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P E A C E<br />

P R E C I O U S O N E<br />

D E V O T I O N A L<br />

The LORD is my<br />

and my salvation,<br />

whom shall I fear?<br />

Light<br />


There Is Power in Thanksgiving!<br />

This is the season of thankfulness. It's a time to count our blessings and<br />

praise God, a time to be thankful for what He has done for us.<br />

Psalm 100:4 5 says, "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into<br />

His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the<br />

Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all<br />

generations." The Lord is good! He not only created us, but He<br />

personally takes care of us. He is working for us right now. And even<br />

when we don't feel like it, we need to give thanks and praise to Him.<br />

That's the real test of our Christianity, isn't it? Can we thank God in<br />

every situation thrown our way? Paul and Silas could. They were<br />

beaten and locked up in chains in an inner prison. They could have<br />

grumbled and complained. That would have been easy. But prayed and<br />

sing praises to God.<br />

In a bad situation, these men chose to give thanks to their Heavenly<br />

Father. They weren't giving thanks because of their situation. They<br />

were giving thanks because they knew God was their source. And He<br />

delivered them!<br />

It's not always easy to thank God in dif cult situations, but that's what<br />

we're supposed to do. There is power in thanksgiving! Continually<br />

thanking God strengthens our faith.<br />

Whatever you're facing today, I encourage you, don't quit! Instead, start<br />

thanking God. Begin to count your blessings. Your faith will be<br />

strengthened, and you will come through victorious.<br />

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!<br />

Peace PreciousOne

hatever you're<br />

Wfacing today, I<br />

encourage you,<br />

don't quit! Instead, start<br />

thanking God. Begin to<br />

count your blessings. Your<br />

faith will be strengthened,<br />

and you will come through<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 1<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my<br />

hands be like the evening sacrifice.<br />

Psalm 141:2<br />

PRAYER <strong>THE</strong> POWERFUL ENDEAVOUR<br />

Prayer is one of the most important things we have as Christians. Prayer is the<br />

key which unlocks many doors. Prayer changes things; and not just things, it<br />

changes people, situations and circumstances. When things are going well in<br />

your life; that is the right time to pray. When things are not going as well as you<br />

want them to; that also is the right time to pray. When your prayer life is not the<br />

best, it is dif cult to communicate to God, the things you need and the things<br />

that are on your heart.<br />

As Christians, you should not just come to God when everything is falling<br />

apart, but you need to come to God in every situation you face in your life.<br />

There is power in prayer! If you pray a little; you have little power, but if you<br />

pray much, you will have much power.<br />

I encourage you today; remember the power in prayer and pray in all<br />

situations you may face. God wants to be the center of your life; the center of<br />

your conversation, the center of your entertainment, and the center of your<br />

relationships. Prayer keeps Him in the center of all you do.. The Scripture<br />

reminds us, "What things you desire; when you pray, believe God will do them<br />

and you will receive them.<br />

As we yield to Him and look to Him in faith and by prayer make our petitions to<br />

Him, we can count on Him to do what is best, what is right, and what brings<br />

Him the most glory. We have nowhere else to go! We of all people should be<br />

committed to a life of prayer in good times and bad.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Lord, I thank You for<br />

b e i n g a p r a y e r<br />

answering God; and for<br />

hearing my prayers. I<br />

know that You want to<br />

hear from me. Thank<br />

You for giving me Your<br />

in nite power when I<br />

come before You in<br />

prayer. Forgive me for<br />

the times that I distant<br />

myself from you. The<br />

days I depended on my<br />

own strength. In Jesus<br />

Name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”<br />

Psalm 106:1<br />


I believe that we need to take a reality check of our lives. Are we living a life of<br />

thankfulness or a life of complaining? In spite of the circumstances David<br />

faced, He always praised and thanked God for His blessings. He lived a life of<br />

thanksgiving.<br />

Sometimes our circumstances may not always be the best. In fact, they may be<br />

horrendous. But we still need to look for something to be thankful for.<br />

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's<br />

will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Many people misinterpret this verse.<br />

It does not mean that we are thankful for dif cult situations that come our<br />

way. No, it means that in spite of dif cult situations, we are still going to be<br />

thankful to God as it is His will for us to thank and praise Him continually.<br />

Complaining does not change anything or make situations better. It ampli es<br />

frustration and spreads discontent. When you choose to be thankful and bless<br />

the Lord in the midst of your battle, you are opening the door to His favor in<br />

your life.<br />

I encourage you to quit complaining about circumstances in your life and start<br />

living a daily life of praise and thanksgiving. As you begin to thank and praise<br />

God instead of complaining, I believe you will experience peace in your life,<br />

you'll see Him move on your behalf, and God will turn dif cult situations into<br />

great victories.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I come to You<br />

t o d a y<br />

w i t h<br />

Thanksgiving in my<br />

heart and a mouth full<br />

of praise! I bless You<br />

because You are worthy!<br />

T h a n k Y o u f o r<br />

r e d e e m i n g a n d<br />

restoring my life. Thank<br />

You for leading me in<br />

the way everlasting as I<br />

keep my heart and mind<br />

on You today in Jesus<br />

name. Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 3<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Restore to me the JOY of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to<br />

sustain me.”<br />

Psalm 51:12<br />


Have you been robbed? Has your joy been stolen? Did you lose it out of<br />

carelessness or you just don t seem to know how your JOY slipped off<br />

your hands. Am here to tell you that the easiest thing for you to lose is<br />

not your glasses, your keys or your mind! But the easiest thing of all to<br />

lose is your JOY.<br />

Did you know that it is Gods will for you to be joyful always? He wants<br />

you to be happy and carefree. He wants you to love your life no matter<br />

what your circumstances look like. In fact, when you have joy in the<br />

midst of dif cult circumstances, that is evidence that you have faith<br />

and trust that God will bring you through.<br />

The enemy took everything from Job, but all through his trial, Job<br />

praised God and never gave up. Because of his faith, God restored<br />

everything back to Him. Job let his faith be bigger than his fear and he<br />

got his JOY back and was completely restored in every way!<br />

I encourage you to never allow your JOY to be stolen or taken from you.<br />

It doesn't matter what you have to go through in life, the JOY of the Lord<br />

is your STRENGTH! JOY will give you the ability to keep walking, to keep<br />

pushing, to keep praying, to keep praising, to keep sowing, to keep<br />

going. We all have to go through stuff sometimes, but through it all, like<br />

David let us know the source of our JOY. In Psalms 51:12, he cried out to<br />

God, restore unto to me the JOY of my salvation and uphold me with<br />

thy free spirit<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heave n l y Fa t h e r, I<br />

