t he descendents of <strong>the</strong> survivo<br />

rs of t h e s ixth planet of that s yst em, a f ter t h e ir e xodus . So i n one<br />

sense <strong>the</strong>y do have a special i nter e s t i n our r·loon als o.<br />

The s econd p l anet , ment i one d i n sentence 118 , is o ur Earth before t he<br />

capture of Venu s, being <strong>the</strong> f i rst t hen and Mars <strong>the</strong> third.<br />

The o ne t hird s urvivors of <strong>the</strong> Pl e iadian ancestors ' original planet<br />

e vo l ved a n ew t echnol og y a nd des i gned and built <strong>the</strong> Great-spa cer e va cuation<br />

"arks" i n j ust 900 years, and began t o launch t h e m evervetier e for many<br />

hu ndreds o f ye a rs more. Th e ext raterrestrials v i s i t i ng Swi tzerland a re t he<br />

descendents of one of t hose space ar-ks who occupied one of t he t h ree new<br />

pl a net.s e ngi neered for habitation in what we call t he <strong>Pleiades</strong> t oday. 'hat<br />

was 23 0, 000 years a go. The y h a ve expe rienced g reat qams and q reat l osses<br />

e ver since that time. I n a very r e al sense we a r e descendents of t hen<br />

e arlier colonists attempting t o settle here, t oge<strong>the</strong>r ,.ith an a ssor-tment<br />

of a bo rigines a nd e x i les.<br />


Sixth Contact Sunday , 23 February 1975 22: 30 h<br />

Semjase- l / l t has been sore t .:irre unt il you were r eady for<br />

this. .. ?<br />

things .<br />

'!hat is because I was busy and had to f inish Sate<br />

Semj ase- 2/Such can happen. 3/But n(7,>l I want to f ur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

expl ain sene things to you.<br />

can ' t thi s wai.t, because L, myself, have sarething<br />

that inte r ests rre very muchr s orrething tha t inte r ests o<strong>the</strong> rs<br />

a l so, whfch is <strong>the</strong> whole life of <strong>the</strong> human being.<br />

Sanjase- 4/As you prefer , yet actua lly I wanted to give you<br />

a mission , and to continue <strong>the</strong> s t ory I began l ast t .Irre, 5/<br />

this can wait when you have sarething rmre i.rrportant ,<br />

in your opinion.<br />

Thank you, Semj ase . Indeed I present ly have sarething<br />

tha t appears important to Ire; <strong>the</strong> life of a human being, as<br />

I rrerrtdoned. I am interested in <strong>the</strong> developrent o f lif e,<br />

i ts arrangerrent, and <strong>the</strong> developrent of spirit, and what<br />

about re-birth?<br />

Semjase- 6/0h yes, a field which not only wracks your brains .<br />

7/ Ye t on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r hand a s c i ence, being very extensive,<br />

about wll.i ch even we do not knew <strong>the</strong> last s ecr e ts. 8/ &J I<br />

can only explain t o you what is known to us and what; we a s -<br />

SUITe exists. 9/Altoge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>re a re on l y fi ve main points,<br />

which for us a lso are s till uncertain. IO/ The se l ead to<br />

secrets of creation, which is a lso inaccessible to us . 11/<br />

Never<strong>the</strong>less I do not want; to wf tho.ld f ran you our ass urrptians.<br />

12/ The life f ran i ts beginning to goal i s divided, it i s<br />

said, by seven main s t eps or per-Iods, 13/ 'Ihe s e a r e again<br />

divi ded into s even sub-per icds that make up <strong>the</strong> who .le , 14/<br />

The s ub-per-Lcds may be carpared t o leve l s in schcot , except<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are not calcul ated in years , but in lifet .:irres . 15/ In<br />

each period thus, a quite certain devet oprrent; exists and a<br />

very certain goal. 16/ And s o ron a ll seven sub-periods,<br />

which can last hundreds and thousands o f years, and <strong>the</strong>n one<br />

rrajn period i s accarplis hed.<br />

17/ Spiri t life is s exl ess , because sex i s speci fically<br />

characteristic of o r ganic life to a ssure propagat ion (of <strong>the</strong><br />

species) . 18/ Spi ritual life, thr ough organi c form, observ-<br />


es <strong>the</strong> Laws of rebirth (or cycles) to assure developnent in<br />

both d irections . 19 / Thus each form of life mis t. pass through<br />

seven destined main peri ods, i ncluding <strong>the</strong>ir s even subl<br />

evels. 20/For f ixed posi t.Ion organic c reatures, <strong>the</strong> periodic<br />

sequence of <strong>the</strong> seasons is decisive, while f o r spi r itcondit<br />

i oned c reatures (such as human beings), <strong>the</strong> periods<br />

are i r r e gul ar and often r ated differently individually .<br />

21/They are not fixed in a dest iJred r hythm l ike plants, etc.<br />

22/A r e-birth o f a spirit-conditioned human being can take<br />

place after <strong>the</strong> death o f his phys ica l body, in seconds, decades,<br />

thousands o f years or mi lleniums. 23f';'hen a s pi rit -<br />

condit ioned life is interrupted, <strong>the</strong>n it i s dis advantaged<br />

for that . 24/ 'Ihis i s because it cannot accarplish its subper<br />

dcd goal and must repea t as neces sary to achieve <strong>the</strong> goal<br />

of <strong>the</strong> per-Iod,<br />

Does this rreen <strong>the</strong> life mist; be lived a s econd t i.Jre?<br />

Sanjase-- 24/In a certain way, yes; a t l east <strong>the</strong> part that<br />

was l ost. 26/ Acco r d ingly, <strong>the</strong> next lif e may be s horter , t oo,<br />

because it may only be making good "mi s s ed" lessons to f inish<br />

<strong>the</strong> goal o f <strong>the</strong> per-iod.<br />

speak?<br />

So one could call this a Hell o r puru.shrrent., so to<br />

Semjase- 27/Surely, beca use Hell in t ruth i s nothing e lse<br />

than a self- inflicted punishrrent to be suf fered. 28/m<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r words a self caused fauLt; mrs t; be made good.<br />

Maier- Fran this I unde rstand that Hell and sin in <strong>the</strong> religious<br />

sense are pure nonsense ?<br />

semjese- 29/seen that way : yes. ..<br />

Does this mean <strong>the</strong>n, that nobody i s guilt y wh en he<br />

makes mistakes in his life , that he can make qocd by r ecognizing<br />

<strong>the</strong> r eui t., o r whatever' one mi ght call this, carrnits<br />

it no rrore, and absor bs it a s kncwledqe , f ran wht ch <strong>the</strong>n has<br />

to resul t a certain wi sdom?<br />

Semj ase--<br />

got<br />

30 / . . .Your interpre tation is \\'

You tease Ire, f or, do I really need justification?<br />

Semjase- 31/0f course not, and you understand <strong>the</strong> sense o f<br />

my words wet L 32/50 please don ' t split hairs.<br />

Sanjase-<br />

1 only wanted to "push you on <strong>the</strong> roll" .<br />

33/1 don't understand what you rreaJ1.<br />

'!hat means 1 e Ll csced myself<br />

a j oke.<br />

Semjase- 34 /0h yes, I d i dn' t knee... that. 35/This l ocution<br />

is new for me. 36/CKl <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, your talk expresses<br />

your peculiar hurror once rrore ,<br />

1 sinply can not find everything funny , or l augh<br />

at:out things which o<strong>the</strong>r human beings would laugh at. Their<br />

hurror often seems prirni.tive to Ire .<br />

Semjase- (laughing) 37/'!hat is very ....'ell knoen to Ire, and 1<br />

o f ten have enjoyed your peculiar hurror . 38/ 1 do also l ike<br />

to l augh.<br />

'!hat de lights Ire. But new we have gotten o ff our<br />

oonversation.<br />

Semjase- 39 /You are r i ght, because 1 still have to expl ain<br />

sarething on your question: <strong>the</strong> s even main s teps o r main<br />

peri ods rreen, in <strong>the</strong>ir s evenfold divisions, each one who le<br />

per-Iod, 40/ You might consider it a "s erres t er". 41/Fran this<br />

it might rrean in your designation, one life s erres ter during<br />

whi ch seven subjects mus t be acccrrp.l. Lshed, 42/ 1 want to<br />

explain this by a s chesres<br />

I . PRINARY LIFE: 1) Prilmry dc\.-e.lcp:e1t of intellect. arrl spirit.<br />

2) pr-imary t.hi.n'

2) Effective rnalizatim of reascn arrl its use.<br />

3) Prirrlry ar::XrnI'l.edp::Slt arrl co;;ni.t.iOl of hi.¢ler<br />

influenc:es.<br />

4) ea,lief in h.i.gher influenc:es with:ut tf-e<br />

kro'1ledge.<br />

5) Belief in higher forces, stJ!:erstitim, fear of<br />

evil, venerati.a1 of G:rl, etc.<br />

[GeIminatirg tilre for rel.i.gi.als. etc.)<br />

[Present<br />

luMn teirql<br />

III.<br />

pcstt.tco of<br />


(Present e:ira.ted<br />

zartn teirq3, scteotaste,<br />

etc. J<br />

(Faoi bo rderlarrl am.<br />

spiritual scimtistsl<br />

N .<br />

RrnL LIFE<br />

6 ) Primlly o:qritim o f <strong>the</strong> t:n.le reality. seseerch,<br />

kn::::J..iJeigeable c:leve1qne1t . First sptrttcsd cccniti.als<br />

arrl <strong>the</strong>ir exercise. !:piritual J-eal.inq,<br />

te1eplthy, etc.<br />

7 ) Primrry c:leve1qne1t of \t;rn.tledge am wis:bn.<br />

1) Mvanca:l. deve.1cprHJt of tre intellect. High techn>lcgy.<br />

Searrl util..izat.ial of spiri'bJal forces,<br />

Primary creectcn of livin;J force.<br />

2) Realizaticn arrl exerctse of truth, mrl<br />

wtsccn, 5iD'1 breakcl:Mn of acceptEd reliefs.<br />

3) First ut.i..l.izaticn of Jlutely reat,<br />

2) Q;gtitim of spiritual knMledge arrl spiribJal<br />

wtsccn.<br />

3) Utilizaticn of spirit kJu..'1W;Ie arrl spiribJal<br />

wtsoaa.<br />

4) (h;nit.ial of <strong>the</strong> rnality of <strong>the</strong> rnFATICN arrl .it' 5<br />

lnws.<br />

5) Livirq accord:in;1 to <strong>the</strong> rnEATICN law . FUrificati.cn<br />

of Spirit arrl intellect. Cbgni ticrl of <strong>the</strong> ooligatim<br />

arrl force of Spirit. Breakrbm of bUrd acceptaoces<br />

in I:cl..ief.<br />

6) Q.ride:j arrl a:ntrolle::1 util.izatim o f spiritual<br />


forces.<br />

7) creectm of first livin;J c reetnres, (1)<br />

V. rnFAnO:AL LIFE<br />

VI. SPIRl'I\W. LIFE<br />

1) Crea.ti..rq arrl a:nuol..l.irq of liv in;J fares.<br />

2 ) Q;.ost.ruetial of tIEChIDical/ organic livirrJ thi.n:;Js .<br />

3) Spiritllal devel.c:p:Ent of forces for coot=l of<br />

material arrl organic f orms of life.<br />

4) mastery of life in all its<br />

forms ard sorts.<br />

5) Fbsitim of recconrctcos. Pani.niscences of earlier<br />

liletilres, etc.<br />

6) KiIq.=; of \'1i.s:bn - rn;-;H before <strong>the</strong>ir higher !P''er<br />

7) Q:g:Utial of ::piritual reece, of universal love<br />

ard cre.ati.cna1 harmny.<br />

I) Al:::klnN1e1:;p.l2ilt ard realizatim of Spiritual Pesce.<br />

un.iVErsa! love arrl crea.tia1al han:I::ny.<br />

2) living ac:x:ordi.rx:.J to pare Spiritual<br />

3) Spiritual c reati..rq arrl creectcos.<br />

4) Dis--eIt:cdyi.n:;J of Spirit fran organic matter.<br />

5) First pare S?iritual existence.<br />

6) Final Spiritual existence.<br />

7) rasetrc-ccer into <strong>the</strong> rnEATIrn ccnsctcusnesa.<br />

I ) 'IWilight sleeping during seven feri.crls of rest.<br />

2 ) k"a1cening arrl of creati..rq in <strong>the</strong> creettco<br />

as CREATlrn, dur in;J seven par fcds,<br />

3) Creat.iI"q o f livirq forms.<br />

4 ) Creat.irq of new Spirit in of <strong>the</strong><br />

rnEATlOl.<br />

5) creetrrq of great Spirit in <strong>the</strong> rnEATlaI.<br />

6) [tet t.rans:ti.tte::1 j<br />

7) last reach o f higtest iDp:ro

Semjase- 43/You will bear this and e laborate on it. .<br />

I hope I will be able t o do s o , though sore things<br />

wi l l ra<strong>the</strong>r \vra ck my brains, especially <strong>the</strong> nameless nothi ng<br />

which I have never understcxxl.<br />

Semjase- (laughing) 44/You will keep possessionof your head.<br />

45/But about; <strong>the</strong> narreless nothing, don't ....,or ry too much , as<br />

a l so for us this is a secret can not solve. 46 /N:::1.V <strong>the</strong><br />

tine has care for lIE again, that I must leave. 47ft':hat I<br />

actually ....ranted to tell you I have pos tp::med to <strong>the</strong> next<br />

tine - i f you don I t esteem s anething e lse more important.<br />

48/Yet I understand such matters occupy you very much, and<br />

you want to be c l ear about that. 49/1 gave this to you accor<br />

ding to hew I understand it mysel f . (2)<br />

t-Eier- Of course, Semjase , and I thank you for that . I have<br />

still ano<strong>the</strong>r ques tion , i f you wi ll admit it. It concerns<br />

<strong>the</strong> Talmud Jrrman uel and <strong>the</strong> jtrsatonary by whose fault <strong>the</strong><br />

o riginal writings became destroyed in an earlier tirre you<br />

told me. D::> you mean <strong>the</strong> Mi.as i.ona.ry H.R. (Rashid , <strong>the</strong> Greek<br />

Orthodox Priest in Jerusa lem) ; and i f so, what; connection<br />

exists between him and your people? (3)<br />

seajese- SO/This had to care - and I see having to tell you<br />

next t .Irre, tile first i nformation about <strong>the</strong>se matters . 51/<br />

Yes, it was l-LR. whan ....'e had persuaded to our miss ions. 52/<br />

Unfortunately, he failed in many things. 53/He had been too<br />

l ong dependi.nq o n his r eligion, which had qro sn roots i n-<br />

side him, and o ften l ed him to think illogically . 54/A fact<br />

that regretfully coul d not be overccre, 55/But about this I<br />

can speak no rrore neM', because I am especi ally tied by t.irre<br />

today . 56/But a t <strong>the</strong> next rreeting you shall have information.<br />

57/Tne o<strong>the</strong>r things have tiIre and <strong>the</strong>re is no r eason to<br />

hurry.<br />

'!hank you, Semj ase , you satisfy my wishes .<br />



(1) nus is a rerarkable staterent, because it trdiceres <strong>the</strong> pct ent.Lal, for<br />

m3I1 to create livirg organisns within his sci ences arrl t.echn::llO;Jies ....tel<br />

t.rey reach a certain level of sq::hi.sticatim. I'e are just to 00<br />

this expariIrentally in 1al:oratories aro.n:l <strong>the</strong> mrld. \'.e have cceerved <strong>the</strong><br />

extraterrestrials apparently Cbing this atreedy in a nurt:er of o<strong>the</strong>r UFO<br />

antact cases, where living f orms are seen to have teen created bj tbcse<br />

ITs to carry cot. certain tasks. 'Ire Ple.ia:lians use part r.echani.ca1/part<br />

organic ectc-atcos to perform SIECific jccs aboard <strong>the</strong>ir IID<strong>the</strong>r--sh.ip', such<br />

as care arrl maintenance of <strong>the</strong>ir spacecraft. '!he l::eanshi.ps also have an<br />

organic part; in <strong>the</strong> central corpcter systen which has rat.icrlal<br />

am can be CXT.J:UI"\i.cated with te1eIBthically . nu; <strong>the</strong> beeesrups, ax::e<br />

f ini.slB1 ard a:r.rni..ssia1ed, beccrre veritable livin;J entities havirg a rrEta1<br />

arrl c:arp::si tes b:dy and arrl a livin:} mirrl. This exceeds <strong>the</strong><br />

wildest ina:Jinaticrl of cur science fict..icrl eutrors, arrl coca again ccnfitms<br />

<strong>the</strong><br />

"Tr uth is strarcer than rtctacn".<br />

(2) nus explanatim provided OJ Senjase seems vaguely like an cversirrplificatim<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Ch3.ins arrl fhmjs of <strong>the</strong> 'Iheosq;hists, or <strong>the</strong> \'br ld furicds<br />

arrl Gld:es of <strong>the</strong> R::sicrucians. O<strong>the</strong>r easteI:n call <strong>the</strong>se<br />

great per-iods of ll'anifestatim arrl repose, Y1J;1as. Stu:3l2'nts of r:etat:f'risics<br />

fflCO.lrIter <strong>the</strong>se descripticns soc-ex o r later, arrl soret.ures in great detail.<br />

i'e ie r certainly ha::i to be eevare of this philosiI:tJY in sere degree<br />

f ran his spiritual stixrtes in an eshran in In::lia.<br />

B) l-l Rashid, <strong>the</strong> par-Ish Priest of a Gree,l( Q:rth:rl::::Jx te:ple in Jerusalan.<br />

was a ccntectee visited by t:hese Pl e i.a:lians, arrl <strong>the</strong> reings -frrm <strong>the</strong> DAL<br />

uuverse as ....-ell, before Sanjase tegan her ccntecta with lliuard refer in<br />

Srit:zerlarrl in January 1975.<br />


Seventh Q:ntact '1Uesday, 25 February 1975<br />

JoEier- 'I'tx:lay you call Ire yourse lf. Evidently you have to<br />

tell rre sarething Irroortant., Semjase ?<br />

senjase- l IAs you s ay, but you must keep s ilence about; it:<br />

Meier- Okay I Semjase , I \'1i.ll do as you want - and will keep<br />

silence about this.<br />

Senjase- l /Sa I want; to tell you sarething 00'''/ that surely<br />

will delight you: wi thin a short t i.rre I v...1 11 get a new<br />

beamshi.p which <strong>the</strong>n you wi ll a lso be e Ilowed to photograph<br />

fran near by, to get r a<strong>the</strong> r good pictures. 3/1n my present<br />

ship, regrettably, <strong>the</strong> autana.tic r adiator s are bui lt-in,<br />

which rreens up to 100 meters, 90 to be exact, woul d destroy<br />

your f i lm . 4/The radiation, as said , i s not harrnfu.l to<br />

living creatures, yet, as I said, i t wou.ld affect your f ilms .<br />

Mller- Marvelous, I am delighted about; this. Am I a lso<br />

a tIowed <strong>the</strong>n, to capture <strong>the</strong> inside equtprent on <strong>the</strong> f ilm<br />

and undertake a flight with you, wh.i.ch you have premised Ire?<br />

Semjase- 5/You can fly with Ire when <strong>the</strong> ti.rre for this cares,<br />

but I am not to a llaY' you to make even one single picture of<br />

<strong>the</strong> inside o f <strong>the</strong> beamship. 6/Perhaps at a later tine,<br />

which I have not yet decided. 7/Also a t ano<strong>the</strong>r ti..rre , you<br />

may be a l lowed to take a photo of Ire, but this is not open<br />

for discussion, because certain r easons do not a lleM this.<br />

Meier- Al l right Semjase, I do not want to urge you. It i s<br />

sufficient fo r Ire when you tell Ire i t may be possible sere<br />

t drre , You a lso do not need to t e ll Ire <strong>the</strong> reasons, as <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are surely o f importance, and perhaps you are not e H coed to<br />

tel l.<br />

seajase- B/They are Inportant,<br />

err, I woul d be a H ewed to t ell<br />

are not e Ll cwed to t e ll o<strong>the</strong>rs ,<br />

it inside you.<br />

that 's right . 9/Ye t you<br />

<strong>the</strong>m to you a lone, but you<br />

thus you woul d have to hide<br />

M:!:ier- I do understand , and so you should not tell rre <strong>the</strong><br />

reason.<br />

Semjase- l O/ You are doing we lL, l1/ But neM I must ask you<br />

rot to forget my order. ..<br />

Meier- Certainly not, how could I? But do you already want.<br />


to go?<br />

Semjase- 12/ No, 1 only r epeated asking because it is very<br />

Irrpor-tent , 13/1 really have tirre today, and that rrore than<br />

anything e lse .<br />

This p leases rre ; so we can talk a tiJre ca lmly?<br />

Semjase- 14/1 am delighted as \-.£'11, as it i s canforting to<br />

s peak with a human being like you. 1S/You have a character<br />

in your being very synpa<strong>the</strong>tic for rre , a peculiar manne r.<br />

16/ Als o your often ext.rerre ''lay of thinking and your philosophy<br />

attract rre,<br />

Are you making rre a proposal o f marriage, Semjase?<br />

Semjase- (Laughing l oudly) 17/ Tha t ' s it; " 'E! v.alld make one<br />

n i ce couple!<br />

One needs to have i deas,<br />

Sernjase.<br />

Semjase- 18/ You s urely do not lack <strong>the</strong>se, nor as well your<br />

peculiar hurror -.<br />

Unfortunately my hurror often i s taken in earnest .<br />

Semjase- 22/First, 1 want to answer your question fran l ast<br />

t ine: H . R. was since 1956 one of our contac ts. 23 /As you<br />

knew, he was a Priest of <strong>the</strong> Greek-Catholic Church. 24/\·;e<br />

orde r ed him to undertake different mat ters, which he premi<br />

sed to do. 2S/&:J we thought h im t o be <strong>the</strong> right man to<br />

carry out a d ifficul t mission. 26/In consequence, we sboced<br />

him <strong>the</strong> l ocation, where he could find <strong>the</strong> TalmJd Jrrrnanuel,<br />

this o r iginal scripture written by Judas Ischari oth in <strong>the</strong><br />

lifetiJre of Jrrmanuel. 27/ \'li th our he lp, he l ea rned <strong>the</strong> o l d<br />

Aramean l anguage, and this way becarre able to transl ate <strong>the</strong><br />

wr t t.Inqs , 28 /He perforrred this ve ry correct l y, and made a<br />

German translation, whi ch i s known to you. 29/In reading<br />

<strong>the</strong> or iginal wrt.tInqs, fell on pricks of conscience,<br />

and s uddenly knew no rrore ...mat he cou ld acknowl edqe as t rue.<br />

30 /On <strong>the</strong> outsi de, he pret ended conviction , that he belie ved.<br />

<strong>the</strong> Talmud, but in truth, <strong>the</strong> r eligions were too "'ell established<br />

in him, and he s uffered r errorse. 31/1his was a lso<br />

<strong>the</strong> r eason for him to r e t r eat o fficially frem his religious<br />

belief and still dedicate himself t o <strong>the</strong> trans lati ons,<br />

which , a f ter all, he did very corre ctly . . . 32/But , as said ,<br />

he was not convinced, and never knew what; he should do. 33/<br />

He lived cont inuously wfth <strong>the</strong> fear that <strong>the</strong> scr ipts would<br />


e discovered and beccrre known, thus, consequent ly , .... had<br />

to b r ing him into contact wi th s areone who ....'outd not fear ,<br />

and who vouched to us with h is character and kncwtedqe to<br />

protect <strong>the</strong> scr ipts. 34/ Unfortunat e l y for us , a ll <strong>the</strong><br />

ITOre entang l ed h imse lf within his fear, and he began to blur<br />

out things, which cou l d beccrre dangerous f or himself and <strong>the</strong><br />

Ta1Imld. 35/He car ried this s o far, in <strong>the</strong> middle o f 1974 ,<br />

that nothing remai ned for h im but t o flee f ran J e rusal em<br />

(and his church <strong>the</strong> r e) and r etreat i nto Lebanon, where he<br />

lived in a refugee camp under a different narre - t oge <strong>the</strong>r<br />

with his famil y. 36/ But he as ....'ell had to flee f ran<br />

<strong>the</strong>re too, and ....ten t; out of that land. 37/In fear he had<br />

enclos ed all <strong>the</strong> writings into a ....'ClOCJen wall, whe re <strong>the</strong>y,<br />

only a few hours later, ....'ere q:npl etely destroyed by a fire<br />

when <strong>the</strong> Israeli mi lital:y invaded. 38/Because o f his guilt<br />

a ll was destroyed. 39 /That, e s sent ially, is also our gui lt,<br />

because we confided too much i n him and expected teo mrch<br />

fran him, by which <strong>the</strong> most; ....,orthy evidence was destroyed,<br />

which could have r evealed scrre untruths in <strong>the</strong> Olristian and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r religions . 40/But <strong>the</strong>re sti ll does exist a quarter o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> scr ipture in <strong>the</strong> German version, and i t wi ll be suffi -<br />

cient to r eveal scrre t ruths and f r ee <strong>the</strong> human fran de l usion .<br />

loEie r- So tha t i s how it was. . .<br />

Semjase-<br />

41/ Sure ly.<br />

What i s H . R.<br />

doing now?<br />

Semjase- 42/\·;te have s topped a ll contact with him since he<br />

fled fran Lebanon with h is family and l eft <strong>the</strong> wri tings fo r<br />

destruction. 43/ \1e only know that he was in Iraq <strong>the</strong> l ast<br />

heard. 44 / Fr an <strong>the</strong>n ....te were no more interested in him.<br />

45/ He and his family have l ost <strong>the</strong>mselves scnewhere in <strong>the</strong><br />

wo r Id , as a l so he l ost his real narre ,<br />

l-Eier-- hhat do you rrean? Is h is name not H. Rashid?<br />

Semjase- 46/No, because on l y his cousin keeps this nerre,<br />

47/ 1 don tt want to tell his present name, as he perhaps uses<br />

it again in some manner like he ....ss p r ies t . 48/In spite<br />

of a ll, we are not hostile minded against h im and do not<br />

want to cause difficul ties for h im, and so ...."E! s hall not reveal<br />

his narre ,<br />

fot!ier-- It's Okay, Semjase , I don' t ....zant; to know him.<br />

Semj ase- 49/ You are not anxious a t a ll?<br />


-<br />

Meier- At t iJre s I am, but when i t shouldn't be, <strong>the</strong>n not ye t.<br />

senj ase-<br />

SO/You are sincere.<br />

Meier- .••No.¥' I have brought with rre a whole list of questions,<br />

which were put to me, and f or which I should ask an<br />

answer.<br />

Srnlj ase-<br />

92/Are <strong>the</strong>se questions fran your friend' s circle?<br />

l-Eier- Yes, but <strong>the</strong>y are a l so questions which often occupy<br />

mysel f.<br />

5erljase-<br />

93/Very well, do ask.<br />

Meier- 'Ihe rros ti-rrent.Ioned question is whe<strong>the</strong>r I am e .Howed<br />

to bring friends, etc., to one o f our rreet ings?<br />

seajese- 94/'Ihis i s , unfortunate ly, not allCMed. 95/'Ihe<br />

r easons for this are knCMI'l to you . 96/ 1£ I were to a troc<br />

that, <strong>the</strong>n we could t urn ourselves quite o fficially to <strong>the</strong><br />

whole o f mankind. 97/ But we s till don I t l ike that, about;<br />

which I have a lready s poken thoroughl y. (1)<br />

Semjase-<br />

Excuse i t.<br />

98/1 have on l y answered your question.<br />

The excuse i s not f or ire, but for all those who have<br />

directed <strong>the</strong> question to you.<br />

Semjase- 99/0£ course; I should have knocn .<br />

r-ty next quest ion concerns <strong>the</strong> Earth human r ace.<br />

have here ye llow, red, white , br own and b lack hurran beings ;<br />

what about <strong>the</strong>m? h'hy do those d ifferences in color exist?<br />

Semjase- lOO/TIlls does actually bel ong to <strong>the</strong> history o f<br />

Earth mmkind, which I wanted to tell you fur<strong>the</strong>r . lOl / Ye t<br />

I want to answer this question na.v, and can save <strong>the</strong>se exp<br />

lanations unt il l ater. l 02/On <strong>the</strong> Earth do exist , not only<br />

<strong>the</strong> f ive color ed r aces you narred, but a l so o<strong>the</strong>rs eat1pl etely<br />

unknown to you. 103/They partly live in places whe re still<br />

no hurran being has found <strong>the</strong>m, partly. . .<br />

Meier- You rrean, <strong>the</strong>y perhaps live under <strong>the</strong> Earth, l ike<br />

f or exarrple, according to <strong>the</strong> claim, <strong>the</strong> case in }'lexico, or<br />

under dares in inaccessible regions, rrountains o r c hains of<br />

rrountains , about which mythical things are told?<br />

Semjase- l04/eertainl y , and here and <strong>the</strong>re those races a lso<br />


care to <strong>the</strong> wor -Id of <strong>the</strong> sun and j oin into <strong>the</strong> creed on <strong>the</strong><br />

surface. I DS/ Like in countries with many sorts of races,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y do not stand out and c an nove unburdened, e speci a l 1y<br />

when <strong>the</strong>y cover <strong>the</strong>ir f aces l ike is camon in sare count.rdes•<br />

106/'Ihis is rrore diffieul t when <strong>the</strong>ir face color is rmre<br />

striking, for exarrple, b luish, who • ••<br />

. ..Live in areas o f India, don't <strong>the</strong>y?<br />

107/You knew this?<br />

I have eyes in my head .<br />

aenjase- 108/0f course, but again you have outJ:un Ire. 109/<br />

But I wanted to tell you fur<strong>the</strong>r, o f sare o<strong>the</strong>r co l ored races<br />

having a l ready died out since a l ong t ine (ago) . UO/In <strong>the</strong><br />

sane way , <strong>the</strong>y are a ll still <strong>the</strong> prcx:1uct o f <strong>the</strong> Heaven' s<br />

Sons, which rreans that <strong>the</strong>y were c reated by <strong>the</strong>m, as well as<br />

<strong>the</strong> still existing Earth r aces tcdey, 1 U / 'Ihe Heaven' s Sons<br />

or star t rave l ers, as we used to call our forefa<strong>the</strong>rs, were<br />

at hare on may kinds of stars, having very different kinds<br />

of c li.Il"ate, thus <strong>the</strong>y a l so evolved races who were able to<br />

accaoodate <strong>the</strong>mselves since <strong>the</strong> beginning to those c li.Il"ates.<br />

112/ Accor ding to <strong>the</strong> climate, a lso s kin color ing developed<br />

itself, o f which <strong>the</strong>re are innurrerable colors in <strong>the</strong> Uni -<br />

verse. 113/ Also <strong>the</strong> body sizes were diff erent, because o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> Idffferent} gravity o f each concerned planet, and ranged<br />

fran only 50 centi.rreters to even sere meters tall . 11 4/There<br />

were, and even are, c reat ures whi.ch you would te:rrn giants,<br />

or t itans, and also such c reat ures lived once on Farth. 11 S/<br />

'!hey a lso l eft descendents here, but <strong>the</strong>y were eradicated<br />

in t.ure, for <strong>the</strong>y were o ften evil -minded and tyrannical .<br />

116/'Ihe present different col ored races are thus descendents<br />

of <strong>the</strong> diffe rent c olored ancestors, who cerre f r an different<br />

stars.<br />

'Ihen <strong>the</strong> hUlMJ1 being was not basically c r eat ed here<br />

on Farth, and he does not descend f r an a rronkey?<br />

Semjase-<br />

117/1b you believe <strong>the</strong> rronkey-hurnan <strong>the</strong>ory?<br />

foEier- I am not stupid. t-1y reason tells rre o<strong>the</strong>rwise than<br />

<strong>the</strong> c razy Icqdc of Darwin•• •<br />

118 / 1 have not es timat ed you f or s tupid . . .<br />

fuier- I haven't meant; it that way ; that was just a \-o"aY of<br />

saying what I feel.<br />


senjase- 119/1 s ee. 120/0kay <strong>the</strong>n; you are r ight with your<br />

neaning, <strong>the</strong> human being not being a descendent of a rronk ey .<br />

I 2l/ He becerre c reat ed by our ancestors, who mixed <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

with <strong>the</strong> Earthhuman creatures, who a t that tiIre ....sere c a lled<br />

"evas". I22/A designatio n, which nothing e lse. ..<br />

. . .rreens, than <strong>the</strong> bearing one or beare r.<br />

Semjase- 123/Sure , yet once rmre you s teal <strong>the</strong> march on me.<br />

I 24/ Fran whe re do you knCM that?<br />

Mtier- I have my he ad a l so for t o think and f o r to ccmc fner<br />

on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand I a l so knC1N <strong>the</strong> TalnnJd .Jnrnanue.l, f o r sene<br />

rrore, than just that , that still exists in <strong>the</strong> Ge Dl\3J1 l anguage<br />

.<br />

senjase- 125/0f cou r se. 126/ But <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>n earthly c r e a t ures<br />

wer e of different fonns and characters. l 27/ 'Ihey were partl<br />

y ful,<br />

Iy savage creatures of human- like form, \.mo were sent<br />

out at earlier milleniums by our ancestors, and were by this<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir descendents. 128/ 'Ihe se descendents o f <strong>the</strong> outsent<br />

ones c opulated with different sorts o f animals, and c r eated<br />

new living creatures. l29/One s uch is <strong>the</strong> still 'today known<br />

rronkey creature which r epresents a human-animal nrutation . (2)<br />

130/S:::> <strong>the</strong> rronkey creature descends f r an <strong>the</strong> human being and<br />

not <strong>the</strong> r e verse . 13I/Inter:rrediate mutat ions between human<br />

and rronkey have a l ready been f ound by your researchers and<br />

sci entists but nostly a s skeletons o r parts o f skeletons.<br />

l32/'Ihese intermediate mutat ions, partl y human being/partly<br />

rronkey, are known t o <strong>the</strong> human being under names like<br />

"Af r i c anus" , "Peking man " and "Neande rthals" . l 33/ Four different<br />

kinds o f <strong>the</strong>se have maintained <strong>the</strong>mselves ove r all<br />

past milleni ums , and <strong>the</strong>ir descendents do s till live today,<br />

yet no more in l arge groups, but on l y isolated o r in very<br />

small groups . 134/'Ihey are so wild and timid that <strong>the</strong> human<br />

being will sel dan s ee those. U S/ The human being has expressed<br />

a special nerre for <strong>the</strong>m: Yeti. . . 136/'Ihe e vas wsere<br />

nothing l e ss than ve ry savage descendents o f <strong>the</strong> thousands<br />

o f years ago outsent ones ....'110 had <strong>the</strong>n beccre deprived o f<br />

rreans o f assistance. 137 / They were like wild anirna.ls who<br />

lived in greater groups . 138/\,hen our ancestors f inally<br />

settled on <strong>the</strong> Earth, <strong>the</strong>y broke a strict l a \V and used f or ce<br />

on <strong>the</strong>se c reatures. 139/ This rreens <strong>the</strong>y capt ured <strong>the</strong> wdId ,<br />

though attractive, f ema l e beings and coup led with <strong>the</strong>m. 140/<br />

Fran that arose <strong>the</strong> first forefa<strong>the</strong>rs o f <strong>the</strong> p r esent human<br />


eings of Earth. 14 1/Q1e c lass was called "Adam" in <strong>the</strong> old<br />

ancestors l anguage, which rreans "Farthhuman being". 142/ For<br />

<strong>the</strong> first one this t e rm remained. as a name, and is sti ll so<br />

used today. 143/But as our forefa<strong>the</strong>rs were of mixed r aces<br />

and different colors and s i zes , so <strong>the</strong>y al so genera ted. <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

different c haracter i stics according ly - c o lored r a ces o f<br />

differ ent sizes. 144/'Ihe smallest wer e just 50 centirreters<br />

tall, while <strong>the</strong> l argest and ITOst wicked ones reached twe l ve<br />

meters . 145/ 'Iheir l ooks were a l so differe nt , and sore sorts<br />

of <strong>the</strong>m l ooked little l ike hurran f o rms. 146/ 'Ihey ....'er e l e f t<br />

to die out, o r were killed, when <strong>the</strong>y becarre too evil- minded,<br />

but scree f ound <strong>the</strong>ir way to distant i solated places and<br />

lived for many thousands of years , because <strong>the</strong> ir avera ge age<br />

was 15 ,000 years . 147/ By <strong>the</strong> t.irre <strong>the</strong>y too becarre victims<br />

o f t ime o r human beings , <strong>the</strong> l ast of <strong>the</strong>m, whose life<br />

was taken by f orce, died a bit mere than 2 , 300 years a go.<br />

148/Today live , ac cor d ing to our knavledge, still s e ven such<br />

creat ures on <strong>the</strong> Earth, where <strong>the</strong>y keep <strong>the</strong>mse lves so we ll<br />

hidden that <strong>the</strong>y wi ll never be f ound , and will one day die<br />

a natural death. 149/ t-b re frequently <strong>the</strong>n, <strong>the</strong>se g i ant s ,<br />

titans and cycl ops, as you c a ll <strong>the</strong>m, wer e just tall men.<br />

1S0/'Ihey o ften served important mi ght-thirsty kings. 151/<br />

'!hey were called "Goliaths" and ....'ere especially used in \ ars .<br />

l-Eier- '!hank you, that was very detailed, Semj ase . No. yet<br />

I still have a question in r espect to <strong>the</strong> f ut ure. Can you<br />

tell rre sene f acts of <strong>the</strong> f uture, which is ahead f or human<br />

beings and <strong>the</strong> Farth?<br />

5enjase- 152/Now you r eally put me in a predicanent., 153/<br />

For many things it is qocd to knew <strong>the</strong>m in a dvance: for many<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r things i t is advisable not to knew <strong>the</strong>m wh en one does<br />

not knew exactly ha.v to care by this kno ....Iedqe , 154/ To you<br />

yourse lf I can confide a ll right what <strong>the</strong> future offers f or<br />

you, but for o<strong>the</strong> r human beings , thi s i s without doubt a<br />

dangerous bmposition.<br />

I don 't want to knew every detail , but j ust sing l e<br />

rratters in genera l vie e,<br />

senjase- I SS/ Never<strong>the</strong>le ss, I first have to think this over ,<br />

and a lso consu l t <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs .<br />

M:aier- Of course, Semjase , I don't wan t to mis lead you to<br />

sarething that is not within your eqreerent,<br />

senjase- 156/ 5::> to do is not e asy, yet I thank you. 1S7/\·;e<br />


have f ound in you very much <strong>the</strong> right human being , and I am<br />

very g l ad about that . i58/You bel ong to a group of humans<br />

who occupy <strong>the</strong>mselves with bor der - land and spiritual sciences<br />

. 159/ 1 have o f ten endeavored in <strong>the</strong> interes ts o f this<br />

gr oup . .. 160/You work toge<strong>the</strong>r on a realistic basis, and<br />

without c oer c ion. 161/ 1 h ave mentioned o<strong>the</strong>r groups o f <strong>the</strong><br />

serre sort unfortunately occupying <strong>the</strong>mselves with mat ter s<br />

which are unreaL 16 2/ 'Ihey o f ten per f o rm experi.Irents whtch<br />

<strong>the</strong>y <strong>the</strong>mselves do no t understand , and f or which <strong>the</strong>y o f t en<br />

s earch wrong expl anati ons. 163/'Ihis is not surprising, because<br />

<strong>the</strong>se groups, in practice, attract humans who have<br />

fallen t o any s uperst iti on and to <strong>the</strong> heresies o f <strong>the</strong> religions.<br />

164/1 congratulate your group whi ch con f ronts any<br />

ma.t ter freely and openl y , and not in rcystacar f orm as o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

do. 165/ You are on <strong>the</strong> right track , and shou ld maintain this.<br />

loEier- Thank you Semjase. Am 1 s till a llowed to pu t you a<br />

quest ion, or was that your v a ledic tory for today?<br />

Semjase- 166/ You amuse Il!i by your peculiar hurror , 167 / D:l<br />

ques tion f ur<strong>the</strong> r, as 1 s t i ll have sene t arre ,<br />

You have just rrentLoned our group, and f ran that<br />

r ises my next quest ion , as wel l as sore a lready before, which<br />

is: about <strong>the</strong> spi ri t wor-Id and about <strong>the</strong> so-caLted tape<br />

recorder voices . (3) Can you give TIe a thorough explana t ion?<br />

Semj ase- 168/Not in <strong>the</strong> way you wou l d want i t , yet 1 can<br />

expl ain you sarething you c an t ransmit . 169/There are unfor -<br />

t unat ely many things <strong>the</strong> h1..1IT'6fl being is onl y a Ll .owed to know<br />

when he has beccrre spiri tually aware, and has developed his<br />

spi r i tual knowledqe and spiritual wi sdan suf f iciently. 170/<br />

Thus I have to keep s ilent about many things - regre tably<br />

a lso wi th you. 17 1/A "spirit wor-Ld " as you call this, does<br />

not exis t. 17 2/ There a lone exis ts <strong>the</strong> finerna.terial wor I ds,<br />

in this respect . 173/'Ihese are wo r -Ids which exist in o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

dimensions and contain bodi less spirit fo rms.<br />

a spirit l e aves h is f r arre (of flesh) , he can not go j ust<br />

anywhe r e . He has to viv i fy a body again, or he goes into a<br />

finematerial wo r-Ld , a spt .r.tt - Eorro-vor t d thus, o f which <strong>the</strong>re<br />

are innurrerabl e ones . 175/'Ihe re <strong>the</strong> spi rit lives in<br />

an individual form for s o l ong, unt il he returns again into<br />

a newl y c r eat ed ques ti- body, 177 / 'Ihis rreans : each spirit has<br />

an especia lly t uned for him dwe .lLinq (body) , i n whi ch he<br />

lives out his life in ma.teria l form. 178/ One can ob s e rve<br />


over one wnote main per-iod this way , that <strong>the</strong> f acial appearance<br />

of <strong>the</strong> guest bodies i s nearly a lways much <strong>the</strong> s ame, and<br />

only changes very s i owty, until a high spiritual level has<br />

teen attained. 179/ At very 10\Y' o r very high spiritual position,<br />

<strong>the</strong> faces of a ll guest bodi.es

even imitate <strong>the</strong>ir voices in all perfection. 199/'Ihen a lso<br />

<strong>the</strong>re are <strong>the</strong>se rredi.ums , don ' t forget , \vho a r e utilized by<br />

any one o r o<strong>the</strong>r s pirit ual creatures o f o<strong>the</strong> r dinens.Ions f or<br />

a joke, or in an i ll-intended manner, 20 0/ The real mediums<br />

are actually very few, and rrainly <strong>the</strong>y are fully 1..1J1knc.Mn .<br />

Then I have not been wrong. Yet nCM what about <strong>the</strong><br />

"tape voi ces "?<br />

Semjase- 201 /Here many factors care into p lay. 202/r-bst<br />

cases o f tape voices a re quite evident to deduce on your<br />

known radio frequenc ies, and here r adio amatnrea o ften atIcw<br />

<strong>the</strong>mse lves to joke. 203/On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, many of those<br />

contacts a re caused by carrnunicat ion means o f cosmic travel -<br />

ers. 20 4/Alsa <strong>the</strong> thoughts of human beings play an important<br />

role, and o f ten intrude <strong>the</strong>mse lves a s listenable voices -<br />

and that not only on tape recorders - - but f reely audibl e.<br />

205/0ften a s earche r for tape-voices unconsciously i..mitates<br />

a p leasing voice b y his thoughts, and s o transmits exactly<br />

<strong>the</strong> ensver into <strong>the</strong> tape-recorder, which he wants to have<br />

or to hear.<br />

But how i s<br />

that possible?<br />

senj ese- 206/If I shou l d explain this to you it wou l d be<br />

very carplicated and t.roubrescrte, 207/But I can t ell you,<br />

each sender is a lso a received, and reverse, and can catchup<br />

<strong>the</strong> highest thought vibrations and g i ve <strong>the</strong>m fur<strong>the</strong>r to a<br />

receiver .<br />

Then tape-recorder voi ces are<br />

a spirit \'.'Or ld?<br />

truely no phenarena. o f<br />

senjase- 208/'Ihat' s not ccmpt e tieI y right , a s , l ike r eal<br />

rredturns exist who have connect ions wi.th o<strong>the</strong>r clirrensions, so<br />

do a lso exist real tape-voices, whi.ch indeed care f r cm spiri<br />

tual beings of different f inemat erial ....ror Ids, 209/But such<br />

are few, like r eal mediums. 210/ln this f ield unfortunately<br />

i s much dece it and quackery, whi.ch fact i s a dduced to <strong>the</strong><br />

l ove for boasting of <strong>the</strong> human being.<br />

much.<br />

'!hank you, Semjase. You have r eally helped Ire very<br />

8emjase- 211/For today this also has to be sufficient, because<br />

my obligat ions are c a lli ng Ire again. 21 2/By regret I<br />

a l so have to tell you, of (my) not being able to care here<br />


for <strong>the</strong> next 24 days, because I have to perf o rm a far j ourney<br />

to (Please don' t tel l <strong>the</strong> p l ace) where I have a cer -<br />

tain mission one has g i ven me.<br />

Maier- \1hat a pity , Semj ase, c an I still g i ve you <strong>the</strong>n one<br />

or two questions, when I will not see you for SO l ong?<br />

Semjase- 213/ Yes. 214/Sirrpl y ask; for <strong>the</strong>re is s uffi cient<br />

tine.<br />

Maier- '!hank you. Unt il flCM, you still have not told Ire<br />

....ilere you stay when you are not holding conver sation with<br />

Ire . Can you gi ve rre de tails about; this?<br />

Semjase- 2IS/Partl y I can Inform you about that, which rreans<br />

to you a lone. I can tell you this but you a re not a Llcsced to<br />

publish i t. We have our bases on Earth, as v;ell as on many<br />

o<strong>the</strong> r p l anets, where we a t ways can stay. 2IG / Such a base \\'e<br />

a l so k eep in this l and , S..,i t zerland; high up i n <strong>the</strong> rrountains<br />

at. . . . . . 217/1 have <strong>the</strong>re my main place to s tay ....'hen I am<br />

on Earth. 21B/ But ....'e a lso have sene o<strong>the</strong>r Impor-tant; stations<br />

....tuch are s catter ed over <strong>the</strong> who.le oo r tc . 219/But<br />

<strong>the</strong>y a re a ll s o built that it wou.ld be trspos atbi e to f ind<br />

<strong>the</strong>m when one doesn't knew <strong>the</strong>m exac tly . 22 0/ But I am often<br />

on <strong>the</strong> go and perform dut ies on diffe rent worIds, 221/ 1<br />

also go oft en f or visi ts to my hare p lanet, and so I o f t en<br />

do stay in <strong>the</strong> Plei ades .<br />

Can we later speak more tho r oughly on thi s?<br />

Semjase- 222/0f course, but much o f this will be f or your<br />

ears onl y .<br />

l-Ei er- Never<strong>the</strong> l ess I am anxious. The tine \.,i11 beccrre l ong<br />

for Ire .<br />

Part of <strong>the</strong> c orwersatr co in <strong>the</strong> opening dracussrcn rn t his contact e as<br />

restricted and had to be deleted in ea rl y t r ans cripts of <strong>the</strong>s e con tact<br />

notes because <strong>the</strong>y pe rtaincd t o a future photographic ClJent and anticipated<br />

photographs that may not be i nvnediatel y releas ed. 1·le may no,-, s tate tha t<br />

t hose pictures successfu l ly taken on 27 ne ar Jacobsberg-<br />

,\llenberg. at about 10 : 00 in <strong>the</strong> morn i ng and 16: 00 i n t he afternoon, an d<br />

that a f ol Ios-up demonslration of four spacecraft l ook place and \'las photographed<br />

on 3 "lar ch at 10 :00 in <strong>the</strong> mo rning at <strong>the</strong> s ame place. The rest of<br />

<strong>the</strong> ccrwers at ion at that time s ent as rortcx a.<br />

Semjase- l / Tarorroo I receive my<br />

a l ready announced t.o you ear lier.<br />

89<br />

new bearnship which I have<br />

2/For <strong>the</strong> l ast three days

we have had f our bearnships stat ioned in your country. 3/Ne<br />

have deci ded t o ShCM you <strong>the</strong>se four ships one ti.rre, f or whi ch<br />

a fter two days , a t 10:00, you s hould go to , where we<br />

will o ffer you a derronstration flight, which you may <strong>the</strong>n<br />

photogra ph. 4/1 will not make contact with you, but I may<br />

l and my s hip, thus you can shoot close pictures . S/Regrettably<br />

, I will not have much t ine, because I will s t ill have<br />

to do sarething for a mi ssion I must per f o rm. 6/'Ihus <strong>the</strong>re<br />

is not (enough) t.Irre f or a c ontact. 7/To beccrre rrcre aquainted<br />

with my s h ip, I will perform a fur<strong>the</strong>r journey in<br />

<strong>the</strong> afternoon, and I leave i t up to you where I can rreet; you<br />

a gain for a flight contact, where you may take pictures<br />

again.<br />

Maier- It will be s uited for me at at 16 :00, because<br />

I will be at this place <strong>the</strong>n. Is this a l r i ght fo r you?<br />

Semj ase- a /Surely. 9/1 will be <strong>the</strong>re at this t ime, a t 16 :00<br />

on <strong>the</strong> 27th o f February. 10/About my o l d s hip , I s till want<br />

to explain that it is already sene hundred years o ld, and o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> o lder form. l1/'Ihese o lde r s hips were built on a wave<br />

principle , which was used for control o f stability. 12/ But<br />

nON' <strong>the</strong>se types a re being eliminated. 13/1n this respec t<br />

a lso , my o l d one wi ll be taken hare on your 3rd o f !-1ar ch by<br />

one o f our pilots, and in carrpany o f a second, srraller s hip<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> Explorer - class. 14 / 1f you want to, <strong>the</strong>n I can agree<br />

that you may a lso photograph <strong>the</strong>m as <strong>the</strong>y start on <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

j ourney .<br />

Maier- of course<br />

<strong>the</strong>y per haps care<br />

seajese- I S/Yes .<br />

Maier- 'Ihank you .<br />

I wou t d like t o do tha t, Semjase. Cou Id<br />

to ?<br />

16/ But be <strong>the</strong>re punct ually a t 16:00 .<br />

I wi ll mark this t i..Ite for<br />

The sched u l es we r e observed and did in fac t get co lor photog r aphs<br />

o f a ll four of <strong>the</strong> ships t oge <strong>the</strong>r i n <strong>the</strong> s ky in a gr ace fu l fly-by as t he<br />

spacecraft we re fli gh t checked, t he o ld one and its es cort fo r t he r eturn<br />

tri p t o Er r a , and Semjase ' s ne w variation II ship and its es cort for familiarization.<br />

r aul' day s later, on } March 1975. just before <strong>the</strong> dep a rture of <strong>the</strong> old ship<br />

and i ts escort, <strong>the</strong>y approached wor kplace and made a l ow and slow<br />

pas sinq s alute t o him on a hilltop near Obe r-Zel g a short distance f rom<br />

.Jac cbeber-q-AlIentierq ,",here <strong>the</strong> fou r s h ip formation was photographed. These<br />

two pict ures showi ng t he two spac ecra ft in t he l ale aft e r noon s uns et, ,.it h<br />

90<br />


<strong>the</strong> sun glinting orr <strong>the</strong> s ide o f <strong>the</strong> s maller escort , are a mong t he<br />

beautiful and e videntia l Uro photographs ev e r made . They are featured in<br />

full color en l argement on t he cove r and i nside of uro CONTACT rR0l1 TH(<br />

PLEIAD£5, Pictorial Vol ume I I, as wel l as <strong>the</strong> four ship fo rmat ion seen and<br />

pho tographed earl ier.<br />

We as invest i gat ors , to our c hagrin, received our own good l esson i n<br />

punctuality <strong>from</strong> t he ex t raterrestrials . t his happen ed v;hen we wer e <strong>the</strong>re<br />

in Switze rland to begin shooting scenes fo r<br />

a movie documen tary on<br />

this c ase. We had hoped all during t he negotiations on this mov ie that we<br />

cou l d persuade <strong>the</strong> ex trat errestrials to pu t in an appearanc e for t he movie,<br />

and had made r equ ests t o <strong>the</strong>m but go t no an swers , but a l so no denial .<br />

Ouring our many da ys on s ite in <strong>the</strong> course of t he ye ars of investigation ,<br />

we had a l so learned t hat everyth i ng depended 00 "conditi ons" . things did<br />

happen whi le we were <strong>the</strong>re, but neve r on request . 50 we came t o i nfer that<br />

if we go t t he re with <strong>the</strong> r ight team, with <strong>the</strong> r i ght attitudes and r i ght<br />

motives, at t he r i ght time , s omet hi ng might happen .<br />

We a l r eady had indications that V'le ha d <strong>the</strong> r ight team, an d non we were<br />

<strong>the</strong>re, and ready to go. had been to t he farm and introduc ed everybody<br />

around, an d <strong>the</strong> t echnicians had ex amined <strong>the</strong> si tes and t he conditions<br />

t he re, and first s hoot ing was s ch edul ed for <strong>the</strong> following morning at 08:00 .<br />

Ever-ybody was awakened and breakfasted on time, and t he equipment "as<br />

loaded into t he ve hicles and ready to de part to make our established sched -<br />

ul es. Just as we were about to l eave <strong>the</strong> ho tel , a big truck pulled up and<br />

blocked <strong>the</strong> on l y ex it out of <strong>the</strong> l oading area l'Io'here ou r vans were. We<br />

patiently waited for it to f inish i ts business an d leave so .e could be on<br />

ou r way. finally it de pa r ted and we left <strong>the</strong> hotel, arriving at <strong>the</strong> f arm<br />

s ome 40 mi nut es l a te!<br />

As we pulled into t he yard, we were me t by ( va and some o<strong>the</strong>rs working i n<br />

t he garden <strong>the</strong>re , an d <strong>the</strong>y asked vihy ne were l ate - as th ree Pl eiadian<br />

ships had floMl over a t l ow l e vel at abo ut ten minutes after 08 :00, an d we<br />

had on l y missed t hem by a few mi nut es! Had we been on schedule - - <strong>the</strong>re<br />

would have been our openi ng scene fo r t he movie . nev er had ano <strong>the</strong>r<br />

oppo r tunity after t ha t .<br />

Thinking back, ou r situat ion at <strong>the</strong> hotel was not unmanageable . We co uld<br />

ha ve l oca ted t he dr iver of t he t ruck and u rged r emova l s o we co uld ge t out<br />

of t he drive, bu t we t ook <strong>the</strong> easier course, trying not t o make eaves,<br />

There nas an adde d explanation by thought t r ans mi s s i on on 2 Ma rch to <strong>the</strong><br />

contact on 25 february 1975. That explana tion opened with a di scussion<br />

ab out po ssible release of some of t he cont ac t not es> l'le pi ck i t up a t line<br />

14 o r this t r ansmi ssion a s fo11ol'ls :<br />

Srnajase- 14/ 'Ihe IOOssage tcday is not destined for <strong>the</strong> broad<br />

public, but a lone f o r those who are <strong>the</strong>mselves conscious of<br />

our existence and l oyal t o <strong>the</strong> group, but besides that in<br />


-<br />

first order for your goverrurents and sci ent ists. 1S/ Rai se a<br />

group f r an your circ l es which especially dedicates itse lf<br />

for missions, as tile f ollowing one \'1111 be, because this one<br />

and fur<strong>the</strong>r ones are o f .imrense importance to a ll liVing<br />

f orms on Earth. 16 / 'Ihis g roup ought to have as ite fie l d<br />

of act ivity, to keep scientists and gove rnments f rem br inging<br />

into use certain matters , results of research, cogni -<br />

tions and achieverrents, which c an bring death, damage and<br />

des truction to all creat ures and <strong>the</strong> whole sun- system.<br />

17/ Today ' 5 message is: Fo r many decades \\'e have norutared<br />

all spheres of your wor ld , <strong>the</strong> increasing changes and <strong>the</strong><br />

dangerous effects . IS/For s ere year s nee..... we have noticed a<br />

s teadily increasing and dangero us change in your a trrosphere,<br />

....tuch will have deadly consequences for all Earth life ; by<br />

increasing measure <strong>the</strong> ozone belt of <strong>the</strong> stratosphere changes<br />

due to i r res ponsible i nfluences o f human achieverrents .<br />

19JDifferent ozone-destroying chemicals rrount as gas- subs<br />

tances into <strong>the</strong> s t ratosphere and a ffect <strong>the</strong> ozone belt .<br />

20/Especially this t reats of <strong>the</strong> branine qasses, whi.ch r each<br />

into <strong>the</strong> o zone s t.ra t um and sIcc...ly dissolves it. 21/ It is<br />

a l ready a f f ected and destroyed by an average rreesure of<br />

6. 38%. 22/An amount of percentage "nich has a lready<br />

beccrre harmful and dangerous for al l forms of life, and i s<br />

able to call up mutiat.Lone I changes. 23/'Ihis i s an amount<br />

wtu.ch was r eached i n onl y 60 years . 24/ 'Ihe re are branine<br />

gas s ubstances whtch s Icwfy destroy <strong>the</strong> o zone bel t , as I<br />

have al ready rrent .Ioned. 25/&J increasingly, ultraviolet<br />

r adiation s of <strong>the</strong> sun can invade <strong>the</strong> a tmosphere, whfch is<br />

able to aff ect all c reatures . 26/ CNer different areas <strong>the</strong><br />

ozone belt i s a lready danger ous l y affected and has becCIIE<br />

variable in i ts protective function . 27/ At three differ ent<br />

places a lready <strong>the</strong> danger exi sts that i t wo urd co llapse<br />

within a f ew decades and be ccrrp.teteIy destroyed, i f <strong>the</strong><br />

rel ease of destructive f actors i s not l imit ed. 28/ If this<br />

i s not done , <strong>the</strong>n i t means holes will be rent in <strong>the</strong> protective<br />

screen and <strong>the</strong> u l travio l et radiation ,...i 11 be able<br />

to pene t .rat.e unhampered, wru.ch coul d carry in i tself <strong>the</strong><br />

padnfut de ath o f all life. 29/Everything that cares into<br />

reach of <strong>the</strong> r adiation penetrating through <strong>the</strong> hol es wil l be<br />

exposed to helpl ess destruction. 3D/In <strong>the</strong> main, <strong>the</strong> destroying<br />

chemical s and r adiati ons are set f ree by explosion<br />

engines and mat ter destroying proce sses of all s orts, for<br />

exampte aton-spr t tt.Inq and similar operations, whi ch in<br />


great amoun t; s ince 19 45 has subjected <strong>the</strong> who .le worl d ts<br />

course and all living things t o a wicked change . 31/r:estructive<br />

chemicals and gasses a re r e l eased by things o f<br />

daily life, as each spray-bot .t.Ie releases besides b r rmine ,<br />

chemica ls of o<strong>the</strong>r sorts, whi.ch mount to <strong>the</strong> atrrosphere and<br />

destroy it s Iavly but sys temat ically .<br />

32/Recently researchers and scient ists of different nations<br />

have p r ogressed so far I and have proceeded s o far in<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir cognitions, that <strong>the</strong>y have recogni zed <strong>the</strong> destructive<br />

"-Urk o f different chemicals, and e specially <strong>the</strong> brcrnine on<br />

<strong>the</strong> ozone bert, and want. to evaluate this in <strong>the</strong>ir irresponsible<br />

delus i on for might for war-technical purposes. 33/ They<br />

have a l r eady invented basic ideas for building missile bod-<br />

I es, whose destructive and deathbringing s ubstances \.;i11 be<br />

branides . 34/ Shot up into <strong>the</strong> atrrosphere and brought to<br />

explosion <strong>the</strong>re, i t ....out d effect <strong>the</strong> t earing of huge holes<br />

in <strong>the</strong> atrrosphere and <strong>the</strong> o zone belt and a ll radiations fran<br />

<strong>the</strong> s un ....'oul d penet rate unhampered. 35/Such a hole i s on l y<br />

s Icwty abl e t o close i tself again, whdch process may take<br />

hundreds of years, if no fur<strong>the</strong> r des tructi ve substances<br />

invade. 36/ An additional f actor that cares into e ffect is<br />

that <strong>the</strong> ozone belt has a certain rroverrent. , and i s wandering .<br />

37/ A hole wou l d not only dest roy a we lI defined r egi on , but<br />

i t woul d wander nearly uncont rollabl y and a l so destroy o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

regi ons . 38/'Ihis is a f ac t whtch is not yet known to your<br />

sci enti sts .<br />

39/Besides that, <strong>the</strong>se are also f acts which unt il today<br />

have been hidden f ran broad publicity. 40/1-1y nessage a ires<br />

to per s uade you to form a group dedicating itself to our<br />

missions, whi ch sha ll serve to prevent such mad a chievements .<br />

41/&J do contact governrrents and scientists and make <strong>the</strong>m<br />

attentive to <strong>the</strong>ir wrongdoings and activity / 42/It lies in<br />

<strong>the</strong> interest of all o f rrank.ind and all life on E'arth to s uecessfUlly<br />

r each a pr ohibition a greement arrong all nations of<br />

your wcr Id . 43/Turn yoursel f as well t o Hr . r-1cI:lroy a t<br />

Harvard University in <strong>the</strong> United St ates, f or he is a l ready<br />

a decisive sci entist in this f i eld.<br />

The Hei er group accept ed this challenge and d id send a co py of t hi s commeucet<br />

tcn to Prof. Michael McElr oy o f Harv ard Univ er Si ty . but t he y neve r<br />

received any an swer <strong>from</strong> him. The y al so s ent a co py o f thi s \-,ar ning t o<br />

eve ry fo rei gn embassy in Swi tze r land and onl y r eceived an answer f r om one ,<br />

Germany , which t hanked <strong>the</strong>m for t he i nformat i on .<br />



(I) Heier ahoays wante1 to brin:1 an:JtlEr vert t.rusted f r ierrl. or his wife,<br />

into Ole of <strong>the</strong> reetin:::Js to see seajese and. ber ship, and to<br />

....hat was to him. seejese in erorner exp1anatial pctneed cut to<br />

him that if she al..lam him to brirq even Ole ocber perscn into<strong>the</strong> IIEetin:],<br />

that Ole sco-er or later w:ul.d want to do <strong>the</strong> scr.:E, and. havin:1 al..lD.rn this<br />

for him, she coujd rot; in all fairness &;ny <strong>the</strong> sene for <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r. 'Irus<br />

it w:u.l.d cp w..n <strong>the</strong> line. always int.nrltJc:;in:;J new p3:ple wID were rnt a<br />

part of <strong>the</strong> o::ntact missial, and w:ul.d waste tine arrl frustrate and confuse,<br />

and might even harm <strong>the</strong> missial itself, because seen ttose o<strong>the</strong>rs v.al1d<br />

1B;Jin to di.sagree oser what <strong>the</strong>y S


In addition to <strong>the</strong> contact events, for each of which we have <strong>the</strong> Cont act<br />

Not es, <strong>the</strong>re a<strong>the</strong>r spacecraft f light de monstrati on events t ha t did not<br />

incl ude any contact or interch ange of dialogu e betwe en t he extraterrestrial<br />

be ings and Eduard Heier. At first Heier almost a lriays carried his caeer a<br />

i n hopes of getting mo re photog r aph s of <strong>the</strong> beautiful alien ships, but he<br />

quickl y l earned that if <strong>the</strong> occup ants of <strong>the</strong> c raft did not open t he prot<br />

ective null- sight screen i n his direction, he could not get pictures of<br />

<strong>the</strong> ships anyway_ Thus he carne to know t hat if <strong>the</strong>y did not i nvite him,<br />

or o<strong>the</strong>rwi se grant h im permi s sion, to take pictures , i t was mooss<br />

ibl e to do 50. Nevert heless he remained a l ways r eady for any oppor t uni ty<br />

that might p resent it sel f .<br />

And such oppo r t uniti es d id e ventually c ome a long and he suc ceeded in<br />

getting photographs. The fi rst of t hese f light demonstrations speci f ical l y<br />

fo r pho tographs t ook place between t he 7t h contact on 25 February and t he<br />

8th Ofl 18 1975. The first two were arrang ed by <strong>the</strong> e xt rete r rest r i al<br />

."oman, i nc luding da te t i me and place, ."hich tleier a lre ady knew for s ome<br />

t i me before t he actual occurrance . La t e r on he was g i ven ve ry l ittle or no<br />

for."arning o f i ntended fligh t demonstrations_<br />

As predicted, t he fl i ght de monstrat ion beg an at 10:00 o'clock, right on<br />

sche dule with <strong>the</strong> arr ival of t wo "Strahlschiffes" (Beams h i ps or Rayships) ,<br />

and t wo "Au fk l arern" {Expjorer Clas s Scout Ships) capable of remote cont rol<br />

when no pil ot was aboard. One o f <strong>the</strong> beamships was <strong>the</strong> o ld craft first seen<br />

which we have called variation nuntler I, and <strong>the</strong> second be amship eas <strong>the</strong><br />

new replacement ship of <strong>the</strong> s ame 7 meter diameter s i ze which fte have called<br />

va riation nurrber I I. The o<strong>the</strong>r two were identic al smaller c raft of J<br />

t o 5 meter diameter s ize , whi ch had s pace for only one pilot "h enever he was<br />

aboa rd . The variation I s hip is r ecognized by its more abruptly squared<br />

curve to t he up pe r dome on top. I t also is character i zed by " hat lo oks<br />

like a super -sonic shock wave that runs in concentric c ircles <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

central cone on t he bottom to t he outer rim e dge in a st eady flo,," when it<br />

can be s een . This al so pr oduces an app ar enl wavy deformation of <strong>the</strong> exter<br />

na l ph ys ical appearance o f th is ship, and sometimes makes i ts surface<br />

l ook old or corrugat ed. The va r iation II shi p i s cha racter ized by more o f<br />

a ro unde d curve t o t he upper dome on top , a un i versall y cont rolled energy<br />

collector that runs i n a tiny t r ack a round t he t op of <strong>the</strong> upper dome,<br />

aand a more r etractable l ower cone on t he bot tom. <strong>the</strong> I oeer cone as<br />

retracted it i s poss ible to s ee a bri lliantly r adiant annular plate all<br />

around <strong>the</strong> ship i nside t he rim flange . This "hole s ur face l ooks like an<br />

arc eel derss flare ",hen <strong>the</strong> lo...e r cone i s retrac t ed en ough for it to be<br />

s een. The reflection f r om this r ad i ant plat e can be seen in t wo of <strong>the</strong><br />

daylight photos t aken at 10 :00 on <strong>the</strong> norning of 27 February 1975.<br />


f liGHT<br />


The f irst flight de ecnatrat Icn without a co ntact event t ook place right<br />

on time, at 10:00 i n <strong>the</strong> mo rning o f 27 February 197." when <strong>the</strong> four-ship<br />

fo r mation of two Strahlschi Ffs and t wo Aufkla r e r s fl ew around toge<strong>the</strong> r in<br />

pe rfect formation above <strong>the</strong> Jacobsberg-Al lenberg area. The n <strong>the</strong>y separ at ed<br />

and flew a round some mo re in pairs, t hen on e be amship with t wo of <strong>the</strong><br />

smaller r econnaissance craft , <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> t wo be amships toget her, e tc. teier<br />

was able t o photograp h a ll of this , shooting mo re than one roll of positive<br />

slide film in t he process. He got some pictures <strong>the</strong> spacecraft so<br />

c lose that <strong>the</strong>y fill ed up t o one t hird of <strong>the</strong> frame . It was in<br />

tl"oO of <strong>the</strong>se t hat t he h ighly charged radiant plate could be s een bet.seen<br />

t he bot tom ou ler rim fl ange hous ing and t he gap to <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>n more retracted<br />

cen t r a l cone . He also caught <strong>the</strong> sun directly behind <strong>the</strong> beamship in one<br />

of <strong>the</strong> pictures an d that one r evealed a multi-color ed tenuous, o<strong>the</strong>rwise<br />

invisible field of some k ind around <strong>the</strong> c raft and c lose to its surface.<br />

A s econd flight de monstrati on l'Oas carried out by <strong>the</strong> e xt.ratecreet.rtar<br />

ships as a r ranged , at 16:00, near J akobsberg-Allenberg \'Iohen Semjase came ba ck<br />

alone in her new Variat ion II c raft . She hov e red at ne ar ground l evel and<br />

landed it i n several places Ieavm q <strong>the</strong> eha ract e r r at i cal I v s w.i rled do..n<br />

qr.aes in a co unter - c lockwi se di rection and curv ed <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> outer ed ges of<br />

<strong>the</strong> circle towa r ds t he center. An interesting thing about <strong>the</strong>se tracks<br />

i s that t he gr ass was no t broken over as one I,ould expect f rom a c rushing<br />

r>eighl , but <strong>the</strong> grass slems were all bent in t he s ame di rection, Lr ke some<br />

plants t urn toward t he sun. Thos e plants ne ver qr ew ve rtically again, but<br />

new gr owth in t he c i r cles up ve r tic ally as normal.<br />

By 16 : 54 Semj as e was t o and s he fl ew t he ship in a low pass<br />

i n <strong>the</strong> sunsetting deep blue Sky with scat tered wi spy wtule c louds and <strong>the</strong><br />

m creasm qly golden hues cast by <strong>the</strong> l ow sun, mak i ng one of t he many more<br />

beautiFul UfO photograp hs c apt.ur ed by t his on e-ar med man with a broken<br />

camera . By this time <strong>the</strong> act i vity had moved, with Hei e r following <strong>the</strong> ship<br />

as it progressed, until <strong>the</strong>y "ere in t he vicinity o f f uchsbuel - Hofh alden<br />

not too f ar <strong>from</strong> Jacobsberg- Allenberg "here this l ate afternoo n 's fl i ght<br />

demonstrat ion began.<br />

ne ter was amazed and excited by a ll that had happen ed in j us t <strong>the</strong> last<br />

month, since t he Z8th of J anuar y, all this had begun. He had had<br />

race-to-race meetings with ext.r aterrester e! beings aboard tnerr ships , and<br />

had s hot seve ral rolls of ector photographs o f <strong>the</strong>ir crart , He had seen<br />

t hem and ev en phctcqraphed <strong>the</strong>m singly and in fermat I on s of up t o f our<br />

s hips t oge<strong>the</strong>r in t he s ky. How cou l d an ybo dy possibl y disbelieve this in<br />

<strong>the</strong> face o f a l l this evidence , he thought .<br />


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fLI GHT<br />


As p reviously a r r an ged , in <strong>the</strong> 25 f eb ru a ry c ontact , <strong>the</strong> extr e t e rrestrra ls<br />

fle,'j <strong>the</strong> departing old varrat ro n I Ship and its Aufldarer e scor t past <strong>the</strong><br />

place r.here ue t er was work i ng t hat da y as t hey were begi nning <strong>the</strong>i r r r i p<br />

back t o <strong>the</strong> Pl e i ades whe r e <strong>the</strong> old ship wos t o be retired. It had been 111<br />

use f or over 300 years, and i t was nol'l be ing soperceed ed by abetter ver-.<br />

s ion. Both <strong>the</strong> be amship and <strong>the</strong> r econna i ssance escor t have Pfe radrao<br />

pilots aboa r d. (Th u d no contact flight demons t r ation, } Harc h 1975 )<br />

The la rge r c raft i s 7 met ers in diamet er and uses a " a\le-stability<br />

pr mci pf e t hat "as not in::or po rated in <strong>the</strong> newer va rrat Icn II c raft , r.hich<br />

use o<strong>the</strong>r more updat ed systems.<br />

The smaller c raft is be l ieved t o be be twe en 3. 5 and '} meters in d iameter,<br />

and i s on e of <strong>the</strong> several r emote cont rolled reconnai ssance variat i ons that<br />

Meie r has seen. He ha s photogr aphe d t l'lO different ve r e t ons of dlHerent<br />

s i zes.<br />

The s e t wo pictures a r e <strong>the</strong> onl y ones r emai ning of s eve r er taken at t he<br />

t tee, and for t unat ely ne have two t hat qrv e us he re, <strong>the</strong> two spacecraft<br />

seen one below <strong>the</strong> horiZon and t he o<strong>the</strong>r ab O\l e , wh ich us t o<br />

<strong>the</strong> Shi ps aga inst <strong>the</strong> tl\'O d i fferen t backgrounds. tight scatter measu rements<br />

show that <strong>the</strong>y are reflecting <strong>the</strong> same ligh t and arc near ly t he<br />

same di s tance <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> camera. They are h i gh enough above ground I eve l to<br />

be pi cki ng up <strong>the</strong> sun ' s ray s while ob jects on t he ground are in shadow,<br />

can see t hat t he terrain falls s harply away <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> phot ogr apher' s<br />

position all t he eay across <strong>the</strong> va lley , makm g an y k ind o f r igging a ll bu t<br />

impos s ible, thus el imi nat i ng models.<br />

The first of t hese two pictures shov.s <strong>the</strong> tee c ra ft t oge<strong>the</strong>r above <strong>the</strong><br />

hor i zon just after passing d i rectly overhead at low level. As <strong>the</strong>y fl )'<br />

aftay in a s traight level line t hey appear t o de scend because t hey are going<br />

away <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> photograph er. l i ght scatter eeasureeeots tell us that t he y<br />

a re l arger surf aces reflec ting <strong>the</strong> l i ght i n a b road band as opposed<br />

t o <strong>the</strong> fine point lights one f inds on <strong>the</strong> curv e s o f mode l s I n photographs.<br />

The smaller s h ip fortun at e l y i s tilted a t j ust <strong>the</strong> r i ght angl e to g iv e us<br />

shar ply reflected rays <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> sun qr ves us opp or tunilles for mo re<br />

ana l ys is of t he sur f ace s o f <strong>the</strong> craft and t hey are made of.<br />

The reflect ed sunlight an d <strong>the</strong> angle s o f <strong>the</strong> craft above <strong>the</strong> t errain<br />

i n t he foreground and bac kground , e tc• • comb ine t c qrve us one mo re o f <strong>the</strong><br />

most remarkab l e an d beauti f ul pho t og r aph s ee kno,'j o f. hav e tried t o set<br />

up and stage some of t he much Simpler pictur es t han t his, and found it all<br />

but i mpos sible with both a rms , l ots of equi pr.Jent , an d all t he he lp one<br />

cou ld desire. Stag i ng j ust one o f <strong>the</strong>se pictures is most ce r t amfy not an<br />

eas y t h i ng t o do , and one ,"ho s ays it i s s i "ll l y has no t tiled to do It<br />

hi mself, and if i t wer e possible at all, one of <strong>the</strong> more rabid critics<br />

would certainl y ha\le produced one by now. I say t hey can not do i t.<br />


102<br />

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fL I GHT<br />


" fo ur t h High t ceecost.catr cn with no f ace-to- face meet.mg be t ..een<br />

<strong>the</strong> took place on 8 March 1975 at Obe r -Sadelegg, no t<br />

far <strong>from</strong> $ch midruti . Some con fus i on has been i nt roduced into <strong>the</strong> da ting<br />

of this event by <strong>the</strong> nu mb er dating syst em us ed at <strong>the</strong> time. In conocn<br />

pr actice t he day i s put be for e <strong>the</strong> mont h , i.e. 18 . 3.1975, whe reas ot hers,<br />

such as here i n this country , put t he month fi rst and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> day ,<br />

i . e 3. 18. 75 for <strong>the</strong> same dale. In t he Ober-Sadelegg case t he da t e was put<br />

do"n as 3.8. 1975 , l'o41 ich no rmal l y woul d have be en r e..d 3 Augus t 1975. But<br />

looking at t he pictures on e can see t ha t <strong>the</strong> bi rch t rees beyond t he inc i n-<br />

erator a r e not ye t leaved ou t and <strong>the</strong> grass i s a new green i n co lor, clearly<br />

indica ting spring i nstead of late SUllfllCr . Thus t he da te s hould be read<br />

as 8 Ma rch 1975, .hich is . hat .e shall use he r e . This a lso COlncides better<br />

with o<strong>the</strong>r events taking place at this time.<br />

This is one o f <strong>the</strong> most be aut i ful series of uro pictures ever The<br />

seven mel er diameter s pacecraft variation 11 app roaches up t he valley <strong>from</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> soul h , t owards Eqqeei.d , passes east of t he photographer, t hen moves<br />

far <strong>the</strong>r east a l ong t he stand o f tall pine t r ees, <strong>the</strong>n t urns nort nweat, and<br />

around to <strong>the</strong> no rth again as it begins lo deparL ue t er snapped nine<br />

fra mes on diapos itive s l ide fi l m du r i ng this passage of <strong>the</strong> s pacecraft .<br />

I t was he re that r,e first us ed some o f <strong>the</strong> most mode rn s late-of- <strong>the</strong>-art<br />

laser survey i ng equi pment t o pinpoint <strong>the</strong> measuremenls mos t accu r ate l y .<br />

shot al l t he an gles an d positi ons of <strong>the</strong> c raft as seen in t he pic tures , an d<br />

..e had stand in t he s pot di rectly under where he ha d seen <strong>the</strong> craft<br />

" i th his naked eyes as he ..as taking <strong>the</strong> p i c tur e s an d carefull y r ecorded<br />

those dist ances as ..ell. The l og pile i s a measured 196 meters away and<br />

<strong>the</strong> ne xt tree-line beyond that lies a t 260 distance <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> camera.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> 4t h pho to t he c i s t ern and first t ree-..ell is 72 met ers, <strong>the</strong> fi rst<br />

stand of t rees to <strong>the</strong> right of t he spacecr aft is 150 meters, and t he second<br />

stand o f t rees a t 204 met e rs <strong>from</strong> t he camera. In <strong>the</strong> 5th photo <strong>the</strong> far<br />

tree-li ne is 354 meters away . A second roll o f f i l mshot he re t his day was<br />

" lost" i n pr oce ssing and never got lo see "hat he had captured on<br />

that; film.<br />

It ...as j ust down <strong>the</strong> hill f ro m t his position that ne r er shot his fo urth<br />

811111 mot ion pict ure sequence , one minute and ten seconds long , as <strong>the</strong> s h ip<br />

comes ou l <strong>from</strong> beh i nd t he hill up an ascending pa th. The camera r uns on<br />

automatic as wal ks into t he ecene,<br />

CIne o f lhe 351m1 s lide pict ures f rom t his s e ries, t he one s howing <strong>the</strong> ship<br />

above <strong>the</strong> l og pi le , "as on e o f <strong>the</strong> four photos t ested by many<br />

very big laboratories in t his country . Nobody has been ab le t o duplicate<br />

any of<br />

<strong>the</strong> se photographs to da te.<br />





The fift h fl i gh t demonstration wi th no face-ta-face meeting took place in<br />

t he mor ni ng o f 18 Harch 1975, at Winke lriet , near Wetzi kon , f rom 09 ;0'} to<br />

nearly 09:30. Heier had been surrmoned t o <strong>the</strong> rende zvous s i te and l\as t old<br />

that he cou l d brioq h i s camera and equipment. He qu ic kly r es ponded and<br />

rrent with s ever a l rolls of ASA 100 positive slide film t o capture ...ha t.ever<br />

he could that day.<br />

He was s topped, by <strong>the</strong> El s, on a dirt road just north o f Welzi kon, facing<br />

a den s e s tand of t rees and <strong>the</strong> Neubau Hospital facility in t he distance to<br />

his left. The beauti fu l variation 11 ship fi rst appeared ove r <strong>the</strong> ...oods<br />

and flew back an d forth ove r <strong>the</strong> b road field be tween <strong>the</strong> hospital and t he<br />

stand o f trees . The sky was overcast with thick c l ouds t ha t da y, an d t he<br />

ship occasi ona lly went up into t he c l ouds and t he n came back down be l ow<br />

t hem again for ano<strong>the</strong> r pass.<br />

Here ag ain we us ed <strong>the</strong> Heerbruq l aser surv ey ing instrumen t s t o get exact<br />

di s t ance measureme nts. The firs t t ree i n <strong>the</strong> right foreground is 111<br />

met ers f rom t he camera position , and t he second one j ust a little beyond<br />

is 148 yards away . The tree-line on <strong>the</strong> near side of <strong>the</strong> stand of pine<br />

trees i s 270 met e r s away.<br />

Heier continued t o shoot s lide pic tures of t his craft as it passed back<br />

and forth be fore him, finished <strong>the</strong> first roll o f film, c ha nged film for<br />

ano t he r s i mi l a r roll , and cont inued s hoot i ng <strong>the</strong> remarkable demonstration .<br />

He got pictures i n this ser ies o f <strong>the</strong> spacecraft i n va r ious ang l es of<br />

tilt t oward and away <strong>from</strong> t he came ra , thus giving us angle vie...s of <strong>the</strong><br />

l ower as well as <strong>the</strong> upper surfaces o f this ship. Twice i t put on a burst<br />

of s peed as t he shutter "as being snappe d and <strong>the</strong> i mage of <strong>the</strong> craft eas<br />

blurred by motion. In one frsll'e Heier managed to capture <strong>the</strong> i mage o f <strong>the</strong><br />

ship j ust as it ..as disappearing in <strong>the</strong> I oeer cloud matter, surely something<br />

that would be di fficult to s tage with a model .<br />

t n several of <strong>the</strong> p i ctures <strong>the</strong> upper surface of <strong>the</strong> ship i s s een aga inst<br />

<strong>the</strong> backg round clouds and i n those c ases t he r efl ec ted 1ight of <strong>the</strong> cloud<br />

i n t hose pict u res i s s o nearly <strong>the</strong> s ame a s <strong>the</strong> c louds t ha t <strong>the</strong> top surface<br />

of <strong>the</strong> c raft blen ds wi th <strong>the</strong> clouds and i s di fficult to s ee.<br />

In thi s series of pic tures it i s easy to distinguish this r eal ship <strong>from</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> models because under t he amb ient co nditions this day <strong>the</strong> "wi ndow-s en -<br />

sors" wtIich ap pe ar orange t o pi nkis h i n clear wea<strong>the</strong>r, wer e almost i nv isible<br />

in a pa le s ilve r y orange color t ha t blended easily with <strong>the</strong> r est of <strong>the</strong><br />

silvery color of t he s h ip. Al some angles of <strong>the</strong> ship <strong>the</strong>y can not be<br />

de tected at all. This variation ,",oul d be difficult to ac h ieve i n a mode l<br />

craft, t o say nothing of t he ri gg i ng required for a one-armed man t o try<br />

t o operate a lone i n a very s hort time.<br />

A ccotact did take place later thi s da y , at 15 :04, art.e r a 2nd SU!lXllOns.<br />


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Eighth Contact 1\1esday , 18 March 1975 15: 04 h<br />

Semjase retur ned <strong>from</strong> her mission days ea rlier than she had planned,<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n called Heier to trus contact before he really expected i t. He<br />

was ove rjoyed as he greeted he r and anlliously opened t he<br />

Semjase-<br />

Today I have a lot o f quest ions, when you allow.<br />

l /lf <strong>the</strong>re are not teo many.<br />

Meier- I don I t knCM ; my first concerns <strong>the</strong> ma.tter /rough-material<br />

s tuf f. l..Jhat a ctually is that?<br />

senjese- is a sizeable i dea . 3/lt is a solid f orm<br />

of e ne rgy, being s izable .<br />

Mei er- '!hat is ev i dent , but hew does it originate?<br />

Semjase- 4/TIle pr inciple i s very easy, but I am not a t Icwed<br />

to tell it. 5/But i t is so, that a ll energy can be changed<br />

into solid mat ter . GIl t is also neces sary to bundle <strong>the</strong><br />

concerned energy securely and to concent rate it highl y , thus<br />

i t may be c onverted into solid ma.tter. 7/By this, <strong>the</strong> el e-<br />

rrentary building b locks of <strong>the</strong> solid ccrponenta o f ma.tter<br />

a re generated; neutron, pro t on and e lectron. 8/Fran <strong>the</strong>se<br />

<strong>the</strong>n f orm <strong>the</strong> a tans and <strong>the</strong> variety o f chemica l ccrrpounds,<br />

which <strong>the</strong>n in <strong>the</strong>ir di fferent aggregation states form <strong>the</strong><br />

solid out e r mmifestat ion which is known to your scientists.<br />

9/ Solid energy as well as <strong>the</strong> ori ginal energy a re of <strong>the</strong><br />

sane value in each direction. 10/ 'Ihis rreans , o r igin energy<br />

is abso lutely matter , a s origin matter is absolute ly energy<br />

as well. l1/ Thi s means that, without exception, everything<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Unive rse cons ists o f mat -ter- or energy . 12/ Both tenns,<br />

energy and mat ter, represent basically one and <strong>the</strong> s arre, but<br />

preci sely in <strong>the</strong>ir s eparate forms: fine-rraterial and coa.rsemater<br />

ial . 13/Coarse - material is mat ter : fine-rraterial i s<br />

energy.<br />

a ll r ight, but this doesn ' t explain my question .<br />

I namely want to know how mat ter rises o r iginall y .<br />

Semjase- 14/Frcm out of <strong>the</strong> bas ic energy, of course.<br />

l'eier- You r ender teo less precise. I think, that before<br />

<strong>the</strong> basic energy must; be sarething e lse. Because fran what<br />

I knew, e iways two individua l units, belonqing t oge<strong>the</strong>r, resul<br />

t in a unit again. ..<br />

11 2

Semjase- 15/Vou are t irele s s and give me a pr edicament .<br />

Meier- I don I t intend to.<br />

Semjase-- I S/OkaY now, I shall explain all for you , a s far<br />

as I shall be aHcced, though you seem to know rrore in this<br />

r espect than we knOO'1 about you: rrat ter is <strong>the</strong> embod i.Irent of<br />

i dea. 16/As energy, <strong>the</strong> mat ter i s ftne-mater Iat , an d as<br />

matte r , j ust highl y concentrated and condensed. 17/One can<br />

generate both kinds by a pparat us, which you a l ready do in<br />

diffe rent ways , 18/t>bnnally <strong>the</strong>y are gene rated quite naturally,<br />

that i s by spiritual forc e , wh i.ch is preceeded by i dea .<br />

19/ The basic s ource for this is The Cr eation, a vast spiritual<br />

reservoir, a f actor which again ernlxx:ties <strong>the</strong> o r iginal<br />

energy. 20/Fran it ris es idea. 21/The f orce of spirit <strong>the</strong>n<br />

(which and who again emcodi.es e ne rgy) condenses and concentrates<br />

<strong>the</strong> idea to fine-material energy, which <strong>the</strong>n by s t i ll<br />

higher concent r ation becanes coarse-material, or rna..tter .<br />

l-Ei er- Then in fac t , <strong>the</strong> ....more Universe is, inside and out ,<br />

on ly o f fine-rrateria l and coarse-material energy (.....hich is)<br />

compressed and concent rated i dea ?<br />

Semj ase-<br />

22/eertainly.<br />

loEier- But <strong>the</strong>n, what i s this vast spirit ual formatucn, <strong>the</strong><br />

factor of '!he Creation?<br />

Semj ase- 23/It consists of i dea , condensed in i tself towards<br />

itself to o riginate s pi r i tual energy. as ....'ell do not<br />

knew much rrore about this .<br />

l-Eier- About like I imagined. . . Vet I still have f ur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

quest ions.<br />

Semjase- 25/D:J ask, but be conscious that I am not a lIoved<br />

to sol ve secrets for you \..nich are s t ill inadvantageous for<br />

<strong>the</strong> spiri tual devetoprent; of Earth hurrens • 26/ 50 p l ease<br />

save questions of s c i ent ific character , as i n <strong>the</strong> future I<br />

nay have to l eave <strong>the</strong>m unanswer ed.<br />

f.Eier- But I have j ust such questions still prepared, as<br />

<strong>the</strong>y have been given to Ire. (1)<br />

Semjase- 27jl\ben <strong>the</strong>se questions fall into my authori zation<br />

to answer , <strong>the</strong>n of course I w.i. Ll answer <strong>the</strong>m for you , but<br />

onl y fo r your 0 ...'11 reputati on, because <strong>the</strong>se answers a re expected.<br />

28/But in <strong>the</strong> f uture do not offer such questions<br />


any rrore, because 1 will have to withold <strong>the</strong> answers fran<br />

you . 29/Such quest ions could l ead too far, and finally<br />

bring rrore cognit ion to Earth humans than i s gocx:i fo r <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

30/'Iheir s piritua l developrent is still teo l ocked in in<br />

<strong>the</strong>se r espects. 31/But when you offer questions fran yourself,<br />

and <strong>the</strong>y l ay in <strong>the</strong> interest of your developrent , <strong>the</strong>n<br />

1 can r e veal deci s ivel y rmre in <strong>the</strong> answers. 32/But <strong>the</strong>n<br />

you \...i ll not be a .lI owed to dis cuss certain things (with <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong> r s) and you are r equested. to keep <strong>the</strong>m t o yourself<br />

a l one .•.<br />

fuier- 1 didn' t want to vex you, Semjase ,<br />

Semj ase- 42/1 haven' t fel t it that \.yay , but 1 had to expl<br />

ain to you .<br />

nCM?<br />

'!hank you. Ye t can 1 gi ve <strong>the</strong> r erra.ining questions<br />

Semjase- 43/ Ye s .<br />

\m t about; our rrol ecular bdo.loqys are we on <strong>the</strong> right<br />

path of deve loprent ?<br />

senjase- 44/Very extensivel y , even. 45/ 'Ihey sti ll l a ck<br />

only a few cognitions, which will open unexpected doors f or<br />

you. 46/Your scient is ts are just short of very great discoveries<br />

and kncwt edqe which wi ll r e s ult in very g reat possibili<br />

ties . 47/1 am not a lla.-.'ed, to reveal any rrore about;<br />

this . ( 2)<br />

fuier- 1 am s atis fied. with that , thank you, , , r-ty next<br />

question concerns <strong>the</strong> qenes, which f o rm <strong>the</strong> hereditary f actors.<br />

Are you a I Locced to t e ll Ire sarething about; this?<br />

Semjase- 48/ 'Ihey are <strong>the</strong> carriers of hereditary char acter -<br />

istics, and this inside o f <strong>the</strong> "cor or -bcdtes" .<br />

'!his is evident to Ire, but hew does a gene condition<br />

i tse lf - and are <strong>the</strong> chrcrroscrrea <strong>the</strong> sarre for all living<br />

forms?<br />

Semjase- 49/'Ihey are not , whi ch concerns <strong>the</strong> s econd questi<br />

on . 50/ According t o <strong>the</strong> kind of c reat ure , <strong>the</strong>y are distinct<br />

and a lso different in <strong>the</strong>ir number . 51/Hurnan c reat ures<br />

still normally have <strong>the</strong> sarre number of chrarosare pairs.<br />

Have <strong>the</strong>se cotor-bcdtes <strong>the</strong>n any influence on <strong>the</strong><br />

l imit of age of <strong>the</strong> form o f life? Or is <strong>the</strong> age a genetic-<br />

11 4

a lly-conditl oned f actor?<br />

5anjase- 52/ Sure, it i s gene-condit ioned. 53/The gene r egulates<br />

via <strong>the</strong> brain and <strong>the</strong> spirit , <strong>the</strong> f unctions of <strong>the</strong><br />

cells , and <strong>the</strong>y r egula te life, r egene r ation and di s integr<br />

ation of <strong>the</strong> cel ls .<br />

Meier- '!hank you, this suffices .<br />

<strong>the</strong> c hran:::>sares <strong>the</strong>mse lves have?<br />

Nhat functions<br />

<strong>the</strong>n do<br />

SEmjase- 54/They destin c haracter, form and s ex o f <strong>the</strong> (part<br />

icul ar) c reat ure . 55/'Ihe y are a lso <strong>the</strong> e s sential car riers<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> genes, which e f fect <strong>the</strong>ir true influence on <strong>the</strong> chrorrosares<br />

and cause in <strong>the</strong>m, according to existing f actors,<br />

no:rma.l o f mal - switching, and can evoke mutati ons.<br />

I s fungolism a r r anged under<br />

such a mutat ion?<br />

fanjase- 56/In thi s connect .Lon , on l y partly, f or this essentially<br />

re s ults fran inj ury to <strong>the</strong> genes fran many causes,<br />

which in sare cases can gener ate s urplus chraros ares .<br />

Meier- Unfortunately, I understand tioo litt le o f this, but<br />

<strong>the</strong> answer is sufficient f or Ire . But o f what do c hrcrroscnes<br />

consist?<br />

Semjase-<br />

57/ Hainly <strong>the</strong> a l bumins and nucle ic-acids.<br />

tcejL, what i s i t with heredit y?<br />

semjase- S8/You s iIrply do no t give up. 59/Each gene contains<br />

<strong>the</strong> once-existing characteristi cs . 60/ E3.ch s ingl e<br />

rrar k contains in it <strong>the</strong> characterist ics o f both negative and<br />

posf .t.Ive decisi ve factors, mal e and f ema l e. 61/Occasional<br />

influences a l so r esu l t in "wrong- swi tching" or "wrong- breeding<br />

" whic h can produce mutat i ons. 62/1here may be a dcminant<br />

gene oversc r eening a recessive one , beca use of whi ch it<br />

cannot <strong>the</strong>n develop. 63/ But both genes can be inherited.<br />

64/Sel f - evident also, genes can c hange in <strong>the</strong> course of tine,<br />

because <strong>the</strong>y are, as e verything in <strong>the</strong> Unive r se, subject t o<br />

evol ut i on or degeneration proce sse s .<br />

I unde rstand , e ven though this i s not a speci a l<br />

krlcMl edge fie ld for Ire . But \.mat <strong>the</strong>n i s <strong>the</strong> case wi th<br />

heredity o f kncwledqe or s inpl y intelligence?<br />

Semjase- 65 /'Ihis i s by nothing connected with <strong>the</strong> gene,<br />

because intelligence i s a result o f spi ri tual e volution.<br />

66/Spiri tual thinking and i ts resul tant s pir i tual know tedqe ,<br />

11 5

wfs dcm, and IrrteLtIqence, are pure factors of s pirit, but<br />

which also precipitate organi c r esults - in <strong>the</strong> brain, which<br />

consi s ts o f a cid substances . 67/'Ihese aci ds becore <strong>the</strong> carriers<br />

of spi ritual wisdan and intelligence in solid form,<br />

while <strong>the</strong> spiri t sti ll hides in itself that sane e ssent ia l<br />

kncwledge as fine-rrat erial factors. 68/Also, as <strong>the</strong> coarserraterial<br />

f o rm of life , everything is two d iJrensionally orientat<br />

ed, in consequence of which <strong>the</strong> pure-spiritual or f inerraterial<br />

forms of life are as well existing in coarse-rrarer -<br />

i al f orm. 69/In this case <strong>the</strong>n, this rreans, wis dan and intelligence<br />

exist in spiritual -energe t ical a s well as coarserrater<br />

ial form, as organic acid . 70/'ll1is enables wisdan and<br />

intelligence to beccre transplanted in coarse-rrater ial form.<br />

71/'Ihis rreans, too, that <strong>the</strong>se acids can be taken fran a<br />

brain and be p l anted into ano<strong>the</strong>r brain. 72/By such , whol e<br />

races of crea t ures can <strong>the</strong>n be brought to a s e lected leve l<br />

o f wisdcm, knowledge and intelli gence, without each separate<br />

being having to pass through <strong>the</strong> di f ferent e vo l ut ion periods .<br />

