Spirit Newsletter | November

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<strong>November</strong> 2017<br />

providing personalised emotional, practical and financial<br />

support and care to people affected by breast cancer<br />

newsletter of breast cancer care wa<br />

“It was totally unexpected,<br />

but very much appreciated,<br />

and is certainly something<br />

which I will treasure, as a<br />

reminder of Louise and the<br />

challenges she has had<br />

to work through since her<br />

breast cancer diagnosis,”<br />

- Di.<br />

Soulful Survivor Sisters<br />

Louise is a 44 year old woman who self-referred to Breast<br />

Cancer Care WA to receive counselling support following her<br />

breast cancer diagnosis. She had been experiencing ‘lumpy’<br />

breasts for the previous 12-24 months, but discovered that<br />

a lump in her left breast was becoming larger, with itchiness<br />

and discolouration around her left nipple. Louise saw her GP<br />

who organised for her to undergo investigations at one of the<br />

metropolitan Breast Assessment Centres, where the results<br />

revealed she did have breast cancer.<br />

At the surgical planning appointment,<br />

Louise was initially advised that she<br />

would be a suitable candidate for breast<br />

conserving surgery, however, her breast<br />

surgeon recommended that she undergo<br />

further testing and have an MRI, to learn<br />

more about the breast cancer. This<br />

changed the course of events for her; it<br />

was discovered that Louise’s cancer was<br />

quite significantly larger than first thought,<br />

so her suggested surgical plan was<br />

changed to removal of the entire breast.<br />

Louise felt that the reason behind<br />

this change in suggested surgery was<br />

explained very clearly to her, however, it<br />

was the rapidity of this change that caused<br />

her significant emotional distress, as she<br />

felt that she had so little time to adjust to<br />

the idea of losing her breast. Louise went<br />

on to have her mastectomy and a course<br />

of chemotherapy, followed by hormone<br />

therapy medication.<br />

Breast Cancer Care WA provided<br />

counselling, Breast Care Nursing support<br />

as well as transport to some of her<br />

appointments, which Louise found very<br />

helpful during this challenging period.<br />

All of Louise’s extended family live in<br />

Queensland, however, her mum and her<br />

sister did come over to Perth to provide<br />

some much needed support during<br />

the initial stages of her diagnosis and<br />

treatment.<br />

Louise completed all of her active<br />

treatment in May 2017 and then decided<br />

to head over to Queensland to spend<br />

some quality time with her family which<br />

then changed into a permanent relocation!<br />

In the few weeks between her last<br />

chemotherapy treatment and travelling over<br />

East, Louise decided to design T-shirts<br />

to gift to the people who had provided<br />

support to her during her treatment.<br />

Our McGrath Breast Care Nurse Di and one<br />

of our lovely volunteers, Anjali, were proud<br />

recipients of these gorgeous t-shirts.<br />

In this issue<br />

Connecting with Nature...................... 2<br />

Ease the stress of the festive season.3<br />

Debbie’s Story.................................. 4<br />

News................................................ 5<br />

Community Champions...................... 6<br />

Upcoming Events.............................. 7<br />

We need your help............................. 8<br />

Breast Cancer Care WA, 80 Railway Street, Cottesloe WA 6011 l (08) 9324 3703<br />

