Advanced Trauma Life Support ATLS Student Course Manual 2018


269 APPENDIX B n Hypothermia and Heat Injuries hypothermia who has sustained an anoxic event while still normothermic and who has no pulse or respiration, or one who has a serum potassium level greater than 10 mmol/L. Another exception is a patient who presents with an otherwise fatal wound (transcerebral gunshot wound, complete exsanguination, etc.) and hypothermia. heat injuries Illnesses related to heat are common worldwide. In the United States, on average over 600 deaths each year result from heat overexposure. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke, the most serious forms of heat injury, are common and preventable conditions. Excessive core temperature initiates a cascade of inflammatory pathologic events that leads to mild heat exhaustion and, if untreated, eventually to multi-organ failure and death. The severity of heat stroke correlates with the duration of hyperthermia. Rapid reduction of body temperature is associated with improved survival. Be sure to assess patients with hyperthermia for use of psychotropic drugs or a history of exposure to anesthetics. Types of Heat Injuries Heat exhaustion is a common disorder caused by excessive loss of body water, electrolyte depletion, or both. It represents an ill-defined spectrum of symptoms, including headache, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, malaise, and myalgia. It is distinguished from heat stroke by having intact mental function and a core temperature less than 39°C (102.2°F). Without treatment, heat exhaustion can potentially lead to heat stroke. Heat stroke is a life-threatening systemic condition that includes (1) elevated core body temperature ≥ 40°C (104°F); (2) involvement of the central nervous system in the form of dizziness, confusion, irritability, aggressiveness, apathy, disorientation, seizures, or coma; and (3) systemic inflammatory response with multiple organ failure that may include encephalopathy, rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, myocardial injury, hepatocellular injury, intestinal ischemia or infarction, and hemotologic complications such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and thrombocytopenia. n TABLE B-3 compares the physical findings of patients with heat exhaustion and heat stroke. There are two forms of heat stroke. Classic, or nonexertional heat stroke, frequently occurs during environmental heat waves and involves passive exposure to the environment. Individuals primarily affected are young children, the elderly, and the physically or mentally ill. A child left in a poorly ventilated automobile parked in the sun is a classic form of nonexertional heat stroke. Homeostatic mechanisms fail under the high ambient temperature. Exertional heat stroke usually occurs in healthy, young, and physically active people who are engaged in strenuous exercise or work in hot and humid environments. Heat stroke occurs when the core body temperature rises and the thermoregulatory system fails to respond adequately. The mortality of heat stroke varies from 10% to as high as 33% in patients with classic heat stroke. Those individuals who do survive may sustain permanent neurological damage. Patients with heat stroke will often be tachycardic and tachypnic. They may be hypotensive or normotensive with a wide pulse pressure. Core body temperature is ≥ 40°C (104°F). Skin is usually warm and dry or clammy and diaphoretic. Liver and muscle enzymes level will be elevated in table b-3 physical findings in patients with heat exhaustion and heat stroke PHYSICAL FINDINGS HEAT EXHAUSTION HEAT STROKE Symptoms Headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, malaise and myalgias Headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, malaise and myalgias, mental confusion, irritability, disorientation, seizure, coma Temperature < 39° C (102.2° F) ≥ 40° C (104° F) Systemic Signs Syncope, low blood pressure Encephalopathy, hepatocellular injury, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), acute kidney injury, tachypnea, acute respiratory distress syndrome, arrythmias n BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