73/By this, even a new spirit fonn (which Farth humani ty may<br />

in error call insane o r idiotic) nay be given a rrore hi ghly<br />

developed f orm o f kncwledge and life. 74/ But in this direct<br />

i on your s cienti sts have been working fo r s erre ti.Ire and<br />

have achie ved. sere s uccess - even though this i s not kno wn<br />

to <strong>the</strong> broad public. 75 /'Ihus inte lligence and wisclan are by<br />

no rreens genetica lly produced, because <strong>the</strong>y are a l one transmitted<br />

and carri ed f orward by <strong>the</strong> ensouling body spi r it.<br />

76/Because of this, an intel l ectual or very wise human being<br />

may bear descendents which Farthrren would call insane or<br />

idiot ic, a lso <strong>the</strong> reverse of spirituality and intellectually<br />

deficient humans bearing descendents of great spiritual and<br />

intellectual deve loprent., 77/This is really onl y connected<br />

with ha.v far <strong>the</strong> body- inhabi ting spirit itself is developed.<br />

78/1f wis clan and intelligence were gene-conditioned, <strong>the</strong>n a<br />

new spirit would never find a habitation (body) , while <strong>the</strong><br />

a l r e ady existing f orm of lif e would degenerate and die out,<br />

because <strong>the</strong>y wer e spi r i t ualized t oo rapidly. 79/'Ihis i s<br />

because higher developed lif e i s e Iways being created, and<br />

thus for new- spirits, no life and developrent oppor-tun t .t.Ies<br />

\'.OUld exist. (3)<br />

loEier-<br />

But wtly are rrental diseases inheritable?<br />

Senjase- BO/Real rrental disease consists o f powerful confusion<br />

of <strong>the</strong> already kncwtedqeebt e and educated s pi r it.<br />

BI/And as <strong>the</strong> genes are i nfluenced by spirit, <strong>the</strong>y absorb<br />


<strong>the</strong> confused impulses , s tore <strong>the</strong>m, and create <strong>the</strong> confused<br />

idea to a conf used f orm o f life. 82 / Because of this, i nju r ed<br />

creat ures normal ize a ga in f r om gener a t ion to generati on - by<br />

<strong>the</strong> irre sistabl e f ur<strong>the</strong>r developrrent o f <strong>the</strong> s pi rit; by <strong>the</strong><br />

periodically conditioned evolution. 83/This rreans <strong>the</strong>n,<br />

that f or <strong>the</strong> conf used spirit, r t te--urcortant. f unctions o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> genes are affected by mis-regulatioo o f certain factors .<br />

84/nrls mis- regulation f orwards i t s ilrpulses, to intermingle<br />

<strong>the</strong> brain 's acids with si..mi..lar mal factors evoking confusi on,<br />

a confusion whi ch i s on l y or ganic. 8s/ ln <strong>the</strong> evo lution o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> spir it, <strong>the</strong> conf usion can becare no nnalized aga in over<br />

generations, a s I have a l ready ment ioned. 86/ln such a way<br />

injured forms o f life can each be dif f e r ently burdened, as<br />

well as <strong>the</strong>ir descendents, too. 87 / Each, <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> pos.It.Ion<br />

of developrent of <strong>the</strong> ensoul ing body spirit, can be nore or<br />

less injured; a l esser devel oped spiri t being a ffected decisively<br />

rrore than a nore developed one, which may e ven be<br />

able to neutralize such mis - r egul a t i on. as/so i t i s quite<br />

poss ible f or an insane crea t ure to gener ate descende nts<br />

teing in no manner- abnormal. 89/ But i t can happen a f ter many<br />

generat i ons, when a ll seems nonnalized, that smatI r ematrunq<br />

f actors in exceptional case examples may experience an out -<br />

break o f <strong>the</strong> affliction in sere f orm,<br />

l£ier- Fantasti c . But <strong>the</strong>re are s o many rrental diseases...<br />

Semjase- 90/'Ihis wout d lead 'too far.<br />

5enjase-<br />

Naturally. Hay I put ano<strong>the</strong>r question to you <strong>the</strong>n?<br />

91/Yes.<br />

l£ier- '!his concerns <strong>the</strong> problem o f relativity, e s pecially<br />

<strong>the</strong> dilation of t.Irre,<br />

5enjase-<br />

91/ You are already Inf orrred about; this.<br />

I do not ask for myself, f o r <strong>the</strong> question give r s<br />

want an answer f rom you .<br />

5enjase- 93/0h yes , o f c ourse - f or this I have to go back<br />

screr as <strong>the</strong>re exist different possibilities f or <strong>the</strong> over -<br />

a:ming of cosmic space. 94/lb describe <strong>the</strong>m all wourd make<br />

no sense because <strong>the</strong>y are too incanprehensible f or <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

hurran, and teo f antastic to him. 9s/For flying ob jects<br />

<strong>the</strong>re still exists <strong>the</strong> possibility of mastering space. 98/<br />

One posadbd.Li .tiy i s through hyperspace , in which a dilation<br />

o f t iIre is r erroved, and in which <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ory of r e lat ivity<br />


emains just that, narte.ly a <strong>the</strong>ory. 97/ TIle turning-off of<br />

a tin'e-dilation or tine-shift needs but <strong>the</strong> penetration o f<br />

hyperspace, as I have a lready explained. 98/1 am not e .lt cwed<br />

to reveal greater details. 99/'Ihe "jurrp" occurs very fast<br />

by m:xrentary paralization of <strong>the</strong> prot ective screen under<br />

flash- like increased velocity, with <strong>the</strong> cons equence o f a<br />

flash- l ike inc rease in IMSS. l OO/ 'Ihis means that <strong>the</strong> initiation<br />

process runs s o fast, that by <strong>the</strong> speed of certain<br />

processes, generated by <strong>the</strong> apparatus, rratter is distorted<br />

within <strong>the</strong> mi l lionth part of a second, and becares fine-rrat -<br />

erial form, which i s able to pass hypers pace . ti..rre lessly.<br />

l Ol/ As I have s a i d , it does not only consist o f speed, even<br />

though it s urpasses a miUionfol d <strong>the</strong> speed of light, but<br />

<strong>the</strong>re are o<strong>the</strong>r processes invo l ved. I02/ By speed itself <strong>the</strong><br />

process is i nitiated, rMSS d i f fer ent iat ing i tself, by which<br />

hyperspace i s enabled. (4)<br />

l 03/ 'Ihe mass o f an ob ject inc reases i n relati on to <strong>the</strong><br />

qrcwth of i ts speed. I04/'Ihis rreana, mass g rows towards<br />

unl imit edness . l OS/ Our ships are s t i ll protected by prot ect<br />

ive-screens, and prevent this process, until <strong>the</strong> t urning<br />

o ff of this screen enabl es <strong>the</strong> distorting e ffect . l OG/ J ust<br />

this process is utilized <strong>the</strong>n, to accelerate <strong>the</strong> essential<br />

distortion and to call up <strong>the</strong> dematerialization. . . I 07/ By<br />

this, at <strong>the</strong> s arre tiJre, space and t iJre are paralized and<br />

disappear, in consequence of which <strong>the</strong> ship a lready re-mat --<br />

e r ializes i tse lf a t i t s destina t i on place, as it is demat -.<br />

erialized a t its place of departure. l Oa / TIle whole process<br />

needs no l onger than a millionth part of a second, thus a l so<br />

f or crea t ures , passing hyperspace does not take alterat ions<br />

o f any kind . I09/ \\'hen spaces hips fly bel ew <strong>the</strong> speed o f<br />

light, this inevitably takes much tiJre, which is a lways <strong>the</strong><br />

case with nesccrera to cosmic flight . U O/ Fi rst, <strong>the</strong>y all<br />

do l earn fran experiences and cogni tions . 111 / Second, this<br />

space-trave ling i s ve ry dangerous and l eaves its purpose<br />

open to quest ion. 11 2/\'1he n s paceships reach lightspeed<br />

without passing d i rectly into hyperspace, <strong>the</strong>n catastrophy<br />

f o r <strong>the</strong> s hip and i ts passengers i s asaured ., . , 113/ Speeds<br />

above that o f light ho ld marry dangers, when <strong>the</strong> barrier of<br />

hypers pace is not penetra t ed and made an a lly. 11 4/ 1he<br />

dilation effect i s on ly o ne o f <strong>the</strong>se dangers . 117/ But a ll<br />

forms o f life have to accanplish <strong>the</strong>ir evol uti onary processes,<br />

and thus <strong>the</strong> y collect e xper-ience and knowledge .<br />

118/ Our f orefa<strong>the</strong>rs, teo, f a ced <strong>the</strong>se problems, and went;<br />


astray in space and t .Irre, 119/'!be sane does happen to oilier<br />

creatures, and in <strong>the</strong> sane way . 120/ And so it happens that<br />

(occasi onally) tiIre--trave lers do appear f ran <strong>the</strong> past , and<br />

often bring with <strong>the</strong>m great p r oblems . 121/ 'Ihey often do not<br />

f ind <strong>the</strong>ir l1

ut not <strong>the</strong> person who has brought <strong>the</strong>m. 20S/ If <strong>the</strong>n ano<strong>the</strong> r<br />

cult shoul d be cons t ructed around Jrrrnanuel, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> purpose<br />

i s not accanplished. 206 /'The human l:eing shoul d no t be<br />

g lor ified, becaus e only <strong>the</strong> truth and <strong>the</strong> l aws are r eally<br />

Irrcortant..<br />

207/But now my t irre for today is over, and I stil l "..ant to<br />

speak (to you) about. my r equest , which I as ked in <strong>the</strong> l ast<br />

neeting .<br />

loEier- Befor e you l eave , Semj ase , I s t i ll have scrre very<br />

Irrcortant questions, i f you have enough tirre and i t would<br />

not t rouble you when I ask once again for things whi ch you<br />

have a l rea dy, fran my vi ew, answered sufficient ly. But I<br />

have f riends and aquaint ences "..ho e iwa ys give Ire <strong>the</strong> sane<br />

quest ions.<br />

semjase- 208/If i t i s so important, <strong>the</strong>n ask.<br />

'Thank you, Sernjase , - <strong>the</strong> question concerns friends<br />

and aquaintences a l so wanting to care into contac t with you.<br />

At l east <strong>the</strong>y woul d be content if <strong>the</strong>y could see you and<br />

your beamship, even onl y fran a far, o r photograph or film<br />

it. Is <strong>the</strong>re sti ll no chance to cont ent <strong>the</strong>ir eagerness for<br />

kncwdnqs, etc. ?<br />

semjase- 209/ Have I expr essed myself too little clearly?<br />

210/ 1 told you a lready several t irres that this will not be<br />

possdb.le under any circumstances . 211/We have e lected you<br />

a l one , where \"'E! a l so r ema.in. 212/Nothing can be changed.<br />

213/I t i s known to IrE (that ) scsre of your f riends on ly want<br />

to c ontact IrE beca use <strong>the</strong>y doubt your infonnation and want<br />

pI'COf . 214/'Ihey don't even accept your photos , beca use <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are captured by dis trust. .. 215/<strong>the</strong>y consi der <strong>the</strong>mselves to<br />

be rea lis tic, which is not true. 216/Thei r r ecogniti on of<br />

reality i s not based on knCMledge . .. 217/'Ihey believe that<br />

on l y what <strong>the</strong>y can s ee wf th <strong>the</strong>ir own eye s can be r ea l ,<br />

wher ein <strong>the</strong>y do not consider that <strong>the</strong>y coul d be decei ved by<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir own seeing .<br />

2I8/ Evidence <strong>the</strong>n i s on l y va lid if founded<br />

on kncwl edqe and recognition, which neens on ly hard spiritua<br />

l v.ur k enabl es real reasoning, bu t never only seeing. 219/<br />

\.:e gave you <strong>the</strong> chance to collect photographic ma.ter ial so<br />

you could confinn your details in r espect to <strong>the</strong> existence<br />

of our beamships, with pict ures . 220/And a l though you have<br />

many qood phot os , s crre do not believe you. 221 / Ql <strong>the</strong> cont<br />

rary, <strong>the</strong>y demand still fur<strong>the</strong>r p r oofs in <strong>the</strong> way that we<br />

shou ld break o ur O\oJI1 good pr incipl es and take up contac ts<br />


as well with those o<strong>the</strong>r Earth hurrans , 222 /'Ihis we wi ll not<br />

do, and will deviate in no manner fran our objectives . 223/<br />

Ne s t ill don' t want, and are not a t i oced, to coerce to convince<br />

Earth humans of <strong>the</strong> truth. 224/\'/e are only e llcsced to<br />

do what lies in reach of our object ives, and f or this we<br />

have selected you, and you should spr ead <strong>the</strong> kncwledqe according<br />

to your best esti.Jrat ion. 225 / Ha.-J you do this is up<br />

to you, for you are a f ree f orm of life. 226/EXpl ain to<br />

your f riends that we are not wi lling to grant <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

demands for a contact with <strong>the</strong>m. 227/lt is absolute ly impossibl<br />

e to concede this ; in every respect.<br />

228 /For <strong>the</strong> caning wni. Ie you a lso should not take fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

pictures of my bearnship, because <strong>the</strong> ones you have are fully<br />

suffici ent. 229/1 gave you enough chance to get qocd<br />

photos, which becarre only doubt ed. nO/Thus i t shall s uffice<br />

for <strong>the</strong> time, for i t i s nei<strong>the</strong> r our nor your mission,<br />

to remove f ran doubtors and critic i zer s <strong>the</strong>ir spiri t - obstructing<br />

act ivities. 231 /The mission lies in quite o<strong>the</strong> r<br />

fields, as you ,,--ell knQIN.<br />

This doesn't s ound very kind, 5emjase , and it also<br />

disappoints Ire that I shoul d not take any fur<strong>the</strong>r pict ures .<br />

Dlring your absence I have bought Ire a f i lm carrera, because<br />

I wanted to get a rrovte o f your ship.<br />

senjase- 232/Your disappointnent pities Ire, but <strong>the</strong> status<br />

should remain. 233/Still I wi ll admit your using <strong>the</strong> f i lm<br />

camera, that you may be a H o wed to film my s hip. 234/But<br />

you are prohibited fran doing this up c lose, and a lso you<br />

nay not ge t Ire on your film. 235/But I will g i ve you a<br />

short derronstrat i on o f my ship.<br />

Meier- Thank you. I could not film fran near anyway, e lse<br />

<strong>the</strong> cerrere be destroyed. You had s aid ear lier I could photograph<br />

your new ship up c l ose . As you know, I tried this<br />

last contact, which failed because my carter-a , so t o speak,<br />

"exp.loded" in my hands and fell, a nd <strong>the</strong> light measuring<br />

instrurrent and searcher were broken. I had to s end i t f or<br />

expenai,ve repair. (6)<br />

Sf3njase-<br />

236/ Did this r eally happen?<br />

Meier- Of course; should I lie to you?<br />

senjase- 237/Certainly not, and this was not rreant like<br />

that. 238/1 am s orry about; <strong>the</strong> occurrence, and I will c lear<br />

it up.<br />



(t ) After <strong>the</strong>se n:eeti..rq:; started. arrl Iccseed like t.IEy mi.l;t1t CO"Iti.nu:.' for a<br />

cure, a-d !>eier's discussial grcup fC1.JTrl that he was get.tirq new infomaticrl.<br />

t.IEy I:eg;m to ann him with prof oorrl questi.cns to be asked. o f <strong>the</strong> EI'<br />

cosccreuts, h:ping to get sore ne ... insights into sore of <strong>the</strong> thin::Js <strong>the</strong>y<br />

were stlrlying.<br />

(2) rbi. ten years later , <strong>the</strong> benefLt; of hirdsight.. he are all aware<br />

of <strong>the</strong> specteculer edvarces in eolecular bdokcqy, resukt.Inq tcday in wh:Ile<br />

!'B'I scte-ces ani .iIrlust.r.ies worl!Uide.<br />

(3) '!his is <strong>the</strong> first cuscusst cn we have seen of spiritual actacn in genes<br />

am. cnrcececres. am a very Ioqtcal, di.scussial of ....ny disa:lvantagej parents<br />

can give birth to perfect.Iy rorraf offsprirq, am. <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r ....a y arccrd,<br />

(4) Ellterirq <strong>the</strong> hyperspace m:rle s inply I!a3!lS leaVing <strong>the</strong> fhYsicalrealmof<br />

reality, in a process wbere mat ter is strlElly cowerted to ff'lergy a.:u tiel<br />

as su:\3e11y reccoverred back to matter in i ts "reosreered" form . For i ts<br />

instant in it:. 50 pcre energy, or spirit. f o.rm, <strong>the</strong> f e nce r matter is 00<br />

l.a"q=r b:::urrl b.i <strong>the</strong> !a'...es of <strong>the</strong> fhYsical/ch2mi.cal realm, ani it cpezates<br />

urrler <strong>the</strong> e1t.i..rely differE!"lt la'NS of <strong>the</strong> realm of pure spirit . whim sears<br />

to be l.JIlh:urlE:d am. limitless.<br />

(5) 1here is a ffiBil close::l race of d..imlnitive extraterrestrial peopl e<br />

still surviving in far western China. wh:I trace <strong>the</strong>ir ancestry reck to <strong>the</strong><br />

c rash l..arrli.J"q of a hu;Je extraterrestrial exploratory airship over 12.0:0<br />

years at:p. 'rteee snail pecpte are p,ysiolcgically am genetically differmt<br />

fran Earth Iumns.<br />

'!hey were ax:e hunted cb,n as ''wi ldren'' in <strong>the</strong> days of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Khans, an:::) were alrrost w4'ID cut. (See SlNll:S rn E'illE, bj caryl<br />

Rcb in-Evans, p.Jblisherl l:¥ Nevil sceeman in Ehglarrl in 1978)<br />

(6) l-eier oaxes reference j-ere to <strong>the</strong> 27 February flight dEm:nstratial of<br />

<strong>the</strong> new variat.icn II ship. Iotlen he tried. to sne ak. a prd1ibiUrl picture of<br />

<strong>the</strong> ship near <strong>the</strong> gro.zrl at close range. f2;>: was pret.en::iin:J rot. to take a<br />

picture ...tel he pressed <strong>the</strong> shutter release. ani <strong>the</strong> cetera. "expl.crlOO" in<br />

his harri. flying 0Jt o f his grasp ani f alling to <strong>the</strong> grrurrl ...here <strong>the</strong><br />

i.rrpact <strong>the</strong> cere'ra arrl rrecrerusms,<br />

This r e lat ively extensive discus sion of technical an d phi losophi cal s ubjects<br />

by <strong>the</strong> extr ate rrestrial visi tors has been c haracter istic of <strong>the</strong> LFO<br />

c ontacts with <strong>the</strong> Plei adian t eams . The Ptei adr en cont act s at (1 Tocuyo in<br />

Vene zue l a involved l e ngthy d isc ussions s uc h as this , as \";ell as those i n<br />

Bogota, Col ombia, a nd a no<strong>the</strong>r c ase here i n t he United St ates of Amer ica.<br />

A Yh ole book has been ab out such cont acts i n Pe ru and <strong>the</strong><br />

dialogue carr ied on ov e r a period of years.<br />


Ninth Contact Friday, 21 March 1975 16:18 h<br />

Ther e ha d been some arguments in t he discussion group around ne I er over<br />

<strong>the</strong> superiority o f t he Pleiadians and just how superior t he y mi ght be to us<br />

Earth humans. Some thought <strong>the</strong>y mi ght be <strong>the</strong> myt hol ogi cal Gods of some o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> great l eqends , O<strong>the</strong>rs t hought <strong>the</strong>y mi ght be equiva l en t to t he angelic<br />

beings of <strong>the</strong> bible . However <strong>the</strong>y co uld nev e r agree on an y of this. Semjase<br />

had t aken not e of this situation and sought to set <strong>the</strong> matter straight once<br />

and for all. This 9th contact took place j us t three da ys after <strong>the</strong> eighth.<br />

Semjase- l /Unfortunate l y , today, <strong>the</strong> conversat ion wi ll be a<br />

bit one-s ided, because I have to s et sore important things<br />

straight ... 2/0f t en for appearance s ake, or profit , we are<br />

put higher than we are in t ruth. 3/But we are only human<br />

beings , l ike all o<strong>the</strong>rs. 4/In your view we occupy a<br />

position o f super-technol oqi .es and spiritual progr ess , but<br />

this does not presuppose predaninance watch Earth humans<br />

ascr -Ibe to us . S/h'e are nei<strong>the</strong>r guardians of Earth beings<br />

not Ood-aent; Angels, o r s imil ar. 6/Hany persons suggest W'E!<br />

are watching ove r Earth and her beings and would cont rol<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir f ates. 7/'Ihis is not true , because we only per-form a<br />

self-se l ected mission which has nothing to do with s uper ><br />

vi sing or regulat ing Earth fates. 8/ Thus it is wr ong to<br />

expose us as s uperterrestrial rressenge rs or guardians . 9/ If<br />

we were s uch, we woul .d r egul a t e openly. 14/ 50 this i s not<br />

true , because <strong>the</strong> Earth human goes his own evoluti onary way.<br />

I S/Surely , he i s barbarous, and a lso Irrpet uous in his research,<br />

and often unscrupulous . l 6/ But barbarism is peculiar<br />

to many c reatures, f or i t i s a nat ural condit ioning and i s<br />

suited, thus lif e i s assured. 17/ In t his I speak of natural<br />

barbari sm wht ch i s not degenerative. l 8/ Such is a lso <strong>the</strong><br />

character of more developed beings than Ea.rt.h roan and first<br />

ends at higher l e ve ls o f spiritual developrent.. . 19/ It is<br />

not sui ted f or <strong>the</strong> Earth being to be degraded for this.. .<br />

20/He is a des cendent of wild ancestors and has to go <strong>the</strong><br />

way o f his evol u t ion. 21/This l eads through misery and<br />

troubles 'toward cogni tion and knowl edqe. 22/But this takes<br />

toughness and a certain barbarism, wi thout wh i ch no inc linati<br />

on f or a n€tv or bett er f uture takes p l ace. 23/ At f i rst a<br />

certain bar barism inspires r e s ear ch and deveIoprent., because<br />

in this i s strength t o over ccste conf inenents which obstruc t<br />

progress . . . 26/ Ea.rt.tunan IT'ay r ecognize that he woutd not becare<br />

l iberat ed f ran sic kness i f l i fe was not cut short by i t ,<br />


-<br />

Inspf.rdnq analysis o f <strong>the</strong> s ickness genns and a search for<br />

protective rreans, 27ITo r i sk life for exploration purpos es<br />

is necessary barbarism (tha t may be toler ated) . 28/ Ye t all<br />

kinds o f e vol ut ion is barbaric, beca use that gener ates <strong>the</strong><br />

necessary strength. 30/A great danger i s o f scientis ts misusing<br />

<strong>the</strong> power- o f <strong>the</strong>ir knawl edge t o overccee <strong>the</strong>i r l ess<br />

developed f e llo .-l c r eat ures and f orce <strong>the</strong>m into slave ry and<br />

expl oitati on. 31!Fran this <strong>the</strong>y should be prevented, as<br />

as <strong>the</strong>i r t echn i cal achieverrents whic h on l y serve fo r<br />

des truction. 32/ Not in any be s t interest, <strong>the</strong>ir setting <strong>the</strong>ms<br />

elves up as Gods, and by this ccrcmitting <strong>the</strong> serre mistakes<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir forefa<strong>the</strong>rs a lrea dy did. 33/These influences we want;<br />

to prevent. 33/Stil l we want to encourage certain cognitions<br />

and goo.. certain ways . 35/ And when ....re interf ere in certain<br />

matrt er-s, that is only so that Earth. beings wou.ld not canni.t<br />

<strong>the</strong> s arre e r ror s for whdch our for efa<strong>the</strong>rs s o painfUlly s uffered.<br />

t-eier- You have a l r eady told Ire atout that . I):) you want to<br />

tell Ire <strong>the</strong> f ur<strong>the</strong>r history o f mankind tcday?<br />

Semdase- 36/Surel y , so I to do .<br />

Meier- Am I a i t coed to put before thi s only one s ingle<br />

question whtch occupies sere o f my friends and aquai ntences ?<br />

Semdase- 37/Sure ly.<br />

JoEier- I t treats o f your beamship, r espectivel y your beams<br />

hips which I have photographed s everal t urrea , I t is inconceivabl<br />

e t o my f riends that on l y I have s een <strong>the</strong>m, and al so<br />

photographed <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Semjase- 38/'Ihis i s easily enswerede <strong>the</strong> tal ent for obser -<br />

vat ion i s r e a lly cursory for human s . 39 / 1hey do often s ee<br />

our beamships as any o<strong>the</strong>r Earthly airplane s , for whi ch<br />

reason <strong>the</strong>y pay <strong>the</strong>m no rrore a t tent ion . 40/They are very<br />

simply not accustared t o cl ose observi ng and v dewfnq. 41/ 011<br />

<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r hand we protect our beamships a gainst sight o f any<br />

kind and <strong>the</strong>y can ' t s ee us . 42/It is easy for us to protect<br />

our ships as we desire in a di.arre t.er- of 500 rreters, i n<br />

o r in parts, a t one s ide, upwards o r dcwnwards, aga ins t<br />

s i ght by (use of) a distorter -sc r e en. 43/I"ihen I a t Icw you<br />

to photograph my s hip f ran one side, <strong>the</strong>n i t is p rot ected on<br />

all o<strong>the</strong>r si des against fur<strong>the</strong>r observation by <strong>the</strong> distorte r<br />

s creens, thus none untnvi t e d a r e abl e to s ee i t. 44/ Thi s I<br />


wi ll ShCM t o your friends . 45/ ln this respect , 1 aLl cw you<br />

one rrore t .Irre to take three fur<strong>the</strong>r pictures o f my s hip, for<br />

which mat-ter- you s hou l d bring your fr iends with you. 45/ Buy<br />

a new f i lm which <strong>the</strong>y put i nto <strong>the</strong>ir c amer a . 47/ Then do<br />

care with <strong>the</strong>m t o <strong>the</strong> contact place which 1 will ar range<br />

with you. 48/You shoul d keep your position a little aside<br />

f rom <strong>the</strong>m. 1 t hen appear i n my ship , you ought to<br />

shcot three pictures . 50/As usua l , <strong>the</strong> s hip distorter -screens<br />

will be switched on so that you alone will be able t o<br />

see i t . 51/ The n t e ll your friends <strong>the</strong>y should no t be dis -<br />

appoint ed i f <strong>the</strong>y are not able t o s ee <strong>the</strong> ship as we Il as<br />

you wi l l. 52/lt s hould only evidence f or <strong>the</strong>m, my offer o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> distorter-screens being afact . .. (1)<br />

M=ier- Thank you, Semjase.<br />

Will 1 perhaps a t this t irre,<br />

your voice?<br />

That is ve ry ob liging o f you.<br />

be a t Icwe d t o r e cord a tape of<br />

Semjase- 55/1 have told you , <strong>the</strong> three photographs will be<br />

<strong>the</strong> first and last proof frem my si de. 56/1 can a lla... no<br />

rrore, p lease understand this. 53/ lf <strong>the</strong>y a lready do not<br />

believe your words and your photo-evidence, and even accuse<br />

<strong>the</strong> latter o f deceit, t hen <strong>the</strong> s ame should be expected i f<br />

you ....'e re t o store my voice on a tape-recording . 58/They<br />

could accuse you of decei t and pretend <strong>the</strong> voice would belong<br />

to an Earth wcman, 59/Such an exampj.e is o f rrearunq tesa<br />

conseque nce, thus 1 can not a gree wi.th i t. 60/But 1 do not<br />

want to engage in s uch discuss ions in <strong>the</strong> f uture , f or I have<br />

a l ready explained. 61/Explain t o your f r iends, i f <strong>the</strong>y are<br />

interested in your details and want t o accept <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong>n<br />

<strong>the</strong>y should do this in conf idence in us and you, e l se <strong>the</strong>y<br />

should no l onger dedicate <strong>the</strong>mselves t o this IlE.t ter, because<br />

doubts, di. at .rus t; and criticism are not serviceable t o our<br />

missions .<br />

M=ier- That is harsh , Semjase.<br />

Semjase- 62/lt has to be, as only <strong>the</strong> t ruth serves .<br />

sere o f my f riends hold <strong>the</strong> argurrent ; how wo uId <strong>the</strong>y<br />

proceed wtth my tasks, i f by <strong>the</strong> intrigues of my f eIl owc<br />

reatures and authori ties, anything wou.ld happen t o Ire,<br />

whi ch has a l ready been <strong>the</strong> case one t.tme , (2)<br />

Semjase- 62/ These are argurrents which rea lly are none , because<br />

<strong>the</strong>y wi ll have in <strong>the</strong>ir hands all notes and all that<br />


you de liver to <strong>the</strong>m. 63/When <strong>the</strong>y have confidence in you<br />

and us , <strong>the</strong>n this is sufficient for <strong>the</strong>m already. 64/'Ihey<br />

don ' t need rror e , 65/ 'Iheir arguments do not a lone concern<br />

this care about intrigues, for in <strong>the</strong>m are a l so established<br />

selfi sh thoughts and a g reat distrust o f you and your details<br />

and your pict ures. 66/Partly , this is only ano<strong>the</strong>r attempt,<br />

in <strong>the</strong>ir way of reasoning , t o achieve <strong>the</strong>ir object ive of<br />

,vorking i nto f i rst position.. .<br />

loEier- Okay, I will no rrore speak of it and no rrore trouble<br />

you by such.<br />

Semjase- 68/You have not t roubled Ire . 69/ But nCM I want to<br />

speak of o<strong>the</strong>r ma.t ters .<br />

Semjase-<br />

\'buld you a llCM one rrore quest ion before?<br />

70/Sure ly.<br />

loEier- One has thrown against my head, that i t is ra<strong>the</strong>r<br />

strange that you had cane to speak about <strong>the</strong> Ta lmud J mnanue l,<br />

and that your r e ports and details agree with <strong>the</strong> Talmud, as<br />

if <strong>the</strong>y both r ise fran <strong>the</strong> sane pen , and thus all things not<br />

right. (3)<br />

Semjase- . One really did?<br />

loEier-<br />

One did.<br />

Semjase- 72 /Oon ' t t rouble yourse lf over it, as it i s <strong>the</strong><br />

character of <strong>the</strong> urunforrred to continua11y criticise and<br />

accuse. 73 /&::1 <strong>the</strong>y search for connections, which <strong>the</strong>y can<br />

not understand.. . 76/\Vhen Jnmanuel 2,000 years ago . ..set<br />

down <strong>the</strong> knowl edge and <strong>the</strong> wi.sdcm, he could do this on ly<br />

with words of certain rrearunq, <strong>the</strong>n as nO\..... .. 77/And when<br />

in <strong>the</strong> present I s peak about <strong>the</strong> sane things , I must use<br />

certain words which trans late into certain rrean.inqs , now as<br />

<strong>the</strong>n. . . 84/ (They a re) still caught up too much in <strong>the</strong>ir r e-<br />

ligions to r ecognize and accept any o<strong>the</strong>r a s t.rut.h,<br />

85/They still live in <strong>the</strong> astray belief that t.ruth kncwfedqe<br />

and belief would be religion, and that one could desi gnate<br />

this a lso for a r eligion. 87/'Ihey do not understand that a<br />

r e ligi on can suppress a being and make him depend on scrre--<br />

thing that stands above him and g ives him orders and advice .<br />

88/The result is a creature no rmre master o f himse lf, but<br />

subject ing himself t o sanething that remains pocer -fut Iy<br />

above him. 89/'Ihus, <strong>the</strong>re does not exist any f orm of re-<br />


11gioo that i s all good. 90/'lhat I brought <strong>the</strong> Ta1m.Id into<br />

discussi on is only l ogi cal. .. 92/ 'lbe Ta1Im..ld represents a<br />

scr i pture that was really written in <strong>the</strong> t.iIre of .rmranue t , ..<br />

and we took. i t into consideration. 94/We could have newly<br />

stated <strong>the</strong> sane things, but this already existed. 95{'Ihe<br />

way I see things in this question, it runs tcMard distrust<br />

and unsuited c riticism. 96/Whoever put this question to you<br />

is repressed. spiritually by his religion and lives a distortioo.<br />

lirler- You use harsh words, Semjase .<br />

Sanjase- 99/ The truth i s a lways harsh. I OO/ But do spare rre<br />

in <strong>the</strong> fut ure, f ran questions that do not arise fran you<br />

yourself. 101f t have indicated this to you one t i.Jre already .<br />

102/ Fran today I will not answer any rrore questi ons un l ess<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are fran you . 103/1 have no need to continuousl y anseer<br />

questions which are already known to you. 104/l>breover,<br />

i t 1s not my obligation to sponsor tihe f onmt i on of knowl<br />

edge f or Farth beings , or just for your f r iends, that I<br />

undergo <strong>the</strong> answemnq o f illogical questions . I<br />

have to expl ain lies in my and your des tiny, but not in that<br />

of your f riends or fellow creat ures. 106/If it were<br />

not l ike that , 'We could r e veal ourse lves publicly for what<br />

we do, rot we really have no interest in this. 107/Tell<br />

your friends that <strong>the</strong>y will have to be satisfied with this,<br />

that you were chosen for contact with us for very def inite<br />

reasons. 108/! tell you this for <strong>the</strong> final tine, and will<br />

agree to no rrore discussion o f it.<br />

l£ier- I didn' t intend to excite you. (4)<br />

Se:Djase- 109/ You haven't done so, but it is unreasonable o f<br />

your fri ends . . • l l O/ Their unj ustified dis trust and criticism<br />

is hannful to our mis sion.<br />

115/ At our f ifth contact, ended <strong>the</strong> history o f mankind<br />

where sore 50,000 years ago in Earth chronology, our hare-<br />

\l,Url d f ound peace and l iberty. 116/ Shortly bef ore thi s tirre,<br />

70,000 human beings fled under <strong>the</strong> l eade r ship o f Pelegon.<br />

117/In spacecraft which <strong>the</strong>y tcok by f orce, <strong>the</strong>y fled through<br />

<strong>the</strong> C05lT'OS and set t led here on Earth. 11 8/ Under Pelegon<br />

were 200 s ub-l eaders, s c i entists, carq;>etent in <strong>the</strong>ir specf a .l<br />

fie l ds o f kncwfedqe , lt9/ By <strong>the</strong>se , and o<strong>the</strong>rs , Pelegon was<br />

unan..i.m:Jus l y ackncwtedqed as "King of Wi sdan" (m -n-t/God ) and<br />

regarded as such. l20/ 1n <strong>the</strong> course o f milleniums, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

constiructed great cities and inhabited. all <strong>the</strong> cont inents o f<br />


Earth. 121/Regrettably this \r lds<br />

retumed. 125/ TI1ey were again under <strong>the</strong> leadership of an<br />

IHWH , under' whose ccnrrend <strong>the</strong>y built on Atlantis and Mu .<br />

126/ 'Ibey built huge cities on each of <strong>the</strong> two separate continents.<br />

127/ For thousands of years <strong>the</strong>y lived in f riendship<br />

and peace, until a f ew scientists were again overcare<br />

by <strong>the</strong> old thirst for might and pocer-, and tri ed to seize<br />

<strong>the</strong> governnent . 128/But having tired of wars, <strong>the</strong> nations<br />

rose up against <strong>the</strong>m, and <strong>the</strong>y occupied spaceships and fled<br />

into cosmic space; that being sene 15, 000 years ago in Earth<br />

chronology. 129/For b.o milleniums, <strong>the</strong>y and <strong>the</strong>ir descendents<br />

lived in a neighboring solar system. 130/'1\000 milleni<br />

urrs during which <strong>the</strong>y had becare very evil and only maintamed<br />

order under strictest control. 131/By mutat ion and<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir sciences , <strong>the</strong>y extended <strong>the</strong>ir l ifespans to sene thousands<br />

of years.<br />

132/0vercc:rre by <strong>the</strong>ir thirst for poeer, <strong>the</strong>y left <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

wor ld about 13,000 years ago and r eturned to Earth. 132/<br />

Their highest l eader was <strong>the</strong> scientist "ARUS", who was a lso<br />

called "'!he Barbarian"... 133/Like <strong>the</strong> I HWH 40,000 years<br />

before, he also had 200 l eaders and sub-l eaders, who were<br />

ccnpetent in special fie l ds o f science. 134/ In b.o groups,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y sett led in <strong>the</strong> high north and <strong>the</strong> present Florida of<br />

N::>rth l\rrerica, while <strong>the</strong>y cont inuousl y attacked At lantis and<br />

Mu in wars. 135/In o nly a few milleniums after <strong>the</strong>ir occupaticn<br />

of Earth bases, <strong>the</strong>y succeeded in des troying (<strong>the</strong><br />

civilizations of) Atlantis and Hu carpletely. 136/The few<br />

survivors went into servi tude, while many great s cientists<br />

were able to flee, and return to <strong>the</strong>ir hcrrewor Ids in<br />

<strong>the</strong> · <strong>Pleiades</strong>. 137/But centuries before this pcdnt; in t.ure,<br />

<strong>the</strong> intruders boasted. o f <strong>the</strong>ir conquest of Earth, and !ffi'1H<br />

MUS l ed a severe and b .lcody reqterre, 138/ Still his subl<br />

eaders ass urred f or <strong>the</strong>nse l ves many things and became rrore<br />

and rrore independent. 139/Within on l y three decades <strong>the</strong>y<br />

had gone far in <strong>the</strong>ir C1n'Il decisi onmaking, even though <strong>the</strong>y<br />


f eared <strong>the</strong> punfsbrrerrta of <strong>the</strong> 1ffi*! ARUS . 140/'!hey advocated<br />

a codex, to under all c ircumstances maintain <strong>the</strong>ir own race<br />

and not a .lIcw it to fall to mutations away f rem <strong>the</strong>mselves.<br />

141/ In a forbidden manner and secretly, <strong>the</strong>y went out and<br />

caught wild Earth c reatures and mutations who were distant<br />

descendents of forrrer h 1..UTla.T1 beings frem cosmic space. 142/<br />

Wild and beautiful femaIe beings were tarred and mated with<br />

by <strong>the</strong> sub-leaders who called <strong>the</strong>mselves "Sons o f Heaven".<br />

143/ Each, according to his own r ace, created mutated beings,<br />

crnpletely new fonns of life, who were o f dwarf- like stature,<br />

gigantic, or ani..rPal- like. 144/ Semjase, <strong>the</strong> highest l eader<br />

of <strong>the</strong> s ub-leaders , mated with an EVA, a ferra. le being, who<br />

was still rrost .ry human-Like and a lso r a<strong>the</strong>r beaut.Lful (in<br />

feat ure and f onn) . 145/ The descendent of this act was o f<br />

rrale s ex and a hurran being o f gcxxl f orm, 146/semjase c a lled<br />

him "ADl\M", which was a word meaning "Earth hUJl'\3Il being".<br />

147/ A similar breeding produced a female, and in l ater years<br />

<strong>the</strong>y were mated t o each o<strong>the</strong>r . 148/ foE anwhile, o<strong>the</strong>rs similar<br />

had been produced, who f amed groups and tribes. 149/<br />

Fran <strong>the</strong>se, present Earth mankand deveIoped. . . (6)<br />

150/ IHWH ARUS, angered by <strong>the</strong>se activities, seized his<br />

sub-leaders, when he could catch <strong>the</strong>m, and killed or exiled<br />

<strong>the</strong>m. 151/In tirre he changed his mind and r ecognized a new<br />

pccar he could exercise over <strong>the</strong> Earth beings.<br />

newly appodnted sub-leaders and guard angels, he brought<br />

three hUJl'\3Il races under his control. 153/ The s e were <strong>the</strong><br />

ancestors o f thos e who today are known as "Indians" ; <strong>the</strong>n<br />

<strong>the</strong> (fair-skinned) inhabitants who had settled around <strong>the</strong><br />

Black Sea; and <strong>the</strong> third were <strong>the</strong> Gipsies along <strong>the</strong> s outh of<br />

<strong>the</strong> foEditerranean Sea, who were called Hebrews. 154/ TIrrough<br />

his guard-angels, IHWH ARUS subj ected <strong>the</strong>se r aces and forced<br />

<strong>the</strong>m under his c ontrol. 155/ As <strong>the</strong> highest ruler over <strong>the</strong>m,<br />

he a j j cced himself to beccre venerated and adored. 156/ He<br />

a lIowed <strong>the</strong>m to venerate him above '!he Creation itse lf, and<br />

his sub-leaders as assistant c r eators . 157/He Irrposed harsh<br />

and severe l aws demanding <strong>the</strong> b rood o f <strong>the</strong> guilty.<br />

158/His son "JEHAV", who took over his danini on was little<br />

better for he too, as 1ffi'S, demanded only b lood and death<br />

fran <strong>the</strong> three enslaved r aces. 159/ 'lhe later descendents of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se "Gods" became mere humane and developed a degree of<br />

spi rituality. 160/ 'Iheir spiritual evolution changed <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

minds and <strong>the</strong>y decided to l eave <strong>the</strong> devel oprent; o f <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

beings to <strong>the</strong>ir natural course, and retired to <strong>the</strong>ir hare-<br />


SO <strong>the</strong>y left <strong>the</strong> Earth and returned as peaceful creatures<br />

to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Pleiades</strong>, where <strong>the</strong>ir own mankind had reached<br />

advanced states.<br />

161/United, we live toge<strong>the</strong>r today and are an allied popu<br />

lation in peace and lil::erty. 162/'Ihis is <strong>the</strong> essential<br />

that is Impor-tant; for Earth beings to knew• . •<br />

The Pleiadians visiting Earth feel that <strong>the</strong>y ha ve vested interests here<br />

coming over <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir own belligerent and often chaotic past, and, perceiving<br />

yet ano<strong>the</strong>r atomic devastation by <strong>the</strong> scientists' new ascendency, a<br />

legacy to us <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir own history, seek to head it off if possible.<br />

162/FUr<strong>the</strong>r necessary kncwledqe regards a cosmic change,<br />

of which I have already spoken once. 164/ rt treats of tbe<br />

"Age of squartus", also called <strong>the</strong> "Golden Age ". 165/In<br />

this respect I must first explain <strong>the</strong> religious interpretations<br />

concerning this epoch are wrong. 166/ A certain irresponsible<br />

fanaticism treats this as <strong>the</strong> religiously proc<br />

laiIred "f inal days" . 167/Ey no means is this new age a<br />

f inal tiIre, because in truth it brings real life. 168/'lllis<br />

epoch enables everything to devetcp to highest potential,<br />

including spirit, according to providence. 169/But it will<br />

take many centuries after entering that period. to reach such<br />

advanced l e vels . 176/ At first, as usual, <strong>the</strong> irreligious<br />

scientists will profit fran <strong>the</strong> new advances while <strong>the</strong> canrron<br />

people will be restrained by <strong>the</strong>ir religions. 171/Caused<br />

by <strong>the</strong> change of epoch, religious people will fall into fanatical<br />

religious delusion. 172/ Especially <strong>the</strong> 184 years<br />

of <strong>the</strong> t i.rre o f change, religious beliefs of all sorts will<br />

shoot up like mushrocms and bring many humans under <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

control. 173/Murder, suicide, and exploitation o f all kind,<br />

as well as religious s lavery to false beliefs will be <strong>the</strong><br />

daily l ot, by which <strong>the</strong> whole world will be shaken. 174/<br />

False prophets will o f fer salvation publicly in a fanatic<br />

search for victims and new fo.l Ioears, (7)<br />

175/'Ihis is <strong>the</strong> initial phase of <strong>the</strong> "Golden Age ", <strong>the</strong><br />

transition phase of 184 years. 176/'Ihe culmination of this<br />

pericx:i will care in 2028 (our years) . 177/ 'Ihe revolutionary<br />

force of this new epoch has begun in 1844, and since <strong>the</strong>n<br />

<strong>the</strong> extensive a lterations on Earth rush irresistably forward.<br />

178/The New Age a lready demands Lts- tribute, religious del<br />

usion, rapidly developing sciences, r ampant c r nre, and wars<br />

of extirpation, characteristics o f this tiIre which can not<br />

be ignored. 179/'Ihe first half of <strong>the</strong> transition period.<br />

lasted 92 yeara. . until 1936, while <strong>the</strong> Earth felt <strong>the</strong> last<br />


of <strong>the</strong> "Age o f Pisces" (as it was called) . 181/ Since that<br />

time, rapidl y evol ving events, discoveries , inventions,<br />

etc;, were characteris t ic as for no o<strong>the</strong>r t ime . 182/ 'lhis<br />

whole sun-system with a ll i tiF inmmerable creatures i s under<br />

<strong>the</strong> control o f <strong>the</strong> new age. 183/Each and everything i s<br />

influenced by i t , because this i s a cosmic l aw. 184/1t is<br />

according to this l aw, to which are subj ect a ll rrovenents of<br />

planets and all f onns of l ife in <strong>the</strong> Universe , that <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth proceeds in <strong>the</strong> TIm of cosmic e vents s ince 18 44, which<br />

according to evol ution r epl aces a ll hi<strong>the</strong>rto existing regul<br />

ations not o f <strong>the</strong> Creat ional character. 186/ 'Ihe or i gin of<br />

this epochal change is in <strong>the</strong> radiation e ffect of <strong>the</strong> huge<br />

central sun around which your system circles once in 25,860<br />

years, and passes through 12 e pochs within <strong>the</strong> rreaning of<br />

your astrologer's Zodiacs. 187/ 'Ihe F.a..rth has alr eady touched<br />

<strong>the</strong> ooter borders of <strong>the</strong> "Gol den Radfatdon" of <strong>the</strong> central<br />

sun , which are of <strong>the</strong> strongest and rrost revolutionary r adiation.<br />

(8)<br />

189/ But a lso much mi s chie f i s connected with this, quite<br />

especially in r espect to religions and <strong>the</strong> use of new discoveries<br />

and achieverrents . 202/'Ihe way-shocers of <strong>the</strong> se<br />

changes are in cosmic des tiny and appear under <strong>the</strong> Creation<br />

laws. 203/'Ihe way-preparers for <strong>the</strong>se revol utions (affect -<br />

ing hwrens) are a l so human beings who , as prophets and<br />

teachers, announce <strong>the</strong> truths of knowledge and spiritual<br />

wisdcm. 205/'Ihese way-preparers will be considered r evoluti<br />

onari e s , heretics, and exiles, for <strong>the</strong>y will announce <strong>the</strong><br />

truths f or all to see.<br />

212/'Dlese revelations are of much interest, and a l s o of<br />

great i.ITportance to humans and yoo should spread <strong>the</strong> word by<br />

all means, 'Ihis i s our desire. 213/1 knCM you have unde r -<br />

taken <strong>the</strong> diffusion o f rrri rressages and o<strong>the</strong>r things a l ready,<br />

yet, regrettably, <strong>the</strong>y are not sufficient . 214/It woutd be<br />

of benefit for you to f o rm a group t o occupy itse lf wi th<br />

<strong>the</strong>se mat ters. 215/DJ.ring <strong>the</strong> l ast two weeks your l al:::ors<br />

have not been as successful as we had expected. 216/'Ihis i s<br />

not your feul.ti, but ours, f or we have ourse lves to<br />

be deluded about; <strong>the</strong> l oya l t y of certain ones. 217 / Unfortunately<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are II'Ore inprisoned within <strong>the</strong>ir religions than<br />

had cal culated. 218/But we did not want to penetrate<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir secr ets, thus this observation excaped us. 219/'Iherefore<br />

i t beccrrea necessary for you to find a new way .<br />

You tell rre thi s so easily - but what shall I do<br />

<strong>the</strong>n? I am a s tranger in this field, in <strong>the</strong> public spher e ,<br />


and have no connections. I really do not knOw' hew I could<br />

reach <strong>the</strong> public.<br />

Sanjase- 22 0/Belie ve Ire, a ll are not blind and d umb who are<br />

searching f or <strong>the</strong> truth, and who as well wi ll recognize it.<br />

22 1/50 do not worry about; being an unknown TI\3fl in this mat -<br />

ter. 222/I.cxJk for qcod fri ends who want to be o f service<br />

in this ma.tter, because s uch f riends do a l ready wa it for<br />

you. 223/By <strong>the</strong>ir he lp you wi ll reach n ewspapers and maga<br />

zines, and to r adio and televisicn s tations. 22 4/ Perfonn,<br />

with <strong>the</strong>ir help, rreetings and l ectures, and call out your<br />

knowledge on public s treets. . •<br />

Meier- You demand very much , Semj ase , and I do not know<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r I can succeed in i t . You evidently do not consider<br />

that I can becane t:hrc:1,.;n for ano<strong>the</strong>r tine into <strong>the</strong> madhouse,<br />

f or I am poserj e s s against intrigues by <strong>the</strong> authorities .<br />

Certainly, sore people wou ld listen up when I trouble myself<br />

in this Il\311J1er for <strong>the</strong> matter, but will this r eally be ser -<br />

ved that way? By regret, I live here on <strong>the</strong> Earth, being<br />

governed, ruled and enlivened by human 1::eings who o ften fear<br />

<strong>the</strong> troth and try to s uppress it by all rreens, I do not<br />

r eally fear this, no r for making Ire ridicul ous, and 1::eing<br />

der ided and a ccused o f lying , but I fear that newspapers,<br />

radios and author ities will publish canpletely distorted<br />

a ffi nrations and expositions concerning my statarents and<br />

detail s , which will a lone be very negative f or our ma.tter.<br />

I f I am o fficially procla..i.rrEd a madrrBn, <strong>the</strong>n I have achieved<br />

nothing at a ll that \

Senjase- 229/D::m I t worry about finding qocd f riends, for I<br />

told you a lready, that <strong>the</strong>y are waiting for you. 230/'Ihey<br />

will even be s uch qcod friends that <strong>the</strong>y will endure <strong>the</strong><br />

unjusuLffed ridicule and derision, and even amuse <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

by it.. . 233/Toge<strong>the</strong>r with your friends, you will never be<br />

a lone, wherever you may be. 234/ 1 myself wi ll be only a<br />

thought away fran you, thus you can speak wi th rre a lso whenever<br />

you want. 235/1 will del iberate on your p r obl ems and<br />

a lso talk with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, a fter which I can give you sene<br />

advice, fran which you may decide. 236/At a given t ilre I<br />

wi ll give you a report. 23 7/Provisionally, i t i s your matter,<br />

to trouble yourse lf with forming a suitable group of<br />

friends which may serve our mission. 228/Also f or <strong>the</strong> financial<br />

side, you need not worry, because in that too you<br />

will f ind suf ficient help. 239/[0 not fear, all things will<br />

take <strong>the</strong>ir course as calculated. 240/ Sti ll I will be in<br />

care of a ssisting you financia lly myself, as <strong>the</strong>re exists<br />

<strong>the</strong> possibi lity o f • . • . • .. ...• ... ..... . .. . ... ..... . . .......<br />

Meier- SUch things are unfortunately forbidden us, sernjase,<br />

Fran our not understandable to Ire l aws , <strong>the</strong>se things are not<br />

a llowed. ..<br />

Semjase- 241 / 1 have not known that , but i t is unders tandabl e<br />

that this could be forbidden. 242/ But <strong>the</strong>n I have ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

possibi lity: we knaN' Earth humans de light in trinkets. 243 /<br />

You coul d sell your fellCM creatures such things . 244/1 am<br />

ready to procure you crystals, etc. , fran o<strong>the</strong>r planets,<br />

which you can s e ll at reasonabl e price to <strong>the</strong> trinket- lovers.<br />

Maier- '!his will not run, as a lso that way I would run into<br />

<strong>the</strong> mills of l aw. One would accuse rre of decei t when I sell<br />

things to people and tell <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong>y originated on o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

planets. I wou .ld have to prove this, o r I could be strong ly<br />

punished. 01. <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand I can be s ure <strong>the</strong> authorities<br />

would conf iscate such objects, to ana l yze <strong>the</strong>ir s tructures<br />

and ccrrponent.s , and I surel y would never get <strong>the</strong>m back . I<br />

knCM too \\."ell <strong>the</strong> machinations of <strong>the</strong> a uthor ities. . . as well<br />

as <strong>the</strong> o ften p r imit ive l aws .<br />

5emjase- 245/1t can I t be really l ike that?<br />

"Eier- Oh , but it can - by regret.<br />

5emjase- 246/1 don't und erstand i t , for i t is illogical.<br />

247/We have not occupied ourselves with your l aws until n CM ;<br />


i f it i s as you say, <strong>the</strong>n we cannot do this.. . 248/Such<br />

l aws are simply irrpossible and enslaving <strong>the</strong> creat ures.<br />

Heier- Like that i t i s, unfortunately, and I don't knaY hON<br />

I cou l d escape such l aws.<br />

Semjase- will solve your problem. .. 250/If you want ,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n I will bring you <strong>the</strong> crys tals as well as o<strong>the</strong>r things,<br />

if never<strong>the</strong>less you want to have SClI'e. 251 /And don't fear<br />

fran <strong>the</strong> a uthorities i f <strong>the</strong>y should confiscate s ore o f <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

252/Because, even if <strong>the</strong>y woutd analyze <strong>the</strong>m for c enturies,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y wou .ld not notice o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> sarre kind o f objects<br />

you also have on Earth. 253/'Ihe atcrnic carposi tion, structure,<br />

etc, , are of equal f orm throughout <strong>the</strong> Universe for<br />

all such (physical) objects. 25 4/ Gold r emains gold,<br />

and it has <strong>the</strong> sane characteristics in <strong>the</strong> whole Universe.<br />

255/ioJhe<strong>the</strong>r it o riginates in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Pleiades</strong> o r on Earth, <strong>the</strong>re<br />

is no diffe rence to notice. 256/50 a lso , c rys tals rerrain<br />

crystals, without analyzable dif ferences , whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y r ise<br />

fran Farth nON o r fran ano<strong>the</strong>r planet. 257/Nat ure works<br />

according to Universal l aw, which assures <strong>the</strong> unity of all<br />

such. things • •.<br />

'!his i s calming rre , and I will deliberate on it.<br />

Perhaps I will find a way myself.<br />

Sanjase- 259/'Ihis I credit you f or i never<strong>the</strong>les s, I will<br />

a lso care for this matter. 260/50 we should let it be f or<br />

today • •••••<br />

At that point <strong>the</strong> contact en ded and Heier was let out o f t he ship t o<br />

return home, Where he would t ak e a short nap, <strong>the</strong>n a t t une hims el f and prepare<br />

t o r ece i ve t he "transmis s i on" of t he r ep lay o f <strong>the</strong> dialogue o f that<br />

ee e t.Inq ,<br />



(1) 'Ihe Er cx::aIU1dUt, t:h::J..x;tt not to sh:::w tle ship fully to tle<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r witrEsses, was wi..l.li.rg to da:l:nstrate <strong>the</strong> reascn t.tJy ccrers in <strong>the</strong><br />

vicinity of foEi.er' s P'OtD events JDt re;ort.irq see.irq tle shifS<br />

had pot:o:p:apro. reascned that if <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r witnesses d:Eerv£rl <strong>the</strong><br />

install.atial of a new sealed roll of f ilm in z·Ei.er's cetera, an:i pi.ctures<br />

takEn en it \\otril-e <strong>the</strong>y watched , that evB1 if <strong>the</strong>y didn't see tle ship<br />

that \

that ancimt t.1nE, ard even a:ntain map; tre locat.iJ::ns of each of<br />

<strong>the</strong> ata!lic blasts, ard <strong>the</strong> cities destroyed. The en <strong>the</strong> map; are<br />

a I!lJS1utx:m-shapEd clo..rl. 'ItE Hirrlu Mmal:harata descril:es erctber great<br />

w:xld at:anic war that ccccrrer 8.on years ac:p. "tridl wiprl cut wtJ:)!e<br />

nati.rns arrl vast armies of II'H1 am equi.pre1t, arrl left total arrl cnrpl.et.e<br />

devastati.al in i ts place. Ibt.h of <strong>the</strong>se great records descxdbe extraten:estrial.<br />

teirqs arrivin'J fzxm <strong>the</strong> sxres in t.hei.r silvery celestial sh.ip;<br />

of mrlescribable beeuty am p:::wer.<br />

(6) 'Dl1s is certainly a \JJliql.E variatial en <strong>the</strong> Jldan arrl E.Ve myth. b.lt<br />

may not, after all, be as inplausible as it at first seere, 'ItE Pdventist<br />

sect has crlied up tie g'!"lel"at..ials in <strong>the</strong> gerEOlcgi.es liste3 in <strong>the</strong> Christian<br />

Bible, am arrive at an origin for Am arrl Eve urrler 5, ceo years ecp.<br />

Is it p:ssible that both aco:unts have sore troth in than?<br />

(7) EVa1. a C."Ur5Ory 1o:k at tbe history of all .rel..i.gkns for this last 100<br />

years CErtainly tears alt. trese statB!B'l.ts. The sam might be said for<br />

fOlitical l::eli.efs as well.<br />

(8) 5ttrlents o f 1lEtafhysi.cs am <strong>the</strong> ancient IJI'jStery scrccie have always<br />

krn..n of trese cycles of ag::s . ani that tie fOJrrlaticrls for <strong>the</strong> teachings<br />

of each new at:F- are laid CIcw1 duri.rg <strong>the</strong> t:eginni.rq of <strong>the</strong> 200 year cusp.<br />

or CM!rlap: <strong>the</strong> transiticn stage. Arrl an exaninatial of <strong>the</strong> tel eqz IIEta-<br />

IilYSical saterfal. tears this cct., All of <strong>the</strong> an::epts for <strong>the</strong> !quarian Pq=<br />

tegan to l::e received bj searching mirrls in tbe early l E0:5, arrl trey have<br />

been in develqm:nt ever since tren.<br />

(9) l-Ei.er was certainly correct here. for 00 or JJ"I3I)3z ine yet has<br />

oorrectl.y am t:ruely rep:n.taj this cetter to th:ir a:nstit:uen.ts. '!hey Cb<br />

investigate tte real details t:l"lmEel.ves, arrl always call in 9::IIE otbez<br />

ant..:q:ni.st stylin:J himiel.f as an "expert" m this case, "tv has never actually<br />

investigat.OO arq of tbe details ettrer, arrl both l.a.rlly pro::laim<br />

tlei.r CH1 subjective ideas as affi.nrat.i.cns of fect., when. trey are anythirq<br />

bet, that. W! have never beei able to eccccnt; for this lack of rESID"lSibility<br />

in rq:orti.rq.<br />


A. gx:d exiIIple of t:hi..s "self-dejua icn" ment.i.aled in note (9) is typifi.erl<br />

b{ tre fo1.1cwin:J act:1Jal cxx:urrence.<br />

An eratnre UFO researcher fran rJest Oezmany, cl.airning to represent; a<br />

N";;'St reman UFO organizatirn. arrl at least me U.S.A. urn qrcop, presented<br />

hinEe1.f at <strong>the</strong> r

York, wt-o did his Qo1I'1 testing arrl subjective analysis, arrl reportedly said<br />

be a:ul.d dq:>licate all of tbe pictures. 'Ib this date he has not duplica:t.oo<br />

even <strong>the</strong> sinplest me.<br />

'rreee experts tested tre rffit Germm's pr-ized of m:rlels,<br />

d:JtainErl freely f ron fo'ei.er, arrl care up with <strong>the</strong> rHIEr:kable an::::lusirrJ. that<br />

trey were ma1e with m:rlels!. att n:Jt:hirg was said al:o.Jt <strong>the</strong> cccple of<br />

pictures of tie real ships that that \'est G2.Im3I1 etso bed, cb.ri.a.Lsly ctccein:}<br />

to test, am sp:njirg treir t.irre ani m:rey 00, tte m:rlel pictures. Of<br />

a::urse trey g:Jt <strong>the</strong> results trey so l.a.rlly p.lblicize:1. ThEy pootos<br />

of m:::del.s am fa.llrl that tbey were r::totcs of m:::del.s.<br />

re at rntercec, 00 <strong>the</strong> ctber hard, erose to test <strong>the</strong> p-ctcs that we hcrl<br />

reescn to J::::e.li.eve were real after spen::1.i.rg m:nths 00 <strong>the</strong> iJwestigatia1. re<br />

lived with tre !.E.i.er faoily arrl frierds, walkErl over all <strong>the</strong> p-oto am<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r o:ntact sites repea.te:1ly arrl measured evet:yt:hi.rg <strong>the</strong>re. re sp::ke to<br />

otter inpartial wttressee am otrers of <strong>the</strong> several actual urn poctcqre-<br />

IiErS wt-o hcrl taken pictures of <strong>the</strong> pJpiaiian craft, neacers of <strong>the</strong> grwp<br />

of pecpte with fo'eier at t:he tune, etc., arrl we erose ocr pootce for<br />

testtm fron tfe rest supported p-oto events we foorrl. .<br />

re selected ally farr<br />

for cur testing; me each with tie cost.<br />

testable informatia1 in <strong>the</strong> picture fr

The Pleiadi ans had indicat ed to Heier that t hey cou l d inf luence phen omena<br />

and could c ont r ol ev ent s. They ga ve us adequate and convi nc i ng e viden ce of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se capabilit ies on a number o f occasions du r i ng ou r e years on t his<br />

i nvesti gation.<br />

One t i me, in Europe on ou r way t o s ee Meier, we were picked up and taken<br />

to an intervi ew with a senior intelligenc e officer of a certa i n national<br />

goverrment. Dur ing that inter vi ew, a s a fe was opened and<br />

tile " e r e shown an object . Ins i de of t ha t s a f e at that time, on a top s helf,<br />

laying rIat, was a plai n powde r-blue folder with an enc l os ure clip, and a<br />

s ignature s heet was fasten ed to t he f r ont. That f ol der was ne ve r touched<br />

or move d as we c rouc hed in front o f <strong>the</strong> opened s a fe . After view i ng and<br />

inspecting t he object of int erest, it was r et urned t o a bag inside and t he<br />

s afe was careful ly c losed and l ocked, an d t he piece of fu rniture disguising<br />

i t ..as r e turned t o normal appearance .<br />

Tha t interview las ted s everal hou r s, an d t hen we wer e t aken ba ck t o ou r<br />


The Pleiadians had indicated t o Heier that <strong>the</strong>y could infl uence phenomena<br />

and could COfltrol events. They gave us adequate and convincing evidence o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> se capabilities on a nUllt>er of occasions du ring our 8 years on t his<br />

i n\lestigation.<br />

One time, in Europe on our way t o see Heier, we were picke d up and t aken<br />

to an interview with a senior intelligence officer o f a certai n nationa l<br />

gover nment . During t hat i nterview, a multiple- secured s a fe was opened and<br />

we were shown an object. Ins i de of t hat safe a t t hat time, on a t op s hel f ,<br />

l aying flat, was a plain powder- blue f older with an enclosure clip, and a<br />

s ignature sheet was fastened to <strong>the</strong> f ront . That folder was never touched<br />

or eoved as we crou ched in front o f <strong>the</strong> opened safe. After viewing and<br />

i ns pect ing <strong>the</strong> object of i nterest , it was r et ur ned to a bag ins i de and t he<br />

safe was carefully clos ed and locked, and <strong>the</strong> piece of furniture disguising<br />

i t was returned t o nor mal appearance.<br />

That interview l asted several hours, an d <strong>the</strong>n we were t ak en back t o ou r<br />

wal k- up apartment, which was kept l ock ed and gua rded by a watclY:lan - an d<br />

our rooms were also kept locked. Besides that we were on a s ecure top<br />

floo r .<br />

We got back to t he apartment around 00:30 (a fter midni ght) , and sat in<br />

l ee and Brit's room for about a ha lf hou r talki ng as lee enptI ed his<br />

pockets an d put his wal let, passport an d money on t he top of a low wardrobe<br />

chest r ight <strong>the</strong> re beside t he bed. The re was not h i ng up <strong>the</strong>re on <strong>the</strong> top<br />

of t ha t wardr obe chest at <strong>the</strong> time but what l ee re moved r r on his pockets.<br />

It would ha\le been illllossible to ha\le missed anything el se t her e.<br />

we fina lly turned in for <strong>the</strong> night, an d l e e and Brit l ocked <strong>the</strong>ir door<br />

and went to bed.<br />

At 06:45 next mor ning, Stevens , a l ready up, went t o Elders ' door to ge t<br />

him t4l for an ear ly breakfast; an d knoc ked. The doo r was still l ocked, and<br />

l ee got up and unlocke d it and l et Stevens in while he dressed.<br />

\oIlen lee reached f or his wallet and money on t he wardrobe, he enscoverec<br />

for t he first time, that <strong>the</strong>y were covered over by <strong>the</strong> blue folder f rom t he<br />

safe <strong>the</strong> n i gh t before, l ying j ust as it had been i n <strong>the</strong> safe! Brit was<br />

awakened by ou r excitement and observed t he folder also. Nobody had gotten<br />

up and unlocked tha t door since going to bed <strong>the</strong> n i ght befor e . There had<br />

been no callers, and <strong>the</strong> folde r was on l y a few feet <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> sleepers .<br />

leaving Brit t o guard <strong>the</strong> folder and ge t dres sed, l ee and Steven s went<br />

down t o a l ower l evel, t o a phone, and called t he office r we had vrattec<br />

t he night befor e . He was durrbfounded upon hearing of <strong>the</strong> fo lder in <strong>the</strong><br />

room and he ld <strong>the</strong> l ine open while he went to t he safe and checked.<br />

Sure enough - - <strong>the</strong> sens i tive blue folder was in fact missi ng f rom <strong>the</strong><br />

safe. He asked us not to t ouch it, an d said he would be r i ght over, He<br />

a r- r-Iv ed in a ve ry few mi nutes, with a bodyguard, and r emoved <strong>the</strong> folde r<br />

a fter insisting on ou r assurance that we had not looked i n it, and asking<br />


us to promise not to release this Fact For a saF e time . which we have done .<br />

He was persistent in wanting t o know how we had done t his , and wasn ' t quite<br />

satisFied with our thal we did not do i t .<br />

This i s joet one of se veral s uch incidents t hat made believers out of<br />

us , and maybe hi m loa. 'ole were at least satis Fied that HeieT did not<br />

per fo rm <strong>the</strong> t rick, as he was not around and wee not i nvol ved in any<br />

way with this man.<br />

There is no doubt in our mind that s ome very unusual agency , cap able of<br />

some r emarkabl e Feats of magi c was involved, and whatever it was , it had to<br />

do wi th our own i nves tigal i on of <strong>the</strong> Pl e iadi an con tacts in Switzerland.<br />


Tenth Q:ntact Wednesday , 26 K3.rch 1975 15: 20 h<br />

The extrat errest r i al contact s wi t h Eduard Meier are still coming so close<br />

t oge<strong>the</strong>r that he barely has time t o reco ve r and resume his daily life<br />

be for e an ot her one lakes p l ace. This t enth con t ac t comes only e ight day s<br />

after t he l ast , and <strong>the</strong> cosmonaut opens t he meeting in a ver y businesslike<br />

manner .<br />

Sanjase- l i lt i s now t ine to speak about; iIrportant object -<br />

i ves, weaning <strong>the</strong> s piri t ual developrent; of Earth ht1IT'eI1S .<br />

21m this respect I don' t want to sul:mit to any questions<br />

unjess <strong>the</strong>y per-tatn to <strong>the</strong> expos.Ltdcn i tself, a matter which<br />

you shoul d unde rstand, p l ease. 3/ 'Ihe human being i s<br />

<strong>the</strong> carrier of his spir it, whi ch never dies and which a lso<br />

in his deepest s l eep does not itse lf s l eep; which r ecords<br />

a ll thoughts and rrovements; which t e lls <strong>the</strong> human being<br />

whe<strong>the</strong> r his very thoughts are right o r wrong. 4/This spirit<br />

in <strong>the</strong> human being i s carri er o f <strong>the</strong> Creation danain, and<br />

i s posesaed by a ll human beings. a/The s p i rit holds <strong>the</strong><br />

out .Iook f o r perfection, f or harmony, peace, recogni tion,<br />

understanding, knowl edqe , wisdan, truth, beauty and l ove in<br />

all things. 9/'Ihey altoge<strong>the</strong>r fOIITl <strong>the</strong> spiri tual kingdan<br />

which exists wi thin 'Ihe Creat ion. (1)<br />

l1/In a dream, <strong>the</strong> human being may c reate marve lous wo r Ida,<br />

l ike '!he Crea t i on creates consciously <strong>the</strong> knCM1 wor l ds .<br />

12 / For <strong>the</strong> human being , this ability g r ows f ran his consciousness<br />

, exist ing i n s ide o f h im. 13/ He himself is <strong>the</strong><br />

heavenl y kingdon, <strong>the</strong> dc:rnain o f Cr eati on . 14/0ld philosophers<br />

spoke of <strong>the</strong> human being as <strong>the</strong> microcosm in <strong>the</strong><br />

macr ocosm, because eve rything that exists in <strong>the</strong> universe<br />

is connected to <strong>the</strong> human s pirit . 15/ 'Ihe d.i..rrensions of <strong>the</strong><br />

hUI'l\3Jl being are without end. 16/ The copy o f 'lhe Creation,<br />

<strong>the</strong> s pirit, exists inside him, and a t <strong>the</strong> sarre t i..rre transcends<br />

a ll dfrrensf ons, a human being i s happy, thi s<br />

cares f ran ins ide, because i t i s a s e lf c r eat ed state. 22/<br />

Everything r ises fran <strong>the</strong> imler being .<br />

26/A human being may appear o l d , but this i s on l yapassing<br />

state. 28/ 'Ihe spirit remains young and i s never s ubjected<br />

to <strong>the</strong> appearance of a ge . <strong>the</strong> human understands <strong>the</strong><br />

existence o f his spirit, <strong>the</strong>n age no l onger a f f ects him.<br />

33r-lb v icissitudes o f life and environrrent can make him<br />

rroum. is light. 36/And so wherever light flashes<br />

up, darkne ss and ignor ance di.sappear, 37/ Ignorance is<br />


ut darkness, which is overccee by <strong>the</strong> light of wisdcm. 381<br />

Wis dcm is <strong>the</strong> mark of spirit. 40 / \1isdan i s also <strong>the</strong><br />

mark of a human being who has recognized <strong>the</strong> existence of<br />

his spirit and wor ks in accordance with Creati onal law.<br />

42 /\1isdcm and spirit are b.u aspects of <strong>the</strong> s arre thing, like<br />

<strong>the</strong> sunlight and <strong>the</strong> sun. .. 44/In this Universe, every<br />

c reated existence, in cons equence o f Lt.s - forces, generates<br />

forces, which, follo.ring Creational l aw, m:mifests as truth,<br />

knowledge and wis dcm according to given principles.<br />

45/'Ihis existing "for ce i s '!he OU'ATION. 46/And fran this,<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is only one exis tence that governs <strong>the</strong> Universe, on l y<br />

one Creat ion, on l y one truth, one knowledge , one wisdan,<br />

equally directed and r esre.irunq f or a ll t.Irre, 52/ \Vhen <strong>the</strong><br />

human being advances his knowl edge and wisdan, he will recognize<br />

'!he Creation. 55 /Knowledge o f <strong>the</strong> truth brings unlimited<br />

wisdan. 56/Wisdan is a recognition o f <strong>the</strong> laws o f<br />

Creation.<br />

62 /!.J:Jve and wisdcro go toge<strong>the</strong> r because <strong>the</strong> Creation and<br />

i ts laws are l ove and wisdcrn a t <strong>the</strong> serre t.Irre, 63!'Vhe re<br />

<strong>the</strong>re i s wisclan and kncwtedqe , <strong>the</strong>re i s l ove and r ecogniti on,<br />

and where <strong>the</strong>re is l ove and r ecognilion <strong>the</strong>re i s Creat ion.<br />

68/ Wisdan and l ove increase <strong>the</strong> desire within rren to conform<br />

to natural law, because spirit and Creation are one and <strong>the</strong><br />

serre , 69/'Ihe Earth h1.BTla11 speaks of love, which he does not<br />

even know. 70 /He believes t o know his act ions in love, but<br />

deceives himself in this.<br />

71/N:J one can put l ove into words,<br />

because it i s a state (of being) . 72 /lJ:Jve is Imper-Lshab.le<br />

and does not c hange. 73/'Ihe path o f spirit runs through<br />

cognitions of truth, know fedqe, wisdcm and l ove. 74/J>Eaning<br />

<strong>the</strong> mission o f spirit i s to spread truth, knowl edge, wisdan<br />

and l ove.<br />

82/\'bnders upon wonders are hidden within <strong>the</strong> kingdcm o f<br />

spirit. 83/The visible universe with which <strong>the</strong> human being<br />

occupies himself (conscdousIy) is only a small spot within<br />

this marvelous, unlimit ed, spiritual existence Creation.<br />

84/Universes l ike this one are in <strong>the</strong> irmurrerable milli ons<br />

within <strong>the</strong> infinite s p iritual existence o f '!he Creat ion.<br />

85/\'bat is visible to <strong>the</strong> physical eyes o f a human being<br />

represents only a dot in infinity . 86/\'bat is not visible<br />

to mant s eyes is i.mneasurable, inconceiVable, and unthinkable,<br />

confusing his human intelli gence and capacity . 87/All<br />

<strong>the</strong> universe he sees is only a simple one o f many s uch,<br />

which must be c ounted in myr iads, because <strong>the</strong>re do exist<br />


universes inside of universes, universes opposite uni verses,<br />

universes above uni verses, universes below universes, and<br />

universes outside of universes, in this first cause, mighty,<br />

a i r-poserfui intelligence existing within The Creation . 88/<br />

And with this Irrrrense spirit, with <strong>the</strong>se ori ginal forces o f<br />

existence, o f Creation, <strong>the</strong> spiritual int elli gence o f <strong>the</strong><br />

hurran being is connected, -because a fraction of this spirit -<br />

ual intelligence o f '!he Creation lives in every human being<br />

as spirit, and ensouls him.<br />

1ll/ Milliards of human beings l ook up at <strong>the</strong> stars in <strong>the</strong><br />

heavens without real cognition. 11 2/ Ye t astroncrrers, when<br />

<strong>the</strong>y l ook up at <strong>the</strong> heavens, discover whole new worlds and<br />

write books about; <strong>the</strong>m. 113/ What <strong>the</strong>y see and r ecognize ,<br />

<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs do not see a t all and <strong>the</strong>y do not understand ,<br />

even i f <strong>the</strong>y l ook in <strong>the</strong> sane p lace. 11 4/ Although <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

eyes s ee, <strong>the</strong>y are b lind. 11 5/ 'Ihis i s similar to <strong>the</strong> dif -<br />

ference in viewpoint between a ccrrtron and a s pi r i tual human<br />

being; <strong>the</strong> one who lives fran s piritual and Creati onal l aw,<br />

sees and r ecognizes a ll around, within e ach form o f life,<br />

all objects, each thought and act, within each c r eat ure,<br />

within a ll nature, and a lso in a ll conceivable circumstances<br />

and events, • . •'!he Creation.<br />

125/ 'Ihe human being i s always spiritually great and constructi<br />

ve. 126/ The Spi rit, <strong>the</strong> spring o f all <strong>the</strong> infinite<br />

Creational build-up, is <strong>the</strong> innemost character of <strong>the</strong> hunan<br />

being itse lf. 127/ The outer human being i s full of limitations,<br />

because this i s not him, but on l y his frane, his<br />

rraterial body o f limitation, of mis- leading matter, a f ont<br />

of Labor and pain, l imited in cognition and wil l.. . 128/<br />

When <strong>the</strong> outer being l ooks materially at his inner being, he<br />

sees litt le but <strong>the</strong> f orm and figure . 129/ Ye t, i f he looks<br />

with <strong>the</strong> spir itual eyes o f cogniti on, and he knCMS that tru.s<br />

all- revealing consciousness in him i s also in a ll o<strong>the</strong>rs,<br />

even though <strong>the</strong>y do not know it, <strong>the</strong>n h is manner changes<br />

fundaIrentally as he considers his fellow c reature . 130/ He<br />

<strong>the</strong>n no l onger simply l ooks at a man , a woman , o r a child,<br />

but sees <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r as a carrier o f Spirit, which knows all<br />

about; i tself and its existence, and wants to r eveal itself<br />

to everyone if only <strong>the</strong> chance were offeredv. , 136/ A human<br />

being can be deprived of a ll his posesst ons and be exiled<br />

fran his hcmeland, but fran his inner spirit no one can<br />

exi le him.<br />

137/ &J <strong>the</strong> human being shoul d a lways be conscious o f this<br />


Creational part, without which he could not take one<br />

breath - could not generate one thought , wi thout which he<br />

could nei<strong>the</strong>r r ecognize or see, hear o r experience. 138/<br />

Thus <strong>the</strong> great wise ones of a ll tarrea say: '''rhe Creat ion<br />

spi rit is nearer <strong>the</strong> creature than his CMIl breath. "<br />

140/ 'Ihe spirit can live without <strong>the</strong> light of physical<br />

eyes, ears, anTIS , l egs , e ven without outer reason and consciousness.<br />

141/ But a l ways <strong>the</strong>re i s <strong>the</strong> Creat ional for ce<br />

behind all. 146/'Ihe mare light his spiritual intellect<br />

receives, <strong>the</strong> rmre his peraonaH try gains force. 147/ He<br />

beccrrea aware of <strong>the</strong> past and <strong>the</strong> future, which shape his<br />

eternal present . 151/ •..<strong>the</strong> whole spiritual realm i s visibl<br />

e to those who can l ook inside and understand <strong>the</strong> Creation<br />

present in a ll. 157/ 'Ihe human being is separated one f ran<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r in space, but connected to all in '!he Creation.<br />

159/1f he does not know '!be Creation, he can be misled and<br />

dece ived by false doctrines . 164/ A human being in contact<br />

with his Creation r ealize s hi..mself everywher e in space and<br />

tine, and within a ll matter. 165/ He is everything within<br />

himself, and can awaken to '!he Creational in everything and<br />

affect i t by recognition and experience. 166/ Because <strong>the</strong><br />

Crea t ion is inside all, whfch is vivified by i ts spirit,<br />

everything is one within a ll. 178/ A spiritual being ident i-<br />

fies himse lf with all matter, and all creatures of <strong>the</strong> wor-Ld<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Universe. (2 ) l80/He knows that everything arose<br />

<strong>from</strong> truth, rises truth, and will r ise fram it for time<br />

eternal. I SI / Fram that he i denti fies hi..mse l f '

268/ You can r ead it in <strong>the</strong> Talual<br />

evo lution of <strong>the</strong> Earthbeing proceeds i rresistably. 266/<br />

You should assist in spreading <strong>the</strong> truth, because you are a<br />

prophet of <strong>the</strong> New Age .<br />

M:ti.er- How could I , and how wo u.ld I care to such? '!hat i s<br />

a little too much .<br />

senjasemid,<br />

Semjese-<br />

It was destined.<br />

'!his should be I ? But this is crazy! (3)<br />

269/Nothing evades i ts dest iny.<br />

I first have to digest this, and I don I t know whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

I can arrange myself into this matter.<br />

Semjase- 270/You Hill, as I a lready told you it is destined.<br />

277/ But now I have a quest ion f or you; <strong>the</strong> photo-negatives<br />

and <strong>the</strong> f i rst f ilm recording of our beamships are Impor-tant.<br />

to us. 278/'Ihey are your a m. property a ll right , but if you<br />

could leave <strong>the</strong>m wi.th us, i t would be useful to us .<br />

I f you need <strong>the</strong>m, t hen I leave <strong>the</strong>m wtth you, because,<br />

i f necessary, I can rrake fur<strong>the</strong>r copies f r an <strong>the</strong><br />

photos . But \vi ll you explain to rre , why <strong>the</strong> negatives and<br />

<strong>the</strong> film are so iroportant to you ?<br />

Semjase- 279/'Ihey are not on l y important for me, but fo r<br />

us, that means our scientists. 280 / In <strong>the</strong> photos you have<br />

given me, v.B have observed. sarething unknown to us until<br />

nO\.;>'. .. 28I/It t reats especially o f <strong>the</strong> antenna guide beam,<br />

by whtch energies are at tracted..<br />

Please t ell me nore about that, for such things<br />

interest me.<br />

senjase- 282/1 am only <strong>the</strong>n a t Iowed t o do that, if it is<br />

destined for you a lone, for it treats of secrets, which you<br />

are prohibi ted to t ell. 283/But I can explain, it treats of<br />

a new- phencrrenon in connection with <strong>the</strong> a l teration of <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth atrrosphere (around <strong>the</strong> ship) , in which hi<strong>the</strong>rto invisible<br />

energies suddenly becane visible. (4)<br />

The conversation t ook a flattery t urn for l'lei e r' and he became a litt le<br />

e mbarrassed.<br />

Please, Semjase, don't let us talk about me.<br />

senjase- 290/ 0f course, It is unpleasant for you, I knew,<br />


ot fran ti.rre to tiJre, a lso such things should be dis cussed.<br />

291 /B..1t rrey l eave o ff about; this today as i t is ti.rre f or<br />

Ire to qo, 292/In our next rreeting I wi ll corrtdnue <strong>the</strong> l esson<br />

on spiritual knowfedqe, for this i s <strong>the</strong> rrost i.np::lrtant<br />

rra.in task of our contacts.<br />

Wi th that, <strong>the</strong> cosmonaut s ignalled farewell and rapidly departed . Meier<br />

got on his Mo-ped and rode home deep in thought.<br />



(l) In later develqm;nt at this tbere, it was poi.Jlt.ej cut tbat; tbe<br />

creat.iJ::n is in all that is lMnifest am all that is rce, am that tTe sun<br />

of all that is mmifest plus all that is rDt manifest ma.1

Eleventh Ccntact lliesday, 15 1\pri1 1975 15:40 h<br />

In anticipation o f this c ontact, and knowing what it was going t o be<br />

about , Meier had been gi\ling a lot of t hought t o what Semja s e had s aid in<br />

<strong>the</strong> l ast meeting , and had be en pon dering concepts o f spirit, an d so he was<br />

well primed when this encounter Final ly took place. Upon arrival he s tarted<br />

abruptly with a quest i on.<br />

Meier- Forrner -Iy I r ead a book with <strong>the</strong> title "Living Fran<br />

The Spirit" that was l oaned to Ire . I s i t knccsn to you, and<br />

if s o what can you tell rre about; i t?<br />

Senjase- l /No, I do not know this book, 2/hben you are<br />

a.lIoced to lend it to me, <strong>the</strong>n I want to occupy mysel f with<br />

i t.<br />

Of course, but I have to first ask my friend F.L. ,<br />

who has loaned i t to rre ,<br />

3/He will give you permiss ion, don ' t worry/ 4/But<br />

nCM I must speak of your mission: I find your effort f o r<br />

spr eading <strong>the</strong> trutb good, but it proceeds too s Icwfy and<br />

bears too l ittle fruit . S/By regret, I have not iced e verything<br />

being burdened. onto you , and that you nove f orward<br />

very slCMly . 6/It is urgent ly demanded. that a group be<br />

forrred, whi ch dedicates i tself to activity. 7/ Troubl e yourself<br />

.i.mrediatel y for <strong>the</strong> f ounding of s uch a group, because<br />

<strong>the</strong> time presses .<br />

l£ier- You can e asily speak,<br />

dertaking costs much mmey ,<br />

I have r eally advanced much<br />

jective does not s tart we .lL,<br />

Semjase, but with us, each un-<br />

Fran where shall I take this?<br />

rrcney already, though <strong>the</strong> ob-<br />

senjese- 8/1 a l ready understand your financial probl ems ,<br />

and I knew that <strong>the</strong>y burden you very much. l1/ Olange s o f<br />

this kind are not evoked fund.aJrent.ally by <strong>the</strong> mass of mankind,<br />

but by <strong>the</strong> initiative of <strong>the</strong> s ingle ones who l ay <strong>the</strong><br />

cornerstone f or change . 12/ 'Ihe s e who l ay <strong>the</strong> cornerstone<br />

are those essentially res p:msible f o r <strong>the</strong> building, which<br />

ccrcrroc o r in <strong>the</strong> future is constructed f ran it. 13/80<br />

also you and your friends are responsible for what r ises<br />

fran your \'oUrk in <strong>the</strong> future . 15/To yourself I have to say<br />

that you are a laborer o f spirit .in each direction. 16/<br />

though you are talented with your hands, i t is not your l ine<br />

to express yourself with your hands . 27/ Spi ritual force is<br />


imreasurably highe r than physical f o r ce , thus you demand certain<br />

per fo:rmances fran your body f o r which it is not able.<br />

28/In this state your spir itual force drives you, while your<br />

body is a l ready l eached and exhausted. 29/SUch a struggle<br />

rreans BOre than only a v ictory over <strong>the</strong> physical; it rreens<br />

delusion for you to carmand your spiritual forces to exercise<br />

things which destroy <strong>the</strong> physical body. 3D/Take <strong>the</strong><br />

event, when years ago you have gone with <strong>the</strong> enpty waterbox<br />

through <strong>the</strong> desert. 31/Your body was a l ready l ong since<br />

leached out, fully exhausted and unable to make even <strong>the</strong><br />

sma.llest rroverrent. 32/Your spiritual force still by your<br />

cemnand, forced <strong>the</strong> body forward, over which you had l ost<br />

all cont r ol. St ill your spiri tual will drove you through<br />

<strong>the</strong> hot s and, while your body had a l ready surpassed all t o l-<br />

e r ance and was a wil l-l ess robot o f your s pirit . (1)<br />

foE!er- You knew that ?<br />

seajese- 33/1 told you before, that had observed you<br />

through <strong>the</strong> years very c losely, and st udied you.<br />

Krier- All right, but I had to conduct so, e l se in this<br />

case I woufd have died miserably, including belli <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

ones.<br />

Semjase- 34/'Ihat is not very right, because we would have<br />

let brought help to you, l ike in <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r dangerous situations<br />

too, into which you have care. 35/We have o f ten influenc<br />

ed Earth humans to rescue you when you were carpletely<br />

at <strong>the</strong> end. 36/But we really interferred only in ext.rerre<br />

energencies, exactl y three tdmes, (2)<br />

I<br />

have noti ced nothing of this.<br />

semjase- 37/You couldn' t have, because we only influenced<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs to f ind you.<br />

Krier- let us t urn f ran tha t . It is gone. Nhat inter ests<br />

Ire rrore i s <strong>the</strong> f o:rnati on o f our group. There s t i ll exists<br />

a probl em. You have p r ohibi ted Ire fran making fur<strong>the</strong>r photos<br />

o f your ship. Sti ll I am occupi ed by thought , to be a<br />

usef u l natter , i f we had rrore diapositi ves f o r l ectures ,<br />

which we coul d ShCM. One or two rmre f i lms (rrovies) would<br />

benefit as wel l. Will you not still allCM Ire to rreke f ur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

pictures for this purpose?<br />

Semjase 43/fut I have told you•••<br />


that<br />

Of course , semj ase, but <strong>the</strong>re are concerned pictures<br />

we can use for l ectures . . •<br />

senjase- 44/0kay, I agree to i t , <strong>the</strong>n you are a f I cwed to ge t<br />

<strong>the</strong> pi ctures you need, and films too.<br />

Meier- '!hank you, Semjase. - But what about <strong>the</strong> film and<br />

plx>to-negatives I have given you? Do you still need <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

45 / 1 have a l ready deal t with <strong>the</strong>m and ana l yzed <strong>the</strong><br />

phenarenon, but by this <strong>the</strong> f ilm and negat ives have beccre<br />

unuseable.<br />

M:rler- What a pi ty, but what did you dis cover? Why did <strong>the</strong><br />

r adiations appear?<br />

Semjase- 46/I t treats only o f a t::nospheric perterbat.Icns,<br />

which will dissolve• .•<br />

M:!:ier- l'kM, yet, I sti ll wan t to dir ect a question to you,<br />

which s ince l ast night has had me wracking my b r ains. It<br />

happened <strong>the</strong>n, yesterday, on <strong>the</strong> 14th o f April, exactly five<br />

minutes before midnight. I had just returned. fran a s hort<br />

night ly walk and s'tood a t <strong>the</strong> western side of <strong>the</strong> house, in<br />

<strong>the</strong> garden. SUddenly I heard a peculiar piping- stirring<br />

(sound) , which came by enornous speed f r an <strong>the</strong> east , and<br />

flash-like disappeared in <strong>the</strong> west, during which I believe I<br />

also saw a very great shadow, about which I am still not<br />

sure. I knew at once, having a lready heard this sound bef<br />

ore, and that a t nine o ' c lock in <strong>the</strong> rrorning o f 2July 1942,<br />

when I saw a huge "flying disc " rushing over our v i llage and<br />

house. I knc:M very well this pecul iar sound, and thus have<br />

not deceived myself. I t must have been a beamship rushing<br />

a l ong . l'kM I wonder whe<strong>the</strong> r it was you , or s cneone o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

than you, and why didn't you <strong>the</strong>n make contact with ne? (3 )<br />

Semjase- I SO/It was nei<strong>the</strong>r I nor anyone o f us.<br />

Me1er- '!hen i t RUSt have been a strange s hip.<br />

Semjase- 151/ 'Ihis coul d be, because bef ore this , different<br />

strange objects have flown into <strong>the</strong> Earth space, which we<br />

00 not always control. 152 / rbnrally <strong>the</strong>y leave <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

again, as soon as <strong>the</strong>y have satisfi ed <strong>the</strong>ir curiosi ty or<br />

craving f or knowl.edqe ,<br />

M:rler- \'2hat was i t <strong>the</strong> evening o f <strong>the</strong> 20th of March, a t<br />

19 : 30 hours? t-ty children and my wife had called me to <strong>the</strong><br />


winOCM, because <strong>the</strong>y saw, within only about; one kilareter of<br />

distance, in <strong>the</strong> east , an object of r eddish or ye llCMish<br />

colors, flying fran north to south. several neighbors had<br />

seen this fran <strong>the</strong> street too, and wondered about; it. (4)<br />

SaDjase- 153/'Ihis was none o f us ei<strong>the</strong>r, but <strong>the</strong> event is<br />

known to ere. It treats o f a beamship o f a r ace :knchJn to us<br />

fran a neighboring system to our hate planets. 1SS/It treats<br />

o f peace-mi.nded t:eings who , for <strong>the</strong> sake o f expediti on,<br />

travel through space to o<strong>the</strong>r wor-Ids , 156/ Especi ally <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth interests <strong>the</strong>m, and so <strong>the</strong>ir shining beamships are<br />

f requently seen. 1S7/ 'Iheir teclmologies are not yet as far<br />

developed as ours, and <strong>the</strong> creat ures are as \Ell r a <strong>the</strong>r unconcerned<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y are s een or not .<br />

sort o f<br />

beings o r characters are <strong>the</strong>y?<br />

seajese- IS8/'Ihey are hurran f onns, and what is rmre iIrportant,<br />

is that <strong>the</strong>y are peace-mi..nded and in contact with us,<br />

which unfortunately can not be said about all who cross<br />

through <strong>the</strong> Universe.<br />

A lit tle ecre small t alk and Semj ase again i ndi cated t hat he r time was<br />

up , and that she IflJSt l eave. With tha t s he s ignalled a and left.<br />


152<br />

o<br />

M<br />




(1) seajese has J:J:lirle a referen::e rere to an escape across an African desert<br />

l¥ l>k!ier arrl t::w:) carpani.cns, desert.ing <strong>the</strong>ir Frerx:h Ebreiql 1.e:;Jicn base<br />

in <strong>the</strong> sahtra, vm.ich alm::st cost <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong>ir very lives. 'rrere were o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

near death e:sc"afe3 teo, where Maier' s enhJrarx:e was tested to its limit.<br />

(2) 'Ibis seem to a:nfinn a w:>rldn:.J rel.at.i..mship beoeeo <strong>the</strong>se P]piajl ans<br />

am otrer extraterrestrial races, t:ecause fui.er was I:ei.rQ a:ntacte::l by<br />

Asket of <strong>the</strong> tar. lhiverse before this t1n:e, ",te1 be hai rrx; yet heard of<br />

secjese,<br />

(3) 'Ibis is <strong>the</strong> first tane l1ner bed heard this !P.lfrl since his first<br />

re!WLertrl urn eoperterce with his fa<strong>the</strong>r in BJ.1.ac:h, a scurrl which <strong>the</strong>re<br />

was ro mi.stakin;J. hrl IJ:M we l earn that i t was rot f ran a Pleiaiian cperatial..<br />

\o.le w:n:ler to.I many o<strong>the</strong>r extraterrestrial socdetdes are involved in<br />

tle deve1.c:prEnt of <strong>the</strong>se eventa, Cb.1l.d it be true that Eier that was used in <strong>the</strong><br />

feature 1.ergth m::Ni.e aJIDlCI', ar.d also in tf-e ll:OVie fCDtnge that was sl"'o.n<br />

in tfe &:!amhip video dcx:.u:!J31taIy series p.Jt oct; by ceoests III .<br />


'l\«!lfth Q:ntact Smday, 20 lIpril 1975 15:11 h<br />

The pr omised t ime finally c ame when Heier woul d be allowed to take soee<br />

pictures of <strong>the</strong> Pl eiad ian ship in f ront o f a few of his t rusted f r iends.<br />

He was acco rdingl y contacted telepa t hicall y by Semjsse and advised of <strong>the</strong><br />

event an d lia s t old that he cou l d bring hi s caeer-a and some f riends t o witness<br />

<strong>the</strong> pho tographing. They l oaded Hei er 's camer a with nell fil m as suggested<br />

by Semj ase. and got i nto t " o vehicles and heade d out f or <strong>the</strong> r endezvous<br />

following Hei e r on his Ho- pe d . Reaching t he selected spo t t hey<br />

parke d <strong>the</strong> cars and got out in <strong>the</strong> chill air and Meie r s pac ed himsel f a<br />

little di stance f rom t he o<strong>the</strong> r s as instr ucted. He t ook pictures of<br />

t he group of witnesses on <strong>the</strong> hilltop as t hey wail ed. When th e spacec r aFt<br />

ap pear ed, Meier began snapping pictures of it a s it mane uve r ed about over<br />

t he i r he ad s . He kept shifting hi s position i n an e r rcr t to ge t t he witne<br />

s ses in <strong>the</strong> foreground and <strong>the</strong> s pa cecr a ft in t he sk y above t he m, at which<br />

he was not t oo s uccessful. He finis he d that roll of film and began<br />

to r eload <strong>the</strong> camera with anot he r f r esh roll hh ich he opened and set out<br />

r eady t o l oad. After reloading t he c amera he began to concent rat e on <strong>the</strong><br />

cra f t it sel f, trying to get better pi ctures t han be fore. He finished that<br />

roll o f fi l m t oo an d <strong>the</strong> ETs f lew away an d <strong>the</strong> pa rty l e f t t he scene, l eaving<br />

Heier t o fa llon on his Mo- ped . Instead , Hei er s tuck ar ound f or a whi le<br />

hop i ng Semjase woul d come back . Indeed she did, and <strong>the</strong> following exchan ge<br />

took place .<br />

seajese- l /'Ihirty minutes ago , I gave <strong>the</strong> c hance fo r you<br />

and ecee o f your f riends to produce still mere pictures o f<br />

my beamship . 2/ 1 had a lready pranised this chance, but not<br />

with <strong>the</strong> tmderstanding tllat you could capture people<br />

with it on <strong>the</strong> film. 3/1 really do not agree with this.<br />

loeier- I know but why should no persons appear in <strong>the</strong> pictures?<br />

