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Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Help me Father and lead me to Your pastures<br />

27 September 1986, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

help-me-father-and-lead-me-to-your-pastures<br />

help me Father<br />

and lead me to Your pastures of repose,<br />

where everlasting pure water flows,<br />

be my Light to show me the Way;<br />

with You by your side will I walk;<br />

with You illuminating me will I talk;<br />

Father, Beloved, remain within me<br />

to have Peace, to feel Your Love;<br />

I will follow You in Your footsteps;<br />

with You I will remain;<br />

enlighten me, love me,<br />

be with me here and forever after;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Holy Father, by Thy Power and with Thy Mercy<br />

7 March 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-holy-father-by-thy-power-and-with-thy-mercy<br />

"O Holy Father,<br />

by Thy Power and with Thy Mercy,<br />

I implore You, gather all your sheep,<br />

forgive them and let them return to Your Beloved Home,<br />

look upon them as your children<br />

and with Thy Hand bless them, amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My God, I love You<br />

20 March 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-god-i-love-you<br />

My God, I love You<br />

and it is through Your abundant love and mercy<br />

that You showed me Your Light;<br />

blessed be Your Name,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

May the Lord and God Almighty be Blessed<br />

26 March 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

may-the-lord-and-god-almighty-be-blessed<br />

"May the Lord and God Almighty be Blessed,<br />

May His Kingdom reign in eternal Glory,<br />

May His Holy Name be Glorified,<br />

May His Word penetrate and rest in each heart;<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Father lead me wherever Your will wishes<br />

1 May 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-father-lead-me-wherever-your-will-wishes<br />

"My Father, lead me wherever<br />

Your will wishes me to go<br />

allow me to live in Your Light<br />

and warm my heart,<br />

that it may glow, giving warmth<br />

on those who approach me,<br />

blessed be Your Name,<br />

for giving me all these graces<br />

in spite of my nothingness,<br />

blessed be Your Name,<br />

for the Good You have done to me<br />

and the Mercy You have shown me,<br />

lifting me near Your Heart, amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, my Love, my Breath,<br />

13 May 1987, Vassula prays:<br />

jesus-my-love-my-breath<br />

Jesus, my Love,<br />

my Breath, my Life, my Joy,<br />

my Sigh, my Rest, my Holy Companion,<br />

my Saviour, my Sight, my Everything,<br />

I love You!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Beloved Father, purify me with Your Son's Blood<br />

15 May 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

beloved-father-purify-me-with-your-sons-blood<br />

Beloved Father, purify me with Your Son's Blood,<br />

Father, purify Me with your Son's Body,<br />

Beloved Father, hold away the evil spirit that now tempts me,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Father, fulfill what must be fulfilled<br />

16 May 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-father-fulfill-what-must-be-fulfilled<br />

"O Father,<br />

fulfil what must be fulfilled;<br />

may Your words penetrate, bless and purify<br />

the hearts of Your children;<br />

Father, do as Your Heart desires<br />

and may Your will be done,<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Heavenly Father, Father of Love<br />

19 May 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-heavenly-father-father-of-love<br />

"O Heavenly Father, Father of Love,<br />

come to us, delivering us from evil,<br />

Father love us<br />

and allow us to abide in Your Light,<br />

do as your Heart desires,<br />

may Your Name be glorified,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, I come to You<br />

20 May 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-i-come-to-you<br />

Father,<br />

I come to You<br />

and ask You to enlighten Your sheep,<br />

enlighten them to find Peace and Love in Unity,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Heavenly Father, may I glorify You<br />

25 May 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

heavenly-father-may-i-glorify-you<br />

"Heavenly Father,<br />

may I glorify You,<br />

redeem your children from evil,<br />

may they be in your Light,<br />

may their hearts open<br />

and with Your Mercy receive You,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Father, be with me until the end<br />

2 June 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-father-be-with-me-until-the-end<br />

"O Father,<br />

be with me until the end,<br />

I am weak;<br />

give me Your Strength to glorify You,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father of Mercy unite your sheep<br />

7 July 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-of-mercy-unite-your-sheep<br />

"Father of Mercy,<br />

unite your sheep, bring them together again,<br />

let them realise their aridity,<br />

forgive them, mould them into what you desire them to be,<br />

remind them of Your ways,<br />

May all Glory be in Your Holy Name for ever and ever,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, deliver me in Your Arms<br />

4 September 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-deliver-me-in-your-arms<br />

"Father,<br />

deliver me in Your arms,<br />

let me rest near you,<br />

sanctify me Father<br />

when You receive me,<br />

forgive my sins as I forgave others<br />

Glory be to God my Father,<br />

I bless You; amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Beloved Creator, Holy Spirit, I bless You<br />

22 September 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-beloved-creator-holy-spirit-i-bless-you<br />

"O Beloved Creator, Holy Spirit,<br />

I bless You for the Works You have showered upon me,<br />

I bless You for the Light You shed upon Me,<br />

Glory be to God Almighty,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Beloved Father, I love You, I bless You<br />

12 October 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

beloved-father-i-love-you-i-bless-you<br />

"beloved Father<br />

I love you, I bless You,<br />

I thank you for Your Mercy,<br />

make me worthy of you<br />

so that You are able to use me fully,<br />

use me as You wish,<br />

I love you,<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Righteous One, Beloved Father<br />

10 November 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

righteous-one-beloved-father<br />

"Righteous One, Beloved Father,<br />

blessed be Your Name,<br />

assemble all Your faithful ones,<br />

let the heavens proclaim Your Righteousness,<br />

let every lip praise Your Holy Name continually,<br />

malice must be banished from the deceivers,<br />

help those whose spirit is crushed,<br />

revive them as Your Word has guaranteed,<br />

the vow I have made I will keep and fulfil,<br />

I pray for Your Churches,<br />

may they all be one, Father,<br />

may they be one in You;<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, Righteous One, My Shelter<br />

13 November 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-righteous-one-my-shelter<br />

"Father, Righteous One, My Shelter,<br />

send out Your Light and Your Truth,<br />

let these be my guide,<br />

to lead me to Your Holy Place where You live,<br />

I, for my part love You fully,<br />

I will keep my vow to fulfil Your word,<br />

Holy Father I am aware of my faults, of my sins,<br />

have mercy on me in Your Goodness<br />

and Your great Tenderness<br />

forgive my sins, purify me, Lord,<br />

be my Saviour, renew me,<br />

keep my spirit faithful to You and willing,<br />

I offer you my will, surrendering,<br />

I am willing to be Your tablet,<br />

I praise Your Holy Name and thank You<br />

for all the blessings and peace you have given me;<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, let Peace be what they will discuss<br />

11 December 1987, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-let-peace-be-what-they-will-discuss<br />

"Father,<br />

let peace be what they will discuss,<br />

forgive their insincerity,<br />

Father do not stand aside if they will persecute me<br />

come, come to my defence, 1 be at my side,<br />

enlighten them and teach them,<br />

let them see their errors,<br />

you are Righteous,<br />

shine on them instead,<br />

to praise you and say,<br />

'Great is our God Most High<br />

who wants to see His children at Peace,<br />

praise the Lord who descends to unite us,<br />

praise the Lord who comes to announce His Works of today';<br />

Amen;"<br />

____________________<br />

1. To defend His Word, not me.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, Righteous One, I am willing to do<br />

10 January 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-righteous-one-i-am-willing-to-do<br />

"Father, Righteous One,<br />

I am willing to do Your Holy Will,<br />

I am willing to proceed<br />

and please Your Heart, ever so Sensitive,<br />

replacing the thorns by my love,<br />

thorns that are still in You; amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yes, Lord, You are indeed my Hope<br />

10 January 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

yes-lord-you-are-indeed-my-hope<br />

Yes, Lord,<br />

You are indeed my Hope,<br />

You are my Happiness, my Smile,<br />

in You I believe,<br />

You are my Joy of life, You are my Life,<br />

I adore You and worship You forever,<br />

amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I believe, I adore<br />

10 January 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

i-believe-i-adore<br />

"I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You, amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O God, how can I not love you?<br />

12 January 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

o-god-how-can-i-not-love-you<br />

O God, how can I not love You?<br />

I am Yours, even if I am clay.<br />

All I do is out of love for You.<br />

I do not seek my interests,<br />

I seek to Glorify Your Name.<br />

I seek to bring back Your lambs to You,<br />

I seek to follow Your Will, Lord.<br />

I love You and because of this love I have for You,<br />

given and taught by You,<br />

I ask You, if it is Your wish, to strengthen my faith<br />

and to love You without limits,<br />

to enable me to continue and glorify You.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Holy Mother, I will amend for the offences<br />

25 January 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-holy-mother-i-will-amend-for-the-offences<br />

"O Holy Mother,<br />

I will amend for the offences<br />

being said on Your Immaculate Heart,<br />

by willing to become a victim of love for Love,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, Beloved One, I need You<br />

25 January 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-beloved-one-i-need-you<br />

"Father, Beloved One,<br />

I need You to augment<br />

my faith, my love, my hope,<br />

that I may glorify Your Holy Name again,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, O Abba! I offer you my will<br />

25 January 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-o-abba-i-offer-you-my-will<br />

"Father, O Abba!<br />

I offer you my will,<br />

I offer you my life, I surrender,<br />

Righteous Father<br />

if it is within Your Will<br />

make me worthy<br />

so that You may use me<br />

fully make me a victim<br />

of Your burning desires,<br />

do as Your Heart desires,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Behold Father<br />

1 March 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

behold-father<br />

"behold Father,<br />

what You have in Your sight,<br />

You have Wretchedness,<br />

forgive me Father,<br />

for I am not worthy to have been given all those graces,<br />

I merit nothing for I am Nothing,<br />

allow this Nothing to lean on You<br />

in Your fathomless Goodness,<br />

I love You Beloved Father<br />

in spite of my wretchedness and nothingness,<br />

I need Your Strength to be able and work<br />

and fulfil all that must be fulfilled with Your Grace,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I love You Lord, I breathe for You<br />

8 March 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

i-love-you-lord-i-breathe-for-you<br />

"I love You Lord,<br />

I breathe for You, I smile for You,<br />

I hope in You, I believe in You,<br />

You are my joy, my bounce, my peace;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Glory be to God! blessed be our Lord!<br />

16 March 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

glory-be-to-god-blessed-be-our-lord<br />

"glory be to God!<br />

blessed be our Lord!<br />

praised be the Lord!<br />

allow me to walk by Your side,<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I love you Lord and Saviour<br />

19 March 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

i-love-you-lord-and-saviour<br />

I love You Lord and Saviour,<br />

please teach me to please You,<br />

so that I am able to be with You,<br />

so that I am able to be used by You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Almighty God<br />

24 March 1988, the Virgin Mary gives the prayer:<br />

almighty-god<br />

"Almighty God,<br />

teach Your servant Your Ways,<br />

teach me humility, patience and love,<br />

guide me in Your Path of Righteousness and Virtues,<br />

I surrender myself to You,<br />

offering You my will,<br />

forgive my sins, renew me,<br />

make me worthy so that You may use me fully,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Holy Spirit descend upon us, renewing us<br />

26 March 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

holy-spirit-descend-upon-us-renewing-us<br />

"Holy Spirit<br />

descend upon us, renewing us,<br />

fill our soul with Your Love,<br />

rest in our tormented soul, giving us Peace,<br />

envelop us with Your wings<br />

sheltering us from all evil,<br />

humble us, guide us in Your Light<br />

to be able to see Your desires<br />

and thus fulfil them,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My God I no longer can my eyes from Your Divine Face<br />

26 March 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

my-god-i-no-longer-can-my-eyes-from-your-divine-face<br />

My God<br />

I no longer can detach my eyes<br />

from Your Divine Face<br />

my eyes are fixed upon you<br />

in endless hours of adoration<br />

and my mind cannot detach itself<br />

from You Beloved Father,<br />

every second upon earth and heaven<br />

my mind is absorbed in You, with You.<br />

I live for You and breathe for You,<br />

my joy is You and my smile.<br />

I believe, I adore, I hope<br />

and I love You endlessly.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, give me the strength, the faith and the love<br />

29 March 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

jesus-give-me-the-strength-the-faith-and-the-love<br />

Jesus, give me the strength,<br />

the faith and the love to do Your Will.<br />

Teach me to obey You and humble myself,<br />

teach me to forgive my oppressors<br />

and repay evil with love.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, do not refuse me since I am the least<br />

11 April 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-do-not-refuse-me-since-i-am-the-least<br />

Lord, do not refuse me<br />

since I am the least in Your Eyes,<br />

have pity on me<br />

and feed me, if You wish,<br />

even the remaining crumbs Lord;<br />

St Mary do not despise me,<br />

please have mercy<br />

and let the Lord throw to me<br />

a few remaining crumbs,<br />

please keep me alive!<br />

amen<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, may we be united with one Faith<br />

19 April 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

father-may-we-be-united-with-one-faith<br />

Father, may we be united<br />

with one Faith and one Baptism<br />

under Your Holy Name;<br />

may we be one in You<br />

as You, Jesus, are one with our Father,<br />

keep us in Your Name,<br />

which you have given us.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart<br />

4 May 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

novena-of-confidence-to-the-sacred-heart<br />

O Lord, Jesus Christ<br />

To Your Most Sacred Heart,<br />

I confide this intention...<br />

(Here mention your request)<br />

Only look upon me<br />

Then do what Your Heart inspires...<br />

Let Your Sacred Heart decide...<br />

I count on It... I trust in It...<br />

I throw myself on Its Mercy...<br />

Lord Jesus! You will not fail me,<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee.<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

I believe in Thy love for me.<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come.<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

I have asked for many favours,<br />

but I earnestly implore this one.<br />

Take it, place it in Thy Sacred Heart.<br />

When the Eternal Father sees it covered with Thy Precious Blood,<br />

He will not refuse it.<br />

It will no longer be my prayer but Thine, O Jesus.<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

I place my trust in Thee,<br />

Let me never be confounded. Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel<br />

4 May 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

prayer-to-st-michael-the-archangel<br />

St. Michael the Archangel,<br />

defend us in the day of battle,<br />

be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.<br />

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,<br />

and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,<br />

by the Power of God,<br />

cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits,<br />

who prowl through the world<br />

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

The Memorare of St. Bernard<br />

4 May 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

the-memorare-of-st-bernard<br />

Remember,<br />

O Most Gracious Virgin Mary<br />

that never was it known<br />

that anyone who fled to Thy protection,<br />

implored Thy help and sought Thy intercession,<br />

was left unaided.<br />

Inspired with this confidence,<br />

I fly unto Thee,<br />

O Virgin of virgins, my Mother!<br />

to Thee I come, before Thee I stand,<br />

sinful and sorrowful.<br />

O Mother of the Word Incarnate!<br />

despise not my petitions,<br />

But in Thy Mercy,<br />

hear and answer me. Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father of Mercy<br />

7 May 1988, the Virgin Mary gives the prayer:<br />

father-of-mercy<br />

"Father of Mercy,<br />

in adoration I am at Your Feet,<br />

in You I Hope and Believe,<br />

I love you boundlessly;<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, I am but following You<br />

21 June 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-i-am-but-following-you<br />

Lord,<br />

I am but following You,<br />

and my soul is in peace<br />

as a child with his mother,<br />

trusting You fully and as a child,<br />

I want to obey You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Lord, if I could alleviate your sufferings<br />

29 June 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

o-lord-if-i-could-alleviate-your-sufferings<br />

O Lord,<br />

if I could alleviate your sufferings<br />

by sharing your sufferings<br />

allow me to do it;<br />

use me, use every molecule of mine,<br />

teach me to love you infinitely.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Praised be the Lord<br />

7 September 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

praised-be-the-lord<br />

Praised be the Lord!<br />

You have asked me to be the slave of Your Love;<br />

since I am not worthy to be Your slave, the slave of God,<br />

lead me into Your purifying Fire and refine me, my King,<br />

as gold is refined<br />

so that I am able to glorify You,<br />

for I am only committing sin after sin.<br />

Out of pity, Lord, allow Your Light to shine in my darkness.<br />

Teach me to be the victim of Your Heart,<br />

and embrace Your Cross ardently and not with consternation,<br />

while on the road to Calvary,<br />

this road that leads to happiness since it's The Path of Holiness<br />

and one which You, as the Perfect Victim, first trod on.<br />

I am constantly sinning,<br />

yet You do not punish me as my sin deserves,<br />

You are sparing me without cease,<br />

and You allow Your Light to be in me;<br />

this is why I know that: God is on my side.<br />

Now I must fulfil the vows I made You<br />

in the consecration to Your Sacred Heart;<br />

allow me to stay in Your Tent forever,<br />

allow me to cling on You and gaze on Your Holy Face<br />

and I will bless You all my life,<br />

and my soul will feast in Your Love and in Your Presence.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Come Lord! return to us, hear our sorrowful cries<br />

10 October 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

come-lord-return-to-us-hear-our-sorrowful-cries<br />

"Come Lord! return to us,<br />

hear our sorrowful cries from this wilderness;<br />

feel our thirst, and have Mercy upon us,<br />

return to us, come and blot out all wickedness,<br />

replacing it by Love,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord I only ask You for Your Strength<br />

14 October 1988, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-i-only-ask-you-for-your-strength<br />

Lord,<br />

I only ask You for Your Strength.<br />

I need more faith to love You more and as You want;<br />

I need perseverance and hope<br />

to accomplish the mission You have given me,<br />

and thus glorify Your Holy Name again.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Today is the Eve of Your Birth. Lord!<br />

24 December 1988, Vassula prays:<br />

today-is-the-eve-of-your-birth-lord<br />

Today is the Eve of Your Birth.<br />

Lord! I rejoice so very much<br />

Beloved One, Holy of Holies!<br />

Praised be our Lord!<br />

O God, dissolve me in Your Holiness<br />

and show me how to live holy.<br />

Dissolve me Eternal One<br />

in Your Purity purifying me.<br />

Beloved One, sanctify us Your children,<br />

and unite us all into one Fold,<br />

glorifying You and praising You around one Tabernacle.<br />

Allow Your Holy Spirit of Truth to descend upon all of us<br />

to show us The Truth.<br />

Let Your Light be our Guide in this obscurity,<br />

and lead us in The Truth,<br />

bringing us all under one shepherd until Your Return.<br />

Lord, COME!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Praised be the Lord for having looked upon<br />

