002 English Language

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Read passages, 1 and 11 carefully and answer the questions that follow.<br />

PASSAGE 1<br />

Political change and social transformation is the form revolutions have<br />

radically altered the course of human civilization and history. Today, the<br />

world is witnessing political and social changes arising from the desire of the<br />

people all over the globe for greater freedom and a voice in the way they are<br />

governed and a better standard living. Part of these struggles and processes<br />

have become more pronounced in the Third Worlds since the end of the East-<br />

West Cold War in the late 1980s, and in the face of the challenges being posed<br />

by the ongoing process of globalization.<br />

While political and social changes may appear to be distinct<br />

phenomena, they are analytically inseparable. Political and social changes<br />

refer to alternation or transformations in human behaviour, norms and<br />

politico-social institutions. Such changes are often a collective response to<br />

the need to change, or as a tacit recognition of a shift in the prevalent power<br />

relations in the society. Therefore, the coming to power of a new set of rulers<br />

or the establishment of new structures and processes of governance broadly<br />

typifies socio-political changes.<br />

It is important to note that change can either be positive or negative.<br />

In most cases, political and social changes are cause by certain factors or<br />

reasons. These push people to collectively organize themselves to struggle<br />

for exchange in the existing relations. Another reason is to capture political<br />

power, in the hope of making life better for the generality of the people. If<br />

politics is defined as who gets what, when and how; it then implies that<br />

political change refers to an alteration in the form of power, and the identity<br />

of the group or class which controls and wields state power.<br />

QUESTION 1: Which of the following is true according to the passage?<br />

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A. Change is inestimable.<br />

B. Change is invaluable.<br />

C. Change is inevitable.<br />

D. Change is inimitable.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Change like death is inevitable.<br />

QUESTION 2: It can be deducted from the passage that political and social<br />

changes are<br />

A. Antithetical.<br />

B. Independent.<br />

C. Repulsive.<br />

D. Intertwined.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: They are inseparable for a better living.<br />

QUESTION 3: A suitable title for this passage is<br />

A. The Struggle for political power.<br />

B. Elements of politics.<br />

C. Social Change and Political Environment.<br />

D. Reasons for Political Change.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

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QUESTION 4: The word alteration as used in the passage means<br />

A. Recognition.<br />

B. Modification.<br />

C. Complication.<br />

D. Multiplication.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Modification or improvement. It means a charge or alteration,<br />

usually to make something work better.<br />

PASSAGE 2<br />

Like all reptiles, snakes are cold blooded, or more correctly,<br />

ectothermic- they cannot produce their own body heat; instead, they rely on<br />

the sun to heat their bodies. Because they do not rely on energy from the<br />

food to generate body heat, snakes can survive on an extremely meager diet.<br />

Some wait for months between successive meals and a few survive by eating<br />

a large meal just once or twice a year. When they do eat snakes swallow their<br />

prey whole rather than biting off small. Many snakes have specialized jaws<br />

that enable them to swallow animals that are far larger than their own heads.<br />

Although uncommon, some snakes, such as the Africa rock Python, have<br />

been observed eating animals as large as an antelope or a small cow.<br />

With over two thousand five hundred species belonging to more than<br />

ten families, snakes are a large and successful group. They owe much of this<br />

success their versatility- snakes occupy habitat ranging from underground<br />

burrows to the top of the tree, to ocean depths as great as one hundred and<br />

fifty metres. They are found on every continent except Antarctica and<br />

although they are most abundant in tropical areas, many survive in regions<br />

marked extreme cold. The only place without snakes are parts of the polar<br />

regions and isolated islands, such as the Republic of Ireland and New<br />

Zealand as opposed to places in Nigeria like Plateau and Gombe States in the<br />

Northern part where there is large population of snakes.<br />

QUESTION 5: It can be inferred from the passage that snakes are<br />

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A. Voracious cow eaters.<br />