SaDjase- 4/1 do not want to discuss this , but I have reason.<br />

Meier- '!his sounds a bit l ike an evasion to rre , Semjase.<br />

Senjase- 5/You are right, because you will s urely call this<br />

so.<br />

Ioe!.er- I thought we a lways wanted to p l ay with open cards?<br />

Semjase- 6/Surel y , but my 1::::ehavior ahouLd not cause you<br />

diffi culty ; unless I told you <strong>the</strong> reason, and <strong>the</strong>n you might<br />

suffer <strong>the</strong> enmity of your group.<br />

Ioe!.er- Per haps you are r i ght, but I \

seerjase- 7/ If you r eally want to put up with i t?<br />

Of course I do, Semjase,<br />

seenase- 8/If you think so, and you can account for i t.<br />

10 / In principle , i t i s not drepor-tant; for rre i f you capture<br />

witness persons in <strong>the</strong> film, but I don' t agree wi th (it) i f<br />

persons are s o photographed for whan such photo evidence i s<br />

not valid proof , and whose thoughts are filled with doubt,<br />

crit ici sm, o r o<strong>the</strong>r hannful things . (1) l1/ 'lhree o f <strong>the</strong> photographed<br />

persons in tll.is case are pl a gued by a treasure o f<br />

doubt, in diff erent degrees, but in a fonn that i s understandabl<br />

e . 12/A fourth person s till i s a disturbing and<br />

dangerous elerrent, who questions our matter . 13/'!his person<br />

is teo worldly to accept any r eal s piritual truths. 14/ 'Ihis<br />

one even doubts wha t he s ees wi.tih his CMI1 eyes, as I wi ll<br />

shcM•• •<br />

'!his i s harsh, Semjase, because doubters too have a<br />

r ight to <strong>the</strong>ir CMI1 convictions .<br />

sesajese- 16/ certainly , that i s r ight , but <strong>the</strong>se kind of<br />

doubts are rooted in materialism and a disbel ief , which<br />

r ises fran a material intellect , fran which a ll spiritual -<br />

intellectual talents a re missing. 17/ '!his i s not f ran lack<br />

o f reason and b rains , but f ran a certain r elig i ous confinerren<br />

t, fran which this person is not able to f r ee himself.<br />

18/ But I have a lready talked one ti.Jre about such factors<br />

being disadvantageous f or your group, and hannful , as I have<br />

a lso explained to you. 19/ You are j ust too generous and teo<br />

confident o f certain persons, by which your mission wi ll be<br />

hurt.<br />

Mtier- Nhat you explain is alright evident , but I want to<br />

concede <strong>the</strong> chance to everyone.<br />

5emjase- 20/Your gene rosi t y honors your s ize, but you c an<br />

not use i t generally, o r e lse you will suffer disadvantages.<br />

Okay, I will cons i der it, but this will take t .Irre .<br />

Pm I never<strong>the</strong>less e j Icced to shoot rrore p i ctures, for <strong>the</strong><br />

purpose o f <strong>the</strong> planned l ect ures?<br />

Semjase- 21/SUrely, but rerrember my words . 22/ 1f you do<br />

consider that , <strong>the</strong>n I will have to de l iberate earnestly<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r I will not have to destroy <strong>the</strong> fi lm.<br />

5emjase, p lease do a lla,y rre ti.Jre to consider .<br />


SEEjase- 23/1 will give you this - alright, but I knew heM<br />

fast you can think. 24/1 will admit you still 13 to 14 rrore<br />

pictures, by which you will have assembled 50 such. 25/'Ihen<br />

<strong>the</strong>y will have to be enough. 26/ And I also want to a lleM<br />

you s ene chance for two or three rrore f ilms. 27/ 1 wi ll call<br />

you for <strong>the</strong> next pictures at hours today.<br />

l£ier- Okay, Semj ase, thank you.<br />

5emjase- 28/Have you brought wi th you <strong>the</strong> pockets or else<br />

boxes and soft material , for which I asked before my l eaving<br />

(last ti.Jre)?<br />

l£ier-<br />

Of course.<br />

Senrjase- 29/Well <strong>the</strong>n, because I have brought you different<br />

crystals and minerals. 30/LabeI <strong>the</strong>m with <strong>the</strong>ir p laces of<br />

finding (source) and by designations which I will tell you .<br />

31/You needn't worry, for , if anyone shou ld analyze <strong>the</strong>m,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n one will not find differences f ran minerals endcrystars<br />

of <strong>the</strong> sarre sort o f Earth origin. 32/1 a l ready told you;<br />

<strong>the</strong> construct ion, etc. , being <strong>the</strong> sarre in this whole Universe,<br />

<strong>the</strong> serre kind of minerals are valid to <strong>the</strong> sarre l aws<br />

everywhere. 33/For your personal property I have brought<br />

with fie a very special curiosity, a small but beautiful canbination<br />

of r eck- crystals of different s izes. 34/ l-bst of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se things originated in my hare system. , but <strong>the</strong>re are<br />

a lso sene f ran Venus and of <strong>the</strong> asteroid belt of your system.<br />

35/1 had no t.irre to analyze <strong>the</strong>m yet, by regret, thus you<br />

will have to do this yourself, if you can l earn sarething<br />

fran i t.<br />

Mtier- I don't understand such in detail , t o my r egret .<br />

Semjase- 36/'Ihen let <strong>the</strong>m be analyzed by an expert, but do<br />

hide <strong>the</strong>ir or igin.<br />

Mtier- S:J I will do. (Then Fo lLcwed <strong>the</strong> delivery, l abeling,<br />

and packing of <strong>the</strong> crystals and mineral specimens.) \,'hat I<br />

s till wanted t o ask: I know <strong>the</strong> Ptef.ades is l ocat ed i n <strong>the</strong><br />

star-picture of Taurus as a so-called open star-aggregation ,<br />

yet hew many stars do essentially belong to this system?<br />

Sarrjase- 37/&n'e 254.<br />

Maier- Qui te a l arge number .<br />

Sanjase- 38/Sure ly, but <strong>the</strong>re do still exist mach greater.<br />


systems. 39/Yet n CM it i s tine again that we must part.<br />

40/ But I can still walk a piece o f <strong>the</strong> way with you, f or 1<br />

have l anded my beamship a b it aside f ran here.<br />

After t hat Semjase de parted an d did pe r form a brief flyby. during Jllhich<br />

Heier again s nappe d pictures of <strong>the</strong> spacecraft . Agai n he tried. unsuccess<br />

f ully. to ge t anot her pers on in <strong>the</strong> foreg round of a picture with <strong>the</strong> ET<br />

ship.<br />

After t ransmi ssion of t he abo ve r epor t on Sunday a fternoon . Semj a s e gave<br />

<strong>the</strong> ev ent ecee ecre thought and re-contacted Hei er on Monday IXlrning/<br />

Added 1h:ught -transmissiCll, "bnday, 21 April 1975, 09:37 hrs.<br />

•<br />

Senj ase- 41/1 am not just delighted about; <strong>the</strong> day yesterday,<br />

as ccnt.rary to my orders, you made fur<strong>the</strong>r photos again with<br />

unsuited persons in <strong>the</strong>m. 42/Indeed, I nCM have to earnestly<br />

consider whe<strong>the</strong>r 1 should destroy <strong>the</strong> film so far as <strong>the</strong>se<br />

persons are exposed in <strong>the</strong>m. 43/Against three o f your c losest<br />

friends and two of your chil dren, I really have no object<br />

ion , except that in <strong>the</strong>se p i ctures are a l ready exposed<br />

three dangerous factors. 44/1be ma.teri al intellect o f <strong>the</strong><br />

three persons is very strong and <strong>the</strong>y do not .reascn and act<br />

fran spiritual intellect. 45/1bey believe that <strong>the</strong>y could,<br />

but here in this respect <strong>the</strong>y are sel f-decei ving. 46/ Their<br />

spiritual intellect i s under developed. 47/They fancy spiritual<br />

intellect being <strong>the</strong> serre as material intellect, f or<br />

<strong>the</strong>y don' t see <strong>the</strong> difference. 48/'Ihis is dangerous f or our<br />

mission; in consequence o f which 1 am forced to make myself<br />

decide whe<strong>the</strong>r a destructicn of <strong>the</strong> film is not demanded,<br />

49/1f 1 really must do this, <strong>the</strong>n I still have enough tine<br />

to do that before you get <strong>the</strong> negatives in your hands . (2)<br />

50/In those early rrorning hours 1 expl ained to you that 1<br />

wou.ld offer proofs f or certain persons living carpletely<br />

outside <strong>the</strong> spirib.tal vibrations and doubting everything<br />

because of this, that <strong>the</strong>y could s ee with <strong>the</strong>ir a-m eyes.<br />

51/50 1 troubled myself to s tart <strong>the</strong> ship visibly before all<br />

eyes and to (<strong>the</strong>n) let it df.sappear-, 52/1 even tried to<br />

fly <strong>the</strong> s hip directly over your wai ting friends, arrong whan<br />

was <strong>the</strong> rrenti oned person who l acks <strong>the</strong> spiritual abili ties.<br />

53/As expected, this one doubted my ship as such, a lthough<br />

he could see it with his a.vn eyes. 54/1 checked his thoughts<br />

and found that in that man no recogni tion flashed.. 55/His<br />

thoughts were rrere doubts . 56/His material intellect was so<br />

s trong that he did not notice <strong>the</strong> penetration o f my thoughts,<br />

while with. <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs this was evident, even though <strong>the</strong>y did<br />


not understand this process . 57/'lli.ey felt my thoughts<br />

invading by a brief cooling of <strong>the</strong> forehead, which in ignorance<br />

of <strong>the</strong> fact, <strong>the</strong>y took for a breath of wind.<br />

59/When you made <strong>the</strong> second series of photos, I really<br />

becarre angry, and I at Icwed it only because I was not c lear,<br />

and still am not so, whe<strong>the</strong>r I should admit <strong>the</strong>se photos; I<br />

still have to decide upon this. 60/So p lease, for this<br />

r eason, do not be disappointed if I should destroy <strong>the</strong> film.<br />

61/But I would concede later a chance for you again making<br />

new pictures, where only those persons suited for our mission<br />

wou ld be a llCMed in <strong>the</strong> pictures . 62/Please do understand<br />

this for, when you yourself are not able to make <strong>the</strong><br />

decision, <strong>the</strong>n I must; decide f o r myself, and this I \vill do<br />

in <strong>the</strong> next 24 hours . (3) 63/Especially I became earnestly<br />

upset about; one daughter of <strong>the</strong> concerned man because she<br />

fostered thoughts wicked in form. 64/But I do not want to<br />

tell <strong>the</strong>m to you because <strong>the</strong>y were offensive. 65/1 would<br />

think that, in decency, such a person would not broadcast<br />

his thought. 66/And just such people you should not take<br />

up in your group, because <strong>the</strong>y work destructively in all<br />

directions .<br />

72/ ('lli.e three) continually criticise my orders and do not<br />

try to understand my reasons and node of action. 73/'lli.ey<br />

will not recognize <strong>the</strong> facts , and because of that, <strong>the</strong>y mist;<br />

remain outside our matters with respect to knoc.l.edqe of <strong>the</strong><br />

mission. 74/'lli.ey do not <strong>the</strong>mselves understand <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

s erre a lways questions and critical doubts, and <strong>the</strong>y do not<br />

understand what I have a lways explained several t.Irres. 75/<br />

So <strong>the</strong>y also may not understand what I have exposed concerning<br />

<strong>the</strong>m several tirres. 76/'lli.us <strong>the</strong>y do not understand that<br />

unreasoned poser- can be overccrre by reasoned power', and<br />

exactly that I will have to do nee..., as you, at least in this<br />

case, t reat against your kna.vledge and ability. 77/You knew<br />

very well, such persons being unserviceable for our matter<br />

in every r espec t, but never<strong>the</strong>less, you have not c losed <strong>the</strong>m<br />

out of your group. 78/Fran that, I see myself forced to<br />

exclude all that i s disadvantageous. 79/So I order that you<br />

are no rrore a llowed to inform <strong>the</strong> above rrentdoned persons<br />

about; matters and events of our contacts. 80/1 do not want,<br />

and can not prohibit you f ran contact with <strong>the</strong>m, but order<br />

<strong>the</strong> keeping f ran <strong>the</strong>m of fur<strong>the</strong>r important mat ters and inf<br />

ornation. 81/If you do not perform accordingly, <strong>the</strong>n I<br />

would have to interrupt our contacts and search ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />


contact person. 82 / 1 don' t wan t to interfere with your personal<br />

concerns and decisions, but this ma.tter i s not yours<br />

a lone, because it i s originated by us, f or which reason<br />

a lso r e s erve to ourse lves a certain power o f decision. 83 /<br />

I f I have to int errupt our contacts, <strong>the</strong>n this woutd pity rre<br />

very much, because I have found in you a wor-thy person, to<br />

whan I felt myself very connected, In spite of that, 1 cannot<br />

devia te fran my given objectives ... 84/ 80 decide f or<br />

yourself which way you want to go - which way will be <strong>the</strong><br />

rrost \\Urthwhil e for you. I • . . . . ... . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . ..... . . .<br />

Meier- • • ••••••• • • • • ( 4)<br />

Senjase- 8S/Please do not interrupt rre f or new I mast; speak,<br />

and can nei<strong>the</strong>r agree to questions nor obj ections . 86 /1 can<br />

not take over your decision, as this is yours a lone. 87/You<br />

hold <strong>the</strong> be, or not be, in your con hands, and 1 am not a l -<br />

Iowed to advise for <strong>the</strong> one or <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, because you, yourself,<br />

have to make <strong>the</strong> decision. 8S/According to our unan-<br />

Irrous decision, I have conceded s ix days for you to deliberate,<br />

and 1 myse lf. . •.. .<br />

Mrter- 1 have a l ready deci ded, semjese, This I wanted. to<br />

say already before this.<br />

Sanjase- 89/1hat i s final?<br />

l£ier-<br />

You do knew this.<br />

Semjase- 90/1 had hoped f or this, but 1 didn' t dare speak<br />

it. 91 /SUrely it i s no t easy for you , because 1 catch very<br />

shcx:::ked feelings frem you.<br />

l£1.er- Damn, i s that s o .i..rrpJrtant? 1 know for sure, having<br />

teen wrong . I am siIrply an idiot , f or 1 o f ten have \oJrOI1g<br />

hopes . I t is well that you have told Ire <strong>the</strong> truth. A<br />

thrashing wou t d be very suited indeed: be cursed a t i t again.<br />

Sanjase- 92/ Please don't get yourself excited, as not on ly<br />

you make mi s takes; s uch a l so happens new and <strong>the</strong>n with us.<br />

93 /Your "wrong hopes" , as you say, are o<strong>the</strong> rwise understandable<br />

f or roe, because I know in much detail your rrcde o f<br />

thinking respecting s uch ma.tters. 94/ But p l ease do not call<br />

yoorself an idiot, as o f such s tate <strong>the</strong>re is no j ot in you.<br />

95/011 <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r hand , you cause rre pain when you humiliate<br />

and abuse yourse lf so much. 96/1 really do f eel a strong<br />

pain in IT'e f or that . 97/1 have s urely been too harsh yo you,<br />


and also you are teo harsh on yourse lf.<br />

ScxJn I will start to weep; confound this . . .<br />

Semjase-- 98/1 too am in <strong>the</strong> m::x:x:i for doing so. 99/ hby do<br />

such si tuations have to care up ?<br />

Maier- I have tol d you: because I have been unreasonabl e and<br />

wrong.<br />

Semjase- I OO/ Unfortunatel y not everything can be predeter -<br />

mined, because we a ll have to undergo mistakes to l earn.<br />

l Ol-103/ But please don' t curse yourself any rrore, for I don 't<br />

l ike s uch things . ..<br />

That discus s i on c losed with scee small t a lk, but t he r e was still enct ne r<br />

note added to that cotmunication. as fur<strong>the</strong>r af terthought . by Eduard Heier<br />

h i lllSelf, i n <strong>the</strong> fOrlA of a kind of memor andum for record.<br />

Ibte to <strong>the</strong> Q:ntact o f SUnday, 20 !lprt1 1975:<br />

When on SUnday nnrning, a bit past 04 :00, my ccrcentons<br />

wanted to s ee f o r <strong>the</strong>mselves <strong>the</strong> l anding- place of Semj ase' s<br />

ship, we searched <strong>the</strong> environrrent f or pressure tracks where<br />

<strong>the</strong> sh ip could have Landed, '!he search was in vain, for in<br />

<strong>the</strong> darkness we cou l d not see well enough.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> a f ternoon of funday (<strong>the</strong> 21st ) at 13 : 30 hours , I<br />

went once ITDre to <strong>the</strong> place and found <strong>the</strong> tracks easy to see.<br />

'Ihese ware about 30 meters beyond <strong>the</strong> deepest p lace we had<br />

s earched, bel ow btu wea<strong>the</strong>r-fir trees, where <strong>the</strong>re was a big<br />

fla t place.<br />

With speci al interest, I noti ced, that when I reached,' by<br />

a forest trail, with my vehicle We-ped ) , <strong>the</strong> place o f <strong>the</strong><br />

night landing of <strong>the</strong> beamship, <strong>the</strong>re a military J eep obs<br />

tructed <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong> way f or Ire . I was forced<br />

to l ower my speed and to dri ve very SI CMl y a long side of <strong>the</strong><br />

J eep, a t <strong>the</strong> hcod o f which s tood a captain o f <strong>the</strong> SWiss Army<br />

who was occupied in making a detailed drawing of that location.<br />

'J\.K) o<strong>the</strong> r o f f i cers searched up and dam <strong>the</strong> trail<br />

and <strong>the</strong> area with detecting inst.rurrents. While passing <strong>the</strong><br />

J eep and <strong>the</strong> captain, I could see <strong>the</strong> drawing very well , and<br />

saw a c ross marked on <strong>the</strong> s ide o f <strong>the</strong> hil l exactly <strong>the</strong>re<br />

where my carpani.ons had stood and over which <strong>the</strong> beamship<br />

had flONI1 upwards t:.a.¥

and wanted to go dcMn to <strong>the</strong> military rren and ask <strong>the</strong>m what<br />

<strong>the</strong>y were doing. But as I reached <strong>the</strong> hill's cr est, <strong>the</strong>re<br />

sounded a call fran <strong>the</strong> Jeep, and quickly <strong>the</strong> two officers<br />

ran to <strong>the</strong>ir car, and by break-neck speed, sped iMaY<br />

cb,.m <strong>the</strong> rough trail.<br />

I myself <strong>the</strong>n searched <strong>the</strong> environnent and found <strong>the</strong> l anding<br />

place of <strong>the</strong> beamship. After that I went; and searched<br />

over kilareters of <strong>the</strong> area f or <strong>the</strong> military officers, because<br />

<strong>the</strong>i r investigative behavior touched rre as peculiar.<br />

'!he search was in vain, and as far as I drove over <strong>the</strong> area,<br />

I coul d not find <strong>the</strong> military rren or <strong>the</strong>ir vehic l e .<br />

Yet when I a gain drove on <strong>the</strong> main road in <strong>the</strong> direction<br />

o f Pfaafikon, and Look ed back a t <strong>the</strong> hil l where <strong>the</strong> beamship<br />

had l anded, <strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong> mi litary Jeep stood again, whil e <strong>the</strong><br />

officers again searched <strong>the</strong> envirorurent. I t urned around<br />

and drove back to <strong>the</strong> hill, but onl y cane within 100 rreters<br />

of <strong>the</strong> J eep , when <strong>the</strong> sane p lay was reenacted, as a t my<br />

f irst appearance. '!he militaries hurried to <strong>the</strong>ir car and<br />

rushed away.<br />

'!his peculiar behavi or o f <strong>the</strong> military evoked <strong>the</strong> suspicion<br />

in rre that <strong>the</strong>ir presence had to be connected to <strong>the</strong> beamship<br />

e vents, which mus t have been observed by scretcdy and<br />

r epor-ted, or <strong>the</strong> Anny had r ecei ved notice o f <strong>the</strong> event in<br />

sam o<strong>the</strong>r f ashion.<br />

It s eemed s t range that <strong>the</strong> aut ho r i ties had be come aware of t his contact<br />

so soon etten <strong>the</strong> party ha d s een no o<strong>the</strong>r vehicles a r ound that a r ea v


(1) 'rtere is always tre p::Jtential of ham to professialal ar.d pJblic<br />

peccle wOO 00 rot want to be asscctated p.Jblicly with tiE exotic subject of<br />

UFQ:.;. .su:il as ccctcrs, .l&ye.rs. p::>liticians, etc. A-.d rrlx:dy siD.ll.d be<br />

inclu:3ed in soch a<br />

witluJt his krn-ll€dge am peratsstco, because<br />

of tie pcestbie barm to his status b'f associettcr. 9rlJ.<br />

ev:iden::e cculd be mtsused.<br />

(2) foei.er had cnl.y recently taken <strong>the</strong> pictures. am tie film had rot been<br />

sent in for pro::essirq<br />

0) senjese did in fact later destroy tlPse pictures still en <strong>the</strong> roll of<br />

film, as sre had threereoed,<br />

(4) 'rrese are <strong>the</strong> \o,Ol'ds secjese has used yet. arC very d.isb.J.rbin::1<br />

to l-trier, for be rDI clearly kJ"o..s wto is in o:nt.rol arC exactly \'Irete IE<br />

stanis with than.<br />


'lhirteenth Contact Friday, 25 lIpril 197 5 17,20 h<br />

Meier was nurriedly summoned t his day for a contact on ver y shorl nolice .<br />

He dropped what he was doing and pr oceeded i rrrnediately to <strong>the</strong> r en dezvous<br />

place, Where he Found t he ex t rat errestrial be in g already t here and "ait i ng.<br />

Semjase- It'llie tdrre tcxlay, regretfully , i s very scarce,<br />

thus we can onl y discuss <strong>the</strong> mos t; i..rrp:Jrtant (things) . 2/For<br />

<strong>the</strong> f irst , I b ring back <strong>the</strong> l oaned book , about; which I don' t<br />

need to expres s myself rrore. (1) 3/ 1 refer to <strong>the</strong> j udqerrent;<br />

which I have g iven you in my l ast contact. 4/l-¥ views have<br />

not changed.<br />

M;rier- I wi11 convey your answer to my friend , and in his<br />

narre I also thank you for your trouble .<br />

Semjase- SI lt i s not wortih rrentioning, and on <strong>the</strong> o <strong>the</strong> r<br />

hand, I am delighted that your friend wanted my judqesrent; on<br />

this book, 6/1f all of your friends were so r easonable,<br />

con£ident and f r iendly as he, <strong>the</strong>n everything wou.ld run bet -<br />

t e r with our mission. 7/ 1 am de light ed about your o<strong>the</strong>r two<br />

f riends, though <strong>the</strong>y are s ene ponderous in objective. 8/'Ihis<br />

mat ter i s o n ly <strong>the</strong>ir thinking, which <strong>the</strong>y first have to educate<br />

toward new objectives and new recognit ions. 9/ St ill 1<br />

can assure <strong>the</strong>m of finding <strong>the</strong>ir endeavors, <strong>the</strong>ir per ceptive<br />

facul t ies and <strong>the</strong>i r will being remarkeb.le , 10/ Alxmt <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong> r persons in <strong>the</strong> group 1 already have spoken in our last<br />

rreeting, and 1 do not want to care to that again. l1/ 'Ihe<br />

decision i s done in this respect, by which i t is suff icient .<br />

12/ But <strong>the</strong>ir whole mind i s not ....-ell f or our undertaking. so<br />

I have wonder ed whe<strong>the</strong>r I s houl d destroy <strong>the</strong> fi1m which you<br />

exposed on Sunday rmrntnq o f <strong>the</strong> 20th, a t 10: 00, in which<br />

<strong>the</strong>y were photographed. 13/ In respect to <strong>the</strong> (possible)<br />

hann f or our mission, o f <strong>the</strong>ir kind o f thoughts and opinions<br />

•..1 have decided to destroy <strong>the</strong> film as was advised.. 14/<br />

'!hus I have destroyed that part of <strong>the</strong> film on which<br />

<strong>the</strong> dist urbing f actors are exposed, i s/Your c l oser friends<br />

shoul d not be disappointed for that, as in <strong>the</strong> day taroITC:1N',<br />

I want to g i ve you one more chance, during <strong>the</strong> a fternoon, to<br />

photograph fur<strong>the</strong>r pictures. 16/ 1 have but to settle on <strong>the</strong><br />

des tinat ion , no disturbing f actors <strong>the</strong> re being a t Iowed, such<br />

as <strong>the</strong> nent ioned. pers ons present . 17 / Event ually uninitiated<br />

persons photographed will not dis t urb initiated ones i f <strong>the</strong>y<br />

oppose <strong>the</strong> task.<br />


M:rl.er- Of course 1 observe your decision, Semjase, thcogh<br />

1 pity <strong>the</strong> destruction of <strong>the</strong> film. '!bat you offer one rrore<br />

chance for photographing makes it acceptable again. \.,bat<br />

I"lC:M still interests rre , is ano<strong>the</strong>r matter . Here and <strong>the</strong>re 1<br />

can observe UFOs , which, according to <strong>the</strong>ir f orma, do not<br />

belong to you. In rrost cases <strong>the</strong> objects are but so very<br />

far away , that one can not see rmre details, or even photograph<br />

<strong>the</strong>m, which doing would be very interesting for canpar'Lson,<br />

can 1 do anything in this res pect, to saretiIre get<br />

a chance to photograph <strong>the</strong>m? (2) The second question concerns<br />

<strong>the</strong> crys tals you have brought Ire . l-ty friend, F. L. ,<br />

was delighted with <strong>the</strong> green malachite stones . He no.... asks<br />

you whe<strong>the</strong>r you could b r ing him a still greater piece of<br />

this sort o f minera l ?<br />

Semjase- 18/1 r egard i t very interesting that you pass over<br />

<strong>the</strong> des truction o f <strong>the</strong> film so easily, which is just not in<br />

your character , because 1 know v e ry ,",'ell how much you can<br />

becare excited if anything does not run as you desi re. 19/<br />

You pose rre a riddle in this respect . 20/But you a lso honor<br />

rre that you sinply accept my deci sion.<br />

21/Concerning <strong>the</strong> strange UFO that you want to photograph<br />

for a carpari son , 1 myself can do nothing, unfortunately.<br />

22/Yoo well might influence than with your thought , concentrated<br />

on <strong>the</strong>ir fli ght and light emission, but not in a ,",'ay<br />

that you could ccnmand <strong>the</strong>m to care near enough to c apt ure<br />

<strong>the</strong>m on film. 23/Frcm my s ide 1 have only a possibility to<br />

do so. 24/'30 1 will do this if 1 have a chance, and call<br />

you. 25/ 0f course 1 wou ld l ike to bring a p i ece of <strong>the</strong> malachite<br />

stone for your friend, F . L. 26/But this s houl d not<br />

beccrre a standard, a s I have agreed in general , bringing<br />

stones and crystals, when <strong>the</strong>y are destined f or your col -<br />

lection ' s purpose or for <strong>the</strong> selling of <strong>the</strong>m. (3) 27 /But for<br />

your three c los est f r iends I will make an exception. 28/But<br />

<strong>the</strong>y will have to be pat ient , because it will be sare weeks<br />

before I c an provide suc h things again. 29/ 1n r espect to<br />

your l ect ure s concerning our mission, \,'e have concilliated.<br />

30 / '30 I can tell you <strong>the</strong> decision, that we agree t o your<br />

naking sti ll sere dozens rrcre diaphotos of my ship; this<br />

contrary to my f omer decision. 31/We care to that fran <strong>the</strong><br />

opinion that a s ufficient number o f pictures o f this kind is<br />

useful for <strong>the</strong> matter and of wor-th, 32 /Apart fran that, ,",'e<br />

roth decided in <strong>the</strong> last rreet ing that <strong>the</strong> disturbing factors<br />

be avoided, which was <strong>the</strong> basic cause of my decision that<br />


you s hould make no fur<strong>the</strong>r photo evidence. 33 /Never<strong>the</strong>less,<br />

we want to l imit <strong>the</strong> p ictures to an arrount o f 100, which<br />

surely will be enough. .. (4)<br />

ruch.<br />

Semjase-<br />

I am delightfully surprised, Semjase. 'Ihanks very<br />

35/Your thanks are not necessary.<br />

Meier- Never<strong>the</strong>less I am delight ed. But new still a question:<br />

Does <strong>the</strong> r e exist <strong>the</strong> possibili t y . . • ?<br />

Sanjase- 36/Regretfully, I rust intenupt you; as I have<br />

said, my tiirre is very l iInited today.<br />

I have only a very short question.<br />

St3njase- 37/If so, please ask.<br />

I s <strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong> possibi lity, that you c ould bring fran<br />

your hCXI'E p lanet, o r fran any o<strong>the</strong>r worlds, SCXI'E pictures<br />

any t.troe, or that I c an give you my carrera by which you <strong>the</strong>n<br />

get pictures?<br />

Semjase- 38 / 'Ihis I have to deny, unfortunate l y , because such<br />

would go 'teo far. 39/Besides <strong>the</strong> crystals and s tones , we<br />

have to l imit oursel ves to things o f <strong>the</strong> Earth.<br />

Meier- 'Ihank you, Semjase, this s uffic es for Ire. But I<br />

have just rerrembered, having been on <strong>the</strong> 21st of April, <strong>the</strong><br />

day after our l ast rreeting, aga in at RavensbUhl, having obs<br />

erved militaries <strong>the</strong>re searching <strong>the</strong> who l e envi...ronITent .<br />

Have you noticed anything of this natter?<br />

Semjase- 40/That i s a fur<strong>the</strong>r question, but I knew nothing<br />

o f that event. 41 / It might \\.'ell be poastbte, scrreone having<br />

observed <strong>the</strong> departure of my ship and having announced this<br />

to <strong>the</strong> authorities, o r to <strong>the</strong> Amty , which neM' and <strong>the</strong>n happens,<br />

unfortunately, a fter which a s earc h may be per f o nmed .<br />

'!his happens when we are not careful e nough or when l ess<br />

careful strange shi ps a ppear and e ven l and . 42/ As you know,<br />

we do take precautions in every respect to pr event such<br />

occurrences. 43/'Ihough a ll c aution i s not enough, because<br />

often <strong>the</strong>re are observing eyes where \\.'e don I t assurre <strong>the</strong>m to<br />

be, even at very l ate t i.Ires o f night . 44/'Ihis may unfor'tunately<br />

l ead to unpl eas ant incidents, especially when we fly<br />

several t.trrea to <strong>the</strong> c oncerned p lace, or have to touch do.-m<br />


<strong>the</strong>re. (5) 45/Especially authorities and <strong>the</strong> Arrrr:I feel '<strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

rrenaced in <strong>the</strong>ir when <strong>the</strong>y are inforned of<br />

sightings o r landings of beamships (which are beyond <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

capability to cont rol) , although we are not interested in<br />

upsetting or rrenacing <strong>the</strong>ir primitive force, as this mission<br />

is obligated alone to Earth human beings . 46/'Ihough <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are very rrach interested in our ships, and carry out research<br />

and examinations, <strong>the</strong> authorities and <strong>the</strong> Arrrr:I deny <strong>the</strong>se<br />

f acts very s trongly. 47/All infonnation in this r espect.,<br />

concerning s paceships, sightings, touch.dcMns, etc. , are much<br />

denied by <strong>the</strong>m, as well as <strong>the</strong>ir s ecret r esearches and examinations<br />

o f beamship landing places , etc. 48/ So do not<br />

worry about; <strong>the</strong> military you have rret; at RavensbiieL, because<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir investigations are secret anyway, and <strong>the</strong>y hide <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

behind untruths about; what <strong>the</strong>y do. 49/'Ihey will<br />

contest in every respect, your observations, even if you<br />

wi tnessed. (it) with photographs, which matter could be dangerous<br />

for you, as you know a lready f ran your cwn experience.<br />

SO/SO do not wor-ry about <strong>the</strong> machinations of <strong>the</strong> Army , as<br />

this could o<strong>the</strong>LWise beccrre dangerous for our rna.tter.. .<br />

With t hat, Semjase s ignalled t he end of t he meeting as her time was up,<br />

waved goodbye , and i mmediately departed .<br />



Ul Senjase' s dtscussdcn o f <strong>the</strong> bxk in qteSti.m was a critique of its<br />

spiribJal value in light o f <strong>the</strong> perscnal a::nvict.i..aJs of <strong>the</strong> eirtbcr arrl his<br />

partial1ar (Oint of vi ew.<br />

(2) '!his naxes reference to an int.eresti.rg ph::n:::m::n:n ccserved OJ UFO<br />

investigators. Q1e wh::J bas seen t1fQs perscna1.1y, sears to have l ess diff<br />

iculty eeeirq than ag;lln, alnost as tlu.J:t1 <strong>the</strong>ir awareness was awakened,<br />

or <strong>the</strong>y learn a way to l.cc:k, o r sarething that <strong>the</strong>y may have Lacked Wore.<br />


Fourteenth Ccntact fuesday. 29 Jlpri1 1975 14:00 h<br />

Heier i s di scovering t hat he can get ment al stimulation Semjase li ke<br />

he can with no o<strong>the</strong>r hUDan be ing. He feels spil'itually uplifted after one<br />

o f <strong>the</strong>se contacts, and spends a lot o f t r ee t hinking about this. The r e is<br />

a certain familiarity about a ll thi s t ha t he l ongs rcr and seeks to f t'flew<br />

.ith each contact. He tries a call and ge ts a response.<br />

f£ier- I am l onging for sere spiritual ref reshing, Semjase,<br />

so I have s ent my thoughts to you and called you .<br />

seejese- 1/ 1 am very g lad about this, but i s <strong>the</strong>re no one<br />

in your own envirorurent, where you could offer yoursel f<br />

spiritually?<br />

M:lier- By regret, <strong>the</strong>re isn I t , because a ll those who are<br />

interested in this field live far away and have <strong>the</strong>ir daily<br />

duties . For <strong>the</strong>se reasons we nost .ry have toge<strong>the</strong>r onl y two<br />

o r three weekends where we can Indujqe in s pi ri tual tiherres ,<br />

Semjase- 2/'D1at i s not qood, because under such circumstances<br />

<strong>the</strong> spiritual developnent s uffers. 3/Because of this ,<br />

you nust choose s horter t iIres between (your) meetings, at<br />

l east one ti.Ire each week. 4/ It wou.ld be good. i f you coul d ,<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r, generate a place whe re you can raise a center and<br />

live toge<strong>the</strong>r in c lose envirorurent . 5/50 you wou t d have<br />

<strong>the</strong> c hance to exercise yourse lves spiri tually each day.<br />

M:tier- '!his i s a good. idea, Semjase, which a lready my fri end<br />

F . L. and I mysel f teo had thought o f, a great f armyard, a<br />

bit retired, and servi ceable for our aims. '!he realizati on,<br />

bccever, presents difficulti e s , beca use s uch things are very<br />

expensi ve and we wou ld have to lay at least 500, 000 9..n ss<br />

Franks on <strong>the</strong> tabl e .<br />

6{hben you work earnestly tcqe<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>n you could<br />

r ealize this p l an. 7/ I am r eady t o help with crystal s and<br />

stones you could sell, by which means you cou ld collect <strong>the</strong><br />

finances faster .<br />

M:tier- I told you one time, that I cannot; simpl y o ffer such<br />

objects with <strong>the</strong> note that <strong>the</strong>y care fran o<strong>the</strong> r s tars, etc.<br />

seejase- a/OJn I t trouble yourself over that, as I have del<br />

iberated on i t and f ound away. 9/ Sell <strong>the</strong> crystals and<br />

s tones only f or crystals o f quite natural o r igin, and of <strong>the</strong><br />


sort. . . (designa ted) .. . 10 /D:::>n't nene a place o f oraqan, but<br />

on l y note on <strong>the</strong> r ecei pt that <strong>the</strong>y are quartz, malachite,<br />

rose quartz, etc.<br />

to you think. i t might wor k this way?<br />

senjase- H /It i s on l y l ogi cal, this being in a ccord wi .tih<br />

your laws , and no deceit i s involved. 12 /Since <strong>the</strong> l ast<br />

tiIre, I have occupied mysel f wi th your l aw-s ett ing, and have<br />

f ound many l aws invented which are not worthy o f <strong>the</strong> human<br />

f aun o f l i fe in many respects, o f ten being so stupi d and<br />

pr imitive that I became tired of <strong>the</strong>ir s t udy. 13 / Anything<br />

o f logical and lawful concl usi ons c an on l y be f ound in ve ry<br />

f B'l o f <strong>the</strong> l aws, as 94\ o f your l aws are outside a ll human<br />

dignity and r eason, not to speak o f r easonabl e l ogic. 14/<br />

Hi<strong>the</strong>rto we knew o f sever al things in your l aws being not<br />

well, but we had no reason to occupy ourselves in detail<br />

with <strong>the</strong>m unt il you c a lled my attention to it. IS/ But we<br />

found i t wor se than our wor-st; expectations .<br />

z.eier- You unfortunate l y are right, as I have said f or rnany<br />

years. But <strong>the</strong>re i s no sense in dis cussing this , because i t<br />

is in <strong>the</strong> behavior o f <strong>the</strong> creed o f people that s uch l aws are<br />

abl e to exi st. The people as a who l e would have to oppose<br />

<strong>the</strong>se l aws to initiate a c hange 'toward <strong>the</strong> bette r.<br />

sem.jase- 16/You s peak wi s e ly, but <strong>the</strong> individual who offe rs<br />

<strong>the</strong> idea i s <strong>the</strong> one who can spread it and take <strong>the</strong> mass with<br />

i t .<br />

loEier- '!his i s f u.lLy evident , and I think <strong>the</strong> l i ght ing of<br />

<strong>the</strong> idea coul d gro..t into a fire when <strong>the</strong> g l cx:m i s great<br />

enough. I rrean by this, to let <strong>the</strong> pcwa r o f <strong>the</strong> s piri t eo r k .<br />

5em.jase- 17/ You speak my opinion. . . 18/Is sarething troubling<br />

you?<br />

loE:ier- You ask for i t , but what I say wi ll not pl ease you.<br />

Semjase- 19/ Tell i t even i f i t doesn' t delight ITe .<br />

fuier- I t treats of o rde r s concerning sere o f my a cquaintances<br />

.<br />

senjese- 20/ You wi ll not be abl e to carry it out because<br />

your f eel ings oppose?<br />

EXactl y . I e steem this to be teo harsh, because<br />


every human being has <strong>the</strong> r i ght<br />

to learn.<br />

Sanjase- 21/Surely, but you evident ly have added teo many<br />

things when I s poke of a seclusion of <strong>the</strong> rrentioned persons<br />

when it had to do with iItportant things . 22/But I have explained<br />

to you, that I can not prohibit your contact (with<br />

<strong>the</strong>m) , that I but made a decision to suspend those fran impor-tent;<br />

things until <strong>the</strong>y have f ound <strong>the</strong>ir spir itual way,<br />

which, according to my est.i.m3tion, will not happen fast.<br />

Maier- h'hich things in this r espect are f or you important<br />

things?<br />

Senjase- 23/'Ihose are chances o f seeing <strong>the</strong> s h i p , as well<br />

as being exposed to <strong>the</strong> photos in which <strong>the</strong> ship i s seen.<br />

24/'Ib that is a lso inc luded going to <strong>the</strong> contact p l aces , and<br />

<strong>the</strong> ment ioning o f a contac t p lace bef ore that contact has<br />

taken p l ace. 25 / Ex:ceptions are not excluded when I recogn<br />

i ze this being suited for <strong>the</strong> one or <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r person.<br />

26/'Ihe posa dbf.I Lt y exists f or such an except ion f or at least<br />

your acquaintance , Hr. J . , because during <strong>the</strong> l ast weeks<br />

several changes took place inside him. .. 27/Unfortunately,<br />

<strong>the</strong> change is not such that I could agree to carplete inc<br />

lusion in a ll matters fran which I have to s epara te him.<br />

30/'Ihat he works hard in himself is evident. .. 31/'Ihe man<br />

is struggling inside, which, after taTDrrcM, will increase<br />

very much.<br />

Jlei.er- You told fie that 1otr. J _ thought only in pure mater<br />

ial- intellectual fonn, and on <strong>the</strong> 25th of April you still<br />

we re of <strong>the</strong> serre opinion. IicM" does this agree with your<br />

present expression? I am not c lear on that , though I am<br />

delighted with your change of mind.<br />

Senjase- 32/Fran <strong>the</strong> 25th to nCM a l ot was done insi de Hr .<br />

J . , though unconsc i ously and uncontrolled by him. 33/D..1r -<br />

ing <strong>the</strong> f ew days a change has taken p l ace which ordinarily<br />

takes years. 38/'Ihis will beccre conscious to him, and f or<br />

you t coorroc. 39 /And this will be <strong>the</strong> essential push f or<br />

10k" . J . to basically develop his s pi ritual character . 40/rn<br />

this r espect, I have a.lIowed myself to l ook abit into his<br />

f ut ure and to consider sare f acts in his develqxrent . 42/<br />

Believe me, <strong>the</strong> day tarorrc:M will not be easy f or Mr . J _,<br />

because his f eelings will try in him to go <strong>the</strong>ir own way ;<br />

this I could see very c learly.<br />


t2ier- nus is interesting, semjase, but 1 don' t understand<br />

why you speak o f taIDrrcM?<br />

Senjase- 43 / 0h yes, you couldn' t know thi s, o f course. 44/<br />

'!he f uture told rre that he corea to you tarorrow afterncat<br />

and will read <strong>the</strong> 12th Contact Report a t <strong>the</strong> place.<br />

45/'!his because of sore notes fran your side, after which<br />

you will <strong>the</strong>n discuss sore things . 46/But here you still<br />

are not to speak wi th Hr. J . about what 1 have just<br />

expl ained to you. 47 /'!he earliest you may do this is fourteen<br />

hours after <strong>the</strong> talk, because he has first to digest<br />

<strong>the</strong> matters o f <strong>the</strong> 12th report to a certain degree.<br />

Maier- You make rre l a ugh, because your f uture-view can not<br />

be right in such detail, a t least not <strong>the</strong> t.ime, l>ir. J . has<br />

told me by phone, that he would care to me in <strong>the</strong> rroming,<br />

but not in <strong>the</strong> afternoon as you have s een in <strong>the</strong> future.<br />

Senjase- 48/ 50 you doubt my wor ds?<br />

Meier- Just so. 1 do not sfmpry believe such things, f o r<br />

as you knew, 1 am an unbelieving person. For me do count<br />

on ly facts, truths, and effective kncwfedqe , Care what may,<br />

you will first have to prove to Ire that your prediction happens<br />

. Before that I will not ackncwf edqe, but 1 accept<br />

teaching any t Iroe, and don't be surprised.<br />

Senjase- 49/1 understand, but <strong>the</strong> s urprise will doubt less<br />

be on your own side.<br />

Meier- 1 will s ee. But, one thing disturbs me. You have<br />

Iooked inside Hr . J . although you said you wou ld do s uch<br />

things only in errergency.<br />

Sanjase- SO/You are as pertinaci ous as ever, yet 1 don't<br />

want to conceal <strong>the</strong> expl anation f r an you. l>1r. J. has occupied<br />

himself intensi vely twice in <strong>the</strong> last two days with<br />

our matter, while unconsciously scrre thoughts vanished. fran<br />

him, which, dir ected to IrE , have r eached IrE . 51/'Ihis is<br />

unconscious for him because he does not know <strong>the</strong> way of<br />

thought - transmission. 52 /'Ihese radiated thoughts caused rre<br />

to tum my a t tent ion to him, thus 1 penetrated him by f orce,<br />

where 1 obtained <strong>the</strong>se recognitions. 53 /1 noticed <strong>the</strong>n,<br />

l>ir. J . needing a certain ti..rre to elaborate <strong>the</strong>m. 55/By my<br />

researching inside him, 1 nCM f ind that we are a lIowed to<br />

grant him our confidence, for Hr. J . is l oya l and worthy o f<br />


our con£idence, which does not exclude that we have to s pend<br />

SaTE t.irre still, before 1 can rerrove my r estrictions with<br />

respect to his person yet. ..<br />

1 have noticed you a lso suffering fran mistakes,<br />

because you have made a great mistake in <strong>the</strong> destructi on of<br />

<strong>the</strong> ilia-film of <strong>the</strong> 20th of April. ..<br />

Sem.jase-<br />

61/'Ihis s ounds l ike malici ous j oy.<br />

So it does, in a certain way, if not to yourself, at<br />

least for your dear t echnology. But <strong>the</strong> mistake, this you<br />

shou ld deduce for yourself.<br />

Sem.jase- 62/We are a lso subject to mistakes, as 1 have rrent.Ioneds<br />

but which e vil have 1 and our t echniques burdened<br />

UfOn ourselves?<br />

Should 1 really tell y ou?<br />

Sem.j ase- 63/Surely, because a lso 1 want to .rerrove <strong>the</strong> mistakes<br />

by myself.<br />

,<br />

Meier- 'Ihen 1 will keep my rrouth c l osed, because 1 do not<br />

want you to destroy still fur<strong>the</strong>r things for Ire .<br />

senjase- 64/1 will not do that, because I want to have only<br />

one mistake, not two , which is what 1 mean,<br />

Can 1<br />

trust this?<br />

Sanj ase- 65/Surely, because you know that 1 don't lie.<br />

l£ier- Well <strong>the</strong>n - you have destroyed exact ly <strong>the</strong> wrong ha l f<br />

of <strong>the</strong> film, in which a ll <strong>the</strong> r est of <strong>the</strong> pict ures were a l so<br />

affected. About ten pi ctures are still v i s ibl e to use, and<br />

on <strong>the</strong>se are a ll per sons, and al so your bearnship recognizable.<br />

'!hey are vague and unc lear a ll right, but one can<br />

still recogni ze a ll.<br />

Semjase-<br />

66/1t i s really like that?<br />

Shoul d 1lie to you f ran my side?<br />

Semj ase- 67/0f course not, and under <strong>the</strong> c i r cumstances this<br />

is not s o Impor-tant; any rmre,<br />

Meier- '!his calms Ire very much, and f ran your explanat ions<br />

1 am nON really furnished up in feelings .<br />

Semjase- 68/1 do not understand that.<br />


loEier- N::M you make rre l augh . I s that so difficult to<br />

understand?<br />

Semjese- 69/1 do not understand your "furnished up" what<br />

does it rreen?<br />

loEier- Oh yes, that i s an expression f o r "I am on <strong>the</strong> darn<br />

again", or "I am okay once rmre" ,<br />

(Laughing) 70/Sareti.rrEs you have expressions which<br />

a r e airrp.ly strange to rre ,<br />

If you were an Farth being, l ike Ire, <strong>the</strong>n you woutd<br />

knew s uch expressions being just "in" at <strong>the</strong> pr esent tiirre,<br />

They belong, so to s peak, to <strong>the</strong> daily lif e .<br />

senjase- 71/1 understand fran my side , stilL ..... m:::uent<br />

...I f eel. .. ...<br />

I hear it too, Semjase , a tractor i s caning a l ong ..•<br />

72/Ne must; leave , or e l se <strong>the</strong> vehicle will be<br />

stopped by <strong>the</strong> pr etecti ve screen of <strong>the</strong> s hip , and will get<br />

swi tched of f. 73/Ye t this would not be wis e , because <strong>the</strong>n<br />

<strong>the</strong> human beings woul d feel sarething unusual. 74/ 1 had not<br />

calculated that anyone woul d make <strong>the</strong> e rror of caning here.<br />

75/ '30, f arewell <strong>the</strong>n, and remember my words,<br />

Bye , 5ernjase. Think of rre again s oon.<br />

Srnlj ase- 76/That was a nice greeting f o r departure, bu t new<br />

so l ong, my f riend• . • . • .<br />

And with that . Semjase quickly departed, leaving t he pens i ve Meier at<br />

t he sc ene of <strong>the</strong> contact. She depar ted in time and <strong>the</strong> tract or engine was<br />

not s topped.<br />


20 JIflril 1975, 10:00, Rilvensb.Jhl, S ...Itzerfard. Eduard r'Eier Wds invite:I to<br />

bri.rq sa:E ctcse frierrls to a<br />

event h'hich <strong>the</strong> extrater restrial<br />

Io.tr.an haj premised. He was told to have <strong>the</strong>m provide fresh film for his<br />

c:arera which trey ha..l.1d load into <strong>the</strong> canera <strong>the</strong>msel ves. Then SEr.J.jasc<br />

w:::uld provide a f light dcm:nstratirn f or h im to p-rtcqraph. rut she \..ulld<br />

cnly agree to open <strong>the</strong> protective screen in his di.rectia1 for <strong>the</strong> picture<br />

talti.ng, because this was also a dEm:nstratiCfl for his friends that r-c t e r<br />

C'O.1ld sec and <strong>the</strong> ship \..hen few o<strong>the</strong>rs could see it. They 1oD..J.1d.<br />

cnly see him texe <strong>the</strong> which <strong>the</strong>y hO.J.1d te able to recoqruze as<br />

havin::] been rrede Q1 that my at thast tuse cnly. ntis ves expected to<br />

ccwtrce <strong>the</strong>n that his pictures were rear, ard tha.t <strong>the</strong> ship did rot. rave<br />

to be exposed to everyh:rly a."d pcsstoie darq=rs ,_n ile this lPin::] 01 .<br />

17 5

20 1975. 10:00. RavEnSh.lhl. s,.;itzerlan::L 'Ibis is ano<strong>the</strong>r one of <strong>the</strong><br />

ten FOOtcgrafhs that suppcsedky survived seejesc' .s dt tmpts to destroy <strong>the</strong><br />

put of <strong>the</strong> film with <strong>the</strong> ship sln-vin:;J oee i: <strong>the</strong> beeds o f <strong>the</strong> spectators.<br />

Sh:.> rrey in fact rove socceeded, t1n.J;Ih aeter d id not thin\( so. because<br />

treee pictures are clearly da.Jble exposures, arrl alm:::Gt certainly resutted<br />

Frcra <strong>the</strong> re-use of a part..ially exposed rollof film wi th:::ut rolling <strong>the</strong> film<br />

forward to a paint. pest. <strong>the</strong> last f rzrre used. '!he tso seen bere can<br />

be separated in a ccrpcter an::] each picture vi ewed irdividually, arrl ttel<br />

<strong>the</strong> ship is rot seen over <strong>the</strong> hBa:ls of anyl:xrly 00 <strong>the</strong> f rere incll.rling <strong>the</strong><br />

craft .<br />


-o<br />

;3<br />

178<br />

8 o


Regarding t he ten pi ctures in this contact as ha v l ng s urvived a<br />

t hre atened dest ruct ion because <strong>the</strong>y c ont ained images o f people I n <strong>the</strong> same<br />

pictur e as <strong>the</strong> bea mship , we c un only conclude that Nr, nc icr lS mistaken<br />

he r e and had los t coun t on hI S fi l ms e xposed on t he 20 th o f Apr i l . and<br />

a gain on <strong>the</strong> afternoon o f t h e 26 th, e.hen h e photo graphed t he s hip wit hout<br />

wi tnesses p r esent, because t h e<br />

t hose ment i oned here, a re c lear ly doub l e - e xp osure s ,<br />

a computer i nto separ ale photogr aph s .<br />

ten photographs "Ie h a ve s een wh i.c h r esemble<br />

an d c a n be s eparat ed in<br />

It is e nt i r ely poss ib le tha t Se mj ase dest royed <strong>the</strong> f ilm she sa id s he had ,<br />

a nd all t hose ph otos t oo, beca use Hr . Flei e r- did not a t t hat t ime ha ve t he<br />

best of c ontrol over his ph otos and films. He may have ha d a p a r tial r oll<br />

o f pictures of <strong>the</strong> p e op l e f rom t he 20th in h is camera a t. t he e nd of t hat<br />

p icture-taking session, and rolled it back into t he film cartridge ,',hen he<br />

removed it <strong>from</strong> t he c a me r-a, leav i ng a t ail of <strong>the</strong> f'Llm e xte nded f r om t he<br />

c ann i s t er fo r possible re-use t o t he end. Putting it with t he unu s e d f ilm<br />

t o be f i ni shed later, he may ha ve , in t he e xc itemen t o f t he t r I mm q on <strong>the</strong><br />

a fternoon o f <strong>the</strong> 26 t h, unknowi ngl y , l oaded it i nto his camer a and started<br />

aga i n I,d th frame nu mber one; or he may ha ve knowingly l oaded it a qai n wrt. h<br />

<strong>the</strong> int e ntion o f a d vancing t he film past <strong>the</strong> e arlier exposures with t he<br />

people, t o new f r a mes for <strong>the</strong> present opporlunit y, and j us t fo rgot t o do<br />

so; ei<strong>the</strong>r of ",hieh wuul d have doubl e- exposed that fi r st frame and a ll<br />

subsequent pictures up to t he next unexpos ed f rame.<br />

I n t h is case, t he double exposures wou l d have t o be t he first frames on<br />

<strong>the</strong> r oll, and all wi th edge numbers under 12 . Un for t unat ely, nearly all o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> o rigi na l dispositi ves h a ve bee" lost, and \';C have been unabl e to l ocate<br />

<strong>the</strong>se originals f o r<br />

poss ible veri fication.<br />

f ortunatel y , this c ase does no t hang by a s ingle pIece o f eVidence.<br />


Fifteenth Contact; 'Ihursday, 1 May 1975 15: 57 h<br />

Semjase- 1/ 1 have called you so urgent ly, because I have t o<br />

talk t o you about very important things . 2/ 50 l isten very<br />

carefully so that no misunderstanding s houl d ari se .<br />

t-Eier- J ust speak, Semjase . As us ual , I am a ll ears. \'.bile<br />

you talk I can at least cat c h my breath, f o r you have hunted<br />

Ire through ve ry much landsca pe, - - up hi ll, down hill - -<br />

through t horns and water puddles I had t o run, ha ven I t<br />

you called Ire to <strong>the</strong> Kanton t'lalli s (a ve ry distant County)?<br />

senjase- (laughing) 3/1 well coul d have ccmnanded you still<br />

f a rtl1er away , but didn't think i t necessary. 4/It was Impor-tent;<br />

to order you herev because we are fully undis turbed,<br />

whi.Ie in <strong>the</strong> surroundings c l oser to your hare today, many<br />

humans are taking excursions.<br />

5/ But list en nOW', what I have to explain: i t being e vident<br />

to Ire that after yeste rday you ....'ou.ld arrange as f a st a s<br />

pos s ible, ano<strong>the</strong> r discus sion w.it.h nr. J . 6/ As you knew, I<br />

was pr epared and r eady for this, thus I coul d arrange a t.Irre<br />

to f allON your talk f ran <strong>the</strong> beginning. 7/This enabl ed Ire<br />

to r ecogni ze things , whi ch I had hoped f o r basically , and<br />

had s een in a Iook a t <strong>the</strong> fut u r e , that <strong>the</strong>re is a::mi.ng up an<br />

intense change toward spir i tua l cognition in Hr . J . 8/1 wa s<br />

a bi t surprised by <strong>the</strong> presence of his daughter , wh i .ch was<br />

wor-thwhiIe f o r he r and my advance. 9/ Frorn he r as wetL, I<br />

coul d see thi ngs whic h i ndi cate a change 'toward spiritual<br />

cognition. 13/ 1 have to confess t o having made sore mi s -<br />

takes, which brought Ire to wrong conc l usions . l 6/Yet I do<br />

not want to exc l ude that you can care in <strong>the</strong> serre way t o<br />

wrong deci s ions, as 1. 17/At a ll ends \oo'e a r e human beings ,<br />

even when caning f ran diffe r ent s tars and (different ) spir -<br />

i t ual posi t ions, being fundarrerrta j Iy like-minded c r eatures,<br />

who have to go <strong>the</strong> wa y of <strong>the</strong>ir con evo l uti on. l 8/ Thi s <strong>the</strong>n<br />

docs not exclude my rrekf.nq mistake s , whi ch I a sk your friends<br />

and acquaint ences to understand . 21/ hle rea lly a re no t crea -<br />

tures of perfection a s SCf'["E wout d l ike to l abel us . 23/H<br />

s uch things happen under Ire, <strong>the</strong>n I do call <strong>the</strong>m, because i t<br />

woutd make no sense for Ire to hide o r contest <strong>the</strong>m. 24/Such<br />

woutd only work t o my own disadvantage.<br />

67/ N::M I wan t to expla in about; <strong>the</strong> help which I pranis ed<br />

to your group , in which I will have t o ask you to evaluate<br />


such assistance as ....'ell a s o<strong>the</strong>r . . . 68/No per sons not being<br />

gr oup rrerobera should be initiated into <strong>the</strong>se things. 69/ 'Ib<br />

a ll o f those, I suggest you keep silence about sere things.<br />

75/ &3 I want to direct, in your interest, that you may hand<br />

over to certain persons, contact reports and photos, but no<br />

photo negatives, films o r d ispositives . 76/You also s hould<br />

hand over crystals and minerals only to rrembers o f <strong>the</strong> group,<br />

or to o<strong>the</strong> r secure persons, but ne ver to strangers to your<br />

group.<br />

77 /You should perform film and slide l ectures, but be<br />

careful o f <strong>the</strong> lecture materials. 78/'Ihere exist those who<br />

wou td l ike to seize possession o f <strong>the</strong> materi al a t you r d isposal<br />

, and who e ven do not neg lect intrigues for this purpose.<br />

tsn« this be very caut ious , for we can not interfere<br />

i f you shOU l d cause di fficulties for yourself.<br />

80/Now I want t o speak about; my help: 1 fo lIowed with<br />

interest , your tal k about astral t r avel, as you ca ll such<br />

things. a I /At f irst 1 want to s ay that many have c l airred to<br />

have experienced s uch "t ra ve l s" . 82 / l t i s reccstmended that<br />

such affimations be taken with caut ion, because, arronq one<br />

thousand s uch c laims are only tv.'O or three r eal ones ....rhi.ch<br />

stand all examinati on and can be cons idered real. 83/ A<br />

large number are deceptions, and many rrore unconscious perceptions,<br />

as you have a lready seen. 89/Astral t r avels are a<br />

reality , and are in fact possible, but <strong>the</strong>re are many f actors<br />

to be considered, because fallacies o f <strong>the</strong> senses can arise<br />

through self- suggestion. 94/ Al so <strong>the</strong>n, pictorial vis ions<br />

can be interpreted a s as tral t r avels, and many o<strong>the</strong>r (such)<br />

things. 95/Also <strong>the</strong>re i s <strong>the</strong> process o f a human being projecting<br />

his image spiritually to ano<strong>the</strong>r place, and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

thinking he had pe.rforrred ast ral trave l. 96/In <strong>the</strong> concerned<br />

p lace, his image can be seen , but not in ast ral form.<br />

97/ 10 this case i t appears more like a mirage, t ranspa.rent<br />

but recognizable. 98/Such pictures can thus be attracted<br />

f ran <strong>the</strong> past , o r be project ed into <strong>the</strong> present or t he f u-<br />

ture , even being capabl e of being photographed. 99/'Ihis<br />

pr ocess is not difficul t when <strong>the</strong> methcx1 i s M O...".<br />

I OO/ As a help for your gr oup, I want t o o ffer an experitrent;<br />

in this respect, whe r e once rmre I want to stress that<br />

this is on l y for interna l group rrernbers . IOI / All o f you may<br />

remember <strong>the</strong> 20th of April, and s o e veryone will s t ill knCM<br />

which clo<strong>the</strong>s he had ....o rn (that day). I 02/My proposal nCM<br />

is that you may shoot a dia-photo, . . .meanwhile I project<br />


s ore o f you pictorially fran <strong>the</strong> 20th o f April into <strong>the</strong><br />

present, by <strong>the</strong> mentioned spirit image projection. l03/For<br />

this I wi ll need <strong>the</strong> he lp o f <strong>the</strong> concerned persons , because<br />

I will r ep r esent here on l y <strong>the</strong> cont rolli ng factor. 10 4/ 0f<br />

cour se I Nill be with my beamship near <strong>the</strong> images o f <strong>the</strong><br />

concerned persons in s uch a way that <strong>the</strong>y a re exposed toge<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

IDS/ For this experi.Irent 1 have s e l ected three peop<br />

Ie : L. E. , "J . and B. . . .<br />

You speak s o ob jectively abou t; <strong>the</strong><br />

jase, as if <strong>the</strong>y experiment - r abbits.<br />

1<br />

Sernjaseneed.<br />

feel<br />

107/ 1 d i dn ' t rreen t o offend .<br />

knew this, but f or s ore i t<br />

109/ The r e<br />

offended.<br />

is no evil in my<br />

three men ,<br />

Semmay<br />

s eem injurious .<br />

v.urds. . .<br />

Okay, okay just do what you cannot anit.<br />

senjase- I ll/ Thi s s ounds as if you are o ffended.<br />

loeier- But I am no t , dear girL . .<br />

lID/So nobody<br />

Semjase- 11 2/ Surel y . .. 113/ But new a gain <strong>the</strong> t ime has care<br />

that ....e have t o s ay goodbye , but I myself wi ll call you<br />

again after a s hort wh i .Ie , because <strong>the</strong>re are o<strong>the</strong>r matters<br />

to be c leared.<br />

places<br />

Semjase--<br />

Semjase-<br />

M::!ier-<br />

.....hich I<br />

But c a ll rre <strong>the</strong>n t o O1ina, or Oliahuahua, as <strong>the</strong>se<br />

are nearer than this place.<br />

i t a lso be <strong>the</strong> South Pole o r North Po le?<br />

As you desire, semjase ,<br />

don't like much.<br />

on l y <strong>the</strong>re it i s a bit cold<br />

As eo re and mo re <strong>the</strong> ..ord o f Heier' s cont act s gel s around , <strong>the</strong> ext rate r -<br />

r estrials choose more and mo re remote contact Sill'S so as no t to be dis -<br />

turbed , and not t o di s t urb anybody else. <strong>the</strong> s e e r tee ha ve taken ne t er<br />

inlo t he heart o f dense ..oods , into wtce on l op of high mounlain<br />

shoulders, and often ve ry far <strong>from</strong> home. Some o f <strong>the</strong> s ites are a l most Impossible<br />

to get t o, such as t he a asseobor and t he Bacht e Ihorn tr s ites. On<br />

one occasi on <strong>the</strong> meeting t ook place i n <strong>the</strong> mi ddle o f a l a r ge herd of COftS<br />

in a very rr-...ddy pasture duri ng heavy r ainfall.<br />


Sixteenth Contact saturday, 3 M3.y 1975<br />

08:17 h<br />

Thought Transmission<br />

senjase- l /Lbn I t consider i t a d istur bance when I invade<br />

into you so unexpectedly at s uch an early tirre f or you, but<br />

i t is of demand: By SaTE inattenti on you have ccrre into scrre<br />

trouble which I must of necessity r emove. 2/ Your inattent<br />

ion was having rroved too carelessly \...ith <strong>the</strong> film and photo<br />

exposing of <strong>the</strong> l ast two weeks . 4/In consequence, scrre persons<br />

have beccme attentive to certain things o f which <strong>the</strong>y<br />

s hould have no know ledge, as <strong>the</strong>se can injure our mat ter.<br />

5/Also <strong>from</strong> my side, <strong>the</strong> inattention was when I derronstrat ed<br />

<strong>the</strong> flights f or your f ilm and photo purposes, caring t oo<br />

little for <strong>the</strong> e nvironrrent, because I was concentrating on<br />

my ship and your camer'a, 6/50 escaped f rom my observation<br />

as well as yours , s crre people saw your filming and becarre<br />

astonished by <strong>the</strong> performance. 7/So;re of <strong>the</strong>m fotIcc...ed you<br />

unnot iced and made inqui ries about; you. .. 8/S:> three pers<br />

ons under-took steps to expose your activities at certain<br />

places. 9/'Ihis concerns two p laces where you made important<br />

exposures o f my ship. (1) 10/'Ihe danger rising fran this<br />

care l essness on our part i s l ess i.mportant for you than for<br />

our matter itself, and for certain cognit ions of research<br />

which could result <strong>from</strong> investigations by your scientists,<br />

and which ....rouLd be of no benefit for <strong>the</strong> humans of your<br />

wor -Id at <strong>the</strong>ir p resent development. l1/ 'Ihese r ecognitions<br />

of scientific basis for r esearch could be detected at <strong>the</strong><br />

cea<strong>the</strong>r-Ei .r, which I had used for ce:::cnparison purpose<br />

and <strong>the</strong> obj ective of my f light. 12/ 'Ihis had picked up s crre<br />

radiations f ran my ship and s ucked <strong>the</strong>m up, because I carre<br />

very near, and even touched <strong>the</strong> branches with my ship. Thi.s<br />

r adiation, which is harmless for creatures, endures for<br />

rronths and could be detected and analyzed by your scientists,<br />

which could incr ease <strong>the</strong>ir researc h knowledge. 13/ Not master<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se things, <strong>the</strong>y could make mistakes, which we could<br />

not a llow, because i t was a f ault o f our carelessness. 14/<br />

As our t echniques do not allow this once absorbed radiation<br />

to be wi-thdrawn f ran <strong>the</strong> t r ee, <strong>the</strong> only poss ibility that<br />

r emained was to e l iminate <strong>the</strong> tree... 16/ 'Ihi s \...as <strong>the</strong> important<br />

notice I had t o give you today, with <strong>the</strong> objective<br />

that in <strong>the</strong> fut ure you are not so careless in s uch matters.<br />

18/ 'Ihis is one o f <strong>the</strong> reasons why we a lways per-form our<br />


touchdowns where we can not be observed, and <strong>the</strong> tracks be<br />

f ound by scientis ts and analyzed. 19/ 80 <strong>the</strong> l anding places<br />

must; mainl y remain secret , which a l so has to be unde r stocxi<br />

by your group ITEfllbers as a dut y . 20/We have no objection to<br />

your internal group knCMing , as l ong a s <strong>the</strong> conf idence and<br />

s i lence is preserved. 21/ N::1N I do not want to disturb you<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r. 22/ &> far <strong>the</strong>n. . • (2)<br />

f£ier- But I have a quest ion , as you have already made this<br />

contact with lIE: now. You explained to lIE: in <strong>the</strong> last contact<br />

that should handle <strong>the</strong> crystal s and s tones according<br />

to rules you def ined. I nCM have a poss ibility to sell sere<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se to a quite certain man , Should we take this chance?<br />

senjase- 26/1 have expr essly indicated, that <strong>the</strong> objects<br />

may on l y and exclusive ly be s o ld o r given to pers ons who are<br />

working and thinking in conformance with your group.<br />

1oEier- But <strong>the</strong> rrentioned person i s an expert in this field.<br />

senjese- 27/1hat is absolutely un inportant.<br />

f£ier- I was told of this person being occupied with borde<br />

rland and spiritua l sciences matters, and that he has good<br />

contacts . He also cou l d per-form analyses for us.<br />

secrj ase- 28/You may tell <strong>the</strong> narre of this person, f or he i s<br />

known to Ire by your talking , as I have eardropped on this<br />

one . 29/But never<strong>the</strong>less I lTDJSt remain with my rule . 30/<br />

In t irre this may change, o f course, but for nCM I reuat; stay<br />

with my order . 31/You may , of course , le t that person examine<br />

and analyze <strong>the</strong> crystals and minerals, but only when<br />

no word of o r igin is a f Icwed, 3 2/'Ihis I must; c cnrend, as I<br />

a lready expl ained, dangers nenace eve rywhere.<br />

f£ier- As you s ay, Semjase . I will act according ly.<br />



(1) Q1e of <strong>the</strong>se places was <strong>the</strong> site of <strong>the</strong> l:Dlie fo::Jtaqe fi.lnB:l at 17:30<br />

in <strong>the</strong> afteInxn of 18 M3rd1 1975, 1IIIl"e1. 2 minutes ard 20 seccrrls of su;:er<br />

8:Im fiJ..m.. a full novie film cassette, was exposed of <strong>the</strong> ET ship cin::1.in:1<br />

a tall pilE tree in fralt of a boose, After circling for sere sece-de, at<br />

tarres quite IEdr <strong>the</strong> of <strong>the</strong> tree, <strong>the</strong> ship abruptly chm:;'ed direct.i.al<br />

arrl passed directly CNer <strong>the</strong> tq:l of <strong>the</strong> tree. As <strong>the</strong> ship m'rle this<br />

close pass, <strong>the</strong> whole tcp of <strong>the</strong> tree swaye:j with <strong>the</strong> passirq of <strong>the</strong> ship<br />

ard <strong>the</strong>n srepped tack into p:sit..ial as it had not t:een dtstnrted.<br />

(2) 'Ihis is <strong>the</strong> f irst tree to be I;ilysically recoced bj <strong>the</strong> Pleialians in<br />

this case am never replacerl. nus is rot an easy t.hin:::l to do in S ritzerland,<br />

because trees are protected ard canrot; be cut cb.'I1 or raJDVEd. witlxut<br />

proper authorization arrl a permi.t., All people teing aware of this, it is<br />

rot unusual for thEm to pel.Ice each o<strong>the</strong>r. Pesides this, <strong>the</strong> tree was 01<br />

s:neb:rly else's prcperey arrl steed in f rcnt; of a bccse, I t w:::W.d beve been<br />

practically inp:lssible for 1-eier or any of his frierds to do this endetecte1.<br />


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seventeenth O:ntact Friday, 9 K3y 1975 02:48 h<br />

This time Heier was surrnoned for a con t ac t at a given t ime and a gillen<br />

place, and he dutifully set out t o meet <strong>the</strong> schedule , because he had come<br />

t o unde r stand <strong>the</strong> need f or punctuality. The Pl eiadians were a lways <strong>the</strong> re<br />

as indicated, bu t this time <strong>the</strong>y «ere no t t here a t <strong>the</strong> appointed time and<br />

he had t o wait much l onger than he e ver ha d before . He had beco me upset<br />

by th e del ay and hi s long wait, and he lost no time in letting Semjase know<br />

about it.<br />

You l e t me wait here a very l ong tiJre for this contact.<br />

..<br />

5emjase- l / 'lhi.s has care about because of our inattentiveness;<br />

and because of your f ilm and photographic Jabcra dif -<br />

ferent problems have arisen. 2/ We had to regulate and neutralize<br />

<strong>the</strong>m first. 3/To prevent such fur<strong>the</strong>r e vents we<br />

have settled on an order, that f or <strong>the</strong> next while you ought<br />

not to make any rrore photographs or films. 4/On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

hand, <strong>the</strong> material you have is sufficient for you.<br />

I regret that, but you seem to be dramatizing <strong>the</strong><br />

matter, which i s a strange view of you for me,<br />

Semjase- 5/'Ihe whole mat ter i s much mere earnest than you<br />

s eem to assume. 6/Not without purpose, I had to e l iminate<br />

forms of life. . . 7/Such concerns, under l aws of our r a ce,<br />

acinit such e l iminat i ons only in case o f errergency. B/And<br />

in that case, such errergency was ahead, though i t may not<br />

appear that way to you. 9/But this you will understand, i f<br />

you knOW' now, that <strong>the</strong> militaIy you watched were indeed<br />

active <strong>the</strong>re on <strong>the</strong> 21st o f April because o f my beamship.<br />

10/ 'Ihis we have verified besides o<strong>the</strong>r concerns. ll/your<br />

f ears and essucpt.tons were correct. 12/But still many o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

things have occurred in this respect, thus we had to s pend<br />

ITDJch tiJre <strong>the</strong>se last f ew days rerroving <strong>the</strong>se difficulties.<br />

13 /We needed to f ind out all those humans fran out of <strong>the</strong><br />

creeds, who had rea ched dangerous cognitions of our activi<br />

ties . 14/rn a ll o f <strong>the</strong> s e we were f orced to eliminate <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

rrerories in this respect, to avoid harm o f any kind. 15/I:b<br />

knew, <strong>the</strong> confusions and troubles have been serious, and I<br />

dramatize <strong>the</strong>m in no way . 16/I:b also understand that, f or<br />

sore while I can not allOW' any IIDre photographs, ff.Jrns, etc.<br />

- and this by longer s i ght (foresi ght ). 17/Instead, I will<br />


a llow you to capt ure o<strong>the</strong>r things onto your films . 18/ But<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is stil l sate tiJTe and you have to be patient.. .<br />

fuier- On Saturday we have our next rreet ing , you know, and<br />

<strong>the</strong>re I wil l explain such matters . - If you admit it now, I<br />

have one o r two personal quest ions for you?<br />

Semjase-<br />

29/SUrely.<br />

fuier- For many years I obse rved a phencrrenon which I am<br />

not able to explain. For a very l ong tilre I have tried to<br />

find out about; my past lives, o r a t least in parts.<br />

I have tri ed in rrany ways but neve r succeeded corr ectly. In<br />

nonna.l consciousness I have met with matters which revea l ed<br />

merrories of f onrer lives, but that was a ll, f or I never<br />

found certain details. I tried to find extraordinarily qocd<br />

hypnotists f or this purpose , who could regress Ire into <strong>the</strong><br />

past. But even <strong>the</strong> best of those f ailed and I dfdn I t go<br />

under hypnos i s , but on <strong>the</strong> contrary, my senses becarre rrore<br />

sharp. I a l ways felt i t when <strong>the</strong>y tried to penetrate into<br />

Ire, and flash- like , sanething inexplainable f ormed up inside<br />

ire and blocked a def ense which <strong>the</strong> hypnotists were not able<br />

to pass . A second f actor forrred in <strong>the</strong> sene way and COWlt -<br />

erattacked, without my consciously wanting such. If <strong>the</strong><br />

hypnotist did not stop he would be f orced t o by physical<br />

disccmforts that would care to him. But hew and why <strong>the</strong>se<br />

de fense b locks occur i s a riddl e f o r Ire . Fo r that reason I<br />

wanted to ask you, and can I maybe hypnotize myself?<br />

seajase- 30/This question I have feared for scrre t ine. 31 /<br />

I f eared that l::ecause <strong>the</strong>re are o <strong>the</strong>r things connected which<br />

I am not a llCMed to tel L ..<br />

fuier- I underatiand ccnpl etely, and I am well satisfied<br />

with what you gave. But for today this may be sufficient,<br />

because I have to go heme again into my bed.<br />

Semj ase- 10 2/ 1 regret having to tear you out o f your s l eep,<br />

and you must; be s till tired because (of i t)?<br />

loEi er- of course I am, and bes ides I am f reezing, as in<br />

spite of <strong>the</strong> wann days, <strong>the</strong> nights are still col d . But <strong>the</strong><br />

real c ause is my wife , as I left without waking and Informing<br />

he r . I f she suddenly wakes and I am not <strong>the</strong>re, <strong>the</strong>n s he<br />

wiLl. be a f raid. '!hus 1 have to go hare aga in and l ay in <strong>the</strong><br />

bed l ike nothing has happened.<br />


Eighteenth Cbntact 'Ihursday, 15 May 1975 21:34 h<br />

semjase- l / Before today we ware discussing o<strong>the</strong>r things,<br />

but today I want to continue with <strong>the</strong> discussion of spirit.<br />

2/A person may react to <strong>the</strong> word or <strong>the</strong> designation "The<br />

Creation" in different ways, as though 'i t were s crre thing<br />

apart and t::eautiful o r qcod, 3/SUch i s not exactl y <strong>the</strong> case.<br />

S/SUch characterizations as "ami pres ent ", "all-powe r f ul",<br />

"all kna.ving" are valid characteri zations o f <strong>the</strong> nature of<br />

'!he Creation. l O/Millions o f religious humans do not understand<br />

<strong>the</strong> tirue nature o f 'Ihe Creation. l1/l1henever <strong>the</strong>y<br />

speak o f i t <strong>the</strong>y tend to personi fy it as a God-being (which<br />

is <strong>the</strong>n i tself a separation f ran The Creation) , and <strong>the</strong>y<br />

confuse <strong>the</strong> idea o f """ Creation. 13/50 i t is very inportant<br />

to knew as much as possible about; <strong>the</strong> character and <strong>the</strong><br />

nature o f 'Dle Creation, f o r when <strong>the</strong> word is understcx:d<br />

prcper-Iy i t bouys <strong>the</strong> inner mind and oonnects it to i ts<br />

source as soon as <strong>the</strong> word is heard. (I)<br />

14/ 'Ihe exper ience reveal s '!he Creation as tmlimited beauty,<br />

harmony, wisdan, kncwfedqe , and truth •• •enduring endlessly.<br />

16/ 50 whenever a human per ceives a thing of beauty, a H eMer,<br />

an animal, c louds, water , landscape, musi c , color , etc,, he<br />

ccnsi ders it in cormection wi th <strong>the</strong> l imit l ess grandeur o f<br />

'!he Creation itself. 17/When a human recognizes and realizes<br />

this, <strong>the</strong>n he lcnc:Ms that this recognition springs f ran l imitless<br />

cognition, vnich i tself i s 'l11e Creation. 18/Nherever<br />

life rroves, e ven inside <strong>the</strong> tiniest creature, like a mic robe,<br />

he sees <strong>the</strong> limitless Creation.<br />

20/ 'Ihe Creation is inside o f every human l::eing, (and every<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r c reature and thing), being a fraction of that manif<br />

estation i tself. 21/ Q1ce this thought has penetrated deepl<br />

y inside a person and he can experi ence it, he l oses all<br />

fear and doubt . 2/ M1en he k:nc:7Ns hi-s contactis with <strong>the</strong> 'allknoetnq<br />

, almighty, Creation , he enjoys peace and tranquility .<br />

23/Reflecti on on this gives <strong>the</strong> narre "Creati on" grea t rreaning.<br />

24/ 'Ihe rrore he rreditates on this reality, <strong>the</strong> rrore his<br />

intelligence i s i lluminated, and <strong>the</strong> rrore poeerfui his personality<br />

beccres , and his whole life and Labor- i s blessed.<br />

27/'Ihe Creation r ises in his consciousness and he s enses<br />

peace, strength, kno N'ledge , wisdan, delight and hope. 34/ He<br />

can overcare obstacl es, and achieve his objecti ves, and he<br />

suddenly has no rrore need f or purely IIaterial things. 36/<br />


One must; l earn a spiritual-intellectual manner of thinking<br />

and recognize its validity until <strong>the</strong> first successes are<br />

achieved.<br />

38/But <strong>the</strong> way does not stop here, because fur<strong>the</strong>r expl oration,<br />

research and devefoprent, and fur<strong>the</strong>r recognition<br />

l eads to <strong>the</strong> l imitless endurance of time. 39/Everything may<br />

happen in <strong>the</strong> course of tirre to p revent one fran achieving<br />

his objectives, but <strong>the</strong> spiritualized person knCMS no l imits<br />

and does not a llCM himself to be stopped short of his goals<br />

by any events o f <strong>the</strong> f uture. 40/For him <strong>the</strong> f uture a lways<br />

exists in <strong>the</strong> pres ent , wherefran he beccmes detennined to do<br />

everything here and now to obtain <strong>the</strong> highest spiritual state<br />

of consc iousness, and he does no t fear <strong>the</strong> f uture f or <strong>the</strong><br />

future is nCM j ust as present as <strong>the</strong> pres ent i tse lf.<br />

S3/When <strong>the</strong> spiritualized being sees o<strong>the</strong>rs before him, he<br />

sees '!he Creation in <strong>the</strong>m. ••<br />

Meier- What you are saying s ounds so understandable and<br />

l ogicaL I f only humans could ccmprehend i t.<br />

Semjase- 100/ So <strong>the</strong>y will, but this will not happen txaror-row,<br />

lOl/You and your group are only laying <strong>the</strong> basic stones for<br />

an avalanche , which will start rruch later.<br />

l£ier- I have spoken o f this before . But nCM I have<br />

one rrore questi on which was directed to Ire .<br />

Semjase- 102/'Ihere ought to be no . ...•.<br />

Meier- Pl ease 00n' t be in a hurry, because I consider this<br />

question to be quite justified. I f you want to tell us about<br />

spirit, <strong>the</strong>n you a lso have to explain sene things of i t.<br />

Semjase- 103/1£ so, <strong>the</strong>n this o f course f a lls under my objective..<br />

. 104/What i s <strong>the</strong> question?<br />

l£ier- 'Ihe prayer in <strong>the</strong> Talmud J rrrnanue l , can you give an<br />

explanation?<br />

Semjase- lO S/ SUrely, but in this mat ter I will have to start<br />

scrre SCX>Jler so that my answer is understc:cd correctly. 106/<br />

Prayers should be understood as onl y that. 107/ A prayer is<br />

truely a a wishful call upon <strong>the</strong> spirit o f <strong>the</strong> human<br />

being himself (<strong>the</strong> Creation part in <strong>the</strong> Creation collective) ,<br />

rreaning grant Ire this o r that . 108/ nx>se who are conscious<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> f orce, <strong>the</strong> knowl edge , and <strong>the</strong> ability o f <strong>the</strong>ir spi rit,<br />

no l onger resort to such prayers because <strong>the</strong>y a lready live<br />


in <strong>the</strong> knc:Ml edge that <strong>the</strong> poser and might of <strong>the</strong>ir spirit is<br />

capable of anything . 109/For that reason, <strong>the</strong>y detennine<br />

constantly, <strong>the</strong> might of <strong>the</strong>ir spirit . 110/ 'Ihe unspiritual -<br />

dzed one , being unaware, is unable, thus seeks to activate<br />

his spirit by conscious prayer . .. 11l/ Fur<strong>the</strong>r explained,<br />

this rreans that <strong>the</strong> spiritualized human i s always using <strong>the</strong><br />

f orces and abilities of his spirit , and quite consciously,<br />

whil e <strong>the</strong> unspirit ualized one expresses ool y wis hes in<br />

prayer, and those to an exterior (usually per -<br />

sonified), when <strong>the</strong> source i s within through his personal<br />

contact with '!he Creation i tself.<br />

l28/But now to <strong>the</strong> interpretation of <strong>the</strong> prayer establ ished<br />

by JlllIlaIluel: (2)<br />


My Spirit who is a t Ikncwinq, a lmight y , and all l oving in Ire .<br />


Your presence conf i nns to rre your controlling power over all<br />

matters concerning myself.<br />


May your be extended in <strong>the</strong> consciousness of my thoughts<br />

in order to enable rre to apply a ll truths, wis dcrn and l ove,<br />

peace and freedan, given to and aquired by me and all mankind.<br />


May your poser beccre effective in rre, in a ll material as<br />

well as all spiritual aspects.<br />


Please grant rre all I need f or my material as well as my<br />

spiri tual life and developrent, for you are almighty.<br />

so nlAT I ACIIT ERRORS<br />

So that I may recognize my f aUlts and e liminate <strong>the</strong>m since<br />

<strong>the</strong>y hinder rre on my way o f evolution.<br />


Please do not let Ire make er ror by material and wrong thinking,<br />

o r beccrre dependent on beliefs alone.<br />


May I beccrre conscious of your a lmighty forces inside Ire a ll<br />

<strong>the</strong> tiJre.<br />

130/1 can not explain rrore about this, as i t has to suf-<br />


fiee in this f o rm . 131/Certain fur<strong>the</strong>r detail s about; it I<br />

am not to tell.<br />

Iotller- 'DUs might be under standable enough. .. Fur<strong>the</strong>r exp<br />

lanations are likely s uperfluous.<br />

Semjase- 132/ Surely , and besides that, I have r eached with<br />

my expl anations c l ose to <strong>the</strong> l imits o f what I am a llCfWed to<br />

explain .<br />

All <strong>the</strong> greater thanks, Sernjase. I might have been<br />

able to explain but perhaps not with such precision. It<br />

seemed rrore right i f you woul d explain <strong>the</strong>se things , as in<br />

my pers on or about; my person, a l ways and wi thin a ll conce rns,<br />

doubts deve lop. As you may knON: "'lhe prophet in his con<br />

country ..<br />

Semjase- 13 3/ Certainly , but those are unreasonabte responses.<br />

. .<br />

t-ei er- I agree, but tell that to my fellow c r eatures .<br />

Semjase- 13 4/ 'Ihat i s hardly possible.<br />

Meier- l.his is not rreent; exactly as said, as i t is just a<br />

proverb, neani.ng that one wou.ld l ikely be confronted with<br />

difficul t ies i f he tri ed to expl ain sarething l ike tilis all<br />

by himself.<br />

senjase- 135/1he rreanings of your interpretat ions are, by<br />

regret, not always evident to ne,<br />

t-eier- '!bat I S not teo irrportant, because \I.'e can a lways<br />

c larify our understandings.<br />

Sernjase- 141/ But nON I have a question for you: You exp<br />

lained that you wou l.d develop our matter, about; which I<br />

have s till seen nothing. l42/Have you failed in this respect?<br />

Meier- I don' t want to call it exactly that , to have failed,<br />

as in our last discussion too many things cerre up , and I<br />

still could not speak thoroughly about; <strong>the</strong> matter , but by<br />

<strong>the</strong> end of this rronth everything should be in r i ght position.<br />

In this respect I al ready improved <strong>the</strong> pre-work , which I<br />

sti ll have to transmit to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs .<br />

Semjase- 140/'Ihen I am c a Irred, for I wanted t o knew this<br />

matter bednq regulated before I l eave for sere tiJre, and<br />


will only be in contact with you<br />

by<br />

thought-transmission.<br />

are you doing that<br />

You rrentioned this before.<br />

is so irrportant?<br />

seagase- 14 4/ This is destined for your ears only .<br />

Mtier- '!hat is very interesting, and nCM I understand your<br />

secrecy.<br />

senjese- 14S/ I t is that way , because <strong>the</strong>re is much<br />

connected with i t . 146/ But now I have a proposal for your<br />

group, before I do go away for a l onger tirre, to turn <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

attention once rrore to my s hip . 147/At a given tirre, which<br />

for certain reasons 1 do not want to announce in advance, I<br />

will again give your group <strong>the</strong> c hance t o see my beamship.<br />

148/ Regarding this, 1 have again chosen a t i.rre of night,<br />

because , in <strong>the</strong> darkness everything (luminous effects) can<br />

be better observed. 149 / 1 will dennns trate for <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong><br />

possibiliti es o f <strong>the</strong> different energies, which in <strong>the</strong> darkness<br />

can be s een f or <strong>the</strong>ir light e ffects . I SO/ ScIre kinds<br />

of energy I can only use high in <strong>the</strong> atnosphere, to avoid<br />

deadly e f fects on E3.rth f o rms of l ife. lSI/Never<strong>the</strong>less<br />

this wi ll be an unforgettable show for your group rrembera<br />

obse.IVing <strong>the</strong> derronstration, as \\'ell as for any o<strong>the</strong>r casual<br />

observera, because I will exercise no protective rreans<br />

against s ight. 152/ You are requested to take necessary<br />

acticn to observe protect ion needed, as wel I as to be sure<br />

that no o<strong>the</strong>rs besides yourself care c loser to my ship than<br />

910 rreters, because <strong>the</strong>y could be barrred, IS3/You 1 will<br />

protect and screen in this r espect so that you suffer no<br />

harm, 154/At this action, it wourd be of much rreaning and<br />

wor-th for yourself and your group, and for <strong>the</strong> whole mission<br />

too, i f you wou td take with you scrre uninitiated observers<br />

who \o;Ork with publicat ion organs, and in offices having<br />

decisi ve influences. I SS/ But take care that <strong>the</strong>se persons<br />

be suited for our matter and not be detractors seeking to<br />

dis rupt . 156/In c onsequence be very careful. 157/Select<br />

<strong>the</strong>se persons carefully . I S8/But don ' t i nitiate <strong>the</strong>m, by<br />

any rreena, into <strong>the</strong> hCM and why of <strong>the</strong> undertaking, but only<br />

explain i t as dealing with an interesting matter which <strong>the</strong>y<br />

will witness. 159/ Arrange f or <strong>the</strong>se persons according to<br />

wri tten c larification, because this will be o f importance<br />

(later) • (3)<br />


You s uddenly go very far, Semj ase , as I consi der<br />

that hi<strong>the</strong>rto you were very e ager to protect yourse lf and<br />

your s hip (fran observation) a t every c ircumstance .<br />

semjase- 160/ It will be a unique one-tame derronstratioo<br />

'Which I will not repeat again. 161/ But this derronstration<br />

has beccme necessary to underpin your whole caning work for<br />

your group. 162/ we, don I t want t o give your group only reports<br />

and ob j ect ives, but as well to help <strong>the</strong>m to be o f se r -<br />

vice to you, when s uch is demanded, suitable, and necessary<br />

in our v i ew .<br />

foei er- 1hat' s but real ly, never<strong>the</strong> less very much : in fact<br />

rrore than I eve r expected• •.<br />

164/1 know, but now to o<strong>the</strong>r ma.tters, being dest-<br />

you and Ire a lone • . •.• • .. . • .• . • •• ••.. • • •• . . ... • .•...<br />

ined for<br />

After t hat Semjase bid Heie r goodbye and left to proceed on o<strong>the</strong>r business<br />

of her own . He got on his Mo-ped and r ode home with <strong>the</strong> good news of<br />

yet ano<strong>the</strong>r fl ight demonstration t hat al l could witness .<br />



(1 ) In aTJ::::ItlEr a:ntext, 1he creeetcn was descrfr.e:j as <strong>the</strong> sun of all that<br />

is lMJlifest arrl tnMnifest (<strong>the</strong> matter realm l::eirq O"lly a very sr.all part.<br />

of <strong>the</strong> wh::lle) , arrl that all that; IS, is 'IHE rnEATIal exreriencing its<br />

rolArizaticn ...hich profu:es <strong>the</strong> created am. i ts especte-ce, all of which<br />

ccntJ.nwlly a±ls to <strong>the</strong> total experi.ence of 'rte Creati.cn for fur<strong>the</strong>r applicatim<br />

in that which is created. In o<strong>the</strong>r words, IT is in us am works<br />

t:hro..J#1 us (ard all that is created! arrl v;e are IT (in its parts). There<br />

is . 00 separate perscni..ficaticn indicatEd, except. as sore part ctccees to<br />

represent i tself as such, which arrt part can do within its O>TI level of<br />

a:n::ept.<br />

(2) nus prayer is very s:imil.ar to <strong>the</strong> 01ri.st.idn IDrd's Prayer', am eey<br />

in fact. have t:he SC[IE origin in history - <strong>the</strong> differences result.i..1q' fran<br />

different tIanslat.iJ::ns Of different translators with different I.l:'lderstaxdin:;Js<br />

arrl rojectives.<br />

(3) 'Ihat flight dan:nstratial ted

Thi s i s ano<strong>the</strong>r s pectacul ar first i n t he an nals of t he conteeocrar v UfO<br />

phenomenon . These e xt ra t erre s t rials not onl y ann ounced t heir ap pearance i n<br />

advance, but <strong>the</strong>y i nvited t he obse rvers t o bring outs ide witnesses, and<br />

even i nFormation media personnel to t he demonst ration scheduled.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>rs o f Meier's group ...itnessed s uc h demonstrations 8150- beFore this<br />

and again a fterward, s uc h as J acobu s Bertschinge r wi th Heier on 14 Harch<br />

1976 ; Hans Sch utzbach on 2J April 1976; and WOl Fgang Wit zer on 6 June 1976 ,<br />

all of t hese event s a lso r eported in de tail i n t he Pr elimina r y Repor t o f<br />

Invest igat i on.<br />

On Sat ur day , 12 J une 1976, ano<strong>the</strong>r whole group , incl udi ng ag ain s ome outs<br />

iders , wi t h Four J5 mm s till came ras and one Bmm movi e camera, ob s erved and<br />

phot ographed, toge<strong>the</strong>r and simultaneously. f r Olll different vantag e points ,<br />

an ev en more astound i ng Fl ight demonstration by t he Pleiadi an s . This was<br />

reported s 81Jlli es o f <strong>the</strong> phot og raphs i n <strong>the</strong> Prel iminary Repor t already<br />

mentione d . r oot age i s shown i n "BEAMSHIP: THE 110VIE r OOTAGE" v ideo r elease.<br />

Thi s has ne ver been heard of be Fore, o r s ince , and <strong>the</strong> fl ight demons t rations<br />

were s uc h , at all altitudes and a ll part s of t he s ky , that pyrotechnics<br />

were cOlrpletely out of question . There was no way one man, or a team<br />

of trained men. ...ithout a real s pacecraft , c ould have staged <strong>the</strong> displays<br />

witne s s ed .<br />

It was during an earlier ni ght o f J April 1976, that Meier and t he group<br />

were purs ued by unwelcome ob servers with di rection f inding equi pment on l op<br />

of t he i r cars. The y had located Meier i n <strong>the</strong> woods ( evi de ntly by "b ugging"<br />

his Ho-ped) and "ere c losi ng in on him Ywhen Semj a s e warned of t he ir approach<br />

and ""'ere <strong>the</strong>y wer e . Me ier " as forced to t ake a drffe rent route<br />

ou t of <strong>the</strong> f orest an d crashed on his mot or- bi ke , into a ditch, fracturing<br />

a r ib and dislocating h is shoulder, i n ad di t i on to abrasions and mud.<br />

semjese, depar ting <strong>from</strong> t he demonst ration (wh i c h included five s hips ),<br />

a r rived on <strong>the</strong> c rash scene with a small apparatus that s he applied to<br />

Meier ' s rib a rea. ".tIen she did t hi s he felt an e l ectrical sensation an d<br />

<strong>the</strong> r ib was healed . She said, be cause s he had no t brought t he r ight i n-<br />

strument she co uld not do much For his shoul der or his t wisted foot .<br />

AFt er treatment. and some distraction of <strong>the</strong> pursuers by t he ex traterrestrials,<br />

Meier made his way out of t he forest by anot he r "ay and arrived<br />

home alon e, muddy , wet s nd br uised , but no t s eriously i njured.<br />

The o<strong>the</strong> rs wai ted a time For Meier to show up , and <strong>the</strong>n be gan s t raggling<br />

back to <strong>the</strong> Heier house From "here <strong>the</strong>y st arted , only to Fi nd Meier al ready<br />

<strong>the</strong>re drinking coffee . The men discus s ed <strong>the</strong> situation at length and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

finally reach ed a consensus that s omebody in <strong>the</strong> group was leaking con tact<br />

Infc r mat Ion t o o<strong>the</strong>rs out side or <strong>the</strong> group . They would have t o be a tohole<br />

lot more car e ful until <strong>the</strong>y co uld i dent ify <strong>the</strong> s ource of t he l eak and stop<br />

t he bet rayal , in l'

Nineteenth Ccntact Friday, 16 May 1975<br />

14: 09 h<br />

'Ihought<br />

Transmission<br />

senj ase- l / 'Ihis has been an easy matter, satisfying your<br />

inquiry with respect to F.0. 2/For hours I have occupded<br />

myself with him, penetrating into his mind as far as necessary.<br />

3/'Ihis was accarplished. without great dif ficulty<br />

because this person has no strong defense • ••<br />

Semjase <strong>the</strong>n gave Heie r a complete and detailed personal and spiritual<br />

characterization of r.o., and his capabilities and i ntentions. and how t hey<br />

would or could not affect Meie r and his group .<br />

t-eier- You are once again speaking harsh words; Semjase,<br />

and I necessarily have t o think o f sere things , which s crre<br />

t i..rre ago l ed to scrre differences.<br />

senjase- 23/Yo u know very well <strong>the</strong> truth i s harsh, and my<br />

having made c ertain mi stakes I because you are l eading in<br />

that d i rection , aren I t you? 24/1 can assure you o f having<br />

corrected my mistake and will not carmit that e r ror again,<br />

but this you know quite well. 25/&J why <strong>the</strong>n do you<br />

remind Ire o f that?<br />

I j ust wanted to be assured that all i s correct.<br />

This by no rreans s hould you consider a reproach, o r anything<br />

like that.<br />

Sanjase- 26/1 understand - but fur<strong>the</strong>r things, I haven 't<br />

tine to tell . . .<br />

That ccotact was ended by Semjase sifl1)ly breaking orr <strong>the</strong> transmission.<br />


