Dear readers, For adventure explorers, you would not want to miss our special story on the Arctic conquesst by dog sled and the aurora borealis experience – often compared as a virtually magical dance of light. The snowy mountain, ice caves and the whole scenery in Salzkammergut, a region near the Austrian city of Salzburg, will leave you in awe. Or perhaps, you prefer to admire the beauty of late autumn leaves in South Korea under the lens of our photographer Quynh Anh. After receiving positive feedbacks from Travellive readers on the story "60 day trip around Vietnam with my kid" back in June, we decided to invite Oc and her family back to tell us about their latest trip, a 50 day journey around South East Asia. The little girl has now become a ‘seasoned’ traveler after having been to 10 SEA countries. Your trip to Taiwan would be a lot more enjoyable when you try all the food from Taipei, Taichung and Tainan The cold and windy season is finally here, we wish you plenty of new and exciting experiences for your journeys ahead. TRAVELLIVE EDITORIAL BOARD

Dear readers,

For adventure explorers, you would not want to miss our special story on the Arctic conquesst by dog sled and the aurora borealis experience – often compared as a virtually magical dance of light. The snowy mountain, ice caves and the whole scenery in Salzkammergut, a region near the Austrian city of Salzburg, will leave you in awe. Or perhaps, you prefer to admire the beauty of late autumn leaves in South Korea under the lens of our photographer Quynh Anh.

After receiving positive feedbacks from Travellive readers on the story "60 day trip around Vietnam with my kid" back in June, we decided to invite Oc and her family back to tell us about their latest trip, a 50 day journey around South East Asia. The little girl has now become a ‘seasoned’ traveler after having been to 10 SEA countries.

Your trip to Taiwan would be a lot more enjoyable when you try all the food from Taipei, Taichung and Tainan

The cold and windy season is finally here, we wish you plenty of new and exciting experiences for your journeys ahead.



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15/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Silk<br />


Content ><br />

1 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 7<br />

FooD & Beverage - Destination - What&Where - traveLLers' outFit -<br />

event caLenDar - PhototraveL - generaL neWs - itinerarY - Discover<br />

dachstein - Photos: Ly Thanh Co<br />

56 ><br />


24 GIò N⁄M TRñN<br />

¬M TH#C X` ÐÄI<br />

C„ bao giÍ bπn ngh‹, du lch<br />

n≠Ìc ngoµi tı Bæc Æ’n Nam,<br />

"®n tr‰n" h≠¨ng v ba mi“n Ɔt<br />

n≠Ìc chÿ trong mÈt ngµy? Ngoµi<br />

Singapore, ßµi Loan lµ Ɔt n≠Ìc<br />

cho bπn mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v<br />

nh≠ vÀy. H∑y cÔng ph„ng vin<br />

Travellive th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng<br />

m„n ®n h†p d…n nh†t cÒa »m<br />

th˘c ßµi Loan<br />

24 HOUR CULINARy<br />


Have you ever thought about<br />

"tasting" all kinds of different foods<br />

of a country in just one day? Besides<br />

Singapore, Taiwan is the perfect<br />

place for you to experience such an<br />

amazing food journey. Let's enjoy<br />

Taiwan's finest cuisine.<br />

74 ><br />



THI£N NHI£N K∞ Vè<br />

Chuy’n kh∏m ph∏ vÔng Salzkammergut<br />

thuÈc tÿnh Upper, g«n vÌi thµnh phË ©m<br />

nhπc Salzburg cÒa n≠Ìc Éo lµ mÈt hµnh<br />

tr◊nh »n ch¯a nh˜ng Æi“u b†t ngÍ thÛ v.<br />



My recent visit to the Salzkammergut located<br />

in the Upper province, close to the Salzburg<br />

city of Austria, is such an amazing and<br />

interesting journey.<br />

48 ><br />



Silk Sophistication - Nät tinh t’ LÙa, mÈt<br />

b¯c tranh tuy÷t Æãp k’t hÓp gi˜a cÊ Æi”n<br />

vµ hi÷n Æπi. Trong bÈ s≠u tÀp mÌi nµy,<br />

KAAB cho ra mæt nh˜ng chi’c Æ«m lÙa vÌi<br />

thi’t k’ tËi gi∂n, hµi ha vµ tinh t’ vÌi hai<br />

tone mµu Æen - træng.<br />

Silk Sophistication, a design combining both<br />

classic and modern elements. In this latest<br />

collection, KAAB is introducing their finest<br />

silk dresses with a minimalist, harmonious<br />

and sophisticated style, all in black and<br />

white tones.<br />

4<br />



Content ><br />

1 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 7<br />

66 ><br />

138 ><br />

136 ><br />


TÅN MÑN<br />

MùA THU X` HÄN<br />

N’u bπn h·i t´i mÔa nµo lµ<br />

mÔa Æãp nh†t cÒa x¯ sÎ Kim<br />

Chi? T´i sœ kh´ng Ææn Æo vµ<br />

tr∂ lÍi rªng Æ„ lµ mÔa thu.<br />

Vµo thÍi Æi”m cuËi th∏ng 10,<br />

khi ti’t trÍi chuy”n sang thu,<br />

kh´ng kh› n¨i Æ©y trÎ nn<br />

m∏t du. Nh˜ng t∏n l∏ c©y d«n<br />

chuy”n sang t´ng mµu vµng,<br />

cam, Æ· lÈng l…y...<br />


Which seasons is the most<br />

beautiful in South Korea? I have<br />

to tell you that it is fall. The<br />

season is at their peak in late<br />

October with a nice, cool and<br />

sudden drop in temperature.<br />

The leaves of the trees transition<br />

from green to gold, orange and<br />

reddish tones.<br />


Bangkok Airways<br />

Vıa qua, h∑ng hµng kh´ng<br />

Bangkok Airways ra mæt<br />

Æ≠Íng bay mÌi nh†t tr˘c ti’p<br />

tı s©n bay Suvarnabhumi<br />

Bangkok Æ’n PhÛ QuËc<br />

- Vi÷t Nam. VÌi tÊng cÈng 4<br />

chuy’n bay kh¯ hÂi khÎi hµnh<br />

tı Bangkok, Bangkok Airways<br />

sœ lµ h∑ng hµng kh´ng Æ«u<br />

tin c„ Æ≠Íng bay thºng Æ’n<br />

Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc<br />

Bangkok Airways has recently<br />

launched a new direct flight<br />

from Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi<br />

Airport to Phu Quoc - Vietnam.<br />

With a total of 4 round-trip<br />

flights departing from Bangkok,<br />

Bangkok Airways will be the first<br />

airline to offer direct flight to Phu<br />

Quoc island.<br />


Maserati<br />

Vıa qua, Maserati Æ∑ ch›nh<br />

th¯c trao chi’c tÛi HermÃs<br />

Birkin qu˝ hi’m trn th’ giÌi<br />

cho kh∏ch hµng Vi÷t Nam<br />

may mæn nh†t trong ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i mua xe sang t∆ng<br />

tÛi HermÃs.<br />

Maserati recently handed one of<br />

the rarest HermÃs Birkin bags to<br />

a fortunate Vietnamese customer<br />

during their promotion "Buy a<br />

luxury car, get a HermÃs bag".<br />

108 ><br />

90 ><br />



CùNG CON<br />

Sau bµi vi’t "Hµnh tr◊nh 60 ngµy xuyn Vi÷t cÔng<br />

con" Æ∑ Æ≠Óc nhi“u ÆÈc gi∂ cÒa Travellive b†m<br />

"Like", l«n nµy, ´ng bË Harry trÎ lπi vÌi chuy’n Æi xa<br />

h¨n nhi“u. D‹ nhin hπt nh©n cÒa chuy’n Æi v…n lµ<br />

nh©n vÀt bä ˇc, c´ con g∏i bä nh· nh≠ng r†t "tıng<br />

tr∂i" cÒa bË Harry.<br />



After getting rave reviews regarding my story "60<br />

days around Vietnam with my kid", I am back to write<br />

another story about our most recent trip, this time to<br />

further destinations around Southeast Asia. Oc, our<br />

daughter, was again our little companion, who can now<br />

be considered a "seasoned" traveler.<br />


PH•I MçNH GI~A TRòI ߣM B¿C C#C<br />

Hoµng L Giang, Æπi di÷n duy nh†t cho Vi÷t Nam<br />

tham gia chinh phÙc Bæc c˘c (Fjallraven Polar) vÌi<br />

nh˜ng chia sŒ chi ti’t, cÙ th” nh†t trn Travellive v“<br />

hµnh tr◊nh Æ∆c bi÷t nµy.<br />


Hoang Le Giang, the first Vietnamese participant to<br />

conquer the North Pole (Fjallraven Polar) has an amazing<br />

story to tell us about his unique experiences.<br />





Tr«n ßoµn L©m<br />

BI£N TÜP<br />

Editors<br />

Tr«n V®n Th≠Îng, Trang Nguy‘n<br />

THI⁄T K⁄ M≤ THUÜT<br />

Graphic Design<br />

Long Le - Hanh Mai<br />


Advertising<br />

Hotline: 0989 946 240 / 0985 <strong>11</strong>6 750<br />

Email: ads@vntravellive.com<br />

TíA SOÑN<br />

Head Office<br />

Banbientap@vntravellive.com<br />

59 ThÓ NhuÈm, Hoµn Ki’m, HN<br />

Tel: 024 3936 8349<br />

Fax: 024 3936 8350<br />

V°N PHíNG TP. HCM<br />

HCMC Office<br />

144 V‚ V®n T«n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM<br />

Tel: 028 3930 964<br />

Fax: 028 3930 9642<br />

Website: www.vntravellive.com<br />

Gi†y phäp xu†t b∂n sË: 04/GP-XBßS<br />

In song nÈp l≠u chi”u th∏ng <strong>11</strong> - <strong>2017</strong><br />

In tπi C´ng ty TNHH MTV In vµ<br />

Th≠¨ng mπi TTXVN<br />


For online subscription, please visit:<br />

http://vntravellive.com/bookmagazine/<br />


Photographer: pq chua<br />

Model: NGUYEN thuy trang<br />

Creative Producer: CAC TRUC<br />

Makeup: cao quy duong<br />

Fashion: KAAB<br />

Lighting: kevin<br />

Location: jw marriott phu quoc<br />

emerald bay<br />

<br />



H•N 1000 ßIÕM ßñC MIŸN PHê<br />

TR£N TOÄN QUˇC<br />

(the List WiLL Be uPDateD anD DeveLoPeD each month)<br />

(Danh s∏ch lin tÙc Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀt vµ khai th∏c thm hµng th∏ng)<br />

HANOI<br />

caf–S & BaRS (66)<br />

µ6 Degrees Cafe & Lounge<br />

µChurch Boutique<br />

µClub Opera<br />

µCoffee Bike<br />

µCong Cafä (18)<br />

µCora Cafä<br />

µHelio Cafä (4)<br />

µHighland Coffee (15)<br />

µFoutain Cafä<br />

µGardenista<br />

µJoma Bakery Cafä<br />

µLissom Parlour<br />

µL’Harmony<br />

µManzi<br />

µMoca<br />

µParis Deli (2)<br />

µPu Ku<br />

µRunam<br />

µRunam Bistro<br />

µTay Tap Bar<br />

µThe Coffee Bean & Tea<br />

Leaf Vietnam (2)<br />

µVpresso (6)<br />

RESTaURaNTS (34)<br />

µDon’s Tay Ho Bistro<br />

µHome Restaurant<br />

µLy Club Restaurant<br />

µNgon Villa<br />

µMyWay Cafe &<br />

Restaurant (5)<br />

µNha hang ße Nhat (2)<br />

µNha 9NKC<br />

µPho 24 (6)<br />

µQuan Ngon (4)<br />

µRooftop<br />

µSawasdee Restaurant<br />

µPho Bien (4)<br />

µThai Village Restaurant<br />

µSwing Lounge<br />

µTop Chef Restaurant<br />

& Bar<br />

µToViet Cellar<br />

µTrong ßong Son<br />

Restaurant<br />

µViet Deli<br />

SPaS (6)<br />

µHong Ngoc Center<br />

µSpa Aquamarine<br />

µThu Cuc Spa (2)<br />

µLa Casa Spa<br />

µZen Spa<br />

aiRLiNES (2)<br />

µNoi Bai International<br />

Airport (Business<br />

Lounges)<br />

µTurkish Airlines (The<br />

Best European Airline-<br />

Bussiness Class)<br />

cRUiSES (4)<br />

µEmeraude Classic<br />

Cruises<br />

µPelican Luxury & Image<br />

Halong Cruises<br />

µParadise Luxury (2)<br />

TRaVEL aGENTS (3)<br />

µAsian Travelmate<br />

µTourist Information<br />

Center (TIC)<br />

µVietnam Tourism<br />

Association<br />

OTHERS (24)<br />

µBMW Showroom<br />

µFord Showrooms (8)<br />

µHong Leong Bank Hanoi Branch<br />

µIpanima Showroom (2)<br />

µLounge of Vinhome Time City &<br />

Vinhome Royal City<br />

µNest AIA<br />

µNshape Fitness (3)<br />

µPeugeout Scooteis<br />

µTan My Design<br />

µTechcombank Lounge<br />

µTimes Square<br />

µToong Working Space (2)<br />

µVan Tri Golf<br />

HCMC<br />

caf– (104)<br />

µCafä EON - EON 51<br />

µCiao Coffee (3)<br />

µCong Cafä (4)<br />

µDeciBel Lounge<br />

µGloria Jean’s Coffee (2)<br />

µGoody<br />

µHighland Coffee (36)<br />

µInbox<br />

µKlasik Coffee Roasters<br />

µLa Cafeteria de<br />

L’usine (3)<br />

µLa Fenetre Soleil<br />

µLa Toronde Cafe<br />

µLe Saigonais<br />

µMORICO (6)<br />

µNYDC (5)<br />

µRunam Bistro (3)<br />

TçM ßñc PHi£N BÅN ßiåN T^ TÑi<br />

F o r d i g i t a l p u b l i c a t i o n , p l e a s e v i s i t :<br />

µThinker & Dreamer Coffee<br />

µTerrace Cafä (5)<br />

µThe Coffee Bean & Tea<br />

Leaf Viet Nam (14)<br />

µThe Coffee House(13)<br />

µThe Workshop Cafe<br />

µFly Cupcake & Goody Ice Cream<br />

cLUBS (2)<br />

µClub Royale<br />

µInternational Tourist<br />

Club<br />

RESTaURaNTS (34)<br />

µBon Bon Restaurant<br />

µDi Mai Restaurant<br />

µGao Restaurant<br />

µJaspas restaurant<br />

µKhanh Casa<br />

µPho 24 (19)<br />

µSanfulou Restaurant<br />

µShri Restaurant &<br />

Lounge<br />

µSorae Restaurant<br />

µWrap & Roll<br />

Restaurant (2)<br />

SPaS (12)<br />

µAnam QT Spa<br />

µAuthentic Spa<br />

µL’Apothiquaire Spa (3)<br />

µLotus Spa<br />

µSen Spa<br />

µSian Skincare Laser Clinic<br />

µThann Sanctuary<br />

Day Spa<br />

8<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


µThe Spa Saigon Pearl<br />

µTropic Spa<br />

µZennova Spa Cay Diep<br />

AIRLINES (2)<br />

µTan Son Nhat International<br />

Airport (Business Lounges)<br />

µTurkish Airlines (The Best<br />

European Airline-Bussiness Class)<br />

CONSULATE (1)<br />

µUK Trade & Investment<br />

OTHERS (17)<br />

µCitimart<br />

µFord Showrooms (<strong>11</strong>)<br />

µFahasha<br />

µInternational SOS Clinics Viet<br />

Nam<br />

µIpaNima Showroom (2)<br />

µPhuong Nam<br />

µFit 24 Fitness<br />

µAmerica Eye Center<br />


CAF– (10)<br />

µHighland Coffee Parkson Hai<br />

Phong (2)<br />

µHighland Coffee Parkson<br />

µMegastar Hai Phong<br />

µHighland Coffee Megastar Bien<br />

Hoa<br />

µHighland Coffee Big C, Da Nang<br />

µHighland Coffee Indochina, Da<br />

Nang<br />

µHighland Coffee Megastar Vinh<br />

Trung, Da Nang<br />

µRunam Bistro, Da Nang<br />

RESTAURANT (2)<br />

µPho 24 - Nha Trang<br />

µEnjoy - Quang Nam<br />

AIRLINES (4)<br />

µCam Ranh Airport(Business<br />

Lounge)<br />

µCan Tho Airport (Business<br />

Lounge)<br />

µDanang International Airport<br />

(Business Lounge)<br />

µLien Khuong Airport (Business<br />

Lounge)<br />

CRUISES (7)<br />

µAphrodite Cruise (1)<br />

µParaside Luxury (4)<br />

µParadise Previlege (2)<br />

µParadise Peak (1)<br />

µParadise Cruise<br />

µStarlight Cruise<br />

µOriental Sail<br />

µCalypso Cruise<br />


µIn cooperation with Vietnam<br />

Airlines, Travellive copies are<br />

available at business lounges of six<br />

international airports in Vietnam,<br />

including Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat,<br />

Lien Khuong, Cam Ranh, Da Nang<br />

and Can Tho<br />

µIn cooperation with Turkish<br />

Airlines (The Best European<br />

Airlines). Every business traveller<br />

on flight by Turkish Airlines<br />

to Vietnam is provided with a<br />

Travellive publication for free.<br />

µ180 Travel Agents, (belonging to<br />

Vietnam Tourism Association) in<br />

Vietnam<br />

µIssued by National Newspapers<br />

Distribution Company, Fahasa<br />

Book Distribution Corporation,<br />

Phuong Nam bookshop system,<br />

Citimart supermarkets (HCMC)...<br />

Lotte Hanoi<br />

Shin Cafe<br />

Terrace Cafe<br />

300 KhÉch sÑn, resort HÄng ß¡u viåt nam<br />

The leading hotels and resorts in Vietnam<br />

Th´ng tin chi ti’t xem tπi<br />

For more details, please follow the link below<br />


DỰ ÁN CĂN HỘ<br />


(Branded Residence)<br />

Tại Quận 1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

w w w . D 1 M E N S I O N . c o m . v n<br />



For adventure explorers, you<br />

would not want to miss our special<br />

story on the Arctic conquesst by<br />

dog sled and the aurora borealis<br />

experience - often compared<br />

as a virtually magical dance of<br />

light. The snowy mountain, ice<br />

caves and the whole scenery in<br />

Salzkammergut, a region near<br />

the Austrian city of Salzburg, will<br />

leave you in awe. Or perhaps,<br />

you prefer to admire the beauty<br />

of late autumn leaves in South<br />

Korea under the lens of our<br />

photographer Quynh Anh.<br />

QU≥ ßóC GIÅ TH¢N M⁄N!<br />

Nh˜ng ng≠Íi m th∏m hi”m hºn sœ kh´ng b· s„t cuÈc chinh phÙc<br />

Bæc C˘c bªng xe ch„ käo vÌi c¨ hÈi tr∂i nghi÷m Bæc C˘c quang Æ≠Óc<br />

ph„ng vin Travellive ghi lπi qua lÍi k” cÒa t∏c gi∂ Hoµng L Giang,<br />

Æπi di÷n Vi÷t Nam duy nh†t tham gia hµnh tr◊nh nµy. NÛi tuy’t vµ<br />

hang b®ng sœ Æ” lπi †n t≠Óng kh„ qun v“ vÔng Salzkammergut nªm<br />

g«n thµnh phË ©m nhπc Salzburg cÒa n≠Ìc Éo, hay chim ng≠Ïng<br />

vŒ Æãp cuËi thu l∑ng mπn ngÀp sæc l∏ vµng l∏ Æ· cÒa x¯ sÎ kim chi<br />

d≠Ìi Ëng k›nh cÒa ph„ng vin ∂nh Qu˙nh Anh.<br />

Sau khi nhÀn Æ≠Óc nhi“u ph∂n hÂi t›ch c˘c tı Æ´ng Æ∂o ÆÈc gi∂<br />

vÌi bµi vi’t "60 ngµy xuyn Vi÷t cÔng con" Æ®ng t∂i trn Tπp ch›<br />

Travellive th∏ng 6, l«n nµy chÛng ta sœ c„ dfip g∆p lπi gia Æ◊nh bä ˇc<br />

qua cuÈc Æi 50 ngµy vflng quanh ß´ng Nam É. C´ con g∏i bä nh·<br />

giÍ Æ∑ "tıng tr∂i" h¨n nhi“u sau khi cÔng bË mã Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n 10<br />

quËc gia trong hµnh tr◊nh vıa qua.<br />

Chuy’n du lfich ßµi Loan sœ thÛ vfi h¨n n’u bπn dµnh thÍi gian<br />

th≠Îng th¯c tr‰n vãn h≠¨ng vfi »m th˘c cÒa c∂ ba mi“n: ßµi Bæc,<br />

ßµi Trung vµ ßµi Nam.<br />

MÔa gi„ lπnh Æ∑ Æ’n, th©n chÛc qu˝ ÆÈc gi∂ c„ nhi“u tr∂i nghi÷m mÌi<br />

mŒ trn nh˜ng hµnh tr◊nh yu th›ch.<br />

BAN BI£N TÜP<br />

After receiving positive feedbacks<br />

from Travellive readers on the<br />

story "60 day trip around Vietnam<br />

with my kid" back in June, we<br />

decided to invite Oc and her family<br />

back to tell us about their latest<br />

trip, a 50 day journey around<br />

South East Asia. The little girl has<br />

now become a "seasoned" traveler<br />

after having been to 10 SEA<br />

countries.<br />

Your trip to Taiwan would be a lot<br />

more enjoyable when you try all<br />

the food from Taipei, Taichung<br />

and Tainan.<br />

The cold and windy season is<br />

finally here, we wish you plenty of<br />

new and exciting experiences for<br />

your journeys ahead.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


The Arctic<br />

Night Sky<br />

(4/<strong>2017</strong>)<br />

12<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />




TP.HCM<br />



QU£ VIåT<br />

Toµn bÈ b¯c tranh qu h≠¨ng cÒa nhµ hµng gÓi nhÌ cho th˘c kh∏ch<br />

Vi÷t mÈt c∂m gi∏c lµng qu vµ truy“n t∂i mÈt nät v®n h„a ÆÀm<br />

sæc Vi÷t cho ng≠Íi n≠Ìc ngoµi du lch tπi Sµi Gn. Secret House<br />

- thuÈc chuÁi nhµ hµng Secret Garden Vietnamese Home - Cooked<br />

Restaurants & Cafe, bn cπnh th˘c ƨn vËn d‹ nÊi ti’ng cÒa Secret<br />

Garden, Æ≠Óc thm vµo r†t nhi“u m„n mÌi Æa dπng & phong phÛ tı m‰i<br />

mi“n cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc mang h≠¨ng v cÒa Bæc Trung Nam phÙc vÙ th˘c kh∏ch<br />

tı 7am - 10pm. ß∆c bi÷t, bn khu v≠Ín mÈc mπc, gi„ chi“u hiu hiu...<br />

th˘c kh∏ch c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c nh˜ng buÊi trµ chi“u nhã nhµng tπi Secret<br />

house. Gi∂m gi∏ Æ∆c bi÷t 50% cocktail sau 9h tËi mÁi ngµy.<br />

BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


(Secret House *55/1 L Th HÂng G†m, B’n Thµnh, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM<br />

*Tel: +84 9<strong>11</strong> 877 008)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

H¤N VIåT GI~A CHˇN<br />

ߧ THÄNH<br />

VÌi khu v≠Ín xanh c„ hµng trÛc nh· xµo xπc, »n<br />

m◊nh trn t«ng cao mÈt c®n hÈ cÚ trong con<br />

hŒm khim tËn gi˜a trung t©m Sµi Gn, kh´ng<br />

gian yn b◊nh tπi Mountain Retreat cÔng nh˜ng m„n<br />

®n thu«n Vi÷t mang ÆÀm phong v qu nhµ th˘c s˘ lµ<br />

li÷u ph∏p xoa du t©m hÂn l…n bao tˆ c˘c k◊ l˝ t≠Îng.<br />

Nh≠ ÆÛng vÌi tn g‰i Mountain Retreat, Æi”m Æ’n »n<br />

m◊nh nµy b· lπi s˘ Ân µo cÒa phË th Æ” mang lπi c∂m<br />

gi∏c b◊nh yn nh†t cho th˘c kh∏ch. ß” nh˜ng t©m hÂn<br />

lπc lËi n¨i phË th c„ c¨ hÈi h≠Îng thÙ chÛt hÂn Vi÷t<br />

h≠¨ng qu.<br />

(Mountain Retreat *Rooftop 36 L LÓi, Ph≠Íng<br />

B’n Nghä, Q.1, TP. HCM *Tel: 0907 194 557 *Fanpage:<br />

www.facebook.com/mountainretreatvn)<br />

Mekong<br />

Kichen - »m<br />

th˘c mi“n<br />

T©y gi˜a lng<br />

Saigon<br />

VÌi Æam m kh∏m<br />

ph∏ nät »m th˘c d©n<br />

d∑ nh≠ng kh´ng käm<br />

ph«n ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa<br />

mi“n ÆÂng bªng s´ng<br />

Cˆu Long, Mekong<br />

Kitchen ra ÆÍi mong<br />

muËn mang Æ’n cho<br />

th˘c kh∏ch nh˜ng<br />

TP.HCM<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m thÛ v v“<br />

nät Æ∆c sæc cÒa vÔng<br />

ßBSCL Vi÷t Nam ngay<br />

tπi trung t©m Sµi Gn.<br />

Th˘c kh∏ch d‘ dµng<br />

t◊m th†y nh˜ng nguyn<br />

li÷u vıa lπ tai vıa th©n<br />

thuÈc, nh≠ l∏ nhµu, l∏<br />

mÃ, l∏ lËt, l∏ ngh÷, l∏<br />

trÛc, tr∏i gi∏c, sËt me<br />

non, täp ÆÂng, Æi cÔng<br />

c∏c m„n n≠Ìng lu,<br />

n≠Ìng Ëng tre, n≠Ìng<br />

than, tπo s˘ hoµ Æi÷u<br />

d©n d∑ & ®n ˝. VÌi<br />

nh˜ng g„c yn t‹nh<br />

tho∏ng Æπt gÓi d∏ng<br />

d†p th©n th≠¨ng cÒa<br />

nh˜ng n’p nhµ vËn<br />

nªm trong k˝ ¯c cÒa<br />

b†t k˙ mÈt ng≠Íi con<br />

mi“n T©y nµo tıng tr∂i<br />

qua, nhµ hµng sœ mang<br />

lπi cho bπn nh˜ng tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m mÌi mŒ & †m<br />

cÛng.<br />

(Mekong Kitchen<br />

*156-158 Nguy‘n Th∏i<br />

B◊nh, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM<br />

*Tel: 028 2215 3605)<br />

14<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


HCMC<br />


Hidden on a high floor of an old house in the city center of Saigon with a green garden featuring lines of bamboo<br />

trees, Mountain Retreat brings guests a serene space and traditional Vietnamese dishes that can ease one from the<br />

bustle and hustle of the daily life. As revealed in its name, Mountain Retreat will wipe out all your worries to serve<br />

you in the homiest ambiance.<br />

(Mountain retreat *Rooftop 36 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist.1, HCMC *Tel: 0907 194 557<br />

*Fanpage: www.facebook.com/mountainretreatvn)<br />

HCMC<br />

Mekong Kichen -<br />

Food of the delta<br />

in the heart of<br />

Saigon<br />

With a passion to explore<br />

culinary delights of the Cuu<br />

Long River Delta, Mekong<br />

Kitchen is committed to<br />

providing guests an exciting<br />

experience of the Mekong<br />

Delta right in the heart of<br />

Saigon. Diners can easily find<br />

ingredients both strange and<br />

familiar such as noni leaves,<br />

sesame leaves, lolot leaves,<br />

turmeric leaves, bamboo<br />

leaves, cayratia... to go with<br />

grilled, chargrilled and charcoal<br />

grilled dishes, creating unique<br />

and tempting flavors. With<br />

tranquil corners reminding<br />

you of the old houses of the<br />

Mekong Delta, the restaurant<br />

will bring you a totally familiar<br />

and cozy dinng experience.<br />

Mekong kitcHen *156-158<br />

Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, HCM<br />

*Tel: 028 2215 3605)<br />

HCMC<br />



Secret House draws guests to a Vietnamese village<br />

with its remarkable culture, which is inviting<br />

enough for locals and foreigners alike. Secret<br />

House under Secret Garden Vietnamese Home-<br />

Cooked Restaurants & Cafä serves an array of popular<br />

and new plates from the North, Central Coast and South<br />

of Vietnam. The restaurant opens from 7am - 10pm. In<br />

particular, you can enjoy an afternoon tea break in the<br />

cool breeze in Secret House. 50% discount for cocktails<br />

ordered after 9pm daily.<br />

(Secret HouSe *55/1 Le Thi Hong Gam, Ben Thanh,<br />

Dist. 1, HCMC *Tel: +84 9<strong>11</strong> 877 008)<br />

16<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


TP.HCM<br />

¬M TH#C HU⁄<br />


HU⁄ HOUSE<br />

VÌi mÙc Æ›ch giÌi thi÷u v®n Hu’ Æ’n g«n vÌi m‰i<br />

ng≠Íi, The Hu’ House Æ≠Óc m´ ph·ng nh≠ 01<br />

ng´i nhµ v≠Ín Hu’ cÊ k›nh sœ h†p d…n du kh∏ch<br />

bªng c∏c m„n ®n truy“n thËng b◊nh d, tı c¨m h’n, b∏nh<br />

bÃo, bÈt l‰c, b∏nh nÀm, bÛn b, bÛn tht n≠Ìng... Æ∆c<br />

tr≠ng cÒa Hu’ Æ’n nh˜ng m„n ®n nÊi ti’ng kh∏c cÒa Vi÷t<br />

Nam nh≠ cao l«u HÈi An, m◊ Qu∂ng, b l∏ lËt, ch∂ gi,<br />

b∏nh ÆÀp, nem n≠Ìng... ß’n vÌi The Hu’ House, th˘c<br />

kh∏ch kh´ng chÿ hi”u thm ph«n nµo v“ v®n h„a Hu’ qua<br />

»m th˘c vµ nät ki’n trÛc Æ∆c tr≠ng x¯ Hu’ cÒa nhµ hµng<br />

mµ cn Æ≠Óc ngæm nh◊n khung c∂nh Sµi Gn tı trn cao.<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Phong c∏ch »m<br />

th˘c t≠¨i mÌi tπi<br />

COCA Restaurant<br />

ChuÁi nhµ hµng s∏ng tπo cÒa<br />

ch©u É COCA Restaurant<br />

Æ∑ t©n trang lπi nhµ hµng tπi<br />

Vincom thµnh phË HÂ Ch›<br />

Minh nhªm mang Æ’n phong<br />

c∏ch »m th˘c t≠¨i mÌi cho<br />

th˘c kh∏ch trong kh´ng gian<br />

xanh cÒa nhµ hµng, th” hi÷n<br />

nguÂn gËc »m th˘c Æ≠Íng phË<br />

vÌi kh´ng gian b’p mÎ, t≠Íng<br />

gπch ng„i vµ chÁ ngÂi tho∂i<br />

m∏i. Th˘c ƨn mÌi gÂm nhi“u<br />

m„n Th∏i nÊi ti’ng, c∏c m„n<br />

®n ch©u É Æ≠Óc ≠a chuÈng vµ<br />

hµng loπt m„n sÛp th¨m ngon<br />

vÌi nguÂn h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng vµ<br />

tht h∂o hπng. T†t c∂ s˘ ÆÊi<br />

mÌi nhªm mang Æ’n kh´ng<br />

BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


(The hu⁄ house - AuThenTic VieTnAmese hu⁄<br />

cuiSine *T«ng th≠Óng Ta nhµ Master Building,<br />

41 - 43 Tr«n Cao V©n, P.6, Q.3, TP. HCM *Tel: 0909 246 156)<br />

gian t≠¨i s∏ng, th©n thi÷n thu<br />

hÛt gia Æ◊nh, bπn bà vµ c∏c c∆p<br />

Æ´i Æ’n vÌi nhµ hµng.<br />

(coca reStaurant<br />

*Vincom Center, T«ng h«m B3-28F,<br />

45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Q.1 *Tel: 028<br />

3829 5665 *Parkson T©n S¨n Nh†t,<br />

T«ng 5, 60 Tr≠Íng S¨n, Q.T©n B◊nh<br />

*Tel: 028 6297 1787 *Parkson<br />

HÔng V≠¨ng, T«ng 3, 126 HÔng<br />

V≠¨ng, Q.5 *Tel: 028 2222 0396<br />

*Aeon Mall B◊nh T©n, T«ng 3-T2,<br />

01 ß≠Íng 17A, Q.B◊nh T©n *Tel:<br />

028 3620 2282 *Website: www.<br />

cocasuki.vn)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

MÄU VÄNG<br />

MÄU CûA K≥ `C<br />

HOÄI NIåM!<br />

Kh´ng chÿ gÓi nhÌ v“ mÈt Hµ thµnh x≠a qua mµu vµng<br />

chÒ Æπo mµ tıng g„c nh· trong kh´ng gian cÒa Vua<br />

ch∂ c∏ cn c†t gi˜ nh˜ng kho∂ng k˝ ¯c s∏ng tËi ÆÀm<br />

nhπt cÒa Hµ NÈi x≠a qua nh˜ng b¯c tranh Æen - træng nhuÈm<br />

mµu thÍi gian!<br />

ß” c„ mÈt m„n ngon Hµ NÈi chu»n, ngoµi vi÷c l˘a ch‰n<br />

Æ≠Óc nh˜ng gia v th›ch hÓp, th◊ c∏ch ch’ bi’n cÚng Æi h·i Î<br />

ng≠Íi n†u ®n mÈt tri th¯c chuyn bi÷t, tÿ mÿ vµ ch›nh x∏c! Vµ<br />

Vua Ch∂ C∏ Æ∑ gi˜ Æ≠Óc tr‰n vãn c∏i tinh tu˝ cÒa m„n Ch∂<br />

C∏ truy“n thËng!<br />

(VuA chÅ cÉ *c¨ sÎ 1 : 48 Nguy‘n Th ßnh, Ng∑ t≠ Hoµng<br />

Ng©n, Trung Hoµ, C«u Gi†y, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0979 775 566 - 024<br />

3221 6599 *c¨ sÎ 2: 26C Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi<br />

*Hotline: 0961 757 522 - 024 3392 5999 *c¨ sÎ 3: 76a Mai Hæc ß’,<br />

HBT, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0961 959 518 - 024 3826 3399 *c¨ sÎ 4:<br />

269 Gi∂ng V‚, ßËng ßa, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0979 279 219 - 024 3389<br />

6222 *Website: vuachaca.vn)<br />

18<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HCMC<br />



HOUSE<br />

The Hue House restaurant is designed to showcase<br />

Hue's culinary culture to guests. It serves a wide<br />

selection of Hue's local foods such as rice with<br />

mussels, floating fern-shaped cake, nÀm cake (the rice<br />

flour, shrimp and pork meat), vermicelli with beef and<br />

grilled pork. Diners can also order other dishes of the<br />

Central Coast such as cao l«u (a dish from Hoi An made<br />

with noodles, pork, and local greens), Quang noodles<br />

(Quang Nam), beef with betel leaves, pork pie and grilled<br />

Vietnamese sausage. At The Hue House, gourmets can<br />

not only discover Hue's architectural style but also view<br />

the panorama of Saigon.<br />

(The Hue House - Authentic Vietnamese<br />

Hue cuisine *Rooftop, Master Building, 41 - 43 Tran<br />

Cao Van, Ward 6, Dist.3, HCMC *Tel: 0909 246 156)<br />

HANOI<br />

BARS<br />

PUBS<br />


Yellow - The color<br />

of nostalgic memories!<br />

Not only reminding you of a past Hanoi by the dominant<br />

yellow color but every corner of Vua Cha Ca Restaurant also<br />

reserves mixture of bright and dark, clear and faded memories<br />

of the past Hanoi past by the black and white paintings which vividly are<br />

the shades of time!<br />

In order to serve a perfect Hanoian dish, apart from selecting proper<br />

spices, the processing method also requires the cook a comprehensive<br />

knowledge, meticulous and accurate! And Vua Cha Ca has succeeded in<br />

keeping the essence of traditional Cha Ca!<br />

(VUA CHA CA *Vua Cha Ca 1: 48 Nguyen Thi Dinh, Crossroad of Hoang<br />

Ngan, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi *Hotline: 0979 775 566 - 024 3221 6599<br />

*Vua Cha Ca 2: 26C Tran Hung Dao - Hoan Kiem, Hanoi *Hotline: 0961 757<br />

522 - 024 3392 5999 *Vua Cha Ca 3: 76a Mai Hac De, Hai BaTrung, Hanoi<br />

*Hotline: 0961 959 518 - 024 3826 3399 *Vua Cha Ca 4: 269 Giang Vo, Dong<br />

Da, Hanoi *Hotline: 0979 279 219 - 024 3389 6222 *Website: vuachaca.vn)<br />

HCMC<br />

Fresh style<br />

of cuisine<br />

at COCA<br />

Restaurant<br />

Asia's innovative<br />

restaurant chain<br />

COCA Restaurant has<br />

revamped its restaurant<br />

at Vincom Center in<br />

Ho Chi Minh City to<br />

bring fresh cuisine to<br />

its customers within its<br />

green space, featuring<br />

the culinary heritage<br />

of street food. The<br />

restaurant now has<br />

an open kitchen, brick<br />

walls and comfortable<br />

seatings. The new menu<br />

includes many famous<br />

Thai dishes, Asian<br />

favorites and a variety<br />

of delicious soups along<br />

with fresh seafood and<br />

finest meats. The new<br />

change aims to provide<br />

a more welcoming and<br />

friendly environment<br />

to groups of families,<br />

friends and couples to<br />

the restaurant.<br />

(COCA Restaurant<br />

*Vincom Center, Basement<br />

B3-28F, 45A Ly Tu Trong,<br />

District 1 *Tel: 028<br />

3829 5665 *Parkson Tan<br />

Son Nhat, 5th Floor, 60<br />

Truong Son Street, Tan<br />

Binh District *Tel: 028<br />

6297 1787 *Parkson Hung<br />

Vuong, 3 rd Floor, 126 Hung<br />

Vuong Street, District<br />

5 *Tel: 028 2222 0396<br />

*Aeon Mall Binh Tan, Floor<br />

3-T2, 01 Street 17A, Binh<br />

Tan District *Tel: 028 3620<br />

2282 *Website: www.<br />

cocasuki.vn)<br />

20<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HÄ NóI<br />

KHAI TR•NG<br />



Ngµy 24/10 vıa qua, Kh∏ch sπn Th®ng<br />

Long Espana Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c khai tr≠¨ng,<br />

trÎ thµnh Æi”m Æ’n ≠a th›ch cÒa du<br />

kh∏ch trong n≠Ìc vµ quËc t’. VÌi lËi ki’n trÛc<br />

ÆÈc Æ∏o c„ mÈt kh´ng hai tπi Vi÷t Nam, Th®ng<br />

Long Espana lµ s˘ k’t hÓp ngh÷ thuÀt vµ ki’n<br />

trÛc Æ≠¨ng Æπi tı vŒ b“ ngoµi cÒa ta nhµ cho tÌi<br />

nÈi th†t cÒa c∏c phng ngÒ. ß’n vÌi Th®ng Long<br />

Espana, du kh∏ch kh´ng chÿ c„ dch vÙ l≠u trÛ Æ¨n<br />

thu«n mµ cn Æ≠Óc tr∂i nghi÷m s˘ kh∏c bi÷t gi˜a<br />

c∏c kh´ng gian Æa sæc mµu, ngh÷ thuÀt Æ≠¨ng Æπi<br />

- t∏c ph»m cÒa c∏c h‰a s¸ - ki’n trÛc s≠ nÊi ti’ng<br />

cÒa T©y Ban Nha vµ Vi÷t Nam.<br />

(KhÉch sÑn Th°ng Long Espana *SË 63<br />

Nguy‘n Tr≠Íng TÈ, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 024 3716<br />

3233 *Website: www.thanglonghanoihotels.com)<br />

HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Ti÷c cuËi n®m<br />

tπi Parkroyal<br />

Saigon<br />

HÈi tr≠Íng Orchid c„<br />

s¯c ch¯a ln Æ’n 240<br />

kh∏ch, khu´n vin h b¨i<br />

ngoµi trÍi vÌi kh´ng gian<br />

cho 300 Æ’n 350 kh∏ch<br />

chÿ c„ Î PARKROYAL<br />

Saigon lµ s˘ l˘a ch‰n<br />

hoµn h∂o cho s˘ ki÷n<br />

t†t nin hoµnh tr∏ng vµ<br />

s´i ÆÈng. MÈt b˜a ®n<br />

th©n mÀt tπi phng ti÷c<br />

Cherry Blossom hay<br />

kh´ng gian ti÷c ƺng c†p<br />

tπi t«ng ∏p m∏i, mÁi mÈt<br />

s˘ l˘a ch‰n cÒa bπn Æ“u<br />

sœ Æ≠Óc trang hoµng lÈng<br />

l…y, cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng ©m<br />

thanh, ∏nh s∏ng chuyn<br />

nghi÷p. Vµ h¨n th’ n˜a,<br />

ÆËi vÌi ti÷c tı 100 ng≠Íi<br />

trÎ ln, bπn sœ c„ c¨ hÈi<br />

nhÀn Æ≠Óc voucher ®n<br />

tËi tπi nhµ hµng Garden<br />

Brasserie dµnh cho hai<br />

ng≠Íi.<br />

(KhÉch sÑn PARK-<br />

ROYAL Saigon<br />

*309B-3<strong>11</strong> Nguy‘n V®n<br />

TrÁi, Ph≠Íng 1, QuÀn T©n<br />

B◊nh, TP. HCM *Tel: +84<br />

28 3842 <strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong> *Email:<br />

celebrate.prsgn@parkroyalhotels.com<br />

*Website:<br />

parkroyalhotels.com)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

TNG B\NG<br />

TIåC CUˇI N°M<br />


HÄ NóI<br />

H∑y cÔng ®n mıng mÈt n®m thµnh c´ng vÌi<br />

ÆÂng nghi÷p vµ ÆËi t∏c tπi phng ti÷c sang<br />

tr‰ng cÒa Kh∏ch sπn Pan Pacific Hµ NÈi<br />

vµ nhÀn ngay mÈt trong nh˜ng ≠u Æ∑i: mi‘n ph› 01<br />

kh∏ch vÌi mÁi 10 kh∏ch Æ∆t ti÷c; mi‘n ph› phÙc vÙ ÆÂ<br />

uËng; mi‘n ph› h÷ thËng ©m thanh vµ ∏nh s∏ng. Tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m ti÷c cuËi n®m trn t«ng cao tπi phng ti÷c<br />

West Lake mÌi Æ≠Óc n©ng c†p vµ nhÀn ngay ≠u Æ∑i<br />

mi‘n ph› chÙp ∂nh s˘ ki÷n. Ép dÙng Æi“u ki÷n vµ Æi“u<br />

kho∂n, vui lng lin h÷ Æ” bi’t thm chi ti’t.<br />


Nin, QuÀn Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Hotline: 0122 337 0336)<br />

22<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HCMC<br />



SAIGON<br />

Wih the Orchid Ballroom accommodating<br />

up to 240 guests and an outdoor<br />

pool area for 300 to 350 guests,<br />

PARKROYAL Saigon is the perfect venue for<br />

the most exciting celebration event of the year.<br />

Whether you choose an intimate dining experience<br />

at the Cherry Blossom Room or at the top most<br />

floor event venues, every room will be welldecorated<br />

with professional sound and lighting setup.<br />

For bookings of groups of 100 people or more,<br />

you will receive a dinner voucher at the Garden<br />

Brasserie for two.<br />

(PARKROYAL Saigon *309B-3<strong>11</strong> Nguyen Van<br />

Troi, Ward 1, Tan Binh Dist. HCM *Tel: +84 28 3842<br />

<strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong> *Email: celebrate.prsgn@parkroyalhotels.com<br />

*Website: parkroyalhotels.com)<br />

HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />

HANOI<br />

Thang Long<br />

Espana Hotel<br />

Launches<br />

Since October 24, the<br />

Thang Long Espana<br />

Hotel has officially<br />

opened and quickly<br />

become a favorite spot<br />

among both domestic<br />

and international<br />

tourists. With a unique<br />

design, Thang Long<br />

Espana Hotel combines<br />

contemporary art<br />

and architecture for<br />

both exterior look<br />

and interior feels. In<br />

addition to comfortable<br />

accommodation, visitors<br />

will get to experience a<br />

multi-color space with<br />

contemporary artworks<br />

from famous Spanish and<br />

Vietnamese painters and<br />

architects.<br />

(Thang Long<br />

Espana Hanoi<br />

Hotel *No. 63 Nguyen<br />

Truong To, Ba Dinh,<br />

Hanoi *Tel: 024 3716<br />

3233 *Website: www.<br />

thanglonghanoihotels.<br />

com)<br />

HANOI<br />



OFFER AT<br />


Welcome the year-end festivities in style<br />

with your colleagues and partners<br />

at Pan Pacific Hanoi and choose one<br />

out of special offers: (1) one complimentary seat<br />

with every 10 seats booked; (2) complimentary<br />

corkage for beverage; (3) complimentary<br />

sound and lighting systems. Take your meeting<br />

experience to a new height at the newly enhanced<br />

West Lake room and enjoy complimentary event<br />

photo shoot. Terms and conditions apply, please<br />

contact for more details.<br />

(PAN PACIFIC HANOI HOTEL *1 Thanh Nien<br />

Road, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi *Hotline: 0122 337 0336)<br />

24<br />


BÁO<br />

C Ơ Q U A N C Ủ A Đ O À N T N C S H Ồ C H Í M I N H T P. H C M<br />

Nhân kỷ niệm 42 năm ngày thành lập Tổng Công ty Du lịch Sài Gòn (01/8/1975 – 01/8/<strong>2017</strong>), góp phần quảng bá vẻ đẹp đất nước, phong tục, tập quán, con người<br />

Việt Nam, phát huy thành công từ cuộc thi ảnh – cuộc thi viết “<br />

” lần 1 năm 2014, Tổng Công ty Du lịch Sài Gòn (Saigontourist) phối hợp<br />

với báo Tuổi Trẻ tổ chức cuộc thi ảnh, cuộc thi viết, cuộc thi clip “ ” lần 2.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

810<br />

210<br />

210<br />

Nhận tác phẩm từ 15/8/<strong>2017</strong> đến 31/3/2018<br />

<br />


ßÄ NøNG<br />

GIÅM 30%<br />

GIÉ PHíNG<br />


DANANG<br />

HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS PH@ QUˇC<br />



JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay, khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ƺng c†p 5 sao quËc t’ Æ«u tin tπi PhÛ QuËc,<br />

Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c mÎ cˆa chµo Æ„n c∏c Æ´i t◊nh nh©n Æ’n chÙp ∂nh c≠Ìi tπi Æ©y vÌi g„i ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t<br />

mang tn "Thin Æ≠Íng t◊nh yu". Theo Æ„, c∏c c∆p Æ´i Æ®ng k˝ g„i chÙp ∂nh c≠Ìi nµy sœ Æ≠Óc gi∂m<br />

20% trn gi∏ nim y’t cÒa loπi phng Turquoise Suite, bao gÂm ®n s∏ng vµ internet cho hai ng≠Íi, cÔng<br />

mÈt chai r≠Óu vang sÒi Æ≠Óc Æ∆t tπi phng. Bn cπnh Æ„, c∏c c∆p Æ´i cn c„ c¨ hÈi tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng gi©y<br />

phÛt l∑ng mπn cÔng nhau vÌi g„i dch vÙ "Romantic Petal Bath" cao c†p hoµn toµn mi‘n ph› Æ≠Óc th˘c<br />

hi÷n bÎi Chaterelle - Spa by JW.<br />

T‰a lπc ngay gi˜a lng thµnh<br />

phË, kh∏ch sπn Vanda sœ<br />

lµm chuy’n du lch kh∏m<br />

ph∏ cÒa du kh∏ch d‘ dµng & thÛ<br />

v h¨n bao giÍ h’t. ß∆c bi÷t,<br />

kh∏ch sπn Æang c„ ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

≠u Æ∑i, gi∂m gi∏ 30% gi∏ phng khi<br />

Æ∆t tr˘c ti’p qua website. C∏ch<br />

th¯c nhÀn gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i: Truy cÀp<br />

website: www.vandahotel.vn; l†y<br />

m∑ khuy’n m∑i CAMP-VD<strong>11</strong>4<br />

& Æ∆t gi˜ phng tr≠Ìc ngµy<br />

31/12/<strong>2017</strong>; NhÀp m∑ nµy vµo<br />

chÁ Promo code khi Æang th˘c<br />

hi÷n Æ∆t phng.<br />

(VANDA HOTEL *3 Nguy‘n<br />

V®n Linh, H∂i Ch©u, ßµ NΩng *Tel:<br />

0236 3525 969 *Website: www.<br />

vandahotel.vn)<br />

(JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay *B∑i Kem, th tr†n An ThÌi, PhÛ QuËc, Kin Giang<br />

*Tel: 0297 377 9999 *Website: jwmarriottphuquoc.com)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Ti÷c cuËi n®m tπi Renaissance<br />

Riverside Hotel Saigon<br />

Chµo Æ„n mÔa l‘ hÈi cuËi n®m vÌi nh˜ng ≠u Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t dµnh cho<br />

th˘c kh∏ch khi Æ∆t c∏c g„i tic Æa dπng trong nhi“u kh´ng gian phÔ<br />

hÓp vÌi tıng chÒ Æ“ kh∏c nhau. Bπn c„ th” l˘a ch‰n khu v˘c s∂nh<br />

ti÷c truy“n thËng cho c∏c buÊi h‰p m∆t trang tr‰ng hay ti÷c tÔng<br />

cÔng bπn bÃ, ÆËi t∏c tπi khu v˘c qu«y bar s∂nh ch›nh cÒa kh∏ch<br />

sπn Æ’n c∏c buÊi ti÷c h b¨i s´i ÆÈng tπi kh´ng gian ngoµi trÍi cÒa<br />

Liquid Sky Bar - t«ng th≠Óng. VÌi gi∏ chÿ tı 430.000++VNß/ kh∏ch<br />

kÃm theo nhi“u ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n cho c∏c nh„m kh∏ch sË l≠Óng tı<br />