humbly receive Your<br />

Word today. I choose to<br />

open my heart to You<br />

and invite You to ll me<br />

w i t h Yo u r j o y a n d<br />

strength. Thank You for<br />

s h o w i n g m e Y o u r<br />

g o o d n e s s a n d<br />

empowering me with<br />

Your grace. I bless You<br />

today and always in<br />

Jesus name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 4<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time<br />

he will lift you up in honor ”<br />

1 Peter 5:6<br />


God loves humility! He gives grace to the humble because they submit<br />

to Him. In other words, the humble know they NEED God. God opposes<br />

the proud for just one reason: because they oppose Him.<br />

God calls us to humble ourselves under Him, He is not a controlling God<br />

that wants us to bow down to Him, but because He wants to exalt us and<br />

care for us. As we humble ourselves, that is when we truly worship Him.<br />

And that s when we can truly and openly trust Him with what s going on<br />

in our lives and faithfully believe He is the provider instead of proudly<br />

think we are the providers.<br />

Dare to be a humble person, if you are proud, God will be against you in<br />

your pride, but if you are humble He will give you grace, exalt you in due<br />

time, and honour you.<br />

Humility says you can learn from anyone. You don t know it all. No one<br />

does. That s why we need to remain teachable, humble, lifelong<br />

learners. Jesus stated that he who humbles himself will be exalted.<br />

Always remember; God blesses those who are humble, for they will<br />

inherit the whole earth.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I thank you for<br />

the grace you give to the<br />

humble. I come before<br />

you today with a heart<br />

willing to be humble<br />

and submit to you. I<br />

cannot do it on my own<br />

anymore and ask that<br />

you help me remain<br />

humble in every area on<br />

my life. In Jesus name.<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 5<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“... Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance<br />

that faith brings...”<br />

Hebrews 10:22<br />


In our lives we nd that in order to maintain certain elements, we must<br />

have various types of insurance. We have insurance for life and<br />

insurance for death. We have insurance for our health and we have<br />

insurance for various types of sickness. We have auto insurance for our<br />

vehicles. One in case we are in an accident and one in case our car is<br />

stolen or vandalized. We have insurance on our homes and property. So<br />

just in case it is burnt down or blown down or broken into. Our monies<br />

are insured, our loans are insured. Every aspect of our life can be<br />

insured for a fee. This insurance can take weeks and months to take<br />

effect, and can be canceled in a matter of seconds.<br />

But you see Insurance is man made, but Assurance is God obtained.<br />

Insurance is revocable, where as Assurance is undeniable. Insurance is<br />

costly but Assurance is free. Insurance has limitations, where as<br />

Assurance is limitless!<br />

Once we accept the gi of salvation, nothing can remove it. Once we are<br />

in the hands of God, nothing or no one can take us out of his hands. No<br />

matter what, we are His, that is for sure and guaranteed!<br />

My prayer is, we will continue to draw near to God with a sincere heart<br />

and with the full ASSURANCE that faith brings. And may we also hold<br />

rm and steadfast the ASSURANCE and the promise of His<br />

unconditional love for us, for it is free and always available. Shalom!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for Your Blessed<br />

Assurance which gives<br />

us hope and faith to<br />

understand and believe<br />

t h a t i n yo u we a r e<br />

secured. I know that you<br />

have fully blessed me<br />

a n d n o m a t t e r t h e<br />

c h a l l e n g e s a n d my<br />

circumstances your<br />

l o v e f o r m e i s<br />

guaranteed. In Jesus<br />

mighty name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 6<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat<br />

the fruit thereof.”<br />

Proverbs. 18:21<br />


Jesus said, By your words you will be condemned and by your words<br />

you will be justi ed. I have questioned myself about how many words I<br />

use in a day and the impact and the effect it brings to those who read or<br />

hear it.<br />

Have you ever thought about the power of the words that come out of<br />

your mouth? What you say can impact your family, your friends, your<br />

future, and your faith. Words can offer satisfaction, encouragement,<br />

strength, blessings and hope. But, on the other hand, words can also<br />

divide, destroy, dishearten and discourage.<br />

Today, make your mouth a fountain of life. Be slow to speak. Say<br />

something affectionate to a loved one. Seek to only speak words that are<br />

good for building up, words that give grace to those who hear and<br />

Choose life for your future by agreeing with and declaring Gods Word.<br />

Put Him rst because through Him, you have the power to embrace the<br />

life of blessing He has prepared for you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for the creative<br />

power in my words.<br />

T h a n k Yo u f o r t h e<br />

opportunity to work<br />

with You to set my life on<br />

the course of victory. I<br />

choose to use my words<br />

to bless others and<br />

receive Your blessing in<br />

my own life in return. In<br />

Jesus Name. Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 7<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one<br />

can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny<br />

me.”<br />

Revelation 3:8<br />


The God we serve is a God who opens doors for us. And when He opens a<br />

door, no man can shut it. We may try to open doors in our own strength<br />

and fail because they are too strong for us. Sometimes we may succeed<br />

in opening a door in our own strength only to nd that somebody has<br />

closed it again. Gods mighty strength and power will open doors so that<br />

no one can shut them again.<br />

The Lord parted the Red Sea to make His people pass through it. But He<br />

closed it when the Egyptians tried to use the way He had opened for His<br />

people. The doors that the Lord opens for us cannot be used by our<br />

enemies. The way of escape for us will become a way of destruction for<br />

our enemies. God opens doors when we stand for what is right and God<br />

opens doors when we seek to stand rm in His will.<br />

The God we serve is also a God who closes doors. And when He closes<br />

doors, no one can open them. The Lord shuts the doors through which<br />

the enemy tries to destroy us. He will also close doors and paths which<br />

are harmful to us. Sometimes the Lord closes a door because it is not<br />

according to His will and purpose.<br />

Your labour and perseverance in the Lord will never be in vain. Keep<br />

pressing and pushing and you will soon be walking into that OPENED<br />

DOOR no one can shut.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Lord Jesus, I come to<br />

you with a heart full of<br />

gratitude. Thank you for<br />

opening my ears to hear<br />

from you today and my<br />

eyes to see the the doors<br />

that you have opened<br />

already for me. I pray<br />

for more strength to<br />

s t a y f a i t h f u l a n d<br />

committed to you and<br />

also to keep your word<br />

well rooted in my heart.<br />

in the mighty name of<br />

Jesus! Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 8<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“And the LORD said, I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you,<br />

and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy<br />

on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have<br />

compassion.”<br />

Exodus 33:19<br />


When it seems like all is lost, don t give up. God says, I can change that. When<br />

everything looks like it s over, your Heavenly Father says, It s not over. I m<br />

changing it. God is so good! Not only is He good; He s faithful! He s merciful.<br />

