Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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3: The Chapter about the Mind – 26<br />

Anavaṭṭhitacittassa, Saddhammaṁ avijānato,<br />

For the one with unsettled mind, who does not know the True <strong>Dhamma</strong>,<br />

pariplavapasādassa, paññā na paripūrati. [38]<br />

whose confidence is wavering, wisdom is unfulfilled.<br />

Anavassutacittassa, ananvāhatacetaso,<br />

For the one with mind free of lust, for the one with mind unperplexed,<br />

puññapāpapahīnassa natthi jāgarato bhayaṁ. [39]<br />

for the one who has abandoned making merit and demerit, for the watchful, there is no<br />

fear.<br />

Kumbhūpamaṁ kāyam-imaṁ viditvā,<br />

Knowing this body (frail) is like a jar,<br />

nagarūpamaṁ cittam-idaṁ ṭhapetvā,<br />

establishing the mind like a fortress, 1<br />

yodhetha Māraṁ paññāvudhena,<br />

fight Māra with the weapon of wisdom,<br />

jitañ-ca rakkhe, anivesano siyā. [40]<br />

guard your success, and do not be attached. 2<br />

Aciraṁ vatayaṁ kāyo paṭhaviṁ adhisessati,<br />

Before long has passed by, alas, this body will lie on the ground, 3<br />

chuddho apetaviññāṇo, niratthaṁ va kaliṅgaraṁ. [41]<br />

rejected, without consciousness, just like a useless piece of wood.<br />

Diso disaṁ yan-taṁ kay i rā, verī vā pana verinaṁ –<br />

Whatever an aggressor might do to an aggressor, or an enemy to an enemy –<br />

micchāpaṇihitaṁ cittaṁ pāpiyo naṁ tato kare. [42]<br />

a mind that is badly-directed can do far worse than that to him.<br />

1<br />

Solid and protected.<br />

2<br />

I do not understand Norman’s translation here of anivesano siyā as: one should take no rest, as<br />

nivesana never seems to mean taking a rest.<br />

3<br />

On the ground, or maybe in the ground, but burial was not common, either the body was<br />

discarded at the charnel ground, to be taken care of by animals and insects, or it was burned, and<br />

sometimes disposed of in bodies of water.

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