info@breastcancer.org.au l www.breastcancer.org.au

What if doing something very simple,<br />

enjoyable and inexpensive could make<br />

you feel all of the following?<br />

• Physically relaxed and at ease<br />

• Healthily responsive and alert –<br />

sharpened performance<br />

• Psychologically adaptive and flexible<br />

• Emotionally stable<br />

• Relationally connected<br />

• <strong>Spirit</strong>ually balanced<br />

• Resilient<br />

Connecting with Nature<br />

It’s as easy as immersing yourself in<br />

nature! And what better time of year<br />

than Spring when there’s an abundance<br />

of wildflowers. Whether it be sitting in a<br />

garden, strolling along the beach, looking<br />

up at the trees, watching a sunset,<br />

focusing on a rose, walking a bush track<br />

– it’s wildflower season! There is so<br />

much research evidence proving multiple<br />

health benefits.<br />

When you relax and tune in to a natural<br />

environment using any or all of your<br />

5 senses (smell, sound, sight, touch<br />

or taste), you make a choice to give<br />

yourself time and space for your central<br />

nervous system to down-regulate,<br />

resulting in substantial changes in<br />

metabolic rate, slowed heart rate and<br />

breath, muscular relaxation, lowered<br />

blood pressure, hormone balance and<br />

much more.<br />

“Repeated activation of the relaxation<br />

response can reverse sustained problems<br />

in the body and mend the internal wear<br />

and tear brought on by stress.”<br />

- Herbert Benson, MD<br />

In addition, a daily dose of sunlight is<br />

the best source of Vitamin D, which<br />

is essential for immune system<br />

maintenance and improved sleep!<br />

Studies reveal that early morning<br />

exposure to sunlight will help recalibrate<br />

our sleep cycle – in line with natural<br />

circadian rhythms. Our eyes will also be<br />

appreciative of sunlight which has been<br />

shown to help prevent Computer Vision<br />

Syndrome (caused by staring at a screen<br />

for prolonged periods).<br />

“Earthing” is the new term for grounding<br />

yourself with the earth and therefore<br />

connecting with the earth’s electric<br />

energy. If you take your shoes off and<br />

allow your feet to touch the natural<br />

environment for 15mins, you may well<br />

feel anti-inflammatory effects (Davis,<br />

2017). According to James Oschman,<br />

Ph.D, barefoot is best but even wearing<br />

shoes that have soles made of leather or<br />

hide can have beneficial transformative<br />

and energising effects, including<br />

resolution of jet-lag.<br />

A vast collection of psychological<br />

research speaks of the marked decrease<br />

in cortisol (the stress hormone), a<br />

happiness effect through the release<br />

of endorphins (natural pain and stress<br />

fighters) and a boost in serotonin (the<br />

feel good transmitter), that has been<br />

shown to improve mood, empathy,<br />

mental clarity, emotional stability,<br />

altruism and feelings of love.<br />

So, make the best choice for your health<br />

and take your body and mind outside –<br />

enjoy nature’s many restorative effects<br />

- even for 5 mins at a time.<br />

“If the sight of the blue skies fills you<br />

with joy, if a blade of grass springing<br />

up in the fields has power to move<br />

you, if the simple things of nature<br />

have a message that you understand,<br />

rejoice, for your soul is alive.”<br />

- Eleonora Duse<br />

Introducing Sally Dare<br />

We are delighted to welcome our new Support Services Manager,<br />

Sally Dare, to the Breast Cancer Care WA team.<br />

Sally began her career in nursing and midwifery, working in both hospitals and the<br />

community. She spent seven years at the Cancer Council, building her skills as the<br />

Manager of Regional Support Services. Sally has a love of fresh healthy food and has<br />

also spent time managing the café at the popular Perth City Farm.<br />

“Supporting people with cancer has taught me gratitude, the value of life, and how<br />

important it is to keep living the best life I can. Meeting new people in diverse<br />

communities has allowed me to understand the importance of ‘”personalised”<br />

supportive care in the world of cancer. I’m looking forward to working with the team<br />

of breast care nurses and counsellors at Breast Cancer Care WA to further build our<br />

ability to offer support to the 1,500 women and handful of men that are diagnosed<br />

with breast cancer each year in WA.”