He s just. He is a loving God. He s kind. He s a provider. He s a way-maker. He s<br />

a deliverer. He s a healer.<br />

I am here to tell somebody: Don t throw in the towel just yet . Though it may<br />

appear that all hope is gone, that everyone else is nishing the race without<br />

you, It Ain t Over!!!! Don t give up just yet. Today many want to quit due to the<br />

various situations and trials facing their life. However, God has blessings for<br />

you that if you don t quit you will see His promises for your life.<br />

It s easy to look at your situation and give in to the pressure that surrounds you.<br />

But in the middle of your circumstances, start expecting them to change. In<br />

the middle of the biggest mess you ve ever been in, say, Something good is<br />

going to happen to me! No matter what is going on, you can believe Gods<br />

Word, speak it, and expect it to come to pass in your life. As you relax and wait<br />

patiently on the Lord, your change will come.<br />

When most people think it s over, God asks, "Did I say it was over?" Weeping<br />

may last for a night, but Joy comes in the morning. It s not over until God says<br />

it s over. Hold tightly to Gods promises. Let His power and ability work on your<br />

behalf. You will see what everyone said could never happen, happen!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, thank You<br />

for the transformation<br />

power in Your Word!<br />

Thank You for giving me<br />

hope for my future. I<br />

choose to trust You, I<br />

choose to believe Your<br />

Word, and I choose to<br />

declare Your truth and<br />

watch victory unfold in<br />

Jesus name! Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 9<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But truly God has listened; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.”<br />

Psalm 66:19<br />

IT S COMING, IT S ON <strong>THE</strong> WAY!!<br />

I know many of us have prayed for things and now we are waiting for the<br />

answer. You ve been praying for that on thing that s so much on your mind and<br />

in your heart. I ve got a word for you today. IT S ON <strong>THE</strong> WAY!<br />

Shout to God with a voice of triumph right now, it s on the way!<br />

I came to encourage you, edify you and build you up today!. This word is for<br />

you. It s from God and He wants to bless you with it right now. Get excited<br />

about it NOW! You can t hear me. I m talking to the one who is reading this<br />

Daily Encourager Devotional right now.<br />

It doesn t matter long you ve prayed for it, cried over, and fasted about it and<br />

spoken to God about it. The Lord says to you, it s on the way. Delay is not denial.<br />

Gods way is not your way. His time isn t your time. His thoughts are above our<br />

thoughts. Don t try to gure it out. Just believe it. It s on the way. Shout it out.<br />

It s on the way!<br />

Your Miracle is on the way. It s Coming! In Mark 5:21-24, Jesus had to stop<br />

along the way to raise Jairus' daughter from the dead and a sick woman. Your<br />

miracle is in route. Your Blessings are on the way. It s Coming!<br />

I encourage you to continue to feed your faith by meditating on Gods Word.<br />

Declare His promises over your life. Keep moving forward with an attitude of<br />

expectancy knowing that your answered prayer has been dispatched and it s<br />

on the way coming!!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I bless You and<br />

t h ank You fo r Your<br />

g o o d n e s s a n d<br />

faithfulness in my life.<br />

Thank you for answered<br />

prayer. I believe it s on<br />

t h e w a y c o m i n g . I<br />

receive Your promises<br />

as truth,in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 10<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.<br />

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the<br />

stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has<br />

no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”<br />

Jeremiah 17:7-8<br />


When you trust in the Lord and make Him your hope and con dence, the<br />

Scriptures says that you are strong and secure like a tree planted along the<br />

riverbank. Trees that are near the water have a strong, healthy root system.<br />

They aren't easy shaken when the storms of life come. They aren't bothered by<br />

the heat or worried about long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and<br />

they never stop producing fruit. Why? Because they are so close to their life<br />

source, the refreshing water of the river.<br />

I believe that's the way you and I should see ourselves. Because we've put our<br />

trust and con dence in Almighty God, even though we may go through some<br />

dry seasons, even though times get tough and things don't go our way, we keep<br />

growing. In the natural, we should be down and discouraged. But because our<br />

roots go down deep, we know that our dry season are not going to affect us.<br />

Our leaves are going to stay green. That means life will not wither us.<br />

When we get laid off from work, we know God is opening supernatural doors<br />

for us. Other people may be going around complaining, but we've got a smile<br />

on our face because we're connected to the vine. However, If we fail to nurture<br />

the plant, it will shrivel up and die. The plant depends on its roots. As long as its<br />

roots are watered and the soil is fertile, it will grow.<br />

No matter what the economy does, no matter what the medical reports says,<br />

you don't have to worry. God said He's not only going to bring you through it,<br />

but He is going to cause you to prosper in spite of it. Your job is not your source.<br />

God is your source. The medical report may look impossible, but God can do<br />

the impossible.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I love You so<br />

much . Thank You for<br />

Your Word which is<br />

truth and water to my<br />

soul. Thank You for<br />

giving me the power to<br />

live in abundance. I<br />

choose to be faithful to<br />

You and Your Word. I<br />

c h o o s e t o s t a y<br />

connected to the Vine<br />

and continue to trust in<br />

you no matter what.<br />

Search me, know me<br />

and guide me in the way<br />

that I should go as I am<br />

planted in Your Word in<br />

Jesus name. Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 11<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.<br />

