Enabling Landscapes: INTERHOLCO's Sustainability Report 2017

Interholco presents its first stand-alone Sustainability Report simultaneously in Baar, Switzerland and in Vancouver, Canada, where the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) General Assembly 2017 has just been kicked off. Interholco is an active participant at this General Assembly. To find out more: https://interholco.com/images/pdfs/Enabling-Landscapes-INTERHOLCO-Sustainability-Report-2017-.pdf

Interholco presents its first stand-alone Sustainability Report simultaneously in Baar, Switzerland and in Vancouver, Canada, where the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) General Assembly 2017 has just been kicked off. Interholco is an active participant at this General Assembly.

To find out more: https://interholco.com/images/pdfs/Enabling-Landscapes-INTERHOLCO-Sustainability-Report-2017-.pdf


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Acronyms<br />

ADHUC<br />

AP<br />

ATIBT<br />

BCAC<br />

CATC<br />

CBFP<br />

CDHD<br />

CIFOR<br />

CIRAD<br />


CSC<br />

CSTC<br />

DMA<br />

EU<br />

EUR<br />

EUTR<br />

FAO<br />

FLEGT<br />

FPIC<br />

FSC<br />

GHG<br />

GRI<br />

ha<br />

HCV<br />

IFO<br />

IHC<br />

Association pour les Droits de l'Homme et l'Universe Carcenal (based in the Republic of Congo)<br />

African Parks<br />

https://www.african-parks.org/<br />

Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux<br />

https://www.atibt.org/en/<br />

Business Coalition Against Corruption<br />

http://www.bcac-cm.org/<br />

Confédération Africaine des Travailleurs Croyants (based in Cameroon)<br />

Congo Basin Forest Partnership<br />

http://pfbc-cbfp.org/partnership.html<br />

Cercle des droits de l'Homme et de développement (based in the Republic of Congo)<br />

Center for International Forestry Research<br />

http://www.cifor.org/<br />

French agricultural research and international cooperation organization<br />

http://www.cirad.fr/en<br />

Confédération des Syndicats Libre et Autonome du Congo (based in the Republic of Congo)<br />

Confédération Syndicale Congolaise (based in the Republic of Congo)<br />

Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Congo (based in the Republic of Congo)<br />

Disclosures on Management Approach<br />

European Union<br />

Euro, the currency of the members of the European Union<br />

European Union Timber Regulation<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eutr2013/index_en.htm<br />

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations<br />

http://www.fao.org/<br />

Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan of the European Union<br />

Free, Prior and Informed Consent<br />

Forest Stewardship Council<br />

https://ic.fsc.org/en<br />

Greenhouse Gas<br />

Global <strong>Report</strong>ing Initiative<br />

https://www.globalreporting.org/<br />

hectare<br />

High Conservation Value<br />

Industrie Forestière de Ouesso<br />

Interholco<br />

http://interholco.com/<br />


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