TOTT 16 November 2017.compressed


6 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook November 16, 2017 OPINION Ke e p i n g memor y alive IT WAS an encouraging sight to have a full house at the Port Alfred Moth hall for the Remembrance Day parade on S u n d ay. It was one of the best-attended such gatherings I have seen in the last 10 years, as they usually draw only a dozen or so veterans and their wives, as well as a few other old souls for whom occasions like this are important. They are occasions to remember not only the fallen in two world wars and other conflicts since then, but those who came back from war, grew old and died in peace – the ranks of their friends ever thinning. I remember attending a Remembrance Day parade in Pretoria 25 years ago, when there were still a few veterans of World War 1 around, their hair grey and white, and their bodies thin and frail, but still standing at attention as they honoured the solemnity of the service and wore their memories on their faces. It struck me that soon after that the direct memory of that conflict by living survivors would be gone, and what a loss that would be for the world. A few years ago there were still a few World War 2 veterans among the old soldiers at the various commemoration ceremonies held by the Moths, SA Legion and SA Air Force Association – both at the Moth hall and 43 Air School – but they too have passed on. Moths members have lamented previously how their members are few, with no younger military veterans joining their ranks. One day they will be gone, and who will remember then? I had a grandfather who fought in World War 1 at the age of 16, lying about his age as many young men did because they felt the call to serve their country and the commonwealth against a powerful aggressor. Though he did not speak in any personal detail about his wartime experiences, and I was too young to appreciate it anyway at the time he died, the memory of that was passed on to me by my mother, who always was quietly emotional during the Remembrance Day services she attended with me. What a precious thing to be able to pass on to your children – that they can inherit at least a portion of your memories and care about what you cared about. T h at ’s why it was good to see the mixture of generations at this most recent parade – the support of families and friends to keep the memory alive. We will remember them. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Tide Guide Kind courtesy-SA Navy HIGH 0223 1432 0256 1502 0328 1532 0358 1600 0427 1629 0456 1657 0526 1728 0558 1800 L OW Jon Houzet 0818 2048 0849 2117 0919 2145 0948 2213 1018 2242 1048 2311 1120 2341 1155 – TIE-DYE FUN: Mandy Birkholtz, left, recently showed the Shaw Park Primary Grade 5s and teacher Eve Clayton how to tie-dye their T-shirts in beautiful jewel colours Picture: SHANI STEWART HAVE YOUR S AY Letters to PO Box 2871, Port Alfred - or e-mail to This is an open forum for readers to express their opinions. However, the publishers reserve the right to shorten letters. Those printed are not necessarily the views of Talk of the Town. Although noms de plume may be used, letters must be signed and have an authentic contactable address & telephone number. Talk of the Town reserves the right to not publish letters. Please limit letters to 250 words or less. CREATIVE TOUCH: Dawn Ewing with her seasonal creations at Settlers Park craft market last Saturday Picture: JON HOUZET Emergency numbers Port Alfred hospital – (046) 604-4000 Police station – (046) 604-2001/2 Multi-Security – (046) 624-2508 Chubb Security – (046) 624-4810 Sky Alarms – (046) 624-2806 NSRI – 082-990-5971 Electricity (a/h) - (046) 624-1111 EMS (Emergency Medical Services) – 10177 Gardmed –082-759-2134 Holistic EMS – 063-460-0042 Fire Department – (046) 624-1111 PROUD TO SERVE: Officers at First City Regiment, from left, Captain Mapelo Zweni, Captain Khayalethu Mona and Captain Vusumzi Tukulu attended the Remembrance Day parade at the Port Alfred Moth hall on Sunday and laid a wreath on behalf of their regiment Picture: JON HOUZET Big thank you from PAHS archers ON BEHALF of the Port Alfred High School Archery Club, I would like to extend a sincere thank you to our community for supporting the recent raffle run by our archers. Funds raised helped cover the costs of attending the 2017 NASP National Tournament in Uitenhage earlier this year. Congratulations to raffle winners Johanna van der Merwe – Umgwenya Boat Cruise (third prize); Jacques Lategan – Oceana Beach and Child Welfare needs ‘go odies’ for market ON of Child Welfare, Port Alfred, I would like to extend our thanks to the people of the town, as well as those from outside town, who have assisted and always supported the organisation. However, although this year’s raffle was an overwhelming success in generating much-needed funds, we have decided that early next year we will be holding a morning market. We are asking for “goodies” for our stalls. If you have any clothes, household items or electrical appliances in good working order, we would be pleased to accept them for our white elephant and tombola stalls. Please drop them off at the Child Welfare offices at the Wildlife Reserve voucher (second prize) and Richard Legg – whole lamb (first prize). Archery is growing in popularity in our town. Whether enjoyed socially or competitively, the sport requires precision, control, focus, physical strength and determination. These are attributes we encourage at PAHS and your involvement in sponsoring a prize or buying a ticket, is truly appreciated. JOHN TWEEDIE, CLUB CO-ORDINATOR old station building, or call me, Heather on 083-267-0010 or Susan Harty on (046)6 2 4 - 57 9 3 during office hours. Once again, the staff at Child Welfare and especially the children, thank you for your generosity in the past and look forward to a great morning m a r ke t . HEATHER LEICHER

