Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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1: The Chapter about the Pairs – 18<br />

Bahum-pi ce sahitaṁ 1 bhāsamāno,<br />

Even though reciting abundant scriptures,<br />

na takkaro 2 hoti naro pamatto,<br />

the heedless fellow, who does not do (what they say),<br />

gopo va gāvo gaṇayaṁ paresaṁ,<br />

like a cowboy counting other’s cattle,<br />

na bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti. [19]<br />

does not partake of the ascetic life.<br />

Appam-pi ce sahitaṁ bhāsamāno,<br />

Even though reciting but few scriptures,<br />

<strong>Dhamma</strong>ssa hoti anudhammacārī,<br />

but living righteously in accordance with <strong>Dhamma</strong>,<br />

rāgañ-ca dosañ-ca pahāya mohaṁ,<br />

abandoning greed, hate and delusion,<br />

sammappajāno suvimuttacitto,<br />

understanding aright, with mind well-released,<br />

anupādiyāno idha vā huraṁ vā,<br />

that one, unattached here and hereafter,<br />

sa bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti. [20]<br />

(surely) partakes of the ascetic life.<br />

Yamakavaggo Paṭhamo<br />

The Chapter about the Pairs, the First<br />

1<br />

saṁhita (a variant form of this word), but according to the<br />

commentary sahita means the Tipiṭaka here.<br />

2<br />

= taṁ kāro, with assimilation.

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