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Colegio De Estudios Cientificos Y Tecnjologicos Del Estado De Mexico<br />

Ingles<br />

Integrantes<br />

Victor Alexis Garcia Alanis<br />

Jose Jonathan Rivera Luna

what is science and technology<br />

Social studies on science and technology encompass a transdisciplinary field of<br />

studies on the cultural, ethical and political effects of scientific knowledge and<br />

technological innovation.1 They place emphasis on the interpretation of the<br />

utilities, appropriations and impacts in the daily life of the people, with the aim of<br />

breaking the old barriers of scientific-technical research.<br />

Traditionally, until the 19th century, science and technology were judged as a<br />

black box and, therefore, studied independently of social, political and cultural<br />

factors, which would act as distorters of scientific-technical knowledge. The<br />

studies on science, technology and society reconcile the formal knowledge of<br />

science and technology with their human dimension, considering them as a<br />

seamless fabric.<br />

In the Spanish-speaking regions, this type of concerns and reflections have<br />

come with the common name of studies of / on Science, Technology, and<br />

Society (abbreviated CTS), which in the English-speaking regions is known as<br />

Science and Technology Studies (Science and Technology Studies) or Science,<br />

Technology and Society (Science and Technology), both with the acronym STS.<br />

In the Spanish-speaking regions, the multidisciplinarity in CTS includes from the<br />

beginning the fields of sociology, philosophy, history and anthropology, as well<br />

as incorporating from its origins the movements in defense of human rights, the<br />

feminist movement, the environmentalist and pacifist currents and the first<br />

groups of LGTBQ emerged especially after the war in Vietnam

English<br />

The English language (English [ɪŋɡlɪʃ] or English<br />

language) is a western Germanic language that<br />

emerged in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of<br />

England and extended as far north as what would<br />

become southeastern Scotland, under the<br />

influence of the Kingdom of Northumbria.<br />

To be a scientist, it is essential to speak English,<br />

or at least to read and write it. This is because<br />

98% of the scientific results published today are<br />

done in English, regardless of the country in<br />

which the research is produced.<br />

At present, the advances of humanity in aspects<br />

such as science, communication, technology and<br />

the commercialization of products; they require<br />

the training of a man with the use of two or more<br />

languages, English being the most important<br />

because it is the universal language par<br />

excellence<br />

NEED, no help, no supplement. Today to be<br />

successful in professional life and make our lives<br />

easier, it is important to start studying or<br />

improving our level of English Language. Simply<br />

because English is the universal language spoken,<br />

read and written in many parts of the world.

The Importance of English in Science and TechnologyThe<br />

for various scientific fields be in<br />

direct relationship with the functions that the<br />

language meets in the communication environment<br />

scientist in question. Sometimes,<br />

as a consequence of the development<br />

of a discipline in a given country can<br />

happen that any language is linked<br />

to her . In other cases, it happens that<br />

uses a language like English, because<br />

international literature makes preference use)<br />

of this language. In the case of<br />

thematic of environment, both reasons<br />

converge to convert to the language<br />

English in determinant: most of<br />

the existing literature is produced in<br />

English-speaking countries, and sources of information<br />

Most important ones use<br />

that language to spread knowledge.<br />

Also, it is worth recognizing the contribution<br />

that this language after its use in the<br />

countries that make up the third world, has<br />

propitiate to the approach of their towns,<br />

as well as in terms of exchange,<br />

collaboration and in many other<br />

that take place between them.<br />

Some peculiarities of the language<br />

English should be taken into consideration by<br />

the scholars of the ecology and the environment<br />

ambient .<br />

For Spanish speakers it's really<br />

Difficult to express many of these concepts<br />

and sometimes it's not usual to find<br />

the word that expresses a certain<br />

.<br />

In some cases, the terms are<br />

Spanish and they are cognate as they are biodiversity<br />

for biodiversity and ecosystem<br />

for ecosystem.<br />

In other cases, the term in English<br />

It differs totally from Spanish as it is<br />

case of rain forest, co-housing and agroforestry,<br />

just to mention the


Las ciencias formales son aquellas que se valen de contenidos que no son<br />

concretos, y por lo tanto que no son tangibles: sus análisis refieren a<br />

estructuras ideales, y por lo tanto están más allá de toda posibilidad de<br />

intervención. Así, sus conclusiones son válidas y lo serán siempre, pues están<br />

demostradas por otras proposiciones que también han sido demostradas.<br />

Las ciencias naturales son las que se ocupan de analizar el mundo y lo que en<br />

él habita desde un punto de vista físico: las conclusiones a las que llega son<br />

derivadas de un método objetivo, pero muchas veces tienen que ver con los<br />

instrumentos de experimentación o con el contexto, pudiendo en épocas<br />

posteriores refutarse algunas de las aparentes verdades.<br />

Las ciencias sociales, por último, son las disciplinas que estudian la actividad<br />

humana en la tierra, en particular la cultura y las relaciones sociales. Son las<br />

más jóvenes y por las características propias del ser humano como sujeto<br />

social, no pretenden alcanzar resultados objetivos ni proponer conclusiones<br />

falsables objetivamente


https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estudios_de_ciencia,_tecnolog%C3%ADa_y_socie<br />

dad<br />

https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idioma_ingl%C3%A9s<br />

http://omicrono.elespanol.com/2013/11/por-que-el-ingles-es-el-lenguajeinternacional-de-la-ciencia/<br />

https://www.google.com.mx/search?ei=aQUwWsbhF9aojwSh7bDQDQ&q=para<br />

+que+sirve+el+ingles&oq=para+que+sirve+el+ingles&gs_l=psyab.3...20633.32980.0.33138.<br />

http://revista.cnic.edu.cu/revistaCB/sites/default/files/articulos/CB-2000-2-142-<br />

142.pdf<br />


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