30 ng≠Íi trÎ ln. u Æ∑i Æ≠Óc ∏p dÙng tı ngµy 15/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong> Æ’n<br />

ngµy 10/01/2018.<br />


Thæng, Q. 1, TP. HCM *Tel: 028 3822 0033 *Email:rhi.sgnbr.events@<br />

renaissancehotels.com)<br />

26<br />


++<br />

VND 6,999,000 /room<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Includes:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

palmgardenresort.com.vn<br />

Lac Long Quan St., Cua Dai Beach, Hoi An City, Quang Nam<br />

T +84 235 3 927 927 - E info@pgr.com.vn<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


HOTELS<br />

& RESORTS<br />

PHU QUOC<br />

DA<br />




Create your timeless memories and let your journey to eternity begin in paradise. Nestled on the pristine beach of Phu Quoc,<br />

Vietnam's hidden pearl, the 5-star luxury JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay is your perfect venue for pre-wedding photo<br />

shooting. From the stunning untouched shorelines with crystal clear water, breathtaking beachfront with fuchsia skyline at<br />

sunset to the spectacular "Lamarck University" themed resort settings, your special moments are brought to life with personalized<br />

service at every step. Turquoise Luxury Pre-Wedding Photography Package includes: 20% discount on a stay in Turquoise Suite,<br />

inclusive of breakfast for two people; Welcome drinks on arrival; Free WiFi throughout the resort; Complimentary romantic petal bath;<br />

Complimentary bottle of sparkling wine in-room. Book now to capture your memories in Paradise.<br />

(JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay *Bai Kem, An Thoi Town, Phu Quoc, Kien Giang<br />

*Tel: 0297 377 9999 *Website: jwmarriottphuquoc.com)<br />

HCMC<br />




Let's celebrate the festive season this year end with a special<br />

promotion from the Renaissance Riverside Hotel when booking<br />

for a party package of any theme. The party can either be held<br />

in the traditional foyer area for more formal gatherings or a more<br />

casual party with friends and partners in the hotel's main lobby bar<br />

area or a fun outdoor pool party at the Liquid Sky Bar on the rooftop.<br />

Price is starting from 430,000VND++ per person with other benefits<br />

for groups of 30 or more. Offer is valid from November 15, <strong>2017</strong> to<br />

January 10, 2018.<br />

(Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon *8-15 Ton Duc Thang<br />

St., Dist. HCM *Tel: 028 3822 0033 *Email: rhi.sgnbr.events@renaissancehotels.com)<br />

NANG<br />

30% discount at Vanda Danang<br />

Located in the heart of the city, Vanda Hotel will make your trip all the more exciting and enjoyable than ever. The hotel is offering a special<br />

promotion with 30% discount when guests book directly through the hotel's website. Visit www.vandahotel.vn to get the promotional code<br />

CAMP-VD<strong>11</strong>4 & book before December 31, <strong>2017</strong>. Enter this code when making a reservation.<br />

(Vanda Hotel *3 Nguyen Van Linh, Hai Chau, Da Nang *Tel: 0236 3525 969 *Website: www.vandahotel.vn)<br />

28<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


REAL<br />



Toπ lπc tπi mÈt trong nh˜ng v tr› Ææc Æa bÀc nh†t thµnh phË, One Verandah lµ d˘ ∏n chung c≠ cao c†p ven s´ng<br />

Sµi Gn cÒa Khu d©n c≠ Thπnh M¸ LÓi, QuÀn 2. ß≠Óc ph∏t tri”n vµ x©y d˘ng bÎi Mapletree, tÀp Æoµn Æ«u t≠ hµng<br />

Æ«u c„ trÙ sÎ tπi Singapore, One Verandah sœ mang Æ’n cho gia Æ◊nh bπn kh´ng gian sËng hi÷n Æπi vµ ƺng c†p<br />

v≠Ót trÈi: 8.000m 2 m∆t sµn cung c†p c∏c dch vÙ gi∂i tr› vµ sinh hoπt Æa dπng dµnh cho m‰i l¯a tuÊi; Ngæm nh◊n toµn c∂nh<br />

thµnh phË vµ s´ng Sµi Gn; Kh´ng gian ban c´ng rÈng lÌn mang Æ’n nh˜ng g„c nh◊n ngoπn mÙc; C®n hÈ tho∏ng Æ∑ng vÌi<br />

thi’t k’ cung c†p ∏nh s∏ng trÍi t˘ nhin<br />

(D# ÉN ONE VERANDAH *Hotline: 028 3620 6633 *Email: sales.vn@mapletree.com.sg *Website: www.oneverandah.vn<br />

*Facebook: www.facebook.com/OneVerandahbyMapletree)<br />


u Æ∑i cho<br />

kh∏ch hµng<br />

Vogue Hotel &<br />

Resort<br />

Th∏ng <strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>, chÒ<br />

Æ«u t≠ cÒa Vogue c´ng<br />

bË nh˜ng Æ∆c quy“n<br />

cho kh∏ch hµng khi<br />

trÎ thµnh c≠ d©n cÒa<br />

Vogue Hotel & Resort.<br />

Kh∏ch hµng sœ nhÀn<br />

Æ≠Óc nh˜ng Æ∆c quy“n<br />

≠u Æ∑i Nha khoa cÒa<br />

thΠ"Vogue member":<br />

Nha Khoa Kim, Nha<br />

Khoa U care, Nha<br />

Khoa Vietlife mi‘n<br />

ph› 100% th®m kh∏m<br />

vµ t≠ v†n, cÔng nhi“u<br />

ch›nh s∏ch gi∂m gi∏<br />

dch vÙ ln tÌi 40%.<br />

Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng<br />

tπi nhi“u tÿnh thµnh:<br />

HÂ Ch› Minh, Hµ NÈi,<br />

B◊nh D≠¨ng, Ti“n<br />

Giang... Ngoµi ra, vÌi<br />

thΠ"Vogue Resort",<br />

c∏c kh∏ch hµng sœ Æ≠Óc<br />

gi∂m 40% c∏c dch vÙ<br />

lµm Æãp tπi spa S«m<br />

Lan (HÂ Ch› Minh)<br />

vµ 30% tπi Timy (Nha<br />

Trang), cÔng nh˜ng ≠u<br />

Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t tπi City<br />

Ford.<br />

(VOGUE HOTEL &<br />

RESORT *Hotline:<br />

0901 093 333 *Website:<br />

vogueresort.com.vn)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Bi”u t≠Óng th≠¨ng hi÷u cao c†p qua<br />

c∏c d˘ ∏n nÊi bÀt cÒa Ph∏t ßπt<br />

C´ng ty CÊ ph«n Ph∏t tri”n B†t ÆÈng s∂n Ph∏t ßπt Æ∑<br />

c„ g«n 13 n®m hoπt ÆÈng b“n bÿ trong l‹nh v˘c b†t ÆÈng<br />

s∂n. Ngoµi Æ«u t≠ x©y d˘ng c∏c d˘ ∏n c®n hÈ cao c†p bao<br />

gÂm The EverRich Infinity, Millennium, hay ph∏t tri”n<br />

c∏c d˘ ∏n nghÿ d≠Ïng nh≠ Marriott Hotels & Resorts HÈi<br />

An vµ Westin Hotels & Resorts Nha Trang th◊ Ph∏t ßπt<br />

lu´n Æ≠Óc nhæc Æ’n qua s˘ thµnh c´ng cÒa th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

The EverRich Æ∑ qu∏ quen thuÈc vÌi nh˜ng ai quan t©m<br />

Æ’n c∏c d˘ ∏n sang tr‰ng ƺng c†p tπi khu trung t©m s«m<br />

u†t Sµi Gn. Millennium c„ s¯c m ho∆c kh„ c≠Ïng bÎi s˘<br />

ch®m chÛt trong thi’t k’, sˆ dÙng ki’n trÛc ÆÈc Æ∏o, hi÷n<br />

Æπi mµ nhã nhµng, thu hÛt kh∏ch hµng tı c∏i nh◊n Æ«u tin.<br />

Website: www.phatdat.com.vn<br />

30<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


REAL<br />

ESTATE<br />

HCMC<br />



Phat Dat Real Estate Development JSC, a company with nearly 13 years of experience in real estate, has developed<br />

from luxury apartment projects such as The EverRich Infinity, the Millennium, to luxury resort projects such as<br />

the Marriott Hotels & Resorts Hoi An and Westin Hotels & Resorts Nha Trang. Phat Dat is highly recognized<br />

following its success with the EverRich to all those who are have interest in luxury projects built in the heart of Saigon.<br />

Millennium Apartment is a project with irresistable charm that focuses on a new level of attention to the design, using<br />

unique and modern architecture, but with a soft touch, enticing customers at first sight.<br />

Website www.phatdat.com.vn<br />

HCMC<br />

One Verandah<br />

- An enviable<br />

home<br />

One Verandah is a<br />

luxury apartment located<br />

in a prime location<br />

along the Saigon River<br />

and in the Thanh My<br />

Loi Residential Area of<br />

District 2. Developed<br />

and built by Mapletree,<br />

a leading real estate<br />

developer group based<br />

in Singapore, One<br />

Verandah Apartment<br />

has plenty to offer that<br />

includes a mordern living<br />

space, superior class<br />

facilities for residents<br />

of all ages, spreading<br />

across an 8,000sqm<br />

entertainment deck,<br />

unblocked views of the<br />

city and the Saigon River,<br />

spacious balconies with<br />

breath-taking views,<br />

naturally ventilated<br />

apartments with natural<br />

daylight.<br />



*Hotline: 028 3620<br />

6633 *Email: sales.vn@<br />

mapletree.com.sg *Website:<br />

www.oneverandah.<br />

vn *Facebook: www.<br />

facebook.com/OneVerandahbyMapletree)<br />


Privilege for Vogue Hotel & Resort<br />

guests<br />

In November, the investment developer Vogue is<br />

introducing special privileges for guests staying at the<br />

Vogue Hotel & Resort. The privileges include 100%<br />

free consultation fee for Vogue member Cards at Kim<br />

Dental Clinic, U Care Dental Clinic, and Vietlife Dental<br />

Clinic, and up to 40% discounts on dental services.<br />

The privileges apply to Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Binh<br />

Duong, Tien Giang. In addition to the Vogue Resort<br />

Card, guests will receive a 40% discount on beauty<br />

services at Sam Lan Spa (Ho Chi Minh City) and 30%<br />

discount at the Timy (Nha Trang), along with many<br />

other special offers at City Ford.<br />

(VOGUE HOTEL & RESORT *Hotline: 0901 093 333<br />

*Website: vogueresort.com.vn)<br />

32<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


REAL<br />


D1MENSION: D# ÉN "C°N Hó Cï TH•NG HIåU"<br />

ßóC ßÉO TÑI VIåT NAM<br />

ß∏p ¯ng c∏c tiu chu»n r†t khæt khe v“ thi’t k’, l˘a ch‰n vÀt li÷u cho Æ’n qu∂n l˝ vÀn hµnh sau khi Æ≠a vµo hoπt ÆÈng,<br />

D1MENSION lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng Branded Residence Æ«u tin Æ≠Óc sÎ h˜u bÎi chÒ Æ«u t≠ n≠Ìc ngoµi tπi trung t©m thµnh phË.<br />

Ra mæt chÿ vÌi 102 c®n hÈ tı 2 - 3 - 4 phng ngÒ vµ Penthouse, D1MENSION thu hÛt giÌi Æ«u t≠ bÎi ch≠¨ng tr◊nh cam k’t Æ«u<br />

t≠ lÓi nhuÀn h†p d…n vÌi m¯c l∑i su†t ln Æ’n 8%/ n®m. Khi tham gia ch≠¨ng tr◊nh cho thu vÌi m¯c cam k’t ln tÌi 8%, kh∏ch hµng sœ<br />

cn Æ≠Óc nhÀn ≠u Æ∑i t∆ng g„i nÈi th†t cao c†p cÔng 4 n®m ph› qu∂n l˝, giÛp gia chÒ ti’t ki÷m thÍi gian vµ chi ph›, tËi Æa lÓi ›ch Æ«u t≠.<br />

(D# Én D1mension *Hotline: 1800 599 986 *Website: www.d1mension.com.vn)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Savills - ßπi l˝<br />

cho thu ÆÈc<br />

quy“n ta nhµ<br />

HKL<br />

T‰a lπc ngay gËc trÙc<br />

Æ≠Íng ch›nh Nguy‘n<br />

H˜u Th‰ vµ Æ≠Íng nÈi<br />

bÈ khu d©n c≠ Lµng ßπi<br />

H‰c, ta nhµ HKL c„<br />

tÊng di÷n t›ch cho thu<br />

kho∂ng 2.300m 2 vµ m∆t<br />

ti“n rÈng 43m, Æ∏p<br />

¯ng Æa dπng nhu c«u<br />

trÎ thµnh v®n phng,<br />

kinh doanh th≠¨ng mπi,<br />

trung t©m Ƶo tπo, c¨<br />

sÎ gi∏o dÙc... VÌi quy<br />

m´ 1 t«ng h«m, 1 t«ng<br />

th≠Óng vµ 5 t«ng cho<br />

thu, ta nhµ HKL Æ∂m<br />

b∂o cung c†p kh´ng<br />

gian cho thu linh hoπt,<br />

trang b ti÷n nghi nÈi<br />

khu theo tiu chu»n<br />

hi÷n Æπi. Bn cπnh dch<br />

vÙ t≠ v†n vÌi c∏c tiu<br />

ch› c¨ b∂n, s˘ tÀn t©m<br />

vµ ÆÂng hµnh trong<br />

tıng giai Æoπn lµ Æi“u<br />

Savills lu´n h≠Ìng tÌi,<br />

nhªm Æ∂m b∂o quy“n<br />

lÓi, nhu c«u cÚng nh≠<br />

hi÷u qu∂ giao dch cho<br />

kh∏ch hµng.<br />

(sAViLLs *T«ng 18, Ta<br />

nhµ Ruby, 81 - 85 Hµm<br />

Nghi, QuÀn 1, TP. HCM<br />

*Website: www.savills.<br />

com.vn)<br />

HA NOI<br />

Starlake Hµ NÈi - ßi”m nh†n kh∏c bi÷t<br />

Khu Æ´ th Starlake Hµ NÈi - Æi”m nh†n quan tr‰ng nh†t cÒa D˘ ∏n Khu Æ´ th T©y H T©y, Æ∑ vµ Æang tıng b≠Ìc kho∏c ln m◊nh mÈt di÷n<br />

mπo hoµn toµn mÌi. VÌi di÷n t›ch h¨n 186,3ha, nËi li“n vÌi kh´ng gian xanh HÂ T©y vµ trÙc giao th´ng huy’t mπch tÌi s©n bay quËc t’ NÈi<br />

Bµi, Starlake lµ bi”u t≠Óng cÒa mÈt khu Æ´ th ƺng c†p vµ hi÷n Æπi nh†t Vi÷t Nam, vÌi Æ«y ÆÒ c∏c ti÷n ›ch cÒa m´i tr≠Íng sËng "xanh" hµi<br />

ha vÌi thin nhin, bn cπnh c∏c khu ch¯c n®ng nh≠ hµnh ch›nh, kh∏ch sπn, gi∏o dÙc, th≠¨ng mπi vµ gi∂i tr›.<br />

(sTARLAKe hÄ nói *Hotline: 18001068 *Website: www.starlake-hanoi.com)<br />

34<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


REAL<br />




Adhering to strict standards in terms of the design, materials selection and operational management, D1MENSION is one of the<br />

first luxurious Branded Residences owned by a foreign investor in Ho Chi Minh City. It features 102 apartments with 2 - 3 - 4<br />

bedrooms and a penthouse. D1MENSION attracts investors by offering an attractive interest rate up to 8% per annum. In<br />

addition to the high interest rate, customers who join the leasing program will also receive premium furniture package with 4 years of<br />

management fees, helping homeowners save time and money and maximizing investment benefits.<br />

(PROJECT D1MENSION *Hotline: 1800 599 986 *Website: www.d1mension.com.vn)<br />

HCMC<br />

Savills - HKL<br />

building's<br />

exclusive<br />

leasing agency<br />

Located at the corner<br />

of main road Nguyen<br />

Huu Tho and the road<br />

of the University Village<br />

residential area, the<br />

HKL building with a<br />

total area of 2,300 sqm<br />

and a 43m-wide facade<br />

has been designed<br />

for diverse purposes<br />

from offices, business<br />

centers, training centers<br />

to educational facilities.<br />

With 1 basement, 1<br />

roof top and 5 floors<br />

for rent, the HKL<br />

building offers flexible<br />

living space, fully<br />

equipped and stateof-the-art<br />

facilities. In<br />

addition to providing<br />

basic consultation,<br />

Savills is committed to<br />

each stage and always<br />

strives to ensure the<br />

benefits, needs as<br />

well as transaction<br />

efficiency being met for<br />

customers.<br />

(SAVILLS *Floor 18,<br />

Ruby Building, 81 - 85 Ham<br />

Nghi, District 1, HCM<br />

*Website: www.savills.<br />

com.vn)<br />

HA NOI<br />

Starlake Hanoi - Distinctive project<br />

Starlake City Hanoi, the most important highlight of the West Lake City Project,<br />

is gradually taking shape with an area of 186.3 hectares, connecting with the<br />

green space of West Lake and the highway to Noi Bai International Airport,<br />

Starlake is the symbol of one of the most modern and advanced urban areas<br />

in Vietnam. It is in harmony with nature in addition to functional areas such as<br />

administration, hotels, education, commerce and entertainment.<br />

(STARLAKE HANOI *Hotline: 18001068 *Website: www.starlake-hanoi.com)<br />

36<br />


into<br />

the mist of<br />

<br />

“Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather<br />

golden memories, embark upon a sentimental<br />

journey and enjoy idle hour.”<br />

- John Boswell-<br />

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food,<br />

for the touch of friendly hand and for the talk<br />

beside lover.”<br />

- Laura Smith -<br />

2 DAYS 1 NIGHT<br />

3 DAYS 2 NIGHTS<br />

If you are also looking for<br />

these beautiful liveliness<br />

moments, you have come<br />

the right page of life.<br />

Welcome on board of<br />

Oriental Sails Cruises.<br />

Oriental Sails<br />

Calypso Cruiser<br />

Starlight Cruise<br />

3.290.000 VND 5.450,000 VND<br />

3,630,000 VND 6,150,000 VND<br />

6,350,000 VND <strong>11</strong>,350,000 VND<br />


Add<br />

Tel<br />

Email<br />

Website<br />

Price excludes:<br />

- 2 ways transfer Hanoi – Halong Bay<br />

- 10% VAT<br />

(Offer 10% discount for readers) <strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 37

BEAUTY<br />

& Healthcare<br />

TP.HCM<br />

S¿M N| CòI "5 SAO"<br />


R®ng s¯, Veneer s¯ th»m m¸ lµ gi∂i ph∏p lµm Æãp nhanh ch„ng cho nh˜ng hµm hÓp r®ng Ë vµng hay xÿn Æen bÎi nhi‘m tetracycline, b<br />

s¯t mŒ hay mn Æi theo thÍi gian... Nh˜ng chi’c r®ng s¯ cÒa bπn Æ≠Óc s∂n xu†t vÌi quy tr◊nh k¸ thuÀt sË (CAD/CAM) tı kh©u Æ«u<br />

Æ’n kh©u cuËi, c„ th” che Æi m‰i khuy’n Æi”m cho hµm r®ng cÒa bπn. Tπi Trung t©m Nha khoa Dr HÔng vµ cÈng s˘, khi lµm r®ng<br />

s¯, veneer s¯ th»m m¸, bπn c„ th” yn t©m v“ ch†t l≠Óng v◊ Æ≠Óc ch®m s„c vµ b∂o hµnh trong 10 n®m. Quµ t∆ng dµnh cho ph∏i Æãp trong<br />

th∏ng 10: Gi∂m tı 900.000VNß Æ’n 1.300.000VNß cho mÈt ƨn v r®ng s¯ Zirconia/r®ng s¯ emax vµ veneer siu m·ng. Vµ Æ∆c bi÷t h¨n<br />

c„ c¨ hÈi b· phi’u rÛt th®m c„ c¨ hÈi trÛng ngay siu ph»m IPHONE X.<br />

(TT Nha khoa Dr Hùng & Cóng s# *244A CËng Qu˙nh, Q.1, TP. HCM *Hotline: 0914 900 016 *<br />

Email: info@nhakhoadrhung.com *Website: www.nhakhoadrhung.com)<br />

TP.HCM<br />

Nh∑n hµng<br />

cao c†p<br />

Giuseppe<br />

Zanotti Æ∑ v“<br />

Vi÷t Nam<br />

MÌi Æ©y, nhµ thi’t<br />

k’ ng≠Íi ≥ Giuseppe<br />

Zanotti Æ∑ bæt tay<br />

vÌi C´ng Ty TNHH<br />

ThÍi Trang vµ M¸<br />

Ph»m Duy Anh<br />

(DAFC) Æ” mÎ cˆa<br />

hµng Æ«u tin ÆÀm<br />

ch†t ≥ tπi TP. HCM.<br />

Cˆa hµng Giuseppe<br />

Zanotti mang trong<br />

m◊nh sæc mµu t≠¨i<br />

s∏ng, t≠¨ng ph∂n, tı<br />

mµu xanh electric<br />

vµ vµng s…m; b“ m∆t<br />

phÒ kim loπi<br />

s∏ng b„ng.<br />

T≠Íng vµ<br />

sµn Æ≠Óc<br />

phÒ boiserie træng<br />

vµ Æ∏ c»m thπch, hµi<br />

ha vÌi c∏c chi ti’t<br />

thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o<br />

bªng g≠¨ng. T†t c∂<br />

nhªm mang lπi tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m mua sæm<br />

tuy÷t vÍi nh†t cho<br />

kh∏ch hµng.<br />

(Giuseppe<br />

Zanotti *Rex<br />

Hotel, 141 Nguy‘n<br />

Hu÷, Ph≠Íng B’n Nghä,<br />

QuÀn 1, TP. HCM *Tel:<br />

028 3827 7866)<br />

OTHER<br />


TP.HCM<br />

WOO - Th≠¨ng<br />

hi÷u cÒa T◊nh yu<br />

WOO lµ th≠¨ng hi÷u cao<br />

c†p Ch©u ¢u s∂n xu†t tπi Vi÷t<br />

Nam, Æ≠Óc lµm bªng nguyn li÷u ch†t<br />

l≠Óng cao vµ s∂n xu†t thÒ c´ng Æ”<br />

bπn c„ th” th≠Îng th¯c vµ chia sŒ vÌi<br />

nh˜ng ng≠Íi th©n yu. BÈ s≠u tÀp cao<br />

c†p WOO cung c†p c∏c s∂n ph»m sang<br />

tr‰ng bao gÂm n’n th¨m, n≠Ìc hoa<br />

trong nhµ, s∂n ph»m ch®m s„c c∏ nh©n,<br />

ÆÂ trang s¯c, phÙ ki÷n vµ nhi“u s∂n<br />

ph»m thÍi trang cao c†p. Phong c∏ch<br />

th»m m¸ WOO Æ≠Óc Æ∏nh gi∏ cao Î<br />

ch©u ¢u do s˘ ƨn gi∂n k’t hÓp vÌi s˘<br />

tinh t’.<br />

(C^a hÄng WOO *Th∂o ßi“n,<br />

QuÀn 2, TP. HCM *Website: www.<br />

woocares.com *Facebook: Facebook.<br />

com/woocares.)<br />

38<br />



MÁi vin ngÀm Ricola lµ k’t qu∂ cÒa mÈt quy tr◊nh s∂n xu†t k’t hÓp gi˜a hi÷n<br />

Æπi vµ truy“n thËng. Th´ng qua h÷ thËng ki”m so∏t ch†t l≠Óng ch∆t chœ v“ c∏c<br />

chÿ tiu vµ thµnh ph«n Æ∂m b∂o cho vin ngÀm Ricola Æπt ch†t l≠Óng tËi cao vµ<br />

mang Æ’n s˘ l˘a ch‰n tËt nh†t cho s¯c kh·e ng≠Íi tiu dÔng.<br />

C„ h¨n 100 trang trπi t˘ qu∂n Î khu v˘c ph›a nam d∑y nÛi Jura cam k’t cung c†p th∂o mÈc cho c´ng ty Ricola Æπt chu»n. Ni“m vui, hπnh<br />

phÛc cÒa h‰ lµ Æ≠Óc trÂng nh˜ng loπi th∂o mÈc qu˝ g„p ph«n b∂o v÷ thin nhin cÒa vÔng ÆÂi nÛi ThÙy S‹, Æ∂m b∂o cuÈc sËng t≠¨i Æãp.<br />

Toµn bÈ c∏c trang trπi th∂o mÈc Æ“u ∏p dÙng hoµn toµn ph≠¨ng ph∏p trÂng tr‰t t˘<br />

nhin: kh´ng sˆ dÙng thuËc di÷t c·, thuËc trı s©u. Th∂o mÈc Æ≠Óc quan t©m k¸ l≠Ïng<br />

th´ng qua h÷ thËng ki”m so∏t ch†t l≠Óng ch∆t chœ ngay tı kh©u ch‰n thÊ nh≠Ïng<br />

≠¨m m«m trÂng tr‰t cho Æ’n thÍi Æi”m thu hoπch, s∂n xu†t. S˘ n©ng niu, ch®m s„c<br />

c»n thÀn trn tıng c∏nh ÆÂng nh≠: nhÊ c·, bæt s©u bªng tay Æ∑ giÛp cho thµnh ph«n<br />

t˘ nhin Æ∂m b∂o Æ≠Óc tinh ch†t vµ hoπt ch†t c„ trong mÁi loπi th∂o mÈc Æ≠Óc gi˜<br />

nguyn vãn.<br />

ThÀm ch› khi chÛng Æ≠Óc Æem Æi s†y kh´, ha trÈn, chi’t xu†t vµ c´ Æ∆c theo c´ng<br />

th¯c b› mÀt tı n®m 1940 Æ” cho ra ÆÍi nh˜ng vin ngÀm th∂o mÈc mang tn Ricola.<br />

Vin ngÀm lµ s˘ k’t hÓp d≠Óc t›nh thin nhin cÒa 13 loπi th∂o mÈc qu˝ nh≠: c· thi,<br />

anh th∂o, thÙc qu˙, m∑ Æ“... giÛp th´ng cÊ, m∏t h‰ng vµ lµm du c¨n ho, Æem lπi ni“m<br />

vui vµ hπnh phÛc cho h¨n 290 tri÷u ng≠Íi dÔng trn toµn c«u. ß∆c bi÷t, Ricola c„ dng<br />

kão kh´ng ch¯a Æ≠Íng nn kh´ng g©y hπi cho r®ng, tËt cho s¯c kh·e.<br />

S∂n ph»m Æ≠Óc s∂n xu†t, Æ„ng g„i tr˘c ti’p tπi ThÙy s‹ vµ xu†t kh»u Æi khæp n¨i trn<br />

th’ giÌi. Tπi Vi÷t nam, Ricola c„ b∏n tπi c∏c nhµ thuËc, siu th trn toµn quËc vÌi<br />

nhi“u h≠¨ng v: Chanh bπc hµ, Th∂o mÈc t˘ nhin...<br />

*S∂n ph»m nµy kh´ng ph∂i lµ thuËc, kh´ng c„ t∏c dÙng thay th’ thuËc ch˜a b÷nh<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


BEAUTY<br />

& Healthcare<br />

HCMC<br />


NOT ONLY 1000USD<br />

Dr Hung & Associates Dental Center is fully equipped with modern technology and highly experienced dental experts<br />

are able to perform atraumatic wisdom teeth removal to help patients fully relax during the process and minimise the<br />

invasion and post-removal issues. You will get: 4 atraumatic wisdom teeth removal, only one appointment required.<br />

Other free services: initial consultation, dental cone beam CT Scan.<br />

(Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center *244A Cong Quynh, Dist.1, HCMC *Hotline: 0914 900 016 *Email: info@<br />

nhakhoadrhung.com *Website: www.nhakhoadrhung.com)<br />

HCMC<br />

From WOO<br />

with Love<br />

WOO is an European<br />

luxury lifestyle brand<br />

that is produced right<br />

here in Vietnam,<br />

made with highquality<br />

materials and<br />

handcrafted, so you<br />

can indulge yourself<br />

and the ones you<br />

love with the finest<br />

products. The WOO<br />

Luxury Collection<br />

offers a wide selection<br />

of premium lifestyle<br />

products ranging<br />

from scented candles,<br />

indoor fragrances,<br />

personal care items<br />

to jewelry, homeware<br />

and more. The WOO<br />

aesthetic is highly<br />

regarded in Europe<br />

due to its simplicity<br />

and sophistication.<br />

(Shop WOO *Thao<br />

Dien, District 2, HCMC.<br />

HCM *Website:<br />

www.woocares.com<br />

*Facebook: Facebook.<br />

com/woocares)<br />

OTHER<br />


HCMC<br />

Luxury brand Giuseppe Zanotti was launched in Vietnam<br />

Recently, Italian designer Giuseppe Zanotti has joined hands with Duy Anh Fashion and Cosmetic Co., Ltd (DAFC) to open the first<br />

Italian-style boutique in HCMC. The Giuseppe Zanotti store has bright, contrasting colors from electric and dark blue with glossy<br />

metal surface. The walls and floors are covered with white boiserie and marble, in harmony with the unique mirror details. The store<br />

design aims to bring the best shopping experience for customers.<br />

(Giuseppe Zanotti *Rex Hotel, 141 Nguyen Hue Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. HCM *Tel: 028 3827 7866)<br />

40<br />


travellers’outfit<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />


MÈt chuy’n du lch tÌi x¯ tuy’t r¨i c„ lœ sœ lµ ˝ t≠Îng<br />

tuy÷t vÍi Æ” giÛp k˙ nghÿ Æ´ng thm phiu l≠u vµ ngÀp<br />

trµn thÛ v. Bπn Æıng qun trang b cho m◊nh mÈt bÈ ÆÂ<br />

vıa thÍi trang, gi˜ ÆÒ †m lπi Æ∂m b∂o t›nh thuÀn ti÷n cho<br />

nh˜ng hoat ÆÈng ngoµi trÍi lin tÙc nhä.<br />

A trip to a snowy land is a more adventurous and exciting way<br />

to spend your winter vacation. Do not forget to bring clothing<br />

that are not only stylish, but also can keep you warm and are<br />

comfortable enough for outdoor activities<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6 7<br />

8<br />

1, FENDI Hooded Printed Ski Jacket (www.net-a-porter.com) I 2, WOLFORD Cluster Jacquard Turtleneck Bodysuit (www.net-a-porter.com) I 3,<br />

VETEMENTS + REEBOK Embroidered Wool Beanie (www.net-a-porter.com) I 4, FENDI Metallic Ski Pants (www.net-a-porter.com) I 5, THE ELDER<br />

STATESMAN Super Blanket Cashmere Scarf (www.net-a-porter.com) I 6, FENDI Golden Roma Studded Mirrored Ski Goggles (www.net-a-porter.com)<br />

I 7, FENDI Two-tone Shell Ski Gloves (www.net-a-porter.com) I 8, JIMMY CHOO Shearling-trimmed Leather Ankle Boots (www.net-a-porter.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


OTHER<br />


HÄ NóI<br />


ßÕ TçNH Y£U TRô THÄNH VèNH C^U<br />

VÌi Skywalk Æ«u tin Î ß´ng Nam É, ßµi Quan S∏t Lotte mang tÌi cho du kh∏ch th≠Îng ngoπn mÈt Hµ NÈi toµn<br />

c∂nh Æ«y †n t≠Óng tı t«ng 65 vÌi ÆÈ cao 272m. ß∆c bi÷t, tı ngµy 17/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>, khu v≠Ín t◊nh yu thi’t k’ dµnh ring<br />

cho c∏c c∆p Æ´i h¯a hãn lµ chËn hãn h v´ cÔng Æ∆c bi÷t vµ l∑ng mπn. H∑y cÔng ng≠Íi †y Æ’n Lotte Love Zone, x›ch<br />

lπi g«n nhau h¨n Æ” nh˜ng c∂m xÛc t◊nh yu m∑i th®ng hoa. Tıng kho∂nh khæc yu Æ≠¨ng cÒa l¯a Æ´i sœ Æ≠Óc l≠u gi˜ vÌi<br />

gh’ t◊nh yu Magical Love Bench vµ c©y nguy÷n ≠Ìc Wishing Tree.<br />

Gi∏ vä sœ thay ÆÊi nh≠ng Æ≠Óc ≠u Æ∑i 50% trong thÍi gian khai tr≠¨ng.<br />

(LOTTE OBSERVATION DECK *T«ng 65 toµ nhµ Lotte Center Hanoi, 54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi<br />

*Tel: 024 3333 6565 *Website: www.lottecenter.com.vn/eng/observation/overview.asp)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

Thi÷n Ph∏t<br />

Design -<br />

Th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

dµnh cho<br />

PhÀt tˆ<br />

Thi÷n Ph∏t Design<br />

lµ th≠¨ng hi÷u trang<br />

phÙc dµnh cho PhÀt tˆ<br />

ch›nh th¯c ra mæt tπi<br />

Hµ NÈi vµo ngµy 25/10<br />

vıa qua. ß©y lµ l«n Æ«u<br />

tin mÈt th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

v“ trang phÙc PhÀt<br />

tˆ Æ≠Óc ra mæt ch›nh<br />

th¯c tπi Hµ NÈi nhªm<br />

giÌi thi÷u nh˜ng m…u<br />

thi’t k’ dµnh ring cho<br />

nh˜ng ng≠Íi con PhÀt<br />

tˆ. C∏c thi’t k’ cÒa<br />

Thi÷n Ph∏t ÆÀm ch†t<br />

tinh t’, gi∂n d, g«n gÚi<br />

vµ phÔ hÓp vÌi thu«n<br />

phong m¸ tÙc trong<br />

v®n ho∏ ßπo PhÀt cÒa<br />

Vi÷t Nam. Ngoµi c∏c<br />

m…u trang phÙc dµnh<br />

cho n˜ giÌi, Thi÷n Ph∏t<br />

cn cho ra mæt bÈ<br />

s≠u tÀp dµnh cho nam<br />

PhÀt tˆ.<br />

(Thiån PhÉt<br />

Design *SË 6 Ng‚<br />

Hu’, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng,<br />

Hµ NÈi *T«ng 10, ta<br />

nhµ Prime Centre, 53<br />

Quang Trung, Hai Bµ<br />

Tr≠ng, Hµ NÈi *Email:<br />

info@thienphatchay.vn<br />

*Hotline: 096 68<strong>11</strong> 898)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

Emporio<br />

Armani ch›nh<br />

th¯c c„ m∆t<br />

tπi Hµ NÈi<br />

Ra mæt l«n Æ«u tin vµo<br />

n®m 1981 tπi Milan,<br />

Emporio Armani lµ<br />

dng thÍi trang, phÙ<br />

ki÷n trŒ trung, hi÷n Æπi<br />

vµ vÌi lËi ti’p cÀn vµ t≠<br />

duy tin ti’n Æ∑ ngay<br />

lÀp t¯c gÓi ln mÈt kh∏i<br />

ni÷m nh∑n hi÷u thÍi<br />

trang lu´n Æi tr≠Ìc thÍi<br />

Æπi. Khäo läo k’t hÓp<br />

xen kœ c∏c vÀt li÷u cao<br />

c†p vµ nh˜ng mµu sæc<br />

tinh t’ vÌi nhau, tı v∂i<br />

sæc x∏m vÌi Æ≠Íng vi“n<br />

Æen cho Æ’n th∂m lÙa<br />

th≠Óng hπng, cˆa hµng<br />

Emporio Armani Trµng<br />

Ti“n Plaza tπo nn mÈt<br />

kh´ng gian lch thi÷p vµ<br />

sang tr‰ng dµnh ring<br />

cho nh˜ng kh∏ch hµng<br />

Æang t◊m ki’m s˘ tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m mua sæm ƺng<br />

c†p. Bn cπnh qu«n ∏o<br />

vµ phÙ ki÷n dµnh cho<br />

c∂ nam vµ n˜, Emporio<br />

Armani cn c„ thm<br />

nh˜ng dng s∂n ph»m<br />

nh≠ mæt k›nh, ÆÂng hÂ<br />

vµ trang s¯c chæc chæn<br />

sœ lµm xiu lng giÌi<br />

mÈ Æi÷u.<br />


*T«ng 2, Trµng Ti“n<br />

Plaza, 24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng,<br />

Q. Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi<br />

*Tel: 024 3823 8152)<br />

42<br />


HANOI<br />

Thien Phat<br />

Design - A<br />

brand for<br />

Buddhists<br />

Thien Phat<br />

Design, a clothing<br />

brand tailored<br />

to Buddhists has<br />

officially been<br />

launched in Hanoi<br />

on October 25.<br />

This is the first<br />

time a Buddhist<br />

clothing brand is<br />

launched in Hanoi<br />

to introduce<br />

clothings<br />

specifically<br />

designed for<br />

Buddhists. Thien<br />

Phat designs are<br />

subtle, simple,<br />

relatable and<br />

in line with<br />

Vietnam's<br />

Buddhist culture.<br />

In addition to<br />

women designs,<br />

Thien Phat has<br />

also released a<br />

collection for<br />

Buddhist men.<br />

(Thien Phat<br />

Design *No. 6<br />

Hue Lane, Hai Ba<br />

Trung, Hanoi<br />

Floor 10, Prime<br />

Center Building, 53<br />

Quang Trung, Hai<br />

Ba Trung, Hanoi<br />

*Email: info@<br />

thienphatchay.vn<br />

*Hotline: 096 68<strong>11</strong><br />

898)<br />

OTHER<br />


HANOI<br />

Lotte Observation Deck<br />

- Lotte Love Zone<br />

For Your Love To Become Forever<br />

With the first skywalk in South East Asia, Lotte Observation Deck brings a spectacular overview of Hanoi<br />

to visitors from 272-meeter-high 65th floor. Moreover, from October 17 th <strong>2017</strong>, Sky Dating Garden<br />

designed specially for couple is promised to be such a special and romantic venue. Bring your loved<br />

ones to Lotte Love Zone, above the clouds and under the stars, to get closer as you fall more deeply in love. Every<br />

moment you are in love will be captured with Magical Love Bench and Wishing Tree.<br />

Entrance Price will be changed but you get 50% discount for opening time of Lotte Love Zone.<br />

(Lotte Observation Deck *65 th floor Lotte Center Hanoi, 54 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3333 6565<br />

*Website: www.lottecenter.com.vn/eng/observation/overview.asp)<br />

HANOI<br />

Emporio Armani opens a new store in Vietnam<br />

Launched in 1981, Emporio Armani is a modern and contemporary collection of clothing and<br />

accessories, a statement of style that keeps pace with fashion and foresees new trends. Materials are<br />

high quality, in delicate colours; fabrics in hues of grey with black metal trims and silk carpets evoking a<br />

soft and luxurious ambience.The Hanoi Trang Tien Plaza store will offer the complete Emporio Armani<br />

collections for men and women, as well as an assorted range of accessories including Emporio Armani<br />

watches, glasses and jewellery.<br />

(Emporio Armani *Floor 2, Trang Tien Plaza, 24 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi *Tel: 024 3823 8152)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


TINH HOA B¿C Bó<br />

Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh bi”u di‘n ngh÷ thuÀt<br />

th˘c c∂nh l«n Æ«u tin tπi Hµ NÈi,<br />

Vi÷t Nam - Tinh hoa Bæc BÈ ra mæt<br />

chµo Æ„n kh∏n gi∂ vµ du kh∏ch khæp<br />

n¨i trn th’ giÌi.<br />

C∏ch trung t©m Hµ NÈi 25km, s©n<br />

kh†u th˘c c∂nh Tinh hoa Bæc BÈ nªm<br />

trong Baara Land - TÊ hÓp vui ch¨i<br />

vµ v®n ho∏ toπ lπc ngay d≠Ìi ch©n nÛi<br />

ChÔa Th«y - mÈt trong nh˜ng ng´i<br />

chÔa cÊ nh†t Vi÷t Nam vµ lµ Æi”m<br />

du lch t©m linh nÊi ti’ng khu v˘c Hµ<br />

NÈi. ß©y cÚng ch›nh lµ ˝ t≠Îng tπo<br />

nguÂn c∂m h¯ng cÒa vÎ di‘n, vÌi cËt<br />

truy÷n tÀp trung vµo ´ng tÊ ngh“ mÛa<br />

rËi n≠Ìc Vi÷t Nam, thi“n s≠ Tı ßπo<br />

Hπnh, vµ ÆÍi sËng phong phÛ cÒa mÈt<br />

vÔng Bæc BÈ.<br />

S©n kh†u lµ m∆t h rÈng 4300m 2 , nªm<br />

d˘a l≠ng vµo ng‰n nÛi Th«y, ch›nh v◊<br />

th’ kh∏n gi∂ c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc chim<br />

ng≠Ïng mµn bi”u di‘n trn khung<br />

c∂nh hÔng v‹ cÒa thin nhin. MÈt<br />

Æi”m Æ∆c bi÷t n˜a cÒa vÎ di‘n ch›nh lµ<br />

h«u h’t c∏c di‘n vin lµ bµ con n´ng<br />

d©n Æ’n tı vÔng Ɔt Sµi S¨n.<br />

Tinh Hoa Bæc BÈ mang Æ’n cho ng≠Íi<br />

xem c¨ hÈi kh∏m ph∏ lch sˆ vµ v®n<br />

h„a bªng h◊nh th¯c th” hi÷n Æ≠¨ng<br />

Æπi, vÌi h¨n 180 di‘n vin tham gia.<br />

Ca trÔ, d©n ca Bæc BÈ, quan h‰, h«u<br />

ÆÂng, tranh tË n˜, tranh ß´ng HÂ,<br />

mÛa rËi n≠Ìc, ÆÍi sËng sinh ÆÈng trn<br />

b’n d≠Ìi thuy“n, tÀp trÀn, s‹ tˆ ÆÃn<br />

s∏ch, sinh hoπt l‘ hÈi nhÈn nhp yn<br />

b◊nh Æ“u sœ Æ≠Óc ph´ di‘n trn s©n<br />

kh†u th˘c c∂nh l«n Æ«u tin c„ m∆t Î<br />

Vi÷t Nam, Æ≠Óc hÁ trÓ bÎi hµng chÙc<br />

t†n ©m thanh, ∏nh s∏ng vµ c´ng ngh÷<br />

hi÷n Æπi nh†t.<br />

S∏u m≠¨i phÛt cÒa vÎ di‘n lµ b¯c<br />

tranh kh∂m qu˝ gi∏ Æ≠Óc ghäp bªng<br />

nh˜ng nät tinh hoa v®n h„a cÒa vÔng<br />

ÆÂng bªng Bæc BÈ.<br />

VÌi s˘ Æ«u t≠ vµ s∏ng tπo trong c∏ch<br />

th” hi÷n, vÎ di‘n h¯a hãn lµ mÈt ph«n<br />

kh´ng th” thi’u trong hµnh tr◊nh<br />

kh∏m ph∏ Vi÷t Nam cÒa du kh∏ch<br />

quËc t’. Tinh Hoa Bæc BÈ cÚng sœ<br />

Æem Æ’n nh˜ng ki’n th¯c v“ lch sˆ<br />

vÌi h◊nh th¯c th” hi÷n h†p d…n, Æ«y<br />

t›nh gi∂i tr› ÆËi vÌi kh∏n gi∂ trong<br />

n≠Ìc, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ c∏c bπn trŒ, h‰c sinh<br />

vµ sinh vin.

