The Haunted Traveler Vol. 1 Issue 1

Welcome to the first issue of The Haunted Traveler; a roaming anthology seeking to collect the strange and the wild stories that we all carry. Those words hidden in the deep dark that linger around. Weasel Press is proud to have released this first collection of material and is excited to do more anthologies in the future. The Haunted Traveler is a non-profit, Horror and Science Fiction anthology that accepts a wide variety of art media such as photography, short fiction, creative non-fiction, digital artwork and more. Our anthology publishes twice a year. To find out more information about our submission process, please review our submission guidelines. Our first issue was released on March 28, 2014 and we couldn’t be more excited to feature the explosive talent that has been submitted to us. Our idea is to have an anthology roaming around parts of the world with a collection of frightening and strange stories; a mysterious anthology with a collection of ghosts.

Welcome to the first issue of The Haunted Traveler; a roaming anthology seeking to collect the strange and the wild stories that we all carry. Those words hidden in the deep dark that linger around. Weasel Press is proud to have released this first collection of material and is excited to do more anthologies in the future. The Haunted Traveler is a non-profit, Horror and Science Fiction anthology that accepts a wide variety of art media such as photography, short fiction, creative non-fiction, digital artwork and more. Our anthology publishes twice a year. To find out more information about our submission process, please review our submission guidelines. Our first issue was released on March 28, 2014 and we couldn’t be more excited to feature the explosive talent that has been submitted to us. Our idea is to have an anthology roaming around parts of the world with a collection of frightening and strange stories; a mysterious anthology with a collection of ghosts.


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the surface world; it remains permanently scorched by the<br />

blazing red sun overhead and the pale companion that occasionally<br />

makes itself comfortable in the grip of that gigantic,<br />

celestial king. One can only stare so long at the heights before<br />

the glare of glassy peaks above and red sand below result<br />

in one losing their sight forever. It is why Pofiri keeps his self<br />

to the ground, both in mind and body, for such dreams as can<br />

be inspired by the sky have no place in this world of extinct<br />

majesty. His kind live by the blade, and oftentimes they die<br />

by it, though whether the blade is wielded by a brother or<br />

the omnipresent planet is never fully certain. Indeed, one<br />

must kill to only live in this world called Hathid, and what<br />

can be taken oftentimes must be stolen.<br />

For the Drak’Krali are carnal, and it shows in the way that<br />

the male looks to his companion as he falls back to the cushion,<br />

drawing the woman down with him by a hand that commandingly<br />

presses itself to her chest. “Only a dream, Tiri,” he<br />

explains further, the roomookt dropped as he does. <strong>The</strong> links<br />

of the long chain that link to the dagger by the pommel clatter<br />

loudly in the discomforting quiet of Drak’Toor. Purring,<br />

Tiri runs her nimble fingers over Pofiri’s torso, comforting<br />

him as best as she can without resorting to more overt means<br />

of distraction. She knows Pofiri’s attitude toward mating,<br />

and that using her natural attraction as a means to get his<br />

mind off of things that don’t exist will incite his rage. <strong>The</strong><br />

habits she had learned in the slave-brothel of Balti were hard<br />

for her to break, and Pofiri was beyond admirable in his attempts<br />

to make her understand mated life in comparison to<br />

slave life.<br />

Though, by Your standards, the females of this race are hardly<br />

more than slaves even as a freewoman. <strong>The</strong> promise of a mate<br />

is only the promise of domination by the one who is stronger in<br />

body as well as mind. Indeed, this race lives on domination, but<br />

even the greatest of warriors will eventually come to a ceiling.<br />

At that point, there is nowhere to go but down, down, down…

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