2017.9 Directory of China's LNG Satellite Stations

2017.9 Directory of China's LNG Satellite Stations

2017.9 Directory of China's LNG Satellite Stations


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附 录 A08: 中 国 液 化 天 然 气 卫 星 站 收 录 名 单 Appendix A08: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Stations</strong> • 1<br />

Appendix A08: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Stations</strong><br />

附 录 A08: 中 国 液 化 天 然 气 卫 星 站 收 录 名 单<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> Projects / 项 目 数 :1,181<br />

Statistics Update Date / 统 计 截 止 时 间 :<strong>2017.9</strong><br />

Source / 来 源 :http://www.chinagasmap.com<br />

Natural gas project investment in China was relatively simple and easy just 10<br />

years ago because <strong>of</strong> the brand new downstream market. It differs a lot since<br />

then: <strong>LNG</strong> plants enjoyed seller market before, while a <strong>LNG</strong> plant investor today<br />

will find himself soon fighting with over 300 <strong>LNG</strong> plants for buyers; West East<br />

Gas Pipeline 1 enjoyed virgin markets alongside its paving route in 2002, while<br />

today's Xin-Zhe-Yue Pipeline Network investor has to plan its route within territory<br />

<strong>of</strong> a couple <strong>of</strong> competing pipelines; In the past, city gas investors could choose to<br />

sign golden areas with best sales potential and easy access to PNG supply, while<br />

today's investors have to turn their sights to areas where sales potential is limited<br />

...Obviously, today's investors have to consider more to ensure right decision<br />

making in a much complicated gas market. China Natural Gas Map's associated<br />

project directories provide readers a fundamental analysis tool to make their<br />

decisions. With a completed idea about venders, buyers and competitive projects,<br />

analyst would be able to shape a better market model when planning a new<br />

investment or marketing program.<br />

中 国 天 然 气 市 场 发 展 的 早 期 阶 段 , 培 育 市 场 是 投 资 者 业 务 的 主 旋 律 , 投 资 决 策<br />

和 市 场 占 领 往 往 更 加 简 单 。 时 至 今 日 , 多 种 因 素 正 在 改 变 这 一 情 况 :10 年 前 ,<strong>LNG</strong><br />

厂 商 更 容 易 操 控 买 家 , 今 天 , 投 资 者 将 发 现 自 己 的 <strong>LNG</strong> 厂 很 快 会 和 超 过 300 家 厂<br />

商 共 同 竞 争 买 家 ;10 年 前 , 西 气 东 输 一 线 沿 线 几 乎 均 为 空 白 市 场 , 今 天 , 新 浙 粤 管<br />

网 的 投 资 者 将 发 现 沿 线 非 但 早 已 部 署 有 多 条 竞 争 性 管 道 , 且 主 要 竞 争 者 在 下 游 城 市<br />

燃 气 版 块 已 成 为 第 一 集 团 成 员 ;10 年 前 , 城 市 燃 气 投 资 者 可 在 全 国 范 围 优 先 选 择<br />

经 济 和 人 口 优 势 兼 备 的 黄 金 宝 地 , 今 天 , 新 的 投 资 者 往 往 不 得 不 把 目 光 转 向 远 离 长<br />

输 管 线 、 售 气 潜 力 有 限 的 三 线 城 区 …… 中 国 天 然 气 投 资 事 业 动 辄 以 亿 为 单 位 。 面 对<br />

更 加 复 杂 的 投 资 环 境 , 空 谈 宏 观 将 导 致 高 概 率 的 决 策 误 判 ! 中 华 天 然 气 全 图 、 配 套<br />

项 目 名 录 和 行 业 报 告 编 委 为 读 者 提 供 成 规 模 的 基 础 项 目 数 据 。 项 目 规 划 的 分 析 团 队<br />

可 在 此 基 础 上 , 自 下 而 上 地 建 立 更 完 整 的 市 场 模 型 , 帮 助 投 资 者 谨 慎 决 策 。<br />

T<br />

★ ★ ★ ★ ★<br />

his list introduces, in alphabetical order, <strong>LNG</strong> satellite station part <strong>of</strong> project<br />

name list in 2017 DIRECTORY OF CHINA'S <strong>LNG</strong> PROJECTS. This directory<br />

records <strong>China's</strong> 71 <strong>LNG</strong> terminals, 454 <strong>LNG</strong> Plants (feeded by natural gas, CBM,<br />

Coke Oven Gas, Coal-to-Gas & Ammonia Synthesis Gas) and 1,181 <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>Satellite</strong><br />

