TOTT 16 November 2017.compressed


10 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook November 16, 2017 N E I G H B O U R LY NOTES WITH the rain pouring down in buckets at the time of writing and the dams filling nicely, the farmers are happy along with everyone else. Well, perhaps not everyone, as there have been a number of road accidents in the last few days. The weather conditions and the Stop/Go on the main R72 arterial road through town, seem to be causing some drivers problems. We urge all drivers to be cautious when driving through town and to be careful of flooded roads that always occur whenever it rains for more than a few minutes in Port Alfred. AS IS now the custom, please assist the South African National Blood Services (SANBS) on its drive to stock its shelves and fridges with much-needed blood, specifically with the holiday season fastapproaching and considering the number of units that will be required over this period. SANBS will be at the Port Alfred Girl Guide Hall (close to the municipal hall and the library) on Tuesday November 21 from 1pm to 6pm. MOTORISTS are in for another fuel increase before the end of the month, but this has far more impact on citizens in general because, as transportation costs rise, so do the prices on the supermarket’s shelves. According to the Automobile Association, illuminating paraffin is projected to increase by 75 cents a litre‚ petrol is set for a 74-cent rise‚ and diesel 63 cents. IN national news, President Zuma, speaking on the (previously, or is it?) Gupta-owned news channel ANN7, said on Monday evening that he will lead the fight against corruption and state capture. His commission of enquiry is intended to root out corruption and, as he said, “if Zuma is corrupt‚ it is going to be found by this commission”. In the same interview, Zuma also spoke of the assassination attempt on his life by poisoning. It is difficult to know who is fooling who in this political landscape. DEPUTY president of the country, Cyril Ramaphosa, is fighting hard in the race for presidency of the ANC, and has already produced his manifesto and plan to create one-million jobs and have the economy showing growth of 5% by 2023. The question must be, will Ramaphosa be elected to the presidency of the ANC at the 2017 conference, running from December 16 to December 20, to enable him to change the ANC and, in turn, the government’s policies, or is this just electioneering? MINISTER for Public Enterprises, Lynne Brown, was in the hot seat on Tuesday when she was accused of having been “captured” by the Guptas at the Eskom board inquiry by Eskom spokesman Khulani Qoma. In DIARISE THIS Albany Vintage and Classic Motor Club Museum opens on the last Saturday of each month – 9am-12 noon – Hawkins Industrial Park, Alfred Road, Port Alfred. Bathurst Farmers Market – Every Sunday rain or shine at Yesterday Today and Tomorrow Nursery, Kowie Road from 9am-12.30pm. Birdwatching Tours and Three Sisters Saunter. Book with Anne (046) 675-1976 or 083-719-4950. w w w. a n n e s b i r d i n g . c o . z a Bonsai Club meets once a month on a Saturday. For more information please contact David Brewis on 076-457-3218. Or e-mail d a v i d b re w i s 7 7 @ g m a i l . c o m Bring your tools and layout in and enjoy the creative atmosphere and free coffee at Bcreative Scrapbooking, Shop 12, Rosehill Mall. Available weekdays and Saturdays, groups welcome. Call Nicolene on (046) 624-3096 to book. Duck Pond Morning Market every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 9am-2pm, between Buksies Coffee Shop and Penny Farthing restaurant. Jams, pickles, secondhand books, cakes, quiches, secondhand clothing, crochet knitting, plants. All stallholders welcome. Contact Wendy 081-347-9562. FAST (Forum for Astronomy, Science and Technology) meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Port Alfred Ski-boat Club at 2.30pm. Visitors welcome. Please contact Shirley Marais at or on 082-928-8671 for more i n fo r m at i o n . First Port Alfred Scout/Cub meetings. Every Friday at the Girl Guide Hall, from 3pm-5pm. Visitors welcome. For more information contact Dot Fethers on (046) 624-3192. Graze by the River – Live music by Ant Kaplan – Saturdays from 12 noon to 3pm. Contact Nick: (046) 624-8095. Kenton Pub Quiz – 6.30pm – first Sunday of