B. Great insect eaters.<br />

C. Homogeneous reptiles.<br />

D. Heterogeneous creatures.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: of different and of many species.<br />

QUESTION 6: The most notable thing about snakes, according to the<br />

passage is that they<br />

A. Are versatile in reproduction.<br />

B. Eat big but seldom.<br />

C. Exist in families.<br />

D. Abound in Gombe and Plateau States.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Exist in families – They flock together in families.<br />

QUESTION 7: Which of the following is true according to the passage?<br />

A. Snakes are endemic on every continent.<br />

B. There is countless number of snakes in the Republic of Ireland.<br />

C. Snakes are seldom seen at the Antarctica.<br />

D. Snakes are not in the polar region.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: They don’t exist in the Polar Regions because of the severe cold<br />

and snow.<br />

QUESTION 8: It can be deducted from the passage that snakes have<br />

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A. Visible internal locomotive organs.<br />

B. No visual sense of measurement.<br />

C. Large appetite for antelopes.<br />

D. No external auditory organs.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: No external auditory organs means that snakes don’t have ears.<br />

QUESTION 9: A suitable title for this passage is<br />

A. Some characteristic of snakes.<br />

B. Snakes as Legless, Cold-blooded Reptiles.<br />

C. Species of Snakes in Nigeria and other Lands.<br />

D. Feeding Habits of Snakes.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Paragraph one from line 4 – 14 of the passage!<br />

PASSAGE 3<br />

The passage below has gaps numbered 10 to 19. Immediately<br />

following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most<br />

appropriate option for each gap.<br />

Setting up a newspaper involves a lot of preparations. The ….10…. [A.<br />

Lithographer B. Proprietor C. Sub-editor D. Processor] has to employ<br />

lot of people. Other people working with him are cartographers, editors,<br />

typesetter, and readers. Who work in various ways to produce the text of<br />

the newspaper…11…. [A. Reporters B. Analyst C. Vendors D. Agents],<br />

who go out and collect stories and item of news, and….12…. [A.<br />

Distributors B. Listeners C. Newscasters D. Correspondents], who<br />

specialize in one kind to topic? Another important person who works<br />

closely with the Editor-in-Chief is the….13…. [A. News-editor B.<br />

Proofreader C. Reporter D. Announcer]….14…. [A. Writers B. Agents C.<br />

Producers D. Sub-editors] go through stories sent to them and make<br />

necessary adjustment.<br />

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The Editor-in-Chief could determine for instance, whether a<br />

particular journalist should write articles daily or weekly in a particular<br />

column. Such a journalist is known as ….15…. [A. A composer B. A<br />

columnist C. An essayist D. A freelancer]. The editorials of the<br />

newspaper will be coordinated by….16…. [A. An editorial board B. All<br />

readers C. An agent D. A guild of researchers].<br />

The publisher could decide to establish…17.... [A. Column B. A<br />

magazine C. A gazetteer D. An article] which would be on sale weekly,<br />

fortnightly or monthly….18….[A. A contrast for B. A contrast to C. A<br />

contrast from D. A contrast in] the eye catching, screaming headlines and<br />

captions of newspapers on sales every day from the….19…. [A.<br />

Distributors B. Pressman C. Salesman D. Readers].<br />

QUESTION 10: B<br />

REASON: This is words associated with printing and publishing – Lexis and<br />

structure. The business owner, or holder of property.<br />

QUESTION 11: A<br />

REASON: They get information and news for the articles. Reporters are<br />

journalists who researches, writes and reports on information in order to<br />

present in sources, conduct interviews, engage in research and make<br />

reports.<br />

REFERENCE: www.wikipedia.org.com<br />

QUESTION 12: D<br />

REASON: It is correspondents not ‘B’ as stated. Listeners have nothing to<br />

do with printing and publishing. Correspondents or on-the-scene reporters<br />

are journalists or commentators for magazines, or more speaking, agents<br />

who contributes reports to a newspaper, or radio or television news, or<br />

another type of company, from remote, often distance, location.<br />

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REFERENCE: www.wikipedia.org.com<br />

