Product Book Sep 2017

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PROVEN<br />

MLS<br />

® ®<br />



aspergillus oryzae<br />

A product designed and developed for animal feeds. It is<br />

the result of a two stage fermentation process from a<br />

select strain of aspergillus oryzae. Including it in livestock<br />

diets through supplementation will increase the<br />

activity and amount of enzymes produced by naturally<br />

occurring fungi already present in the rumen. These fungi<br />

are primarily fiber digesters, so by increasing their<br />

numbers and activity we can improve the utilization of<br />

forages and increase the efficiency and profitability of<br />

your operation. aspergillus oryzae is included in all MLS<br />

Tub <strong>Product</strong>s.<br />

This chart illustrates the increase of microbial protein<br />

synthesis as a result of adding aspergillus oryzae as<br />

demonstrated in a North Dakota State University study<br />

published in the Journal of Animal Science (1993)<br />

MLS<br />

Altosid IGR is an insect growth regulator (IGR) passing<br />

through the animal and into the manure, where horn<br />

flies lay their eggs. This breaks the horn fly life cycle by<br />

preventing pupae from developing into biting adult flies.<br />

The active ingredient in Altosid IGR is (S)-Methoprene, a<br />

copy of the horn fly’s own biochemical. (S)-Methoprene<br />

is the ideal fly control ingredient for the environmentally<br />

conscious producer.


CELMANAX SCP is manufactured using a revolutionary<br />

enzymatic hydrolysis process. This process yields highly<br />

bioavailable Refined Functional Carbohydrates. By<br />

including CELMANAX SCP in your feed program, your<br />

cattle will receive a full dose of yeast culture plus MOS<br />

(mannan-oligosaccharide) and beta-glucans. These<br />

components will help prepare the immune system to<br />

respond quickly in the event of a health challenge. This<br />

has been shown to decrease medicine costs through<br />

reducing the incidence and/or severity of the illness.<br />

By placing the immune system in a state of readiness,<br />

CELMANAXSCP can be effective in reducing the<br />

incidence and/or severity of bovine respiratory disease<br />

(BRD) and scours caused by E. coli or salmonella. By<br />

including CELMANAX SCP in the diet, shorter recovery<br />

rates and decreased severity of coccidiosis can be<br />

observed, allowing animals to return to performing at<br />

their maximum potential much quicker.<br />

Research in feedlot calves at Texas Tech showed an 8%<br />

improvement in ADG and a 6% increase in feed intake.<br />

In addition, the incidence of BRD was reduced by 61%.<br />


Availa ® 4<br />

Availa ® 4 is a nutritional feed ingredient for animals that<br />

contains a combination of organic zinc, manganese,<br />

copper and cobalt. These trace minerals are required by<br />

animals for numerous functions including: immunity,<br />

reproduction, skin and hoof integrity, growth and muscle<br />

development, milk production, fiber digestion and<br />

energy metabolism. In addition, when an animal has the<br />

proper balance of trace minerals it is better able to cope<br />

with the challenging effects of stress.<br />

Availa-4, from Zinpro Performance Minerals®, is built on<br />

a unique, patented molecule that consists of one metal<br />

ion bound to one amino acid ion – called a metal amino<br />

acid complex. Zinpro Performance Minerals are the most<br />

bioavailable trace minerals on the market, which means<br />

more of the minerals are absorbed by the animal to<br />

deliver their full benefit. For 40 years, Zinpro<br />

Performance Minerals® have delivered positive animal<br />

performance responses and a strong return on<br />

investment in operations around the world.