each month at Kenton Bowls Club. Cash bar available. Cash and other prizes. Teams of four to six. All welcome. Enquiries: Walter Grisdale (046) 648-2440. Kleinemonde Morning Market on the first Saturday of every month, from 8.30am-10am. Kleinemonde Community Hall. Enjoy breakfast and browse the stalls selling wholesome farm chickens and home produce, including quality meats, vegetables, pancakes, frozen meals, quiches, bread, rusks, gingerbread houses, home baked cakes, doggy treats, candles, gifts and more. Kowie Auctioneers - monthly auction every last Thursday of the month at 35 North Street. Entries for the auction need to be in on the Tuesday before the auction. Viewing day prior from 2pm. For more information call Colin Maclachlan 083-521-3623 or Peter Charter on 082-569-3478. Kowie History Museum, at The Old Railway Station, A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT: The bottom of Park Road in Port Alfred is once again flooded due to the seasonal rains. Motorists attempting to avoid the Stop/Go on the R72 at the Port Alfred High School will not be able to use Park Road as an alternative route until the rainwater recedes Picture: ROB KNOWLES fact, Qoma was particularly damning in his criticism of the minister and said, “she lies all the time,” and, “she is an atrocious minister”. A N D, with the deadline for transferring the grants payments to another body, Bathabile Dlamini is still umming and ahhing about the ability of the SA Post Office to handle the job. These are very worrying times and they don’t appear to be getting any easier, with the ratings agencies just waiting to pounce and plunge the country into financial ruin. Please, Mr president, fix this mess your ministers have caused. Your duty is surely to protect the people of the country, even though you have previously stated that you put the ANC first. A L S O, on our borders, it is a tumultuous time in Zimbabwe at the moment, and we hope that the “coup” (if that is what it is) is resolved quickly and without bloodshed. A N OT H E R year has passed, so it’s time to wish E-mail Rob Knowles at or fax (046) 624-2293 or drop in at 29 Miles Street from 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday OUR ENTRIES ARE OPEN FOR NOVEMBER, DECEMBER and JANUARY E-mail or fax (046) 624-2293 or drop in at 29 Miles Street from 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday Pascoe Crescent. Open 9.30am-12.30pm Tuesday-Saturday. Closed Sunday/Monday and public h o l i d ay s . Lower Albany Historical Society meets third Thursday of the month – some meetings in Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park, others, outside trips. Call Suzette on 083-581-5777 for details. Lower Albany Woodworkers’ Guild, meets first Tuesday of each month. Call Brian Edwards on (046) 624-2945, or John Moss on 082-829-5484 for more i n fo r m at i o n . Memory Book Scrapbook Club meets twice a month on a Thursday afternoon. All welcome. Contact Cheryl (046) 624-2733 / 083-556-7562. MOTHS - Old soldiers never die – Calling all ex-servicemen “Ou Manne” and their ladies for a get-together on the first Sunday of every month at 12 noon and the MOTH Hall (behind the Ski-boat Club) for a light lunch and some memories. RSVP MOTHS at 082-537-9033 or 084-983-8550 for catering purposes. National Sea Rescue Institute practices every Wednesday at 5pm. To join the NSRI visit the base in person to undergo an evaluation. Night Scrapbooking classes every fortnight at BCreative Scrapbooking Supplies at Shop 12, Rosehill Mall. Wednesdays from 6.30pm-10pm. Call Nicolene on (046) 624-3096 to book your spot for the next class or for more information. Saturday morning and weekday scrapbooking classes also available. Bookings are required. Port Alfred Art Club welcomes new members, both experienced or wanting to learn. We meet weekly offering a monthly DVD from leading artists, giving excellent tips and guidance on how to draw and paint. Contact Jenny (083-292-2650) or Netty (084-584-6629). Port Alfred Bowling and Croquet Club invites you to try your hand at lawn bowls. Free coaching and bowls available every Friday from 16:00. Situated next to the Nico Malan Bridge. Enquiries: Rod Wilson at: 082-375-2968 or (046) 624-5671. Other times can be arranged by appointment. See our website at: w w w. p a b c c . c