27 January 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

praised-be-the-lord-for-having-looked-upon<br />

Praised be the Lord<br />

for having looked upon Wretchedness<br />

and having lifted me.<br />

Praised be the Lord<br />

for rising me from the dead.<br />

Glory be to God<br />

for descending and bending all the way to us<br />

to redeem us from evil.<br />

Blessed be the Lord<br />

for the compassion He has upon His children.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Father take pity on your children<br />

30 January 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-father-take-pity-on-your-children<br />

"O Father,<br />

take pity on your children,<br />

especially the young ones,<br />

take these souls and place them under Your wings,<br />

rescue them from the Evil one,<br />

redeem them from the Lethargy that surrounds them,<br />

fill them with Your Holy Spirit of Truth<br />

and bring them in Your Light for ever and ever,<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Blessed be our Lord who performs marvels<br />

27 March 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

blessed-be-our-lord-who-performs-marvels<br />

Blessed be our Lord<br />

who performs marvels of love for me.<br />

Lord, how great Your Goodness<br />

reserved for those who fear You,<br />

bestowed on those who take shelter in You,<br />

for all mankind to see!<br />

Rejoice in our Lord and Saviour,<br />

exult, you virtuous,<br />

shout for joy, all upright hearts!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Blessed be my Lord who has not deprived us<br />

23 April 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

blessed-be-my-lord-who-has-not-deprived-us<br />

Blessed be my Lord<br />

who has not deprived us to meet in His Name.<br />

The Lord is good even to those without merits.<br />

My Lord, You responded to our <strong>prayers</strong>,<br />

You responded to the fasting and to the sacrifices<br />

Your beloved children offered You.<br />

I bless Your Name. We bless Your Name.<br />

"My Lord is good,<br />

his love is everlasting,<br />

his faithfulness endures from age to age." 1<br />

Let us serve the Lord.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Ps. 100:5.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I thank You, I thank You and praise You<br />

28 April 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

i-thank-you-i-thank-you-and-praise-you<br />

I thank You<br />

I thank You and praise You for Your marvels<br />

that You are literally showering us with.<br />

My heart rejoices and exults Your Holy Name,<br />

You are my Shield that protects me,<br />

You are the Righteous Judge.<br />

I offer You my will.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh, my Abba remind me of Your commandments<br />

1 May 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

yahweh-my-abba-remind-me-of-your-commandments<br />

Yahweh, my Abba,<br />

remind me of Your commandments<br />

so that I may follow them and be faithful to You.<br />

I know that Your rulings are righteous, my Abba,<br />

and I know and believe that You make me suffer out of faithfulness,<br />

it was good for me to taste and drink from Your bitter Cup.<br />

Now Lord, please, let Your Love comfort me,<br />

come and treat me tenderly and I shall live,<br />

since Your Law is my life and my delight,<br />

direct my steps towards Your Home as You have promised me,<br />

I desire You, Father in Heaven,<br />

I am waiting for You, Yahweh, my Abba,<br />

I am waiting for You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me Your Ways<br />

1 June 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-sacred-heart-of-jesus-teach-me-your-ways<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

Teach me Your Ways,<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

lead me in the Way of Integrity,<br />

Keep me away from the evil one<br />

and do not abandon me to his will,<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

Be my Sheltering Rock for You are my Refuge,<br />

Assign Your Love and Peace to guide and guard me,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus, you rain on us a downpour<br />

1 June 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

sacred-heart-of-jesus-you-rain-on-us-a-downpour<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

You rain on us a downpour of blessings.<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus<br />

You give the lonely a permanent Home.<br />

Your family has found a Home.<br />

Blessed be our Lord, who saves us day after day<br />

and brings us one after the other into His Sacred Heart.<br />

Blessed be our Lord, who bears our burdens<br />

and shares our sufferings.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, My Lord whom I adore<br />

15 June 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-sacred-heart-of-jesus-my-lord-whom-i-adore<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

My Lord whom I adore,<br />

I offer You my will,<br />

make me Your instrument<br />

of Your Peace and of Your Love,<br />

make me Your victim<br />

of Your Burning Desires<br />

of Your Sacred Heart;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Blessed be our Lord, the Almighty<br />

29 June 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

blessed-be-our-lord-the-almighty<br />

Blessed be our Lord, the Almighty,<br />

who alone performs marvels.<br />

My God, You taught me Your Word<br />

and I am still proclaiming your marvels.<br />

Full of Compassion You forgave my guilt<br />

and You brought me back to my senses.<br />

You have made me understand and perceive Wisdom's Words:<br />

They who eat Me will hunger for more, they who drink Me will thirst for more; 1<br />

Similar to a woman who has been widowed,<br />

so am I roaming in this desert<br />

looking for Your Eternal Source and Your green pastures<br />

where I may lay my head and rest.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Si. 24:21.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, restore my soul<br />

15 July 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-sacred-heart-of-jesus-restore-my-soul<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

restore my soul,<br />

hide my heart<br />

into Your Sacred Heart,<br />

so that I may live, amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I love you Lord, my God ever so Tender<br />

17 July 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

i-love-you-lord-my-god-ever-so-tender<br />

I love You Lord, my God,<br />

ever so Tender and Merciful,<br />

I live only for You,<br />

my gaze is only upon You and no one else,<br />

I adore You!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Holy One, my soul yearns for Your Sacred Heart<br />

19 July 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

holy-one-my-soul-yearns-for-your-sacred-heart<br />

Holy One,<br />

my soul yearns for Your Sacred Heart,<br />

happy are all those who live in Your Sacred Heart<br />

and can adore You all day long;<br />

happy those who receive graces from You;<br />

call back to life again all those who still lie dead,<br />

so that they may rejoice in You,<br />

show them Your Love,<br />

show them Your Sacred Heart<br />

so that they may sing a New Hymn of Love to You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, let them see Your Jealous Love<br />

25 July 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-let-them-see-your-jealous-love<br />

My Lord,<br />

let them see Your Jealous Love.<br />

You are our Peace and Hope.<br />

We do not deserve Your Love nor Your Mercy.<br />

Be with us for we are weak and frail like flowers<br />

and we need Your Sap to nourish us<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, take me in soul, take me in spirit<br />

30 July 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-take-me-in-soul-take-me-in-spirit<br />

Lord, take me in soul, take me in spirit,<br />

my Lord Jesus, take my heart, all is Yours,<br />

Your Love is better than life itself;<br />

I put my hope in You;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Yahweh is good to me<br />

23 August 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

my-yahweh-is-good-to-me<br />

My Yahweh is good to me,<br />

His Love is everlasting,<br />

His Faithfulness endures from age to age,<br />

He has pulled me out of the pit and has healed me,<br />

He has settled my feet on a rock and steadied my steps;<br />

how many wonders You have done to us, My Lord!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Make my heart ready, Lord, to hear Your Word<br />

29 August 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

make-my-heart-ready-lord-to-hear-your-word<br />

Make my heart ready, Lord, to hear Your Word.<br />

I pray to You, Lord of Love, Lord of Mercy,<br />

in Your great Love answer me,<br />

God, shine on me and revive me with Your Light!<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

In times of persecution<br />

4 September 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

in-times-of-persecution<br />

In times of persecution<br />

In You my soul takes warm shelter,<br />

until the raging storm ceases again.<br />

I tend my ear towards Heaven<br />

to listen to Your Tender Voice, ever so consoling.<br />

I need not fear, beside me Your Holy Presence consoles me,<br />

there is no one who can replace Your Faithfulness,<br />

You are my Master now,<br />

The Highest, the Lord of Lords, my Redeemer,<br />

and so I fully abandon myself to You,<br />

my soul and my heart I commit into Your Divine Hands.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My persecutors cluster round me<br />

13 September 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

my-persecutors-cluster-round-me<br />

My persecutors cluster round me,<br />

my Lord, they are determined to see me crushed,<br />

lend an ear to my prayer,<br />

guard me from the arrogant claims and from the lying tongues,<br />

my Protector allow me to take my shelter in Your Sacred Heart.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, You who are the Root of the Tree of Life<br />

20 September 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-lord-you-who-are-the-root-of-the-tree-of-life<br />

My Lord,<br />

You who are the Root of the Tree of Life<br />

and Love in Itself<br />

and that from Your Fruit, You are giving us an Everlasting Life,<br />

be blessed.<br />

Your leaves that never wither or dry<br />

are made out of pure white Gold<br />

and from Them emanate a vivid Light.<br />

I adore, I hope, I believe and I love You,<br />

please forgive those who do not adore,<br />

do not hope, do not believe nor love You.<br />

Look after us, Immanuel.<br />

I bless You, I bless You,<br />

You who are my Counsellor during the nights,<br />

filling me with ceaseless <strong>prayers</strong>, praying over me.<br />

I know that You will not abandon my soul,<br />

since You are revealing Your Path of Life to us,<br />

our hand in Your Hand.<br />

Save us in Your Love;<br />

You are the Source of our hope<br />

to see the New Heavens and the New Earth, Lord.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My soul glories in the Lord<br />

24 September 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

my-soul-glories-in-the-lord<br />

My soul glories in the Lord,<br />

come and help me hear You, feel You,<br />

so that my soul can delight in Your Light.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Alleluia! The Lord bends down to listen to me<br />

29 September 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

alleluia-the-lord-bends-down-to-listen-to-me<br />

Alleluia!<br />

The Lord bends down to listen to me every time I call,<br />

My gaze is fixed upon You my Lord,<br />

I meditate on You without ceasing,<br />

You are my Food, my Bread and my Wine,<br />

I need nothing more in this hostile world,<br />

my soul is thirsting for You,<br />

my lips are parched for You,<br />

You are my God who sought me<br />

and found me in my wretchedness,<br />

allow me to abide in Your Sacred Heart.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I will rejoice in Your Love forever<br />

30 September 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

i-will-rejoice-in-your-love-forever<br />

I will rejoice in Your Love forever,<br />

My Jesus, every hour of the day.<br />

I shall not cease in proclaiming Your Love and Faithfulness,<br />

because Love is built to last forever<br />

and firmly rooted in the Heavens and on the earth.<br />

There will come a time when no one will be able to deny this love!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord! how I love You<br />

12 October 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-how-i-love-you<br />

Lord! how I love You,<br />

how I desire You,<br />

how I thirst for You,<br />

how I need You!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Come Holy Spirit<br />

26 October 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

come-holy-spirit<br />

come Holy Spirit,<br />

come through the powerful intercession<br />

of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Beloved Bride;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, save us in Your Love<br />

30 October 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-save-us-in-your-love<br />

Lord, save us in Your love,<br />

let Your Holy Face smile on those who love You.<br />

Our Protector, come to Your Abels. We need You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Let us join the procession of Your Angels<br />

3 November 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

let-us-join-the-procession-of-your-angels<br />

Let us join the procession of Your Angels<br />

who are around You my God,<br />

for You are Unique in the Holy Trinity,<br />

and as they praise You without ceasing<br />

and sing to You hymns,<br />

let us too proclaim all Your wonders<br />

around One Single Tabernacle.<br />

I love Your House, my Lord,<br />

make haste to unite us all in Your House,<br />

let Your Angels and Your Saints be the example for us,<br />

let us learn from Them how to adore You<br />

around a Unique Tabernacle.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I renew my vow of fidelity to You<br />

8 November 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

i-renew-my-vow-of-fidelity-to-you<br />

I renew my vow of fidelity to You, my Saviour and Lord.<br />

Help me keep it. Help me be faithful to You.<br />

Lord, You have done great things to me.<br />

You have lifted my soul to You<br />

and You allow me to live under Your Light.<br />

You have covered my nakedness with Your Majestic Gifts.<br />

You have renewed me.<br />

You have risen me as You have risen Lazarus.<br />

You freed me and I love You and adore You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Saviour, augment my love<br />

14 November 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-saviour-augment-my-love<br />

"my Saviour,<br />

augment my love,<br />

augment my faith,<br />

augment my hope,<br />

let all this be done<br />

according to Your Divine Will;<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord? I lift my eyes to You<br />

16 November 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-i-lift-my-eyes-to-you<br />

Lord? I lift my eyes to You,<br />

I lift my soul to You,<br />

I long for You, my Saviour,<br />

Your Holy Presence is my delight,<br />

oh take my cause and defend me!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Please Father reveal to me Your Love<br />

22 November 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

please-father-reveal-to-me-your-love<br />

please Father<br />

reveal to me Your Love<br />

for in revealing Your Love,<br />

You are revealing me Your Holy Face,<br />

shine on me, let no one deceive me,<br />

be my Guide, my Master and my Educator,<br />

let me learn from Wisdom's Lips;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My King, lead every soul to the Truth<br />

23 November 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

my-king-lead-every-soul-to-the-truth<br />

"My King,<br />

lead every soul to the Truth,<br />

that they may glorify You around one single Tabernacle,<br />

let those who hear and hear again,<br />

but not understand, understand this time,<br />

and those that see and see again,<br />

but not perceive, perceive this time,<br />

entering into Your Mystery,<br />

soften their heart so that they may understand<br />

with their heart and not their mind<br />

and thus be converted and healed by You,<br />

praising You my King.<br />

Amen."<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, in spite of the fact that many nations have sunk<br />

29 November 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-in-spite-of-the-fact-that-many-nations-have-sunk<br />

Lord,<br />

in spite of the fact that many nations<br />

have sunk into a pit of their own making,<br />

and are caught by the feet in the snares they set themselves,<br />

have pity on them;<br />

Lord, grant them a hearing,<br />

make out of them a completely new batch of bread,<br />

glorifying You, my King,<br />

I shall ask You again Lord of Love, Lord of Mercy,<br />

that those who heard and heard again<br />

but never understood, to hear this time<br />

for the sake of Your Love<br />

and that those that saw and saw again<br />

but never perceived, to perceive this time,<br />

for the sake of Your Great Mercy,<br />

entering thus into Your Mystery,<br />

soften their heart so that they may understand<br />

fully with their heart and not with their mind,<br />

and thus be converted and healed by Your Divinity,<br />

then they shall realise how wonderful Your decrees are,<br />

and their soul shall not resist but respect them.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father You who lifted my soul from this dark exile<br />

4 December 1989, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-you-who-lifted-my-soul-from-this-dark-exile<br />

"Father!<br />

You who lifted my soul from this dark exile<br />

and placed me under Your Wings,<br />

take pity on me,<br />

raise me up when I am fearing,<br />

grant me Your Peace and Your Love,<br />

establish me in greater Faith<br />

so that I may glorify Your Holy Name again;<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Blessed be our Lord, the God of Mercy<br />

24 December 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

blessed-be-our-lord-the-god-of-mercy<br />

Blessed be our Lord, the God of Mercy,<br />

for He has visited His people,<br />

He has come to their rescue,<br />

He has come to give Light<br />

to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death.<br />

Glory be to Him who comes to guide our feet<br />

into the way of Peace and Love.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Prayer of Fr. Sergius Bulgakov<br />

29 December 1989, Vassula prays:<br />

prayer-of-fr-sergius-bulgakov<br />

"O Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour,<br />

thou didst promise to abide with us always.<br />

Thou dost call all Christians<br />

to draw near and partake of Thy Body and Blood.<br />

But our sin has divided us and we have no power<br />

to partake of Thy Holy Eucharist together.<br />

We confess this our sin<br />

and we pray thee, forgive us<br />

and help us to serve the ways of reconciliation<br />

according to Thy Will.<br />

Kindle our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit,<br />

give us the spirit of wisdom and faith,<br />

of daring and of patience,<br />

of humility and of firmness,<br />

of love and of repentance,<br />

through the <strong>prayers</strong> of the most blessed Mother of God,<br />

and of all the saints.<br />

Amen."<br />

(Prayer of Fr Sergius Bulgakov)<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

May You be blessed, Lord, all Merciful<br />

17 January 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

may-you-be-blessed-lord-all-merciful<br />

"may You be blessed,<br />

Lord, all Merciful,<br />

all the greatness, the power,<br />

the splendour is Yours,<br />

Yours is the sovereignty<br />

and You are Ruler of all and above all,<br />

and it is by You and through You<br />

that Unity shall descend, as lightning,<br />

to honour and Glorify Your Body,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

From Your very Hand I have been given Food<br />

17 January 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

from-your-very-hand-i-have-been-given-food<br />

From Your very Hand I have been given Food,<br />

without any merits,<br />

who am I to have been poured with graces?<br />

All comes from You.<br />

From Your own Hand I have been given gifts.<br />

I bless You O Lord,<br />

I will exult and rejoice in Your Love<br />

and follow You feverishly till the end,<br />

and even more determined.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Glory be to God the Highest<br />

19 January 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

glory-be-to-god-the-highest<br />

Glory be to God the Highest,<br />

Blessed be His Name;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord my King, keep my spirit steady<br />

26 January 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-lord-my-king-keep-my-spirit-steady<br />

My Lord and King,<br />

keep my spirit steady and willing;<br />

and I shall teach transgressors the way to You,<br />

and to You the sinners shall return;<br />

amen 1<br />

____________________<br />

1. Ps. 51:12-13.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord my God, lift my soul from this darkness<br />

29 January 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-my-god-lift-my-soul-from-this-darkness<br />

Lord my God,<br />

lift my soul from this darkness into Your Light,<br />

envelop my soul into Your Sacred Heart,<br />

feed my soul with Your Word,<br />

anoint my soul with Your Holy Name,<br />

make my soul ready to hear Your discourse,<br />

breathe Your sweet fragrance on my soul, reviving it,<br />

ravish my soul to delight Your Soul;<br />

Father, embellish me, Your child,<br />

by distilling Your pure myrrh upon me,<br />

You have taken me to Your Celestial Hall,<br />

where all the Elect are seated,<br />

You have shown me around to Your angels,<br />

ah, what more does my soul ask?<br />

Your Spirit has given me life<br />

and You, who are the Living Bread,<br />

have restored my life,<br />

You have offered me to drink Your Blood,<br />

to be able to share for eternity with You, Your Kingdom<br />

and live forever and ever;<br />

Glory be to the Highest!<br />

Glory be to the Holy of Holies,<br />

Praised be our Lord, Blessed be our Lord,<br />

for His Mercy and His Love<br />

reaches from age to age and forever will;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I want to fulfil the vows I made to You<br />