November 16, 2017 ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook Talk of the Town 7 Called to loving relationship not religion CHRISTIANITY that is a mere religion is things people do in order to win the favour of God. Christianity that is a relationship is things that people do because of the favour of God. Mere religion can become tedious, for it is based on traditions and things that are done for conscience’ sake. We can never win the favour of God by the things we do. Salvation is a free gift of God. “For it is ... with Pastor Theo Snyman by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – n ot by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8, 9). We became sons or daughters of our parents as a result of a natural birth. We become sons or daughters of God as a result of a I N S P I R AT I O N A L INSIGHTS spiritual birth. When we receive the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and believe in His name, He gives us the right to be called the children of God. This is not a natural birth, for we are “born of God”. See John 1:12, 13. We now have the absolute privilege of calling the Lord God FA C E 2FA C E ... with Helen Averbuch Question: Tell us about your job. Answer: I am a sculptor and arts teacher. I work from home so I have absolute freedom to do what I want. Q: Why did you get into this line of work? A: After many years of working for other people, my husband and I drove to Kenya and back and then began working for ourselves. I have trained as an artist and art teacher, so this is what I have always wanted to do. Q: What do you do to unwind when you are not working? A: I love the sea and walk with my dogs or go swim and surf when I’m not working. Q: What is your motto in life? A: Transcend the bullsh*t. Meaning you can live by your own rules and not take society too seriously. Q: What makes you angry? A: Stupid people and negativity. Q: What makes you happy? A: Silliness, friends, fun and the sea. Q: What do I like about Port Alfred? A: I like the climate, the beach and my garden. Q: What is your favourite music? A: I listen to anything, from Mozart to Eminem. Q: Name three people you would like to invite to dinner? A: My father who passed away five years ago, my six-year-old son and the gentleman who tends to my garden whose name is Pumelelo Goni. Q: Three wishes for South Africa. A: Accountability, forgiveness and rain. Almighty our Heavenly Father. “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are ” (1 John 3:1)! Our motivation for going to church, reading the Bible, praying, striving to live an exemplary life, etc, is based on our love for God and a deep desire to please Him. It can no longer be tedious or boring, for it BOOK-SMART: Manning the second-hand book stall at the Settlers Park craft market last Saturday were, from left, Jean Bothomley, Maud Coghlan and Don Kelly, with Lucille Scheepers at the back Picture: JON HOUZET RELAXING TIME: Dianne and Dave Long enjoyed tea and cake at the Settlers Park craft market last Saturday Picture: JON HOUZET emanates from an exciting and vibrant relationship with the Creator of the universe and His Son, the Lord Jesus C h r i st . Mere religion or loving relationship? SIRAC BORDER TRUST | Registration No: IT1048/2003 | Level 4 BEE / CIDB: Level 5 ME O +27 46 624 4959 - C +27 79 877 1240 | | PLEASE CONTACT US FOR: 082 451 8498 046 624 4959 Agents for Midea SIT DOWN, TAKE AWAY OR DELIVERY Beef burger and Chips - R55.00 Fish or Chicken Strips and Chips - R35.00 Call us for a menu filled with other delicious options 0 7 9 7 2 8 3 2 8 3 Shop 6 - 8 8 Albany Road (i-Hire Centre) Join us this weekend for Pool / Darts & our Bar Menu VOLCANIK TELEVISION 29 Biscay Road TEL: (046) 624 3630 ASSORTMENT OF BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS FOR KIDDIES T he C hai r per s on and M anagem ent C om m i t t ee of ACVV ALEXANDRIA r eques t t he pl eas ur e of y our c om pany at our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING O n TUESDAY, 21 November 2017 at ACVV Diaz Home, R et i ef s t r eet , A l ex andr i a Time : 10H00 R S V P : 046- 6530133 by / bef or e 17 N ov em ber 2017 * * * * * * * * * * D i e V oor s i t t er en B es t uur s k om i t ee v an ACVV ALEXANDRIA nooi u ui t na di e ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING O p DINSDAG, 21 November 2017 t e ACVV Huis Diaz, R et i ef s t r aat , A l ex andr i a Tyd : 10H00 R S V P : 046- 6530133 v oor 17 N ov em ber 2017 * * * * * * * * * * U s i hl al o k uny e ne B hodi y ak w a ACVV ALEXANDRIA, B ay ani m em a ngov uy o k w i NTLANGANISO YENGXELO YONYAKA 21 November 2017 ACVV Huis Diaz, R et i ef s t r eet , A l ex andr i a Ixesha : 10H00 R S V P : 046- 6530133 pham bi k am hl a w e 17 N ov em ber 2017 * * * * * * * * * *