'IWentieth Ccntact 'fuesday 20 May 1975 10:14 h<br />

I tri ed di f ferent ways in <strong>the</strong> l ast f ew days to make<br />

contact with you, but failed crnpl etely. I have sare importent,<br />

per s onal concerns which I wanted to discuss with you.<br />

Sanjase- 1/ 1 have recognized your attempts, but fo r certain<br />

reasons I did not arrange myself for <strong>the</strong>m. 2/You have first<br />

to care c lear with certain tlrings yoursel f.<br />

l£ier- Exact ly about tha t do I want to tal k to you . Fi rst,<br />

I had a strange experience a fter our last contact, j ust a<br />

few hours later. Besides with my c lose st fri end I have not<br />

rrerrtdoned this to anybody, because I f i rst wanted to be<br />

c lear about, this, and because of this I want to ask you<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r you have intrigued anything in respect to my s trange<br />

experience. I do not know what I should think about it.<br />

3/You are very careful, and scarce ly express yours<br />

e lf. 4/&:> you evi dent ly want t o knew wha t c hild of truth<br />

I am?<br />

loEier-<br />

You are wise.<br />

seajese- S/Also you honor me. 6/It may indeed be traced<br />

back to Ire, if this answer suffices.<br />

foEier- I t suffices as far as my a ssumpt ion, but I want you<br />

to "let <strong>the</strong> cat out of <strong>the</strong> bag" .<br />

senjase- 7/You l ike l y mean that I should give you rror e Lnfonna.t<br />

ion. 8/nus you shoutd get: Our high c ouncil has cons<br />

i dered that you are mature enough to care into contact wi th<br />

a higher form of spirit which has pass ed. beyond <strong>the</strong> rebirth<br />

and r e incarnati on (cycl es) . 9/ Because of this we have inforrred<br />

<strong>the</strong> c reat ure of that spiritual dirrensdon and sphere,<br />

who has s tarted ccmnuni cation with you. .. l1/'Ihus try for<br />

high concent rat ion and a faculty of a cceptance, to f ulfill<br />

<strong>the</strong> task. 12/ I t wi ll be difficul t and t .Irre constnunq, (1)<br />

foEi er- You have fun with rre , because f ran whe re shall I<br />

take a ll this t ine to dedicate myself to s t i ll mere such<br />

kinds o f things? I do a lso have to care for <strong>the</strong> livel yhood<br />

of my f amily. Ha.y shall I do this <strong>the</strong>n?<br />

Semjase- 13/ This problem is known to me, and al so I know<br />

that your added work wi11 consurre much time, many rronths and<br />


years even. . .<br />

Mei er- But I won ' t be able to s urvive that l ong. Ha ...... e l se<br />

shall I live and sti ll be able to take care of my family?<br />

senjase- 15/ 'Ihe t ime will be dif ficult' f or you and your<br />

family, but i t wi ll be worthwhile tine. 16/You want to bring<br />

your fellow creat ures hel p and show <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> truth, in consequence<br />

of which you a lso take need and misery a short t .irre<br />

upon yourself. 17/ No goal s are achieved without troubles<br />

and sacr ifi ces. 18/ Rerrember <strong>the</strong> r eal prophets of <strong>the</strong> past ,<br />

and what <strong>the</strong>y accepted . 19/ 'Ihey as well were not spared.<br />

Meier- You have Ire under de lusion by your confounded Ioqf c ,<br />

On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand you evident ly i..m3.gine that a ll is very<br />

easy for me . But I am not liv ing in any heaven, just simpl y<br />

on <strong>the</strong> Earth...<br />

Semjase- 21/It will not be as hard as that , s o don't get<br />

exci ted.<br />

Meier- You can tal k easily, f o r you are not in need of<br />

chas ing for <strong>the</strong> rroney ,<br />

Sanjase- 22/Ibn ' t wor ry, for I know that a ll will not becane<br />

as bad as you at this rrcrrent; ass urre ,<br />

Meier- '!hat 's o f nonsense and gossip use for me, but <strong>the</strong>r e<br />

l ikely i s little else f or me than to j us t sccop out this<br />

s oup .<br />

Sanjase- 23/1 know that you are<br />

welfare of your fellow-crea t ures<br />

you _<br />

reasonable, because <strong>the</strong><br />

i s establis hed inside of<br />

Mei er- 1his view wi ll l ike l y as well still be your l og i c<br />

when I get worked up as a dead body for f ertilizer, yes?<br />

seajese-<br />

Meier-<br />

24/ You make harsh and peculiar j okes.<br />

One has to l et in fresh air.<br />

seajese- 25/Sure ly, but you menti oned having different<br />

quest ions?<br />

Mei er- Of course . I have brought here with me f or you 0.,'0<br />

pieces o f writings, which you should r ead and judge . 'Ihe<br />

one is a flyer fran my pencil, and <strong>the</strong> second is a birth<br />

horoscope analys is about my person . I n <strong>the</strong> first one , my<br />


group thinks <strong>the</strong> wor ding is tCXJ harsh and f rank to be accept -<br />

able. They told Ire <strong>the</strong> readers wou l d be shocked. About <strong>the</strong><br />

second, I quite sIDply want to knew what you think about<br />

this analysis.<br />

semase- 25/As you wish . •. (reading both scri pts) . .•<br />

Meier- (ScIrE seconds l ater) \ofnat do you tJtink o f this?<br />

semase- 26/1 see nothing in your flyer I could not agree<br />

with. 27/ As well I see no reason for reproach in <strong>the</strong> harsh<br />

tone ... 28/Facts o f truth a re important . .. 29/1t would be<br />

inexpedient if f ine , nice words were used. 30 /'Ihe truth can<br />

be exposed on l y by c lear f acts, but not by c ircurrwri tings and<br />

n i ce words . 31/Such a form wou l d be judged to f ail in <strong>the</strong><br />

beginning , as a l ready many such bringers of <strong>the</strong> truth have<br />

experienced before you. 37/Tney l ove <strong>the</strong> truth a ll right,<br />

but to announce i t in public is for <strong>the</strong>m ano<strong>the</strong>r mat ter.<br />

do not want to establish a gl obal o rganizat ion o f<br />

truth or to swamp over within a short tine <strong>the</strong> world's dwe l -<br />

l ers by <strong>the</strong> truth , a s such is not o f use for our mission.<br />

39/ Q'lly small groups are s uf.ted, ,, 40/ And by <strong>the</strong>m tile truth<br />

will s Iowf y spread ove r generations and centuries to a ll o f<br />

mankind , 41/ You ones are e ffecting only <strong>the</strong> bas ic prepara -<br />

tion wor k.<br />

46/Tne truth is harsh and c an never be announced in sof t<br />

words; this <strong>the</strong>y should consi der. 47 /Tney s hould calmly<br />

reflect on <strong>the</strong> true prophets o f o l d , whose le ssons o f truth<br />

were couched in much harsher expressions than this flyer.<br />

48 /Tne truth i s never readily accepted and in consequence<br />

strikes e nmit y . 49/This a lready <strong>the</strong> old prophets experienced,<br />

who o f ten gave <strong>the</strong>ir l ife for it, and this will happen<br />

now and in <strong>the</strong> f uture as we.l .I• . .<br />

M::tier- '!his as well I have tried to explain• • • but I do not<br />

believe that my explana t ions have born much f ruit .<br />

Sanjase- 50/S::> l e t <strong>the</strong> group's c riti cs knew my exp lanations,<br />

for <strong>the</strong>y ought to r ecognize <strong>the</strong> l ogi c <strong>the</strong>re.<br />

M::tier- So I wil L But nC1n' about. <strong>the</strong> s econd scr ipt?<br />

Semjase- 51/Sc:tre things are well called wnile o<strong>the</strong>r aspects<br />

accord to unreality. have studied you over <strong>the</strong> years<br />

thor oughly, and in all aspects.. . 53/He r e we discovered<br />

that you have a good intuiti on, which i s expressly contes ted<br />


in "this analysis.. . and <strong>the</strong>re is evidence that <strong>the</strong> originator<br />

of this reacting was Inf o rmed about; many things in<br />

respect to your person.. . (<strong>the</strong> r est of this analysis concerned<br />

<strong>the</strong> person who originated <strong>the</strong> horoscope chart and <strong>the</strong><br />

interpretation in hand) .<br />

lotrler- 'Ihank you, Semjase.<br />

wanted•• •<br />

•<br />

'!his was more than I<br />

actually<br />



(l) 'lhe ne« o:mrun.i.cator was a discarnate intelligence which crlvise:i that<br />

it o:u1d no identified as Arah:lt A<strong>the</strong>.rsata, ",to began an extensfve th::u:tltt.ransnissioo<br />

PYegrGIlI with <strong>the</strong> intenti.al of a::mIJJni.cat.i.Fq a voture of<br />

infomati.al to be collocte1 into an eventual h::ck.<br />


21st Contact 'fuesday, 27 May 1975 02:06 h<br />

There has j ust been a demand on me, to see you and<br />

to talk to you. At hare I am still working and find no calm.<br />

'!he whole day I did not get away f ran <strong>the</strong> t ypewri ter, writing<br />

<strong>the</strong> message Arahat A<strong>the</strong>rsata gave me. Hy wife laid down<br />

for s leeping one hour ago, and so I can l eave untroubled. I<br />

have reflected very thoroughly about; what you have told me,<br />

but I don't find a way out, o r how I can manage i t a l l.<br />

Everytlring is consuming too much tirre; <strong>the</strong> contacts with<br />

you, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> Contact Reports which l ater you transmit to me<br />

again; a ll <strong>the</strong> tasks and demands which I per-form f o r you ,<br />

and now s till <strong>the</strong> writ ing of <strong>the</strong> rnessages fran Arahat A<strong>the</strong>rsata.<br />

Al l this toge<strong>the</strong>r is si.nply very much , and I can no<br />

l onger earn <strong>the</strong> livelihood for my family and myself. I have<br />

a lright s t i ll sane people who care to me and whan I cure or<br />

advise, but I am not able to live on <strong>the</strong>ir small gifts a lone.<br />

Since our first contact I have lived solely by my own bank<br />

account, and have paid for <strong>the</strong> necessary mater ials as we .l.L ,<br />

which had to be provided. t>1y account is na", scooped out and<br />

16, 000 f r anks gone, and I don I t knew how this all can cont<br />

inue. I already told you once, I l ive here on <strong>the</strong> material<br />

Earth, and not s impl y sorreplace in <strong>the</strong> Heaven. You evidently<br />

imagine it a ll teo easy in respect to our life which<br />

here depends on financial rneans , still.<br />

Sanjase- l /Sure ly, I see your hesitations and problems, bu t<br />

a ll <strong>the</strong> mat ters are never<strong>the</strong>l ess too trrcortant to be menaced<br />

by sorrows of that kind. 2/ Perhaps you are causing yourself<br />

too many problems i n this respect, for you wi ll find qccd<br />

f r iends who \"'ill a ssist you in this . 3/ On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand,<br />

<strong>the</strong> spreading of t ruth a lways has been connected with probl<br />

ems, which should be evident to you. 4/1):) once r errernber<br />

a ll <strong>the</strong> t ruth announcers of former' times, who had to overcare<br />

s imilar problems . .. 7/ But why are you expressing <strong>the</strong>se<br />

thoughts in this direct ion?<br />

Mly? I consider that a peculiar question fran you.<br />

Doesnt t; it occur to you that I have to feed my family and<br />

keep i t alive? I can not sinply l e t my wife and children go<br />

hungry, and <strong>the</strong>re are o<strong>the</strong>r things caning toge<strong>the</strong>r, creating<br />

each rrorrth new problems . '!here are running costs for <strong>the</strong><br />

house, telephone, electrici ty, ins urance, etc. '!his costs<br />


lie each rronth around 2,100 Swiss Franks, o f which I collect<br />

by myself scarcely one third, which is why my bank account<br />

i s enpty. Also <strong>the</strong> equfprentis needed f or filming and photog<br />

raphs have cos t much rrore money,<br />

8/1 understand; so you have not only <strong>the</strong> trouble<br />

to finance fooda, but <strong>the</strong> many o<strong>the</strong>r things a lso needed?<br />

Exactly that.<br />

senjese- 9/1 hadn't c onsidered a ll this , because such probl<br />

ems are strange to us. I 2/ Under <strong>the</strong>se condit ions it is<br />

better if we defe r at l east sore things for a while, and<br />

ccntinue tbern in l ater years.<br />

'Ibat i s and f ine, 5emjase , tot you are not considering<br />

that I g rON' o lder and will not live eternally as a<br />

mQserabl e l i ttle Earth human .<br />

13/SUrely, but I do not knew any o<strong>the</strong>r way, and<br />

enyhcw you say that it is necessary that you exercise wageful<br />

work f or your livelihood. I 4/Because o f this we will<br />

have to l imit sere matters, even if this is unserviceable<br />

f o r our mission. I S/ Here I do not understand your finding<br />

no support; fran your group, as e verything is also in <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

interest teo...<br />

Beaut i ful ! Also <strong>the</strong> ITl2iT1bers of <strong>the</strong> group have <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

troubles in caring f or <strong>the</strong>ir livelihood and families, and<br />

all things connected <strong>the</strong>rewith.<br />

17/ SUrely, but in spite o f that, I do not s ee<br />

c learly. 18/1 a lready told you of <strong>the</strong> proposal o f getting<br />

c rys tal s f or you, which you cou ld s e ll.<br />

You contradict yourself, for you did tell roe, that<br />

provisionally I had to "rrnrrmt.fy" tihem ,<br />

Semjase- I 9/ 1hat wasn't rreant <strong>the</strong> way you interpret i t ncM.<br />

20/ As I only s uggested certain rreens, for definite reasons.<br />

All right, but h

this r espect <strong>the</strong> best<br />

exactly <strong>the</strong> sarre r adia-<br />

'Ihen o<strong>the</strong>r p lanets send out<br />

tions into cyrstals as our E:1rth?<br />

analysis would show no such r esults.<br />

Sanjase- 23/ In this assumption you overshot <strong>the</strong> goal , as<br />

<strong>the</strong> rrost different r adiat ions , which of course are partly<br />

absorbed by a ll material things, are as well stored within<br />

crystals, and are different for each planet. 24/0Jr techniques<br />

a llow us to withdraw such radiations out of material<br />

forms again, so l ong as <strong>the</strong> forms do not contain changeable<br />

life. 25/In that way I r erroved <strong>the</strong> radiations in <strong>the</strong> minerals<br />

and crystals surrendered to you, which <strong>the</strong>n upon intrcduction<br />

into Farth space cook up <strong>the</strong> r adiat ions of Farth.<br />

26/1f <strong>the</strong>se extraterrestrial radiations had not been withdrawn,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y would be noticeable and even dangerous for scrre<br />

fonns of life.<br />

'!hen in this respect, if I conceive right, by changeable<br />

life you mean what we term flora and fauna . Then, as<br />

you were not able to reverse such r adiations in living creat<br />

ures, you found i t necessary to e liminate two trees, which<br />

had picked up certain radiations fran your ship?<br />

[In ano<strong>the</strong>r discussion on <strong>the</strong> "el imi nated" trees, Meier asked <strong>the</strong> ET cosmonaut<br />

how this was done, and her answer was quite brief and direct. She<br />

simply said, "We changed i ts time", and sure enough, those trees disappeared<br />

completely , roots and all.]<br />

Semjase- 27/You express it wel l.<br />

'!here i s s t ill a question in regard to <strong>the</strong> crystals<br />

and minera ls. How are you able to free <strong>the</strong>m of <strong>the</strong>ir radiations?<br />

is <strong>the</strong> process and how does i t function?<br />

Sanjase- 33/Once rrore one of your questions I am not a llC1n'ed<br />

to ensser, 34/Your scientists a l ready knew how to absorb<br />

small va lues of certain radiations out of certain materials,<br />

but in a r a<strong>the</strong>r l imit ed way . 35/Our process is by regenerative<br />

mode while yours is of a destructive nature.. . 38/'!he<br />

apparatus could be cal led a neut ralizer .<br />

But I still want to talk once rrore about IllY problem ,<br />

which during our conversation I have considered again. I<br />

don I t know yet whi.ch parts of <strong>the</strong> task have priority, but I<br />

ask myself whe<strong>the</strong>r this i s s uited?<br />


senjese- 44/All i s iJrportant , and anything g iven up is a<br />

Ices , 45/But it does not seem possible any o<strong>the</strong>r way so we<br />

have to take this step. 46/About this, I must; deliberate<br />

with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r-a ,<br />

Meier- I r eally r egret i t , Semjase , but I am no t equipped<br />

with such financial means that I can live without earnings.<br />

You rrentioned again <strong>the</strong> crystals and minerals, and reminded<br />

IrE again of <strong>the</strong>se things. Possibly with a little help I can<br />

otlle rwise undertake sanething in this direction. en <strong>the</strong><br />

e<strong>the</strong>r- hand, for 30 to 40 days rrore I c an live with my family,<br />

in t roubl e , before I have r eached <strong>the</strong> canplete end. I f I<br />

can arrange sarething by <strong>the</strong>m I may be abl e to survive without<br />

giving up srnething. O<strong>the</strong>rwise <strong>the</strong>re is nothing to do<br />

but shrink e verything to an absolute minimum, which I wouId<br />

regret v ery mrch , '!hus I wi11 use <strong>the</strong> remaining tiIre to see<br />

what can be done.<br />

senjase-<br />

47/1 am delighted to hear your words,<br />

ftller- I am concerned as much for all this as you, so I<br />

sti ll want to t ry my l a st resorts.<br />

seajese- 48 /You are great, because in <strong>the</strong> final end i t is<br />

not dealing with your a,.m welfare and profit, but with that<br />

of your mankind itself.<br />

Meier- I t is wor-th this, as I see i t , when I cons ider what<br />

<strong>the</strong> future c oul d be.<br />

semjase-<br />

49 /You are sel f less.<br />

Meier- Nonsense , <strong>the</strong>n I would not care about my livelihood.<br />

NoH yet, I sti ll have sarething which I have to discuss arrong<br />

us a l one, i f you s til l have sane minutes of t ime • • . ?<br />

Semjase-<br />

52/0f course.<br />

Meier- <strong>the</strong>n. . . .•. ..•. . .. . . . • . . .. . . .... .. ... . .• ... . •. .<br />

This may sound like a pitch for money now, but r emember when Heier was<br />

maki ng this corrpl aint t o <strong>the</strong> UfOnauts , nobody was r eading <strong>the</strong>se notes, and<br />

he was i n fact in dire s traits. We have tried t o put cersejves in his<br />

shoes . He was working as a security guard (n ight ftatchman) ft'hen this<br />

s tarted with <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadian s, an d t hen ve r-y s oon <strong>the</strong> UfOnauts took up s o<br />

much time, both day and night , tha t he l os t his j ob. At this point he has<br />

had 21 co ntacts for record, seve r a l no t for record, and 9 photog r aph i c<br />

event.s , all i n und er four mont hs time, and <strong>the</strong>se events took place in many<br />


different p laces, some ve ry r eecte, difficult, and time co nsumi ng to ge t<br />

t o, Hi s f riend s and acquam t ances were by now tak ing up nearl y every day<br />

and all evenings too, t rying to fo llow r;ha l was go ing on, and he has had<br />

t o write d Ol'," hundred s of pa ges of noles duri ng <strong>the</strong> s ame time. He has had<br />

t he expen s e of II'lJch film and dev e loping, supplies to keep go ing, t he extra<br />

expense of <strong>the</strong> cons t ant visitor s using up littl e res ource he had, and<br />

t he e xpe ns es of a lways running all over <strong>the</strong> place to delive r and pick up<br />

fil m i n p roces s i ng , meet <strong>the</strong> e xt r at errestri als, ca r ry out <strong>the</strong> va rious<br />

errands given him, and still keep his friends (rOlll be coming i"",,atient and<br />

angry with him. have co me t o agree tha t his objections were ve ry well<br />

justi n ed.<br />


22nd ccetact _y, 28 May 1975 18:17 h<br />

Semjase- 1/1 am a b it astonished that you have called rre so<br />

s hort a t.Irre after our l ast contact. 2! Have you found a<br />

solution a lready for solving <strong>the</strong> probl em, o r have o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

inp::>rtant things appeared?<br />

fol:y' things are not i..nportant, and I have not found a<br />

solution to my problem. But I f orgot to give you Impor-tant;<br />

news, which is that fotr . V. wants to care on <strong>the</strong> 2nd o f July ,<br />

perhaps with his wi fe and o<strong>the</strong>rs, about which I am not sure .<br />

l'J1at 00 you thi.nk about; this?<br />

Sanjase- 3/By r egret I did not watch for this matter sufficiently.<br />

4/But I know that a change of opini on is taking<br />

p lace inside different persons, a change toward qccd<br />

things which may help our matter. 5/But <strong>the</strong>se things can<br />

not a lways be f oreseen as diff erent f actors deciding tbeir<br />

drrpor-tance, 6/The rrost iJrportant concern here is a s trong<br />

religious inf luence.. _ 7/But I am delighted to hear that<br />

<strong>the</strong> first s t eps are in progress, and acceptance may find<br />

earlier realization than was foreseen. (1 )<br />

Mrl.er- Can you explore certain things o f Impor-tance for <strong>the</strong><br />

future?<br />

senjase- 8/SUrely, but onl y if <strong>the</strong>y are o f great importance.<br />

9/ To <strong>the</strong>se things still, we must let '<strong>the</strong>m run <strong>the</strong>ir course,<br />

in which res pect i t wou.ld be senseless to I cok into <strong>the</strong><br />

dir ect future . l O/He re <strong>the</strong> rrat.tcr is only that different<br />

pers ons c hange <strong>the</strong>ir manner of thinking. l1/ But this we are<br />

nei <strong>the</strong>r a .lI owed to influence by any coercion nor by <strong>the</strong> reve<br />

lati on o f facts about <strong>the</strong> future, and krlcMing <strong>the</strong> future is<br />

use less because we are not to use this knowl edqe,<br />

13 / '!he viewing of per sonal concerns and facts o f develcprent<br />

of any c reat ures in <strong>the</strong> future should not be exercised, because<br />

each creature must go its own way in nonnal developrrent,<br />

and is not a llowed to jurrp over any grades in developrrenti,<br />

without liVing through <strong>the</strong> necessary experience of<br />

that grade. • . (2)<br />

foei.er- I consider that l ogical, and <strong>the</strong> rrea:ning and s ense<br />

of i t is c lear. '!hen <strong>the</strong> re is no sense in f ur<strong>the</strong>r discussing<br />

this meeting.<br />

Semjase-- 14/SUre ly, that is r i ght - but certainly you have<br />


not j ust called Ire because of this matter?<br />

Meier- Of course not , as I want to discuss s arething which<br />

actually we shou ld have discuss ed a l ong tine ago. After our<br />

contacts, you transmit me our conversations only t o a defined<br />

point . You are transmitting to Ire on l y <strong>the</strong> main conversation,<br />

whi l e you never send with it <strong>the</strong> final words,<br />

<strong>the</strong> l eaving, <strong>the</strong> actual p r ivate matters, and <strong>the</strong> welcare as<br />

well. 'nle greetings , leavings and purely private things<br />

might not be Important; for <strong>the</strong> humans and this mission, but<br />

we have discussed things which might be of interest to my<br />

fe.l Icw c reatures. Here I neen those concerns which do not<br />

f a ll into my obl igat ion of s ilence. Can yeo change this? (3)<br />

Semjase- 15/ If this i s your desire , <strong>the</strong>n o f course I can,<br />

but I did not want to trouble you wi th teo much work , 16/ As<br />

our pr ivate mi ssion-ca used things do not really belong in<br />

<strong>the</strong> r eportis, and scrre parts can not be revealed. at a l l. But<br />

I coul d transmit <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r matters .<br />

Meier- I IIUlSt agree, and I will r eadil y take up <strong>the</strong> additional<br />

work f or Ire .<br />

Semjase- 17/ As you want iti in <strong>the</strong>se concerns I like to accord<br />

to your wi shes .<br />

flEier- 'lhank you, Semjase . can you explain to rre once, \

•<br />

<strong>the</strong> conclusion, that you don I t per f orm <strong>the</strong> transmission personally,<br />

but that <strong>the</strong>y are sent by a machine o r s anething<br />

similar. 'Ihe reason coul d be that you suf fer fran <strong>the</strong> sane<br />

problem as Earth beings, that you are not able to store word<br />

f or word in <strong>the</strong> b r ain, which mat ter have discussed. But<br />

<strong>the</strong> succonsctous, with its powera, never forgets, and you<br />

must be able to take information fran <strong>the</strong>re, wnfch you must<br />

do with a machine or sarething like that, which <strong>the</strong>n beams<br />

<strong>the</strong> transmissi on directly to me . '!his is my idea. Of course<br />

I may be canpletely wrong. '!his could be arranged that no<br />

useless repetiti on of words cerre through in <strong>the</strong> transmission ,<br />

and I am having great troubl e in writing dcscn <strong>the</strong> c aning<br />

sentences and words fast enough.<br />

senjase- 20/1£ I had not heard this expl anation personally<br />

I would have doubted you said i t . .. 24/Your expl anation is<br />

surprising in its accuracy. . . 24/Your explanation is s urprising<br />

, and I am shocked.. .<br />

Mtier- But why ? I do not unde rstand .<br />

Sanjase- 23/You still ask? 24/Your explanation i s sufficiently<br />

correct that I am surprised... 25/SCne abilities<br />

insi de you rraist; have increased during our tirre o f contacting .<br />

.• . 26/This could be dangerous in certain circles, as your<br />

soc:iety is not mature enough f or s uch knowledge. 27/ Your<br />

scientists v..ould menace <strong>the</strong> life of your whole wor'Id , and<br />

put its survival in questi on. 28/Have you considered <strong>the</strong><br />

details o f such an apparatus? (5 )<br />

l£ier- Of course, because if I consider sarething, <strong>the</strong>n I<br />

want to do that fully . I thought about <strong>the</strong> inner workdnqs<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> machine, and have care to <strong>the</strong> concl usion. •. . . .<br />

senjase- (Interrupting) 29/'lhis, you are not e Hcwed to explain.<br />

. . 30/This c ould be danger ous. 31 /Your scientists<br />

might l earn to devel op such a device, with which <strong>the</strong>y woutd<br />

be abl e to subject anyone to' <strong>the</strong>ir cont r o l . 32/They could<br />

lift <strong>the</strong>mselves up f or dei ties , and do exactly that which we<br />

seek to prevent. 33/In c onsequence, I will now have to<br />

discuss with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs, because if ve have to eliminate<br />

something s pecial, <strong>the</strong>n .<br />

foeier- t-bTent! r-arent, Semjase . - Are you saying that , that<br />

you want to ext inguish sarething inside rre? Then you woul d<br />

have to wait a l ong ti.rre f or this, because <strong>the</strong>n you would<br />


have an exper ience in a "blue marve l" , r-ty rro<strong>the</strong> r's s on WJUl d<br />

not so easily allow that.•.• • •<br />

Semjase- (Interrupting) Ibn I t get exc ited, f o r f irst I do<br />

not deci de such by myself, and for <strong>the</strong> second, you wou.ld<br />

nei <strong>the</strong>r feel anything no r l ater be inj ured. 35/This i s s o lel<br />

y <strong>the</strong> matter , <strong>the</strong> knowtedqe about. quite a s pecial sys tem of<br />

kncwl edge get t i ng rerroved, about; which you have becare cons<br />

c i o us in your del i berat i ons••.<br />

And you believe , that 1 wo utd si..rtply admit your<br />

IhOrking up my brains into s a l ad? And woutd voluntar ily al -<br />

l ew you to e r ase my personal brain' s go:xls?<br />

Semjase- 36/ l f this mist; happen, <strong>the</strong>n you shoul d not excite<br />

yourself because of it.<br />

fuier- ...0:> not believe that I wou l d a lleM' this so easily.<br />

Semjase- 37 / Our abilities in this respect are s o very precise<br />

and o f absolute certainty, that you wou l d nei<strong>the</strong>r be<br />

able to do anything a gainst it, nor realize of it <strong>the</strong> tiniest<br />

notic e . (6)<br />

But I wou ld knew, sorrething s impl y not bei ng <strong>the</strong> re<br />

any rrore inside of me, wou l dn ' t I?<br />

Sanjase- 38 /Sur e l y , as only a certain thing is r erroved, but<br />

not your reminis cences.<br />

Okay so far, <strong>the</strong>n I could defend rre against that<br />

never<strong>the</strong>less . I est.inate that without my r emini s cences I<br />

v,ould be no mare suited for my task in r espect to our mission,<br />

or am I wrong here?<br />

Semjase- 39 / Yo u are r ight. ..<br />

fuier- So do what you want , as <strong>the</strong> c onsequences are yours<br />

too, and may injure your tas k . If you believe 1 am j ust a<br />

test- r abbi t , <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>re will be "vinegar" o f al l.<br />

Semj ase- 40/HOI.'1 do you mean that ? 41/1 don ' t want t o rrake<br />

any tests or exper irrent with you. ..<br />

fuier- \m.a.t e lse i s this c onfounded elimination? ??<br />

Sanjase- 42/ It i s witltin <strong>the</strong> recogni t ion and kncwledge of a<br />

highl y devel oped science o f our r ace. 43/'Ihe chance and<br />

e ffect of s uch an elimination are absolutel y certain, and<br />


<strong>the</strong> precision does not l e ave <strong>the</strong> swallest inaccuracy.<br />

if this<br />

Thus I am no t est-rabbit , but an execution-rabbit,<br />

designat ion p leases you rm re,<br />

senjese- 44 / 1 do not understand your exci t.enent , f or you<br />

will not s uf fer one s ingle j ot o f damage .<br />

'!hat does not matter to Ire . Itl s a ll <strong>the</strong> sane. Ny<br />

thoughts a r e !!!Y thoughts, and exactly l ike this <strong>the</strong>y s hould<br />

r emain. I f you o r yours dis rega rd this fac t , <strong>the</strong>n I<br />

will simply " l ock <strong>the</strong> shop" , des troy a ll <strong>the</strong> material , and<br />

travel to <strong>the</strong> desert o r <strong>the</strong> j ungle and never return to c ivilization.<br />

senjase-<br />

45 / You ....uul d r eally do this?<br />

1 woufd, and without hesi tati on...<br />

seajase- 46/You wou l d destroy your mission , and ours wi th<br />

it toge<strong>the</strong>r?<br />

Meier- Did I expr ess mysel f too l ittle clearl y?<br />

Semj ase- 47/ 'Nc:M I r eally don vt; under stand you any more,<br />

M:rier- Do you r eally think, that I wou Id let you j ust easily<br />

take away my thoughts, as far as I a lready e l s e have troubles<br />

and mi ser i es to develop my miserable eartfneorm s pi ri t ual<br />

kncMledge? D::> you knew Ire s o little as to believe, that I<br />

woutd Simply l e t you extinguish my ga<strong>the</strong>red thoughts? '!hat<br />

i s confoundedly ill ogical o f you, and exac tly this I wou.ld<br />

not have thought you ever dared. But you and yours can have<br />

i t now, whatever you want; e i <strong>the</strong> r you do no mi r acle inside<br />

o f my brain, etc . , o r \VE! have talked <strong>the</strong> last t i.rre toge<strong>the</strong>r .<br />

Semjase-<br />

48/You ho ld that position?<br />

Has my speech not been c lear enough?<br />

Semj ase- 49/1 j ust want ed to be sure, and I see your eyes<br />

s peaking <strong>the</strong> same l anguage. SO/ As we ll <strong>the</strong> r adiations of<br />

your f eelings witness <strong>the</strong> sincerity of your ....'ords , 51/ 1<br />

r egret it very much, having excit ed you by my explanations .<br />

- 52/ Nei <strong>the</strong>r I nor <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r ones want to rrenace our tasks<br />

and mission, o r hurt you by any mi schief. 53/In result I<br />

believe I can be r esponsibl e f o r , if I give you on one condition<br />

<strong>the</strong> pr anise, 1. . . . ..<br />


Mei.er- I do not rely on matters of belief, you knew as we l I<br />

as I do.<br />

Semjase- 54/1 want to explain that I can take <strong>the</strong> responsi -<br />

bility to assure no exercise of rranipulation in respect to<br />

e limination. (fran rrermry) , i f I tell you, never to give<br />

notice by even a single wor d o f your knowl edge in this respect.<br />

Meier- I wonder' heavily about. your mad behavior, Semjase,<br />

because <strong>the</strong>re is so much unc leared matter in it. You knew<br />

very wel Lthat I never take great oaths, that but a "yes " o r<br />

a "no" are decisive f or me. \fuy didn't you ask me in <strong>the</strong><br />

t:eginning whe<strong>the</strong>r I wanted to keep s ilence o r not, in which<br />

you<br />

<strong>the</strong>n would have had an answer accordingl y , that I wouId<br />

keep silence i f asked. do you <strong>the</strong>n threaten Ire and<br />

s peak of an e l imination ... I don I t understand that. (7)<br />

semase- 55/ It «ou .ld have soon beccrre apparent to you, if<br />

you hadn' t played up your excf.terrent; s o much , 56/You would<br />

have r ecognized <strong>the</strong> l ogic in my words. 57/But , as a t <strong>the</strong><br />

mxrent; you a re unable to do s o , I will expla in: The e limination<br />

was well rreant, because in this way you would be exposed<br />

to no more dangers. 58 / If you hadn't that knowl.edqe<br />

any mare <strong>the</strong>n nobody coul d entice i t fran you - e ven by<br />

force , which unfortunately must be taken into cons ideration,<br />

f or this possibility exists. 61/This is a f actor of insecurit<br />

y which cou l d be e liminat ed. 62/'!here might happen. . . .<br />

}oEier- (Interrupting) t-k:m2nt , m:ment , Semjase. No\v <strong>the</strong> coin<br />

has fallen on me, and I underat.and you carpletely. But yet<br />

I want to say. . . '!here still is a third possi bility , which<br />

senjase- 63/'Ihat' s illogical as I have considered a ll possibilities.<br />

l-Ei er- If you believe that, you are on <strong>the</strong> wrong track, you<br />

are wound wrong.<br />

Semjase- 64/1 don't understand <strong>the</strong> meaning of your words .<br />

It means if you think you have undertaken all possibilities<br />

, <strong>the</strong>n you are j us t not thinking clearl y, or one<br />

winding has burned o ut insi de of you. ..<br />

Semjase- (Makes astonished face, <strong>the</strong>n l a ughs) ...this I .re-<br />


gard a s funny. . . I wi ll have to t e ll <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. . . 65/1 am<br />

delighted you' re making j okes a gain, even when I wonder haN<br />

f ast you ge t your f eelings under control a gain. 66/But you<br />

spoke of ano<strong>the</strong>r possibi lity. ..<br />

Meier- I t involves a cororrmtse ,<br />

Sanj ase- 68/But I did not consider .<br />

Never<strong>the</strong>less, <strong>the</strong>re i s one and I even regard• • •<br />

this posadbd .Li.ty <strong>the</strong> roost fair, i f it can be arranged in<br />

tdrre, You have a l ready taken my pranise, but never<strong>the</strong> less I<br />

want to t e 11 you my proposat , But first I have to know <strong>the</strong><br />

t ir.e conce rning <strong>the</strong> method of e l iminat ion . How much ti.ITe<br />

«o utd be needed for such an e l imination, starting f r an <strong>the</strong><br />

camrnand until i t is accomplished?<br />

semjase- 69/ 1 don ' t understand <strong>the</strong> sense of your question,<br />

but I can t e ll you <strong>the</strong> necessary t irre exactly: when we take<br />

our apparat us, which f o r s uch matter s are constant l y prepared<br />

f or such e l iminations, and adjust <strong>the</strong>m to <strong>the</strong> desired<br />

creature, <strong>the</strong>n i t takes l ess than three minutes, whereas<br />

distance plays no roll.<br />

fuier- And how much tiJTe woutd you need i f I would s end a<br />

thought-order for suc h doing vi a your own person?<br />

senjese- 70/ 1 do not see c learly, but we would need a fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

minute f o r transmitting your order.<br />

foEi er- \'leU , this woufd <strong>the</strong>n be less than four minutes, if<br />

I concei ved i t cor rectly ?<br />

Semjase- 71/ eertainl y .<br />

fuler- So do listen to my canpranise. .. I keep posession of<br />

my kncw t edqe, but if <strong>the</strong> situation should occur, that anybody<br />

tries to force Ire beyond my power- to release <strong>the</strong> s ecret,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n I send my thoughts to you, whe reafter you start as soon<br />

as poss i ble <strong>the</strong> e liminat ion.<br />

senjase-<br />

(Astonished l ook)<br />

Meier- I s that so diffieul t?<br />

senjase- 73 / 1 myself s houl d have thought of tJtis.<br />

s o l ut ion i s even a gcxxl one ,,. 76/1 will tell your<br />

to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs . 77/Tney might even agree with i t . ..<br />

7 4/ 'lhis<br />

pr op:>sal<br />


'!hen <strong>the</strong> case is Indeed ended and c an finally get<br />

buried. Nclw yet I still want; to pick up a mat ter about; which<br />

ce once had talked, before you l eave, narrely with respect to<br />

<strong>the</strong> crys tal s and precious stones, which accor ding to your<br />

interpretations cou ld beccrre dangerous for 'uarans when <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are in <strong>the</strong>ir posessi on or carried on <strong>the</strong>ir person.<br />

Semjase- 78/AOOut this I have a l ready given you explanation.<br />

loeier- Of course, but I have talked with scxreone about; <strong>the</strong>se<br />

conce rns , and we have CCf!E t o <strong>the</strong> opinion, being only right<br />

and proper , that we should descr ibe <strong>the</strong>se thoroughly in our<br />

contact r epor-t, as i t is o f i..rrp:Jrtance to Ea..rt.I-. burrans ,<br />

Semjase- 79 /'Ihis s ounds l ogical, and in e ffect I ....rant; to<br />

expl ain <strong>the</strong> s alient facts once meres Each and all c ryatc.Ia,<br />

semf-cryateIa, precious stones and semi-preci ous s tones , as<br />

....'ell a s different minerals o f Bar-th o r igin, a r e r eceivers<br />

and transmitt ers o f human esrotuona.c f eeH nqs and tihouqht;<br />

energies. eO/Each, according to <strong>the</strong>ir kind, store rrore or<br />

less <strong>the</strong>se energies which <strong>the</strong>ir owner-s discharge, concentrating<br />

<strong>the</strong>m again and influencing <strong>the</strong> ccnere considerably.<br />

81/ 'Ihe Earth sphere vibrates with <strong>the</strong> energy of rrost evil<br />

powe ra, which surround <strong>the</strong> Earth l ike a heavy coat . 82 /'Ihese<br />

negative f orces arise and are f ur<strong>the</strong>r devel oped by <strong>the</strong> vast<br />

negative thought-energies of <strong>the</strong> Earth-human creatures,<br />

which places <strong>the</strong> who l e wor Id under <strong>the</strong> spell o f dangerous<br />

and deadly radiations . 83 /But as crystals of every sort, as<br />

well as preci ous stones and different mine r a ls are strong<br />

receivers and absorbers o f such energies, it is unavoidable<br />

that by <strong>the</strong>se negative human energies and thoughts, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

beccrre extraordinarily charged with evil characte r and hecate<br />

a dangerous cause o f need and misery. 84/Each according to<br />

i ts sort and character , beccrre rrediators for s ickness, l anguishing<br />

states and even death when <strong>the</strong>y are in <strong>the</strong> poses sdon<br />

o f humans, 8S/Especially crystals and precious s tones o f<br />

every kind are ve ry sensitive r eceivers and collectors of<br />

negat ive human thought energies and negative errot ions . 86/<br />

By that <strong>the</strong>y are a l ready s trongly influenc ed by <strong>the</strong>ir or iginal<br />

places of growth before <strong>the</strong>y are f ound by h1..lmIDS . 87/<br />

'Ibis is a consequence of <strong>the</strong> very strong negative power's<br />

which surround <strong>the</strong> Earth. 88/If <strong>the</strong> human being wants to<br />

have crys tal s and precious s tones in his posession , to own<br />

<strong>the</strong>m as valuables, use <strong>the</strong>m f or decoration, o r as a bringer<br />


of heal th, <strong>the</strong>n he is o r dered to f irst release <strong>the</strong> dangerous<br />

r adiations , which appear as an osci llation (v ibration), because<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rwise <strong>the</strong>y are able to b r ing hann to him, 89/Ees<br />

ides this, it is necessary that <strong>the</strong>se c rys tal s and stones<br />

be f resh ly neut ra lized at l east e very five years, as <strong>the</strong>y<br />

recharge <strong>the</strong>mse lves again after this ti..Ire f r an <strong>the</strong> Intrense<br />

ene rgi es o f <strong>the</strong> negative thoughts o f Earth rrankdnd, 90/ The<br />

neutralizat i on can be per'fomed by a s imp.le apparatus which<br />

a f ter this expl anation I shall describe.<br />

91/1f <strong>the</strong> human being does not s ubjecthis pcsaessdons o f<br />

this kind to required neutralization. . . <strong>the</strong>n he s hould no t<br />

wonder- i f he i s persecuted by sickness and misery, by need<br />

and sU£ f ering , and by a l anguishing state, by i ll l uck and<br />

even dis aster and death. 92/ The human a l so has a tendency<br />

to wear talismans etc., f or h is protection, but is not cons<br />

c i ous of <strong>the</strong> fact that pr actica lly a ll o f <strong>the</strong>se talismms<br />

and l ockets are of littl e use, and work on l y in consequence<br />

of <strong>the</strong> relief he l d in any e ffect . 93/

mi.L l en.iums o l d negative form of energy cha rges <strong>the</strong>m, s uch as<br />

on Earth, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y degenerate tcwards <strong>the</strong> negative . 103/ The<br />

reverse is possibl e as well, but this is unknown on Earth,<br />

and speci fically <strong>the</strong> positively generated f orm. 104/ Crystals ,<br />

minerals and precious s tones fran hanronized wor lds should<br />

on Earth not be s ubjected t o neutra lizat ion wi .th r espect to<br />

negative thought energies. 10S/ 'Ihis i s first needed only if<br />

before caning into possession of <strong>the</strong> human <strong>the</strong>y had been, according<br />

to character , exposed for 2 to 4 rni lleniums to <strong>the</strong><br />

negat ive wicked r adiat ions. 106/If <strong>the</strong>y coreInto possession<br />

o f hunan beings bef ore this t .Ine and are carried on <strong>the</strong>m,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y need only a simple inner c leaning each seven years,<br />

but not a neutralization.<br />

i s<br />

<strong>the</strong> s i tuation with pearls <strong>the</strong>n?<br />

Sanjase- 107/ 'Ihey are o f <strong>the</strong> serre character as crystals,<br />

precious stones and minerals.<br />

I s ee , and what i s <strong>the</strong> nature of your rrentioned neutralizat<br />

i on? can we simply use water here , or i s this neutralizat<br />

ion achieved by conjurat ions and secret formulas?<br />

senjase- 108/ 1 have already told you one time that this is<br />

all nonsense.<br />

I do know this, but I am offering this question because<br />

your interpretation is important for my fello.v-creatures<br />

and <strong>the</strong>y should know <strong>the</strong> tnlth.<br />

senjase- 10 9/ 0f course, as a lready said, a neutralization,<br />

or only an easy inner c larification too, of such objects,<br />

can not be accanplished by secret formulas, conjurations, by<br />

water or o<strong>the</strong>r means of this nature. 110/ For <strong>the</strong> neutralization,<br />

o r <strong>the</strong> e asy i nner c larification, is needed a special<br />

apparatus which absorbs <strong>the</strong> mentioned energies and neutral -<br />

i zes <strong>the</strong>m. l ll/ This rreens that <strong>the</strong>y are "drawn out" of <strong>the</strong><br />

crystals or precious stones and are converted to neutral<br />

energies . 112/ 'Ihese neutral energies are <strong>the</strong>n "suckl ed up "<br />

again by <strong>the</strong> crystals and stones, and form balanced forces<br />

for a certain t irne . 113/'Ihis in <strong>the</strong> case of a neutralization.<br />

114/In <strong>the</strong> case of a clarification <strong>the</strong>re must be absorbed<br />

f ran t i.rre to tine only <strong>the</strong> penet rated degenerative forces of<br />

negative or positive form, and neutralization whereby <strong>the</strong>se<br />

are simply released. llS/A new charge of <strong>the</strong> crystals and<br />

precious s tones i s not needed in this case, because accord-<br />


-<br />

ing to natura l l aw <strong>the</strong>y a re able to generate <strong>the</strong>ir bal ance<br />

of forces by <strong>the</strong>mselves. 116/Mlen I have rrent ioned <strong>the</strong>n<br />

that such crystals and preci ous s tones nust be subjected to<br />

c larificat ion, i t i s only necessary i£ <strong>the</strong> wearfnq person is<br />

degenerat ed negatively, as f or example torturers who take<br />

delight in <strong>the</strong> vexation o f o<strong>the</strong>r humans. 117/Crystal s and<br />

precious stones in <strong>the</strong> posseaadon o f ordinary negative humans<br />

never need to be subj ected to a clarification; under <strong>the</strong><br />

prernfse of course that <strong>the</strong> stones are harrrondous and extraterrestrial<br />

or igin, for on your Earth <strong>the</strong>se s till possess<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir own natural and worthwhile forces usefu l to <strong>the</strong> human<br />

being.<br />

This will s urely be c l ear enough.<br />

f or fur<strong>the</strong>r explanation. But you did s ay<br />

description o f <strong>the</strong> necess ary apparat us .<br />

'!here is no need<br />

you would g i ve a<br />

SEmj ase- 118/ Surely, but at f irst only you shoul d know <strong>the</strong><br />

details, as perhaps you can by that gain a financial advantage<br />

, which woukd help you to overccrre your financial probl<br />

ems . 119/So what is needed i s <strong>the</strong> foilow,ing (and she<br />

described a plan o f constructi on) .<br />

'Ihank you , Semjase, '!hat in itself is very easy t o<br />

construct , and I will build this apparatus as soon as I get<br />

<strong>the</strong> ti..Ire and chance. l'bN yet i t might be s uffi ci ent for<br />

today , for I have f inally to make good sore s l eep . Arahat<br />

A<strong>the</strong>rsata has given rre on !-bnday a fur<strong>the</strong>r sequel to his<br />

rressage, whi.ch c laiJred a whole day. After this I had,<br />

o f course, <strong>the</strong> whole night to do many things and my workdnq<br />

which I had missed. during <strong>the</strong> day. 'Ihen in <strong>the</strong> early rrorning<br />

at 02 : 00 I carte to your contact, and <strong>the</strong>n I worked fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

unt il <strong>the</strong> a fte rnoon, where I still r eceived visitors.<br />

After <strong>the</strong> visits I wanted to sleep a while, but <strong>the</strong>n you<br />

transrnitted rre <strong>the</strong> r eport; and I had to write i t down. At<br />

01:30 I finally got to bed , and at 09 :00 I was cal led to <strong>the</strong><br />

tel ephone. The tine for s l eeping has been scarce for<br />

hours of being awake , as a r esult of which I now want to<br />

make good sare s leeping.<br />

Wit h that this contact ended and Neier rode his Mo-ped home i n a state o f<br />

co mplete ex haustion.<br />



0) 'Ihe visitor errt.tctpated bere was Barr-, Karl Vei l of wiescecen rest.<br />

GemEny, pJblisher of UFO l'W:HRIanm, <strong>the</strong> ooly veexty UFO resvspaper in<br />

<strong>the</strong> vor-Id. 'Ihe concern expressed bI Sanjase in phrase 6 was vef.L fcurded,<br />

for Karl ard. }lnny Veit were in fact staunch Olristians, very f i..nn in <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

l:::eliefs of <strong>the</strong>ir pnt.icular sect, ard. <strong>the</strong>y were not ooly "turned off", rot<br />

even offended, bj <strong>the</strong> attitu1e of <strong>the</strong>se so-catted "Pleialians", ard. <strong>the</strong>y<br />

inm=rliately asscctated than with <strong>the</strong> Pnti-Qu:ist, of 01ri.sti.an literature,<br />

ard wanted. nothi.rg IIDre to do \'li th <strong>the</strong> sit:ua.ticn. t'h2n we Intervteoed Karl<br />

en 01e of orr t-r-Ips to Solitzerlarrl, he had no part.icufar cccntez-evidence,<br />

nor- any special reasrn to oo.Jbt <strong>the</strong> extstence of <strong>the</strong> UFOactivity Indicated,<br />

Ixrt, be th:u;}ht it was irrel..igiaJs ard bed all <strong>the</strong> I,By arccrrt.<br />

(2) jere tre extraterrestrials make refermce to cur need to exper -ience<br />

tie ecorse of cur ocn evoluticn, ard <strong>the</strong> prohibitioos against overleaping<br />

or bypassing it, a o:ncerrJ. that has ernE up in a nurcer of UFO contact;<br />

cases before this.<br />

(3) By roN t-eter has dtsccvered that <strong>the</strong> t.ransmtss.tcns are teing edtted<br />

an:i PJr92d at sene level before <strong>the</strong>y are t.ransmtcted to him in <strong>the</strong> form of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se o:ntact notes. Elrb:>ldened bj his grawi.rq faniliarity wi th <strong>the</strong> ext.reterrestz-iala,<br />

he cha.llerqes this ard wants <strong>the</strong> rest o f <strong>the</strong> ccntect;<br />

dialcgue t.ransmtcted as \'>ell.<br />

(4) wttresses whJ have ccserved <strong>the</strong> recepticrI of <strong>the</strong>se transnissicns<br />

report. that <strong>the</strong> wr iti.rrJ a:::IIES very rapidly, ard uninterrupte:ily in a steedy<br />

cadence, right thn::uJh to <strong>the</strong> errl of <strong>the</strong> nessage.<br />

(5) 'Ihere seems to be sene precess of irrluctive Iearninq that takes place<br />

in extErdErl UFO ccntacts such as this. 'Ihere are even cases of illiterate<br />

pertscns ceccmtrq strl:jenly literate, ard. o f o<strong>the</strong>rs SlrlH1ly ne-I<br />

1.anguag5. t'e 00 nat urrlerstarrl <strong>the</strong> prccesa bj which <strong>the</strong>se faculties are<br />

attained.<br />

(6) A form of very carefully ccnt.rokled, irrluarl erres.ta had been reported<br />

in a mrri::er of UFO cases. '!his is screrrurq like selective de-prcqrarmtrq<br />

in a mirrl rontrol precess such as is rDN bein:;J erplcyed bf w:.Jrld intellig;nce<br />

orqanizar.Icns,<br />

(7) '!his was <strong>the</strong> fit:st of several erqry excharqes !·eier has had I..ith <strong>the</strong>se<br />

extraterrestrials. H2 1'.'aS l csing pacae-ce \'lith <strong>the</strong>ir derards at <strong>the</strong> sere<br />

tune he b2gan to exper-ience a kirrl of f eniLiar-ity that ertoldE:ned him SCIre.<br />


"'e have now recorded 22 cOlllllUO ications c ont acts i n ex actly four mont hs<br />

s i nce t he beginn i ng \lIIith t his extraterrest r ial t e am, a phenomenal r ecord ,<br />

and f r om t he ve ry s t art <strong>the</strong>se vi sitors became more and more demanding of<br />

Meie r an d his pe rsonal time .<br />

In addition to t he se f ace-En-face meetings (except for t h r ee thoughttran<br />

smi ssion s) t here were t en fl i ght deeo nst.rat ton e vents, at several of<br />

whi ch Me i er was a llowed to bring o<strong>the</strong> r witnesses , and even some r epresentatives<br />

fr om t he news media "ere invited on e time. Up to fo ur o f t he o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

\lIIi tnesses brOUght <strong>the</strong>ir 01'1O came ras and II'IBde photogr aphs of t he space-ships<br />

during <strong>the</strong>s e demons t rations , besi des Meier. Several of his closest f riends<br />

had a l so \lIIitnessed <strong>the</strong> arrival and/or departure of <strong>the</strong> ex traterres t rial<br />

spacecraft on t hese face-t o- face meet ings.<br />

Sometimes Meier was l ed c onsiderable dist ances throoJgh col d and rain,<br />

even at <strong>the</strong> lates t hours of night and t he ea r liest times of mor ni ng, to<br />

<strong>the</strong>se meet ings. He was tried and tes ted in many ways, and beg an to de velop<br />

a familiarity that allowed h im to cha llenge <strong>the</strong>m on a co upl e o f occasions,<br />

and he began t o negotia te with t hem to some degree instead of s imply accepting<br />

t he ir assignments and instructions, and a ll <strong>the</strong>y t old him .<br />


23nl Cbntact 'I\lesday , 3 June 1975 10:44 h<br />

Semjase- l /You took much t.irre before you called Ire again.<br />

Arahat A<strong>the</strong>rsata has given Ire much material. Besides<br />

that I had to occupy myself with different people who carte<br />

to Ire for help. And fur<strong>the</strong>r I have troubled myself to prepare<br />

a l ecture respecting <strong>the</strong> real ity of your person, <strong>the</strong><br />

beamships, etc. , and about; <strong>the</strong> UFO matter in general. Connected<br />

wi th that has been a tape-recorded discussion, which<br />

i tse lf has c l aiIred b.u carplete nights. Also I had to assemble<br />

<strong>the</strong> films and diaslides, which a ll has consumed very<br />

rmch t irre•• •<br />

semjase- 2/r-ty staterrent was not a rebuke . 3/ 1 am g lad you<br />

have worked so much f or our mission , as n ON you like l y can<br />

start with <strong>the</strong> first lect ure.<br />

Meier- So I hope, and in thi s mat ter I wi ll talk with <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r -ones next saturdayI f o r <strong>the</strong> sake of organization of i t<br />

and <strong>the</strong> l ike.<br />

Semjase- 4/nKlt i s because you really are not able to<br />

do i t a ll by yourself a lone. 7/ If <strong>the</strong>y want to be a part o f<br />

your matter, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y as well should do this and not be<br />

satisf ied with only reading <strong>the</strong> contact reports. 8/'Iheir<br />

help mast; be e f fective, o <strong>the</strong>rwi se it i s of no use .<br />

Jeier- '!hat is evident, Semjase, but you have to consider<br />

<strong>the</strong>m still being irrpr isoned by certain doubts, and partly<br />

about; <strong>the</strong>ir posi tion. sera of <strong>the</strong>m shrink fran telling <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

narres publicl y , as that might r esult in financial or professional<br />

disadvantage • • •<br />

Semjase- 9/'Ihese reasonings do not all sound s o logical.<br />

Certainl y , parts o f <strong>the</strong> rratters I have to acknowledge, but<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs I don I t . I O/ At all tines announcers o f truth had to<br />

a ccept certain difficul ties , but <strong>the</strong>y never<strong>the</strong>less se rved<br />

sincer e l y.<br />

JItrl.er- Of cours e , but <strong>the</strong> ti.rres have changed, and today one<br />

can no l onger nourish oneself on wil d honey and Iocuata l ike<br />

ancient Elias, who as far as I know had as well no family to<br />

take care o f . -<br />

Semjase- l1/Sure l y , but never<strong>the</strong>less do speak with <strong>the</strong>m.<br />


Mrier- This I will do. - In <strong>the</strong> l ast days I have been thinking<br />

about; order , l aws and r egula tions whi ch were o ffe red by<br />

<strong>the</strong> prophets of o ld. '..bat new interests rre a re <strong>the</strong> l aws in<br />

r espect to mat r im:my. 'Ihe l ast laws in this respect (:'b saic<br />

law) were ra<strong>the</strong> r barbarous. Since <strong>the</strong>n, t irre has c hanged<br />

and <strong>the</strong> human being has beccrre i f not IT'Ore humane , at l eas t<br />

rror e r efined in his bar barity. 'Ihat i s <strong>the</strong> tolay I see it.<br />

Semj ase- 12/Only ti.rre but not <strong>the</strong> human has c hanged, thus<br />

why s houl d <strong>the</strong> l aw'S l:e changed? 13 / 'Ihis i s first admitted<br />

when <strong>the</strong> Earth human has really becare humane and lives according<br />

to spi ritual l aw<br />

M::!:i er- Then you are of <strong>the</strong> opi nion that <strong>the</strong> o l d l aws in<br />

respect to sex and mat rim:my are still as valid today as in<br />

that epoch?<br />

semjase- 14/Sure ly. .. 15/ "/hen a creat ure l oads, a gainst<br />

better knowledge, qui te conscious l y , a guilt upon himself ,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n he pays an a tonerrent , because that i s <strong>the</strong> l aw o f justi<br />

ce. 16/ 1f <strong>the</strong> consc i ousl y self- laden guilt i s too great ,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n a punishIrent in bal ance of such guil t is suited,<br />

where <strong>the</strong> concerned creature is urrcorthy o f life and l oses<br />

its j ustif icat ion f or existence . 17 / 'Ihe a tonerrent <strong>the</strong>n fol -<br />

I ONS a t a l ater pcdnt; in t ine, a r e b i rth, which life <strong>the</strong>n<br />

carplet es <strong>the</strong> f omerl y e liminated lif e . 18 / 'Ihis i s valid<br />

onl y f or creatures o f barbarous nature, because <strong>the</strong>y can<br />

under s tand this exercise o f l aw. 19/ In s uch case , not on ly<br />

<strong>the</strong> t i.Ire, but <strong>the</strong> form o f lif e c hanges, and in this way<br />

r ise s in s pi ritual deveIoprent. , for whi ch <strong>the</strong> exercise o f<br />

l aw is a lso changed. 20 / N::::M, instead o f e l iminat ion, cas -<br />

tra t i on or st erilization, <strong>the</strong> l aw p r ovides, instead , f or<br />

exile f o r lif e, and this into s e parate c i rcl es o r groups.<br />

21/OJlpr its are separated by s ex to distant wor'Ids and i s -<br />

l ands f or <strong>the</strong> r est o f <strong>the</strong>ir life where , l acking <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

s ex <strong>the</strong>y c an not mul t dp .ty , 22/ 'Ihe Earth human might be in<br />

posLt don f o r such a t <strong>the</strong> present t i.Ire i f he were not so cor -<br />

rupt and dis united.<br />

I understand, Semjase, but as <strong>the</strong>se l aws are c hangeable<br />

<strong>the</strong>y can not be of Creation or igin, because <strong>the</strong> l aws of<br />

Creati on are e ternal and unchangeabl e.<br />

Semj ase- 23/Surel y . 24/ 'Ihese l aws , a s pr e served in <strong>the</strong><br />

Ta lmud, are o f human origin and rreant to regul ate Earth<br />

creatures. 2S/These l a....s were given by <strong>the</strong> highest l eader<br />


o f <strong>the</strong> human r aces , Gove:rnor of <strong>the</strong> Heavenly Sons, by <strong>the</strong><br />

Cod. 26/His prophets and rrediators and selected hl..UTlaI1S announced<br />

<strong>the</strong>se l aws arrong <strong>the</strong> races, which observed <strong>the</strong>m unfortunately<br />

for only a short t ime, and confounded <strong>the</strong>m l ater,<br />

which was a fur<strong>the</strong>r s tep in <strong>the</strong> direction of <strong>the</strong> abyss of<br />

l ater manki.nd.<br />

loeier- HeM is this with yourselves? D:J you have hl..UTlaI1S making<br />

<strong>the</strong>se l aws?<br />

Sanj ase- 27/t'fuerever <strong>the</strong>re are thinking fOIThS of lif e, <strong>the</strong>re<br />

are established l aws eve rywhere . 28/Fach, fran <strong>the</strong> position<br />

of spiri tual development of <strong>the</strong> tribe's l eaders , have taken<br />

laws fran <strong>the</strong> true natura l l aw and expressed <strong>the</strong>m in responsible<br />

form \vithin human-natural l aw. 29/ In consequence<br />

<strong>the</strong>se l aws are of natural l ogic, and a re not illogical and<br />

primitive, such as ones established on your wor-Ld,<br />

fuier- I have kncxcn for sene t ine, our l aws being often<br />

primitive and even s tupid, but <strong>the</strong>y a re not changed so quickl<br />

y , as <strong>the</strong> humans in qovernrrent; s till exercise pure worldlymater-Lat<br />

pcear, Actually you have a lready answered ere in<br />

respect to <strong>the</strong> existence of your Laws . Hy next question is,<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r you have as well on your am p lanet, fOIThS of c riminality<br />

and o<strong>the</strong>r degenerat ions against wtrich you have Laws?<br />

Sanj ase- 31/It is nonsense (to think) that we are super-rren<br />

and no l onger need l aw. 32/Only <strong>the</strong>re where <strong>the</strong> Creational<br />

l aw beccmes selfevident do expressed l aws fall away. 33/'Ihis<br />

only occurs at very high spi ritual l evel s, in pure-spiritual<br />

spheres, where mater.tet Ity i s a thing of <strong>the</strong> past. 34/l-laterial<br />

forms of life are s t ill a fflicted by 'teo many mistakes,<br />

than that <strong>the</strong>y can simply neglect l aws appropriate<br />

to <strong>the</strong>ir l evel.<br />

fuier- But still, hay <strong>the</strong>n do you manage <strong>the</strong> exercise of<br />

such l aw? I f I understand right, <strong>the</strong>n you have established<br />

for certain crfnes, a certain punishnent, such as life exile?<br />

Sanjase- 35/certainly, while with you puni.shrrent; i s exercised<br />

in a primit i ve way, which is no rmre <strong>the</strong> case wi.th us .<br />

36/Our l aws are of a mere spiri tual level and consequent.Iy<br />

rrore humane, which can not be said of yours. 37/Heavy crimes<br />

are no l onger punished by elimination and injury to <strong>the</strong><br />

physical body , as is s till your barbarous habit on Earth.<br />

39/'Ihe f allible creatures are exiled to o<strong>the</strong>r worlds used<br />


exclusively f or this purpose. 40 /'Ib s uch wor lds are exiled<br />

on l y creatures of <strong>the</strong> serre sex. 41/In that 'Yay propagat ion<br />

i s prevented and no descendants are produced. 42/'Ihe exiled<br />

ones are l e ft to <strong>the</strong> ir ccn rreans on <strong>the</strong>se wor lds and have to<br />

care f or <strong>the</strong>mselves with <strong>the</strong>ir own hands. 43/No machinery<br />

or apparatus i s l eft a t <strong>the</strong>ir dt.sposa l , and <strong>the</strong>y are forbidden<br />

to produce such things. 44/'Ib assure this object ive<br />

<strong>the</strong>se wor lds are controlled and secretl y produced. rreans are<br />

eliminated; besides this, any contact to any o<strong>the</strong>rs is<br />

c l osed. o f f . 4S/

M:rl.er- But what about <strong>the</strong> chance that a human being of your<br />

r ace may l ave a human being of a sub-developed wor-Id?<br />

secrjase- (laughing) 88/EXactly <strong>the</strong> serre as wi.th you: <strong>the</strong><br />

hurrans l ave ano<strong>the</strong>r with all <strong>the</strong>ir feelings, like Il ove you.<br />

M:rl.er- You want to say that , to have yours (2)<br />

senjase- 89/Surely, I am enarroured with you.<br />

loEier- You are mad , my child, you could be seven t irres my<br />

grandrro<strong>the</strong>r , and on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand is poasib.le .<br />

senjase- 90/Stop, stop - first I knew your whole interpretation<br />

of l ove very exactly, and on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand I<br />

am conscious of <strong>the</strong> deep f riendly feelings you have,<br />

and that you a lso are enarroured with rre . 91/So you needn't<br />

consciously distort your words and give ano<strong>the</strong>r touch to <strong>the</strong><br />

things that you r eally feel. 93/Ieave your feelings to <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

natural course, because I knew <strong>the</strong>m teo we Ll for you to hide<br />

'<strong>the</strong>m f ran Ire . 94/On <strong>the</strong> oilier hand, I knew thoroughly al:out<br />

Ire and you, that our feelings a re of merely dear friendly<br />

nature, and we would not have to be ashamed o r f rightened.<br />

95/If i t was l ike this arrong a ll Earth humans, <strong>the</strong>n you wou.ld<br />

a l ready have <strong>the</strong> paradise.<br />

W=ll, well - so you knew my feelings and my different<br />

iat ion between rove and l ove .<br />

senjase- 96/Surely, and because of that, I as well feel<br />

luck inside of ITe, as you say.<br />

loEier- So in consequence, you knew that I hold <strong>the</strong> view,<br />

that many sorts of l ove are possible, and that love in a<br />

friendship and l ove in a matrirrony are only separated by<br />

small differences , and that <strong>the</strong> sincere l ove of fe.lIow creacures<br />

in general "hangs by <strong>the</strong> serre chain"?<br />

Sanjase- 97/1 know this, and your opinions in this respect<br />

are to be admired. 98/1 only think that in this respect you<br />

are misunderstood and attacked through erunity by your fellav<br />

creatures.<br />

loEier- You are r ight. But I am highly delighted by your<br />

upright l ove . Your f riendship is of great wor-th to me. But<br />

you haven I t answered my quest ion ccrnpletel y.<br />

Sanjase- lOO/Unfortunately I did not listen: I f a human of<br />


our r ace s hould f all in l ove to a r ace of ano<strong>the</strong>r wor-Id, and<br />

a r ace be.low our spiritual grade, and <strong>the</strong>y roth want this<br />

a lliance, <strong>the</strong>n it is possible under our l aws. 102/l'Jl1e<strong>the</strong>r<br />

<strong>the</strong> creature o f <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r world i s be.lew our spiritual grade<br />

p lays no i.JTp::)rtant part, as one can be devetcped,<br />

fJeier- '!hen 1 consider this fair. But are s uch events<br />

nomal?'<br />

senjase- 103/No, <strong>the</strong>y are actually very rare .<br />

l-Eier- Still ano<strong>the</strong>r question, Semj ase. HeM great by number<br />

is your mankind?<br />

senjase- 10 4/1 can only answer you this question when I exp<br />

lain that we are c onnected to an a lliance (o f planets)<br />

\oJhich extends itsel f far into <strong>the</strong> Cosrros . 105/ 'Ib this alliance<br />

belong different solar sys t ems , and <strong>the</strong> t otal arrount<br />

of i nhabi tants of <strong>the</strong> human kind of life escones to c l ose to<br />

127 billion. lOG/ There are still innurrerable o<strong>the</strong>r intelli -<br />

gent f o:rrns of life of non-human c haracter and standard, bes<br />

ides forms o f human (and o<strong>the</strong> r ) beings who are unknown to<br />

us or with whan we siJrpl y are in no ccnmuni.cat.Lon, (3 )<br />

l-Eier- Fantastic. But what about our Farthly solar system<br />

if 1 may c a ll it that? lb.... many f orms o f life , and 00'" many<br />

non-hurran c reatures exist, where I also incl ude <strong>the</strong> question,<br />

which sotar p lanets are inhabited?<br />

107/ 'Ihat, unfor-tunate Iy , i s a question which f or<br />

quite certain r easons 1 am not a tIowed to answer to <strong>the</strong><br />

E3rth humans .<br />

Semjase-<br />

And to rre , quite a l one<br />

l OB/ Surely.<br />

for myself?<br />

Then do s o please, after our talking, but can you a t<br />

l east tell sarething about <strong>the</strong> possibility of inhabi tat ion<br />

of our neighbor ing pl anets?<br />

senjase- 109/1 am on ly a t Iowed to expla in so much , that<br />

different of <strong>the</strong>se planets have in f onrer t imes been<br />

occupied by our r aces , and are by mtnimaj treasure still<br />

today important for us as bases .<br />

l-Eier- Are you s ure o f that?<br />

115/Naturally, for I have troubl ed myself very<br />


mch about; <strong>the</strong>se matters. 116/Besides that, 1 know every<br />

single pl anet o f this s ystem, and thus I do not only<br />

assurre • 117/ Surely, <strong>the</strong>re are Sate diff erent forms of life<br />

f ran <strong>the</strong> widths of <strong>the</strong> Universe active in this s o l ar s ystem,<br />

but <strong>the</strong>y have not settled <strong>the</strong>re . U S/ Like ourselves, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

a lso keep bases here, but <strong>the</strong>ir races are living f ar out -<br />

side in <strong>the</strong> Cosm:::>s, on <strong>the</strong>ir CMI1. wor-Ids, (4)<br />

A l en gt hy e xchange about higher de ve l oped for ms of s pirit who take up<br />

ccemeu cat tcn and contact with Earth humans t hen Fo.Llowed, l'lhich concluded<br />

with:<br />

Semdase-<br />

145/ Then I would recommend• • ••• ••••.<br />

In ccrmend, grandma.<br />

Sanjase- 146/1 am no Earth \\UIloID .<br />

fuier- 1 just had this c razy thought , and thus 1 just s imply<br />

had to scratch one ti.rre by this thorn.<br />

Semjase- 147 /And - are you c ont ent ?<br />

Yes , as your reac t ion was clearly evident. The<br />

acquatntance saretiJTes s imply l ets f eelings awaken , whfch<br />

are unreal . ..<br />

senjese- 148/ SUrely, and as well we are subject to such<br />

concerns. 149/ 0 f ten I have had <strong>the</strong> f eeling, like just now,<br />

that you are a human being of our r ace.<br />

M:rler- In a distant way, this i s even correct.<br />

senjase- 150/ SUrely, but t ine and space lie between that.<br />

And wi th t hat cceeent this eeet roq ended and Semj ase s ignalled Fare...ell<br />

and departed in her 7 meter spacecraFt.<br />



(l) '!his prospect; has been bj o<strong>the</strong>rs am raises saIe<br />

cur real origin. \t1y was I'rliD, or m'nl, bare

We had been l abo r ing unde r t he assumption that <strong>the</strong>se extraterrestrials<br />

vi siti ng Switzerland came <strong>from</strong> a specific place. And t hey do but now we<br />

are forced to expand that concept , which also i s bourne out in t he observations<br />

of Eduard Meie r, t o i nclude <strong>the</strong> va rie ty of o<strong>the</strong>r e xt raterrest rial<br />

act i vi t y an d also o<strong>the</strong>r contacts with h i m. He has even photographed a<br />

number o f o<strong>the</strong>r [T s pa cecraft which do not belong t o <strong>the</strong> Pleiadians , s ome<br />

of which wer e unk nown to t hem. Although this part icular group including<br />

Semjase does have a home planet , t hey are a part of a bigger alliance of<br />

many s i milar humans , r.ho also ha ve o<strong>the</strong>r different home planets, and who<br />

are also traveling i n space on missions o f <strong>the</strong>i r min, r.t1i ch sometimes does<br />

bring o<strong>the</strong>rs o f t he m here to Earth t oo.<br />

As t he y said, <strong>the</strong>ir society of compatible and s imilar human beings, in<br />

t he i r societ y a lone, nurrbered s ome 127 bi llion, whi ch i s 26 t imes <strong>the</strong> population<br />

o f Earth at t he present time -- and if we are t o even pa rtly<br />

bel ieve <strong>the</strong> r eports, <strong>the</strong>re a re many o<strong>the</strong>r a lliances o f humans , and<br />

able groups of o<strong>the</strong>r kinds and racetypes, s ome o f r,t1om find t heir \'jay here<br />

too. Truel y a staggering concept to co nsider.<br />

I n our l i mit ed study o f nearly one hundred r ecurr ing uro contact cases<br />

of great depth an d prolonged and profo und nature, we have found only t wo<br />

r.her e t he e xtraterrestrial visitors may be co mi ng f rom <strong>the</strong> same place.<br />

This seems t o indicate a phen omenon of much wider s cope than i s popul arly<br />

believed , and certainl y seems t o bear out much o f what is being said i n<br />

t hese cont act notes.<br />

When are we going t o wake up t o <strong>the</strong> realities as t hey actually are???<br />


-<br />

24th Contact Satarrday, 7 J tme 1975 09:08 h<br />

semjase- l / 'Ihere s eerred to me, a fter our l ast c ontact , a<br />

need to look once more a t <strong>the</strong> developnent of your e fforts.<br />

2/'Ihis, because a short ti.rre a f ter our meeting, I cauqht.<br />

scrre thoughts fran H.J. , and noticed you having been<br />

with him a t <strong>the</strong> tine discussing sarething. 3/lt being of<br />

interest to Ire a lso, I listened. 4/H.J. lets his pers onal<br />

thoughts again s lide into trails I once a lready had to rebuke<br />

, and espec i ally because <strong>the</strong>y can be hannful to our miss<br />

ion. Silt deals wi th his demand f or rre to make myse lf and<br />

my beamship v i sible to him and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs . 6/ Eecause of<br />

this I must explain once more that this i s not possible , as<br />

I have already said . 7/He simply can not tolerate this , for<br />

he wants to work into <strong>the</strong> important position, which I can<br />

not admit, and on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand doubts are rising in him<br />

once again. a/He c l otlles his words according to his wishes,<br />

which i s not what he says. 9/\1hen he demands a contact for<br />

third person proof he means that is small degree. m / zss entially<br />

<strong>the</strong> demand is intended for him working into f irst<br />

position , and his doubting here p lays a decisive rol e . 11/<br />

Fo r <strong>the</strong> last tine, I shall nON' explain that contacts with<br />

any of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs is out of <strong>the</strong> question and not pcsstbre ,<br />

and that for <strong>the</strong> f o llCMing r easons:<br />

1 . I f we open contact with an Earth human , <strong>the</strong>n this is<br />

based on his prior pre-conditi oning , often l a s t ing decades,<br />

i ncluding s tudy and guidance in many concerns . (1)<br />

2. \1e can only open connect ion with Earth humans when necessary<br />

spiritual conditions are fUlfil led.<br />

3. \1e can only open contact with an Earth human if his<br />

developrent has proceeded so far that he i s able to work out<br />

and recogni ze basic truths by h imself, a lone, without <strong>the</strong><br />

help of feI I rw c reatures or any books o r lit erat ure being<br />

resorted t o .<br />

4. I f never<strong>the</strong> less we initiated contact with an Earth human<br />

without <strong>the</strong>se premises being fulfilled, <strong>the</strong>n such a contact<br />

is only a preliminary undertaking for a special purpose, and<br />

after achieverrent of <strong>the</strong> ob j ect ive <strong>the</strong> rresmry is e liminated,<br />

as for exerrpfe happened with <strong>the</strong> per son whan we l et find <strong>the</strong><br />

Ta1m..Id . Never<strong>the</strong>less such humans must be especially suited<br />


for <strong>the</strong> objective, as for <strong>the</strong> finde r o f <strong>the</strong> Talmud, who had<br />

been an expert in l anguages, but of whon, regretfully, we<br />

expected t oo much. (2) (3)<br />

5 . If we open c ontact with an Earth human , <strong>the</strong>n we underco<br />

this in accordance with higher authorization, and exactly<br />

wi th <strong>the</strong> person designated for this. One r eason is too<br />

many hlUl\311S in <strong>the</strong> f irst position may upset everything . You<br />

have a proverb, "'IOO many cooks spoil <strong>the</strong> stew".<br />

6 . are not e Ll cwed to make oursel ves visible to rrore<br />

Earth beings than corresponds w i,th our objectives. 'This<br />

precaution concerns p r ivate and military and o fficial desires<br />

aimed a t taking posesa.icn of one o f our ships and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r such objects of our contacts . Because o f this, ...."e<br />

only cultivate contact with Earth humans known to us a s<br />

trustworthy , and in whcrn have confidence in <strong>the</strong> security<br />

of <strong>the</strong> object ives, exactly as for our special mi ssion wi th<br />

you and your group.<br />

7 . '!hen with <strong>the</strong> selected human contact, we initiate c anrmmication<br />

in secret ways and meet <strong>the</strong>m a t diff icult and<br />

hard to r each places which often discourages those less s incere,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> sensation seekers as we Ll . Still, <strong>the</strong>re are<br />

many o<strong>the</strong>rs who upon sighting us, panic and beccrre frightened,<br />

which might have dangerous consequences f or scee, ( 4)<br />

'!hese are on l y seven r easons why we c annot agree to <strong>the</strong><br />

desire of H.J., and <strong>the</strong>re are o<strong>the</strong>rs, but this s hould be<br />

enough. This ought t o be <strong>the</strong> l ast tirre I have to menti on<br />

this.<br />

14/'Ihis new derrend causes ire to reconsider my offer to <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r s, that before my l onger-t iIre leaving , and at a certain<br />

point in time, we woul d derronstrate <strong>the</strong> possLbt.Li.t.Les o f our<br />

energies. 15/ 1 am wondering whe<strong>the</strong>r 1 have not once again<br />

made a mistake, which 1 don' t want t o do. 171'2D I s hall<br />

have to discuss for ano<strong>the</strong>r tiIre with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs whe<strong>the</strong>r my<br />

proposal has been a wrong decision, and if <strong>the</strong> derronstration<br />

could hecare undesired.<br />

loei er- 1 regret that you noti ced our conversat ion, as I<br />

wou l d have kept silence about; this, f or I have feared what<br />

you now have s a i d .<br />

Semj ase- 19/But I have<br />

announce to you .<br />

still ano<strong>the</strong>r mat ter wruch 1 wan t to<br />

32/All truth and kncsvt edqe has re-<br />


mai.ned transmit ted and i s preserved up to <strong>the</strong> present epoch ,<br />

though i t may be f o r gott en, disr egarded and l ost by <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth human . 33/And as t ruth, knowl edge , wisdan, and love ,<br />

and all power o f <strong>the</strong> spi rit are unchanqeab.le and constant ,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> earre in <strong>the</strong> present, this a ll mus t be conceived.<br />

<strong>the</strong>re and continue up. 34/In o<strong>the</strong>r words, truth, knowledge,<br />

wisdcm, l ove, etc. , mus t si..rrply be brought toge<strong>the</strong>r again.<br />

35/Mlat you call, by an o ld f or you l anguage , <strong>the</strong> backward--<br />

r e lating "r eligion" , should f or this case, and which has to<br />

be done, by <strong>the</strong> s erre o l d l anguage, be c alled "rel=e--qeon".<br />

36/nlls means that a ll has to be b r ought toge<strong>the</strong> r a gain,<br />

which is, to be considered. rel-e - geousIY, bu t not relig i ous -<br />

ly. 37/ In consequence, <strong>the</strong> already existing material s should<br />

be newly assembled, to lead into <strong>the</strong> future . 38/After <strong>the</strong><br />

relegeon must begin <strong>the</strong> way of evolution, which has a<br />

f o ld meaning. 39/You kncM one rrearunq of evolutioo as developrent<br />

and unfo.ldfnq in <strong>the</strong> sense of sarething already<br />

existing, but still concealed, that muat; develop, which in<br />

a s piritual sens e meana, must r i se f ran <strong>the</strong> sub-conscious<br />

towards <strong>the</strong> conscious . 40/'Ihe s e cond meaning o f this tenn<br />

has been l ost to you for a l ong time, narre i y that sarething<br />

not yet existing i s explored, developed, and unfolded, and<br />

beccrrea, 41 / And because this rreaning of evolutioo was l ost,<br />

IMIl lives under a false impressicn that evolving material<br />

a lready exists to be unfo.lded and developed. 42/ 'Ihe inspirit<br />

has s tored only those mat ters and things<br />

which it collected in <strong>the</strong> course of its material existence<br />

in materia l bodies and l i ves. 42/'!his, a ccor ding to your<br />

understanding, is very much , but in t ruth i s very little .<br />

44/Dlring innurrerable fur<strong>the</strong>r lives , <strong>the</strong> spirit must explore<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r, must search, and must find; thus he must assemble<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r knowledge, r ecognitions and experiences, which <strong>the</strong>n<br />

establish <strong>the</strong>mselves in him as f a cul ties . 45/Because <strong>the</strong><br />

spi rit continues a fter <strong>the</strong> material death of <strong>the</strong> body, and<br />

exists within spheres o f liv ing of <strong>the</strong> "o<strong>the</strong> r wor ld", i t<br />

wor ks upon <strong>the</strong> achieved results o f <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r lives, and fixes<br />

<strong>the</strong>se results inside i t i n what you call "<strong>the</strong> s ub-conscious" .<br />

46/Upon taking up <strong>the</strong> human f orm o f life again, <strong>the</strong> obtained<br />

knowledge and f a cul ty i s anchored in <strong>the</strong> s ub-conscious, and<br />

must evolve s lc.wly in <strong>the</strong> human f o nn of life to help in new<br />

l essons and recogni tions toward developing conscious talents.<br />

. •<br />

M:!ier- '!hen I still want to give you ano<strong>the</strong>r question. Nhat<br />


is <strong>the</strong> situation with Mars and Venus and o<strong>the</strong>r planets?<br />

sanjase- 54 /There are r eally existing forms o f life '<strong>the</strong>re,<br />

but '<strong>the</strong>y are o f o<strong>the</strong> r- values canpletely than <strong>the</strong> Earth human<br />

being assurres. 57/But as you speak o f Hars: during '<strong>the</strong> l ast<br />

days, I have been tllere and I found scrrething nice. 58/ 1<br />

have brought it here with me f or you. 59/Her e -<br />

It is a larger piece o f Rubin in Zoisitian matrix. 60/1<br />

have worked on i t only gently whi le loosening it out. (Gives<br />

Ruby to fo'eier)<br />

M;rler- Oh. •. M:u1y thanks, Semjase, this i s f antastically<br />

pretty . ..<br />

sanjase-- 61/Surely, but keep it for yourself a lone. 62/The<br />

next I have here is one piece of my hcnewor'Id, which a fr iend<br />

has brought along. 63/lt i s <strong>the</strong> piece according to <strong>the</strong> wish<br />

o f your friend, which you can give him.<br />

M:rier- Aga in, many thanks, 5emjase. Certainly he will be<br />

delighted. Could you just , for my a-m. collection, bring<br />

a long still a piece of mal achite and an 9raragd? (5)<br />

Senjase-- 64 / Surely, but I won "t bring smaraqds in pure form,<br />

as as no o<strong>the</strong>r- things of precious value s . 65/The<br />

reasons lie within your mat erialist ic f orm of wor-Ld,<br />

M:rier- I already understand, but never<strong>the</strong>l ess I am thankful<br />

to you. But nCM I must say that I should leave, for my way<br />

hare i s very l ong, and a t 12 :00 o'clock I necessarily must<br />

be <strong>the</strong>re.<br />

Sanjase- 66/If you want, '<strong>the</strong>n I can bring you near to your<br />

hare village.<br />

M:rler-<br />

And my vehicle?<br />

Senjase- 67/ 0h yes , I had not thought o f it. And we cannot<br />

get it in this ship. 68/Wi th a greater ship it wou l d be<br />

posaijae, but not with this one.<br />

M:rier- Okay, I assumed that, and so I asked. But - you<br />

once told be, in <strong>the</strong> beginning of our contacts, that<br />

at a suited occasion you woutd take ITE with you for a flight.<br />

Is that still valid, or have you considered s crrething e lse?<br />

Semjase-- 69/This will soon be poss ibl e.<br />

'!hat's good. Then I am delighted, and start hare now.<br />



U) \-ie are f.in:ii.rrJ mere arrl more, in extensive ar-q::>ing UFO o::ntact<br />

cases, that tre ccorectee is often identi£i a3. and stulie:.'.l for SCIJ'E t.iIre<br />

t:efore tbe first actual o::ntact. is initi,ate1. SCnEt.in:es this invol ves<br />

II01ths arrl even years of pre-sbrly arrl preparatacn, even !ping" back into<br />

<strong>the</strong> chi..l.dln:::xi of tiE cortectee, In sere cases even his educatioo sears to<br />

be influn:a;j bj tbe extraterrestrial..s in tlEir preparatia1 of tiE witness.<br />

(2) 'Ite literat1lre of UFO o:ntact stories is full of cases of such elim.inatim<br />

of events. factors. and even ti1:e. f :ron tre a:nscials IIBlDry of tf-e<br />

percipient . R'!!SearChe.rs have p tzzlei over this phen:a.eu:lI an::I possjbte<br />

reescns for it for a lag tine.<br />

(3) 'Itere is also IIllCh evroe-ce f or very careful arrl del..ilErate selecticn<br />

of a very specdf.ic wi tness after tl'orcu:;;h arrl extensive evalua t..i.a1 bf tbe<br />

extraterrestrials, arrl awroval f or such act.ten by super-tor o:::xltrolling"<br />

autbJrities.<br />

(4) 'Ite seani.rq preference for reccte arrl nearly inaccessible correct<br />

sites has teen rcted bf all researcbers stlDying" UFO correct cases.<br />

(5) - f:ron Gree.'-< sr.w:agb3. 3narag is an Old 'I'estaIent tetm for a<br />

variety of beryl.Lixm alun.iJx::silicate or beryt, di.st..i.rg.rislEd oJ a ridl<br />

grem color caused by <strong>the</strong> presence of chro:ni.un. It is kn:;J,.,n in <strong>the</strong><br />

wesrem \\Gr id by i ts amral nere - Elrerald.<br />


In anot he r dialogue conce rning l aki ng a c lose Fr iend i nto a cont act ,<br />

a fter refer had tried to s neak one i nto t he cont act under a tarpaulin on<br />

t he back of his Me- ped, it car efull y expl ained t o hi m that even if only<br />

one special friend were admitted inl o a co nt act, he woul d <strong>the</strong>n be s et aside<br />

Fr om <strong>the</strong> rest o f <strong>the</strong> group. or hi s c ontemporaries, as is <strong>the</strong> principa l<br />

cont act.eej but in all fai rness, t hey r e f t.erat.ed , he c an not <strong>the</strong>n be denied<br />

t he same exten sion of c ourtesy t o hi s special fr iend, wife, brot her , etc• •<br />

who t hen can nei<strong>the</strong>r be denied <strong>the</strong> privil ege for t he same reasons .<br />

But <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrial woman went on t o fur<strong>the</strong>r expl a i n that, as ea ch<br />

pe rcipient s ees t he s ame t hing through different eyes, f r om different<br />

environme ntal background , educat ional Ieve l , and exper ience , he does nol<br />

s ee or understand i t <strong>the</strong> same way as anot he r , an d lhe seeds of fa clionalism<br />

have been sown.<br />

f ur<strong>the</strong>r, eac h new contactee wants lo ask many o f <strong>the</strong> same questions<br />

a lready an swe red , to hear t he answers with hi s own ears, may be<br />

ans wer e d s lightly differently or in mor e or less detail , and so <strong>the</strong> answer-s<br />

are not heard <strong>the</strong> same ei<strong>the</strong>r, ano<strong>the</strong>r temp tation to factionalism, "h ich<br />

i s in fact di sruptive and ev en de etruc t.I ve t o <strong>the</strong> original ob jective .<br />

Having experienced all <strong>the</strong>se failur es many times over , <strong>the</strong> r ules fo r<br />

contact , in t his gr oup , ha ve become fairly f i rm - - and ext ens ion of contact<br />

f r om one contactee t o ano<strong>the</strong>r i s ve ry r arel y approved. Thi s may a l so be<br />

one r eason why t hese extraterrestrials r e fused to i dentif y any o<strong>the</strong>r of<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir Earth human contactees to Me i er .<br />

Thus we see one a r gument against t he extens i on of UfO contacts beyond <strong>the</strong><br />

original ccntac t ee , and i n fact we r arely do see any such extension i n any<br />

of t he contactee cases . Perhaps ou r ignorance a lone i s t he r eason we ask<br />

for s uch e xt ensions o f contact, when r easonable exami na t ion of <strong>the</strong> problems<br />

invol ved would lead us t o <strong>the</strong> conc l usions i ndi cated by <strong>the</strong> El s .<br />


....<br />

r LI GHt<br />


Two fl i ght demonst rations "ith no r ace- t .c-race con tact t ook place be tween<br />

<strong>the</strong> 24th c ontact on 7 June and <strong>the</strong> 25th contact on 16 June 19 75. Hei er<br />

"as sUll'ltlOl'led t o <strong>the</strong> fi r s t Mlich t ook place at 10: 38 on 12 June , and t he<br />

second ..ni ch t ook place at 12 :15 on 14 June 1975. by <strong>the</strong> Pleiadi ans and was<br />

told that he could bring his cameras and equipment . By now he had quite a<br />

collection of came r as , i nc ludi ng movi e came ras , spar e f ilm, light meter,<br />

etc;, which loa ded his lit tle Mo-ped down pretty good, bu t he successfully<br />

made bo t h appointments i n time to capture s ome IOOt e IlOst remarkab le pict<br />

ures of <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadian s pacecr a ft in fl ight demonstration, deliberately<br />

f lown by for <strong>the</strong> pictures he would t ake .<br />

In thi s case also , he set up h is movie camera and fil med <strong>the</strong> beauti rul<br />

ship as he s nappe d still pictures wi th his J5 nm hand c amer a . The movie<br />

camer a capt ured a 20 s econd "blink-out" in t he middle o f its running<br />

sequence showi ng t he powe r t owe r s, an d <strong>the</strong> re was anot he r f ilm s equence her e<br />

that shows au t omobiles passing on a r oad underneath <strong>the</strong> hover i ng spaceship.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> se r i es o f sti ll pictures made a t this s ite we s ee one of t he seven<br />

meter va riation II ships s l owl y approaching i n wi de "5" turns <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

l eft background to <strong>the</strong> right foreground and ove rhe ad and beyond <strong>the</strong> witness.<br />

As it r eached a cer tai n position in f ront and above <strong>the</strong> camera, t he<br />

r eflecti ve un der s ur face of <strong>the</strong> rim fl ange began to reflect <strong>the</strong> lighter<br />

sandy colored pe rimiter r oad that came around <strong>the</strong> fie l d ove-r .....i ch t he<br />

approach was being made . That r oad was over I SO met ers away and quite<br />

s ifi1lly c ould no t have been reflected i n <strong>the</strong> bottOlll of a model ship unles s<br />

it was ne arly 100 met ers abo ve and 100 met ers awa y, and if i t wer e a mode l<br />

it wou ld appe ar ver y tiny i n <strong>the</strong> photograph, .....i ch i t does na t .<br />

This ship <strong>the</strong>n c i rcl ed back aut ove r t he va lley i n t he foreground, at a<br />

h igher viewing angl e and it was photographed be s i de a ve ry small wispy<br />

cl oud that s low ly di ssipated during <strong>the</strong> pho tographic event. Again <strong>the</strong><br />

....i ndow- sensor s" are barely vi sible in t he dome o f <strong>the</strong> shiny s i l ve r ship.<br />

Twa of <strong>the</strong> ext raterrestrial spacecraft were present toge<strong>the</strong>r a t this<br />

photo si t e du ring <strong>the</strong>se ev ent s , but t he y ne ve r got close enou gh t oget he r<br />

s o t hat Heier could get <strong>the</strong>m bo th in t he photo field of his camer a at <strong>the</strong><br />

same time. \

237<br />

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240<br />

25th Contact Monday, 16 June 1975<br />

I n fir st position , I am interested in <strong>the</strong> r esult of<br />

your discussion about <strong>the</strong> derronstra t i on. Did you all agree<br />

on scmetrunq?<br />

l /SUre ly, but it will not pl ease you very much , as<br />

I must report to you , that I wi ll not execute <strong>the</strong> provided<br />

derronstrat ion in <strong>the</strong> way I had originally provided for. 3/<br />

At f i rst I was willing to dem::mstrate my ship to <strong>the</strong> members<br />

of your group, and to sene o<strong>the</strong>rs, and that quite v i sibly,<br />

but this can not happen new or in <strong>the</strong> (foreseeable) future .<br />

4/'Ihis has c rystalized itse l f out o f l ate events, and a t<br />

this t iIre <strong>the</strong> matt er mus t r ema in so. 5/Council •5 decision<br />

will on ly a dmit a smaller dem:::mst ration of scrre things, but<br />

in a l imit ed way. 6/1 wi ll not protect <strong>the</strong> smaller derronstrat<br />

ion against s ight, and i t c an be watched as well by<br />

un dnvotved per sons , but you must a t this derronstration have<br />

no outstanding persons p resent, as I had originally p lanned.<br />

'!hat's not really de lighting rre , 5ernjase. can't you<br />

make an exception? You can't just s inply "freeze" all this<br />

s uddenly because .. .<br />

senjese- 7/To my r egret, this i s a decision o f <strong>the</strong> council,<br />

which I must observe.<br />

But •• ••••<br />

senjase- s/re i s not poss ible, because I can not offend our<br />

l aws . ..<br />

All right. I don I t want to e nt ice you to injustice,<br />

and ee will arrange ourselves for <strong>the</strong> new situation.<br />

Semjase-<br />

9/ SUrely.<br />

Meier- Ne ll <strong>the</strong>n, I will l ikely have to explain this very<br />

thoroughly to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. To urge you fur<strong>the</strong> r would make<br />

no sense.<br />

Sanjase- lO/You are very understanding. 11 / N:::1,q <strong>the</strong>re i s<br />

s t i ll an i.IYportant mat ter which I must discuss as instructed<br />

by <strong>the</strong> counci l. l 2/It is <strong>the</strong> matter concerning <strong>the</strong> e limination<br />

o f your kncwtedqe in certain concerns. Al l agree in<br />

executing <strong>the</strong> elimination according to your i dea. 13 /Your<br />

a lternate solut ion has f ound agreerrent, and has been ac-<br />


c epted. 14/Also yo u were r ebuked f o r <strong>the</strong> fact that you<br />

pranis ed to exercise <strong>the</strong> beginning l essons f or enlightenrrent<br />

this rronth. 15/Hy obse rvat ions have s hewn your not having<br />

ye t unde rtaken any s teps in organizing <strong>the</strong>se l essons.<br />

You know that in such things I am a null and need<br />

ass istance.<br />

Sanjase- 16/ Sure , but never<strong>the</strong> l e ss you do f ina lly have to<br />

take this in hand, beca use t.Irre presses for dif ferent things .<br />

17/ I f in this r espect you get no he lp f r an your group ITember<br />

s , <strong>the</strong>n you will have to take everything in hand yoursel f ,<br />

because enlighternrent has beccrre urgent . 18/ It i s no l onger<br />

suffic ient that you spread alone insi de of your group and<br />

certain inter ested circ l es, what you know , because <strong>the</strong> tiJre<br />

has OCM care, to i nform <strong>the</strong> public as we l l. 19/ Thi s means<br />

that you have to s tart troubling yoursel f to infonn <strong>the</strong><br />

public a t large. 2D/ 'Ihis i s becaning rrore urgent. 21/ If<br />

you have a l r eady prepared a l ect ure, <strong>the</strong>n you will have to<br />

m:x:lify it nCM to speak o f fur<strong>the</strong>r facts . 22/'lhis new factor<br />

i s <strong>the</strong> destruction o f <strong>the</strong> ozone belt, whi ch continues t o<br />

deterio r i ate more and rrore. 23/ Prepare as well a flye r on<br />

this dange r . 24 / Send i t to newspaper s and t elevision, e t c.,<br />

and cry out this rrenacing danger f ran <strong>the</strong> roofs . 25/ F\trtber<br />

you s hould insert into <strong>the</strong> l ecture that <strong>the</strong> a tcmic danger<br />

has increased again by imnense proportion. (See special note<br />

f oll owing . )<br />

fuier- You can talk s o easily , Semjase, as first I get r e-<br />

buked that everythi ng I write on paper i s too harsh. On <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r hand , a j ways, <strong>the</strong> silly question rises , why you would<br />

not assi st us f inancially . . . I ndeed, I s ceetarres cry and<br />

weep , f o r I consider such things confoundedly unreasonable .<br />

I have a t tines consi dered s iJIpl y tihrcwdnq everything a v.-ay ,<br />

and go doing sare nonnal daily wor k . Fo r f i rst, I am <strong>the</strong>n<br />

away f r an my financial sorrows, and for second, I do not<br />

have to answe r illogical questions ...<br />

Semjase- 26/The execut ion o f your task i s within your own<br />

conside r ation. 27/If you want to r etr eat, <strong>the</strong>n this woul d<br />

be unfo r'tunater on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand we don I t t i e you by f orce<br />

and c oerci on, and you are f ree to decide. 3D/Consider that<br />

on l y a very f ew Farth humans have similar opportunit y , and<br />

many o f <strong>the</strong> se l ack <strong>the</strong> courage to r eveal <strong>the</strong> mat t ers open ly.<br />

31/ As a h uman being it i s your d uty to tell what; you knew<br />


and to he lp your f e l Iow creatures this way. 32/You did knew<br />

fran <strong>the</strong> beginning that i t would be difficult , and that<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs would not just s tand by helping you. 33/In consequence,<br />

