Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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9: The Chapter about Wickedness – 55<br />

Gabbham-eke ’papajjanti, nirayaṁ pāpakammino,<br />

Some are reborn in the womb, (but) those who are wicked in the underworld,<br />

saggaṁ sugatino yanti, parinibbanti anāsavā. [126]<br />

the righteous go to heaven, those who are pollutant-free are emancipated.<br />

Na antalikkhe, na samuddamajjhe,<br />

Neither in the sky, nor in the middle of the ocean,<br />

na pabbatānaṁ vivaraṁ pavissa:<br />

nor after entering a mountain cleft:<br />

na vijjatī so jagatippadeso<br />

there is no place found on this earth<br />

yatthaṭṭhito mucceyya pāpakammā. [127]<br />

where one can be free from (the results of) wicked deeds.<br />

Na antalikkhe, na samuddamajjhe,<br />

Neither in the sky, nor in the middle of the ocean,<br />

na pabbatānaṁ vivaraṁ pavissa:<br />

nor after entering a mountain cleft:<br />

na vijjatī so jagatippadeso,<br />

there is no place found on this earth,<br />

yatthaṭṭhitaṁ nappasahetha maccu. [128]<br />

in which death does not overcome one.<br />

Pāpavaggo Navamo<br />

The Chapter about Wickedness, the Ninth<br />

Related <strong>Verses</strong> from the <strong><strong>Dhamma</strong>pada</strong><br />

Attanā va kataṁ pāpaṁ, attajaṁ attasambhavaṁ,<br />

That wickedness done by oneself, born in oneself, arising in oneself,<br />

abhimatthati dummedhaṁ vaj i raṁ vasmamayaṁ maṇiṁ. [161]<br />

crushes the one who is stupid, as a diamond (crushes) a rock-jewel.<br />

Attanā va kataṁ pāpaṁ, attanā saṅkilissati,<br />

By oneself alone is a wicked deed done, by oneself is one defiled,<br />

attanā akataṁ pāpaṁ, attanā va visujjhati,<br />

by oneself is a wicked deed left undone, by oneself is one purified,

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