Ease the stress of the festive season<br />

Christmas and New Year are usually times of love, joy and happiness. Unfortunately for many people<br />

the Holiday season can be a period of unhappiness and exhaustion, especially for those who may<br />

have undergone a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Your health can have a huge impact on<br />

how you perceive this festive time of year. Family misunderstandings, economic difficulties and<br />

loneliness can all contribute to feelings of stress or depression. Physical tiredness as a result of<br />

treatment or ongoing medication, coupled with ideas of your health or appearance can also bring<br />

you down.<br />

Here are some tips to ease the stress:<br />

• Before you find yourself tied up with too many activities<br />

and obligations, decide what activities have a positive effect<br />

on you and offer something meaningful and enjoyable.<br />

Take part in those you enjoy, and stay away from those you<br />

don’t like.<br />

• Review the gatherings you “must” attend and see how you<br />

feel about them. You always have the choice of saying “no”.<br />

• Take the focus off Christmas Day: with family life becoming<br />

more complex, explore ways to come together at other<br />

times such as Christmas Eve or Boxing Day.<br />

• Try to have realistic expectations of what you are capable of<br />

and avoid activities that create feelings of stress. Allow time<br />

for yourself to do things that are important for you.<br />

• Try “living” every day of the holiday season and take<br />

pleasure in the small things.<br />

• Make a conscious effort to list all the positive things you<br />

experienced and were grateful for during the year.<br />

• Avoid excessive costs and only spend what you can afford.<br />

Try a Secret Santa and give one gift per person involved.<br />

• Spend Christmas with people you love, if possible.<br />

• Avoid tension: this is not the time to try and resolve past<br />

hurts.<br />

• Ask for help and accept it – get your family or friends to all<br />

bring a dish, or let someone help you with the cleaning up.<br />

• If you are spending this time of year alone, why not attend<br />

a community event or your local church? Use this as an<br />

opportunity to do something you haven’t done before.<br />

• Take time for yourself and get adequate sleep and rest.<br />

Relax, listen to music, read or just enjoy the beauty of<br />

nature.<br />

If you are concerned about the festive season, contact us to talk with a counsellor on (08) 9324 3703 or<br />

info@breastcancer.org.au.<br />

<strong>Spirit</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>November</strong> 2017 l Page 3

Debbie is one woman who has<br />

been through it all – as a full time<br />

working, single mother of three<br />

beautiful children she was told just<br />

before Christmas she had breast<br />

cancer.<br />

Debbie’s Story<br />

In the 10 working days before Christmas, it’s estimated nearly 50 women in Western Australia will<br />

be diagnosed with breast cancer. Next year, thousands more will follow. Every single one will need<br />