The grandest and most ambitious live<br />

entertainment project Vietnam has<br />

ever witnessed - The Quintessence<br />

of Tonkin - has opened its doors to<br />

welcome visitors from across the<br />

globe.<br />

Located 25km west<br />

of central Hanoi,<br />

The Quintessence of<br />

Tonkin unique stage<br />

lies within Baara<br />

Land, a brand-new<br />

entertainment and<br />

cultural complex<br />

situated at the foot of<br />

Thay mountain - one<br />

of the oldest National<br />

Heritage Sites in Vietnam and a pilgrimage site<br />

during the Lunar New Year festival season. The<br />

spectacle draws inspiration from Chua Thay<br />

Pagoda's spiritual history, with a storyline that<br />

focus on the founding of the pagoda by the<br />

venerable monk Tu Dao Hanh and the ancient<br />

union between religion and monarchy.<br />

The stage was built in between the auditorium<br />

and the small hill where Chua Thay rests, so<br />

the audience watches the performance to the<br />

backdrop of the mountain. The pagoda thus<br />

plays a vital role in the spectacle. The stage is<br />

permanently submerged under a thin layer of<br />

water that allows for many of Vietnam's more<br />

striking cultural treasures to be creatively<br />

displayed, and has a surface area of about 4300<br />

square meters.<br />

With more than 180 performers, most of<br />

whom are local villagers from the region, The<br />

Quintessence of Tonkin highlights compelling<br />

elements of Vietnamese culture but present<br />

them in contemporary and innovative<br />

ways. The spectacle will also blend different<br />

elements of traditional music styles, including<br />

"Quan h‰" and "Ca TrÔ", both of which are<br />

now recognized by UNESCO as examples of<br />

intangible world heritage. Folk singing, folk<br />

games, Mother Goddesses worship and daily<br />

life of farmers, are also showcased in the<br />

performance.<br />

The spectacle which lasts approximately 60<br />

minutes can be best thought of as a mosaic<br />

of Vietnamese culture, taking the most<br />

compelling elements and weaving them into a<br />

performance masterpiece.<br />

The show has been many years in the making,<br />

and is certain to be considered one of the<br />

highlights of a trip to Vietnam. The performance<br />

also brings historical and cultural knowledge<br />

to the audiences while entertaining, and is a<br />

must - see cultural spectacle for international<br />

travelers in Vietnam.<br />

Website: www.thequintessenceoftonkin<br />

Hotline: +84 888 320 066<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


WHAT'S<br />

ON<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

TOÄN QUˇC<br />

KhÎi chi’u ngµy 17/<strong>11</strong><br />


MùA THU SS§NG <strong>2017</strong><br />

NËi ti’p thµnh c´ng cÒa Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, Suicide Squad vµ<br />

Wonder Woman, Justice League ch›nh lµ d˘ ∏n Æi÷n ∂nh t©m huy’t ti’p theo cÒa h∑ng<br />

Warner Bros v“ nh˜ng siu anh hÔng cÒa DC Comics. Justice League - Lin Minh<br />

C´ng L˝, lµ c©u chuy÷n k” v“ th’ giÌi sau c∏i ch’t cÒa Superman trong Batman V Superman:<br />

Dawn Of Justice. LÛc nµy, Bruce Wayne - Batman Æ∑ tÀp hÓp nh˜ng siu anh hÔng kh∏c vÌi<br />

n®ng l˘c Æ∆c bi÷t gÂm: Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman vµ Cyborg. CÔng nhau, h‰ tπo<br />

thµnh mÈt lin minh b∂o v÷ th’ giÌi kh·i s˘ x©m l®ng cÒa kŒ thÔ Æ’n tı bn ngoµi Tr∏i ߆t.<br />

BÈ phim sœ quy tÙ nh˜ng tn tuÊi s∏ng gi∏ cÒa Hollywood nh≠: Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Ben<br />

Affleck, Ezra Miller, Amy Adams, Jason Momoa, J.K Simmons.<br />

H÷ thËng CGV toµn quËc<br />

20h00 ngµy 29/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Ha nhπc Æ∆t vä tr≠Ìc sË 105<br />

CÔng læng nghe nh˜ng giai Æi÷u trong buÊi Ha nhπc Æ∆t vä tr≠Ìc sË 105 vµ tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng<br />

gi©y phÛc th®ng hoa tuy÷t vÍi trong ©m nhπc vÌi s˘ tham gia cÒa nhπc tr≠Îng Honna Tetsuji,<br />

ßÈc t†u cello: Tsutsumi Tsuyoshi cÔng Dµn nhπc Giao h≠Îng Vi÷t Nam. Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi†lµ<br />

mÈt trong nh˜ng nhπc c´ng xu†t sæc nh†t thÍi Æπi cÒa ´ng vµ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng ng≠Íi th«y r†t<br />

Æ≠Óc k›nh tr‰ng trong l‹nh v˘c bi”u di‘n cello vÌi mµn bi”u di‘n †n t≠Óng Æ≠Óc truy“n h◊nh toµn<br />

th’ giÌi tπi Lin HÓp QuËc cÔng Dµn nhπc giao h≠Îng Toho Gakuen vÌi s˘ chÿ huy cÒa nhπc<br />

tr≠Îng Seiji Ozawa. Gi∏ vä: 200.000 VNß, 350.000VNß, 500.000 VNß.<br />

(NHÄ HÉT LõN HÄNóI *01 Trµng Ti“n, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 0913489858 - 0983067996)<br />

HÄ NóI<br />

20:00 ngµy 23 & 24/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong><br />

VÎ di‘n opera "Carmen"<br />

Bæt nguÂn tı cuËn ti”u thuy’t cÒa t∏c<br />

gi∂ Prosper Märimäe, vÎ opera Carmen<br />

Æ≠Óc hoµn thi÷n vµo mÔa thu n®m<br />

1874. ß©y lµ t∏c ph»m cuËi cÔng cÒa<br />

Georges Bizet vµ cÚng lµ vÎ opera Æ≠Óc<br />

bi”u di‘n trn s©n kh†u nÊi ti’ng nh†t<br />

Æ’n nay. Bizet, qua ©m nhπc ´ng s∏ng<br />

t∏c, k” cho chÛng ta nghe bi kch ƪng<br />

sau vŒ r˘c rÏ, vµ th” hi÷n t›nh c∏ch lπc<br />

quan, thºng thæn vµ hoang d∑ cÒa c´ g∏i<br />

Carmen mπnh mœ, t∏o bπo. Trong vÎ<br />

opera nµy, Bizet Æ∑ thµnh c´ng trong<br />

vi÷c tπo ra nh˜ng giai Æi÷u kch t›nh,<br />

sinh ÆÈng vÌi ©m h≠Îng T©y Ban Nha.<br />

MÈt vµi tr›ch Æoπn nh≠ Habanera, Les<br />

Toreadors vµ khÛc dπo Æ«u (Prelude)<br />

Æ∑ Æ≠Óc r†t nhi“u ngh÷ s‹ vinh hπnh<br />

bi”u di‘n l«n nµy qua l«n kh∏c trong<br />

suËt th’ kÿ qua.VÎ di‘n opera tπi Nhµ<br />

h∏t lÌn Hµ NÈi (01 Trµng Ti“n, Hµ<br />

NÈi). Gi∏ vä: 300.000 VNß - 500.000<br />

VNß - 700.000 VNß.<br />

Vä Æ≠Óc b∏n tπi Nhµ h∏t lÌn Hµ NÈi<br />

ho∆c Æ∆t vä lin h÷: 091 348 9858 - 098<br />

306 7996.<br />

TOÄN QUˇC<br />

Ban nhπc ߯c Der<br />

Ringer l≠u di‘n tπi<br />

ch©u É<br />

Tı 24/10 Æ’n 06/12, ban nhπc ߯c Der<br />

Ringer nªm trong danh s∏ch Æ≠Óc yu<br />

th›ch cÒa c∏c tπp ch› ©m nhπc hµng Æ«u<br />

cÒa ߯c sœ l≠u di‘n tπi Vi÷t Nam vµ<br />

5 n≠Ìc ch©u É kh∏c. C∏c thµnh vin<br />

cÒa ban nhπc Der Ringer†Î ÆÈ tuÊi<br />

tı 25-29 vµ lµ ti’ng n„i cÒa th’ h÷ k¸<br />

thuÀt sË: h‰ tπo ra nh˜ng ©m thanh g†p<br />

g∏p, tho∏ng Æ∑ng, Ân µo vµ Æ«y c∂m xÛc<br />

gi˜a Indie, Pop vµ Punk, k’t hÓp vÌi lÍi<br />

h∏t ch©n th˘c v“ nhi“u kh›a cπnh cÒa<br />

th’ giÌi c´ng ngh÷. ß„ lµ ©m nhπc cho<br />

nh˜ng tr∏i tim sË h„a. Ngµy 24/10, ban<br />

nhπc bæt Æ«u chuy’n l≠u di‘n tπi Hµ<br />

NÈi, sau Æ„ lµ ßµ NΩng, Hu’, Thµnh<br />

phË HÂ Ch› Minh, Philippines (06/<strong>11</strong><br />

-17/<strong>11</strong>), Trung QuËc (18/<strong>11</strong> -27/<strong>11</strong>),<br />

Hµn QuËc (01/12 - 03/12), NhÀt B∂n vµ<br />

M´ng CÊ (04/12 - 05/12).<br />

46<br />



German band Der<br />

Ringer on Asia Tour<br />

From October 24 to December<br />

12, Der Ringer - one of<br />

Germany's favorite bands, is<br />

touring all over Vietnam and 5<br />

other Asian countries. The five<br />

boys are between 25-29 years<br />

old, and the representative of a<br />

digital generation: their sound<br />

is as haunting and loud as it is<br />

delicate and emotional, fluctuating<br />

somewhere between Indie, Pop,<br />

and Punk, accompanied by lyrics<br />

that deal with the questions on<br />

what it means to live in a world<br />

as technoid as ours. It is a sound<br />

that makes digital hearts beat<br />

faster. The band starts their tour<br />

on October 24 in Hanoi before<br />

traveling to Danang, Hue, Ho Chi<br />

Minh City, the Philippines (Nov<br />

6-<strong>11</strong>), China (Nov 18-27), Korea<br />

(Dec 1-3), Japan and Mogolia<br />

(Dec 4-5).<br />


Opens nationwide on<br />

November 17<br />

Justice League -<br />

Autumn blockbuster<br />

<strong>2017</strong><br />

Following the success of Batman<br />

V Superman: Dawn of Justice,<br />

Suicide Squad, and Wonder<br />

Woman, Justice League is an<br />

upcoming superhero film based<br />

on the DC Comics superheroes<br />

by Warner Bros. Justice League<br />

is a story that follows the<br />

death of Superman in Batman<br />

V Superman: Dawn Of Justice.<br />

At this point, Bruce Wayne<br />

- Batman has gathered other<br />

superheroes with special abilities<br />

consisting of Wonder Woman,<br />

The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg.<br />

Together, they assemble a team<br />

that protects the world from the<br />

invasion of enemies from outside<br />

of Earth. The movie features an<br />

ensemble cast that includes Gal<br />

Gadot, Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck,<br />

Ezra Miller, Amy Adams, Jason<br />

Momoa, and J.K Simmons.<br />

Available on CGV system<br />

nationwide<br />

HANOI<br />

8pm on November 23 & 24<br />


Originated from the novel by Prosper Märimäe, the opera Carmen was completed<br />

in the autumn of 1874. It was the last work of Georges Bizet, and also is the<br />

most popular opera on the stage in the world until now. Bizet, through his music,<br />

told us a tragic story behind the bright, optimistic, straightforward but wild personality<br />

of a Gypsy girl, Carmen. In this opera, Bizet managed to create vivid dramatic melodies<br />

with Spanish elements. Some excerpts such as Habanera, Les Toreadors and Prelude have<br />

been highly cherished by many artists and performed again and again in the past century.<br />

The opera takes place at the Hanoi Opera House (01 Trang Tien , Hanoi). Ticket prices:<br />

300,000 VND - 500,000 VND - 700,000 VND.<br />

Tickets are available at Hanoi Opera House or can be booked via<br />

091 348 9858 - 098 306 7996<br />

8pm on November 29<br />

Subscription Concert Vol. 105<br />

The Subscription Concert Vol. 105 features the performance of conductor Honna Tetsuji,<br />

cello soloist Tsutsumi Tsuyoshi, and the Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra. Tsuyoshi<br />

Tsutsumi is one of the most notable musicians of his generation and respected mentors<br />

of cello performance. One of his most impressive appearances was a concert telecast<br />

worldwide at the United Nations with the Gakuen Orchestra conducted by Seiji Ozawa.<br />

Ticket prices: 200,000 VND - 350,000VND - 500,000 VND. The concert takes place at<br />

the Hanoi Opera House (01 Trang Tien, Hanoi).<br />

Tickets are available at Hanoi Opera House or can be booked via<br />

0913489858 - 0983067996.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

HANOI<br />


Silk<br />

Sophistication<br />

Fashion: KAAB -Locati on: JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay<br />

Model: Nguyen Thuy Trang - Photographer: PQ Chua - Lighti ng: Kevin - Makeup: Cao Quy Duong<br />

Creati ve Producer: Phan Cac Truc - Accessories: Miranda's Jewelry<br />

48<br />


fashion<br />

Silk<br />

Sophistication<br />

- Nät tinh t’<br />

LÙa, mÈt b¯c<br />

tranh tuy÷t Æãp<br />

k’t hÓp gi˜a<br />

cÊ Æi”n vµ hi÷n<br />

Æπi.<br />

Silk<br />

Sophistication,<br />

a scene<br />

combining<br />

both classic<br />

and modern<br />

elements<br />

design.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Fashion: KAAB, Miranda -Location: JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay<br />

Model: Nguyen Thuy Trang - Photographer: PQ Chua - Lighting: Kevin - Makeup: Cao Quy Duong<br />

Creative Producer: Phan Cac Truc - Accessories: Miranda's Jewelry<br />

50<br />


fashion<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


52<br />


fashion<br />

LÙa Æ≠Óc coi lµ bi”u t≠Óng cÒa s˘<br />

cao sang, qu˝ ph∏i. T¨ lÙa tπo nn s˘ m“m mπi,<br />

uy”n chuy”n vµ mang lπi vŒ Æãp thanh tao cho<br />

ng≠Íi sˆ dÙng. Trong bÈ s≠u tÀp mÌi nh†t nµy,<br />

KAAB Æ∑ ra mæt nh˜ng chi’c Æ«m lÙa h∂o hπng<br />

vÌi thi’t k’ tËi gi∂n, hµi hfla vµ tinh t’ chÿ vÌi hai<br />

tone mµu Æen - træng.<br />

L†y c∂m h¯ng tı BST cÒa KAAB, Travellive<br />

Æ∑ l˘a ch‰n khu nghÿ d≠Ïng JW Marriott Phu<br />

Quoc Emerald Bay lµm bËi c∂nh Æ” th˘c hi÷n bÈ<br />

∂nh thÍi trang th∏ng <strong>11</strong>. Tuy÷t t∏c nghÿ d≠Ïng<br />

nµy Æ≠Óc thi’t k’ bÎi ki’n trÛc s≠ lıng danh<br />

Bill Bensley vÌi s˘ pha trÈn t∏o bπo gi˜a h¨i<br />

thÎ ki’n trÛc cÊ Æi”n vÌi ti÷n nghi hi÷n Æπi d˘a<br />

trn c∂m h¯ng v“ mÈt tr≠Íng Æπi h‰c gi∂ t≠Îng<br />

mang tn Lamarck University. MÁi khu nhµ<br />

lµ mÈt ph©n khoa kh∏c nhau, Æ≠Óc NTK ch®m<br />

chÛt tÿ mÿ vµ thÊi hÂn vµo m‰i ng„c ng∏ch Æ”<br />

tπo nn mÈt khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ÆÈc Æ∏o trn n“n<br />

mµu xanh lÙc b∂o cÒa bi”n B∑i Kem, lµ n¨i l˝<br />

t≠Îng cho nh˜ng ai muËn t◊m ki’m c∂m h¯ng<br />

sËng, th≠ gi∑n Æ” læng dfiu tıng gi∏c quan.<br />

SILK IS traditionally considered a symbol of<br />

nobility. Its soft, smooth texture and luster<br />

brings a certain touch of elegance to its wearer.<br />

In this latest collection, KAAB is introducing<br />

their finest silk dresses with a minimalist,<br />

harmonious and sophisticated style, all in black<br />

and white tones.<br />

Inspired by KAAB's collection, we decided<br />

to take our November fashion photoshoot<br />

to the JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay<br />

Resort. This masterpiece resort was designed<br />

by award-winning interior designer Bill Bensley<br />

with a bold blend of classic architectural details<br />

and modern comforts, inspired by a fictional<br />

university: the University of Lamarck. The<br />

enormous site is separated into different zones,<br />

all of which have been carefully crafted and<br />

considered by Bensley to create a uniquely<br />

idyllic retreat against the greenish blue<br />

backdrop of Bai Kem beach.

Fashion: KAAB, Miranda -Location: JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay<br />

Model: Nguyen Thuy Trang - Photographer: PQ Chua - Lighting: Kevin - Makeup: Cao Quy Duong<br />

Creative Producer: Phan Cac Truc - Accessories: Miranda's Jewelry<br />

54<br />


fashion<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


24 GIò<br />

N⁄M TRñN ¬M TH#C X` ßÄI<br />


"°N TRñN" H•NG Vë BA MI≈N ߃T NõC CHé TRONG MóT<br />



56<br />




PH`C MùI BóT NõNG<br />

ß∂o quËc ßµi Loan kh´ng qu∏ lÌn,<br />

chÿ bªng kho∂ng 1/9 di÷n t›ch<br />

Vi÷t Nam, h¨n n˜a, di chuy”n Î<br />

ßµi Loan c˘c k˙ ti÷n lÓi vÌi nhi“u<br />

ph≠¨ng ti÷n kh∏c nhau tı tµu siu tËc (HSR),<br />

tµu Æi÷n (MRT), bu˝t Æ’n xe lˆa hay taxi. T†t c∂<br />

Æ“u sΩn sµng Æ≠a bπn Æ’n kh∏m ph∏ tıng ng„c<br />

ngh∏ch!<br />

10.00AM, ßµi Bæc - Chµo buÊi s∏ng!<br />

Ng≠Íi ßµi Loan th≠Íng bæt Æ«u ngµy mÌi kh∏<br />

tr‘. T«m 9, 10 giÍ s∏ng, tπi trung t©m ßµi Bæc,<br />

bπn v…n th†y ng≠Íi d©n x’p hµng Ưng mua ÆÂ<br />

®n s∏ng. Bæt chuy’n xe bu˝t Kuo-Kang tı s©n bay<br />

ra Æ’n trung t©m, h∑y bæt Æ«u ngµy mÌi vÌi b˜a<br />

s∏ng truy“n thËng tπi ti÷m ®n s∏ng nÊi ti’ng cÒa<br />

khu th≠¨ng mπi Da-An: Full Want vÌi m„n b∏nh<br />

tr¯ng cuÈn cÔng ng´ vµ pho m∏t cheddar, b∏nh<br />

crepe hµnh cÔng thfit bfl sËt Teppanyaki, ®n kÃm<br />

ly s˜a ÆÀu nµnh ho∆c trµ xanh.<br />

ß©y lµ nh˜ng m„n bπn c„ th” d‘ dµng t◊m th†y<br />

tπi b†t k˙ ti÷m ®n s∏ng nµo cÒa ßµi Loan.<br />

B∏nh crepe hµnh n„ng<br />

hÊi, lÌp v· m·ng gifln gËi<br />

chÂng ln nhau, th¨m<br />

ph¯c mÔi bÈt n≠Ìng, cuÈn vÌi thfit heo cay, hay<br />

thfit bfl sËt Teppenyaki chæc chæn khi’n b†t k˙ ai<br />

cÚng ph∏t thÃm ngay tı c∏i nh◊n Æ«u tin. ß©y<br />

lµ l˘a ch‰n quen thuÈc cho b˜a s∏ng ho∆c b˜a<br />

phÙ mÁi khi Æ„i bÙng.<br />

Ngoµi ra, bπn c„ th” thˆ m„n sandwich vÌi b¨<br />

ÆÀu phÈng. Nghe c„ vŒ kh∏ "xoµng", nh≠ng b¨<br />

ÆÀu phÈng cÒa ßµi Loan c˘c k˙ ngon, lµ m„n<br />

mµ b†t k˙ ng≠Íi ßµi Loan nµo cÚng tıng ghi“n<br />

khi lµ trŒ con.<br />

Sau b˜a s∏ng, bπn c„ th” Æi MRT Æ’n<br />

Dadaocheng, ngh‹a lµ "c∏nh ÆÂng rÈng lÌn" khu<br />

phË cÊ ßµi Bæc vÌi h¨n 150 n®m lfich sˆ. C∂ng<br />

Dadaocheng tıng lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng c∂ng hµng<br />

h„a s«m u†t nh†t ßµi Loan. Tπi Æ©y bπn c„ th”<br />

th†y c∏c ti÷m b∏n trµ, thuËc bæc, long n∑o...<br />

Dadaocheng tÀp trung sË l≠Óng lÌn c∏c c´ng<br />

tr◊nh ki’n trÛc cÊ gÂm nhµ phË dπng Ëng, v®n<br />

phflng vµ Æ“n Ƶi. Bπn c„ th” Ɖc Æ≠Óc c∂ mÈt<br />

c©u chuy÷n lfich sˆ ßµi Bæc khi quan s∏t c∂nh<br />

quan phË x∏ qua phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc Æ∆c tr≠ng<br />

qua mÁi thÍi k˙ lfich sˆ tı thÍi<br />

Thanh trfi (Ching Dynasty),<br />

NhÀt thuÈc, Æ’n thÍi giao<br />

th≠¨ng vÌi c∏c n≠Ìc<br />

ph≠¨ng T©y...<br />

Bµi: Phan C∏c TrÛc - Ånh: Tron L<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


12.30PM, ßµi Trung - Ra chÓ<br />

truy“n thËng ®n c¨m mã lµm<br />

Tı ßµi Bæc, bæt chuy’n tµu<br />

HSR Æ’n ßµi Trung chÿ<br />

kho∂ng 54 phÛt, bπn c„<br />

th” lÀp t¯c Æi th®m khu<br />

chÓ truy“n thËng cÒa ng≠Íi ßµi:<br />

Taichung Second Public Market Æ”<br />

l†p Æ«y c∏i bÙng rÁng. Lµ mÈt ph«n<br />

lfich sˆ kh´ng th” thi’u cÒa ßµi<br />

Trung, khu chÓ Taichung Second<br />

Public Market Æ≠Óc x©y d˘ng tı n®m<br />

1917 vµ v…n tÂn tπi Æ’n giÍ, sau 100<br />

n®m. N¨i Æ©y nÊi ti’ng b∏n nh˜ng<br />

m„n truy“n thËng c˘c k˙ ngon<br />

nh≠ trµ Æen, b∏nh bao n∆n tay, m◊,<br />

mi’n,... vµ Æ∆c bi÷t lµ c¨m thfit heo<br />

Lu Rou Fan.<br />

chÿ lµ m„n ®n ngon mi÷ng, mµ cfln<br />

lµ Æi“u Æ∆c bi÷t gæn li“n vÌi tuÊi th¨,<br />

vÌi h◊nh ∂nh ng≠Íi bµ, ng≠Íi mã<br />

Ưng xæt thfit n†u c¨m trong gian<br />

b’p nh·. B≠Ìc vµo gi˜a chÓ, ch‰n<br />

gian hµng c¨m khim tËn Arashi<br />

cÒa "mã Lan" (Lan mama) - nh≠<br />

c∏ch nh˜ng ng≠Íi chung quanh hay<br />

g‰i, b˜a tr≠a Æ«u tin cÒa t´i tπi ßµi<br />

Trung lµ chän c¨m træng ng«n, n„ng<br />

hÊi, phÒ thfit heo bªm nhuy‘n, om<br />

n©u vÌi n≠Ìc sËt, ræc thm ›t hµnh.<br />

NgÂi væt vŒo bn chi’c gh’ inox,<br />

th≠Îng th¯c "b˜a tr≠a mã lµm"<br />

lµ c∏ch ng≠Íi Æfia ph≠¨ng tÀn<br />

h≠Îng nh˜ng phÛt gi©y nghÿ<br />

ng¨i tho∂i m∏i gi˜a ngµy.<br />

Ng≠Íi ßµi Loan c„ c©u n„i, Æ’n<br />

ßµi Loan th◊ nh†t Æfinh ph∂i ®n "m◊<br />

thfit bfl, c¨m thfit heo." Lu Rou Fan<br />

lµ m„n c¨m thfit ba chÿ kho truy“n<br />

thËng cÒa x¯ ßµi. TÔy vµo tıng<br />

vÔng, ng≠Íi ta ch’ bi’n m„n nµy<br />

theo hai c∏ch kh∏c nhau: ho∆c lµ<br />

tıng mi’ng ba chÿ th∏i, ph©n r‚ lÌp<br />

mÏ vµ lÌp nπc, ho∆c lµ thfit ba chÿ<br />

xay nh·, ninh nhı. Thfit ba r‰i l†y<br />

tı ph«n bÙng cÒa con heo, gÂm c∏c<br />

lÌp thfit, mÏ, xen l…n x’p lÌp ln vÌi<br />

nhau. N’u kh´ng c„ lÌp mÏ bäo<br />

nµy th◊ Lu Rou Fan chºng cfln nät<br />

Æ∆c tr≠ng.<br />

VÌi nhi“u ng≠Íi, Lu Rou Fan kh´ng<br />

58<br />


4.30PM, ßµi Nam - Ngµy l≠Íi Æi<br />

uËng trµ chi“u<br />

Tı ßµi Trung, Æi tµu HSR kho∂ng hai giÍ<br />

ÆÂng h lµ Æ’n thµnh phË ßµi Nam. Tr≠Ìc<br />

kia vµo nh˜ng n®m 1683 Æ’n 1887, Æ©y ch›nh<br />

lµ thÒ Æ´ cÒa ßµi Loan. BÎi th’ Æ’n Æ©y bπn<br />

sœ th†y r†t nhi“u c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc cÊ nh≠<br />

phË Anping Old Street, chÔa KhÊng Tˆ,...<br />

Dπo bÈ d‰c trung t©m ßµi Nam, c„ th” bπn<br />

sœ ph∂i thËt ln rªng: "D≠Íng nh≠ Î Æ©y<br />

chºng ai c„ h¯ng thÛ kinh doanh nhÿ! Nhµ<br />

m∆t ti“n mµ c¯ Æ” trËng kh´ng."<br />

ßµi Nam lµ mÈt thµnh phË nhã nhµng, hoµi<br />

cÊ cho nh˜ng "ngµy l≠Íi", n¨i bπn c„ th” th≠<br />

th∂ Æπp xe len l·i gi˜a nh˜ng ng∏ch phË, x’p<br />

hµng chÍ mua mÈt chi’c b∏nh bao x∏ x›u,<br />

hay nh©m nhi ly trµ s˜a tr©n ch©u cÔng bπn<br />

bà gi˜a tr≠a n„ng n˘c.<br />

MÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i "check-in" cÒa c∏c t›n<br />

ÆÂ »m th˘c lµ ti÷m Hanlin Tearoom, ßµi<br />

Nam - n¨i Æ«u tin lµm ra ly trµ s˜a tr©n<br />

ch©u ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa ßµi Loan. N®m 1986, ´ng<br />

Tu Tsong - chÒ mÈt ti÷m trµ - n∂y ra ˝ Æfinh<br />

th∂ nh˜ng vin bÈt n®ng trfln trong veo vµo<br />

t∏ch trµ Æen n„ng, pha thm s˜a. Ly trµ s˜a<br />

th¨m mÔi trµ, thanh vfi s˜a cÔng nh˜ng vin<br />

tr©n ch©u dai dai nhai vui mi÷ng sau Æ„ tπo<br />

nn lµn s„ng »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng lan khæp th’<br />

giÌi. ß’n nÁi ch›nh phÒ ßµi Loan n„i rªng,<br />

Æ©y ch›nh lµ m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa Ɔt n≠Ìc.<br />

TH§NG TIN TH£M<br />

C∏c Æa chÿ th≠Îng th¯c<br />

»m th˘c ßµi Loan mÈt<br />

c∏ch tr‰n vãn nh†t<br />

Nhµ hµng Full Want<br />

SË 133-2, khu 1, Æ≠Íng<br />

Fuxing, quÀn Da'an,<br />

ßµi Bæc<br />

Tel: +886-2-2771-5736<br />

Web: www.fullwant.<br />

com.tw<br />

Dadaocheng<br />

Nªm Î ph›a t©y bæc cÒa<br />

quÀn Da Tong, ßµi Bæc<br />

Arashi<br />

ChÓ Taichung Second<br />

Public Market<br />

SË 36, khu 2, Æ≠Íng<br />

Sanmin, quÀn Central,<br />

ßµi Trung<br />

Tel: +886-4-2222-6010<br />

Web: www.arashi.tw<br />

Hanlin Tearoom<br />

T«ng 1, sË 919, khu 2,<br />

quÀn Xitun, ßµi Trung<br />

Tel: +886-4-2255-7269<br />

SË 338, Æ≠Íng<br />

Chongming, quÀn East,<br />

ßµi Nam, ßµi Loan<br />

Tel: +886 6 269 7367<br />

Web: www.hanlin-tea.<br />

com.tw (Truy cÀp Æ”<br />

bi’t thm Æa chÿ)<br />

ChÓ Æm Shilin Night<br />

Market (Taipei)<br />

SË 101, Æ≠Íng Jihe,<br />

quÀn Shilin, thµnh phË<br />

ßµi Bæc<br />

ChÓ Æm Feng Chia<br />

Night Market<br />

ß≠Íng Wenhua, quÀn<br />

Xitun, thµnh phË ßµi<br />

Trung<br />

ChÓ Æm Hua Yuan<br />

Night Market<br />

SË 533, khu 3, Æ≠Íng<br />

Hai'an, quÀn North,<br />

thµnh phË ßµi Nam<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />



¬M TH#C CH¢U É" VõI ßû CÉC MïN NGON T\ NHÄ HÄNG RA ß⁄N<br />

ßòNG PHˇ, ߢU LÄ MïN Y£U THêCH NHƒT CûA BÑN?<br />

60<br />

Tπi Hanlin Tearoom, bπn c„<br />

th” th≠Îng th¯c phin b∂n<br />

gËc cÒa trµ s˜a tr©n ch©u: bao<br />

gÂm †m trµ s˜a n„ng, hai<br />

chi’c t∏ch nh·, vµ chän tr©n<br />

ch©u træng Æen Æ” k’ bn.<br />

N’u th›ch trµ s˜a lπnh quen<br />

thuÈc, h∑y chu»n bfi bao tˆ<br />

tr≠Ìc bÎi ly trµ s˜a Î Æ©y to<br />

nh≠ ly bia!<br />

Ng≠Íi ßµi Loan cfln th›ch<br />

ku mÈt m„n ng‰t nh· nh·<br />

Æ” ®n kÃm trµ s˜a. MÈt trong<br />

m≠Íi m„n ng‰t Æ≠Óc ng≠Íi<br />

d©n Î Æ©y ≠a chuÈng nh†t lµ<br />

m„n mochi n≠Ìng Æ≠Íng<br />

n©u nh©n ÆÀu Æ·, ho∆c mochi<br />

b¨ ÆÀu phÈng. BÀt m›, n’u<br />

kh´ng c„ thÍi gian Æ’n ßµi<br />

Nam, th◊ tπi ßµi Trung v…n<br />

c„ cˆa hµng cÒa Hanlin<br />

Tearoom Æ” bπn th≠Îng th¯c<br />

trµ s˜a tr©n ch©u ki”u cÚ (trµ<br />

n„ng).<br />

8.00PM - MÈt vflng chÓ<br />

Æm ßµi Loan<br />

Hµnh tr◊nh »m th˘c tπi ßµi<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

Loan d‹ nhin sœ kh´ng th”<br />

hoµn h∂o n’u thi’u Æi dπo<br />

chÓ Æm. ChÓ Æm ßµi Loan<br />

lµ thin Æ≠Íng »m th˘c Ch©u<br />

É, tı Æ«u chÓ Æ’n cuËi chÓ,<br />

bπn c„ v´ sË l˘a ch‰n »m<br />

th˘c Æa dπng. N’u mÁi ngµy<br />

chÿ ®n mÈt m„n, c„ lœ bπn sœ<br />

ph∂i Î Æ©y c∂ th∏ng. ChÓ Æm<br />

Shilin (ßµi Bæc), Feng Chia<br />

(ßµi Trung) vµ Hua Yuan<br />

(ßµi Nam) lµ nh˜ng khu chÓ<br />

Æm nÊi ti’ng vÌi du kh∏ch.<br />

Kh´ng chÿ lµ n¨i mua sæm,<br />

®n uËng, chÓ Æm cfln lµ n¨i<br />

quen thuÈc cÒa giÌi trŒ Æ”<br />

hãn hfl, tÙ tÀp.<br />

Ghä chÓ Æm, nhÌ mua<br />

b∏nh d¯a vµ tr¯ng sæt v“ lµm<br />

quµ. B∏nh d¯a lµ m„n quµ<br />

truy“n thËng Æem lπi nhi“u<br />

may mæn. Cfln tr¯ng sæt dai<br />

nh∏ch, Æen thui, tr´ng c„ vŒ<br />

x†u lπ, ngÈ ngÈ lµ tr¯ng cÛt<br />

ho∆c tr¯ng b c©u Æ≠Óc Æem<br />

kho vÌi n≠Ìc t≠¨ng vµ x◊ d«u<br />

Æ’n khi Æen vµ dai. C´ bπn<br />

Æfia ph≠¨ng ÆÔa rªng "L†y<br />

tr¯ng nµy ch¨i b„ng bµn<br />

cÚng Æ≠Óc n˜a Ɔy!"<br />

Sau khi Æi bÈ r∑ rÍi, Æ©y lµ<br />

lÛc bπn dıng ch©n Æ” th≠Îng<br />

th¯c m◊ bfl - mÈt trong hai<br />

m„n "quËc hÂn quËc tÛy" cÒa<br />

ßµi Loan. SÓi m◊ t≠¨i, n≠Ìc<br />

dÔng sæc n©u, ÆÀm vfi, thfit bfl<br />

h«m m“m, th¨m mÔi thuËc<br />

bæc r†t nhã, lµ mÈt trong<br />

nh˜ng m„n nh†t Æfinh ph∂i<br />

thˆ khi Æ’n Æ©y! Sau t´ m◊<br />

thfit bfl, bπn c„ th” ti’p tÙc ®n<br />

nhã vÌi m„n hµu ÆÛc tr¯ng.<br />

Ng≠Íi d©n Î Æ©y th≠Íng<br />

n≠Ìng hµu bªng c∏ch khÃ<br />

lˆa, nn hµu v…n mÀp mπp,<br />

t≠¨i vµ ng‰t n≠Ìc, kh´ng bfi<br />

kh´ nh≠ n≠Ìng than. H∑y k’t<br />

thÛc b˜a tËi vÌi m„n tr∏ng<br />

mi÷ng ng‰t ngµo kem xoµi<br />

Æ∏ bµo ho∆c Dou Hua - tµu<br />

hÚ Æ∏ vÌi n≠Ìc Æ≠Íng phÃn,<br />

®n kÃm ÆÀu Æ·, ÆÀu xanh vµ<br />

mochi.<br />

K’t thÛc mÈt ngµy tπi "thin<br />

Æ≠Íng »m th˘c Ch©u É" vÌi ÆÒ<br />

c∏c m„n ngon tı nhµ hµng ra<br />

Æ’n Æ≠Íng phË, Æ©u lµ m„n yu<br />

th›ch nh†t cÒa bπn?

24 HOUR<br />



TAIWAN<br />





Text: Phan Cac Truc - Photo: Tron Le<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


62<br />

Taiwan is about 1/9 the<br />

size of Vietnam, and it<br />

is so easy to get around<br />

using their efficient<br />

transportation systems<br />

that include HSR (high speed rail),<br />

MRT (mass rapid transit), buses,<br />

trains and taxis. All are ready to take<br />

you around exploring every corner!<br />

10.00AM, Taipei - Good<br />

morning!<br />

Taiwanese often start quite late in<br />

the day. At 9 to 10 am, right in the<br />

heart of Taipei, you can still see<br />

people queueing up to buy breakfast.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

After taking the<br />

Kuo-Kang bus<br />

from the airport<br />

to the city center,<br />

you can start the day with<br />

a traditional breakfast served at the<br />

well-known Full Want restaurant in<br />

Da'an District features the teppan<br />

toast with corn and cheddar or<br />

spring onion flavored crepes with<br />

Teppanyaki beef sauce, served along<br />

with a chilled glass of soy milk or<br />

green tea.<br />

These are the dishes that you can<br />

easily find at any Taiwanese breakfast<br />

bar. The hot spring onion flavored<br />

crepes with crispy crust, overlapping<br />

thin layers of crepe, baked flour,<br />

rolled with spicy pork or Teppenyaki<br />

beef sauce is sure to make you<br />

drool at first sight. This is a popular<br />

breakfast option or simply a light<br />

meal for when hungry.<br />

You can also try the peanut butter<br />

sandwiches. It may sound all too<br />

'familiar' to you, or even simple,<br />

but Taiwanese peanut butter is<br />

incredibly delicious, a<br />

favorite among every<br />

Taiwanese since they<br />

were children.<br />

After breakfast, you<br />

can take the MRT to<br />

Dadaocheng, meaning<br />

"large field," an old town<br />

in Taipei with over 150<br />

years of history. Dadaocheng<br />

Port used to be one of the busiest<br />

ports in Taiwan. Here you can find<br />

many shops that sell tea, medicinal<br />

plants, and camphor.<br />

Dadaocheng is home to a large<br />

number of old buildings that include<br />

tube houses, offices and temples.<br />

You can almost see Taipei's history<br />

by looking at the street scene with<br />

its numerous architectural styles<br />

presenting certain historical periods<br />

in Taiwan from the Ching Dynasty,

Japan, to the time they started trading<br />

with Western countries...<br />

12.30pm, Taichung - Home made<br />

food at traditional markets<br />

From Taipei, you take the HSR<br />

train from Taipei to Taichung for 54<br />

minutes, and then immediately go to<br />

the traditional Taichung Second Public<br />

Market to try out their fantastic food.<br />

As a significant part of Taichung's<br />

history, the Taichung Second Public<br />

Market was built in 1917, and to this<br />

day, has lasted for 100 years. The place<br />

is famous for delicious traditional<br />

dishes such as black tea, dumplings,<br />

noodles, vermicelli and especially the<br />

Lu Rou Fan pork rice.<br />

There is a Taiwanese saying that says<br />

every visitor to Taiwan must always<br />

try "beef noodle soup and pork rice."<br />

Lu Rou Fan is a traditional pork rice<br />

dish in Taiwan. Depending on the<br />

region, people prepare the dish in two<br />

different ways: either with thin slices<br />

of pork or braised minced pork. The<br />

meat comes from the belly of the pig,<br />

and consists of different layers with<br />

the fat layering together with the meat.<br />

Without this layer of fat, Lu Rou Fan<br />

loses its unique touch.<br />

For many people, Lu Rou Fan is not<br />

only a delicious dish, but also a comfort<br />

food attached to their childhood, often<br />

with the image of their grandmother<br />

or mother preparing the dish in the<br />

kitchen. Right in the middle of the<br />

market, you can visit the modest food<br />

stall Arashi of Lan Mama - it's how the<br />

locals call her at least. During my first<br />

lunch in Taichung was presented with<br />

a hot bowl of white rice, minced pork,<br />

braised in sauce and sprinkled with<br />

spring onion. Definitely this is one of<br />

the best home-made' meals out there.<br />

It is how the locals have enjoyed their<br />

moments of pleasure during a long day<br />

of work.<br />


Full Want Restaurant<br />

No.133-2, Sec.1, Fuxing S.Rd, Da an<br />

Dist, Taipei<br />

Tel: +886-2-2771-5736<br />

Web: www.fullwant.com.tw<br />

Dadaocheng<br />

The western and southern side of Da<br />

Tong Dist, Taipei<br />

Arashi<br />

Taichung Second Public Market<br />

No.36, Sec.2, Sanmin Rd, Central Dist<br />

Tel: +886-4-2222-6010<br />

Web: www.arashi.tw<br />

Hanlin Tearoom<br />

1F, No.919, Sec.2, Taiwan BLvd., Xitun<br />

Dist., Taichung<br />

Tel: +886-4-2255-7269<br />

No. 338, Chongming Rd., East Dist, Dai<br />

Nam, Dai Loan<br />

Tel: +886 6 269 7367<br />

Web: www.hanlin-tea.com.tw (For other<br />

tearooms' and restaurants' addresses<br />

along Taiwan)<br />

Shilin Night Market (Taipei)<br />

No. 101, Jihe Road, Shilin District,<br />

Taipei City, Taiwan <strong>11</strong>1<br />

Feng Chia Night Market (Taichung)<br />

Wenhua Road, Xitun District, Taichung<br />

City, Taiwan 407<br />

Hua Yuan Night Market (Tainan)<br />

No. 533, Section 3, Hai an Road, North<br />

District, Tainan City, Taiwan 704<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


4.30pm, Tainan - Lazy days for afternoon tea<br />

From Taichung, take the HSR for about two<br />

hours to Tainan city, which in the years from<br />

1683 to 1887, was once the capital<br />

of Taiwan. Here you<br />

will find many old structures<br />

such as Anping Old Street, and<br />

the Confucius Temple. When<br />

walking the streets of Tainan,<br />

you may have to exclaim: "No one<br />

seems to be interested in opening<br />

up shops here! Such a shame that<br />

the houses are not used for shops!"<br />

Tainan is a quiet city filled with<br />

nostalgia for "lazy days", where you<br />

can take a leisurely ride a bicycle ride through the<br />

streets, lining up for a char siu bao, or sipping a glass of<br />

milk bubble tea with friends during a hot summer day. .<br />

One of the most checked-in places in Tainan is the<br />

Hanlin Tearoom - the original birthplace of Taiwan's<br />

bubble milk tea. In 1986, Mr. Tu Tsong, the owner<br />

of a tea shop, came up with the idea of adding white<br />

tapioca and milk to hot black tea. The tea which is<br />

richly flavored by the tanginess combined with creamy<br />

milk and the chewy texture of tapioca pearls, has since<br />

become a popular drink all over the world, to the point<br />

where the Taiwanese government claimed it as their<br />

national drink.<br />

At Hanlin Tearoom, you can enjoy the original<br />

version of bubble milk tea, which is presented with<br />

a pot of hot milk tea, two small cups, and a bowl of<br />

black and white pearls on the side. If you prefer<br />

your bubble milk tea cold, brace yourself as it is<br />

served in a glass the size of a beer glass!<br />

Taiwanese also like to enjoy a small dessert with<br />

their milk tea. One of the ten most popular desserts for<br />

the locals here is the mochi which can be stuffed with<br />

read bean or peanut butter. A quick tip for you if you do<br />

not have time to visit Tainan, there is a Hanlin Tearoom<br />

store in Taichung where you can enjoy your favorite<br />

milk tea the old-fashioned way (served hot).<br />






64<br />


8.00PM - Night market in Taiwan<br />

The culinary journey in Taiwan would not be complete<br />

without a walk around the night market. Taiwan's night<br />

market has long been known as Asia's culinary paradise<br />

with a wide variety of food choices. If you only try one new<br />

thing a day,<br />

you might<br />

have to stay<br />

for a month.<br />

Shilin Night<br />

Market (Taipei),<br />

Feng Chia<br />

(Taichung)<br />

and Hua Yuan<br />

(Tainan) are the<br />

most popular<br />

night markets<br />

with visitors.<br />

Not only a place<br />

to shop and eat, the night markets are great places for<br />

young people to spend time together..<br />

When you go to the night markets, do not forget to buy<br />

pineapple cake and iron eggs to bring home as gifts.<br />

Pineapple cake is a traditional gift that brings luck. Iron<br />

eggs are a chewy black egg made of quail or pigeon eggs,<br />

cooked in soy sauce until it turns black and hardened. One<br />

local girl joked, "You can actually play table tennis with<br />

this egg!"<br />

After a long walk, it's time to stop for a refreshing beef<br />

noodle soup - one of the two of Taiwan's "national food".<br />

It is made with fresh noodles, flavored dark broth, tender<br />

braised beef, and the mild scent from the herbs, one of the<br />

must-try foods! After the beef noodle soup, you can also try<br />

the oyster omelet. People here often cook oysters by fire,<br />

so the oysters remain juicy, fresh and sweet, unlike when<br />

being grilled by charcoal. You can then complete your<br />

dinner with sweet mango ice cream or Dou Hua - a chilled<br />

tofu dessert in sugar syrup, served with red beans, green<br />

beans and mochi.<br />

Our exciting culinary trip in "Asia's cuisine paradise" has<br />

finally come to an end with delicious food from restaurants to the<br />

streets, which one was your favorite dish?

Nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh mÌi nh†t<br />

v“ mÔa thu x¯ Hµn vıa<br />

Æ≠Óc <strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> cÀp nhÀt<br />

trong tu«n Æ«u tin cÒa<br />

th∏ng <strong>11</strong><br />

Photos of South Korea in<br />

fall taken by <strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

in early November<br />

Bµi vµ ∂nh: Qu˙nh Anh<br />

phototravel<br />

T∂n mπn mÔa thu x¯ Hµn<br />

N’u bπn h·i t´i mÔa nµo lµ mÔa Æãp nh†t<br />

cÒa x¯ sÎ Kim Chi ? T´i sœ kh´ng Ææn Æo<br />

vµ tr∂ lÍi rªng Æ„ lµ MÔa Thu. VÌi h¨n<br />

70% tÊng di÷n t›ch c„ Æa h◊nh ÆÂi nÛi,<br />

Hµn QuËc lµ mÈt Ɔt n≠Ìc vÌi r†t nhi“u<br />

nh˜ng khu b∂o tÂn vµ c´ng vin thin<br />

nhin quËc gia n¨i m‰i du kh∏ch c„ th”<br />

tÌi tham quan.<br />

Which seasson is the most beautiful in South Korea?<br />

I have to tell you that it is fall. With 70% land area<br />

made up of mountainous terrains, South Korea has<br />

a large number of conservation areas and national<br />

parks for visitors to get around to.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Nh˜ng con Æ≠Íng trong<br />

c´ng vin gi˜a nh˜ng Æ´ thfi Æ´ng<br />

ÆÛc cÚng trÎ nn<br />

l∑ng mπn<br />

h¨n bao giÍ h’t.<br />

Kh„ ai c„ th” c≠Ïng lπi vŒ<br />

Æãp di÷u k˙ cÒa mÔa l∏ rÙng, k” c∂<br />

ch›nh nh˜ng ng≠Íi d©n<br />

x¯ Hµn.<br />

Theseason is at their peak in late<br />

October with a nice, cool and sudden<br />

drop in temperature. The leaves of the<br />

trees transition from green to<br />

gold,orange<br />

and reddish tones,<br />

basking in their own glory under the sunlight.

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


oads in the parks amid bustling<br />

metropolis areas become more lively<br />

and romantic than ever. South Korea<br />

in autumn has such a beauty, so irresistable even to locals.<br />

charming<br />

Korean Air k’t hÓp vÌi mÈt sË Æ¨n v du lch tri”n khai b∏n tour tÌi Hµn QuËc. Lch khÎi hµnh<br />

vµo th¯ 3 vµ th¯ 7 hµng tu«n / Korean Air is partnering with a number of travel agencies to<br />

promote tours to South Korea. Flights to depart every Tuesday and Saturday.<br />


ñ Tel: 024 3771 3787<br />

ñ Email: nlle@koreanair.com<br />

ñ Website: www.koreanair.com<br />


ñ 8 th Floor, Qunimex Bldg Building, 29 Le Dai Hanh, Hanoi<br />

ñ Tel: 0949 94 4866<br />

ñ Email: thao.dang@globaltour.com.vn<br />

ñ Website: www.globaltour.com.vn<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Khung<br />

c∂nh tuy÷t<br />

Æãp cÒa<br />

dachstein<br />

khi nh◊n tı<br />

trn cao

destination<br />


saLZKammerGut<br />

Nh˜ng chuy’n Æi lÌn lu´n »n ch¯a nhi“u b†t ngÍ thÛ v mµ dÔ lµ<br />

mÈt Æi”m Æ’n, ta cÚng chÓt nhÀn ra m◊nh Æang tr∂i nghi÷m mÈt<br />

c©u chuy÷n thÀt kh∏c. Chuy’n kh∏m ph∏ vÔng Salzkammergut<br />

thuÈc tÿnh Upper, g«n vÌi thµnh phË ©m nhπc Salzburg cÒa n≠Ìc<br />

Éo lµ mÈt hµnh tr◊nh nh≠ th’.<br />

Bµi vµ ∂nh: L˝ Thµnh C¨<br />

B˜a tr≠a vÌi<br />

bia vµ pizza<br />

trn Æÿnh nÛi<br />

dachstein<br />


ß’n Salzburg sau chuy’n bu˝t Æm tı Venice, ≥<br />

vµo ba giÍ s∏ng lÛc trÍi lπnh nh≠ cæt da cæt thfit,<br />

t´i Æi taxi ki”u GrabShare cÔng bËn ng≠Íi kh∏c<br />

Æ” Æ’n ga Salzburg Hbf. T´i ph∂i Æ’n AO Hostel,<br />

n¨i t´i Æ∑ Æ∆t cho ngµy h´m sau vµ nhÀn phflng<br />

Æ” nghÿ mÈt chÛt tr≠Ìc khi Æ„n chuy’n bu˝t<br />

sÌm Æi Hallstatt, Æi”m du lfich nÊi ti’ng cÒa vÔng<br />

Salzkammergut.<br />

KHôI ßóNG<br />

NgÒ Æ≠Óc mÈt gi†c, t´i tÿnh dÀy ng≠Íi h∑y cfln m÷t<br />

v◊ c∏i lπnh cuËi Æ´ng Î Éo. Gi∑ tı næng †m Venice,<br />

khi tÌi Salzburg, t´i nh≠ bfi sËc nhi÷t vµ c∂m gi∏c<br />

cuÈn trfln trong ch®n thÀt tuy÷t. Nh≠ng th«m ngh‹<br />

Hallstatt Æang v…y g‰i, nn c¨ th” t˘ gi∏c h¨n vµ Æi<br />

ra b’n xe chÿ c∏ch hai ng∑ t≠. Hµng dµi Æ∑ x’p sΩn<br />

ÆÓi tr≠Ìc chuy’n bu˝t 150 Æi Bad Ischl.<br />

߯ng trn xe chÀt k›n nh˜ng du kh∏ch Hµn QuËc<br />

Æang trong k˙ nghÿ l‘ tÌi Éo, t´i qun c∂m gi∏c m·i<br />

ch©n do Ưng l©u v◊ tim kh´ng kh·i thÊn th¯c nh◊n<br />

ra khung cˆa sÊ xe bu˝t. Nh˜ng ng‰n nÛi thuÈc<br />

d∑y Alps vÌi m©y nh≠ vıa r¨i tıng cÙm tı Æÿnh nÛi.<br />

M∂ng xanh r◊ cÒa ÆÂng c· x’p Æ∆t ln mÈt m∂ng<br />

xanh cÒa h Hallstatter See vµ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÊ<br />

tπo nn b¯c tranh tuy÷t m‹ cÒa thin nhin.<br />

Th†p tho∏ng xa xa lµ nh˜ng ng´i lµng nh· ph›a<br />

bn kia bÍ h t˘a vµo l≠ng nÛi. MÁi ng´i lµng c„<br />

mÈt ki’n trÛc C´ng gi∏o ch„p cao Î gi˜a. Mµu<br />

xanh bi’c cÒa h khÊng l Πmi“n ß´ng n≠Ìc Éo<br />

ph∂n chi’u nh˜ng khung trÍi vµ d∑y Alps tuy÷t<br />

Æãp. N’u Æ≠Óc ch‰n mÈt n¨i Æ” trËn kh·i th’ giÌi<br />

bÈn b“, c„ lœ t´i sœ ch‰n mÈt n¨i nh≠ th’ nµy, Æ≠Óc<br />

Ææm ch◊m vµo thin nhin.<br />

T´i ch≠a bi’t Hallstatt sœ Æãp vµ ngoπn mÙc nh≠<br />

th’ nµo, nh≠ng vÌi t´i, chuy’n bu˝t Æ’n Hallstatt<br />

Æ∑ ÆÒ Æãp, ÆÒ v≠Ót qua mong ÆÓi cÒa t´i v“ mÈt<br />

lµng qu n≠Ìc Éo.<br />

Tuy’t træng<br />

bao phÒ Î<br />

dachstein<br />

TÌi ga Bad Ischl, t´i mua mÈt b∏nh m◊ kãp ph´ mai mozzarella<br />

n≠Ìng ch∂y ®n cÔng thfit x´ng kh„i vµ g‰i mÈt ly s´c´la n„ng hÊi<br />

Æ” ®n s∏ng. NgÂi ÆÓi 20 phÛt, chuy’n bu˝t Æi Hallstatt cÚng tÌi.<br />

Ln xe 542, lÛc nµy Æ∑ væng bÌt ng≠Íi do c„ mÈt nh„m lÌn du<br />

kh∏ch chuy”n qua Æi xe lˆa Æ” tÌi Hallstatt. T´i ngÂi hµng Æ«u Æ”<br />

bæt tr‰n khung c∂nh Æ≠Íng Æi Hallstatt tuy÷t vÍi tr≠Ìc mæt.<br />

ß≠Íng h¨i ngoªn ngoÃo nh≠ng kh´ng c„ mÈt t› Ê gµ b®ng qua<br />

cπnh nh˜ng r∆ng nÛi cÒa d∑y Alps. ßfia h◊nh thay ÆÊi tı ÆÂng<br />

bªng ln l≠ng nÛi, rÂi vµo Æ≠Íng h«m vµ vµo nh˜ng c∏nh rıng<br />

nhanh Æ’n ch„ng m∆t. Næng vµng cuËi Æ´ng nh≠ h´n ln nh≠ng<br />

t∏n c©y, cho t´i c∂m gi∏c v´ t≠ l˘ vµ kh´ng kh·i nhoŒn mi÷ng<br />

c≠Íi. Ph∂i ch®ng mÈt phäp mµu nµo Æ„ cÒa thin nhin n¨i nµy<br />

Æ∑ lµm nhã nh‚m t©m hÂn ng≠Íi l˜ kh∏ch sau h¨n 10 ngµy chu<br />

du qua Ph∏p, Thu˛ S‹, ≥ vµ giÍ lµ Éo.<br />

<br />


ChÓt c„ ti’ng h·i tı hµng gh’ ph›a sau,<br />

h·i t´i Æi Æ©u. T´i quay lπi vµ tr∂ lÍi<br />

m◊nh Æang tÌi Hallstatt. Cfln h‰ cho bi’t<br />

sœ tÌi nÛi tuy’t Dachstein vµ hang b®ng<br />

Ice Cave.<br />

NÛi tuy’t, hang b®ng - nh˜ng tı kho∏<br />

khi’n mÈt ng≠Íi sinh ra vµ lÌn ln Î<br />

mÈt Ɔt n≠Ìc nhi÷t ÆÌi nh≠ t´i kh´ng<br />

kh·i tfl mfl. T´i nhanh ch„ng ln g∆p<br />

b∏c tµi vµ b∂o b∏c cho xuËng Î Ice Cave.<br />

B∏c tµi gÀt Æ«u b∂o yn t©m, sœ g‰i m‰i<br />

ng≠Íi. C„ vŒ Ɔy lµ Æfia Æi”m nÊi ti’ng<br />

mµ t´i v´ t◊nh kh´ng bi’t tÌi.<br />

NgÂi Æ≠Óc nˆa ti’ng trn chuy’n xe,<br />

chÛng t´i chuy”n qua chuy’n Post Bus<br />

trung chuy”n vµ cuËi cÔng cÚng tÌi<br />

Hallstatt. MÈt nˆa du kh∏ch Æ∑ xuËng<br />

xe Æ” tÌi Hallstatt hi÷n ra Æãp nh≠ trong<br />

tr› t≠Îng t≠Óng cÒa t´i: mÈt ng´i lµng cÊ<br />

k›nh, nªm cπnh bÍ h rÈng, t˘a m◊nh<br />

trn n“n nh˜ng d∑y nÛi tuy’t ƪng<br />

sau. Nh≠ng t´i v…n ngÂi trn chuy’n<br />

Post Bus, rÍi trπm Hallstatt Lahn Æ” tÌi<br />

Dachstein. T´i c∂m th†y ph†n kh›ch khi<br />

n¨i nµy kh´ng nªm trong lfich tr◊nh Æfinh<br />

sΩn ban Æ«u, cÚng kh´ng c„ kh∏i ni÷m<br />

g◊ v“ d∑y nÛi Dachstein nµy.<br />

ß’n ch©n nÛi, t´i cÔng hai ng≠Íi bπn<br />

mÌi quen mua vä c∏p treo. Celine vµ<br />

Anna ch‰n loπi vä chÿ 22 Euro Æ” tÌi trπm<br />

1 v◊ h‰ kh´ng c„ thÍi gian Æ” ln trπm 2.<br />

LÛc nµy tuy’t cfln r†t nhi“u nn trπm 3<br />

tπm thÍi kh´ng th” ln Æ≠Óc. Ng≠Íi b∏n<br />

vä cho bi’t trπm 3 chÿ ln Æ≠Óc vµo thÍi<br />

Æi”m mÔa hà khi tuy’t tan bÌt. Quanh<br />

n®m Î Æ©y lu´n c„ tuy’t tı trπm 1 Æ’n<br />

trπm 3 cÒa c∏p treo. T´i mua vä 40 Euro<br />

Æ” ln c∂ 2 trπm. Chµo tπm bi÷t Celine vµ<br />

Anna Î trπm 1, t´i ln trπm 2 tr≠Ìc theo<br />

lÍi khuyn cÒa ng≠Íi h≠Ìng d…n nn Æi<br />

ln cao nh†t rÂi quay trÎ xuËng.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Nh„m du<br />

