Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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114<br />

Nirayavaggo<br />

22. The Chapter about the Underworld<br />

Abhūtavādī nirayaṁ upeti,<br />

The one who speaks falsely goes to the underworld,<br />

yo vāpi katvā ‘Na karomī’ ti cāha,<br />

and he who says: ‘I do not do’ what he has done,<br />

ubho pi te pecca samā bhavanti<br />

both of these are just the same when they have gone<br />

nihīnakammā manujā parattha. [306]<br />

to the hereafter, (they are) humans who did base deeds.<br />

Kāsāvakaṇṭhā bahavo pāpadhammā asaññatā,<br />

Many wearing the monastic robe around their necks are wicked, unrestrained,<br />

pāpā pāpehi kammehi nirayaṁ te upapajjare. [307]<br />

the wicked through their wicked deeds re-arise in the underworld.<br />

Seyyo ayoguḷo bhutto tatto, aggisikhūpamo,<br />

It’s better to have eaten a glowing iron ball, like a flame of fire,<br />

yañ-ce bhuñjeyya dussīlo raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ asaññato. [308]<br />

than that (the monastic) who is unrestrained and unvirtuous should enjoy the country’s<br />

almsfood.<br />

Cattāri ṭhānāni naro pamatto,<br />

There are four states the man who is heedless,<br />

āpajjatī paradārūpasevī:<br />

the man who consorts with other man’s wives, undergoes:<br />

apuññalābhaṁ, nanikāmaseyyaṁ,<br />

he gains demerit, an uncomfortable bed,<br />

nindaṁ tatīyaṁ, nirayaṁ catutthaṁ. [309]<br />

blame as third, and (rebirth in) the underworld as fourth.

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