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in<br />

heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my<br />

burden is light.”<br />

Matthew 11:28-30<br />

REST FOR <strong>THE</strong> STRESSED!<br />

We are putting things on our shoulders that don t belong there. We are<br />

not designed to carry the burden of worry, fretting, and anxiety. This<br />

load is simply too much for the human body and the central nervous<br />

system to tolerate. We may be able to manage it for a while, but<br />

eventually the physical body and mind will begin to break under this<br />

type of perpetual pressure. Man was simply not fashioned to carry<br />

pressures, stresses, anxieties, and worries; this is the reason our bodies<br />

breaks down when it undergoes these negative in uences for too long.<br />

Jesus loves you so much and is so deeply concerned about you and the<br />

dif culties you are facing that He calls out to you today, Roll those<br />

burdens over on Me. Let Me carry them for you so you can be free!<br />

If you are lugging around worries, cares, and concerns about your<br />

family, your business, or any other area of your life, why not stop right<br />

now and say, Jesus, I m yielding every area of my life to You today. I cast<br />

my burden on You, and I thank You for setting me free! . Don t take it for<br />

granted, He wants to have a loving relationship with you.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, today I turn to<br />

you for needed rest, and<br />

may I<br />

nd my strength<br />

in you and you alone.<br />

Help me to yoke myself<br />

to your son Jesus Christ,<br />

for His load is light and<br />

His guidance gentle.<br />

Thank You for loving me<br />

and setting me free. In<br />

Jesus name. Amen.!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 12<br />

Today's Scripture<br />


“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is<br />

faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the<br />

temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to<br />

endure it.”<br />

1 Corinthians 10:13<br />

Did you know that every minute you remain in faith about something, you are<br />

a minute closer to realizing the ful llment of what you are believing for? But if<br />

you give up and quit, you stop your blessings in the tracks. And that's what<br />

Satan wants. He is doing everything he can in this earth realm, in the realm of<br />

your senses, to try to get you to back off from believing and trusting God.<br />

You are going to have to persevere through the pain, the obstacles, and the<br />

thoughts and feelings that come to tell you that God's Word is not true.<br />

You see, the blessings of God do not come automatically. Yes, Jesus paid the<br />

price for your victory, deliverance, health, and prosperity. But to have the<br />

abundant life He came to give, you must ght the good ght of faith. How do<br />

you do that? By refusing to give up on God s Word, even when the<br />

circumstances don t line up. Start talking abundance, healing, and whatever it<br />

is you need before you ever see it in the natural. What you say and continue to<br />

believe will be what you ultimately experience.<br />

I encourage you, look beyond the natural facts to the greater facts of Gods<br />

Word. God is greater than your circumstances. And if you will hold on to Him<br />

and His Word, you will enter the place of victory in Christ that He has provided<br />

for you.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

you for your word.<br />

Today I choose to stay<br />

strong and focus on<br />

y o u r w o r d a n d<br />

promises. I refuse to<br />

quiet and give up even<br />

when I cannot see my<br />

way out. Help me stay<br />

focus on your word and<br />

l o o k b e y o n d t h e<br />

natural. In Jesus Name.<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 13<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so<br />

that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be<br />

prosperous and successful.”<br />

Joshua 1:8<br />

<strong>THE</strong>N YOU LL BE PROSPEROUS & SUCCESSFUL!<br />

When you speak the Word of God, it activates power in your life. In fact, this<br />

verse literally says, Do not let it depart from your mouth. In other words,<br />

keep speaking and confessing the Word of God no matter what your<br />

circumstances.<br />

God also instructed Joshua to mediate on His Word day and night. To mediate<br />

on something simply means to think about it and to let the meaning sink deep<br />

down into your heart. This verse promises that meditating on Gods Word will<br />

give you success. Meditating on Gods Word will help you keep your heart right<br />

before Him.<br />

When you keep Gods Word in your mind, heart and mouth, it empowers you to<br />

obey all that the Lord commands. Do you need strength today to overcome<br />

temptation? Do you need to be empowered to walk in love? Get the Word of<br />

God into your heart, and declare what the Word of God says about your<br />

situation. Declare that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens<br />

you. Declare that you have Gods grace for all things. The key to having<br />

abundance and success in every area of your life is found in the Word of God.<br />

Today, make declaring His Word a priority. Set aside time each day to speak<br />

His promises over your life. As you do, you are setting His blessing in motion,<br />

and you will make your way prosperous and nd success in all you do.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, thank You<br />

for Your Word which is<br />

truth that sets me free. I<br />

honor You and hold<br />

Your Words close to my<br />

heart. Thank You for<br />

giving me the plan to<br />

live in blessing in every<br />

area of my life. In Jesus<br />

Name. Amen.!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 14<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all<br />

that is mine. The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a<br />

wonderful inheritance!”<br />

Psalm 16:5-6<br />


Many of Gods people miss out on their inheritance because they are waiting<br />

for God to give them what is already theirs by inheritance. You can say: I<br />

believe the bible is true, I believe every promise from cover to cover, but if you<br />

do not know what those promises are and you do not personalize them and<br />

stake your claim concerning them, you ll never experience them.<br />

Many times we are praying and asking for things that are already ours. The<br />

devil oppresses many of Gods people and keeps them in Bondage, because<br />

they do not know who they are in Christ.<br />

The devils greatest fear is that we will discover who we are in Christ and what<br />

belongs to us and that we will take possession of our inheritance. The devil<br />

knows if we ever nds out who we are and starts to ght, we will win because<br />

he knows he is already defeated by the nished work of Jesus.<br />

The truth is our inheritance came to us through Jesus death and He WILLED it<br />

to us, and it s for right here right now. You don t need money when you get to<br />

heaven; YOU NEED IT NOW!. You don t need healing when you get to heaven;<br />

YOU NEED IT NOW!. You don t need power over the devil when you get to<br />

heaven ; YOU NEED IT NOW!.<br />

Whatever God has promised you is yours legally, every dream, every prophetic<br />

utterance, Now it s up to you to stand up in faith and in the power of the Holy<br />

Spirit and say It s mine.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, today, I receive<br />

my FULL inheritance. I<br />

r e c e i v e b y f a i t h<br />

e v e r y t h i n g t h a t<br />

rightfully belongs to me<br />

through Jesus sacri ce.<br />

I r e c e i v e m y f u l l<br />

inheritance based on<br />

being an heir of God and<br />

a joint heir with Jesus. I<br />

claim it ALL in Jesus<br />

name. Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 15<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go<br />

through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the<br />

fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume<br />

you”<br />

Isaiah 43:2<br />

YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH <strong>THE</strong> FIRE!<br />

Sometimes we feel like we are going through a lot of unnecessary hard<br />

times. Some people like to say they are going through the re. My bible<br />

tells me that God will be there for me any time any place. Even in the<br />

middle of the re like He was for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.<br />