kh∏ch th·a<br />

th›ch ch¨i<br />

ÆÔa cÔng<br />

tuy’t trn<br />

Æÿnh nÛi<br />

Dachstein<br />

Ki’n trÛc<br />

b®ng k˙ lπ<br />

bn trong<br />

ÆÈng b®ng

NÁi sÓ chºng<br />

lµ g◊ khi Æ≠Óc<br />

ph„ng t«m nh◊n<br />

tı 5fingers ra<br />

khæp toµn c∂nh<br />

Salzkammergut<br />

tuy÷t Æãp vÌi<br />

nh˜ng thung<br />

lÚng, hÂ, nÛi<br />

tuy’t vµ lµng<br />

mπc bn d≠Ìi.<br />



NgÂi nh◊n c∏p treo b®ng<br />

b®ng trn nh˜ng hµng<br />

th´ng Æang trÙi l∏,<br />

tuy’t v…n cfln Æ„ng r†t<br />

dµy trn nh˜ng tri“n<br />

nÛi, c∂m gi∏c m‰i th¯ xung quanh nh≠<br />

kh´ng th˘c. ô nh˜ng n≠Ìc tr≠Ìc Æ„ t´i<br />

ghä qua, hoa Æ∑ Æ©m chÂi vµ næng vµng<br />

Æ∑ r˘c rÏ, nh≠ng Î Æ©y lπi thÀt kh∏c.<br />

C„ c∂m gi∏c t´i Æ≠Óc h≠Îng tr‰n hai<br />

mÔa kh∏c nhau Î Ch©u ¢u chÿ qua mÈt<br />

chuy’n xe vÀy. T´i nh◊n ln Æÿnh nÛi<br />

træng xo∏ ph›a tr≠Ìc, vµ bi’t Æ„ lµ n¨i<br />

m◊nh sœ tÌi.<br />

ThÀt k˙ lπ khi l«n Æ«u tin b≠Ìc xuËng<br />

m∆t tuy’t dµy vµ mfin cÒa d∑y Dachstein,<br />

t´i chÿ mang mÈt Æ´i giµy th” thao cÔng<br />

2 lÌp ∏o ƨn gi∂n gi˜a ti’t trÍi xuËng -4<br />

ÆÈ C. C∂nh t≠Óng k˙ thÛ mÎ ra tr≠Ìc<br />

mæt Æ∑ khi’n t´i nh≠ kh´ng cfln quan<br />

t©m Æ’n c∏i lπnh n˜a. LÛc nµy trÍi Æang<br />

næng vµng nn nhi÷t ÆÈ th†p cÚng<br />

kh´ng s∏ g◊. B≠Ìc chÀp ch˜ng trn n“n<br />

tuy’t, nhi“u l«n t´i muËn tä do Æ´i giµy<br />

kh´ng phÔ hÓp Æ” Æi trong tuy’t. T´i<br />

kh´ng gi†u nÊi nÙ c≠Íi vµ bµn tay bÀn<br />

bfiu ÆÔa nghfich nh˜ng næm tuy’t m∏t<br />

lπnh. C„ c∂m gi∏c nh≠ lπc vµo th’ giÌi<br />

th«n tin vÀy. T´i nhanh ch„ng Æi theo<br />

b∂ng h≠Ìng d…n Æ” Æ’n nh˜ng Æi”m<br />

tham quan trn trπm 2.<br />

ßi”m Æ’n Æ«u tin lµ 5fingers, n¨i Æ©y<br />

lµ ki’n trÛc h◊nh bµn tay n®m ng„n.<br />

MÁi ng„n ch‹a thºng ra v˘c nÛi, ki’n<br />

trÛc bªng k›nh vµ sæt giÛp cho t´i c„<br />

th” nh◊n xuËng vµ th†y v˘c tuy’t s©u<br />

bn d≠Ìi. VÌi mÈt ng≠Íi sÓ ÆÈ cao<br />

nh≠ t´i, tr∂i nghi÷m Æ„ thÀt nhÌ ÆÍi.<br />

Nh≠ng qun Æi, nÁi sÓ chºng lµ g◊ khi<br />

Æ≠Óc ph„ng t«m nh◊n tı 5fingers ra<br />

khæp toµn c∂nh Salzkammergut tuy÷t<br />

Æãp vÌi nh˜ng thung lÚng, hÂ, nÛi<br />

tuy’t vµ lµng mπc bn d≠Ìi. Nh˜ng<br />

ng´i lµng nh≠ m´ h◊nh ÆÂ ch¨i mµ<br />

tho∏ng chËc ta muËn v≠¨n tay ra vµ<br />

bËc ln.<br />

ô trn ng‰n nÛi cao vÛt nµy nh≠ng t´i<br />

v…n th†y mÈt nhµ nguy÷n vÌi c∏i tn<br />

Dachsteinkapelle tr´ng thÀt k˙ lπ khi<br />

nªm gi˜a c∏nh ÆÂng tuy’t. Vi÷c nªm Î<br />

ÆÈ cao 2.206m so vÌi m˘c n≠Ìc bi”n<br />

khi’n Æ©y lµ n¨i thÍ nguy÷n cao nh†t Î<br />

d∑y nÛi Alps ph›a Bæc.<br />

Trn trπm 2 chÿ c„ mÈt nhµ hµng duy<br />

nh†t. T´i kh´ng b· lÏ dfip Æ≠Óc ngÂi<br />

lπi Dachstein Krippenstein ®n mÈt<br />

b˜a ngon lµnh vµ kh´ng qun g‰i<br />

Facetime v“ cho mã Æ” chia sŒ kho∂nh<br />

khæc k˙ di÷u Æ≠Óc Ææm m◊nh trong<br />

næng vµ tuy’t cÔng mÈt lÛc. Nh©m nhi<br />

ly bia Hallstatt ngon tuy÷t gi˜a tuy’t<br />

trÍi n≠Ìc Éo lµ tr∂i nghi÷m kh„ phai<br />

trong ÆÍi t´i.<br />

TRÑM 1 VÄ HANG B°NG K∞ Bê<br />

ô trπm 1, c„ mÈt b∂o tµng kh∂o cÊ vÌi<br />

nh˜ng th´ng tin v“ vi÷c khai quÀt ho∏<br />

thπch voi Mammoth tı k˚ b®ng hµ tπi<br />

Æ©y. Nh≠ng Æi“u tuy÷t vÍi nh†t Î trπm<br />

1 ch›nh lµ Ice Cave (hang b®ng).<br />

Hang b®ng h¨n 300 tuÊi nµy k˙ lπ Î<br />

chÁ c¯ vµo mÔa Æ´ng, b®ng sœ tan vµ<br />

mÔa xu©n, hà b®ng sœ to ln. Nn thÍi<br />

gian tuy÷t vÍi Æ” kh∏m ph∏ lµ th∏ng 4<br />

Æ’n th∏ng 8 hµng n®m Æ” ngæm nh◊n<br />

nh˜ng d∂i b®ng tuy÷t Æãp bn trong<br />

hang. Bπn kh´ng th” t˘ do vµo Ice<br />

Cave v◊ Æ≠Íng bn trong g«n 1km bÀc<br />

thang kh∏ nguy hi”m. Bπn ph∂i ÆÓi<br />

mÁi giÍ ÆÂng h Ɣ Æ≠Óc h≠Ìng d…n Æi<br />

theo nh„m.<br />

Nh˜ng ki’n trÛc b®ng bn trong hang<br />

mang lπi s˘ sˆng sËt cho nh˜ng ng≠Íi<br />

ghä qua. T´i c„ th” th†y nh˜ng dflng<br />

th∏c bfi Æ´ng c¯ng lπi suËt tr®m n®m,<br />

nh˜ng ng‰n th∏p b®ng Æ≠Óc bÂi Ææp<br />

tı n≠Ìc ng«m ch∂y bn ngoµi vµo<br />

tπo nn nh˜ng ki’n trÛc k˙ lπ cÒa t˘<br />

nhin mµ ta kh´ng kh·i mÈt l«n t˘ h·i<br />

chÛng h◊nh thµnh tı Æ©u.<br />

C„ lœ l˘a ch‰n Æi Æ’n Dachstein trong<br />

mÈt cuÈc n„i chuy÷n t◊nh cÍ trn<br />

chuy’n bu˝t lµ quy’t Æfinh ÆÛng Ææn<br />

nh†t cÒa t´i.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


T´i  ln sung s≠Ìng<br />

khi nh◊n th†y b«y thin<br />

nga træng muËt b¨i<br />

gi˜a h vµ tim m◊nh<br />

cÚng tho∏ng nh†p<br />

nh·m khi th†y nh˜ng<br />

c∆p t◊nh nh©n Æang dæt<br />

tay nhau Æi dπo quanh<br />

ng´i lµng Æ≠Óc m÷nh<br />

danh Æãp vµ Æ∏ng Æ’n<br />

nh†t Ch©u ¢u nµy.<br />

di SÅn V°n Hïa<br />

VÄ t# nHi£n<br />

-Lµng cÊ Hallstatt vµ nÛi<br />

Dachstein thuÈc vÔng<br />

Salzkammergut n≠Ìc Éo lµ di<br />

s∂n Æ∆c bi÷t cÒa UNESCO khi<br />

Æ≠Óc c´ng nhÀn c∂ hai danh<br />

hi÷u Di s∂n V®n ho∏ vµ Di s∂n<br />

T˘ nhin. N’u Æ∑ Æ’n Æ©y,<br />

bπn sœ th†y s˘ c´ng nhÀn nµy<br />

lµ lœ Æ≠¨ng nhin, khi vÔng<br />

Salzkammergut c„ ÆÒ nh˜ng<br />

y’u tË hµi hoµ cÒa con ng≠Íi<br />

vµ t˘ nhin. H∑y t≠Îng t≠Óng<br />

Æang Î mÈt ng´i lµng Æãp<br />

nh≠ cÊ t›ch rÂi lπi leo ln Æÿnh<br />

Dachstein cho∏ng ngÓp bÎi nÛi<br />

tuy’t vµ nh˜ng hang b®ng.<br />

-D∑y nÛi Dachstein lµ mÈt<br />

nh∏nh cÒa d∑y Alps nÊi ti’ng<br />

nªm tr∂i dµi Î ph›a t©y n≠Ìc<br />

Éo. N’u bπn Æang t◊m ki’m<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m leo nÛi Alps th◊<br />

Dachstein sœ cho bπn c∂m nhÀn<br />

Alps thÀt k˙ v‹. T´i cÚng kh´ng<br />

h“ bi’t tr≠Ìc nÛi Dachstein<br />

thuÈc d∑y Alps Æ’n khi Ɖc<br />

h≠Ìng d…n tπi trπm dıng ch©n.<br />

nH~ng lu ≥<br />

KHi du lëCH ß⁄n<br />

HallStatt/daCHStein<br />

SalZKaMMergut<br />

-Vä xe bu˝t c„ th” mua ngay<br />

trn xe, n’u muËn dıng Î Æ©u<br />

chÿ vi÷c n„i vÌi b∏c tµi.<br />

-Chuy’n cuËi cÔng tı Ice Cave<br />

v“ Hallstatt vµ Bad Ischl vµo lÛc<br />

17h25 nn bπn canh giÍ cho<br />

chu»n. Cn tı Bad Ischl v“ lπi<br />

Salzburg, hµnh tr◊nh thong th∂<br />

h¨n v◊ bu˝t chπy Æ’n 9h tËi.<br />

-Nn chu»n b tinh th«n tr≠Ìc<br />

lµ ph∂i chÍ mÁi chuy’n bu˝t<br />

kh∏ l©u.<br />

-Trπm 3 cÒa Dachstein chÿ c„<br />

th” ln Æ≠Óc vµo mÔa hÃ. Khi Æi<br />

vµo mÔa xu©n, thu vµ Æ´ng, bπn<br />

sœ chÿ ln tËi Æa Æ≠Óc trπm 2.<br />

v≈ LÑI HaLLSTaTT<br />

Kh´ng qun mÙc Æ›ch ch›nh<br />

cÒa chuy’n Æi, t´i xuËng<br />

ch©n nÛi lÛc 5 giÍ chi“u, lÛc<br />

nµy m∆t trÍi h∑y cfln næng<br />

gæt v◊ sæp vµo xu©n. T´i c„<br />

c∂m t≠Îng nh≠ Æang Ưng d≠Ìi tr≠a hà Sµi<br />

Gfln vÀy. Bu˝t ph∂i h¨n 30 phÛt sau mÌi<br />

tÌi, nn t´i h·i nh˜ng ng≠Íi Æang Ưng ÆÓi<br />

xung quanh hay lµ cÔng nhau Æi chi’c taxi<br />

7 chÁ, mÁi ng≠Íi t›nh ra chÿ tËn 2,50 Euro<br />

nh≠ng c„ th” tÌi Hallstatt trong chÌp mæt.<br />

V“ lπi Hallstatt Lahn lÛc nµy, m∆t trÍi Æ∑<br />

Î sau l≠ng nÛi. Næng kh´ng cfln Æãp nh≠<br />

lÛc tr≠a ghä qua Hallstatt rÂi vÈi Æi. Nh≠ng<br />

ng´i lµng cÊ k›nh v…n Æãp. Nh˜ng con<br />

Æ≠Íng quanh co vµ nh˜ng ng´i nhµ cÊ<br />

Æ≠Óc b∂o tÂn nguyn vãn vÌi mµu s¨n mÌi.<br />

T´i  ln sung s≠Ìng khi nh◊n th†y b«y<br />

thin nga træng muËt b¨i gi˜a h vµ tim<br />

m◊nh cÚng tho∏ng nh†p nh·m khi th†y<br />

nh˜ng c∆p t◊nh nh©n Æang dæt tay nhau Æi<br />

dπo quanh ng´i lµng Æ≠Óc m÷nh danh Æãp<br />

vµ Æ∏ng Æ’n nh†t Ch©u ¢u nµy.<br />

L˝ Thµnh C¨,<br />

L˝ Thµnh C¨, bæt Æ«u say m vi÷c x<br />

dch tı th∏ng 5/2014, Æ’n nay Æ∑ Æi Æ≠Óc<br />

h¨n 22 n≠Ìc trong vng 3 n®m. ßam<br />

m cÒa C¨ Æ’n tı khao kh∏t ƨn gi∂n<br />

lµ muËn mæt m◊nh Æ≠Óc th†y, da m◊nh<br />

Æ≠Óc c∂m nhÀn vµ Æ≠Óc vi’t nh˜ng tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m †y. ß’n n®m 2015, C¨ thµnh lÀp<br />

travel blog VENTUROLOGY.ORG Æ”<br />

l≠u gi˜ nh˜ng Æam m cÒa m◊nh cÚng<br />

nh≠ v´ sË nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh Æãp Î nhi“u<br />

n≠Ìc tıng Æi qua.<br />

T´i Æi mÈt m◊nh vµ c«m m∏y ∂nh theo<br />

nn kh´ng tr∏nh kh·i vi÷c Æ≠Óc vµi c∆p<br />

nhÍ chÙp h◊nh hÈ. C„ mÈt c∆p vÓ chÂng<br />

ng≠Íi ≥ nhÍ t´i chÙp h◊nh vµ c∂ ba trfl<br />

chuy÷n r´m r∂ trong lÛc thay phin nhÍ<br />

nhau chÙp h◊nh Î m‰i g„c cÒa Hallstatt.<br />

Khi trÍi bæt Æ«u ng≠ng næng lÛc s∏u r≠Ïi<br />

h¨n, hai ng≠Íi bæt Æ«u Æi v“. Chÿ quen<br />

bi’t t◊nh cÍ nh≠ng t´i Æ∑ Æ≠Óc mÍi Æi<br />

chung xe v“ lπi Salzburg. Th’ lµ t´i ngÂi<br />

ln chi’c xe Fiat bËn chÁ cÒa hai ng≠Íi,<br />

b®ng b®ng v“ lπi Hallstatt.<br />

T´i c„ c∂m gi∏c h´m †y lµ mÈt ngµy<br />

kh´ng ph∂i chÿ Æ” kh∏m ph∏ thin nhin<br />

vµ lµng mπc n≠Ìc Éo, mµ cfln lµ mÈt ngµy<br />

bi’t thm nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn mÌi kh´ng<br />

hãn tr≠Ìc. ß„ lµ Æi“u k˙ di÷u cÒa "x<br />

dfich", Æ´i khi chÿ c«n mÎ mi÷ng n„i vÌi<br />

nhau vµi c©u cÚng ÆÒ Æ” ta bi’t thm v“<br />

nhau vµ trÎ thµnh nh˜ng ng≠Íi bπn trong<br />

chÌp mæt. C„ lœ, x dfich khi’n Æ«u „c ta<br />

bÌt e dà vµ sÓ h∑i, tÀp ch†p nhÀn nhi“u<br />

h¨n s˘ th©n thi÷n cÒa ng≠Íi lπ vµ bi’t cho<br />

phäp b∂n th©n m◊nh mÎ lflng h¨n.<br />

80<br />


<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Text and photos: Ly Thanh Co<br />

destination<br />

I often find the longest journeys bring about the most<br />

amazing and interesting surprises. A destination is<br />

not just a destination, as there are always stories<br />

behind it. My recent visit to the Salzkammergut<br />

located in the Upper province, close to the Salzburg<br />

city of Austria is just such a journey.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Clockwise from this<br />

picture: Picturesque<br />

landscape of<br />

the Austrian<br />

countryside;<br />

Charming view of<br />

the Hallstatt village;<br />

Holding snow<br />

on the Dachstein<br />


The change of weather from the warm and sun of<br />

Venice to the cold in Salzburg was such a shock<br />

that all I wanted was to curl up inside the blanket<br />

I arrived in Salzburg on a night bus trip from Venice, Italy<br />

at three o'clock in the morning amid the freezing cold. I<br />

opted to share a taxi with four others to the Salzburg Hbf<br />

station and took a train to the AO Hostel, which I booked<br />

in advance to get some rest before taking the early bus to<br />

Hallstatt, the famous tourist spot of the Salzkammergut.<br />

Getting started<br />

to Bad Ischl.<br />

fter my sleep, I woke up, still<br />

unaccustomed to the cold<br />

winter of Austria. The change of<br />

weather from the warm and sun<br />

of Venice to the cold in Salzburg<br />

was such a shock that all I<br />

wanted was to curl up inside the<br />

blanket. But I needed to get to<br />

Hallstatt, so I walked 2 blocks to<br />

the bus stop. A long queue was<br />

already in line for the bus no.150<br />

The bus was crowded and full of Korean tourists on holiday<br />

to Austria. For a moment I forgot about my tired legs as I<br />

looked out the window and was in awe of the magnificent<br />

beauty of the Alps and its heaven-sent clouds. The green<br />

patches of the pasture and some old houses reflect<br />

themselves clearly in the Hallstatter See lake, creating a<br />

rather spectacular landscape.<br />

A short distance away were small villages situating on the<br />

other side of the lake against the back drop of the mountain.<br />

Each village had its own Catholic church. The blue waters of<br />

the lakes in this area of Eastern Austria reflects the sky and<br />

the beautiful Alps mountains perfectly. If I wanted to hide<br />

from the world, this is where I would be, a place to immerse<br />

myself in nature.<br />

Unsure of what I would find Hallstatt, the bus trip itself<br />

was such a beautiful experience that it in fact surpassed all<br />

my expectation of Austria's countryside.<br />

At Bad Ischl bus station, I bought myself a grilled<br />

mozzarella cheese sandwich with bacon and ordered a<br />

hot chocolate for breakfast. After waiting 20 minutes, the<br />

bus to Hallstatt finally arrived. Bus no. 542 was a lot less<br />

crowded as large groups of tourists got off to get to Hallstatt<br />

by train. I chose a front seat to take in all of the amazing<br />

road scenery along the way to my final destination.<br />

The route was slightly winding but not even one pothole<br />

was to be found on the road as we passed through the Alps.<br />

The terrain changed so quickly from the plain up to the<br />

mountain, then into the tunnel and back in the woods. The<br />

sight of the sun reflecting through the upper edges of the<br />

forest took all my troubles away and I could not help but<br />

smile. Nature somehow has a magical way to soothe a tired<br />

traveler after 10 days through France, Switzerland, Italy and<br />

now Austria.<br />

Suddenly someone from behind asked me where I was<br />

heading. I turned around and said to Hallstatt. They told<br />

me they were going to the snow mountain Dachstein and<br />

an Ice Cave.<br />

Snow mountain and ice cave are things that would make<br />

anyone who comes from a tropical country like me curious.<br />

I quickly went and asked the driver to drop me at the Ice<br />

Cave. He nodded and told me not to worry. It was a wellknown<br />

attraction that I, prior to my instance of serendipity,<br />

did not even know about.<br />

After half an hour on the bus, we moved to the Post Bus<br />

Transit and finally arrived in Hallstatt. Half of the people<br />

on the bus got off in Hallstatt and the scenery was just as<br />

beautiful as I had pictured it to be: an old village located<br />

right on the edge of a large lake, leaning against the<br />

snowy mountains. But I stayed on the Post Bus, leaving<br />

Hallstatt Lahn to Dachstein. I was excited at this sudden<br />

change from my original plan, even though I did not know<br />

anything about the Dachstein Mountain.<br />

Arriving at the mountain, I and my two new friends went<br />

to buy tickets for the cable car. Celine and Anna bought the<br />

22 Euros tickets to Station 1 only as they could not find time<br />

to visit Station 2. Heavy snow made Station 3 temporarily<br />

closed as it can only be accessed during summer when<br />

there is less snow. Snow falls all year round and covers<br />

all 3 stations. I bought the 40 Euros ticket to access both<br />

stations. I said goodbye to Celine and Anna before heading<br />

to Station 2 as instructed by my tour guide to first reach the<br />

highest point and later so as to stop at the other station as I<br />

came back down.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Exploring the Ice Cave<br />

Visiting Station 2 of the Dachstein<br />

s the cable car went up, I could see the pine trees and mountainside still covered by a thick<br />

layer of snow. Everything looked so surreal. All the places I had visited before, the flowers<br />

had already begun to bloom and the sun shine its brilliant rays, but it is a different world<br />

here. It was like I was enjoying two different seasons of Europe all on one trip. I looked up<br />

towards the white mountain top and knew instantly that I was heading there.<br />

When I first stepped outside onto the thick and smooth snow of the Dachstein, I<br />

was wearing only a pair of sports shoes and two layers of clothes amid the -4 degree<br />

temperature. The scenery before me completely took my breath away and for a second I<br />

almost forgot about the cold. Because the sun was still shining, the low temperature did<br />

not bother me. Walking in the snow was difficult because my shoes were not fit for such a<br />

climate. I could not help a big grin and started to play with the snow. It felt like I was getting lost in a fantasy world. I<br />

quickly followed the guide map to Station 2's attraction sites.<br />

86<br />






My first destination was the 5fingers viewing<br />

platform which is shaped like a hand. Each<br />

finger points out to the mountains, made of<br />

glass and iron, allowing me to look down and<br />

see the snow beneath. For someone who has a<br />

fear of height like me, it was such an amazing<br />

experience to remember. My fear disappeared<br />

once I looked out from the 5fingers across the<br />

beautiful Salzkammergut with its valleys, lakes,<br />

snowy mountains and villages below. The<br />

villages looked much like toy models that one<br />

could easily reach out and pick up.<br />

On this soaring mountain, I found an isolated<br />

chapel called Dachsteinkapelle in the middle of<br />

a snow-blanketed field. Situated at an altitude<br />

of 2,206m above sea level, this chapel is the<br />

highest place of worship in the Northern<br />

Limestone Alps.<br />

structures inside the cave. You are not allowed<br />

to go on your own as the cave is made of almost<br />

1km dangerous steps. There is a guided tour for<br />

guests every hour.<br />

The ice architecture inside the cave often<br />

astonish visitors. You can see the cascades<br />

frozen for over a hundred years, ice towers<br />

built up from underground water flowing in<br />

from the outside, creating the most unique and<br />

amazing natural structures that we could not<br />

help but wonder how they formed and<br />

came about.<br />

My decision to go to Dachstein from a<br />

conversation by chance on the bus was one of<br />

the best decisions I have ever made.<br />

At Station 2 they have only one restaurant.<br />

I took this opportunity to sit down at the<br />

Dachstein Krippenstein to enjoy some food<br />

and Facetime my mother to tell her about my<br />

magical moment when I was immersed in the<br />

sun and the snow. Sipping Hallstatt's delicious<br />

beer in the midst of the Austrian snow was also<br />

an unforgettable experience.<br />

Station 1 and the<br />

mysterious ice cave<br />

At Station 1, they had an archaeological<br />

museum with information on the mammoth<br />

fossil excavation from the Ice Age. But you will<br />

find the most amazing thing about Station 1 is<br />

the Ice Cave.<br />

The weird thing about this 300-year-old iceberg<br />

is that the ice melts in winter and thickens<br />

during spring and summer. The best time to<br />

explore this ice cave is from April to August<br />

if you want to check out the beautiful ice<br />

The<br />

strange ice<br />

architecture<br />

inside the Ice<br />

Cave.<br />

Above this<br />

picture:<br />

Breath-taking<br />

view of<br />

Dachstein<br />

Mountains<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


i was thrilled to see a group of white swans<br />

swimming in the lake and even smiled at the<br />

sight of couples walking hand in hand around<br />

the village considered the most beautiful and<br />

worth visiting in europe.<br />

GoinG BacK to haLLstatt<br />

ot forgetting the main purpose of my trip, I got<br />

down from the mountain at 5 pm as the sun was<br />

still shining since it was almost spring. I felt like<br />

I was standing under Saigon's afternoon sun.<br />

The bus was not to arrive for another 30 minutes,<br />

so I asked the people who were waiting with me<br />

to share a seven-seat cab, each costing only 2.50<br />

euros that took us to Hallstatt in a flash.<br />

By the time I returned to Hallstatt Lahn, the sun<br />

was setting behind the mountain and the rays no<br />

longer gleamed beautiful like in the afternoon. The old village looked<br />

lovely with its winding streets and old houses still remaining original<br />

save for new paint colors. I was thrilled to see a group of white swans<br />

swimming in the lake and even smiled at the sight of couples walking<br />

hand in hand around the village considered the most beautiful and<br />

worth visiting in Europe.<br />

Because I was traveling alone and had a camera on, some couples<br />

would ask me to take a picture for them. I met an Italian couple who<br />

I took pictures for and all three of us had a cheery conversation while<br />

we took turns to capture every corner of Hallstatt. As the sun went<br />

down at six and a half, they began to leave. We had only just met but<br />

I was invited to come back with them to<br />

Salzburg. So I sat inside their four-seater<br />

Fiat to get back to Hallstatt.<br />

That day to me was not just an ordinary<br />

day where I got to explore nature and<br />

Austrian villages, but a day to meet<br />

unexpected friends. It is the wonder of<br />

travel, sometimes all you need to open<br />

your mouth to say a few words and that<br />

alone is enough to help you make friends<br />

in an instant. Travel always helps free our<br />

mind and make us become less cautious<br />

and frightened. We learn to accept the<br />

kindness of strangers more easily and<br />

allow ourselves to become a lot more open.<br />


Ly Thanh Co began to travel<br />

since May 2014, and has<br />

now been to 22 countries<br />

within 3 years. Co loves to<br />

explore the world first hand<br />

and tell stories from his<br />

own perspective. In 2015,<br />

Co founded the travel blog<br />


write about his passion for<br />

travel and upload hundreds<br />

of beautiful photos captured<br />

during his travels.<br />

The Hallstatt<br />

old village<br />

- cultural<br />

and natural<br />

heritage<br />

88<br />


Cultural and natural<br />

heritage<br />

ñ The Hallstatt old village and Dachstein<br />

mountains of the Salzkammergut region<br />

of Austria are both recognized as a<br />

Cultural Heritage and a Natural Heritage<br />

of UNESCO. If you have been here,<br />

you will find it deserving of just such<br />

recognition as the Salzkammergut has all<br />

the right elements of man and nature.<br />

Imagine living in a beautiful fairytalelike<br />

village and being overwhelmed<br />

by the breath-taking scenery of the<br />

snow mountains and ice caves of the<br />

Dachstein.<br />

ñ The Dachstein Mountains are a branch<br />

of the famous Alps stretching west of<br />

Austria. If you are looking for an Alps<br />

climbing opportunity, the Dachstein<br />

will give you an amazing experience. I<br />

did not know the Dachstein Mountains<br />

belong to the Alps until I read the guide<br />

at the station.<br />



ñ Bus tickets can be bought on board<br />

and if you want to stop anywhere, just<br />

ask the driver.<br />

ñ The last bus from the Ice Cave to<br />

Hallstatt and Bad Ischl runs at 5.25<br />

pm, so be on time. From Bad Ischl to<br />

Salzburg, you have more time to spend<br />

as the bus runs until 9 pm.<br />

ñ Be prepared to wait as you might have<br />

to wait long for the buses.<br />

ñ Station 3 of Dachstein can only be<br />

accessed in the summer. During spring,<br />

fall and winter, you can only reach 2<br />

stations.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


discover<br />

NhÀn Æ≠Óc h¨n <strong>11</strong>3.000 l≠Ót b«u ch‰n trn toµn th’ giÌi, Hoµng<br />

L Giang Æ∑ trÎ thµnh Æπi di÷n duy nh†t cho Vi÷t Nam tham<br />

gia hµnh tr◊nh chinh phÙc Bæc c˘c (Fjallraven Polar) vµo th∏ng<br />

4 n®m nay. Khi tr∂ lÍi ph·ng v†n mÈt knh truy“n th´ng n„i<br />

v“ c∂m xÛc tr≠Ìc chuy’n Æi, anh Æ∑ hµo h¯ng n„i: "Kh´ng kh›<br />

Î Æ©y rÈn rµng nh≠ Gi∏ng sinh gi˜a th∏ng 4!". Kh´ng kh› Æ„ sœ<br />

Æ≠Óc ph„ng vin Travellive t∏i hi÷n lπi qua lÍi k” cÒa Hoµng L<br />

Giang v“ hµnh tr◊nh Æ∆c bi÷t nµy.<br />

Bµi: Hoµng L Giang (B∂o Khuyn ghi lπi) * Ånh: L Giang, Fjallraven Polar

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


"T´i tin rªng, ÆÍi ng≠Íi lµ<br />

mÈt hµnh tr◊nh dµi Æ” kh∏m<br />

ph∏ th’ giÌi, thin nhin vµ vÚ<br />

trÙ bao la. VÌi ng≠Íi coi vi÷c<br />

kh∏m ph∏ th’ giÌi nh≠ mÈt<br />

s¯ mπng th◊ nh˜ng chuy’n Æi<br />

cµng khæc nghi÷t, t´i lπi cµng<br />

th†y h¯ng thÛ. T´i muËn n„i<br />

Æ’n hµnh tr◊nh chinh phÙc<br />

Bæc C˘c bªng xe ch„ käo vµ<br />

ph«n th≠Îng lµ c¨ hÈi tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m Bæc C˘c quang k˙ thÛ<br />

h¨n b†t c¯ Æi“u g◊ kh∏c t´i c„<br />

Æ≠Óc trong ÆÍi".<br />

Khi bæt Æ«u cho chuy’n Æi l«n nµy, t´i Æ∑ t˘ h·i, Æ„ c„ ph∂i do s¯c h†p d…n<br />

k˙ lπ cÒa vÔng Ɔt b®ng gi∏ ÆËi vÌi chµng trai tr∏i mÔa, ng≠Óc thÍi ti’t.<br />

Hay Æ´i khi chÿ lµ nh©n duyn cÒa t´i vÌi c∏c quËc gia lπnh gi∏ mµ h«u<br />

nh≠ c∏c chuy’n Æi cÒa m◊nh, quanh Æi qu»n lπi cÚng lµ d∑y Himalaya,<br />

Moskva vµ l«n nµy lµ Bæc C˘c. T´i c∂m t≠Îng nh≠ c„ mÈt ti’ng g‰i tı r†t<br />

xa th´i thÛc t´i ln Æ≠Íng.<br />

Ngµy Æ«u tin, t´i ch≠a bæt Æ«u cuÈc hµnh tr◊nh ngay. T´i Æ≠Óc Æ≠a Æ’n<br />

ThÙy ßi”n, g∆p mÈt chuyn gia tıng hu†n luy÷n nhi“u n®m trong qu©n<br />

ÆÈi. ChÛng t´i Æ≠Óc chÿ dπy nh˜ng ki’n th¯c Æ” tÂn tπi trong suËt hµnh<br />

tr◊nh cÒa m◊nh. T´i c„ hai ngµy Æ” g∆p gÏ vµ lµm quen vÌi c∏c bπn Æ’n tı<br />

nhi“u quËc gia kh∏c nhau nh≠ Bÿ, Hµ Lan, ߯c, M¸, Hµn QuËc<br />

ChÛng t´i xu†t ph∏t tı vfinh Signaldalen (Na Uy), ph›a ß´ng Bæc<br />

Treriksroset, sau Æ„ ti’n v“ ph›a Nam qua ThÙy ßi”n, vµ k’t thÛc bn<br />

dflng s´ng Vakkarajarvi. Bæc C˘c lµ vÔng Ɔt b®ng tuy’t quanh n®m,<br />

nh˜ng lÌp tuy’t c¯ dµy ln thÿnh tho∂ng sœ tan ra nh≠ng kh´ng bao giÍ<br />

tan h’t. M∆c dÔ Æ∑ quen vÌi nhi÷t ÆÈ -30 0 C nh≠ng t´i cÚng ph∂i m†t vµi<br />

ngµy Æ” Æi“u chÿnh nhi÷t ÆÈ c¨ th” m◊nh. C„ th” cµng Î l©u bπn sœ cµng<br />

quen d«n vÌi c∏i lπnh gi∏ Î Æ©y, nh≠ng kh´ng v◊ quen mµ s¯c chfiu Æ˘ng<br />

sœ tËt h¨n. Cµng Î l©u trong c∏i lπnh c¨ th” cÒa mÈt chµng trai nhi÷t ÆÌi<br />

nh≠ t´i cµng t· ra chËng ÆËi. Da t´i trÎ nn n¯t nŒ, ph·ng r∏t vµ Æ· rÈp<br />

ki”u nh≠ vıa ch∏y næng vıa ph·ng lπnh khi’n cho b∂n th©n r†t Æau vµ<br />

kh„ chfiu. C¯ mÁi mÈt ÆÓt gi„ rät thÊi qua Æ“u khi’n toµn th©n t´i t buËt<br />

nh≠ h„a Æ∏. Nh≠ng dÔ th’ th◊ c„ h“ g◊ so vÌi khung c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp Æang<br />

di‘n ra tr≠Ìc mæt.

Tı tr∏i sang ph∂i: Ln<br />

Æ≠Íng bæt Æ«u hµnh<br />

tr◊nh chinh phÙc Bæc<br />

C˘c; TÀp th›ch nghi<br />

trong Æi“u ki÷n lπnh<br />

gi∏; L“u ngÒ gi˜a trÍi<br />

Æm phÒ Æ«y tuy’t Î<br />

Bæc C˘c<br />

Gi©y phÛt<br />

gi∂i lao hi’m<br />

hoi trn<br />

Æ≠Íng Æi<br />

Vµo mÁi buÊi s∏ng, c´ng vi÷c Æ«u tin cÒa t´i lµ chu»n bfi<br />

th¯c ®n cho 6 anh bπn Husky. Th∏i ÆÈ cÒa chÛng trong<br />

suËt ngµy h´m Æ„ Æ≠Óc th” hi÷n qua c∏ch bπn ch®m s„c<br />

chÛng c„ chu Æ∏o, tÀn t◊nh hay kh´ng. BÎi th’, vi÷c lµm b˜a<br />

s∏ng cho c∏c anh bπn nµy lµ v´ cÔng quan tr‰ng. Sau b˜a<br />

s∏ng cÒa chÛng mÌi Æ’n b˜a s∏ng cÒa t´i. RÂi ti’p Æ„ lµ nh˜ng c´ng vi÷c<br />

nh≠ sæp x’p hµnh l˝, gÏ l“u, d‰n dãp v÷ sinh, m‰i th¯ Æ“u ph∂i g‰n gµng<br />

vµ nhanh ch„ng.<br />

Di chuy”n bªng xe ch„ käo lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m hi’m c„. T´i vıa ph∂i gi˜<br />

chæc sÓi d©y vıa ph∂i Æi“u khi”n chi’c xe chπy ÆÛng trn cung Æ≠Íng vµ<br />

vi÷c Ưng lin tÙc 7-8 giÍ mÁi ngµy d≠Ìi c∏i lπnh cæt da thfit lµ tr∂i nghi÷m<br />

ch≠a tıng thˆ qua.<br />

ß” Æ“n bÔ cho s˘ chfiu Æ˘ng vµ kin nh…n cÒa b∂n th©n, chÛng t´i Æ≠Óc<br />

thin nhin Æ∏p tr∂ bªng nh˜ng c∂nh vÀt Æãp Æ’n nao lflng. T´i Æi qua<br />

nh˜ng l∑nh nguyn cªn cÁi, b®ng qua c∏c dflng s´ng b®ng, nh˜ng c∏nh<br />

rıng phÒ Æ«y tuy’t træng, tr≠Ót trn nh˜ng khËi tuy’t dµy. C∂nh vÀt xung<br />

quanh t´i lin tÙc thay ÆÊi nh≠ nh˜ng th≠Ìc phim Æãp mæt vµ lπ l…m. C„<br />

nh˜ng lÛc m∆t trÍi Æem ∏nh næng chi’u s∏ng c∂ mÈt vÔng træng muËt,<br />

b«u trÍi lÛc nµy trÎ nn xanh vµ trong væt, t´i c∂m t≠Îng nh≠ m◊nh l‰t<br />

th·m gi˜a trÍi vµ Ɔt. C∂nh vÀt chÿ g„i g‰n trong mµu xanh cÒa trÍi vµ<br />

mµu træng cÒa tuy’t. Vµ Æoµn ng≠Íi chÛng t´i ch∂ kh∏c nµo Ƶn ki’n nËi<br />

Æu´i nhau Æi m∑i Æi m∑i vµo th’ giÌi b®ng gi∏.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Di chuy”n bªng xe ch„ käo lµ mÈt tr∂i nghi÷m hi’m c„.<br />

T´i vıa ph∂i gi˜ chæc sÓi d©y, vıa ph∂i Æi“u khi”n<br />

xe chπy ÆÛng cung Æ≠Íng vµ Ưng lin tÙc 7-8 giÍ mÁi<br />

ngµy d≠Ìi c∏i lπnh cæt da thfit<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


Nh˜ng bµi h‰c trong suËt hµnh tr◊nh<br />

Trô thÄnh ngòi d√n Сu cûa ÐÄn chï<br />

MÁi mÈt thµnh vin tham gia hµnh tr◊nh Fjallraven Polar Æ≠Óc<br />

giao cho 6 con ch„ Æ” käo chi’c xe cÒa h‰. V◊ th’ vi÷c Æ«u<br />

tin lµ ph∂i lµm quen vÌi nh˜ng anh bπn ÆÂng hµnh mÌi nµy. Ngay<br />

tı Æ«u, chÛng kh´ng thÀt s˘ tin t≠Îng vµo bπn. Nn bπn ph∂i h‰c<br />

c∏ch khi’n chÛng tin rªng m◊nh sœ ch®m s„c chÛng tËt. MÁi con<br />

ch„ c„ mÈt c∏ t›nh ring, c„ con th◊ cÙc cªn, c„ con th◊ kh„ chu,<br />

c„ con mÀp, c„ con g«y. Bπn c«n h‰c c∏ch Æ” ch®m s„c chÛng<br />

kh∏c nhau. ß∆c bi÷t, khi chÛng g∆p v†n Æ’ trn Æ≠Íng Æi, n’u bπn<br />

giÛp ÆÏ chÛng, chÛng sœ tin t≠Îng bπn h¨n. V› dÙ nh≠ Î nh˜ng<br />

Æoπn Æ≠Íng Æang xuËng dËc, vÌi b∂n t›nh hoang d∑ chÛng sœ lao<br />

Æi r†t nhanh, bπn c«n h∑m chÛng lπi. ô nh˜ng Æoπn dËc cao, khi<br />

s¯c chÛng kh´ng käo nÊi chi’c xe, bπn c«n xuËng Æ»y phÙ chÛng.<br />

H∑y tÀp Æ” trÎ thµnh ng≠Íi d…n Æ«u cÒa Ƶn ch„.<br />


SˇNG CûA BÑN<br />

Vµo mÈt buÊi s∏ng nh≠ th≠Íng l÷, chÛng t´i bÀt b’p Æ”<br />

n†u n≠Ìc vµ th¯c ®n th◊ c∏i b’p b trÙc tr∆c. Sau mÈt hÂi cË gæng,<br />

chÛng t´i Æ∑ b· n„ qua mÈt bn vµ m≠Ón tπm chi’c b’p cÒa l“u<br />

bn cπnh. Khi ng≠Íi h≠Ìng d…n cÒa chÛng t´i bi’t Æ≠Óc Æi“u Æ„,<br />

anh †y Æ∑ n„i vÌi t´i rªng: "MËi quan h÷ gi˜a chÛng ta vÌi c∏i b’p<br />

cÚng giËng vÌi mËi quan h÷ cÒa chÛng ta vÌi cuÈc sËng. N’u bπn<br />

g∆p v†n Æ“ vÌi chÛng, h∑y cË gæng vµ sˆa chÛng. Th´ng th≠Íng<br />

chÛng ta c„ th„i quen kh´ng sˆa ch˜a chÛng khi chÛng c„ v†n Æ“,<br />

bÎi chÛng ta c„ qu∏ nhi“u l˘a ch‰n kh∏c". ß„ lµ bµi h‰c lÌn trong<br />

chuy’n Æi cÒa t´i.<br />


Vµo Æm cuËi cÔng cÒa hµnh tr◊nh, chÛng t´i Æ≠Óc giao<br />

nhi÷m vÙ tπo ra lˆa tı v· c©y. ß„ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng bµi<br />

h‰c quan tr‰ng cho nh˜ng ai ≠a th∏m hi”m Î c∏c vÔng Ɔt khæc<br />

nghi÷t. ChÛng t´i Æ≠Óc h≠Ìng d…n vµ giao cho nh˜ng m„n Æ c«n<br />

thi’t lµ 1µ con dao vµ Æ Æ∏nh lˆa. Sau Ɔy, chÛng t´i ph∂i t◊m v·<br />

c©y bπch d≠¨ng - loπi c©y c„ lÌp v· m·ng vµ h‰c c∏ch lµm th’<br />

nµo Æ” tπo ra lˆa. Ngoµi v· c©y, bπn c„ th” dÔng b´ng gn- mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng th¯ d‘ bæt lˆa. Bπn bi’t Ɔy, Î Æ©u c„ lˆa vµ n≠Ìc, Î<br />

Æ„ c„ s˘ sËng.<br />

BÅO Vå TH⁄ GIõI CûA CH@NG TA<br />

ßoµn th∏m hi”m cÒa chÛng t´i c„ 35 thµnh vin k” c∂ ÆÈi<br />

hu†n luy÷n vµ c„ tÊng cÈng 210 chÛ ch„ käo. V◊ th’, r∏c<br />

th∂i c∏ nh©n hay r∏c th∂i cÒa nh˜ng chÛ ch„ lµ v´ cÔng lÌn. DÔ<br />

vÀy, Î mÁi Æi”m dıng ch©n ho∆c sau khi gÏ l“u, chÛng t´i Æ“u gom<br />

toµn bÈ nh˜ng r∏c th∂i †y Æem v“ Æ” xˆ l˝. ô x¯ sÎ b®ng tuy’t<br />

quanh n®m, dÔ lµ c©y t®m hay sÓi chÿ th◊ chÛng Æ“u r†t kh„ ph©n<br />

hÒy. BÎi th’, chÛng t´i kh´ng Æ” b†t k˙ mÈt d†u t›ch nµo Î lπi<br />

m∂nh Ɔt træng x„a nµy. ß„ lµ c∏ch chÛng ta b∂o v÷ nh˜ng Æi“u<br />

tuy÷t vÍi mµ thin nhin Æ∑ ban t∆ng cho con ng≠Íi. Vµ cÚng lµ<br />

c∏ch chÛng ta gi˜ nguyn vãn vŒ Æãp nµy dµnh cho nh˜ng Æoµn<br />

th∏m hi”m kh∏c.<br />

Hoµng L Giang<br />

Tıng h‰c ngµnh marketing tπi ßH Jonkoping (ThÙy ßi”n). ßi“u<br />

kh∏ thÛ v lµ chµng trai c„ th©n h◊nh ræn r·i nµy tıng c„ tuÊi th¨<br />

b hen suy‘n, bäo ph◊... nh≠ng lπi gæn b„ vÌi m´n leo nÛi tı n®m<br />

20<strong>11</strong>. T›nh Æ’n nay, anh Æ∑ 8 l«n chinh phÙc d∑y Himalaya vµ Æ∆t<br />

ch©n Æ’n 30 quËc gia trn th’ giÌi. N„i v“ hµnh tr◊nh chinh phÙc<br />

Bæc C˘c bªng xe ch„ käo, anh lµ ng≠Íi Æ«u tin cÒa Vi÷t Nam<br />

c„ tn trong Æoµn th∏m hi”m Fjallraven Polar.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


C„ c∂ tÿ ng´i sao cÔng xu†t hi÷n trn n“n trÍi.<br />

Khung c∂nh Æãp lung linh †y nh≠ mÈt t†m mµn bao<br />

trÔm l†y t†t c∂ chÛng t´i - nh˜ng con ng≠Íi bä nh·<br />

tr≠Ìc thin nhin.<br />

ô<br />

nh˜ng cung Æ≠Íng kh∏c, b«u trÍi chÓt trÎ nn træng x„a,<br />

nh˜ng c¨n gi„ käo theo tuy’t, mang theo c∏i lπnh c„ng vµ<br />

nh˜ng c∏i va chπm r∏t ng≠Íi. Nh◊n trn d≠Ìi bËn b“ lµ mÈt<br />

mµu træng muËt. N’u kh´ng c„ Ƶn ch„ d…n Æ≠Íng, Æ´i<br />

khi t´i chºng bi’t m◊nh Æang Æi v“ Æ©u, v◊ chºng c„ mÈt<br />

mµu sæc nµo hi÷n ln Æ” chÿ cho t´i th†y Æ„ lµ Æ≠Íng Æi c∂. Trong Æ«u lÛc<br />

b†y giÍ chÿ c„ mÈt suy ngh‹ lµ tin t≠Îng vµo s˘ Æ∏nh h¨i cÒa Ƶn ch„.<br />

T´i c∂m th†y chuy’n Æi trÎ nn phiu l≠u vµ mπo hi”m h¨n bao giÍ h’t.<br />

Chi’c xe c¯ th’ tr≠Ót Æi trong s˘ im l∆ng vµ t buËt. T†t c∂ ©m thanh t´i c„<br />

Æ≠Óc lµ ti’ng xe käo ku nhà nhã vµ ti’ng thÎ ph◊ phfl cÒa Ƶn ch„. ThÍi<br />

ti’t Î Æ©y lµ th’, bπn chºng th” Æo∏n tr≠Ìc Æ≠Óc, c„ th” vµi ti’ng tr≠Ìc b«u<br />

trÍi cfln xanh kh´ng gÓn m©y nh≠ng ngay sau Æ„ Æ∑ Æ≠Óc t´ phÒ bÎi tuy’t<br />

træng. DÔ vÀy, chÛng t´i v…n xä xuyn kh´ng gian træng x„a Æ” Æi cho kfip<br />

Æ’n Æfia Æi”m dıng ch©n ti’p theo. Khi trÍi sÀp tËi, chÛng t´i mÌi dıng lπi<br />

