Dhammapada, Dhamma Verses (KN 2)

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.

Pāli verses with English translation in this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.


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19: The Chapter about One who stands by <strong>Dhamma</strong> – 103<br />

Yamhi saccañ-ca Dhammo ca ahiṁsā saṁyamo damo,<br />

In whom is truth, <strong>Dhamma</strong>, non-violence, restraint and (good) training,<br />

sa ve vantamalo dhīro thero iti pavuccati. [261]<br />

the wise one who throws out the stain is (truly) called an elder.<br />

Na vākkaraṇamattena vaṇṇapokkharatāya vā<br />

Not by eloquence only, or by a beautiful complexion,<br />

sādhurūpo naro hoti, issukī maccharī saṭho; [262]<br />

is a person honourable, (if still) jealous, selfish and deceitful;<br />

yassa cetaṁ samucchinnaṁ, mūlaghaccaṁ samūhataṁ,<br />

for the one in whom this is cut off, destroyed at the root, dug up,<br />

sa vantadoso medhāvī sādhurūpo ti vuccati. [263]<br />

that sage who has thrown out hatred is said to be honourable.<br />

Na muṇḍakena samaṇo, abbato alikaṁ bhaṇaṁ,<br />

Not through a shaven head is one an ascetic, (if) one lacks vows, 1 speaks lies,<br />

icchālobhasamāpanno, samaṇo kiṁ bhavissati? [264]<br />

and is endowed with greed and desire, how will one be an ascetic?<br />

Yo ca sameti 2 pāpāni, aṇuṁ-thūlāni sabbaso –<br />

The one who pacifies wicked deeds, small and great, in every way –<br />

samitattā hi pāpānaṁ samaṇo ti pavuccati. [265]<br />

through the pacifying of wicked deeds he is said to be an ascetic.<br />

Na tena bhikkhu hoti yāvatā bhikkhate pare,<br />

One is not a monastic merely through eating others’ almsfood,<br />

vissaṁ <strong>Dhamma</strong>ṁ samādāya bhikkhu hoti na tāvatā. [266]<br />

the one who undertakes a false <strong>Dhamma</strong> to that extent is not a monastic.<br />

1 Comm: sīlavatena ca dhūtavatena ca virahito; being without the vow of virtue and the vow of<br />

asceticism.<br />

2<br />

Being here short for upasameti.

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