31 January 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

i-want-to-fulfil-the-vows-i-made-to-you<br />

I want to fulfil the vows I made to You, my Lord,<br />

I shall indeed try and pay You my thank-offerings.<br />

Give me the right words to speak and honour You,<br />

I bless You my God for spoiling me<br />

and for allowing me to walk in Your presence,<br />

in the Light of the living.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, my Beloved One<br />

20 February 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-my-beloved-one<br />

My Lord, my Beloved One,<br />

You who entrusted me with Your most Sacred Jewels,<br />

You who covered me with Your Love and Tenderness,<br />

You who poured on me like myrrh Your Teachings<br />

and who fragranced me with Your Perfume,<br />

I delight in Your Presence.<br />

You have given Me the Gift of Your Love,<br />

You have given Me the Gift of Your Passion,<br />

and I, in my poverty, cannot offer You anything<br />

but my blessings, my will, my soul and my heart.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Holy Father, keep those you have given Me true<br />

10 March 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

holy-father-keep-those-you-have-given-me-true<br />

"Holy Father,<br />

keep those you have given Me<br />

true to Your Name<br />

so that they may be one like Us; 1<br />

may they all be one; 2<br />

Father, Righteous One,<br />

remind them of My docility, My humility,<br />

My sincerity and My great love,<br />

so that they may end My Agony,<br />

this Agony which is the cause of so much bleeding in My Body,<br />

let them recognise their errors and reconcile<br />

so that when they come to receive Me<br />

by drinking Me and eating Me,<br />

they come worthily;<br />

Father, call the shepherds<br />

and teach them to be yielding and docile towards each other,<br />

self-effacing and humble,<br />

may they realise My Atonement this time of Lent<br />

and seek true Wisdom in Me;<br />

amen"<br />

____________________<br />

1. Jn. 17:11.<br />

2. Jn. 17:21.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I want to keep my love for You always<br />

2 April 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

i-want-to-keep-my-love-for-you-always<br />

I want to keep my love for You always,<br />

I know I cannot detect my own failings,<br />

this is why I came to ask you to preserve me<br />

from any wicked tendencies,<br />

free me from grave sin;<br />

allow me, sweet Yahweh, to take my shelter in You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I long for You Jesus, my Saviour<br />

3 April 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

i-long-for-you-jesus-my-saviour<br />

I long for You Jesus, my Saviour,<br />

You who snatched me from the pit,<br />

I know that you treat me tenderly,<br />

and that You make me suffer so as to better educate me,<br />

be my Saviour again!<br />

renew my joy, uproot all evil from me<br />

since You love Holiness and sincerity of heart!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord! Turn then all of us away and quick<br />

22 April 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-turn-then-all-of-us-away-and-quick<br />

Lord!<br />

Turn then all of us away and quick<br />

from the path of delusion,<br />

may we be one, united,<br />

and live holy as your angels in heaven,<br />

like all souls who live in heaven<br />

and undivided in Your Love<br />

may we too share like them,<br />

Your Love in unity,<br />

so that the earth becomes a reflection of heaven,<br />

let Your Kingdom come and renew the earth with fresh things,<br />

let Your Holy Spirit in this second Pentecost<br />

come quick to renew us with a new spirit of love<br />

and transfigure us all into divine beings!<br />

Maranatha!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I rely on You Love<br />

24 April 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

i-rely-on-you-love<br />

I rely on Your Love,<br />

let Your love rest on us,<br />

let it live in us as never before.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, my God, save us in Your Love<br />

30 April 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-my-god-save-us-in-your-love<br />

Lord, my God,<br />

save us in Your Love, raise us in Your Light<br />

and with Your Infinite Mercy forgive us;<br />

make us strong in faith,<br />

unite us to be one,<br />

so that we may say together,<br />

around one Holy Tabernacle:<br />

"There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,<br />

and one God who is Father of all,<br />

over all, through all and within all." 1<br />

____________________<br />

1. Ref. Ep. 4:5-6.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, You are good, Patient and Forgiving<br />

30 April 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-you-are-good-patient-and-forgiving<br />

Lord,<br />

You are Good, Patient and Forgiving,<br />

most loving to all who invoke You,<br />

hear our <strong>prayers</strong>, my Lord,<br />

although they may be of extreme poverty,<br />

have mercy upon us and open Your Ear,<br />

we are sinners and not saints,<br />

but You were known to go to the sick<br />

and heal them with Your Love,<br />

we are all sick,<br />

a sickly generation drenched in sin,<br />

come to us and heal us<br />

helping us to believe<br />

in our unbelievable unbelief!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord and Redeemer, hear my prayer<br />

14 May 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-and-redeemer-hear-my-prayer<br />

Lord and Redeemer, hear my prayer,<br />

listen Lord all Merciful,<br />

my <strong>prayers</strong> indeed are atrophic,<br />

I am poor and needy but I am here<br />

and from this desert I call for Your help,<br />

You know our needs<br />

and You have surely heard the supplications of the dying,<br />

with just one Blessing coming from You, Lord,<br />

and they shall be healed!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father all Merciful, let those who hear and hear again<br />

15 May 1990, the Virgin Mary gives the prayer:<br />

father-all-merciful-let-those-who-hear-and-hear-again<br />

Father all Merciful,<br />

let those who hear and hear again<br />

yet never understand,<br />

hear Your Voice this time<br />

and understand that it is You, the Holy of Holies;<br />

open the eyes of those who see and see,<br />

yet never perceive,<br />

to see with their eyes this time<br />

Your Holy Face and Your Glory,<br />

place Your Finger on their heart<br />

so that their heart may open<br />

and understand Your Faithfulness,<br />

I pray and ask you all these things, Righteous Father,<br />

so that all the nations be converted and be healed<br />

through the Wounds of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Sweet Jesus, ever so tender, Beloved one<br />

23 May 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

sweet-jesus-ever-so-tender-beloved-one<br />

Sweet Jesus, ever so tender, Beloved one,<br />

draw me then in Your Footprints of Faithfulness,<br />

let me be sick with love for You,<br />

let me taste Your Sufferings,<br />

they shall be in my mouth<br />

as the rarest fruit of Your Garden.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Come, come to us Lord and multiply Your Seal<br />

23 May 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

come-come-to-us-lord-and-multiply-your-seal<br />

Come, come to us Lord<br />

and multiply Your Seal of Your Holy Spirit's Love<br />

on our forehead, the seal of the Promise;<br />

God, create a clean heart in us,<br />

I know that You are at the doorstep of every soul,<br />

waiting for their response,<br />

Your Eyes languishing for their door to open;<br />

Your Vineyards are flowering now, my Lord,<br />

and soon they will give enough fruit to feed every desert;<br />

the dead will not come to life unless You breathe on them<br />

arousing them with Your sweet fragrance;<br />

for the sake of Your Love<br />

let this land of ghosts come to life again.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My love is poor<br />

23 May 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

my-love-is-poor<br />

My love is poor,<br />

how will I ever replace Your Crown of thorns<br />

by a garland of roses?<br />

My spirit ponders this continually and sinks within me;<br />

explain then to me without tiring of me,<br />

and I shall learn,<br />

teach me to love You as You desire us to love You<br />

teach me to observe Your Law scrupulously for ever and ever,<br />

so that I walk in the Path of Righteousness,<br />

direct my steps in the Path of Love as You promised.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I pray You Lord o offer me the gift of discernment<br />

8 June 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

i-pray-you-lord-o-offer-me-the-gift-of-discernment<br />

I pray You Lord<br />

to offer me the gift of discernment<br />

to protect Your Word<br />

and be able to know<br />

the right from wrong,<br />

evil from good,<br />

the Truth from the Lie.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Come then and invade me!<br />

4 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

come-then-and-invade-me<br />

Come then and invade me!<br />

How am I to find the Way unless You fill my spirit<br />

with Your Light to guide my soul to the Truth and the Life?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Smile to us, Lord, and every face on earth<br />

4 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

smile-to-us-lord-and-every-face-on-earth<br />

Smile to us, Lord,<br />

and every face on earth shall grow brighter,<br />

Hope shall creep back in our hearts,<br />

and the whole earth, from end to end,<br />

will remember and come back to You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I love You, my Lord and my God<br />

4 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

i-love-you-my-lord-and-my-god<br />

I love You, my Lord and my God,<br />

with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind,<br />

but I know that my love is poor, miserable and insufficient<br />

for Your Bounty.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My God, You rained a downpour of blessings on me<br />

4 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

my-god-you-rained-a-downpour-of-blessings-on-me<br />

My God,<br />

You rained a downpour of blessings on me,<br />

Knowing that what You own and is Your 'property'<br />

is wicked and imperfect,<br />

and that I was unable to give You anything in return.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

God make her follow You<br />

8 July 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

god-make-her-follow-you<br />

"O God make her follow You,<br />

O Lord save her soul<br />

and raise her as You have risen Lazarus,<br />

embellish Your daughter<br />

so beloved in Your Eyes<br />

and place her in Your Divine Heart<br />

so that her image reflects Your Divinity,<br />

raise her so that she walks by Your side,<br />

parade her near You and free her<br />

from her captivity,<br />

wed her and make her entirely Yours;<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father all Merciful, let those who hear and hear again<br />

8 July 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-all-merciful-let-those-who-hear-and-hear-again-2<br />

Father all Merciful,<br />

let those who hear and hear again<br />

yet never understand,<br />

hear Your Voice this time<br />

and understand that it is You, the Holy of Holies;<br />

open the eyes of those who see and see,<br />

yet never perceive,<br />

to see with their eyes this time<br />

Your Holy Face and Your Glory,<br />

place Your Finger on their heart<br />

so that their heart may open<br />

and understand Your Faithfulness,<br />

I pray and ask you all these things, Righteous Father,<br />

so that all the nations be converted and be healed<br />

through the Wounds of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Explain to me, my Jesus, how to respect and follow<br />

27 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

explain-to-me-my-jesus-how-to-respect-and-follow<br />

Explain to me, my Jesus,<br />

how to respect and follow Your Law<br />

and how to observe Your Commandments.<br />

Guide me in the path of Your Commandments,<br />

I mean to meditate on Your precepts.<br />

Forgive my faults and sins.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, revive me as Your Word guaranteed<br />

31 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-revive-me-as-your-word-guaranteed<br />

My Lord, revive me as Your Word guaranteed.<br />

Take away this spirit of lethargy that lies on me.<br />

For how long will I have this spirit?<br />

Instil a constant spirit of fervour in me,<br />

do not deprive me of Your Holy Spirit!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Make my heart ready, dear Lord, to praise You<br />

31 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

make-my-heart-ready-dear-lord-to-praise-you<br />

Make my heart ready, dear Lord,<br />

to praise You in constancy.<br />

I am surrounded by temptations<br />

that make me forget Your Presence.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I bless You, Lord, You who fostered me, father-like<br />

31 July 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

i-bless-you-lord-you-who-fostered-me-father-like<br />

I bless You, Lord,<br />

You who fostered me, father-like;<br />

if my feet wander away from Your Rightful path again,<br />

come quickly to my rescue.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus teach me to love You tenderly<br />

29 August 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-teach-me-to-love-you-tenderly<br />

Jesus<br />

teach me to love you tenderly,<br />

give this grace to those who do not love You<br />

and do not know the Consuming Fire<br />

of Your Sacred Heart;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, You who guard me from evil<br />

18 September 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-you-who-guard-me-from-evil<br />

My Lord,<br />

You who guard me from evil<br />

and surround my soul with Your love Songs,<br />

let Your Holy Face smile on all who love You.<br />

Teach the youth of today to follow You and imitate You.<br />

Show them the Treasures of Your Sacred Heart<br />

and teach those who still do not understand and waver undecidedly<br />

before this Holy Name You have chosen: Sacred Heart,<br />

to learn that it is You, the Christ<br />

let those who keep on differentiating themselves<br />

because of theological terminology,<br />

yet are under Your Holy Name,<br />

come back to their senses<br />

and realise how they encourage this Division in Christianity,<br />

and how they are not doing Your Will,<br />

but are granting Satan one more foothold to keep us apart,<br />

thus weakening Your Church;<br />

You are Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God and Saviour,<br />

The Sacred Heart, The Word, The Alpha and the Omega,<br />

The Light, The Redeemer, The Panto-Crator:<br />

You are ONE Christ.<br />

You are not parcelled out!<br />

so I pray to You,<br />

who want us to be united<br />

to unite us again in love,<br />

in heart, in our belief and practice.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My beloved Yahweh, make us once more divine<br />

21 September 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

my-beloved-yahweh-make-us-once-more-divine<br />

My beloved Yahweh,<br />

make us once more divine, renew us;<br />

fashion us into Your Divine Image;<br />

this Holy Image we lost.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus You who saved me, be blessed<br />

24 September 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-you-who-saved-me-be-blessed<br />

"Jesus, You who saved Me, be blessed;<br />

Jesus, You who feed Me, be blessed;<br />

Jesus, I love You, teach Me how to love you more;<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, neither death, nor life, no angel, no prince<br />

28 September 1990, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-neither-death-nor-life-no-angel-no-prince-2<br />

Jesus,<br />

neither death, nor life, no angel, no prince,<br />

nothing that exists, nothing still to come,<br />

not any power, or height or depth,<br />

nor any created thing,<br />

will ever come 1 to separate me from You,<br />

I vow to remain faithful to You;<br />

this is my solemn vow;<br />

help me keep this vow forever and ever;<br />

amen;<br />

____________________<br />

1. Romans 8:38-39.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, our own apostasies are rebuking us<br />

20 October 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-our-own-apostasies-are-rebuking-us<br />

Lord,<br />

our own apostasies are rebuking us.<br />

Forgive us and help us to make reparations.<br />

Bring us back in the love of our bridal days, the early days,<br />

and remind us of the affection we once had in our youth for You.<br />

Do not allow anymore any evil to overcome us.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Fountain! that turns arid lands into fertile gardens!<br />

23 October 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

fountain-that-turns-arid-lands-into-fertile-gardens<br />

Fountain! that turns arid lands into fertile gardens!<br />

Well of Living Water!<br />

give us flowing streams so that we may live ...<br />

allow me to share with You Your Cup.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, let everything founded in the Truth remain<br />

7 November 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-let-everything-founded-in-the-truth-remain<br />

Lord,<br />

let everything founded in the Truth remain,<br />

and everything founded in Falsehood<br />

be extirpated and thrown into the fire.<br />

Lord, I feel you far, yet I know You are not,<br />

have I been insensible to Your Presence?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, You are All, and I am nothing<br />

4 December 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-you-are-all-and-i-am-nothing<br />

Lord,<br />

You are All, and I am nothing.<br />

You are stupendously Great,<br />

so what are my praises for You, the Holy of holies?<br />

No man can glorify You enough,<br />

yet my heart calls incessantly Your Name<br />

because You have set my heart on You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, You have opened the doors of heaven<br />

4 December 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-you-have-opened-the-doors-of-heaven<br />

Lord, You have opened the doors of heaven for me,<br />

and from the Stores of heaven<br />

You fed me the Manna You reserved for my soul,<br />

You gave me the Bread of heaven!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Praised be the Lord! You have asked me to be the slave of Your<br />

Love<br />

10 December 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

praised-be-the-lord-you-have-asked-me-to-be-the-slave-of-your-love<br />

Praised be the Lord!<br />

You have asked me to be the slave of Your Love;<br />

since I am not worthy to be Your slave, the slave of God,<br />

lead me into Your purifying Fire and refine me, my King,<br />

as gold is refined<br />

so that I am able to glorify You,<br />

for I am only committing sin after sin.<br />

Out of pity, Lord, allow Your Light to shine in my darkness.<br />

Teach me to be the victim of Your Heart,<br />

and embrace Your Cross ardently and not with consternation,<br />

while on the road to Calvary,<br />

this road that leads to happiness since it's The Path of Holiness<br />

and one which You, as the Perfect Victim, first trod on.<br />

I am constantly sinning,<br />

yet You do not punish me as my sin deserves,<br />

You are sparing me without cease,<br />

and You allow Your Light to be in me;<br />

this is why I know that: God is on my side.<br />

Now I must fulfil the vows I made You<br />

in the consecration to Your Sacred Heart;<br />

allow me to stay in Your Tent forever,<br />

allow me to cling on You and gaze on Your Holy Face<br />

and I will bless You all my life,<br />

and my soul will feast in Your Love and in Your Presence.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, take all I have<br />

18 December 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

father-take-all-i-have<br />

"Father, take all I have; amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Father, like thirsty land I yearn for You<br />

23 December 1990, Vassula prays:<br />

o-father-like-thirsty-land-i-yearn-for-you<br />

O Father,<br />

like thirsty land I yearn for You.<br />

Rest me for a while on Your Knees now and console me.<br />

Let me feel enveloped by Your Consoling Heart.<br />

I need Your warmth.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O God! let me be part of this Celestial Family!<br />

6 January 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

o-god-let-me-be-part-of-this-celestial-family<br />

O God!<br />

let me be part of this Celestial Family!<br />

So pray for me Holy Angels,<br />

pray for me to be with you in heaven one day<br />

and join you together with the saints,<br />

in a constant adoration to the Holy One.<br />

Pray for me, saints of the Most High,<br />

to learn to love God to perfection.<br />

O sweet Holy Mother<br />

intercede for me and teach me<br />

to be submissive to my Father and obedient,<br />

that I may do His Will.<br />

O Holy Trinity,<br />

Source of Sublime Love,<br />

Fountain of Inexhaustible Tenderness,<br />

come and teach me to be intimate with You,<br />

uniting me in Your Spirit of Love.<br />

O make me ready for this Hour<br />

because the night is almost over<br />

and the real Light is soon to come.<br />

Holy Father,<br />

I pray not only for myself,<br />

but for all mankind too;<br />

Since we are all Your children,<br />

I pray and ask You to look upon us with Mercy,<br />

Eternal Father, teach us to love one another,<br />

so that we may do Your Holy Will,<br />

and be rightfully called Your children.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord Jesus Christ, Beloved Son of God<br />

6 January 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-jesus-christ-beloved-son-of-god<br />

Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

Beloved Son of God, Sacred Heart,<br />

Blessed be Your Name, Sacred Heart,<br />

help us to carry our crosses in this world<br />

and be submissive to the Father<br />

as You were submissive and obedient to the Father<br />

till the end.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Holy Spirit of Truth descend upon us<br />