Æ” Æ„ng trπi.<br />

S¯c l˘c cÒa chÛng t´i khi †y cÚng chÿ ÆÒ Æ” d˘ng xong c∏i l“u vµ ®n vÈi b˜a<br />

tËi. V◊ th’ gi†c ngÒ b†y giÍ trÎ nn r†t ngon lµnh vµ chºng kh∏c nµo mÈt<br />

bµi thuËc hÂi s¯c t˘ nhin. BËn ngµy Æm cÒa chÛng t´i lu´n di‘n ra nh≠<br />

th’, nhfip nhµng vµ Æ“u Æ∆n. Vµ rÂi, Æm cuËi cÔng tπi dflng s´ng b®ng vµ<br />

c∏nh ÆÂng tuy’t cÚng Æ∑ Æ’n!<br />

Nh˜ng tÛp l“u ngÒ cÒa<br />

c∂ Æoµn d≠Ìi b«u trÍi sao<br />

huy“n ∂o Î Bæc C˘c

©Ken Phung<br />

ß„ lµ mÈt buÊi tËi v´ cÔng ˝ ngh‹a vÌi Æoµn<br />

th∏m hi”m. V◊ chuy’n Æi di‘n ra kh∏ ch∆t<br />

chœ vµ ÆÛng lfich tr◊nh nn thÍi gian dµnh<br />

cho nh˜ng buÊi trfl chuy÷n vµ nh˜ng cuÈc<br />

t∏n g…u h«u nh≠ kh´ng c„. Trong suËt hµnh<br />

tr◊nh, ng≠Íi mµ t´i n„i chuy÷n nhi“u nh†t<br />

cÚng chÿ lµ anh bπn Hy Lπp chung l“u. V◊<br />

th’, buÊi tËi Æ≠Óc qu©y qu«n bn nhau,<br />

kh´ng ph∂i ®n th¯c ®n Æ´ng lπnh lµ v´ cÔng<br />

qu˝ gi∏. ChÛng t´i n≠Ìng thfit tu«n lÈc ®n<br />

kÃm vÌi b∏nh m◊ ThÙy ßi”n, mÈt loπi b∏nh<br />

m◊ kh´ng bfi Æ´ng c¯ng d≠Ìi nhi÷t ÆÈ -30 0 C,<br />

loπi b∏nh Æ≠Óc lµm tı nh˜ng loπi ngÚ cËc<br />

nguyn hπt nh≠ lÛa m◊, lÛa mπch r†t giµu<br />

dinh d≠Ïng vµ Æ∂m b∂o ÆÒ ch†t x¨ cho<br />

ng≠Íi dÔng.<br />

Sau b˜a ®n tËi †y lµ mÈt thˆ th∏ch nh· v´<br />

cÔng thÛ vfi - ngÒ kh´ng l“u trπi. LÛc nµy,<br />

chÛng t´i ph∂i t˘ x©y nh˜ng b¯c t≠Íng chæn<br />

nhªm c∂n Æi nh˜ng lÌp tuy’t c„ th” che phÒ<br />

chÛng t´i vµo s∏ng h´m sau. V◊ tuy’t kh∏<br />

m“m vµ xËp nn chÛng t´i ph∂i m†t nhi“u<br />

giÍ Æ” nän ch∆t chÛng lπi, sau Æ„ mÌi c≠a<br />

thµnh tıng khËi trfln mäo kh∏c nhau. CuËi<br />

cÔng mÌi dÔng nh˜ng khËi tuy’t †y chÂng<br />

ln tπo ra b¯c t≠Íng chæn cao t«m 1m ÆÒ Æ”<br />

ch∆n nh˜ng c¨n gi„ tuy’t. ßËi vÌi nh˜ng<br />

ng≠Íi mÌi lµm l«n Æ«u nh≠ t´i, b¯c t≠Íng<br />

cÒa t´i lÂi l‚m tr´ng v´ cÔng hµi h≠Ìc. L«n<br />

Æ«u tin trong ÆÍi, t´i ngÒ gi˜a trÍi tuy’t gi∏<br />

lπnh. T†t c∂ nh˜ng g◊ chÛng t´i c„ lµ b¯c<br />

t≠Íng b®ng tuy’t vıa Ææp xong, tÛi ngÒ vµ<br />

b«u trÍi Æm Bæc C˘c.<br />

Cµng v“ khuya, b«u trÍi cµng quang Æ∑ng.<br />

C„ c∂ tÿ ng´i sao cÔng xu†t hi÷n trn n“n<br />

trÍi lÛc nµy, chÛng bæt Æ«u s∏ng h¨n vµ r‚<br />

h¨n. Theo t´i, mÁi ng´i sao Æang ph∏t s∏ng<br />

theo mÈt c∏ch ring cÒa chÛng. V◊ lµ Æm<br />

cuËi nn h«u nh≠ chÛng t´i kh´ng ai ngÒ<br />

ngay, c¯ nªm Ɔy ngæm nh◊n b«u trÍi Æ«y<br />

sao nh≠ chºng c„ ˝ Æfinh rÍi kh·i n¨i nµy.<br />

Khung c∂nh Æãp lung linh †y nh≠ mÈt t†m<br />

mµn bao trÔm l†y t†t c∂ chÛng t´i - nh˜ng<br />

con ng≠Íi bä nh· tr≠Ìc thin nhin.<br />

Trong b„ng Æm lπnh buËt †y, c∏c d∂i ∏nh<br />

s∏ng k˙ lπ chÓt xu†t hi÷n trn b«u trÍi.<br />

ChÛng lin tÙc chuy”n ÆÈng vµ thay ÆÊi<br />

h◊nh d∏ng. ß´i khi nh≠ nh˜ng d∂i lÙa mµu,<br />

Æ´i khi nh≠ nh˜ng ÆÓt s„ng, c„ lÛc lπi mang<br />

h◊nh d∏ng cÒa nh˜ng vflng xoæn Ëc, c„ lÛc<br />

lπi nh≠ nh˜ng v÷t kh„i. Kh´ng ph∂i ai trong<br />

chÛng t´i cÚng nhÀn ra hi÷n t≠Óng k˙ lπ nµy<br />

lµ g◊ cho Æ’n khi nh˜ng ti’ng g‰i vang ln:<br />

"Bæc c˘c quang", "Bæc c˘c quang". S˘ ph†n<br />

kh›ch cÒa chÛng t´i khi Æ„ nh≠ xä tan Æi s˘<br />

t‹nh l∆ng vµ mµn Æm lπnh lœo.<br />

Bπn bi’t kh´ng, Bæc c˘c quang lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng Æi“u k˙ di÷u cÒa thin nhin<br />

mµ kh´ng ph∂i ai cÚng may mæn ngæm<br />

Æ≠Óc. ßËi vÌi nh˜ng quËc gia g«n x›ch Æπo,<br />

nh˜ng quËc gia nhi÷t ÆÌi th◊ Æ„ lµ chuy÷n<br />

mµ c∂ ÆÍi ng≠Íi kh´ng d‘ g◊ c„. Cfln ÆËi vÌi<br />

nh˜ng Ɔt n≠Ìc g«n Bæc C˘c hay Î ch›nh<br />

Bæc C˘c th◊ vi÷c nh◊n th†y Bæc c˘c quang<br />

cÚng Æ∑ lµ mÈt chuy÷n hi’m hoi. ß„ lµ l˝<br />

do mµ t´i c∂m th†y chuy’n Æi cµng thm<br />

tr‰n vãn vµ ˝ ngh‹a.<br />

Bæc c˘c quang hay cfln g‰i lµ ∏nh s∏ng<br />

ph≠¨ng Bæc. ß©y lµ hi÷n t≠Óng quang h‰c,<br />

Æ≠Óc sinh ra do s˘ t≠¨ng t∏c cÒa c∏c hπt<br />

mang Æi÷n t›ch tı gi„ m∆t trÍi vÌi t«ng kh›<br />

quy”n bn trn Tr∏i ߆t, tπo ra mÈt khung<br />

c∂nh tuy÷t Æãp lÛc v“ Æm. Nh˜ng d∂i s∏ng<br />

†y Æ≠Óc nh˜ng ng≠Íi l˜ kh∏ch Æ∆t cho mÈt<br />

c∏i tn v´ cÔng t≠Óng h◊nh lµ "VÚ Æi÷u ∏nh<br />

s∏ng" bÎi s˘ chuy”n ÆÈng vµ bi’n ÆÊi mµu<br />

sæc lin tÙc cÒa chÛng.<br />

T´i ph∂i c´ng nhÀn chÛng Æãp mÈt c∏ch v´<br />

cÔng huy“n b› vµ ma mfi. ChÛng k›ch th›ch<br />

tr› t≠Îng t≠Óng, „c kh∏m ph∏ cÒa mÈt con<br />

ng≠Íi vµ h¨n h’t chÛng th·a m∑n nh˜ng<br />

≠Ìc m¨ chinh phÙc b«u trÍi, chinh phÙc<br />

vÔng Ɔt mÌi cÒa ring t´i. C„ lœ dµnh c∂<br />

ÆÍi ng≠Íi t´i cÚng chºng th” l˝ gi∂i Æ≠Óc h’t<br />

nh˜ng Æi“u phi th≠Íng cÒa vÚ trÙ.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


100<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

A group<br />

photo<br />

of the<br />

expedition<br />


Text: Le Giang (written by Bao Khuyen)<br />

discover<br />

Photos: Le Giang, Fjallraven Polar<br />

RECEIVED OVER <strong>11</strong>3,000 VOTES<br />












<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 101

I<br />

believe that life is a long journey<br />

where one should explore the<br />

world, discover nature and our<br />

vast universe. To me exploring<br />

the world is a life-long mission<br />

and the harsher the journey, the more<br />

thrilling the experience. I have now<br />

conquered the Arctic on dog sled and<br />

the most rewarding thing was seeing<br />

the aurora borealis, an occurrence that<br />

I was very lucky to witness in<br />

my lifetime.<br />

Follow “the call<br />

of the wild”<br />

When first preparing for the trip,<br />

I began to wonder what was so<br />

attractive to me about the far-off icy<br />

Bay (Norway), north-east of the<br />

Treriksroset, then headed south<br />

through Sweden, and arrived on<br />

the Vakkarajarvi River. The Arctic<br />

is a land covered by ice and snow<br />

all year round. The thick layers of<br />

snow sometimes melt but never<br />

completely. Even though I was used<br />

to -30 0 C temperature, my body still<br />

took several days to adjust itself to<br />

the new temperature. The longer you<br />

stay, the better you will be at getting<br />

used to the cold, but it does not mean<br />

your resistance level will improve.<br />

For a tropical guy like me, the longer<br />

I stay in the cold, the more my body<br />

seems to resist it. My skin became<br />

cracked, irritated and reddish like<br />

getting both sun burn and frost bite<br />

at the same time. It was very painful<br />

a fast and efficient manner.<br />

Traveling with sled dogs is a very<br />

unique experience. I had to hold the<br />

sled tight and steer the dogs at the<br />

same time. Standing straight for<br />

seven to eight hours a day under the<br />

freezing cold was something I had<br />

never experienced before.<br />

To compensate our patience and<br />

endurance, we were blessed with<br />

breath-taking scenery from mother<br />

nature. We passed through barren<br />

tundra, across glaciers and snowcovered<br />

forests, sledding on the thick<br />

snow. The scenery around me was<br />

constantly changing like footage from<br />

a beautiful film. There were times<br />

when the sun was shining so bright<br />

that it lit up the whole area. The sky<br />

lands. Perhaps I have some kind of<br />

strange connection to these freezing<br />

countries as most of my journeys<br />

have centered around the Himalayas,<br />

Moscow, and this time, the Arctic.<br />

It was a strong call urging me to<br />

embark on this trip.<br />

On the first day of my journey,<br />

I did not travel immediately to<br />

the Arctic. I was taken to Sweden,<br />

where I met a specialist who trained<br />

for many years in the military. We<br />

were taught the knowledge of how<br />

to survive our journey. I had two<br />

days to meet and get to know people<br />

from many different countries like<br />

Belgium, Holland, Germany, USA<br />

and South Korea...<br />

We departed from the Signaldalen<br />

and irritating. Each blow of wind<br />

froze me to death, but it was nothing<br />

compared to the breath-taking<br />

scenery before me.<br />

The 300 km and<br />

4-day journey<br />

My first task every morning was<br />

to prepare food for my six husky<br />

friends. Their attitude towards you<br />

throughout the day is reflected<br />

in the way you take care of them,<br />

thoughtfully or not. Therefore, it<br />

is very important to make them a<br />

good breakfast. After their breakfast<br />

comes our breakfast. Our remaining<br />

tasks in the morning include luggage<br />

arrangements, tent removal, and<br />

cleaning. Everything must be done in<br />

was blue and clear, I felt like I was<br />

somewhere between heaven and earth.<br />

The whole scenery was beautifully<br />

encapsulated by the blueness of the<br />

sky and the whiteness of snow. Our<br />

groups of people continued on like<br />

army ants, following one another into<br />

the icy land.<br />

On some other roads, the sky was<br />

cloudy, with strong gusts of winds<br />

dragging up the snow, which brought<br />

along with it the freezing cold and<br />

burning touch. There was crisp white<br />

snow all around us. Without the dogs<br />

as our guide, we seriously would not<br />

have known where we were heading<br />

as all roads disappeared before us. All<br />

I could think about at the time was to<br />

trust the dogs and their guidance as<br />

they would show us the way...

Traveling with sled dogs is<br />

a very unique experience. I<br />

had to hold the sled tight<br />

and steer the dogs at the<br />

same time. Standing straight<br />

for seven to eight hours a<br />

day under the freezing cold<br />

was something I had never<br />

experienced before.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 103

Frostbitten hands<br />

due to exposure to<br />

freezing temperatures<br />

in the Arctic<br />

A delicious<br />

fish dish of<br />

the Arctic<br />

Hoang Le Giang<br />

Giang studied marketing at the University of Jonkoping<br />

(Sweden). It is worth nothing that through now healthy,<br />

Giang during childhood had to fight asthma and obesity...<br />

but Giang developed a passion for climbing in 20<strong>11</strong>.<br />

So far, he has conquered the Himalayas 8 times and<br />

been to 30 countries around the world. He is the first<br />

Vietnamese participant to join the most recent Fjallraven<br />

Polar expedition to the Arctic.<br />

The journey was getting more exciting and<br />

adventure-filled moment by moment. Our<br />

sleds kept going in silence and in the freezing<br />

cold. All I could hear was the rattle of the<br />

sleds and the heavy breathing of the dogs.<br />

The weather was as you can imagine, unpredictable and<br />

constantly changing with a clear blue sky one minute and<br />

an almost overwhelming deluge of snow another. Despite<br />

the difficulty, we still went on tearing through the white vast<br />

space to get to our next stop. We only stopped to camp when<br />

the sun went down.<br />

At our stop, we only had enough strength to make our tents<br />

and have a quick dinner before our rest. Sleeping time was<br />

the best time to relax and acted as the strongest natural<br />

recovery remedy. Our four days and nights were the same,<br />

repetitive and steady. For our last night, we finally got to<br />

spend it among the glacier and snow field!<br />

104<br />


Lessons throughout the journey<br />

Become the dogs' leader<br />

Each member of the Fjallraven Polar expedition was given six dogs to<br />

tow their sled. So the first thing is to get acquainted with these new<br />

companions. At first, they do not really trust you. So you have to learn to<br />

make them trust that you will take good care of them. Each dog has its<br />

own personality and appearance, some cranky, some grumpy, some chubby,<br />

some skinny. You need to learn how to take care each of them differently.<br />

In particular when they have troubles on the road, if you help them, they will<br />

trust you more. For example, when on downhill roads, with their wild nature<br />

they will tend to go very fast, you need to try to make them go slow. On<br />

steep roads, when they cannot pull the sled, you need to get down and push<br />

with them. Try to be the dogs' leader.<br />

Heal the relationships in your life<br />

On one morning, we turned on the stove as usual to boil water and cook<br />

food, but it was malfunctioning. After trying to fix it for a while, we left it<br />

aside and borrowed our neighbor's stove instead. When our supervisor learned<br />

that, he told me, "The relationship between us and the stove is similar to our<br />

relationships in life. If you have problems, try to fix them. We usually have a habit<br />

of not fixing things when they have problems, because we have so many other<br />

options." It was a great lesson that I learned during the trip.<br />

How to create<br />

fire<br />

On the last night of<br />

our journey, we were given<br />

the task of creating fire from<br />

tree bark. It was one of the<br />

most important lessons for<br />

those who love to explore<br />

the harsh lands. We were<br />

instructed and handed over<br />

necessary items, a knife and<br />

flint. After that, we had to go<br />

and find the birch bark - a<br />

thin type of bark, and learn<br />

how to create fire. Besides<br />

the bark, you can also use<br />

cotton wool, one of the<br />

easiest materials to catch fire.<br />

Protect our<br />

world<br />

Our expedition had 35<br />

members including a training team<br />

and a total of 210 sled dogs. The<br />

amount of personal waste that<br />

we and the dogs produced was a<br />

great deal. At each stop or after<br />

the removal of the tent, we would<br />

collect all the waste to bring back<br />

and be handled later. In this land<br />

of snow all year round whether<br />

it is a toothpick or a thread, it is<br />

very difficult for decomposition<br />

to occur. So we did not leave<br />

any trace of waste behind on the<br />

white soil. This is how we protect<br />

the amazing things that nature has<br />

bestowed upon man. And it is also<br />

how we keep this beauty intact for<br />

future expeditions.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 105

Watch the Arctic<br />

light dance<br />

It was a very meaningful<br />

moment for the expedition.<br />

Since our trip was on a tight<br />

schedule, we hardly had<br />

time to chat with each other.<br />

During the journey, the person who<br />

I talked to the most was my Greek<br />

companion who was assigned the<br />

same tent with me. Our evening<br />

gatherings therefore was a very<br />

precious time for all of us, especially<br />

when we not having to eat frozen<br />

food. We often grilled reindeer meat<br />

to eat with Swedish bread, a nonfrozen<br />

type of bread that does not<br />

freeze at the temperature of -30 0 C.<br />

The bread is made of whole grains<br />

such as wheat, very rich in protein<br />

and fiber, the perfect food for<br />

travelers like us.<br />

After dinner we opted for a very<br />

interesting challenge - sleeping<br />

without tents. We had to build<br />

ourselves a snow wall to block<br />

the snow that would cover us in<br />

the morning otherwise. Because<br />

the snow was soft and dry, it took<br />

us hours to compress it and then<br />

mould snow blocks of different<br />

sizes. At the end we would use<br />

these snow blocks to build up a<br />

wall about 1 m high to stop the<br />

snowy wind from blowing at us.<br />

For a snow building beginner<br />

like me, my wall was concave and<br />

looked really funny. For the first<br />

time in my life, I slept outside on<br />

the freezing cold snow. All we had<br />

between us and the snow wind was<br />

a wall of snow, a sleeping bag.<br />

The later into the night, the clearer<br />

the sky becomes. You could find<br />

billions of stars in the sky, and<br />

they seemed to get brighter into<br />

the night. I am certain each star<br />

glows in their own way. Since it was<br />

our last night, we hardly slept, but<br />

mostly just lying there gazing at<br />

the starry sky, not wanting to leave.<br />

The beautiful and shimmering<br />

scenery before us felt like a veil that<br />

fell upon us - we felt so small in<br />

comparison to the vastness of our<br />

mother nature.<br />

In that freezing cold evening,<br />

amazing strips of light appeared<br />

in the sky. They constantly moved<br />

and changed shape. Sometimes<br />

like colored ribbons, sometimes as<br />

waves, sometimes like the shape of<br />

spiral rings, sometimes like smoke<br />

streaks. Not everyone of us noticed<br />

this strange phenomenon at first<br />

until someone exclaimed: "Aurora",<br />

"Aurora". Our excitement then was<br />

uncontainable and tearing away at<br />

the silence and the cold night.<br />

The aurora borealis is one of<br />

nature's wonders and that not<br />

everyone is lucky to see. For people<br />

living in countries near the equator,<br />

from the tropical countries, it is<br />

something that one could never see<br />

in their lifetime. As for countries<br />

near the North Pole or right in the<br />

Arctic itself, seeing aurora is one of<br />

the profound beauties that attract<br />

people there. This is why my trip<br />

was made much more complete and<br />

meaningful.<br />

The aurora borealis are also called<br />

the Northern Lights. This is an<br />

optical phenomenon, generated by<br />

the interaction of charged particles<br />

from the solar wind with the<br />

atmospheric layer above the Earth,<br />

creating beautiful rays of light in<br />

the night sky. These light bands are<br />

referred to by the travelers as the<br />

"Dance of Light" with their constant<br />

motion and color change.<br />

I have to admit that they are<br />

incredibly beautiful and intriguing.<br />

They stimulate the imagination, the<br />

exploring mind of a human being<br />

and above all they satisfied my<br />

dreams of conquering the north and<br />

strange new lands.<br />

106<br />


Billions of stars are found<br />

in the sky. The beautiful<br />

scenery before us felt like<br />

a veil that fell upon us -<br />

making us feel so small in<br />

comparison to the vastness<br />

of nature.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 107

108<br />


Sau bµi<br />

vi’t "Hµnh tr◊nh 60 ngµy<br />

xuyn Vi÷t cÔng con" Æ∑ Æ≠Óc<br />

nhi“u ÆÈc gi∂ cÒa Travellive b†m "Like",<br />

l«n nµy, ´ng bË Harry trÎ lπi vÌi chuy’n Æi xa<br />

h¨n nhi“u. D‹ nhin hπt nh©n cÒa chuy’n Æi v…n lµ<br />

nh©n vÀt bä ˇc, c´ con g∏i bä nh· nh≠ng r†t "tıng tr∂i"<br />

cÒa bË Harry.<br />

VíNG QUANH<br />

ߧNG NAM É CùNG CON<br />






<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 109

H¨n mÈt tu«n sau ngµy trÎ v“ tı hµnh tr◊nh 50<br />

ngµy vflng quanh ß´ng Nam É, bË Harry v…n trong<br />

mÈt trπng th∏i l©ng l©ng, ng©y ng†t v◊ c„ qu∏ nhi“u<br />

th¯ tuy÷t vÍi, qu∏ nhi“u Æi“u mÌi lπ, r†t nhi“u tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m cÔng vÌi bπn ˇc trong c∂ chuy’n Æi dµi. G«n<br />

hai th∏ng, c∂ nhµ Æ∑ Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n h«u h’t nh˜ng n¨i<br />

Æãp nh†t, thÛ vfi nh†t tπi c∏c n≠Ìc trong khu v˘c, tı<br />

lÙc Æfia cho Æ’n c∏c hfln Æ∂o, thÀm ch› cfln Æ’n tÀn<br />

Timor Leste xa x´i.<br />

Trong hµnh tr◊nh l«n nµy, dÔ th˘c s˘ c„ nhi“u th¯<br />

mÌi mŒ, kh∏c lπ, c∂ Æ´i chÛt kh„ kh®n h¨n so vÌi vi÷c<br />

Æi xuyn Vi÷t, nh≠ng bË mã Æ“u mıng khi c∂ nhµ Æ∑<br />

th˘c hi÷n thµnh c´ng hµnh tr◊nh. C∂ nhµ kh·e mπnh<br />

vµ an toµn, Æ„ lµ Æi“u quan tr‰ng nh†t.<br />


Chuy’n Æi nµy d˘ Æfinh sœ cho ˇc Æi t†t c∂ nh˜ng Æi”m<br />

Æãp nh†t Î ß´ng Nam É, kh∏m ph∏ tı nh˜ng Æ“n Ƶi,<br />

c´ng tr◊nh cÊ k›nh Î Bagan (Myanmar) Æ’n Angkor<br />

Wat ÆÂ sÈ (Campuchia) hay Borobudur nguy nga<br />

(Indonesia). Ti’p Æ„ lµ tr∂i nghi÷m nät ÆÈc Æ∏o cÒa hÂ<br />

Inle (Myanmar), sang cË Æ´ Chiang Mai (Th∏i Lan),<br />

di s∂n th’ giÌi Luang Prabang (Lµo), c∏c thµnh phË<br />

s´i ÆÈng nh≠ Bangkok (Th∏i Lan), Kuala Lumpur<br />

(Malaysia), Singapore vµ nh˜ng vÔng Æ∂o nh≠ Timor<br />

Leste, Bali Æ’n nÛi lˆa Gunung Bromo (Indonesia).<br />

H∏o h¯c, chÍ ÆÓi xen l…n chÛt lo ©u, m‰i th¯ cÚng Æ∑<br />

sΩn sµng Æ” ˇc vµ bË mã th˘c hi÷n hµnh tr◊nh tuy÷t<br />

vÍi l«n th¯ hai trong n®m. Tı sau hµnh tr◊nh xuyn<br />

Vi÷t, ˇc Æ∑ lÌn ln r†t nhi“u. G«n hai tuÊi r≠Ïi, ˇc<br />

Æ∑ lu´n th›ch lµm m‰i th¯ theo ˝ m◊nh, th›ch l˝ luÀn<br />

vµ h·i bË ÆÒ Æi“u. ˇc Æ∑ bi’t c«m m∏y ∂nh, t˘ bÀt,<br />

nh◊n mµn h◊nh, chÙp cho bË. Trong 3 th∏ng qua, bË<br />

mã Æ∑ dµnh thÍi gian dπy cho ˇc nghe hi”u, n„i lπi<br />

nhi“u c©u ti’ng Anh vµ h«u h’t c∏c t◊nh huËng ti’ng<br />

Anh hµng ngµy. ß„ lµ nh˜ng hµnh trang Æ” con b≠Ìc<br />

ra th’ giÌi, ti’p tÙc th˘c hi÷n ph«n ti’p theo trong<br />

≠Ìc m¨ lÌn h¨n n˜a cÒa bË dµnh cho ˇc vµ c∂ nhµ.<br />

<strong>11</strong>0<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

A week after returning from my 50-day trip around<br />

Southeast Asia, I still felt over the moon over the<br />

amount of experiences and new things that we learned<br />

with Oc during the long trip. For nearly two months,<br />

we visited many of the most beautiful and amazing<br />

places in the region, from the mainlands to the islands,<br />

and even to remote Timor Leste.<br />

We encountered so many new, strange and difficult<br />

things during our journey, all of which made it a much<br />

tougher trip than our last voyage through Vietnam, but<br />

we are still happy that we made the trip, and that the<br />

whole family is healthy and safe.<br />

After feeling so eager, anxious and a bit restless, we<br />

were finally ready for our second trip of the year. Since<br />

the journey through Vietnam, Oc had grown so much.<br />

Now at two and a half months, Oc already prefers to do<br />

things her own way, knows how to reason, and asks us<br />

many questions. Oc can now hold the camera, turn it<br />

on, and take photos of her dad. For the last 3 months,<br />

we spent time teaching her different English phrases<br />

for common everyday situations. I want to prepare Oc<br />

in ways that she could continue to grow and experience<br />

life as much as possible when she steps out into the<br />

world, something we as a family want for her the most.


We included in this trip some of the most beautiful places in<br />

Southeast Asia, exploring ancient temples and monuments in<br />

Bagan (Myanmar), the enormous Angkor Wat (Cambodia),<br />

and even the magnificent Borobudur (Indonesia). Next we<br />

were to admire the uniqueness of Inle Lake (Myanmar),<br />

Chiang Mai (Thailand), Luang Prabang (Laos) as well<br />

as vibrant locations such as Bangkok (Thailand), Kuala<br />

Lumpur (Malaysia), and Singapore, and even to more exotic<br />

locations such as the islands of Timor Leste, Bali, and the<br />

Bromo volcano (Indonesia).<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> <strong>11</strong>1

XUƒT PHÉT NGÄY 6/8/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Tı vÔng Ɔt vµng (Golden Land) Myanmar...<br />

HANOI “ YANGON “<br />



S∏ng sÌm, c∂ nhµ ra s©n bay NÈi Bµi Æ” bay thºng tÌi<br />

Yangon vÌi bao nhiu hÂi hÈp, chÍ ÆÓi. ThÍi ti’t d‘ chfiu.<br />

Yangon kh∏c lπ, mÈt th’ giÌi kh∏c bi÷t so vÌi Vi÷t Nam. ßi ra kh·i s©n<br />

bay lµ mÈt rıng xe taxi chµo Æ„n, trong Æ„ mÈt b∏c ng≠Íi Mi’n trong<br />

trang phÙc v∏y longi Æ∆c tr≠ng ra chµo, mÿm c≠Íi vµ Æ„n c∂ nhµ.<br />

B∏c ngÂi l∏i xe bn tay ph∂i, t´i vµ ˇc lπi ngÂi bn tay tr∏i, cfln mã ˇc ngÂi sau,<br />

s˘ kh∏c bi÷t Æ«u tin v“ v®n h„a. Tuy nhin, c∂m gi∏c d‘ chfiu vµ an toµn. Yangon<br />

nh˜ng ngµy nµy, trÍi thÿnh tho∂ng c„ m≠a, kh´ng næng chang chang. Ng≠Íi d©n<br />

th©n thi÷n, Æ´i khi g∆p mÈt ng≠Íi bπn r†t nhi÷t t◊nh trfl chuy÷n, ng· ˝ muËn giÛp<br />

ÆÏ g◊ Æ„ ch¯ kh´ng c„ b†t k˙ Æfli h·i nµo v“ vÀt ch†t.<br />

ˇc nghch<br />

chui g«m xe<br />

Æ»y tπi s©n<br />

bay khi bæt<br />

Æ«u hµnh<br />

tr◊nh<br />

TËi Æ«u tin, c∂ nhµ ®n c∏c m„n Myanmar Î qu∏n Rangoon Tea House. Kh´ng kh›<br />

Î Æ©y †m cÛng, d‘ chfiu mµ suËt nh˜ng ngµy sau, bË Harry v…n hay nhÌ v“ qu∏n Æ„.<br />

ChÔa Shwedagon lµ l˘a ch‰n hµng Æ«u khi tÌi Yangon. Ngoµi ra, tÔy thÍi gian bπn c„<br />

th” ch¨i chÁ nµy chÁ kia, Æi thm mÈt vµi chÔa nh· h¨n ho∆c Æi ra khu chÓ Æm ®n<br />

c∏c m„n. Taxi Î Æ©y t≠¨ng ÆËi rŒ vµ c„ th” giao ti’p Æ≠Óc ti’ng Anh Î m¯c ÆÈ c¨ b∂n.<br />

C∂ nhµ Æ„n<br />

b◊nh minh<br />

tπi ng´i Æ“n<br />

Î Bagan,<br />

Myanmar<br />

Ngµy h´m sau Î Yangon m≠a træng trÍi. H´m sau n˜a c∂ nhµ ln Æ≠Íng Æi Bagan.<br />

Kh„ mµ qun Æ≠Óc buÊi tËi mÌi Æ’n Bagan, vÌi kh´ng kh› t‹nh l∆ng, chÛt g◊ Æ„ linh<br />

thing, huy“n b› vµo tËi c∂ nhµ Æi ®n ngay gi˜a nh˜ng ng´i Æ“n. ß„ lµ mÈt c∂m gi∏c<br />

tuy÷t vÍi, t∏ch bi÷t hoµn toµn kh·i nh˜ng thanh ©m cÒa x∑ hÈi hi÷n Æπi. Ba ngµy Î<br />

Bagan tr´i qua r†t nhanh. S∏ng n‰ th¯c dÀy tı r†t sÌm cÔng ˇc Æi Æ„n b◊nh minh,<br />

bË Harry Æi xe m∏y Æi÷n chÎ hai mã con ˇc, Æi xuyn qua nh˜ng khu Æ“n Ƶi b› »n.<br />

ߪng xa, ch©n trÍi mÌi le l„i mµu Æ· cÒa m∆t trÍi chµo ngµy mÌi.

M„n sÛp<br />

Mohinga<br />

truy“n thËng<br />

cÒa Myanmar<br />

D≠Ïng da<br />

bªng bÈt<br />

Thanaka<br />

Æ∆c tr≠ng<br />

cÒa ng≠Íi<br />

Myanmar<br />

C«u Ubein<br />

nÊi ti’ng Î<br />

Mandalay,<br />

Myanmar<br />

ˇc r†t th›ch thÍi gian Î Myanmar, con ch¨i vµ<br />

lµm quen nhi“u bπn Æfia ph≠¨ng. C„ h´m Æi Æ„n<br />

hoµng h´n Î Bagan, con ch¨i vµ c«m m∏y ∂nh<br />

chÙp cho chfi Moe Moe. Hai chfi em chºng h“ bi’t<br />

ti’ng cÒa nhau nh≠ng lπi c≠Íi n„i, trfl chuy÷n,<br />

chÙp ∂nh vµ tru ÆÔa vÌi nhau suËt c∂ mÈt buÊi<br />

chi“u. Hay khi vµo chÔa Î Mandalay, con nªm<br />

lu´n ra s©n ch¨i vÌi m†y bπn Myanmar. D≠Íng<br />

nh≠ vÌi trŒ con, chºng c„ kho∂ng c∏ch nµo v“<br />

ng´n ng˜, mµu da hay sæc tÈc.<br />

BËn ngµy Î Bagan tr´i qua r†t nhanh, c∂ nhµ lπi<br />

ln Æ≠Íng Æi ti’p tÌi h Inle. H¨n hai ngµy ngæn<br />

ngÒi Î h Inle r†t th›ch. CuÈc sËng trn h lµ mÈt<br />

th’ giÌi hoµn toµn kh∏c, th’ giÌi cÒa s´ng n≠Ìc.<br />

ô Æ„, m‰i hoπt ÆÈng vµ cuÈc sËng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n<br />

Æ“u di‘n ra trn m∆t n≠Ìc.<br />

Khi tÌi Mandalay, chÓt nhÀn ra Î Myanmar c„ qu∏<br />

nhi“u chÔa. N„ cÚng giËng nh≠ khi sang ch©u ¢u<br />

xem tranh, bπn sœ bfi cho∏ng ngÓp v◊ c„ qu∏ nhi“u<br />

th¯, qu∏ nhi“u tranh, sau mÈt ngµy bπn sœ kh´ng<br />

th” nhÌ nÊi b¯c nµo vÌi b¯c nµo n˜a. ChÓ ng‰c vµ<br />

c«u Ubein Î Mandalay mang lπi nh˜ng b¯c ∂nh<br />

tuy÷t vÍi, nh˜ng c∂m xÛc kh„ l∆p lπi. Ngµy h´m<br />

sau, c∂ nhµ chia tay Ɔt n≠Ìc Myanmar mµ trong<br />

lflng v…n nhÌ nhung bÂi hÂi.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> <strong>11</strong>3

<strong>11</strong>4<br />

DEPARTED AUGUST 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

From the Golden Land, Myanmar...<br />

HANOI “ YANGON “<br />



Filled with so much excitement, we left early in the<br />

morning for Noi Bai airport to fly straight to Yangon.<br />

The weather was pleasant. Yangon is a very different city<br />

from Hanoi. As soon as we stepped out of the airport, we<br />

were greeted with a jungle of taxis before a Myanmar man<br />

dressed in a longi stepped forward, said hello to us with a<br />

smile and welcomed us.<br />

The taxi driver was sitting on the right, Oc and I on the<br />

left, while her mother right behind us. It was the first<br />

cultural difference we noticed, but we all felt comfortable<br />

and safe. It was rainy season in Yangon and the sun<br />

wasn't too hot. People were friendly and sometimes we<br />

met very kind locals who would offer to help and never<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

ask for anything in return.<br />

The first night, we decided to eat Myanmarese food at the<br />

Rangoon Tea House. The atmosphere was so warm and<br />

comfortable that it was truly an unforgettable restaurant.<br />

Shwedagon Pagoda was the first place in Yangon.<br />

Depending on how much time you have, you could visit<br />

other places or go to smaller temples or make a trip to<br />

the night market to try out the local dishes. Taxis here are<br />

relatively cheap and the drivers can communicate in basic<br />

English.<br />

On our second day in Yangon it rained heavily. The day<br />

after, we set out for Bagan. We could never forget the<br />

night we arrived in Bagan. The atmosphere was quiet.<br />

There was something sacred and mysterious about the<br />

place as we decided to choose a restaurant situated right<br />

among the temples. It was a wonderful feeling, being<br />

away from the sounds of modern society. Three days in<br />

Bagan passed by so fast. One morning we woke up early

and went with Oc to watch the sunrise. Carrying both Oc and my wife on the<br />

electric scooter we went by mysterious temples, and made it in time to see the<br />

horizon slowly filled with the bright sun, greeting us with a new day.<br />

Oc was very fond of our time in Myanmar because she got to play and become<br />

friends with many local friends. As we went one morning to catch the sunset<br />

in Bagan, Oc met a local girl named "Moe Moe" and the two had a fun time<br />

together despite not understanding each other's language.<br />

Four days in Bagan passed by quickly, and the whole family continued our<br />

journey to Inle Lake. We stayed for only two short days but really enjoyed it. Life<br />

on the lake is a completely different world, the world of the water. All activities<br />

and people's lives take place on the water.<br />

When we arrived in Mandalay, we realized how many temples there were in<br />

Myanmar. It's similar to when you are in Europe and you are overwhelmed with<br />

the amount of paintings you see. At the end of the day you would not be able to<br />

remember any of them. The jewels market and Ubein Bridge in Mandalay offered<br />

great photographs with emotions difficult to repeat. The next day, the whole<br />

family said farewell to Myanmar, a country that will be greatly missed by us.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> <strong>11</strong>5

Th®m cË Æ´ cÒa Th∏i Lan<br />


“ CHIANG MAI<br />

Tı Mandalay, c∂ nhµ bay sang Bangkok cÒa Th∏i Lan. N®m ngo∏i, bË mã Æ∑<br />

cho ˇc Æi Th∏i Lan hai tu«n nn l«n nµy c∂ nhµ chÿ ch‰n Bangkok lµm Æi”m<br />

dıng ch©n, rÂi bay ti’p tÌi Chiang Mai Î ph›a Bæc.<br />

M„n nÈm<br />

Æ«y mµu<br />

sæc cÒa<br />

Th∏i Lan<br />

Ba ngµy Î Chiang Mai kh∏ thÛ vfi. Ngµy Æ«u c∂ nhµ nghÿ ng¨i lπi s¯c sau<br />

nh˜ng ngµy di chuy”n lin tÙc, chÿ cho ˇc Æi th®m rıng vµ ÆÂng lÛa. C∂<br />

ngµy h´m sau kh∏m ph∏ cË Æ´ Chiang Mai. C∏c m„n ®n Î Æ©y Æ“u ngon, c∂<br />

nhµ Æ“u hÓp ®n ÆÂ Th∏i, trı c∏c m„n ®n c„ chÛt cay. BuÊi tËi trÍi m≠a nh≠<br />

trÛt, c∂ nhµ ngÂi ®n m„n sÛp n≠Ìc dıa ngon Æ’n m¯c chÿ muËn hÛp h’t c∂<br />

c∏i nÂi sÛp th´i. C∂ nhµ ˇc ch≠a bao giÍ h’t th›ch ®n c∏c ÆÂ ®n Î Th∏i c∂, dÔ<br />

lµ c„ kh∏ nhi“u l«n Æi sang Æ©y.<br />

Hai mã con ˇc ÆÊi<br />

ti“n Th∏i Lan<br />

ô Chiang Mai cuÈc sËng thanh b◊nh h¨n, kh´ng qu∏ Ân µo t†p nÀp nh≠ Î<br />

Bangkok. N’u nh≠ c∂ nhµ Æ’n Æ≠Óc Æ©y vµo kho∂ng th∏ng 10 th◊ th›ch, lÛc<br />

Æ„ sœ c„ l‘ hÈi th∂ ÆÃn trÍi r†t Æãp, chºng n¨i nµo c„ Æ≠Óc. Th›ch læm, sau<br />

nµy khi ˇc lÌn rÂi, ˇc sœ Æ≠a em ˇc vµ bË mã Æi lπi nhä. BË mã cË gæng cho<br />

ˇc Æi l«n Æ«u th´i. Chiang Mai c„ r†t nhi“u con phË nh·, thÛ vfi, c„ r†t nhi“u<br />

qu∏n r†t Æãp theo ki”u ki’n trÛc Ph∏p.

Oc and her<br />

mother are in<br />

the Chiang Mai<br />

Delicious<br />

mango<br />

sticky rice<br />

From Mandalay, we flew to Bangkok, Thailand. Last<br />

year we took Oc to Thailand for two weeks, so this<br />

time we only stopped by in Bangkok to fly up north to<br />

Chiang Mai.<br />

Three days in Chiang Mai was quite<br />

interesting. On the first day, we took a<br />

rest after days of moving and only took<br />

Oc to the forest and rice fields. The next<br />

day we went to visit the ancient capital<br />

of Chiang Mai. The food here was delicious and we<br />

all love Thai food, except for foods that are a little<br />

too spicy. In the evening the rain was heavy, so we<br />

had the coconut soup which was so delicious that we<br />

wanted to eat the whole pot. We have never stopped<br />

loving Thai food, despite having come to Thailand so<br />

many times.<br />

Life in Chiang Mai is very peaceful, not noisy like<br />

Bangkok. It would be nice if we could come here in<br />

October, when there is the festival of light with sky<br />

lanterns lightening up the sky like no else where.<br />

Later when Oc has grown up, we hope she would take<br />

Oc and<br />

her father<br />

waiting at<br />

Don Muang<br />

Airport<br />

us and her brother or sister back here.<br />

We are only taking Oc here for her first<br />

time. Chiang Mai has a large number of<br />

small interesting streets with beautiful<br />

French-styled shops located around.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> <strong>11</strong>7

...ß’n x¯ sÎ tri÷u Voi<br />




ˇc Î s©n<br />

bay quËc t’<br />

Ving Ch®n<br />

Tπm bi÷t Th∏i Lan, c∂ nhµ lπi bay Æi Ving Ch®n, Lµo. Chuy’n bay cÒa h∑ng<br />

Nok Air thÀt k˙ lπ, Æ≠Óc g‰i "fly & ride" ngh‹a lµ bay m∏y bay xong rÂi lπi Æi<br />

ti’p xe ´t´ cÒa h∑ng. C∂ nhµ ch≠a Æi ki”u nµy bao giÍ. M∏y bay tı Chiang<br />

Mai tÌi cˆa kh»u Udon Thani, tı Æ„ Æi xe ra s∏t cˆa kh»u, t˘ lµm thÒ tÙc<br />

nhÀp c∂nh vµo Lµo. RÂi lπi Æi xe ti’p Æ” v“ Æ’n Ving Ch®n. ô Ving Ch®n,<br />

kh´ng c„ nhi“u th¯ Æ” kh∏m ph∏, h¨i buÂn tŒ, nn c∂ nhµ chÿ Î Æ©y hai<br />

ngµy, h´m sau bay ti’p tÌi Luang Prabang.<br />

CuÈc sËng Î cË Æ´ cÒa Lµo kh∏ tr«m l∆ng, thanh b◊nh, nh≠ng Æ∏ng nhÌ.<br />

Nh˜ng buÊi s∏ng c∂ nhµ dÀy sÌm, c«m ch‚ x´i Æ˘ng trong gi· nan, Ưng ÆÓi<br />

s≠ kh†t th˘c Æi qua. ß„ lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng nät v®n h„a thÛ vfi nh†t trong<br />

chuy’n Æi, thÀm ch› ˇc cfln t· ra th›ch thÛ. H◊nh ∂nh Æoµn nhµ s≠ hµnh l‘<br />

kh†t th˘c mÁi s∏ng thÀt kh„ phai mÍ vÌi b†t k˙ ai tÌi Luang Prabang.<br />

<strong>11</strong>8<br />

L‘ kh†t th˘c buÊi s∏ng Î<br />

Luang Prabang<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />

Mã ˇc thÒ thÿ: "Em nhÌ nh†t m„n x´i Lµo, xÛc x›ch Lµo ®n Î chÓ buÊi s∏ng".<br />

ThÀm ch›, khi vi’t Æ’n Æ©y, bË Harry cÚng thÃm mÔi x´i n„ng, mÔi xÛc<br />

x›ch th¨m lıng Î chÓ. M‰i tr∂i nghi÷m v…n nh≠ cfln y nguyn cÒa mÈt s∏ng<br />

thanh b◊nh Î Luang.

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong><br />


120<br />


Thµnh phË<br />

v®n h„a »m<br />

th˘c Penang Î<br />

Malaysia<br />

CÊ k›nh Penang, Malaysia - S´i ÆÈng Singapore<br />




Tı Luang Prabang, c∂ nhµ bay ti’p<br />

tÌi Kuala Lumpur. Hµnh tr◊nh<br />

tÌi thÒ Æ´ cÒa Malaysia, ngoµi<br />

nh˜ng khu mua sæm giËng nh≠<br />

c∏c thµnh phË lÌn kh∏c Î Ch©u É,<br />

c∂ nhµ ˇc th›ch nh†t lÛc vµo c´ng vin chim.<br />

Nh◊n Ƶn chim Æ≠Óc th∂ t˘ do, bay tung t®ng<br />

trong v≠Ín, ˇc r†t th›ch thÛ. Ìc g◊ Î Hµ NÈi<br />

cÚng c„ mÈt c´ng vin nh≠ vÀy. Nh˜ng Æi“u<br />

Æ„ lu´n ˝ ngh‹a vÌi trŒ nh· h¨n nhi“u so vÌi<br />

nh˜ng chÁ ch¨i trong trung t©m th≠¨ng mπi.<br />

Tı Kuala Lumpur c∂ nhµ Æi ti’p tÌi thµnh phË<br />

Penang cÊ k›nh tı l©u hªng mong ≠Ìc.<br />

Penang hi÷n ra vÌi bao Æi“u thÛ vfi h¨n nh˜ng<br />

g◊ bË Harry Æ∑ h◊nh dung. ˇc Î mÈt c®n nhµ<br />

cÊ k›nh, rÈng mnh m´ng, Æ≠Óc lµm toµn<br />

bªng gÁ vÌi lËi ki’n trÛc nhµ cÊ Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa<br />

Penang. CuÈc sËng Î Æ©y cÚng s´i ÆÈng, chºng<br />

c„ mÈt phÛt nµo buÂn ch∏n, nh≠ng kh´ng qu∏<br />

Ân µo. ß ®n Î Penang th◊ ngon tuy÷t, trong Æ„<br />

c∂ nhµ †n t≠Óng vÌi m„n c¨m gµ Hainan. Chÿ<br />

ring vi÷c tr∂i nghi÷m c∏c Æ ®n Î Penang Æ∑<br />

lµ mÈt Æi“u th›ch thÛ trong c∂ hµnh tr◊nh.<br />

Nh˜ng ngµy Î Penang dÔ trÍi m≠a, c¯ thi<br />

tho∂ng buÊi chi“u lπi c„ nh˜ng c¨n m≠a b†t<br />

chÓt nh≠ng mµ thÍi gian Î Æ©y Æ“u thÛ vfi.<br />

Tı Penang c∂ nhµ bay ti’p xuËng Singapore.<br />

Singapore bä nh≠ng r†t nhi“u c´ng tr◊nh nh©n<br />

tπo, r†t nhi“u hoπt ÆÈng. ô Æ©y, ngµy nµo cÚng<br />

Æi mÈt mπch tı s∏ng tÌi tÀn tËi mfit mÌi v“<br />

kh∏ch sπn. H´m cuËi Î Singapore, bË mã vµo<br />

c∏c nhµ s∏ch lÌn Æ” t◊m nh˜ng quy”n s∏ch hay<br />

cho ˇc. Nhµ s∏ch Kinokuniya lµ nhµ s∏ch lÌn<br />

nh†t Î ß´ng Nam É, Æ„ lµ c∂ thin Æ≠Íng tri<br />

th¯c vÌi r†t nhi“u Æ«u s∏ch, ÆÒ c∏c loπi s∏ch<br />

kh∏c nhau, Î c∂ ngµy cÚng kh´ng bi’t ch∏n.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 121

Ancient Penang, Malaysia - Exciting Singapore<br />




From Luang Prabang, we flew to Kuala Lumpur. In the capital of Malaysia,<br />

besides the huge shopping malls like in any other Asian city, we enjoyed our<br />

trip to the bird park. Watching the birds flying free in the garden made Oc<br />

excited. These things mean more to children than playing in the mall. From<br />

Kuala Lumpur we traveled to the ancient city of Penang.<br />

Penang seemed to be more interesting than what I had imagined. We stayed<br />

in an old big house made entirely of wood in the old architecture style of<br />

Penang. Life here is vibrant, not a minute of boredom, but not too noisy. The<br />

food in Penang is delicious and we were really impressed with the Hainan<br />

chicken rice. The food experience in Penang itself was one of the most<br />

enjoyable things during our trip.<br />

Famous<br />

noodles shop<br />

in Penang,<br />

Malaysia<br />

It rained a lot in Penang, especially in the afternoons. The rain would come<br />

suddenly, but our time there was enjoyable nevertheless. From Penang we<br />

flew to Singapore. Despite being small, Singapore has a lot to offer with<br />

their many artificial structures and lots of activities. Every day we would<br />

be out from morning til dawn. On our last day we went to<br />

Oc and her<br />

world map<br />

puzzle in<br />

Singapore<br />

bookstores to find good books for Oc. Singapore's Kinokuniya<br />

bookstore is the largest in Southeast Asia, a knowledge<br />

paradise with thousands of titles. You can spend all day here<br />

without feeling bored.