<strong>November</strong> <strong>16</strong>, 2017 ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />

Talk of the Town 7<br />

Called to loving relationship not religion<br />

CHRISTIANITY that is<br />

a mere religion is<br />

things people do in<br />

order to win the<br />

favour of God.<br />

Christianity that is<br />

a relationship is<br />

things that people do<br />

because of the<br />

favour of God.<br />

Mere religion can<br />

become tedious, for<br />

it is based on<br />

traditions and things<br />

that are done for<br />

conscience’ sake. We<br />

can never win the<br />

favour of God by the<br />

things we do.<br />

Salvation is a free<br />

gift of God. “For it is<br />

... with Pastor Theo Snyman<br />

by grace you have<br />

been saved, through<br />

faith – and this not<br />

from yourselves, it is<br />

the gift of God – n ot<br />

by works, so that no<br />

one can boast”<br />

(Ephesians 2:8, 9).<br />

We became sons<br />

or daughters of our<br />

parents as a result of<br />

a natural birth.<br />

We become sons<br />

or daughters of God<br />

as a result of a<br />

I N S P I R AT I O N A L<br />


spiritual birth.<br />

When we receive<br />

the Lord Jesus as<br />

our Saviour and<br />

believe in His name,<br />

He gives us the right<br />

to be called the<br />

children of God. This<br />

is not a natural birth,<br />

for we are “born of<br />

God”. See John 1:12,<br />

13.<br />

We now have the<br />

absolute privilege of<br />

calling the Lord God<br />

FA C E 2FA C E<br />

... with Helen Averbuch<br />

Question: Tell us about your job.<br />

Answer: I am a sculptor and arts<br />

teacher. I work from home so I have<br />

absolute freedom to do what I want.<br />

Q: Why did you get into this line of<br />

work?<br />

A: After many years of working for<br />

other people, my husband and I drove to<br />

Kenya and back and then began working<br />

for ourselves. I have trained as an artist<br />

and art teacher, so this is what I have<br />

always wanted to do.<br />

Q: What do you do to unwind when<br />

you are not working?<br />

A: I love the sea and walk with my<br />

dogs or go swim and surf when I’m not<br />

working.<br />

Q: What is your motto in life?<br />

A: Transcend the bullsh*t. Meaning<br />

you can live by your own rules and not<br />

take society too seriously.<br />

Q: What makes you angry?<br />

A: Stupid people and negativity.<br />

Q: What makes you happy?<br />

A: Silliness, friends, fun and the sea.<br />

Q: What do I like about Port Alfred?<br />

A: I like the climate, the beach and my<br />

garden.<br />

Q: What is your favourite music?<br />

A: I listen to anything, from Mozart to<br />

Eminem.<br />

Q: Name three people you would like<br />

to invite to dinner?<br />

A: My father who passed away five<br />

years ago, my six-year-old son and the<br />

gentleman who tends to my garden<br />