6 January 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

o-holy-spirit-of-truth-descend-upon-us<br />

O Holy Spirit of Truth<br />

descend upon us<br />

and be our Guide and Holy Companion,<br />

Holy Spirit of Love,<br />

come upon us<br />

and teach us to be in the real Love of God.<br />

Remind us of the True Knowledge,<br />

this knowledge the Father had given us<br />

but that we lost because of our sins,<br />

Holy Spirit of Peace, give us Your Peace,<br />

a Peace the world cannot give;<br />

make out of each one of us vessels of Light<br />

and "peacemakers, so that when we work for Peace,<br />

we will be able to sow seeds<br />

which will bear fruit in holiness." 1<br />

Amen.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Jm. 3:18.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Lord! where are You again?<br />

16 January 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

o-lord-where-are-you-again<br />

O Lord! where are You again?<br />

like thirsty ground, I yearn for you,<br />

reach down from above and visit me;<br />

My lamp is running short of its oil;<br />

come as usual to fill my lamp.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

You, who have seen my wretchedness<br />

21 January 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

you-who-have-seen-my-wretchedness<br />

"You, who have seen my wretchedness,<br />

and known the miseries of my soul" 1<br />

take pity on me, take pity on all of us.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Ps. 31:8.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Take pity on me Lord<br />

4 February 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

take-pity-on-me-lord<br />

ake pity on me Lord,<br />

I seek and do not seem to find You,<br />

I call and I do not seem to hear Your Voice.<br />

I do not know where I am walking;<br />

my persecutors are hounding me,<br />

if Your Strength will not uphold me<br />

I shall surely be crushed,<br />

O for the wings of a dove to fly up to You!<br />

God, how I love You!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord Yahweh<br />

4 February 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-yahweh<br />

My Lord Yahweh,<br />

I believe and I have faith<br />

in You and Your Promise.<br />

I trust You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Where are You again, my Lord?<br />

5 February 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

where-are-you-again-my-lord<br />

Where are You again, my Lord?<br />

Why are You hiding?<br />

Or am I in the dark again<br />

and cannot see You?<br />

Are you withholding Your favours?<br />

Yet I know You cannot be far;<br />

"If my feet have wandered from the rightful path,<br />

or if my eyes have led my heart astray,<br />

or if my hands are smirched with any stain" 1<br />

forgive me.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father though night still covers this earth<br />

4 March 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-though-night-still-covers-this-earth<br />

Father,<br />

though night still covers this earth,<br />

I know that above me,<br />

Yahweh, who sees His children in darkness,<br />

will take pity on them;<br />

with Power and Glory He shall descend<br />

to dissipate this menacing night into a bright day,<br />

Peace and Love shall fill us,<br />

and our soul will be filled with His Light,<br />

I Am will be back,<br />

I Am will return,<br />

I Am will be with us,<br />

Glory be to the Highest!<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, touch my heart<br />

4 March 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-touch-my-heart<br />

"Jesus, touch My heart,<br />

You are my Delight,<br />

speak to me, lead me,<br />

and humble me,<br />

amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, my Strength, my Stronghold, my Refuge<br />

10 March 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-my-strength-my-stronghold-my-refuge<br />

Lord,<br />

my Strength, my Stronghold,<br />

my Refuge, my Light and Life,<br />

here I am, I'm coming to obey Your Will.<br />

Lord, I ask You to give me Your Strength<br />

to glorify Your Name again.<br />

Be PRESENT among us<br />

and open their hearts to receive Your Holy Spirit.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, my Delight<br />

12 March 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-my-delight<br />

My Lord,<br />

my Delight, my Everything,<br />

I love You to death.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, teach us to love You as You want<br />

24 March 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-teach-us-to-love-you-as-you-want<br />

Lord, teach us to love You as You want. Teach us to love one another.<br />

We need Your help because we cannot love by ourselves<br />

unless You give us the grace to love.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, blessed be Your Name<br />

25 March 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-blessed-be-your-name<br />

Father,<br />

blessed be Your Name;<br />

since Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ,<br />

came to the world, not to condemn it,<br />

but to save the world,<br />

have Mercy upon us,<br />

look at Your Son's Holy Wounds,<br />

that are wide open now<br />

and remember the price He has paid for us,<br />

to redeem all of us,<br />

remember His Sacred Wounds,<br />

and the two Hearts You Yourself united in Love<br />

and who suffered together,<br />

this One of the Immaculate Conception<br />

and Your Beloved Son,<br />

O Father,<br />

remember His Promise now<br />

and send us the Advocate, in full force,<br />

the Holy Spirit of Truth,<br />

to remind the world of the Truth<br />

and of Your Son's docility, humbleness,<br />

obedience and great Love,<br />

Father, the time has come,<br />

when the reign of division cries out for Peace and Unity,<br />

the time has come<br />

that Your Son's wounded Body<br />

cries out for Righteousness,<br />

that of which the world has not known yet;<br />

but through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,<br />

and the Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

give us, Precious Father,<br />

this Peace in our hearts,<br />

and fulfil the Scriptures<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

by fulfilling Your Beloved Son's Prayer to You:<br />

that we may all be one,<br />

one in the Divine Holy Trinity,<br />

so that we worship and praise You<br />

all, around one single Tabernacle,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Praised be the Lord, for the Celestial food<br />

8 April 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

praised-be-the-lord-for-the-celestial-food<br />

"Praised be the Lord,<br />

for the Celestial Food 1 you are giving us,<br />

and this is to fulfil Scriptures<br />

and to complete Your Work,<br />

You have given Your Knowledge<br />

to mere children and not to the learned,<br />

for this is what pleases You, Lord;<br />

"Praised be the Lord,<br />

to have laid open roads<br />

so that Your people walk in them<br />

and come to You and fill Your House,<br />

for though You have sent Your Son into the world<br />

and the world plainly saw the Light,<br />

they have not all accepted the Light<br />

but turned instead towards darkness, falling in apostasy;<br />

the world has apostatised<br />

because they have refused the Truth<br />

and preferred to live under a Lie;<br />

"yes, Lord,<br />

You so much love the world<br />

that You are today, in spite of our wickedness,<br />

sending us without reserve Your Holy Spirit<br />

to enliven us and revive the world<br />

renewing every creature,<br />

so that everyone sees Your Glory<br />

and believes and thus be converted;<br />

"Praised be the Lord,<br />

for opening the doors to Heaven<br />

to pour out from Your Reserves<br />

this Hidden Manna 2 reserved for our Times;<br />

no, it was not Moses who gave bread from Heaven,<br />

it was You, Father, who fed the True Bread,<br />

and as Your Son, Jesus Christ,<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

is the Bread of Life,<br />

the Holy Spirit too nourishes us,<br />

for all Bread that descends from Heaven is Life;<br />

"it is written in Scriptures:<br />

they will all be taught by God, 3<br />

and flesh and bone cannot reveal the Truth<br />

unless the Truth is given<br />

by the very One who established the Truth<br />

and imprinted It into our hearts;<br />

"Father, may Your Name<br />

be praised always and glorified again;<br />

let the world pass from Darkness to Light,<br />

from Lie to the complete Truth,<br />

from Lethargy to Fervour;<br />

"Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth,<br />

the hour has come to show us<br />

the New Heavens and the New Earth<br />

where Your Holy Spirit will make His Home in us;<br />

most Tender Father,<br />

as You glorified Your Son<br />

and Your Son glorified You,<br />

let Your Holy Spirit of Truth glorify again Your Son;<br />

"in a short time, Father,<br />

according to Scriptures,<br />

the first heaven and the first earth shall disappear soon,<br />

to prove to the world<br />

that Your Word is something Alive and Active<br />

and that Jesus has indeed conquered the world;<br />

when that day comes,<br />

Your Son's prayer to You will be also fulfilled,<br />

for we shall all be one in You<br />

as the Holy Trinity is One and the same;<br />

we shall not differentiate ourselves<br />

under Your Name anymore;<br />

"Praised be the Lord<br />

and Glory to the Highest<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

for sending us, in our great apostasy<br />

Our Holy Mother,<br />

whose Heart You Yourself united in Love with Jesus<br />

and who suffered Together;<br />

and it is Together again,<br />

that the Two Sacred Hearts will renew us<br />

and bring us back to Life and in You;<br />

"lost sheep will be found,<br />

wandering lambs shall be reminded<br />

of their true fold and their True Shepherd,<br />

this Shepherd who neither deserts His flock<br />

nor abandons the lost,<br />

but heals the wounded and supports the weary;<br />

"Praised be the Lord<br />

in whose Holy Spirit we receive baptism,<br />

indeed, Fountains of Living Water flow out<br />

and are given to the man who is thirsty,<br />

since they flow out freely from Your Holy Sanctuary, 4<br />

this Sanctuary which You raised in three days,<br />

and from Your fullness we are receiving in these last days<br />

the Graces of Your Holy Spirit to revive us,<br />

for this is Your Manna from Heaven,<br />

the Spiritual Food coming from the Spirit;<br />

"let Your people, Father,<br />

realise that the ban soon will be lifted<br />

and that the Lamb's and Your Throne<br />

will soon be in Its place and among us;<br />

prepare us, therefore, Righteous Father,<br />

for this Glorious Day,<br />

when we can praise You and glorify You<br />

all around One Holy Tabernacle;<br />

"Father,<br />

I thank You for hearing my prayer<br />

and for having given me Your Words<br />

to indicate to the world<br />

the Riches of Your Sacred Heart,<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

amen;"<br />

____________________<br />

1. Spiritual food.<br />

2. Rv. 2:17.<br />

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord Jesus, use me to dry Your Tears<br />

13 April 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-jesus-use-me-to-dry-your-tears<br />

Lord Jesus, use me to dry Your Tears,<br />

Lord Jesus, use me to wipe Your Tears,<br />

Sacred Heart, use me to console Your Heart,<br />

Sacred Heart, use me to pluck the thorns<br />

encircling Your Head and Your Heart,<br />

Lord Jesus, use me as Your Head-rest,<br />

Sweet and Gentle Jesus, use me in every way<br />

to please You and console You;<br />

My desire is to bring to Your Lips a smile.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I offer You, Jesus my will<br />

13 April 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

i-offer-you-jesus-my-will<br />

I offer You, Jesus,<br />

my will, my heart,<br />

my soul, my spirit,<br />

my body, everything.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Now I know that I shall never be deserted<br />

13 April 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

now-i-know-that-i-shall-never-be-deserted<br />

Now I know that I shall never be deserted;<br />

You have directed my soul towards You;<br />

I have stretched out my hands to Heaven<br />

and You have lifted me;<br />

my soul rejoices in You,<br />

oh that You do to my brothers too<br />

what You have done to me!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, come to us in full force with Your Holy Spirit<br />

15 April 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-come-to-us-in-full-force-with-your-holy-spirit<br />

Lord,<br />

come to us in full force with Your Holy Spirit.<br />

For, most tender Abba,<br />

as You glorified Your Son and Your Son glorified You,<br />

the hour has come that Your Holy Spirit of Truth glorifies Your Son.<br />

Prove to the world<br />

that Your Word is something alive and active<br />

and not just printed words on paper.<br />

Let Your Holy Spirit<br />

"turn the hearts of fathers towards their children<br />

and the hearts of children towards their fathers". 1<br />

____________________<br />

1. Ml. 3:24<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, drench me with Your Holy Spirit<br />

3 May 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-drench-me-with-your-holy-spirit<br />

Lord,<br />

drench me with Your Holy Spirit;<br />

come and invade me with Your Holy Spirit,<br />

so that the enemy finds no space within me,<br />

let Your Holy Spirit subside in the very depths of my soul<br />

to water it and load it with riches,<br />

these of which are not of the world.<br />

Blessed be God.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, my God, who could bring us salvation, but You?<br />

6 May 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-my-god-who-could-bring-us-salvation-but-you<br />

Lord, my God,<br />

who could bring us salvation, but You?<br />

who could bring us back home, but You?<br />

who could bring us happiness but You?<br />

Then: Maranatha!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I am bound to You out of love, Lord<br />

13 May 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

i-am-bound-to-you-out-of-love-lord<br />

I am bound to You out of love, Lord;<br />

am I not Your Property?<br />

So use me fully and as You please My Lord;<br />

for this is my delight.<br />

Come Holy Spirit and invade me.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh, my God, You are lavishing Your scents on me<br />

23 May 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

yahweh-my-god-you-are-lavishing-your-scents-on-me<br />

Yahweh, my God,<br />

You are lavishing Your scents on me,<br />

praised be my Yahweh.<br />

You are mine and I am Yours.<br />

Give me Your Shoulder to lean upon,<br />

unworthy as I am,<br />

a puff of wind that passes unnoticed and does not return,<br />

a speck of dust washed away with the first drops of rain,<br />

allow me to be in the Presence of Your Splendour.<br />

Lead me through this wilderness with a sensitive hand, Beloved.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, I have been charmed by Your Perfection<br />

25 May 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

jesus-i-have-been-charmed-by-your-perfection<br />

Jesus,<br />

I have been charmed by Your Perfection,<br />

I have been seduced by Your Beauty;<br />

Your Consuming Love besieged my frailty<br />

to consent and become the victim of Your Love,<br />

but how was I to retract upon seeing so much Beauty all at once?<br />

Your Graciousness mesmerises me all day long;<br />

what spells lie in Your Love?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, as You have by Grace mesmerised me<br />

22 June 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-as-you-have-by-grace-mesmerised-me<br />

Lord,<br />

as You have by Grace mesmerised me,<br />

by Grace too, mesmerise the rest of the world;<br />

for instance the pagans, the godless,<br />

and especially those who claim to be gods,<br />

because of their wisdom,<br />

and who claim to be Your equal.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Ah, how Mercy and Love incessantly cover me<br />

22 June 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

ah-how-mercy-and-love-incessantly-cover-me<br />

Ah, how Mercy and Love incessantly<br />

cover me and bless me!<br />

Wisdom is my personal Teacher<br />

and She is instructing me and others;<br />

Your Holy Presence<br />

ever so constant by my side<br />

reassures me and gives me<br />

hope and courage.<br />

Ah, Yahweh my Father,<br />

I long for You, how I long for You!<br />

Yahweh, my Abba,<br />

You have seduced me to the marrow.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, come to our help<br />

23 July 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-come-to-our-help<br />

Father, come to our help<br />

and guide our steps to perfection,<br />

bring back our divinity<br />

and make us the perfect dwelling of Your Holiness;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh my Father whom I adore and long for<br />

23 July 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

yahweh-my-father-whom-i-adore-and-long-for<br />

Yahweh my Father<br />

whom I adore and long for,<br />

You who led me out of the countries underneath the earth<br />

and who lifted my soul<br />

entering it, consuming it with Your Fire<br />

and leaving me in total rapture for You;<br />

Yahweh, Your Majesty and King of Kings,<br />

You who lead me by this marvellous road,<br />

keep me free from sin and from falling;<br />

I am a sinner and am more apt to sin than do good;<br />

fortify your city ...<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I want more of You<br />

30 July 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

i-want-more-of-you<br />

I want more of You.<br />

I want to be drenched completely<br />

and literally invaded by Your Holy Spirit.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, my Lord, blessed be Your Name<br />

2 August 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

jesus-my-lord-blessed-be-your-name<br />

Jesus, my Lord,<br />

blessed be Your Name.<br />

May Your Holy Name<br />

stand in Glory for ever and ever.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

May Your Hand guide us to the Truth<br />

2 August 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

may-your-hand-guide-us-to-the-truth<br />

May Your Hand guide us to the Truth<br />

and the only One Truth.<br />

Let nothing part me from this Truth<br />

You Yourself have given us.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, I feel like a boat without oars!<br />

5 August 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-i-feel-like-a-boat-without-oars<br />

Lord, I feel like a boat without oars!<br />

My spirit is far from Yours, help me!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Save us all, Jesus!<br />

6 August 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

save-us-all-jesus<br />

Save us all, Jesus!<br />

Wait, my Lord, for all Your children to convert<br />

before Your Day comes!<br />

Your Throne is soon to descend among us,<br />

but are we all ready?<br />

Allow Your River whose streams refresh arid cities to flow in us<br />

Lord, drench us. Invade us, besiege us,<br />

and once You are in us, Your cities can never fall!<br />

Sanctify Your dwelling; divinise us.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, You are my Hope<br />

6 August 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

jesus-you-are-my-hope<br />

Jesus, You are my Hope,<br />

My Strength, my Joy and my Song;<br />

I will always take refuge<br />

in Your Sacred Heart.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord forgive us, for we have really failed<br />

13 August 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-forgive-us-for-we-have-really-failed<br />

Lord, forgive us,<br />

for we have really failed<br />

to appreciate Your Great Love,<br />

we failed to appreciate Your Great Sacrifice,<br />

we failed to love and stay united;<br />

we keep repeating our errors continuously.<br />

O Lord Jesus,<br />

we need desperately Your help to come back to our senses.<br />

Come and rescue us,<br />

the garland of divinity has fallen from our heads;<br />

look on us and see our wretchedness,<br />

our pitiful degradation, our atrophy to what is holy.<br />

Make us come back to You,<br />

by coming to visit each one of us,<br />

as You have visited me,<br />

visit the rest of Your children and show them Your Heart.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord all Merciful, let those who say: We will go<br />

30 August 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-all-merciful-let-those-who-say-we-will-go<br />

Lord all Merciful, let those who say:<br />

"We will go our own way,"<br />

return to You;<br />

and those Christians who say to the Pope:<br />

"We will go our own way;"<br />

return and obey the Pope.<br />

Let their human pride lower its eyes<br />

and their arrogance be humbled.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, Father and Master<br />

3 September 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-father-and-master<br />

Lord,<br />

Father and Master of our lives,<br />

do not abandon us now<br />

nor in the days of distress.<br />

Lord,<br />

Father and Master of our lives,<br />

help Russia to grow in Your Spirit.<br />

You have pierced the Red Dragon through,<br />

that had besieged her.<br />

Lord,<br />

Father and Master of our lives,<br />

rescue us from the Rebel<br />

that still remains among us.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father all Merciful raise me up to Your Breast<br />