QUESTION 13: A<br />

REASON: He is the next to the Editor – in – chief for the assists in collating<br />

the data, processing and proofreading before printing.<br />

QUESTION 14: D<br />

REASON: Sub-editors, edit, proof-read and determine which article is to be<br />

published.<br />

QUESTION 15: B<br />

REASON: Columnists are always assigned to write an article on specific<br />

dates/periods.<br />

QUESTION 16: A<br />

REASON: There is always an Editorial Board for every printing and<br />

publishing agency who co-ordinate every printing/publishing.<br />

QUESTION 17: B<br />

REASON: Newspaper or magazine as the publisher deem fit. The decision<br />

to publish on the newspaper or magazine rest on the publisher<br />

QUESTION 18: B<br />

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QUESTION 19: A<br />

REASON: Distributors as vendors sells newspapers and magazine and not<br />

pressmen.<br />

FROM QUESTION 20 – 29; Read the novel titled “the Potter’s Wheel” by<br />

Chukwuemeka Ike.<br />

QUESTION 20: Chief Okeke Okafo decided to buy an ‘Iron horse’ because it<br />

would<br />

A. Raise his status in the clan.<br />

B. Minimize the strain of travel from one town to another.<br />

C. Give him the opportunity to act like the District Commissioner.<br />

D. Allow him to be the head of the clean.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

QUESTION 21: ….the vanquished dragon, spewing stand instead of fire gave<br />

a solemn and humiliating pledge that he would never cross Obu’s path.<br />

From the above, the word ‘Vanquished’ means<br />

A. Unconcerned.<br />

B. Sensitive.<br />

C. Subdued.<br />

D. Unflappable.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Subdued means overcome, quicken or being under control (a<br />

feeling or person).<br />

REFERENCE: http://en.oxforddictionaries.com<br />

QUESTION 22: In the novel, the suspicion that Obu was an Ogbanje had<br />

revalued the<br />

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A. Disappearance of Obu in standard 1.<br />

B. Price tag Mazi Laza and his wife placed on Obu<br />

C. Particioation of Obu as amember of the masquerade group.<br />

D. Time Obu spent at Teacher’s house.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

QUESTION 23: According to the novel, a pupil who ‘carried his class’ would<br />

be instructed to<br />

A. Fetch firewood for the teachers.<br />

B. Carry a pad.<br />

C. Clean the latrines.<br />

D. Dance on the assembly ground.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

QUESTION 24: If you get confused at any stage, let me know; I want this<br />

pottage to be well prepared.<br />

The statement above was meant to<br />

A. Encourage Ada’s cooking habit.<br />

B. Confuse Obu.<br />

C. Test Obu’s cooking skills.<br />

D. Distract Ada.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

QUESTION 25: According to the novel, Mazi Laza would shout at any<br />

person standing in his way because his bicycle<br />

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A. Was manufactures by local engineers.<br />

B. Had fully brakes and outdated pedals.<br />

C. Came from the same stock as Chief Okeke’s.<br />

D. Had injured people on many occasions.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

QUESTION 26: From the novel, the first person to own a bicycle in<br />

Umuatulu clan was<br />

A. Polycarp’s father.<br />

B. Mazi Lazarus.<br />

C. Teacher Zacheaus Kanu.<br />

D. Chief Okeke Okafo.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

QUESTION 27: In the novel, what did Mazi Laza do after putting a pinch of<br />

snuff into each nostril?<br />

A. He gave the remaining to Nwobiara.<br />

B. He nodded with satisfaction.<br />

C. He complained of the stuff.<br />

D. He commended his wife.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

QUESTION 28: In the novel, what was Ada’s punishment for the fighting<br />

with Madam?<br />

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A. She fetched water from the stream with a basket.<br />

