Advanced Trauma Life Support ATLS Student Course Manual 2018


PRIMARY SURVEY AND RESUSCITATION OF PATIENTS WITH BURNS 171 edema and pose a greater risk for airway compromise. Because their airways are smaller, children with burn injuries are at higher risk for airway problems than their adult counterparts. A history of confinement in a burning environment or early signs of airway injury on arrival in the emergency department (ED) warrants evaluation of the patient’s airway and definitive management. Pharyngeal thermal injuries can produce marked upper airway edema, and early protection of the airway is critical. The clinical manifestations of inhalation injury may be subtle and frequently do not appear in the first 24 hours. If the provider waits for x-ray evidence of pulmonary injury or changes in blood gas determinations, airway edema can preclude intubation, and a surgical airway may be required. When in doubt, examine the patient’s oropharynx for signs of inflammation, mucosal injury, soot in the pharynx, and edema, taking care not to injure the area further. Although the larynx protects the subglottic airway from direct thermal injury, the airway is extremely susceptible to obstruction resulting from exposure to heat. American Burn Life Support (ABLS) indications for early intubation include: •• Signs of airway obstruction (hoarseness, stridor, accessory respiratory muscle use, sternal retraction) •• Extent of the burn (total body surface area burn > 40%–50%) •• Extensive and deep facial burns •• Burns inside the mouth •• Significant edema or risk for edema •• Difficulty swallowing •• Signs of respiratory compromise: inability to clear secretions, respiratory fatigue, poor oxygenation or ventilation •• Decreased level of consciousness where airway protective reflexes are impaired •• Anticipated patient transfer of large burn with airway issue without qualified personnel to intubate en route A carboxyhemoglobin level greater than 10% in a patient who was involved in a fire also suggests inhalation injury. Transfer to a burn center is indicated for patients suspected of experiencing inhalation injury; however, if the transport time is prolonged, intubate the patient before transport. Stridor may occur late and indicates the need for immediate endotracheal intubation. Circumferential burns of the neck can lead to swelling of the tissues around the airway; therefore, early intubation is also indicated for fullthickness circumferential neck burns. Pitfall Airway obstruction in a patient with burn injury may not be present immediately. Ensure Adequate Ventilation Direct thermal injury to the lower airway is very rare and essentially occurs only after exposure to superheated steam or ignition of inhaled flammable gases. Breathing concerns arise from three general causes: hypoxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, and smoke inhalation injury. Hypoxia may be related to inhalation injury, poor compliance due to circumferential chest burns, or thoracic trauma unrelated to the thermal injury. In these situations, administer supplemental oxygen with or without intubation. Always assume carbon monoxide (CO) exposure in patients who were burned in enclosed areas. The diagnosis of CO poisoning is made primarily from a history of exposure and direct measurement of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO). Patients with CO levels of less than 20% usually have no physical symptoms. Higher CO levels can result in: •• headache and nausea (20%–30%) •• confusion (30%–40%) •• coma (40%–60%) •• death (>60%) prevention • Recognize smoke inhalation as a potential cause of airway obstruction from particulate and chemical injury. • Evaluate the patient for circumferential burns of the neck and chest, which can compromise the airway and gas exchange. • Patients with inhalation injury are at risk for bronchial obstruction from secretions and debris, and they may require bronchoscopy. Place an adequately sized airway—preferably a size 8 mm internal diameter (ID) endotracheal tube (minimum 7.5 mm ID in adults). n BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

