Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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26: The Chapter about Brahmins – 141<br />

Asaṁsaṭṭhaṁ gahaṭṭhehi anāgārehi cūbhayaṁ,<br />

(Whoever) doesn’t mix with either householders or the houseless,<br />

anokasāriṁ appicchaṁ, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [404]<br />

wandering homeless, with few desires, that one I say is a brahmin.<br />

Nidhāya daṇḍaṁ bhūtesu tasesu thāvaresu ca,<br />

* Whoever has laid down the stick (used) against fearful and fearless beings,<br />

yo na hanti na ghāteti, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [405]<br />

who neither hurts nor kills, that one I say is a brahmin.<br />

Aviruddhaṁ viruddhesu, attadaṇḍesu nibbutaṁ,<br />

Being friendly with the hostile, calm amongst those holding a stick,<br />

sādānesu anādānaṁ, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [406]<br />

not attached amongst those attached, that one I say is a brahmin.<br />

Yassa rāgo ca doso ca māno makkho ca pātito,<br />

Whoever has dropped off passion and hatred, conceit and anger,<br />

sāsapo-r-iva āraggā, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [407]<br />

like a mustard seed from a needle, that one I say is a brahmin.<br />

Akakkasaṁ viññapaniṁ giraṁ saccaṁ udīraye,<br />

(Whoever) speaks a word of truth that is informed and is not coarse,<br />

yāya nābhisaje kañci, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [408]<br />

through which no one would be angry, that one I say is a brahmin.<br />

Yodha dīghaṁ va rassaṁ vā aṇuṁ-thūlaṁ subhāsubhaṁ,<br />

* Whoever in the world does not take what is not given, long, short,<br />

loke adinnaṁ nādiyati, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [409]<br />

small, large, attractive or unattractive, that one I say is a brahmin.<br />

Āsā yassa na vijjanti asmiṁ loke paramhi ca,<br />

For the one who has no longings in this world or in the next world,<br />

nirāsayaṁ visaṁyuttaṁ, tam-ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ. [410]<br />

being without longings, detached, that one I say is a brahmin.

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