o . z a Port Alfred Bridge Club – Now at the Lodge on Albany Road (the Old Vic Hotel). Meets every Monday and Thursday – 1.15pm for 1.30pm start. Port Alfred Community Police Forum meets on the third Tuesday of each month at the Port Alfred Police Station at 2.30pm. Port Alfred Floral Art Group (PAFAG) meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month at Settlers Park hall at 2.30pm. For more information please phone 082-464-4606 (Hennie de Bruin). All welcome. Probus Club of the Kowie meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am at the Port Alfred River and Ski-boat Club. everyone having a birthday especially to Zoey Harris, Blake Botha, Ian Sawers, Bella Metcalf, Jenny Hoseck, Amy Wilmot, Jenny Nel, Peter Godson, Andre Crous, Denise van der Merwe, Jacques Westraadt, Shelley Handley, Des Spenceley, Clive Haworth, Sandra Hayward, Fiona Timm, Ruan Cannon, Kathleen Hill, Cordelia Quma, Michael Millard, Buks de Kock, Tarryn Hickman, Lettie Plaatjie, Kayleigh Anne Parsons, Deleste Van den Meulen, Cindy Charter, Lynn Roberts, Graham Strachan, Duncan Minott, Jill Bax, Colette Reid, Hilpert twin sisters Michaela and Monique, Lydia Atteridge, Lisa Tarr, Anne McCann, Josh Alexandre, Chan Kahn, Gary Gailey, Susan Gombert, Basil Terry. CONGRATULATIONS and even more success for the future, to all businesses celebrating an anniversary, especially the Christie’s Complex in Campbell Street, The Bathurst Farmers Market on 18 marvellous years, The Goat Shed Bush Bistro at Woodlands in Kenton. Richmond House Museum and Music Room. P r i vat e non-profit museum est. 2007. The building (1948) is a replica of the Castle, and the displays trace 175 years of owners and alterations. No admission fee, but donations welcomed. Tours by appointment only: 082-456-7437. ‘Classics at the Castle’ classical/jazz concerts check press or w w w. fa c e b o o k . c o m / r i c h m o n d h o u s e m u s e u m m u s i c Rocky Ridge Farm Market opens every Saturday and Sunday from 9am with a variety of home made delights, “egg-cellent” free-range eggs, honey, biltong, droewors as well as its very popular morning breakfast. Contact Desia Holmes on 083-589-0765 for more information. Rosehill Mall Art and Crafters Market, the first Saturday of every month, from 9am-4pm. A true art and craft market. Only handmade items available by our local crafters. Large selection of goods. Scottish Country Dancing at Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park, every Wednesday from 5.30pm-7pm. For more information please phone (046) 604-0478. Sunshine Coast Women’s Forummeets every fourth Tuesday in the Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park at 2.30pm. Come and join us. Visitors welcome. For more information contact Muriel MacGregor on (046) 624-1963. The Riverside Ramble: a new self-guided tour (map R10 from Sunshine Coast Tourism or Kowie History Museum) of historic Wharf Street and Van der Riet St reets. U3A – Port Alfred Branch meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 10am at the Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park village. All welcome. Thursday November 16 Lower Albany Historical Societyouting to Waters’ Meeting, Bathurst, entry cost R10 pp. Meet at Civic Centre at 10am with picnic tea. Talk of local historical interest to be given by Basil Mills. All welcome. Contact Avonne 083-473-6823. PA Art Club – 9am – Outing to Sandy Thomas in Bathurst. See her studio and paint and draw in her garden. Phone (046) 624-4565 or 073-273-2912 for details. Friday November 17 Special Ndlambe Council meeting – 10am – Council Chambers, Campbell Street. Blood Drive – 11am-6pm - Heritage Mall, Port Alfred. Tuesday November 21 Blood Drive – 1pm-6pm - Girl Guide Hall, Port Alfred. Thursday November 23 U3A - 10am - Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park. Speaker: Brian “Bugs” Wilmot presenting “A literary walking tour of old Cradock”. PA Art Club – 12.30pm – Just a reminder to those who have booked for our Christmas party at the Golf Club. Call 074-181-0530 for enquiries. IT is a highly volatile market and always is as we approach the New Year, but internal problems in the country are seeing the rand fall dramatically against most international currencies. As we go to press, the Rand was trading at a lower R14.37/$ (was R14.34), R18.91/£ (R17.85), with the Euro at R17.02 (R15.33). Commodities such as gold were trading at $12 8 5 . 