19 September 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-all-merciful-raise-me-up-to-your-breast<br />

Father all Merciful<br />

raise me up to Your Breast,<br />

allow me to drink from the Running Streams of Eternal Life,<br />

and by this I shall know that I enjoy Your favour,<br />

O come and rescue me, before the Hour comes upon me;<br />

cure me, for I have sinned against You,<br />

Father,<br />

Your Lips are moist with Grace,<br />

Your Heart is a blazing Furnace of Love,<br />

Your Eyes are Two Flames of consuming Fire,<br />

O Father,<br />

Your Beauty is Perfection in itself,<br />

Your Majesty and Splendour<br />

leave even the brightest of Your angels dazzled,<br />

Wealthy in Virtue and Grace,<br />

do not hide Your Holy Face from me,<br />

when the Hour comes;<br />

come and anoint me with the oil of love,<br />

God, hear my prayer,<br />

listen to my supplicating voice!<br />

I must fulfil the vows I made You;<br />

Eternal Father,<br />

although the current is opposing me,<br />

I trust, I know, I believe,<br />

that Your Arm will be there,<br />

to lift me and pull me out of this current;<br />

O how I long to gaze on Your Sanctuary<br />

and see Your Glory in the Ark of the Covenant!<br />

O how my soul languishes to gaze<br />

on the Rider of the Heavens<br />

who carries the Name: Faithful and True,<br />

He who will sweep away iniquity from the world,<br />

He who is Just;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O come and cover me with Your Cloak<br />

since Your Love is known for its generosity,<br />

O Father!<br />

do not brush me off like I deserve because of my sins,<br />

but help me, provide me with my Daily Bread,<br />

and keep me safe and away from the Viper's fangs;<br />

make me heiress of Your House,<br />

make me Your child of Light,<br />

make me a perfect copy of the Supreme Martyr,<br />

to glorify You, for ever and ever;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

All day long, I sigh for You<br />

23 September 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

all-day-long-i-sigh-for-you<br />

All day long, I sigh for You,<br />

my Yahweh, my own,<br />

Your love that You showed me<br />

I cannot forget. - Never -<br />

Your Kindness, my Yahweh, my own,<br />

I shall remember as long as I live.<br />

I pine away with love for You,<br />

my Yahweh, day after day,<br />

and I no longer wish to associate myself<br />

in this world that wounds You,<br />

and to know that I am among the first who wound You ...<br />

My soul wants to proclaim all Your wonders to the world<br />

and my feet want to run to the hill-tops and cry out to the world:<br />

"Your Creator is Your Husband!<br />

His Name, Yahweh Sabaoth.<br />

Yes, like a forsaken wife, distressed in spirit,<br />

Yahweh calls you back.<br />

Does a man cast off the wife of his youth?<br />

says your God." 1<br />

Yet I fear, O my Yahweh, my Abba and my own.<br />

My soul yearns and pines away for Your House and<br />

all I long for now is to be with You.<br />

So do not ask me why my spirit is downcast,<br />

since my sighs are no secret for You<br />

and all that I sigh for is known to You:<br />

my soul awaits You, my Yahweh,<br />

come and invade me; come and consume me.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Is. 54:5-6.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Grant, Lord, that everything You say be done<br />

26 September 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

grant-lord-that-everything-you-say-be-done<br />

Grant, Lord,<br />

that everything You say, be done.<br />

Lower my head, lower me and lower my voice.<br />

I do not want to appear empty handed in Your Presence;<br />

no, I do not want to end up in Your Presence with empty hands.<br />

And those human thoughts my nature finds natural,<br />

uproot them and burn each one of them.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I want to put everything I have for Your Glory<br />

7 October 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

i-want-to-put-everything-i-have-for-your-glory<br />

I want to put everything I have for Your Glory.<br />

I do not have much, in fact I have next to nothing<br />

because I am insufficient, poor, weak and most wretched,<br />

yet whatever I might have, take it, my Lord.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Your Mercy, O Lord, has breathed in me<br />

21 October 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

your-mercy-o-lord-has-breathed-in-me<br />

Your Mercy, O Lord, has breathed in me,<br />

and inspired a living Spirit within me,<br />

in the very core of where He dwells;<br />

it was Your Word, Lord,<br />

who heals all things that healed me.<br />

And the invisible God became suddenly visible to me.<br />

And the dimness of my eyes saw a Light, a pillar of Blazing Fire,<br />

to guide my steps to Heaven.<br />

And the Darkness that imprisoned me and terrified my soul<br />

was overpowered by The Morning Star,<br />

and gave my soul Hope, Love and Peace and a great consolation,<br />

because I knew that Love and Compassion Himself<br />

was my Holy Companion for the journey of my life.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, dress me in humility<br />

22 October 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

jesus-dress-me-in-humility<br />

Jesus,<br />

dress me in humility, purity<br />

and observation to Your Law,<br />

for this will please the Father.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord allow me to serve You<br />

24 October 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-allow-me-to-serve-you<br />

Lord, allow me to serve You.<br />

This is my due to You now.<br />

You are known for Your Mercy<br />

and I know that if I cling to You,<br />

You will not just shake me off;<br />

I know You will rescue me.<br />

"I have only to open my mouth for You to fill it" 1<br />

Please feed me with Your Manna. 2<br />

____________________<br />

1. Ps. 81:10.<br />

2. The Holy Spirit<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh I love You. I adore You.<br />

13 November 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

yahweh-i-love-you-i-adore-you<br />

Yahweh I love You. I adore You.<br />

Yahweh, my celestial Love<br />

I know you are with me.<br />

Yahweh my Father and Abba,<br />

tell Your so-Beloved Son<br />

that my heart lives for Him only.<br />

Tell Him that He is the Air I breathe, My Life.<br />

Tell Him that my voice for His Sake<br />

will be carried as far as I can,<br />

to proclaim His Desires and His Fervent Love for us.<br />

Tell Him, Father<br />

that no one and nothing<br />

will ever come between this love<br />

I have for Him.<br />

Tell Him that He is my Smile, my Joy and my Hope.<br />

Tell my Redeemer how I long for Him<br />

and how I pine away with love for Him day and night.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

You are my only God, my only Hope. my only Love<br />

15 November 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

you-are-my-only-god-my-only-hope-my-only-love<br />

You are my only God,<br />

my only Hope, my only Love,<br />

You are my God unrivalled,<br />

ever so Tender and Delicate<br />

with the weak and the wretched,<br />

let not the Chalice of Your Justice brim over us;<br />

allow the captives to be set free before Your Day, my Lord,<br />

our faults in Your Eyes have been many<br />

and our rebellion and apathy even greater in number,<br />

but Your Heart is throbbing with Love and Compassion,<br />

give us, O Father, most Gracious,<br />

a powerful Breath of Your Spirit<br />

to revive us all for Your Glory,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, forgive us our guilt, our wickedness<br />

24 November 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-forgive-us-our-guilt-our-wickedness<br />

Lord, forgive us our guilt,<br />

our wickedness, our failures,<br />

our intolerance, our lack of love,<br />

forgive us the lack of our love and sensitivity.<br />

Convert the wicked,<br />

the impenetrable, the lethargic, the atheists,<br />

and transfigure them into vessels of light to glorify You.<br />

Humble the proud, lower the high, bend the rigid;<br />

Transfigure us all as in Your Transfiguration.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, have I failed You in any way?<br />

25 November 1991, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-have-i-failed-you-in-any-way<br />

Lord, have I failed You in any way?<br />

You have called me but have I really responded You?<br />

Have I really listened to Your Voice,<br />

or have I been ignoring It?<br />

Have I maybe been insensitive<br />

to the appeals of Your Sacred Heart?<br />

Have You taken Your Loving Eyes off me, O Holy of Holies?<br />

In the anguish of my spirit, I pray and ask You:<br />

Where are those Eyes so loving upon me?<br />

Where is my Abode, Your Sacred Heart?<br />

How is it I cannot hear Your Voice,<br />

or feel Your Presence?<br />

Have I lost Your Friendship<br />

because of my insensitivity?<br />

Have I lost Your Companionship, O Holy of Holies?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, rest in me<br />

8 December 1991, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-rest-in-me<br />

Jesus,<br />

rest in me, and I in You,<br />

united, linked together;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh visited me, like a gust of wind<br />

16 January 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

yahweh-visited-me-like-a-gust-of-wind<br />

Yahweh visited me,<br />

like a gust of wind, His Spirit lifted me<br />

and showed me His Countenance,<br />

He revealed to me: Tenderness, Love and Infinite Goodness,<br />

He then showered me with Blessings<br />

and offered me Manna in abundance<br />

to share It with my brothers;<br />

He walked with me in the land of oblivion,<br />

from down among the dead<br />

He took me among those who have forgotten Him,<br />

He raised me, restoring the memory of my soul;<br />

O Lord, Yahweh, how grateful I am!<br />

may Your Sweetness, O Lord, be on us all,<br />

blessed be Yahweh for ever and ever; amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord of Mercy, Your People need to be consoled<br />

17 January 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-of-mercy-your-people-need-to-be-consoled<br />

Lord of Mercy,<br />

your people need to be consoled,<br />

Your Body, divided, is sinking<br />

and there are very few who can comfort You,<br />

Your people are in despair,<br />

listen, therefore, Lord of Mercy<br />

and see our sorrow. Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Give us, Lord, Your discerning Spirit<br />

18 January 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

give-us-lord-your-discerning-spirit<br />

Give us, Lord, Your discerning Spirit,<br />

To gain Knowledge and Wisdom,<br />

Give us, Yahweh, the ear of the humble and the lowly<br />

to search for Your Knowledge and Wisdom.<br />

Give Your Church her triumph<br />

by uniting us all in one Body.<br />

Amen<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, let Your Holy Face smile on us<br />

20 January 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

jesus-let-your-holy-face-smile-on-us<br />

Jesus, let Your Holy Face smile on us,<br />

and we shall revive.<br />

Our division devoured us like fire;<br />

since You alone perform marvels,<br />

bring us together,<br />

and let men renounce their folly;<br />

Your Plan is to unite us<br />

by unifying the date of Easter,<br />

thus bringing us reconciliation,<br />

I am calling for Your Divine Help.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus, come and invade me completely<br />

26 January 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

sacred-heart-of-jesus-come-and-invade-me-completely<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

come and invade me completely<br />

so that my motives will be Your Motives,<br />

my desires Your Desires,<br />

my words Your Words,<br />

my thoughts Your Thoughts,<br />

then allow me to creep<br />

in the deepest place of Your Sacred Heart;<br />

annihilate me altogether;<br />

I, [your name],<br />

shall worship Your Sacred Heart from the core of mine,<br />

I promise to serve Your Sacred Heart with a fire inside me,<br />

I shall, with zeal, serve You more fervently than before;<br />

I am weak<br />

but I know that your Strength shall sustain me;<br />

do not allow me to lose sight of You,<br />

nor allow my heart to flutter elsewhere;<br />

I, [your name],<br />

will look for Your Sacred Heart alone<br />

and desire You alone;<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

make me dislike all<br />

that is contrary to Your Holiness and to Your Will;<br />

sift me through and through<br />

and make sure that not one rival remains within me;<br />

from today, tighten the bonds of Love<br />

with which you have enlaced me,<br />

and make my soul thirst for You<br />

and my heart sick with love for You;<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

do not wait,<br />

come and consume my whole being<br />

with the Flames of Your ardent Love;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

whatever I will do from now on,<br />

will be done merely for Your Interests and Your Glory<br />

and nothing for me;<br />

I, [your name],<br />

consecrate my life for you<br />

and from today am willing<br />

to be the slave of Your Love,<br />

the victim of Your Burning Desires and of Your Passion,<br />

the benefit of Your Church,<br />

and the toy of Your Soul;<br />

make my traits resemble those of Your Crucifixion<br />

through the bitterness I will encounter<br />

in the deafness of souls, and to see them fall;<br />

give my soul its fill;<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

do not spare me from Your Cross,<br />

like the Father had not spared You;<br />

arrest my eyes, my thoughts and my desires<br />

to be captives of Your Sacred Heart;<br />

unworthy, I am, and I deserve nothing,<br />

but help me to live my act of consecration<br />

by being loyal, invoking Your Holy Name untiringly;<br />

make my spirit repulse all that is not You;<br />

Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

make my soul bear more than ever before,<br />

the Marks of Your Body for the conversion of souls;<br />

I, [your name],<br />

voluntarily submit my will to Your Will,<br />

now and forever;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

You filled the starved with Your Fruits, Lord<br />

13 February 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

you-filled-the-starved-with-your-fruits-lord<br />

You have filled the starved with Your Fruits, Lord,<br />

You satisfied the hungry, You lifted the weary<br />

and exalted the poor and the wretched,<br />

You brought happiness to the suffering<br />

and the sick were healed with Your Love<br />

and those who were desperately thirsty, You gave them Water.<br />

Do not abandon them ...<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, You showered me with blessings<br />

14 February 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-you-showered-me-with-blessings<br />

Lord,<br />

You showered me with blessings<br />

without the slightest merit.<br />

I am, as You see, in Your Hands,<br />

so do whatever You please with me<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, I will not let my eyes off You<br />

18 February 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-i-will-not-let-my-eyes-off-you<br />

Lord, I will not let my eyes off You,<br />

lest I fall again in apostasy.<br />

Allow me to worship You at Your Footstool.<br />

O Lord, display now Your Power on us all.<br />

Bring upon us all Your Tempest<br />

that will whirl away our sins.<br />

Let Your Fire (the Holy Spirit)<br />

come upon us to enliven us and purify us.<br />

It is hard to cross this treacherous desert in the dark.<br />

Maranatha! Come!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

All day long I desire you, my God<br />

30 March 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

all-day-long-i-desire-you-my-god<br />

All day long<br />

I desire you, my God,<br />

all day long I pine away with love for You,<br />

because of Your Tenderness<br />

and Your Infinite Mercy, my God;<br />

Your Love that You showed me<br />

makes my soul cry out more than ever to You to rescue me.<br />

I long for the House where You live.<br />

I long for Your Sacred Court.<br />

So tell me, my Lord and God, what can I expect?<br />

will You reconsider my frailty?<br />

Ah, free me from all my sins and reconsider me.<br />

All my hopes are in You, my God.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

So long as Your Breath blows on me<br />

17 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

so-long-as-your-breath-blows-on-me<br />

So long as Your Breath blows on me<br />

You will keep renewing me and on my feet.<br />

Breathe on me, so that I may not die, Lord.<br />

Invade my soul with Your Light,<br />

Yahweh my God, clothed in impressive Glory<br />

may You be blessed. Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I, your slave out of love shall serve Your Greatness<br />

17 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

i-your-slave-out-of-love-shall-serve-your-greatness<br />

I, your slave out of love,<br />

shall serve Your Greatness and Your Majesty<br />

till the end.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, I beg You to guide my steps<br />

20 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-i-beg-you-to-guide-my-steps<br />

Lord, I beg You to guide my steps<br />

in the Truth and in the Light.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Come back to us<br />

20 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

come-back-to-us<br />

Come back to us<br />

and dwell in the middle of our heart;<br />

let our heart be called:<br />

Faithful City and Your Holy Mountain.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My God is good to me<br />

20 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

my-god-is-good-to-me<br />

My God is good to me,<br />

a stronghold when I am oppressed and calumniated,<br />

a stronghold when times are hard.<br />

My God is my protective Shield.<br />

Satan may sharpen his sword<br />

or may bend his bow and take aim on me,<br />

but my God, my Abba, ever so Tender,<br />

will be present and will make the devil flee.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh, I am Your Slave<br />

20 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

yahweh-i-am-your-slave<br />

Yahweh, I am Your slave,<br />

and I will offer You again today my will<br />

that You may do what Your Heart pleases with me.<br />

What a delight to be in Your Presence<br />

and to be allowed to walk with Your Majesty!<br />

What return can I make to You<br />

for all the blessings You poured on me?<br />

I have only to lift my eyes towards Heaven<br />

and You bend down to listen to me;<br />

and when I invoke Your Name,<br />

Your Majesty descends all the way from Your Throne,<br />

You who are Sovereign in the Heavens and on earth,<br />

to be with me in my room and keep me company.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My gifts are Yours<br />

20 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

my-gifts-are-yours<br />

My gifts are Yours,<br />

in fact all the gifts I have been given<br />

are Yours.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My God, is good to me<br />

20 April 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

my-god-is-good-to-me-2<br />

My God is good to me,<br />

a stronghold when I am oppressed and calumniated,<br />

a stronghold when times are hard.<br />

My God is my protective Shield.<br />

Satan may sharpen his sword<br />

or may bend his bow and take aim on me,<br />

but my God, my Abba, ever so Tender,<br />

will be present and will make the devil flee.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord Yahweh, my Beloved Father in Heaven<br />

1 May 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-yahweh-my-beloved-father-in-heaven<br />

My Lord Yahweh,<br />

my Beloved Father in Heaven,<br />

Your Name is an oil poured out;<br />

You have revealed Your Name to me<br />

by coming forward to me and saving me;<br />

You brought me up, bringing me near You.<br />

Yahweh my God, You have redeemed me.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Eternel Father, Author of the Love Hymn<br />

15 May 1992, the Father gives the prayer:<br />

o-eternel-father-author-of-the-love-hymn<br />

O Eternal Father<br />

Author of the Love Hymn,<br />

King from the beginning,<br />

You rose, God, to say something<br />

to all the inhabitants of the earth,<br />

True to the greatness<br />

of Your Mercy and of Your Name,<br />

You rained upon us blessing upon blessing;<br />

over the waves of the sea<br />

and over the whole earth<br />

Your fragrance travelled;<br />

Mighty God,<br />

there have never been<br />

such lovely things before in our generation,<br />

Author of the Love Hymn,<br />

Your Works are superb ornamentation,<br />

magnificent, adornment to delight<br />

the eye and the heart;<br />

I mean to praise You, Eternal Father, all my life,<br />

and sing to You, my God, as long as I live;<br />

- Amen -<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord in Your Strength and in Your Wisdom<br />

16 June 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-in-your-strength-and-in-your-wisdom<br />

Lord, in Your Strength and in Your Wisdom<br />

You raised me, You fostered me;<br />

in Your Love You helped me,<br />

and I became Your bride;<br />

Lord,You confided Your Message to me;<br />

praised be the Lord;<br />

come, Lord, maranatha!<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus be my support<br />

18 June 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-be-my-support<br />

Jesus be my support,<br />

without You I am nothing,<br />

without You my table is empty,<br />

without You I am defeated;<br />

be my Inspiration and fill me,<br />

be my Refuge and my Strength,<br />

I love You and my will is Yours,<br />

so be it; amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yes Lord! Come and melt our hearts<br />

