Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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9: The Chapter about Wickedness – 54<br />

Māppamaññetha pāpassa: na maṁ taṁ āgamissati,<br />

One should not despise a little wickedness (thinking): it will not come to me,<br />

udabindunipātena udakumbho pi pūrati,<br />

through the falling of water drops the water-pot is (quickly) filled,<br />

bālo pūrati pāpassa, thokaṁ thokam-pi ācinaṁ. [121]<br />

the fool, gathering bit by bit, becomes full of wickedness.<br />

Māppamaññetha puññassa: na maṁ taṁ āgamissati.<br />

One should not despise a little merit (thinking): it will not come to me,<br />

udabindunipātena udakumbho pi pūrati,<br />

through the falling of water drops the water-pot is (quickly) filled,<br />

dhīro pūrati puññassa, thokathokam-pi ācinaṁ. [122]<br />

the wise one, gathering bit by bit, becomes full of merit.<br />

Vāṇijo va bhayaṁ maggaṁ, appasattho mahaddhano,<br />

Like a merchant on a fearful path, with few friends and great wealth,<br />

visaṁ jīvitukāmo va, pāpāni parivajjaye. [123]<br />

as one loving life (would avoid) poison, (so) should one avoid wicked deeds.<br />

Pāṇimhi ce vaṇo nāssa hareyya pāṇinā visaṁ,<br />

If there is no wound for him in his hand he can carry poison with his hand,<br />

nābbaṇaṁ visam-anveti, natthi pāpaṁ akubbato. [124]<br />

poison does not enter without a wound, there is no wickedness for the one who does not<br />

do (wrong).<br />

So appaduṭṭhassa narassa dussati,<br />

One offends against the inoffensive one,<br />

suddhassa posassa anaṅgaṇassa,<br />

a purified and passionless person,<br />

tam-eva bālaṁ pacceti pāpaṁ,<br />

that wicked deed (then) returns to the fool,<br />

sukhumo rajo paṭivātaṁ va khitto. [125]<br />

like fine dust that is thrown against the wind.

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