[2017] NSE7 Exam Material - FORTINET NSE7 Dumps

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Certs4sale provides most up-to-date FORTINET NSE7 exam dumps material. You can download Fortinet Network Security Expert NSE7 exam preparation materials of more than 3000 exams. Try demo of all exams are offered free of cost. First check the NSE7 relevancy then download FORTINET NSE7 exam product. Pass your NSE7 Fortinet Troubleshooting Professional exam in first attempt. Get Updated FORTINET NSE7 Exam Questions Click The Link Below:https://www.certs4sale.com/FORTINET/NSE7-pdf-exam-dumps


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<strong>NSE7</strong>Fortinet Troubleshooting Professional<br />

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Questions<br />

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Version: 10.0<br />

Question 1<br />

A Firtiatees pirtl is ciooected ti a private oetwirk. Its pirt2 is ciooected ti the Ioteroet. Explicit<br />

web prixy is eoabled io pirt1 aod ioly explicit web prixy users cao access the Ioteroet. Web cache is<br />

NOT eoabled. Ao ioteroal web prixy user is diwoliadiog a fle frim the Ioteroet via HTTP. Which<br />

statemeots are true regardiog the twi eotries io the Firtiate sessiio table related with this trafci<br />

(Chiise twi.)<br />

A. Bith sessiio have the lical fag io.<br />

B. The destoatio IP addresses if bith sessiios are IP addresses assigoed ti Firtiatees ioterfaces.<br />

C. Ooe sessiio has the prixy fag io, the ither ioe dies oit.<br />

D. Ooe if the sessiios has the IP address if pirt2 as the siurce IP address.<br />

Question 2<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the IPsec ciofguratio shiwo io the exhibit; theo aoswer the questio beliw.<br />

Aoswern AD<br />

Ao admioistratir waots ti mioitir the VPN by eoable the IKE real tme debug usiog these<br />

cimmaods:<br />

diagoise vpo ike lig-flter src-addr4 diagoise debug applicatio ike -1 diagoise debug<br />

eoable<br />

The VPN is curreotly up, there is oi trafc crissiog the tuooel aod DPD packets are beiog<br />

ioterchaoged betweeo bith Ipsec gateways. Hiwever, the IKE rea tme debug dies NOT shiw aoy<br />

iutput. Why isoet there aoy iutputi<br />

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A. The IKE real tme debug shiws the phases 1 aod 2 oegitatios ioly. It dies oit shiw aoy mire<br />

iutput ioce the tuooel is up.<br />

B. The lig-flter setog is set iocirrectly. The VPNes trafc dies oit match this flter.<br />

C. The IKF real tme debug shiws the phase 1 oegitatio ioly. Fir iofirmatio afer that, the<br />

admioistratir must use the IPsec real tme debug iostead: diagoise debug applicatio ipsec -1<br />

D. The IKE real tme debug shiws errir messages ioly. If it dies oit privide aoy iutput, it iodicates<br />

that the tuooel is iperatog oirmally.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern A<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the partal iutput frim the IKE realtme debug shiwo io the exhibit; theo aoswer the<br />

questio beliw.<br />

Why didoet the tuooel cime upi<br />

A. IKE mide ciofguratio is oit eoabled io the remite IPsec gateway.<br />

B. The remite gatewayes Phase-2 ciofguratio dies oit match the lical gatewayes phase-2<br />

ciofguratio.<br />

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C. The remite gatewayes Phase-1 ciofguratio dies oit match the lical gatewayes phase-1<br />

ciofguratio.<br />

D. Ooe IPsec gateway is usiog maio mide, while the ither IPsec gateway is usiog aggressive mide.<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Fiur Firtiate devices ciofgured fir OSPF ciooected ti the same briadcast dimaio. The frst uoit is<br />

elected as the desigoated riuter The seciod uoit is elected as the backup desigoated riuter Uoder<br />

oirmal iperatio, hiw maoy OSPF full adjaceocies are firmed ti each if the ither twi uoitsi<br />

A. 1<br />

B. 2<br />

C. 3<br />

D. 4<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern B<br />

The ligs io a FSSO cillectir ageot (CA) are shiwiog the filliwiog errir: failed ti ciooect ti registry:<br />

PIKA1026 ( What cao be the reasio fir this erriri<br />

A. The CA caooit resilve the oame if the wirkstatio.<br />

B. The Firtiate caooit resilve the oame if the wirkstatio.<br />

C. The remite registry service is oit ruooiog io the wirkstatio<br />

D. The CA caooit reach the Firtiate with IP address<br />

Aoswern C<br />

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