Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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12: The Chapter about the Self – 72<br />

Nagaraṁ yathā paccantaṁ guttaṁ santarabāhiraṁ,<br />

As a border town is guarded on the inside and the outside,<br />

evaṁ gopetha attānaṁ, khaṇo vo mā upaccagā,<br />

so one should watch over oneself, and you should not let the moment pass,<br />

khaṇātītā hi socanti nirayamhi samappitā. [315]<br />

for when the chance has passed they grieve when consigned to the underworld.<br />

Varam-assatarā dantā, ājānīyā ca Sindhavā,<br />

Noble are the well-trained horses, the well-bred horses from Sindh,<br />

kuñjarā ca mahānāgā, attadanto tato varaṁ. [322]<br />

and the great tusker elephants, (and even) more noble than that is the one who has trained<br />

himself.<br />

Na hi etehi yānehi gaccheyya agataṁ disaṁ,<br />

Not by these vehicles can one go to the place beyond destinations,<br />

yathattanā sudantena, danto dantena gacchati. [323]<br />

as one through training himself well, being trained by the training, goes.<br />

Attanā codayattānaṁ, paṭimāsettam-attanā,<br />

By oneself one should censure self, by oneself one should be controlled,<br />

so attagutto satimā sukhaṁ bhikkhu vihāhisi. [379]<br />

he who guards himself, mindful, will live happily, monastic.<br />

Attā hi attano nātho, attā hi attano gati,<br />

Self is the protector of self, self is the refuge of self,<br />

tasmā saṁyamayattānaṁ assaṁ bhadraṁ va vāṇijo. [380]<br />

therefore one should restrain oneself, as a merchant his noble horse.

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