67 per fine ounce ($1226.33), platinum trading at $929.00 per ounce ($940.10) and Brent Crude now trading at $61.44 per barrel ($45.23) SPECIAL thoughts and prayers are with all those folk who are not well, who are having or have already had tests, operations and treatments. “Sterkte” to Roy Potter, Andrew de Vries, Dot Fetherstonhaugh, Howard Dredge. SINCERE condolences to the family and friends of Ryin Von Schanke who passed away Saturday November 11. May cherished memories of all the happy times spent together comfort all the family during your bereavement. SINCERE condolences and kind thoughts to the family and friends of Charles Edward Coetzer who passed away on Wednesday, November 1. Heartfelt sympathy to his wife Reta, family and friends. May you feel the warm embrace of loving memories and hear happy echoes of all the good times and many years you shared together. Our condolences also go the friends and family of Eden Bradfield, especially his children Grant, Bev, Candice and his grandchildren who passed away suddenly on November 10. A memorial service will be held to honour Eden Bradfield on Monday November 20 at the Wesley Methodist Church at 11am. WEDDING anniversary congratulations and all good wishes for many more to all couples celebrating this special occasion next week. Especially Mark and Suzanne Wyllie, Malcolm and Carole Christie, John and Jaida Ball. Tim and Imare Patterson, John and Sharon Dailkin, Jaco and Cheryl Delport, Leon and Reonette Jansen van Rensburg. WE must speak about the virtues of the last few Springbok games. What, nothing to say? And Bafana Bafana? Not a great sporting week for the country. THOUGHT for the week: “Success, happiness, peace of mind and fulfilment...are available to all among us, without exception, who make things the world around them.” BEST regards as always, The Team. Saturday November 25 Diaz Cross Bird Club outing: Visit to John and Coreen Timm’s farm. This is our Christmas outing. Bring a picnic brunch. Visitors welcome (R10 per person to DCBC). Meet at Heritage Mall at 6am and P r e st o n ’s Kenton at 6am. For more details contact Ivan Greenwood on (046) 648-1104. Thursday November 30 PA Art Club – 9am – St James Hall. Enjoy a social cup of tea or coffee, library and DVD exchange. Bring paintings for review. Grahamstown Christmas Market – 10am-7pm – PJ Olivier High School Hall. Over 60 exhibitors with a wide variety of mostly handmade gifts, eats and a coffee shop. Friday December 1 Grahamstown Christmas Market – 10am-7pm – PJ Olivier High School Hall. Over 60 exhibitors with a wide variety of mostly handmade gifts, eats and a coffee shop. Saturday December 2 Christian Men’s Association breakfast – 7am for 7.30am – Port Alfred Celebration Centre (Old Vic Hotel). Speaker: Reddie Ndoro, born Zimbabwean, to a family deep into ancestral worship. Her father was a spirit medium. Her talk will share how she broke the grip of ancestral worship and transitioned into Christianity. Suggested donation of R40 (students R20) to cover costs of breakfast. St Paul’s Anglican Church fete – starts 8.30am. Teas, cakes, breakfast rolls, deli, white elephant stall, second hand books, clothes, crafts. Rosehill Mall Arts and Crafters Market – 9am to 4pm. Grahamstown Christmas Market – 9am–3pm – PJ Olivier High School Hall. Over 60 exhibitors with a wide variety of mostly handmade gifts, eats and a coffee shop. Sunday December 3 Classics at the Castle: Opera found with multi award-winning soprano Emma Farquharson and her accompanist, Garreth Robertson on piano. Starts at 3pm. Tickets are R80 and are on sale now at KNA Port Alfred. Out-of-towners please call (046) 624-2036). The price includes a programme and welcome drink. Enquiries: 082-456-7437. Saturday December 9 Methodist Church in Port Alfred fete. Starts at 8am. “Give a hand-made gift this Christmas”. Red Leaf Nursery – Christmas Cracker Workshop with Linda Reynolds from Stained Glass and Mosaic studio. Each child will make get the material to make five crackers and fused glass items to put inside (it will be in bubble wrap). Time 10am until 11am. Cost R150. Pre-pay essential to secure spot. Only 10 children for this workshop. Book on (046) 624-8530.

