The Haunted Traveler Vol. 1 Issue 1

Welcome to the first issue of The Haunted Traveler; a roaming anthology seeking to collect the strange and the wild stories that we all carry. Those words hidden in the deep dark that linger around. Weasel Press is proud to have released this first collection of material and is excited to do more anthologies in the future. The Haunted Traveler is a non-profit, Horror and Science Fiction anthology that accepts a wide variety of art media such as photography, short fiction, creative non-fiction, digital artwork and more. Our anthology publishes twice a year. To find out more information about our submission process, please review our submission guidelines. Our first issue was released on March 28, 2014 and we couldn’t be more excited to feature the explosive talent that has been submitted to us. Our idea is to have an anthology roaming around parts of the world with a collection of frightening and strange stories; a mysterious anthology with a collection of ghosts.

Welcome to the first issue of The Haunted Traveler; a roaming anthology seeking to collect the strange and the wild stories that we all carry. Those words hidden in the deep dark that linger around. Weasel Press is proud to have released this first collection of material and is excited to do more anthologies in the future. The Haunted Traveler is a non-profit, Horror and Science Fiction anthology that accepts a wide variety of art media such as photography, short fiction, creative non-fiction, digital artwork and more. Our anthology publishes twice a year. To find out more information about our submission process, please review our submission guidelines. Our first issue was released on March 28, 2014 and we couldn’t be more excited to feature the explosive talent that has been submitted to us. Our idea is to have an anthology roaming around parts of the world with a collection of frightening and strange stories; a mysterious anthology with a collection of ghosts.


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55<br />

and disappeared off his cheek. He grabbed Devlin’s foot and<br />

began shaking him awake, but his friend didn’t budge. His<br />

body seemed cold and lifeless.<br />

Jason zipped up the flap and dove into his sleeping bag,<br />

shivering. He remained dead silent; hoping whatever lurked<br />

outside the tent would pass on without notice. After a few<br />

minutes and no result, Jason decided his own paranoia was<br />

getting the best of him and he closed his eyes and nodded off<br />

once again.<br />

It didn’t take long, however, before more rustling from the<br />

brush jostled Jason awake again.<br />

“Dev, you up?” No answer. He grabbed his friend and<br />

shook him. No response. “Devlin, wake up!” Nothing. “Dev!”<br />

More rustling. “Oh my God, Devlin, stop messing around!”<br />

An army of feet were approaching. Sticks and twigs snapped<br />

all around him. “Dev!” Something brushed against the outside<br />

of the tent. A sudden gust of wind swirled and sent<br />

dried leaves and dust bouncing off the canvas. Devlin did not<br />

budge. His eyes darted back and forth beneath closed eyelids,<br />

the only sign of life.<br />

A low hum rose slightly above the footsteps outside the<br />

tent, growing in volume. Jason could barely make out solitary<br />

voices buzzing within it in a language he could not decipher.<br />

Devlin was about as mobile as a damp log.<br />

All at once a great wind swept through the camp. It whistled<br />

through the trees and brush, and then split the tent<br />

open from the top like a stale bag of potato chips. <strong>The</strong> wind<br />

raced off through the trees and the low hum, now a distinct<br />

chant, rose in intensity around him. HEYYYAA! HEYYYA!<br />

heyaHEYAheya!<br />

Halfway transparent forms danced around him in a circle<br />

beating small drums, stomping mocassined-feet into<br />

dry earth, and staring blankly behind thick war paint.<br />

HEYYYAA! HEYYYA! heyaHEYAheya! <strong>The</strong>re was a chill in<br />

the night air which bit at the cheeks and ears, but it was<br />

pure fright which held Jason frozen to the spot. HEYYYAA!

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