Clockwise from this pictures: Chicken rice Hainan Penang - Malaysia; Oc walking on her own in Penang;<br />

Oc and her mother visiting the Bird Park in Malaysia.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 123

CuÈc sËng b◊nh d cÒa<br />

ng≠Íi d©n Î Yogyakarta<br />

vµ Timor Leste ,<br />

C∏c m„n trµ<br />

vµ cafe Æ∆c<br />

bi÷t Î Æ∂o Bali,<br />


Nh˜ng ngµy Î x¯ sÎ vπn Æ∂o Indonesia vµ Timor Leste<br />



Ch∆ng Æ≠Íng ti’p theo, c∂ nhµ bay ti’p tı Singapore Æ’n Jakarta, rÂi tı Æ„<br />

Æi Æ’n nh˜ng Æi”m du lfich nÊi ti’ng cÒa Indonesia nh≠ Yogyakarta, Bali,<br />

Gunung Bromo. Jakarta Æ´ng ÆÛc, tæc Æ≠Íng, kh´ng c„ qu∏ nhi“u th¯ h†p<br />

d…n Æ” du lfich. C∂ nhµ c„ hai ngµy nghÿ ngæn Î Æ©y tr≠Ìc khi ln Æ≠Íng bay tÌi<br />

Yogyakarta.<br />

Tr∏i ng≠Óc vÌi h◊nh ∂nh nhÈn nhfip, nh˜ng tfla nhµ cao t«ng Î thÒ Æ´,<br />

Yogyakarta lµ thµnh phË v®n h„a vÌi nh˜ng nät pha trÈn cÚ mÌi, nh˜ng hoπt<br />

ÆÈng v®n h„a Æ∆c sæc. ß∆c bi÷t nh†t lµ hai c´ng tr◊nh ki’n trÛc Borobudur vµ<br />

Prambanan thu hÛt nhi“u du kh∏ch. Khu Æ“n Borobudur lµ qu«n th” ki’n trÛc<br />

v“ PhÀt gi∏o lÌn nh†t trn th’ giÌi. C∂ nhµ ph∂i dÀy tı s∏ng sÌm mÌi kfip Æi<br />

ngæm b◊nh minh Î Borobudur.<br />

ßi xem mÛa<br />

truy“n thËng Î Bali,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Timor Leste lµ c∏i tn kh∏ lπ l…m vÌi nhi“u ng≠Íi Vi÷t. BÎi Æ©y lµ<br />

Ɔt n≠Ìc mÌi nh†t trn th’ giÌi, cÚng lµ quËc gia non trŒ nh†t<br />

trong khËi ASEAN. C∂ nhµ cÚng suy ngh‹ Ææn Æo rÂi mÌi quy’t<br />

Æfinh tÌi Æ©y. C∏c n≠Ìc ASEAN kh´ng c«n xin visa nh≠ng vµo<br />

Timor Leste lπi c«n visa, l÷ ph› m†t 30USD mÈt ng≠Íi, thÒ tÙc<br />

cÚng ƨn gi∂n.<br />

Khu phË mua sæm<br />

Î Yogyakarta,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Ba ngµy Î Timor Leste, c∂ nhµ tr∂i qua r†t nhi“u cung bÀc c∂m xÛc kh∏c nhau,<br />

tı lπ l…m, lo sÓ, hoang mang cho Æ’n thÎ phµo khi bay ra kh·i Æ©y. ô Æ©y m‰i<br />

th¯ cfln qu∏ mÌi mŒ, hoang s¨, vµ ch≠a ph∏t tri”n. Kh∏ch du lfich g∆p nhi“u<br />

kh„ kh®n, tı vi÷c Æi lπi, xin visa, t◊m tour du lfich cho Æ’n vi÷c t◊m th´ng tin,<br />

Æ∆t chÁ Î. Nh†t lµ khi Æi cÔng con nh·, m‰i th¯ Æ“u kh„ h¨n so vÌi c∏c bπn trŒ<br />

Æi ph≠Ót.<br />

Bali vµ Gunung Bromo lµ hai Æi”m tuy÷t vÍi dµnh cho du lfich, vµ cÚng lµ<br />

nh˜ng n¨i c„ nhi“u b¯c ∂nh, nh˜ng c∂m xÛc, tr∂i nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi. CÚng<br />

chºng lπ khi Bali c„ t†t c∂ m‰i th¯ mµ kh∏ch du lfich c«n, m‰i nhu c«u, m‰i ÆËi<br />

t≠Óng Æ“u Æ≠Óc Æ∏p ¯ng. Chÿ duy nh†t mÈt Æi“u c«n l≠u t©m lµ Bali r†t lÌn, c„<br />

qu∏ nhi“u th¯ Æ” tr∂i nghi÷m, qu∏ nhi“u n¨i Æ” Æi, vµ taxi Î s©n bay th◊ lu´n<br />

"ch∆t chäm". MÁi tµi x’, mÁi lÛc mÈt ki”u, tÔy theo vi÷c nh◊n m∆t cÒa kh∏ch<br />

du lfich. Cfln lπi m„n ®n, dfich vÙ vµ m‰i th¯ Î Bali Æ“u Ên.<br />

Hai bË con<br />

tπi Æ“n thÍ<br />

Prambanan Î<br />

Yogyakarta,<br />

Indonesia<br />

Tı Bali, c∂ nhµ Æ’n nÛi lˆa Gunung Bromo, Æi”m Æ’n cuËi<br />

cÔng trong hµnh tr◊nh tπi Indonesia. ô Indonesia c„ c∂ tr®m<br />

nÛi lˆa kh∏c nhau Æang hoπt ÆÈng, Æ©y cÚng lµ l«n Æ«u tin<br />

c∂ nhµ ch¯ng ki’n c∂nh t≠Óng nh≠ th’. H´m Æ„, c∂ nhµ Æi<br />

xe jeep tı lÛc 2h s∏ng, Æi Æ„n b◊nh minh Î nÛi lˆa, vµ leo ln<br />

tÀn mi÷ng nÛi lˆa Æ” ch¯ng ki’n nÛi lˆa Æang<br />

g«m gı gµo thät vµ tu´n ra nh˜ng<br />

dflng kh„i træng x„a. ˇc tr´ng vÀy<br />

mµ kh·e, ln nÛi lˆa trong khi mã<br />

ˇc sÓ, cfln ˇc lπi ÆÈng vin mã vµ<br />

cfln hµo h¯ng h´ "v´ ca n´" (volcano<br />

theo ti’ng Anh lµ nÛi lˆa). Nh˜ng<br />

b¯c ∂nh v“ nÛi lˆa th˘c s˘ tuy÷t vÍi,<br />

dÔ buÊi s∏ng h´m Æ„ c∂ nhµ Æen x◊ v◊<br />

ch◊m trong kh„i nham thπch.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 12

Buying some<br />

warm clothing<br />

before our<br />

visit to Bromo<br />

volcano<br />

Days on the many islands of Indonesia and Timor Leste<br />




For our next route, we traveled from Singapore to Jakarta, then<br />

from there to the famous destinations of Indonesia such as<br />

Yogyakarta, Bali and Gunung Bromo. Jakarta was a crowded<br />

city with lots of traffic jam, and there were not many attractions<br />

to be seen. We stayed for two days before boarding a flight to<br />

Yogyakarta. Contrary to the bustling streets and high-rise buildings of the<br />

capital, Yogyakarta is a cultural city with blends of the old and the new with<br />

lots of cultural activities. Most notable was the Borobudur and Prambanan<br />

structures that attract many visitors. Borobudur is the largest Buddhist<br />

architectural complex in the world. We had to get up early to catch the<br />

sunrise at Borobudur.<br />

Timor Leste is a strange name to many Vietnamese. It is the newest country<br />

in the world and the youngest country in ASEAN. We thought a lot about<br />

it before deciding to go there. We did not need a visa for other ASEAN<br />

countries but here we did. The visa fee was 30USD a person and the<br />

procedure was simple.<br />

During our three days in Timor Leste, we went through a lot of different<br />

emotions, from feeling uncertain, frightened, and confused to relieved when<br />

we left.<br />

Bali and Gunung Bromo are two great places for travel where we took a lot<br />

of great photos filled with so many emotions and experiences. It is not hard<br />

to imagine that Bali has everything a traveler could want with every need<br />

met for every type of traveler. There is only one thing to keep in mind, that<br />

Bali is such a big place that you might not have enough time to experience<br />

it all or travel to all the places, and that the airport taxis are willing to cheat<br />

foreigners. The taxi drivers would take advantage of you depending on how<br />

naive you look. Apart from that, the food, service and everything else in Bali<br />

was amazing.<br />

From Bali, we traveled to Gunung Bromo volcano, our final destination in<br />

Indonesia. There are hundreds of different active volcanoes in Indonesia<br />

and this was our first experience seeing one. We were picked up by a jeep<br />

at 2am to catch the sunrise. We climbed up to the crater to see the volcano<br />

screaming and emitting white smoke. Oc found the climb an easy task and<br />

was unafraid of the volcano while her mother was a little taken aback. The<br />

pictures that we took of the volcano were amazing despite the fact that we<br />

were all covered in black dust from the lava smoke.<br />

12<br />


Oc is excited<br />

seeing the<br />

volcano for<br />

the first time<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 127

B∏c ng≠Íi<br />

Brunei th©n<br />

thi÷n tπi<br />

Mosque<br />

Ch∆ng ti’p theo lµ tÌi Brunei, Ɔt<br />

n≠Ìc th≠a thÌt, væng vŒ, nh≠ng giµu<br />

c„ vµ kh∏ kh∏c so vÌi c∏c n≠Ìc Î<br />

ASEAN. êt ng≠Íi Æi Brunei Æ” du<br />

lfich, h«u h’t lµ Æi v◊ c´ng vi÷c. Khi c∂<br />

nhµ tÌi, ngoµi Æ≠Íng væng teo, Æi Æ’n<br />

c∏c Æi”m kh∏c trong thµnh phË h«u<br />

nh≠ chºng c„ ai.<br />

ßi“u Æ„ tr∏i ng≠Óc hoµn toµn vÌi lÛc<br />

bay sang Manila, tı s∏ng sÌm ch≠a<br />

Æ’n 5h, Æ≠Íng phË Æ∑ tæc Æ≠Íng vµ<br />

ngÀp trµn xe cÈ. Ng≠Íi Philippines<br />

n„i ti’ng Anh r†t tËt, h«u h’t ai cÚng<br />

t˘ tin giao ti’p ti’ng Anh. ô Manila<br />

Æi Æ©u cÚng th†y b„ng d∏ng c∂nh s∏t,<br />

Î khæp n¨i Æ“u c„ ki”m tra an ninh,<br />

ki”m tra tÛi. ßi vµo b†t k˙ trung t©m<br />

th≠¨ng mπi nµo cÚng ki”m tra. BuÊi<br />

tËi c∂ nhµ Î Manila nhÀn Æ≠Óc lÍi<br />

khuyn Æıng ra ngoµi Æ≠Íng buÊi tËi,<br />

kh´ng thÀt s˘ an toµn.<br />

Chuy’n bay tı Manila tÌi Siem Reap<br />

(Campuchia) lÛc trÍi tËi muÈn.<br />

Siem Reap yn b◊nh vµ th©n thi÷n.<br />

BËn ngµy cuËi trong hµnh tr◊nh tπi<br />

Campuchia r†t th›ch. Ng≠Íi d©n g«n<br />

gÚi th©n thi÷n, n„i ti’ng Vi÷t: "C∏m<br />

¨n, xin chµo" kh∏ch. Qu«n th” di t›ch<br />

Î Angkor r†t hoµnh tr∏ng vÌi v´ sË<br />

c´ng tr◊nh ÆÈc Æ∏o, Æi trong vµi ngµy<br />

cÚng kh´ng th” nµo xem h’t nn<br />

ch‰n ra nh˜ng Æi”m ch›nh. ß’n ngµy<br />

cuËi cÔng, c∂ nhµ ch†t h’t hµnh l˝<br />

ln xe tuktuk Æi ra Æ“n Angkor Wat<br />

vµ chia tay Ɔt n≠Ìc Campuchia trong<br />

∏nh næng vµng nhã buÊi chi“u.<br />

C∂ nhµ Æ∑ trÎ v“ nhµ ! Khi ch˜ "Noi<br />

Bai International Airport" hi÷n ra lµ<br />

lÛc c∂m th†y s˘ b◊nh yn. C∂ hµng<br />

tr®m l«n bay, c¯ lÛc nµo nh◊n th†y<br />

dflng ch˜ s©n bay NÈi Bµi lµ c∂m gi∏c<br />

v“ lπi nhµ. Sœ kh´ng ph∂i suËt ngµy<br />

"Hello, mingalabar, sawadee khap,<br />

sabaidee, terima kasik hay orkhun"<br />

n˜a. GiÍ chÿ ti’ng Vi÷t mµ th´i!<br />

128<br />


Brunei, Philippines vµ Campuchia<br />


“ MANILA<br />

“ SIEM REAP<br />

Our next destination was Brunei, a sparse,<br />

and deserted, yet rich country and one quite<br />

different from other ASEAN countries. Few<br />

people go to Brunei for travel, mostly for work.<br />

When we arrived, the streets were empty and in<br />

most places in the city we saw no one.<br />

Oc getting<br />

new books<br />

in Manila,<br />

Philippines<br />

Oc and her<br />

father out in<br />

Brunei<br />

Oc and her<br />

mother at<br />

Angkok<br />

Temple,<br />

Cambodia<br />

The sight completely contrasted<br />

with Manila, where we arrived<br />

early in the morning. It was not<br />

even 5am, but the streets were<br />

jammed and full of cars. Of<br />

course using English to communicate in this<br />

country was easy given that the Philippines is a<br />

native English speaking country, meaning that<br />

Filipinos are native English speakers. In Manila<br />

police and check sites are everywhere for<br />

security reasons with bags being checked all the<br />

times. You also get checked at every shopping<br />

malls' entrance to preserve safety.<br />

Our flight from Manila to Siem Reap<br />

(Cambodia) arrived late at night. Siem Reap is<br />

a peaceful and friendly city. We really enjoyed<br />

the last four days of our trip to Cambodia.<br />

People were friendly and they knew how to<br />

say hello and thank you in Vietnamese to<br />

guests. The monument complex in Angkor was<br />

magnificent with a myriad of unique structures<br />

so numerous that we could not visit them all<br />

in a few days so what we did was we picked out<br />

the main attractions. On our last day, we packed<br />

all of our luggage on the tuktuk to Angkor Wat<br />

temple and there we said farewell to Cambodia<br />

in the golden-lit afternoon.<br />

We are finally home! When "Noi Bai<br />

International Airport" appeared, we felt so at<br />

peace. I've flown a hundred times but whenever<br />

I see the words Noi Bai Airport nothing feels<br />

more like home. No more "Hello, mingalabar,<br />

sawadee khap, sabaidee, terima kasik or<br />

orkhun". Vietnamese only now!<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 129

When arriving in Noi Bai, we had exactly 220,000VND<br />

left in cash and 200,000VND was paid for Grab, plus an<br />

additional 20,000VND for the airport fee. We got home<br />

with our wallets empty. But earned so much more experience<br />

from the trip. Tens of thousands of photos were taken with<br />

nearly 700 Gb data, and a suitcase full of books for Oc and<br />

ourselves. The damage was considerable. Oc's suitcase was<br />

completely broken and unusable again, my laptop was partly<br />

broken, my Fuji XT10 camera was missing a button, and<br />

some other lost items were lost along the way.<br />

50 days, the whole family tried all kinds of delicious<br />

food, all kinds of flavours of Southeast Asia. From the<br />

delicious Mohinga noodles, to the unforgettable tea<br />

leaves of Myanmar; to fragant coconut soup, Som Tam,<br />

Thai Pad, Laksa, and Tom Yumkung in Chiang Mai.<br />

Then Laos stickly rice, Luang Prabang sausages as well<br />

as the delicious dishes of Pondok in Indonesia. And the<br />

Hainan chicken rice in Penang of course, which was to<br />

die for. Another dish not to forget was the tough and<br />

dry hand-baked bread in Timor Leste, which was what<br />

we had at least once everyday.<br />

The family will rest for a few months. Oc will continue<br />

to learn Chinese while I learn Japanese. At the<br />

beginning of 2018, the whole family will go on a new<br />

journey - 60 days around North East Asia with China,<br />

Mongolia, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. I have already<br />

started to picture the mountains and vast prairie of<br />

Xinjiang region before me.<br />

50 days, though very tiring, were amazing<br />

as the whole family went on a long journey,<br />

traveling from one country to another, being<br />

on an adventure and feeling comfortable<br />

wherever we went. During those 50 days we<br />

were always in the mood to go.<br />

Bryan n Scot<br />

Bryan n Scot<br />

50 days around Southeast Asia felt like a<br />

breeze. 50 days, we and Oc experienced<br />

the most amazing things together.<br />

Oc gets to learn more, see more and know more<br />

things that perhaps later she will only see in books<br />

and television. Her parents having lived nearly half<br />

a life only now get to see volcanos and explore<br />

some of the world's most famous cultural heritage<br />

sites near Vietnam.<br />

I actually wanted to take Oc to more places if<br />

we had more time. We would go to the Komodo<br />

Dragon Island in Indonesia, climb the Kinabalu<br />

Mountain in Malaysia, fly to Palawan Island<br />

and travel to beautiful Boracay Island in The<br />

Philippines. But our journey was long enough and<br />

already amazing.<br />

After this trip, our family plans to publish<br />

a book titled "50 day Journey through<br />

Southeast asia" this November. We<br />

hope you will look forward to our book and<br />

our new journey next year!<br />

50 days, the whole family<br />

experiences all different kinds of<br />

cultures, and met people from all<br />

over the world. Oc has more new<br />

friends with no language barrier.<br />

50 days, Oc flew dozens of flights with her parents,<br />

experiencing all kinds of transportation, all strange<br />

and exciting in every Southeast Asian country. From<br />

tuktuks in Laos, to strange motorbikes in Penang,<br />

to tuk tuk in Cambodia. Travel on a boat on Inle<br />

Lake and going on horseback to the volcano in<br />


NH~NG Gç ßñNG LÑI<br />

50 ngµy Æ„, c∂ nhµ Æ∑ thˆ r†t r†t nhi“u m„n ®n ngon, kh∏c<br />

lπ, ÆÒ loπi h≠¨ng v cÒa c∏c n≠Ìc ß´ng Nam É. Tı m„n m˙<br />

Mohinga ngon tuy÷t, cho tÌi salad l∏ trµ kh„ qun cÒa Myanmar;<br />

m„n sÛp dıa, son tam, pad Th∏i, Laksa, Tom Yumkung th¨m<br />

lıng Î Chiang Mai. RÂi m„n x´i Lµo, lπp Lµo, xÛc x›ch cÒa<br />

Luang Prabang Æ’n c∏c m„n ®n ngon tuy÷t cÒa qu∏n Pondok<br />

Î Indonesia. Vµ c¨m gµ Hainan Î Penang th◊ thÃm Æ’n ch’t Æ”<br />

Æ≠Óc ®n lπi l«n n˜a. Khi nhÌ lπi, bË Harry kh´ng th” qun Æ≠Óc<br />

c∏i v b∏nh m◊ dai dai, kh´, c¯ng, th´ r∏p Î Timor Leste mµ 3<br />

ngµy li“n Î Æ©y ngµy nµo cÚng ®n mÈt c∏i m„n b∏nh Æ„.<br />

50 ngµy Æ„, ˇc Æi hµng chÙc chuy’n bay cÔng bË<br />

mã, tr∂i nghi÷m h«u h’t c∏c loπi ph≠¨ng ti÷n kh∏c<br />

lπ, thÛ v cÒa t†t c∂ c∏c n≠Ìc ß´ng Nam É. Tı xe<br />

tuktuk Î Lµo, xe m∏y l´i k˙ lπ Î Penang, cho Æ’n xe<br />

tuktuk ki”u Campuchia. RÂi Æi thuy“n trn h Inle,<br />

Æi ng˘a xem nÛi lˆa Î Indonesia<br />

50 ngµy vng quanh ß´ng Nam É tr´i<br />

qua nhanh nh≠ mÈt c¨n gi„ tho∂ng. 50<br />

ngµy Æ„, ˇc vµ bË mã c„ r†t nhi“u tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi.<br />

50 ngµy dÔ r†t nhi“u lÛc m÷t, nh≠ng tuy÷t vÍi khi<br />

c∂ nhµ Æ≠Óc sËng trong mÈt hµnh tr◊nh min man,<br />

phiu du tı n≠Ìc nµy sang n≠Ìc kh∏c, Æ≠Óc tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m c∏i c∂m gi∏c phiu bÂng, bËn b” lµ nhµ. 50<br />

ngµy Æ„ c∂ nhµ lu´n trong t©m trπng ln Æ≠Íng.<br />

Bryan Scot<br />

C∂ nhµ sœ nghÿ ng¨i vµi th∏ng. Sœ cho ˇc h‰c ti’p<br />

ti’ng Trung, bË h‰c thm chÛt ti’ng NhÀt. ß” sang<br />

Æ«u n®m 2018, c∂ nhµ ˇc sœ lπi ti’p tÙc mÈt hµnh<br />

tr◊nh mÌi - 60 ngµy vng quanh ß´ng Bæc É, vÌi<br />

Trung QuËc, M´ng CÊ, Tri“u Tin, Hµn QuËc, NhÀt<br />

B∂n vµ ßµi Loan. BË Harry Æ∑ bæt Æ«u nh◊n th†y<br />

nh˜ng d∑y nÛi, nh˜ng th∂o nguyn bao la cÒa vÔng<br />

T©n C≠¨ng tr≠Ìc mæt.<br />

Bryan n Scot<br />

Sc<br />

Brya<br />

ot<br />

Br n Sc<br />

Khi v“ tÌi NÈi Bµi, c∂ nhµ cn ÆÛng 220.000VNß, g‰i Grab<br />

h’t ÆÛng 200.000VNß, vµ thm 20.000VNß ti“n ph› s©n<br />

bay. C∂ nhµ v“ Æ’n cˆa nhµ trong t◊nh trπng nhΩn tÛi. Nh≠ng<br />

c„ thm Æ≠Óc r†t nhi“u sau chuy’n Æi. Vµi chÙc ngh◊n ki”u<br />

∂nh, g«n 700 Gb ∂nh, vµ c∂ mÈt vali s∏ch mua cho ˇc vµ bË<br />

mã. Thi÷t hπi cÚng nhi“u. Vali cÒa ˇc vÏ n∏t, h·ng hoµn toµn<br />

kh´ng sˆ dÙng Æ≠Óc n˜a, laptop cÒa bË b vÏ mÈt ph«n, m∏y<br />

∂nh XT10 Fuji th◊ h·ng m†t nÛt, cn th†t lπc m†t vµi ÆÂ.<br />

50 ngµy Æ„, c∂ nhµ Æ∑ tr∂i nghi÷m c∏c n“n v®n h„a, g∆p<br />

gÏ m‰i ng≠Íi tı nhi“u quËc gia kh∏c nhau. Con c„ thm<br />

nhi“u bπn mÌi, kh´ng rµo c∂n ng´n ng˜, con ch¨i vÌi ch<br />

Moe Moe Î Myanmar, chÙp ∂nh cho c´ Mye Mye Î hÂ<br />

Inle, ch¨i vÌi c´ Nym Î Chiang Mai, lµm bπn vÌi chÛ Î<br />

Penang, nghch ngÓm vÌi bπn Bobby Î Indonesia, lµm bπn<br />

vÌi c´ Aubrey Î Phillipines.<br />

ˇc h‰c thm nhi“u, nh◊n thm nhi“u, bi’t thm<br />

nhi“u th¯ mµ c„ lœ sau nµy con cÚng chÿ nh◊n<br />

th†y trn s∏ch vÎ, tivi mµ th´i. C∂ bË mã cÚng<br />

ng«n nµy tuÊi, g«n nˆa cuÈc ÆÍi mÌi bi’t c∂m<br />

gi∏c ln nÛi lˆa lµ sao, mÌi bi’t Æ’n nh˜ng di s∂n<br />

v®n h„a th’ giÌi Î g«n Vi÷t Nam.<br />

Sau chuy’n Æi l«n nµy, c∂ nhµ d˘ Ænh<br />

sœ xu†t b∂n quy”n s∏ch "Hµnh Tr◊nh<br />

50 ngµy vng quanh ß´ng nam<br />

É" trong th∏ng <strong>11</strong> n®m nay. M‰i ng≠Íi<br />

Æ„n chÍ s∏ch vµ hµnh tr◊nh mÌi cÒa ˇc<br />

trong n®m sau nhä!<br />

Th˘c ra, bË cn muËn cho ˇc Æi nhi“u<br />

h¨n n˜a, n’u c„ nhi“u thÍi gian h¨n. MuËn<br />

cho ˇc Æ’n Æ∂o rÂng Komodo Î Indonesia,<br />

leo nÛi Kinabalu Î Malaysia, bay tÌi Æ∂o<br />

Palawan vµ Æi vÔng bi”n Æãp tuy÷t Boracay<br />

Î Phillipines. Nh≠ng l«n nµy cÚng lµ vıa ÆÒ,<br />

cÚng lµ tuy÷t vÍi.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 131

VISA<br />

ñ C∏c n≠Ìc trong khËi ASEAN kh´ng<br />

c«n xin visa, trı Timor Leste. ThÒ tÙc<br />

xin visa Î Timor Leste cÚng ƨn gi∂n,<br />

m†t 30USD, kho∂ng 15 -20 phÛt lµ<br />

Æ≠Óc nhÀp c∂nh vµo. ô c∏c n≠Ìc kh∏c<br />

c«n chÛ ˝ vi÷c Æ∆t vä kh¯ hÂi, ho∆c vä<br />

bay ra kh·i n≠Ìc h‰ Æ” Æ∂m b∂o h‰<br />

cho m◊nh bay vµ nhÀp c∂nh.<br />

ßI LÑI<br />

ñ Do Æi“u ki÷n v“ hπ t«ng cÚng nh≠ v“<br />

m∆t Æa l˝, vi÷c Æi lπi bªng c∏c ph≠¨ng<br />

ti÷n Æ≠Íng bÈ kh´ng thÀt s˘ thuÀn ti÷n,<br />

cÚng nh≠ kh∏ v†t v∂ cho gia Æ◊nh c„<br />

con nh·. Nn tËt nh†t lµ ch‰n l˘a Æi<br />

bªng m∏y bay. N’u Æ∆t tr≠Ìc cÒa h∑ng<br />

m∏y bay gi∏ rŒ th◊ chi ph› cÚng kh´ng<br />

qu∏ Ææt.<br />

ñ Tı Vi÷t Nam c„ th” bay tÌi Yangon<br />

vÌi h∑ng AirAsia. Trong Myanmar cÚng<br />

c„ c∏c h∑ng hµng kh´ng nÈi Æa nh≠ng<br />

Ææt h¨n. Tı Th∏i Lan bay sang Lµo hay<br />

ñ Campuchia th◊ c„ th” tham kh∂o<br />

thm h∑ng Nok Air. Trong Indonesia<br />

bay vÌi c∏c h∑ng nh≠ Citilink hay<br />

Garuda vÌi chi ph› hÓp l˝. Tı Phillipines<br />

Æi c∏c n¨i th◊ bay cÔng Cebu Pacific Air<br />

th≠Íng c„ gi∏ tËt, m∏y bay Æãp, dch<br />

vÙ Ên. Tı Campuchia, c∂ nhµ bay cÔng<br />

Vietjet Air nhµ m◊nh v“, gi∏ tËt. Cn<br />

lπi h«u h’t c∏c Æi”m Æ’n trong ß´ng<br />

Nam É, h∑ng AirAsia th≠Íng c„ nhi“u<br />

chuy’n nh†t, gi∏ rŒ nh†t.<br />

CHI TI£U<br />

ñ M¯c sËng tπi Lµo kh´ng rŒ nh≠ m‰i<br />

ng≠Íi ngh‹, thÀm ch› Î Luang Prabang<br />

n’u Æi ®n nhµ hµng, uËng cµ ph cn<br />

Ææt h¨n so vÌi Î Vi÷t Nam. ô Timor<br />

Leste, c∏i g◊ cÚng Ææt. TËn käm nh†t lµ<br />

Î Singapore. Cn Myanmar, m‰i th¯ chi<br />

ph› Æ“u d‘ chu h¨n r†t nhi“u.<br />

ñ ô Timor Leste, Myanmar vµ<br />

Campuchia Æ“u ch†p nhÀn tiu bªng<br />

ÆÂng USD. N’u mang theo USD Æi th◊<br />

lu´n nhÌ mang nh˜ng ÆÂng ti“n mÌi.<br />

Mão ƨn gi∂n lµ kãp vµo mÈt quy”n<br />

s∏ch lµ yn t©m, lÛc nµo cÚng mÌi.<br />

°N UˇNG<br />

Nh◊n chung, c∏c n≠Ìc cÔng thuÈc ß´ng<br />

Nam É nn m„n ®n c„ nh˜ng s˘ giao<br />

thoa nh†t Ænh, Æ“u kh∏ d‘ ®n vµ hÓp<br />

kh»u v vÌi ng≠Íi Vi÷t. M„n ®n Th∏i<br />

v…n nÊi ti’ng, vµ c„ lœ lµ c„ nhi“u m„n<br />

ngon mµ c∂ nhµ th›ch nh†t. Nh˜ng<br />

m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng nn thˆ, nh≠ Æ’n<br />

Lµo th◊ ®n xÛc x›ch, ®n x´i, c∏c m„n<br />

lπp Æ“u ngon. ß’n Myanmar ®n m„n<br />

salad l∏ trµ, h≠¨ng v thÀt Æ∆t bi÷t. Cn<br />

Æ’n Indonesia Æi ®n c∏c m„n chà Ɠu<br />

r†t ngon.<br />

CH|P ÅNH<br />

ñ MÈt ph«n kh´ng th” thi’u trong mÁi<br />

chuy’n Æi lµ chÙp ∂nh. Bπn cË gæng<br />

mang ÆÂ m∏y ∂nh g‰n nhã, Æãp nh†t<br />

lµ c„ mÈt body m∏y ∂nh DSLR ho∆c<br />

mirrorless, vÌi mÈt Ëng k›nh 50mm<br />

tiu chu»n vµ mÈt Ëng g„c rÈng. MÈt<br />

combo nh≠ vÀy lµ hoµn toµn phÔ hÓp<br />

chÙp h«u h’t m‰i t◊nh huËng trong c∂<br />

hµnh tr◊nh.<br />

ñ ThÍi Æi”m buÊi s∏ng vµ chi“u lµ<br />

Æãp nh†t Æ” Æi chÙp ∂nh Î Bagan,<br />

Borobudur, Gunung Bromo hay Siem<br />

Reap. Th≠Íng r†t Æ´ng kh∏ch du lch,<br />

nn kinh nghi÷m lµ bπn ch‰n Æi”m kh∏c<br />

vÌi ph«n Æ´ng du kh∏ch ho∆c sau khi<br />

m∆t trÍi ln, bπn n∏n Î lπi mÈt chÛt, khi<br />

m‰i ng≠Íi Æ∑ v“ h’t.<br />


Do di chuy”n nhi“u, nn bπn lu´n nhÌ<br />

mang ÆÂ thÀt g‰n nhã cÚng nh≠ lµm<br />

th’ nµo Æ” gi∂m thi”u tËi Æa hµnh l˝<br />

mang theo. Chÿ mang c∏i g◊ m◊nh thÀt<br />

s˘ c«n, kh´ng nn mang thıa. Qu«n<br />

∏o nn c„ ∏o kho∏c m·ng, tËt nh†t lµ<br />

loπi hai lÌp chuyn Æi du lch, leo nÛi,<br />

sœ dÔng vµo lÛc c«n thi’t. Lu´n trang<br />

b ÆÒ ÆÂ cho con, nh†t lµ khi Æi leo nÛi<br />

buÊi s∏ng.<br />

132<br />


Lµm th’ nµo c∂ bË vµ mã Æ“u c„ th” nghÿ<br />

lµm Æ” xu†t ngoπi cÔng con trong thÍi<br />

gian dµi nh≠ vÀy?<br />

BË mã ˇc Æ“u lµm c´ng vi÷c ring, chÒ ÆÈng<br />

trong c´ng vi÷c, nn tr≠Ìc khi Æi Æ“u sæp x’p<br />

m‰i th¯ tr≠Ìc. CÚng nh≠ bµn giao tr≠Ìc mÈt<br />

sË c´ng vi÷c Æ” c„ nh˜ng ng≠Íi phÙ tr∏ch<br />

cho tıng vi÷c nh†t Æfinh.<br />


ñ ô Myanmar, chi ph› d‘ chu nh†t, v“ c∏c kho∂n ®n Î, Æi lπi, tham quan.<br />

Th≠Íng c∏c Æa Æi”m kh∏c sœ h’t chıng 600.000 - 800.000VNß cho mÈt<br />

phng Î c∂ gia Æ◊nh theo tiu chu»n 3 sao. Timor Leste r†t Ææt Æ· vµ ›t l˘a<br />

ch‰n, c∂ nhµ Î mÈt c®n homestay ƨn gi∂n m†t h¨n 1 tri÷u ÆÂng, sau Æ„<br />

chuy”n ra Î mÈt kh∏ch sπn g‰i lµ resort r†t ƨn gi∂n mµ m†t g«n 2 tri÷u<br />

r≠Ïi/Æm. Bali vµ Luang Prabang c„ nhi“u kh∏ch sπn, nhi“u l˘a ch‰n nh†t,<br />

gi∏ c∂ ph∂i ch®ng. ô Singapore, phng ƨn gi∂n nh†t cÚng r¨i vµo chıng<br />

g«n mÈt tri÷u ÆÂng.<br />

ñ Chi ph› vä tham quan th≠Íng kh∏ Ææt Æ·, v› dÙ nh≠ Î Siem Reap tı Æ«u<br />

n®m nay Æ∑ t®ng ln 37USD cho vä mÈt ngµy vµo khu Angkor. Hai ng≠Íi<br />

lµ Æ∑ m†t 74USD, trŒ em d≠Ìi 12 tuÊi Æ≠Óc mi‘n ph›. Vä tham quan Æ“n<br />

Borobudur hay Bagan cÚng kh∏ Ææt, tı 20-25USD.<br />

ñ TÊng chi ph› hµnh tr◊nh sœ tÔy thuÈc vµo vi÷c<br />

bπn ch‰n loπi h◊nh ph≠¨ng ti÷n nµo, Æi vµo<br />

ngµy nµo, Æ∆t tr≠Ìc bao l©u, Î kh∏ch sπn tiu<br />

chu»n nµo, c„ mua sæm nhi“u hay kh´ng.<br />

VÌi hµnh tr◊nh vıa rÂi, c∂ nhµ ˇc h«u h’t lµ<br />

ch‰n di chuy”n bªng m∏y bay, tÊng chi<br />

ph› kho∂ng g«n 200 tri÷u ÆÂng cho c∂<br />

chuy’n Æi g«n hai th∏ng, tham quan<br />

toµn bÈ 10 n≠Ìc ASEAN, t†t nhin<br />

lµ kh´ng t›nh Vi÷t Nam.<br />

M—O DU LëCH CùNG CON NHì<br />

✓ Ch‰n h◊nh th¯c di chuy”n phÔ hÓp, n’u c„ th” nn cho con<br />

bay h¨n lµ Æi Æ≠Íng bÈ, an toµn vµ ÆÏ m÷t h¨n.<br />

✓ Mang hµnh l˝ nhã nhµng, hπn ch’ tËi Æa vi÷c mang qu∏<br />

nhi“u ÆÂ, lÿnh kÿnh Æ” bË mã lÛc nµo cÚng c„ th” næm tay con,<br />

nh◊n con Æ≠Óc.<br />

✓ TrŒ r†t hi’u ÆÈng, lu´n muËn nghch m‰i th¯, sÍ m‰i th¯,<br />

nh†t lµ khi Æi ra n≠Ìc ngoµi, nhi“u th¯ mÌi lπ nn lu´n lu´n<br />

ph∂i Æ” ˝ con. Con lµ quan tr‰ng nh†t, chÿ l¨ lµ vµi phÛt m∂i<br />

nh◊n Æi÷n thoπi, xem Facebook, tr∂ lÍi tin nhæn lµ c„ th” kh´ng<br />

bi’t con Æ©u.<br />

✓ Ch‰n c∏c giÍ di chuy”n hÓp l˝ vÌi giÍ sinh hoπt cÒa con,<br />

tr∏nh vi÷c Æi qu∏ sÌm, hay v“ tÌi kh∏ch sπn qu∏ muÈn, chÿ trı<br />

khi kh´ng cn lch bay nµo kh∏c. Lu´n cË gæng cho con ngÒ<br />

ÆÒ, ngÒ sÌm, th¯c dÀy theo mÈt lch Æ“u Æ∆n Æ” Æ∂m b∂o s¯c<br />

kh·e cho con.<br />

✓ Hπn ch’ ®n hay uËng ÆÂ g◊ kh´ng r‚ nguÂn gËc hay kh´ng<br />

Æ∂m b∂o an toµn. Lu´n mua n≠Ìc Æ„ng chai, cho con ®n nhi“u<br />

hoa qu∂, uËng nhi“u n≠Ìc. C„ mÈt l«n bË mã kh´ng Æ” ˝, bπn<br />

ˇc ®n nhi“u ÆÂ ®n v∆t Î khu China Town Î Kuala Lumpur<br />

qu∏, nn h´m Æ„ bπn ˝ b Æ«y bÙng.<br />

Trong vflng ch›n th∏ng Æi 2 chuy’n lin<br />

ti’p vµ sæp tÌi lµ chuy’n th¯ 3, vÀy bË mã<br />

ˇc qu∂ lµ nh˜ng chuyn gia v“ tµi ch›nh<br />

Æ” tÊ ch¯c c∏c chuy’n Æi nh≠ ˝?<br />

Trong n®m, th≠Íng bË mã ˇc ph∂i hπn ch’<br />

chi tiu. Thay v◊ mua sæm nhi“u th¯, bË mã<br />

sœ ti’t ki÷m lπi Æ” dµnh qu¸ du lfich cho ˇc.<br />

BË mã Æ“u kh´ng vung tay chi tiu nh˜ng<br />

th¯ kh´ng c«n thi’t, lu´n gi˜ Î m¯c sËng<br />

vıa ÆÒ. MÁi khi mua c∏i g◊ th◊ ngh‹ lπi mÈt<br />

chÛt, kh´ng mua n˜a ho∆c mua ÆÂ vıa ti“n<br />

h¨n Æ” dµnh Æ” Æi tr∂i nghi÷m cÔng ˇc.<br />

Khi c∂ nhµ Æi du lfich, nhµ cˆa sœ b∂o<br />

qu∂n nh≠ th’ nµo hay giao cho ai?<br />

Nhµ cˆa lµ mÈt v†n Æ“, r†t may mæn nhµ ˇc<br />

c„ nh˜ng gia Æ◊nh bπn r†t th©n thi’t. Tr≠Ìc<br />

khi Æi, bË mã ˇc gˆi ch◊a kh„a cho ng≠Íi<br />

bπn th©n lµm vi÷c Î mÈt ng©n hµng lÌn. C¯<br />

hµng tu«n, ng≠Íi bπn th©n lπi qua giÛp c∂<br />

nhµ mÎ cˆa nhµ, bÀt c∏c ÆÂ Æi÷n, tr∏nh vi÷c<br />

nhµ cˆa bfi »m mËc. Tr≠Ìc khi Æi, lu´n lu´n<br />

nhÌ tæt c«u dao toµn bÈ c∏c thi’t bfi Æi÷n Æ”<br />

hπn ch’ tËi Æa rÒi ro khi væng nhµ.<br />

ßi l©u nh≠ vÀy th◊ ˇc sœ kh´ng Æi h‰c<br />

m…u gi∏o, sau nµy c„ kh„ kh®n g◊ cho ˇc<br />

kh´ng?<br />

ô bn cπnh bË mã lµ Æi“u tuy÷t vÍi nh†t.<br />

Thi÷t thfli nh†t cho Ưa trŒ lµ khi kh´ng<br />

Æ≠Óc Î g«n bË mã, ho∆c khi bË mã qu∏ bÀn<br />

kh´ng dµnh thÍi gian cho con. Th≠Íng ˇc<br />

sœ Æi hai th∏ng cÔng bË mã, sau Æ„ lπi v“ lÌp<br />

h‰c cÔng c∏c bπn chıng 4, 5 th∏ng Ên Æfinh,<br />

vµ chu»n bfi cho hµnh tr◊nh ti’p. ThÍi gian<br />

Æi cÔng bË mã, ˇc h‰c thm Æ≠Óc r†t nhi“u<br />

th¯, tr≠Îng thµnh vµ lÌn h¨n r†t nhi“u.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 133

ViSa<br />

Entering ASEAN countries does not require a<br />

visa, except for Timor Leste. The visa application<br />

procedure in Timor Leste is simple, and costs<br />

30USD and takes about 15-20 minutes for you to<br />

be admitted. For other countries, remember to book<br />

a round-trip ticket or flight ticket to ensure they let<br />

you fly and enter their country.<br />


Due to the infrastructure as well as the distance,<br />

traveling by road is not very convenient and difficult,<br />

especially for families with children. It is best to travel<br />

by plane. If you book early with budget airlines, the<br />

cost should not be too expensive. From Vietnam<br />

you can fly to Yangon with AirAsia. Myanmar has<br />

their own domestic airlines but are more expensive.<br />

From Thailand to Laos or Cambodia, you can travel<br />

with Nok Air. In Indonesia you can fly with Citilink<br />

or Garuda at reasonable costs. From The Phillipines<br />

to places you could fly with Cebu Pacific Air with a<br />

good price, beautiful aircraft, and acceptable service.<br />

From Cambodia we took Vietjet Air home at a<br />

reasonable price. For other destinations in Southeast<br />

Asia, AirAsia covers most flights and is the cheapest.<br />


Living costs in Laos are not as cheap as people think.<br />

Eating at restaurants and drinking coffee in Luang<br />

Prabang cost more than in Vietnam. Everything is<br />

expensive in Timor Leste. The most expensive place<br />

is Singapore. In Myanmar, everything was at a<br />

much more reasonable price. Timor Leste,<br />

Myanmar and Cambodia all accept US dollars.<br />

EaTiNG<br />

Thai food is still the most popular and they<br />

have the most delicious dishes that we could<br />

eat. You should try all the typical dishes in each<br />

country, like when in Laos try the sausages, sticky<br />

rice and laap (minced meat salad), all delicious. In<br />

Myanmar try the tea leaves salad with a very unique<br />

taste. Deserts in Indonesia are yummy.<br />


Try to bring a compact camera, but the best is to<br />

bring a body of a DSLR or a mirrorless camera,<br />

with a standard 50mm lens and a wide angle<br />

lens. This combo is perfectly suited to capture<br />

all kinds of photos throughout your journey.<br />

Morning and afternoon are the most beautiful<br />

times to take a photo in Bagan, Borobudur,<br />

Gunung Bromo or Siem Reap. Most popular<br />

attractions are packed with tourists, so<br />

choose less popular sites or stay a bit longer<br />

after the sunrise when most people have<br />

left.<br />

SUiTcaSE aNd cLOTHiNG<br />

As you move around a lot, always remember to<br />

bring lightweight clothing and minimal luggage.<br />

Only bring what is necessary and do not carry<br />

excess. For clothing you should have a thin<br />

jacket, preferably a two-layer jacket for travel<br />

and climbing which will come in handy when<br />

needed. Always pack enough clothing for<br />

the children, especially when climbing in the<br />

morning.<br />


✓ Choose suitable transportation if possible, flights<br />

rather than traveling on the road will be more safe<br />

and less tiring.<br />

✓ Bring light luggage and minimum items, so that<br />

parents can always hold hands and watch the child.<br />

✓ Young children are very active, always wanting<br />

to touch and play with everything, especially new<br />

things so parents should always pay attention to<br />

your child. Just a few minutes looking at your phone,<br />

checking Facebook or replying messages can result<br />

in your not knowing where your child is.<br />

✓ Choose reasonable travel hours that sync<br />

with your child’s hours, avoid going too early or<br />

returning too late to the hotel unless there is no<br />

other flight schedules. Always try to give your child<br />

enough sleep during your travel.<br />

✓ Drink bottled water and limit eating or drinking<br />

from unknown or unsafe source.<br />

134<br />


How can both parents be able to take time<br />

off work for such a long time?<br />

We both have our own jobs and are able to<br />

manage work on our own, so we arrange<br />

everything before we go. As well as handing<br />

over some work for other people.<br />

Over the last nine months with two<br />

consecutive trips and about to make the<br />

third trip, are you financial experts to have<br />

organized the trip so well?<br />

During the year, often we try to limit our<br />

spending. Instead of buying a lot of things, we<br />

will save money into a special travel account<br />

for Oc. We do not overspend on unnecessary<br />

things and always try to keep our living<br />

standards basic. Whenever we want to buy<br />

something, we think a little before deciding<br />

to buy or buy something else that cost less so<br />

that we can spend on the travels with Oc.<br />


✓ Costs in Myanmar was the<br />

most reasonable in terms of<br />

accommodation, travel and<br />

sightseeing. Most accommodations<br />

cost around 600,000-<br />

800,000VND for a 3-star family<br />

room. Most expensive with the<br />

least options is Timor Leste. A<br />

simple homestay cost more than 1 million<br />

VND and a simple resort 2.5 million VND per night. Bali and<br />

Luang Prabang have the most options in accommodation and was the most<br />

affordable. In Singapore, the simplest room costs nearly 1 million VND.<br />

✓ Sightseeing tickets are usually quite expensive. For example, tickets in Siem<br />

Reap have increased in price to 37USD for a day ticket into Angkor. Two<br />

people cost 74USD and it was free for children under 12. Tickets to visit<br />

Borobudur or Bagan are also quite expensive, from 20-25USD.<br />

✓ The total journey cost will depend on which type of transportation you<br />

choose, on which day, how long you book in advance, what kind of hotel,<br />

whether you shop or not. With our most recent trip, because of Oc we<br />

chose to travel mostly by plane and the total cost was nearly 200 million<br />

VND for the whole trip, nearly two months, to all 10 ASEAN countries, of<br />

course excluding Vietnam.<br />

When the family travels, who will take care<br />

of your house and how?<br />

The house can be a problem, but luckily<br />

we have very close friends. Before leaving,<br />

we give our house key to a close friend who<br />

works at a large bank. Every week, this friend<br />

would come over to the house to open the<br />

windows, turn on electrical appliances, and<br />

keep the house from going moldy. Before<br />

leaving, we always remember to turn off all<br />

electrical circuits to minimize risks when<br />

away from home.<br />

Does Oc being away from school for a long<br />

time raise any diffi culty for her?<br />

It is always important for a child to spend<br />

time with her parents. Sometimes we can be<br />

so busy and forget to spend enough time with<br />

our children. Oc is still small so being away<br />

from school at this age doesn't really affect<br />

her time spent at school. She would spend<br />

two months with us, then be back to school<br />

for about 4-5 months. Spending time with us<br />

actually helps Oc experience things that she<br />

would not otherwise learn at school.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 13



Vıa qua, Maserati Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c trao chi’c tÛi<br />

HermÃs Birkin qu˝ hi’m trn th’ giÌi cho kh∏ch<br />

hµng Vi÷t Nam may mæn nh†t trong ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i mua xe sang t∆ng tÛi HermÃs. NÊi<br />

ti’ng bÎi kh∂ n®ng chi“u chuÈng th≠Óng kh∏ch,<br />

Maserati thm mÈt l«n n˜a lµm ÆÈng lng giÌi<br />

mÈ Æi÷u vÌi gi∂i th≠Îng ÆÈc Æ∏o mµ b†t k◊ t›n<br />

Æ nµo cÒa thÍi trang Æ“u mong muËn Æ≠Óc<br />

chπm Æ’n. Xuyn suËt 01 th∏ng di‘n ra ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i, nh˜ng dng xe nÊi bÀt nh≠ Levante,<br />

Quattroporte Æ∑ Æ’n vÌi c∏c kh∏ch hµng trn<br />

khæp Vi÷t Nam, mang ©m thanh ÆÈng c¨ xe Æua<br />

lch l∑m Æ’n vÌi Æ≠Íng phË gi˜a cuÈc sËng ÆÍi<br />

th≠Íng. Kh∏ch hµng yu th›ch Maserati c„ th”<br />

Æ®ng k˝ l∏i thˆ xe Maserati tπi www.automodena.<br />

net ho∆c sË Æi÷n thoπi cÒa Showroom Maserati<br />

HÂ Ch› Minh: 0981 552 255 - 0283 910 <strong>11</strong>31 vµ<br />

Ng´i nhµ Maserati tπi Hµ NÈi: 0981 552 255.<br />

Hµng loπt ≠u Æ∑i, khuy’n mπi<br />

h†p h…n tı c∏c nhµ hµng,<br />

kh∏ch sπn, resort, th≠¨ng hi÷u<br />

thÍi trang, h∑ng hµng kh´ng,<br />

c´ng ty l˜ hµnh uy t›n trong<br />

vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc.<br />


TP. HCM<br />

Tπi s˘ ki÷n "ßπi Ti÷c Ph∏p tπi Sµi<br />

Gn" di‘n ra tı ngµy 12-19/<strong>11</strong>,<br />

th˘c kh∏ch sœ c„ c¨ hÈi tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m nh˜ng m„n ®n truy“n<br />

thËng vÌi gi∏ hÓp l˝, c∏c m„n<br />

Æ≠Óc yu th›ch nh≠ pate vt, b<br />

h«m rau cÒ, gµ sËt r≠Óu vang, tht<br />

h«m x¯ Castelnaudary, c∏ hÂng<br />

sËt v hÂi vµ tht heo x´ng kh„i<br />

vµ hµng loπt nh˜ng m„n ®n tinh<br />

t’ kh∏c Æ≠Óc ch›nh tay ´ng Jean<br />

th˘c hi÷n. Ngoµi ra cn c„ c∏c<br />

m„n ®n tr∏ng mi÷ng Æ«y quy’n<br />

rÚ nh≠ b∏nh t∏o gin, b∏nh t∏o<br />

n≠Ìng, b∏nh m◊ n≠Ìng vµ b∏nh<br />

s´-c´-la ng‰t ngµo sœ lµm b˜a tËi<br />

thm hoµn h∂o vµ tr‰n vãn. ßπi<br />

ti÷c Ph∏p sœ c„ m∆t ÆÈc quy“n<br />

tπi kh∏ch sπn Equatotorial vÌi gi∏<br />

798.000++VND, lµ ti÷c t˘ ch‰n<br />

vÌi c∏c m„n Æ∆c tr≠ng bao gÂm<br />

r≠Óu vang Ph∏p, bia vµ n≠Ìc ng‰t<br />

suËt ti÷c. ß∆t bµn ho∆c th´ng tin<br />

chi ti’t, lin h÷: +84 28 3839 7777<br />

ext. 8000 ho∆c email: dine@hcm.<br />

equatorial.com.<br />


T‰a lπc tπi v tr› vµng s«m u†t cÒa<br />

thµnh phË bi”n cÔng vÌi kh´ng<br />

gian sang tr‰ng vµ hi÷n Æπi, The<br />

Costa Nha Trang trÎ nn thÀt Æ∆c<br />

bi÷t trong mæt du kh∏ch. Nhªm<br />

Æ∏p ¯ng nhu c«u cÒa du kh∏ch<br />

yu th›ch du lch vµ kh∏m ph∏,<br />

The Costa Nha Trang vµ L'Alyana<br />

Ninh V©n Bay giÌi thi÷u g„i k˙<br />

nghÿ 3 ngµy 2 Æm chÿ vÌi VNß<br />

9.000.000nett. Vui lng lin h÷<br />

Æi÷n thoπi: +84 258 3737 222 ho∆c<br />

email Æ’n Æa chÿ reservation@<br />

thecostanhatrang.com Æ” bi’t<br />

thm th´ng tin v“ c∏c ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh ≠u Æ∑i.<br />