MLS #1<br />


A balanced tub with concentrated levels of vitamins,<br />

trace minerals and protein. For cattle needing both<br />

protein and mineral supplementation.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

⅓ - ½ lb.<br />

% Protein<br />

18 (MO&ND)<br />

21 (TX)<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 1 - 1.5<br />

% Phosphorus 1.5<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 3<br />

% Potassium 4<br />

Copper ppm 600<br />

Cobalt ppm<br />

none added<br />

Iodine ppm 100<br />

Manganese ppm 415<br />

Selenium ppm 9<br />

Zinc ppm 1,500<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 220,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 40,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 200<br />

Vitamin C<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

Availa®4<br />


Available with ALTOSID® IGR Horn Fly Control<br />

√<br />

√<br />

Available<br />

Available<br />

The MLS #1 low-moisture tub supplement is the foundation of<br />

the MLS product line. A product offering a unique balance and<br />

concentration of vitamins (including nine different B-vitamins),<br />

trace minerals, protein and energy. MLS tub supplements<br />

contain aspergillus oryzae, an all natural microbial fermentation<br />

extract product that enhances digestibility and results in a more<br />

complete break down of the available forage. The MLS #1 tub is<br />

most often the only supplement needed to maintain or improve<br />

the performance of your herd year-round.

MLS #2<br />


Designed for mature and growing beef cattle on lush pastures<br />

or legume hay. Highly concentrated vitamin and mineral<br />

content with extra magnesium for early season grazing.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

⅓ - ½ lb.<br />

% Protein 12<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 1 - 1.5<br />

% Phosphorus 1.5<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 4<br />

% Potassium 4<br />

Copper ppm 600<br />

Cobalt ppm<br />

none added<br />

Iodine ppm 100<br />

Manganese ppm 415<br />

Selenium ppm 9<br />

Zinc ppm 1,500<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 220,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 40,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 200<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

Available<br />


Available<br />

MLS #3<br />


Designed for mature and growing beef cattle being fed lower<br />

quality hay, and dry grass or corn stalk grazing. A labor saving<br />

cost effective way to replace cake or range cubes.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

½ - 1 lb.<br />

% Protein 20 (MO&ND) 24 (TX)<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium .5 - 1<br />

% Phosphorus 1<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 1.5<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 300<br />

Cobalt ppm<br />

none added<br />

Iodine ppm 50<br />

Manganese ppm 207<br />

Selenium ppm 4.5<br />

Zinc ppm 750<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 110,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 20,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 100<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

Available<br />



MLS #5<br />


An energy, protein, vitamin, and trace mineral tub<br />

for young cattle during weaning, shipping, or<br />

situations leading to stress. Contains Availa®4<br />

from Zinpro® and CELMANAXSCP.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

see below<br />

% Protein 18<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 0.75 - 1.25<br />

% Phosphorus 1<br />

% Salt 2<br />

% Magnesium 0.5<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 345<br />

Cobalt ppm 14<br />

Iodine ppm 70<br />

Manganese ppm 510<br />

Selenium ppm 6<br />

Zinc ppm 1,440<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 150,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 28,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 300<br />

Vitamin C<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

Availa®4<br />


MFPMethionine<br />

Feeding Directions MLS #5: Feed equivalent total of 20 lbs. per<br />

head. (example 100 calves X 20 lbs. equals 2000 lbs. total fed<br />

then switch to appropriate MLS product)<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />

Available<br />

Novus® MFP is a highly bioavailable source of methionine,<br />

the first limiting amino acid in cattle on high forage diets.<br />

Standard ingredient in MLS #6. Available in MLS #’s 5, 7, and 25

MLS #6<br />


For young nursing calves needing a maintenance or growing<br />

ration, or to replace dry creep feed. Contains protein, vitamins<br />

& trace minerals, Availa®4 from Zinpro® and Novus® MFP<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

1 - 2 lbs.<br />

% Protein 16<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 1 - 1.5<br />

% Phosphorus 1<br />

% Salt 1<br />

% Magnesium 1<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 160<br />

Cobalt ppm 5.5<br />

Iodine ppm 34<br />

Manganese ppm 230<br />

Selenium ppm 3<br />

Zinc ppm 675<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 75,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 13,500<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 68<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

apergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

√<br />


Available<br />

MFPMethionine<br />

√<br />

MLS #7<br />


For young cattle on pasture or in a back ground operation. Also<br />

good for cattle on roughage diets but not yet broke to bunk<br />

feeding. Contains Availa®4 from Zinpro®<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