18 June 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

yes-lord-come-and-melt-our-hearts<br />

Yes Lord!<br />

Come and melt our hearts,<br />

show us my King, my God,<br />

the Riches of Your Sacred Heart.<br />

Show us the Light in Your Face.<br />

Let us understand that You, my God,<br />

are looking down from heaven<br />

to see if a single one is left with faith, with love,<br />

and if a single one is seeking You.<br />

Blessed be Your Name,<br />

blessed be our Lord, our Redeemer, Emmanuel,<br />

for He has sung to us His Love Hymn,<br />

even as He proclaimed by the mouth of His prophets<br />

that He would return,<br />

thus He prepares us now for this encounter.<br />

And You, Blessed Mother,<br />

You who gave us our Redeemer,<br />

once more You are with us<br />

preparing the way for the Lord<br />

and preparing us to meet Him.<br />

And the Lord, out of His Infinite Mercy,<br />

will visit us to give us light in our darkness<br />

and guide our feet into the way of Peace, Love and Unity.<br />

"Glory to God in the highest heaven,<br />

and peace to men who enjoy His favour." 1<br />

____________________<br />

1. Lk. 2:14<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

God, You who are full of Compassion<br />

22 July 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

god-you-who-are-full-of-compassion<br />

God, You who are full of Compassion,<br />

let Your Face smile on us to unite us,<br />

look down from heaven,<br />

look at our division that reigns now in Your Church,<br />

Your lambs, My Shepherd,<br />

are perishing in great numbers<br />

as they search to pasture to keep life in them;<br />

listen to the groans of the Church;<br />

this great Apostasy predicted<br />

is robbing You of Your children,<br />

bring to Your Church<br />

this Day of Glory You once foretold<br />

so that we may all be one,<br />

Lord, do not remain silent and do not delay any more,<br />

come! come, bring to us the Day once foretold,<br />

make everyone hear Your Majestic Voice;<br />

You are known to be Gracious, My God,<br />

give me a hearing and answer me .....<br />

I give You thanks<br />

for I know that You have heard me;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Help us and shepherd us, give us Your Peace<br />

23 August 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

help-us-and-shepherd-us-give-us-your-peace<br />

Help us and shepherd us,<br />

give us Your Peace,<br />

Son of the Eternal Father, lower us,<br />

so that Your Eyes, King of the Heavens,<br />

may look down from above,<br />

O Beloved Son of our Father,<br />

do not allow multitudes to be crushed,<br />

men are dying of corruption,<br />

speed Your Work, O Holy One of the Father,<br />

and may Your Return be hastened;<br />

You who are the Delight of the Father,<br />

do not allow the world anymore<br />

to defy the glorious Presence of Your Holy Spirit.<br />

My eyes are turned towards You, O Lord,<br />

and my heart takes its refuge in Your Sacred Heart<br />

to obtain Peace and Love,<br />

do not leave me defenceless!<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Ah, my Lord, how awesome You are<br />

2 September 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

ah-my-lord-how-awesome-you-are<br />

ah, my Lord,<br />

how awesome You are<br />

You disperse Your enemies like smoke,<br />

Holy be Your Name thrice Holy;<br />

Your uprightness glorifies You<br />

in our wickedness,<br />

Your faithfulness glorifies You<br />

in our unfaithfulness;<br />

let all hearts seek You my Lord,<br />

and call on Your Name;<br />

let the one who never sought You find You,<br />

so that he too, in Your Presence, will say:<br />

"in God alone are saving justice and strength;<br />

in God alone is my life, my joy and my peace,<br />

with whom can you compare Him?<br />

with whom can you equate Him?<br />

I have blossomed in His Salvation<br />

and rejoice now in His Great Love,<br />

Glory be to the Highest,<br />

Glory be to my God thrice Holy;"<br />

Lord, there is no other but You,<br />

and I will proclaim Your Saving Justice<br />

till the end;<br />

Amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, neither death, nor life, no angel, no prince<br />

17 September 1992, the Holy Spirit gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-neither-death-nor-life-no-angel-no-prince<br />

Jesus,<br />

neither death, nor life, no angel, no prince,<br />

nothing that exists, nothing still to come,<br />

not any power or height or depth,<br />

nor any created thing,<br />

will ever come to separate me from You;<br />

I vow to remain faithful to You,<br />

this is my solemn vow;<br />

help me keep this vow forever and ever;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, let Your Holy Face smile again on Your desolate properties<br />

1 October 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-let-your-holy-face-smile-again-on-your-desolate-properties<br />

Lord, let Your Holy Face smile again on Your desolate properties; 1<br />

do not delay, reveal Your Glory now!<br />

Many are putting obstacles to obstruct Your messages,<br />

come!<br />

____________________<br />

1. Us<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father once before Your Majesty revived the memory<br />

5 October 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

father-once-before-your-majesty-revived-the-memory<br />

Father, once,<br />

before Your Majesty revived the memory of my poor soul,<br />

I had forgotten who had made me.<br />

The next moment You restored my memory<br />

You asked me to lift up my eyes to the heavens,<br />

then a ray of Light shone on me<br />

and like a consuming fire, Your Spirit rested on me.<br />

True Light, Inexhaustible Treasure,<br />

You are awe-inspiring, and stupendously Great!<br />

How can I not thank and praise You, most Tender Father,<br />

for resting Your Spirit on my wretched soul<br />

and making Your Spirit one with me?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Ah, Lord, You have made the heaven and the earth<br />

6 October 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

ah-lord-you-have-made-the-heaven-and-the-earth<br />

Ah, Lord,<br />

You have made the heavens and the earth<br />

with joy and with great power.<br />

You have created us with happiness<br />

and loved us with an everlasting love.<br />

Let even Your enemies yearn for Your Tenderness.<br />

Shine in each heart and turn EVERY heart of stone to You ....<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I am Your victim<br />

5 November 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

i-am-your-victim<br />

I am Your victim<br />

and it is with You and into Your Hands<br />

I want to be,<br />

to be able to feel what You felt when on earth.<br />

I want to taste You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, all I ask from You now is to strengthen my faith<br />

27 November 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-all-i-ask-from-you-now-is-to-strengthen-my-faith<br />

Father, all I ask from You now<br />

is to strengthen my faith; amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Your word is my delight, my Life<br />

1 December 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

your-word-is-my-delight-my-life<br />

Your word is my delight, my Life and my hope.<br />

What have You found in my wicked heart<br />

to establish Your Throne inside it?<br />

Day and night You show Your favours to me.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Show me the light of Your Holy Face<br />

2 December 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

show-me-the-light-of-your-holy-face<br />

Show me the Light<br />

of Your Holy Face,<br />

raise my soul to the heights<br />

and let me see You!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Our Father, who art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name<br />

13 December 1992, Vassula prays:<br />

our-father-who-art-in-heaven-hallowed-be-thy-name<br />

Our Father, who art in Heaven<br />

hallowed be thy Name ....<br />

Our Father,<br />

whose love is revealed to the least of us,<br />

have mercy on Your creation!<br />

You have given us as a free gift:<br />

our liberty, to use as we please,<br />

but we have turned our liberty against us.<br />

Like a razor-blade in an infant's hand,<br />

we use it, hacking ourselves to death ...<br />

O come! and turn our attention<br />

to Your Holy Name,<br />

or we will slice ourselves to pieces!<br />

I invoke You, God Almighty,<br />

in our troubles, will You rescue us,<br />

or will You hide from my petition?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, I consecrate myself in soul and body<br />

17 December 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-i-consecrate-myself-in-soul-and-body<br />

Father,<br />

I consecrate myself<br />

in soul and body to Your service,<br />

so that Your Eyes and Your Heart<br />

never leave me;<br />

set Your Royal Throne inside me<br />

and give me Your orders,<br />

make me advance in purity of heart,<br />

to accomplish all that You have given me;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Lord, You who stand among us<br />

21 December 1992, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-lord-you-who-stand-among-us<br />

O Lord,<br />

You who stand among us,<br />

shepherd us;<br />

set Your Royal Throne<br />

in the middle of Your vine<br />

and give us Your orders;<br />

O Holy Lord of all holiness<br />

purify us so that we preserve<br />

the integrity of Your House and Your vine,<br />

lovingly intervene and protect<br />

what Your right Hand cultivated;<br />

we have failed You, but we know,<br />

we believe and we trust,<br />

that You will open wide Your Gateway,<br />

to let the River of Life flow on Your vine,<br />

and once more from it will sprout branches<br />

that will bear fruit and become a royal vine,<br />

more kingly than ever before<br />

because Your Holy Spirit, the giver of Life,<br />

will overshadow it;<br />

amen<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, I pray as You have prayed<br />

17 January 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-i-pray-as-you-have-prayed<br />

Lord, I pray as You have prayed:<br />

may we all be one,<br />

as the Father is in You and You in Him,<br />

so that the rest of the world<br />

may believe it was the Father who sent You;<br />

for this I pray too<br />

for the sheep who are not of Your Fold,<br />

that they too will listen to Your Voice,<br />

I pray for the Moslems, the Jews<br />

and others that they may come to love You<br />

from today onwards.<br />

Amen<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I will praise my Lord<br />

2 February 1993, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

i-will-praise-my-lord<br />

I will praise my Lord<br />

and my soul will live for Him alone<br />

and I will serve Him alone,<br />

and my lips will sing for Him alone,<br />

and my heart will pay attention to Him alone,<br />

and now, my heart will beat for Him alone;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Eternal Father, may Your Name be hallowed<br />

2 March 1993, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

eternal-father-may-your-name-be-hallowed<br />

Eternal Father,<br />

may Your Name be hallowed,<br />

to know You is eternal Life,<br />

to know You is to know the Truth,<br />

Father of all Wisdom,<br />

sanctify me with Your Holy Spirit<br />

so that my heart will utter<br />

sayings full of wisdom;<br />

Unique and Perfect,<br />

Source of Sublime Love,<br />

Your Majesty, ravish my heart<br />

to praise You night and day;<br />

Fountain of Myrrh and Aloes,<br />

fragrance my wretched soul<br />

with Your delicate fragrance<br />

so that when I meet<br />

My King and Your Beloved Son,<br />

He will not turn His Eyes away from me;<br />

to know You is to be in Your Light,<br />

this Light which will show me the Way<br />

and draw me in Your Beloved Son's Footsteps;<br />

Well of Living Water, come,<br />

come and immerse me your child<br />

in Your Stream that flows profusely<br />

out of Your Sanctuary;<br />

O God! I love You to tears!<br />

let my wretched soul long for<br />

all that is Holy,<br />

let my soul taste Your Tenderness,<br />

Yahweh, You are my God,<br />

I praise Your Name,<br />

for You have looked upon my wretched soul<br />

and filled it with the brightness of Your Glory;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

my heart sings to You Father,<br />

my spirit rejoices in Your Spirit;<br />

O God, my Father,<br />

allow my soul to succumb in Your Loving Arms<br />

by setting Your Seal on my heart<br />

so that my love for You<br />

becomes stronger than Death itself; amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Yahweh why are You so far from me again?<br />

10 May 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

o-yahweh-why-are-you-so-far-from-me-again<br />

O Yahweh,<br />

why are You so far from me again?<br />

Relieve this distress of my heart!<br />

Spare just a tiny glance for Your auxiliary slave!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, make my ears alert<br />

12 May 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-make-my-ears-alert<br />

Lord, make my ears alert,<br />

my eyes perceiving,<br />

and my heart sensitive like a disciple<br />

so that I may absorb Your Spirit.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus my Light<br />

18 May 1993, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-my-light<br />

Jesus my Light, Jesus my Guide,<br />

I love You, because You showed me the Way,<br />

Holy Spirit, my Holy Companion and my Friend,<br />

You who whisper in my ear<br />

counsel, wisdom and consolation,<br />

I love You, because You allowed my eyes to see and hear,<br />

I adore You, because You resurrected me<br />

and You became, O Sweet Manna from Heaven,<br />

my daily Bread,<br />

You have consoled my distressed and wretched soul;<br />

You care for me in this desert,<br />

and You are mindful to my needs,<br />

You are fanning into a roaring flame<br />

Your Gifts to all mankind,<br />

for the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity,<br />

give us all, the grace to devote ourselves<br />

to obeying Your statutes<br />

and that Your Law becomes our delight;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Show Your Strength now, my Lord<br />

30 May 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

show-your-strength-now-my-lord<br />

Show Your Strength now, my Lord,<br />

You are all-powerful,<br />

and come and UNITE Your Body.<br />

Your Holy Spirit has the power to renew us;<br />

come Holy Spirit and with Your Fire, melt us,<br />

since we are like stiff iron bars, unbending,<br />

come and melt us into one solid bar;<br />

melt our hardened hearts!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Creator, come to me<br />

8 June 1993, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

creator-come-to-me<br />

Creator, come to me,<br />

Yahweh my God, save me,<br />

Lord of the Heavens and the earth, bless me,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, I am yours, save me and save my brethren<br />

11 June 1993, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-i-am-yours-save-me-and-save-my-brethren<br />

Lord, I am yours,<br />

save me and save my brethren too<br />

through your Redemptive Love;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Teach me to love You as You want<br />

29 June 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

teach-me-to-love-you-as-you-want<br />

Teach me to love You<br />

as You want me to love You,<br />

since You are my Teacher, Lord.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus my only love, I pray for those whom You love<br />

8 August 1993, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-my-only-love-i-pray-for-those-whom-you-love<br />

Jesus my only love,<br />

I pray for those whom You love<br />

but know not how to love You,<br />

may they be purified and healed<br />

so that they too be exempt from all evil;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Designated in the prophecies<br />

21 September 1993, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

designated-in-the-prophecies<br />

designated in the prophecies of Your Word,<br />

O Lord, we know, we trust and we believe<br />

that the Triumph of Your Sacred Heart,<br />

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary<br />

is in the near future;<br />

therefore, we humbly come to consecrate ourselves,<br />

our families and our country<br />

to Your Two Sacred Hearts;<br />

we believe that<br />

in consecrating our country to You,<br />

nation will not lift sword against nation<br />

and there will be no more training for war;<br />

we believe that<br />

in consecrating our country<br />

to Your Two Loving Hearts,<br />

all human pride and arrogance, all godlessness<br />

and hardening of the heart be effaced,<br />

and that every evil will be replaced<br />

with love and good things;<br />

we believe that<br />

Your Two Holy Hearts will not resist<br />

our sighs now and our needs,<br />

but in their Loving Flame will hear us<br />

and come to us to heal our deep wounds<br />

and bring us peace;<br />

O Sacred Heart of Jesus<br />

and Immaculate Heart of Mary,<br />

blow on us a spark from Your Two Hearts<br />

to flare up our heart,<br />

make out of our nation<br />

the perfect Dwelling-Place of Your Holiness;<br />

abide in us and we in You<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

so that through the Love of Your Two Hearts,<br />

we may find Peace, Unity and Conversion;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, Holy and Faithful One<br />

30 September 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-holy-and-faithful-one<br />

Lord, Holy and Faithful One,<br />

Your sound Teachings have given me Light.<br />

You are the Light of the world.<br />

Son of the Most High,<br />

You have educated me in the line of Your Elect<br />

without any merits.<br />

Blessed be Your Name!<br />

Most Holy One,<br />

be the Ruler of my life<br />

so that I may attain the perfection<br />

that pleases You.<br />

Govern me, reign over me<br />

and build Your Kingdom in me<br />

so that my soul becomes the perfect dwelling<br />

of Your Divinity and Your Holiness<br />

Amen<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I am willing to fulfil what I must fulfil<br />

6 October 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

i-am-willing-to-fulfil-what-i-must-fulfil<br />

I am willing to fulfil what I must fulfil,<br />

Yahweh, my Lord.<br />

I am willing to serve and be faithful<br />

to my God Yahweh and Saviour.<br />

May Your Kingdom come<br />

and Your Will be done.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

May Your Name be blessed and praised<br />

11 November 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

may-your-name-be-blessed-and-praised<br />

May Your Name be blessed and praised,<br />

May Love teach us to love Him.<br />

May we learn to seek You in simplicity of heart,<br />

May Your Holy Spirit fill the whole world.<br />

Let not one of Your flowers wither,<br />

but make them all bloom with a delicate fragrance<br />

to glorify You, O Holy of Holies.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

God, Lord Almighty<br />

13 December 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

god-lord-almighty<br />

God, Lord Almighty,<br />

bind me more to You,<br />

bind me in Your Eternal Love.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Let the eyes of those who do not see Your signs<br />

20 December 1993, Vassula prays:<br />

let-the-eyes-of-those-who-do-not-see-your-signs<br />

Let the eyes of those<br />

who do not see Your signs<br />

remain no longer closed.<br />

Let the ears that no longer hear,<br />

open and become alert.<br />

Let the heart that<br />

never understands Your Wisdom,<br />

open and understand Your proverbs.<br />

Let their spirit cultivate<br />

all that You Yourself planted,<br />

to glorify You.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus come, Living One come!<br />

10 March 1994, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-come-living-one-come<br />

"Jesus come, Living One come!<br />

O Emmanuel forgive me,<br />

take my weakness in Your Strength,<br />

take my drought in Your Fountain<br />

take my soul into Your Hands;<br />

Perpetual Source of Love,<br />

consume every fibre of my heart to love,<br />

to praise and declare Your Name sublime;<br />

make my spirit thirst for my Creator;<br />

so that this dust which You fashioned into Your child,<br />

becomes a vivid flame of love,<br />

for You have the power of life and death,<br />

Your glance has the power to melt iron<br />

Your Jealous Love to make my life<br />

be regarded as madness to the wise;<br />

so, drive Your arrow again<br />

and shoot at Your favourite mark;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Jesus, You are my only Love in my heart<br />

26 May 1994, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-jesus-you-are-my-only-love-in-my-heart<br />

My Jesus,<br />

You are my only Love in my heart,<br />

my only Hope in my life, my only Light in my soul,<br />

for this reason, remain with me, Christ;<br />

my guilt is overwhelming me,<br />

and I am sorry for having sinned,<br />

come and free me from all my sins,<br />

do not prolong Your silence,<br />

come and renew me,<br />

stir me with Your Wisdom<br />

and let Your Holy Spirit be my Ruler;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, my God, You who rejoice to give Your gifts<br />