SAIGON<br />

Mıng ngµy l‘ Tπ •n, kh∏ch<br />

sπn Sheraton Saigon giÌi thi÷u<br />

ch≠¨ng tr◊nh »m th˘c h†p d…n<br />

trong ngµy 23/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>. Chÿ vÌi<br />

1.400.000VNß++, th˘c kh∏ch<br />

sœ Æ≠Óc th≠Îng th¯c c∏c m„n ®n<br />

truy“n thËng Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa mÔa l‘<br />

Tπ •n nh≠ gµ t©y n≠Ìng l∏ h≠¨ng<br />

th∂o, ÆÔi heo n≠Ìng mÀt ong, dŒ<br />

s≠Ín b n≠Ìng, nui ph´ mai ÆÛt<br />

l tr¯ danh, khoai t©y nghi“n kem,<br />

b› ng´ n≠Ìng, sÛp kem b› Æ·, ÆÔi<br />

gµ chin sËt kem Æ∆c tr≠ng cÒa<br />

vÔng Maryland, c∏nh gµ n≠Ìng sËt<br />

BBQ cay. Ngoµi ra, t´m hÔm vµ<br />

hµu ÆÛt l cÔng c∏c loπi h∂i s∂n<br />

t≠¨i, b∏nh t∏o n≠Ìng, b∏nh ph´<br />

mai phong c∏ch New York... sœ lµ<br />

Æi”m nh†n Æ«y thÛ v kh´ng th”<br />

b· qua cho Æm ti÷c mıng L‘ Tπ<br />

¨n sum v«y. Tel: 028 3827 2828.<br />

Website:www.sheratonsaigon.<br />

com<br />

LAGUNA L°NG C§<br />

INVITATIONAL <strong>2017</strong><br />

Ngµy 18/<strong>11</strong>, nh˜ng ng≠Íi yu<br />

golf sœ c„ c¨ hÈi tranh tµi h†p<br />

d…n vµ kch t›nh trong khu´n khÊ<br />

gi∂i Laguna L®ng C´ Invitational<br />

<strong>2017</strong>, di‘n ra tπi mÈt trong nh˜ng<br />

ki÷t t∏c thi’t k’ cÒa ngµi Nick<br />

Faldo - s©n Laguna Golf L®ng C´<br />

thuÈc khu nghÿ d≠Ïng ph¯c hÓp<br />

quËc t’ Laguna L®ng C´. Gi∂i Ɔu<br />

Æ≠Óc k˙ v‰ng sœ thu hÛt h¨n 100<br />

ng≠Íi tham d˘ bao gÂm nh˜ng<br />

g´n thÒ trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc, du<br />

kh∏ch nghÿ d≠Ïng tπi Banyan Tree<br />

vµ Angsana L®ng C´. Ph› tham<br />

d˘: 1.900.000VNß/hÈi vin vµ<br />

3.500.000VNß/kh∏ch. Website:<br />

www.lagunalangco.com/golf/<br />

tournaments-events/<br />


MÔa L‘ hÈi n®m nay, kh∏ch sπn<br />

Nikko Hµ NÈi (84 Tr«n Nh©n<br />

T´ng) ti’p tÙc tÊ ch¯c ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh "L‘ Thæp S∏ng C©y Th´ng<br />

Noel" tπi ti“n s∂nh kh∏ch sπn,<br />

di‘n ra tı 17h00 - 18h00 ngµy<br />

25/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>. ßi”m nh†n cÒa buÊi<br />

l‘ ch›nh lµ c©y th´ng Noel Æ≠Óc<br />

trang hoµng lÈng l…y cÔng mµn<br />

bi”u di‘n Chu´ng ngh÷ thuÀt<br />

ÆÈc Æ∏o. Kh∏ch mÍi Æ≠Óc mi‘n<br />

ph› tham d˘, mi‘n ph› ÆÂ uËng<br />

chµo mıng, quµ t∆ng cho trŒ em:<br />

B∏nh gıng Gi∏ng Sinh, Bi”u di‘n<br />

∂o thuÀt vµ v∆n b„ng ngh÷ thuÀt<br />

cho c∏c bä, th·a th›ch chÙp ∂nh<br />

cÔng ´ng giµ Noel vµ l†y ∂nh ngay.<br />

Sau buÊi l‘, du kh∏ch c„ th” ti’p<br />

tÙc th≠Îng th¯c ti÷c tËi tπi kh∏ch<br />

sπn vÌi 2 l˘a ch‰n h†p d…n tπi<br />

nhµ hµng La Brasserie: Ti÷c buffet<br />

QuËc t’ vÌi h∂i s∂n t≠¨i sËng vµ<br />

t´m hÔm - UËng kh´ng giÌi hπn<br />

r≠Óu vang, bia t≠¨i vµ n≠Ìc ng‰t.<br />

Gi∏: VND 720.000++/ng≠Íi. Tπi<br />

nhµ hµng Tao-li: Ti÷c t˘ ch‰n Dim<br />

Sum "All you can eat" - Bao gÂm 1<br />

Æ uËng (bia t≠¨i/ n≠Ìc ng‰t). Gi∏:<br />

VND 450.000++/ng≠Íi. Ph«n quµ<br />

Æ∆c bi÷t cho c∏c kh∏ch hµng Æ∆t<br />

bµn tr≠Ìc ngµy 24/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>. Th´ng<br />

tin lin h÷: 024 3822 3535 - Ext:<br />

4432.<br />


MÔa du lch cuËi n®m nay, Fiditour<br />

giÌi thi÷u Æ’n du kh∏ch chÔm<br />

tour "ß„n n®m mÌi sÌm 2018<br />

Î Sydney" vÌi m¯c gi∏ h†p d…n:<br />

Melbourne - Canberra - Sydney 7<br />

ngµy 6 Æm, KhÎi hµnh: 29/12; gi∏<br />

tı: 55.990.000 ÆÂng vµ Sydney 5<br />

ngµy 4 Æm, KhÎi hµnh: 29/12, gi∏<br />

tı: 28.990.000 ÆÂng. ß©y lµ c¨ hÈi<br />

giÛp du kh∏ch ha m◊nh vµo cuÈc<br />

sËng cÒa ng≠Íi d©n @c khi thÍi<br />

khæc giao thıa gi˜a n®m cÚ qua Æi<br />

vµ n®m mÌi tÌi d≠Ìi ∏nh s∏ng lung<br />

linh cÒa nh˜ng chÔm ph∏o hoa r˘c<br />

rÏ sæc mµu. Ngoµi tham gia c∏c<br />

l‘ hÈi n®m mÌi, Æ’n Australia du<br />

kh∏ch c„ th” chÙp h◊nh vÌi nh˜ng<br />

chÛ chuÈt tÛi tinh nghch hay<br />

tham quan nÛi Blue trong kh´ng<br />

kh› m∏t lπnh; kh∏m ph∏ v≠Ín th˘c<br />

vÀt Fitzroy Garden, chu du trn<br />

chuy’n tµu h·a h¨i n≠Ìc xuyn<br />

c∏nh rıng quËc gia nguyn sinh,<br />

ho∆c ghä qua thung lÚng Yarra -<br />

n¨i s∂n xu†t r≠Óu nho nÊi ti’ng<br />

nh†t quËc gia @c. Chi ti’t xem tπi:<br />

www.fiditour.com<br />


SsangYong vµ Daehan Motors<br />

cÚng mang Æ’n ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ≠u<br />

Æ∑i Æ∆c bi÷t cho kh∏ch hµng Vi÷t<br />

Nam vÌi tn g‰i "BÔng nÊ khuy’n<br />

m∑i 333 cÔng SsangYong, tÀn<br />

h≠Îng ≠u Æ∑i Æ’n 180 tri÷u". CÙ<br />

th”, tı ngµy 25/10 - 25/<strong>11</strong>, ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh gi∂m gi∏ sœ Æ≠Óc ∏p dung<br />

cho 30 xe Tivoli & XLV Æ«u tin<br />

trong 30 ngµy vµ tπi 3 Æi”m giao<br />

dch (VIMS <strong>2017</strong> tπi trung t©m<br />

tri”n l∑m SECC, Lotte Mart QuÀn<br />

7 vµ G V†p vµ Showroom An<br />

PhÛ, TP.HCM). Xem th´ng tin<br />

chi ti’t v“ s∂n ph»m tπi: https://<br />

ssangyongmotors.vn/<br />


Th·a s¯c tÀn h≠Îng c∏c m„n ngon h∂i s∂n hoµnh tr∏ng tı t´m hÔm, hµu t≠¨i, cua, t´m sÛ vµ v´ sË m„n ngon kh∏c<br />

tπi nhµ hµng Cafä Saigon, kh∏ch sπn Eastin Grand Saigon. Gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i: 1.099.000VND++/ng≠Íi lÌn (Ch≠a bao gÂm<br />

n≠Ìc uËng). Ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ∏p dÙng cho tËi th¯ 7 Æ«u tin hµng th∏ng sau 6 giÍ tËi. ß∆c bi÷t: Kh∏ch Facebook Æ≠Óc<br />

gi∂m thm 15% trn gi∏ ≠u Æ∑i. ß” Æ∆t bµn ho∆c bi’t thm chi ti’t, vui lng lin h÷: ßi÷n thoπi: +84 28 3844 9222.<br />

Email: fbco@eastingrandsaigon.com/<br />

136<br />





At the French gastronomy<br />

fair "Balade en France" on<br />

November 12-19, diners<br />

will have the opportunity to<br />

experience traditional French<br />

food at a reasonable price from<br />

favorite dishes such as foie gras,<br />

stewed beef, chicken with wine<br />

sauce, Castelnaudary stew, red<br />

snapper and smoked pork to<br />

many other delicacies will be<br />

prepared by Mr. Jean himself.<br />

There are also delectable<br />

desserts such as crispy apple<br />

pies, baked apple cakes, toasts<br />

and delicious chocolate cakes<br />

to bring you a perfect dining<br />

experecience. Entrance tickets<br />

will be available exclusively<br />

at the Equatotorial Hotel at<br />

the price of VND 798,000<br />

++, which offers a buffet with<br />

specialty dishes including French<br />

wines, beer and soft drinks<br />

throughout the event. For<br />

reservation or more details,<br />

contact: +84 28 3839 7777<br />

ext. 8000 or email: dine@hcm.<br />

equatorial.com.<br />


Situated in the most crowded<br />

area of the sea city, with<br />

a luxurious and modern<br />

ambience, the Costa Nha<br />

Trang has become a favorite<br />

among visitors. For visitors<br />

who love to travel and explore,<br />

the Costa Nha Trang and<br />

L'Alyana Ninh Van Bay are<br />

now offering a 3 days and 2<br />

nights holiday package for only<br />

VND 9,000,000 net. Contact<br />

via phone at +84 258 3737<br />

222 or email to reservation@<br />

thecostanhatrang.com for<br />

more information on special<br />

promotions.<br />


INVITATIONAL <strong>2017</strong><br />

On November 18, golf lovers<br />

will have a chance to join the<br />

exciting tournament Laguna<br />

Lang Co Invitational <strong>2017</strong>, held<br />

at one of the masterpiece golf<br />

courses designed by Sir Nick<br />

Faldo - Laguna Golf Lang Co,<br />

located in Laguna Lang Co<br />

resort. It is expected to attract<br />

over 100 participants including<br />

local and international golfers,<br />

guests from Banyan Tree and<br />

Angsana Lang Co resort. Fee:<br />

1,900,000VND /member and<br />

3,500,000VND/guest. Contact:<br />

Laguna Golf Lang Co, Cu Du<br />

Village, Loc Vinh Commune,<br />

Phu Loc District, Hue. Website:<br />

www.lagunalangco.com/golf/<br />

tournaments-events/<br />


This holiday season, Hotel<br />

Nikko Hanoi (84 Tran<br />

Nhan Tong Street, Hanoi)<br />

will continue to present its<br />

"Christmas Tree Lighting<br />

Ceremony" at the lobby from<br />

5-6pm on November 25. The<br />

highlights of the ceremony<br />

are the well-decorated<br />

Christmas tree and a Hand Bell<br />

performance. Guests are free<br />

to enter with free welcome<br />

drinks, ginger cookies, a magic<br />

show and twisted balloons for<br />

children, photos with Santa<br />

Claus and immediate prints.<br />

After the ceremony, guests<br />

can enjoy a lavish dinner at<br />

the hotel with two attractive<br />

options. One is International<br />

Buffet at La Brasserie<br />

Restaurant with fresh seafood<br />

and lobster - Unlimited wine,<br />

fresh beer and soft drinks at<br />

the price of VND 720,000 ++/<br />

person, or enjoy the Dim Sum<br />

Buffet "All you can eat" at Tao<br />

Restaurant, including one free<br />

drink (fresh beer/soft drinks) at<br />

the price of VND 450,000 ++/<br />

person. There is a special gift<br />

for customers booking before<br />

November 24. Contact: 024<br />

3822 3535 - Ext: 4432.<br />


Enjoy delicious seafood<br />

delicacies from lobster, fresh<br />

oysters, crabs, prawns and<br />

countless other delicacies at<br />

the Cafä Saigon, Eastin Grand<br />

Saigon Hotel. Promotion:<br />

1,099,000VND ++/adult (drinks<br />

not included). The promotion<br />

applies for first Saturday<br />

after 6pm. Extra promotion:<br />

Facebook guests can have<br />

another 15% discount on<br />

top of the stated discount.<br />

For reservation or more<br />

information, please contact:<br />

Phone: +84 28 3844 9222.<br />

Email: fbco@eastingrandsaigon.<br />

com/<br />


Maserati recently handed one<br />

of the rarest HermÃs Birkin<br />

bags to a fortunate Vietnamese<br />

customer during their<br />

promotion Buy a luxury car, get<br />

a HermÃs bag'. Known for their<br />

impeccable customer service,<br />

Maserati once again indulged<br />

their customers with a unique<br />

gift that any fashion fan would<br />

love to own. Throughout the<br />

month-long promotion, luxury<br />

car brands such as Levante and<br />

Quattroporte reached out to<br />

Vietnamese customers, bringing<br />

racing cars to the life on the<br />

street. Maserati customers can<br />

register for a Maserati test<br />

drive at www.automodena.net<br />

or contact Maserati Showroom<br />

number in Ho Chi Minh via<br />

0981 552 255 - 0283 910 <strong>11</strong>31<br />

and via Maserati House in<br />

Hanoi: 0981 552 255.<br />


SsangYong and Daehan Motors<br />

are introducing a special offer<br />

- "Big promotion 333 with<br />

SsangYong, enjoy discount<br />

up to 180 million VND".<br />

The promotion is valid from<br />

October 25 to November 25<br />

for the first 30 Tivoli & XLV<br />

cars purchased at 3 stores<br />

(VIMS <strong>2017</strong> at SECC exhibition<br />

center Lotte Mart in District<br />

7 and Go Vap District, and An<br />

Phu Showroom, HCMC). For<br />

more information, please visit:<br />

https://ssangyongmotors.vn/<br />


For this year-end holiday season, Fiditour<br />

is introducing the tour "Welcome 2018 in<br />

Sydney" at an attractive price. To Melbourne -<br />

Canberra - Sydney for 7 days 6 nights departing<br />

on December 29 with the price starting from<br />

55,990,000 VND and to Sydney for 5 days 4<br />

nights departing on December 29 with the<br />

price starting from 28.990.000 VND. Visitors<br />

will have a chance to celebrate New Year with<br />

Australians and watch colorful fireworks. In<br />

addition to New Year's festivities, visitors can<br />

take pictures with kangaroos, visit the Blue<br />

Mountain, explore the Fitzroy Gardens, go on<br />

a steam train through the national forest, or<br />

visit the Yarra Valley - the nation's most famous<br />

vinyard. For more information, visit: www.<br />

fiditour.com<br />

An array of promotions and<br />

special offers by restaurants,<br />

hotels, resorts, fashion<br />

brands, airlines and tourist<br />

agencies in Vietnam and<br />

other countries.<br />


For Thanksgiving, the Sheraton Saigon Hotel is offering a special culinary event on November 23. For 1,400,000VND<br />

++, diners will get to enjoy traditional Thanksgiving dishes such as roasted turkey with rosemary, honey-grilled pork,<br />

grilled beef ribs, baked pasta wih cheese, pumpkin soup, fried chicken thighs in Maryland-style sauce, spicy BBQ<br />

chicken wings. The addition of grilled lobsters and oysters along with fresh seafood, baked apple pie, New York-styled<br />

cheesecake, will be exciting dishes in celebration of Thanksgiving. Contact: Saigon Cafä Restaurant - Sheraton Saigon<br />

Hotel, 88 Dong Khoi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. HCM. Tel: 028 3827 2828. Website: www.sheratonsaigon.com<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 137

TIN T‡NG HúP<br />


CuËi th∏ng 10, nhµ hµng D◊ Mai Æ∑ ch›nh th¯c<br />

khai tr≠¨ng, Æem Æ’n kh´ng gian l˝ t≠Îng Æ”<br />

th˘c kh∏ch th≠ gi∑n khi tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng m„n<br />

®n ÆÀm ch†t v®n ho∏ cÒa »m th˘c Vi÷t Nam.<br />

Trong kh´ng gian b’p mÎ, c∏c Æ«u b’p cÒa<br />

nhµ hµng Æ∑ tπo nn s˘ ph∏ c∏ch tinh t’ khi<br />

k’t hÓp th¯c ®n Æ≠Íng phË vµ phong c∏ch n†u<br />

®n truy“n thËng d©n d∑ tı khæp vÔng mi“n »m<br />

th˘c Æa dπng. Nhµ hµng D◊ Mai mÎ cˆa mÁi<br />

ngµy tı 7 giÍ s∏ng tÌi <strong>11</strong> giÍ Æm, tÀp trung<br />

h≠Ìng Æ’n m‰i kh∏ch hµng yu th›ch m„n Vi÷t<br />

trong kh´ng gian Æ≠¨ng Æπi. C∏c m„n t˘ ch‰n<br />

sœ Æ≠Óc phÙc vÙ theo th„i quen cÒa b˜a c¨m<br />

gia Æ◊nh ng≠Íi Vi÷t, giÛp th˘c kh∏ch qu©y qu«n<br />

chia sŒ nh˜ng m„n ngon. Th´ng tin lin h÷:<br />

Nhµ hµng D◊ Mai, 136-138 L Th HÂng G†m,<br />

Q.1, TP. HCM. ßT: 028 3821 7786. Website:<br />

www.nhahangdimai.com<br />

Nh˜ng th´ng tin cÀp nhÀt v“<br />

Æ≠Íng bay mÌi mÎ, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh<br />

v®n ho∏, ch›nh s∏ch ngµnh du<br />

lch, x’p hπng & gi∂i th≠Îng du<br />

lch trong vµ ngoµi n≠Ìc...<br />


Vıa qua, h∑ng hµng kh´ng<br />

Bangkok Airways ra mæt Æ≠Íng<br />

bay mÌi nh†t tr˘c ti’p tı s©n<br />

bay Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Æ’n<br />

PhÛ QuËc - Vi÷t Nam. VÌi tÊng<br />

cÈng 4 chuy’n bay kh¯ hÂi khÎi<br />

hµnh tı Bangkok vµo th¯ Ba,<br />

N®m, S∏u vµ ChÒ NhÀt hµng tu«n<br />

trn m∏y bay ATR 72-600 70<br />

chÁ ngÂi, Bangkok Airways sœ<br />

lµ h∑ng hµng kh´ng Æ«u tin tÊ<br />

ch¯c Æ≠Íng bay thºng Æ’n Æ∂o<br />

PhÛ QuËc. MÙc tiu cÒa h∑ng<br />

Bangkok Airways lµ mang Æ’n<br />

nh˜ng chuy’n bay k’t nËi cho du<br />

kh∏ch Ch©u ¢u, Th∏i Lan, Vi÷t<br />

Nam cÚng nh≠ tham gia tuy’n<br />

vÀn chuy”n hµnh kh∏ch quËc t’<br />

Æ’n PhÛ QuËc tı c∏c chuy’n<br />

bay Æ≠Íng dµi cÒa c∏c ÆËi t∏c<br />

lin doanh Æ≠Íng dµi. Kh´ng chÿ<br />

ti’t ki÷m Æ≠Óc thÍi gian bay, t†t<br />

c∂ kh∏ch hµng cÒa h∑ng hµng<br />

kh´ng Bangkok Airways sœ Æ≠Óc<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m nh˜ng dch vÙ tuy÷t<br />

vÍi nh≠ Î phng chÍ tπi s©n bay<br />

Suvarnabhumi nh≠ c„ th” dÔng<br />

mi‘n ph› th¯c ®n nhã, truy cÀp<br />

wi-fi mi‘n ph› cÚng nh≠ cha mã<br />

sœ tho∂i m∏i ch¨i ÆÔa cÔng con<br />

tπi g„c vui ch¨i dµnh cho trŒ em.<br />

COACH<br />

Maison Fashion Group ch›nh<br />

th¯c giÌi thi÷u th≠¨ng hi÷u thÍi<br />

trang cao c†p quËc t’ COACH<br />

vÌi ˝ t≠Îng mÌi Æang Æ≠Óc yu<br />

th›ch khæp toµn c«u "Modern<br />

Luxury" (tπm dch: S˘ xa xÿ<br />

hi÷n Æπi). Cˆa hµng Æ«u tin cÒa<br />

Coach sœ Æ≠Óc Æ∆t tπi TTTM<br />

Saigon Centre, quÀn 1, d˘ ki’n<br />

khai tr≠¨ng trong th∏ng <strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>.<br />

ß∏nh d†u s˘ trÎ lπi †n t≠Óng l«n<br />

nµy, Coach sœ mang Æ’n luÂng<br />

gi„ mÌi mŒ trong phong c∏ch<br />

thi’t k’ vµ tinh th«n t≠¨i trŒ<br />

theo tiu ch› "Modern Luxury"<br />

nhªm mÙc Æ›ch giÛp m‰i ÆËi<br />

t≠Óng kh∏ch hµng c„ th” ti’p<br />

cÀn vÌi s∂n ph»m hµng hi÷u cao<br />

c†p mÈt c∏ch d‘ dµng, ÆÂng thÍi<br />

cÚng lµ c¨ hÈi Æ” Coach Æ’n<br />

g«n h¨n vÌi ng≠Íi trŒ tuÊi n®ng<br />

ÆÈng, hi÷n Æπi. Bn cπnh nh˜ng<br />

thi’t k’ tÛi x∏ch, phÙ ki÷n lµm tı<br />

da vµ qu«n ∏o, Coach cn mang<br />

Æ’n Vi÷t Nam bÈ s≠u tÀp Æ∆c<br />

bi÷t Coach X Selena Gomez do<br />

Selena Gomez lµm g≠¨ng m∆t<br />

Æπi di÷n vµ hÓp t∏c thi’t k’. CÀp<br />

nhÀt th´ng tin thÍi trang Coach<br />

tπi website: www.maisonjsc.com.<br />

CBRE<br />

TÀp Æoµn CBRE vıa Æ≠Óc vinh<br />

danh lµ ƨn v t≠ v†n b†t ÆÈng<br />

s∂n xu†t sæc nh†t l«n th¯ s∏u<br />

lin ti’p tπi Gi∂i th≠Îng B†t<br />

ßÈng S∂n Euromoney. CBRE<br />

cÚng Æ≠Óc vinh danh lµ c´ng ty<br />

hµng Æ«u th’ giÌi tπi c∏c hπng<br />

mÙc B†t ÆÈng s∂n b∏n/cho thu<br />

vµTh»m Ænh gi∏. Tπi Vi÷t Nam,<br />

CBRE ti’p tÙc Æπt Æ≠Óc 4 gi∂i<br />

th≠Îng quan tr‰ng: Nhµ t≠ v†n<br />

b†t ÆÈng s∂n hµng Æ«u, ßπi l˝<br />

cho thu b†t ÆÈng s∂n hµng Æ«u,<br />

ߨn v th»m Ænh gi∏ hµng Æ«u<br />

vµ ߨn v nghin c¯u hµng Æ«u.<br />

CBRE Æ∑ v≠Ót qua nhi“u ƨn v<br />

kh∏c cÔng ngµnh v“ ch†t l≠Óng<br />

dch vÙ t≠ v†n, quy tr◊nh vµ ÆÈi<br />

ngÚ lµm vi÷c chuyn nghi÷p, tÀp<br />

trung h≠Ìng Æ’n phÙc vÙ kh∏ch<br />

hµng theo tiu chu»n quËc t’...<br />

Æ” nhÀn Æ≠Óc gi∂i th≠Îng danh<br />

gi∏ Œuromoney. Website: www.<br />

cbrevietnam.com.<br />


Starbucks Vi÷t Nam khai tr≠¨ng<br />

Cˆa hµng Cµ ph Starbucks<br />

ReserveTM Æ«u tin tπi TP. HCM<br />

(sË <strong>11</strong> - 13 phË Hµn Thuyn,<br />

QuÀn 1), ti’p b≠Ìc s˘ thµnh<br />

c´ng cÒa cˆa hµng Starbucks<br />

ReserveTM tπi Hµ NÈi. Bn<br />

cπnh nh˜ng th¯c uËng chÒ Æπo,<br />

kh∏ch hµng sœ l«n Æ«u tin Æ≠Óc<br />

lµm quen vÌi qu«y bar Starbucks<br />

ReserveTM, n¨i nh˜ng m„n ÆÂ<br />

uËng Espresso quen thuÈc Æ≠Óc<br />

n©ng t«m nhÍ m∏y Black Eagle,<br />

vÌi b“ m∆t m mn vµ h≠¨ng v<br />

ƺng c†p. Chÿ phÙc vÙ loπi cµ ph<br />

"ÆÈc nh†t v´ nh" l†y tı nh˜ng<br />

vÔng trÂng cµ ph nh· Î Ch©u<br />

M¸ Latinh, Ch©u Phi vµ Ch©u<br />

É Th∏i B◊nh D≠¨ng, qu«y bar<br />

ReserveTM Æ≠Óc thÊi hÂn nhÍ<br />

Æ´i bµn tay tµi t◊nh cÒa nh˜ng<br />

Coffee Master, vµ tıng gi‰t cµ<br />

ph bi’n h„a uy”n chuy”n qua<br />

mÁi ph≠¨ng ph∏p pha thÒ c´ng<br />

nh≠ Siphon, Pour-over, Chemex.<br />

HóI CHú DU LëCH QUˇC T⁄<br />

VIåT NAM (VITM) 2018<br />

HÈi chÓ Du lch quËc t’ Vi÷t<br />

Nam (VITM) 2018 d˘ ki’n di‘n<br />

ra tı ngµy 29/3 - 01/4/2018 tπi<br />

Trung t©m tri”n l∑m ICE (91<br />

Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ<br />

NÈi ) vÌi chÒ Æ“ "Du lch tr˘c<br />

tuy’n" nhªm thÛc Æ»y mπnh h¨n<br />

vi÷c ¯ng dÙng CNTT trong kinh<br />

doanh cÒa c∏c doanh nghi÷p du<br />

lch. Trong khu´n khÊ HÈi chÓ,<br />

Hi÷p hÈi Du lch Vi÷t Nam sœ<br />

phËi hÓp vÌi Hi÷p hÈi Th≠¨ng<br />

mπi ßi÷n tˆ Vi÷t Nam x©y d˘ng<br />

mÈt khu v˘c hÈi chÓ gÂm trn<br />

40 gian hµng dµnh ring cho c∏c<br />

doanh nghi÷p kinh doanh du lch<br />

tr˘c tuy’n, c∏c ƨn v cung c†p<br />

gi∂i ph∏p c´ng ngh÷ cho du lch.<br />

Ngoµi ra, sœ tÊ ch¯c hÈi th∂o<br />

v“ ph∏t tri”n th≠¨ng mπi Æi÷n<br />

tˆ trong du lch vÌi s˘ tham gia<br />

cÒa mÈt sË chuyn gia quËc t’<br />

vµ trong n≠Ìc giÌi thi÷u kinh<br />

nghi÷m ph∏t tri”n du lch tr˘c<br />

tuy’n cÒa mÈt sË doanh nghi÷p<br />

CNTT vµ du lch tiu bi”u trong<br />

c∏c l‹nh v˘c nh≠: Internet di<br />

ÆÈng, c∏c ¯ng dÙng th´ng minh,<br />

d˜ li÷u lÌn (Big Data), th˘c t’ ∂o,<br />

t˘ ÆÈng h„a trong l‹nh v˘c kh∏ch<br />

sπn, l˜ hµnh, vÀn chuy”n du lch<br />

vµ c∏c dch vÙ du lch.<br />

HU⁄<br />

Thæp s∏ng K˙ Ƶi Hu’ lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng d˘ ∏n tu bÊ, t´n<br />

tπo c∏c di t›ch lch sˆ, danh lam<br />

thæng c∂nh mµ UBND tÿnh Thıa<br />

Thin Hu’ h≠Ìng Æ’n Æ” thu hÛt<br />

thm nhi“u du kh∏ch Æ’n Hu’<br />

h¨n n˜a. 1.000 ÆÃn led Æ≠Óc bË<br />

tr› bao b‰c xung quanh K˙ Ƶi<br />

Hu’ Æ” thæp s∏ng c´ng tr◊nh ki’n<br />

trÛc mang nhi“u ˝ ngh‹a nµy, g„p<br />

ph«n tπo thm Æi”m nh†n cho<br />

c∂nh quan cÒa Hu’ vµo ban Æm.<br />

Song song vÌi c∏c di t›ch kh∏c<br />

Î Hu’, K˙ Ƶi lµ n¨i Æ∑ ch¯ng<br />

ki’n nhi“u giai Æoπn lch sˆ quan<br />

tr‰ng, cÚng nh≠ tr∂i qua c∏c b≠Ìc<br />

th®ng tr«m cÔng m∂nh Ɔt cË Æ´.<br />

ß©y sœ lµ Æi”m nh†n, lµ s∂n ph»m<br />

l´i käo du kh∏ch Æ’n Hu’ trong<br />

buÊi chi“u vµ tËi nhªm t®ng thÍi<br />

gian sËng Î Hu’ dµi h¨n n˜a cÒa<br />

du kh∏ch.<br />


Festival hoa ßµ Lπt l«n th¯ VII - <strong>2017</strong> vÌi chÒ Æ“ "Hoa ßµ Lπt - K’t tinh k˙ di÷u tı Ɔt lµnh" sœ di‘n ra trong<br />

5 ngµy tı 23 - 27/12/<strong>2017</strong>. Festival hoa n®m nay c„ 15 ch≠¨ng tr◊nh ch›nh, 14 ch≠¨ng tr◊nh h≠Îng ¯ng vµ 14<br />

ch≠¨ng tr◊nh kh∏c Æ≠Óc tÊ ch¯c tπi hai thµnh phË ßµ Lπt, B∂o LÈc vµ c∏c Æa ph≠¨ng d‰c QuËc lÈ 20. Ch≠¨ng<br />

tr◊nh c„ nhi“u Æi”m mÌi nh≠: K’t hÓp cÔng lÛc hai s˘ ki÷n Festival hoa vµ Tu«n l‘ V®n h„a trµ. T†t c∂ c∏c hoπt<br />

ÆÈng Æ“u Æi kÃm vÌi vi÷c qu∂ng b∏ th≠¨ng hi÷u ßµ Lπt - K’t tinh k˙ di÷u tı Ɔt lµnh.<br />

138<br />



COACH<br />

Maison Fashion Group has<br />

officially introduced its<br />

international luxury fashion<br />

brand - COACH with a<br />

concept much loved all over<br />

the world, "Modern Luxury".<br />

The first Coach store is to be<br />

located at the Saigon Center<br />

Trade Center, District 1, and<br />

will be opening in November<br />

<strong>2017</strong>. To mark this important<br />

event, Coach will be bringing<br />

in new styles of design with<br />

youthful spirit under the<br />

concept of ‘Modern Luxury’,<br />

allowing different kinds of<br />

customers to experience<br />

the luxury brand. It is also a<br />

great opportunity for Coach<br />

to reach out to young and<br />

dynamic customers. In addition<br />

to designer handbags, leather<br />

accessories and clothing,<br />

Coach will also be bringing to<br />

Vietnam a special collection<br />

ñ Coach X Selena Gomez<br />

by Selena Gomez, who is the<br />

brand's new representative and<br />

collaborative designer. More<br />

information on Coach can be<br />

found at www.maisonjsc.com.<br />

CBRE<br />

CBRE Group has been named<br />

the top real estate advisory<br />

firm for the sixth consecutive<br />

year in the annual Euromoney<br />

Real Estate Awards. CBRE<br />

has also been honored as the<br />

world's leading real estate<br />

advisory firm for Sales/Leasing<br />

and Valuation services. In<br />

Vietnam, CBRE continues to<br />

achieve four major awards:<br />

Top Real Estate Advisory Firm,<br />

Leading Real Estate Agency,<br />

Top Valuation Agency, and Top<br />

Research Agency. CBRE has<br />

overcome many other agencies<br />

in the industry for its high<br />

quality consultancy services,<br />

professional procedures and<br />

teams, focusing on serving<br />

customers according to<br />

international standards... in<br />

order to receive the prestigious<br />

prize Euromoney. Website:<br />

www.cbrevietnam.com.<br />


By the end of October, Di<br />

Mai Restaurant has been<br />

officially opened, bringing<br />

an ideal space for diners to<br />

relax while enjoying Vietnam's<br />

finest cuisine. In the open<br />

kitchen space, the chefs of<br />

the restaurant have created a<br />

subtle way of combining street<br />

food and traditional cooking<br />

styles from across diverse food<br />

regions. Di Mai Restaurant<br />

opens daily from 7 am to<br />

<strong>11</strong>pm, offering Vietnamese<br />

favorites in a contemporary<br />

space. Dishes selected will<br />

be served in the style of<br />

traditional Vietnamese family<br />

meal, allowing diners to share<br />

with each other delicious food.<br />

Contact information: Di Mai<br />

Restaurant, 136-138 Le Thi<br />

Hong Gam, District 1, HCM.<br />

Tel: 028 3821 7786. Website:<br />

www.nhahangdimai.com<br />


TRAVEL MART (VITM) 2018<br />

The Vietnam International<br />

Travel Mart (VITM) 2018 is<br />

scheduled to take place from<br />

March 29 - April 1, 2018 at<br />

the ICE Exhibition (91 Tran<br />

Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi)<br />

with the theme "Online<br />

Travel" to promote the use<br />

of technology in tourism<br />

businesses. The Vietnam<br />

Tourism Association will<br />

co-ordinate with the Vietnam<br />

E-commerce Association to<br />

set-up an exhibition area of<br />

over 40 booths dedicated<br />

to online travel businesses<br />

and providers of technology<br />

solutions for tourism. In<br />

addition, a seminar on the<br />

development of e-commerce in<br />

tourism will be held with the<br />

participation of international<br />

and national experts,<br />

introducing experiences of<br />

online tourism development<br />

of technology businesses and<br />

tourism enterprises such<br />

as mobile internet, smart<br />

applications, big data, virtual<br />

reality, automation providers<br />

for hospitality, tourism, travel<br />

transportation businesses and<br />

travel services.<br />



The 7 th Da Lat Flower Festival<br />

with the theme "Da Lat<br />

Flowers - Miracale from good<br />

earth" will take place for 5<br />

days from December 23-27.<br />

This year Flower Festival<br />

has 15 main programs, 14<br />

supporting programs and 14<br />

other programs which will be<br />

held in Da Lat, Bao Loc and<br />

other provinces along National<br />

Highway 20. One highlight of<br />

the program is to combine the<br />

flower festival with Tea Culture<br />

Week. Activities will be to<br />

promote the festival's theme.<br />

HUE<br />

Lightening Hue Citadel is one<br />

of Hue's projects to renovate<br />

and restore Hue's historical<br />

sites and attractions to attract<br />

more visitors to Hue. About<br />

1,000 led lights have been set-up<br />

surrounding the Hue Citadel to<br />

light this amazing architectural<br />

work, creating a unique highlight<br />

for Hue's landscape at night.<br />

Along with other monuments in<br />

Hue, the Citadel is a place that<br />

had witnessed many important<br />

historical periods, as well as<br />

experienced the ups and downs<br />

of this ancient land. This will<br />

be a major highlight for visitors<br />

who come to Hue in the late<br />

afternoons and evenings, making<br />

their visit to Hue much more<br />

memorable.<br />


Bangkok Airways has recently launched a new<br />

direct flight from Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi<br />

Airport to Phu Quoc - Vietnam. With a total of<br />

4 round-trip flights departing from Bangkok on<br />

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays on a<br />

72-seat ATR 72-600 aircraft, Bangkok Airways<br />

will be the first airline to offer direct flights to<br />

Phu Quoc island. The aim of this new launch<br />

from Bangkok Airways is to provide better flight<br />

connections for European, Thai and Vietnamese<br />

customers as well as offering regional<br />

connecting routes to Phu Quoc Island for its<br />

long-haul codeshare partners. Not only will<br />

it save time on flights, all Bangkok Airways<br />

passengers will get to experience the same<br />

excellent services at the Suvarnabhumi Airport's<br />

waiting lounge such as free snacks, free wifi access,<br />

as well as a kid's corner where parents can<br />

leisurely play around with their children.<br />

Updated information about new<br />

flight routes, culture programs,<br />

tourism policies, ranking &<br />

awards... in Vietnam and other<br />

countries<br />


Starbucks Vietnam is opening its first Starbucks Reserve Coffee Bar in Ho Chi Minh City (<strong>11</strong>-13 Han Thuyen<br />

Street, District 1), following the success of Starbucks Reserve in Hanoi. In addition to mainstream drinks,<br />

customers will be introduced to the Starbucks Reserve bar for the first time, where the taste of your<br />

familiar Espresso is enhanced thanks to the Black Eagle machine, creating a smooth, creamy and classy flavor.<br />

Using only "unique" coffee from small coffee regions of Latin America, Africa and Asia Pacific, the Reserve<br />

bar in the hands of Coffee Masters will provide a uniquely flavoured taste of coffee through traditional making<br />

methods such as Siphon, Pour-over, and Chemex.<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 139

HÄ NóI<br />

TEL CODE:024<br />

emBAssies/ consuLATes AiRLines TRAVeL AgenTs taXiS hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />

reStaurantS BARs/cAFes spAs BAnKing seRVices souVeniR shops<br />

cuLTuRe shopping mALLs supeRmARKeTs<br />

Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng lin h÷: Sales Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 <strong>11</strong>6 750.<br />

Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com<br />

Æ” c„ thm th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o<br />

For further information, please contact: Sales Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 <strong>11</strong>6 750.<br />

*Or visit www.vntravellive.com<br />

for advertising information<br />

hÄ nói<br />

(Telephone Code: 024)<br />

emBAssies/<br />

consuLATes<br />


(29 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3843 0245)<br />

KOREA<br />

(Daeha Building, 360 Kim M∑ *Tel:<br />

3831 5<strong>11</strong>0)<br />

USA<br />

(7 L∏ng Hπ, ßËng ßa *Tel: 3850<br />

5000)<br />


(43 - 45 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3734 3836/49)<br />


(41- 43 Tr«n PhÛ, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3848 9168)<br />


(63 - 65 Hoµng Di÷u, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3823 5092)<br />

emBAssies/consuLATes<br />

AiRLines<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />

taXiS<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />

reStaurantS<br />

BARs/cAFes<br />

spAs/ FiTness<br />

BAnKing seRVices<br />

souVeniR shops<br />

cuLTuRe<br />

shopping mALLs<br />

supeRmARKeTs<br />

TURKEY<br />

(Floor 14, HCO Building,<br />

44B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3822 2460)<br />

AiRLines<br />


(Unit 801, East Wing, Lotte<br />

Center Hanoi - 54 Lieu Giai<br />

*Tel: 3946 0404 *Website: www.<br />

hongkongairlines.com.)<br />


(1st Floor, Crowne Plaza West<br />

Hanoi - 36 L ߯c Th‰, M¸ ß◊nh<br />

*Website: www.jal.com)<br />

EVA AIR<br />

(Unit 15.02, 15th Floor, Corner<br />

Stone Building, 16 Phan Chu Trinh<br />

*Tel: 3936 1600 ~ 02 *Website:<br />

www.evaair.com)<br />


(200 Nguy‘n S¨n, BÂ ß“, Long<br />

Bin *Tel: 3873 0314 *Website:<br />

http://www.vietnamairlines.com)<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />


(70-72 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3828 0702 *Websitel: www.buffalotours.com)<br />


(1 st Floor, 16 Hµm Long, Hoµn<br />

Ki’m *Tel: 3944 6000 )<br />


BÑN ߤNG HÄNH - A -<br />


(7 Dinh Tien Hoang Str., Hoan<br />

Kiem, Hanoi *Tel: 3926 3370<br />

*Fax: (84-4) 3926 3367)<br />

(<strong>11</strong>3C, Bui Vien Str., Dist. 1, Ho<br />

Chi Minh City *Tel: (84-8) 38 38<br />

66 78 *Fax: (84-8) 38 38 66 76<br />

(45-47 Le Loi Str., Hue *Tel: (84-<br />

54)393 44 55/ 393 44 56 *Fax:<br />

(84-54) 393 44 57)<br />

taXiS<br />


( Tel: 04 3257 5757 Website:<br />

www.thanhcongtaxi.vn)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(47 Kim ßÂng, Gi∏p B∏t, Hoµng<br />

Mai *Tel: 3822 2666 *3861 6161<br />

*Website: http://www.mailinh.vn)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


(6B L∏ng Hπ, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3831<br />

3333 *Website: www.fortuna.vn)<br />



(1A Nghi Tµm, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 6270 8888 *Website:<br />

http://www.intercontinental.com)<br />


Nªm trong khu phË Ph∏p cÊ yn<br />

t‹nh, La Casa Hotel vÌi ÆÈi ngÚ<br />

nh©n vin th©n thi÷n vµ nhi÷t t◊nh<br />

sœ khi’n bπn c„ c∂m gi∏c th©n thi’t<br />

vµ †m cÛng nh≠ Î nhµ. 84 phng<br />

nghÿ, 4 c®n hÈ vÌi thi’t k’ vµ ti÷n<br />

nghi hi÷n Æπi cÔng vÌi h÷ thËng nhµ<br />

hµng, qu∏n bar, phng gym, b” b¨i<br />

vµ spa sœ mang Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng<br />

tr∂i nghi÷m Æ∏ng nhÌ.<br />

Located in the old tranquil French<br />

Quarter, La Casa Hotel with the<br />

friendly and enthusiasm will make<br />

you feel like being home. 84<br />

rooms, 4 apartments with modern<br />

design and amenities, and our system<br />

of restaurants, bar, gym, pool<br />

and spa will bring you memorable<br />

experiences.<br />

(17 Pham Dinh Ho St., Hai Ba<br />

Trung Dist., Hanoi * Tel: 6656<br />

0560 * Email: info@lacasahotel.vn,<br />

Website: www.lacasahotel.com.vn)<br />


(54 Li‘u Giai, Ba ß◊nh *Tel: 3333<br />

6016 *Website: www.lottecenter.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(1 Thanh Nin, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3823 8888 *Website:<br />

www.panpacific.com/en/hotelsresorts/vietnam/hanoi)<br />


(K5 Nghi Tµm, <strong>11</strong> Xu©n Di÷u, T©y<br />

HÂ *Tel: 3719 9000 *Website:<br />

www.sheratonhanoi.com)<br />

reStaurantS<br />


(7 Xu©n Di÷u Street, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3722 4165 *Website: www.<br />

bluebirdwine.com)<br />

C•M VIåT<br />

(63 Phπm HÂng Th∏i<br />

*Tel: 3927 5920)<br />


(22 T´ng ß∂n, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3826 8801 *Hotline: 3927 4641/<br />

0904 885 414)<br />


(No 18, Lane 50/59/17 ß∆ng<br />

Thai Mai, T©y HÂ, *Tel: 8585<br />

1443)<br />


(16 lane, 27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ,<br />

*Tel: 3719 2828)<br />

LONG ßçNH<br />

(64B Qu∏n S¯, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3942 9168)<br />


(199A Nghi Tµm, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3719 3170 *Website:<br />

http://ngonhaisan.vn)<br />


(34 Ch©u Long, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi<br />

*Tel: 04 3939 2222 *Hot line:<br />

0916 018 535 *Website: www.<br />

homerestaurant.vn)<br />

140<br />


KOTO<br />

(59 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa<br />

*Tel: 3747 0338 *website: http://<br />

www.koto.com.au)<br />

NHÄ 9NKC<br />

9 Nguy‘n Khæc C«n, Hoµn Ki’m,<br />

Tel: 090 4943 432 *Website:<br />

www.nha.coffee)<br />


(No 10, Tong Duy Tan Str, Hoan<br />

Kiem District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam<br />

*Tel: (+84) 4.32212222 *Email:<br />

yen.le@ngonvilla.com *Website:<br />

www.ngonvilla.com)<br />


(28 Tang Bat Ho Str - Hai Ba<br />

Trung Dist - Hanoi - Vietnam<br />

*Mail: info@maisonvie.vn *Tel:+84<br />

3633 0206 *hotline: 0904 150<br />

383 *http://www.maisonvie.vn)<br />

PHô 24<br />

(31 Hµng Khay, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 1812 *Website:<br />

http://pho24.com.vn)<br />


(10 Nguy‘n Bi”u, *Tel: 3734 2288<br />

*Website: http://www.original.vn/<br />

webapp/home.php)<br />

POTS 'N PANS<br />

(57 BÔi Th Xu©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng<br />

*Tel: 3944 0204)<br />

QUÉN °N NGON<br />

26 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

District *Tel: (+84-4) 3933 6133<br />

*Fax: (+84-4) 3933 6135 *Email:<br />

ngonhanoi@vnn.vn)<br />


(66 Hµng BÂ, Hoµn Ki’m * Tel: 04<br />

3266 8888)<br />

S` BUFFET<br />

(64 Nguy‘n Du, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ<br />

NÈi *Tel: 3941 3338 *Website:<br />

www.subuffet.vn)<br />

VUA CHÅ CÉ<br />

(48 Nguy‘n Th ßnh, Trung Ha,<br />

C«u Gi†y *Tel: 3221 6599 *26C<br />

Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3392 5999 * 76a Mai Hæc ß’, hai<br />

Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3826<br />

3399 *Website: www.vuachaca.vn)<br />



(2 Hµng Bµi, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 1494)<br />


(6 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 0444)<br />


(45 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem<br />

*Tel: 3936 8349 Website: www.<br />

vpresso.vn)<br />


(23A Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3828 8820)<br />


(59A L˝ Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 0888)<br />


(38 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 5368)<br />

THE KAFE<br />

(18 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, Ba ß◊nh,<br />

*Tel: 37476245 *Website:www.<br />

thekafe.vn)<br />


& TEA LEAF<br />

(28 Thanh Nin, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3715 4240 *Website:<br />

http://www.coffeebean.com)<br />


(Floor 19, Pacific Place<br />

Building - 83B L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3946 1901)<br />



(250 Bµ Tri÷u, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3978 5407 *Website:<br />

http://amadoraspa.vn/vn/howto-spa.html)<br />


SAGE<br />

(71 Hµng B´ng, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Hotline: 0932 391 888)<br />


(42 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn<br />

Ki’m *Tel: 3928 6<strong>11</strong>6 *Website:<br />

http://www.anamqtspa.com)<br />


(44 L Ng‰c H©n, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng<br />

*Tel: 2220 6788 *Website:<br />

http://aqmspa.vn)<br />


(Add: 68 Nguy‘n Du - Hµ NÈi<br />

*Hotline: 0868 038 080 *Email:<br />

info@deaura.com.vn)<br />


(51 Xu©n Di÷u, Q. T©y HÂ *Tel: 04<br />

3718 6281 *T«ng 4 IPH Shopping<br />

Center 241 Xu©n ThÒy, Q. C«u<br />

Gi†y *Tel: 04 3788 6688 *25 L˝<br />

Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Q. Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04<br />

