Advanced Trauma Life Support ATLS Student Course Manual 2018

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346<br />

APPENDIX G n Skills<br />

STEP 1.<br />

D—Details (name, demographics, type of<br />

film, date, and time)<br />

STEP 2. R—RIPE (assess image quality)<br />

••<br />

Rotation<br />

••<br />

Inspiration—5–6 ribs anterior in midclavicular<br />

line or 8–10 ribs above diaphragm,<br />

poor inspiration, or hyperexpanded<br />

••<br />

Picture (are entire lung fields seen?)<br />

••<br />

Exposure penetration<br />

STEP 3. S—Soft tissues and bones. Look for<br />

subcutaneous air and assess for fractures<br />

of the clavicles, scapulae, ribs (1st and 2nd<br />

rib fractures may signal aortic injury),<br />

and sternum.<br />

STEP 4. A—Airway and mediastinum . Look for signs<br />

of aortic rupture: widened mediastinum,<br />

obliteration of the aortic knob, deviation of<br />

the trachea to the right, pleural cap, elevation<br />

and right shift of the right mainstem<br />

bronchus, loss of the aortopulmonary<br />

window, depression of the left mainstem<br />

bronchus, and deviation of the esophagus to<br />

the right. Look for air in the mediastinum.<br />

STEP 5. B—Breathing, lung fields, pneumothoraces,<br />

consolidation (pulmonary contusion),<br />

cavitary lesions<br />

STEP 6. C—Circulation, heart size, position borders<br />

shape, aortic stripe<br />

STEP 7. D—Diaphragm shape, angles, gastric bubble,<br />

subdiaphragmatic air<br />

STEP 8. E—Extras: endotracheal tube, central<br />

venous pressure monitor, nasogastric tube,<br />

ECG electrodes, chest tube, pacemakers<br />

STEP 1.<br />

Needle Decompression<br />

Assess the patient’s chest and respiratory status.<br />

STEP 2. Administer high-flow oxygen and ventilate<br />

as necessary.<br />

intercostal space midclavicular line is<br />

appropriate.) For adults (especially with<br />

thicker subcutaneous tissue), use the fourth<br />

or fifth intercostal space anterior to the<br />

midaxillary line.<br />

STEP 4. Anesthetize the area if time and physiology<br />

permit.<br />

STEP 5.<br />

Insert an over-the-needle catheter 3 in. (5 cm<br />

for smaller adults; 8 cm for large adult) with<br />

a Luer-Lok 10 cc syringe attached into the<br />

skin. Direct the needle just over the rib into<br />

the intercostal space , aspirating the syringe<br />

while advancing. (Adding 3 cc of saline may<br />

aid the identification of aspirated air.)<br />

STEP 6. Puncture the pleura.<br />

STEP 7. Remove the syringe and listen for the<br />

escape of air when the needle enters the<br />

pleural space to indicate relief of the tension<br />

pneumothorax. Advance the catheter into<br />

the pleural space.<br />

STEP 8. Stabilize the catheter and prepare for chest<br />

tube insertion.<br />

STEP 1.<br />

Finger and Tube<br />

Thoracostomy<br />

STEP 2.<br />

Gather supplies, sterile drapes, and antiseptic,<br />

tube thoracostomy kit (tray) and appropriately<br />

sized chest tube ( 28-32 F). Prepare<br />

the underwater seal and collection device.<br />

Position the patient with the ipsilateral arm<br />

extended overhead and flexed at the elbow<br />

(unless precluded by other injuries). Use an<br />

assistant to maintain the arm in this position.<br />

STEP 3. Widely prep and drape the lateral chest wall,<br />

include the nipple, in the operative field.<br />

STEP 4. Identify the site for insertion of the chest<br />

tube in the 4th or 5th intercostal space.<br />

This site corresponds to the level of the<br />

nipple or inframammary fold. The insertion<br />

site should be between the anterior and<br />

midaxillary lines.<br />

STEP 3. Surgically prepare the site chosen for<br />

insertion. (For pediatric patients, the 2nd<br />

STEP 5.<br />

Inject the site liberally with local anesthesia<br />

to include the skin, subcutaneous tissue,<br />


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