November 16, 2017 ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook Talk of the Town 11

10 Talk of the Town ADVERTISING / NEWSDESK: (046) 624 4356 Find us on Facebook<br />

<strong>November</strong> <strong>16</strong>, 2017<br />

N E I G H B O U R LY NOTES<br />

WITH the rain pouring down in buckets at the time of<br />

writing and the dams filling nicely, the farmers are<br />

happy along with everyone else. Well, perhaps not<br />

everyone, as there have been a number of road<br />

accidents in the last few days. The weather conditions<br />

and the Stop/Go on the main R72 arterial road<br />

through town, seem to be causing some drivers<br />

problems. We urge all drivers to be cautious when<br />

driving through town and to be careful of flooded<br />

roads that always occur whenever it rains for more<br />

than a few minutes in Port Alfred.<br />

AS IS now the custom, please assist the South<br />

African National Blood Services (SANBS) on its drive<br />

to stock its shelves and fridges with much-needed<br />

blood, specifically with the holiday season fastapproaching<br />

and considering the number of units that<br />

will be required over this period. SANBS will be at the<br />

Port Alfred Girl Guide Hall (close to the municipal hall<br />

and the library) on Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 21 from 1pm to<br />

6pm.<br />

MOTORISTS are in for another fuel increase before<br />

the end of the month, but this has far more impact on<br />

citizens in general because, as transportation costs<br />

rise, so do the prices on the supermarket’s shelves.<br />

According to the Automobile Association, illuminating<br />

paraffin is projected to increase by 75 cents a litre‚<br />

petrol is set for a 74-cent rise‚ and diesel 63 cents.<br />

IN national news, President Zuma, speaking on the<br />

(previously, or is it?) Gupta-owned news channel<br />

ANN7, said on Monday evening that he will lead the<br />

fight against corruption and state capture. His<br />

commission of enquiry is intended to root out<br />

corruption and, as he said, “if Zuma is corrupt‚ it is<br />

going to be found by this commission”. In the same<br />

interview, Zuma also spoke of the assassination<br />

attempt on his life by poisoning. It is difficult to know<br />

who is fooling who in this political landscape.<br />

DEPUTY president of the country, Cyril Ramaphosa, is<br />

fighting hard in the race for presidency of the ANC,<br />

and has already produced his manifesto and plan to<br />

create one-million jobs and have the economy<br />

showing growth of 5% by 2023. The question must<br />

be, will Ramaphosa be elected to the presidency of<br />

the ANC at the 2017 conference, running from<br />

December <strong>16</strong> to December 20, to enable him to<br />

change the ANC and, in turn, the government’s<br />

policies, or is this just electioneering?<br />

MINISTER for Public Enterprises, Lynne Brown, was in<br />

the hot seat on Tuesday when she was accused of<br />

having been “captured” by the Guptas at the Eskom<br />

board inquiry by Eskom spokesman Khulani Qoma. In<br />


Albany Vintage and Classic Motor Club Museum<br />

opens on the last Saturday of each month – 9am-12<br />

noon – Hawkins Industrial Park, Alfred Road, Port<br />

Alfred.<br />

Bathurst Farmers Market – Every Sunday rain or<br />

shine at Yesterday Today and Tomorrow Nursery,<br />

Kowie Road from 9am-12.30pm.<br />

Birdwatching Tours and Three Sisters Saunter.<br />

Book with Anne (046) 675-1976 or 083-719-4950.<br />

w w w. a n n e s b i r d i n g . c o . z a<br />

Bonsai Club meets once a month on a Saturday. For<br />

more information please contact David Brewis on<br />

076-457-3218. Or e-mail d a v i d b re w i s 7 7 @ g m a i l . c o m<br />

Bring your tools and layout in and enjoy the creative<br />

atmosphere and free coffee at Bcreative<br />

Scrapbooking, Shop 12, Rosehill Mall. Available<br />

weekdays and Saturdays, groups welcome. Call<br />

Nicolene on (046) 624-3096 to book.<br />

Duck Pond Morning Market every Wednesday,<br />

Friday and Saturday from 9am-2pm, between Buksies<br />

Coffee Shop and Penny Farthing restaurant. Jams,<br />

pickles, secondhand books, cakes, quiches,<br />

secondhand clothing, crochet knitting, plants. All<br />

stallholders welcome. Contact Wendy 081-347-9562.<br />

FAST (Forum for Astronomy, Science and Technology)<br />

meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Port<br />

Alfred Ski-boat Club at 2.30pm. Visitors welcome.<br />

Please contact Shirley Marais at<br /> or on 082-928-8671 for more<br />

i n fo r m at i o n .<br />

First Port Alfred Scout/Cub meetings. Every Friday<br />

at the Girl Guide Hall, from 3pm-5pm. Visitors<br />

welcome. For more information contact Dot Fethers<br />

on (046) 624-3192.<br />

Graze by the River – Live music by Ant Kaplan –<br />

Saturdays from 12 noon to 3pm. Contact Nick: (046)<br />

624-8095.<br />

Kenton Pub Quiz – 6.30pm – first Sunday of each<br />

month at Kenton Bowls Club. Cash bar available.<br />

Cash and other prizes. Teams of four to six. All<br />

welcome. Enquiries: Walter Grisdale (046) 648-2440.<br />

Kleinemonde Morning Market on the first Saturday<br />

of every month, from 8.30am-10am. Kleinemonde<br />

Community Hall. Enjoy breakfast and browse the<br />

stalls selling wholesome farm chickens and home<br />

produce, including quality meats, vegetables,<br />

pancakes, frozen meals, quiches, bread, rusks,<br />

gingerbread houses, home baked cakes, doggy treats,<br />

candles, gifts and more.<br />

Kowie Auctioneers - monthly auction every last<br />

Thursday of the month at 35 North Street. Entries for<br />

the auction need to be in on the Tuesday before the<br />

auction. Viewing day prior from 2pm. For more<br />

information call Colin Maclachlan 083-521-3623 or<br />

Peter Charter on 082-569-3478.<br />

Kowie History Museum, at The Old Railway Station,<br />

A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT: The bottom of Park Road in Port Alfred is once again flooded due to<br />

the seasonal rains. Motorists attempting to avoid the Stop/Go on the R72 at the Port Alfred High<br />

School will not be able to use Park Road as an alternative route until the rainwater recedes<br />