270 APPENDIX B n Hypothermia and Heat Injuries virtually all cases. Dehydration, low physical fitness, lack of acclimation, sleep deprivation, and obesity increase the likelihood of developing exertional heat stroke. Pathophysiology Through multiple physiological responses that help balance heat production and dissipation, the human body is able to maintain a core body temperature of about 37°C (98.6°F) despite being exposed to a wide range of environmental conditions. Heat is both generated by metabolic processes and gained from the environment. The first response to an elevated core temperature is peripheral vasodilation, increasing loss through radiation. However, if the ambient air temperature is greater than the body temperature, hyperthermia is exacerbated. Sweating is required to dissipate heat when the ambient temperature exceeds 37°C (98.6°F). Ambient temperature and relative humidity can affect the efficiency of heat dissipation. The average person can produce 1.5 L of sweat per hour, increasing to 2.5 L in well-trained athletes. Cutaneous vasodilatation may increase peripheral blood flow from 5% to up to 20% of total cardiac output. The efferent information sent to the temperaturesensitive neurons in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus results in a thermoregulatory response. This response includes not only autonomic changes, such as an increase in skin blood flow and sweating, but also behavioral changes such as removing clothing or moving to a cooler area. Proper thermoregulation depends on adequate hydration. The normal cardiovascular adaptation to severe heat stress is to increase cardiac output up to 20 L/min. This response can be impaired by salt and water depletion, cardiovascular disease, or medication that interferes with cardiac function (like beta blockers), resulting in increased susceptibility to heat stroke. When the normal physiological response fails to dissipate heat, the core body temperature increases steadily until it reaches 41°C to 42°C (105.8°F to 107.6°F), or critical maximum temperature. At the cellular level, exposure to excessive heat can lead to denaturation of proteins, phospholipids, and lipoprotein, and liquefaction of membrane lipids. This results in cardiovascular collapse, multi-organ failure, and ultimately death. A coordinated inflammatory reaction to heat stress involves endothelial cells, leukocytes, and epithelial cells in an attempt to protect against tissue injury and promote healing. A variety of cytokines are produced in response to endogenous or environmental heat. Cytokines mediate fever and leukocytosis, and they increase synthesis of acute phase proteins. Endothelial cell injury and diffuse microvascular thrombosis are prominent features of heat stroke, leading to DIC. Fibrinolysis is also highly activated. Normalization of the core body temperature inhibits fibrinolysis, but not the activation of coagulation. This pattern resembles that seen in sepsis. Heat stroke and its progression to multi-organ dysfunction are due to a complex interplay among the acute physiological alterations associated with hyperthermia (e.g., circulatory failure, hypoxia, and increased metabolic demand), the direct cytotoxicity of heat, and the inflammatory and coagulation responses of the host. Management In treating heat injuries, pay special attention to airway protection, adequate ventilation, and fluid resuscitation because pulmonary aspiration and hypoxia are important causes of death. Initially, administer 100% oxygen; after cooling, use arterial blood gas results to guide further oxygen delivery. Patients with an altered level of consciousness, significant hypercapnia, or persistent hypoxia should be intubated and mechanically ventilated. Obtain arterial blood gas, electrolytes, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen levels as early as possible. Renal failure and rhabdomyolysis are frequently seen in patients with heat stroke. Have a chest x-ray performed. Use standard methods to treat hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, and acidosis. Hypokalemia may become apparent and necessitate potassium replacement, particularly as acidemia is corrected. Seizures may be treated with benzodiazepines. Prompt correction of hyperthermia by immediate cooling and support of organ-system function are the two main therapeutic objectives in patients with heat stroke. Rapid cooling improves survival. The goal is to decrease body temperature to < 39°C within 30 minutes. Start cooling measures as soon as practical at the scene and continue en route to the emergency department. Water spray and airflow over the patient is ideal in the prehospital setting. Alternatively, apply ice packs to areas of high blood flow (e.g., groin, neck, axilla). Although experts generally agree on the need for rapid and effective cooling of hyperthermic patients with heat stroke, there is debate about the best method to achieve it. The cooling method based on conduction—namely, immersion in iced water started within minutes of the onset of exertional heat stroke—is fast, safe and effective in young, healthy, and well-trained military n BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