B. She ate only once a day for one week.<br />

C. She scrubbed the school latrine for one week.<br />

D. She copied Psalm 119 from start to finish.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

QUESTION 29: In the novel, Obu would not touch cocoyam soup because<br />

he claimed it.<br />

A. Would get stuch in his throat.<br />

B. Would make him sick.<br />

C. Was not well prepared.<br />

D. Had lost its taste.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

From Question 30 – 34, Read the Novel Titled “The Successor” by Jerry<br />

Agada for Full Details<br />

QUESTION 30: The entertainment expenses for Okoh Ameh’s traditional<br />

marriage rites were paid for by<br />

A. The bride’s parents.<br />

B. Okoh Ameh.<br />

C. Terkura Atsen.<br />

D. Okoh Ameh’s parents.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

QUESTION 31: Mfa’s friend asserted that Bob Marley and other reggae<br />

starts were ‘good’ because they<br />

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A. Were gainfully employed.<br />

B. Listened to their parents.<br />

C. Went to school.<br />

D. Smoked Indian hemp.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

QUESTION 32: From the novel, what did Terkura do with balance of the<br />

money Chief Ofega paid him?<br />

A. He brought a beautiful house.<br />

B. He invested it in his business.<br />

C. He brought two cars for his father.<br />

D. He married another wife.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

QUESTION 33: Markudi became more prominent because of the<br />

A. Bridge.<br />

B. International hotel.<br />

C. Railway station.<br />

D. Road.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

QUESTION 34: In the novel, Maria’s tolerance of her husband spending half<br />

the night on the duty at the hotel was considered a<br />

A. Way to remedy all martial problems.<br />

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B. Necessary price to pay for the success of their marriage.<br />

C. Bad things that couple should discourage.<br />

D. Way of taking a great risk.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />



In each question 35 to 44, select the option that best explains the<br />

information conveyed in the sentence.<br />

QUESTION 35: The minister considered the ministry’s budget to be a drop<br />

in the ocean in view of the number of project in the pipeline.<br />

A. The minister may be dropped for failing to complete a number<br />

of projects.<br />

B. The money approved cannot complete the pipeline project<br />

across the ocean.<br />

C. The pipeline project across the ocean will be abandoned unless<br />

budgetary allocation improves.<br />

D. The amount available may be inadequate for projected<br />

expenditure.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: (Insufficient).<br />

QUESTION 36: The police are locking for the woman who farmed her<br />

children out to her neighbours.<br />

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A. The police may arrest the woman for allowing her neighbours to<br />

take care of her children.<br />

B. The woman may be arrested for allowing her children to be a<br />

nuisance to her neighbours.<br />

C. The police wanted the woman for allowing her children to<br />

destroy her neighbours’ crops.<br />

D. The woman and her children are in the habit of working in<br />

neighbours’ farms and police are not well disposed to this.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: The police looking to arrest the woman.<br />

QUESTION 37: Jummai’s father remarked that pigs would fly before she<br />

passed<br />

A. It would be possible for her to pass.<br />

B. He would have to bribe her teachers to enable her to pass.<br />

C. She would have to cheat in order to pass.<br />

D. It would be possible to pass only if she worked harder.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: It is impossible for pigs to get wings and fly.<br />

QUESTION 38: The president said that he found himself between a rock<br />

and a hard place when the press said that he had resigned.<br />

A. He thought that hard places were unsafe.<br />

B. He had a hard decision to make.<br />

C. Hard places are dangerous for the president.<br />

D. He dreamt that he was abandoned.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: He was indecisive – He could not take decision at that time.<br />

QUESTION 39: Kunana is like a bear with a score head<br />

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A. He is ugly.<br />

B. He is quiet.<br />

C. He is a bully.<br />

D. He is grumpy.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Very calm and gentle.<br />

QUESTION 40: Olu gave his brother a bumpy ride.<br />

A. Olu gave his brother a difficult time.<br />

B. Olu gave his brother a ride in his car.<br />

C. Olu’s brother rode on Olu’s back to success.<br />

D. Olu took his brother on a bumpy road.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: A difficult situation or time. (He was stubborn).<br />