Picture: ROB KNOWLES<br />

fact, Qoma was particularly damning in his criticism<br />

of the minister and said, “she lies all the time,” and,<br />

“she is an atrocious minister”.<br />

A N D, with the deadline for transferring the grants<br />

payments to another body, Bathabile Dlamini is still<br />

umming and ahhing about the ability of the SA Post<br />

Office to handle the job. These are very worrying<br />

times and they don’t appear to be getting any easier,<br />

with the ratings agencies just waiting to pounce and<br />

plunge the country into financial ruin. Please, Mr<br />

president, fix this mess your ministers have caused.<br />

Your duty is surely to protect the people of the<br />

country, even though you have previously stated that<br />

you put the ANC first.<br />

A L S O, on our borders, it is a tumultuous time in<br />

Zimbabwe at the moment, and we hope that the<br />

“coup” (if that is what it is) is resolved quickly and<br />

without bloodshed.<br />

A N OT H E R year has passed, so it’s time to wish<br />

E-mail Rob Knowles at or fax (046) 624-2293<br />

or drop in at 29 Miles Street from 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday<br />


E-mail or fax (046) 624-2293 or drop in at 29 Miles Street from 8am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday<br />

Pascoe Crescent. Open 9.30am-12.30pm<br />

Tuesday-Saturday. Closed Sunday/Monday and public<br />

h o l i d ay s .<br />

Lower Albany Historical Society meets third<br />

Thursday of the month – some meetings in Don Powis<br />

Hall, Settlers Park, others, outside trips. Call Suzette<br />

on 083-581-5777 for details.<br />

Lower Albany Woodworkers’ Guild, meets first<br />

Tuesday of each month. Call Brian Edwards on (046)<br />

624-2945, or John Moss on 082-829-5484 for more<br />

i n fo r m at i o n .<br />

Memory Book Scrapbook Club meets twice a month<br />

on a Thursday afternoon. All welcome. Contact Cheryl<br />

(046) 624-2733 / 083-556-7562.<br />

MOTHS - Old soldiers never die – Calling all<br />

ex-servicemen “Ou Manne” and their ladies for a<br />

get-together on the first Sunday of every month at 12<br />

noon and the MOTH Hall (behind the Ski-boat Club)<br />

for a light lunch and some memories. RSVP MOTHS at<br />

082-537-9033 or 084-983-8550 for catering purposes.<br />

National Sea Rescue Institute practices every<br />

Wednesday at 5pm. To join the NSRI visit the base in<br />

person to undergo an evaluation.<br />

Night Scrapbooking classes every fortnight at<br />

BCreative Scrapbooking Supplies at Shop 12, Rosehill<br />

Mall. Wednesdays from 6.30pm-10pm. Call Nicolene<br />

on (046) 624-3096 to book your spot for the next<br />

class or for more information. Saturday morning and<br />

weekday scrapbooking classes also available.<br />

Bookings are required.<br />

Port Alfred Art Club welcomes new members, both<br />

experienced or wanting to learn. We meet weekly<br />

offering a monthly DVD from leading artists, giving<br />

excellent tips and guidance on how to draw and<br />

paint. Contact Jenny (083-292-2650) or Netty<br />

(084-584-6629).<br />

Port Alfred Bowling and Croquet Club invites you to<br />

try your hand at lawn bowls. Free coaching and bowls<br />

available every Friday from <strong>16</strong>:00. Situated next to the<br />

Nico Malan Bridge. Enquiries: Rod Wilson at:<br />

082-375-2968 or (046) 624-5671. Other times can be<br />

arranged by appointment. See our website at:<br />

w w w. p a b c c . c o . z a<br />

Port Alfred Bridge Club – Now at the Lodge on<br />

Albany Road (the Old Vic Hotel). Meets every Monday<br />

and Thursday – 1.15pm for 1.30pm start.<br />

Port Alfred Community Police Forum meets on the<br />

third Tuesday of each month at the Port Alfred Police<br />

Station at 2.30pm.<br />

Port Alfred Floral Art Group (PAFAG) meets on the<br />

3rd Saturday of the month at Settlers Park hall at<br />

2.30pm. For more information please phone<br />

082-464-4606 (Hennie de Bruin). All welcome.<br />

Probus Club of the Kowie meets on the second<br />

Tuesday of each month at 10am at the Port Alfred<br />

River and Ski-boat Club.<br />

everyone having a birthday especially to Zoey Harris,<br />

Blake Botha, Ian Sawers, Bella Metcalf, Jenny Hoseck,<br />

Amy Wilmot, Jenny Nel, Peter Godson, Andre Crous,<br />

Denise van der Merwe, Jacques Westraadt, Shelley<br />

Handley, Des Spenceley, Clive Haworth, Sandra<br />

Hayward, Fiona Timm, Ruan Cannon, Kathleen Hill,<br />

Cordelia Quma, Michael Millard, Buks de Kock, Tarryn<br />

Hickman, Lettie Plaatjie, Kayleigh Anne Parsons,<br />

Deleste Van den Meulen, Cindy Charter, Lynn Roberts,<br />

Graham Strachan, Duncan Minott, Jill Bax, Colette<br />

Reid, Hilpert twin sisters Michaela and Monique,<br />

Lydia Atteridge, Lisa Tarr, Anne McCann, Josh<br />

Alexandre, Chan Kahn, Gary Gailey, Susan Gombert,<br />

Basil Terry.<br />

CONGRATULATIONS and even more success for the<br />

future, to all businesses celebrating an anniversary,<br />

especially the Christie’s Complex in Campbell Street,<br />

The Bathurst Farmers Market on 18 marvellous years,<br />

The Goat Shed Bush Bistro at Woodlands in Kenton.<br />

Richmond House Museum and Music Room. P r i vat e<br />

non-profit museum est. 2007. The building (1948) is a<br />

replica of the Castle, and the displays trace 175 years<br />

of owners and alterations. No admission fee, but<br />

donations welcomed. Tours by appointment only:<br />

082-456-7437. ‘Classics at the Castle’ classical/jazz<br />

concerts check press or<br />

w w w. fa c e b o o k . c o m / r i c h m o n d h o u s e m u s e u m m u s i c<br />