I consider that you think scrrehcw teo easily<br />

and teo earl y about ending our concerns; , , 34/1 have .<br />

Meier-<br />

You real l y talk easi ly.<br />

Semjase- 3 5/ Pl ease l et me speak till <strong>the</strong> end. 36/ 1 see<br />

your being angry, because <strong>the</strong> succ e s s wi th he lp i s not as<br />

great as you expect ed. .. 37/Th.ere is no need f or your<br />

anger . .. 38/Your f e.l Icw creat ures have to l earn f i rst. 41/<br />

I n your help I thus want to expl ain that you should once<br />

rrcre deliberate i t all very thoroughly and calmly before<br />

taking a negative decision. 46/You have <strong>the</strong> very troubleecrre<br />

preparation work for those who will care after your<br />

time. 47/Consider a ll very thoroughly unt il you arrive a t<br />

a decision, r i sing not a lone f ran rage. 52/ 'Ib <strong>the</strong> illogical<br />

quest ions concerning f inancial he lp, <strong>the</strong>y should consider<br />

that we have no means o f currency as used. on Farth. 53/Even<br />

if we wanted, we coul d not sati sfy your financial rreans,<br />

whi ch you call "rroney". . . 54/Fortune pl ays, etc ., wi ll<br />

never serve, f o r <strong>the</strong>se a r e extraordina r ily evil ... 55/A<br />

third and Important, potnt; i s that we do not a t i oe ourselves<br />

to be provoked by your s peeches and questi ons , because this<br />

Earth i s your hare, not ours. 56/And as far as we are here<br />

and want to help <strong>the</strong> Earth human, within his developnent ,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n this corresponds to an obligation which have Irrposed<br />

1JP)Il ourse lves and is not a "must;" , 57/OJI mi ssion i s a<br />

voluntary self obligat ion. 58/'Ihis i s fran our side, to<br />

which is added your s i de , that <strong>the</strong> Earth being mis t; trouble<br />

himself, and must; contribute his own money also. . . 59/'Ihe<br />

Earth human must take upon himself a certain obligation and<br />

bear certain things by himsel f. 60/ I t i s wrong f o r him to<br />

take out help and ass i stance without contributing s rnething<br />

<strong>the</strong>refor . 68 /1f <strong>the</strong> Earth human acts according to <strong>the</strong> pr inc<br />

iple that taking i s better than giving , <strong>the</strong>n he will not<br />

r e l ease himself fran his malicious egoism. 69/And <strong>the</strong><br />

EarthJran i s egot istical, one and enmass, thus expl oitation<br />

i s written in capital l e tters on your worl d ,<br />

Mller- That was confoundedly c lear, Semjase. 1 still have<br />

sore fur<strong>the</strong>r quest ions . I want. . .<br />

Semjase- 99/ By regret I can not accept than, f or I still<br />


have to perfo nn sare things.<br />

<strong>the</strong> next t.irre,<br />

100/ You can ask your quest ions<br />

Maier- Of course. As you wish. Can you tell IrE at l east,<br />

a little better point in t iIre f o r <strong>the</strong> OCM diminished flight<br />

derronstrat ion?<br />

senjase- 101/ 1 have told you al r eady , that I can not do so<br />

because o f certain r easons , and 1 do not want to tell <strong>the</strong>se<br />

r easons rrore c l osely . l02/ It wi ll be at tha t point in tine<br />

when 1 have to go away for sare tine.<br />


SPEC IAL<br />

NOTE<br />

f ollowi ng <strong>the</strong> seventh cont act on february Edua rd Heier and his<br />

f r iends prepar ed a l ette r t o Pr o fessor Michael a McElroy a t Har va rd Universi<br />

ty. as suggested by t he Pleiadian ....oman . and <strong>the</strong>y mailed i t t o h i m by<br />

r egiste red pos t. They never recei ved any reply ft?m Or . McElr oy. They<br />

a l so, a t about t ha t s ame t i me. prepared a similar l ette r and sent it t o<br />

eve r y f oreign e mbassy and legation in S....Lt ze rIan d , <strong>from</strong> wh i ch <strong>the</strong>y only<br />

r ece iv ed one r epl y. From t he Hest Germa n Ambassador . t hanking <strong>the</strong>m fo r<br />

<strong>the</strong>i r l etter to h im an d For t heir co ncer n . Nobody e lse seemed t o car e .<br />

Their letters t o those ment ioned peo pl e described <strong>the</strong> nature of <strong>the</strong> urgent<br />

problem. i ts causes . and <strong>the</strong> er rect a that would result if we di d no t<br />

get control of t he problem . They also suggest ed <strong>the</strong> cure.<br />

But <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadi ans wer-e not alone i n <strong>the</strong>ir concern for all t he life on<br />

our planet Earth. for in 1976 . o<strong>the</strong>r ex traterrestrial human beings cont<br />

acting a man in Mexico t old him essentially t he same t hing, and those<br />

a l ien visitors. who said <strong>the</strong>y come f rom a pl an et in Andromeda and had been<br />

observi ng and s t udyi ng Earth for sorne time. r eported a sim ilar observation<br />

of <strong>the</strong> depl etion of ou r i onospher e and attr i buted i t to s imilar causes .<br />

Those e xt raterrestria l s s ent a st ep fu r<strong>the</strong>r and t ook t hat tlexican government<br />

atomic sci ent i.a t , a man represented h i s co untry i n many atomic<br />

co nfe r ences and s emina r s around t he wor l d, a nationally and i nternat ionally<br />

r ecognized e xpe r t in t he fiel d. a pub.lLc o f ficia l of t he Mex i c an government,<br />

....ith <strong>the</strong>m On a trip int o space t o al lowh i m t o see and measure . with<br />

t heir i nstrument s, what <strong>the</strong>y l>;ere tel ling him. He was convinc ed .<br />

When he tried to tell his s tory and how he knew what he was t alking about<br />

he was take n t o a mental hospital to t ry to cure him of his sudden madness.<br />

As this was against his lIIIi ll it wee done by decree. He was "debriefed"<br />

and treated f or hi s "mental illness" for some time before he was released.<br />

By t hen he ha d been stripped of h is positions and credentials and was relieved<br />

of his job a t t he University. and out of work . This may ans wer <strong>the</strong><br />

usual quest i on of, I'>hy don ' t <strong>the</strong> ext rater restrials. if <strong>the</strong>y ar e so seert ,<br />

go right t o t he pub lic of fic i als involved ins t e ad of contacting a poor<br />

uneducat ed fa r me r like Eduard ne t er , The Andromedans kept comi ng bact to<br />

t he p r ofessor. howeve r . and he was "h ospi t ali zed" agai n , and t r eated<br />

some more. He became so disench anted with Eart h humanity t hat he sought<br />

to l eave ."ith his ext raterr estrial co ntact s . He disappeared in 1984 and<br />

has not been seen or heard of s ince . ( See Uf O CO:-.l TAC T fROM by<br />

t hi s same publisher . )<br />

Ano<strong>the</strong> r group o f ex t raterrestrials who s aid <strong>the</strong>ir home pl anet in <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Pleiades</strong> were carr yl ng on r egular contacts ."i th l . Z. in Mi nnesota over II\8ny<br />

years lime. These ETs were not allied or associat ed ."i th t he Pl eiadians<br />


vi siti ng Switzerland and wer e altogehter a different society corrpl etely,<br />

yet in 1978 t he y t old <strong>the</strong>ir contactee about <strong>the</strong> acute s erious ness of <strong>the</strong><br />

ozone problem, its causes, t he mechani cs of <strong>the</strong> p rocesses that we r e caus i ng<br />

<strong>the</strong> ozone l oss, and suggested ways t o s lOw <strong>the</strong> de pletion, though possibly<br />

too l ate al ready. They t old l . Z. a bout <strong>the</strong> huge "hole" in <strong>the</strong> i onosphere<br />

a t <strong>the</strong> Sou th Pole be fore i ts discovery a ye ar later by scientists analyzing<br />

polar orbiter mission tap es. They a l so told L Z. t hat ve ry soon <strong>the</strong> probl<br />

em woul d s pread to t he North Pole, which i s e xac tIy what we s ee today.<br />

Thos e ETs went fu r <strong>the</strong>r and blamed <strong>the</strong> radiation a fte r-eHec ts of a tomic<br />

e xpl os i ons for a large part of <strong>the</strong> pr oblem, and po inted out that our Earth<br />

s cientists s till do not know all e ffects of s uc h e xpfcsicns , nor han<br />

<strong>the</strong> l ong t erm er t.e r cerrect.s a re propagated . Their explana tion comes very<br />

c l ose to Se mjase' s e xp l anation of " f i ne - mat ter" I"coar s e- mat t er" relat ions<br />

hip, in that <strong>the</strong> di st urbance i n " coa rse-mat te r" by radi a tion known t o us<br />

i s ampl ified i n " fine-mat t er" i n <strong>the</strong> form of radiation e rrec t.s compl etely<br />

unknown t o our scient ists , l"ihich in turn agai n a ffect "coarse- matte r" .<br />

In <strong>the</strong> f all of 1986 we f i nally go t around t o sending a f act finding scientific<br />

mi ssion t o Antarctica t o collect data and try to solve lhe prcblee<br />

of how <strong>the</strong> "ho l es" gal t here. The l evel o f progr ess ..e ha ve made ir. one<br />

whole year is exemp l i f ied by lhe art icle clipped <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> ARI ZONA<br />

REPUBLIC ne ws pa pe r o f Phoe nix fo r Sunday, Augus t 10 , 1988.<br />


as abstract ed f rom <strong>the</strong> NEW YORK T IMES .<br />

At::os::teric sciffltists are stIug:Jl.i.n;J to €>

itself. Or i t cono be caused bf nan-rrarrt pcf Iut.Icn, in which case it<br />

could o.:ntinue to widen, reaching pcpalated areas of sart:h rsrertce, Pustralia<br />

erd sart:hern Africa, and appear at <strong>the</strong> tbrth IDle as we lL , "It's<br />

like rolling dice, " said Hichael B . I-rElroy of J-flrvard lhiversity' s renter<br />

for Earth and Planetary Ihysics. "The bi.g--crx1ey questim is: If \".'hat's<br />

in Antarctica is likely to be a f oretaste of wbat; might in<br />

<strong>the</strong> ror<strong>the</strong>rn regioo. "<br />

The mystery has rene'..•red \·:orld-Hide interest in <strong>the</strong> cacne issue, wruch<br />

beqan in 1971 wi th. fears mer gasses released by scpersceuc j ets erd spray<br />

cans. '!he lhite.:i States banned flooro::artx:ns in spray cans in 1978, erd a<br />

fed Eln:.'q:ean cccrrtztes follo.-.>ed suit, rut glctal prcduction for uses ranqirg<br />

f ran air---o::::n.lit.:icneIs to foam bas o.:ntinued. to gro.·l.<br />

All of <strong>the</strong> pnrl:ict..i.oos assured that such gasses in <strong>the</strong> stratcecoere \oO.l.ld<br />

result in a s teedy, gra:fual, glctal deplet.icrJ. of cea-e, fbi scientists<br />

firrl tberselves forced to ccnfrcrrt, a.strl1en, highly local ized herorrhaging<br />

of oz.cne that rene of <strong>the</strong>ir calrulaticns predicted. Inst:ea:l of decl ining<br />

a fev percent. over decedes., <strong>the</strong> Mtm:ctic oz.cne has plurq=d 40% s.trce 1979.<br />

"01 <strong>the</strong> me ham i t ' s very exhiliirating arrl challengin:J, an:! 00 <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r, it's f rust-ratrinq an:::l scary - scary because i t ' s hard to place<br />

yew: beta with. any a:ufidence, " said R'l1fiJ. J . Cicen:ne of <strong>the</strong> NatiaJ.al<br />

Center for Al:Jn::GI::heric Research.<br />

cecoe is an unstable form of oxygen with. nolecules of three etrms<br />

instead of <strong>the</strong> usual 0-;0 . In <strong>the</strong> UH,:er emcspoere , it forms ard breaks<br />

cb-m. ccntjrrccusky in chemical precesses that have proved sensitive to <strong>the</strong><br />

presence or o<strong>the</strong>r rare gasses.<br />

The Antarctic role appear's 8 to 16 miles up at <strong>the</strong> errl of winter as <strong>the</strong><br />

spr-trq SlID rises briefly rock ard reprocess <strong>the</strong> data gJi.ng" back to 1979 .<br />


"Just as an rertl"qua..1

mine pnrlu::e large ozone depletkn. If this treory is correct, pcddcymakers<br />

might firrl that strictly ccntrolling branine \.o..lld be tmre effective<br />

than ccntrolling chlorine.<br />

All o f <strong>the</strong> trecrtes rreke specifIc predict.ices about; <strong>the</strong> polar etrrospoere<br />

that sh::uld be testable - hence <strong>the</strong> Antarctic expedt tacn, anrccrced bj <strong>the</strong><br />

N3.ticnal S::::ience Fturdatim.<br />

''Ycu kn::M lu.; nu::h exc item2nt is caused in scientific circles am industry<br />

am ccverrmeu.,II said cicero-e of <strong>the</strong> Natiooal center fo r Atnospoerfc<br />

Research. "gut so far, <strong>the</strong> enly people ...to are sure of <strong>the</strong>nselves<br />

are IUt a::nvincin;J to <strong>the</strong>ir ccl.leeqces, l>bst o f <strong>the</strong>se <strong>the</strong>ories wkl.L bite<br />

<strong>the</strong> dust. "<br />

Thirteen researcrers will j oin <strong>the</strong> 130 pecple sp:njin::1 <strong>the</strong> winter at <strong>the</strong><br />

t>ti·Urdo base. 'trey will launch a seri es of 33 htllocns with. high-atrros[tlere<br />

rreasurin;J tnstrments, hrl <strong>the</strong>y will use an assortrrent. o f efvarced<br />

grwrrl instnIrents, inclu:ting vertccs spectzrrreters, capable of det.ect.ing<br />

<strong>the</strong> minute quantities of varicus chanica! bjpnrluct.s wtcsse existence is<br />

pra:licted bj <strong>the</strong> var-ious tbecrres, '!he spectzcreters rreesure <strong>the</strong> scat-tered<br />

wavel.eoqfhs of sunlight am-IID:n1ight, in effect l ettin;J <strong>the</strong> sun arrl m:x:n<br />

interro:;Jate <strong>the</strong> ecrcsjxere.<br />

'Ihe scientists ccrra fran <strong>the</strong> State lhiversity of N30l York a t Staly Breck,<br />

<strong>the</strong> lhiversity of 'i,'yanin;J, NASA's J et Prq:ulsion latoratory in raseoena,<br />

Ql1if., am <strong>the</strong> Natimal cceeruc am AtlJJ::lsP1eric Pdninistratioo T s Aeranny<br />

latoratory in Eb.1l.der, Colo.<br />

"This is cne of <strong>the</strong> nest; cha.llerxJin;J thirqs that we ' ve ever a:T.'l2' across in<br />

atm:s};:heric cheni.stry, " said susan sotcran of <strong>the</strong> Aen:n::my Laboratory, teem<br />

Leeder of <strong>the</strong> exp2'di.ticn. " \·h3.tever <strong>the</strong> source is, .... need to urrlerstarrl<br />

i t :tecause this is a in <strong>the</strong> ozc-e that's of alEol utel y unprecedented<br />

prqnrticns. j ust never seen anything like \'lhat .....e ' re exper -ienc.inq<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Antarctic."<br />

Bar a m. <strong>the</strong>ory, also pot. forward in l'WIURE, is cheni.cal, relying en SC1!E<br />

corpt.tcered interactia1s of chlor-Ine ard SWllight.<br />

!·earr-..m.ile, binlcqists bave teen stewin::1 up research s ince <strong>the</strong> 1970s en<br />

IDl ultraviolet light aff ects liVing org;mi..gtE. 'Ihe rrost recent results,<br />

reported at a ccnference last m:nth in \·ashi..ngtrn, carry inplicati.cns for<br />

pbanktcn, crops arrl people.<br />

I t is well kIn-,n that ultraviolet light causes skin cancer in tanana.<br />

'Ihe \\avelengths scree-ed by 0Z01e happen to be precisely <strong>the</strong> ....avelengths<br />

absorbed OJ r:N1'l.. t·,hen <strong>the</strong> radiaticn is absorbed, i t turns to heat, \..ru.ch<br />

can dnBge cells.<br />

less urrlerstcxrl, bJt loog suspected, is that organisns liVing near <strong>the</strong><br />

ocean surface nay I::e kille::i in minutes by Increased ul travinl et light, am<br />

that f arm. c rops can be barrred. SCientists have teen test.Irq <strong>the</strong>se effects<br />

in exp2'rir:Hlts with 1.azr:p3 intensifie::i in <strong>the</strong> srort; vevete-ctns, like <strong>the</strong><br />


stnl.a!ps used in satcos, an::1 with lasers tune::1 to precise frequerx:::ies<br />

•<br />

That article probably ne ver go t <strong>the</strong> attention i t shou l d ha ve , because it<br />

was pr i nt ed i n <strong>the</strong> back pa ge s of <strong>the</strong> paper. It should have be en printed<br />

in banner headlines on <strong>the</strong> front page, because it i s <strong>the</strong> life of all of<br />

us and all living things that ee have seriously endangered in our industrialization<br />

o f our planetary home.<br />


26th O::rltact Wednesday, 18 J une 1975 04:11 h<br />

Semjase- l/Regretfully, today a l onger conversation is not<br />

possible for rre , because I am obligated for a special task.<br />

2/'Ihus in <strong>the</strong> caning tiIre I will not be able to care into<br />

contact with you as often. 3/Please understand that we have<br />

to space our contacts rrore in tdrre,<br />

loEier-<br />

Are you still going away?<br />

Semjase- 4/ As I have been ordered, but I am not l eaving your<br />

so jar system.<br />

What about; this rn::xrent with <strong>the</strong> derronstrat ion?<br />

Semjase- 5/'Ihis does not deal with my l onger t rip , before<br />

whic h I want to exercise <strong>the</strong> derronstration .<br />

M9:i er- I see. I thought that we wer e finally a t this point .<br />

Semjase- 6/1he tine fo r that does not press, as I s till<br />

have a l ot to do before this. 7j J.'rj' new task i s taking Ire<br />

only to Sate p l anets o f your system, and to your satellite,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Moon . (L) s/nus is in cormection with sarething that<br />

has happened since our last rreeting. .. 9/Farth s cient ists<br />

have begun undertakings for reconnaissance and exploration<br />

o f sate o<strong>the</strong> r worlds, which derrand our attenti on. lO/ Bes ide<br />

that are scrre new aspects in certain affairs, which two of<br />

your great posers want to exercise about <strong>the</strong> middle o f July.<br />

11/ 'Ihese are <strong>the</strong> States of Ane:rica and Russia, who are cooperating<br />

to c l ear up certain f actors for mutual activities<br />

inside a space l aboratory.<br />

M::der- nus i s interesting, but I thought this undertaking<br />

was expected in <strong>the</strong> early I 80s . . . ... Have you done things<br />

to interfere at t.i.mes in this respect><br />

23/ Surely, but not we a lone. have foj Icwed<br />

<strong>the</strong> who l e developrent, and al so influenced i t in c ertain<br />

rreasures, 25 /On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand we have had to troubl e ours<br />

e lves for e l iminations in different cases , or to he l p proj<br />

ects fail.<br />

M:tier- '!hat sounds l ike you have s crret .Irrea interferred in<br />

matters.<br />

Semjase- 26/Surely, if you want to consider i t s o .<br />


Maier- I want to t ell it tbat way. - - '!here i s sarething<br />

not fUlly e vi dent for me, because you just OeM made a strange<br />

cament, that you are not <strong>the</strong> only ones who are keeping <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

eyes and ears open in <strong>the</strong>se concerns, and have interferred.<br />

Are you concealing sarething f ran me? And this not only new.<br />

For scrre ti..rre I have noticed your having a secret ahead o f<br />

me, where i t always seemed l ike you were wai ting for my<br />

question.<br />

senjase- 27/Can I t you imagine what i t is?<br />

I 'm having my assurrptions here.<br />

semjase- 28/Then tell i t.<br />

fuier- I 'm not stupid, as l ater it will sound fran <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

s ide, like I had made a feol of myself.<br />

semjase- 29/Your sudden fear i s unknown for you. 3D/It<br />

does not fit.<br />

J.i:!,i er- All r ight, you got me. You kno,... very well fear is a<br />

stranger to me, and that you are taking unfair advantage .<br />

senjase- 31/Surely. -- But I had to be unfair.<br />

J.i:!,i er- Well, in result it deals with <strong>the</strong> folleMing: Already<br />

for scrre ti..rre I have assumed, that besides yourselves are<br />

still o<strong>the</strong>r extraterrestrials hunting a long in our wor-Ld,<br />

but having different wishes and hopes, each according to his<br />

oen, '!hese creatures could be s trange to your r ace, at<br />

l east sere of <strong>the</strong>m, while o<strong>the</strong>rs might rise f ran your race<br />

itself.<br />

SE!mj ase- 32/Yes, s urely, but speak on.<br />

Maier- I can imagine that not a ll of <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrials,<br />

who interfere in concerns here on Earth, have <strong>the</strong> best of<br />

intentions for us, but where it is not evident to rre why you<br />

a llow <strong>the</strong>m to continue .<br />

semjase- 33/Because each fonn of life is justified in its<br />

own existence, and thinks and acts according to its CMl1<br />

character and fonn. .. (2) are not a l Iowed to interfere,<br />

if not necessary for s urvival, thus we are only a llowed to<br />

be act ive in <strong>the</strong> way of teaching. 35/But go on speaking.<br />

Good, that explains your behavior, and I see i t as<br />

l ogical . - So I start f ran <strong>the</strong> assumption, that certain<br />


strange to you f orms o f life fran <strong>the</strong> widths o f <strong>the</strong> universe,<br />

are hunting along on our Earth and in <strong>the</strong> cosmic space, and<br />

possibly trying to influence o<strong>the</strong>r forma o f life in different<br />

ways . en <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand, I also assume, that <strong>the</strong>re are one<br />

o r several groups o f descendants .o f your ancient race who<br />

have not yet returned to you, and in consequence still live<br />

accor ding to <strong>the</strong> ancient fonns, and still influence many<br />

f onns of lif e , as well as <strong>the</strong> Earth h1..1IMJ1s acco r ding to that<br />

f a ctum and appear as messengers o f a God. It i s evident to<br />

rre that concerning this you have not told rre <strong>the</strong> whole truth,<br />

as .....e have talked about <strong>the</strong>se things s everal t.trrea before<br />

this.<br />

Senjase- 36/1 have never told you anything o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong><br />

truth.<br />

'!hen l et rre explain it ano<strong>the</strong>r way. About this<br />

whole matter you have told me only half <strong>the</strong> truth, and only<br />

hal f explained that.<br />

37/Your explanation i s<br />

true.<br />

Meier- Very kind of you. But why haven I t you tol d rre all?<br />

senjase- 38/'Ihe tiJre has not yet been mature for that . 40/<br />

In your assunpt.ton you are right, because <strong>the</strong>re are o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

creat ures in Earth space , than ours alone . 41/ 'lhere are as<br />

....'ell scrre splinter groups of our C'J'JIl ancient race who core<br />

here as ....'ell as v isi t ing o<strong>the</strong>r .....or tds, and <strong>the</strong>y still live<br />

according to older ways. 42/They try to influence life<br />

f o rms , especially Earth humans, according to <strong>the</strong>ir manner .<br />

43/As <strong>the</strong>ir ancestors appeared like Gods, so a l so do scrre o f<br />

<strong>the</strong>se.. . (3)<br />

Meier- Your infonration sounds l ogi cal, but fran that r i s es<br />

a new aspect, which is, what i s your information about; Farth<br />

humans being in contact with <strong>the</strong>se creatures?<br />

senjase- About; this as well, I have given only part explana<br />

t ions. SUch c r eat ures do, but rarel y, take up contact with<br />

Earth h1..1IMJ1s, and try to influence <strong>the</strong>m. .. 54/But, a t <strong>the</strong><br />

rrarent t iJre presses, and I have to say goodbye . 55/But I<br />

want to rreke you aware o f sarething : In a short tilre a diff<br />

i cult task will care your way, which in <strong>the</strong> last days has<br />

devel oped. 56/It is concerned with, that in great calm, you<br />

inf onn a group o f humans about <strong>the</strong> truth, and enlighten<br />


<strong>the</strong>m. '!he contact in Germany i s finally caning to a reali<br />

zation, and in <strong>the</strong> next fffi'J days, you \.nll r eceive a nees<br />

age concerning this. 57/'lbe first possibility in this respect<br />

had to prevent, r egret fully , because t he tirre<br />

available to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r side was Insuffdcdent; for our mat ter .<br />

56/'Ibis tiJre <strong>the</strong> needed tiJre has been prepared, in consequence<br />

of which all c an develop itself as provided. 59/cnly<br />

unprovided matters and occurrences ce re able to change <strong>the</strong><br />

p lans, but na.v <strong>the</strong>re will be better s uccess.<br />

semjase-<br />

You mean <strong>the</strong> people fran<br />

GO/SUrely<br />

_<br />

(Germany) ?<br />

M:rler- 'Ihen <strong>the</strong> motor defect a t <strong>the</strong> time was • .• • • . •• ? (4)<br />

SrnIja.se- 61/Yes, but while <strong>the</strong> matter that happened was a<br />

little different than you assurre , <strong>the</strong>re was s carce information<br />

about it.<br />

M:rler- Dear little rre, I should have considered this .<br />

Sanjase- 63/Be conscious that, you will have no easy posi<br />

tion, because, though <strong>the</strong>y are very tolerant and openminded,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are restricted in certain beliefs.<br />

Meier- I knew, but in <strong>the</strong> fina l anal ysis, one can speak<br />

with <strong>the</strong>m as humans.<br />

seejase- 64/Sure ly, but in this case, it will demand more<br />

troubles fran you.. . 65/You will have to trouble your best<br />

f o r ces because <strong>the</strong>se peop.le are very irrportant for spreading<br />

<strong>the</strong> f acts. .•<br />

Meier- Are you kindling a f i re in Hell for rre?<br />

Sanja.se- 66/No, but you will recognize SOClIl enough <strong>the</strong> cor -<br />

rectness o f my words, 67/But na.v really <strong>the</strong> tine has erne<br />

for Re• • • • •• • •• •<br />



(1) \oe f ra:::Jl."Sltly eocccnter, in UFO cortece cases, retereoces to <strong>the</strong> Er<br />

entitim to our !·txn, such as in cur repxt tit.l.erl urn AB:U:TIrn Kr<br />

MIRASS:>L.. ntis mest; be all irq::ortant paint; for cp=Lat.1a\s ccn::emin;J Earth<br />

arrl perhaps cur solar systan. A qJeSti.cn f ra:::Jl."Sltly aske:i is ...tty d:n't we<br />

see evidfflce of this activity tlal, ard an a.1Irost equal.Iy fnquE!1t resp:nse<br />

is, "O::n't we?" severer becks have been written alxut this in recent; years.<br />

(2) This is a very irrp:>rtant d:rt.rine f ar peace am survival within The<br />

creetdcn. tb creature is given Wn.i.nance, or para:IO.lIlt<br />

auth::lrity, over artY otter (t:h::u:jJ. Farth nan crocses to elect himgel.f to<br />

this fOSitial), arrl trey all exist equally within <strong>the</strong> vast creeercn, \o.henever<br />

any<br />

sup2riority to h1nEe1£ arrl sets cut to carry a stick,<br />

or sets hinself up as an auttority, he mist. t:e ecare that <strong>the</strong>re is always<br />

aro<strong>the</strong>r with a bi.g;Jer stick. Each creature within The creettcn g:es its<br />

o-n wtrt in evolutiln am is allawerl free reign unless arrl until it te.-nres<br />

a dar"q2r arrl a IIEnaCe to arty o<strong>the</strong>r. c-e does rcc interfere with am<strong>the</strong>r<br />

with::::ot just cause.<br />

'IhJs many different Er mtities may ecce am cp withcot,<br />

epeci.f.ic Interference, as lag as trey cceerce <strong>the</strong> natural lz.... of '!he<br />

Creat.icn.<br />

(3 ) There are always backsliders or iJIperfec:t.icns in every evolut.ia1 that<br />

get stuck a t certatn l evels f or a t inE, am are th2n passed up by trcse<br />

tmre proqressdve, - b.lt. teo will, in tinE, eaten up again.<br />

we: d:J etsc have sene luran races evolved t::eycn::3. us b.lt. l::ehird <strong>the</strong> Plei.a:lian<br />

visitors, ard sa:E of tlEn are Pleialian here ct:servirq' arrl sere<br />

evm atte:Ipt.i.n:;J to Inpcse <strong>the</strong>ir will Q1 zartn tanana. 'rteee are al..la.m<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir f reabn to evolve, like all etters, so l.crq as trey cb not beccrre a<br />

direct darqer to life ard ooirg. 9JCh , accrm:tirq to <strong>the</strong> Pleiaiians visitin;J<br />

So'ii tzerlarrl, are tf-e ffi'H desca"dents still c:nning tere f ran <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

present ref\qe planets.<br />

(4) '!he party f ron Gemlany, CiCE to ssttzerlarrl expect.:irq to<br />

investigate this UFO case, art! th;n .....'hen trey (g:x:d 01rist.ians) faJrrl sa:E<br />

of tl2i..r reliefs challerqsrl, th'y de::idErl this case was <strong>the</strong> Jlnti-

27th Ccntact wednesday, 25 June 1975 14:37 h<br />

Sanjase- l / TOOay you are not in any hurry - I had to call<br />

for you several t imes .<br />

M:;ier- By r egret, I couldn't s imply go away, for my wife<br />

was not at hare, so I had to wat ch tile children. (1)<br />

Semjase- 2/Because o f that I had to call you for l onger than<br />

an hour. 3/ Today I have a surprise for you.<br />

M::!ier- '!hat de lights me. have you prepared? - Apart<br />

f ran that , you told Ire <strong>the</strong> l ast time, that a l onger time<br />

would pass before we vomd rreet; again.<br />

Semjase- 4/1 can answer your second quest ion first, that<br />

our intensi ve task does not begin for s crre days, for which<br />

reason <strong>the</strong> time is not pressing. 5/'Ib your first question,<br />

I have to say , that you are a llowed (to go) for a flight<br />

with us, i f you want t o , for we are now r eady for such activity.<br />

loei.er- Fantasti c! - Anytime. - l'JIl.er1 wi ll it s tart?<br />

Sanjase-<br />

6/You are not s urprised?<br />

Meier- s hould I (be)?<br />

Semjase- 7/You astonish me wi th your feel ings . 8/If tihfs<br />

is allright with you, <strong>the</strong>n we can s tart a t once.<br />

Meier- So l et's go g irL - To where is <strong>the</strong> j ourney?<br />

Semjase- a/once rrore you pose Ire a r iddle, because I cal)<br />

not find any errot.ton o f delight , or fear, in your feel ings .<br />

I am teo much a realist, Semjase.<br />

Semja.se- lO / 'Ihat may be <strong>the</strong> r eason, and besides you are<br />

born in <strong>the</strong> Pquarius Zodiac, who are able to control rrore<br />

precisely. . . l1/ We have decided to make a flight with you<br />

towards Sat urn. 12/For this we need a tilre of about; two and<br />

a half hours, i f you have that much t .Irre a t your di.sposa.l?<br />

Meder- Will that put it in question? (2)<br />

Semjase- 13/ 0f course i t won ' t.<br />

Good, What about; get ting sore photographs?<br />

a l lowed to shoot sore pictures?(3}<br />

256<br />

Am I ·

Semjase-<br />

14 /we have agreed positively in this respect.<br />

Meier- You speak o f "we"?<br />

Semjase- 1S/we are here with three beamshtps, and a lso will<br />

fly with three persons. l6/You will s ee berth of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

as S(XJi1 as we have started. 17/ 'Ihey are floating at present<br />

only a few meters above us, and have screened <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

against sight. (4)<br />

Meier-<br />

Okay , what are we waiting for?<br />

secrjase- l 8/ You are in qui te a hurry, but I still have to<br />

first explain sarething: You are a kl cwed to get s ene photographs<br />

f ran my ship . 19/5C:rre pictures are a dmitted to you<br />

o f both <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r beamships, during <strong>the</strong> start and 'touchdown,<br />

20/fureover, you may get one or b.u p i ctures on our s ightcontrol<br />

means (viewing screen) . 21/You can as well capture<br />

<strong>the</strong> Earth on your film, as a lso Mars, Jupiter and also Saturn.<br />

22/ we will a lso admit you sere pict ures of your ro-loon . 23/<br />

But you have to observe this f or s ure, t o make no o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

photographs, than I myself am admitted to a llCM you.<br />

f!trier- Of course.<br />

semjase- 23/0kay, <strong>the</strong>n we can go. 24/Have you hidden your<br />

vehicle?<br />

f!trier- As usua l.<br />

Semjase- 25/'Ihen cane on. - And do not worry about your<br />

carrera, because we have protected a gainst <strong>the</strong> hannful factors.<br />

(Godnd toge<strong>the</strong>r to <strong>the</strong> bearnship, we a re lift ed simply by<br />

sore invisible el evating power', like alift, into <strong>the</strong> ship,<br />

arriving at once inside <strong>the</strong> cockpit , while behind us <strong>the</strong><br />

hat ch c loses i tself autanat ically and ful Iy silent.<br />

Inside <strong>the</strong> cockpit is a yellow-green light evidently caning<br />

through <strong>the</strong> on-board wtnco-s, which fran <strong>the</strong> outside Looked<br />

an orange-red color while inside it was a greenish-yellow.<br />

'!his raises IT!Y f irst quest ion. )(5)<br />

Meier- How does it happen, that <strong>the</strong> on-board windows are<br />

or ange on <strong>the</strong> outside, and here inside <strong>the</strong>y are a yelIcwgreen?<br />

Semjase- 28/ 'Ihe outer s ide is especially coated, and colors<br />

itself a ccording to <strong>the</strong> atmosphere outside (<strong>the</strong> ship) i n<br />

different colors. 29/Ni thin an atrrosphere suited for us ,<br />


<strong>the</strong> matier'Lal. colors itself or ange (on <strong>the</strong> outside) and casts<br />

this yellow-green light inside. 30 / When <strong>the</strong> outside colors<br />

itself o<strong>the</strong> rwise, for example green, blue , red or yeticc,<br />

etc. , <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> light inside changes imredi.ately as wel l.<br />

31/1'1ithout taking special analysis, we are that way infonred<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r we need f or this atnosphere, pretecti ve dress o r<br />

not. 32/A failure in this manner o f determining <strong>the</strong> a t:rrosphere<br />

is crnpletely iJrpossible, and besides that , <strong>the</strong> autiorrertdcs<br />

open first , <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> Sluice, and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> outdoor<br />

hatch, only i f <strong>the</strong> pilots wear <strong>the</strong> concerned protect ive<br />

dress . 33/'Ihis i s activated. by sensors which have <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

contacts in special places on <strong>the</strong> dress. 34 / 1f one wants<br />

to l eave <strong>the</strong> ship in an unsuitable for us a tmJsphere, <strong>the</strong>n<br />

this is only possible with a protective dress, or else <strong>the</strong><br />

s ecurity autanatics wi ll not activate in opening <strong>the</strong> door.<br />

35/Nhen we are up in <strong>the</strong> stratos phere o f a wor ld, whe re <strong>the</strong><br />

atmosphere vanishes, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> outside of <strong>the</strong> onboard wfndcws<br />

beccrrea transparent and c l ear, and diffe r s hardly f ran your<br />

clear glass. 36/'Ihe wtndows prevent , with a special coating,<br />

<strong>the</strong> entrance of all r adiations, res ult ing thus in no danger<br />

(fran this s ource f or <strong>the</strong> crew) . 37/'Ihey only l et in neutralized<br />

light . 38/For purposes o f observat i ons, we have<br />

our control rrechanisms, which allows for us much bet ter<br />

observat ion than Iookfnq out through <strong>the</strong> onboard wtndoes,<br />

which for photographing pict ures might not be suited well,<br />

because <strong>the</strong> pictures will likely be unclear, at least for<br />

that tine when <strong>the</strong> outsides are colored. 39/At greater distances<br />

this effect is reduced, thus you can make better<br />

pictures <strong>the</strong>re. 40/Ha.-I far this will succeed for you, I<br />

don I t know, because we have never before this troubled ourselves<br />

f or photo apparatus of your s ort, and thus do not as<br />

know <strong>the</strong> capabilities of <strong>the</strong>se.<br />

'Ibis we will see just nCM. (And l>1eier prepared his<br />

camera and s napped three photographs of <strong>the</strong> tv.u o<strong>the</strong>r s hips<br />

ahead on departure. )<br />

Senjase- 41/Sure ly, but new I must; r eque s t no fur<strong>the</strong>r questions<br />

whi ch wouLd be t r ansmit ted in this r eport, because you<br />

may not tell all <strong>the</strong> events of this f light until I g i ve you<br />

permission to do s o . 42/'Ihis a lso applies to descriptions<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> interior and <strong>the</strong> equiprents o f this beamshfp,<br />

As you prefer.<br />


Semjase-- 43/It must be this way for quite special reasons.<br />

t-trler- Al ready okay , Semjase, I 'm keeping my rrouth c losed.<br />

('!he flight l asts 2 hours and 34 minutes , traveling consider<br />

able distance to <strong>the</strong> p l anets Mars, Jupiter and saturn,<br />

around <strong>the</strong> last one and back again to Earth, where we a l so<br />

passed through part of <strong>the</strong> asteroid belt . After landing <strong>the</strong><br />

follcMing conversation took place: )<br />

Semjase-<br />

44 / HcM do you feel?<br />

Meier- Fantastic - Imnense ly impressed.<br />

Semja.se-<br />

45/You don ' t have any rrore to say?<br />

Mrler- Should 17 Fi rst I have to think of a ll <strong>the</strong> fantastic<br />

imp ressions . A matte r that s t i ll interests Ire woul d be <strong>the</strong><br />

distance flawn. HCM many fli g ht kilaret ers have we traveled?<br />

Semjase- 46/ According to your manner of calculating, it<br />

be around 3,000 million k.ilareters.<br />

Meier- Dear- mankind! And that within only two and a half<br />

hours. If I consider having traveled twel ve years over <strong>the</strong><br />

dear rro<strong>the</strong>r Earth, and have passed <strong>the</strong>re a ltoge<strong>the</strong>r 2. 7<br />

million kilareters, <strong>the</strong>n I should get j eal ous of you. '!his<br />

present space j ourney is rror e than 1, 100 t irres greater than<br />

my crawt Inq a long <strong>the</strong> Earth. t-1an ! 'That 's sc:mething, when I<br />

think o f that distance !<br />

Semjase- 47/Surely, in that s ight this number is very great,<br />

but you will accustan yourself to s uch, because we have<br />

decided to take you, after scrre tine with us, on a much<br />

greater journey - to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Pleiades</strong>.<br />

loeier- ? ? ? ? ? PLEIADES? - - - But that i s nearly 500 light -<br />

years o f dis tance!<br />

Semjase- 48/ Certainl y. 49/But nCM, regretfUlly, I mus t go,<br />

because my obligations are calling fie .<br />




(l) r-Eier was get:t:in:J a little ti.re:i of <strong>the</strong> a:::nstant de!:wrls en his tine,<br />

ere:cry ani resources, am was t:e:}innin:J to feel like he had seal of<br />

<strong>the</strong> exuaten:estrial loCIBI1 am her spacECraft. He was beirq criticizaj bJ<br />

his friEnis for rvt prtrlu:in;J I1Dre for rrx. than into <strong>the</strong> ccntacts<br />

teo. or at l east ¥hEre <strong>the</strong>y a::uld see I1Dre of "'nat was llaf:!Enin1; a.-rl<br />

he was beirq critici.2.Erl <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrials for rot IlEetin'J tbetrobjectives<br />

I1Dre rapidly, ani for fai..l.in1 to 1:llm. his frien::ls into a rocre<br />

active Sl.JHX)rt grwp. The necress of tbese exotic o:ntacts had worn off.<br />

ani re was in ro hun.y to rush off to ano<strong>the</strong>r call - always l.crq distances<br />

;;rway over difficult am tryirq routes, u.sually in bed wea<strong>the</strong>r or very<br />

late at night. am SCIIEtiIIEs toth, t:Jn.q1 this ale was o::rni.n;J in rnid-after--<br />

rccn. his wife returned. did respo-d, taki.rq his cemra<br />

ani r idin:;J off en his 1'b-fED' an.1 finally arr-ived en <strong>the</strong> scene - n:::t really<br />

eJq:eCt..irg <strong>the</strong>n to l::e toere after so lcrq a tiirca, am rot particularly carei.rq<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y were or rot. The ETs lll.1St have antic.i.pare::i his fai..lirq<br />

interest ard prcvtded <strong>the</strong> needed stlnulus to reererqtze him.<br />

(2) f>Ean1ng, "If I ckn't. d::> I still g=t to fly?"•.. •ard seajese affims<br />

that he w::uld.<br />

(3) f>Eier decides to p.15h his lu:::X a little, sin:e he has resp::rded to<br />

tl'eir call agtin.<br />

(4) Fbr <strong>the</strong> greater everts, Sanjase has oft:a1. arrived with ad:li.tic:nal.<br />

protective spececrare, ",h:::> ranain screeed frrn sight. fur <strong>the</strong> 3 1pril.<br />

night de:lLllstratial, ",tel was Injured escapin:J fron un'au-n pcrscers,<br />

she had 4 ctber prot:ectirq spacecraft \orb:) nmrinerl invisible to si.g:lt. It<br />

was tecanse of this that seejeee was able to lard arrl treat !-mer's brr:ken<br />

rib. Incidentally, at that tine, she told him he had n.o o<strong>the</strong>r rim<br />

prevtccety brcseo ",'hich had rot hea1£rl straight. Cllec::king bade !oeier<br />

d.isc:overe:i that he nay rave bn:ke1 rtts in smethin;J else, b.lt ha..vin:;l ro<br />

cg::ortunity at <strong>the</strong> tfne, did rot ¢ any treatIrEnt ard <strong>the</strong>y tealed trenselves.<br />

(5) Here again. as in .so many o<strong>the</strong>r crnpletely 1.lJ'lCO"Ir1eC UFO. or !lOre<br />

correctly, UFO correct cases, we nave <strong>the</strong> use of an elevating bea::n of<br />

energy of sene kiIrl descrit:e:J . fib stairs or IIEChanical were<br />

needed to rp aboard <strong>the</strong> ships.<br />


Th is comp letely unexp ected and mind-blow i ng cha nge o f ev ents t urned<br />

Heier around again, and he began to t ake more ser ious, and e ven avid,<br />

interest in t hes e Pleiadian cos monauts and t heir obj ec t i ve s .<br />

He beg an to rous e hi s friends t o activity and purged <strong>the</strong> doubters f r om<br />

inner gr oup privileges. He began to t ake t he inner group more closel y<br />

i nt o his confidence , and as soon as <strong>the</strong>y became active helper s he was<br />

allowed t o s hare some of his inside information with t hem, t hus wee formed<br />

t he inner core of those beg an t o surround h i m.<br />

They were si ngled out by name by t he ETs an d were given information , and<br />

sometimes even objects, to l et <strong>the</strong> m know that t hey were acc ept e d by <strong>the</strong><br />

ex trater rest r ials, and also to keep <strong>the</strong>ir i nt er es t up .<br />

By no" <strong>the</strong> eord was around, and people began to s eek Heier out , and as<br />

t hey arrived i n dr ov es , <strong>from</strong> eve r yehere, c ont r ol became a problem. Handling<br />

t he vi sitors was t aken ove r by t he i nner group members, s ome of I'1hom<br />

had t o move i n with t he Meie r f ami l y to manage.<br />

The ac tivity aroun d He ier an d <strong>the</strong> int erest it was attracting eventually<br />

forced Heier to move , and t he fthol e group t r ansfe r r ed <strong>the</strong> center o f operat<br />

i ons t o <strong>the</strong> pr esent Hinterschmidrut i site.<br />


28th contact; Friday, 27 June 1975<br />

10:47 h<br />

'Ihought Transmission<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> second purely thought-transmission, with no rece-tc-rece<br />

meet ing t o be re- corenumcat.ad for record. The reception process was similar<br />

t o t hat for <strong>the</strong> contact not es. In t his process, however, it is done, <strong>the</strong>re<br />

is also an interaction be tween t he transmitter and <strong>the</strong> receiver, and t his<br />

t r ansmiss ion can be interrupt ed as in a conversation and questions asked,<br />

with remedtate answers provided. I f this i s simply mental - telepathic<br />

transmission, <strong>the</strong>n in this case i t bec omes a t hree- wa y process , and i n that<br />

s ense a lone is di f fe rent.<br />

senjese- 1/ Sc1l"e Impor-tant; things have happened which we<br />

must; transmit to you 2/'Ihis pertains to s crre occurrances<br />

within your group, which shall be discussed here. 3/In that<br />

respect, our s tation leader wants to get into c loser contact<br />

with you and t ell you <strong>the</strong> s ituation. 4/His name i s QUETZAL,<br />

and he i s top l eader of our s tation here. ...Are you r eady<br />

to listen to him?<br />

great<br />

rre?<br />

Of course.<br />

chief wants<br />

Why Not? But what have I done that <strong>the</strong><br />

by himself to get in crnmunication wi th<br />

senjase- 5/It deals with an event in your group, as I a l -<br />

ready said. 6/You are not <strong>the</strong> guilty one. 7/But new listen<br />

for <strong>the</strong> voice o f h im, Quetzal .<br />

Quetzal- l / My honor ing salutation, dear friend - - 2/ Since<br />

<strong>the</strong> last time, we have caught up different uncontrolled<br />

thoughts f ran s ore members of your group, whe re certain<br />

f actors came to our at tent ion, which now, regretfully, I<br />

have to discuss with you in r ebuke : .<br />

55/A fur<strong>the</strong>r pcdnt; must be made in respect to <strong>the</strong> contact<br />

notes : As we have seen, you f inally trouble yourselves for<br />

<strong>the</strong> finishing of <strong>the</strong> contact notes f or publication.<br />

56/Here a f actor cares to our attention which i s not our<br />

intention, as we have former ly discussed this r espect very<br />

thoroughly. 57/According to <strong>the</strong> view of sere of your rremher<br />

s, <strong>the</strong> re ports s hould be elaborated and s pread onl y in<br />

part, l eaving all personal conce rns, etc., out (of <strong>the</strong> finished<br />

version) . that cannot agree fran our s ide. .<br />

59/Our decision continues, in consequence, that <strong>the</strong> r eports<br />

shall thus be published according to <strong>the</strong> f ixed words, letter<br />


-<br />

by l et ter, exact l y as it is at hand . 60/By that are as well<br />

inc luded a ll per sonal affairs, whi ch in consequenc e <strong>the</strong>n are<br />

not to be le ft out . 61/'Ihe reports are onl y worthy and<br />

carplete when <strong>the</strong>y are r e peated and r eveal ed word by wor d,<br />

and contain a ll <strong>the</strong> facts. 62/'lhis is an objective based on<br />

very thorough de liberat ions and logi c . 63/Al l personal and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r matt ers, which are not rrentioned in <strong>the</strong> reports, are<br />

not admit t ed and s hould not be published, as <strong>the</strong>se s ince <strong>the</strong><br />

beginning were spared. f r an <strong>the</strong> reports. 64/ All <strong>the</strong> pres ent<br />

contact notes contain exactly <strong>the</strong> matters to be of fer ed and<br />

explained to Earth mankind. 69/We can not accept any deletion<br />

o f any f acts, explanations , information, o r o<strong>the</strong>r parts<br />

of <strong>the</strong> conve rsations. 66/In this respect, all must be inc<br />

luded, even i f certain matters are undelight ful f or sene<br />

rremoera, 67/ But thi s not onl y concerns sene of your members,<br />

but as well our sel ves, because we sti ll do make unrecognized<br />

mistakes. 68/'Ihese are <strong>the</strong> deci sive matters which I have to<br />

rrent.Lon today.<br />

expect OCM, a recognit ion o f <strong>the</strong> rrentioned mi s takes<br />

and <strong>the</strong>ir rerroval. 70/It i s not very delightfu l for us if<br />

we have to cons tant ly trouble ourse l ves in this respect .<br />

71 / Once we give an expl anat i on o r an orde r , <strong>the</strong>n that shoul d<br />

be enough. 72/It s houtd never happen that mat ters have to<br />

be r epeated several tines and discussed a gain. 73 /m this<br />

respect we also have o r dered Se:mj ase to anit , in <strong>the</strong> fut ure ,<br />

any kinds o f repetitions o f a once explained f actor. 74/ For<br />

\oo'hat has once been explained and discussed needs no fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

explanat ions . 75/'Ihis is no t only t ine consuming , but il-<br />

Ioqi .ca f and s uper fluous . 76 / By no neens do we try to exercise<br />

dictatoria l treasures o r to force our wi ll or our<br />

knowledqe onto Earth beings. 77/ l'le only have undertaken a<br />

self-irrposed mission to transmit l e s sons o f truth and scrre<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r things. 78 /'Ihose who want to accept and ackna.o1ledge<br />

this may do so by <strong>the</strong>ir own decisi on, and one who wants to<br />

ref use may a lso do that . 79/'Ihe acknowledging ones must be<br />

aware that quite def ini te p r inc iples are necessary to pres<br />

erve or der, thus s peci a l ob jectives and orders must be<br />

observed, as we.lI as not anitt ing certain assis tance expected<br />

o f <strong>the</strong>m. . .<br />

Here a new personal ity i s introduced, has been obs erving all ac tivities<br />

up to now but ..ho has remained silent. Quetzal i s t he Head of<br />

<strong>the</strong> sur fac e base maintained by <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadians in a r emot e and i naccessible<br />

regi on i n t he Alps near <strong>the</strong> Fr ench- Italian- Swi ss bord er. He controls t he<br />


orbiting and also positi vely controlled obse rvation monitors which collect<br />

information for relay to <strong>the</strong> mot her - shi p i n space. He leads an e xtraterrestrial<br />

sur face t eam which lives in that protec ted facility on this planet.<br />

It i s also protected f rom <strong>the</strong> dest r uc t i ve effects of ou r atmosphere and t he<br />

dangerous r ays f r om our s un.<br />

The group members around Heier had sensibly decided to ed it and leave out<br />

sensit ive co mments and a ll direct references to personal i t ies ment ione d i n<br />

<strong>the</strong> notes before any r elease outside t he gr oup. Quetzal's positi on<br />

i s that t hey, t he Pleiadians, ha ve a lready purged wha t <strong>the</strong>y think s houl d<br />

be l eft out, be fore t he c ont ac t notes were t ransmitted back to and<br />

that <strong>the</strong>y do not need purging again.<br />

Some of t hose comments are da maging t o certain persona l iti es, and even<br />

l i bel ous und er our laws , and s o we ha ve t aken exception to Quetzal's demand<br />

an d have e dited and delet ed as we considered appropriate . Thos e de l etions<br />

are t he ga ps in <strong>the</strong> s en tence number ing s equenc e fo r each of <strong>the</strong> Pleiadian<br />

speak ers shown here in our vers i on of t he contact message <strong>from</strong><strong>the</strong> Pl e i ades.<br />

Anot he r reas on f or some o f <strong>the</strong> l arger gaps in <strong>the</strong> number i ng sequence, i s<br />

our de letion of unkind references t o our various religi ons and bel iefs, and<br />

to our political systems, petty as <strong>the</strong>y may seem t o <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrial s .<br />

These systems are ours, and we l i ve here , - - and in our free r i gh t t o cho ose,<br />

we make t he choices Wh ich may seem expedient to us.<br />

To be t ter un derstand s ome o f <strong>the</strong> criticism of our religious be l iefs , one<br />

would do well t o arm hi mself with some mor e scholarly and unbiased study<br />

o f reliyions in gen eral, such as I AND THE FATHER ARE published by t he<br />

Edenite Society, THE BIBLE REVI SITED, publi shed by U. r. O.I . C. C. i n Seat t le ,<br />

and THE RAMT HA SELECT TEACHINGS, Vol. I , by <strong>the</strong> Ramtha Foundation. O<strong>the</strong>rwise<br />

he may not understand t he relationships, and c oul d feel i mpelled t o<br />

defend his own part i cu lar s ecular be lief unne cessarily fo r lack of knowledge,<br />

and some t ruths co uld be ove rlooke d.<br />

, ,<br />


29th Ccntact >U1day. 7 J uly 1975 10:37 h<br />

Meier- I t took this l ong untd l you troubl ed yourself to<br />

cere here after my calling? Has sarething special happened?<br />

Semjase- l /Surely, but about; this I have dn forrred you.<br />

leier- I under'atand, But i f you have sufficient ti.rre, <strong>the</strong>n<br />

I want to ask you sare questions, for quite a lot have accumulated.<br />

Semjase- 2/For today <strong>the</strong>re i s sufficient ti.rre a t my disposal.<br />

!otrl.er- Very we l L, TIle first question I would like to know<br />

i s , how things are in <strong>the</strong> matter of <strong>the</strong> damaged rrotorcar of<br />

<strong>the</strong> family v., because I have heard that i t could have teen<br />

a life endangering event. I don I t understand heM you are<br />

able to nanipulate s uch a crazy undertaking and p laying with<br />

<strong>the</strong> life of human beings.<br />

senjase- 3/lt was not exactly l ike that , and I explained<br />

before, that <strong>the</strong> matter was sarething different than you<br />

ass urre : On '<strong>the</strong> one hand, had to find a way to fashion<br />

<strong>the</strong> undertaking in treasures to generate for you <strong>the</strong> necessary<br />

titre for cooversat ions. 4/CX1 <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand we were concerned<br />

about; stopping an accident , which necessarily would have<br />

happened i f we had not worked in this way. 5/Fortunately<br />

we noticed that by a manipulati on we could prevent coree<br />

consequences. 6/By rreans of our apparatus, we f ound inside<br />

<strong>the</strong> engine of <strong>the</strong> vehicle a great danger, when we troubled<br />

ourselves f or switching o ff <strong>the</strong> e lectri cal systems, in which<br />

we wou.ld have plac ed <strong>the</strong> car out o f operation f o r three days.<br />

7/The r ecognized discrepancy in <strong>the</strong> engine was so dangerous<br />

to <strong>the</strong> users of <strong>the</strong> vehic l e , that we calculated a probability<br />

that this f ailure wou l .d occur within a few kilareters<br />

and <strong>the</strong> accident would have happened, and <strong>the</strong> consequences<br />

would have been deadly f or <strong>the</strong> occupants; and because o f<br />

that we acce l erated <strong>the</strong> process o f destruction of <strong>the</strong> nocor<br />

and influenced <strong>the</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r events. .. a/By that, <strong>the</strong> caning<br />

accident was prevented and <strong>the</strong> occupants s aved. 9/HcMever<br />

<strong>the</strong> engine being destroyed was not our r eurt , because this<br />

traced back to <strong>the</strong> actual discre pancy in <strong>the</strong> engine itself.<br />

lO/Ne on ly expedited <strong>the</strong> ef fect o f <strong>the</strong> existing danger, by<br />

which we prevented i t fran becaning worse.<br />


loeier-<br />

You knew that <strong>the</strong> engine was canpletely destroyed?<br />

Semjase- 11/ Surely. I t becarre unusabje.. .<br />

Dh yes - - - It calms Ire that you are not <strong>the</strong> cause<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> actual misery, as <strong>the</strong> r epair has cost about 3 , 000 [11<br />

($1,500.00), as I was told. According to your explanation I<br />

s hall r egard i t as a life rescue .<br />

Semjase- 12/ Surely . 13/But what new is your question?<br />

loeier- You are in a hurry. Have you suddenly beccre curi<br />

ous? New Hr. and Nrs . V. have asked me what you and <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs think of her work?<br />

Semjase- 14/Her work is very dil igent . 1S/ She has withsteed<br />

many attacks and intri gues and proceeded with her work<br />

in spite o f <strong>the</strong> difficul ty, and has also obtained much success.<br />

16/ Fran our view, I am a llCMeC1 to say, that we regard<br />

all of her work and trouble highly and advocate i t.<br />

17 / She and <strong>the</strong>y are due great praise. 18/Unforttmately,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y must be advised of scrre negative factors.. .<br />

loeier- On that I wanted to ask you a question too. 'Ihe Vs .<br />

are convinced that sere of <strong>the</strong> names you mentioned as deceivers,<br />

are not guilty of such deceit . What do you say to<br />

that?<br />

Semjase- have recorded your hours- long discussions,<br />

and am Inforrred of <strong>the</strong>m quite thoroughly. 21/But I a lso<br />

expl ained befor e, that you would have a very troub l esare<br />

pos.i.tdon , 22/ 'Ihis has ccrre true as you do knew. 23/'Ihis<br />

troublesare posit ion will continue for you in <strong>the</strong> future as<br />

wel L. . ... 24/'Ihe mere we have Looked in different p laces,<br />

<strong>the</strong> more we f ind certain things against you in progress, and<br />

intri gues are being built up against you. 2S/Fran different<br />

quarters you have been for sare t .irre watched very thoroughly<br />

and very tightly controlled, while a l ready scrre wicked-minded<br />

e ferrent.s are a lso plotting i ntri gues against you. .. 27/In<br />

consequence, be very careful in every r espect. 28/Evil<br />

tongues are a ccusing you of espionage for foreign JXJW€rs ,<br />

while o<strong>the</strong>rs are accusing you of deceit, by which <strong>the</strong>y seek<br />

to prevent you fran spreading <strong>the</strong> truth. 29/'Ihese e lerrents<br />

on <strong>the</strong> one hand belong to religious circles, and on <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r to a s till secr et organization desiring to suppress<br />

what you say. au/ certain l ines in this r espect are running<br />


to different secr et a lli ances and confederat ions, as well as<br />

to and <strong>the</strong> military, and to certain individual s<br />

who f eel menaced by what you say. 31/Certain o<strong>the</strong>r e kerrents<br />

are looUrking against you because i f you are proved to<br />

be right <strong>the</strong>y could be accused o f deceit•• . (1)<br />

lolrler- You give Ire a fantastic out lcok , Semjase. But actually<br />

1 have calculated on things l ike that .<br />

Semjase- 32 /You had to, because you do knew <strong>the</strong>se things<br />

fran earlier t.ines, (2 ) . _. • • . . _. .<br />

Of course, and so I do not excite myself. But your<br />

answer' c oncerning certain deceiving elerrents is not satisfying<br />

Ire. Please explain this in rrore detail for roe, as you<br />

have sinply gone around my question.<br />

Semjase- 33/1 have a l ready given you different explanat ions<br />

about; this, but I shall do s o for ano<strong>the</strong>r t.iJre: Fran <strong>the</strong><br />

recording, <strong>the</strong> discuss ed acceptances are wrong in respect to<br />

<strong>the</strong>re being differences in <strong>the</strong> truths in <strong>the</strong> way that our<br />

explanations and interpretations would correspond with only<br />

a part o f <strong>the</strong> truth, and \'o1)uld at f irst, under confrontation<br />

with o<strong>the</strong>r expl anations and interpretations o f r o<strong>the</strong>r. crea<br />

t ures caning to you Earthhuman beings, l ead towards<br />

<strong>the</strong> final truth. 34/In <strong>the</strong> present tirre, we are <strong>the</strong> highest<br />

developed c reatures who fran outside your wor-Id tra vel to<br />

this Earth, and a lso are in s tat ion here. 35/Although s till<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r c reatures are penetrating into your Earth space, flying<br />

here, and sore having as well <strong>the</strong>ir stat ions here, so we<br />

cor respond to <strong>the</strong> highest evol ut ion of a ll of <strong>the</strong>m. 36/'Ihe<br />

second highest form o f life behind us is a lit tle rrore than<br />

1,340 years o f total evolution behind ourselves. 37 /50 o f<br />

all present extraterrestria l f orms o f life which inllabit <strong>the</strong><br />

Farth space , we are in a dvance in total evolut ion by a few<br />

rrore than 1,340 Earth years . 38/\'l'hen we <strong>the</strong>n transmit exp<br />

l anat ions and interpretations, <strong>the</strong>se accord to <strong>the</strong> highest<br />

l evel o f r ecognition and kncwfedqe and to <strong>the</strong> highest known<br />

truth, which not by any explanation and interpretaticn f ran<br />

l esser deve loped creatures, under confrontat ion , could lead<br />

towards greater truth. 39/Which matters in consequence that<br />

what; we transmit to you, is <strong>the</strong> finally known truth up to<br />

and within our l evel o f spirit, which also resul ts that in<br />

respect to <strong>the</strong> forrrer ly rrent.Ioned deceptive e rerents, we can<br />

on l y reveal <strong>the</strong> effective truth, and I fran my s ide have to<br />


enain with my explanations , because <strong>the</strong>y are <strong>the</strong> truth.<br />

40/I f <strong>the</strong>n certain persons doubt my expl anations in this<br />

rratter, <strong>the</strong>y mus t; s oone r or l ater r ecogni ze <strong>the</strong> truth o f my<br />

words. 41/ 'Ihis espec.tat I y in respect to <strong>the</strong> deceptive pretentions<br />

o f certain ones who spoke wor l dwi de o f presurred<br />

contacts with hurran beings of your nei ghOOring p l ane t Venus.<br />

42/Mter not too many years it will beccrre evident to you by<br />

your sciences, that on that p l anet exist no hUll\3J1 c r eatures<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> f o rm described by certain deceivers, nei<strong>the</strong>r in spir -<br />

i tual nor materi al f orm . 43/ If <strong>the</strong>n my explanati ons a re<br />

r e f used by different Bar-th humans <strong>the</strong>n this i s o f no great<br />

iITportance, because <strong>the</strong> Earth sci ent ists will <strong>the</strong>mse lves<br />

evidence and prove my informat ion in a few years, by which<br />

at <strong>the</strong> s ane tiJre are <strong>the</strong> different pseudo-contactees proven<br />

to be deceivers , o r had been.<br />

44/For <strong>the</strong> sincerel y interested Earth human, I want to<br />

trouble myself to give sore inportant explanations with respect<br />

to <strong>the</strong> planet Venus : Often <strong>the</strong> Earth' s sol ar s ystem<br />

is passed by carets and wandering planets o r wandering stars,<br />

about which <strong>the</strong> follCMing is an explanation: carets appear<br />

in different forms ; one tirre as wande ring planets and as<br />

wandering stars, which by <strong>the</strong> great attractive pceers o f<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r stars and planets, and by suns, are drawn into <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

sphere of influence. 45/Because o f <strong>the</strong>ir great speed <strong>the</strong>y<br />

usually rush through <strong>the</strong> gravity belt and distance <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

again, where by <strong>the</strong> inc reased friction o f <strong>the</strong> planetary,<br />

sol ar and star f orces <strong>the</strong>ir s urface i s liquified and l oses<br />

matter. 46/This matter often forms itself as a very l ong<br />

tail behind <strong>the</strong> fleeing ccxret . 47/Fran s o l ar energies etc,,<br />

<strong>the</strong> emitted particles <strong>the</strong>n beccrre visible as a shining taiL<br />

48/On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand <strong>the</strong> so-caj Ied "enpty space" i s not<br />

enpty, because i t is alive with innumerous partic les and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r things , which by <strong>the</strong> constant f riction with <strong>the</strong> wander<br />

ing planets, s tars, e t c . , ca use <strong>the</strong>ir tails to shine .<br />

49/Yet <strong>the</strong>re exist besides <strong>the</strong>se carets s till <strong>the</strong> veil- like<br />

emet ic bodies.<br />

SO/ In general canets have r a<strong>the</strong>r eccentric courses, and<br />

circle, l ike <strong>the</strong> s ystem's planets, around <strong>the</strong> s un, but upon<br />

very much l arger courses . 51/These system's canets deve lop<br />

<strong>the</strong>mselves norrrel Iy at first near <strong>the</strong> sun with <strong>the</strong>ir ilrpressive<br />

l ong tails, which o f ten c an be many milli ons o f kilometers<br />

l ong . 52/But tirue ly gigantic carets are quite rare ,<br />

for whi ch reason <strong>the</strong> greatest number of all carets is not<br />


perceivable by <strong>the</strong> naked eye. 53/ Onl y <strong>the</strong> really great and<br />

r a<strong>the</strong>r c lose to Earth carets are percetved by <strong>the</strong> mere eyes<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Earthhuman being. 54/The average carets are nothing<br />

rrore than sma.ll and very weak sphere-shaped clouds of light<br />

without tail. 5S/But of this s ort o r caret are innurrerous<br />

ones. 56/'Ihe veil- l ike ccerets are <strong>the</strong> most; f requent ones ,<br />

and <strong>the</strong>y possess three main characteristics: '!hey are surrounded<br />

by a veil cana, with o r without inner central densif<br />

ication; <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> core and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> taiL 57/The f orms of<br />

<strong>the</strong> care can be very different ; elli ptical , round, o r drawn<br />

out in any direction. S8/'!he centra l densification appears<br />

that way , that <strong>the</strong> cera beccrea brighter and rrore ccmpact; on<br />

<strong>the</strong> inside. S9/ '!he core itself f o rms a bright ly shining<br />

zone and embodies <strong>the</strong> essential caret, which can measure a<br />

few hundred meters up to many thousand kilareters, while <strong>the</strong><br />

total diarreter of <strong>the</strong> caret 's head, measured. toge<strong>the</strong>r with<br />

<strong>the</strong> ccea, arrounts often to many hundred thousand or even<br />

mi llions of kilareters. 60/Each, f ran <strong>the</strong> sort of caret and<br />

<strong>the</strong> influences, consists in <strong>the</strong> tail of dust particles or of<br />

forms of gas, o r of dust particles and gas f onnati ons toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

. 61/ Mere gas tails keep <strong>the</strong>mse lves wdth.in much c l oser<br />

diIrensions than <strong>the</strong> dust tails, which only appear in greater<br />

carets that are very light, while <strong>the</strong> gas tails are not very<br />

br ight and are enornousty tenuous . 62/'!he system-cconected<br />

carets have very long elliptical courses which extend <strong>the</strong>ms<br />

elves very far out into <strong>the</strong> COSfI'OS. 63/'!hese courses lead<br />

very often half way or even rrore into o<strong>the</strong>r systems , until<br />

<strong>the</strong>y start <strong>the</strong>ir r eturn flight again trwards <strong>the</strong>ir originating<br />

system. 64/But <strong>the</strong> courses can a lso run 50 far that<br />

<strong>the</strong> way l eads through one o r several s ys tems and <strong>the</strong> way<br />

beccmes accordingly l onger . 65/Because of <strong>the</strong> l ong courses ,<br />

<strong>the</strong> carets often need many decades of years before <strong>the</strong>y fly<br />

again through <strong>the</strong>ir hare systems, while on <strong>the</strong> contrary,<br />

system-wanderers, carets which fly through dif ferent sys tems,<br />

posses orbiting ti.rres of many hundreds o r thousands of years .<br />

66/And l ike all p lanets, s o a lso are carets s ubjected to <strong>the</strong><br />

laws of gravity, thus <strong>the</strong>y also f orm <strong>the</strong>ir courses accordingly.<br />

67/And j ust <strong>the</strong>se different courses and <strong>the</strong>ir lengths<br />

are decisive for ce rtain changes and occurrences in <strong>the</strong><br />

very different sys tems of stars and suns, even as such occurences<br />

and changes are only very rare.<br />

68/ScrtE l e ss in detail I have already spoke about <strong>the</strong>se<br />

f actors of carets, while nCM I had to explain sarething rrore .<br />


69/f!o this is necessary for <strong>the</strong> explanation that on Venus<br />

exists no fonn of human l ife : Millions o f years ago a huge<br />

dark star destroyed half of a plane tary system many lightyears<br />

fran your sol ar system. 70/ Mter <strong>the</strong> destructi on of<br />

that far away sys tem, <strong>the</strong> wanderer rushed out to <strong>the</strong> widths<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Uni verse, and took up its course tcMards Earth, where<br />

i t was f orced by <strong>the</strong> great p lanets and <strong>the</strong> sun into a new<br />

orbit which in consequence of that brought it on again and<br />

again into this s ystem. 71 /Known as "<strong>the</strong> destroyer", it<br />

f ofIcwed i ts new course and produced f or itself in <strong>the</strong> course<br />

o f - millions of years, a stable orbit . 72/'Ihis course l ed<br />

<strong>the</strong> destroyer uncontrollably c lose t o s tars and s ystems , o r<br />

to o<strong>the</strong>r wandering stars and canets, which were by its g i -<br />

gant ic s ize <strong>the</strong>n forced out o f o rbit o r were attracted by<br />

i ts gravity and were "kidnapped" . 73/1his happened as \Vel!<br />

only a few thousand years ago , when this i.mnense destroyer<br />

drew an ob ject into i ts gravity and course, and l ed it over<br />

many miUions o f kilaneters toward <strong>the</strong> Earth's solar system.<br />

74 /'Ihe destroyer itself flew very far outside <strong>the</strong> reach o f<br />

Earth gravity, but <strong>the</strong> object trail ing in i ts gravity f ield<br />

passed dangerously close to Earth and evoked great c atastrophies<br />

. 7 5/ 'Ihe whole solar s ystem was p lunged into disorder<br />

and chaos at that tiIre and all its p lanets were pushed<br />

into new o rbits. 76/'Ihe new object disturbing <strong>the</strong> hanrony<br />

was f orced by <strong>the</strong> gravity of <strong>the</strong> greater p lanets and <strong>the</strong> SUn<br />

into a course between Earth and and was unable to<br />

l eave <strong>the</strong> s ystem. 77 / And being <strong>the</strong> br ightest and rroat; reflective<br />

planet o f Earth1s solar system, c i rcl es s ince <strong>the</strong>n<br />

around <strong>the</strong> sun and i s ca lled by <strong>the</strong> Farth hurrans "Venus".<br />

78/'Ihese events, where Venus was captured by <strong>the</strong> Earth's<br />

sol ar system , happened 3, 453 years ago. BO/By <strong>the</strong> events<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> tiJre Venus was guided into a very quiet course, for<br />

which it has one of <strong>the</strong> l east eccentric o r b i ts. B2/ 'Ihi s is<br />

<strong>the</strong> essentia l effect o f that ancient c lose passage to Earth,<br />

by which <strong>the</strong> rotati on o f Venus was a l so influenced. 83 /By<br />

<strong>the</strong> gravity of Earth, <strong>the</strong> r otation of Venus was s Ioved down<br />

and it started r otating in <strong>the</strong> opposite direction. 84/And<br />

in effect o f <strong>the</strong> very short t irre o f passage through Earth I S<br />

gravity, <strong>the</strong> rotati on o f <strong>the</strong> sIowed p lanet was not able to<br />

increase itself, f or which r eason it attained an extrerrely<br />

long tine for on.ty one rotation, and maintains fran that day<br />

<strong>the</strong> SlCMest rotation t.iIre in <strong>the</strong> whole solar system. 85 /<br />

Since <strong>the</strong>n one day on Venus l asts 117 Fa.rth days, while <strong>the</strong><br />


tine for rotation around <strong>the</strong> 30 degree inclined axis o f <strong>the</strong><br />

pores arrounts to 243 Earth days .<br />

86/By <strong>the</strong> gravity of Earth Venus was robbed in i ts fli ght<br />

3,453 years ago of its own rotat ional energy, and <strong>the</strong>re<br />

arose a very great heat o f fri ction. 87/And this frictional<br />

heat i s also <strong>the</strong> cause of <strong>the</strong> physical conditions which pres<br />

ent ly rei gn on Venus . 88/'Ihe physical conditions a l one<br />

shew <strong>the</strong> f alsity of a ll those who affinn that human life<br />

exists on Venus . 89/'Ihis matter is canpletel y outside <strong>the</strong><br />

frarre of nat ural chance, because <strong>the</strong> envi ronrrental condit<br />

ions on Venus I s urface and <strong>the</strong> atrrosphe re are absolutely<br />

deadly for human c reat ures. 90/'Ihe s urface tenperature o f<br />

Venus, measured at a depth of 32 kilareters, is a t present<br />

457 degrees Celsius. 91/'Ihis is a lso <strong>the</strong> reason why all <strong>the</strong><br />

water of this p lanet has turned to vapor and f orms today <strong>the</strong><br />

very thick s tratum of c louds. 92/'Ihat a lso produces an a t -<br />

rrosphere s o dense that <strong>the</strong> pressure at an accepted sea l evel<br />

is 334 t irres higher than of <strong>the</strong> air on <strong>the</strong> Earth. 93/And<br />

interpreted in your scientific tenns, <strong>the</strong> abnosphere o f<br />

Venus is a lso a danger to <strong>the</strong> life of human creatures, bec<br />

ause it consists by volurre o f 87% carbon dioxide, whil e <strong>the</strong><br />

percentage differs in sere p l aces. 94/Oxygen exists at present<br />

in <strong>the</strong> I CMer s tra tums in onl y 4.23%, and nitrogens and<br />

r are gasses are r eported to be 55.47%. 95/Wa ter vapor i s<br />

very r are at present , and <strong>the</strong> a tIrosphere i s considerabl y<br />

greater than that of your Earth. 96 /'Ihe actua l pressure of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Venus atmosphere i s 107 t ines greater than <strong>the</strong> pressure<br />

of your Fart.h IS atIrosphere. 97/And this i s also a mat ter<br />

which is hostile to human forms o f life. 98/By this decreasing<br />

only very e acwry great pressure, human f o rms o f<br />

life would be squashed into indis cernabili ty and destroyed,<br />

and even rretallic fonns can suffer <strong>the</strong> sarre fate. 99/In<br />

explanat ion, I want to reveal here, that we have found on<br />

Venus, Earthly apparatus, which by <strong>the</strong> i..rrrrense pressure o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> atmos phere of Venus was ccmpfete.ty squashed and darraged<br />

even before <strong>the</strong>y r eached <strong>the</strong> surface o f that p lanet. 100/<br />

Especia lly this has to do with <strong>the</strong> expl orati on means o f your<br />

state o f Russi a , which were shot towards Venus by <strong>the</strong> scientists<br />

o f that l and . 101/ 'Ihese destroyed devices l ooked<br />

l ike <strong>the</strong>y had been thrown a t great velocity against a Iretal<br />

wall.<br />

162/ Venus has a rragnetic field o f very I CM measurerrent,<br />

and a lso what you call <strong>the</strong> "Van Allen Belt" is express ed<br />


very l aw, in consequence of which what you call <strong>the</strong> "s o lar<br />

wind" factor is not screened very much. l 03/ 'Ihen must be<br />

r egarded as well <strong>the</strong> very high temperature, which injures<br />

<strong>the</strong> belt. 104/ But a lso <strong>the</strong> l ack of water has its consequences<br />

in nourishing <strong>the</strong> hostili ty against life of this planet.<br />

l OS/Fran <strong>the</strong> event of 3,453 years ago , <strong>the</strong> planet i s at<br />

present in <strong>the</strong> first phases of recovery and restoration.<br />

106/ SIa.vly, over <strong>the</strong> course of centuries and mi. Lleni.uma,<br />

natural condit ions for life, and forms of life of <strong>the</strong> rrost<br />

primitive kind will devel op, as those are usual on each<br />

erre r ging lif e - developing \'.'Or l d . . . 107/ 'Ihus for even<br />

<strong>the</strong> ITOst unreasonable one it is evident that we are dealing ,<br />

in <strong>the</strong> case of Venus, with a planet that is rraking its first<br />

troves wi thin <strong>the</strong> status of prcducing life.<br />

regard to <strong>the</strong> planet itself, i t must be explained<br />

that especially in its equatorial regi ons it is very flat<br />

with structured r e lief r e gi ons far away . 109 /Concerning <strong>the</strong><br />

temperature, day and night sides are nearly equal, while<br />

<strong>the</strong>re are great differences in <strong>the</strong> strength of <strong>the</strong> wind between<br />

<strong>the</strong> l ower and <strong>the</strong> higher regions . 1l0/ At <strong>the</strong> surface<br />

i tself <strong>the</strong> wind is still, and first devel ops in <strong>the</strong> highe r<br />

r egi ons. Hl/At still higher regions <strong>the</strong> winds increase<br />

very much and reach velocities of 117 meters per second.<br />

112/ The Iowest; l evel of cloud exists a t 43 . 17 kilareters<br />

(above <strong>the</strong> surface), but this can a lways vary because of<br />

at:nospher ic storms etc. 113 /'Ihis is especially l ikely over<br />

those regions where <strong>the</strong> winds are pressed downwards and<br />

r each <strong>the</strong> surface and b .lcw against <strong>the</strong> rrountains, which<br />

<strong>the</strong>mselves r each heights of 2.3 kilareter s on average. 11 4/<br />

The c liIrate and structural wea<strong>the</strong>r are on <strong>the</strong> whole very<br />

constant on Venus, but never<strong>the</strong>less sbcw cer-tedn differences .<br />

11 5/ Thus it is that human life on this planet is up to now<br />

still impossible i f not accorded technical means for help.<br />

116/In <strong>the</strong> sense <strong>the</strong>n, mentioned by deceivers, no life in<br />

fact exists on Venus . 117/ But canpletely o<strong>the</strong>r f orms (of<br />

life) does exist , but <strong>the</strong>re can be no canpari son between<br />

<strong>the</strong>se and human forms. 118/The planet is still very wild,<br />

f or how e lse could this be after 3,453 years? 119/For example<br />

may serve to you <strong>the</strong> Earth r-bon , as when you Look at<br />

it you have nearl y a copy of <strong>the</strong> Venus which presents i tself<br />

bel ew <strong>the</strong> thick stratum of c louds . we or o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

forms of life go to Venus, which is r i ch in very different<br />

minerals and o<strong>the</strong>r materials, i t i s only possible for us by<br />


using s peci a l protective dress which preserves us f ran <strong>the</strong><br />

dangerous influences o f <strong>the</strong> Venusian a trrosphere, <strong>the</strong> great<br />

heat, etc, , as well as in r egard to <strong>the</strong> different f orms of<br />

poi s ons and gasses which neve as dead ly c louds over <strong>the</strong><br />

p l anet . 121 / And bec ause <strong>the</strong> p l anet i s subjected to certain<br />

diffe r ences, \'i'e mus t; a l so take this into consideration, as<br />

f o r exampfe, for dif ferent l cx:at i ons where <strong>the</strong> tenperature<br />

increases to rmre than 500 degress Ce l s ius directl y on <strong>the</strong><br />

s urface, and where al so <strong>the</strong> va lues o f carbon dioxides , o f<br />

nitrogens, he lium, a rgon and neon gasses change va lues;<br />

while a lso <strong>the</strong> atrrospher ic pressures differ between 88 up to<br />

107 atmospheres (AT) . (3)<br />

122/n-tese are <strong>the</strong> basic explanations which I have to offe r<br />

in respect to <strong>the</strong> ability o f human o r s imi.lar to hurren lif e<br />

existing on <strong>the</strong> p lanet Venus . 123/ 1f I had to describe o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

p lanets o f your s un system, <strong>the</strong>n by regret a lso <strong>the</strong>re I<br />

\o,uuld have to refute a t different p l anets <strong>the</strong> deceptive inf<br />

ornation o f certain e l errents and substitute f or i t <strong>the</strong> real<br />

truth, because o<strong>the</strong> r s uppos edly inhabited p lanets of your<br />

sys t em contain no such f o rms o f hurran life•. .<br />

Meier- Your explanations could not be much clearer , and so<br />

I assume that <strong>the</strong>se should be sufficient for reasonable<br />

human beings. But; wha t ma.tter sti ll i s not evident for Ire<br />

now, i s that concerning <strong>the</strong> publ i cation o f our contact reports.<br />

n-te l ast contact has been o nly o f though t -trans -<br />

mission kind, and besides that your chief has care in.<br />

SEmjase- 143/ SUrely; as this has once been demanded, after<br />

different unhanronious things appeared in your group. . .<br />

147/ Concem ing <strong>the</strong> contact r eports, I a lso explained to you,<br />

that <strong>the</strong>se s hou l .d be published within internal c irc les , as<br />

<strong>the</strong>y a lready exist . 148/Cklly f o r external circles should<br />

<strong>the</strong>y be censored of a ll personal concerns, etc. 149/ &1t if<br />

any external c ircles appear who want to get unshortened.<br />

reports, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y s houl d al so be handed <strong>the</strong>m in ccmplete<br />

f o nn. 150/ 'Ihe censored f o nn of <strong>the</strong> reports i s valid a l one<br />

for broad publicity.<br />

M:tier- had a l s o considered this, senjase ,<br />

Semjase- 151/ 'Ihen we mus t; have a mt.sunder-stienddnq ,<br />

TIlere must; be - but l et I s no l onger talk o f this .<br />

n-tere has a lso been i ts qocd e ffect, as this way I also got<br />


once in contact wi th your chief.<br />

Semjase- 152/Surely, but <strong>the</strong>re should be no l imit on that.<br />

153/ At a l ater point in t irre we have fur<strong>the</strong>r oppor-tuni.t.Les,<br />

as we have pr ovided f o r this. 154/But this will be on ly<br />

when we will prepare you for <strong>the</strong> great j ourney, which will<br />

take you far<strong>the</strong>r away than any Bar-thhuman has traveled in<br />

<strong>the</strong> last 2, 000 years.<br />

loei.er- You rrent.Loned sarething in <strong>the</strong> last rreetdnq , You<br />

told rre that I could once care with you to <strong>the</strong> Plei ades.<br />

Semjase- 155/Surely, but this will on l y be a short part of<br />

a l arger trip, because <strong>the</strong> aim seen fran <strong>the</strong> Earth is many<br />

light years distance.<br />

Meier- Oh dear - that is fantastic. I onl y wanted to take<br />

photographs <strong>the</strong>re. By regret <strong>the</strong> l ast pictures have nearly<br />

a ll been bad, about; <strong>the</strong> travel to Saturn, Ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y were<br />

over or underexposed, or <strong>the</strong> film was just b l ack.<br />

Semjase- 156/'Ihis," unfortunately, had t o be expected, .. .because<br />

you rray need for s uch cases, speci al equi.prent,<br />

Never<strong>the</strong>less I will by again on <strong>the</strong> next trip. If<br />

j ust sare pictures would be successful for me, even half<br />

way , <strong>the</strong>n I am content .<br />

5emjase- 159/ Bes i de s this, <strong>the</strong>re is a chance that we will<br />

take you up again on <strong>the</strong> next rreeting, for a fur<strong>the</strong> r special<br />

f light . 161 / He r e 'We a lso want to s ee whe<strong>the</strong>r you are able<br />

to make certain pictures, for we have produced in this aim a<br />

special apparatus .<br />

lmat shall I photograph?<br />

5emjase- 162/ You will r e cognize this s een enough , but ncsv<br />

my ti.rre i s over again, for I still have to carry out certain<br />

duties.<br />



(1) As gJt. into this UFO investiqatia1., as <strong>the</strong> investigators, care<br />

urder investigatia1., arrl we l::eg3n to rotice rrany arrl urU:Elievable<br />

ocr terepocoee were tafped, cur mail was intercept.erl arrl<br />

ware folla-m. 'Ibtal m:de


After Hei er ha d shot several rolls of fi l m in a number o f Pleiadian space<br />

s hip flight demonstration events, he was asked how <strong>the</strong> pictures comi ng<br />

out . He replied that t he pictures were good, but that his f riends and <strong>the</strong><br />

critics l'>ho ha d seen t hem argued that <strong>the</strong>y wer-e all of objects i n a light<br />

s ky with no referen ce points t o c l earl y demonstrate distances, and that<br />

t h is ki nd would be easy to fake wi th a mode l suspended on a line . He<br />

t hough t t his cou ld be a pr oblem in useing photographs o f t he craft t o prove<br />

t he contacts were r eal .<br />

Heier t old Semja se that i f <strong>the</strong>y could fl y clos er to known objects t hat<br />

cou ld be measured later for di stanc e and size, that this might offset<br />

criticism.<br />

'''''"<br />

And so he was surmoned to a l S: OO ren dezvou s near Fuchsbue l -Hofhalden,<br />

northwest of Wetz ikoo, and was told he could bring h i s came r as. \-.hen he<br />

ar r i ve d he was t old that <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrials would fl y <strong>the</strong>ir ship a round<br />

8 tall weat her-fir , a he rmit species of evergreen , which stood alone on<br />

t he shallow s lope of a hill overlook ing <strong>the</strong> Pfaffikersea, and that i s just<br />

what t hey di d, flying s o close to <strong>the</strong> tree t hat <strong>the</strong> r im of t he ship bro ke<br />

some of t he small branches at t he fl i ght l evel of t he ship. Thi s t ook<br />

place on 9 J uly 1975.<br />

Me ier star ted his picture-taking with <strong>the</strong> branches of ano<strong>the</strong>r s imilar<br />

t ree i n <strong>the</strong> ne ar for egr ound to t he right o f <strong>the</strong> pictur e frame . Those low<br />

branches were ins ide <strong>the</strong> j arrmed f ocu s set ting on his camera at <strong>the</strong> time<br />

and are s een out of foc us in <strong>the</strong> picture, clearly s howing that branch was<br />

l ess than JS feet <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> camera l en s .<br />

The sh i p ho ve red <strong>the</strong>re in <strong>the</strong> air as <strong>the</strong> photographe r ",alked about 20<br />

s teps to his left an d dolm t he hill for a second picture, exactly what his<br />

fri ends had ad vis ed him to do . He t ool< that second picture <strong>from</strong> a closer<br />

perspective and with <strong>the</strong> Pfaffikersea now seen i n <strong>the</strong> bac kground beyond<br />

<strong>the</strong> hovering ship.<br />

Then <strong>the</strong> s hi p was sl owly flown completel y around t he tree i n a counter<br />

c lockwise direction as Meier got a pic t ure of it on <strong>the</strong> right ha nd side<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n t he left. It went a round again and he snapped two pictures of<br />

t he s hi p behi nd <strong>the</strong> t r ee wi t h t he branches partl y obs cu ring t he ship.<br />

These pictures, t hough <strong>the</strong>y were exactly \\hat t he critics want ed t o see ,<br />

now came under cr iti c ism by accusation s t ha t Heier had used a IIIOdel on a<br />

line and a IIIOdel tree. Nobody seemed t o give an y t hOUght to ho.. a onearmed<br />

man driving this distance on a Ho- ped would car ry suc h a t ree and a<br />

IIlOdel, rigging, cameras, et c,, without be ing observed by sceeeooy,<br />

No f ace-t o- face meeting took place t his date.<br />



•<br />


30th Ccntact 'I\.1esday, 15 July 197 5<br />

09: 46 h<br />

Thought<br />

Transmissi on<br />

Semjase- 1/1 have recei ved your diff erent thoughts but I<br />

cou l d not res pond (i.rmediate l y) a s my pr e s ent task occupies<br />

rre very much , 2/ lmd as I OeM take up contact with you today<br />

it will be, f or certain reasons, for only a short t..i.ne : Prepare<br />

yourself to be r eady in <strong>the</strong> earl y norning hours o f <strong>the</strong><br />

17th of J u l y , which is within two days . 3/ At a given t iJre<br />

I will ca ll you <strong>the</strong>n, and take you f ran a sui ted l ocat ion .<br />

4/ You s hould equi p yourself with s ufficient fi lm mater ial as<br />

this will be of Irrcortance, 9/ Prepare yourself furtller to<br />

be absent for a longer time, because you will undertake . ..<br />

a fur<strong>the</strong>r flight, which is not possible even for many space--<br />

travel ing creatures. l O/Wi tltin this Universe are few forms<br />

o f life able to overcare such gre a t distances , because this<br />

i s onl y possibl e through hyperspace . l1/Wher e this has been<br />

made posat b i e by advanced technical deve.loprenta, <strong>the</strong> Universe<br />

offers no l imits. 12/Also space and time are no<br />

l onger barriers , and so as well <strong>the</strong> barrier between univers -<br />

es can be negoti ated. B I As you knC1N fran t amer t..inEs (1) ,<br />

so also are knccn tiJre-j ourneys f o r certain f orms of lif e . ..<br />

Do you know <strong>the</strong>se<br />

things?<br />

Sanjase- 14/ SUrely . 15/ As Asket is well known to lIE. 16/<br />

But p lease do not Interrupt, Ire, because my t ine for this<br />

contact i s very s hort; we will not be able to accarrplish <strong>the</strong><br />

caning travel in my small s hip, as f or such trips it is<br />

unsuit ed. 17/ .• •We shal l go over to a great -space-fit ted<br />

ship. 18/ So prepare for a l toge<strong>the</strong>r a t l east 30 hours o f<br />

tine (away) , because with this s hip \

"Lyra" (constellation) , and you call it "The Ring Nebula of<br />

Lyra" or "H-57". 27/lhese are <strong>the</strong> concerns 1 had to report;<br />

today. 28/lf nCM you still have a question, <strong>the</strong>n I have a<br />

short tine to answer . (3)<br />

I£ier- I f eel myself p l .aced into a kingdan o f fantasy , semj<br />

ase . But tell rre , where in <strong>the</strong> sky or heaven can I find<br />

this "Eye-of -God"?<br />

8anj ase-<br />

29/To do this you need a bigger telescope.<br />

I£ier- A pity . - In respect to <strong>the</strong> p lanned journey, I still<br />

have a questi on: Nhen I count <strong>the</strong> distance in kt.Icme ter-s,<br />

what i s <strong>the</strong> mm1ber?<br />

senjase- 3D/It exceeds all your ma.<strong>the</strong>matical posstbti i.taes<br />

of calculation manyfold. 31 / Telling a number , which I could<br />

give you. .. but only in my terms, would in consequence be<br />

absurd. ..<br />

l£ier- But <strong>the</strong>n a few hours wi ll not be sufficient.<br />

Sanj ase-- 34/Vou f orget about <strong>the</strong> negation of space and tilre<br />

in hyperspace .<br />

I£ier- rear rre , <strong>the</strong>n this will becCIT'E j ust a short trip to<br />

<strong>the</strong> end o f <strong>the</strong> Universe, a travel into eterni ty, so to speak?<br />

36/Your thoughts are wrong, f or we dont; reach an<br />

end of <strong>the</strong> Universe, f or such an end does not exist . 37/We<br />

only nove to a barrier o f this Universe.<br />

loeier- But how are we able to execute this traveling while<br />

yoo are occupied with <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r matter .. . ?<br />

senjase- 38/1he fur<strong>the</strong>r h'Ork will be continued after my<br />

leaving by o<strong>the</strong>rs because, a f ur<strong>the</strong>r mission has been given<br />

me, which i s also cormected with <strong>the</strong> travel ing, as you call<br />

it.<br />

loEier- I understand. 'Ihen you are not going to <strong>the</strong> Univer -<br />

se I 5 barrier s iIllpl y to grant ITE this trip?<br />

5emjase-- 39/ You guessed it, because <strong>the</strong>re i s a quite cer -<br />

tain task but cormected with i t. 4D/But nC1N' I can speak no<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r with you , as tirre p resses , and I still have o<strong>the</strong> r<br />

things to do.<br />



(1) foEier is ra:ni.n:3ed bere of his earlier CJ1""1;PiIq' ccntacts with Asket, a<br />

ht.tran---like h:!iIq' wh:l said she Ci:IIE fran tiE "[};L thiverse, a thiverse of<br />

erotrer fOlarity c:g,:osed to curs, which a::urrt:.el:bal curs in rranifestetdcn,<br />

His a:ntacts with As.loot went en ever a span of IlDre than tel years.<br />

As.lret arrl her tea:n prepare::l tomer for his presmt ccetects with <strong>the</strong> teen<br />

fran <strong>the</strong> <strong>Pleiades</strong>. '!he plei cdians arrl <strong>the</strong> IW.s have been in o::ntact. arrl<br />

in associati.cn en projects of varices kirrls with each o<strong>the</strong>r for a very 1.aq<br />

tine. In erccoer ccewersetdco, not recorded, lbier was told that he was<br />

hin:Ee1£ of <strong>the</strong> sarre spirit as <strong>the</strong> estraterrestrials visi tiJlg him. arrl has<br />

live::l arrl travele1 with than before in <strong>the</strong> history of his scat. '!his is a<br />

tlB!e we have beard in a high IEIT81taQe of <strong>the</strong> extensive c:n--t.Pl.rq cases<br />

of antaet with ectraterrestri.als. 1b oor fa.' of trese o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

cases are Jon.,n to !-mer.<br />

(2) secjese later expl.a.iIH:i that <strong>the</strong>ir ercestcrs, arrl cera, sfrce we I::oth<br />

cere fran a ccrrrcn heritage, de:scerrled fran <strong>the</strong> refugees fran that great<br />

sun-system, sore of wh::m flerl to <strong>the</strong> Ple ia:les, s::IIE to tbe Hya::1es, arrl a<br />

n1.1llter of o<strong>the</strong>r places ...'here <strong>the</strong>y f oord h:Gpitable planets in <strong>the</strong>ir escape<br />

fran dest.ru:tirn.<br />

(3) '!his l.cqi.cal reference to "'!he Eye of Q::d" in p1eiaiian history bas<br />

been facit.io.Jsly t:wiste:i bf <strong>the</strong> jeal.oos antilg:nists of this case into a<br />

derisive statecert that "l-E.i.er clain:s to have .1cx:lke1 into <strong>the</strong> eye of Qrl",<br />

ally reveals <strong>the</strong>ir actual i.gnrance of <strong>the</strong> facts in this case.<br />


31st Contact; 'Ihursday, 17 July 1975<br />

for t his 31st contact with <strong>the</strong> extrat err estrials i n less t han six mont hs ,<br />

Eduard Meier made pl ans f or an absence o f ove r 30 hour s and prepared<br />

himself for this anticipate d trip. He got up early, carefully ba<strong>the</strong>d and<br />

dressed, and l oaded hi s bike an d star ted out fo r t he r e mote and very<br />

s ecluded r endezvous spot s e l ected by <strong>the</strong> female cos monaut . Again <strong>the</strong> route<br />

was ver y di fficult to negot i ate and woul d certainl y discourage fol l owers .<br />

Arriving at <strong>the</strong> s i gnified location , he unloaded t he equipment he would<br />

carry a long wi th him and carefully hid h i s Ho-ped against accidental<br />

discovery . Shortly after this, <strong>the</strong> spacecraft arri ved and he wa s gr eeted<br />

by <strong>the</strong> now familiar extraterrestr i al woman , Semj ase , It was 10: 14 i n t he<br />

f orenoon and he was i nmedi ately taken i nt o <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadi an ship<br />

a l ong wi t h hi s equipment br ought fo r <strong>the</strong> trip. They ascended into <strong>the</strong><br />

s hi p i n <strong>the</strong> beam of energy and took right off on t he gr eatest event i n<br />

l i fe .<br />

After <strong>the</strong> trip Heier "I8S brought back to <strong>the</strong> s ame spot , retrieved h is<br />

Nc-ped, still und i stur bed , an d rode all t he way home i n «onde r an d contemplation.<br />

Af t e r he had rested <strong>from</strong> t he strain of all <strong>the</strong> excitemen t, he<br />

got up , weened his face, an d went ou t and settled himse l f a t his modest<br />

desk to receive t he "t r ans miss ion" .<br />

SUddenl y he was "tuned in" and t he f ollowing edited transcript was<br />

r eceived as be fore, r apidl y, with no repe ats, and no s topping for corr<br />

ections, i n a cont inuous run until <strong>the</strong> t ransmission was completed .<br />

semjase-<br />

l / Tc:day is your big day.<br />

Meier- After all you have tol d Ire I feel <strong>the</strong> same way .<br />

senjase- 2/You had to think about; what would be expected.<br />

3/But now I must explain at this time, that you have to keep<br />

silence about certain concerns . 4/At a l ate r t.irre I will be<br />

able to allO'iv you to tell about <strong>the</strong> experience . 5/Fran that<br />