QUESTION 41: Adeola doesn’t have to go the farm today.<br />

A. Adeola must not got to the farm today.<br />

B. Adeola should not go to the farm today.<br />

C. Adeola may go to the farm today if he so wishes.<br />

D. Adeola ought not to have gone to the farm today.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: It a conditional statement for Adeola.<br />

QUESTION 42: My boss asked me to take my eyes off the bail<br />

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A. I should stay off football after sustaining an injury.<br />

B. I should be focused when playing football.<br />

C. I should stop paying attention to what is most important.<br />

D. I should be focused when I am about to stay off football.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Stay often something.<br />

QUESTION 43: The robber was hedged in by the people.<br />

A. The robber was exposed by the people.<br />

B. The robber was caught by the people.<br />

C. The robber was surrounded by the people.<br />

D. The robber was killed by the people.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: To be accosted or surrounding by entity.<br />

QUESTION 44: Many workers are not happy because they live a hand-tomouth<br />

life.<br />

A. They are barely surviving.<br />

B. They are rejected the use of spoons.<br />

C. They work hard with their hands.<br />

D. They are voracious and avaricious.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Having not enough for a living.<br />



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Are antonyms which are opposites; which needs the reader to find the<br />

meaning of the word emphasized first before getting the opposite<br />

QUESTION 45: Prolonged strike action debilitated the industry.<br />

A. Isolated.<br />

B. Weakened.<br />

C. Destroyed.<br />

D. Invigorated.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Invigorate is a verb which means someone feel fresher, healthier,<br />

and more energetic, while invigorated is the past participle of invigorate.<br />

REFERENCE: http://dictionary.cambridge.org<br />

QUESTION 46: One of the students bought a plagiarized copy of the book.<br />

A. An original.<br />

B. A revised.<br />

C. An annotated.<br />

D. A used.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Original means the earliest form of something, from which copies<br />

may be made<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 47: The young girl was taken back by her father’s gift of a car.<br />

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A. Unmoved.<br />

B. Surprised.<br />

C. Nonplussed.<br />

D. Shocked.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Unmoved means not feeling any emotion<br />

REFERENCE: http://dictionary.cambridge.org<br />

QUESTION 48: Musa is a gifted but erratic player.<br />

A. Regular.<br />

B. Unpredictable.<br />

C. Unstable.<br />

D. Strong.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Not composed. Unstable means to lack stability, meaning things<br />

could change without warming like an unstable shelf that is likely to fall<br />

down. Unstable also mean likely to fail; not firmly established.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 49: The lamp shades were translucent.<br />

A. Interested.<br />

B. Luminous.<br />

C. Transparent.<br />

D. Opaque.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Translucent means transparent. Opposite- Opaque-dark.<br />

QUESTION 50: My niece has an unquenchable thirst for adventure stories.<br />

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A. An illegitimate.<br />

B. A reduced.<br />

C. An inextinguishable.<br />

D. A spurious.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Unstoppable thirst-uncontrollable. Opposite -a reduced.<br />

QUESTION 51: Some of my neighbours have an antipathy to dogs.<br />

A. Affection for.<br />

B. Acronym for.<br />

C. Alarm for.<br />

D. Enmity towards.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Dislike dogs- opposite is affection for<br />

QUESTION 52: The dressmaker unpicked the seam of the shirt.<br />

A. Sewed up.<br />

B. Picked up.<br />

C. Tore up.<br />

D. Threaded.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Sewed up means unpicked. Opposite -tore up.<br />

QUESTION 53: The testimony of the witness was vague.<br />

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A. True.<br />

B. Ambiguous.<br />

C. Clear.<br />

D. Disturbing.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Vague means unclear or ambiguous. Therefore, is the opposite of<br />

vague because clear means transparents or pellucid; free from cloudiness<br />

or impurities.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 54: As a student, Isa tried communal living for a few years.<br />