dedicated support.<br />

It’s devastating to think how those women and their families<br />

will cope over what should be a ‘festive’ and happy season.<br />

But together we can help them through this difficult time.<br />

Your wonderful donations this year have been so appreciated,<br />

but sadly the demand for our services never ends. By giving<br />

another urgent Christmas gift today, you will continue to help<br />

brighten what might seem like a very dark time for a woman<br />

and her family who may have nowhere else to turn.<br />

For Debbie, your vital donation to Breast Cancer Care WA<br />

meant she wouldn’t lose her house and that her children<br />

could stay where they felt most secure. Because of generous<br />

people like you, they didn’t have to leave their school or their<br />

friends and she had the emotional and physical support she<br />

needed through the toughest of times.<br />

Breast Cancer Care WA is the only organisation in Western<br />

Australia to provide practical emotional and financial<br />

support immediately for a woman alone or a whole<br />

family...and without government funding, support can only<br />

come from people like you.<br />

“We were out to dinner when I got the call. We went<br />

straight home upset and crying. My 17 year old son Jack<br />

said it was the worst night of his life, not knowing what lay<br />

ahead for all of us.”<br />

What followed was the toughest time of all their lives,<br />

but now, with the worst (hopefully) behind them, Debbie<br />

would like to give every woman in WA with breast cancer a<br />

message of hope… hope she found in generous people<br />

like you who give to Breast Cancer Care WA.<br />

“As a single mum of 3 children and the only bread winner,<br />

the panic I felt about how I was going to hold it together<br />

was worse than the diagnosis. I wondered ‘How can we<br />

possibly survive with no income’?<br />

Now Debbie and her kids have so much to look forward to,<br />

including Debbie’s 2018 wedding!<br />

“It was like having a fairy godmother visit when<br />

Breast Care Nurse Denise came to see me. I broke<br />

down and sobbed when she told me the support<br />

Breast Cancer Care WA could provide. It was the<br />

biggest relief I have ever experienced. Knowing they<br />

will continue to be there, no matter what the future<br />

holds means the world to us.”<br />

Though she’s had to monitor her health closely and weather<br />

two health scares in the last few years, she knows that she<br />

can turn to Breast Cancer Care WA any time she needs to<br />

because of donors like you.<br />

“Without the support of generous<br />

people who donate and make the<br />

services Breast Cancer Care WA<br />

available I just don’t know how we<br />

would have survived.”<br />

You can donate securely online today at www.breastcancer.org.au<br />

or phone your donation in on (08) 9324 3703.<br />

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

News<br />

2017 saw 42 incredible individuals take part in the fifth anniversary of Jump for Jane. In groups of five they<br />

took to the skies in a 15,000ft tandem skydive over Rockingham Beach.<br />

Jump for Jane began in 2013 in honour of former Breast<br />

Cancer Care WA board member, Jane Loring. Jane sadly<br />

passed away from breast cancer, with her family choosing<br />

to remember her by organising a skydive. Five years on, the<br />

event is bigger than ever and encourages people from all<br />

over WA to take the ultimate leap of faith to support West<br />

Australians affected by breast cancer.<br />

This year the event raised over $40,000 vital funds that<br />

will provide breast care nurses, counsellors and financial<br />

assistance, free of charge, to those that need help most. A<br />

huge thank you to everyone who helped raise funds for Jump<br />

for Jane and to those who came down to support our jumpers<br />

on the day. Thank you also to Skydive Australia for their<br />

support in helping make this event happen each year.<br />

Fly Fishing<br />

This year 19 ladies made the journey<br />

down to Manjimup to take part in<br />

Breast Cancer Care WA’s annual fly<br />

fishing expedition.<br />

Fly fishing is known to help people suffering<br />

with Lymphoedema, a possible side<br />

effect caused by breast cancer treatment.<br />

Lymphoedema is a collection of fluid in the arms or legs that<br />

causes painful swelling. In breast cancer patients, it can be<br />

a side effect of having lymph nodes removed from cancer<br />

surgery. The arm and shoulder movements associated with fly<br />

fishing can help reduce the swelling caused by Lymphoedema,<br />

as well as promoting good arm health.<br />

There are also emotional benefits to fly fishing. The weekend<br />

away is a great time to relax and escape the everyday<br />

stresses of treatments and medical appointments. Fishing<br />

is also a very relaxing sport, with the ladies able to focus on<br />

the task at hand and share time with people who understand<br />

what they are going through.<br />

“What a fantastic experience - I feel very<br />

priveledged to have met such wonderful people<br />

in such a wonderful place. Thank you for the<br />

opportunity”.<br />

Our fly fishing weekend would not be possible without the<br />

amazing support of Recfishwest. Each year the team help a<br />

new group of people discover the benefits of fly fishing and<br />

a new way of coping.<br />

<strong>Spirit</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>November</strong> 2017 l Page 5

Community Champions<br />

If you would like to host your own community event, whether it is a head shave, bake sale, fun run or<br />

something completely different, get in touch with us on 9324 3703 or visit www.breastcancer.org.au<br />