whose name is Pumelelo Goni.<br />

Q: Three wishes for South Africa.<br />

A: Accountability, forgiveness and<br />

rain.<br />

Almighty our<br />

Heavenly Father.<br />

“How great is the<br />

love the Father has<br />

lavished on us, that<br />

we should be called<br />

children of God! And<br />

that is what we are ”<br />

(1 John 3:1)!<br />

Our motivation for<br />

going to church,<br />

reading the Bible,<br />

praying, striving to<br />

live an exemplary<br />

life, etc, is based on<br />

our love for God and<br />

a deep desire to<br />

please Him. It can no<br />

longer be tedious or<br />

boring, for it<br />

BOOK-SMART: Manning the second-hand book stall at the Settlers Park<br />

craft market last Saturday were, from left, Jean Bothomley, Maud<br />

Coghlan and Don Kelly, with Lucille Scheepers at the back<br />

Picture: JON HOUZET<br />

RELAXING TIME: Dianne and Dave Long enjoyed tea and cake at the<br />

Settlers Park craft market last Saturday<br />

Picture: JON HOUZET<br />

emanates from an<br />

exciting and vibrant<br />

relationship with the<br />

Creator of the<br />

universe and His<br />

Son, the Lord Jesus<br />

C h r i st .<br />

Mere religion or<br />

loving relationship?<br />

SIRAC BORDER TRUST | Registration No: IT1048/2003 | Level 4 BEE / CIDB: Level 5 ME<br />

O +27 46 624 4959 - C +27 79 877 1240 | |<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

082 451 8498<br />

046 624 4959 Agents for Midea<br />


Beef burger and Chips - R55.00<br />

Fish or Chicken Strips and Chips - R35.00<br />

Call us for a menu filled with other delicious options<br />

0 7 9 7 2 8 3 2 8 3<br />

Shop 6 - 8 8 Albany Road (i-Hire Centre)<br />

Join us this weekend for Pool / Darts & our Bar Menu<br />



29 Biscay Road<br />

TEL: (046) 624 3630<br />


OF<br />




T he C hai r per s on and M anagem ent<br />

C om m i t t ee of ACVV ALEXANDRIA<br />

r eques t t he pl eas ur e of y our c om pany at our<br />


O n TUESDAY, 21 <strong>November</strong> 2017<br />

at ACVV Diaz Home, R et i ef s t r eet ,<br />

A l ex andr i a<br />

Time : 10H00<br />

R S V P : 046- 6530133 by / bef or e<br />

17 N ov em ber 2017<br />

* * * * * * * * * *<br />

D i e V oor s i t t er en B es t uur s k om i t ee v an<br />

ACVV ALEXANDRIA nooi u ui t na di e<br />


O p DINSDAG, 21 <strong>November</strong> 2017<br />

t e ACVV Huis Diaz, R et i ef s t r aat ,<br />

A l ex andr i a<br />

Tyd : 10H00<br />

R S V P : 046- 6530133 v oor<br />

17 N ov em ber 2017<br />

* * * * * * * * * *<br />

U s i hl al o k uny e ne B hodi y ak w a<br />


B ay ani m em a ngov uy o k w i<br />


21 <strong>November</strong> 2017<br />

ACVV Huis Diaz, R et i ef s t r eet , A l ex andr i a<br />

Ixesha : 10H00<br />

R S V P : 046- 6530133 pham bi k am hl a w e<br />

17 N ov em ber 2017<br />

* * * * * * * * * *

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