Rocky Ridge Farm Market opens every Saturday and<br />

Sunday from 9am with a variety of home made<br />

delights, “egg-cellent” free-range eggs, honey,<br />

biltong, droewors as well as its very popular morning<br />

breakfast. Contact Desia Holmes on 083-589-0765 for<br />

more information.<br />

Rosehill Mall Art and Crafters Market, the first<br />

Saturday of every month, from 9am-4pm. A true art<br />

and craft market. Only handmade items available by<br />

our local crafters. Large selection of goods.<br />

Scottish Country Dancing at Don Powis Hall,<br />

Settlers Park, every Wednesday from 5.30pm-7pm.<br />

For more information please phone (046) 604-0478.<br />

Sunshine Coast Women’s Forummeets every fourth<br />

Tuesday in the Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park at<br />

2.30pm. Come and join us. Visitors welcome. For<br />

more information contact Muriel MacGregor on (046)<br />

624-1963.<br />

The Riverside Ramble: a new self-guided tour (map<br />

R10 from Sunshine Coast Tourism or Kowie History<br />

Museum) of historic Wharf Street and Van der Riet<br />

St reets.<br />

U3A – Port Alfred Branch meets on the fourth<br />

Thursday of every month at 10am at the Don Powis<br />

Hall, Settlers Park village. All welcome.<br />

Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>16</strong><br />

Lower Albany Historical Societyouting to Waters’<br />

Meeting, Bathurst, entry cost R10 pp. Meet at Civic<br />

Centre at 10am with picnic tea. Talk of local historical<br />

interest to be given by Basil Mills. All welcome.<br />

Contact Avonne 083-473-6823.<br />

PA Art Club – 9am – Outing to Sandy Thomas in<br />

Bathurst. See her studio and paint and draw in her<br />

garden. Phone (046) 624-4565 or 073-273-2912 for<br />

details.<br />

Friday <strong>November</strong> 17<br />

Special Ndlambe Council meeting – 10am – Council<br />

Chambers, Campbell Street.<br />

Blood Drive – 11am-6pm - Heritage Mall, Port Alfred.<br />

Tuesday <strong>November</strong> 21<br />

Blood Drive – 1pm-6pm - Girl Guide Hall, Port Alfred.<br />

Thursday <strong>November</strong> 23<br />

U3A - 10am - Don Powis Hall, Settlers Park. Speaker:<br />

Brian “Bugs” Wilmot presenting “A literary walking<br />

tour of old Cradock”.<br />

PA Art Club – 12.30pm – Just a reminder to those<br />

who have booked for our Christmas party at the Golf<br />

Club. Call 074-181-0530 for enquiries.<br />

IT is a highly volatile market and always is as we<br />

approach the New Year, but internal problems in the<br />

country are seeing the rand fall dramatically against<br />

most international currencies. As we go to press, the<br />

Rand was trading at a lower R14.37/$ (was R14.34),<br />

R18.91/£ (R17.85), with the Euro at R17.02 (R15.33).<br />

Commodities such as gold were trading at $12 8 5 . 67<br />

per fine ounce ($1226.33), platinum trading at<br />

$929.00 per ounce ($940.10) and Brent Crude now<br />

trading at $61.44 per barrel ($45.23)<br />

SPECIAL thoughts and prayers are with all those folk<br />

who are not well, who are having or have already had<br />

tests, operations and treatments. “Sterkte” to Roy<br />

Potter, Andrew de Vries, Dot Fetherstonhaugh,<br />

Howard Dredge.<br />

SINCERE condolences to the family and friends of<br />

Ryin Von Schanke who passed away Saturday<br />

<strong>November</strong> 11. May cherished memories of all the<br />

happy times spent together comfort all the family<br />

during your bereavement.<br />

SINCERE condolences and kind thoughts to the family<br />

and friends of Charles Edward Coetzer who passed<br />

away on Wednesday, <strong>November</strong> 1. Heartfelt sympathy<br />

to his wife Reta, family and friends. May you feel the<br />

warm embrace of loving memories and hear happy<br />

echoes of all the good times and many years you<br />

shared together. Our condolences also go the friends<br />