I will l eave out of <strong>the</strong> transmission of <strong>the</strong> report c ertain<br />

things o f which yOUITBy not speak. 6/ But ccrre now, f irst we<br />

make a j ourney tlrrough your s o lar system.<br />

{\\Ie go to <strong>the</strong> ship and are lifted up inside by <strong>the</strong> transport<br />

beam, and on l y a few s econds after this <strong>the</strong> ship floats up<br />

high, and I shoot f r an about. 50 meter's height , s ere di.a- pdctures<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> environrrent of <strong>the</strong> departure point. I take <strong>the</strong><br />

pictures partly fran straight above , and partl y fran<br />

<strong>the</strong> s ide. I c an take <strong>the</strong>se pictures still tlrrough <strong>the</strong><br />

entrance hatch as we c l imb very s lowly higher. Af ter shoot -<br />


ing <strong>the</strong> pictures, SeInjase c loses <strong>the</strong> hatch, and within only<br />

seconds, <strong>the</strong> ship rushes up to several k i lareters height<br />

without my noticing any pressure or any o<strong>the</strong> r change. zverything<br />

is just l ike I was standing on solid qround on <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth. Different sudden a l ternations o f <strong>the</strong> course produced<br />

no bodily effect, though I can see through <strong>the</strong> "windows" on<br />

board that at diffe rent ti.rres we shoot; a long in <strong>the</strong> c r azi est<br />

rroverrents, l ike a great pendah.nn.)<br />

semjase- 7 /\'le will new l e ave <strong>the</strong> gravity f i e l d of Earth.<br />

flirler-<br />

'Ib where shall \'o"e go nCM?<br />

Sanjase- 8/ At first to Venus, where you may a lready use<br />

your carrera .<br />

M:!:ier- \'ihat about <strong>the</strong> Venusians? Can ....re photograph <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

semjase- 9/You like to j oke . ..<br />

flirler- I onl y wanted to s ee what you wou .ld s ay.<br />

S;mjase- U /Your ways o f thinking can oft en be urccbiescre.<br />

12/ aut look he r e now : We have produced this apparat us here,<br />

to give you better possibi lit ies for getting photographs.<br />

13/You can ho ld your camera quite s imply before this screen<br />

and <strong>the</strong>n photograph outsi de. 14/As you s ee, you are able to<br />

100.11;. through this transparent mat erial to o utsi de, like it<br />

would be a sirople pane of g l ass . is/The device fixed on i ts<br />

side i s for generating different r adiations which make v isible<br />

existing tones o f co l ors, etc ., o f <strong>the</strong> objects to be<br />

photographed, or simply i lluminates <strong>the</strong>se s o <strong>the</strong>y can be<br />

stored on film. 16/In that way you can obtain bet ter color<br />

pictures, ...we hope. 17/ Fo r our part, .....e have ano<strong>the</strong>r camera<br />

quite similar to yours. 18/So i f you have a film for<br />

IrE,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n I can assist you with this s econd c arrera.<br />

M:!ier- Naturally. - But sereno- I wonder, as you once told<br />

lIE that you use quite ano<strong>the</strong>r t echnique for gett ing photograph-like<br />

pictures. And nCM you s uddenl y care up with a<br />

s uitable camera.<br />

Semjase- (Laughing quietly) '!his camera is a product of your<br />

technology, which one of us has obtained.<br />

Meier- 'D1.is s urprises me, as <strong>the</strong>n you vou t d have to go into<br />

our villages or towns .<br />

Semjase- 20 / 15 that so strange for you?<br />


I a l ways see you only in your (space) dress, and with<br />

<strong>the</strong>se, nei<strong>the</strong>r you nor any o<strong>the</strong>rs of you cou ld walk (undis<br />

covered) before <strong>the</strong> eyes of <strong>the</strong> Earth h\.lITBI1S .<br />

semjase- 21/Surely , but we a lso own dresses of your fashion .<br />

22/we do need <strong>the</strong>se, because here and <strong>the</strong>re we walk in your<br />

c i rcles.<br />

go out<br />

'!hat actually doesn' t surpr ise me, but why don I t you<br />

for an evening with me?<br />

semjase- 23/About this matter, we can make a date .<br />

'That i s nice, but with us we have <strong>the</strong> so-called<br />

police, who s areti.rres check up on different persons. What<br />

will happen i f scmebcdy demands fran you your personal<br />

(identificati on) papers?<br />

semjase-- 24/You have many questions, but have no worry<br />

about this . 25/Ne do not use personal papers l ike yours,<br />

because we do not need s uch things in that f orm. 26/But if<br />

that should happen, that we get asked for such kind of<br />

papers , <strong>the</strong>n we are able t o take care of this by thoughtin£luencing<br />

. 27/1his consists in, that we prcduce by <strong>the</strong><br />

force of our thinking, sham-pictures for <strong>the</strong> concerned<br />

questioners. . . 28/'!he police officer , or o<strong>the</strong>r , wou ld <strong>the</strong>n<br />

in f act be of <strong>the</strong> opinion that he r eally had in his hands<br />

<strong>the</strong> passportis, etc., and would examine <strong>the</strong>se.<br />

foEier- But that's cheat ing, Sellljase.<br />

semj ase-- 29/No, it deals only with <strong>the</strong> questi on of halluc<br />

inati on, if you want to t e nn it this way .<br />

I understand , but we better l eave fran this <strong>the</strong>rre .<br />

('!he flight 'towards Venus does not take very l ong, and so I<br />

have s ufficient tdrre f or examining in rrore detail <strong>the</strong> means<br />

for <strong>the</strong> photographing: '!he viewing screen l ooks to me l ike<br />

c l ear glass, through which everything outsi de can be observed.<br />

Only I see that this whol e viewing screen i s very<br />

finely scanned [s harpened iIrage] , s imil ar to [laser] scanned<br />

photographs. '!.he s ize of <strong>the</strong> screen was about SOcm by sOan,<br />

whil e <strong>the</strong> color - radiation device i s installed inside <strong>the</strong><br />

side of it and r ecess ed, and thus I could not examine i ts<br />

inner wor kings . Besides this device , <strong>the</strong>re were many rrost<br />

different apparatus of a ll kinds all around <strong>the</strong> cockpit<br />

r oan, installed within a circul ar control console and in<br />


-<br />

<strong>the</strong> walls. 'Ihese strange appearing to rre apparat us, Which I<br />

a lready had seen on <strong>the</strong> f i rst flight , quite evi dently serve<br />

for <strong>the</strong> guiding and controlling of <strong>the</strong> bearnship, while evidently<br />

so serving as 'WE!:11 for exploration devices, distance<br />

neters, r adiati on control rreans, and o<strong>the</strong>r such things , and<br />

p l ay an iIYportant rete [in <strong>the</strong> operation of <strong>the</strong> f lightmachine].<br />

All o f <strong>the</strong> viewing and pi cture display s creens<br />

differ basicly fran a ll o<strong>the</strong> r known to me apparatus o f <strong>the</strong><br />

sane character , of Farth o rigin. Al l of <strong>the</strong> f o nns, symlx>ls<br />

and f igures, in <strong>the</strong>se screens were displ ayed in beautiful<br />

and o f ten f antastic colors and arrays , and were displ ayed in<br />

depth, contrary to <strong>the</strong> known to fie Earth disp l ay o r picture<br />

s creens, which in practice are only able to sh

eters height we l eave <strong>the</strong> last cloud fonnations, and I see<br />

<strong>the</strong> s urface of Venus on two different viewing screens. The<br />

landscape is wild- looking and c r ater-covered. Only in parts<br />

may be seen not too high rrountains. At one s ide I see a<br />

huge rrountainless area which i s full of crater s . Semjase<br />

nCM points out a polar r egion , she s ays, and <strong>the</strong> mountains<br />

do not extend this far.) (3)<br />

M:rler- But that's nearly all enpty and lifeless, Semjase.<br />

It looks to rre l ike a second M::on.<br />

Semjase-<br />

38/Surely, this I have explained to you.<br />

Meier- But what is that down <strong>the</strong>re - <strong>the</strong>re beside <strong>the</strong><br />

srnal I crater?<br />

Semjase-<br />

39/An exploration sonde f ran your. Earth.<br />

I see, and what i s i t like? I f you would curve<br />

around <strong>the</strong> p lanet two or three t.imes, so that I can see as<br />

well o<strong>the</strong>r regions and <strong>the</strong> night side, I wou.ld.. • ?<br />

Sanjase-- 40/Surely, I also intended to do this.<br />

Meier-<br />

'Ihank you.<br />

(And already Semjase speeds <strong>the</strong> ship around Venus. Certain<br />

observational discoveries here are not aLtcwed to be exp<br />

lained a t this t ime. )<br />

Sanjase- 4l/'lhe next aim i s to Mercury, and <strong>the</strong>n we go to<br />

<strong>the</strong> greater p lanets, which you have a lready seen one ti.rre,<br />

but certain matters which you will see, you are not a H ewed<br />

to tell <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r s .<br />

Meier- TI1at's all r i ght. You know I will behave according<br />

to your wishes.<br />

fly t.c1.oJards different p lanets of this s olar system, where<br />

several t iJres I make pict ures, but only at greater distance.<br />

Close-up photos o r pictures of details are not a j rcced by<br />

Semj ase. She gi ves no fur<strong>the</strong>r infonnation f or this behavior .<br />

turing <strong>the</strong> whole tiJre, different very i.mp:::)rtant matters were<br />

discussed, about which, unfortunately, on l y so much is al-<br />

Icwed to be explained. . . sere o f <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>re existing fonns<br />

o f life are o f canpletel y different character than human,<br />

and as well are not interested in <strong>the</strong> Earth h1.IlT6Il being. As<br />

an excepti on, are to be seen different existing s urface sta-<br />


t ions o f extraterrestri al intelligences, o<strong>the</strong>r fo rms o f<br />

life, which are not at hare on <strong>the</strong>se So l p l anets, but are<br />

just stationed <strong>the</strong>re for certain missions.. . When we are<br />

again back over Earth, I see i n space different f light cojects<br />

besides <strong>the</strong> two Earth satellites [ApJllo and Soyual ,<br />

and c an see f ive [o<strong>the</strong>r] objects, which are surely spacecraft<br />

of extraterrestrial or i gin. In response to a question<br />

on this, Semjese a ffinns that only one o f <strong>the</strong> five belong to<br />

<strong>the</strong>m, while <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r four ships are o f o<strong>the</strong>r r a ces v isiting<br />

our p lane t , who are here to observe <strong>the</strong> l inking of <strong>the</strong><br />

"Apo r ro-soyuz" c apsul es. Peculiarl y , I can not see those<br />

objects through <strong>the</strong> "windcws", o r <strong>the</strong> new viewing s c r een o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> special photographic apparatus, but only on <strong>the</strong> screens<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> beamship. Semjase expl ains that all <strong>the</strong> ships are<br />

masked fran sight [by <strong>the</strong> occupants] , and could only be seen<br />

on <strong>the</strong>ir zero-sight pjc ture s c reens. <strong>the</strong> zero-sight screen<br />

i s explained a s including a special viewing means, which i s<br />

able to pick up a ll that <strong>the</strong> eye and l e s s sophisticated<br />

methods l ike radar beams can not see. I am satis fied by<br />

this explanat ion as Semjase does not want t o go into detail.<br />

Then I turn my a t tent ion to a newly appearing object , high<br />

over <strong>the</strong> Earth, on <strong>the</strong> horizon, invisible to a ll human eyes,<br />

and outside o f all possibilities of viewing with Farth technical<br />

a pparat us; quickly approach <strong>the</strong> new obj ect and<br />

fly only a short distance f ran i t . It i s <strong>the</strong> "Soyuz" space<br />

c epsut e which wi ll be linked wi th <strong>the</strong> "xpoit o" capsule.<br />

Cl earl y I can s ee <strong>the</strong> letters "CCCP" painted <strong>the</strong>re in l arge<br />

l e tters . I know this c apsule contains two living Russian<br />

humans, and peculiarl y touched, I turn for that r eason to<br />

senjase . )<br />

Meier- To Ire this whole undertaking i s crazy. Inside o f<br />

this small gondola are two liv ing human beings .<br />

Sanjase- 43/ It is true , <strong>the</strong> capsules are very small and<br />

o ffer really no space for living . 44/ 1 know, you fear to<br />

think that you might be <strong>the</strong>re insi de. 45/You have good<br />

reason to f eel like that.<br />

foEier- You s peak in riddles, Semjese,<br />

Sanjase- 46/In t.i.rrE you will understand my cords, - but, do<br />

you want to s ee inside <strong>the</strong> capsule?<br />

How will this be possibl e? The object i s closed and<br />


sealed a ll around?<br />

senjase- 47/You do not knew <strong>the</strong> possibi lities of our t echnology,<br />

which a llows us to distort any matter in such a way<br />

by our r adiations , that it beccres invisible to <strong>the</strong> eye.<br />

are able to do this in a very strictly controlled manner,<br />

and can guide <strong>the</strong> effect very exactly in this respect.<br />

'!hen p l ease l et Ire see your wondar -pdece,<br />

(Semjase occupies herself with sore apparatus, while I very<br />

interestedly Icok through <strong>the</strong> especially built viewing<br />

screen for photographs, in <strong>the</strong> direction of <strong>the</strong> Soyuz capsule.<br />

Very suddenly a part of <strong>the</strong> capsule quite simply ciisappear-a,<br />

and I Look i n astonishrrent onto <strong>the</strong> two human beings<br />

who rest l ying within tile seats, which Icok like l oafers<br />

or sarething l ike that. \'1ithout intending, I spoke to gemj<br />

ase because of that :) (4)<br />

semjase, <strong>the</strong>re .<br />

senjese- 49/Ib not fear, because nothing happens to <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

SO/To <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> matter of <strong>the</strong> capsule is still <strong>the</strong> sane as<br />

before, because only .for- us i t has beccre transparent to<br />

s ight.<br />

loei er- But that is nothing rmre than a flying metal coffin,<br />

semjase! '!he men are really squeezed into this box. And<br />

hew is anybody able t o shoot; this thing up here, because<br />

everything is really so pr imitive . Just Iook at that inside<br />

equiprent and apparatus - really primit ive.<br />

5enjase- 51/Be not excited, because <strong>the</strong>re will r eally be no<br />

accident to those humans. 52/'Ihey will get back t o Earth<br />

again quite "-'ell. . . 53/Everything may Icok quite primitive,<br />

by which you express <strong>the</strong> r ight wor-d, but consider here, that<br />

you Earth beings are j ust at <strong>the</strong> beginning of space-explor -<br />

ation, so to speak, still standing in <strong>the</strong> baby shoes. 54/<br />

Because of that your technologies can not yet be very highly<br />

developed.<br />

loeier- '!hat may be correct, but when I Icok at your ship,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n .<br />

semjase- 55/Here you cannot make any canparisons, as our<br />

technol ogies are thousands of years in advance of yours.<br />

56/Fran your l e vel, this primitive capsule and its equi.prent;<br />


epresents a very Irrpor-tent; and highly developed t echnology.<br />

57/So you should not be unjust., as <strong>the</strong> differences in devel -<br />

oprent; between you and us is t eo much.<br />

Meier- Yes, that a llr ight - but this flying rre'tal coffin. ..<br />

Sanjase- S8/Don' t wor-ry about it, as you still are not able<br />

to solve <strong>the</strong> riddle of your thoughts, which trace way back<br />

into <strong>the</strong> past , of a past life . (5)<br />

Meier- You are making Ire crazy, because you t urn me to a<br />

quite special thought. Is it really so, Semj ase?<br />

Sanjase- 59/You have p icked up <strong>the</strong> first thoughts; reflect<br />

on -it and make <strong>the</strong> solving of i t your task.<br />

M:rier-<br />

I wi ll trouble myself for that.<br />

SEmjase- 60/Surely you wi ll do this, but Look <strong>the</strong>re now,<br />

that is <strong>the</strong> second capsule, and inside i t are three humans .<br />

M:rier- Oh yes, <strong>the</strong> Arrericans . At what t .Irre will <strong>the</strong> mirac<br />

le occur?<br />

SEmjase- 61/1n a few minut es <strong>the</strong> f inal naneuvering will<br />

start. 62/D:::l start nON' sheoting <strong>the</strong> pict ures, in which I<br />

will also assist you. 63/After l inking <strong>the</strong> two capsules ,<br />

which wil l happen aoon, you can photograph sene different<br />

satellites of .Earth and of extraterrestrial or igin too.<br />

64/After that we will depart for our great -spacer on station<br />

in this system, with which we will <strong>the</strong>n go to o<strong>the</strong>r differ -<br />

ent systems. . . where I have to fulfill a mission. 6S/'Ihere<br />

a lso should be a surprise for you teo, 66/But nON pay a t-<br />

tention to your task.<br />

(I attentive ly watch <strong>the</strong> two space-capsules drift sIcwty<br />

toward each o<strong>the</strong>r. I notice that <strong>the</strong> "Apollo" capsule i s<br />

decisively greater than <strong>the</strong> "Soyuz" . sernjase explained i t<br />

this way. '!he "Apollo " capsule of <strong>the</strong> Americans is larger<br />

because it is carrying <strong>the</strong> l inking apparatus, which will<br />

serve as <strong>the</strong> transfer-channel f ran one capsule to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

'Ihis linking mechanism, after finishing its task, will be<br />

released f ran <strong>the</strong> "Apollo" and be alIowed t o II just drift<br />

away ". I work with my cerrera and, toce<strong>the</strong>r with semjase,<br />

who i s new beside rre with <strong>the</strong> second carrara, shoot; a number<br />

of pictures. .. After taking <strong>the</strong> pictures, 5emjase again<br />

works at her apparatus, and this tirre I can see both cap-<br />


N<br />

17 July 1975, N:xtr space. M:!ier photographs <strong>the</strong> dc.cking maneuver' f ron Sanj

sules and <strong>the</strong> connecting link, and of course again all <strong>the</strong><br />

humans inside. In <strong>the</strong> "Apollo " I notice that <strong>the</strong> space is<br />

much greater than <strong>the</strong> "Soyuz ", and <strong>the</strong> capsule o f <strong>the</strong> Amer i-<br />

c ans i s deci sively rmre r ichly inst.n.mented. Despite my<br />

dread at <strong>the</strong> coffin- like narrowness o f <strong>the</strong>se s pace-capsules,<br />

I no,.( have to l augh as I observe one o f <strong>the</strong> Americans floating<br />

without gravity, burrp his head on sarething , and he<br />

t ouches his hand to his skull . I do not knCM which man<br />

because I knew none o f <strong>the</strong>se capsule-dwelle rs by narre or by<br />

picture. N:M 8emjase switches off her instrurrents and <strong>the</strong><br />

l inked capsu l es are seen norrret ry again.)<br />

Senjase- 67/ The tine has care to nove for <strong>the</strong> rreet ing with<br />

our great-spacer.<br />

U'Jithout fur<strong>the</strong>r wor d , she starts <strong>the</strong> beamship movdnq again,<br />

and a lready a few minutes later <strong>the</strong> FaIth has shrunk to a<br />

great s tar, which shines bluely through space. Hav ing seen<br />

this before, I tum to Semjase, who s i ts in her peculiarshaped<br />

chair , which is very accarodating and ccmfortable ,<br />

guiding <strong>the</strong> beamship through <strong>the</strong> dark space in which are<br />

b i llions o f stars cl earer and more distinct than <strong>the</strong>y can be<br />

seen fran Earth. A truely fantastic pict ure which I will<br />

never forget. '!his is heaven, full o f life . Arrong <strong>the</strong><br />

great and small stars are groups and c l usters and <strong>the</strong> big<br />

band of <strong>the</strong> Milky Way, i.ntreasurable in s ize and beauty, and<br />

a thousand o<strong>the</strong>r things . All is sinply fantastic. I am<br />

impressed by <strong>the</strong> irmeasurable size of <strong>the</strong> Univer se. On <strong>the</strong><br />

f irst f light and earlier, bef ore this , I had payed too<br />

lit t le at tent ion because of o<strong>the</strong>r distractions, but nCM I<br />

watch a ll this with calm and clear eyes, and I am unabl e to<br />

describe <strong>the</strong> spl endor and beauty o f this Universe, because<br />

words fail Ire, and I suddenly f eel myself free and light,<br />

and very much above <strong>the</strong> struggl e of living and life o f <strong>the</strong><br />

days on Earth, where I have always regarded myself as strangel<br />

y misplaced. Here this f eeling i s gone and everything<br />

insi de Ire i s ccrpretety sarething e lse. I feel really canf<br />

ortabl e and a t hare, and I don' t knew why . I am abso lved<br />

o f all Earthl y concerns, S OrraNS and problems. I feel f ree.<br />

At that tiJre Semj ase disturbs Ire in my considerations and<br />

thoughts . )<br />

68/You rush toward s o lving your riddl e much faster<br />

than I had calculated. 69/ 1 have ear-dropped on your per-<br />


s anal thoughts, as <strong>the</strong>y have been so strong. 70/You are<br />

quick in understanding this: it is okay and well. 71/"&:M<br />

l ook <strong>the</strong>re to <strong>the</strong> front, <strong>the</strong>re is our g r eat - spacer which<br />

will take us aboard.<br />

(At a difficult to estimate distance is hanging a huge Iretal<br />

sphere in <strong>the</strong> dark space, r eflecting on ly weakfy <strong>the</strong> light<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> Sun. Ve ry s l owly nON' <strong>the</strong> speed o f <strong>the</strong> beamship decreases<br />

. 5emjase is sit ting very attentively before her<br />

apparatus and instnm'ents, and steers wisely and carefully<br />

in <strong>the</strong> direct ion o f <strong>the</strong> huge s phere, which looks to rre like<br />

a small p lanet . [A fonre.tion o f s everal luminous l ens-shaped<br />

ships was rrovtnc in <strong>the</strong> vicinity . One left <strong>the</strong> fornati on<br />

and performed a strange surmersaulting maneuver, which I<br />

photographed. ) I can see, way down in <strong>the</strong> l ower third , a<br />

little to <strong>the</strong> l eft, a yawning pert; i s open, which I recognize<br />

as an entrance hatch , doubt l essl y a hangar, into which<br />

we are nON' s i cwry flying. Innurrerable beamships of <strong>the</strong> sarre<br />

type as ours are s tanding <strong>the</strong>re in or derly rc:MS by series<br />

and directi on, and onl y a 100 x 100 rreters square of <strong>the</strong><br />

hangar entrance is c leared. I look back a t <strong>the</strong> hangar entrance<br />

and can s ee that <strong>the</strong> wall i s shifting itself and<br />

c l oses <strong>the</strong> hatch. Everything a ll around is now br ightly<br />

i lluminated, and <strong>the</strong> light , whi ch appears a bit b lue, seems<br />

to care f ran directly out of <strong>the</strong> walls. The whole hangar i s<br />

very huge and this sphe r ical s hi p , accor ding to <strong>the</strong>se si zes<br />

has to be gi gantic. I ask semjese for i ts rreasurerrents.)<br />

Itrler- HeM b ig is this spaceship , Semjase?<br />

semjase- 72/rt is l arge, very large even, and it is <strong>the</strong><br />

greatest o f i ts sort. 73/It i s a very special s hip which<br />

embodies all t echnologi es known to us. 74 /Altoge<strong>the</strong>r it i s<br />

i ts own per fect wor-Id , a wor -ld wtl.i.ch i s able to fly (a lJrost<br />

anywhere). 75/It hides insi de a carplete inhabited city of<br />

144, 000 r e sidents. 78/Everything needed for living can be<br />

produced inside <strong>the</strong> s hip itself, and i t i s abs olutel y independent<br />

o f any thing of any kind fran outsi de its cover .<br />

77 / '!his spaceship r epresents our ne....rest; developrent , and i s<br />

working toge<strong>the</strong>r with. different o<strong>the</strong>r ones of its kind. ..<br />

78/They are finding useful application for int ers tel lar nUsadona<br />

and for keeping order . 79/Theyare able to rrove within<br />

a ll s ystems and all spaces, and also f or <strong>the</strong>m negotiating<br />

<strong>the</strong> barrier betxceen Universes is no mere any obs tacle...<br />

are just at <strong>the</strong> first of <strong>the</strong>se great missions•• .<br />


294<br />




M:rier- Fantast ic. If I understand you r ight, as you explained,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n you are able, with this great ship, like <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs of this c l ass .<br />

senjase-<br />

81/Yo u have understood Ire right.<br />

'Ihen do tell Ire one thing p lease; you have formerly<br />

t o ld Ire that you knew Asket well?<br />

Ssmjase-<br />

82 / Surely.<br />

loeier- Please don t t make Ire buy fran you each question. ..<br />

t'fuere did you knew Asket, and what do you know about; her and<br />

her race? And what do you knew in this connect ion about; her<br />

and I ?<br />

Semjase- 83/'Ihere i s no s ecret. 84/Asket has expl ained all<br />

to me, and fran that I know, that about; 10 years a go , you<br />

have teen toge<strong>the</strong>r in c ontact . 85/All details are known to<br />

Ire - as well as your t ine-travel s into <strong>the</strong> past with her '<br />

help. ..<br />

M::!ier- You are frighteningly open, sernjase, since Asket has<br />

forbidden rre to speak. of this before she wou.ld permit; Ire to<br />

do so by a sign.<br />

Semj ase- 86/You have j ust received this s i gn.<br />

M::!ier- You mean by that, that your just now indicated knewl<br />

edge of this i s <strong>the</strong> s ign?<br />

senjase- 87/Yes, surely, but you are still obliged to l imit<br />

speaking in this r espect , that you sti ll must; maintain s i -<br />

l ence about; <strong>the</strong> tine-travel and what you have l earned. 88 /<br />

You are now a tIowed to publish your wri tten r epor-ta about;<br />

your contacts with Asket in 1964. 89/Have you preserved<br />

<strong>the</strong>m well?<br />

loEi er- Of course. I have just .....aited for <strong>the</strong> permission to<br />

speak, and have pr eserved it a ll wre.lL But, hcxc does i t<br />

happen actually , that you know Asket?<br />

Semjase- 90/After <strong>the</strong> break-off of her contact with you in<br />

1964 in India, she contac t ed our High Council and succeeded<br />

in obtaining <strong>the</strong>ir ccoperat.Lon, 91/ t'lith <strong>the</strong> help of her<br />

r ace, f ran <strong>the</strong> "DAL-Uni ve r s e" , we obtained knowledge<br />

of higher technical capabi lities and r eceived <strong>the</strong> most exact<br />

data that a ssi sted us in f ur<strong>the</strong>r developrent of <strong>the</strong>se great<br />


spaceships, which now is being put to qood use. .. 92/Here,<br />

w:!: can no.-.r leave our ship because <strong>the</strong> rcx:rn i s atrrospherically<br />

balanced and pr epared• ..<br />

(By <strong>the</strong> t r ans port. beam we l et oursel ves s lide out of <strong>the</strong><br />

hat ch and stand on <strong>the</strong> rretal floor of <strong>the</strong> great - spacer. For<br />

<strong>the</strong> f i rst new, as I am outsi de <strong>the</strong> beamship , I r ealize that<br />

<strong>the</strong> cleared l anding space is surrounded by g lass-clear walls,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> i..nnumerable o<strong>the</strong>r bearnships are beyond <strong>the</strong>se walls.<br />

Between <strong>the</strong>se (parked) ships many human beings are rushing<br />

a long, who quite evidently occupy <strong>the</strong>mselves with <strong>the</strong> vari<br />

ous ships. But I a lso s ee walking, rrechanical apparatus<br />

quite l ike sene kind o f robots, who as well are hurrying<br />

quite busy a l l around and execute various works, Very far<br />

beyond, I am j ust abl e to see Sate bigge r beamships, which<br />

are of a f orm ccmpletely different fran <strong>the</strong> ones hi <strong>the</strong>rto<br />

known to ITe . semjase occupies hersel f with a small thing in<br />

her hand, and I see that before us <strong>the</strong> transparent wall<br />

opens and reveals an entrance. Then I notice a carpletely<br />

s ilent small vehicle flooting near, not rrarch bigger than a<br />

Vol kswagon car. It f Ioat.s c lose to 20an above <strong>the</strong> floor<br />

s urface, and it is equi pped with very canfortable seats inside<br />

. Semjase ca lls rre to take one of <strong>the</strong> seats bes i de he r ,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> strange-rroving vehic l e f l oots away and rises SICMly<br />

hi gher and higher . I l ook back and see that <strong>the</strong> transparent<br />

wall c loses i tself a gain, after our ship was brought by <strong>the</strong><br />

a l ready s een r obots into <strong>the</strong> rredn hangar- hal l. (6) The hangar-<br />

hall s eems to take up this whole Locez- part of <strong>the</strong> spacegiant<br />

for i ts ccrctete diarreter, and to have a height of<br />

certainly 600 to 800 rreters (1,800 to 2, 40 0 feet ). The<br />

ceiling above, like <strong>the</strong> ...."alls, teo, r adiates a very s oft<br />

b lue light, l ook ing l ike a s ky, and if I am not mistaken,<br />

<strong>the</strong>re, exactly in <strong>the</strong> cent er above is a great hole. Soon I<br />

can see that this i s so , as <strong>the</strong>re is an opening in <strong>the</strong><br />

direction in which "-'e a re nCM floating in our trans portation<br />

vehicle, and we c limb up inside this opening. Al so inside<br />

this shaft is <strong>the</strong> gentl e blue i l lumination, which comes <strong>from</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> walls. For minutes we c limb up ,.;i th increasing speed,<br />

unt il Semjase s uddenly l e ts <strong>the</strong> £looting vehicle into a s i de<br />

wall and s tops. Here i s ano<strong>the</strong>r area about 100 x 100 rreters<br />

diarreter, and I feel myself suddenly thrust into a wor-Id o f<br />

rrarvels. hnerever I look, I see green fields, trees, bushes,<br />

and f .lowera, '!his i s a real little "Garden of Eden" in this<br />

s pace giant.)<br />


ftrler- This i s f antastic , semjase .<br />

SmIjase- 111/It i s alrrost natural , as I told you, beca use<br />

this spaces hip is i ts CM1l independent small wor ld.<br />

You speak easily , but I am seeing this f or <strong>the</strong> first<br />

tine. I am carpletely overwhe 1Jred. - But hc::M high are to."e in<br />

here in fact?<br />

Sanjase- H 2/ I don' t understand what you rrean?<br />

I rrean, how far have we floated up until now, inside<br />

of this giant - how many meters?<br />

SEmjase- 113/ About to 11 ,000 meters. have stopped<br />

here near <strong>the</strong> center o f <strong>the</strong> ship, <strong>the</strong>re , where exists <strong>the</strong><br />

actual town .<br />

Dear me. Oh, <strong>the</strong>n during this short ti.rre, have<br />

c lirnl::ed up by means of this vehicle, higher than our highest<br />

rrountain on Earth, than l-hunt Everest.<br />

SmIjase- (Laughing) 115/\'le have c l imbed up very quickly, in<br />

that you are r ight, but c oncerning fuunt Everest, I have to<br />

correct you, as i t is not <strong>the</strong> highest rrountiafn on Earth.<br />

Mller- N::7.

-<br />

we will thus have to search for <strong>the</strong> highest rrountain <strong>the</strong>re,<br />

where <strong>the</strong> extensi ons o f <strong>the</strong> Earth have beccre en l arged to<br />

elliptical f orm (by <strong>the</strong> Earth' s rotation) . As far as I know,<br />

<strong>the</strong> rrountains exi sting in <strong>the</strong>se zones be <strong>the</strong> Andes o f<br />

South Arrer i ca, in which consequence we should find <strong>the</strong> highest<br />

rrountain <strong>the</strong>re, or am I going wrong in that?<br />

You are sharp-minded , as you hit <strong>the</strong> point. 126/1):)<br />

you knew <strong>the</strong> rrountains within <strong>the</strong> Andes?<br />

Maier- Onl y a f ew of <strong>the</strong>m. One of <strong>the</strong> highest rrountains,<br />

as far as I knCM is <strong>the</strong> "ChiInbor azo" in Ecuador.<br />

Semjase- 127/ SUrely, and by that, you have narred <strong>the</strong> highest<br />

rrountain of <strong>the</strong> Earth.<br />

Maier- Have 1? I.egendarious !<br />

Semjase- 128/ 50 i t i s .<br />

M;der-<br />

Hc:M do you rrean that?<br />

SEmjase- 129/ Vou said " Ieqendar'Loua" , 13 0/'lbis i s indeed<br />

surrounded by very many legends and tale s, and has p l ayed in<br />

earlie r tames a very inportant role in respect to extraterrestria<br />

l intelligences and <strong>the</strong>ir activit ies . (7)<br />

Maier- I didn I t rrean l egendari ous in that way. 8Jt what<br />

are we going to do nCM? And what about taking pictures of<br />

here?<br />

SemjaSe- 13 I / The l ast, unfortunatel y, I cannot a UON'. Please<br />

understand . 132/ You will l a t er be able to capture appara t us<br />

on your film, but rrore i s not permitted. 133/ hle will walk<br />

ncM through <strong>the</strong> parks ' f acili ties to ano<strong>the</strong>r transport pit,<br />

which will lif t us up into <strong>the</strong> control center. 134/It i s<br />

located a t <strong>the</strong> top in a cupola of this great -spacer c r aft .<br />

135/There <strong>the</strong> l eader of this ship i s wai ting•. .<br />

Mrler- I shall enjoy i t , 5emj ase. M1.at rank: has this l eader?<br />

Semjase- 136/In your tenns, one cou l d say "Gove rnor " likely,<br />

or even "King" .<br />

Maier- I see, and to speak. to <strong>the</strong> uprose chief o f this g i ant<br />

ship , don' t wait for a genuf lection by rre when I stand in<br />

front of him. Such j okes are not my l ine . Even before <strong>the</strong><br />

dear Gc:d in person, I wou l d not c hafe my knees .<br />

Sanjase- 137/'lhe l eader i s an "I Hi1H".<br />


M;!i er- That is all <strong>the</strong> sene to Ire , and if he wants Ire to<br />

polish <strong>the</strong> ground in f ront of him, <strong>the</strong>n he ought to do this<br />

in f ront of Ire first please, <strong>the</strong>n I will decide whe<strong>the</strong>r I<br />

will trouble myself laying my head in <strong>the</strong> dust before him,<br />

which mat-ter- even <strong>the</strong>n I would not do. I am not eager for<br />

such kinds of salutation cererronies . '!hey are humiliating<br />

and s lavish, and doggish devoting.<br />

Semjase- 138/1 s ee you really feel this way.<br />

Meier- D:J you think I would joke about that? I regard a<br />

h1.lITBIl being as simply a h1.lITBIl being, whe<strong>the</strong>r he is fran this<br />

wor ld or ano<strong>the</strong>r, or whe<strong>the</strong>r he is a beggar, or God in person,<br />

and whe<strong>the</strong>r he is ignorant o r wise, <strong>the</strong>y are a ll of<br />

equal right . No one has rmre right than any o<strong>the</strong>r, and<br />

nobody i s rrore than any o<strong>the</strong>r. And i f your dear Go1 up <strong>the</strong>re<br />

in <strong>the</strong> cockpit does not l ike this, <strong>the</strong>n he s houtd l eave i t,<br />

or get o ld and gray f ran anger. 'Ib Ire it is r eally all <strong>the</strong><br />

SaITe. I will nei<strong>the</strong>r cringe nor offer honor and devotion.<br />

I f he wants to give rre a hand and wi ll make shake-hands,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n Okay, e lse he may poison himself in his rrecarcranta.<br />

Perhaps I will thrCM a t him sorre flCM:!rs f ran this beautiful<br />

garden here.<br />

Sanjase- (SUddenly laughing - <strong>the</strong>n rrore l aughing behind in<br />

<strong>the</strong> park, and suddenly <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r sounds l ike 11E.le l aughter<br />

which ends abruptly) 139/ You are qood.. . You are really good.<br />

Meier- What does that rrean, and what about this l aughter<br />

down f ran <strong>the</strong> ceiling, which has stopped so quickly?<br />

Sanjase- (laughing) 139/He had. .. he has turned off <strong>the</strong><br />

speaker system, and he is surely l aughing up <strong>the</strong>re in <strong>the</strong><br />

cupola.<br />

Meier- You mean, that has been <strong>the</strong> dear Go1 of this box?<br />

Has he ear-dropped on us?<br />

senjase- 140/Surely. .. 14 1/'Ihis he has been. . . but please<br />

don t t call him "Dear God ", because this evokes painful memories<br />

about our very early deveIoprenta, have a 11-<br />

right maintained this appellation of "Iffi'lli", but it now has<br />

for us a canpletely new rreaning.<br />

Meier- I f that's <strong>the</strong> way i t is .<br />

semj ase- 143/'Ihank you - It has been a funny j oke.<br />


-<br />

M:rler- I only hol d my oparu.on, and I don r t think it funny ,<br />

because I meant; i t earnest ly.<br />

Semjase- 144/SUrely, and we shall honor your thoughts, but<br />

to us i t has been a j oke , because you were so ser ious and<br />

used expressi ons which reveale d your feelings c learly. ..<br />

148/NcM let us go.<br />

(l'E slCMly walk a little ways through <strong>the</strong> park. The paths<br />

are soft and not of netai , sere artificial sai lor similar.<br />

Here is a fantastic wor ld o f flowers , o f often corrpletely<br />

strange bl osscros and scents. But I a lso see f lowers and<br />

bushes and trees exactly like I knC1n" on Earth. we need only<br />

a few minutes to cross <strong>the</strong> park, <strong>the</strong>n we s tand again before<br />

a transp:;rtation pit with a vehicle float ing gently in it,<br />

which n(7,oJ' use f or fur<strong>the</strong>r driving , if I may use this tecrn.<br />

With increasing speed we float h igher again, and suddenl y<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is <strong>the</strong> free sky above us. As far as my eyes can see<br />

and reach, I am viewing <strong>the</strong> infinite vastness of <strong>the</strong> Universe.<br />

stars shine , and I ask myself how we could sinply float out<br />

<strong>the</strong>re, because we should not be abl e to live up here where<br />

<strong>the</strong>re i s no air. '!hen we reach <strong>the</strong> end o f <strong>the</strong> shaf t<br />

where is <strong>the</strong> cupola about which Semjase had spoken. a giant<br />

area exists here o f desk-like f o rma t i ons into which apparatus<br />

and screens have been installed. Before <strong>the</strong>m are human beings<br />

and an unknown to me f o rm of lif e, which I soon<br />

recognize as being rrechandcat , Real human- machines, androids<br />

. (8) '!his canplete cockpit is a giant cupola of several<br />

kilareters diarreter. Over and above is seen <strong>the</strong> free<br />

cosnce, and I wonder that I can brea<strong>the</strong>. 'Ihen I r errember<br />

<strong>the</strong> canpletely transparent walls o f <strong>the</strong> hangar, and i t becares<br />

evident t o me, that <strong>the</strong> who l e cupola must consist of<br />

this transparent mater ial. So I ask 5emjase about; i t.)<br />

Mller- Semjase, can you explain to me, what kind of matter<br />

is this transparent material which is fo:rming this cupola?<br />

I s it a kind o f glass?<br />

Semjase- l 49/ No, that i s not g lass, nor any kind of g lass.<br />

l SO/It is a very stable metal alloy, as also are <strong>the</strong> walls<br />

of <strong>the</strong> bearnship.<br />

Deeer • • • . •• ?<br />

Semjase- l Sl/ Rerrember <strong>the</strong> Earth space-capsules into which<br />

you were able to look?<br />


IoBier- You neen, that everything i s made transparent by<br />

apparatus?<br />

152/ SUrely; all walls as well as <strong>the</strong> eupora are<br />

carpletely s table, and of <strong>the</strong> most; ham rretal. 153/ But <strong>the</strong><br />

radiat ions gene r a ted. by our apparatus can wake <strong>the</strong>m appear<br />

transparent. 154/ 'lb <strong>the</strong> e ye <strong>the</strong>n, it l ooks l ike nothing i s<br />

<strong>the</strong>re, o r l ike l ooking through c lear g lass.<br />

Sanjase-<br />

Fantastic .<br />

iSS/Care nCM.<br />

(And we float on in <strong>the</strong> vehicle t owards <strong>the</strong> middle of <strong>the</strong><br />

huge carmand c ent e r . I see <strong>the</strong>re a horseshoe-shaped f o rmati<br />

on about one meter hi gh , c anpl etel y covered with apparatus<br />

and p i c t ure scre ens , and a ltoge<strong>the</strong> r not much bigge r<br />

than an average rccm , A single hunan being is s tanding<br />

insi de this horseshoe and l ooks towards us. Semj ase<br />

brings our t.renspcrtet.ton ve hicle to l and on a marked area<br />

about 60 rreters f ran <strong>the</strong> horseshoe, <strong>the</strong> watching hunan begins<br />

to care toward us . I now s ee c l earl y that he is wearing a<br />

dress s imilar to that o f senjase, and <strong>the</strong>re is a l ook of<br />

l ove and friendl iness in his face. I est.i.Irate him to be<br />

about 70 to 75 years o ld. NcM Sern.jase gets out of <strong>the</strong> vehicle<br />

and hurries toward <strong>the</strong> o l d man , wbo a lso rroves quickly<br />

to Semj ase. '!hen <strong>the</strong>y are toge<strong>the</strong>r and embrace one ano<strong>the</strong>r .<br />

'!his I consider really humanfy, and not much different fran<br />

our own Earthly form o f greeting . Any1lt::M, a pain touches<br />

rre which I am not able to define. (9) But I push away <strong>the</strong><br />

f eeling and walk slowly toward roth, who are nON speaking to<br />

each o<strong>the</strong>r, but I cannot under a tend a s ingle word, because<br />

<strong>the</strong> l anguage i s carpletely s trange to me . But <strong>the</strong>n I care<br />

up to <strong>the</strong>m and s ee <strong>the</strong> older man who is watching rre , smil e<br />

knavishly . '!here Semj ase speaks to rre. )<br />

senjese- 156/ 'Ihis i s my f a<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

(At first I am astonished, <strong>the</strong>n I push my hand out , which i s<br />

s ei zed by <strong>the</strong> man and pres sed. It is a gent le but f inn<br />

pressure, like that o f Semjase . I confess to being confused,<br />

or just beaten, because I wou l d never have expected to s ee<br />

Semjase's f a<strong>the</strong>r. '!hen <strong>the</strong> p leasant voice of <strong>the</strong> man s ounds<br />

to rre s )<br />

SaIljase's Fa<strong>the</strong>r - l i lt i s a great delight f o r me, s eeing<br />


•<br />

•<br />

you here. 2/Sernjase has already reported very much to Ire<br />

about; you . 3/Be wel ccrred here with us .<br />

(Again I wonder , as <strong>the</strong> f a<strong>the</strong>r o f Semjase i s speaking <strong>the</strong><br />

sane gocd German as Semjase herself oces.}<br />

loEier-<br />

Thank you very mach,<br />

(I cannot say rmre, because now Semjase I 5 fa<strong>the</strong> r enc l oses me<br />

into his arms and vetccrres Ire . Quite suddenly I an unabl e<br />

to speak as a confounded l ump i s in my throat. The devil<br />

may know why. Semjase seems to sense this, for she speaks<br />

once mere to her fa<strong>the</strong>r in that incanprehensible l anguage .<br />

He <strong>the</strong>n turns to Ire. )<br />

SEmjase's Fa<strong>the</strong>r- 4/Call me "PTAAH" . 5/Possibly it has<br />

rreaning for you, as in f arner t irres it was used on <strong>the</strong> Earth.<br />

? ????<br />

Ptiaeb- 6/1 see, you do not know <strong>the</strong> connection. An ancestor<br />

of mine had been, in farner t iJres, on your Earth and lived<br />

as one of your <strong>the</strong>n people. He was an and was related<br />

by rna.tri.rrony to his wi fe "BAS'IH". He used <strong>the</strong> eerre nerre as<br />

I , Ptaah. On your Earth you still have very o ld traditions ,<br />

tales and l egends about him. (10)<br />

Meier- By regret, that is not k:ncMn. to Ire, but I will search<br />

in this respect in our books to see if I can find sarething.<br />

Semjase- 157/You surely will, if you trouble yours elf about;<br />

South Arrerican stor ies o f Gcx:ls, because <strong>the</strong>rein lie many<br />

beginnings. 1S8/ In most cases <strong>the</strong>y are connected to events<br />

concerning Venus and o<strong>the</strong>r p l anets o f your solar s ystem. (11)<br />

Meier- You de light rre, Semjase, you prohibit rre f ran speaking<br />

about; <strong>the</strong>se things, and <strong>the</strong>n you do speak o f <strong>the</strong>m•• •<br />

Semjase-<br />

159/1 only explain what I am a llc:1Ned to.<br />

Nc:M I am on s lippery ground. may I t ell and<br />

what not?<br />

senj ase- 161/About this we will talk with one ano<strong>the</strong>r very<br />

thoroughly by ourse lves alone.<br />

Meier- Okay, but what about your f orm o f address, 5emjase?<br />

I r eally don't know hO'W I shou ld address you people, whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

by "you" or "Mr." or "Miss", etc.?<br />

Ftaah-<br />

(9nil ing) 7/What I understand fran what you say, <strong>the</strong><br />


f orms are very s imple. a/Because each f orm of life has equal<br />

value, each is a ddressed by <strong>the</strong> serre f onn. 9/Thus in your<br />

tenns by "you". 10/In consequence call me "Pteeh'' in <strong>the</strong><br />

manner just described. l1/But nON' I have a question, do you<br />

speak any o<strong>the</strong>r language besides this?<br />

lEier- Yes, a little English and Greek.<br />

Ftaah-- 12/ The form of <strong>the</strong> o ld Greek l anguage ?<br />

Mrier-<br />

The new Greek.<br />

Ftaah-- 13/1hatIS very good, because I a lso maater- this<br />

l anguage. 14/ That way we can talk in this l anguage , and I<br />

don' t need to use my translator.<br />

?? ? ? ?<br />

Semjase- 162/ 0f course you can not knew this; my fa<strong>the</strong>r<br />

does not speak any 'WOrd of GeIJT'6Il. 164/ M1at he has spoken<br />

unt il new was our cwn language. 164/But you see <strong>the</strong> small<br />

apparatus at my beI t; here? 165/'Ihis is a l anguage-trans -<br />

rorrrer-, a l anguage pattern conver-ter, as you might call such.<br />

166/Wi th this l anguage device we can transform one l anguage<br />

to ano<strong>the</strong>r and make it understandable to both. 167/But we<br />

speak very readily in o<strong>the</strong>r l angua ges as well, and g ladly<br />

bypass <strong>the</strong>se apparatus, if <strong>the</strong>re is a chance to do s o .<br />

Mrier- Oh, so i t I s l ike that! Again sarething fantastic.<br />

'!here i s only one problem of concern, that I rraster nei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

English nor Greek. I f <strong>the</strong>n I shoutd write everything down<br />

l ater, <strong>the</strong>n I 'WOuld slip as well .<br />

Semjase- 168/ Cbn't fear for that rratter,<br />

troubles wi ll be .rerroved in <strong>the</strong> transmission,<br />

wi ll be understandable f or you letter a f ter<br />

l ike way you will a lso write it OONn .<br />

because <strong>the</strong>se<br />

and everything<br />

l etter, and in<br />

'!hen that i s okay, I was afraid of that (problem) .<br />

Ftaah-- (N:Jw really speaking Greek) 1S/ Carre new, we are alr<br />

e a dy on <strong>the</strong> IT'Ove to our "transmit" posit ion.<br />

(In fact , I see that outside <strong>the</strong> cupola <strong>the</strong> star format.Lens<br />

are slcwly changing. must be driving at great speed, but.<br />

I have not iced nothing about that, that <strong>the</strong> gigantic spaceship<br />

has started to IT'Ove. NcM we are all three sitting in<br />

very canfortable chairs at <strong>the</strong> horseshoe-shaped equi.prrent;<br />

console. On picture screens are <strong>the</strong> bodies of our sun-<br />


system, and many o<strong>the</strong>r great and srrall stars and o<strong>the</strong>r things<br />

to see. I nearly l ose my eyes, so much different and fantastic<br />

i t all i s . .. We must be rroving fast. I ask Ptaah<br />

about it.)<br />

Ptaah,<br />

how fast are we flying now?<br />

Ptaah- 16/Look here, this instrument shows <strong>the</strong> velocity.<br />

17/ You can read i t very easily by yourself, even if you do<br />

not understand our symlxlls or unit of rreaeure, 18/In your<br />

understanding, <strong>the</strong>se l ines are l ike decimals, and <strong>the</strong>se sharp<br />

ar-row-headed branches s how <strong>the</strong> hundreds ncrninators. 19/ 'Ihese<br />

half-crossing l ine s nark <strong>the</strong> thousands, and <strong>the</strong>se pointl ines<br />

<strong>the</strong> hundred- thousands . 20/'Ihese ring- lines here mean for<br />

you sarething l ike <strong>the</strong> speed o f light . 21/N:M you can j ust<br />

r ead toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> values and by that canbine <strong>the</strong> speed yoursel<br />

f .<br />

l£i er- Yes , . ..a m:xrent . .. (I count; very carefully, and I<br />

reach a result o f 89 values in <strong>the</strong> decimal f ield, <strong>the</strong>n b«><br />

point- lines and e l even values . ..) .. .'!hat's fantastic!<br />

Ptaah- 22 /You grasp quickly. 23/You have counted right . . .<br />

24/ Our tenns are different but <strong>the</strong>y give equivalent values.<br />

Moie>:-<br />

Legendary.<br />

Ptaah- 25/Hc::M do you rrean that? I do not understand i t .<br />

(Semjase starts speaking (in Greek l anguage ) and evident ly<br />

explains to her f a<strong>the</strong>r what I rrean by " l egendary". SUrely<br />

he does not understand thoroughly by his expression. It i s<br />

peculiar, that I know <strong>the</strong>se words in <strong>the</strong> Greek l anguage, as<br />

I have never known <strong>the</strong>m before. I suddenly am simply speaking<br />

perfect Greek, and I do not understand this, so I ask : )<br />

l£ier- On what i s this based, Semj ase, that I suddenly speak.<br />

fully and perfect ly in Greek?<br />

secjese- 169/My fa<strong>the</strong>r has turned o f f <strong>the</strong> l anguage transl<br />

ator, and .instead turned on <strong>the</strong> l anguage-f omer . 170/ 'Ihis<br />

device starts operating <strong>the</strong> l anguage canputer o f <strong>the</strong> s hip.<br />

17 1/nus ccrcuter i s nee constantly trans fo.rmi.ng <strong>the</strong> des ired<br />

Greek language into tmpuis ea, and ernit ts that. 172/Your<br />

brain is catching up <strong>the</strong>se iIIpul ses, and by that you can<br />

speak each des ired word without knCMing i t before. . .<br />

Meier- I don't know, I can only say "f antast i c ". Girl,<br />

what do you think? Hc:M long will it take until we are as<br />


far, as we Lf on Earth. ?<br />

Ptaah-<br />

26/Perhaps ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

Mei er- Here I am curious.<br />

cosrros - l ike we are nCM?<br />

Ftaah- 31/Still about 30<br />

to ano<strong>the</strong>r system.<br />

thousand years in your chronology.<br />

How<br />

l ong will we fly through <strong>the</strong><br />

minutes, <strong>the</strong>n we will "transmit "<br />

Mrler- Transmit ? '!hat's "t i.rre travel ing" isn't it?<br />

Sanjase- i77/Surely, but such is a lready known to you.<br />

Semjase-<br />

Do we still have tirre before we transmit?<br />

178/ Oertainly.<br />

Well, you spoke dawn <strong>the</strong>re in <strong>the</strong> park about our dear<br />

IHWH , who had ear-dropped on us by <strong>the</strong> speaker installation.<br />

When c an I see him and where? Is he perhaps troubling himself<br />

to care here?<br />

(Semjase and Ftaah start l aughing again, <strong>the</strong>n Semjase says e)<br />

Semjase-<br />

i 79/ You have a lready saluted him.<br />

? ? ? ? ? (Scire s econds pass before I understand.) Oh<br />

that - dear, dear. The fa<strong>the</strong>r of Semjase, Pteah, is <strong>the</strong><br />

l eader of this space giant , an "I HI'lli", a good Gcd himself,<br />

in per son! Oh, - that j ust s lipped off my tongue. I really<br />

did not want to. ..<br />

Ftaah- 87/ Please don ' t worry about i t. 92/1 a l ready unders<br />

tand. .. have care to our podnt; of transmission.<br />

(Pteah and Semjase turn <strong>the</strong>mselves to <strong>the</strong> instrurrents at <strong>the</strong><br />

hor seshoe-shaped formation. light-l::odies shine up ,<br />

and a dark picture screen cares alive. Strange forms and<br />

symbols appear on i t. For <strong>the</strong> first t i.rre I hear a tone, a<br />

very soft and calming singing of metal . I l ook up at <strong>the</strong><br />

transparent cupola and see <strong>the</strong> scene suddenly wash away in<br />

a whi.t.Lsh mi lky veil. 'Ibis only l asts a very short rrcrrerrt.,<br />

and already I can again s ee stars moving, but that a lso is<br />

f or only a few seconds, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y s hift along s Icwty as<br />

before. At <strong>the</strong> whole r ealization I feel scrrehcw peculiar,<br />

but I f eel a great tranquility inside myself. Then I hear<br />

tile voi ce of Semjase. I wonder about this as Ptaah had<br />

asked for silence, whe<strong>the</strong>r sanething had to be delayed with<br />

<strong>the</strong> transmis s i on ?)<br />


SEmjase- 180/If you want, you can try s crre photographs here,<br />

but whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y wi ll succeed I can not est iIrat e . 181 / By<br />

regret we do not knew whe<strong>the</strong>r Fa.rth cameras can take pictures<br />

through <strong>the</strong> eupora, but this we wi ll know after you have<br />

developed your f ilms. 182/ If you still l ike , we Can have<br />

<strong>the</strong> equipnent brought fran my beamship.<br />

K:tier- I wou.ld be thankf ul f o r <strong>the</strong> instrurrent, semjase , for<br />

with that it certainly will succeed. But what i s <strong>the</strong> rretter,<br />

i s <strong>the</strong>re no s uccess with <strong>the</strong> transmis sion? . .<br />

5emdase- 183/ l1hy? 184/Haven ' t you noticed?<br />

M:rler- I have, but I can' t explain it. •.<br />

5emjase- 18S/ Then you need only l ook out <strong>the</strong> cupola into<br />

space; nCM what do you see <strong>the</strong>re?<br />

(I foUCM <strong>the</strong> instruc tion, and am astonished.)<br />

Gir l, <strong>the</strong>re are c anplet e ly o<strong>the</strong>r forrreti ons of stars<br />

than I know fran Earth. Of course I knew only a few by<br />

sight, but I see none that I can r ecogni ze. lmy is that?<br />

SEmjase-<br />

have made <strong>the</strong><br />

Meier- This - - - Man alive!<br />

<strong>the</strong>n nCM?<br />

first<br />

tear-t<br />

hyperleap.<br />

Fran that!<br />

Where are<br />

Sanjase- 187 /You are around sao lightyears f r an your heme-<br />

"-'Or ld.. . l S8/ There - look <strong>the</strong>re above, that forrretion of<br />

stars <strong>the</strong>re, that i s our hcmewor -Id, <strong>the</strong>se are <strong>the</strong> <strong>Pleiades</strong> .<br />

189/ we are only 211 million kil areters fran <strong>the</strong> nearest star.<br />

190/ Unf ortunatel y we can not arr ive c loser , because we need<br />

a safe distance to be able to transmit again. 191/ Perhaps<br />

you can succeed n ever<strong>the</strong>less in getting sore p i ctures with<br />

<strong>the</strong> apparatus, which has a lready been brought (fran <strong>the</strong><br />

beamship) .<br />

(Caning f r an s anewhere, an android appears, bringing <strong>the</strong><br />

photographic device . Very c leverly it assembles it inside a<br />

frarre and p laces it in order. Suddenly <strong>the</strong> thing speaks to<br />

Ire, and once rror e I am flattered, a lthough I understand not<br />

a word. Sernjase quickly enlightens Ire. )<br />

Sanjase-<br />

192/It wishes you a good success.<br />


Ftaah-<br />

95/But never<strong>the</strong>less it does.<br />

Semjase- 194/Its whole lxxlily construction i s half-organic,<br />

and its b r ain chemica l.<br />

Ftaah- 97/It is real , and highly deve loped. 98/You will<br />

understand this bet ter a fter a short t.iroe, when i t is rrore<br />

normat (for you). 99/I t is only <strong>the</strong> newness that makes it<br />

strange. 100/But take care nCM about <strong>the</strong> pict ures because<br />

<strong>the</strong> next le ap i s being prepared• ..<br />

(I follow <strong>the</strong> suggestion and hope <strong>the</strong> pictures care out. I<br />

keep thinking about Ftaah's words. He i s correct, as <strong>the</strong><br />

strange phencrrenon o f <strong>the</strong> transparent rret.al in <strong>the</strong> space<br />

capsules, and <strong>the</strong> s ane with <strong>the</strong> hangar walls, and now <strong>the</strong><br />

dare here in <strong>the</strong> control center, a l ready do not seem so<br />

s trange. The sane with <strong>the</strong> photographic apparatus and <strong>the</strong><br />

viewing screens, and <strong>the</strong> who l e control center and instrurrent<br />

s. Ftaah is right . I t i s only a ma.tterof familiarity. )<br />

Ftaah- 101 /You are in thoughts, my f riend. 102/\'1atch <strong>the</strong><br />

stars.. . In 9 seconds we start <strong>the</strong> next j ump.<br />

(I do as advised, and experience all again l ike <strong>the</strong> first<br />

tirre. But this tirre <strong>the</strong> process is much rrore familiar.<br />

N::1w' I understand <strong>the</strong> peculiari ty, that during <strong>the</strong> split<br />

second, I feel once more a deep tranquil ity, now rrore Earn-<br />

H iar to Ire than <strong>the</strong> first t .irre , I can even analyze it as a<br />

sarething t .Imeteas , I will surely try to explore this next<br />

tiime• • •)<br />

Moller-<br />

Oh my •• •<br />

Ftaah- 103/ we have reached our next stop. 104/ 'Ihe nebulous<br />

f ormat.Lon you s ee far in front is what you call <strong>the</strong> "Orion<br />

NebUla". l OS/It is about 1,800 lightyears fran here to your<br />

Earth.<br />

M:rier- Can I get scrre photographs?<br />

Sem.j ase- 19S/SUrel y , i f <strong>the</strong>y succeed. for you.<br />

(Again I troubl e myself a t shooting pict ures. If <strong>the</strong>y care<br />

out on ly fair , <strong>the</strong>n I am satisfied. Lest; in thought I work<br />

autaTat ically . I am paying attent ion to nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> env.i.ronrrent;<br />

nor anytlting else. My own thoughts remain on <strong>the</strong><br />

eterni ty. '!he f eeling was s o great and pcwerful that a ll<br />

wor ds fail me. At <strong>the</strong> next l e ap I want to observe myself.<br />


I want to see whe<strong>the</strong>r I beccrre nebul ous l ike <strong>the</strong> mi lky IraSS<br />

a lso, and whe<strong>the</strong>r I can feel anything inside of ITe . It.. _)<br />

ptaah- (Reading thoughts interrupts) 115/ This wi ll be poss<br />

ible i f you watch ve ry carefully for i t . 116/ After a few<br />

s econds we s tart <strong>the</strong> next l eap.<br />

(I realize his words only half way , because my thoughts are<br />

e lsewhere. I concentrate my eyes on myself and wonder ,<br />

•••<strong>the</strong>n qui te suddenly I can not see my body, and in ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

split second i t is nomat, '!he f irst thing I notice is my<br />

watch, and I rerrereber- that whenever I carre too near Semjase 1 s<br />

beamship , my watch a lways went too fast or e lse too s Iow, (12)<br />

I t strangel y seems to be running normally nCM . I have not. . .<br />

Semjase interrupts my thoughts . )<br />

Semjase- 197/ Dis tances are no problem for us, and we can<br />

unhesitatingly j ump anywhe r e back and f orth through space,<br />

and don I t have to do this in any sequence.<br />

(I on ly half hear <strong>the</strong> words spoken to Ire because my thoughts<br />

are still far away . A little abs entmindedly I take a f ew<br />

pictures, and soon experience again <strong>the</strong> diving into eterni ty. )<br />

Ptaah- 119/ Hello . - You are very far outside and away in<br />

your thoughts, and have you discover ed anything new? ..<br />

(ptaah turns again to his apparatus and occupies hiInself<br />

<strong>the</strong>re, toge<strong>the</strong>r with Semjase. Again I experience <strong>the</strong> changing<br />

s tar fonnatioP.5 and o<strong>the</strong>r rratters. I occupy myself with<br />

photographing, and uncountable thoughts rush through Ilo/<br />

brain. I am new photographing <strong>the</strong> new star f ormations as I<br />

am addressed by Semjase . )<br />

Semjase- 202/You have a l r eady made your pictures here and<br />

we have <strong>the</strong> t i.Ire for speaking. 20 3/Here we are a t <strong>the</strong> beginning<br />

of <strong>the</strong> great leap• ••<br />

toeier-<br />

Are we already in <strong>the</strong> Andrcrreda system?<br />

Semjase- 204 / You have a l ready photographed it. (13 )<br />

toeier- I have ano<strong>the</strong>r question. Vk>uld it be pcssLbt e for<br />

you a t sore t.tne, to give Ire sore wri tten l ines fran you?<br />

Semjase- 205/ 1 don' t understand .<br />

I rreen , whe<strong>the</strong>r you wou.ld once write on a sheet o f<br />

paper Sate words which I could show my group?<br />


Semjase- 207/WIly that? What purpose woutd i t serve? 208/1<br />

see no need for this.<br />

Pl ease don' t be that way.<br />

i t , if <strong>the</strong>y had sarething personal<br />

in <strong>the</strong>ir hands .<br />

All o f <strong>the</strong>m wou ld enjoy<br />

f r an you to see and hold<br />

Sanjase-- 209 / 15 that so i.rop:>rtant ? 21 0/ And hC'n" shall I do<br />

this, as I don't have <strong>the</strong> necessary utensil, and I do not<br />

rraster your script. 211/We oursel ves use crnpletely dif -<br />

ferent syrntors f or writing.<br />

Meier- TI1.at i s not s o important. I can help you here a bit<br />

with <strong>the</strong> writing . I f I assist you it might go well . You<br />

just have to ask i f you have troubl e with any word.<br />

But, speaking of your script, how does i t l ook? Can you<br />

shce Ire that once?<br />

Semjase-- 212/SUrely. - Look here a t <strong>the</strong>se markings and you<br />

can s ee <strong>the</strong> synoors of our a lphabet.<br />

!iller- l-1ay I copy <strong>the</strong>m, and will you explain <strong>the</strong> pronounciation?<br />

5emjase-<br />

213/ Surely.<br />

(I take <strong>the</strong> writ ing IM.p f ran my portfolio (shoulder bag) , and<br />

sketch <strong>the</strong>se c anpletely strange to me writing s ymbol s on <strong>the</strong><br />

paper , always toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> p r onounciation as Semjase<br />

expl ains <strong>the</strong>se to me. '!his takes only a minutes.)<br />

Mrier- Nrhl I have it, Semjase, but I still l ack <strong>the</strong> umlauts<br />

etc. Are <strong>the</strong>re such (pronounciation keys)?<br />

Semjase--<br />

214/In our l anguage <strong>the</strong>se do not exist.<br />

Heier- Okay, okay. I also 00 not understand much about<br />

umlauts, consonants and whatever e lse, s o we IM.y l e ave this<br />

and occupy ourselves with what you want to write. You see I<br />

have cared for this and brought with Ire paper and a fel t -<br />

writer . I thought this writing means would be best suited.<br />

Can you work with it?<br />

Semjase-- 215/SUrely, onl y what i s evident for Ire is, what<br />

shall I IlCM wri te?<br />

Meier- Ch , just anything. ..<br />

Semjase-<br />

216/'lhat ' s a very broad berm,<br />


-<br />

Heier- Of course, but you s urely wi ll f ind sarething. - -<br />

What about , i f you would sirrp.ty wri te a small l e t ter to our<br />

group?<br />

Se!njase- 217/'Ihat sounds well, but what shall I write to<br />

<strong>the</strong>m?<br />

Mtier- Please don' t be s o much crnplicated. J ust write sore<br />

nice words, which are f ran yourself and not fran roe, l ike I<br />

had dictat ed. <strong>the</strong>m•• •<br />

Sanjase- 218/! want to t ry i t but hCM shall I begin? '!hat<br />

is not c lear to me.<br />

!oEier- Typically wcren.. .<br />

Semjase-<br />

219/ How do you rrean that?<br />

Heier- Quite si.nply in <strong>the</strong> way ; you wcrren are saretiJres<br />

r a<strong>the</strong>r he lpless creatures If you have to do certain things<br />

that are s crrehow s t range to you . And in that, <strong>the</strong>re seems<br />

to be between you and <strong>the</strong> f erna.le c r eatures of Earth no diff<br />

erence. Unt il now I had a lways, and on ly , seen that in a ll<br />

mat ters you were canpletely o<strong>the</strong>rwise than <strong>the</strong> waren on <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth, which is exact ly <strong>the</strong> way I i..nE.gined a real wc:man<br />

should be in her way of thinking, a ct ions, etc. , and not<br />

j ust si..Itply wcmanfy, Now I suddenly s ee this line o f character<br />

.in you and recogni ze a lso in you certain things which<br />

are deep-rooted f erre.Ie , ntis in no manner troubl es me, but<br />

it s hews that you are only a no rma l human being , a wcrnan,<br />

who a l so has f enal e character i s t ics, and as I nCM understand ,<br />

this might be un i versal. Is it?<br />

Semjase-<br />

220/I • • •<br />

ptaah- (Interrupting Sernjase before s he answers) 160/ You're<br />

very pensive . 161/'Ihere is, like you say• . .<br />

221/ 1 don' t want to contradict. ..<br />

(I take that state.rrent as interesting. Sernj ase' 5 face turns<br />

to a gent l e red color , very evident ly a react ion to <strong>the</strong> just<br />

spoken words, Secr et ly I am delighted about this, for<br />

na.v I knew exactly, that she i s influenced by feelings , even<br />

though she c leverly hid <strong>the</strong>m. One only had to touch <strong>the</strong><br />

right p lace, to Icosen <strong>the</strong> control over her feelings .)<br />

Sernjase- 222/Pl ease don't .<br />


Joill.er- (She has picked up my thoughts) 'lbat was not meant<br />

badly, Semjase. Quite <strong>the</strong> contrary. By <strong>the</strong> nON revealed<br />

character, you have much increased my esteem in your being<br />

a wanan.<br />

Semj aseo<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

.<br />

223/1t is not a lways good to knON <strong>the</strong> f eel ings o f<br />

Joeier- In that you are l ike ly right, but do you believe that<br />

you have been able to conceal yours fran me?<br />

SEmjase- 224/1 had thought so, but now I knew that I have<br />

not succeeded. 225/You really did not delude yourself.<br />

M:rler- Still why shoutd I ?<br />

Semjase-<br />

226/Perhaps because I am a waren?<br />

1£ier- But that' s nonsense. Please l e t me explain, that<br />

such feelings are not rel ated to sex.<br />

Ftaab-<br />

162/A very deep-seated truth.<br />

Meier- 'Ihank you Ptaah. ..<br />

Semjase- 227/Please, let 's not speak o f this any rrore.<br />

228/Care, give me <strong>the</strong> paper and <strong>the</strong> wr iter.<br />

(I understand, and 50 I give her <strong>the</strong> things without a word,<br />

and she now starts writing - without hesitation. .. She finishes<br />

her writing , in which I on ly helped a very little. )<br />

Meier- You have written this a ll very kindly , Semj ase, and<br />

I myself am delighted with it.<br />

Semjase- 229/1s that so?<br />

Meier- Of course , Semjase, e l se I woutd not s ay it. lmyway ,<br />

many thanks . No.Y I have a questicn about this script: HeM<br />

o l d is writing at all, and where does it o r iginate?<br />

Semjase- 230/'Ihat is easy to expl ain: <strong>the</strong>se letters, we are<br />

using here are only 11,00 0 years Old, and we had taken <strong>the</strong>m<br />

ove r, at that tilre, f r an our ancestors who lived on Earth.<br />

231/Our older l e t ters and script-fonn was mrch rrore ccrrp.tex,<br />

while this here n ON' is much easi er . 232/'Ihis script-fonn<br />

was developed by different o f our scientists on Earth, who<br />

used f or a pat tern, <strong>the</strong> seen fran <strong>the</strong> Earth star f orrratuons,<br />

233/TI1ey connected certain star pictures by lines, and <strong>the</strong><br />

result evolved. into <strong>the</strong>se f ODTlS . 234/As our script consists<br />


-<br />

of small circles and l ines, <strong>the</strong> c i rcles r epresent s tars and<br />

and <strong>the</strong> l ines j ust connect <strong>the</strong>m. (14 )<br />

1hat 1 s interesting, and your expl anati on suffices<br />

for me, in that this sc r ipt i s no rmre known on <strong>the</strong> E'arth.<br />

Semjase- 235/It has onl y been forgotten, but was in use many<br />

cent uries ago, during which i t was o ften changed in detai l.<br />

236/ Still sene f ew scripts o f Earth humans today are s iIrply<br />

a ltered forms of <strong>the</strong>se shapes that have been made into letters,<br />

which trace back to our o ld symbols.<br />

Mller- '!his is a stonishing! . '!hen <strong>the</strong> script on Earth was<br />

not deve loped by Farth rren <strong>the</strong>mselves?<br />

Semj ase- 237/It you speak. of <strong>the</strong> Earthbound forefa<strong>the</strong>rs of<br />

your human r aces, and not of <strong>the</strong> heavenly ancestors, <strong>the</strong>n<br />

you are correct. 238/It was first br ought by <strong>the</strong> Sons of<br />

Heaven, who were <strong>the</strong> ones res ponsible f or <strong>the</strong> r e-errergence<br />

of Earth humans (frem savagery) .<br />

There are myths.<br />

Semjase- 239/Earth humans still don't knCM very many things.<br />

240/But OCM ee have to interrupt our conversat ion, because ,<br />

as I see, my f a<strong>the</strong>r has finished his preparations for <strong>the</strong><br />

great leap. 244/And a s I am already s peaking of such, <strong>the</strong>n<br />

I want to ask you sarething: I n a few minutes, we will j ump<br />

for s even minutes into <strong>the</strong> "eternity", as you call i t. 245/<br />

'!he feel ings and sensations <strong>the</strong>re are canpl e tely o<strong>the</strong>rwise<br />

than in normal existence in rraterial life. 24 6/For that<br />

reason i t is a lso not pcss dbte for us to receive your thoughts<br />

and feelings wi th proper concentration. 247/In consequence<br />

of which nei<strong>the</strong>r I nor my f a<strong>the</strong> r, nor any of us,<br />

could lat.er r epeat for you your feel ings and thoughts, so<br />

that you could write <strong>the</strong>m down . 248/ 1f you never<strong>the</strong>less<br />

wish to do this , <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>re i s a chance on a technical basis.<br />

Meier- of cours e I am interested in r emembe r i ng my f eelings,<br />

but , am I not able to do this myself?<br />

Semjase- 249/But surely... 2SD/ But you kn"N that your CMIl<br />

ability to rerrernber i s not developed so highly that you can<br />

repeat word for word fran rrerrory. 251 / 'Ihat as well is <strong>the</strong><br />

case f or us, for which we need technical assistance for true<br />

word repeats.<br />

Meier- I understand. Mlat do you s uggest <strong>the</strong>n? Nat urally<br />


I am interested in writing everytlting in detail.<br />

senjese- 252/That 1s not difficult. 253/The bocths, which<br />

you can s ee <strong>the</strong>re, beside <strong>the</strong> screens, are equipped with all<br />

necessary rreens, to store up feelings and thoughts. (15)<br />

254/'Ihe thought impul ses r eceived are stored in a special<br />

ccrnputer and can l ater, as may be desired, be repeated word<br />

for word frcrn i t. 255/The neuret , shapable and adaptable in<br />

size, which you see <strong>the</strong>re, is equipped with very fine sondes<br />

and is as 'Well covered by a special , Hne-rreshed net of<br />

sondes which pick up every kind o f energy and transfonres it<br />

into Irrpurses which are <strong>the</strong>n transmitted to <strong>the</strong> ccmputer<br />

where <strong>the</strong>y are registered and stored. 256/'Ihe energy of<br />

thoughts and feelings i s measured in very high values and<br />

c an be r eceived only through those instruments. 257/The<br />

energies o f feelings and thoughts exist only in very high<br />

f r equency f i elds, or hyper-fr equencies. 258/To nON be able<br />

to r egis ter your thoughts and f eelings, it i s necessary that<br />

you p l ace yourself into <strong>the</strong> chair and l ay <strong>the</strong> head under <strong>the</strong><br />

he.lrret; cap, which <strong>the</strong>n will a dapt itself autcm3.t i cally to<br />

your head.<br />

loei er- '!hat IS a ll I have to do?<br />

Semdase- 259/ No, that i s not a ll.<br />

self in <strong>the</strong> booth. 261/The great<br />

23 s econds .<br />

loeier- At your service, Miss General.<br />

260/But nON p lace yourj<br />

ourney starts in j ust<br />

(As Semj ase explained to me, I quickly sit down inside one<br />

of <strong>the</strong> three booths, in <strong>the</strong> extremely comfortable chai r. As<br />

soon as I have seated mysel f , <strong>the</strong> peculiar heIrret; rroves over<br />

my head and sinks down s ilently. I t is big enough that it<br />

c loses around my whole head, and only l e ave s my face open,<br />

thus I can s ee and watch everytlting. But <strong>the</strong> hejrret; is not<br />

touching my head; only lying close around it, keeping about<br />

one and a half centirreters distance to <strong>the</strong> skull, as I can<br />

see when I pl ace a forefinger between <strong>the</strong> heIrret; and <strong>the</strong><br />

head. NoN I am t ense and expectant , f or I wonder' what i s<br />

going to happen. Ptaeh and Semjase IT'aIlipulate <strong>the</strong> apparatus,<br />

and nON I can see again haw <strong>the</strong> fantastic heavens and stars<br />

change. In a fraction o f a second <strong>the</strong>y are nothing mare<br />

than a whi tish milky mass, a shining mass, as I have a l ready<br />

s een in <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hyper-leaps. But new suddenly as well,<br />


this milky whiti sh shining is gone and <strong>the</strong>re is darkness.<br />

But nUN what is this? Suddenly all i s merging into a golden<br />

color , and nCM everything i s l ike silver. But - my dear -<br />

this glistening light, thi s beaming s hining sp l endor! Eve rything<br />

is rrerged into glist ening light - o nly <strong>the</strong> glistening<br />

light . I t is stronger than a ll <strong>the</strong> s uns of <strong>the</strong> Universe.. .<br />

reer, oh dear, this g listening light, and i t does not hurt<br />

<strong>the</strong> eyes! Dear, this mist; be eternity, <strong>the</strong> g listening light<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> ete rnal . .. but see, <strong>the</strong>re i s nothing besides <strong>the</strong><br />

eternity; man alive, hCM marvel ous! Harvelous? l-1an a live,<br />

that is itself ma.rvelous. Eternity and marvel ousness are<br />

one and <strong>the</strong> sane.

pitiful -<br />

why have you brought rre reck here?<br />

Sanjase-- 263/ You want to j oke , but ....-e have a ll been inside<br />

<strong>the</strong> ti1rel essness, and \

points. \mat kind o f a star is that, and what are <strong>the</strong> b l ue<br />

points?<br />

Pt.aah- 178/'Ihat i s Caltos, <strong>the</strong> last point in this space.<br />

179/ Being t\o..u ti..rres as l arge as your hare system, i t has a<br />

greater luminosity. 180/The blue points v i sible beyond are<br />

also stars. They are self-radiant b l ue stars, which generate<br />

very intense light. 181 / You may not be able to see<br />

with <strong>the</strong> naked eye, but <strong>the</strong>re are no t five o f those , but<br />

e leven stars. 182/1£ you want , you may o f course take pictures<br />

o f <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Yes, I will, and get <strong>the</strong> pictures directl y through<br />

<strong>the</strong> cupol a. I' U a lternate a little, taking sere through<br />

your device and <strong>the</strong>n I will j ust take pictures through <strong>the</strong><br />

eupora, '!hat way I can later see which photographs care out<br />

better. I wonder which wilL • .<br />

Ptaah- 183/'Ihat i s up to you. You may do as you prefer .<br />

kier- 'Dlanks. - But what about; <strong>the</strong> b lue stars over <strong>the</strong>re?<br />

HCM big are <strong>the</strong>y, and i s <strong>the</strong>re any life on <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

Pt.aah- 184/ 'Ihey are no bigger than your hcrrewor -Id, a lthough<br />

this kind o f s tar is nonrally five to s ix tines as b ig as<br />

yours. 185/ They are as inhospi table and hostile to life , as<br />

<strong>the</strong> great planets o f your so lar system, such as Jupiter,<br />

Saturn and Uranus. 186 /'Ihe gravity a l one makes l ife very<br />

rarely possible on <strong>the</strong>se stars, and not even any spiri tual<br />

forms o f life are at hare on <strong>the</strong>m. 187/And in <strong>the</strong> f ew exceptions,<br />

<strong>the</strong> existing creatures are very small, not exceeding<br />

a height or size of seventy centimeters (28 inches) .<br />

I SS/ The gravity o f such stars would damage <strong>the</strong>m if <strong>the</strong>y were<br />

l arger . 189/But of course, this is different f or each such<br />

star o r planet, while <strong>the</strong> atrrosphere i tself plays no role,<br />

because different forms o f life are accarodated to having<br />

different atIrospheres . 190/ 50 not a ll creatures brea<strong>the</strong><br />

oxygen l ike ourselves and Earth hurrans ,<br />

But i t is said, that very great p l anets or stars may<br />

be inhabited, too, by accordingly greater f o rm; o f l i fe, i f<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is life a t all on <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

Pt.aah- 191/50 it happens only in certain w-ell def ined c ircumstances<br />

. 192/ About this <strong>the</strong> s cience o f Earth i s in e r ror .<br />

193/ 1f life s o existed on your p lanets Jupiter, Saturn, and<br />


Uranus, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> f o rms of life would have to be semi-material<br />

only, and very sma l l. 194/ 'Ihis is not <strong>the</strong> case, that<br />

greatness fosters greatness. 195/Fo r this special case,<br />

greatness can onl y be conquered by smallness, but onl y if o f<br />

extraordinarily stable form. 196/On your planets J upiter ,<br />

saturn and Uranus, great forms of life would never be able<br />

to survive . 197/ But as you knew, no such creatures are at<br />

here on those p lanets, nei<strong>the</strong>r material nor spiritual.<br />

1 was tol d about this matter, and a l so was shewn a t<br />

<strong>the</strong> p lace and l ocati on myself, where 1 noticed, that <strong>the</strong>se<br />

so-called p lanets are not really p lanets. 1 may appear<br />

stupid when 1 ask a question about <strong>the</strong> stars, but 1 have<br />

been shown <strong>the</strong> diffe rence between stars and planets, and<br />

surely this will be o f interest t o o<strong>the</strong>r hurran beings too.<br />

you thus explain <strong>the</strong> difference between stars and<br />

p lanets?<br />

?taah- 198 / 'Ihat is not difficult , and easi ly explained;<br />

planets are cosmic bodies whi ch have practi call y no l ight of<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir own, and which get <strong>the</strong>ir light by conversion o f <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

sun's r adiat ions falling on <strong>the</strong>m. 199/Stars are cosmic<br />

bodi.es which have <strong>the</strong>ir own force of radiation, and which<br />

generate light fran <strong>the</strong>ir own radiations. 200/Both are i n-<br />

habitable by c r eat ures o f sorts; s tars as well as planets;<br />

if a trros phe rics and o<strong>the</strong>r circumstances pennit i t .<br />

1 see, and what about <strong>the</strong> suns? Are <strong>the</strong>se also inhabited?<br />

Are <strong>the</strong>y perhaps on l y on <strong>the</strong> outsi de s olar f ormations,<br />

whil e inside may exist inhabitable p lanets?<br />

Ftaah-<br />

201/HCM have you care by this question?<br />

M:rler- Oh, 1 have read in books about; <strong>the</strong>se matt ers. A man<br />

by <strong>the</strong> narre o f Jakob lorber, has written de cades, or even<br />

centuries ago, sane about; s uch things. He rroreover has also<br />

wri tten about; Saturn and o<strong>the</strong>r planets, which with Semj ase<br />

1 have nCM seen for myself, when Semjase b r ought rre to <strong>the</strong>se<br />

p lanets and 1 was able to explore <strong>the</strong>m with her he lp.<br />

Ftaah- 202/1 unders tand . 203/Unfortunate l y , <strong>the</strong>re exist on<br />

Earth many humans who write such kinds of books and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

literature. 204/As you can see, <strong>the</strong>se are produces of f antasy.<br />

206/ Al so <strong>the</strong> f antasy interpretation with r espect to<br />

livability of your sun. . . as no sun i s l ike such st.aterrent;s,<br />

Meder- Yes. Okay, 1 thought so. But what about; <strong>the</strong> pre-<br />


tenti ons <strong>the</strong>n, that humans have received rressages f ran Ange<br />

ls o r fran God, etc. , by inspirations?<br />

Pt:aah- 207/In a few cases , s uch inspirations are true, but<br />

<strong>the</strong>y never contain religious info:rrna.tion. 208/ Religions<br />

exist s o lely on your CMJl Farth. '!hey do not exist anywhere<br />

e l se in <strong>the</strong> Universe. 211 / sare space-traveling people have<br />

brought Earth religions to o<strong>the</strong>r planets but on ly for <strong>the</strong><br />

purpose of studying <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Moder- '!hose are strong wor ds . We are told on Earth, especially<br />

by <strong>the</strong> Christians, that Jesus Christ is <strong>the</strong><br />

actual master and ruler of all <strong>the</strong> wor lds in <strong>the</strong> Universe .<br />

He i s r egarded as a God incarnate and is seen as equal to<br />

'Ihe Creation i tse lf. What can you s ay about; this?<br />

Ftaah- know <strong>the</strong>se de lusions o f your world, but consider<br />

if it were true, which i s inpossibl e , <strong>the</strong>n in all<br />

probability not <strong>the</strong> human beings of Earth wou l d be <strong>the</strong> r ace<br />

to whan would be a llcx::ated <strong>the</strong> task of publishing a religion.<br />

216/As, for many rni lleniums on many worlds o f <strong>the</strong> Universe,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Earth human represents <strong>the</strong> rrost; materialistic creature<br />

developrerrt, deficient in s piritual evolut ioo f or <strong>the</strong> run o f<br />

millen1ums . 217/It i s a kna.om f act on many worlds, that <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth human being def ies (real) spiritual grCMth and devel<br />

ops himself only within gross materialism. It \ooUUld<br />

really be a paradox o f s uprerre magnitude i f such an one,<br />

arrong those avail able, were chosen for such uni versal destiny<br />

(and he c an not e ven l eave his planet or system) . 218/<br />

But in s pite of this, <strong>the</strong> Earth hmnan abrogates to himself<br />

<strong>the</strong> inrneasurable arrogance of this presumtion while he revels<br />

in his materialistic mania of which we know no equal. 219 /<br />

'!his, precisel y , i s a real danger, for as s oon as <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

human becares master o f <strong>the</strong> technologies f or s pace-dri ve and<br />

travels to s trange worlds, and brings <strong>the</strong>m by power of his<br />

weapons or lies or deceit under his control , s o a lso will he<br />

include in his doing, <strong>the</strong> crazy spread of his religion to<br />

his conquests, and <strong>the</strong> existing universal harrrony will be<br />

destroyed. 221/'!his means that <strong>the</strong> still guaranteed peace<br />

would be destroyed by your religions and degenerate to mrrder<br />

ous wars and great destruction. (16) 222/And just to prevent<br />

this occurence i s a great and difficult mission f or<br />

s piritually developed space-traveling forms o f life.. .<br />

(Semjase interrupts our conversation.)<br />


Semjase-<br />

have reached our goal.<br />

loeier- . . . '!his I see. You are r eally preparing surprises<br />

f o r rre, But l ook <strong>the</strong>re in front, <strong>the</strong> re hangs a s paceship,<br />

and beyond it are stars.<br />

Semjase- 290/lhat ship is our goal .<br />

loei er- Its shape is f amiliar to rre ; l ike that o f <strong>the</strong> tlDAL"?<br />

. .•Asket, of course . that is <strong>the</strong> riddle, <strong>the</strong> s urprise .<br />

'!here in that ship is Asket too, r ight?<br />

Semjase- 293/ r.et you be s urprised.<br />

'!hen I am r ight . Eh, why are we rushing s o fast and<br />

so c l ose to <strong>the</strong>re? Do you want to ram <strong>the</strong> ship?<br />

Ftaah- 236/we are just getting c l ose to it, s o you and<br />

8emjase•• •<br />

Meier- I cou ld ?<br />

Semjase- 294 /Surely . 295/Care now, .let us go down to my<br />

beamship.<br />

ISemjase takes my hand and pulls rre to a sort o f box, o f<br />

netat, beside <strong>the</strong> horseshoe-shaped contro l and steering<br />

equiprent. '!here is no door on <strong>the</strong> box, but instead, about;<br />

a one rreter d.i.arreter hole in <strong>the</strong> lx>ttan o f it, which is<br />

lighted by a b luish s hining light , a pit, which runs to endless<br />

depth and seems to have no end. I l ook down and s ee<br />

that <strong>the</strong> walls o f <strong>the</strong> pit get closer and f inally s eem to<br />

touch. I can not see <strong>the</strong> end. Dear', and we are going to<br />

get in this?)<br />

Semjase- 296/J ust step inside and slide down,<br />

(Little man , that r s just crazy. I will rush like a torpedo<br />

into <strong>the</strong> depth and touch down directl y inside o f Hel l. But<br />

well, 8emjase has already said I should junp into i t, so I<br />

will do just that. I like ly c an do no wor e than break all<br />

my bones, and as well I can go no deeper than by this direct<br />

r out e. N:::M just j lIl'rp in, ccmrade, and I jurrp. .. Man, I am<br />

hanging still in <strong>the</strong> air, oh, now I s Iowt y go downwards;<br />

faster and faster. Lit tle man , what a sliding pit. I l CXJk<br />

up. 'Ihere i s Semjase a lso. But now I s IaN' again and <strong>the</strong>re<br />

is a floor below Ire . I am standing on sarething solid. And<br />

here as well are <strong>the</strong> lot o f beamships fran before. are<br />



at <strong>the</strong> hangar ievei .)<br />

300/ Care now, l e t us go to my beamship.<br />

(we walk ove r to <strong>the</strong> ship and are lift ed inside . Already<br />

<strong>the</strong> hatch closes i tse l f behind ua .)<br />

301 / Are you excited?<br />

I s that s o difficul t , i f one s hould suddenly see scmeone<br />

he never expected to see again, and at so strange a<br />

p l ace, so far fran bore that I can not even .imagine <strong>the</strong><br />

distance to here? I really 00 not know heM I can digest all<br />

this... What do you rreen that I will feel pain and misery<br />

when I have to r eturn to Earth? I a l ready could weep t o<br />

think o f it. I woutd l ike west to s tay here in s pace. . .<br />

seajese- 302/'Ihat i s unders tandable - but would you be abl e<br />

to take responsibility for . that ?<br />

}ltller- N:J. For I know that I must accanplish my mission<br />

and task , and I still have o<strong>the</strong>r unavoidable obligat ions.<br />

Semjase- 303/ You see, you are not able to escape fran your<br />

self-generated obligations. 304/ You knCM heM i.rrportant <strong>the</strong><br />

fulfilling of your missions is, and that you have to necessari<br />

l y go your own way. 30 5/this i s i..mp::>rtant because in<br />

consequence, you a re on l y abl e to evolve in that way . 310/<br />

New we go ove r , <strong>the</strong> port has been opened.<br />

(I see that <strong>the</strong> hangar door s have been opened during our<br />

short conversat ion, and s lowly <strong>the</strong> lit tle beamship rises and<br />

floa.ts through f r ee space towards <strong>the</strong> huge spaceship of<br />

Asket only a f ew hundred rreters away. Like with <strong>the</strong> just<br />

l eft giant, we float into <strong>the</strong> port, but which i s very much<br />

sma l ler than <strong>the</strong> one o f <strong>the</strong> space giant of Ptaah, NcM we<br />

are a l ready inside, and at once <strong>the</strong> opening cl oses itself<br />

behind us . All this pr oceeds ve ry quickly, and ve shift<br />

through <strong>the</strong> exit to <strong>the</strong> f Ioor o f a small hall. As we stand<br />

here, I see a ll around us rretal lic, light - r adiat ing walls.<br />

'!here are no o<strong>the</strong>r ships here, only ours . Word lessl y , I nON<br />

go with Se:mjase, who wal ks .in <strong>the</strong> direction of <strong>the</strong> wall to<br />

<strong>the</strong> right side, and in which now s uddenly an opening appears,<br />

and we go through. Behind us <strong>the</strong> srnall passage is a l ready<br />

c losing itself again. Ne are now standing inside a friend l y<br />

rrxm with very canfortable seats and things whtch have to be<br />

dishes . - l-an alive ! - '!here s he stands ! '!here stands Asket<br />


-<br />

and s he smiles. I - I am dunb and can't speak, A confounded<br />

b lcx::k is in my throat, and I choke with it. . . lIbot Asket<br />

walks 'toward Ire - wordless and smil ing , and now s he touches<br />

my hand, squeezes it, and draws rre reward her • •• Dear man ,<br />

i s this r eal, I am not dreaming? Oh gir L . . )<br />

Asket- t / Yoli r eally are not dreaming. Be very wekccrre with<br />

us. 2/It i s a delight and honor to greet yeo here. 7/1 see<br />

that a change has happenedr I am sorry.<br />

Joeier-<br />

Asket -<br />

You rrean my ann?<br />

a/Ves.<br />

1oEier- IX> know, that I have a l ready accarodated myself to<br />

it, l ong ago, and I c an't even i..rrB.gine any rrore, a life with<br />

two arms for Ire . I have f orgot ten that.<br />

Asket- 9/1f you s ay so, <strong>the</strong>n it must be. l1/ But why don't<br />

you a he lping device?<br />

,QUId Jui ry substitute your arm . 13fA half organic apparatus.<br />

Many thanks, Asket , that i s really very kind of you .<br />

But do believe rre r on one hand I can no rmre imagine myself<br />

a life with two arms, and on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r hand, I know very<br />

well that I have not just lost my arm without purpose and<br />

sense. '!he accident and <strong>the</strong> l oss had to be. By that event<br />

I have learned i.rrrrensely much, and will fur<strong>the</strong>r on l earn<br />

still more,<br />

Asket - 14/ 'Ihese thoughts are worthy of you. I just thought<br />

that a hel p in certain ways woutd be o f service to you.<br />

M3ier- I really thank you very much, Asket , but I do not<br />

want it. You knew that such an apparatus wou kd a lso conj ure<br />

up rrany Earth troubles. We have many o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>the</strong>re who have<br />

also lost legs and anns, who wou l d <strong>the</strong>n desi re such means,<br />

and against whan i t \

into ITBter ialism, i f only he is \ov"ell- up again. en <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

hand, scientists and goverrurents would discover <strong>the</strong> rna.tter,<br />

and this could l ead to catastrophe. I f I had such a semiorganic<br />

apparatus or pros<strong>the</strong>sis, <strong>the</strong>n for sure I could not<br />

conceal it for l ong. The consequences would be that <strong>the</strong>y<br />

would take it away f ran roo to examine and s tudy very thoroughly,<br />

and if i t was semi-organic, <strong>the</strong>n a .....ay for understanding<br />

and duplicating <strong>the</strong> details ITBy not take l ong, fran<br />

which <strong>the</strong> scientists could <strong>the</strong>n produce .robot.s and similar<br />

things . These would be used for eviI war-connected purposes,<br />

posadbky catastrophic for Farth. As enticing as your off<br />

er i s, Asket, j ust for those reasons I could not accept it.<br />

Asket- 1S/ Thos e are unsel fish words, dear f riend, and you<br />

are right in <strong>the</strong>m roo, 16/ 1 a.l Icwed myself t o be guided. by<br />

my canpassion. . .<br />

(NcM <strong>the</strong> wall in <strong>the</strong> l eft background opens and ano<strong>the</strong>r ferraIe<br />

human cares in.)<br />

Asket- 19/ 'Ihis is Nera. 20/She is my deputy.<br />

(Spontaneously, I give her my hand, and again I notice a<br />

pleasant pressure of <strong>the</strong> hand.)<br />

I am delighted to make your acquaintance. (A little<br />

s illy, but what e lse can I s ay?)<br />

Mera- 1/ Your words are fine; don't consider <strong>the</strong>m silly.<br />

2/For my part, 1 am delighted to welcare you here .<br />

foeier-<br />

Have you r ead my thoughts?<br />

Nera- (laughing) 3/1f you mean by that , have 1 penetrated<br />

into your mind, <strong>the</strong>n no. 4/Your thoughts are very strong,<br />

in consequence of which <strong>the</strong>y can not be mistaken and not<br />

heard.<br />

Meier- 1 see, but in what mat-ter-s are you <strong>the</strong> deputy of<br />

Asket?<br />

Nera-<br />

Meiers<br />

pace,<br />

Semjase-<br />

5/1 am <strong>the</strong> second-coordinator .<br />

'!hat would be for determination<br />

or like that , WOUldn't i t?<br />

312/SUrely.<br />

of<br />

Iocat.Lons in<br />

Meier- 'Ihen you are not <strong>the</strong> cc:mnander of this ship, Asket?<br />

Asket- 21/ No, 1 am <strong>the</strong> First -coordinator here. 22/'Ihe con-<br />


trol or ccrrrrand of this ship r ests with Stal or.<br />

Man or wife?<br />


ask f or myself only , but can you poss ibly exp lain to me, why<br />

I am conf ront ed before, as well as with Sernjase , and now<br />

here teo, only with \'oDITBI1ly beings ? Until nay I am not able<br />

to answer that questi on. I s <strong>the</strong>re SaTE special r eason, or<br />

just happens?<br />

rEra- 17/Di d Semjase not enlighten you about that?<br />

fuier- No, and I never asked.<br />

Nera- 18/Ne ll, s o I wi ll give you <strong>the</strong> answer: on <strong>the</strong> one<br />

hand it i s <strong>the</strong> same with us a s wi th Semj ase' s people; we<br />

recognize no diffe r ence in value between male and female<br />

c r e a t ures, as you find on Earth. 19/ Both s exes are ackncwl<br />

edged as equally capable. 20/Because o f this our beamships<br />

are c rewed by mal e and f emale forms alike, whil e as weLl <strong>the</strong><br />

rrost vari ed pos itions are equally oc:cupied by both sexes .<br />

21/m your special case , Asket determined in your contacts,<br />

that you are able to deal with f ema l e fo rms of life better<br />

than mal e . 23/For that r eason i t is on ly l ogical for us to<br />

make c ontact wi th you mainl y wi th female forma, and to use<br />

male f orms only for certain things . (17)<br />

Meiergone?<br />

'!his may be, Nera, but where have Asket and Semjase<br />

Have <strong>the</strong>y gone over to <strong>the</strong> entry r oan?<br />

Nera- 26/semjase has brought a "r ecor ding device" back to<br />

us . 27/Tney likely have gone to take care o f that.<br />

Meier- Oh yes, Semjase t o l d me sarething about this. Are<br />

you a llowed to tell rre what this is all about?<br />

Nera- 28/'!hat is no s ecr et. For scare years we researched a<br />

new t echn i que for t irrE-tr ansmissi on, over i.rrmeasurable distances<br />

and l engths of t.irre, as we l I as through different<br />

d.i..rrensions. .. 29/In that r espect t\'e have developed small,<br />

spiral - shaped t.Irre--sonde s , which we sti ll transmit f ran t .Irre<br />

to t .irre fran our dimension into yours . 3D/And as Semjase<br />

understands <strong>the</strong>se t echnologies and works with us, i t i s only<br />

under standable that we guide (s ene of) our sondes t o your<br />

am Earth. 31/Sare t irre ago, we transmitted such a sonde to<br />

your Earth, which was l o s t, because of a very little mistake<br />

that had r i s en in <strong>the</strong> calculations o f time. 32 /Because of<br />

that , <strong>the</strong> s onde l anded several thousands of kilcrneters t o<br />