2 June 1994, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-my-god-you-who-rejoice-to-give-your-gifts<br />

Lord, my God,<br />

You who rejoice to give Your gifts in secret,<br />

I ask You so much to give to all souls the greatest gift:<br />

the gift that transfigures our stained image<br />

into the brightness of Your Divine Image.<br />

Turn us into Your reflection<br />

so that we penetrate into Your Divinity.<br />

Just as in the Day of Your Transfiguration,<br />

let this become for us<br />

a second new feast of transfiguration<br />

so that we too may hear<br />

those words from the Father:<br />

"These are my sons and daughters, the beloved;<br />

they enjoy My favour; listen to them."<br />

Then let us go out,<br />

with Your Spirit of Truth<br />

to tell of Your mighty deeds.<br />

Let it be the Transfiguration of all the world; 1<br />

and in our transfiguration we will learn to love,<br />

and love will lead us to eternal life.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Allusion to Rv. 21.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O come Lord, come and transfigure<br />

17 June 1994, Vassula prays:<br />

o-come-lord-come-and-transfigure<br />

O Come Lord,<br />

come and transfigure our wretchedness<br />

into Your Perfect Image.<br />

We are so far from what You call perfect!<br />

How are we ever going to join You<br />

in Your Kingdom with what we are now?<br />

I miss You very much ....<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord and my Shepherd<br />

21 June 1994, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-and-my-shepherd<br />

My Lord and my Shepherd,<br />

in Your kindness multiply Your noble vineyards,<br />

let there be more workers in them<br />

to proclaim Your Royal Authority,<br />

then, every nation will see Your Glory!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord of the Heavens, sanctify my soul<br />

10 July 1994, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-of-the-heavens-sanctify-my-soul<br />

Lord of the Heavens,<br />

sanctify my soul, Your dwelling place,<br />

so that You, my King, will be glorified;<br />

crown my soul with holiness,<br />

so that in Your Divinity<br />

I may become heiress of Your Kingdom and Your Glory;<br />

I promise to lay down my life<br />

for my brothers and my sisters,<br />

and become part of Your Salvation Plan;<br />

Creator, I am yours,<br />

Jesus Christ, I am yours;<br />

Holy Spirit, I am yours;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, sing Your new song to the nations<br />

29 July 1994, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-sing-your-new-song-to-the-nations<br />

My Lord,<br />

sing Your new song 1 to the nations,<br />

sing Your new hymn 2 to every race.<br />

Your song heals,<br />

Your hymn works great miracles.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Song and hymn are: 'True Life in God'.<br />

2. 'True Life in God'.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Here I am, Lord, as ready as I can be<br />

13 October 1994, Vassula prays:<br />

here-i-am-lord-as-ready-as-i-can-be<br />

Here I am Lord,<br />

as ready as I can be to serve You,<br />

with honour and love.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, in your Righteousness deliver me<br />

18 October 1994, the Father gives the prayer:<br />

father-in-your-righteousness-deliver-me<br />

"Father, in your Righteousness,<br />

deliver me from the lying tongue,<br />

come quickly, God, in Your great Love;<br />

answer me, my Yahweh;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Holy are You and Mighty<br />

11 November 1994, Vassula prays:<br />

holy-are-you-and-mighty<br />

Holy are You and Mighty;<br />

Your Presence is Splendour and Majesty,<br />

I need no one but my Maker.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, my Refuge<br />

1 December 1994, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-my-refuge<br />

Lord, my Refuge,<br />

my Comfort, my Smile,<br />

my Fountain, my Universe.<br />

I love you.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, give us Your Kingdom<br />

27 February 1995, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-give-us-your-kingdom<br />

Lord,<br />

give us Your Kingdom,<br />

so that we may obtain incorruptibility<br />

and the deity to have eternal life;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, may the words of my mouth find favour<br />

1 May 1995, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-lord-may-the-words-of-my-mouth-find-favour<br />

"my Lord,<br />

may the words of my mouth<br />

find favour and consolation<br />

for Your Sacred Heart;<br />

"Redeemer of the world,<br />

why do they weave plans against You<br />

over and over again?<br />

"Consoler of Your kin,<br />

why do they keep loading You<br />

with sorrow and grief?<br />

"Friend of mankind,<br />

why do Your Own<br />

deny your wounded Heart<br />

and plant banners of trouble in sin<br />

all through their life?<br />

the heavens openly declare Your Glory<br />

and Your Voice is heard<br />

to the ends of the world, calling out:<br />

'return to Me and I will give you<br />

a new life for your soul;'<br />

"but scorn is what You receive,<br />

my Redeemer;<br />

and ah, so many jeer at Your Call,<br />

my Consoler!<br />

"Friend of mankind, Perfect Beauty,<br />

Light Thrice Holy,<br />

Your Love is betrayed again,<br />

denied and tested;<br />

Your enemies multiply<br />

and their violence increases;<br />

"Sacrificial Lamb,<br />

accused by Your accusers,<br />

attacked constantly by Your attackers,<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

when will You appear on Your horse as:<br />

Warrior for Justice?"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Blessed be Your Name, O You who hear my prayer!<br />

29 May 1995, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

blessed-be-your-name-o-you-who-hear-my-prayer<br />

blessed be Your Name,<br />

O You who hear my prayer!<br />

blessed are You, my Lord,<br />

who removed my soul from the pit,<br />

You have looked upon me from the heights<br />

and humbled my soul<br />

blessed be Your Graciousness<br />

who drew me in Your Heart<br />

to save me and set me free;<br />

God, You are my salvation,<br />

my riches, my sight and my life,<br />

You who daily enchant my soul<br />

and rejoice my heart with Your Presence,<br />

allow Me to profit from Your Presence:<br />

peace, integrity, love and a spirit of forgiveness,<br />

let every fibre of my heart proclaim with love Your Glory;<br />

hear my prayer<br />

now that I am Your passing guest in Your country<br />

and answer me;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Consoler of Your kin. Friend of mankind<br />

16 June 1995, Vassula prays:<br />

consoler-of-your-kin-friend-of-mankind<br />

Consoler of Your kin.<br />

Friend of mankind, Light thrice Holy,<br />

Beloved of the Father, Starlight of the night,<br />

Mountain of Incense and Myrrh,<br />

Delight of the Father, Infatuation of Your Mother,<br />

draw us all in Your Love,<br />

ravish our heart with one single glance,<br />

call us into Your Kingdom<br />

since You delight in showing faithful love,<br />

convert us in Your Flame of Love.<br />

Let this terror of the night before us come to its end<br />

and we shall all contemplate Your saving justice.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Holy Spirit, Giver of Life<br />

19 June 1995, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

holy-spirit-giver-of-life<br />

"Holy Spirit, Giver of Life,<br />

Holy Spirit, Thrice Holy,<br />

grant me that I, too, may grow in love<br />

to know God and obtain His Kingdom;<br />

"grant me the Spirit of Piety<br />

so that my spirit grows<br />

in the principles of the Saints<br />

and that my thoughts<br />

turn into Your Thoughts,<br />

my acts into Your Acts<br />

which are all pure and divine;<br />

"Holy Spirit of Piety,<br />

Friend of God,<br />

teach me to reach perfection<br />

and control over every part of myself<br />

which is so evil,<br />

so that I may obtain Eternal Life;<br />

"Spirit of Piety,<br />

ever so beautifully dressed,<br />

come to me and dress my spirit in purity<br />

that I, too, may be pleasing in God's Eyes;<br />

"dress my soul with a living Spirit<br />

to serve the Holy Trinity<br />

with honour and grace;<br />

"let me die to my principles,<br />

let me die to my partiality,<br />

my tepidity, my lethargy and my ambitions;<br />

come and revive me into Your Purity;<br />

"Supplier of the fruit of the Tree of Life,<br />

Eternal Joy, grant me Your Spirit too<br />

to be kin to the Holy Trinity<br />

and an heir 1 to Your Kingdom;<br />

let my tongue taste what is most pure<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

in the Light of God thrice Holy<br />

and consume the One who said:<br />

'I am the Bread of Life;'<br />

"Holy Spirit of Life, thrice Holy,<br />

grant my spirit to attain perfections<br />

in the Science of the Spirit of Piety;<br />

to learn how to observe with fear<br />

what is real Flesh and real Food,<br />

what is real Blood and real Drink<br />

so that I may live in the Father,<br />

in the Son and in the Holy Spirit,<br />

Trinitarian but One, in the unity of essence;<br />

"make my soul work for Your intentions<br />

which are holy and redemptive,<br />

most pleasing in Your Eyes;<br />

by entering my soul, Your Spirit of Piety<br />

will turn me into a devout and fervent servant;<br />

"Starlight of my soul,<br />

pass on to me the piety of your Saints<br />

to keep Your Laws holy<br />

and graciously show Yourself to my wretched soul<br />

to remind me that incorruptibility<br />

will bring me near the Trinitarian God<br />

Most Powerful and Most Holy,<br />

hence nothing impure will be able<br />

to find its way in me,<br />

amen;" ic;<br />

____________________<br />

1. Could be heiress too.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Sovereign from the beginning, hear My prayer<br />

2 October 1995, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

sovereign-from-the-beginning-hear-my-prayer<br />

Sovereign from the beginning,<br />

hear My prayer;<br />

my soul, my heart are thirsting for you;<br />

my gaze longs to see you,<br />

and I look to no one else,<br />

for there is no god to compare You with,<br />

nothing is greater than you,<br />

since you alone are stupendously great;<br />

for this, gather the nations<br />

to give thanks and praise to Your Holy Name<br />

around one single Tabernacle,<br />

let them offer Your Sacrifice together<br />

to Our Father in heaven,<br />

in one voice and in the same Spirit;<br />

Guardian of our soul,<br />

wonderfully strong, unconquerable,<br />

may the whole of Your creation<br />

serve You in the Most Holy Trinity;<br />

grant us this blessing;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Glory be to God in the highest heaven<br />

10 November 1995, Vassula prays:<br />

glory-be-to-god-in-the-highest-heaven<br />

Glory be to God in the highest heaven,<br />

Glory be to Him who lifted my soul<br />

from the entrails of this earth;<br />

Glory be to the Light thrice Holy<br />

in whose power all things came to be;<br />

Glory be to God, invincible,<br />

incomparable in His Authority;<br />

Glory be to the Immortal One<br />

in whom we find immortality;<br />

May Your Breath, Most Holy One,<br />

which is pure emanation of Your Glory,<br />

enliven us, renewing us into one glorious Body.<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Jesus, my only love, Jesus<br />

16 December 1995, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

jesus-my-only-love-jesus<br />

Jesus, my only love,<br />

Jesus, my inspiration,<br />

my soul's companion;<br />

Jesus, You alone are my cup,<br />

my drink, my blessing,<br />

hide me in the core of your Heart<br />

until death will deliver me in heaven;<br />

Guardian of my soul,<br />

be with me wherever I go,<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh, Your Works are blessings<br />

3 January 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

yahweh-your-works-are-blessings<br />

Yahweh,<br />

Your Works are blessings, wealth and a lamp.<br />

Forgive us1 for not accepting Them<br />

as from You with all our heart.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My house is in the Courts of Yahweh<br />

9 January 1996, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-house-is-in-the-courts-of-yahweh<br />

My house is in the Courts of Yahweh<br />

and my spirit rejoices in the brilliance of His Majesty thrice holy.<br />

It is in You that my soul moves, fulfils and goes on trusting.<br />

It is in You, Eternal Father,<br />

that my spirit languishes, desires and seeks the Truth.<br />

Deprive me not, O Celestial Father<br />

of the Seven Gifts of Your Spirit,<br />

but send them to me,<br />

to light my way and illumine my spirit<br />

bathing me in Your Divine Trinitarian Holiness.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, my Life, my Family<br />

26 March 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-my-life-my-family<br />

My Lord, my Life, my Family,<br />

I am part of You and my spirit exults in You.<br />

I bless Your Name for ever and ever.<br />

Celebrate, creation, God's acts of power,<br />

and praise Him who raises the lowly.<br />

How can any mortal doubt on Your marvellous interventions?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I thank You that You are pouring out Your riches<br />

3 July 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

i-thank-you-that-you-are-pouring-out-your-riches<br />

I thank You that You are pouring out<br />

Your Riches, Your Gifts and Your Favours on us, O Lord!<br />

With the Power of Your Spirit,<br />

You will destroy the wisdom of the wise<br />

and bring to nothing all the learning of the learned;<br />

You will scatter the philosophers and bring them down;<br />

O Holy One, come!<br />

demonstrate the Power of Your Power, 1<br />

demonstrate the Power of Your Holy Spirit,<br />

demonstrate the Power of Your Goodness,<br />

demonstrate the Power of Your Faithfulness,<br />

Your Intimacy, Your Joy, and Your Love;<br />

Leavened we must become; 2<br />

grant us then this favour, O Lord,<br />

grant us this favour to overpower evil,<br />

and get rid of all the old yeast of evil and wickedness<br />

that still remains in us,<br />

by replacing it by a fresh batch of yeast!<br />

____________________<br />

1. Meaning: "demonstrate the Power of Your Kingdom".<br />

2. Allusion to Lk. 13:20, the parabl<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Light! O Inaccessible Light thrice Holy, Come!<br />

17 July 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

o-light-o-inaccessible-light-thrice-holy-come<br />

O Light!<br />

O Inaccessible Light thrice Holy,<br />

Come! descend now<br />

and come not only on those who invoke You<br />

because they have heard of You,<br />

but come also on those who have never known You!<br />

Come! O Lamp of our body!<br />

Come and correct all those who have never understood You;<br />

Come to all those who fear You,<br />

Come and unveil Your hidden treasures,<br />

these treasures kept for our times,<br />

Come! come and reveal<br />

the Father and the Son's Holy Countenances;<br />

Come and reveal Yourself, Holy Spirit!<br />

Come my Friend,<br />

for You are the dazzling Light of our heart,<br />

Come from on high<br />

and clothe us with Your power and splendour;<br />

Come and lodge inside us<br />

and make out of Your Dwelling,<br />

a place of prayer,<br />

for You are the Constant Prayer;<br />

See how naked we are now without You?<br />

Come and shine Your Light in this darkness;<br />

You are The Promise, You are our Love,<br />

You are our Light,<br />

Yes! You are The Promise!<br />

You are the One of whom Scriptures say:<br />

"It will never be night again<br />

and they will not need lamplight or sunlight,<br />

because the Lord God will be shining on them." 1<br />

You are our Pledge of our inheritance,<br />

Holy be Your Name and Blessed;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

You are the priceless and inestimable pearl;<br />

You are the radiance of our soul,<br />

You are The Banquet and our festivity,<br />

You are the Irresistible Companion of our life,<br />

You are the Throne of the poor in spirit,<br />

You are the Kingdom of kingdoms, the Empire of the empires,<br />

O Visitor of our soul,<br />

Come and free us!<br />

Amen.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Rv. 22:5.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I give thanks and praise to the awe-inspiring Lord<br />

17 July 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

i-give-thanks-and-praise-to-the-awe-inspiring-lord<br />

I give thanks and praise<br />

to the awe-inspiring Lord,<br />

so stupendously great;<br />

Look! the One who flashes His Rays<br />

dazzling my eyes,<br />

is none other but my Father!<br />

O Brilliant Adornment of the Heavens!<br />

The greatness of Your Name liberated me,<br />

and by raising my ear just a little,<br />

I received Your Word from Your Mouth;<br />

and now: I sing for joy to God, my Father!<br />

I shout in triumph to the Anointed One,<br />

Jesus Christ, my Saviour!<br />

My Promised One, 1<br />

O Delight of the delights!<br />

I love You for making me Your friend;<br />

and now, I call out with all my heart:<br />

"Amen! my zeal is burning me up<br />

to announce and proclaim Your Faithful Love!<br />

"I shall do Your Will<br />

and I shall bring as many as possible<br />

in union with Your Oneness,<br />

so that they too will be filled<br />

with the absolute fullness of Your Trinitarian Holiness."<br />

Amen.<br />

___________________<br />

1. Allusion to Ep. 1:13.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I love You, Lord; I will thank Your Name<br />

2 August 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

i-love-you-lord-i-will-thank-your-name-2<br />

I love You, Lord;<br />

I will thank Your Name once again,<br />

since You are my God, my Friend and my All;<br />

I thank You for all Your mysteries,<br />

I thank You for the wonder of Your Works,<br />

I thank You for Your Salvation Plan;<br />

Let us all celebrate our King's actions!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Eli, I love You<br />

20 September 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

eli-i-love-you<br />

Eli, I love You.<br />

Judge of the living and the dead,<br />

I give You my heart.<br />

Eternal Father and Prince-of-Peace1<br />

govern me.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I renew my vows to You, my Lord<br />

27 September 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

i-renew-my-vows-to-you-my-lord<br />

I renew my vows to You, my Lord,<br />

and I submit to Your Holy Will, my God.<br />

"Alleluia!<br />

"Let heaven praise Yahweh:<br />

praise Him, heavenly heights,<br />

praise Him, all His angels,<br />

praise Him, all His armies!<br />

"Praise Him, sun and moon,<br />

praise Him, shining stars,<br />

praise Him, highest heavens!<br />

"Let them all praise the Name of Yahweh,<br />

at whose command they were created;<br />

"Let earth praise Yahweh,<br />

all kings on earth and nations,<br />

princes, all rulers in the world,<br />

young men and girls" 1<br />

everyone, come and praise our Lord<br />

and do His Holy Will.<br />

____________________<br />

1. Taken from Ps. 148.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

You are my joy, my peace, my incense<br />

1 November 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

you-are-my-joy-my-peace-my-incense<br />

You are my joy, my peace,<br />

my incense, my smile, my laughter,<br />

You are my delight, my life,<br />

my breath, the light of my eyes,<br />

You are my father, my mother,<br />

my child, my friend,<br />

You are my Lord and my God!<br />

You are the radiance of my soul,<br />

and there is no one to compare You with,<br />

so yes, I am dying of happiness<br />

when I am with You!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, You who are Wisdom<br />