We must remember that we already have the victory. No matter what<br />

re we're facing, our victory has already been won in Christ. We must<br />

always remember that God never leaves us nor forsakes us. In the<br />

middle of your biggest trial, when the re is burning the hottest, never<br />

forget that God is with you. He will bring you through unharmed if you'll<br />

put your faith in Him.<br />

Don't be discouraged if you're in a spiritual ght right now. Dig into the<br />

Word of God and build yourself up. Get a re burning on the inside that<br />

will stop the re around you! You can make it through the re<br />

unharmed! GOD will make you better than you were before the re if<br />

you trust in HIM and even your enemies will know it was GOD who got<br />

you through!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

LORD GOD, we thank<br />

YOU for being there<br />

before the<br />

re, in the<br />

mist of the re, and a er<br />

the<br />

re! YOU said that<br />

YOU will never leave us<br />

nor forsake us, and<br />

these young men were<br />

able to stand on that<br />

promise!<br />

Give us the<br />

courage and willingness<br />

to stand for YOU in<br />

righteousness.<br />

Keep<br />

t h e h a n d s o f o u r<br />

e n e m i e s f r o m<br />

destroying us!<br />

Re ne<br />

and renew us!, in Jesus<br />

name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 16<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the<br />

message would be fully proclaimed, and all the Gentiles would hear it. So I was<br />

delivered from the mouth of the lion.”<br />

2 Timothy 4:17<br />


Have you ever noticed in the Word of God that some of the greatest<br />

victories came out of what looked like utter defeat? That's what God in<br />

His almighty power can do!<br />

Of all the people mentioned in the Word, the greatest man of faith of all<br />

time Who snatched victory from defeat is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.<br />

Jesus was falsely accused and sentenced to death. He was alone and<br />

forsaken, rejected of men. As He hung on the cross at Calvary, He<br />

breathed His last and said, It is nished!<br />

When Jesus' body was taken down from that cross and put in a grave, it<br />

was a dark day. All hope seemed lost. The kingdom He had preached<br />

about establishing seemed impossible of ful llment.<br />

But on the third day, God snatched supreme victory from ultimate<br />

defeat! Jesus Christ arose and then ascended on High to sit and reign in<br />

glory at the Father's right hand. There was no defeat for Jesus! And as<br />

long as we remain in Him, there is no real defeat for us either.<br />

Oh, sometimes it might look like defeat. It might even smell like defeat!<br />

It might seem as if defeat is all around. You may be facing a situation<br />

right now that's so dark, it seems as if the enemy has ganged up on you.<br />

He may be trying to steal your joy and your triumph. But you don't have<br />

to let him get away with your victory. If you'll abide in God's Word and<br />

trust Him, He will take every test or trial that is in your life right now and<br />

turn it around. You can snatch victory from defeat!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

Your goodness. Thank<br />

You for teaching me<br />

how to snatch victory<br />

from defeat. I af<br />

rm<br />

that I will abide in your<br />

word and trust in you.<br />

Help me to see my life<br />

the way You see it. Help<br />

me to see and declare<br />

the blessing and victory<br />

You have for me in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 17<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to<br />

you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”<br />

Genesis 18:14<br />


Have you ever heard someone make a promise that seemed unrealistic?<br />

Maybe you even laughed to yourself when you heard it. God likes to<br />

make promises that seem like they would be impossible to keep, at<br />

least, from our human point of view, but God keeps ALL His promises,<br />

not some but ALL because He is GOD and doesn't lie.<br />

Do you know what 89 year old Sarah did when she overheard God saying<br />

that she would be a mother? She laughed to herself. A er I am worn out<br />

and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure? Sarah didn t<br />

believe it. She doubted it. She didn t think that God could do something<br />

like that. And you know what? There s a little bit of Sarah inside us all.<br />

Even though Sarah doubted Him, a year later, at the age of 90, she had a<br />

baby. But that s how God works. He loves to come to His people, people<br />

like you and make promises to you that seem way beyond any<br />

possibility of happening. And then, as you struggle with your doubts,<br />

He loves to forgive you and strengthen you as you look for God to keep<br />

His promises. God is the same God who blessed Abraham and Sarah.<br />

Stop asking questions, stop raising doubts, and simply BELIEVE. What<br />

do we call that, when you believe Gods impossible promises? We call<br />

that FAITH. Faith is believing that nothing is too hard for the Lord.<br />

Absolutely there is nothing too hard for God! Look past your<br />

circumstances today and look to God. The one who promised is faithful,<br />

and He will bring it to pass!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

Your faithfulness to me.<br />

I know that You will<br />

bring to pass every<br />

promise You ve made. I<br />

repent for trying things<br />

in my own strength and<br />

choose to trust wholly in<br />

You in Jesus name.<br />

Amen.!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 18<br />

Today's Scripture<br />


“And I will deal severely with all who have oppressed you. I will save the<br />

weak and helpless ones; I will bring together those who were chased away. I<br />

will give glory and fame to my former exiles, wherever they have been<br />

mocked and shamed.”<br />

Zephaniah 3:19<br />

God is gathering together the outcasts. The people that society has<br />

written off, the people who have had a negative past and have<br />

experienced rejection and shame. You may feel like you are as far away<br />

from God as you can possibly be; maybe you've messed up or made<br />

mistakes. Maybe people have written you off. But I can tell you with<br />

great con dence God still has a tremendous plan for your life.<br />

One thing I have learned in the word of God is, skin colour doesn't<br />

matter to God. Where we come from individual doesn't matter to Him<br />

in any way. The various schools we went to and the various degrees we<br />

hold certainly doesn't matter to Him either. He knew you before you<br />

were born, and He already had a great plan for your life. The rst step is<br />

to receive His forgiveness and mercy. Let Him give you a new beginning<br />

in Christ.<br />

God can take your worst mess and turn it into your greatest message. He<br />

can use you to help other people in that same situation. You may be<br />

thinking, I am so far away from where am suppose to be in life. God is<br />

drawing you to Himself. He still has a plan. You're never too far gone for<br />

God. Society may write you off, family may write you off, friends may<br />

write you off. But God wants to gather up the hurting, the lonely, and the<br />

forsaken. If you put your trust in Him, He will make something great<br />

out of your life!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

F a t h e r , t o d a y I<br />

surrender my past. I<br />

surrender my mess and<br />

my need to have all the<br />

answers, and I choose to<br />

trust You. Break me,<br />

mold me and use me for<br />

your glory. I ask that you<br />

ll me with Your peace.<br />

Fill me with Your grace<br />

and compassion as I<br />

press forward into the<br />

v i c t o r y Y o u h a v e<br />

prepared for me in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 19<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Let the weak say, I am strong.”<br />

