Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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58<br />

Daṇḍavaggo<br />

10. The Chapter about the Stick<br />

Sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa, sabbe bhāyanti maccuno,<br />

Everyone trembles at the stick, everyone is in fear of death,<br />

attānaṁ upamaṁ katvā, na haneyya na ghātaye. [129]<br />

comparing oneself (with others), one should not hurt or have (them) hurt.<br />

Sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa, sabbesaṁ jīvitaṁ piyaṁ,<br />

Everyone trembles at the stick, for all of them life is dear,<br />

attānaṁ upamaṁ katvā, na haneyya na ghātaye. [130]<br />

comparing oneself (with others), one should not hurt or have (them) hurt.<br />

Sukhakāmāni bhūtāni yo daṇḍena vihiṁsati,<br />

One who harms with a stick beings who desire happiness,<br />

attano sukham-esāno, pecca so na labhate sukhaṁ. [131]<br />

while seeking happiness for himself, won’t find happiness after death.<br />

Sukhakāmāni bhūtāni yo daṇḍena na hiṁsati,<br />

One who harms not with a stick beings who desire happiness,<br />

attano sukham-esāno, pecca so labhate sukhaṁ. [132]<br />

while seeking happiness for himself, will find happiness after death.<br />

Māvoca pharusaṁ kañci, vuttā paṭivadeyyu’ taṁ,<br />

Do not say anything harsh, spoken to they might answer back to you,<br />

dukkhā hi sārambhakathā, paṭidaṇḍā phuseyyu’ taṁ. [133]<br />

for arrogant talk entails misery, and they might strike you back with a stick.<br />

Sace neresi attānaṁ kaṁso upahato yathā,<br />

If you make no sound like a gong that is broken,<br />

esa pattosi Nibbānaṁ, sārambho te na vijjati. [134]<br />

you are (like) one who has attained Nibbāna, contention is not found in you.

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