<strong>the</strong> east. 33/'Ihis mistake was discovered sore rronths ago<br />

by us, and we wer e able to find out where <strong>the</strong> sonde really<br />

was . 34/ Semjase searched <strong>the</strong> location and found i t <strong>the</strong>re,<br />


and has brought it back to us. . . (18) But <strong>the</strong>re, <strong>the</strong>y are<br />

returning.. •<br />

I see, and why has Semjase not transported that<br />

thing back to here ano<strong>the</strong>r way, by t ine traveI, o r hyper -<br />

s pace t.ranspcrt; or similar? . ..Okay, <strong>the</strong>n we l eave this .<br />

But now a small s pecde I request o f you, Asket: For a l ong<br />

t.i..Ire I have tried to get Semjase to pennit a photograph of<br />

her , but regrettably I cannot; get permission fran her. I am<br />

wonder dnq if you woutd let lIE capture a pict ure o f you and<br />

Nera here on my film? \'k:Juld you pennit this?<br />

Asket- 33/1f this delights you, o f course. Semj ase<br />

i t unfortunately is that way , because if you wou.ld s hoot a<br />

picture of her and published it on Earth, <strong>the</strong>n her security<br />

would no rror e be guaranteed. 35/For tha t reason she has<br />

prohibited this when c e rtain difficulties carre up in your<br />

group . 36/aut I am a f raid when making pictures o f lIE and<br />

Nera here now, that <strong>the</strong>y will not care out well .<br />

'I\'hy not?<br />

Asket- 37/1 know fran my stay on your F.a.rth, pictures always<br />

being very bad when s hot in our ships or within <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

imredi.at e surroundings . 38 / They rrostl y are diffused or<br />

simply not s harp. 39/'Ihis has to do with certain harml ess<br />

to living f orms ene rgy r adia tions which dist urb images,<br />

especi ally on color films, o ften displ ac ing and c hanging<br />

<strong>the</strong>m.<br />

tccre you occupied with f ilming? And what about <strong>the</strong><br />

apparatus which Semjase has constiructed f or lIE to get better<br />

photos?<br />

Asket - 40/0£ my CMJl int erest , 1 have occupied myself with<br />

photographing, and a l so see <strong>the</strong> difficul ties respect.Inq <strong>the</strong><br />

energy radiations, whi ch may even destroy <strong>the</strong> film in scrre<br />

cases . 41/But, which apparatus do you speak o f?<br />

(Asket turns to Sernjase and speaks to her, and nee she explains<br />

<strong>the</strong> f o llowing .)<br />

Asket - 42/Sernj ase has explained <strong>the</strong> gear, which unfortunately<br />

you wou.ld not understand. 43/1 'i'i th r egret, 1 have to<br />

tell you that those pictures will as well not be very gcod<br />

wi th <strong>the</strong> help o f that instrurrent . 44/Ne will s earch toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

so to elaborate an e ffective instrurrent for a later posaf-<br />


i l i ty. 4S/But if you never<strong>the</strong>less want to make some pictures<br />

of us now, <strong>the</strong>n you may do so. 46/ lf you make<br />

no use of it and keep <strong>the</strong> picture f o r yourself alone, you<br />

may make a group picture of us.. .<br />

M2der- Thank you, Asket .<br />

if i t is a good one .<br />

Of course 1 ...i ll keep it a lone,<br />

Asket- 47/So get <strong>the</strong> picture now. 48/At a l ater point in<br />

ti.rre you may a lso be a t Icxced to shoot sane pictures of Semj<br />

ase, when she is no l onger vulnerable on Earth. 49/This<br />

may be several rmre years. (19) SO/Concerning me, recognition<br />

i s no rmre important , for 1 will not ccrre to Earth<br />

a gain for a l ong tame,<br />

(Asket, Nera and Semj ase s tand toge<strong>the</strong>r , and 1 shoot some<br />

pictures new. Contrary to Sernjase, Asket and Nera do not<br />

wear space c lo<strong>the</strong>s, but normal c lo<strong>the</strong>s (for <strong>the</strong>m) , whi.ch<br />

actually are ra<strong>the</strong> r different fran those I knew of Earth<br />

\'oUTEn I s fashions. Yet <strong>the</strong>y are all well dressed in <strong>the</strong>m. )<br />

8emjase- 314/This wi ll be sufficient for now, for "-'= still<br />

have to discuss many things. 31S/NOt all of this i s destined<br />

for <strong>the</strong> kncwt edqe of Earth humans . 316/So I wi ll have t o<br />

exc lude rmch f ran <strong>the</strong> l a t e r transmission.. .<br />

After t he p i ctur es Asket takes 62 full sentences t o belabor Meier for<br />

hi s failures in ge tting his "mi ssi on" started, failures in persuading his<br />

friends t o support i t more acti vely , failures in ge l ting recognition,<br />

failures in do i ng l ect ure s and cont.actInq officials, failures in getting<br />

an i nfor ma tion organ s tarted, e t.c , , reinforc in g Semjase's already severe<br />

criticism of Heier fo r <strong>the</strong> same . They ha ve t ried to persuade him to seek<br />

t o use Karl Veit 's UFO NACHR I CH TEN as an organ -- and he has protesl ed t hat<br />

<strong>the</strong> Veils would not be all that i nt er es ted in his "missi on" .<br />

All r i ght . . .. I . . .. Oh yes, .. . I will nee... t r oubl e<br />

myself very much not to have to live fur<strong>the</strong>r on with<br />

<strong>the</strong>se mistakes. It i s r ight, what you have just told me,<br />

Asket , but I feel s crrehcw shocked. But I will really try,<br />

because I do want to perform my mission <strong>the</strong> ...ay I j ust have<br />

to per-form i t. I t is as well ev.i.dent; to rre respecting <strong>the</strong><br />

rrent ioned by you public organ, as this would be good, and<br />

perhaps <strong>the</strong> only means to spread a ll rapidly. But I have<br />

exhausted mysel f carpletely f inancially , and really can not<br />

undertake anything rrore, I could s ee a chance i f I cou l d<br />

buy rre a s uited machine, to be able to print such a newa-<br />


paper , o r a rronthly paper and o<strong>the</strong>r things. But I do r eally<br />

have no mare capital at my disposal . I do a lso knew that<br />

within a few rronths I will be carpl etely at <strong>the</strong> end, if<br />

sarething doesn ' t c hange. But I do not know h

with this, for him i t woutd be bet-ter- i f he no l onger troub<br />

les himse lf in this mat.ter-, 134/Only satisfying one's<br />

desire for sensation is rreantnq .leas for our mission . 136/<br />

Everything i s out o f puzpoae and injurious to <strong>the</strong> rratter.<br />

137/ As a final observation, in Earth terms, we are fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

developed fonns o f lif e , and no l onger able to nove in s uch<br />

l eve l s of mind as Earth bednqs . 138/ nus is not pretentious<br />

on our part, but a l aw of Creation. 139/It is <strong>the</strong> sane with<br />

all f orms of life - a lso with Earth humans. 140/'Ihey, as<br />

wet L, are no l onger able to nove within s till l oser to <strong>the</strong>m<br />

l eve l s, thus <strong>the</strong>y are not able to ITOve in l evel s of <strong>the</strong>se<br />

creatures, who in Earth judgerrent are insane, but who in<br />

truth are only underdeveloped. 141/ For to adjust to all<br />

tasks in <strong>the</strong> existing Laws of Creation , each world creates,<br />

in ccoperat .ion with <strong>the</strong> Universe, f r an tine to tine, each<br />

according to l evel of evolution, one o r rrorc creatures of<br />

advanced deve l oprent; through whan necessary facts rray be<br />

transmit ted. 142/'Ihese higher deve loped creatures have been<br />

called Prophets on Earth, who unfortunately, in <strong>the</strong>ir tines,<br />

were a lrrost without exception persecuted and pursued, which<br />

condition still has not changed. ISO/And because this is<br />

<strong>the</strong> way i t i s, <strong>the</strong>re is no necessity or intention to make<br />

ourselves fur<strong>the</strong>r known (to a ll) .<br />

lSI/Besides us, <strong>the</strong>re are sti ll o<strong>the</strong>r extraterrestrial<br />

inte lligences, who rrove in <strong>the</strong> Earth realm, but who are in<br />

uniquely different pos Lt.Lons in evolut ion than we , and who<br />

may be advanced over Earth humans by only a f6v centuries . ..<br />

I S2/ '!hese creatures may thus care into contact wi.th Earth<br />

humans and r each understandings with <strong>the</strong>m. IS3/ Beca use sere<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se intelligences are not much developed beyond Earth<br />

mankind, <strong>the</strong>y may behave l ike Ccmrandera and such, and rrore<br />

advanced creatures may interfere to prevent evil consequences<br />

. I SS/ Sene Earth. humans have had real contacts with such<br />

extrat errestrials, and o<strong>the</strong>rs take such r epor-ts and elaborate<br />

<strong>the</strong>m wf.th f antasy , thus c reating new stories. 167/<br />

'!here a l so appear l esser developed intelligences who thirst<br />

for carrrand and want to keep <strong>the</strong> s cepter over Earth humans ,<br />

and conscious of <strong>the</strong> affini ty f or relig i ons on Earth, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

l earn to apply <strong>the</strong>m for <strong>the</strong>ir a,.m purposes ...<br />

fuier- Nha t do you think about <strong>the</strong> influences of <strong>the</strong>se joser<br />

f o rms of life and being (caning here); are <strong>the</strong>y of benefit<br />

f or humans o f this wor ld?<br />

33 1

Psket- 169/CXlly partly , according to eachone ' sdeveloprent .<br />

170/ But behind <strong>the</strong>se contacts are rrenaces too, which Earth<br />

beings can see when wars and c atas trophies befa ll <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

171/ r-'lany pccer'fu.l l eade r s of Earth are un consciously l ed.<br />

astray by such intelligences . ..(2 0)<br />



(1) Evidently in this spectat fo r<br />

with:ut radiatial. interference; <strong>the</strong> pick-up sensors, <strong>the</strong> scanners. lenses<br />

or s:n!!th.irg. is ret; sufficiently shie.kle:i fnn <strong>the</strong> hiJt1 teeperatures of<br />

this ere plaret so tot. at; <strong>the</strong> surface.<br />

(2) \ole cb oot krxM \l,he<strong>the</strong>r this is int:6Jjej to ceen original f irst de\.'e1-<br />

qmant, or first deve1cp:rent of iIeo'l life after <strong>the</strong> cataclys:nic effects of<br />

<strong>the</strong> capture, if tret; pert; of tb:!; story is true. 'Ihere is SO!E o::njecture<br />

that this fonrer planet. of an:J<strong>the</strong>r system may have had life in deve1.qI:Hlt<br />

in its original eun-systen in this sceoerto, ....hich was lost in its cetast.n;:ptic<br />

rerovat and transpl.antati.a'l he re. straJY,Jely. <strong>the</strong>re is arotf-er<br />

scenario o:nceming <strong>the</strong> uniqueness of Venus in oar solar system, that is<br />

veI'f similar to this, p.Jblished in <strong>the</strong> booc \oOilllS ill CDLLISICN, bj Bffinuel<br />

Velikovsky. .9.rl1 <strong>the</strong>ories nay account; for sene of <strong>the</strong> myster ia.Js ananalies<br />

o:nceming venus, such as different rotetacn, no satellites, etc.<br />

(3) Ole year later, ASnOUfl na.gazine for Jlil:;Iust 1976, p3Ig:! 11, atlIVJnCErl<br />

<strong>the</strong> ne,.,'S that <strong>the</strong> space prdJes bed fourrl <strong>the</strong> bases of Val\JS ' clarls at<br />

al:alt 40 ki.l.aTEt:ers above <strong>the</strong> surface, arrl peqea 12 arrl 13 .iIJ:l.;:qs<br />

of <strong>the</strong> cratered surface. W1en we vtstted <strong>the</strong> ra::s rbti.cr1al Cb5ervatory at<br />

Flzqstaff, Ari.zcna, in February 1981 (as part; of cur 1nvest.igatiaJ. of <strong>the</strong><br />

9.tiss case) , \l,tlich was project for <strong>the</strong> Vem1S t:q:ograply sttrly, Ray<br />

.Jordan arrl Edc Eliascn sh::wed us <strong>the</strong> first relief DEp of ValUS, \l,hi.ch<br />

<strong>the</strong>y had just ccccleted na1d.rq. This cap sh::we:1 several lew ranjes of<br />

of IlDl!ltains in <strong>the</strong> mirl-latitlrles, marly level podar- ttqicns, a.-.d<br />

a . cratered surface. f·Eier recoroed trcse rotes reported here n::w in 1975.<br />

Arrl at that tiIre be descrihrl <strong>the</strong> Venus Landscape to us in detail, in 19TI,<br />

all before such infOIIIldt.i.a1 had teen p.JblishEd any..tlere. fb.l could this<br />

nan have Jo-o..n?<br />

(4 ) In <strong>the</strong> urn o::ntacts fran Ret icuh.m ta1,Drlc l:eirJ:j dcoe en our space-ship CbIUTbia inside. Bi ll<br />

Hen:Iram vie.m all of this en a vary sharply f ocussed 3--d.1r.elsiooal irrage<br />

screen, ....md1 sin.e1 <strong>the</strong> f igures in full depth, as he were viewirJ:j<br />

miniab..1re fiq.rres performinq in a box, was seeced in a unique seat,<br />

tefore a sectial in a curving o::ntrol ccosote set into <strong>the</strong> wall of <strong>the</strong><br />

Ret.iall..ian spacecraft, arrl was sh::wn h::u to use <strong>the</strong> cx:ntrols en <strong>the</strong> viem.rg<br />


screen to peoecrete a solid surface arrl 1nY' to zcan in arrl to<br />

'Ibis is cnly ale 1ID:re exalple o f scores, of that<br />

exceed arrs lMJlifald. (Fran UFO a:tm'CI' Fro1 RETIUJLU1, by<br />

s tevens<br />

ard Willian sermann, 1979)<br />

(5) Here Semjase nakes <strong>the</strong> seccod reference to Heier' s Fermer life experience<br />

as a Pleia::lian ccercoeuc . After that he Incarnated as me of<br />

t he prq:hets in tbe old 'resteceic , arrl was in ccotect with "than" at that<br />

tine.<br />

(6) !-6er n::w rctacee that tf-e seentrq t.ra:nsparency of <strong>the</strong> rreual. wall<br />

to be a pnrltrt of tbe sere k.ird of techno1.o;Jy that alJ.o.1ed <strong>the</strong>n<br />

to see all ab:ut cctstoe <strong>the</strong> ships, as th:::a..rP <strong>the</strong> walls were rot; tibere,<br />

....hUe to erctrer wit:h:ut benefit o f that technology, or fran <strong>the</strong> a..lt.side,<br />

<strong>the</strong> surfaces sean to t:e ercoth wirrbolless n:etal. fb.; often we have had<br />

this mystericus reported in o<strong>the</strong>r UFO ccntacts is difficult to<br />

cccnc, <strong>the</strong>re have teen so many.<br />

(7) certainly awrq>riate for H:u nt Orini::orazo ard i ts<br />

vicinity. \'hen this invest.i.g;lticrl teen was exan.initq a case in Ecu:rlJr in<br />

1972, we fcurrl ab.rrlant evidence of extraterrestrial cortece with <strong>the</strong><br />

natives o f that reqi.cn many th::usa""rls of years a::p.<br />

local l eqerrl<br />

ab:ut a great ruler ...tD "cere f rrn <strong>the</strong> s.\cy" ard set up a vast k.i.n:D::o tha.t<br />

stretdlerl as far as <strong>the</strong> eye o::uld see in all direct.i.a1s Frrra his erxrrtatn<br />

aerie, we fcurrl a hu:;Je pyrani.d en <strong>the</strong> east s ide of tIE A.-rles, at a high<br />

etevectco, a 300 f oot; tall tarple, an ab3rrl:ne::l city in <strong>the</strong> dense jungle,<br />

am a great struet:ured facility en <strong>the</strong> sh:ulders of a high ou..mtain in <strong>the</strong><br />

Oti1±orazo rarqe, that was quite evidently l evele::l by a ceny necetco<br />

size atonic blast several tiv.lsarrl years arp, which left- a vitrifi e::i<br />

surfece layer 1/4th of an in:::h thick. covering an area equal to scores of<br />

city blocks, at an B, OCO feet. altitlrle. TIE mystericus "caves of <strong>the</strong><br />

'Ial..l.o6" is rot far fran here in <strong>the</strong> sh.:rl:w of J.b.Jnt Orirri::oI:?ZO. a city<br />

urderg:ro.Jrrl, arrl may have teen ..tErE <strong>the</strong> ILPJ..latiat of <strong>the</strong> aban::k:ned city<br />

went t.n"dergrwrd after <strong>the</strong> blast in order to escape <strong>the</strong> fallcut... i'e rave<br />

rot; Ieaznsd m..:ch in <strong>the</strong>se th:usan::1s of years since, because we are p repar-'<br />

in:} to 00 i t again. f'b w:::n:ier <strong>the</strong> Pleiali.ans thin\

oth, yet toe experferces occurred mly a fe-; m:::nt:hs apart. Sr Fabio zezpa<br />

of 1\rg'fltina investigatErl <strong>the</strong> CblaTbian case am p.Jblished. a report in his<br />

j OJ.D1al , CIlARI1\ DINENSI CN, pr-inted in soercs Aires.<br />

(9) />Bier is rot sure who this !"lB'l rran in Se:nj ase' s lile is ard be feels<br />

a t.ax:h. of j ealccsy.<br />

(10) Pt.aah was <strong>the</strong> chief G:rl in />B"q;:hite <strong>the</strong>olcgy centered in l-EJIiri.s,<br />

Egypt, in <strong>the</strong> thi..t:d milleniun, B. C. , am was rrqarded as <strong>the</strong> Creator of <strong>the</strong><br />

truverse. IE CiJIE frrm <strong>the</strong> stars.<br />

(11) In a cursory search, 'ffl2' have teen unable to firrl specdfIc references<br />

to Ftnah. in scotn 1'nErican mytlpl.cgy, rrxcever \\B have seen ansiderable<br />

evtde-ce <strong>the</strong>re of a::nnect.irrLs to Fqypt am. 1'ncient Assuria 4.00J to 5,00J<br />

years arp (\..trich eqrees with <strong>the</strong> ctne o f E'taah in l·E:rPUs). 'n-e caves at<br />

am. 'ffl2' exantred am.<br />

lIBJlY of <strong>the</strong>m in coerce. TIley bave teen shilled to <strong>the</strong><br />

Paute in Ec:ucd::Jr ccotatred scores of such artifacts,<br />

Vatican in Pore.<br />

(12 ) en three separate cccestcoe, cne or ano<strong>the</strong>r of us i.nvesti.qators, have<br />

rcted tinE coerces 01 elect.rente watches that were in <strong>the</strong> vicinity of <strong>the</strong><br />

Pleia:lian ceerebtpe, ani apparerrt.Iy <strong>the</strong> c:tlarlgas took place at that t.tne,<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r spring operated watches, also sbml.tareoos.ly present, slo"'Ed 00 such<br />

cha.rqe. Tin:e charqes 01 watches ani autrnDbile electric ctocxs in <strong>the</strong><br />

vicinity of a spacecraft; awroa-ch had teen reported to us a rnnter of times<br />

tut 'ffl2' were cnly able to acbJa.lly verify this pherurerJ::n <strong>the</strong> fed tim2s<br />

nota:l i t arrse.lves. 'IlE charqes were able to record were inccnsistent<br />

in <strong>the</strong> sense that SClIJ2tirJEs <strong>the</strong> charqes were forward ani otter cures taocward!<br />

or stq::p:rl. Also, <strong>the</strong> calerdar watch c:hanJ.'rl days am. date. As ....B<br />

did rot actually ccserve <strong>the</strong> cnerqes taking place, co rot kn'.:JN whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

it was by accelerat.i.cn of m:NEm2I'1t, ei<strong>the</strong>r way, or sinply by jurp charqes.<br />

\'1:> co rot kn'.:JN h::M this bappens, If this was a trick rnploye::l by scrreb:::dy<br />

to fool us, 'ffl2' nust ccntess - it did.<br />

(13) 'Ite stars seen in space within <strong>the</strong> Jln::1rorff1a system, Icoced <strong>the</strong>re,<br />

f ran within <strong>the</strong> system, so lllJCh like <strong>the</strong> stars in orr galaxy, seen fron<br />

bere, that !·Eier saw TV disceI:nable difference. IE does rot kn'.:JN <strong>the</strong> stars.<br />

(14 ) This is a surprising staterent., because alnost; <strong>the</strong> sarr.e infomati.crt<br />

was q.iven to N::.w Eh';}larrler John B. in a rerarxable way in an<br />

"autanatic writing" seeetcn, at 02 :00 in <strong>the</strong> rrnming, in <strong>the</strong> dark, in <strong>the</strong><br />

beserent; of his reese, in 1881, in which be was given this syrri::ol-fonn,<br />

arrl was told that i t was <strong>the</strong> predecessor of all written foms 01 Earth<br />

today, am was derived by <strong>the</strong> t'Egi fran ccservtrq <strong>the</strong> stars. fE was also<br />

given, at that tilre, a table of exi.sti.rq l..arlguag;! forms derived fron it.<br />

'!his was said to be <strong>the</strong> ancient "wr'Lt.inq of <strong>the</strong> G:rls" , ard was used as<br />


--<br />

sacral writing l:¥ <strong>the</strong> M:qi. 'Ihi..s syni::ol-fonn was used. in <strong>the</strong> magic talismans<br />

of <strong>the</strong> distant past, am in <strong>the</strong> sigHs of <strong>the</strong> great alchBni..sts (<strong>the</strong><br />

f irst scientists) of history. I t was al.ro said to be <strong>the</strong> secret Ibly<br />

Writin:} of KinJ sotcren, I'E'CO.}'1i.z€d tOOay as <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r of certain mystic<br />

sects. arrl is still used in secret rites in sane soctetaes. te>'brcu:Jh<br />

p.JblishOO. his "t:ransniss:ials" in an old seertcen w:::nX titJ.e:j OAHSPE. first<br />

printa:1 in 1882.<br />

(15) 'Ihese t:h::::ught recorders have l::een IrE'fit.i.cre:l before, arrl are awarently<br />

stardml equiplent en <strong>the</strong> ahfps,<br />

(t6) 'The history of civilizatirn m Earth sears to tear cut this projecticn<br />

esscred i:¥ Sfath. Earth hlmmity d:es in fact tHralstrate an urge<br />

to exp:lrt i ts 00lie.f systera wterever possfbte, as t:h::u;Ih trey were<br />

<strong>the</strong> cnly true coes, Witness <strong>the</strong> "Irquisi tial". arrl \l,hat <strong>the</strong> Spaniards did<br />

to <strong>the</strong> gnat civilizatials of SCUth reertca.<br />

(17) In an::JtlEr discussjcn 00 this subject of lIDSt1y Feraje a::sn::n:nrt..s<br />

IIB.ld.rrJ <strong>the</strong>se cxntac:ts with Maier, seejese pcdnted cut that in nany centuries<br />

o f Earth esperteoce, <strong>the</strong>y have ccservea that we are lES'5<br />

toscue to females than males in OJI ecctety, arrl fear <strong>the</strong>m less, so it was<br />

auy reasc:rOOle to take c:dvanta;le of this characteristic.<br />

(18) Elsa S•• a cemen girl in <strong>the</strong> orient. was in barp..p-t.B1t<br />

near Z3ha:'3en in Iran. m <strong>the</strong> Fnnti.er with Irrlia, ...tal she was<br />


(19) sere is a clear irrli.catial that <strong>the</strong>se p1eiadian ccneects are rot<br />

The entire thought-transmis sion o f that memorable trip aboar d Fi rst <strong>the</strong><br />

small seven meter spacecraft , and <strong>the</strong>n t oge<strong>the</strong>r aboard <strong>the</strong> 17 kilometer gr eatspacer<br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r-ship, t ook several da ys, during whi ch Edua rd Hei er and his group<br />

an xious ly wai ted <strong>the</strong> development and return of <strong>the</strong> seve ral roll s of supposedly<br />

spectacular photographs made by Hei er, and also by Semj ase with a second<br />

c amer a , during <strong>the</strong> time <strong>the</strong>y were gone.<br />

finally <strong>the</strong> developed pictures were ready for pick-up, "hich took a lot of<br />

lIlOI1ey for <strong>the</strong> nurrtler of fi l ll\S e xposed and <strong>the</strong> small nurrbe r o f people t o pa y<br />

for <strong>the</strong>m. The funds were rai s ed and t he pack age s of pictur es ...er e sent for.<br />

The group t hought <strong>the</strong>y now had <strong>the</strong> photo proof <strong>the</strong>y wanted a l mos t i n t he i r<br />

hands 85 <strong>the</strong>y impatiently waited. When <strong>the</strong> pa cka ges a r rived an d were ope ned ,<br />

all were crushe d to s ee tha t ev ery picture made us ing <strong>the</strong> "s pecial vi ewing<br />

scr een", wi th both Meier ' s came ra and t he secon d s i mi l ar one used by Semj ase,<br />

wer e grossly overexposed and light to <strong>the</strong> po i nt of l osing much of <strong>the</strong> i mage<br />

i n <strong>the</strong> pictures. They were so bad that most are not even repr-oducab.le , The<br />

o<strong>the</strong> r pictures taken ab oard <strong>the</strong> ships, without using <strong>the</strong> de vi ce , had navey<br />

flashes of co lor s hot through t hem, and were also di storted, and all but<br />

use l ess as well . .. Host of <strong>the</strong>s e were also overexpos ed, evidently due to t he<br />

properties o f t he light aboard t he ships.<br />

Ano<strong>the</strong>r problem was a lso noted now t hat t he pi ctur es were ba ck . The 49rrm,<br />

·slightly wider than normal angle spr ead of <strong>the</strong> lens on Me ier 's camera , was<br />

too wide t o get clos e-up shots of <strong>the</strong> images i n <strong>the</strong> s pe cial viewing screen,<br />

and was even worse with <strong>the</strong> smaller normal view ing sc reens , without ge tting<br />

<strong>the</strong> edges of <strong>the</strong> screen in <strong>the</strong> picture , and he had problems with <strong>the</strong> focus<br />

because his camer a had no throu gh t he l ens focusing, but <strong>the</strong> small window on<br />

<strong>the</strong> upper left side of <strong>the</strong> camera body , and eve ryt hing a lways looked like it<br />

was in f oc us t hrough t his window. It was t his lack o f distance measur ement<br />

and control that resulted i n <strong>the</strong> pictures of Asket and Ne ra in <strong>the</strong> smal l room<br />

aboard <strong>the</strong> DAl ship being ou t o f fo cu s . Meier did not know h is focus was off<br />

he ana ppe d t he pi ctures .<br />

The d i sappoint ment was crushing, and Meier was forced to r esort t o co llecting<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r i mages to i llust rate what he was trying to describe to o<strong>the</strong> rs,<br />

i ncludi ng obser vatory pi c tures of some of <strong>the</strong> s tellar wonders. Some o f <strong>the</strong>se<br />

became mounted in t he pic ture albums by his fri ends, and event ua lly be came<br />

confus ed by o<strong>the</strong>rs as t he pictures <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> trip. In fact that was what we<br />

were t old once by somebody t he re also, v.-h ich knew was not true, because<br />

those obs ervatory views a r e only possible <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> point i n s pace occupied by<br />

The Earth, and through s pecial hydrogen and o<strong>the</strong>r filt ers no t available for<br />

smal l camer as . Eduard Heier has never told us that thos e pictur es wer e taken<br />

on t ha t extended trip .<br />

Hei e r COlllTlUnicated his di s appointment to Semjase, and she c ame and picked<br />

up t he di apos itives for <strong>the</strong>ir own scienti s t s to s tudy to see t hings<br />

wrong. Those dias never brought ba ck t o Meier .<br />


Anot her problem was t he one experienced before, with t he disappearance of<br />

<strong>the</strong> spacecraft photos . Here again, most of <strong>the</strong> photographs made aboar d <strong>the</strong><br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r -ship , not us ing t he special screen , were "lost" in <strong>the</strong> processing line<br />

of handling <strong>from</strong> laboratory back t o HeIer , and he ne ver s aw <strong>the</strong>m. Those<br />

woul d have been <strong>the</strong> best ones. Onl y t he f ew pi c tures that were on t he o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

rolls -t oget he r with t he photos through t he special vi ewi ng de vice, even came<br />

back to and that was n't man y .<br />

Mei er was shown remarkable wonde r s on this trip, an d <strong>the</strong>n was given heavy<br />

responsi bilities. He i s flattered and <strong>the</strong>n severel y cri tic i ze d for his failings.<br />

The carrot and t he stick t echni que is app l ied repeatedl y an d is ha ving<br />

<strong>the</strong> desi red effect.<br />


32r>:l Ccntact lUlday, 8 5eptBtber 1975<br />

14:16 h<br />

thought<br />

Transmission Contact<br />

Semjase- l /Since yesterday I received your strong call. 2/<br />

Are you far enough along with your l abor to be able to write<br />

down <strong>the</strong> next r e port?<br />

M:::!1er- Not this yet , but sarething has interferred, and I<br />

don ' t knew what I shoul d begin.<br />

Semjase- 3/15 this so irrportant that you had to call fie<br />

because of it?<br />

l£ier- I think so. As you knew, I am a t present repeat edly<br />

writing down all <strong>the</strong> contact notes, and in whdch I have<br />

written Alma 1964 with <strong>the</strong> help of Asket's rrerrory. But now<br />

I can find no rmre o f <strong>the</strong> r emaining (contact) reports. Evi -<br />

dently I have hidden <strong>the</strong>m too well, and <strong>the</strong>n l ost <strong>the</strong>m. I<br />

really don I t know what I shall do?<br />

Semjase-<br />

4/You really can't find <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

Then I would not have called you so urgently.<br />

Semjase- 5/Surely. . . 6/'Ihen l eave <strong>the</strong>se reports for now,<br />

as, if you can't f ind <strong>the</strong>m, <strong>the</strong>n you like ly do not have <strong>the</strong>m<br />

any rrore, . ..but have you searched thoroughly?<br />

Meier- Of course. I put everything upside down .<br />

Semjase- 7/ Tnen you will have lost <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Meier- So I a lso believe. should I do now?<br />

Semjase- 8/ If you really can't f ind <strong>the</strong>m, it is not so<br />

iJrportant . 9/ 1 will contact Asket and tell her your<br />

mi s ery. lO/ She will transmit t o you once rrore, a ll mis sing<br />

report.s, 11 /All about <strong>the</strong> events and conversations are s tored<br />

by her . 12/ You can write <strong>the</strong>se repor-ta again. 13/How f ar<br />

have you p r oceeded with <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

Meier- I could still write <strong>the</strong> first conversation with _ _ r<br />

<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> rest is missing.<br />

Sanjase- 14/ Well, <strong>the</strong>n you have got ten quite far. 15/ So a t<br />

<strong>the</strong> end o f that repor-t. about _-,,--,,' give an explanation that<br />

you can no rrore find <strong>the</strong> rest o f <strong>the</strong> r e port.<br />


I have a lready done this, and now I take this contact<br />

with you as <strong>the</strong> direct sequel (continuation o f <strong>the</strong> report<br />

aboard <strong>the</strong> great spacecraft on <strong>the</strong> extended trip).<br />

Semjase- 16/Indeed you think of everything. 17/50 we will<br />

cont inue <strong>the</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r thing this way: I (wi ll) transmit to<br />

you <strong>the</strong> second half of <strong>the</strong> report o f your trave l with rre to<br />

Aske t .. 18/\'ilrite an appropriate note , and <strong>the</strong>n cont inue wi th<br />

<strong>the</strong> report. will insert <strong>the</strong> missing f acts f r an <strong>the</strong><br />

report with Asket later, when <strong>the</strong>y can be transmitted by<br />

Asket.<br />

M2:ier- Okay, <strong>the</strong>n you may begin.<br />

senjase- 20/D::m I t hurry so rnrch: 1 can not trove s o fast .<br />

21/ 1 was not prepared for this situation, and carmot<br />

release myself for <strong>the</strong>se things at <strong>the</strong> rrorrent.. 22/ TarorrCM<br />

1 can make myself avail able for this again, for 1 must first<br />

prepare e veryt.hi.ng . 23 /1 still have o<strong>the</strong>r Labor-s to perform ,<br />

and at <strong>the</strong> present 1 am doing one too. 24/ 1 can not just<br />

leave it omit ted.<br />

Okay, I should have thought o f that .<br />

<strong>the</strong>n g i ve Ire not ice terror-row?<br />

SEmj ase- 2S/Surely .<br />

Thought Transmission , 'I\1esday, 9 september 1975<br />

So you will<br />

Second part. of <strong>the</strong> r eport. o f <strong>the</strong> 31st contact which tcok<br />

p l ace on 17 J uly 1975, aboard <strong>the</strong> Pleiadian Great -spacer.<br />

The discussion of a number of mat t e r s which Hat er is not alIowed to<br />

reveal had taken place. He was advi sed of a series o f events t hat would<br />

t ranspire , .invoj vinq him and also o<strong>the</strong>rs of our world. Asket co ntinues.<br />

Asket- 203/ These mat ters dis cuss ed are only f o r you, and<br />

for a ll o<strong>the</strong>r (Bar-th) human beings <strong>the</strong>y f all under <strong>the</strong> s eal<br />

o f s i lence. 204/1t is very Impor-tant; that you give no s i gn<br />

of <strong>the</strong>m, for <strong>the</strong>y are not a ll

nCM, and r eturn in peace to your wor Id,<br />

will rreet; ano<strong>the</strong>r ti.Jre again, but tltis may<br />

f ran now.<br />

34! Perhaps we<br />

be many years<br />

This will be when 1 am o ld and chattering, o r no?<br />

Ne.ra- 35 / You will remain <strong>the</strong> sane for us, as he r e your l ook<br />

i s not s o i.rrq:lortant, but your per son . 37 - fare we l l.<br />

38 /Hy Iabor calls ITE , and I r e a lly have to go.<br />

(Nera l eave s - t iurndnq to Asket, and disappears. )<br />

. . •I f <strong>the</strong> ti.Jre is sufficient , <strong>the</strong>n 1 still have a<br />

question.<br />

Asket- 211/J ust ask Ire .<br />

Meier- '!hanks. - You have said , <strong>the</strong> gear f or <strong>the</strong> photographing<br />

is use l ess. - I rrean <strong>the</strong> one fran Semjase . loJhat about<br />

<strong>the</strong> one you want to produce in cooperat ion? Do you think<br />

that l ater I will be able to get better pictures with i t ,<br />

and that I won I t a l ways have troubl e s with <strong>the</strong> frarre o f <strong>the</strong><br />

s c r een?<br />

At:;ke t - 212/1 think <strong>the</strong> ins t rurrent will be good. 213/ But<br />

what do you rrean with, <strong>the</strong> s creen I s fr ame troubl ing you?<br />

Meier- Know, <strong>the</strong> instruJrent o f Semjase I s i s sere c cnpt ex<br />

for photographing and r a<strong>the</strong>r smalL l\n en 1 shoot; a picture<br />

<strong>the</strong>n a l way s <strong>the</strong> small screen-frarre disturbs Ire, and this<br />

confounded object is a l ways in <strong>the</strong> picture. Always <strong>the</strong> hal f -<br />

oval f o nn o f <strong>the</strong> frarne appears in <strong>the</strong> v iew.<br />

Thi s part of <strong>the</strong> special viewing screen frame showed up i n several of t he<br />

Apollo-Soyuz docking pho tographs we had seen be fore <strong>the</strong>y disappeared in a<br />

<strong>the</strong>ft at <strong>the</strong> Heier house . t..hen thos e s lides were printed t his was usually<br />

lost i n t he pictur e ' c r opping.<br />

Asket- 213/1 will take care that <strong>the</strong>se difficul t ies will<br />

not appear in your (new) gear.<br />

Meier- l1hen shall I now us e this instrurrent?<br />

Semjase- 353/ On your next trave l, o f course.<br />

Meier- And when will this travel be?<br />

Semjase- 354 /'Ihis is not f ixed - in any case, i t may be a<br />

l ong tine. 355/Eefore ano<strong>the</strong>r j ourney, 1 will first "abduct"<br />

you into ano<strong>the</strong>r dtrrensdon,<br />


Meier- What do you rrean by this?<br />

senjase- 356! Each p lanetaLy body has diff erent parallel<br />

wcr Ids, as "-'ell with your bcrewor -Ld, <strong>the</strong> Farth. 357/'D1ese<br />

parallel wor -Ids exist in super- and sub--ordered diJrensions,<br />

thus s trange f or your nOl1MI tine. 358/Cn such parallel<br />

wor-Ids, nearly e vet:y1:hi.ng i s <strong>the</strong> sane as in <strong>the</strong> wor -ld of<br />

normal. ti..rre . 359 / Cnl y small differences prevail, especially<br />

with r espect to t ines . 360/And so to such a paralle l wor -Id<br />

I want to take you.<br />

Meier- Fantastic, and will this be now?<br />

Se:njase- 361/This i s not c leared yet.. . 39 9/By r egret, we<br />

r eally do have to hurry now; we have already over drawn our<br />

tine. . .<br />

Asket- 234/But you can regulate this by a short time l ap.<br />

semjase- 340!Surely .<br />

Meier- Shall I beccrre a bit younger , or a b it o l der ?<br />

Asket- 235/Sare seconds younger. 236/ But new really, enough<br />

, dear friend. - Farewell, and think of us - it has been<br />

a joy to see you again. - Fare\l.'ell .<br />

(All, qcod, here is <strong>the</strong> ship . I disappear inside it and Sernjase<br />

enters. She l e ts <strong>the</strong> ship slide out o f <strong>the</strong> hangar<br />

port, and a f ew' minutes later we are again in <strong>the</strong> g i ant<br />

spaceship of Pbaah, As before, we are carri ed up by a glider,<br />

walk through <strong>the</strong> park , and nove again to <strong>the</strong> central ,<br />

where Ptaeh is sit ting at his "horseshoe--console ".)<br />

Ftaah- 243/we are just about to change back into our own<br />

Universe. 244/we will s tay alittle t.Irre at <strong>the</strong> barrier , to<br />

c lose i t aga in.<br />

Me-ier-<br />

Does this take much t i..rre?<br />

senjase- 348/Surely, because we are not a l Iowed t o l et it<br />

s impl y fall toge<strong>the</strong>r, but mist; c lose it systemat ically.<br />

349/ 'Ihis takes time and much care. 350 / Fran Universe to<br />

Uni verse , <strong>the</strong>re are on ly a f ew points in <strong>the</strong> barrier which<br />

can be used for passage. 351 /They shourd not be s trained or<br />

over burdened, e lse <strong>the</strong> s t ructure is danages ... 352/Everything<br />

must thus be perf orrred in or der , which o f course takes<br />

time.<br />


-<br />

I underacand, Then I wi ll be unneces sary f o r a ti..me?<br />

Pt.aah- 25 4f1;·Je can never<strong>the</strong>less talk toge<strong>the</strong>r. 24 6/'Ihe whole<br />

process o f c losing i s pr oqrarrrted, and i s perfomed automatically,<br />

without our special activity.<br />

eet er- Nhat will 'We do after c losing <strong>the</strong> barrier?<br />

Pt.aah- 248/The quest ion i s j ustified. 249/Itis provided to<br />

j ump into different systems , where you and Semjase will<br />

v i sit SC'ITe p lanets and (o<strong>the</strong>r) f OIInS o f life.<br />

Oh, that i s marve l ous. Can I <strong>the</strong>n a l so talk with<br />

<strong>the</strong>se f orms of life?<br />

Pt.aah- 353/This, by regret , will not be possible. 354/loJe<br />

can only a llOW' our ship to beccrre v i sible on <strong>the</strong> fewe st; o f<br />

<strong>the</strong>se wor-Ids, 355/ 50 a lso we can not .I eave our ship, and<br />

will have to be content with Iookfnq a t everyt.hing fran our<br />

beamship. 356/Never<strong>the</strong>le ss it will be very interesting for<br />

you.<br />

Joeier- It is very much r egrettable, yet I don I t want to urge<br />

you. I thank you a l l for offering at l east this chance to<br />

lIe... NrnJ I still have sarething e l se. Hi<strong>the</strong>rto you, Semj<br />

ase , have spoken on l y negat ive l y of Earth r eligions. At<br />

l east that has been <strong>the</strong> impress ion whi ch unini tiated<br />

ones would get f ran your expl anations. I myself do know yet<br />

f o r s ene years , this impression to be decept ive and that<br />

this negative character is address ed to a certain f orm of<br />

r e ligion. But this i s not evident in <strong>the</strong> hi<strong>the</strong>rto explanations,<br />

thus <strong>the</strong> uninforned ones are s ure to think that a ll<br />

r eligion i s being discr edited. '!his impression i s wrong, I<br />

knew, but until now you have undertaken nothing to correct<br />

this mi sperception.<br />

Pt.aah- 249/ 'Ihe questi on i s justified, and I wi ll g ladl y<br />

answer f or you. 250/Like a ll conce rns , everything needs<br />

certain p r eparation. 251/Nothing c an be undertaken and improved<br />

wi thout pr oper pr epara t.Ion , 278 / A l ess on can never<br />

be t r ansmitted in its deepest meaning at <strong>the</strong> beginning of<br />

<strong>the</strong> l ess on . 279/At f i rst are <strong>the</strong> necessary preparati ve<br />

corks, and introductions toti cc, to proceed s tep by step to<br />

<strong>the</strong> core o f <strong>the</strong> lesson and transmit <strong>the</strong> essential kno.v ledge.<br />

280/'Ihis pr ocess can not be inverted, which consequence may<br />

be catastrophic. 281/Take f or example <strong>the</strong> education of a<br />

professional, as <strong>the</strong>y are conronty called by you on Earth.<br />


282/When a person wants to becare a physician <strong>the</strong>n he cannot<br />

at once occupy h imself with <strong>the</strong> deepest secrets of <strong>the</strong> prof<br />

ession and l earn to be s uch. 283 /He must- first trouble<br />

himse lf with <strong>the</strong> preparat ive wor-ks and l earn everything<br />

s l ON'ly fran <strong>the</strong> beginning. 284/\men he has done this, and<br />

reached a certain kncwfedqe, <strong>the</strong>n he i s first able to occupy<br />

himself with rrore advanced matters and s lCJ,01ly reach <strong>the</strong><br />

kernal o f kncwtedqe o f that profession.<br />

285/It is <strong>the</strong> sane with spiritual le ssons . 28 6/Because of<br />

this my daughter has until nCJ,01 not gone into deeper rr.atters<br />

o f Spirit and expl anat ions, because first <strong>the</strong> seed has to be<br />


cul ts. ·305/ In your case we call <strong>the</strong>m "culti c ", because,<br />

Indeed, religious f acts are interpreted and falsified by<br />

cultic dogmas. 307/One religion is <strong>the</strong> measure of all religions;<br />

by this in all re-tying facts.. .<br />

30B/ But this i s only Creational - lawfully right i f i t is<br />

based on harrronfc cooperation with <strong>the</strong> rel-e-geon. 309/'Ihis<br />

rreans that <strong>the</strong> re-tying and <strong>the</strong> again-connecting has to be<br />

in hanronic unison and to work toge<strong>the</strong>r. 310/Religion can<br />

not exist wi thout re l-e-geon, j ust as relegeon cannot exist<br />

without r e-lig i on . 311/ Both f actors have to mesh and canp<br />

lete each o<strong>the</strong>r. 315/lhe Farth human must f ind <strong>the</strong> truth<br />

and re-connect it again in <strong>the</strong> right neesure and f orm. 316/<br />

So he must think relegeously to f ind <strong>the</strong> truths in <strong>the</strong> rea l<br />

religions, and to incorporate <strong>the</strong>m into <strong>the</strong> canplex o f rel<br />

egeous kncwredqe, 32 1/By vari ous circumstances, and not in<br />

<strong>the</strong> least by <strong>the</strong> vanity of human creatures, <strong>the</strong> I HWHs , Kings<br />

o f Wisdan, National l eaders, and l eaders of hUIMIl races, are<br />

in Earth human tenns called God and are substituted for '!he<br />

Creation i tse lf. 322/1his i s still seen in <strong>the</strong> f orm o f<br />

appellat ion of Earth humans, when <strong>the</strong>y speak o f <strong>the</strong>ir Gods<br />

as Creator . 323/'Ihe term of <strong>the</strong> male, "HE" and "HIM" was<br />

even in mi lleni ums not extinguished, thus this term does<br />

still witness 'today on Earth <strong>the</strong> human- ness of <strong>the</strong> God and<br />

Creator and o<strong>the</strong>r De .i,ties . ..•••<br />

Meier- '!his is very detailed... I think that this explana<br />

t i on should be sufficient . In any case I nCM see this .<br />

333/You are awake inside.<br />

334/You have becare wise.<br />

Meier- '!hat is your oparu.on, t-1any humans say that I am a<br />

fantast and am far fran <strong>the</strong> truth.. . ... '!hen I want to knCM<br />

sarething e lse nCM . I heard and read sarething about; our<br />

scient ists trying to produce our CMIl. Earth beamships. Is<br />

that true?<br />

Ptaah- 355/1his is true , as such flight Lnstirurrentis have<br />

been buil t on Earth. 356 / 'Ihey are not beamships, but devices<br />

s imilar to our ships which are on ly equipped with<br />

explosi on rrotiors, and recently by repul s e drives having a<br />

thrust e f fect. 357/'Ihe building o f such s hips is not new,<br />

because <strong>the</strong> first o f this sort had been designed and wer e<br />

under construction in your year 1941. 35B/In <strong>the</strong> middl e of<br />

February <strong>the</strong> first test flights were wade , reaching altitudes<br />

o f 12,500 rneters, where s peeds o f a bit rrore than 2,000<br />


kilareters per hour were developed. 359/The order for this<br />

was given by a l eader of your Second War, Adolph Hitler.<br />

360/At <strong>the</strong> end of that war everything of <strong>the</strong> project was<br />

destroyed to keep it fran falling into <strong>the</strong> hands of <strong>the</strong><br />

enemy. 361/Different plans, equdprrerrt; and apparatus, overl<br />

ooked in that destruction was discovered. 362/Frcrn this,<br />

different groups developed <strong>the</strong> tcday existing ships in discf<br />

orm of Earth origin.<br />

363/'Ihese "fly ing discs", as <strong>the</strong>y were called by <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

builders, have been test flown. 365/The largest of <strong>the</strong>se<br />

Ear-th flight machines of this kind r eached nearly 100 meters<br />

in di.arre'ter-, and a number have been constructed. 366/This,<br />

of course is contested by <strong>the</strong> gove:rnments of <strong>the</strong> possessing<br />

nat ions, and very urgently so. 367/Sare of <strong>the</strong>se machines<br />

have c rashed, because <strong>the</strong>y are still in deveIoprent. . 368/<br />

Uninforned hurrans of Earth who have seen <strong>the</strong>se machines flying,<br />

believe <strong>the</strong>m to be of <strong>the</strong> sane sort as our beamshtps,<br />

and that <strong>the</strong>y ccme fran extraterrestrial worIds.<br />

M'tier- So that I s how it is. Then different observed "UFO "s<br />

are not all s uch, but quite si.nply Earth "Flying Di scs".<br />

Ftaah- 369/Yes. 37 0/They have even had emergency l andings,<br />

because <strong>the</strong>i r construction, equdprrent; and apparatus are still<br />

lacking. 371/By <strong>the</strong>ir explosive and .repulse drives, and<br />

l ately also atcrnic, <strong>the</strong>y have problems. 372/Hurrans who <strong>the</strong>n<br />

care near such l ocations have been rrenaced by such radiations.<br />

373/When emergency l anded ships of this sort are attacked by<br />

observers, by which I mean that <strong>the</strong>y Clany<br />

observations of "flying discs" and kidnappings are of Earth<br />

origin. 378/0f that Eart.hrren should be conscious, as <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

pilots are '-.'ell aware that <strong>the</strong>y will be aasurred to be of<br />

extraterrestrial o r igin. 37 9/'Ihis knowledge is used by <strong>the</strong>m<br />

when <strong>the</strong>y announce to any c redulous witnesses that <strong>the</strong>y are<br />

extraterrestrials. 3aO/Conscious a lso of <strong>the</strong> power of religion,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y do not shrink f ran calling <strong>the</strong>mselves angels and<br />

God-sent; ones, to "rescue" Earthmen, while <strong>the</strong>y appoint <strong>the</strong><br />

deceived credulous as <strong>the</strong>ir contacts and give <strong>the</strong>m Lnat.ruc-<br />


tions, pret ent i vel y for <strong>the</strong> welfare of mankind, which in<br />

truth s erves only as espionage in <strong>the</strong>ir cen country. 368/<br />

N:::M our tiJre is up and we s tart for <strong>the</strong> next l eap .<br />

Pl ease remelltle r that this was all ."r iUen do'IIn, dated, and s igned by<br />

wttresses on 8 Sept embe r 1975, l ong before ....e had any de finitive i nformation<br />

on <strong>the</strong> crashed discs r ecove r e d by <strong>the</strong> Uni ted States Government , <strong>the</strong><br />

secret HJ-12 group, and <strong>the</strong> bodies of <strong>the</strong> alien occupant s of <strong>the</strong> damaged<br />

craft. Thi s in formation all came t o ligh t much later.<br />

Meier- '!hank you for your explanations, Ptaah, whe re do we<br />

go nC1N'?<br />

Pt.aah- 38B/Because to our t echnologies distance has beccrre<br />

rreaningless, we can j mnp her e and <strong>the</strong> r e ; one t.Irre nearer to<br />

Earth, <strong>the</strong>n again much far<strong>the</strong> r away. 3B9/'Ihe sequence is<br />

no t i.rrportant . 39 0/In all we will s how you scrre very diff<br />

erent and int e rest ing things.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r things intervened at t his point and i t became necessa r y to termina t e<br />

this tran smission, and defer <strong>the</strong> continuation of <strong>the</strong> tran s mis sion of t he<br />

great trip t o anot he r time. During <strong>the</strong> next contact only fou r day s later<br />

no mention was made o f <strong>the</strong> big trip or fur<strong>the</strong>r trans mission of those event.s,<br />


33m Contact Friday. 12 Septenber 197 5 10:57 h<br />

Sanjase- l /Yesterday you tried several tines to call Ire .<br />

2/Unfortunately, I could not r espond , because <strong>the</strong>re were<br />

sere very important things to do, which could not be posepaned.<br />

M::tier- nus I f ound out , as you just warded me o f f . i':hat<br />

had you to do that was 50 inportant? I as v..'ell had sarething<br />

important, appearing s o for rre . Narrely, on <strong>the</strong> night o f<br />

Nednesday <strong>the</strong> 10th o f September , a t 20 : 45 hours, s outhwes t;<br />

of Hinwil, we saw a very great or ange-red colored (luminous)<br />

ob ject . seen fran my house, it was about 1.2 to 1.4 rreters<br />

in diameter (apparent size), and wi thout any doubt i t was a<br />

spherica l forma.tion. After a f ew minut es <strong>the</strong> ob ject disappeared<br />

in a black and evident ly artificial c loud. At 12: 45<br />

I coul d see <strong>the</strong> object again in <strong>the</strong> s ou<strong>the</strong>ast. The light of<br />

<strong>the</strong> object was this tiJre very intense , and <strong>the</strong> sky had a<br />

peculiar vio l et-roo-bl ue color. Enough light was generated<br />

that I could film <strong>the</strong> object while it jumped around l ike a<br />

j eck-o-Lant.ern, '!hen it suddenly sank c10Nn very s teep in<br />

<strong>the</strong> area of Bachtelberg, and <strong>the</strong>n it s iIrply hung in <strong>the</strong> air.<br />

'Ihi.s a lso I was able to film. '!hen it s hot o ff like<br />

a missile towards <strong>the</strong> east , ret urned a gain rapidly to very<br />

c lose and s tarted to pulse a very intense light. The pecul -<br />

iar color of <strong>the</strong> sky f aded, and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> object jumped around<br />

a gain l ike crazy. again I was able to f ilm it, during ....ilich<br />

it dis appeared fran my viewer f rarre. Once rmre I got i t in<br />

<strong>the</strong> carrera field and f ilrred a gain. I on ly hope <strong>the</strong> film<br />

cares out which I will t ell you when it i s devetoped,<br />

\'ihat I am wondering is this; was this ob ject a t:eamship?<br />

Was it one o f yours? did you derronstrate so openly<br />

(r ight over town) if it was one of yours, because it could<br />

be seen as well by o<strong>the</strong>rs? Or was it a s trange object? And<br />

why do you suddenly fly around here with such b i g ships when<br />

you told Ire that <strong>the</strong> great ones would on l y care here in an<br />

errergency? The obj ect wou ld have to be a t l e ast 600 to 700<br />

meter-s in dterret.er -, i f I have est imated. <strong>the</strong> distance f ran roe<br />

to <strong>the</strong> ship correctly, which was at <strong>the</strong> far<strong>the</strong>st about 20<br />

kilaneters.<br />

last night I saw <strong>the</strong> ob ject a gain at 21:00 , when I t hung<br />

very far away in <strong>the</strong> air, near <strong>the</strong> rrountain we call "Rigi ".<br />

'!hi s rrountiadn is, seen fran my house , in <strong>the</strong> ncrtfecest; di-<br />


-<br />

rection. What about this object , and why do you just S\'«X)p<br />

a long here in <strong>the</strong> environrrent with it?<br />

Smljase- 3/lt was just concerning this. were so rruch<br />

occupied by <strong>the</strong> object seen by you, that I cou ld not speak<br />

with you, and had to tell you to wait . 5/'Ihe yester day and<br />

before yesterday object was <strong>the</strong> serre, which you had a l ready<br />

seen in <strong>the</strong> evening of 20 April, and photographed. 6/'Ihat<br />

was not a beamship , as we say , hut a "small-spacer" t ype.<br />

7/Also, it does not belong to us, hut to ra<strong>the</strong>r unkind intelligences.<br />

8/'Ihey are very interes ted in our work, 9/And<br />

f or sare t i.rre <strong>the</strong>y have been int erested in you, f or <strong>the</strong>y<br />

want to kidnap you. 10/'Ihese intellige nces intend to bring<br />

Earth and F..arthIren unde r <strong>the</strong>ir control. l1/For this <strong>the</strong>y<br />

do not shrink f ran kidnapping. 12/It i s one of <strong>the</strong> groups<br />

who operate through E:rrth religions and f ind success in<br />

this.<br />

Maier- But what are <strong>the</strong>se "birds" up to? 'Ib what group do<br />

<strong>the</strong>y belong? Are <strong>the</strong>y perhaps rrember a o f <strong>the</strong> "pyramid<br />

rroles "?<br />

seajase- 17/1f you are speaking o f <strong>the</strong> "Gi zeh Intelligences",<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are similar.<br />

Meier- Fran your words I ga<strong>the</strong>red this. But what do <strong>the</strong>y<br />

want fran rre? You said <strong>the</strong>y are to Ire a rrenace.<br />

5emjase-- 18/Yes , <strong>the</strong>y are a menace which you should not underes<br />

t imate. 19/ The y know o f <strong>the</strong> deve.loprent; of your life,<br />

as well as your missi on. 21/This is a rrenace to <strong>the</strong>m, because<br />

i t exposes <strong>the</strong>m and f rustrates <strong>the</strong>ir plans, and a<br />

l oog-tenn undertaking i s brought into question. 26/'Ihis is<br />

not done openly, and <strong>the</strong>y s eek. to avoid conflict , because<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are only a few thousand in number. 27/Their technol o-<br />

gi es have gone out of date, and <strong>the</strong>y fear <strong>the</strong> Earth expl osive<br />

weapons. 28/Thus a t present <strong>the</strong>y are l es s l ikely to enter<br />

into a war than might have been <strong>the</strong> case earlier.<br />

Girl, that i s great, <strong>the</strong>n per haps we can have sore<br />

p leasing H resorks,<br />

Semjase-- 30/The case i s not c lear, and depends on what <strong>the</strong><br />

humans want to accept.. . 31!'

appearfnq <strong>the</strong>re, <strong>the</strong>y hope you wouId a.lIcw yourself to be<br />

misled, to go to a suited place for <strong>the</strong>m to kidnap and deport<br />

you. (1) 34/80 be very careful, and do not l et yourself be<br />

l ed into inconsiderate s teps. 35/Though we are watching<br />

<strong>the</strong>m, in certain matters <strong>the</strong>y are equal to us, and we have<br />

our need for <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

M:,ier- These are nice expectations, yet in any case, I wi ll<br />

take care.<br />

Semjase- 37/SUrely, and you relieve us by that. 38 /Keep on<br />

as before, and do <strong>the</strong>n only corne to my contacts when you are<br />

suitably protected. (2)<br />

M::ti.er- I a lways have my arti llery wi.th Ire .<br />

Semjase- 39/Very we Ll , this instrument is qccd protection<br />

, for you?<br />

loEier- You make Ire smile, gir l. '!his is no instrument, but<br />

a pocket artillery, a gun-stick.<br />

Semjase-<br />

40/It i s a weapon.<br />

Meier- Your confounded Ioqi .c, You rrake fun of Ire . I<br />

later write dccn this conversation, this will cause interest,<br />

because many don I t think I am able to handle such a deadly<br />

weapon, (3)<br />

Semjase- 41/'!his is only a matter of reason, l ogi c, and <strong>the</strong><br />

l aw' of nature (survival). . . . in your mission yo u<br />

have to protect 'yourself against evil-minded intelligences,<br />

we will be attentive and guide <strong>the</strong> events . (4) 65/But it<br />

needs fran your side ext.rerre caut ion and readiness for any<br />

event uality.<br />

Meier- In this respect, I am interested in sanething about<br />

which you may be able to give Ire sane information: about <strong>the</strong><br />

pyramid-fellows kidnapping humans when <strong>the</strong>y consider<br />

it suited. NcM I have read sane days ago, sanething r e-<br />

specting this s o-called "Bermuda Triangle", so to speak, in<br />

'Which humm beings have been kidnapped by extraterrestrials.<br />

A certain Hr. U.V. Bemus on a farm in "Gu t tcustefe.ld" , at<br />

6441 Atze.l.rcde, in Germany, explains in a new article in<br />

"NEUES ZEITALTER" (" New Epoch"}, in Number 13 o f 13 Barch<br />

1975, that <strong>the</strong> extraterrestri als operating <strong>the</strong>re, in practice,<br />

wou l.d be indirect births of satan himself. Contrary<br />


to this, I received sane weeks a go, an article about <strong>the</strong>se<br />

events in <strong>the</strong> Bermuda-Triangle, f ran a group rrember o f ours.<br />

In this o<strong>the</strong>r arti c le <strong>the</strong> events in this place, where humans<br />

and even whol e ships disappear, is ascribed to piracy on <strong>the</strong><br />

high s eas. Are you infomed about <strong>the</strong>se matters, and if so,<br />

what i s <strong>the</strong> situati on?<br />

seajese- 68/ 'Ihese events are known to me, but <strong>the</strong>y are not<br />

in <strong>the</strong> least secret. 69/Tracing rrost o f <strong>the</strong> e vents to extraterrestrials<br />

i s only nonsense. 70/Certainly, <strong>the</strong>re are<br />

existing, certain things in <strong>the</strong> Bermuda Triangle, which<br />

belong to extraterrestr ial intelligences, but not in <strong>the</strong><br />

rna.nner stated. 71/The <strong>the</strong>sis that satan-like c reat ures and<br />

s uch powers .are in p lay, ris es a l one fran religious fanatics<br />

who ascril::e every inexplicable occurrence to Satanic<br />

forces. 72/For <strong>the</strong> first thing , Satan is on l y a product o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> fantasy o f your Olristian rel i gions. 73 /'1he events in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Bermudas, respecting <strong>the</strong> Bermuda Triangle (mystery) may<br />

trace back to quite natural events. 74/'lhis p l ace is very<br />

suited to high seas piracy, as you call this, and such acts<br />

take p l ace again and again <strong>the</strong>re . 75/On. <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand,<br />

this r egion is naturally menaced, by which many ships crash<br />

and s ink with a ll <strong>the</strong> c rew and passengers . 77/ For about tw::><br />

decades, <strong>the</strong>se hi<strong>the</strong>rto unexptedned events to <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

(indigenous) being, were used by certain religious and a l so<br />

UFO groups to ascr -Ibe such activities to <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrials.<br />

78/Fo r <strong>the</strong>se, those events were a "found rrealn, to<br />

feed <strong>the</strong> c r edu lous human beings untrue and unreal Lnformation,<br />

while <strong>the</strong>y invent ed satani c extraterrestrial power's<br />

responsible fo r <strong>the</strong> mysteries o f <strong>the</strong> Bermuda-Triangle. 79/<br />

Like <strong>the</strong> religions, UFOlogy needed a fonn o f Satan to res<br />

train <strong>the</strong>ir adher ents. 86/50 <strong>the</strong> events <strong>the</strong>re are only<br />

speculative when <strong>the</strong>y are ascribed to extraterrestri al intel<br />

ligences .<br />

leier- So I have asaurred,<br />

Sanj ase- 89/In <strong>the</strong> future now you will have <strong>the</strong> task, to<br />

write dcMn many facts of <strong>the</strong> e ssential spiritual lesson.<br />

90/As fast as poss ible I will transmit you <strong>the</strong> rerraining<br />

part of <strong>the</strong> report of <strong>the</strong> great j ourney. 9l/'Ihe t.i.nE<br />

has graNn ma.t ure when you s hould diffuse this, which means<br />

troubl esare \';Ork ahe ad for you.<br />

Of such I am already acquainted.<br />


sernjase- 93/Surely,<br />

still have many o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

94/But<br />

things<br />

my tirre<br />

to do.<br />

has passed again,<br />

as I<br />



(1) Bare <strong>the</strong> old crlversary thu:J2' ceres up again. Even trcse IlOre efvarced<br />

than we, sean to have <strong>the</strong>ir enanies wh::> seek to frustrate <strong>the</strong>ir p jans arrl<br />

c:harx;Ie <strong>the</strong>ir efforts. '!he Pl e iadians have tlEir Gizahs. In <strong>the</strong> space wars<br />

of ancient In::lia arrl old Orina as well, arrl even trcee of GrEek mytto1o;ly -<br />

arrl trere are ctrers - we firri <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrial. adversaries in cxnflict<br />

ocar Earth arrl o<strong>the</strong>r inhabite:1 planets in cur uuverse, arrl .irrvokvfnq <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

p::p..1latia1s in <strong>the</strong> ccntest. This nay in sere cases be because of <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

rccc-ccorectacos with <strong>the</strong> evolvin:] nnmities here, as irdi.cate:1 for <strong>the</strong><br />

Pleiadians. In otrers <strong>the</strong> cx::nnect:.icns are less apparent.<br />

"Ra" in !HE I.A:1 bf taJ. Elkins arrl Carla Rdert, prd::ably states<br />

this mzre clearly than rrost.. IE sees <strong>the</strong> real cenflict as cnl.y tso s i.de:j<br />

arrl universal, pokar.ized as service to ot:h2rs arrl service to self. All<br />

activities arrl act:ia1s in service to otbers is intrinsically gx:d, for it<br />

benefits nore, arrl. <strong>the</strong> reverse \'O.lld rold for ecctcos in servi ce to self.<br />

This is a lhiverse-wide divisiaJ. of interest, tecause he sees lhh oersal<br />

evoluticn as prcx:eerli.rq rtUtually a.l.aq toth patha s.imJltarEa.Jsly, as it is<br />

self evident tlat cne can rot exist with:ut <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r. 'nere can be IJ:)<br />

givers with::ut takers arrl vtz-e-vtz,<br />

A-rl reli.gia1. has its devil.<br />

"InJs tbere is always an edversary,<br />

(2) Again, /o\=:ier is to ccctrre his interests to Pleiaiian o:ntacts<br />

alene, arrl is warned crce more of <strong>the</strong> dangers of such ccntacts to<br />

anycne, f ran his am. species, an::1 of <strong>the</strong> earlier warning to be able to<br />

protect himself. b::ught hinEelf a heavy . 44 revolver arrl holster , arrl<br />

l eame::1 to fast-drat.... arrl. sboct. <strong>the</strong> weap:rl wi th

34th Crntact smday , 14 Sept:eniJer 1975<br />

Meier- Since our discussion last Saturday , sore questi ons<br />

. have care up. 'They are very Impor-tant; to us, and so I have<br />

asked for this rreet ing.<br />

senjase- l / Fran my s ide I am happy to f oster <strong>the</strong> contact<br />

with yeo, but a t <strong>the</strong> m::rrent i t is rmr e i.rrportant that you<br />

f inish <strong>the</strong> r e por-t. o f your travel. 2/ 1his is <strong>the</strong> rmst; urgent<br />

work, f or ano<strong>the</strong>r matter is p r essing which mus t be done .<br />

3/&::> I would Ltke very much , if f or <strong>the</strong> nex t t irre you care<br />

for f inishing that r eport before you ask any more questions .<br />

4/Pl ease do spare ere fran those until our wor k on <strong>the</strong> report;<br />

i s fini shed. ..<br />

As you think.<br />

<strong>the</strong> possible disorder,<br />

It wou l d really be bet ter , as with<br />

i t cou l d be af fect ed.<br />

senjase- 6/But nCM give Ire your questi on. 7/Since I am<br />

a lready he r e I shall speak and gi ve you answer .<br />

loei er- '!hank you. - You know <strong>the</strong> questi ons are very i.rrportant<br />

for us, f or we must know c learly about certain concerns .<br />

Mr. Hans Jacob, fran our group, has said that in <strong>the</strong><br />

rrorning o f Saturday I September 13th, l ast SaturdayI he recei<br />

ved a peculiar l e t ter, about; which we didn1t knew whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

it was wri tten by a nan o r a wcman . 'D1e writer o f <strong>the</strong> letter<br />

is a s piritual ist and thought he had contacted Gloria<br />

lee. Hr . J a cob had f omerl y had a book by Gl oria lee, about;<br />

which this l etter relates . AOOut one year ago <strong>the</strong> wr Lt e r-<br />

c lai..Ired a contact with Gloria Lee in s eance.. .<br />

senjese- 8/'D1ese events a re unkno...m to me. 22/ Mlere this<br />

person gets <strong>the</strong> knowledge i s unknown. to me. 23/ Ye t i t may<br />

be poasdb l e that this pers on has care i nto contact wi th her.<br />

24/ 'Ihis wou td prerni.se this person indeed having s piritualistic<br />

pcwera, 25/But as I have explained before, such persons<br />

are f ew and <strong>the</strong>y r are l y seek publicity .<br />

Meier- I rerrernber your wcrds, but coul d you f ind this per -<br />

son f or us, or at l east examine t o s ee if <strong>the</strong> details are<br />

correct ?<br />

senjase- 26/n:m' t you have details about; him?<br />

Meier- No. '!he letter was, i f I r errember r ight, posted<br />


f ran Mannedorf, SNit ze r land, but without <strong>the</strong> sender's name.<br />

A narre was s uggested by Mr. Jacob as Acke :rm:mn, I believe,<br />

o r Richenbach.<br />

M:rier- Evidently. . .<br />

27/ Then this person does not want to be knOn'll?<br />

5anjase- 28/ Mlen that is <strong>the</strong> cas e , <strong>the</strong>n I can do nothing<br />

f or you. .. 29/\'Je are not to injure <strong>the</strong> pers onal<br />

sphere o f ano<strong>the</strong>r in that way against his wil l. 30/1f he<br />

does not want to be known, <strong>the</strong>n we are not a.l Icced to change<br />

this on our part.<br />

Very r egr ettabl e , but we s houl d be inter ested in<br />

f inding out i f <strong>the</strong> inf orrration is correct. Can you ass ist<br />

us in that?<br />

5emjase-<br />

31/Thi s is poss ible if we• ••<br />

M:!ier- \oJell <strong>the</strong>n in this r espect I first want to call your<br />

attention to ano<strong>the</strong>r problem. D::> you know o f anyone by <strong>the</strong><br />

narre o f "Seph"? \'ille<strong>the</strong>r it is man o r wcman I do not know,<br />

to Ire .<br />

32/A very pecul i ar narre, but - no , i t i s unknown<br />

do you ask?<br />

loEier- This i s strange. The sarre per s on a ffirms in <strong>the</strong> s ane<br />

l etter to 1>1r . Jacob , having been in contac t about ten years<br />

ago with an ext raterre s trial f orm o f life . \o,1he<strong>the</strong>r this had<br />

been purely tel epathic , o r in rraterial form, I unf ortunately<br />

00 not know . In any case , this person has, i f <strong>the</strong> details<br />

are true, heard sarething f ran thi s creature , whi ch evidentl<br />

y re fers to us. At l east that is what Hr. J acob said, as<br />

<strong>the</strong> l e t ter spoke o f <strong>the</strong> a dvi sing of <strong>the</strong> a ppearance here in<br />

1975 of a contact per son. This was told to <strong>the</strong> writer about<br />

ten years ago. \'iha,t do you s ay to this?<br />

Semj ase- 33/- - 'Ihat i s very inte r esting. 34/ But <strong>the</strong>se<br />

events are unknown t o me. 35/SUt 1 wi ll t ry once and s ee<br />

i f poasdb.le we can expl ore this . 36/ Wa it here, I will care<br />

back again soon.<br />

(Semjase walks away and disaappears into her ship,<br />

s tanding alitt l e aside . Afull 27 minutes pass.<br />

r eturns. )<br />

Semjase-<br />

which is<br />

<strong>the</strong>n s he<br />

37/Ptaah has e l aborated <strong>the</strong> data and brought under-<br />


control through f an- shaped analyzers, great areas o f <strong>the</strong> envirorurent<br />

here in a search. 38/He has found such a person<br />

as you describe. 39/It is a man about 41 years o ld,<br />

by <strong>the</strong> narre of Alois Rickenbach. 40/1n his profession he<br />

does this as a free l abor . .. 41/In earlier ti..mes his occupation<br />

was with graphics.. . 42/He is involved in spir itualscient<br />

ific concerns, and has contacted traces of truth. ..<br />

43/He is active spiritualistically, and very l oyal, and in<br />

this he i s gcod.. .<br />

Meier- '!his i s interesting. does this man live?<br />

Semja.se- 46/You cannot, l e ad me astray with that.<br />

M;ller- a pity. I thought. . .<br />

senjase- 47/1 have told you that we are not a .lI cwed to disclose<br />

<strong>the</strong> secrets of a personality or any creature, if it<br />

does not want it.<br />

Meier- All r ight. I had to test it. Nail' what about this<br />

creature narred Seph?<br />

Semjase- SO/Here your ti.Ire infonnation i s not correct, and<br />

even <strong>the</strong> narre i s incorrect. 51/You have spoken it with a<br />

"ph" , when it should have been an "f ". . . 52/Follrteen years<br />

have passed since that man, who wrote <strong>the</strong> l et ter to lo1r . Jacob<br />

was in contact with a creature by <strong>the</strong> narre of "Seth" .<br />

53/'Ihis was a creature f ran <strong>the</strong> Alpha Centauri system, who<br />

was here on Earth f or scrre e leven rronths , 54/In this connection<br />

Sefh and <strong>the</strong> man in question met unexpectedly and<br />

made friends, as you call this . 55 / 1n <strong>the</strong> course o f <strong>the</strong><br />

e leven rronths, Sefh initiated <strong>the</strong> man into different ma.tters<br />

and connections, and a lso explained to him our caning, because<br />

Seth was well infonned o f this by Ti.Ire-Visions. 56/<br />

But ..... do not knew one ano<strong>the</strong>r, and a lso have never seen or<br />

spoken (to each o<strong>the</strong>r) . 59/And as Sefh knew many events o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> future, he knew about us and explained to <strong>the</strong> man , inviting<br />

him to spread this knowkedqe, GO/But <strong>the</strong> man feared<br />

this step, and told Seth, that he did not feel himself strong<br />

enough for that mission.<br />

Meier- N::1.... I see <strong>the</strong> pattern, and <strong>the</strong>re is nothing secret<br />

in <strong>the</strong> tale. One only has to know <strong>the</strong> c ircumstances . I s<br />

<strong>the</strong>re any chance that ve cou ld get in contact t...ith this man?<br />

Semjase- 62/Surely, <strong>the</strong> c hance exists, but <strong>the</strong> p r obability<br />


is very sma t L, 63/TI1e man i s suckl ed with f r ight and does<br />

not f ind <strong>the</strong> coura ge to make himsel f known .<br />

M9:i er- '!hen you cou ld influence h im s o that he announces<br />

himself to us at l east once rmre ,<br />

Semjase- 64/ 1 am not a t rewed to do that . 65/ '!his would be<br />

a coer c ive influence on his f reedan o f decision .<br />

M9:ier- '!hen not, Okay. But how is it possible that within<br />

so short a tine you could find out all <strong>the</strong>se details?<br />

5emjase- 66/'Ihis is only possible with <strong>the</strong> analyzers, but<br />

which I am not a l Icwed to explain in any rrore detail to you.<br />

Al l right , <strong>the</strong>n ve l eave this . I sti ll have ano<strong>the</strong> r<br />

question r especting a certain Asthar Shesan. D:::> you know<br />

anything about him?<br />

Semjase- 67 /'!he narre i s known to Ire .<br />

M9:ier- '!hen what does i t concern? I have sene scr ipts fran<br />

a group in Berlin, which discusses this Asthar. can<br />

you tell me about it?<br />

Semjase- 71 /As I said, <strong>the</strong> narre is known to Ire. 72/\'ie a lso<br />

knew of <strong>the</strong> scripts, and scrrething e lse rmr e , 73/1n spite<br />

o f all our endeavors we could not f ind this person . 74/l·Je<br />

could not find him a t <strong>the</strong> mentioned l ocations, nor even<br />

loca lize a place . 75 / Ne explored many s ystems of norma I<br />

tine, and o<strong>the</strong> r systems behind <strong>the</strong>se as well, but no.onere<br />

could we find him. 76/All is very secretive, and an interesting<br />

case , as a ll cases l e ad back again to Earth, and<br />

e specially to Germany. 77/ Tnere are traces concentrated in<br />

a quite def ined place and in a certain f orm. 78/lt is <strong>the</strong><br />

center o f a very pcce.rfu I secret organization, which is<br />

known under <strong>the</strong> narre, "'!he '!hule Society ". 82/'!hey use<br />

t ele pathic forces and have much kncwl.edqe of extraterrestrial<br />

technologies, occurrences and intelligences. 84/ to;le<br />

are a l so sure that <strong>the</strong> initiators o f <strong>the</strong> se impUl ses have <strong>the</strong><br />

goal o f ma.intenance and e levation of <strong>the</strong> white r ace on this<br />

Earth descended f ran <strong>the</strong> past Arus-race. 86 /All i s screened<br />

by spirit ual f orces that are difficult to penet rate .<br />

Maier- NoN' 1 still have ano<strong>the</strong>r quest ion: ....'e have a l ready<br />

talked o f <strong>the</strong> Bennuda Triangle l ast tiJre, but sere quest ions<br />

have r esult ed f ran that discussi on. It appears that once<br />


•<br />

nom you have r e vealed half <strong>the</strong> f acts and kept s ilent about;<br />

<strong>the</strong> rrost irrportant part. I am Inforrred that airpl anes a lso<br />

disappear <strong>the</strong>re, and not only ships.<br />

senjase- l 03/You are really tir e less, and not content unt il<br />

you knCM <strong>the</strong> last details .<br />

Meier- '!hey are Impor-tant; f or all of us .<br />

Semjase t hen took 81 full s ent ences t o de scribe na t ural di mension door s<br />

and hen. t hey work , i nc l udi ng those i n t he BerlIlUda Triangle. It would t ake<br />

anot he r len pages to abst ract that information he re , and we do not have <strong>the</strong><br />

space remaini ng i n t h is book. She also mentioned deep sea ETbases t here . (l )<br />

Meier- A fur<strong>the</strong>r matte r I am int erested in i s <strong>the</strong> s o-called<br />

appearances of <strong>the</strong> saints. ..<br />

Sanjase- 186/ You are really unt irabl e . 187/Already, once,<br />

I have explained that . 188/ Asket as well, has given you<br />

mrch kncwl edge about. <strong>the</strong> s ame thing. 19B/ Yo u have thus been<br />

thoroughly inf ormed, and it i s unexplainabl e for me, that<br />

you s hou l d a sk again f or this .<br />

D:J you have better<br />

bra ins?<br />

senjase- 202 / 'Ihey are much in advance o f yours, but also<br />

not unl imited. 203/For tha t reason I c an not transmit to<br />

you our conversat ions f r an my brains, but I need <strong>the</strong><br />

apparatus , which r ecovers <strong>the</strong> knowl edge word f o r 'WOrd fran<br />

my s ub-conscious, and transmits this to you in thought f orm.<br />

204/ No rrater i al c reature has an unlimited f orce o f rrerrory ,<br />

20S/ 'Ihi s is f irst attained in pure spirit forma , wh en <strong>the</strong><br />

spirit can l ay asa id <strong>the</strong> mat e ria l body.. . and be nearer to<br />

<strong>the</strong> existence than to <strong>the</strong> life .<br />

The discus sion t urned t o o<strong>the</strong>r things and Heier illustrated a point he<br />

was trying t o make ",i t h one o f his proverbs . This broke <strong>the</strong> tense s ituation<br />

and Semjase laughed. The conversation <strong>the</strong>n be came mor e r e Laxed and<br />

Meier da red a personal remark .<br />

senjase- 227/ Hahaha - - - 1 think. that i s a canica l saying.<br />

Maier- '!hen at least you have sarething to grin about again.<br />

Senrjase- 229/ Hahaha, that is r eally f unny . 230/ 1 wi ll appr<br />

opriate thi s prover b , if you a llcw rre . . .<br />

Mai er- It has not qrcwn in my field , and s o t o s peak r epresents<br />

<strong>the</strong> cccrrcn heri tage. But you are as we Ll a hurren<br />


-<br />

being and thus a part of that heritage .<br />

Semjase- 231/You are really having a s pecial discuss i on<br />

today.<br />

Occasi onally one needs a breath o f fresh air. And<br />

besi des , I can dis cuss things fantastically with you . And<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>nrore you are simply very at tract i ve , and I have often<br />

asked myself whe<strong>the</strong>r I shoul d not one t iJre take a bite out<br />

of you , but though I said that s incer e l y , I do not dare such<br />

a thing, s o I escape in o<strong>the</strong>r things .<br />

Semjase- 232/You are really very furmy . 233/ \'fuat would<br />

happen i f your wife heard s uch words? 234 / 15 she not j eal -<br />

ous, as you call this? 23 5/ Yo u have once said sarething<br />

l ike that.<br />

fuier- '!his terre , she does not hear rre , and a t <strong>the</strong> rrarent<br />

i s sleeping. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand I rea lly had my troubl e with<br />

her because of you. She really was j ealous o f you. But i t<br />

now seems that she has calmed down in <strong>the</strong> l a s t rrorrths,<br />

Semjase- 236/ 'Ihis is well, f o r only she herself is abl e to<br />

overccrre those feelings . 237/SQ you have gone away without<br />

her knCMing?<br />

Mo!ier- Certainly, I have now begun doing that. She quic k ly<br />

influences Ire . It i s <strong>the</strong> rest thing to do.<br />

The discussion turned t o Arahat A<strong>the</strong> rsata, a voice that was dictating<br />

l ong telepathic messages to Meier to be written down and co llected , taking<br />

nJch o r h is time and en er gy . Meie r wanted t o know 'ftho <strong>the</strong> voi ce was and<br />

where it c ame r r Olll and why .<br />

Semjase- 253/He has already joined. t h.e l evel o f existence<br />

o f pure spirit ual fOnTI. 254/ Not even I am able to ge t into<br />

carrnunicat ion with him. 255/'Ihi s must; be done by our high<br />

councellor s , who are a lready half-spiri tua l f onns. 258/ Like<br />

this a lso are <strong>the</strong> f acts in respec t to "o<strong>the</strong> r wor ld' s" forms<br />

of life , when <strong>the</strong>se f orms still are round in material bodies .<br />

266/ But be yourself consci ous tha t everywhe r e you will find<br />

unreasonable opposi t ion , beca use dif ferent det riIrEntal elerrents<br />

are s trong ly endeavor ing t o a ccuse you of dece it f or<br />


senjase- 301/Then try at least by <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> week to<br />

have everything c lear, so that I can transmit <strong>the</strong> remaining<br />

r eport of <strong>the</strong> j ourney with us .<br />

Meier- You knew that I have many people this week, which<br />

will occupy Ire very much , and in consequence I wi ll hardl y<br />

be able to write.<br />

senjase- 302/Certainl y . 1 onl y have to be Informed about;<br />

your t irre, 303 / rn spite of your many obligations you will<br />

be able to receive scrre of it and to write .<br />

Meier-<br />

You are very s ure.<br />

senjase- 304/ 1 have controlled <strong>the</strong>se possdbtLi .t.Les a little .<br />

305/1t i s nON ti.rre for you to go hare. 306/IX> this while<br />

your wife is still s leeping. 307/It will be better this ·day.<br />

308/'Iben I will at once transmit to you <strong>the</strong> f i rst part of<br />

our talk. 309 /For rror'e, <strong>the</strong>re unfortunately will not be<br />

sufficient t.irrer your best friend does a lready occupy himself<br />

to visit you.<br />

loEier- You evi dent ly are listening around <strong>the</strong> whole envirorurent?<br />

secrjase- 3I 0/Certain events are knC1WO to us. 311/ Go nON,<br />

for your tine i s sIowf y getting scarce.<br />


'Ihought-transmission on 'l\.tesday , 16 September 1975<br />

(As <strong>the</strong> hyper-leap preparati ons and activities are <strong>the</strong> s ane<br />

f or each " jump" , I will no longer describe <strong>the</strong>m, and content<br />

myself with writing dc::Mn <strong>the</strong> thoughts and explanat ions on<br />

paper' , So r wi11 let <strong>the</strong> uni..Irportant things drop in favor<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> essent ial parts o f <strong>the</strong> transmiss ions by semjase.)<br />

P'taah- 438/ Here we are mrch far<strong>the</strong>r fran Earth than before.<br />

439/ '1be dis tance to your hare system is now 96 0 decillion*<br />

lightyears . .. (2 ) 440/'Ihis is <strong>the</strong> Galaxy of "ASAP", and<br />

<strong>the</strong>re in f ront o f you, you s ee <strong>the</strong> world o f "Desrron" , 441/<br />

I t is inhabited by human creat ures , which according to your<br />

history wou .ld be sarething l ike equivalent to your Mi.dd Ie<br />

Ages. 442 /They l ive in great er villages, which are similar<br />

to those you have in your o r iental regions. 443/A second<br />

race on this world do not live in solid houses. 444/ It is<br />

ncmadfc and builds huts f ran plants and bushes. 445/You<br />

will be able to s ee this wor ld f r an c lose-up, f or 5emjase<br />

will bring you to <strong>the</strong>re in <strong>the</strong> beamship... 446/But look<br />

first towards this giant sun <strong>the</strong>re in front . 447/It has<br />

alr eady declined in f orce, and will die away after scrre mi l -<br />

leniums. 448/TI1e ITOOl'l , which you s ee <strong>the</strong>r e , is about; four<br />

tames as l arge as <strong>the</strong> Earth l>mn. 449/After sare 3,200<br />

years, it wi ll rush into that giant sun, because tihe three<br />

cosmic bcxlies 'n'Ork. s Icwty towards one ano<strong>the</strong>r .<br />

Meier- And what will happen to <strong>the</strong> human beings?<br />

Semjase- 372/By <strong>the</strong>n, <strong>the</strong>y will have developed a useful f or<br />

<strong>the</strong>m technology, by whi.ch <strong>the</strong>y will <strong>the</strong>n have <strong>the</strong> possibility<br />

o f escaping f r am <strong>the</strong>ir world . (3)<br />

And if this does not happen?<br />

Semjase- 373/ rt coul d be. 374 / If t hf.s were prevented by<br />

sarething , <strong>the</strong>n help fran outside wou td be b r ought in. 374/<br />

This i s an obliga t ion under cosmic l aw.<br />

That is reassuring. But hCM is it nCM? Can ....oe tal k<br />

to <strong>the</strong> human beings down <strong>the</strong>re?<br />

senjase- 37 5/'Ihis, by regret will not be possibl e , nor on<br />

any o f <strong>the</strong> wor-Ids which we will visit in <strong>the</strong> next few hours .<br />

376 / rt is everywhere <strong>the</strong> r e s uited, that ....oe not be recognized,<br />

· An un imagi na ble nlJllt)er , certain t o be i n error, but hOt'l we do no t know.<br />


thus we have to hide ourselves with our protective screens .<br />

377/\'Je are on ly a llCMed to be seen where <strong>the</strong> concerned evo l -<br />

ution allows this .<br />

loei er- '!his i s a great pi ty, but r unders tand .<br />

Sanj ase-- 378/Very well, so care new,<br />

(The journey l asts only a few minut es, during which r make<br />

s ane photographs . \'Je ret urn to <strong>the</strong> ship and Ptaah initiates<br />

<strong>the</strong> next l e ap.)<br />

Ftaah- 450 /He r e we are 700 sext illion light years f r an Earth,<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Ga laxy of "Nepon" . 451/What you see here is <strong>the</strong> system<br />

of "Lesa " , 452 /You s ee <strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong> three big format.ions?<br />

453/'Ihe b..u over <strong>the</strong>re, which stand c lose to e ach o<strong>the</strong>r , are<br />

two s ister p lanets o f Irrtrense size. 454/'Ihe littl e far<strong>the</strong>r<br />

in <strong>the</strong> dis tance s t i ll great format.Lon is <strong>the</strong> giant rrcon of<br />

<strong>the</strong> siste r wor -Ids , 455/ r t i s nearly 52 0 t.irres greater than<br />

<strong>the</strong> Ear-th,<br />

loei er-<br />

Fantastic.<br />

Semjase-- 37 9/'Ihat i s abso l utely norma.l. 38 D/Only for <strong>the</strong><br />

E3.rth human being and o<strong>the</strong>r non-space-travel ing races do <strong>the</strong><br />

concerns seem to be rronstrous and fantast ic, as you call i t.<br />

381/Your s cientists can not imagine s uch giant wo rtds, even<br />

in <strong>the</strong>ir bol deat; dreams.. . 382/'Ihe truth s urpasses <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

ability to conceive.<br />

loeier- r don' t doubt what you say.<br />

Semjase-- 303/ Care new , - On <strong>the</strong>se worlds a lso , we will undertake<br />

a short f light.<br />

(Again r shcot cere pic tures, and hope <strong>the</strong>y care out wel l.<br />

Expl anati on o f 15 September 1975 : One of <strong>the</strong> two "Les a "<br />

wor Ids i s inhabited by human forms o f life.)<br />

M ter <strong>the</strong> next<br />

hyper leap<br />

Pt.aah- 456/ '!his , here above us, is an oxyqen-wor -Id in similar<br />

s ize to your Earth. 457/Also <strong>the</strong> atmosphere has s imilar<br />

values, while <strong>the</strong> surface o f <strong>the</strong> planet o ffer s only acertain<br />

similari ty to your wastes, and in many respects i s rrore<br />

s imilar to <strong>the</strong> p lanet "Venus" f ran your system. 458/ he are<br />

s till in <strong>the</strong> sys tem "Les a " which is very extensive and must<br />

be c rossed in hyper l eaps . 459/ The p l anet has quite pr imit ive<br />


-<br />

plant and ani.Jral life, but was in earlier times I1'Ore popul<br />

a ted. 460jA cosmic event destroyed a ll and r educ ed it to<br />

stone f or mi llions o f years. 461/For scrre rnilleniums new<br />

<strong>the</strong> conditions are changing again and new life i s developing<br />

itself. 46 2/As you are able to see frcm here, <strong>the</strong>re are<br />

different col ors shining. 463/'Ihese are waste-, water-, and<br />

forest-regions. 464/'lliese desert-like landscapes conafst;<br />

partly o f massdve rock, rrountains, and very f ried and brittle<br />

stones, which s l cwt y f aU to s and again, and <strong>the</strong>n in <strong>the</strong><br />

course o f tine will change into earth. 465/The rrountains<br />

<strong>the</strong>msel ves are no taller than 2 , 000 meters, and <strong>the</strong>y l ook<br />

very similar to <strong>the</strong> rrountains of your Venus. 466/But you<br />

will s ee this for yourse lf when you are <strong>the</strong>re with Semjase,<br />

467/You will also be abl e to photograph through <strong>the</strong> opening<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> hatch, for <strong>the</strong> at:nosphe re is very well suited for<br />

all of us.<br />

Mei er- '!hen s urely <strong>the</strong> pictures will be better too, Asket<br />

has explained that <strong>the</strong> scanning instrunent i s not quite<br />

f ui.<br />

After Ano<strong>the</strong>r Hyper leap<br />

Pt.aah- 612/Mlat you see here in front, is an enc l ave o f<br />

stars in <strong>the</strong> Galaxy "Haran . 613/It i s in <strong>the</strong> system "Taro",<br />

and sore thirty trilli on lightyears distance fran your hareeorjd.<br />

614 /r-bst worlds of this systan appear b lue in col o r ,<br />

which you c an s ee later when you fly <strong>the</strong>re with Semjase.<br />

615/ 'Ihe s e wor lds are a ll still actively volcanic, and after<br />

sene millions o f years <strong>the</strong> f i rst life will start developing<br />

i tself on <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Serre minutes later on one o f<br />

<strong>the</strong> vol canic wor -Ids<br />

Joitier- loJha.t i s that down <strong>the</strong>re, Sernjase? It s eems to rre to<br />

be a flying object. Are any popul.ated wcr Ids her e?<br />

Semdase- 389/Surel y , i t i s a f light machine . 390/Its or igin<br />

i s unknown to me. 391/1 will tty to get into contact with<br />

i t .. .<br />

(Semj ase wor ks with sam o f her instr1.JIYEnts, and also talks<br />

in a not lUlderstandable language f o r me, characterized by<br />

fully strange rre lodics, and speaks into an instruJrent. Evident<br />

ly she has no s uccess.)<br />


l£ier- Couldn' t you make contact?<br />

senjase- 392/Hy efforts get no .response .<br />

deal with creatures who do n ot maintain<br />

rrnmication.<br />

I<br />

heard any<br />

senjesespeakable<br />

see. - Nhat l anguage did you speak? I<br />

l ike that, and it is absolutely strange<br />

394/You could not knew it. 395/It<br />

language of signs o r symbol pictures .<br />

393/ It has here to<br />

intergalactic<br />

have never<br />

to TIE.<br />

concerns a<br />

M'tier- 'Ihis I do not understand. One can only draw a l anguage<br />

of signs and symbols, or paint or write by certain<br />

rroverrent.s • .•<br />

Semjase- 396/Not exactly so, as a l anguage of pictures can<br />

r eally be spoken, 397/But to explain this to you now would<br />

take too much trirre,<br />

fuier-<br />

So we leave fran this.<br />

After Ano<strong>the</strong>r Hyperleap<br />

are we na;v?<br />

Ftaah- 616/'Ihis is <strong>the</strong> system of "Exes" in <strong>the</strong> Galaxy of<br />

"Dere n" . 617/Fran here <strong>the</strong> distance to Earth is 480 quadrillion<br />

lightyears. 6I8/Also , this star-cluster consists<br />

only of volcanic wor-Lds which radiate <strong>the</strong>ir am light power.<br />

619/In spite of <strong>the</strong>ir am powe r of light, it is still ra<strong>the</strong>r<br />

dark on <strong>the</strong>se wor lds . 620/'Ihe light only penet rates to <strong>the</strong><br />

outside, but is not able to illuminate <strong>the</strong> world's surfaces .<br />

Can I fly <strong>the</strong>re with Semjase?<br />

Pteah- 621/'lhere is nothing speaking against such if you<br />

want to.<br />

Sanjase-<br />

I would l ike to photograph sane volcanos .<br />

398/'Ihen care on.<br />

After Ano<strong>the</strong>r Hyperleap<br />

Ftaah- 622/This giant planet <strong>the</strong>re in front belongs to an<br />

outside t o <strong>the</strong> l eft <strong>the</strong>re group of stars. 623/TcMards <strong>the</strong><br />

star Cluster, is a distance of three billion k ilareters.<br />

624/'Ihis p lanet is an ice-wor ld, and eleven t i.Ires greater<br />


-<br />

than <strong>the</strong> p lanet Saturn in your sol ar system.<br />

Mtier- '!bat is gigant ic. But one thing is not clear to me.<br />

It has struck me that in <strong>the</strong> traveling, a lways again,<br />

we per fo:rm cont inuousl y , in a steady run o f hyper leaps , you<br />

do not s eem to care that nearby planets and s tars are in <strong>the</strong><br />

way o f danger. Semj ase has told me earlier that you have to<br />

maintain a security distance to <strong>the</strong> next star and plane t..•<br />

Nhy do you naN negl ect this precaut ion?<br />

Ft.aah- 62 6/ 111th my ship ....'e have much bet ter capabilities<br />

f o r overcaning distances . 627/ '!he t echnologies o f our s hip<br />

enabl e s us to a l so neutralize t ime, as you know and have now<br />

exper ienced. 628/ By this p r ocess it i s poss ibl e for us to<br />

achieve a safe distance in l e ss tirne and to <strong>the</strong>n transmit .<br />

Mei er- '!hat i s not e vident f o r me . Scnething <strong>the</strong>re is not<br />

right in <strong>the</strong> mat ter I o r are you ke eping sarething fran me?<br />

Ftaah- 629/ You are t i r eless. 630/01 <strong>the</strong> one hand , we ne u-<br />

tralize <strong>the</strong> t ine until s hortl y before <strong>the</strong> point o fdeparture,<br />

and on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r we gener ate in <strong>the</strong> space a neutra l, tiIrel<br />

ess tunnel , through whi.ch we can <strong>the</strong>n overcare within a<br />

split - second, <strong>the</strong> s hort dis tance f o r s afe pos.Lt.Ion,<br />