and family of Eden Bradfield, especially his children<br />

Grant, Bev, Candice and his grandchildren who<br />

passed away suddenly on <strong>November</strong> 10.<br />

A memorial service will be held to honour Eden<br />

Bradfield on Monday <strong>November</strong> 20 at the Wesley<br />

Methodist Church at 11am.<br />

WEDDING anniversary congratulations and all good<br />

wishes for many more to all couples celebrating this<br />

special occasion next week. Especially Mark and<br />

Suzanne Wyllie, Malcolm and Carole Christie, John<br />

and Jaida Ball. Tim and Imare Patterson, John and<br />

Sharon Dailkin, Jaco and Cheryl Delport, Leon and<br />

Reonette Jansen van Rensburg.<br />

WE must speak about the virtues of the last few<br />

Springbok games. What, nothing to say? And Bafana<br />

Bafana? Not a great sporting week for the country.<br />

THOUGHT for the week: “Success, happiness,<br />

peace of mind and fulfilment...are available to all<br />

among us, without exception, who make things<br /> the world around them.”<br />

BEST regards as always,<br />

The Team.<br />

Saturday <strong>November</strong> 25<br />

Diaz Cross Bird Club outing: Visit to John and<br />

Coreen Timm’s farm. This is our Christmas outing.<br />

Bring a picnic brunch. Visitors welcome (R10 per<br />

person to DCBC). Meet at Heritage Mall at 6am and<br />

P r e st o n ’s Kenton at 6am. For more details contact<br />

Ivan Greenwood on (046) 648-1104.<br />

Thursday <strong>November</strong> 30<br />

PA Art Club – 9am – St James Hall. Enjoy a social<br />

cup of tea or coffee, library and DVD exchange. Bring<br />

paintings for review.<br />

Grahamstown Christmas Market – 10am-7pm – PJ<br />

Olivier High School Hall. Over 60 exhibitors with a<br />

wide variety of mostly handmade gifts, eats and a<br />

coffee shop.<br />

Friday December 1<br />

Grahamstown Christmas Market – 10am-7pm – PJ<br />

Olivier High School Hall. Over 60 exhibitors with a<br />

wide variety of mostly handmade gifts, eats and a<br />

coffee shop.<br />

Saturday December 2<br />

Christian Men’s Association breakfast – 7am for<br />

7.30am – Port Alfred Celebration Centre (Old Vic<br />

Hotel). Speaker: Reddie Ndoro, born Zimbabwean, to<br />

a family deep into ancestral worship. Her father was a<br />

spirit medium. Her talk will share how she broke the<br />

grip of ancestral worship and transitioned into<br />

Christianity. Suggested donation of R40 (students<br />

R20) to cover costs of breakfast.<br />

St Paul’s Anglican Church fete – starts 8.30am.<br />

Teas, cakes, breakfast rolls, deli, white elephant stall,<br />

second hand books, clothes, crafts.<br />

Rosehill Mall Arts and Crafters Market – 9am to<br />

4pm.<br />

Grahamstown Christmas Market – 9am–3pm – PJ<br />

Olivier High School Hall. Over 60 exhibitors with a<br />

wide variety of mostly handmade gifts, eats and a<br />

coffee shop.<br />

Sunday December 3<br />

Classics at the Castle: Opera found with multi<br />

award-winning soprano Emma Farquharson and her<br />

accompanist, Garreth Robertson on piano. Starts at<br />

3pm. Tickets are R80 and are on sale now at KNA<br />

Port Alfred. Out-of-towners please call (046)<br />

624-2036). The price includes a programme and<br />

welcome drink. Enquiries: 082-456-7437.<br />

Saturday December 9<br />

Methodist Church in Port Alfred fete. Starts at<br />

8am. “Give a hand-made gift this Christmas”.<br />

Red Leaf Nursery – Christmas Cracker Workshop with<br />

Linda Reynolds from Stained Glass and Mosaic<br />

studio. Each child will make get the material to make<br />

five crackers and fused glass items to put inside (it<br />

will be in bubble wrap). Time 10am until 11am. Cost<br />

R150. Pre-pay essential to secure spot. Only 10<br />

children for this workshop. Book on (046) 624-8530.

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