A. General.<br />

B. Shared.<br />

C. Private.<br />

D. Collective.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Communal means collective or general. Private means belonging<br />

to or for. The use of one particular person or group of people only which<br />

automatically the opposite of collective.<br />

REFERENEC: www.google.com<br />



QUESTION 55: The chairman admires incessant meetings.<br />

A. Planned.<br />

B. Constant.<br />

C. Irregular.<br />

D. Unusual.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

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REASON: Constant means occurring continuously over a period of time.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 56: Today’s weather is favourable for a game for tennis.<br />

A. Abnormal.<br />

B. Disapproving.<br />

C. Encouraging.<br />

D. Impartial.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Favourable means enticing or encouraging. Encouraging means<br />

giving someone support or confidence, supportive.<br />

REFERENCE: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com<br />

QUESTION 57: All the candidates looked aghast at the first reading of the<br />

question.<br />

A. Dismayed.<br />

B. Satisfied.<br />

C. Relaxed.<br />

D. Fulfilled.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Filled with horror and surprise. Dismayed means very upset,<br />

disappointed, or annoyed about something surprising or shocking that has<br />

happened.<br />

REFERENCE: www.macmilandictionary.com<br />

QUESTION 58: Joke gave Muhammed a jaunty smile.<br />

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A. An inviting.<br />

B. A frightful.<br />

C. A cheerful.<br />

D. A discouraging.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Inviting or an encouraging act.<br />

QUESTION 59: The first round of the tournament was a doddle.<br />

A. Balanced.<br />

B. Dodgy.<br />

C. Exasperating.<br />

D. Easy.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Very easy for a game. Easy means without difficulty or effort.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 60: The lazy man cast a lustful glance at his neighbour’s wife.<br />

A. Quick.<br />

B. Covetous.<br />

C. Envious.<br />

D. Hateful.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Covetous or greedy. It means having or showing a great desire to<br />

possess something belonging to someone else.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 61: They accused him of fomenting political unrest.<br />

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A. Discouraging.<br />

B. Preventing.<br />

C. Guiding.<br />

D. Inciting.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Planning or leading a situation. Inciting is the present participle<br />

of incite. Incite means to encourage or stir-up (violent or unlawful<br />

behaviour).<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 62: You can learn a great deal just watching other players.<br />

A. Accumulate.<br />

B. Allow.<br />

C. Discover.<br />

D. Invent.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Discover, find or achieve. Discover means to find unexpectedly or<br />

during a search.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 63: All the researchers were asked to gamer information on the<br />

new viral infection.<br />

A. Disseminate.<br />

B. Distort.<br />

C. Give.<br />

D. Collect.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Collect, Collate, find, seek.<br />

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QUESTION 64: The dispute between the two countries has resulted in the<br />

severing of diplomatic relations.<br />

A. Securing.<br />

B. Swapping.<br />

C. Strengthening.<br />

D. Breaking.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Destroying, weakening, breaking.<br />

From questions 65-84, consist of prepositions which suppose to the<br />

best words to complete a statement. It also includes concord words of<br />

agreement. Subject and verb agreement<br />

QUESTION 65: The House and The senate will…. At noon next Wednesday<br />

to hear a special address by the president<br />

A. Adjourn.<br />

B. Rise.<br />

C. Collude.<br />

D. Convene.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Convene means to come or bring together for a meeting or<br />

activity; assemble.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 66: At the….of the century, many ways of doing things were<br />

introduced<br />

A. Event.<br />

B. Birth.<br />

C. Sight.<br />

D. Turn.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

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QUESTION 67: You may have the pencil, but you can’t have the ballpoint….<br />

