Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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66<br />

Attavaggo<br />

12. The Chapter about the Self<br />

Attānañ-ce piyaṁ jaññā rakkheyya naṁ surakkhitaṁ,<br />

If one regards oneself as dear one should guard oneself right well,<br />

tiṇṇam-aññataraṁ yāmaṁ paṭijaggeyya paṇḍito. [157]<br />

during one of the three watches (of the night) the wise one should stay alert. 1<br />

Attānam-eva paṭhamaṁ patirūpe nivesaye,<br />

First one should establish oneself in what is suitable,<br />

athaññam-anusāseyya, na kilisseyya paṇḍito. [158]<br />

then one can advise another, the wise one should not have (any) defilement.<br />

Attānañ-ce tathā kay i rā yathaññam-anusāsati,<br />

He should do himself as he would advise another (to do),<br />

sudanto vata dametha, attā hi kira duddamo. [159]<br />

being well-trained, he could surely train (another), for it is said the self is difficult to<br />

train.<br />

Attā hi attano nātho, ko hi nātho paro siyā?<br />

For the self is the friend of self, for what other friend would there be?<br />

Attanā va sudantena nāthaṁ labhati dullabhaṁ. [160]<br />

When the self is well-trained, one finds a friend that is hard to find.<br />

Attanā va kataṁ pāpaṁ, attajaṁ attasambhavaṁ,<br />

That wickedness done by oneself, born in oneself, arising in oneself,<br />

abhimatthati dummedhaṁ vaj i raṁ vasmamayaṁ maṇiṁ. [161]<br />

crushes the one who is stupid, as a diamond (crushes) a rock-jewel. 2<br />

1<br />

The commentary takes yāma as meaning one of the three periods (of life): youth, adulthood and<br />

old age; but the Buddha often recommended that one watch of the night should be spent in<br />

meditation, and this is the meaning I follow here.<br />

2<br />

It seems odd to compare wickedness to a diamond and the self to a rock-jewel (presumably<br />

meaning a fake jewel), and the simile is not convincing. It is presumably the ease with which a<br />

diamond crushes a fake jewel which is being highlighted.

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