Advanced Trauma Life Support ATLS Student Course Manual 2018


403 BIOMECHANICS OF INJURY improved protection for the head, neck, and chest. By staying inflated longer, they protect vehicle occupants in impacts with secondary impact and in rollovers. Currently, maximum protection is provided only with the simultaneous use of both seat belts and air bags. When worn correctly, safety belts can reduce injuries. When worn incorrectly—for example, above the anterior/superior iliac spines—the forward motion of the posterior abdominal wall and vertebral column traps the pancreas, liver, spleen, small bowel, duodenum, and kidney against the belt in front. Burst injuries and lacerations of these organs can occur. As shown in n FIGURE 1, hyperflexion over an incorrectly applied belt can produce anterior compression fractures of the lumbar spine and flexion-distraction injuries through a vertebra (Chance fractures). Proper use and positioning of the 3-point restraint system and appropriate occupant position will minimize the risk of injury in a collision. Pedestrian Injury It is estimated that nearly 90% of all pedestrian–auto collisions occur at speeds of less than 30 mph (48 kph). Children constitute an exceptionally high percentage of those injured by collision with a vehicle, since they often “dart” into the street midblock and are hit by a vehicle at higher speed. Thoracic, head, and lowerextremity injuries (in that order) account for most of the injuries sustained by pedestrians. The injuries sustained by a pedestrian involve three impact phases: impact with the vehicle bumper, impact with the vehicle hood and windshield as the pedestrian rotates around the vehicle’s leading edge, and a final impact with the ground. Lowerextremity injury occurs when the vehicle bumper is impacted; the head and torso are injured by impact with the hood and windshield; and the head, spine, and extremities are injured by impact with the ground. Injury to Cyclists Cyclists and/or their passengers also can sustain compression, acceleration/deceleration, and shearing injuries. Cyclists are not protected by the vehicle’s structure or restraining devices in the way occupants of an automobile are. Cyclists are protected only by clothing and safety devices such as helmets, boots, and protective clothing. Only the helmet has the ability to redistribute the energy transmission and reduce its intensity, and even this capability is limited. Obviously, the less protection the cyclist wears, the greater the risk for injury. Concerns that the use of bicycle and motorcycle helmets increases the risk of injury below the head, especially cervical spine injury, have not been substantiated. Motorcyclists who are thrown forward often rotate and land on their upper thoracic spine, fracturing multiple thoracic vertebra. These patients commonly complain of pain between the shoulder blades or have a widened paravertebral strip on initial chest x-ray. Use caution before sitting them up. Pelvic and long-bone fractures are also common. Falls n FIGURE 1 Safety Restraints. When worn correctly, safety belts can reduce injuries. When worn incorrectly, as shown here, burst injuries and organ lacerations can occur. Hyperflexion over an incorrectly applied belt can produce anterior compression fractures of the lumbar spine. Similar to motor vehicle crashes, falls produce injury by means of a relatively abrupt change in velocity (deceleration). The extent of injury in a fall is related to the ability of the stationary surface to arrest the forward motion of the body, the surface area on impact, and tissue and bone strength. At impact, differential motion of tissues within the body causes tissue disruption. Decreasing the rate of the deceleration and enlarging the surface area to which the energy is dissipated increase the tolerance to deceleration by promoting more uniform motion of the tissues. Characteristics of the contact surface that arrests the fall are also important. Concrete, asphalt, and other hard surfaces increase the rate of deceleration and thus are associated with more severe injuries. Another factor to consider in determining the extent of injury after a fall is the position of the body relative to the impact surface. Consider these examples: n BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