A. Furthermore.<br />

B. Also.<br />

C. As well.<br />

D. Either.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

QUESTION 68: The president said that the country was not out of the….yet<br />

A. Fog.<br />

B. Water.<br />

C. Wood.<br />

D. Forest.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

QUESTION 69: He went to the restaurant to enjoy the special….<br />

A. Cuisine<br />

B. A la carte<br />

C. Chef<br />

D. Suite<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Cuisine means meals. A Cuisine is a style of cooking characterized<br />

by distinction ingredients, techniques and dishes; usually associated with a<br />

specific culture or geographic region.<br />

REFERENCE: www.wikipedia.org<br />

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QUESTION 70: The invigilator….to know how long the examination…going<br />

on<br />

A. Want/had been.<br />

B. Wants/have been.<br />

C. Wanted/had been.<br />

D. Wanted/has been.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: A future progressive sentence.<br />

QUESTION 71: The guard spent all the night pacing….<br />

A. Fro and to<br />

B. To and from.<br />

C. To and fro.<br />

D. From and to.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: To and fro means going and coming on a distance.<br />

QUESTION 72: The woman refused to testify….her husband<br />

A. At.<br />

B. Against.<br />

C. From<br />

D. In.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Against means in opposition to<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

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QUESTION 73: Abike must have found the very interesting movie quite…<br />

A. Absorbing.<br />

B. Nauseating.<br />

C. Perverting.<br />

D. Absolving.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Understanding, taken in, is assimilating. It is also interesting;<br />

engrossing.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 74: The words….divided between the ends of one line<br />

A. Have being.<br />

B. Has been.<br />

C. Has being.<br />

D. Have been.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Plural subject (words) with the concord “have” “been” the verb<br />

attracts plural verb.<br />

QUESTION 75: Those… are very beautiful<br />

A. Flowers of her’s.<br />

B. Our flowers.<br />

C. Flowers of ours.<br />

D. Flowers of her.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

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QUESTION 76: Cooking has never been Jumoke’s…..<br />

A. Purview.<br />

B. Style.<br />

C. Forte.<br />

D. Recital.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Occupation, interest. Forte is a thing at which someone excels<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 77: When the strike is over, there will probably be an increase<br />

in wages and a….increase in prices<br />

A. Concordant.<br />

B. Concurrent.<br />

C. Chronic.<br />

D. Sporadic.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: A happening at the same time.<br />

QUESTION 78: My mother was …….annoyed with me for coming late<br />

A. Neither.<br />

B. Hotly.<br />

C. Just.<br />

D. Very.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: The degree sense of the annoyance showed by the adverb “very”<br />

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QUESTION 79: The chairman is too much ……an idealist for the<br />

government.<br />

A. About.<br />

B. Of.<br />

C. With.<br />

D. From.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Too aggressive, too supportive, bent on.<br />

QUESTION 80: The clock ……12 o’clock two hours ago<br />

A. Strike.<br />

B. Struck.<br />

C. Striking.<br />

D. Strikes.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Struck is the past tense of strike, make a sound, hit.<br />

QUESTION 81: What is the jury’s ….. The matter?<br />

A. Verdict from.<br />

B. Verdict at.<br />

C. Verdict with.<br />

D. Verdict on.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Verdict means judgment on it.<br />

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QUESTION 82: The unconscious man was …… after receiving first aid<br />

A. Reformed.<br />

B. Restored.<br />

C. Revived.<br />

D. Reawakened.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Bring back life, regained consciousness.<br />

QUESTION 83: The laughter…..his face for a moment<br />

A. Controlled.<br />

B. Animated.<br />

C. Remade.<br />

D. Improved.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Ignited or showing pictures. Animated means full of life or<br />

excitement; lively.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 84: She traced her family history…..matrilineal descent.<br />

A. By.<br />

B. With.<br />

C. At.<br />

D. In.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: The prepositional word is “by” the mother’s lineage.<br />

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QUESTION 85: Cool<br />

A. Luke.<br />

B. Look.<br />

C. Should.<br />

D. Full.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

QUESTION 86: Odour<br />

A. Sugar.<br />

B. Hold.<br />

C. Floor.<br />

D. Flow.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

QUESTION 87: Palm<br />

A. Florid.<br />

B. Lunch.<br />

C. Plait.<br />

D. Ranch.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Palm is using the sound /αα:/ likewise the word ranch /αα:/<br />

