Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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19: The Chapter about One who stands by <strong>Dhamma</strong> – 104<br />

Yodha puññañ-ca pāpañ-ca bāhetvā brahmacar i yavā,<br />

* If he is one who lives the holy life here, warding off both merit and demerit,<br />

saṅkhāya loke carati sa ce, bhikkhū ti vuccati. [267]<br />

and wanders with discrimination in the world, that one is said to be a monastic.<br />

Na monena munī hoti mūḷharūpo aviddasu,<br />

Not through silence is a deluded fool (considered to be) a seer,<br />

yo ca tulaṁ va paggayha, varam-ādāya paṇḍito. [268]<br />

the wise one, like one holding the balance, takes up what is noble.<br />

Pāpāni parivajjeti sa munī tena so muni,<br />

The seer who rejects wicked deeds through that is (considered) a seer,<br />

yo munāti ubho loke muni tena pavuccati. [269]<br />

whoever understands both worlds 1 because of that is said to be a seer.<br />

Na tena ariyo hoti yena pāṇāni hiṁsati,<br />

Not through hurting breathing beings one is noble,<br />

ahiṁsā sabbapāṇānaṁ ariyo ti pavuccati. [270]<br />

the one who does not hurt any breathing beings is said to be noble.<br />

Na sīlabbatamattena, bāhusaccena vā pana,<br />

Not merely through virtue or vows, or through great learning,<br />

atha vā samādhilābhena, vivittasayanena vā, [271]<br />

or through the attainment of concentration, or through a secluded dwelling,<br />

1<br />

The phrase means being unattached to both the internal and external worlds.

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