404 BIOMECHANICS OF INJURY •• A male falls 15 feet (4.5 m) from the roof of a house, landing on his feet. •• A male falls 15 feet (4.5 m) from the roof of a house, landing on his back. •• A male falls 15 feet (4.5 m) from the roof of a house, landing on the back of his head with his neck in 15 degrees of flexion. In the first example, the entire energy transfer occurs over a surface area equivalent to the area of the male’s feet; energy is transmitted through the axial skeleton from the lower extremity to the pelvis and then the spine. The soft tissue and visceral organs decelerate at a slower rate than the skeleton. In addition, the spine is more likely to flex than to extend because of the ventral position of the abdominal viscera. In the second example, the force is distributed over a much larger surface area. Although tissue damage may indeed occur, it is less severe. In the final example, the entire energy transfer is directed over a small area and focused on a point in the cervical spine where the apex of the angle of flexion occurs. It is easy to see how the injuries differ in each of these examples, even though the mechanism and total energy is identical. Among the elderly population, osteopenia and overall fragility are important factors in determining the severity of injury even with “low impact” falls. Blast Injury Explosions result from the extremely rapid chemical transformation of relatively small volumes of solid, semisolid, liquid, and gaseous materials into gaseous products that rapidly expand to occupy a greater volume than that occupied by the undetonated explosive. If unimpeded, these rapidly expanding gaseous products assume the shape of a sphere. Inside this sphere, the pressure greatly exceeds atmospheric pressure. The outward expansion of this sphere produces a thin, sharply defined shell of compressed gas that acts as a pressure wave at the periphery of the sphere. The pressure decreases rapidly, in proportion to the third power of the distance, as this pressure wave travels away from the site of detonation. Energy transfer occurs as the pressure wave induces oscillation in the media it travels through. The positive-pressure phase of the oscillation may reach several atmospheres in magnitude (overpressure), but it is of extremely short duration, whereas the negative-pressure phase that follows is of longer duration. This latter phase accounts for the phenomenon of buildings falling inward. Blast injuries may be classified into primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. Primary blast injuries result from the direct effects of the pressure wave and are most injurious to gas-containing organs. The tympanic membrane is the most vulnerable to the effects of primary blast and can rupture if pressures exceed 2 atmospheres. Lung tissue can develop evidence of contusion, edema, and rupture, which may result in pneumothorax caused by primary blast injury. Rupture of the alveoli and pulmonary veins produces the potential for air embolism and sudden death. Intraocular hemorrhage and retinal detachments are common ocular manifestations of primary blast injury. Intestinal rupture also may occur. Secondary blast injuries result from flying objects striking an individual. Tertiary blast injuries occur when an individual becomes a missile and is thrown against a solid object or the ground. Secondary and tertiary blast injuries can cause trauma typical of penetrating and blunt mechanisms, respectively. Quaternary blast injuries include burn injury, crush injury, respiratory problems from inhaling dust, smoke, or toxic fumes, and exacerbations or complications of existing conditions such as angina, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. Penetrating Trauma Penetrating trauma refers to injury produced by foreign objects that penetrate tissue. Weapons are usually classified based on the amount of energy produced by the projectiles they launch: •• Low energy—knife or hand-energized missiles •• Medium energy—handguns •• High energy—military or hunting rifles The velocity of a missile is the most significant determinant of its wounding potential. The importance of velocity is demonstrated by the formula relating mass and velocity to kinetic energy: Velocity Kinetic Energy = mass × (V 2 − V 1 22 ) 2 where V1 is impact velocity and V2 is exit or remaining velocity. The wounding capability of a bullet increases markedly above the critical velocity of 2000 ft/sec (600 m/ sec). At this speed a temporary cavity is created by tissue being compressed at the periphery of impact, n BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