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QUESTION 88: Vision<br />

A. Mansion.<br />

B. Nation.<br />

C. Enclosure.<br />

D. Instruction.<br />

ANSWER. C<br />

REASON: Enclosure means is an area that is surrounded by a barrier.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 89: Gnash<br />

A. New.<br />

B. King.<br />

C. Ring.<br />

D. Forge.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

QUESTION 90: Epitaph<br />

A. Fan.<br />

B. Paper.<br />

C. Pneumonia.<br />

D. Pseudo.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Epitaph<br />

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From question 91-93, choose the option that rhymes with the given<br />

word.<br />

QUESTION 91: Ever<br />

A. Fever.<br />

B. Never.<br />

C. Heavier.<br />

D. Favour.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Never means at no time in the past or future, not ever.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

QUESTION 92: Keep<br />

A. Seethe.<br />

B. Threat.<br />

C. Dead.<br />

D. Reap.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Reap means to cut and collect or grain crop. It also mean to<br />

gather, to obtain; to receive as a reward or harvest; or as the fruit of labour<br />

or of work –in a good or a bad sense; as, to reap a benefit from exertions.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />

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QUESTION 93: Tax<br />

A. Lacks.<br />

B. Back.<br />

C. Ask.<br />

D. Box.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Lack means the state of being with or not having enough of<br />

something lack is the plural noun of lack.<br />

REFERENCE: www.google.com<br />




QUESTION 94: Valedictory<br />

A. valedicTORY.<br />

B. VAledictory.<br />

C. vaLEdictory.<br />

D. valeDICtory.<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

REASON: Cy-3 rd Syllable from Right-SPI.<br />

QUESTION 95: Congratulation<br />

A. congratuLAtion.<br />

B. CONgratulation.<br />

C. conGRAtulation.<br />

D. congraTULation.<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

REASON: Word of Tory- The First Syllable Must Be Stressed Val.<br />

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QUESTION 96: Conspiracy<br />

A. conspiraCY.<br />

B. conSPIracy.<br />

C. CONspiracy.<br />

D. conspiRAcy.<br />

ANSWER. B<br />

REASON: Words Of Ion- The Second Syllable From The Right Is Stressed-<br />

La.<br />




QUESTION 97: My mother bought a BICYCLE yesterday.<br />

A. Whose mother bought a bicycle yesterday?<br />

B. Did my mother steal a bicycle yesterday?<br />

C. When did my mother buy a bicycle yesterday?<br />

D. What did my mother buy yesterday?<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

QUESTION 98: AMINA went to Abuja by air<br />

A. Who went Abuja by air?<br />

B. Did Amina go to Abuja by road?<br />

C. Did Amina go to Jos by air?<br />

D. Is Amina going to Abuja by air?<br />

ANSWER. A<br />

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QUESTION 99: Musa is STAYING in Enugu.<br />

A. Is Musa staying on the outskirts of Enugu?<br />

B. Is Andu staying in Enugu?<br />

C. Was Musa staying in Enugu?<br />

D. Is Musa passing through Enugu?<br />

ANSWER. D<br />

QUESTION 100: My father READ the newspaper<br />

A. Did my father steal the newspaper?<br />

B. Who read the newspaper?<br />

C. What did my father read?<br />

D. Whose father read the newspaper?<br />

ANSWER A.<br />


The Best Approach to the Study of <strong>English</strong> Poems by Dr. Anayo .Z. Obayi<br />

Studies in <strong>Language</strong> and Linguistics by Toyin .O. Bamisaye Countdown<br />

<strong>English</strong> by Evans Brothers Publishers<br />

Systematic <strong>English</strong> for School by .S. Oluwayomi Oladunjoye<br />

A Text on Oral <strong>English</strong> by Dr. Lekan .A. Dairo.<br />

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