3828 8888 *T«ng 6 th∏p C Vincom<br />

Center 191 Bµ Tri÷u, Q. Hai Bµ<br />

Tr≠ng *Tel: 04 3974 9191 *T«ng<br />

3 ta A Th®ng Long Number One<br />

sË 1 ßπi LÈ Th®ng Long, Q. Nam<br />

Tı Lim *Tel: 04 7306 6655 *T«ng<br />

6 Vincom Center 54A Nguy‘n Ch›<br />

Thanh, Q. ßËng ßa *Tel: 04 7307<br />

8889 *T«ng 7 Vincom Center 2B<br />

Phπm Ng‰c Thπch, Q. ßËng ßa<br />

*Tel: 04 7307 9898)<br />


(T«ng 5 TTTM H G≠¨m Plaza,<br />

Tr«n PhÛ, Hµ ß´ng *Tel: 04 7305<br />

5858 *T«ng 2 Berriver Long Bin,<br />

390 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, quÀn Long Bin<br />

*Tel: 04 7302 6696)<br />


(65B T´ Hi’n Thµnh, Hai Bµ<br />

Tr≠ng *Tel: 6282 8588 *Website:<br />

http://vansenspa.vn)<br />

ZEN SPA<br />

(100 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 3719 9889)<br />



(17 Ng´ Quy“n, Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ<br />

NÈi *Tel: 3825 1950 *Website:<br />

http://www.citibank. com.vn)<br />


198 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3934 3137 *Website: http://<br />

www.vietcombank.com.vn)<br />



(27 Xu©n Di÷u, T©y HÂ<br />

*Tel: 6270 0479 *Website:<br />

http://www.carat.vn/)<br />


(23 Hµng TrËng, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3928 8678 *website: www.<br />

casadoriente.com)<br />


(43 V®n Mi’u, ßËng ßa *Tel:<br />

3733 6101 *website: www.<br />

craftlink-vietnam.com)<br />

IPA NIMA<br />

(73 Trµng Thi, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3933 4000 *Website:<br />

http://ipa-nima.com)<br />

SˇNG<br />

(27 Nhµ ThÍ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3928 8733)<br />

T¢N M≤ DESIGN<br />

(61 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 <strong>11</strong>54 *Website:<br />

http://www.tanmydesign.com)<br />


(<strong>11</strong>0 Hµng Gai, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3938 1905 *Website:<br />

http://tranhtheuxq.com/vi/)<br />



MUSEUM<br />

(SË 2, Phπm HÔng, M‘ Tr◊, Tı Lim,<br />

Hµ NÈi *Tel: 6287 0604 *Website:<br />

baotanghanoi.com.vn)<br />

BÅO TÄNG H¤ CHê MINH -<br />


(19 Ng∏ch 158/193 Ng‰c Hµ, ßÈi<br />

C†n, Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3846<br />

3757)<br />

BÅO TÄNG PH| N~ VIåT<br />


MUSEUM<br />

(36 L˝ Th≠Íng Ki÷t, Hµng Bµi, Hoµn<br />

Ki’m, Hµ NÈi *Tel: 3825 9129<br />

*Website: baotangphunu.org.vn)<br />

CHú ߤNG XU¢N - DONG<br />

XUAN MARKET (ßÂng Xu©n,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m, Hµ NÈi)<br />

CHùA MóT CóT - ONE PIL-<br />


(ChÔa MÈt CÈt, ßÈi C†n, Ba ß◊nh,<br />

Hµ NÈi)<br />

CHùA TRƒN QUˇC - TRAN<br />


(Thanh Nin, TrÛc Bπch, Ba ß◊nh,<br />

Hµ NÈi)<br />

CON ßòNG GˇM S` - HA-<br />


(HÂng Hµ, †p Thπnh Vinh, PhÛc X∏,<br />

Ba ß◊nh, Hµ NÈi)<br />


NOLOGY<br />

(Nguy‘n V®n Huyn Street, C«u<br />

Gi†y *Tel: 3756 2193 *Website:<br />

http://www.vme.org.vn)<br />



(1 Phπm NgÚ L∑o, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3824 2433 *Website: http://<br />

www.baotanglichsu.vn)<br />



(6 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c, Ba ß◊nh<br />

*Tel: 3733 2131 *Website: http://<br />

www.vnfam.vn/)<br />



(Add: SË 27 CÊ Linh, Long Bin,<br />

Hµ NÈi *http://aeonmall-long-bien.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(191 Bµ Tri÷u, Hai Bµ Tr≠ng<br />

*Tel: 3974 9999 *Website: http://<br />

vincomshoppingmall.com/vi-VN/VincomCenterBaTrieu)<br />


(24 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, Hoµn Ki’m,<br />

Hµ NÈi)<br />



Hµ NÈi Tower - 49 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng,<br />

Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 3934 3961<br />

*Website: http://citimart.com.vn<br />


(22 - 32 L Th∏i TÊ, Hoµn Ki’m<br />

*Tel: 3825 6148 *Website: http://<br />

www.intimexna.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 141

HCMC<br />

TEL CODE:028<br />

emBAssies/ consuLATes AiRLines TRAVeL AgenTs taXiS hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />

reStaurantS BARs/cAFes spAs BAnKing seRVices souVeniR shops<br />

cuLTuRe shopping mALLs supeRmARKeTs<br />

Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng lin h÷: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 <strong>11</strong>6 750.<br />

Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com<br />

Æ” c„ thm th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o<br />

For further information, please contact: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 <strong>11</strong>6 750.<br />

*Or visit www.vntravellive.com<br />

for advertising information<br />

Tp. hcm<br />

(Telephone Code: 028)<br />

emBAssies/<br />

consuLATes<br />

KOREA<br />

(107 Nguy‘n Du, District 1<br />

*Tel: 38225757)<br />

USA<br />

(4 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3520 4610)<br />

LAOS<br />

(93 Pasteur, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 7667)<br />


(2 Ng´ ߯c K’, District 1<br />

*Tel: 382 99023)<br />

JAPAN<br />

(261 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, District 3<br />

*Tel: 3933 3510)<br />

RUSSIA<br />

(40 Bµ Huy÷n Thanh Quan,<br />

District 3 *Tel: 3930 3936)<br />

emBAssies/consuLATes<br />

AiRLines<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />

taXiS<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />

reStaurantS<br />

BARs/cAFes<br />

spAs/ FiTness<br />

BAnKing seRVices<br />

souVeniR shops<br />

cuLTuRe<br />

shopping mALLs<br />

supeRmARKeTs<br />

FRANCE<br />

(27 Nguy‘n Th Minh Khai, District<br />

3 *Tel: 3520 6800)<br />


(40-5 Phπm Vi’t Ch∏nh,<br />

Ward 19, B◊nh Thπnh District<br />

*Tel: 3518 0045)<br />


(Floor 8 , Saigon Centre - 65 L<br />

LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5173)<br />


(77 Tr«n QuËc Th∂o, District 3<br />

*Tel: 3932 7637)<br />

AiRLines<br />


(34 L Du»n, District 1*Tel: 3824<br />

2878 *Website: https://www.<br />

koreanair.com)<br />


(Room 8, Petro Vietnam Building,<br />

1- 5 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 3888 *Website:<br />

http://www.qatarairways.com)<br />


(Floor 8, AB Tower- 76A L Lai,<br />

District 1 *Tel: 3936 0360 *Website:<br />

http://www.turkishairlines.com)<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />


(130 Nguyen Cong Tru, District<br />

1*Tel: 3838 9944 *www.ginkgovoyage.com<br />



(45 L Th∏nh T´n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 9279 *Website: http://<br />

www.saigontourist.net)<br />



(27-29 BÔi Vi÷n, P. Phπm NgÚ<br />

L∑o, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3838 9988<br />

*Email: chris@viet4mua.vn/ hieu.<br />

chrisnguyentim@me.com *Website:<br />

www.viet4mua.vn)<br />

taXiS<br />

TAXI 27/7<br />

(153 X´ Vi’t Ngh÷ T‹nh, Ward<br />

17, B◊nh Thπnh District *Tel: 3962<br />

0620 *Website: http://www.27-7.<br />

com.vn/home/index.html)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


(19 - 23 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n,<br />

District 1 *Tel: 3823 4999 *Website:<br />

http://www.caravellehotel.com)<br />


(3C Ton Duc Thang, District 1, Ho<br />

Chi Minh, Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 8<br />

6263 6688) *Website: lemeridiensaigon.com)<br />



(59-61 Pasteur, QuÀn 1, TPHCM<br />

*Tel: 3822 5678)<br />



(17 T´n ߯c Thæng, QuÀn 1,<br />

TPHCM *Tel: 3827 1717)<br />


(76 L Lai, District 1*Tel: 3822<br />

8888 *Website: http://www.saigon.<br />

newworldhotels.com<br />


(<strong>11</strong>7 L Th∏nh T´n, Q1*Tel: 08<br />

3829 5368 *Fax: 08 3829 3415<br />

*Email: info@norfolkhotel.com.vn<br />

*Website: www.norfolkhotel.com.vn<br />



(242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5,<br />

HCMC *Tel: 3839 7777 *Email:<br />

info@hcm.equatorial.com *www.<br />

equatorial.com)<br />


(309B-3<strong>11</strong> Nguyen Van Troi Str,<br />

Tan Binh Dist, HCMC *Tel: +84 8<br />

3842 <strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong>)<br />


(133A- 133B Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chinh,<br />

Q.PhÛ NhuÀn, HCMC *Tel: 6256<br />

9966 *Hotline: 0938 979 000<br />

*Website: www.alcovehotel.com.vn)<br />



(8-15 T´n ߯c Thæng, Q.1,TP.HCM<br />

*Tel: 84 8 3822 0033)<br />


*18 An D≠¨ng V≠¨ng, Q 5, Tp.<br />

HCM, Vietnam *Tel: 3833 6688<br />

*Fax: 3833 6888 *Email: services@<br />

windsorplazahotel.com)<br />

142<br />





(238 Pasteur, District.3 *Tel: 3820<br />

7157 *Website: www.aulacdobrazil.<br />

com)<br />


(242 Tran Binh Trong st., Dist.5<br />

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam *Tel:<br />

3839 7777, ext. 8000 *Email:<br />

dine@hcm.equatorial.com)<br />


(197 ß“ Th∏m, Phπm NgÚ L∑o,<br />

Dist.1 *Tel: 3837 1894 *Website:<br />

www.thegoodmorningvietnam.com)<br />


(26 Tr≠¨ng ßnh, Dist.3<br />

* Tel: 3930 8421)<br />


(23 T´n ߯c Thæng, B’n Nghä, Q1,<br />

Tp HCM *Tel: 6299 1304 - 0906<br />

018 007)<br />


(<strong>11</strong>A Ng´ V®n N®m,<br />

District 1*Tel: 3822 9783)<br />


(13 - 15 - 17 ßÂng KhÎi, Dist.1 *Tel:<br />

3829 6676)<br />


(3<strong>11</strong> Nguy‘n V®n TrÁi, T©n B◊nh<br />

District, HCMC *Tel: 08 3842 <strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong><br />

* www.parkroyalhotels.com/saigon.)<br />

PHô 24<br />

(5 Nguy‘n Thi÷p, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3822 6278 *Website:<br />

http://pho24.com.vn)<br />


(160 Pasteur, District 1 *Tel:<br />

(+84-8) 3827 7131 *Fax: (+84-8)<br />

3827 7127 *Email: info@<br />

quananngon.com)<br />

QUÉN NGON 138<br />

138 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a , QuÀn<br />

1, T.p HÂ Ch› Minh *Tel: (08) 38<br />

279 666 / (08) 38 257 179 *Email:<br />

ngon138@saigonkhanhnguyen.vn<br />

*Website: www.quanngon138.com)<br />


(Floor 1, 73 Mπc Th B≠Îi,<br />

District 1 *Tel: 3824 5671)<br />


(1 st Floor, Norfolk Mansion, 17-19-<br />

21 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, Dist. 1 *Tel: 3823<br />

2221 *Website: www.shangpalace.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(Add: 200A Ly Tu Trong Street,<br />

District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: 08 6284 <strong>11</strong>88 *Hotline: 0124<br />

668 7354 *Facebook: Sushi Tei<br />

Vietnam)<br />


TÀp hÓp h¨n 300 m„n ®n Æ∆c tr≠ng<br />

cÒa 5 n“n »m th˘c nÊi ti’ng Ch©u É<br />

lµ Hµn QuËc, NhÀt B∂n, Trung Hoa,<br />

Th∏i Lan vµ Vi÷t Nam d≠Ìi cÔng<br />

mÈt m∏i nhµ.<br />

Home to more than 300 signature<br />

dishes of 5 renowned Asian culinary<br />

cultures: Korea, Japan, China, Thailand<br />

and Vietnam.<br />

(Saigon Garden, 99 Nguy‘n Hu÷,<br />

Q.1,TP.HCM *Tel: 08 3821 3821,<br />

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ngonasia)<br />



(T«ng 26, AB Tower, 76 L Lai, Q.1,<br />

TP.HCM *Tel: 0938 822 838 *Website:<br />

www.chillsaigon.com)<br />


(Floor 1, Palace Hotel Saigon,<br />

56 - 66 Nguy‘n Hu÷, 1 District<br />

*Tel: 3829 2860 *Website: http://<br />

www.palacesaigon.com)<br />


(6 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 5180)<br />


(Add: 190 - 192 De Tham Street,<br />

District 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: 08 3920 3047 *Hotline: 0124<br />

668 7354 *Website: www.magnoliakitchen.com<br />

*Facebook: Magnolia<br />

Kitchen & Cafe)<br />


(28 L LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3823 3954<br />

*Website: saxrnart.com)<br />


(97 S≠¨ng Nguy÷t Énh, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3925 0388)<br />



(26-28 ß´ng Du, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3825 1250 *Website: http://<br />

www.annamspa.vn/vn)<br />


(Tang 3, 202 Hoang Van Thu,<br />

Q.Phu Nhuan, TP.HCM *Tel: 3847<br />

9964 *3847 9295)<br />


(74 Nguyen ß◊nh Chieu, P Da Kao,<br />

Q1, Tp HCM *Tel: 2207 0809<br />

*Hotline: 0968 060 268 *Website:<br />

www.shapeline.com.vn<br />


(72 Trµn Quang Kh∂i, P.T©n ßnh,<br />

Dist.1 *Tel: 3910 5575 *Website:<br />

http://www.spatropic.com/)<br />


(T«ng L3 Shopping Mall, Vincom<br />

ßÂng KhÎi, 72 L Th∏nh T´n &<br />

45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, P. B’n Nghä<br />

Q.1 *Tel: 08 7307 9899 *T«ng 3,<br />

Vincom Mega Mall, 159 Xa LÈ Hµ<br />

NÈi, P. Th∂o ßi“n, Q.2 *Tel: 08<br />

7303 9888)<br />


ANZ<br />

(39 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 2926 *Website: http://<br />

www.anz.com/vietnam)<br />


(8 Floor, Vincom Center, 72 L<br />

Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, B’n<br />

Nghä Ward, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 0056<br />

*Website: http://www.eximbank.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(2C Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3914 3183 *Website: www.<br />

saigonbank.com.vn)<br />


(Floor 1, Sµi Gn Center Building -<br />

37 T´n ߯c Thæng, District 1<br />

*Tel: 39<strong>11</strong> 0000 *Website: http://<br />

www.standardchartered.com.vn)<br />


(10 V‚ V®n Ki÷t, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 7245 *Website: http://<br />

www.vcbhcm.com.vn)<br />



(50 - 52 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3822 7962 *Website: http://<br />

www.apricotgallery.com.vn)<br />


(9 ß´ng Du, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3822 2394 *Website: http://<br />

www.anupa.net)<br />


(47 T´n Th†t Thi÷p, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3821 3614 *Website: www.<br />

saigonartisan.com)<br />


(1 Nguy‘n V®n Tr∏ng, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3925 1495)<br />


(Tel 0909 66 22 31 *www.Hoang-<br />

GiaPearl.com)<br />

IPA NIMA<br />

(26 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3822 3277 *Website: http://<br />

ipa-nima.com)<br />


(132 L Th∏nh T´n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3829 3847 *Website:<br />

www.kenlysilk.com)<br />


(81 & 107 ßÂng KhÎi, District1<br />

*Tel: 3822 2856 *3829 <strong>11</strong>46<br />

*Website: http://khaisilkcorp.com/<br />

khaicravat/shopping.html)<br />


(98 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3823 4634 *Website: www.<br />

mosaiquedecoration.com)<br />


(41 Mπc Th B≠Îi, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3823 8356 *Website: http://<br />

www.huongngafinearts.vn/)<br />


(129B L Th∏nh T´n, Dist.1<br />

*Tel: 3823 3181 *Website: http://<br />

vietnamartist.com/index.aspx)<br />


(<strong>11</strong>4 L LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3821 7493<br />

*Website: http://tdtc.com.vn)<br />



(28 V‚ V®n T«n, District 3)<br />


(7 C´ng Tr≠Íng Lam S¨n, District 1.)<br />


-SAIGON<br />

(157/1 Dong Khoi, District 1)<br />


(97A Ph„ ߯c Ch›nh, District 1)<br />


(65 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng, District 1)<br />



(34 L Du»n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3825 7750)<br />


(35Bis, 45 L Th∏nh T´n, District 1<br />

*Tel: 3827 7636)<br />


(65 L LÓi, Dist.1 *Tel: 3829 4888 )<br />


(171 ßÂng KhÎi & <strong>11</strong>6 Nguy‘n<br />

Hu÷, District 1*Tel: 3936 9999<br />

*Website:vincomshoppingmall.com)<br />


(72 L Th∏nh T´n & 45A L˝ T˘<br />

Tr‰ng, District 1*Website: vincomshoppingmall.com<br />



(16 - 18 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, 1 District<br />

& 41A Th∂o ßi“n, 2 District *Tel:<br />

3822 9332 & 3744 2630 *Website:<br />

www.annam-gourmet.com)<br />


(L LÓi, District 1 *Tel: 3822 5699)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 143

CÉC<br />

THÄNH PHˇ<br />

DU LëCH<br />

KHÉC<br />

emBAssies/ consuLATes AiRLines TRAVeL AgenTs taXiS hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />

reStaurantS BARs/cAFes spAs BAnKing seRVices souVeniR shops<br />

cuLTuRe shopping mALLs supeRmARKeTs<br />

Th´ng tin chi ti’t, vui lng lin h÷: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 <strong>11</strong>6 750.<br />

Ho∆c truy cÀp website: http://vntravellive.com<br />

Æ” c„ thm th´ng tin qu∂ng c∏o<br />

For further information, please contact: Sale Department<br />

*Email: ads@vntravellive.com *Tel: 0989 946 240 - 0985 <strong>11</strong>6 750.<br />

*Or visit www.vntravellive.com<br />

for advertising information<br />

sApA (Telephone Code: 020)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


(010, M≠Íng Hoa, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3787 999 *Website: http://<br />

www.sunnymountainhotel.com)<br />


(Sapa District, Lao Cai Province,<br />

Vietnam *Tel: +84 20 38 71 522<br />

*Fax: +84 20 38 71 539 *Email:<br />

resa.sapa@victoriahotels.asia<br />

*www.victoriahotels.asia)<br />

reStaurantS<br />


(23 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3871 556)<br />


(31 C«u M©y, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3871 064)<br />


(51 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai<br />

*Tel: 3871 438)<br />

emBAssies/consuLATes<br />

AiRLines<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />

taXiS<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />

reStaurantS<br />

BARs/cAFes<br />

spAs/ FiTness<br />

BAnKing seRVices<br />

souVeniR shops<br />

cuLTuRe<br />

shopping mALLs<br />

supeRmARKeTs<br />


39 Xu©n Vin, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel:<br />

3871 019)<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />


(31 Xu©n Vin, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel:<br />

3872 606 *Website: http://vietdiscovery.com)<br />


(68 Fansipan, Sapa, Lµo Cai *Tel:<br />

6523 172 *Website: http://sapastar.com)<br />

hÅi phíng - cÉT BÄ<br />

(Telephone Code: 031)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(C∏t C 1, C∏t Bµ *Tel: 3688 686<br />

*Website: http://catbaislandresortspa.com)<br />


(Zone 3, ß S¨n *Tel: 3864 888<br />

*Website: http://www.dosonresorthotel.com.vn)<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />

ߤ S•N TOURISM<br />

(Zone 2, ß S¨n *Tel: 3861 330<br />

*Website: http://dosontourism.com/)<br />



(<strong>11</strong>1-<strong>11</strong>3-<strong>11</strong>5 L Lai, M∏y Chai,<br />

Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 375 9679<br />

*Fax: 375 9680 *Website: www.<br />

viet4mua.vn)<br />


(178 T´n ߯c Thæng, L Ch©n<br />

*Tel: 3622 608 *Website: http://<br />

dulichhaiphong.com.vn/)<br />

reStaurantS<br />

CHEN<br />

(204 Quang Trung, Phπm HÂng<br />

Th∏i, HÂng Bµng *Tel: 3831 777)<br />


(Group 19, Block 4, C∏t Bµ *Tel:<br />

3887 151 *Website: http://www.<br />

greenmango.vn/)<br />

TR@C L¢M<br />

(3 Phπm B∏ Tr˘c, HÂng Bµng<br />

*Tel: 3733 833)<br />

taXiS<br />

ߤ S•N<br />

(SË 1 Hang D¨i H∂i Phng<br />

*Tel: 3864 864)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(221 Lπch Tray, ßÊng QuËc<br />

B◊nh, Ng´ Quy“n *Tel: 3833 833<br />

*Website: http://www.mailinh.vn)<br />

BAnKing seRVices<br />


(<strong>11</strong> Hoµng Di÷u, HÂng Bµng *Tel:<br />

3822 034 *Website: http://www.<br />

vietcombank.com.vn/)<br />

ACB<br />

(69 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, HÂng Bµng<br />

*Tel: 3823 392 *Website: www.<br />

acbbank.com.vn)<br />


(5 L˝ T˘ Tr‰ng *Tel: 3810 865<br />

*Website: www.techcombank.com.vn)<br />

supeRmARKeTs<br />

CHú S¿T<br />

(Quang Trung, HÂng Bµng)<br />


(23 Minh Khai, HÂng Bµng *Tel:<br />

3746 858 *Website: http://www.<br />

intimexco.com)<br />


(1/20A L HÂng Phong, Ng´<br />

Quy“n *Tel: 3852 459 *Website:<br />

http://www.parkson.com.vn/)<br />

ninh Bçnh<br />

(Telephone Code: 030)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


(ßinh ßi“n, ß´ng Thµnh, Ninh<br />

B◊nh *Tel: 3889 979 *Website:<br />

thereedhotel.com)<br />

hÑ Long - QuÅng<br />

ninH<br />

(Telephone Code: 0203)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


(8 Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y<br />

*Tel: 3845 810 *Website: http://<br />

www.halongplaza.com)<br />


(Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y<br />

*Tel: 3848108 *Website: http://<br />

www.novotelhalong.com)<br />



(Island Tu«n Ch©u, Qu∂ng Ninh<br />

*Tel: 3842 999 *Website: http://<br />

www.tuanchauholidayvilla-halong.com)<br />

Legend Halong<br />


HALONG<br />

(No. 12 Ha Long Street, Bai Chay<br />

Ward, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh<br />

Province *Tel: (+84)-33-3636555<br />

*Website: www.wyndhamhalong.com)<br />

144<br />




(T«ng 3 Vincom Plaza Hπ Long, P.<br />

Bπch ߪng, TP. Hπ Long *Tel: 033<br />

3841 166)<br />


¢U C•<br />

(Hanoi Sales Office: 47<br />

Phan Chu Trinh, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel:<br />

3933 4545 *Website: http://www.<br />

aucocruises.com)<br />


(Head Office: Townhouse B14,<br />

Tuan Chau Marina, Halong, Quang<br />

Ninh, Vietnam *Tel: 6281 888 *Fax:<br />

6281 666 *Hanoi Office: 20 th Floor,<br />

VIT tower, 519 Kim Ma street, Ba<br />

Dinh district, Hanoi, Vietnam *Tel:<br />

04 2220 8686 *Fax: 04 2220 8689<br />

*Email: info@aphroditecruises.com<br />

*Website: www.aphroditecruises.com)<br />


(Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A<br />

L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04.<br />

3926 4009 *Website: http://www.<br />

halongcalypsocruise.com)<br />


Hanoi Sales Office: 32/16A<br />

L˝ Nam ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04.<br />

3926 4009 *Website: http://www.<br />

orientalsails.com)<br />


(Hanoi Sales Office: 81C L˝ Nam<br />

ß’, Hoµn Ki’m *Tel: 04. 3747<br />

8006 *Website: http://www.halongphoenixcruiser.com)<br />


(Room 201, Hanoi Tower - 49 Hai<br />

Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi<br />



(Hπ Long, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3847 591)<br />


(Hoµng Gia Park, Hπ Long<br />

*Tel: 3845 913)<br />

TAXIS<br />

THÄNH C§NG<br />

(Tel: 3675 757)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(Tel: 3849 155 *38222 266)<br />



(Hπ Long Road, B∑i Ch∏y *Tel: 3844<br />

749 *Website: http://vietcombank.<br />

com.vn)<br />

BIDV<br />

(Bπch ߪng Ward, Hn Gai<br />

*Tel: 3823 680 *Website: http://bidv.<br />

com.vn)<br />

HóI AN<br />

(Telephone Code: 0235)<br />



(1 Pham Hong Thai Street, Hoi An<br />

City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: +84 510 391 4555 *Fax: +84<br />

510 391 4515 *Email: hoian@<br />

anantara.com)<br />


(Group 6, Block T©n Thnh,<br />

C»m An Ward *Tel: 3939 <strong>11</strong>1<br />

*Website: http://www.boutiquehoianresort.com)<br />


HOTEL & SPA<br />

(12 - 14 Huy“n Tr©n C´ng ChÛa,<br />

C»m Ch©u, HÈi An *Tel: 3666<br />

886 *Website: www.pearlriverhoian.<br />

com)<br />


(SË 1 PhË Cˆa ßπi, Thµnh phË HÈi<br />

An, Tÿnh Qu∂ng Nam, Vi÷t Nam<br />

*Tel: 392 70<strong>11</strong> *Fax: 392 7019<br />

*Email: reservation@hoianbeachresort.com.vn<br />

*Website: www.<br />

hoianbeachresort.com.vn)<br />

LOTUS HóI AN<br />

(330 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 770<br />

*Website: http://hoianlotushotel.com/)<br />


& SPA HOI AN<br />

(Lπc Long Qu©n, Cˆa ßπi Beach<br />

*Tel: 3927 927 *Website: http://<br />

www.palmgardenresort.com.vn/)<br />


RESORT<br />

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3937 777<br />

*Website: http://www.<br />

sunrisehoian.vn)<br />



(Thanh Nin Road, Cˆa ßπi<br />

*Tel: 3927 550 *Website: http://<br />

www.goldensandresort-spa.com.vn)<br />


(ƒp 1, ßi÷n D≠¨ng, ßi÷n Bµn *Tel:<br />

3940 000 *Website: http://www.<br />

thenamhai.com/)<br />


(39 ßµo Duy Tı, C»m PhÊ, HÈi An<br />

*Tel: 05103 950 777)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 040<br />

*Website: http://www.victoriahotels.<br />

asia/eng/hotels-in-vietnam/hoi-anbeach-resort-spa)<br />



(10 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo<br />

*Tel: 3910 9<strong>11</strong> *Website: http://<br />

www.hoiantravel.com/)<br />



(236 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3919 199<br />

*Website: http://www.heavengardenres.com/vn)<br />



(<strong>11</strong> Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c<br />

*Tel: 3910 369 *Website: http://<br />

hoiansakura.com)<br />


(Down the alley next to 60 L LÓi<br />

*Tel: 3862 037 *Website: http://<br />

secretgardenhoian.com/)<br />

SEN<br />

(Cˆa ßπi Beach *Tel: 3927 252<br />

*Website: http://nhahangsenhoian.vn)<br />




(101 Cˆa ßπi *Tel: 3923 922<br />

*Website: http://www.hoianfullmoontowns.com)<br />

TAM TAM CAF–<br />

(<strong>11</strong>0 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c *Tel:<br />

3862 212 *Website: http://www.<br />

tamtamcafe-hoian.com)<br />

TAXIS<br />

HóI AN<br />

(193 L˝ Th∏i TÊ, C»m Ch©u<br />

*Tel: 3919 919)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(410 Cˆa ßπi & 60 Nguy‘n Duy<br />

Hi÷u *Tel: 3914 914 *3929 292<br />

*Website: http://www.mailinh.vn)<br />



(4 Hoµng Di÷u *Tel: 3861 340<br />

*Website: http://www.vietinbank.vn)<br />



BY R–HAHN<br />

(26 Phan Boi Chau)<br />


& CULTURE<br />

(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 3852 945)<br />


(7 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 39<strong>11</strong> 382)<br />



(149 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 535)<br />


É ß§NG SILK<br />

(62 Tr«n H≠ng ßπo *Tel: 3910 59)<br />

L¤NG ßáN TR¡N PH@<br />

(65 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3861 996)<br />

MóC KIM B¤NG<br />

(C»m Kim *Tel: 3934 282)<br />


(23 Nguy‘n Th∏i H‰c<br />

*Tel: 39<strong>11</strong> 872 *Website: http://<br />

tranhtheuxq.com)<br />

ßÄ NøNG<br />

(Telephone Code: 0236)<br />



(Corner of Vo Nguyen Giap<br />

Street & Duong Dinh Nghe Str,<br />

Son Tra Dist, Da Nang *Tel: 3<br />

959 555 *Fax: 3 959 555 *Web:<br />

www.alacarteliving.com *Email:<br />

reservation-dn@alacarteliving.com)<br />


& SPA<br />

(Bai Dai Ghenh Rang, Quy Nhon<br />

City, Vietnam *Tel: +84 (0) 56<br />

3840 132 *Email:quynhon@avanihotels.com)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Tr≠Íng Sa Street, Hoµ H∂i,<br />

NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel:<br />

3981234 *Website: danang.<br />

regency.hyatt.com)<br />


(Tr≠Íng Sa, Khu M¸, NgÚ Hµnh<br />

S¨n *Tel: 3967 999 *Website:<br />

http://www.fusionmaiadanang.com)<br />



(B∑i Bæc, S¨n Trµ *Tel: 3938 888<br />

*Website: www.danang.intercontinental.com/)<br />


(252 Vo Nguyen Giap Street, Son<br />

Tra Dist *Tel: 3778 888 *Website:<br />

www.grandtourandehotel.com)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 145

OTHER<br />

CITIES<br />


BEACH<br />

(V‚ Nguyn Gi∏p, M©n Th∏i *Tel:<br />

3919 777 *Website: www.fusionsuitesdanangbeach.com)<br />


(99 V‚ Nguyn Gi∏p, quÀn<br />

NgÚ Hµnh S¨n, ßµ NΩng *Tel:<br />

391 9999 *Fax: 391 9998<br />

*Website: www.premier-villagedanang.com)<br />


RESORT<br />

(V‚ Nguyn Gi∏p Street, NgÚ<br />

Hµnh S¨n *Tel: 395 8888 *Website:<br />

www.pullman-danang.com)<br />


HOTEL<br />

(Lot A1, Zone of the Villas of<br />

Green Island, Ha C≠Íng Bæc, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 379 7777 *Website:<br />

http://www.accorhotels.com/7821)<br />



(36 Bπch ߪng, H∂i Ch©u *Tel:<br />

3929 999 *Website: http://www.<br />

novotel-danang-premier.com)<br />


(V‚ Nguyn Gæp, NgÚ Hµnh S¨n,<br />

ßµ NΩng *Tel: 05<strong>11</strong> 3847 333<br />

*Website: www.furamavietnam.com)<br />

emBAssies/consuLATes<br />

AiRLines<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />

taXiS<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />

reStaurantS<br />

BARs/cAFes<br />

spAs<br />

BAnKing seRVices<br />

souVeniR shops<br />

cuLTuRe<br />

shopping mALLs<br />

supeRmARKeTs<br />


RESORT<br />

(21 Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, ßµ NΩng<br />

*Tel: 3961 777 *Website: http://<br />

www.centarahotelsresorts.com/cdv/<br />

cdv_default.asp.UN_s9OSIHwM)<br />

TRAVeL AgenTs<br />


(Domestic Arrival Hall, ßµ NΩng<br />

Airport *Tel: 3614 783 *Website:<br />

http://www.asianatravelmate.com)<br />

taXiS<br />

S§NG HÄN<br />

(37/1 ßi÷n Bin PhÒ, H∂i Ch©u<br />

*Tel: 3719 258)<br />

reStaurantS<br />

TR@C L¢M VI£N<br />

(8 - 10 Tr«n Qu˝ C∏p *Tel: 3582<br />

428 *Website: http://truclamvien.<br />

com.vn/)<br />

spA<br />


(Vinpearl Luxury ßµ NΩng -<br />

Tr≠Íng Sa, Ha H∂i, NgÚ Hµnh<br />

S¨n *Tel: 3968 888 *Website:<br />

http://www.vincharmspa.com)<br />

BAnKing seRVices<br />


(244 - 248 Nguy‘n V®n Linh<br />

*Tel: 3650 <strong>11</strong>8 *Website: http://<br />

www.techcombank.com.vn)<br />

cuLTuRe<br />



(No2, 2/9 Street, B◊nh Hin, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 3470 <strong>11</strong>4 *Website:<br />

http://www.chammuseum.danang.vn)<br />


(24 Tr«n PhÛ, Thπch Thang, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 3822 390 *Website:<br />

http://www.baotangdanang.vn)<br />

souVeniR shops<br />


(176 Tr«n PhÛ, Ph≠Ìc Ninh, H∂i<br />

Ch©u *Tel: 3897 798)<br />

hu⁄<br />

(Telephone Code: 0234)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


(ThuÀn An Town, PhÛ Vang<br />

*Tel: 3983 333 *Website: http://<br />

www.anamandarahue-resort.com)<br />


(12 Nguy‘n V®n Cı, TP. Hu’<br />

*Tel: 3839 998 *Website: www.<br />

albahotels.com.vn)<br />


(105A HÔng V≠¨ng,TP Hu’<br />

*Tel: 393 6666 - Fax: 393 6555<br />

*Email: info@indochinepalace.com<br />

*Website: www.indochinepalace.<br />

com)<br />


& SPA<br />

(5 L LÓi, TP Hu’ *Tel: 383 7475<br />

*Website: www.laresidence-hue.com<br />



(49 L LÓi, Hu’ *Tel: ( 3823390<br />

*Website: http://www.centuryriversidehue.com)<br />


(8 HÔng V≠¨ng, PhÛ HÈi *Tel:<br />

3882 222 *Website: http://www.<br />

imperial-hotel.com.vn/)<br />


(Zone 1, PhÛ LÈc *Tel: 3681 688<br />

*Website: http://www.vedanalagoon.com/)<br />

reStaurantS<br />

CUNG ßçNH<br />

(3 Nguy‘n Sinh Sæc, V‹ Dπ<br />

*Tel: 3897 202 *Website: http://<br />

www.royalpark.com.vn/)<br />

TèNH GIA VI£N<br />

(7/28 L Th∏nh T´n & 50 PhÛ<br />

MÈng, Kim Long *Tel: 3522 243<br />

& 3510 644 *Website: http://www.<br />

tinhgiavien.com.vn/)<br />


(5 L LÓi, TP. Hu’<br />

*Tel: 054 3837 475)<br />

taXiS<br />

THÄNH C§NG<br />

(Tel: 357 5757)<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(Tel: 3898 989)<br />

BAnKing seRVices<br />

VIB<br />

(51 Hai Bµ Tr≠ng, V‹nh Ninh<br />

*Tel: 3883 666 *Website: http://<br />

www.vib.com.vn)<br />


(78 HÔng V≠¨ng *Tel: 38<strong>11</strong> 900<br />

Website: http://www.vietcombank.<br />

com.vn)<br />

cuLTuRe<br />


(Hµ Kh, H≠¨ng Long)<br />

nHa trang<br />

(Telephone Code: 058)<br />

hoTeLs/ResoRTs<br />


(Ninh V©n Bay, Ninh Ha *Tel:<br />

384 7333 *Website: www.anlamnvb.com)<br />



(38 Tr«n PhÛ Boulevard, LÈc Th‰<br />

*Tel: 388 9999 *Website: www.<br />

havanahotel.vn)<br />



(Northern Peninsula Cam Ranh,<br />

Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam<br />

*Tel: (+84) 583989898 *Website:<br />

www.rivieraresortspa.com)<br />




WAVES<br />

(Add: Hon Tam Island, Vinh<br />

Nguyen, Nha Trang)<br />


(Add: SË 2 Tr«n Quang Kh∂i, LÈc<br />

Th‰, Nha Trang<br />



(32-34 Tran Phu Street, Nha<br />

Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province,<br />

Vietnam *Telephone: 3737 222<br />

*Email: reservation@thecostanhatrang.com)<br />


HOTEL & SPA<br />

(12 - 14 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3820 999<br />

*Website: http://www.sunrisenhatrang.com.vn/)<br />



(Tel:+84 58 3524 268 *Email:<br />

reservations-ninhvan@sixsenses.com)<br />

reStaurantS<br />


(Lot No 29 Tr«n PhÛ Park *Tel:<br />

352 1948 *Website: http://www.<br />

louisianebrewhouse.com.vn/)<br />

BARs/cAFes<br />

GUAVA<br />

(34 Nguy‘n Thi÷n ThuÀt, T©n LÀp<br />

*Tel: 3526 197 *Website: http://<br />

www.guava.vn/)<br />

146<br />



(90A HÔng V≠¨ng, LÈc Th‰<br />

*Tel: 3524 351)<br />

TAXIS<br />


(*Tel: 381 8181)<br />


(46 L Th∏nh T´n, LÈc Th‰<br />

*Tel: 3810 810)<br />


BIDV<br />

(45 - 47 ThËng Nh†t *Tel: 3822<br />

034 *Website: http://bidv.com.vn/)<br />


(4 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m<br />

*Tel: 3822 759 *Website: http://<br />

www.vietinbank.vn)<br />

BçNH THUÜN<br />

(Telephone Code: 062)<br />



(Mui Ne Beach, KM10, *Ham Tien<br />

Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan<br />

Province, Vietnam *Tel: 374 1888<br />

*Fax: 374 1555 *Email: muine@<br />

anantara.com<br />


(Khu phË 5, PhÛ H∂i, Phan Thi’t,<br />

B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 3828 288, Fax:<br />

3828 <strong>11</strong>1 *Email: reservation@<br />

aromabeachresort.com *Website:<br />

www.aromabeachresort.com)<br />


(Km8, Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u, PhÛ Hµi,<br />

Phan Thi’t *Tel: 062. 3 812 799<br />

*Website: www.phuhairesort.com)<br />


(Su´› N≠Ìc, MÚi Nä *Tel: 3836 888<br />

*Website: www.bluebaymuineresort.<br />

com)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Km 9, Phu Hai, Phan Thiet, Binh<br />

Thuan, Vietnam *Tel: +84 62 3813<br />

000 *Fax: +84 62 3813 007 *Email:<br />

resa.phanthiet@victoriahotels.asia<br />

*www.victoriahotels.asia)<br />


(Km 17, Æ≠Íng 719, x∑ Ti’n Thµnh,<br />

Phan Thi’t, B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 62<br />

3846 768 *Web: www.sonataresort.<br />

com)<br />


DENCES<br />

(Khu PhË 5, PhÛ Hµi, Phan Thi’t,<br />

B◊nh ThuÀn *Tel: 0 62 371 9<strong>11</strong>1 /<br />

062 371 9123 *Fax: 062 371 9333<br />

*Email: reservation@thecliffresort.<br />

com.vn, *website: www.thecliffresort.<br />

com.vn)<br />


(57A Nguy‘n ß◊nh Chi”u *Tel:<br />

3847 589 *Website: http://www.<br />

gmvnmuine.com)<br />

SPA<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Ke Ga, Tan Thanh, Ham Thuan<br />

Nam, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam<br />

*Tel: (84.62) 3683 <strong>11</strong>5<br />

/ 3683 <strong>11</strong>7 / 3683 279 *Fax:<br />

(84.62) 3683 <strong>11</strong>4 *Hotline: (84)<br />

974 496 660 *Website: www.<br />

rockwaterbay.vn *Facebook: Rock<br />

Water Bay Resort *Email: info@<br />

rockwaterbay.vn)<br />



(Km <strong>11</strong>, Hµm Ti’n *Tel: 3847 507<br />

*Website: http://www.saigon-art.com)<br />


(34 Nguy‘n Hu÷ *Tel: 6253 213)<br />


CO.OP MART<br />

(1A Nguy‘n T†t Thµnh, B◊nh H≠ng<br />

*Tel: 3835 440 *Website: http://<br />

www.coopmart.vn)<br />

ßÄ LÑT<br />

(Telephone Code: 063)<br />



RESORT & SPA<br />

(L Lai Street, Ward 5 *Tel: 3555<br />

888 *Website: http://anamandararesort.com/)<br />


DALAT<br />

(HÂ Tuy“n L©m, Khu phË 4,<br />

ßµ Lπt, Vi÷t Nam *Tel: 84-633 -<br />

800 999 *Email:dalat@binhanvillage.<br />

com *Website:www.binhanvillage.<br />

com)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(Tuy“n L©m Lake, Zone VII.2 *Tel:<br />

3831 515 *Website: http://www.<br />

dalatedensee.com/)<br />

NGñC PHÉT ßÄ LÑT<br />

(10 H TÔng MÀu, Ph≠Íng 3, Tp.<br />

ßµ lπt *Tel: 063 368 3979 *Fax:<br />

063 383 5868 *Email: info@<br />

ngocphatdalathotel.com *Website:<br />

www.ngocphatdalathotel.com)<br />


(Zone 7&8, Khu du lch HÂ Tuy“n<br />

L©m, ph≠Íng 3, ßµ Lπt)<br />


(35 Cao B∏ Qu∏t, ph≠Íng 7,<br />

Thung LÚng T◊nh Yu, ßµ Lπt *Tel:<br />

06 3356 5279 *Website: www.<br />

terrassedesrose-villa.com *E-mail:<br />

info@terrassedesroses-villa.com)<br />



(Ph©n khu ch¯c n®ng 7.9, KDL hÂ<br />

Tuy“n L©m, Ph≠Íng 3 *Tel: 063<br />

3883 838 / Website: www.terracottaresort.com)<br />



(12 Tr«n PhÛ *Tel: 3825 444)<br />

BçNH D•NG<br />

(Telephone Code: 650)<br />


(21/4 Trung Str, Vinh Phu W, Thuan<br />

An Dist, Binh Duong Province,<br />

Vietnam *Tel: (+84) 650 378 5555<br />

*Fax: (+84) 650 378 5000 *Email:<br />

rsvn.sr@anlam.com *Hotline: (+84)<br />

908 998 550)<br />


(555B *Tel: 0650 367 8888 *Fax:<br />

0650 367 8880 *Email: info@<br />

themirahotel.com.vn *email: sales@<br />

themirahotel.com.vn / reservation@<br />

themirahotel.com.vn)<br />


HOTEL<br />

(230 ßπi lÈ B◊nh D≠¨ng, Hi÷p<br />

Thµnh, ThÒ D«u MÈt *Tel: 0650<br />

222 1333, *Fax: 0650 222 1342<br />

*Email: sales@becamexhotel.com<br />

/ reservation@becamexhotel.com /<br />

booking@becamexhotel.com)<br />

VüNG TÄU<br />

(Telephone Code: 064)<br />



(H Trµm, Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuyn<br />

MÈc *Tel: 378 1525 *Website:<br />

http://www.hotramresort.com/)<br />


RESORT & SPA<br />

(44A Road, Ph≠Ìc H∂i, ߆t ß·<br />

*Tel: 367 8888 *Website: http://<br />

www.tropicanabeachresort.com/)<br />


(Tÿnh lÈ 44A, Th tr†n Long H∂i,<br />

Long ßi“n *Tel: 366 2222 *Email:<br />

reservations@almaoasislonghai.com,<br />

Website: www.almaoasislonghai.com)<br />


(Ph≠Ìc ThuÀn, Xuyn MÈc, Bµ Ra,<br />

VÚng Tµu *Tel: 064 3781 631,<br />

Email: info@thegrandhotram.com<br />

*Website: www.thegrandhotram.com)<br />



(Tel: +84 64 3831 222 *Email:<br />

reservations-condao@sixsenses.com)<br />

TAXIS<br />

MAI LINH<br />

(12 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3563 656)<br />

PETRO<br />

(50 Nam K˙ KhÎi Ngh‹a<br />

*Tel: 3851 851)<br />


DAVID<br />

(92 Hπ Long Street, Ward 2<br />

*Tel: 3521 012)<br />


(6 Hoµng Hoa Th∏m *Tel: 3856<br />

959 )<br />

PH@ QUˇC<br />

(Telephone Code: 077)<br />



QUˇC<br />

(Tr«n H≠ng ßπo, D≠¨ng ß´ng,<br />

PhÛ QuËc *Tel: 077 3982 988<br />

*Email: contact@laverandaresorts.com<br />

*Website: www.laverandaresorts.com)<br />


(Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To<br />

Commune, Phu Quoc *Tel: 077<br />

626 0999 *Email: H9770@accor.<br />

com *Website: www.novotelphuquoc.<br />

com)<br />


(B∑i Dµi, Gµnh D«u, PhÛ QuËc<br />

*Tel: 077 3519 999 *Fax: 077<br />

3847 771 *Email: info@vinpearlphuquoc-resort.com<br />

*Website: www.<br />

vinpearlresort-phuquoc.com)<br />


ISLAND<br />

(Cˆa L†p, D≠¨ng T¨, PhÛ QuËc *Tel:<br />

077 399 00<strong>11</strong> *Fax: 077 399 99<strong>11</strong><br />

*Email: contact@salindaresort.com,<br />

*Website: www.salindaresort.com)<br />

CAF–<br />


& INFO CAFE<br />

(No 6 Bach Dang Str, Duong Dong<br />

*Tel: (+84) 77 3 994 181 *Website:<br />

www.visitphuquoc.info)<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 147

ß\NG Bì Lö c• Hói THaM d# NH~NG S# KiåN ßÖc S¿c TÑi cÉc<br />

ßIÕM ß⁄N TRONG VÄ NGOÄI NõC T\ 15/<strong>11</strong> - 15/12/<strong>2017</strong><br />

Do not miss chances to join these unparralleled events taking place from<br />

November 15 th to December 15 th , <strong>2017</strong> in Vietnam and other countries.<br />

24 ñ 26/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>, Korea<br />



Khu Imjingak Pyeonghwanuri (618-<br />

13, Majeong-ri, Munsan-eup, Paju-si,<br />

Gyeonggi-do)<br />

Tπi L‘ hÈi ÆÀu t≠¨ng Jangdan Î Paju, du<br />

kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc n’m thˆ nhi“u m„n ®n<br />

kh∏c nhau Æ≠Óc lµm tı n´ng ph»m Æ∆c<br />

bi÷t cÒa Paju, Æ„ lµ ÆÀu t≠¨ng jangdan.<br />

Ngoµi ra, r†t nhi“u vÀt ph»m Æa ph≠¨ng<br />

Æa dπng cÚng sœ xu†t hi÷n cÔng vÌi c∏c<br />

s˘ ki÷n thÛ v nh≠ lµm meju (ÆÀu t≠¨ng<br />

ln men), lµm garaetteok (b∏nh gπo),<br />

cuÈc thi v“ s¯c kh·e vµ nhi“u s˘ ki÷n<br />

h†p d…n kh∏c.<br />

At the Jangdan Soybean Festival in Paju,<br />

visitors will get to taste a variety of dishes<br />

made from Paju's specialty produce, the<br />

Jangdan Soybean. In addition, a wide<br />

variety of local produce will also be featured<br />

along with exciting activities such as making<br />

meju (fermented soybean), garaetteok<br />

(rice cake), fitness competitions and other<br />

exciting events.<br />

17 - 19/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong>, Korea<br />


ß’n vÌi l‘ hÈi tπi Khu th tr†n Kimchi Gwangju<br />

(60, Kimchi-ro, Nam-gu, Gwangju), du kh∏ch sœ<br />

hi”u l˝ do tπi sao m„n ®n Æ∆c bi÷t nµy lπi thi’t y’u<br />

Æ’n vÀy vÌi ng≠Íi Hµn QuËc vµ c„ c¨ hÈi Æ≠Óc<br />

tÀn tay lµm kim chi cÚng nh≠ kh∏m ph∏, t◊m<br />

hi”u thm nhi“u loπi kim chi Æa dπng kh∏c.<br />

At the festival in Kimchi Gwangju Township<br />

(60, Kimchi-ro, Nam-gu, Gwangju), visitors<br />

will get to know why kimchi is such a basic<br />

and popular dish in Korea, make and taste<br />

different types of kimchi.<br />

<strong>11</strong>&12, Singapore<br />



Con phË mang t›nh bi”u t≠Óng<br />

Orchard Road sœ trÎ nn sËng ÆÈng<br />

vÌi ∏nh ÆÃn r˘c rÏ, trang tr› l‘ hÈi<br />

vµ c∂ nh˜ng c©y Gi∏ng sinh cao ch„t<br />

v„t Æ” chµo mıng mÔa l‘ hÈi. C∏c<br />

con Æ≠Íng Æ“u trÎ thµnh s©n kh†u<br />

l‘ hÈi vÌi mµn tr◊nh di‘n cÒa c∏c<br />

ngh÷ s‹ trong n≠Ìc vµ dµn ÆÂng ca<br />

sœ ng©n vang nh˜ng giai Æi÷u Gi∏ng<br />

sinh bπn yu th›ch.<br />

The iconic Orchard Road will come<br />

alive with brilliant lights, decorations<br />

and towering Christmas trees in<br />

celebration of the festive season. Every<br />

corner will become a festival<br />

stage with performances<br />

from local artists with<br />

the choirs singing your<br />

favorite Christmas<br />

melodies.<br />

30/<strong>11</strong>/<strong>2017</strong><br />

- 21/01/2018,<br />

Netherlands<br />



Tπi l‘ hÈi ∏nh s∏ng<br />

Amsterdam, du kh∏ch sœ Æ≠Óc<br />

m∑n nh∑n vµ kh´ng kh·i tr«m<br />

tr khi chim ng≠Ïng nh˜ng<br />

thi’t k’ ÆÈc Æ∏o, nh˜ng t∏c<br />

ph»m ngh÷ thuÀt sËng ÆÈng.<br />

During the Amsterdam Light<br />

Festival, visitors will get to<br />

enjoy and admire spectacular<br />

illuminated artworks.<br />

148<br />


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