Joel 3:10<br />

SET YOUR FAITH <strong>THE</strong>RMOSTAT!<br />

The Lord promises again and again in His Word that He will strengthen<br />

us. He knows that, as human beings, we o en feel our weakness to the<br />

point where we don t believe we CAN be strong. Those are moments<br />

when we feel very weak in our walk with God ; we feel inadequate. But<br />

today, God is calling us to speak His word over our lives.<br />

. . .let the weak say, I am strong." Strong statement! It boggles the mind<br />

to say you are strong when you're really feeling weak. But, we need to<br />

understand that God is saying, "Don't be moved by what you feel or see.<br />

Instead, just say what you want; and that is to be strong in everything<br />

you do.<br />

What we really believe in our heart is always expressed by what we say.<br />

Our words reveal our faith. Don t let your situation, determine your<br />

confession. Let the weak say, I am strong. Let the poor say, I am rich.<br />


Whatever you need from the Lord, I encourage you to rst of all<br />

meditate on the promises of Gods Word. Then step out in faith and ask<br />

the Lord for the things that you need that He has promised in His Word.<br />

Then set your thermostat!<br />

Don t let your situation change your confession, because your<br />

confession can change your situation. The basis for our faith and<br />

strength must not be on empty words but must be based on the proven<br />

word of God.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, I humbly come<br />

before You giving You<br />

my thoughts, my actions<br />

and my words. Help me<br />

to activate my faith by<br />

speaking Your Word<br />

daily. May my words and<br />

thoughts be pleasing to<br />

You always in Jesus<br />

name. Amen.<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 20<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”<br />

Ecclesiastes 3:1<br />


We serve a God of season. God doesn t measure seasons with clocks and<br />

calendars, but through truth and revelation. There are seasons you ve<br />

gone through, that you don t know why you had to. But there is a reason<br />

for that season; to everything there is a season.<br />

As we journey through the seasons of life, we will experience many ups<br />

and downs. We will face times of great dif culty and times of great joy.<br />

We will experience seasons of hard work and seasons of plenty. God can<br />

use each of these seasons of life to teach us something about who He is<br />

and how much He loves us. We may never fully understand what God<br />

has planned for us, but our attitude toward life changes when we learn<br />

to see good times and bad times as opportunities to grow closer to our<br />

Heavenly Father.<br />

Maybe right now you are going through something that feels like a ride<br />

on a roller coaster. Whatever season it feels like you are in, whatever<br />

circumstance or situation you are in right now, have you made the time<br />

to really pray about it? And, if you have prayed about it, were you just on<br />

transmit, or did you take the time to pause, to listen to God, to receive<br />

His guidance.<br />

There are seasons when we will question what God is doing. There are<br />

seasons when we will not understand what God is doing. But in every<br />

season, we must have faith in God, we must trust Him, in every<br />

circumstance, in every situation, in every dif culty and in every<br />

blessing, trust God.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, thank<br />

You for Your faithfulness<br />

in all seasons of my life. I<br />

trust that my time is<br />

coming, and I choose to<br />

remain faithful. I submit<br />

my ways to You today and<br />

trust that You have the<br />

best plan for my life. I love<br />

You and praise Your Name<br />

today. In Jesus Name.<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 21<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact<br />

you are doing.”<br />

1 Thessalonians 5:11<br />

BUILD EACH O<strong>THE</strong>R UP!<br />

God designed us to live in relationship with others. He wants us to help<br />

each other grow. None of us will reach our highest potential by<br />

ourselves. We need people in our lives to encourage us, and we need to<br />

encourage the people in our lives and help them reach their potential.<br />

Let us try to build each other up, not tear at each other, or pull each<br />

other down. Let us hold each other up in prayer, let us build each other<br />

up in the most holy faith. Let us do the Christ-like thing, and edify each<br />

other.<br />

As we encourage others, we become encouraged ourselves. As we<br />

express appreciation, we become thankful. As we encourage someone<br />

to trust God, or own faith is strengthened. As we comfort others who are<br />

suffering, we ourselves nd comfort and joy. A generous man will<br />

prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Pro. 11:25.<br />

The spirit of encouragement has such power. We have the power to tear<br />

down and to li up. Compare what a word of criticism does for you,<br />

versus a word of encouragement or support. Reckless words pierce like<br />

a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for the<br />

people You have placed in<br />

my life. Help me build<br />

them up and nd creative<br />

w a y s t o u r g e t h e m<br />

forward to Your glory in<br />

Jesus name. Amen.!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 22<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully keep all his commands that I<br />

am giving you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of<br />

the world. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the<br />

LORD your God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country”<br />

Deuteronomy 28:1-3<br />


God wants to pour out His blessings on you today. Living in obedience and<br />

integrity is the key that unlocks the door to His abundance. When you put God<br />

and His Word rst place in your life, the Bible says you ll be blessed in the City<br />

and in the country, that means you will be blessed wherever you go! Gods<br />

blessings will be poured out on your lands, your children, your possessions,<br />

and your efforts.<br />

As a matter of fact, the scripture says that, you ll be so blessed that you will<br />

even lend and not borrow. Can you see yourself in that position? Can you see<br />

yourself living in that kind of abundance?<br />

If we want Gods best; then we have to give him our best! Is that you? Are you<br />

giving God your best, in fact, are you giving God your all? When we give God<br />

our all, then his blessings will overtake us and come upon us. The truth is, the<br />

more obedient you are, the more of His blessings you will see. God rewards<br />

people that fully obey. Living in the blessings of God is the most wonderful<br />

place to live that we can have in this life, so make sure you re there!<br />

I encourage you today to make room in your life for the blessing of God.<br />

Choose to live in obedience to His Word. Choose to follow His<br />

commands. As you do, you will rise up higher and live the abundant<br />

blessed life God has for you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, thank<br />

You for Your hand of<br />

blessing on my life. I<br />

choose today to put You<br />

rst in everything I do.<br />

Help me to walk in<br />

integrity and follow<br />

Your commands so that<br />

I can honor You always.<br />

In Jesus' Name. Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 23<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong.<br />

Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and<br />

take delight in honoring each other.”<br />

Romans 12:9-10<br />


If you want lasting change in your life, you must ll your life with love.<br />

Love is the only thing that can change the unchangeable. Love<br />

invigorates. Love revitalizes. Love renews. Love refreshes. Love is the<br />

most powerful force in the universe, because God is love. It doesn t say<br />

He has love; it says He is love. Love heals what cannot otherwise be<br />

healed. Love upli s. Love strengthens. Love energizes. Love<br />

empowers.<br />

Love is such a powerful force. When we love others genuinely, we are<br />

ful lling everything that God requires of us. Love is the mark of true<br />

believers. Jesus said, Your love for one another will prove to the world<br />

that you are my disciples. And we all have people in our lives who are<br />

dif cult to love. But love is a choice no matter how we may feel about<br />

someone. Most of the times, the people who are the hardest to love are<br />

the ones who need it most. You will be amazed at how much things will<br />

change if you just take the rst step of faith and choose to love the<br />

dif cult people around you. Celebrate their wins and acknowledge<br />

them genuinely.<br />

Remember, you are the hands and feet of Jesus. When you love others,<br />

you are extending the love of Jesus to them and ful lling His purpose in<br />

the earth. As you allow Gods grace to govern your actions, as you walk<br />

in love, your life will be a song of praise to our living God, as song that is<br />

lled with sounds of amazing love.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Lord, thank You for giving<br />

me so much from Your<br />

storehouse of love. Help<br />

me to reach out to others,<br />

and make their lives more<br />

blessed. Grant me the<br />

strength to love genuinely,<br />

In Jesus name. Amen.!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 24<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the<br />

child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I<br />

have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before<br />

me.”<br />

Isaiah 49:15-16<br />

TATTOOED ON <strong>THE</strong> PALM OF GOD<br />

It's a good feeling to know that God has tattooed our names in His palm.<br />

Yes it is!! It cannot be taken off because it is a permanent TATTOO!!<br />

Hallelujah! That is so amazing and if I were you, I would just give a shout<br />

out of praise to Him this very moment. Seriously, He is a proud father<br />

who just love His children unconditionally, so much so that He carry us<br />

with Him wherever He goes to. He want us to feel very honoured and<br />

very special about it.<br />

Do you ever feel like God has forgotten you, that He has turned His back<br />

on you? Sweetheart, I want you to know this; No one cares more about<br />

your life than God. No man, no woman, not even you. That's why God's<br />

destiny is always the best. God loves you perfectly and He is always<br />

thinking about you and thinking about what is best for you.<br />

Whenever you start to feel fearful or anxious, repeat this unconditional<br />

promise; My name is upon His lips and engraved upon His palms.<br />

That s how signi cant I am to Him . Rest in His love for you, knowing<br />

that Nothing can separate me from Your Love, Jesus.<br />

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; I cannot forget<br />

you... stop doubting and believe!. Amen. to move forward and receive<br />

the blessing He has prepared for you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank you for<br />

reminding me of your<br />

unconditional love for<br />

m e . T h a n k y o u f o r<br />

engraving my name in<br />

your palms. Help me to<br />

always remember how<br />

important I am to you, in<br />

J e s u s m i g h t y n a m e .<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 25<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor<br />

as with a shield.”<br />

Psalm 5:12<br />


God wants to bring you to a place of abundance! A land lled with favor,<br />

opportunity, good health and great relationships. You may not be there yet,<br />

but don t worry. Your blessing is on the way. David said in Psalm 31, God has<br />

blessings stored up for those that love the Lord. There are businesses stored<br />

up for you that God wants to release. When FAVOUR is upon us, the works of<br />

your hands are con rmed.<br />

We, as Gods people, have the beautiful opportunity to walk in favour everyday<br />

of our lives: to see people go out of their way to bless us, to open doors for us,<br />

and yet, they do not know why. They know there s something different about<br />

you, but they don t know what it is.<br />

God s favour is going to change your hopeless situation into a hopeful<br />

situation. His favour will bind your broken heart and mend your troubled<br />

relationships. There is promotion stored up that has your name on it, because<br />

you love the Lord, God is going to bring you into what He has already prepared.<br />

When you honor God, when you re faithful to Him, that s how you walk in His<br />

blessings. You don t have to look for them; favor is going to nd you!<br />

Today, be ready to receive what He has for you. Position yourself for blessing<br />

by walking in His ways. Meditate on the Word of God, sing songs of praise.<br />

Thank Him for what He is doing because favor is looking for you!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

blessing me. Thank You<br />

f o r Yo u r f avo r a n d<br />

goodness on my life.<br />

Help me to see new<br />

ways to be a blessing to<br />

others as I daily keep my<br />

heart and mind focused<br />

on You in Jesus name!<br />

Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 26<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift<br />

of Christ.”<br />

Ephesians 4:7<br />


God is the God of all GRACE! And He is a gracious God!<br />

Gods grace is everything. We cannot boast in anything. In faith, in who<br />

we are, in our gi s, in our good works, in our blessings. Gods grace is<br />

incomparable! Our God is the God of all grace because He is gracious<br />

and extends His grace, His unmerited favor toward us in so many<br />

different ways! Gods grace is truly amazing. What makes it so amazing<br />

is that it is the grace of God that chooses us. For le on our own we<br />

would most certainly make the wrong choice.<br />

See, Gods grace is what saves us, but that s not all. Grace is Gods<br />

enabling power. His grace will give you the strength, wisdom and favor<br />

to accomplish what you could not normally accomplish on your own.<br />

His grace is suf cient for whatever you need in your future. The one<br />

thing that every child of God possesses that can never fail, never end,<br />

never run out, never run dry and that will never be found to be<br />

insuf cient, and that is the GRACE OF GOD!<br />

Yes, the road may be long and dreary, the days may be lled with<br />

dif culties and struggles, but rest assured that there will be grace<br />

suf cient for every need and ever trial. That is the promise of God and<br />

that is the hope of the saints!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father, thank You for<br />

your grace which never<br />

fails. Thank you for<br />

choosing me. Even in<br />

m y s t r u g g l e s a n d<br />

challenges, your Grace<br />

is always suf cient to<br />

c a r r y m e, i n Je s u s<br />

mighty name. Amen!<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 27<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about<br />

His mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains”<br />

Colossians 4:3<br />


Did you know that when Paul wrote this verse, he was in chains and in<br />

prison? He was arrested for preaching the gospel. Everything in his<br />

surroundings shouted "limitations," but instead of looking at his<br />

surroundings, Paul kept his eyes on the limitless God. He kept looking<br />

for the open door of opportunity that God would have for him next.<br />

There are three times in life when people change because of their<br />

limitations. When they hurt enough that they have to, when they learn<br />

enough that they want to, and they receive enough that they are able to.<br />

The bible says there is a time and a season for everything under the sun.<br />

There may have been a time for you to be where you are, but that doesn t<br />

mean you stay there forever. Your limitations don t always have to be<br />

limitations if you place them in the right seasons of life.<br />

No matter what "chains" you may feel like you are in today, remember,<br />

we serve a God who's in the business of setting people free, and He has<br />

equipped you with His power.<br />

When doors look closed all around you, when your surroundings look<br />

limited, when you feel like you're in chains, remember, God is still at<br />

work. He's promised to walk with you all the days of your life. Keep your<br />

hopes up. Keep expecting. Keep believing. Like Paul, pray for those<br />

opportunities to be opened to you. If you fall, get right back up and<br />

press forward with even greater determination because He promises to<br />

break the chains and open doors of opportunity in your life.<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father in heaven, I<br />

choose to take my eyes<br />

off my surroundings<br />

and focus on You. I<br />

choose to focus on the<br />

p a s s i o n and d ream<br />

You've placed in my<br />

heart. I trust that You<br />

are working behind the<br />

scenes, opening doors<br />

of opportunity. In Jesus'<br />

Name. Amen!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 28<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your<br />

bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book”<br />

Psalm 56:8<br />


Do you know how important you are to God? He cares so much about<br />

every detail of your life. He cares about your thoughts, feelings, and<br />

emotions. In fact, what you are going through is so important to Him<br />

that He records every sorrow and collects every tear you've shed.<br />

I want to tell you that Tears are a language that God understands! Wasn t<br />

it the tears and the burden of the Israelites that moved God to<br />

remember his people and set them free from Egyptian bondage?<br />

Wasn t it the tears of a preacher s widow that moved God to provide for<br />

her needs by lling all the empty vessels with oil? Wasn t it the tears of a<br />

little mother who had just lost her son to grab hold of the feet of the<br />

prophet and refuse to let go until God moved on her circumstances and<br />

raised her son from the dead?<br />

Why would God record your sorrows and collect your tears? Because He<br />

loves you so much, and He is your Vindicator. He's keeping account of<br />

every wrong that's ever been done to you so that He can make up for<br />

every single one of them. He wants to restore everything that has ever<br />

been stolen. He wants to heal every single hurt and pain. He sees the<br />

longings and desires of your heart, and you can rest knowing that He is<br />

working things out for your good!<br />

So today, know that you are precious to Him. He has your best interest at<br />

heart. He is working to bring restoration and peace to you. Keep<br />

standing, keep believing, and keep doing the right thing because the<br />

One who collects your tears will restore every broken place in your life!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Heavenly Father, thank<br />

You for loving me and<br />

setting me free. Thank<br />

Yo u f o r b e i n g m y<br />

Vindicator. I choose to<br />

release every hurt, pain<br />

and sorrow, knowing<br />

that You will make all<br />

things new in Your time.<br />

In Jesus' Name, Amen.<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 29<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies,<br />

it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful<br />

harvest of new lives”<br />

John 12:24<br />


It s good to be passionate about your dreams, but did you know a dream<br />

can actually become an idol? If it s all you think about, and you re not<br />

going to be happy unless it happens your way, that s out of balance. The<br />

fact is, sometimes you have to release that dream back to the Father.<br />

Sometimes we can get frustrated because we are trying to force things<br />

to happen on our timetable. Sometimes we hold on to things so tightly,<br />

but when we nally are willing to let them go, that s when God can bring<br />

them to pass. If you ll choose to release that frustration and not let it<br />

become the center of your attention, but instead, use that same time<br />

and energy to thank God that He s directing your steps, you open the<br />

door for God to give you the desires of your heart.<br />

We have to remember, God already knows what we want and what we<br />

need. He s the One who put those desires in us. We shouldn t be<br />

consumed by trying to make things happen. Instead, a greater act of<br />

faith is to be happy right where you are; to stay open and trust God<br />

because He has good plans in store for your future!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, today I<br />

release my dreams, my<br />

desires, my wants like<br />

a seed falling to the<br />

ground. I know that You<br />

have a good plan for my<br />

future, and I trust You to<br />

bring it to pass in my<br />

life. In Jesus Name.<br />

Amen.!<br />


<strong>THE</strong> <strong>DAILY</strong> <strong>ENCOURAGER</strong><br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 30<br />

Today's Scripture<br />

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed<br />

by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve<br />

what God’s will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will”<br />

Romans 12:2<br />


Most people have things in their lives that they want to change, old<br />

habits, addictions or something they want to overcome. The world<br />

offers so many solutions to improve your life; but really, the only way<br />

we are truly changed, the only way to be permanently transformed is by<br />

renewing your mind with the Word of God.<br />

The scripture tells us that we shouldn t follow the pattern of the world.<br />

What is the pattern of the world? It s the constant striving to do more, be<br />

more and have more that only leads to weariness, emptiness and<br />

frustration. That s not what God intends! Instead, focus your thoughts<br />

on the Word of God because when you make the Word your number one<br />

focus, something supernatural takes place.<br />

Only you can control the doorway to your mind. Nobody can do this for<br />

you. You choose what you meditate on and what you set before your<br />

eyes. I encourage you to stay on the offensive and diligently guard your<br />

mind and heart because when you do things Gods way, you get Gods<br />

results , life, peace and joy!<br />

Prayer<br />

For The Day<br />

Father God, today I<br />

submit myself to You<br />

and to Your Word. I<br />

invite You to transform<br />

me into Your image.<br />

Help me to make wise<br />

choices and keep me<br />

close to You. In Jesus<br />

Name. Amen.<br />


P E A C E<br />

P R E C I O U S O N E<br />

D E V O T I O N A L<br />

The LORD is my<br />

and my salvation,<br />

whom shall I fear?<br />

Light<br />

N O V E M B E R<br />


Please visit<br />

www.peacepreciousone.com<br />

or email me at thedailyencourager@gmail.com<br />

and you can Whatsapp me on 402 812 8873<br />

N O V E M B E R<br />


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