1 - 2 lb.<br />

% Protein 18<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 0.75 - 1.25<br />

% Phosphorus 0.50<br />

% Salt 1<br />

% Magnesium 1<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 260<br />

Cobalt ppm 18<br />

Iodine ppm 25<br />

Manganese ppm 395<br />

Selenium ppm 2.2<br />

Zinc ppm 900<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 55,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 10,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 50<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

apergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa® 4<br />

√<br />


Available<br />

MFPMethionine<br />


MLS #12<br />


Mineral supplement designed for year round feeding<br />

to mature and growing beef cattle. This product is<br />

high in energy and has concentrated vitamin and<br />

trace mineral levels.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

¼ - ⅓ lb.<br />

% Protein 5<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 1<br />

% Calcium 6 - 6.5<br />

% Phosphorus 6<br />

% Salt 3.5<br />

% Magnesium 3<br />

% Potassium 4<br />

Copper ppm 1,100<br />

Cobalt ppm<br />

none added<br />

Iodine ppm 50<br />

Manganese ppm 600<br />

Selenium ppm 9<br />

Zinc ppm 1,600<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 200,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 45,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 130<br />

Vitamin C<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

Availa®4<br />


Available with ALTOSID® Insect Growth<br />

Regulator (IGR) for continuous feeding to<br />

cattle through the Horn Fly season.<br />

√<br />

√<br />

Available<br />

Available<br />

Altosid®IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) is designed for<br />

continuous feeding during the fly season to prevent the<br />

development of adult horn flies. Available in MLS #1 Hi<br />

Performance Supple-Lix, MLS #12 Hi Mineral, and MLS #12<br />

Breeder.<br />

MLS products are made in a manufacturing<br />

facility that DOES NOT handle or store<br />

products containing animal proteins<br />

prohibited in ruminant feed.

MLS #12<br />


Mineral supplement designed for feeding to mature cows and<br />

heifers prior to and during breeding period. High in energy and<br />

has concentrated vitamin and trace mineral levels. Available<br />

with IGR Fly Control.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

¼ - ⅓ lb.<br />

% Protein 4<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 1<br />

% Calcium 5 - 6<br />

% Phosphorus 5<br />

% Salt 3.5<br />

% Magnesium 3<br />

% Potassium 4<br />

Copper ppm 1900<br />

Cobalt ppm 84<br />

Iodine ppm 50<br />

Manganese ppm 1900<br />

Selenium ppm 9<br />

Zinc ppm 4000<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 200,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 45,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 130<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

√<br />


Available<br />

MFPMethionine<br />

Available<br />

MLS #25<br />


Mineral supplement designed for feeding to stocker cattle and<br />

replacement heifers. This product is high in energy and has<br />

concentrated vitamin and trace mineral levels.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

¼ - ⅓ lb.<br />

% Protein 4<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 3<br />

% Calcium 5.5-6.5<br />

% Phosphorus 4.5<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 5<br />

% Potassium 3.5<br />

Copper ppm 1140<br />

Cobalt ppm 84<br />

Iodine ppm 100<br />

Manganese ppm 1750<br />

Selenium ppm 9<br />

Zinc ppm 3900<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 220,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 40,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 200<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

√<br />


Available<br />

MFPMethionine<br />


MLS #15<br />


A high performance tub supplement formulated to<br />

provide protein, additional energy, and organic trace<br />

minerals needed for optimum development of<br />

replacement heifers and bulls. Can be fed to<br />

yearling cattle to help maximize potential gains.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

½ - 1 lb.<br />

% Protein 20 (MO&ND)<br />

% Fat 10<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 1.25 - 1.75<br />

% Phosphorus 1<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 1.5<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 670<br />