270<br />

APPENDIX B n Hypothermia and Heat Injuries<br />

virtually all cases. Dehydration, low physical fitness,<br />

lack of acclimation, sleep deprivation, and obesity<br />

increase the likelihood of developing exertional<br />

heat stroke.<br />

Pathophysiology<br />

Through multiple physiological responses that help<br />

balance heat production and dissipation, the human<br />

body is able to maintain a core body temperature of<br />

about 37°C (98.6°F) despite being exposed to a wide<br />

range of environmental conditions. Heat is both<br />

generated by metabolic processes and gained from<br />

the environment.<br />

The first response to an elevated core temperature<br />

is peripheral vasodilation, increasing loss through<br />

radiation. However, if the ambient air temperature<br />

is greater than the body temperature, hyperthermia<br />

is exacerbated. Sweating is required to dissipate heat<br />

when the ambient temperature exceeds 37°C (98.6°F).<br />

Ambient temperature and relative humidity can affect<br />

the efficiency of heat dissipation. The average person<br />

can produce 1.5 L of sweat per hour, increasing to 2.5<br />

L in well-trained athletes. Cutaneous vasodilatation<br />

may increase peripheral blood flow from 5% to up to<br />

20% of total cardiac output.<br />

The efferent information sent to the temperaturesensitive<br />

neurons in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus<br />

results in a thermoregulatory response. This response<br />

includes not only autonomic changes, such as an<br />

increase in skin blood flow and sweating, but also<br />

behavioral changes such as removing clothing or<br />

moving to a cooler area. Proper thermoregulation<br />

depends on adequate hydration. The normal<br />

cardiovascular adaptation to severe heat stress is<br />

to increase cardiac output up to 20 L/min. This<br />

response can be impaired by salt and water depletion,<br />

cardiovascular disease, or medication that interferes<br />

with cardiac function (like beta blockers), resulting<br />

in increased susceptibility to heat stroke. When the<br />

normal physiological response fails to dissipate heat,<br />

the core body temperature increases steadily until it<br />

reaches 41°C to 42°C (105.8°F to 107.6°F), or critical<br />

maximum temperature.<br />

At the cellular level, exposure to excessive heat can<br />

lead to denaturation of proteins, phospholipids, and<br />

lipoprotein, and liquefaction of membrane lipids. This<br />

results in cardiovascular collapse, multi-organ failure,<br />

and ultimately death. A coordinated inflammatory<br />

reaction to heat stress involves endothelial cells,<br />

leukocytes, and epithelial cells in an attempt to<br />

protect against tissue injury and promote healing.<br />

A variety of cytokines are produced in response to<br />

endogenous or environmental heat. Cytokines mediate<br />

fever and leukocytosis, and they increase synthesis<br />

of acute phase proteins. Endothelial cell injury and<br />

diffuse microvascular thrombosis are prominent<br />

features of heat stroke, leading to DIC. Fibrinolysis<br />

is also highly activated. Normalization of the core<br />

body temperature inhibits fibrinolysis, but not the<br />

activation of coagulation. This pattern resembles that<br />

seen in sepsis.<br />

Heat stroke and its progression to multi-organ<br />

dysfunction are due to a complex interplay among<br />

the acute physiological alterations associated with<br />

hyperthermia (e.g., circulatory failure, hypoxia, and<br />

increased metabolic demand), the direct cytotoxicity of<br />

heat, and the inflammatory and coagulation responses<br />

of the host.<br />

Management<br />

In treating heat injuries, pay special attention to<br />

airway protection, adequate ventilation, and fluid<br />

resuscitation because pulmonary aspiration and<br />

hypoxia are important causes of death. Initially,<br />

administer 100% oxygen; after cooling, use arterial<br />

blood gas results to guide further oxygen delivery.<br />

Patients with an altered level of consciousness,<br />

significant hypercapnia, or persistent hypoxia should<br />

be intubated and mechanically ventilated. Obtain<br />

arterial blood gas, electrolytes, creatinine, and blood<br />

urea nitrogen levels as early as possible. Renal failure<br />

and rhabdomyolysis are frequently seen in patients<br />

with heat stroke. Have a chest x-ray performed. Use<br />

standard methods to treat hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia,<br />

and acidosis. Hypokalemia may become apparent<br />

and necessitate potassium replacement, particularly<br />

as acidemia is corrected. Seizures may be treated<br />

with benzodiazepines.<br />

Prompt correction of hyperthermia by immediate<br />

cooling and support of organ-system function are<br />

the two main therapeutic objectives in patients with<br />

heat stroke.<br />

Rapid cooling improves survival. The goal is to<br />

decrease body temperature to < 39°C within 30 minutes.<br />

Start cooling measures as soon as practical at the scene<br />

and continue en route to the emergency department.<br />

Water spray and airflow over the patient is ideal in<br />

the prehospital setting. Alternatively, apply ice packs<br />

to areas of high blood flow (e.g., groin, neck, axilla).<br />

Although experts generally agree on the need for rapid<br />

and effective cooling of hyperthermic patients with heat<br />

stroke, there is debate about the best method to achieve<br />

it. The cooling method based on conduction—namely,<br />

immersion in iced water started within minutes of<br />

the onset of exertional heat stroke—is fast, safe and<br />

effective in young, healthy, and well-trained military<br />


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