404<br />


••<br />

A male falls 15 feet (4.5 m) from the roof of a<br />

house, landing on his feet.<br />

••<br />

A male falls 15 feet (4.5 m) from the roof of a<br />

house, landing on his back.<br />

••<br />

A male falls 15 feet (4.5 m) from the roof of a<br />

house, landing on the back of his head with his<br />

neck in 15 degrees of flexion.<br />

In the first example, the entire energy transfer occurs<br />

over a surface area equivalent to the area of the male’s<br />

feet; energy is transmitted through the axial skeleton<br />

from the lower extremity to the pelvis and then the<br />

spine. The soft tissue and visceral organs decelerate<br />

at a slower rate than the skeleton. In addition, the<br />

spine is more likely to flex than to extend because<br />

of the ventral position of the abdominal viscera. In<br />

the second example, the force is distributed over a<br />

much larger surface area. Although tissue damage may<br />

indeed occur, it is less severe. In the final example, the<br />

entire energy transfer is directed over a small area and<br />

focused on a point in the cervical spine where the apex<br />

of the angle of flexion occurs. It is easy to see how the<br />

injuries differ in each of these examples, even though<br />

the mechanism and total energy is identical.<br />

Among the elderly population, osteopenia and<br />

overall fragility are important factors in determining<br />

the severity of injury even with “low impact” falls.<br />

Blast Injury<br />

Explosions result from the extremely rapid chemical<br />

transformation of relatively small volumes of solid,<br />

semisolid, liquid, and gaseous materials into gaseous<br />

products that rapidly expand to occupy a greater volume<br />

than that occupied by the undetonated explosive. If<br />

unimpeded, these rapidly expanding gaseous products<br />

assume the shape of a sphere. Inside this sphere, the<br />

pressure greatly exceeds atmospheric pressure.<br />

The outward expansion of this sphere produces a<br />

thin, sharply defined shell of compressed gas that acts<br />

as a pressure wave at the periphery of the sphere. The<br />

pressure decreases rapidly, in proportion to the third<br />

power of the distance, as this pressure wave travels<br />

away from the site of detonation. Energy transfer<br />

occurs as the pressure wave induces oscillation in the<br />

media it travels through. The positive-pressure phase<br />

of the oscillation may reach several atmospheres in<br />

magnitude (overpressure), but it is of extremely short<br />

duration, whereas the negative-pressure phase that<br />

follows is of longer duration. This latter phase accounts<br />

for the phenomenon of buildings falling inward.<br />

Blast injuries may be classified into primary,<br />

secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. Primary blast<br />

injuries result from the direct effects of the pressure<br />

wave and are most injurious to gas-containing organs.<br />

The tympanic membrane is the most vulnerable to the<br />

effects of primary blast and can rupture if pressures<br />

exceed 2 atmospheres. Lung tissue can develop<br />

evidence of contusion, edema, and rupture, which<br />

may result in pneumothorax caused by primary blast<br />

injury. Rupture of the alveoli and pulmonary veins<br />

produces the potential for air embolism and sudden<br />

death. Intraocular hemorrhage and retinal detachments<br />

are common ocular manifestations of primary blast<br />

injury. Intestinal rupture also may occur. Secondary<br />

blast injuries result from flying objects striking an<br />

individual. Tertiary blast injuries occur when an<br />

individual becomes a missile and is thrown against<br />

a solid object or the ground. Secondary and tertiary<br />

blast injuries can cause trauma typical of penetrating<br />

and blunt mechanisms, respectively. Quaternary blast<br />

injuries include burn injury, crush injury, respiratory<br />

problems from inhaling dust, smoke, or toxic fumes, and<br />

exacerbations or complications of existing conditions<br />

such as angina, hypertension, and hyperglycemia.<br />

Penetrating <strong>Trauma</strong><br />

Penetrating trauma refers to injury produced by foreign<br />

objects that penetrate tissue. Weapons are usually<br />

classified based on the amount of energy produced by<br />

the projectiles they launch:<br />

••<br />

Low energy—knife or hand-energized missiles<br />

••<br />

Medium energy—handguns<br />

••<br />

High energy—military or hunting rifles<br />

The velocity of a missile is the most significant<br />

determinant of its wounding potential. The importance<br />

of velocity is demonstrated by the formula relating<br />

mass and velocity to kinetic energy:<br />

Velocity<br />

Kinetic Energy = mass × (V 2<br />

− V<br />

1 22<br />

)<br />

2<br />

where V1 is impact velocity and V2<br />

is exit or remaining velocity.<br />

The wounding capability of a bullet increases markedly<br />

above the critical velocity of 2000 ft/sec (600 m/<br />

sec). At this speed a temporary cavity is created by<br />

tissue being compressed at the periphery of impact,<br />


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