Cobalt ppm 37<br />

Iodine ppm 50<br />

Manganese ppm 795<br />

Selenium ppm 4.5<br />

Zinc ppm 1800<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 110,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 20,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 100<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

√<br />


Available<br />

Zinpro Availa®4 provides bioavailable organic copper, zinc,<br />

manganese, and cobalt to aid fertility, soft tissue health, and<br />

joint development, and Vit-B absorption. Standard in MLS #’s 5,<br />

6, 7, 10, 15, 18, 25 and Breeder Mineral. Available to add in<br />

MLS #’s 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, and 20.<br />

Valley Mills, TX<br />

tx@mlstubs.com<br />

888-657-8827<br />

Moberly, MO<br />

moberly@mlstubs.com<br />

800-406-4609<br />

Ellendale, ND<br />

nd@mlstubs.com<br />

800-450-8827<br />


MLS #18<br />

Feeding Directions<br />


A high performance flax seed tub supplement formulated to<br />

provide protein, additional energy, organic trace minerals, and<br />

Omega-3 fatty acids for mature and growing beef cattle on high<br />

roughage diets. Contains Zinpro Availa®4<br />

½ - 1 lb.<br />

% Protein 12<br />

% Fat 12<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium .5- 1<br />

% Phosphorus 1<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 1.5<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 670<br />

Cobalt ppm 37<br />

Iodine ppm 50<br />

Manganese ppm 795<br />

Selenium ppm 4.5<br />

Zinc ppm 1800<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 110,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 20,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 100<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

√<br />


Available<br />

MLS #10<br />


A protein, energy, vitamin, and mineral package for mature<br />

and growing dairy cattle. High levels of vitamin E and selenium<br />

to compliment dairy rations.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

½ - 1 lb.<br />

% Protein 18<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 3<br />

% Calcium 1-2<br />

% Phosphorus 1.5<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 2<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 640<br />

Cobalt ppm 35<br />

Iodine ppm 90<br />

Manganese ppm 1,250<br />

Selenium ppm 8.3<br />

Zinc ppm 2,400<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 200,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 36,800<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 300<br />

Vitamin C<br />

√<br />

9 B-Vitamins √<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Availa®4<br />

√<br />



MLS #16<br />


MLS Equine Mineral Plus was designed to meet or<br />

exceed mineral and vitamin requirements for all<br />

classes of horses.<br />


% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 1<br />

% Calcium 6.5-7<br />

% Phosphorus 4<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 2<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 1300<br />

Iodine ppm 45<br />

Manganese ppm 4100<br />

Selenium ppm 10<br />

Zinc ppm 4950<br />

Biotin ppm 32<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 160,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 16,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 1760<br />

9B-Vitamins<br />

√<br />

aspergillus oryzae<br />

√<br />

Zinpro Performance Minerals® √<br />

Celmanax®<br />

√<br />

This complete vitamin and mineral supplement with<br />

added fat is specifically designed to balance trace<br />

minerals and vitamins as well as increase energy to all<br />

classes of horses grazing large pastures, or whose diet<br />

consists mainly of forage. Provide plenty of drinking<br />

water, free choice salt and provide unlimited forage at all<br />

times.<br />

WARNING: Contains high levels of copper, do not feed to<br />

sheep.<br />

FEEDING DIRECTIONS: 1/4 pound per head daily, as a<br />

guide offer one 125# tub for every 10 head. Extra<br />

management practices may be required to control<br />

consumption in pastures smaller than 50 acres and for<br />

horses in pastures with limited forage.