17 November 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-you-who-are-wisdom<br />

My Lord,<br />

You who are Wisdom,<br />

You who are Life and Light within us,<br />

I praise Your Name Thrice Holy;<br />

Let all Goodness seduce my soul<br />

so that I may live in Your reflection;<br />

Omnipresence!<br />

Joy and Peace of my heart,<br />

Your Presence leaves me tranquil<br />

and Your Uprightness sparks a flame within me,<br />

to show me that I am the offspring of the Goodness of my soul;<br />

Glory be to our Lord Thrice Holy,<br />

Alleluia!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Blessed be my Rock, Blessed be my Saviour<br />

28 November 1996, Vassula prays:<br />

blessed-be-my-rock-blessed-be-my-saviour<br />

Blessed be my Rock,<br />

Blessed be my Saviour,<br />

Blessed be His Sacred Heart,<br />

this Heart that displays its Love for all mankind,<br />

This Heart which is more desirable than the finest gold,<br />

because the treasures 1 it contains are sweeter than honey;<br />

Blessed be His Sacred Heart,<br />

this Heart that lifted me and formed me,<br />

O Lord, come and display to mankind Your marvels,<br />

come and display Your marvellous kindness!<br />

____________________<br />

1. "Treasures" stand for: "the Words of God".<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Lord of all holiness<br />

28 January 1997, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

o-lord-of-all-holiness<br />

"O Lord of all holiness,<br />

preserve for ever from all profanation<br />

Your sanctuaries 1<br />

by purifying in Your Sacrificial Blood,<br />

their inner self from dead actions;<br />

amen;"<br />

____________________<br />

1. 1 Co. 3:17: "The sanctuary of God is sacred; and you are that sanctuary."<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, You look after me as nobody else<br />

28 January 1997, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-you-look-after-me-as-nobody-else<br />

My Lord,<br />

You look after me as nobody else does;<br />

You are my Inestimable Treasure,<br />

and nobody and nothing else in the whole world<br />

gives me so much joy as You.<br />

One glance from You and my spirit burns like fire,<br />

and my heart melts like wax.<br />

One glance from You and my soul is ravished<br />

by the depth of Your Love;<br />

Your glance, my Holy One, is like a royal wedding song,<br />

it's like the scent of a bouquet of lilies wafted to me by the breeze,<br />

Your glance is like a Citadel with ivory towers all around ...<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Psalm and my Hymn, My Amen<br />

18 February 1997, Vassula prays:<br />

my-psalm-and-my-hymn-my-amen<br />

My Psalm and my Hymn,<br />

My Amen,<br />

My Brother, my Sister and Friend<br />

My Father and Mother,<br />

My Sweet Fragrance and my Incense,<br />

My Sunshine and my Light,<br />

My Brilliant Flame never ceasing to shine,<br />

My series of Banquets,<br />

My Safety and Rock of my strength,<br />

My Increase and my Wealth,<br />

My Portal of Eternity,<br />

What makes You leap with joy<br />

at the sight of this speck of dust passing by You?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, You are Great, You are Glorious<br />

6 May 1997, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-you-are-great-you-are-glorious<br />

Lord,<br />

You are Great, You are Glorious,<br />

wonderfully Strong, unconquerable.<br />

May Your whole creation serve You in righteousness!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, in Your faithful love<br />

23 June 1997, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

father-in-your-faithful-love<br />

"Father,<br />

in Your faithful love, turn towards Japan,<br />

in Your immense tenderness, be quick in Your mercy;<br />

listen to the poor and the wretched;<br />

by Your saving power, raise Japan to glorify You;<br />

O most tender Father,<br />

teach them from childhood Your Laws<br />

so that they may proclaim Your marvels<br />

and hymn to You an unceasing Hymn;<br />

let this nation become a hymn to the Hymn,<br />

an irresistible perfume of incense;<br />

I pray to You, O Lord, and entreat You,<br />

that by Your Word You may come to this nation;<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My hope is in You alone<br />

9 September 1997, Vassula prays:<br />

my-hope-is-in-you-alone<br />

My hope is in You alone,<br />

my life is in Your Hands alone,<br />

Please, stoop to me,<br />

come and govern my soul, Lord!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Jesus, Divine Mercy<br />

2 November 1997, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-jesus-divine-mercy<br />

"my Jesus, Divine Mercy,<br />

I lacked confidence in You<br />

and so I have brought Your Heart to distress;<br />

I now ask You in my bareness and in all humility<br />

to be forgiven so that You may,<br />

in Your Infinite Mercy and Goodness,<br />

restore my disfigured and wounded soul;<br />

disfigured and wounded<br />

by the world's acts upon me and their sayings;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Adorable Trinity! hold our eyes captive<br />

25 February 1998, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

adorable-trinity-hold-our-eyes-captive<br />

"adorable Trinity!<br />

hold our eyes captive on the One Heart<br />

and supply our soul with what it lacks;<br />

anoint us, O Holy and Divine Trinity,<br />

pouring Your oil on us so that we remain<br />

indissolubly united with You in Your Will<br />

and prepare us for Your glorious reign<br />

of the Kingdom on earth<br />

in which Your Will becomes<br />

the essence of our daily life<br />

and the emblem on our forehead,<br />

and Love, the banner above our heads;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

O Royal Virgin, inseparably united to Jesus' Heart<br />

9 April 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

o-royal-virgin-inseparably-united-to-jesus-heart<br />

O Royal Virgin,<br />

inseparably united to Jesus' Heart,<br />

I offer You all the sinners of the world<br />

who offend Your Son in the Blessed Sacrament,<br />

may they who strike Him, be forgiven by God<br />

through Your Innocence, Your Blessedness and Your Sweet Heart<br />

which became the Holiest Tabernacle of God;<br />

amen;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

In the unrelenting pain of my spirit I must speak<br />

29 May 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

in-the-unrelenting-pain-of-my-spirit-i-must-speak<br />

In the unrelenting pain of my spirit I must speak,<br />

lament in the bitterness of my soul;<br />

come, I beg You, look at me;<br />

have You done away with me?<br />

My roots are thrust in You,<br />

yet in my silence I say:<br />

"The Lord God surely is upset with me;<br />

He will surely cut me off one of these days;"<br />

I look for light to understand,<br />

but there is only darkness;<br />

have I been maybe insensitive to Your Goodness?<br />

have I disappointed You in any way or neglected You?<br />

or has the sight of the sun in its glory,<br />

or the glow of the moon as it walked the sky,<br />

stolen my heart from You, so that my hand blew them a kiss?<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

We thank You O most Holy and Adorable Trinity, Eternal<br />

Wisdom<br />

22 June 1998, the Holy Spirit gives the prayer:<br />

we-thank-you-o-most-holy-and-adorable-trinity-eternal-wisdom<br />

all the saints and angels declare now with one melodious voice:<br />

"we thank you<br />

O most Holy and Adorable Trinity, Eternal Wisdom,<br />

for supplying, in an ineffable abyss of generosity,<br />

the whole world with Your Canticle of Hope and Love;<br />

written so that it will lead many to Eternal Salvation;<br />

with exceptional grace, You have laid out a way,<br />

scented by a sweet odour of Your perfume<br />

and spread with sapphires,<br />

for every one to follow<br />

and find their loveliest rest in Eternity;<br />

and in Your divine gentleness<br />

You have found this remedy to heal this generation;<br />

O Spring of the universe, Most lovable Trinity,<br />

altogether adorable Bridegroom,<br />

You visited once more the earth,<br />

to speak to Your children heart to heart,<br />

pouring on them a stream of graces<br />

with anointed and luminous knowledge of Yourself;<br />

You, Luminous Godhead, have anticipated this Feast 1<br />

long before Your creation;<br />

the day when, favouring your beloved,<br />

You would call Your creation,<br />

from the lowest to the highest,<br />

to a day of espousals with Your Divinity,<br />

where in those days of festivity<br />

You would share with them a more intimate union,<br />

embedded like a royal gem in You,<br />

and where You would converse with them<br />

in the interior of their heart;<br />

in the tenderness of Your Heart<br />

You had foreseen that this divine union<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

would be only sweetness,<br />

because You would be spending Your time with them,<br />

sharing their lives while still on earth<br />

as You share Your splendour with Your angels;<br />

may praise and thanks be given to the adorable Trinity<br />

for irrigating His flower beds, 2<br />

and for sending His light far and wide;<br />

we give thanks to You, God, as we recount Your marvels;<br />

in order to reach the abyss of human frailty,<br />

You left Your Throne and laid aside Your royal Crown, 3<br />

to ornament Your creation<br />

with an overflow of Your divine Love;<br />

then, inebriated with Your Love for them,<br />

You gave Your Holy Spirit<br />

who would draw them into Your nuptial chamber 4<br />

and on Your matrimonial bed, 5<br />

spontaneously uniting themselves to You;<br />

O Holy Trinity,<br />

Treasure of the saints and of the angels;<br />

once Your creation would be exalted with Divine Love,<br />

they would cry out to You:<br />

'Kyrie eleisson, Kyrie eleisson ...'<br />

while You would be whispering in their ear:<br />

'because you embraced impassability,<br />

you found a spiritual vivification in My embrace;'<br />

Giver of Life and Dispenser of inestimable gifts,<br />

You have, in Your tenderness,<br />

summoned the poor as well as the rich<br />

to gather around Your Kingly table,<br />

offering an imperial Banquet;<br />

glory be to the Most High,<br />

Source of ineffable delights,<br />

Fountain that makes the gardens fertile, 6<br />

Well of Living Water,<br />

Streams of faithful Love flowing from Your Heart,<br />

Lover of mankind, Bridegroom of Your creation,<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

we adore You and praise Your Holy Name Thrice Holy;<br />

amen;"<br />

____________________<br />

1. The gift of this revelation: 'True Life in God'.<br />

2. It means: our souls.<br />

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Ah, my Lord Most High!<br />

12 August 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

ah-my-lord-most-high<br />

Ah, my Lord Most High!<br />

my eyes are fixed on You;<br />

my whole mind and heart as well ....<br />

You have truly captured my heart in Your Divine Love<br />

and in Your royal munificence.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Open my ear, O Lord, awaken me<br />

1 October 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

open-my-ear-o-lord-awaken-me<br />

Open my ear, O Lord,<br />

awaken me from my sleep,<br />

thrust Your Mighty Hand from heaven and lift me!<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord and my God, You are truly most Beautiful<br />

20 October 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-and-my-god-you-are-truly-most-beautiful<br />

My Lord and my God,<br />

You are truly most Beautiful,<br />

and immersed in Your Beauty<br />

You are Divine and Pure;<br />

how am I and all the others<br />

not to fall in love with Your Sweetness?<br />

Gracefulness is a dew upon Your Lips,<br />

and in Your majesty and splendour<br />

You have blessed us, courted us, favoured us<br />

and covered us with innumerable gifts,<br />

not only to resemble Your angels,<br />

but to resemble You;<br />

Your Word is like a brocade<br />

which You have clothed me with,<br />

adorning my soul for Your majesty;<br />

and all of this You have done<br />

with the greatest delight,<br />

and with no thought<br />

that You might have been cheapening<br />

Your Sceptre of Your kingship!<br />

God has anointed me ....<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

You have given me freely from Your Own Goods<br />

5 November 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

you-have-given-me-freely-from-your-own-goods<br />

You have given me freely from Your Own Goods;<br />

Lord, Lover of Life,<br />

Your gift of Mercy has saved me and many others;<br />

Glory be to God, praised be His Holy Name.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My Lord, most Gracious<br />

11 November 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

my-lord-most-gracious<br />

My Lord, most gracious,<br />

I beg You to come and cultivate my will<br />

that it becomes Your Will,<br />

stripping it and transforming it<br />

to be nothing else but Your Divine Will;<br />

come and kill everything in me that offends You<br />

so that by this clement gesture of Yours,<br />

in the day of Judgment<br />

You would find me faultless and agreeable in Your sight;<br />

Jesus,<br />

because You have died<br />

out of Your exuberant love for me,<br />

to give me life and happiness<br />

and be able to share Your Kingdom and Your glory,<br />

mark me as Yours for eternity.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

In Your exuberant love, Lord of Mercy<br />

12 November 1998, Vassula prays:<br />

in-your-exuberant-love-lord-of-mercy<br />

In Your exuberant love,<br />

Lord of Mercy,<br />

in Your divine tenderness,<br />

come to my side;<br />

Your branded slave is at Your service.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, I offer to You my will<br />

1 January 1999, Vassula prays:<br />

lord-i-offer-to-you-my-will<br />

Lord, I offer to You my will<br />

and all that would give<br />

more glory to Your Name;<br />

You are my Royal Banquet;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Grant O Heavenly Mother the Grace of God<br />

25 April 1999, Vassula prays:<br />

grant-o-heavenly-mother-the-grace-of-god<br />

Grant O Heavenly Mother<br />

the Grace of God on us all, so unworthy,<br />

to be able to ask God sincerely<br />

pardon for our sins and the sins of others;<br />

Grant us the inestimable treasure<br />

of God's intimate friendship,<br />

and the noblest treasure of the divinity<br />

which is the closeness to God:<br />

God offering His Heart to all of us;<br />

Amen.<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Father, all Merciful<br />

30 July 1999, the Father gives the prayer:<br />

father-all-merciful<br />

"Father, all Merciful,<br />

I am slow of understanding<br />

your Divine Will;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Draw me, my Beloved, in Your Footsteps<br />

3 August 2001, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

draw-me-my-beloved-in-your-footsteps<br />

"draw me, my Beloved, in Your Footsteps<br />

that exhale a sweet scent of myrrh;<br />

lead me by the hand into Your Chamber, 1 my King,<br />

where in privacy I will hear Your royal Voice;<br />

brighten my face, O Lover of mankind, with Your smile;<br />

let Your gaze of tender love,<br />

an all-excelling glance, transcending every sense,<br />

be upon me;<br />

if I have ever failed You<br />

or even for a mere instance made You raise an eyebrow<br />

because of my frailty,<br />

I implore Your most Sacred Heart to show me compassion;<br />

You have the power over life and death<br />

and I now come to You<br />

to find my shelter in Your Sacred Heart<br />

where one finds Life and everlasting rest;"<br />

____________________<br />

1. Sacred Heart<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

I give thanks to You, my Lord<br />

7 January 2002, Vassula prays:<br />

i-give-thanks-to-you-my-lord<br />

I give thanks to You, my Lord,<br />

for Your Love and Faithfulness;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

My soul thirsts for God<br />

13 September 2002, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

my-soul-thirsts-for-god<br />

"my soul thirsts for God<br />

but my tongue led me to sin;<br />

but now my heart has been put alight<br />

and is smouldering within me<br />

since You visited me;<br />

"You who are of all men and angels<br />

the most handsome, perfection of beauty<br />

and astounding in grace,<br />

robed in colourless sapphires,<br />

let Your flames sanctify all who approach You;<br />

clean my guilt and let Your Holy Face shine on me;<br />

purify me from sin and open my ear<br />

to hear and understand Your Odes sung to us;<br />

amen;"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Eternal Joy of our hearts, Revealer of the Truth<br />

17 January 2003, Vassula prays:<br />

eternal-joy-of-our-hearts-revealer-of-the-truth<br />

Eternal Joy of our hearts,<br />

Revealer of the Truth, Essence of Faithfulness,<br />

Indescribable Meekness, Kin to mankind,<br />

Divine Illumination of our heart,<br />

Sweetness of our soul,<br />

Unutterable Joy of our being,<br />

Divine Being for our being,<br />

Enlightenment of our eyes,<br />

Allow our wretched soul to derive nourishment<br />

from all Your Divine Sayings<br />

to strengthen us in compunction and meekness;<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Lord, you have endured me all these years with my sins<br />

(exorcism prayer)<br />

13 November 2006, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

lord-you-have-endured-me-all-these-years-with-my-sins-exorcism-prayer<br />

Lord, you have endured me all these years with my sins, but nonetheless You pitied me;<br />

I was led astray in every way, but now I will sin no more; I have wronged You and I have<br />

been unjust; I will be so, no more; I renounce sin, I renounce the Devil, I renounce<br />

iniquity that stains my soul; free my soul from all that is against Your holiness;<br />

I entreat You, Lord, to rescue me from all evil; Come Jesus now, come now and abide in<br />

my heart;<br />

Forgive me, Lord, and allow me to rest in You, For You are my Shield, my Redeemer and<br />

my Light and in You do I trust;<br />

From today I will bless You Lord at all times;<br />

I repudiate evil and all other gods and idols, for You are the Most High over the world,<br />

far transcending all other gods;<br />

By Your mighty arm, rescue me from ill health, rescue me from being a captive, rescue<br />

me from trouble and defeat my enemy the Devil; come quickly to my help O Saviour!<br />

Amen<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation<br />

28 November 2009, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

tender-father-lash-not-your-wrath-on-this-generation<br />

Address Me [your name] in this way:<br />

Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation, lest they perish altogether;<br />

Lash not on Your flock distress and anguish,<br />

for the waters will run dry and nature will wither;<br />

all will succumb at Your wrath leaving no trace behind them;<br />

The heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste!<br />

From the horizon a star will be seen;<br />

The night will be ravaged and ashes<br />

will fall as snow in winter,<br />

covering Your people like ghosts;<br />

Take Mercy on us, God,<br />

and do not assess us harshly;<br />

Remember the hearts that rejoice<br />

in You and You in them!<br />

Remember Your faithful and<br />

let not Your Hand fall on us with force,<br />

But, rather in Your Mercy lift us<br />

and place Your precepts in every heart.<br />

Amen<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

Prayers from the True Life in God messages<br />

Yahweh, my God,... do not allow the evil one to shed our blood<br />

like water;<br />

13 February 2016, the Lord gives the prayer:<br />

yahweh-my-god-do-not-allow-the-evil-one-to-shed-our-blood-like-water<br />

"Yahweh, my God, let my prayer reach you,<br />

hear our cry of mercy and for help,<br />

forgive those who have no faith in You, my God,<br />

and no trust either in your power to save us;<br />

do not blast the lights out of our days,<br />

withering with it in a flash the earth;<br />

but in Your Fatherly Compassion,<br />

pity us, and forgive us;<br />

do not allow the evil one to shed our blood like water;<br />

forgive our guilt, repress Your anger,<br />

remembering our weakness;<br />

hold back Your angels of disaster,<br />

giving us one more chance to prove ourselves<br />

worthy of Your Kindness;<br />

I put my trust in You; amen"<br />

TLIGradio.org<br />

Broadcasts the prophetic messages that Vassula Rydén has been receiving from God since 1985.

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