172 CHAPTER 9 n Thermal Injuries Cherry-red skin color in patients with CO exposure is rare, and may only be seen in moribund patients. Due to the increased affinity of hemoglobin for CO—240 times that of oxygen—it displaces oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule and shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left. CO dissociates very slowly, and its half-life is approximately 4 hours when the patient is breathing room air. Because the half-life of HbCO can be reduced to 40 minutes by breathing 100% oxygen, any patient in whom CO exposure could have occurred should receive high-flow (100%) oxygen via a non-rebreathing mask. It is important to place an appropriately sized endotracheal tube (ETT), as placing a tube that is too small will make ventilation, clearing of secretions, and bronchoscopy difficult or impossible. Efforts should be made to use endotracheal tubes at least 7.5 mm ID or larger in an adult and size 4.5 mm ID ETT in a child. Arterial blood gas determinations should be obtained as a baseline for evaluating a patient’s pulmonary status. However, measurements of arterial PaO 2 do not reliably predict CO poisoning, because a CO partial pressure of only 1 mm Hg results in an HbCO level of 40% or greater. Therefore, baseline HbCO levels should be obtained, and 100% oxygen should be administered. If a carboxyhemoglobin level is not available and the patient has been involved in a closed-space fire, empiric treatment with 100% oxygen for 4 to 6 hours is reasonable as an effective treatment for CO poisoning and has few disadvantages. An exception is a patient with chronic obstructive lung disease, who should be monitored very closely when 100% oxygen is administered. Pulse oximetry cannot be relied on to rule out carbon monoxide poisoning, as most oximeters cannot distinguish oxyhemoglobin from carboxyhemoglobin. In a patient with CO poisoning, the oximeter may read 98% to 100% saturation and not reflect the true oxygen saturation of the patient, which must be obtained from the arterial blood gas. A discrepancy between the arterial blood gas and the oximeter may be explained by the presence of carboxyhemoglobin or an inadvertent venous sample. Cyanide inhalation from the products of combustion is possible in burns occurring in confined spaces, in which case the clinician should consult with a burn or poison control center. A sign of potential cyanide toxicity is persistent profound unexplained metabolic acidosis. There is no role for hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the primary resuscitation of a patient with critical burn injury. Once the principles of ATLS are followed to stabilize the patient, consult with the local burn center for further guidance regarding whether hyperbaric oxygen would benefit the patient. Products of combustion, including carbon particles and toxic fumes, are important causes of inhalation injury. Smoke particles settle into the distal bronchioles, leading to damage and death of the mucosal cells. Damage to the airways then leads to an increased inflammatory response, which in turn leads to an increase in capillary leakage, resulting in increased fluid requirements and an oxygen diffusion defect. Furthermore, necrotic cells tend to slough and obstruct the airways. Diminished clearance of the airway produces plugging, which results in an increased risk of pneumonia. Not only is the care of patients with inhalation injury more complex, but their mortality is doubled compared with other burn injured individuals. The American Burn Association has identified two requirements for the diagnosis of smoke inhalation injury: exposure to a combustible agent and signs of exposure to smoke in the lower airway, below the vocal cords, seen on bronchoscopy. The likelihood of smoke inhalation injury is much higher when the injury occurs within an enclosed place and in cases of prolonged exposure. As a baseline for evaluating the pulmonary status of a patient with smoke inhalation injury, clinicians should obtain a chest x-ray and arterial blood gas determination. These values may deteriorate over time; normal values on admission do not exclude inhalation injury. The treatment of smoke inhalation injury is supportive. A patient with a high likelihood of smoke inhalation injury associated with a significant burn (i.e., greater than 20% total body surface area [TBSA] in an adult, or greater than 10% TBSA in patients less than 10 or greater than 50 years of age) should be intubated. If the patient’s hemodynamic condition permits and spinal injury has been excluded, elevate the patient’s head and chest by 30 degrees to help reduce neck and chest wall edema. If a full-thickness burn of the anterior and lateral chest wall leads to severe restriction of chest wall motion, even in the absence of a circumferential burn, chest wall escharotomy may be required. Manage Circulation with Burn Shock Resuscitation Evaluation of circulating blood volume is often difficult in severely burned patients, who also may have accompanying injuries that contribute to hypovolemic shock and further complicate the clinical picture. Treat shock according to the resuscitation principles outlined in Chapter 3: Shock, with the goal of maintaining end organ perfusion. In contrast to resuscitation for other types of trauma in which fluid deficit is typically secondary to hemorrhagic losses, burn n BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS

172<br />

CHAPTER 9 n Thermal Injuries<br />

Cherry-red skin color in patients with CO exposure is<br />

rare, and may only be seen in moribund patients. Due<br />

to the increased affinity of hemoglobin for CO—240<br />

times that of oxygen—it displaces oxygen from the<br />

hemoglobin molecule and shifts the oxyhemoglobin<br />

dissociation curve to the left. CO dissociates very slowly,<br />

and its half-life is approximately 4 hours when the<br />

patient is breathing room air. Because the half-life<br />

of HbCO can be reduced to 40 minutes by breathing<br />

100% oxygen, any patient in whom CO exposure could<br />

have occurred should receive high-flow (100%) oxygen<br />

via a non-rebreathing mask.<br />

It is important to place an appropriately sized<br />

endotracheal tube (ETT), as placing a tube that is too<br />

small will make ventilation, clearing of secretions, and<br />

bronchoscopy difficult or impossible. Efforts should<br />

be made to use endotracheal tubes at least 7.5 mm ID<br />

or larger in an adult and size 4.5 mm ID ETT in a child.<br />

Arterial blood gas determinations should be obtained<br />

as a baseline for evaluating a patient’s pulmonary<br />

status. However, measurements of arterial PaO 2<br />

do not reliably predict CO poisoning, because a CO<br />

partial pressure of only 1 mm Hg results in an HbCO<br />

level of 40% or greater. Therefore, baseline HbCO<br />

levels should be obtained, and 100% oxygen should<br />

be administered. If a carboxyhemoglobin level is<br />

not available and the patient has been involved in a<br />

closed-space fire, empiric treatment with 100% oxygen<br />

for 4 to 6 hours is reasonable as an effective treatment<br />

for CO poisoning and has few disadvantages. An<br />

exception is a patient with chronic obstructive lung<br />

disease, who should be monitored very closely when<br />

100% oxygen is administered.<br />

Pulse oximetry cannot be relied on to rule out carbon<br />

monoxide poisoning, as most oximeters cannot<br />

distinguish oxyhemoglobin from carboxyhemoglobin.<br />

In a patient with CO poisoning, the oximeter<br />

may read 98% to 100% saturation and not reflect the<br />

true oxygen saturation of the patient, which must be<br />

obtained from the arterial blood gas. A discrepancy<br />

between the arterial blood gas and the oximeter may<br />

be explained by the presence of carboxyhemoglobin<br />

or an inadvertent venous sample.<br />

Cyanide inhalation from the products of combustion<br />

is possible in burns occurring in confined spaces,<br />

in which case the clinician should consult with a<br />

burn or poison control center. A sign of potential<br />

cyanide toxicity is persistent profound unexplained<br />

metabolic acidosis.<br />

There is no role for hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the<br />

primary resuscitation of a patient with critical burn<br />

injury. Once the principles of <strong>ATLS</strong> are followed to<br />

stabilize the patient, consult with the local burn center<br />

for further guidance regarding whether hyperbaric<br />

oxygen would benefit the patient.<br />

Products of combustion, including carbon particles<br />

and toxic fumes, are important causes of inhalation<br />

injury. Smoke particles settle into the distal<br />

bronchioles, leading to damage and death of the<br />

mucosal cells. Damage to the airways then leads to<br />

an increased inflammatory response, which in turn<br />

leads to an increase in capillary leakage, resulting in<br />

increased fluid requirements and an oxygen diffusion<br />

defect. Furthermore, necrotic cells tend to slough<br />

and obstruct the airways. Diminished clearance of<br />

the airway produces plugging, which results in an<br />

increased risk of pneumonia. Not only is the care of<br />

patients with inhalation injury more complex, but<br />

their mortality is doubled compared with other burn<br />

injured individuals.<br />

The American Burn Association has identified two<br />

requirements for the diagnosis of smoke inhalation<br />

injury: exposure to a combustible agent and signs<br />

of exposure to smoke in the lower airway, below the<br />

vocal cords, seen on bronchoscopy. The likelihood<br />

of smoke inhalation injury is much higher when the<br />

injury occurs within an enclosed place and in cases of<br />

prolonged exposure.<br />

As a baseline for evaluating the pulmonary status<br />

of a patient with smoke inhalation injury, clinicians<br />

should obtain a chest x-ray and arterial blood gas<br />

determination. These values may deteriorate over time;<br />

normal values on admission do not exclude inhalation<br />

injury. The treatment of smoke inhalation injury is<br />

supportive. A patient with a high likelihood of smoke<br />

inhalation injury associated with a significant burn (i.e.,<br />

greater than 20% total body surface area [TBSA] in an<br />

adult, or greater than 10% TBSA in patients less than<br />

10 or greater than 50 years of age) should be intubated.<br />

If the patient’s hemodynamic condition permits and<br />

spinal injury has been excluded, elevate the patient’s<br />

head and chest by 30 degrees to help reduce neck and<br />

chest wall edema. If a full-thickness burn of the anterior<br />

and lateral chest wall leads to severe restriction of chest<br />

wall motion, even in the absence of a circumferential<br />

burn, chest wall escharotomy may be required.<br />

Manage Circulation with Burn<br />

Shock Resuscitation<br />

Evaluation of circulating blood volume is often difficult<br />

in severely burned patients, who also may have<br />

accompanying injuries that contribute to hypovolemic<br />

shock and further complicate the clinical picture.<br />

Treat shock according to the resuscitation principles<br />

outlined in Chapter 3: Shock, with the goal of<br />

maintaining end organ perfusion. In contrast to resuscitation<br />

for other types of trauma in which fluid deficit<br />

is typically secondary to hemorrhagic losses, burn<br />


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