for more details.<br />

Boobalicious Ball<br />

This year’s Boobalicious Ball, proudly presented by adultshop.com,<br />

was the highlight of the social calendar for many. Now in its 14th<br />

year, the annual June event was so much more than guests could<br />

have imagined. The Primitive theme captured the imaginations<br />

of everyone and the night was a spectacular whirlwind including<br />

runway show, auctions and live entertainment, which had guests<br />

dancing the night away until 2am.<br />

This year the Boobalicious Ball raised $95,000 for Breast Cancer<br />

Care WA. We are so incredibly grateful to our Chairman and also<br />

adultshop.com Managing Director Malcolm Day, Peta Evans, Megan<br />

Hart and the entire team for their hard work to make the event<br />

happen, and their passionate support of Breast Cancer Care WA.<br />

Our sincerest thanks also to each and every guest for their support<br />

of the event – through Boobalicious you are directly supporting<br />

West Australians affected by breast cancer right now.<br />

We’re already looking forward to the 2018 Boobalicious Ball!<br />

Sweetwater Rooftop Bar<br />

Long Table Dinner<br />

In September over 120 individuals attended the inaugural Long<br />

Table Dinner held at Sweetwater Rooftop Bar in East Fremantle.<br />

Over $5,000 was raised on the night, during which a spectacular<br />

banquet dinner was shared, while guests heard from MC<br />

Melissa Del Popolo, Breast Cancer Survivor and Volunteer. A<br />

huge thank you to all those who attended, to Mel for her hard<br />

work and keeping us entertained, and to the team at Sweetwater<br />

Rooftop Bar for making the evening so special.<br />

Paddock to Plate<br />

Thank you to Paddock to Plate, an amazing dinner hosted in<br />

Margaret River on Saturday 29 October. The team at Margaret<br />

River Events Co pulled together a beautiful evening, complete<br />

with auctions, raffles and live entertainment. Thanks to all the<br />

guests over $3,500 was raised on the night! We are so grateful<br />

and cannot wait until next year’s event!

Upcoming Events<br />

Purple Breakfast<br />

Come along on Sunday 19 <strong>November</strong> for the sixth annual<br />

Purple Breakfast. Tickets are just $50 and include a full<br />

cooked breakfast, raffles, silent auction and photo booth, as<br />

well as inspiring guest speakers sharing their stories. Funds<br />

raised on the day will be donated to Breast Cancer Care WA.<br />

Grab your ticket now before they run out!<br />

Location: Perth Soccer Club, 3 Lawley Street, West Perth<br />

Date: Saturday 19 <strong>November</strong><br />

Tickets: $50 at www.trybooking.com/RXDN<br />

Awakening – an exhibition of paintings by Valerie Glover<br />

The extraordinary art of Valerie Glover will be on display in the art exhibition Awakening throughout <strong>November</strong> and<br />

December. Come along to Café Café in Subiaco Square road to view her amazing pieces. Best yet, 10% of all<br />

artwork sales will be shared between Breast Cancer Care WA and Lifeline. We hope to see you there!<br />

<strong>Spirit</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>November</strong> 2017 l Page 7

Christmas Gift Wrapping –<br />

we need your help!<br />

Do you want to have fun, meet new people and make a difference this December?<br />

Sign up to volunteer as part of our Christmas Gift Wrapping team and help us<br />

support those that need it most this holiday season.<br />

We need volunteers every day from 2 to 24 December at Belmont Forum, Cockburn<br />

Gateway Shopping City, and The Square Mirrabooka.<br />

Email volunteers@breastcancer.org.au or call on (08) 9234 3703 with your<br />

preferred location and availability – we can’t wait to see you there!<br />

Give the gift of support<br />

Looking for a gift idea for that someone<br />

who has everything? Give the gift of support<br />

to a family affected by breast cancer this<br />

Christmas by purchasing a gift in lieu – your<br />

donation will bring light to the lives of those<br />

that you have supported as well as your<br />

special someone that you have made the<br />

gift on behalf of.<br />

Gifts in lieu can be purchased at Belmont<br />

Forum, Cockburn Gateway Shopping<br />

City and The Square Mirrabooka during<br />

December or phone us on 9324 3703.<br />

Closed for<br />

Christmas!<br />

Our office will be closed from Friday<br />

22 December to Monday 8 January.<br />

Our team members will be taking a<br />

well-deserved break to rejuvenate and<br />

come back ready to support West<br />

Australians affected by breast cancer in<br />

the New Year.<br />

For emergency support during this<br />

time, please contact:<br />

Cancer Council Hotline: 13 11 20<br />

Life Line Crisis Line: 13 11 14<br />

Crisis Care: 9223 1111<br />

Breast Cancer Care WA<br />

80 Railway Street, Cottesloe WA 6011<br />

(08) 9324 3703<br />

info@breastcancer.org.au<br />


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