M3ier- 'Ihi s is never<strong>the</strong> less not c l ear to Ire. If it i s as<br />

you say , why do you <strong>the</strong>n s till per form hyper l eaps ? I think<br />

this process would actually be easier than a hyper l e ap.<br />

Besides this we c an talk, and wou l d not e Iways get Iarrtred<br />

again by <strong>the</strong> transmission . .. <strong>the</strong>n are you perfo rming it<br />

so crnplicatedly?<br />

Ptaah- 631 /You observe caref ully and keep deep-running<br />

thoughts. .. 632/ 'Ihe ti.rrelessness t runnet i s indeed easi e r<br />

to handle than a hyper leap. 633/Such a t urmel can onl y be<br />

gener ated within certain distances, i s which <strong>the</strong> sort o f<br />

envi ronment must a lways be r egarded. 634 / In different galaxes<br />

and sys tems, <strong>the</strong> different ene r gies l imit <strong>the</strong> extent o f<br />

a<br />

. •.<br />

M3i er- If you a tIcw it I wo u .ld like to ask ano<strong>the</strong>r ques tion<br />

o f burning interest to rre .<br />

Ptaah- 638/ Yo u knee... you c an a lways ask .<br />

Meier- <strong>the</strong>n, thank you. - You know, I have l ong been<br />

interested in whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>re exists in our Universe , forms o f<br />


life at about; <strong>the</strong> sane position in evolution as we h1..1ITE.I1s<br />

on Earth.<br />

Ftaah- 639/ The variety o f '!he Creat ion knews no l imits.<br />

M:rler- Yes, I am always in awe of i t ... But <strong>the</strong>re is sare--<br />

thing else haunting my brain. Before we spoke of <strong>the</strong> timel<br />

ess-t unnel, <strong>the</strong>re i s still sanething not c lear t o me. Something<br />

n ot c l ear about; this j ourney . You have said that I<br />

would be about; one half hour younger in r elation to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r<br />

humans of Earth. I knew, a ll r ight, that my arm watch a l ways<br />

goes c razy when I get near Semjase I s ship. N::M <strong>the</strong> wa tch<br />

s eems completely crazy, because I have on it <strong>the</strong> date of <strong>the</strong><br />

19th. Fran that , . I will alre ady have been gone more than<br />

two days, c rossing with you around <strong>the</strong> Universe . You, Semj<br />

ase, h ad t old Ire that I wou l d need about 30 hours . But<br />

besides <strong>the</strong> t i.rre , I am nei<strong>the</strong>r t ired, nor do I hunger or<br />

thirst. HO'iV is that?<br />

Pteah- 648/But Semjase has given you scrre o f our fruits ,<br />

and a lso sere vegetabl es for dinner.<br />

M:rler- Of course , but this was a long ti.rre ago.<br />

Semjase- 407/ 'Ihe vegetables and fruits are, canpared to your<br />

s imilar prcxiucts, rtruch rmr e nourishing, and thirst-quenching.<br />

408/'Ihey are able to calm your hunger and thirst f or up to<br />


ccrrpound of o<strong>the</strong>r crcrrenes i s scnewhat diffe rent. 651/But<br />

all this is as breathable for you as ourseIves . 652/ 'Ihe<br />

different carposi tion of <strong>the</strong> air keeps us awake l onger, and<br />

in need o f less s leep than is <strong>the</strong> case on Faeth. 653/'Ihat<br />

is why you are not t i red.<br />

Mei er- Your explanation enlightens rre , but never<strong>the</strong>less you<br />

hide sarething fran rre . SC:rtething is s inply not r ight. '!hat<br />

I do feel. I s my watch really p laying so mad that i t suddenly<br />

i s days in advance?<br />

8emjase-<br />

409/ Your watch is very exact.<br />

Mei er- • •. ? ? ? . .. 'Ihen this rreans, that for rmre than<br />

two days we have been t ravel ing around <strong>the</strong> Universe here?<br />

5emjasepr<br />

ovi ded.<br />

410/eertainly; we have used rrore ti.rre than we had<br />

Meier- l-1y dear , I get mad - and you talk o f this so sfmpf y ,<br />

What do you think wi ll happen at hare about Ire? f.1y wife<br />

gets too upset . I have told her that a t <strong>the</strong> l a t est I will<br />

be hare again by <strong>the</strong> evening o f <strong>the</strong> 18th. Dear g irl , my<br />

wife has a l r eady reported rre missing to <strong>the</strong> police. 'Ihat<br />

will cause a play!<br />

SEmjase- 411/It will not be all that bad ,<br />

Meier- So you s ay. Can you imagine <strong>the</strong> arias my wife can<br />

sing? She really can substitute for a whole orchestra.<br />

semjase-<br />

412/00 you wor-ry about your wife?<br />

Mei er- Not s uch as that , but if it i s pcsaab.le for rre , <strong>the</strong>n<br />

I woukd prevent (myself) fran such <strong>the</strong>atrical and musical<br />

effects.<br />

semjase- 413/Then that is good, and we wi ll s till be many<br />

hourson <strong>the</strong> trave ling.<br />

Meier- You make fun of me. Hy wife will <strong>the</strong>n at once cancel<br />

her love f or Ire .<br />

secjase- 414/I t will not be that ba.d, will it?<br />

Meier-<br />

Do you have doubts?<br />

654 /You go a bit far in your j oke, my child.<br />

All, Semj ase is only f ooling Ire? '!hen you surely have<br />


contrived acrre tihtnq .<br />

Pt.aah-<br />

I s my watch perhaps running correctly?<br />

655/You have a very good watch.<br />

Semjase- 415/Sure ly, so it is. 416/1 just wanted to t ease<br />

you.<br />

Meier- [X) you perhaps rrean, according to <strong>the</strong> proverb: "Love<br />

likes to t ease"?<br />

Semjase- you think. of this as fri endship, <strong>the</strong>n yes .<br />

Meier- '!hen I am calmed. Yet what have you hi<strong>the</strong>rto concealed?<br />

senjase- 418/Fa<strong>the</strong>r a l ready said your watch runs all r ight,<br />

and we a re indeed already s o l ong on <strong>the</strong> \.;ay . 419/But you<br />

need not worry in this r espect, even when we sti ll need<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r day before we wi.Ll. bring you back. 420/You yourself<br />

have evidently not yet conceived what pcss.tbi.Lt.t.tes are at<br />

our disposal, respectively <strong>the</strong> t i.rre. .. 421/It v,ill l ast . . .<br />

fuier- Oh, I see. - '!his I had forgotten. You will surely<br />

touch <strong>the</strong> t i.rre-travel ing; perhaps in <strong>the</strong> s ame way , as 1 knew<br />

f r crn Asket?<br />

Semjase- 422/Sure ly. 423/Because move i n free space and<br />

influence no occurrences, we can travel wi.thout; hesitation<br />

sere t .Irre back into <strong>the</strong> past and live on <strong>the</strong>rein, without<br />

anything c hanging. 424/ Although you will be on <strong>the</strong> whote<br />

more than three days away f r crn your hare, you wi ll have been<br />

away by F.a.rth nonnal t ime only about; 24 hour s.<br />

fuier- 'That s ounds a bit crazy. Now I am a bit more than<br />

two days away fran hare, and will toge<strong>the</strong>r be sore more than<br />

three days away . So this neans e I have started wi th<br />

you on <strong>the</strong> 17th, f or this j ourne y, and nov I am more<br />

than two days on <strong>the</strong> way with you, as tcx1ay we have <strong>the</strong> 19th.<br />

Now I will spend ano<strong>the</strong>r day with you, and <strong>the</strong>n travel with<br />

you back into <strong>the</strong> past , to be hare a gain on <strong>the</strong> 18th, although<br />

in truth I am still in <strong>the</strong> 20th on <strong>the</strong> great journey,<br />

and c ross around with you through <strong>the</strong> Universe. I s that a ll<br />

right s o?<br />

Semjase- 425/ Oertainly .<br />

Meier- Actually very sirrple? Every human being will surely<br />

understand this and not even break his brain <strong>the</strong>r ewith?<br />


-<br />

Semjase-<br />

427/It can be under s to:x1.<br />

Surely , surely , it is also <strong>the</strong> atrrptest, thing in <strong>the</strong><br />

'nUr ld; that I c an start <strong>the</strong> great trave l wi th y ou on <strong>the</strong><br />

17th, s tate in <strong>the</strong> 19th that I am a l r eady here rrore than two<br />

days, and r e t urn taror rc:M on <strong>the</strong> 20th, and r each <strong>the</strong>re on<br />

<strong>the</strong> 18th? Indeed, that i s r eally ve ry s impl e , and everyone<br />

may per fectly understand that . I t i s on l y dea l ing with a<br />

simpl e crazyness o f Uni versal extent . 'Ihat even a child<br />

shou l d be abl e to under stand. It is as s impl e as <strong>the</strong> e l iminated<br />

trees • • •<br />

Sanjase-<br />

428/ &:w I don' t under s tand you.<br />

lEier- lhat i s very easy . 'Ib rre , all i s ve ry i lluminating,<br />

and I unders tand ve ry wel l. But explain this c l earl y<br />

scrret.Irre to my dear f ellow-c reat ures...<br />

Semjase- 429/'lhis behavio r is characteristic f o r <strong>the</strong> ignor -<br />

ant and doubting Earth human beings . 43 0/ 50 00 not trouble<br />

yourself fur<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>se matters . 43 1f1jVhen you tri ed to<br />

give proofs <strong>the</strong>se were useless, because <strong>the</strong> under s tanding i s<br />

l acking f or certain concerns , that a r e not sponso r ed by<br />

pocer . 432/ 1n earlier ages for <strong>the</strong> human beings of Farth,<br />

visible proofs ....'ere necessary, to give <strong>the</strong>m certain f onns<br />

of thinking. 433/By <strong>the</strong>se v i sible proofs <strong>the</strong>y s tarted to<br />

believe in marvel s , and ....tent; astray again. 434/'1he present<br />

tine o f E3.rth has pass ed. for v isibl e proofs, and <strong>the</strong> r e must<br />

only be <strong>the</strong> way of c lear and l ogical reason and cl e a r mind .<br />

That transmission ended wi t h that and was resume d l ater , on <strong>the</strong> sa me<br />

day.<br />



(l) t.hJan..n to Etluard retec, also investigatErl a o::ntact case wtere<br />

extrat.erresl::d.al visitors q::erata:i a UFO base deep in <strong>the</strong> Puerto Rican<br />

Tra1ch 35 miles scutrwest. of cato PDjo, arrl this base was established at<br />

<strong>the</strong> profctnrl depth of 9, CX)) feet tela-.' <strong>the</strong> surface! It was et.affed by rmra<br />

than 60 hu:n:m-like teings of ent.Lrely different race-type, arrl trey h;d<br />

rrore than 25 o<strong>the</strong>r craft a t this base. These ext.raterrestr.ials told that<br />

at:ductee, a Baptist I-tinister, that <strong>the</strong>y had six o<strong>the</strong>r bases 01 our planet<br />

arrl a total of nearly 700 tein:;ls j-ere. 'Ihis o::ntact was initiate:j by th::se<br />

EIs in 1964, ard in 1972 <strong>the</strong> at:ductee was told that <strong>the</strong>y at that tane had<br />

83 otIEJ::" o::ntacts with Earth tnrrans, 'rre first. tine <strong>the</strong> minister was taken<br />

to <strong>the</strong> un::1el:wa.ter base was in 1972, when <strong>the</strong>y ptcxed him up at his Bapt.Lst;<br />

Missioo in <strong>the</strong> hills of Bayarcn above san Juan.<br />

'rrcee extraterrestrials told that Minister that <strong>the</strong>y e'12' o::nstantly run I nto<br />

in UFO invest.iql.ticns. '(12 expect; to, arrl 00, enco..m.ter unusual an:! highly<br />

bizarre cojectave realities that strain o-e'e credulity, Io.hile at <strong>the</strong> sere<br />

tine I::ein:;J urrleni.abl Y real in cur actual perceptfve sense. This nurcer<br />


-<br />

g::es beyarl all hman cxn:::ept.i.m o f reality. Cur scimtists calculate ocr<br />

entire \m::I.m lhiverse to be ct1 <strong>the</strong> order of 10 to 20 billial years old,<br />

besed en J':o.i far <strong>the</strong> rrost di.st:ant kno.m cbjects are th:::ught to be. That is<br />

all can calculate, incl u:l.i.n;l eveIyt:h.in;J teyarl <strong>the</strong> fa.rtrest stars we can<br />

perceive with cur lIDSt sq:hi.sticatErl astrcrx:mical instrurents. The ootsi.de<br />

l imit of perc:eptial f ran gro..rrl based ccservatcrfes is cnly 2 billiCl1<br />

light}'&ITS, arrl tbat; fran <strong>the</strong> m:st cdvanca:l syste'O. in cxn:::ept.i.m is ally<br />

14 bi.l.lia1 l..i.ghtyears. 14 bi1.l.i.a1 is cnly l/lth of ale trillim, arrl me<br />

th:usarrl tril.l..kn is ooly me qua:lri.llicn, am me tlD.lsa.rrl qu

Thi s eye- openi ng trip must have impr essed nerer considerably. He had<br />

already been exposed t o travel in extrater restrial and ex t radi mensional<br />

s pa cecraft and <strong>the</strong>ir occupants, in <strong>the</strong> form o f Sfat h' s craft an d that of<br />

t he DAls , and he ha d now seen and photographed <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadian ships as we l l.<br />

The stori es o f repeated colonization, i nhabitation, and popul ation of t hi s<br />

planet by ot her human being s <strong>from</strong> s omewhere beyond Eart h is no l onger<br />

s trange t o hi m, t hou gh i t s till may be t o us . It is because of hi s<br />

l ong preparat i on an d accustomization wi th t hem t hat he is not terrified and<br />

overl y i nt i mi dat ed by <strong>the</strong>m. He also has begun to feel l ike one o f t hem, as<br />

t hey ha ve t old him he i s . Thi ngs are not quite so s t range now, and Meier<br />

can s tand up t o <strong>the</strong> extraterr estrial s and state h i s case, and ask his many<br />

questions .<br />

Thi s man has been given histories of extr aterrestrial interferrence in<br />

our evo lution going fa r ba ck i n time; histories wh ich at first seemed<br />

i mpossibl e t o believe, but gradually he came t o accept t hem. I·le did not<br />

have t he be ne fit of such famili arity , and s o we sought t o see what cou ld<br />

be f ound t o con fi rm or re fu te his s tory of extraterrestrial ancestors of<br />

Earth humans , and earlier co ntact wi t h t hem.<br />

Hell , f or s t ar ters, t he classic Greek philosopher , Apollon i us of I yana,<br />

born i n Eapp adoci a abo ut 400 B.C . , fo.lLowi nq a copper map t o t he City of<br />

God s , made his way to Tib et where he met Ki ng l ar chas , a human <strong>from</strong> be yond<br />

Earth ( extr aterrestrial) who had f l ying disc -shaped c r aft at his disposal ,<br />

who co ntrol led gravi ty, and who was served by , among o<strong>the</strong>rs , r obot s ( automatons<br />

), part mecha nical and part organic creatures, whu also waited on<br />

Apolollonius an d h i s co mpanion Danus , These c reatures could raise <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

and glide i n <strong>the</strong> a i r. (\-.£ ARE NOT THE fIRST. Andr ew Tomas , Ch . 19)<br />

The 4,700 years o ld Babaloni an "Epic o f Et ana" describes t he fl ight of<br />

UFO contactee Et.ana as he was being taken away f r om Earth on a t rip t o<br />

an o<strong>the</strong>r pl an et. .. "And so <strong>the</strong>y fle \"! for ano<strong>the</strong>r hour, and once again Et ana<br />

l ooked down; t he Eart h was now like a grinding stone and t he sea like a<br />

pot . Af ter a t h i rd hour , t he Earth eas only a speck of dust and <strong>the</strong> s ea<br />

no longer seen. " (1','[ ARE I\'OT THE rIRST, Andrew Tomas , p, 113)<br />

Acco rding t o Chi nese his t orical t radition, i n <strong>the</strong> year 2, 309 B.C., Hou<br />

Yih (Ch i n-Chiang I au-yu ) was t ake n t o t he Moon i n a "Celestial Bird".<br />

Hou Yih " ascended i n a r ush of fiery air" (e fflu lI,?) and flew i nt o space,<br />

where t he sun s tood s t i ll (di d not r i s e and set). On <strong>the</strong> Hccn, t hat<br />

Chinese astronaut saw t he "frozen-l ooki ng ho rizon". Hi s wi f e Chang Ngo also<br />

flew t o <strong>the</strong> Moon, which she found t o be a lighted sphere of enormous size<br />

and very cold, where " <strong>the</strong> light of <strong>the</strong> f100n has its bi r th i n <strong>the</strong> Sun ."<br />

Hou Vih and Chang Ngo went to <strong>the</strong> noon i n "an eno rmous ship t hat appeared<br />

on <strong>the</strong> sea o f <strong>the</strong> night , brilli ant l i ght s \_hich wer-e extinguishe d<br />

during actual daylight." That ship, t hey were t ol d, coul d sai l t o <strong>the</strong><br />

stars as well. Thei r contacts were carried on for 12 years . ( CHI NARECON-<br />


-<br />

STRUCTS magazine , Peking, August 1961)<br />

In t he ancient Chinese book , Shi Ching - - when <strong>the</strong> Devi ne ["'Peror saw<br />

discord ri s i ng in <strong>the</strong> world, "corrmanded Chong and li to cu t off all<br />

ccmrcrnca t t cos between Earth and t he sky - and since <strong>the</strong>n , <strong>the</strong>re has been<br />

no more going up or ARE NOT THE FI RS T. Andrew Tomas, p , 116 )<br />

A thirteenth century text, Cl ear Knowledge , a treatise on cosmol ogy i n<br />

ancien t India, CO"'Piled by <strong>the</strong> Ti betian scho l ar Peqbe-Lerre , describes hO'o'll<br />

"<strong>the</strong> First men on Earlh «e re created by Gods . This pr imordial race had<br />

<strong>the</strong> ability to fly in <strong>the</strong> sky, as <strong>the</strong>ir progenitors did, but event ually<br />

<strong>the</strong>y lost <strong>the</strong> power t o t ravel i n <strong>the</strong> a i r." (,,£ ARE "'01 H£ rIRSi. Andrew<br />

TOIlIas. p . u n<br />

legends i n <strong>the</strong> ancient Chi nese "Fenq-she n-yen-L" describe an age of<br />

wonder 4 ,000 yea rs ago i n China whi ch r ival t he air wars de scribed in t he<br />

Mahabharata of In dia. Oppos ing factions eer e a ided by t he Ce lestials l'Iho<br />

t ook s ides , j ust like t he Gods i n Ind ia , and t he Gods who s uppor t ed<br />

t he Greeks, and o<strong>the</strong>r s . Combatants fl ashed dazz H nq be ams o f light , r e-<br />

l eased poi soned gass es , l aunch ed fire dragons and globes o f fire , hurled<br />

lightning darts and thunderbolts , and co uld see images hun dr eds o f miles<br />

away. Celestial of t ranscendent wisdom descended <strong>from</strong> t he s tars to teach<br />

<strong>the</strong> ancient Chinese.<br />

A rock pa inting found in 1961, in <strong>the</strong> mountains of Uzbeki stan, USSR , ne ar<br />

t he to..n o f Navai, depict a man in a ha ughty posture s t anding inside a<br />

pod-shaped vehicle sur rounded by r ays . The men around him appear t o be<br />

wearing strange r espira t ors on t heir faces . The 3,000 year old pa inting<br />

a lso shows a man with a l amb, and a kneeling woman without t he masks , and<br />

a man on hi s knees weari ng a respirator , and paying homa ge t o <strong>the</strong> be i ng i n<br />

t he veh i cle. This c learl y depicts a visit by extraordinary s pace visi t or s .<br />

In <strong>the</strong> caves of Fer qana , also in Uzbek i stan , not far fr om t he above s ite ,<br />

is a wall painting of a domed disc-shaped object surrounded by rays and<br />

rising on a rushing do"," efflux of light. A man in a "space-suit" ccecfe te<br />

"ith fish-bow l atmospheric b reathing helmet over his head, is ho l ding a<br />

grooved disc to his breast with one hand. and has <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r raised in a<br />

greeting or salutation . (GOOS fROM OUTER SPACE, Erich von Daniken, Putnam,<br />

p . 107 s t ory; IN SEARCH Of ANCI ENT GODS , Erich \iOn Dani ke n , Putnam, i llus -<br />

t r at ion numbe r 71, pa i nt ing)<br />

In t he fift h vol ume of <strong>the</strong><br />

is t he space populat ed by <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>ir de l ightful abodes."<br />

f1ahabhar at a we find <strong>the</strong><br />

perfect ones, and Gods .<br />

s t a t ement , " Infinit e<br />

The re i s no l i mit t o<br />

".tIen ..e sought t o question Heier Ofl such ..arks, he knel'l nothing about<br />

<strong>the</strong>e, He did know of o<strong>the</strong>r wr itings in <strong>the</strong> Ashoka Ashr am which Ire have<br />

never heard of. Tr uely, <strong>the</strong> l eaders of Earth humanity have carefully<br />

selected what <strong>the</strong>y want us to read and know, and ha ve just as carefully<br />

suppress ed and hidden o<strong>the</strong>r knowl edge t hey did not want us to be aware o f ,<br />


and t hey have been doing this for mH eruums , An adj unc t of Meier 's miss<br />

ion i s to h elp break this cycle . This finds little favor authorities,<br />

civil, military, or eclesiastical , and is but one of <strong>the</strong> danger s t his man<br />

f aces.<br />

Thi s "h yper-leapi ng" around this Uni verse i n t he JIst co ntact may sound<br />

bi zarre and t otally i mpossible to mos t of us at our present s tate of t ech -<br />

nological development, but so were a l ot of o<strong>the</strong>r t hi ngs onl y 200 years ago<br />

t hat are taken for gr anted, without que stion, t oday.<br />

eve n <strong>the</strong> hyper- leaping, t hough not our r ealit y today, i s not beyond our<br />

conception . By <strong>the</strong> time we had released our fi r st report on <strong>the</strong> Pleiadian<br />

contacts i n Swi tzerland, t here were already t wo s tudies well a long i n confidential<br />

de velopment , which deal t with t his ve ry specific co ncept. They<br />

both resulted in papers being presented before t he prestigious Amer ican<br />

Institute of Aeronautics and Astronauti cs (AI M - BD- I Z33 and AIM-al - IS33)<br />

an d ne i<strong>the</strong>r author was aware of <strong>the</strong> case i n until we brought<br />

it to t heir attention i n 1979 and 198 1. Hei er had neve r heard o f ei <strong>the</strong>r<br />

o f t hese ge ntlemen or <strong>the</strong>ir work.<br />

The first pa per, AIM-80-12 33, Prospects for a Breakthrough i n Fiel d<br />

Dependent Pr opu lsion, was presented by non e o<strong>the</strong>r than Alan C. Hol t, of t he<br />

NASA J ohns on Space Center , made hi s presentation at <strong>the</strong> June 3D-July 2<br />

1980, Conference at Hartford , Conn ecticut. Under <strong>the</strong> paragraph Spac e-Ti me/<br />

Fi el d Relationships, we find point 3 to r ead, " The t r ansmi s s i on of an<br />

object or space-time mass/ene r gy pattern <strong>from</strong> one s pac e-time point to<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r by altering t he pat t er n to achieve a ver y prec ise resonance wi th a<br />

' virtual' pattern associated wi th a distant space-ti me point." This th i rd<br />

point of t he primary effects of <strong>the</strong> model postulated co mes close t o de -<br />

sc ribing our hyper-leap process. Alan Holt's concepts were also featured<br />

as a Sc ience Digest special in 19a2. Alan Holt was i nvol ve d in t he astronaut<br />

t r aining program at NASA Houst on.<br />

The second pa pe r , AI AA-BI-lS33, Inves tigation of a Qua nt um Ramjet for<br />

Inters t ellar Flight , was presented by ano <strong>the</strong>r U. S. space program heavywe<br />

i ght , H. David Fr oni ng, .Jr ,.; Sen ior Sta ff Engi neer in t he Spac e Shuttle<br />

de vel opmen t program at 11cDonnel Douglas Astronautics Co., o f Hunting ton<br />

Beach, California, designe r and builder of <strong>the</strong> Spac e Shut tle ser i es of<br />

airctaft. Froning made hi s presentation at t he j ul y 27-29 1981, Confer ence<br />

i n Colorado Springs , Color ado . Fr oning' s paper , inc l uding 7 pages of<br />

for mula and ma<strong>the</strong>matical eq uations ; showed t hat a hypo<strong>the</strong>tical trip to t he<br />

Andr omeda Eafax y mi ght be pos sible in one mont h s hi p- time. htJen he calculated<br />

our s tated 7 hour trip to or f r om t he Pl e i ades, he r epor ted, " Such<br />

ac celerations and decellerations a r e with i n <strong>the</strong> t hrusting power poss ibili -<br />

t ies o f l i ght - emi tting propuls i on s ystems, such as t he one presented.<br />


35th Contact 'ruesday, 16 Septenber 197 5<br />

19:14 h<br />

Thought<br />

Transmission<br />

Res uming a f ter <strong>the</strong> break in <strong>the</strong> previous transmission , which actual l y<br />

cont inued over <strong>the</strong> intervening day , with ano<strong>the</strong>r break before this .<br />

Ptaah- 656/You were interested before, respecting o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

wcrI ds and f orms of life.<br />

I am interested if <strong>the</strong>re exists in <strong>the</strong> uruverse , any<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r wor lds and creatures who a ccord to E'al:th l evel s now?<br />

Ptaah- 657/Han y parallels can be found. 658/'Ihus a lso are<br />

worlds in exist ence which are ve ry similar to Farth, and on<br />

which a r e living a lso human fonns in nearly <strong>the</strong> sane deve l -<br />

oprent state as <strong>the</strong> Fart.hrM.n enjoys. 659 / Such a world c an<br />

be f ound in <strong>the</strong> Galaxy "Aratan", in <strong>the</strong> system of "Neb",<br />

and <strong>the</strong> world i s ca lled "Kartag" .<br />

'Ibis I do consider interesting, yet wi th <strong>the</strong>se details<br />

I can do notlting. I t is "all Spanish" to Ire .<br />

Pt:aah- 660/Kartag is a wor ld where <strong>the</strong> human beings war<br />

a gainst one ano<strong>the</strong>r. 661/'Iheir t.Irre is one o f <strong>the</strong> use o f<br />

atomic sci ences.<br />

M:ti.er- And why i s this not prevented by you?<br />

P'taah- 662/It i s not at our dfsposaI to interfe re <strong>the</strong>re,<br />

because that system is under <strong>the</strong> oontrol o f a highl y devel -<br />

oped f o rm o f life, which troubles itself for <strong>the</strong> prevention<br />

of catastrophe . 663/Kartagian life is at an inp::>rtant point<br />

o f change in <strong>the</strong>ir evolution, and near <strong>the</strong> end o f <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

atonic age. 664/'Ihey still destroy one ano<strong>the</strong>r with atoll<br />

tcmbs, but this will not last for l ong. 665/ 'Ihey will agree<br />

wi th <strong>the</strong> controlling intelligences.<br />

Meier- '!hen <strong>the</strong>y are sore fur<strong>the</strong>r developed than <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

human?<br />

Ftaah- 666 /'Ihat is correct.<br />

o f unreason.<br />

Meier- '!hat is p leasing .<br />

667/ Tney wal k <strong>the</strong> l ast steps<br />

Ptaah- 66 B/ Certainly, but <strong>the</strong>y sti ll had to go <strong>the</strong> way o f<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir e volution, and interferences into this fran outsi de<br />


are advi sed in f ew cases.<br />

loEier- Does this mean , by this non-interference of rrore<br />

developed bei ngs , who have means at <strong>the</strong>ir di.spcsat , that<br />

thousands o f forms of life will be ki lled - in this case<br />

human fonns?<br />

Pt.aah- 669/Yes, that is i t , certainly. 670/Interference<br />

can only be per-forrred i f recognizable catastrophe of great<br />

extraplanetary extension announce <strong>the</strong>mselves.<br />

loEier- '!hen this means, that <strong>the</strong> inhabi tants of a wo rId ,<br />

this wor ld, can be canpletely destroyed, i f <strong>the</strong> greater<br />

system i s not rrenaced?(l)<br />

Pt.aah- 671/You see <strong>the</strong> facts well. 672/Each creature rmst<br />

take its own. path of evolut ion, even i f tbis includes selfdestruction.<br />

loEier- This seems sanehow r ough, and even barbarous . But<br />

i t i s conceivable to me, f or it is a l aw which is well established<br />

in nature. l1hat degenerates negatively is thus<br />

dest royed so that i t can not rrenace <strong>the</strong> bet ter forms ,<br />

Pt.aah- 673/'Ihat i s right ; you know <strong>the</strong> l aws very wetL.<br />

674 / Onl y by <strong>the</strong> observance of <strong>the</strong> l aws can life prcx::eed.<br />

675/It is wrong when degenerate life i s maintained in such<br />

Fo rm that it becanes still worse . 676/ AA e l imination repr<br />

esents only <strong>the</strong> r i ght observance of '<strong>the</strong> l aws of life. 730/<br />

Never<strong>the</strong>less <strong>the</strong>y wi .lI have to learn i t - - sooner- than <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth human expects. 731/But I know as well that much pain<br />

is connected t o <strong>the</strong> prccess , 732/But we l eave this <strong>the</strong>rre<br />

now. 733/h'€ shall now transmit to <strong>the</strong> wor'Jd of Kartag, for<br />

you shall get acquainted with it.<br />

After <strong>the</strong> Hyperleap<br />

Pt.aah- 734/l1hat you see <strong>the</strong>re is Kartag; go now wi th Serrejase,<br />

she will show you <strong>the</strong> ,,"u rld <strong>from</strong> closer.<br />

OVer Kartag with Semjase<br />

Meier- You have told me that <strong>the</strong> inhabitants of this wor ld<br />

would be a bit more developed than Earth humans. But I don I t<br />

see any airplanes, or similar. I f <strong>the</strong>y have atonic bcmbs<br />

hew do <strong>the</strong>y deliver <strong>the</strong>m?<br />


-<br />

Semjase- 446/You err. 447 /Tney have flightma.chines but <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are not l ike your Earth airplanes, for <strong>the</strong>y are a lready rmre<br />

rrore l ike bearnshi ps . 448/Tney a l so do not drop <strong>the</strong>ir deadly<br />

weapons f ran out o f <strong>the</strong>ir flying mac hines, but shoot <strong>the</strong>m up<br />

by r ockets, and <strong>the</strong>n guide <strong>the</strong>m back down onto <strong>the</strong>ir enemy.<br />

449/'Ihe r ockets are s imilar to those you use on Earth for<br />

l aunching satellites . 450/Only <strong>the</strong>ir teclmologies and rrethods<br />

of propulsion are different f ran those of Earth. 459/<br />

'!heir atonic missiles a re very dangerous and much stronger<br />

than those you have on Earth. 483/Tne time is up.<br />

So we may go .<br />

do we jump to nCM?<br />

sanjase- 484 /\'Je will go t o <strong>the</strong> Galaxy o f "Beberas", to <strong>the</strong><br />

world o f "Neher" <strong>the</strong> r e , in <strong>the</strong> system of "Kras" .<br />

\omere i s that, and what i s inte r esting <strong>the</strong> r e?<br />

senjese- 486/1hi.s has been in earlier tiInes a desired objective<br />

of many races ca pable of space travel . 487 /'Ihere<br />

exist many planets that you wou fd call anci ent wor lds enlivened<br />

by many anirra.l forma , 488/And <strong>the</strong>se animal s may be<br />

very big o r o f extraordinary tall growth. .. 489/1hey may<br />

surpass a ll standards o f similar animal s on o<strong>the</strong>r wor Ids ,<br />

490/And just this fact a ttracted many s pacetravelling races<br />

to <strong>the</strong>se worlds.<br />

kinds of animals live <strong>the</strong>re? You ment ioned<br />

huge specfes i s it perhaps this kind of animals, like <strong>the</strong><br />

saurians? (2)<br />

senjese- 492/Surely, as you call <strong>the</strong>se animals.<br />

Me1er- Girl , I think this i s fantastic. I want to l ook a t<br />

s uch animal kinds fran near-by. Perhaps I coul d shake-hands<br />

with a special f orm o f rhem. \'ihat do you think?<br />

Semjase- 49 3/You are funny .<br />

\'ihy so? I think that new I have to Icok at <strong>the</strong>se<br />

playthings fran near, if I coul d have <strong>the</strong> chance, I must not<br />

miss such an opportunity as this .<br />

Semjase-- 494 /They are giant animals, and <strong>the</strong>y can be very<br />

dangerous.<br />

toei.er- In spite o f that, I want to touch once <strong>the</strong> tail o f<br />

one o f <strong>the</strong>se l ittle animals.<br />


49S.hkluld you really do that?<br />

not? If you give lie <strong>the</strong> opportunity, <strong>the</strong>n you<br />

will s ee for yourself. P.esides this, I have with Ire my<br />

pocket artillery, and especia lly against that, nothing can<br />

resist. I f a saurian wanted to put lie on his rrenu, <strong>the</strong>n I<br />

would b low away a bit o f his brain.<br />

semjase- 49G/Your fearlessness f r ightens Ire, and I knew you<br />

rreen your words earnestly, even i f you smile wi th <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Co you think I<br />

j oke in such things?<br />

SeEjase- 497/ lib , I know you rreen it. 49BlBut you are often<br />

peculiar with your words and hurror , and s o i t is not a lways<br />

easy to know when you are IfIaking f un, and when you rrean your<br />

words earnestly . 499 / 1 at f i r st have to o r ient myself wi th<br />

your thoughts when you speak l ike that. SOO/You woutd r eal -<br />

l y dare yourse lf with <strong>the</strong>se huge ani.rna.ls? .. SO l /Surely you<br />

have your weapon with you, and you could stop a saurian with<br />

such an instrurrEnt , bu t . . .<br />

loEier- Girl , this is no instrurrEnt . '!his is a . 44 rraqmm<br />

revolver.<br />

Semj ase- s02/SUre, s o you say. S03 /But listen naN, you<br />

coul d indeed stop a s a uri an with s uch a weapon very ....ze.lL<br />

504 /But it is sinply not poss ibl e that we could walk <strong>the</strong><br />

world o f "Neher" , o r I v..roukd wi llingl y offer this f or you.<br />

have to mask our ships a gainst sighting because of<br />

diffe rent reasons .<br />

Mrler-<br />

Are <strong>the</strong>re human bednqa living <strong>the</strong>re a lso?<br />

5ernjase- SOG/ Surely. 507/'Ihere a re, but not forms of life<br />

c r eated on <strong>the</strong>se wor-Ids , SOB/On ancient wo r'Ids human c r eat<br />

ures do not yet exist, because <strong>the</strong>y r ise norma lly in l at er<br />

tiirres ,<br />

Ret urning to Great- s pacer<br />

Yet you say tha t human beings never<strong>the</strong> l ess live on<br />

"Neber", I s this <strong>the</strong>n an exception to <strong>the</strong> normal case?<br />

Semjase- 51D/ lib, because <strong>the</strong>se f orms o f life were displ aced<br />

'<strong>the</strong>rer but care nO\'I', let us go up to <strong>the</strong> cupola. 511/Fa<strong>the</strong>r<br />

wi ll expect us already. 512/ . ..'!he humans on "Neher" are<br />

not l ike developed speci es (of humans) because <strong>the</strong>y have<br />


-<br />

beccrre wild and degenerate. 51 4/In <strong>the</strong> course o f many mill<br />

eniums <strong>the</strong>y have developed <strong>the</strong>mselves to wild attitudes, as<br />

this was as well <strong>the</strong> situat ion on Earth. 515/On <strong>the</strong> wor -Id<br />

of "Neher" <strong>the</strong> reason is, that t\..u different human races<br />

fran two different places had const ructed research s tations<br />

on <strong>the</strong> planet, and lived <strong>the</strong>re for many years and explored<br />

this wor-Ld, 516/As on Earth, <strong>the</strong>y constructed pyramids, and<br />

in this way were protected by solid waLl s against <strong>the</strong> host ile<br />

and wildly grcMing envd.ronrrerrt. , 517/'Ihen a cosmic catastrophe<br />

damaged <strong>the</strong> bcrewcrId of one r ace, and in consequence,<br />

those living on "Neher " could not r e turn. 518/'Ihe hcrrewor -Id<br />

of <strong>the</strong> second r ace suffered a deadly epaderruc<br />

that ki l led. off all humans . 519/Thus also, <strong>the</strong> second race<br />

on "Neher" was not able to r eturn, and decided to remain on<br />

<strong>the</strong> pl anet .<br />

520/In <strong>the</strong> wet-tropica l c l imate , in <strong>the</strong> course of time,<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir entire technology deterior iated and was lost.<br />

<strong>the</strong>y realized <strong>the</strong> f irst dama.ge , it was a lready teo l ate to<br />

overcare <strong>the</strong> decay. . . 522/Critical parts were a lready damaged<br />

beyond repair and <strong>the</strong>y were unable to substitute <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

523/'Ihey could only watch <strong>the</strong> decay and hope for rescue, but<br />

this did not happen in t.Irre, 525/'Iheir descendents became<br />

s lowly rrore pr imit ive as <strong>the</strong> technologies dis appeared, and<br />

<strong>the</strong>se adapted <strong>the</strong>mse lves body and spirit to <strong>the</strong> wild and<br />

barbarous wor-Id, 527/'Ihey degene r ated back to wi l d and<br />

primitive hurrans, whose descendents still live <strong>the</strong>re today<br />

on this \'oUr ld o f "Nel::er" .<br />

Enorrrous, - But - s anething is not evident to ITe.<br />

You said that <strong>the</strong> humans deve loped <strong>the</strong>mselves backwards to<br />

primit ive state . But this woutd mean those humans to be a<br />

product of nat ure and not a creature o f 'Ihe Creation itsel f.<br />

senjese- 528/It is not as you are thinking. 529/ TIle human<br />

f orm i s indeed a creat ion of '!be Creati on. 530/It does not<br />

descend fr an any animal s , as for exampl e <strong>the</strong> monkey, as scrre<br />

of you on Eartl1 believe. 531/'Ihe evolut ion of <strong>the</strong> human<br />

form i s very l ong , i f one consi ders <strong>the</strong> physi cal deve.loprrent;<br />

o f <strong>the</strong> f orm. 532/It was first created in primit ive form,<br />

but wi th <strong>the</strong> destiny of becaning a dvanced human, and was<br />

vivified by <strong>the</strong> Creati onal forces for h\.1lT8J1 advancerrent .<br />

53 3/'Ihus a lready in <strong>the</strong> pr imary t.Irre of creation it had that<br />

destiny. 534/'Ihus this f orm o f life i s basically a separate<br />

creation s ince i ts ancient beginning. 535/Because of this<br />


i t was possibl e on Earth in very early ages for <strong>the</strong> wild<br />

humIDit y to mix and mate with <strong>the</strong> space trave l ers ., breeding<br />

up <strong>the</strong> human forms you have t oday . 536/Human creatures who<br />

rerrain neglected do not develop <strong>the</strong>mselves <strong>the</strong> sane, and by<br />

uncontrolled inbreeding can even retro-develop. 537/But<br />

even this never goes s o far that <strong>the</strong> creat ure l oses i ts es -<br />

sential hucanness, because at a certain point <strong>the</strong> degener -<br />

ation .runs out due to an in-conscious striving for selfpreservati<br />

on, which obstructs fur<strong>the</strong>r deter ior iat ion . 538/<br />

'!his point i s r eached where spiritual knowl.edqe is l o st and<br />

<strong>the</strong> instinc t f or self- preservati on prevails.<br />

So a human creat ure can never fall back so far that<br />

survivability and consequent ly recovery i s lost?<br />

seajase- 539/In s ore rreaning , yes, but with <strong>the</strong> difference<br />

being <strong>the</strong> f o rm o f non- recovery due to <strong>the</strong> inabi lity to control.<br />

540/Here we speak. o f a nat ural recovery which has to<br />

be exper ienced by <strong>the</strong> h uman f orm in this stage o f developrrent;<br />

towards conscious thinking and self-preservation. 542/<br />

'!he state o f this. naturally evolving recoverability/preservability<br />

a£fects body perfonnance tlrrough <strong>the</strong> limbs, o rgans ,<br />

r e flexes, notions, etc. , evoked by <strong>the</strong> envirornrental influences.<br />

534/SUch reflexes are not performed in a controlled<br />

manner before (rational) thinking has been acti vated. 544 /<br />

Reflexes are <strong>the</strong> e ffect o f a cause outsi de <strong>the</strong> process of<br />

thinking . 545/ \oJhen fina lly thinking begins, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> reflexe<br />

s are replaced by detennination. 546/ l-b verrents and<br />

act ions are <strong>the</strong>n per'forrred in a contro lled manner canplerrenting<br />

<strong>the</strong> instinctive reflex actions, and r eason has begun.<br />

54 7/ In addit ion to this, natural preservation through rootion,<br />

reflex o r controlled, i s ano<strong>the</strong>r kind o f sel f - preserva<br />

t ion that is a lso instincb.J.a1 and designed for self- survivabili<br />

ty. 548/'Ihis is o f a nature incapable of notion. 549/<br />

'!his form can be evoked by various danger factors, s uch as<br />

l a ck of oxygen when dealing wi th Earth life condit ions .<br />

550/'Ihe Earth human, l ike we, needs oxygen interspersed<br />

with different gasses, which l e ads to ccrctete incapacity<br />

and l oss of rrotion i f such f orms o f lif e are f o r scrre t.i.rre<br />

deprived o f oxygen. 551/'Ihe l ack o f oxygen and certain gasses<br />

in <strong>the</strong> b rain, results in a paralysis o f certain f unctions,<br />

which also nay include scrre of those parts that act-Ive<br />

for self preservat ion . 552/So <strong>the</strong> brain is disabled in scrre<br />

activity and incapable o f action. 553/'Ihinking s tops and<br />


<strong>the</strong> body l imbs and organs <strong>the</strong>n react on r e flex on ly. 554/<br />

'Ihough <strong>the</strong> creature is s t ill living in this state, i t i s<br />

incapabl e of thought nor rrotion. 555/Life <strong>the</strong> n pr oceeds<br />

or ganically-functionally, like a rrachtne, 55 6/ Nhen <strong>the</strong> body<br />

i s given fCXJd, i t still digests it, but <strong>the</strong> brain is unable<br />

to evaluate it o r to realize it. ..<br />

lo2ier- Girl, this is c ruel. - 'Ihis means that such a human<br />

l::eing is living dead . . .<br />

Back in <strong>the</strong> Huge Spaceship o f<br />

Ptaah<br />

Ptaah- 740/ 'Ihat was <strong>the</strong> l ast l oca t i on where we wouj .d go on<br />

this trave l. 741/ 10 a f ew rrarents we will transmit back to<br />

near your solar system, <strong>the</strong>n I will answer sare o f your<br />

questions.<br />

l£ier- Thank you, Ptaah, I am ra<strong>the</strong>r anxious for that.<br />

Ptaah- 575/ \ofuen are you not ?<br />

After <strong>the</strong> Transmiss ion - Still Outside Our Solar System<br />

It is p l easing to see <strong>the</strong> hare s ys tem again. Anyhc:M,<br />

I feel at hare on Earth - even if it o f ten appears strange<br />

to lie.<br />

Ptaah- 742/Each form of life is c onnected by rroving f eelings<br />

towards i ts hare. 753/ .. . NcM I wi ll answer- sene of your<br />

quest ions o f before .<br />

754/Our wor lds a re not, as on Earth, s eparated into diffe<br />

rent s tat es (or nations). 755/Each wor ld has one actua l<br />

nation and one single wor ld governrrent, a s you would call<br />

such in Earth terms . 756/ On each world <strong>the</strong> gove rnrrent functions<br />

as an executive institution, and <strong>the</strong>y are a ll subordinate<br />

to <strong>the</strong> "High Council" . 757/'Dlis High Councf.I is <strong>the</strong><br />

essential gove:rnrrent o f all o f our worlds, thus to say, <strong>the</strong><br />

center o f govemrrent. 758/,lhis council is not on our harewor<br />

-Id, but on a very s pe:c i al p l anet. 759/It is this qovernrrent's<br />

c entral star for our r aces . 76 0/'Ihe High Council,<br />

which lives on this planet, consists of half- spiritual/halfrnatez-Lak<br />

creatures (cross-dirnensional o r bi-dirnensiooal<br />

beings) . 761/'Ihese are human f o rms o f life of quite enornous<br />

position in knowledge and wisdan, who are in a state o f<br />

transiti on. 762/ 1n <strong>the</strong> ir evol uti on <strong>the</strong>y have a lready progressed<br />

so f ar that <strong>the</strong>y release <strong>the</strong>mselves fran <strong>the</strong>ir mat-<br />


e r i al body, and are al ready semi-spirit, and a lso s emi- mat -<br />

e r ial. 763 / 'Ihey are, 'too, <strong>the</strong> only, still called human fo rm<br />

of life, who are able to ccrrmmfcate with higher pure-spirit<br />

forms, which i s impossible for pure-material f orms of life .<br />

773/Tne oscillations (vibrations) of <strong>the</strong> spirit ual spheres<br />

are much higher than we can generate. 776/Tne Earth human<br />

is able by his spi ritual condition, to take up contact on l y<br />

wi th creatures o f <strong>the</strong> s arre grade of oscillat ions , and under<br />

c ertain c i rcumstances, to initiate ccmnunicati on . 777 / 'lllis<br />

means that Earth beings can only CCITE into contact wi th those<br />

of about. <strong>the</strong> s ame position in evoluti on . 778/'Ihis is a<br />

safety measure in Creational law, by which no f onn of life<br />

taps rm re knowledge than is aLlcwed according to <strong>the</strong> state<br />

of evol ution. 748/Our worlds <strong>the</strong>n are all sul:ordinate to<br />

<strong>the</strong> centra l govert"lIr61t which i s formed by <strong>the</strong> s emi- spiritual<br />

"High Council" . 785 /50 <strong>the</strong> p lanetary governments are onl y<br />

executive organs operat ing on <strong>the</strong> advice of <strong>the</strong> High Council.<br />

786/Tne governrrent of <strong>the</strong> High Council is based on <strong>the</strong><br />

Creationa l natural Law, and is a form of goverrurent unknown<br />

t o you. 787/ For all events and a ll regulation is alone<br />

based on natural law, fran which as we .lL, every single f orm<br />

of life is r egul ated, and each decisi on of <strong>the</strong> High Council<br />

accords with <strong>the</strong> f orm of life affected. 788/Tnis pr emises<br />

that every single creature has in spiritual c oncerns, a<br />

position in evo l ut i on, but where minimal differences can not<br />

be excluded. 789/Our t eache r s in s pi ritual evolution troub<br />

l e <strong>the</strong>mselves by every means a t <strong>the</strong>ir disposal , t o study<br />

<strong>the</strong> spi ritual deveIoprrent; of e ach single creature . 790/50<br />

much for our worI da and races.<br />

79 1/ In <strong>the</strong> whole Universe are f ound innurrerable fo rms of<br />

s pace-travelling life; humanoid as well as non- human races.<br />

792/But on <strong>the</strong> whole, l ike- minded and like-intentioned ones<br />

f ind c loser a l l iances toge<strong>the</strong>r. 739 /These a l liances are of<br />

va lue t .cward mutual he lp i n e a ch r espect, as "-"€ll as in respect<br />

to a ll evolut ionary conce rns. 794 /There is a \\'Onderful<br />

ccoperat.ion in a ll concerns of lif e, even those which<br />

beIonq to o<strong>the</strong>r unive rses, as for example, <strong>the</strong> "DAL" Universe,<br />

with whi ch you are f amiliar.<br />

796/But this does not exclude conflict , because in sane<br />

different cases <strong>the</strong> re appear confl i ct seekers including nonhuman<br />

forms, who, according to <strong>the</strong>ir character , exercise<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir power . 797/ Fran s uch beings of cours e we must be pro-<br />


tected. 798/'Ihis leads, here and <strong>the</strong>re, to war actions and<br />

to destruction of creatures and mater ials . 799/Mlen a lliances<br />

exist arrong different creatures, <strong>the</strong>y are usually<br />

inst ituted to watch over l ocally inhabited space. 800/ (He r e)<br />

<strong>the</strong>se regulating services are exercised by "Gr e at s pacer s"<br />

l ike this . 80l/These are great space stations equipped wi th<br />

every thinkable t echnical means to r epel enemies i f necessary.<br />

804/But this universe, and many o<strong>the</strong>r universes as well,<br />

are popuj.ated by many different kinds of creatures, and so<br />

is unavoidable that conflict is a way of life. 80S/But<br />

wherever posafb.le, this does not result in e limination o f<br />

fo rms of l i f e, materials, etc. , because every creat ure needs<br />

its evolution , and fundarrentally this i s parallel in many<br />

ways. 80G/As profound, as <strong>the</strong> Earth human, and many o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

f orms o f lif e in <strong>the</strong> innurrerable universes, is developed<br />

today, so a lso our forefa<strong>the</strong>rs have s tood, fram wham as well<br />

actually, <strong>the</strong> Earth human has descended.<br />

JoEier- 'Ihese are far reaching concerns. But your words<br />

have r ais ed many new questions . I assume this would lead<br />

too far to go into detail if you were to talk about <strong>the</strong>m,<br />

or am I wrong here?<br />

Ftaah-<br />

809/You are correct.<br />

Well <strong>the</strong>n, we may l eave this . But what I am yet<br />

interes t ed in hearing, i s: why i s Semjaae anxious for not<br />

being seen by o<strong>the</strong>r hurrans, as was a lso <strong>the</strong> case with Asket<br />

and Sfath. Semjase has given me scrre explanations which<br />

still do not satisfy me rnrch, Can you tell me rrore?<br />

Ftaah- 810/Besides us, <strong>the</strong>re are still o<strong>the</strong>r different<br />

creatures of extraterrestrial origin, who here and <strong>the</strong>re<br />

make c ontact with Earth Hurnans . 811/In earlier ti.Ires this<br />

happened much rmre frequent ly, which had good reason. 812/<br />

'Ihis reason is that in earlier times, by which I mean milleniums,<br />

very many humans knew about <strong>the</strong> existence of <strong>the</strong><br />

"Heavenl y Sons" . 813/They were in regular camnmication,<br />

and even exercised trade with <strong>the</strong>m. 814/But by <strong>the</strong> interferrence<br />

of different e vil- inc l ined e I ererrta, o f Earthly and<br />

o f extraterrestri al o r igin, <strong>the</strong>se contacts decreased, and<br />

step by s tep, <strong>the</strong> kncw.ledqe of <strong>the</strong> extraterrestrial intelligences<br />

was l os t . 815/Secretly, o<strong>the</strong>r l e ss benef icial intel -<br />

ligences built stations on <strong>the</strong> Earth and on neighboring<br />


p lanets, and fostered cults. 816/'Ihis was all done in deep<br />

secrecy. 817/ Besi des <strong>the</strong>se machinations, <strong>the</strong>re existed undertakings<br />

by o<strong>the</strong>r less e vil-minded intelligences, who<br />

troubled <strong>the</strong>mselves to assist <strong>the</strong> real evolution of <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth humans, because <strong>the</strong>se were descending fran <strong>the</strong>m. 819 /<br />

After many mi lleniums one could not expect <strong>the</strong>m to suddenly<br />

appear before <strong>the</strong> Earth human very officially with beamships<br />

and with space-ships if f ront of his eyes, because <strong>the</strong> knowl<br />

edge of <strong>the</strong>se craft, and <strong>the</strong>m, had beccrre lost to him. (3)<br />

820/A sudden re-appearing might have been catastrophic.<br />

821/'Ihen your "Sol" system moved into <strong>the</strong> epoch o f fis hes<br />

(Pis ces zcdtacj , and <strong>the</strong> way was c l eared f or a net... chance to<br />

enter Earth affairs without being noticed. 825/But s t ill<br />

bef ore <strong>the</strong> "Age of Fishes", prophets were chosen and prepared.<br />

to wor'k for this intention. (4) 831 /By <strong>the</strong>n Earth mankind<br />

had degenerated so far that an o fficial appearance o f<br />

extraterrestrials would have been a ttacked and made war<br />

upon. . . (S) 833/80 consider ing <strong>the</strong>se fac tors , landings by<br />

beamships are only done secretly. 834/And contacts with<br />

Earth hUIt\3IlS i s done quietly and a lone.<br />

838/Mlen t.he.epochs c hange, so a l so do <strong>the</strong> minds of <strong>the</strong> forms<br />

o f life . 839/'Ihi.s has a l so happened to humans now. 84 0/ 'Ihe<br />

Age o f Fishes was characterized by r e ligious fanaticism•. .<br />

841 / 'l'hen <strong>the</strong> bi rth pains of <strong>the</strong> Age of kJuarius began, and<br />

suddenly <strong>the</strong> Earth human started to listen inside of himself.<br />

842/And he started to think and to expl ore , and s uddenl y<br />

recognized l ogic only in truth. 844/He developed in a short<br />

t.ilre his thinking abilitie s, and searc hed and explored. ..<br />

which i s a c haracteristic o f <strong>the</strong> Age o f kJuarius. 846/ And<br />

this is one o f <strong>the</strong> main r easons why certain human beings are<br />

now being contacted by extraterrestrial forms o f life again.<br />

8S0/The present Age of Pquarius demands thinking and spi ritual<br />

evolution o f <strong>the</strong> hurrans o f E:.rrth. 851/'Ihis can not be<br />

achieved by s eeing and listening with <strong>the</strong> physical organs<br />

only, but only by reasoned thought. 852/1f we appeared o f -<br />

ficially in our beamships and spacecraft , <strong>the</strong> effect of del<br />

il::eration and o f thought woufd suffer, because <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

human, in his present state o f evolution, does no l onger<br />

deliberate and search t.'1at ,

only aroused by s ecrets f o r which he can hunt;, _.<br />

Meier- 'Ihat is r eally very rmch that you are explaining ,<br />

Ptaah, But I still have o<strong>the</strong> r questions, i f <strong>the</strong> tiirre suff<br />

ices . One quest ion here concerns our Earth. I o ften think<br />

that , because <strong>the</strong> weafher- and <strong>the</strong> c l ima.te s eem to rre playing<br />

c razy. . . I could consider this being in connecti on with <strong>the</strong><br />

atanic banb's explosions, that <strong>the</strong>se could be <strong>the</strong> cause f o r<br />

that , which rrat ter is s till contested by <strong>the</strong> dear science s.<br />

/lin I going r i ght in this, or am I wrong in my ass umptions?<br />

Ptaah- BB7/ You search very thoroughl y fo r a ll reasons in a<br />

rratter . BBB/Earth1 S rragnetism has been dis t urbed by <strong>the</strong><br />

atanic explosions . BB9/ In this respect, <strong>the</strong> expl osi ons produced<br />

a weak r epulsi on o f <strong>the</strong> Earth, influencing <strong>the</strong> rotat<br />

i on by nea r l y irmeasurable va l ue . 890/By this means <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth has a l so been for ced a lit tle out o f nonnal o rbi t and<br />

nCM s i cwt y searches out i ts new orbi tal course. 892/By this<br />

act , <strong>the</strong> Earth s cientists have carmitted a cr.irre against<br />

<strong>the</strong>i r ccn p lanet and a ll Earth rrankind, because <strong>the</strong> forced<br />

changes by <strong>the</strong>se explosions will have f ar reaching effect o f<br />

great iIrportance, and can produce catastrophic resul ts.<br />

893/Al ready <strong>the</strong> magnetic<br />

poles are being displ aced increasingly<br />

. 894 /Thus today <strong>the</strong> rragnet i c poke is a l r eady dis -<br />

placed into <strong>the</strong> canadian I ce sea , whil e also <strong>the</strong> south pete<br />

has been dis l ocated, and rroves in <strong>the</strong> direction o f South<br />

Arrer ica. 895/By <strong>the</strong> t i.rre o f <strong>the</strong> third mi llenium, in about;<br />

1, 000 years, <strong>the</strong> mig rati on of <strong>the</strong> pol e s will have progress ed<br />

so far, that <strong>the</strong> south pole wi ll be in South Arrerica , whil e<br />

<strong>the</strong> north pole wil l have rroved to saudi Arabia. 89G/The<br />

calculated l ocation of <strong>the</strong> north. pol e in <strong>the</strong> year 3 , 00 0 resu.lt<br />

ed in a l ocation point between J i dda, on <strong>the</strong> Red<br />

sea, and l-Ecca. 90 0/A mrch greater danger i s pres ented by<br />

<strong>the</strong> r e l ease , in those explosions , o f e lerrentary r adiat ions,<br />

which will pres ent great r i ddles to Earth. scientis ts, because<br />

<strong>the</strong>y have not concei ved <strong>the</strong>ir sort and f orm. 901/'Ihree<br />

rra.in f a ctors o f Earth life are influenced by <strong>the</strong> r e l ease of<br />

<strong>the</strong>se e l errentary r adiations, and are injured. 90 2/ 1he catastrophic<br />

e f fect after an atanic expl osi on <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong><br />

Hiroshima banb l asts f o r s e ver a l centuries, and negat ively<br />

influences a ll processes o f life preservation . 903/'Ihe pure<br />

atm::>sphe r ic s tratums o f <strong>the</strong> Earth are influenced in a quite<br />

catastrophic manner by <strong>the</strong> release o f <strong>the</strong>se etesrentery r a-<br />


diations, which cause el ectrical energies in great magni tude.<br />

90 S/'Ihis happens in very high frequency r anges, which s till<br />

are unknown to Earth sciences. 906/ 'Ihese energi es 00 not<br />

deal with <strong>the</strong> known to you usual e lectrical energy, but o f<br />

an electrical r adiati oo energy which is near <strong>the</strong> u l tra - viol et<br />

spectrum. 907/'Ihis radiation energy mingles itself with <strong>the</strong><br />

oxygen in <strong>the</strong> air and gene rates huge quantities o f o zone.<br />

908/'Ihis o zone value increases 34 f old a short t irre after<br />

<strong>the</strong> explosion. 909/<strong>the</strong>se dangero us concentrations destroy<br />

in wide s urroundings , a ll micro-organisrns o f wide variety,<br />

which are o f critical iITportance f o r <strong>the</strong> preservation o f<br />

Earth lif e . 910/ Then a short t ilre a fter <strong>the</strong> explosioo <strong>the</strong><br />

ozone values decrease drastically to very I CM levels. 9111<br />

Certain elerrentary effects penet-rate a ll mat ter and endure<br />

for hundreds o f years, duri ng which ti.rre <strong>the</strong>y a lways and<br />

cont inually k i ll a ll micro-organisms which care near <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

91 2/ Che f actor in relation to <strong>the</strong> ozone is this l ethal destruction.<br />

913/A fur<strong>the</strong>r Impor-tant; factor i s <strong>the</strong> eff ect on <strong>the</strong> o zone<br />

t:el t which s urrounds <strong>the</strong> E3.rth and p rotects it fran u l traviolet<br />

radiations fran <strong>the</strong> s un. '!hose gasses are injured in<br />

severa l ways , and can no rrore absorb <strong>the</strong> ultra - violet r ays.<br />

Semjase has a lready spoken of that in relation to<br />

industrial gasses. But one thing is not c lear to rre yet.<br />

Natura l flashes o f <strong>the</strong> a tIrospheric lightning al so produces<br />

o zone. Why does this not destroy <strong>the</strong> micro-organisms?<br />

Ftaah- 914/Nature wor ks exactly according t o its l aw. 915/<br />

'!he industrial ozone i s generated f r an different factors<br />

than lightning. 916/'Ihe lightning cl eans, while <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

poi i utea. 917/'Ihe healthy ozone t:elt proVides a nat ural<br />

protectic:n for Earth creatures fran <strong>the</strong> strong ul tra- violet<br />

radiations o f <strong>the</strong> sun. 918/ Direct i rradiation of living<br />

creatures by this radiation, and fur<strong>the</strong> r similar r adiations<br />

fran o<strong>the</strong>r parts of <strong>the</strong> Universe, wou l d inevitably evoke<br />

death f or a ll f o rms . .. 921/Nature herself a l ways gener ates<br />

j ust as ouch ozone as necessary to guarantee life. ..<br />

M1at about; <strong>the</strong> atanic radiations, which fran my<br />

reckonings ITD.lSt surround <strong>the</strong> Earth to very great heights?<br />

Pt.aah- 92S/Your r eckonings are nearly right, but it does<br />

not dea l with <strong>the</strong> act ual a tonic radiat ion. 926/As I said ,<br />

quite specia l elerrental radiations are also gene rat ed by <strong>the</strong><br />


expl osion. 927/'Ihese r e a ch great hei ght and spread <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

around tile globe, influencing tile different stra t ums .<br />

928/ In your denaninations '<strong>the</strong> s e stratums are very differentl<br />

y named, as for exampl e <strong>the</strong> rrenaced at.ratum which you call<br />

<strong>the</strong> "Van-Allen Belt ". 929 /'Ihis belt consists e s peci ally of<br />

caught by <strong>the</strong> Earth magnetic f i eld , e l ectrons and prot ons,<br />

which have a life-important f unction for Earth EKistence.<br />

930/ About this I am not ye t a llowed to give you rrore inf ormation,<br />

because f r an <strong>the</strong> explanations your scientists coul d<br />

qa<strong>the</strong> r much kncw .ledqe f or <strong>the</strong> ir researches . ..<br />

A group o f diffe rent ex t raterrest rial s who also say t hey c ome <strong>from</strong> t he<br />

<strong>Pleiades</strong>, but I\no s eem to be unawa r-e of t he co ntacts going on i n Switzerl<br />

and, ha ve been co ntacti ng a man ne ar St. Cl oud , Mi nne sota, s i nce 1958,<br />

and <strong>the</strong>y are t elling L. Z. al most <strong>the</strong> same t h i ng but in s lightly different<br />

words conce rning t he e f f ects o f our a tomic exp losions on our protecti ve<br />

i onosphe re and t he Van-Allen belt. Those ETs a re human beings j ust l i ke us<br />

and t he Pleiadians visi t i ng Switzerland.<br />

Ther e i s still ano<strong>the</strong>r gr oup o f ext raterrest r ials who say t hey come f rom<br />

t he star group we call Andro meda (const e lla tion), who are a lso humans jus t<br />

like us, t hat have been co ntac t ing a senior Unive r s ity professor in Mexico<br />

City s ince 1972. And t hey ha ve expressed gr av e conc ern abo ut our atomic<br />

t esting and what it i s doing to our plane t I s systems . They picke d t hat<br />

professor up and took him out t o <strong>the</strong> ionosphere and <strong>the</strong> Van-Allen belt so<br />

t ha t he coul d measure fo r hi msel f what t hey we re t el ling h im. He us ed<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir highl y sophis ticated ins t r uments to do this and was s atisfied t hat<br />

t hey were r epor ting t he da mage accurate ly . us-n CO:-lTACT f ROH At'.'OR OHE:OA,<br />

by Rodrigue z and Stevens)<br />

An ET contact case i n Venezue l a and ano<strong>the</strong>r i n Colomb i a, Sout h Ameri ca,<br />

both involVing extraterrest rial human beings who say t heir home is in <strong>the</strong><br />

Pl e iades, are telli ng t hei r co ntactees t her e es sentially <strong>the</strong> same t hing<br />

about t he da mage t o our i onospher e and t he belt, and t hey de -<br />

scribe our atomic t esting as t he principle caus e . I f we ha ven' t killed<br />

ourselves rapidly in t he explosions, we are s lowly ki lli ng everything else<br />

on our planet wi th t he after e ffects of our folly . The Pl ei adians may be<br />

r i ght. This is not t he work o f a sane species .<br />

ltEier- So nothing can be done about; -thf.a, Witil tile Van-<br />

Al len Bel t I can imagine nothing, as little a lso can I elaborate<br />

of <strong>the</strong> mat ter with <strong>the</strong> e l ectrons and protons , but a ll<br />

<strong>the</strong> same, I am interest ed in hCM this bel t is s tructured<br />

and built. I mean what; rroverrent; does it have?<br />

931/ 'Ihe Belt exists a t a hei ght of 1, 000 kilometers<br />


average. 932/'Ihe charged particles are in constant rroverrent,<br />

and that on s piral courses f ran pole to pole.. •<br />

So far I understand, but everything else is to me a<br />

so-called "Bohemian Vi llage " . '!his unfortunately i s physics,<br />

and o f that I understand j ust about as much as our technicians<br />

and scientists do about; your technologies, which is:<br />

nothing .<br />

Ptaah- 933/'Ihat i s not of great importance to you , for <strong>the</strong><br />

insides of that existing spiral values are decisive ly greater<br />

and of mare .inp:>rtant neaning.<br />

M:!ier- You may be r ight . If you atroe, I want; to ask you<br />

still again about; sare mat ters respecting <strong>the</strong> (UFO) contact -<br />

ees . First: hCM many contactees are <strong>the</strong> r e in <strong>the</strong> wor Id today;<br />

Second: Are you really Inforrred about <strong>the</strong>m enough to<br />

know sate details about <strong>the</strong>m?<br />

Ftaah- 934/'Ihe number o f real contactees on Earth i s presently<br />

a t about 17 ,422 individua l s . 935/'Ihese are scatter ed<br />

all over your l ands or nations as you call <strong>the</strong>m. 936 /0f<br />

that number , only a few percents ever care to publicity with<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir kncwl edqe, 940/0f that great mnnber (<strong>the</strong> number increases<br />

constantly) are only a few hundred cases known out -<br />

s ide <strong>the</strong>ir l oca l circles... (6)<br />

M:!i er- That is a clear answe r. But nCM what about <strong>the</strong><br />

Gi zeh- knaves as well, being able to take human beings with<br />

<strong>the</strong>m on <strong>the</strong>ir flights?<br />

Ftaah- 959/'Ihey have nothing in camon wi.th us, with respect<br />

to our mi ssion. 960/ \men I said before, that in this<br />

century, only three human beings ....'ere taken f or flights to<br />

<strong>the</strong> CQSIIDS , human beings fran Earth, <strong>the</strong>n I spoke of us, rot<br />

not <strong>the</strong>se o<strong>the</strong>r f onns o f lif e . 961 /'1'0 fulfill <strong>the</strong>ir a im ,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y have contacted different Farth human beings and a lso<br />

taken <strong>the</strong>m with <strong>the</strong>m on flights into <strong>the</strong> cosrros, and <strong>the</strong>y do<br />

s uch things much rrore than we . 964 /Besides <strong>the</strong>se c reat ures<br />

are still o<strong>the</strong>r ones, who here and t:here kidnap Earth human<br />

beings, about which fact Semjase has already Lnforrred you.<br />

965/But <strong>the</strong>se cases are relatively r are , and those kidnapped<br />

ones are not nOI:m3..11y r eturned to Earth. 96 8/ But as ...."ell<br />

here <strong>the</strong>re are also except ions, though r are. 968/But <strong>the</strong>re<br />

also exist inhuman r aces for which <strong>the</strong> Earth is a ....retccre<br />

expedition (hunting) p lanet, fran where <strong>the</strong>y rob Earth hurren<br />

beings .<br />


Mtier-<br />

And what do you do about; this?<br />

Ftaah- 969/'Ihese are not matters into which we are a IIowed<br />

to interfere. 971/We are not a lla;..ted to interfere by f orce.<br />

972/As far as i s poss ible, we try in s uch cases, to get into<br />

contact with those intelligences to prevent <strong>the</strong>se actions .<br />

973 / 1-le o f t en pursue <strong>the</strong>m in this respect urrtdI far out in<br />

<strong>the</strong> cosrros, when <strong>the</strong>y do no t accept advice on or near <strong>the</strong><br />

Earth itself. 97 4/Regretably, we have been only partly suecesstut,<br />

thus Earth humans have been kidnapped. 975/As I<br />

said , we are not a llowed, in such events, to interfere by<br />

force, though we have <strong>the</strong> capability in this respect. 976/<br />

have to keep ourselves a ccording to or der , because each<br />

c reature has to walk its 0NI1 path in its 0NI1 way to develop,<br />

and we are not a l Iowed to int erfere in this respect, umess<br />

those kidnapped are our own. (7) 977/0il <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong> r hand <strong>the</strong><br />

exercise o f pcce r woutd invite <strong>the</strong> use of pocer- which c ould<br />

lead to undesf.red conflict and possibly war . 978 / 'Ihis<br />

are not a l l owed to provoke, because our weapons in e very<br />

case are int ended f o r defense al one , but never designed f or<br />

attack.<br />

Joeier- '!hat is interesting. I have alr eady s een dif ferent<br />

weapons inside of 5emjase ' s ship, as v.'ell as in <strong>the</strong> ship o f<br />

Asket when she was here. Also Sfath had weapons in his ship ,<br />

and your space-giant he re is equipped wt.tih dif ferent weapons ,<br />

How does this agree with your affirmat ions that ext rater -<br />

restrial intelligences have no weapons, or at <strong>the</strong> l east<br />

woukd not use <strong>the</strong>m? Frcm different r eports about UFOs I<br />

feel that peace generates peace.<br />

Ptaah- 980/Nei<strong>the</strong>r we , nor any o<strong>the</strong>r f orm o f life can do<br />

with having no, o r unsuited weapons, 98l/Every single r ace<br />

of a form o f life in <strong>the</strong> Universe di.sposes of we apons o f<br />

scrre kind, like you on Earth als o have such. 98 2/ Also , beyond<br />

Earth is not onl y peace , because <strong>the</strong> rrost different and<br />

Innumerab.le wor-Ids in <strong>the</strong> Universe are inhabit ed by moat;<br />

differ ent c r eat ures of human and non- human character . 983/<br />

l-lany o f <strong>the</strong>n have not yet reached a l evel o f balance, and<br />

use <strong>the</strong>ir weapons for attacks against o<strong>the</strong>r c r eatures . 984/<br />

'Ihese can not be, and are no t e i ro cea, to simply eradicate<br />

and slaughter, but will have to defend <strong>the</strong>mselves. 985/'Ihat<br />

is a l aw o f c reat ion , which i s expressed in <strong>the</strong> Laws of<br />

nature very adequately. 984/1f one l ooks with only a bit<br />


o f interest at nature, he sees that each form of life strives<br />

for its own self-preservation, exactly according to law.<br />

987/ 'Ihis struggle for survival i s not achieved by senseless<br />

killing, but by defense against attack. 988/ 'ilie first thing<br />

each f orm Learns i s to defend itself against eventual attack<br />

in one form or ano<strong>the</strong>r. 989 /'ilie first line o f de fense is in<br />

l ogi cal flight, and <strong>the</strong> s econd is to fight when e scape is<br />

impossible. 990/\oJith humans, <strong>the</strong> first step in defense is<br />

not f light, but reasonabili ty. 991/In this <strong>the</strong> human being<br />

finds by his thinking processes, o<strong>the</strong>r ways t o accanplish<br />

<strong>the</strong> first s tep. 992/Reasonably this f irst step consists in<br />

speaking, in dialogue, by which <strong>the</strong> opponents are taught<br />

reasonability. 99 4/Failing in that, a defense is needed,<br />

and this may cons i st o f a weapon. 995/In <strong>the</strong> case o f ani -<br />

rrals <strong>the</strong>y pr ovide sharp t eeth, hcoves, horns , poisons, etc, ,<br />

a ll l:eing natural weapons for <strong>the</strong>m, but <strong>the</strong> human being<br />

develops his weapons through his reasoning ability , vihich he<br />

can use according to his deliberation and choice when this<br />

beccrrea necessary f or him.<br />

l-eier- By this you t ell rre nothing net..., because I have already<br />

seen this in nat ure as a lit t le boy. But now I am<br />

inter ested. Ha.v far outside our s o lar system is <strong>the</strong> next<br />

inhabited system, and does that v.urld 's inhabitants knew<br />

o f our Earth?<br />

Ftaah- 'The next inhabited system i s around five lightyears<br />

away f ran Earth. 998/Different worlds i n that system a re<br />

inhabited by human f orms o f life , who dif fer little f ran<br />

your r aces. 999/ I n <strong>the</strong>ir deveIoprrent; <strong>the</strong>y are s ane years in<br />

advance of that o f <strong>the</strong> Earth human beings, spiritually as<br />

w'12:11 as technologically. 1001/ They have a lready achieved<br />

space-flight in primitive form, and also do visit Earth.<br />

I 002/ Because <strong>the</strong>ir cosmic flight capabilities are ve ry l imited,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y depend on assistance stations . l 003/ Mid- way between<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir wor -Id and Earth, <strong>the</strong>y have cons t .ruc t ed a space<br />

s tation, which you c an see far outside in space <strong>the</strong>re. . .<br />

(pointing to screen) . l004!They need such stations because<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are s till unable to launch <strong>the</strong>ir s hips over l arge distances<br />

. lOOS/ Al s o, connected to <strong>the</strong>ir space-flight new , i s<br />

s evere body pain, f ran which <strong>the</strong>y narcot ize <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />

for l onger j ourneys in <strong>the</strong> COSlTOS . 1006/B€sides <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

r aces of <strong>the</strong>se worlds, this one race canes o f ten to Earth.<br />

1007/ Thi s i s because <strong>the</strong>ir homeworld , which in no qreater;<br />

39 1

than E3.rth herself, s uffers fran overcra-rling, and needs<br />

huge quantities of food. 1008/For this r eason, beings fran<br />

that p lanet, called "Akart" , care to Earth often to collect<br />

<strong>the</strong>re plants, vegetables, fruits and grains, to nourish <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

23 billion population. (8) 1010/They are rrost ly s atisfied<br />

with taking seeds of fruits , grains and vegetables, and a lso<br />

p lant stocks, to set out on Akart to grCM <strong>the</strong>re. l Oll/ They<br />

collect rrore useable nourishrrents on o<strong>the</strong>r (less populated)<br />

wor-Ids which <strong>the</strong>y a lso visit often and periodically. 101 2/<br />

In <strong>the</strong>mselves, <strong>the</strong>se forms are of r a<strong>the</strong>r peaceful character,<br />

and have had to suffer much in <strong>the</strong> last centuries . 1013/<br />

'Ibday <strong>the</strong>y l ive under a dictatorship, as you wou jd call it,<br />

by which <strong>the</strong>y have relatively bet-ter- living conditions.<br />

1014/Their great problem is <strong>the</strong>ir severe overcDOWding, which<br />

<strong>the</strong>y could relieve by emigration, but <strong>the</strong>ir t ec hnologies<br />

have not solved space transportation on sufficient scale to<br />

be of any help.<br />

That i s a lot. but do o<strong>the</strong>r c reatures in that system<br />

also care to Earth, and why don I t <strong>the</strong>y assist that overpopUlated<br />

p lanet?<br />

Ptaab- 1016/'Ihe o<strong>the</strong>rs cane <strong>the</strong>re and also to Earth, but<br />

this occurs r a<strong>the</strong>r seldan. 1017 /'Ihe reason <strong>the</strong>y do not<br />

assist <strong>the</strong> overcrowded race, is that <strong>the</strong>se creatures have<br />

not proceeded far enough in <strong>the</strong>ir devel oprrent; or <strong>the</strong>ir improverrent;<br />

to offer <strong>the</strong>m greater technical and spiri tual help.<br />

10l8/ 'Ihese humans are s till too much caught up in <strong>the</strong> rnat<br />

eri al and worldly things, and are not alIcwed access to<br />

greater pcwer.<br />

loitier- I see. Again <strong>the</strong> l aw of evolution.. . Oh yes, I have<br />

still one rrore question : Ho;.; do you see <strong>the</strong> mat -te r- of your<br />

(public) appearance on Earth; when vlill you land officially<br />

and present yourselves to <strong>the</strong> people of Earth?<br />

Ftaah- 1066/1his is not provided for s till a very l ong tine,<br />

as well as with o<strong>the</strong>rs 'too, 1067/On <strong>the</strong> contrary, nearly<br />

all our extraterrestrials will retire f ran your p lanet , if<br />

certain cf.rcumatences ccrre up. 1068/1his wi ll be, when an<br />

until new unknown to us human r ace fran <strong>the</strong> cosrros will<br />

start to visit <strong>the</strong> Earth. 1069/Our reckonings in probability<br />

indicate this occurring before <strong>the</strong> year 2000, o r a short<br />

tirre before, if unanticipated factors before <strong>the</strong>n do not put<br />

this enterprise in question. 1070/1£ <strong>the</strong>se negative<br />


factors do not develop, <strong>the</strong>n Ear-thman wi ll, in this caning<br />

ti.rre, around 2000, first oficially rreet; with h1..1ffi3I1 beings<br />

f ran o<strong>the</strong>r wor lds. 1071/ Misled by <strong>the</strong>ir CMTl unreasonability ,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> false information being s pread c oncerning s uch extraterrestrials,<br />

<strong>the</strong> first (public) appearance of <strong>the</strong>se<br />

s trange vis itors will at first s pread horror and panic on<br />

Earth. (9) . ..1072/ But no danger fran <strong>the</strong>se human- Like forms<br />

will rrenace you, because <strong>the</strong>y will be peace ful and hannless.<br />

1073/'Iheir culture and s piritual estate will be very much<br />

superior to your CMTl, and s o <strong>the</strong>y will not j ust l and on<br />

Earth unexpected. 1074/ 'lhey will announce <strong>the</strong>mse.lves to you<br />

first by radio and television, and prepare Earth men f or<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir arrival, and will <strong>the</strong>n land with one of <strong>the</strong>ir eggshaped<br />

s hips, which will be used by 8 to 12 o<strong>the</strong>r forms o f<br />

life . ..<br />

Joeier- '!his is very Lnt ezest nnqr but where will <strong>the</strong>y l and ?<br />

Ftaah-<br />

1075/It will assuredly be in Arrerica.<br />

!oei.er- Always this 1Irrerica, why so?<br />

Pteah- 1076/'Ihat i s <strong>the</strong> way it is, because <strong>the</strong>y have <strong>the</strong><br />

best ccmm.mications rreans. 1077/ 'Ihe popuLat.Lon of that<br />

country is rrore r esilient in connection with <strong>the</strong> c learing up<br />

o f infonnation about; extraterrestrial forms of life and<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir existence, and may be mere p r epared to over ccrre too<br />

large a panic a t <strong>the</strong> first official rreetings.<br />

But surely <strong>the</strong>re a r e o<strong>the</strong> r possdbt.Li.t.Les besides<br />

xcer.tce, are <strong>the</strong>re not?(10)<br />

Ftaah- 1078/Sure l y, <strong>the</strong>re are, but I on l y explain t o you<br />

what our probability ca lculations have shown. 1079/ 1t wi ll<br />

be of r evolutionary importance, if this l anding can be s uccess<br />

fully performed, which is still r eally dependent on <strong>the</strong><br />

negative f actors which could develop. l OBO/In any case a<br />

plan i s not fixed, whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> occurrences will happen this<br />

way, because I do not take this Lnfo rrnat .Lon fran a view into<br />

<strong>the</strong> future, but fran probabili ty calculations.<br />

Maier- So this i s not c learly f ixed? can you tell Ire fran<br />

where <strong>the</strong> human beings will care?<br />

Ftaah- 10Bl /1 am not a L j owed to give informati on of fici a lly.<br />

1083/1t i s connected t o <strong>the</strong> deve .loprent; of <strong>the</strong> f orms o f life<br />

<strong>the</strong>re on Earth.<br />


I<br />

understand.<br />

Ftaah- IOB4/Na.... I have sarething to say. lOBS/My daughter<br />

has nON advised you several t .Imes to troubl e yourse lf in a<br />

lesson-like m3I1I1er for <strong>the</strong> s preading of <strong>the</strong> gi ven to you<br />

concerns . IOB6/You have prepared a l ecture all right , but<br />

<strong>the</strong>n not used. it efficientl y . IOB7 /toJe have a .lIcwed you for<br />

this pu.rpoae to get very qood photographs of Semjase I s ship,<br />

and we gave this chance for photographing while with us on<br />

this trip. IOBB/But until nON you have not troubled yourself<br />

f or any publici ty with your lectures in f ulfil l.rrent o f<br />

your missi on. I OB9/ 'Ihis is very much unserviceable f or our<br />

concerns , and this is irresponsibl e of you. I090/As<br />

you do not trouble for that, you give bad service for our<br />

missi on. I 091/With <strong>the</strong> new pictures f rem this trip, you are<br />

in posession o f very much photo material , which nON you must<br />

evaluate. 1092/It is unuseful for <strong>the</strong> whole matter when you<br />

n ON l ock all <strong>the</strong> mat erial away s crrewhere and l eave it fallow.<br />

l093/Your mission is to put this all toge<strong>the</strong>r and to make it<br />

knCMI1 to <strong>the</strong> int erested public by giving explanations.<br />

l094/ It is no rrore suited anyhow, that you keep silence<br />

about; <strong>the</strong>se things, bec ause <strong>the</strong> who le mission i s of great<br />

Impor-tance. l 09S/ Onl y by such caning to publicity can you<br />

spread this kncwle dqe and accanplish your mission f or whi ch<br />

you have been impressed in <strong>the</strong> f o rm o f a prophet, and you<br />

had under-taken this mission to yourself quite consciously<br />

and willingly. I 096/ '!he t.irre urges and you have t o r each<br />

out to <strong>the</strong> public.<br />

'!hat is easy for you to say. I knee...., I have written<br />

a lecture, and a l so cared for <strong>the</strong> select ion of <strong>the</strong> a lready<br />

existing pictures . But you knew, that in a material view I<br />

am an absolute nu.lL, and thus a lso unsuited in arranging<br />

l essons by myse lf. In c onsequence I have given my desire in<br />

this to Hr. Hans Jakob f ran Wet zikon, that he might <strong>the</strong>n<br />

arrange <strong>the</strong>se l e ssons . But this necessi ty has evidently not<br />

appealed to him, for he a lways s ays , that such l ect ures in<br />

public are not usefuj , Bes i des thi s he i s of <strong>the</strong> opinion<br />

that i t i s hannful f or our mi ssi on when, for example in <strong>the</strong><br />

mat ter o f UFOs , (o<strong>the</strong>r cases) would be s poken o f negat ive l y.<br />

Yet he would really be <strong>the</strong> sui ted man to be able to arrange<br />

s uch l ect ure s . But this he does not perform. And he a lso<br />

is a f raid o f speaking in unc.i.rcurnscr.Ibed l anguage . He believes<br />

that pretty diplanatic express ions would l ead rrore<br />


e ffecti vely than direct and open l anguage which i s strrory<br />

teo direct.<br />

Ftaahr 1109/ He will have to recognize that by himself.<br />

1UO/He still i s really <strong>the</strong> s ui ted man to ini tiate <strong>the</strong> l ectures.<br />

1lll/ He s hould now trouble himself f or this, as this<br />

task is a llocated. to him by us. . . lll2/ At first in intere<br />

s ted circles s uch l ect ures could be arranged, to s pread<br />

<strong>the</strong>m s t ep by step into wider publici ty. 113 / 1f, contrary to<br />

expectations, he should not trouble h imself for that , <strong>the</strong>n<br />

we had better l ook f o r ano<strong>the</strong> r suitable person and exclude<br />

him fran our work, in <strong>the</strong> sense that he should no l onger<br />

have deci s i ve influence in our mission. l114/ In fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

r espect , i t wou l d be o f use for our mission if o<strong>the</strong>r group<br />

rrembers a l s o , in srraj I circles, would per-form lect ures ,<br />

because by <strong>the</strong> addition of smaller groups is <strong>the</strong> whole nCM<br />

inc reased. 1U5/ Such srrall circl es can be f ormed in <strong>the</strong><br />

families of relat ives and a cquaintences. 1U6/ If each per -<br />

son \

my spaceship. 11 29/Then live well, and beccrre just for<br />

your mission. 113 0/ We will rreet; ano<strong>the</strong>r time.. . 1131/Go in<br />

peace and love, and rerrember that we are always with you in<br />

thought and o<strong>the</strong> rwise as well. ..<br />

That conc l uded <strong>the</strong> t r ansmission of this l a s t pa rt of <strong>the</strong> transcripti on of<br />

<strong>the</strong> great t rip that Eduard Heier was taken on with t he Pleiadians. We have<br />

had to l eave out a cons i de rabl e amo unt of dialogue t o reduc e redundency,<br />

t o l ea ve out persona l matters, and to try t o c oncentrate on information of<br />

widest interest t o <strong>the</strong> greater amount of <strong>the</strong> publ ic. We hope this ha s now<br />

ans wered some of your questions as it did ours.<br />



( 1) These visitors have repeatedly warned that our madne ss<br />

is our own, and i f we choose to destroy o ur world and our<br />

evolution, for all time, nobody will come <strong>from</strong> anywhere t o<br />

s ave us f rom oursel v e s. \-e all walk. o.rr a..n patjr, ani if we teccce a<br />

danger to curaekves., axrl to o<strong>the</strong>rs, urder <strong>the</strong> laws of nature, we are dest-<br />

Ired to rerove corsetvee arrl <strong>the</strong> threat; to o<strong>the</strong>rs as well! I'e wo.l1d rot be<br />

<strong>the</strong> first. Wa create• .• or dest:ro

(8) 'Th'2nty three billicn is ahrost; 5 t.tnes <strong>the</strong> p::p.l1.atia1 of Fart:h livirq<br />

en a s .imi.lar s Ized planet. Im3gine, could reach that in less tren 200<br />

years, at cur- rate of increase for <strong>the</strong> Last; 50 years.<br />

(9) witress cur tzeatnent; of urn visi tors in our- plblic cette, fran <strong>the</strong><br />

first real urn nnvie '!HE OOY TIlE FARm SIaD SITIL to tie last big urn<br />

pro::luct.i.a1, "'I', brcedcast; nati.alwi.de CNer a major televisi.cn renorx, arrl<br />

this rot ooly ooce. 01e t:h.in;J can be said of t:ha.t slu.'I:i.rYJ: peruc did rot<br />

result tcrlay, tnt; v.fut .if this were real, as in <strong>the</strong> realistic orscn \'ells<br />

pcrt.rayaL several decades arp?<br />

(10) I'e III..lSt rerercer that ElUq:e does rot really 1.CNe us as IIUCh as we<br />

like to tfrink <strong>the</strong>y do - am for g:oj reason, "eier ra<strong>the</strong>r see this<br />

approach m'rle in Siitzerlarrl, or in any otber European naticn than in <strong>the</strong><br />

lhitE.rl States of rrrerfca. If he had. his Hay this \..UJ.1.d IE <strong>the</strong> last<br />

place he reo::ImErrl for such a larding arrl ccntact.<br />



have f inally care to a break-potnt; in <strong>the</strong>se contact<br />

notes on this r emarkable case, and this cares a t <strong>the</strong><br />

podnt; where <strong>the</strong> last "transmission" on <strong>the</strong> extended extraterrestrial<br />

trip has j ust been concluded.<br />

Eleven l ong years after we started this invest igation -<br />

and <strong>the</strong> first f ive years of it were intense - we can nei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

prove nor disprove <strong>the</strong> reality of <strong>the</strong>se extraterrestrial<br />

contacts. have many o<strong>the</strong>r witnesses, nearly f ourty of<br />

<strong>the</strong>m, and we have a t l east four o<strong>the</strong>r photographers of <strong>the</strong><br />

Pl eiadian craft bes i des He ier. We had a rretal sample, a<br />

specarren of ET p lastic- like material, live " landing tracks"<br />

and old tracks photographed over years, and we had live recordings<br />

of <strong>the</strong> spacecraft sounds, c aptured on four different<br />

occastons, and once before thirteen o<strong>the</strong>r witnesses, . . .with<br />

f our a udio tape recorders a ll being used simultaneously.<br />

examined and tested a ll we could to <strong>the</strong> best of our abili ty<br />

using <strong>the</strong> latest state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art equipnent and <strong>the</strong> best<br />

engineers we could find to do so. We discovered that <strong>the</strong>re<br />

is no "go-nogo" t est, and that all we c ou ld do was correlate<br />

and corroborate o<strong>the</strong>r aspects of this case. 'This is Hei er ' s<br />

truth. All we can do i s report i t.<br />

We found <strong>the</strong> contact notes intriguing, but <strong>the</strong>y did not<br />

prove anything conclusively, except that l'-ieier siITply could<br />

not write <strong>the</strong> l onger 30 and 40 page r e ports in one sitting<br />

had he not been under contro l and doing this autaTlat ical ly<br />

and rapidly. 'The sheer volurre of <strong>the</strong> material is staggering.<br />

'Ihere are over 2, 000 pages of notes l ike you have just been<br />

reading. '!here are references t o events, discoveries, and<br />

things that l-ieier <strong>the</strong> man could have had no knowledge of ,<br />

given his f onnal education and station in lif e, and in f act<br />

never heard of.<br />

There are s harp criticisms of o<strong>the</strong>r ET contactees , as if<br />

to deter and his group f rom fur<strong>the</strong>r i nvestigation of<br />

<strong>the</strong>m. At <strong>the</strong> sarre t .irre Meier was t old that <strong>the</strong>re are rrany<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r ET civili zations coming her e and carrying out r esearch<br />

and study pr o j ects, and that '<strong>the</strong> actual number of rea l ET<br />

contacts i s counted in <strong>the</strong> tens of thousands .<br />

Eduard He ier asked many qcod questions and he got many<br />

answera, but <strong>the</strong>n he f ound that scrre of <strong>the</strong> answers were<br />

only half-truths, with <strong>the</strong> "o<strong>the</strong> r- half not rrent t oned . He<br />


l ost h is awe o f <strong>the</strong> Pleiadians and sought to argue and to<br />

negotiate with <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

'furoughout all this <strong>the</strong>re are hints that t-Ei e r is <strong>the</strong><br />

Pl eiadian contactee now because he has saved <strong>the</strong>m o r <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

ancestors in a similar capacity before. '!hey even hint that<br />

he may be one o f <strong>the</strong>m, born into an E3.rth bcdy by choi ce to<br />

carry out a vol unteer mission. I f so, he is s tuck with his<br />

E3.rth bcdy and its l oca l m::>rtalit y now . He i s also handicapped<br />

by <strong>the</strong> Earth physical nature o f his body and i ts<br />

human frailties .<br />

It may be that <strong>the</strong> man , an E3.rth human nON, got in<br />

his own way as <strong>the</strong> contacts progres sed, and he continued to<br />

l ag in carrying out what <strong>the</strong> Pl eiadians considered urgent<br />

reques ts. hhen <strong>the</strong>ir o<strong>the</strong>r Earth proj ects carre to a close,<br />

that team o f extraterrestrial s moved on to o<strong>the</strong>r proj ects in<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r solar system, leaving t-E:ier to o<strong>the</strong>r EI's still here<br />

wtvJ may not have had a l l <strong>the</strong> o r iginal object.Ives,<br />

l-eier t ired of <strong>the</strong> attention and <strong>the</strong> constant stream of<br />

visitors to his hare l ong ago. For years he has refused to<br />

rreet anybody, He has answered a l l <strong>the</strong> questions many t imes<br />

over , and answers none any rrore, '!he only answers one will<br />

get new is a quote fran an earlier answer to sarebody e l se,<br />

and this is handled by friends around t-1eier and his group<br />

who seek. to remain <strong>the</strong>re to observe and study f or <strong>the</strong>mse Ives ,<br />

l-eier, <strong>the</strong> Earth human who never want ed any publicity in<br />

<strong>the</strong> f irst p lace , was worn down by <strong>the</strong> constant attacks on<br />

his person and his f amil y by o<strong>the</strong> r l ess dnforrred, i gnorant<br />

people who never bo<strong>the</strong>red to check out what he said, and<br />

never bo<strong>the</strong>red to really Iook a t <strong>the</strong> truths o f anything involved,<br />

but only chose to a ttack. with f a l se s tatarents and<br />

personal abuse. l-e ier has s urvi ved 17 ass ass ination a t -<br />

terrpts on his lif e as of this writing. Obviously this i s<br />

scrrething nobody wou ld ever seek. f or himse l f , and certainly<br />

sarething f ew o f his attackers can even relate to.<br />

I f Heier c ould undo a ll this by simply denying it, he<br />

p r obably would have done so l ong ago, but he is not al one in<br />

it. There are many o<strong>the</strong>r witnesses who could corroborate<br />

whatever point Meier sought to deny. His heal th has failed<br />

and he now suffers f ran many human debilities and physical<br />

pains.<br />

None o f his troubles, none of <strong>the</strong> threats, and no a t tac ks<br />

of any kind have ever been imposed on Eduard l-Ei er by <strong>the</strong><br />

extraterrestrial s . Truely ALL o f his dangers have a lways<br />


care fran his untnf orrred fellCM humans o f this p lane t . 'Ihat<br />

a l one i s a testiJronial that stands sharp and clear, and i s<br />

certainly nothing humans can be a t all proud of.<br />

I t s tands as a rronurrent to our ignorance and weakness as a<br />

human c i vili zation. Maybe we are an aberrant species that<br />

will s e l f-destruct to save <strong>the</strong> r est o f our neighl:x:>rs fran<br />

our folly .<br />

loe ier's p r esent reputation f o r stubbornness and arrogance<br />

inc reases wi th each person who visits <strong>the</strong> f arm, '!hat IXX>r<br />

f amily has had no r eal p r ivacy in thirteen years, and <strong>the</strong>y<br />

j ust want to be l eft a lone. feel i t roost important to<br />

r emind <strong>the</strong> reader that no ma.tter what Hei e r 's past incarnations<br />

may have been, or what his present "mis s i on" i s, Billy<br />

i s human - very human - and he s uff ers fran human weakneas<br />

ea, He chose to be human in this life and he cares < fu.l Ly<br />

equipped with all our frailties as well as our blessings.<br />

Reading <strong>the</strong> notes , we s ense an inner cament like , "what a<br />

remarkabl e man " , and we don ' t want to f orget that because,<br />

if f or no o<strong>the</strong>r reason, his courage and determination befor e<br />

a ll that has transpired, p lace him c l early in that category.<br />

'!here is one redeeming aspect to this whole thing, and<br />

that is that <strong>the</strong> r eal truth will eventually errerge and s tand<br />

a lone. "Billy" lo1eier has his CMIl truths and we must; each<br />

s eek ours, \oo'he<strong>the</strong>r we agree with foeier o r not .<br />

And if one p i ece o r fra grrent o f infonration touches a<br />

s park of truth a t a personal level, <strong>the</strong>n this loiESSllGE book<br />

and lo1eier's contacts will have served <strong>the</strong> Pleiadians, our<br />

rea l ancestors, purpose,<br />

With this r e port we have barely s cratched <strong>the</strong> surface on<br />

<strong>the</strong> mass o f contact notes. Perhaps a t sene tiJre in <strong>the</strong><br />

fut ure, i f <strong>the</strong>re is enough inter est, will go a lit tle<br />

fur<strong>the</strong>r into 'Ihe lo1essage Fran 'Ihe <strong>Pleiades</strong> .<br />



T he next folder following this Concusions contains <strong>the</strong> original English<br />

traDSbtions of <strong>the</strong> original Contact Notes in German, which we had so much<br />

trouble getting accurate and approved by "Billy" Meier himself, who did not<br />

want any of this material published outside of his ori ginal gro up of friends.<br />

It is due to our own naive lack of experience that we foolishly took it upon<br />

ou rselves to publish what we thought to be <strong>the</strong> most important information<br />

in <strong>the</strong> world for <strong>the</strong> public at large. With hindsight we see that this may not<br />

have been <strong>the</strong> best tbing to do, but we have to live with it now.<br />

In our original production of <strong>the</strong>se notes we took it upon ou rselves to omit<br />

certain passages that could have offended certain religious sects, orcould<br />

have been.considered libelous in nature. T his has come back to haunt us a nd<br />

require explanations on our part.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> next folder of original translations of <strong>the</strong>se same notes, <strong>from</strong> which<br />

our MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADES, Vol. I, was written, you may find<br />

<strong>the</strong> few missing paragraphs tha t we left out inour version, for whatever<br />

reason, as we have now come to <strong>the</strong> conclusion that <strong>the</strong> truth will come out in<br />

<strong>the</strong> long run anyway, and those who take offense will jut have to do as <strong>the</strong>y<br />

please. Ifyou are turned off by any part of <strong>the</strong>se Contact Notes, <strong>the</strong>y are not<br />

for you anyway.<br />

O ne additional advantage of referring to this folder is <strong>the</strong> outline of major<br />

subjects covered in <strong>the</strong> fore part of <strong>the</strong>se tran slations, which may assist one<br />

in finding certain subjects of interest in this section of notes.<br />


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