MLS #4<br />

EQUI-LIX<br />

MLS #4 Equi-Lix is a complete protein, energy,<br />

vitamin, and mineral supplement containing<br />

dried aspergillus oryzae, our formulation of 9<br />

different B-Vitamins, and added Vitamin C.<br />

% Protein 14<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium .5 - 1<br />

% Phosphorus 1<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 2<br />

% Potassium 4<br />

Copper ppm 225<br />

Iodine ppm 75<br />

Manganese ppm 310<br />

Selenium ppm 6.5<br />

Zinc ppm 1125<br />

Biotin ppm 12.5<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 165,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 30,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 150<br />

Vitamin C<br />

9B Vitamins<br />


aspergillus oryzae<br />

FEEDING DIRECTIONS: 2/3-1 lb head/day.<br />

Supply roughage, water, and free choice salt.<br />

√<br />

√<br />

√<br />


ClariFly® Larvicide is a feed additive that<br />

prevents adult house flies, stable flies, face<br />

flies and horn flies from developing in<br />

manure. Use of ClariFly® Larvicide helps<br />

keep flies from becoming a nuisance to<br />

horses and humans.

MLS #11<br />

EWE-LIX<br />

A protein, mineral, vitamin, and energy tub supplement for<br />

mature and growing sheep to compliment harvested forage<br />

feeding or grazing.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

1 - 1.6 oz.<br />

% Protein<br />

18 (MO&ND)<br />

21 (TX)<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 1 - 1.5<br />

% Phosphorus 1.5<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 3<br />

% Potassium 2<br />

Copper ppm, (min-max) 20-50<br />

Iodine ppm 100<br />

Manganese ppm 415<br />

Selenium ppm 9<br />

Zinc ppm 1,500<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 220,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 40,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 200<br />


MLS #13<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

% Protein<br />



A protein, mineral, vitamin, and energy tub for mature and<br />

growing sheep under adverse conditions. Use to supplement<br />

harvested forage or while grazing.<br />

2 -3 oz.<br />

20 (MO&ND)<br />

24 (TX)<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium .5 - 1<br />

% Phosphorus 1<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 1.5<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm, (min-max) 20-50<br />

Iodine ppm 50<br />

Manganese ppm 207<br />

Selenium ppm 4.5<br />

Zinc ppm 750<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 110,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 20,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 100<br />



It is a required mineral for sheep, yet highly toxic. Copper<br />

status of sheep is influenced by breed, age of animal, health<br />

status of animal, levels of other minerals consumed, and even<br />

levels of some feed additives in the diet. Copper metabolism in<br />

sheep is influenced by the breed or crosses of breeds of sheep.<br />

Goats need copper; sheep should not have copper. Due to this,<br />

do not feed your goats feed or minerals intended for sheep. If<br />

you do, you may experience copper deficiency health related<br />

issue with your goats. This may not show up for years, but can<br />

be a serious problem.<br />

MLS #9<br />

GOAT TUB<br />

This tub supplement provides protein, energy, and<br />

concentrated levels of vitamins and trace minerals for mature<br />

and growing goats being fed roughage or in grazing situations.<br />

Feeding Directions<br />

1 - 1.6 oz.<br />

% Protein 15<br />

% Fat 5<br />

% Crude Fiber 2.5<br />

% Calcium 1 - 2<br />

% Phosphorus 1.5<br />

% Salt none added<br />

% Magnesium 3<br />

% Potassium 3<br />

Copper ppm 550<br />

Iodine ppm 100<br />

Manganese ppm 1400<br />

Selenium ppm 6.8<br />

Zinc ppm 2300<br />

Vit. A IU/LB 165,000<br />

Vit. D IU/LB 30,000<br />

Vit. E IU/LB 150<br />




Chad Holt (TX-NM) 903-272-5010 Kyle Latham (TX) 254-715-2162<br />

Gary West (East US) 731-335-3023 Jeff Anslinger (MO-KS-NE-IA) 816-244-7340<br />

Joseph Woods (MO,IA,IL) 660-341-5413 Clyde Smith (Deep South) 601-540-6133<br />

Bryan Sundsbak (ND-SD-WY-NE-MT) 605-209-0559

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