<strong>Stations</strong>. For each recorded project, its project status, location, main functions (<strong>LNG</strong><br />

receiving, liquefaction or regasifi cation), investor, frontline operator, company<br />

ownership type, general manager in charge, company contact number and<br />

address are available.<br />


1. Pr<strong>of</strong>essional gas industry analyst can save at least 1,500 working hours;<br />

2. <strong>LNG</strong> suppliers (liquefaction plants and imports) can better plan their marketing<br />

program based on a complete idea about both competitive <strong>LNG</strong> supply sources<br />

and <strong>LNG</strong> buyers in China;<br />

3. <strong>LNG</strong> buyers can optimize their future <strong>LNG</strong> contracts with more choices for both<br />

existing and emerging <strong>LNG</strong> suppliers in China;<br />

4. <strong>LNG</strong> fueling station investors can, with associated city gas franchisers directory,<br />

better plan project sites with a complete idea about both <strong>LNG</strong> supply sources<br />

and potential market entrance barriers by regions.<br />


1. <strong>LNG</strong> Plants and <strong>LNG</strong> importers<br />

2. <strong>LNG</strong> Fueling Station Investors<br />

3. <strong>LNG</strong> Sales Companies<br />

4. <strong>LNG</strong> Equipment & Service Providers<br />

5. City Gas Project Investors<br />

6. Industry Consulting Companies<br />

本<br />

文 件 为 《 中 国 液 化 天 然 气 项 目 名 录 2017》<strong>LNG</strong> 卫 星 站 部 分 按 首 字 母 顺 序 排 列<br />

之 名 单 。 该 名 录 包 括 中 国 71 个 海 基 ( 内 河 )<strong>LNG</strong> 接 收 站 和 中 转 站 ,454 个 液<br />

化 装 置 ( 原 料 气 包 括 常 规 天 然 气 、 煤 层 气 、 焦 炉 煤 气 、 煤 制 天 然 气 和 合 成 氨 尾 气 等 )<br />

和 1,181 个 <strong>LNG</strong> 卫 星 站 的 投 产 状 态 、 所 处 地 理 位 置 、 装 置 的 主 要 功 能 ( 接 收 、 液<br />

化 及 气 化 )、 控 股 投 资 者 ( 上 级 管 理 机 构 ) 及 一 线 运 营 单 位 的 当 前 主 官 经 理 、 公 司<br />

企 业 所 有 制 类 型 和 联 系 方 式 。<br />

这 套 名 录 的 作 用<br />

1. 在 基 础 数 据 收 集 验 证 层 面 为 您 的 专 业 信 息 团 队 节 省 1,500 小 时 之 工 作 量 , 使 您 更<br />

严 谨 地 构 建 中 国 <strong>LNG</strong> 市 场 分 析 框 架 , 避 免 空 谈 宏 观 导 致 决 策 误 判 ;<br />

2. 使 <strong>LNG</strong> 生 产 商 和 进 口 商 了 解 <strong>LNG</strong> 买 家 和 竞 争 性 <strong>LNG</strong> 供 气 源 的 最 新 分 布 ;<br />

3. 使 <strong>LNG</strong> 采 购 商 便 于 挑 选 更 具 地 缘 优 势 的 供 气 源 , 优 化 未 来 供 气 合 同 ;<br />

4. 结 合 中 国 城 市 特 许 经 营 区 名 录 时 ,<strong>LNG</strong> 加 气 站 项 目 的 新 投 资 者 在 选 址 时 可 以 对<br />

供 气 条 件 和 潜 在 地 域 准 入 壁 垒 建 立 初 步 的 框 架 性 认 识 。<br />

这 套 名 录 主 要 用 户<br />

1. <strong>LNG</strong> 厂 、 接 收 站 投 资 者<br />

2. <strong>LNG</strong> 加 气 站 的 投 资 者<br />

3. <strong>LNG</strong> 销 售 公 司<br />

4. <strong>LNG</strong> 低 温 设 备 和 服 务 提 供 商<br />

5. 需 多 渠 道 气 源 的 城 市 燃 气 公 司<br />

6. 进 行 信 息 再 加 工 的 行 业 咨 询 机 构<br />

Namelist / 项 目 名 单<br />

Jiagedaqi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yichun CRC Gas Wumahe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Heihe Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wudalianchi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qinggang<br />

Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Suihua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qiqihar Nianzishan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Qiqihar Longjiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hanan Industry City <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station (Zhongqing) • Hanan Industry City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station (Order) •<br />

Shangzhi Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Acheng Yinglian <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Tonghe Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yanchou Order <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Mudanjiang Jiangnan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Muling <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Hailin Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ning'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Linkou County Zhenxi Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dongning Order <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Jixi Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mishan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Hulin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiguan New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Qitaihe City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Youyi County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jixian County<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Baoqing County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hegang Order <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Hegang Junde <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiamusi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Fujing Zhongxing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Beixing Farm Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiansanjiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Changchun Gas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Peakshaving Plant • Huadian Zhongrun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiaohe Lvneng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiaohe Zhongsen Baishishan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Baicheng<br />

Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Liaoyuan CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Tonghua Jiangdong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tonghua Taoyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Tonghua Zi'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ji'an CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fusong<br />

Zhongsen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Baishishan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yanji CRC Gas<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tumen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jilin Longjing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Huichun CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Changbai Mountain Chixi <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Tieling Special Vehicle Manufacture Base <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Shenfu New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Daqing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Bakeshu<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Beiyingzi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Faku <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Liaoyang Huaren <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Liaoyang Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Liaoning Zhongwang Group <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shenxi New City <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Benxi County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huanren CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Benxi Nanfen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Benxi Dongfenghu Industry<br />

Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dandong Lingang Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Dandong Dongkanzi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fengcheng Huaren <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Donggang Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Donggang Gushan Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Donggang Hengtong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Anshan Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Haicheng Huarun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xiuyan Huarun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Dalian Bay <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dalian Qingshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Lvshun Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dalian Changxing Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Dalian Hongkun Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dalian Huayuankou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Dalian Liangjiadian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhuanghe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Pulandian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dengshahe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gaizhou<br />

Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Liaoning Zhengrun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yingkou<br />

Baoming Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kazuo Metallurgy Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Kazuo Lizhou Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Beipiao City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Jianping Ceramics Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Altay <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Jeminay <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Habahe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Burqin <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Fuhai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fuyun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •

2 • 附 录 A08: 中 国 液 化 天 然 气 卫 星 站 收 录 名 单 Appendix A08: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Stations</strong><br />

Qinghe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Emin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qapqal Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Urumqi Donggebi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qitai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Hami Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yiwu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Barkol<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Kashi Xinjie <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shihezi Jing 7 Road <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yumen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinta <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Guazhou Anxi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiugang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Gansu Spent<br />

Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Taixing Chemical <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Linze County Huatong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Gansu Minqing <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Baiyin Hongyu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hezheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Gannan Luqu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Gannan Zhouqu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Gannan Diebu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gannan Lintan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Gannan<br />

Zhuoni <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gannan Maqu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Minxian Guanghui<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tongwei Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xi'an Huatong<br />

Zhangxian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tianshui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Longnan Wudu <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Tanchang Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Pingliang Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Qingyang Wanshi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huachi County Zhongran<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhengning Changran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jingyuan County<br />

Huatong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qinghai Hanneng Photovoltaic <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Xining West <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Xining East <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Yushu Jiegu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Tongde Batangfumin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tuoketuo Industry Park (West) <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Liangcheng County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Bayan Obo Mining District<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xi Ujimqin Banner Balage'ergaole Town <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Abaga <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wulagai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tongliao ENN <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Huolinguole City Industry Park B Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station 1 •<br />

Huolinguole City Industry Park B Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station 2 • Huolinguole City Industry<br />

Park C Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Kailu Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Horqin<br />

Zuoyizhong Qi Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kulunqi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jarud<br />

Banner Lubei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zaha Nur Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Chifeng Hongshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chifeng Pingzhuang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Chifeng Xincheng Fulong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Aohan Qi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Tuquan Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhalaite Qi Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Horqin<br />

Youyiqian Qi Zhong'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hulun Buir <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Moqi<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Suide <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wangjiahe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Xianyang Beiyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chengcheng Photovoltaic Industrial Park<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Pucheng <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xi'an <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver •<br />

Xi'an Yinzhen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fengxiang County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Hanzhong Xinxiwang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mianxian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ankang<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ningshaan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhenping County<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ankang Hengkou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Baihe County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shiquan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Beijing Ciqu <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Panjiamiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Beijing Xiaotun <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Beijing Miyun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Beijing Qingyundian <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Tianjin Dagang <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Tianjin Lin'gang Economic Zone <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Guodian Luanhe Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kuangcheng<br />

Longxumen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Kuangcheng Southern City Rim Road <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Guyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Saibei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Kangbao<br />

Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qinhuangdao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qinxi Changli<br />

Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shanhaiguan District Lin'gang Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Tangshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zunhua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station<br />

• Laoting County Lingang Industrial Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guangyang Industry Zone<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gu'an Best Sun Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Langfang Economic<br />

Development Zone Cloud Storage Data Center <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Bazhou City Jin'gang<br />

Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dacheng County Moden Manufacturing Industry Park<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Renqiu <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Suning Dadi Lihua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Shijiazhuang ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Gaoyi Shiliangzhuang Zinc Industry Park<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xushui Dawangdian <strong>LNG</strong> Plant • Yixian Shenyi <strong>LNG</strong> Peak-shaving<br />

Station • Baoding ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hebei Zhongyou Runfa <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Xingtai Shahe <strong>LNG</strong> Plant • Huineng Gas Nangong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • • Binzhou<br />

Beihai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shandong Huike <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dongying<br />

Huarun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dongying Port <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shandong<br />

Luguang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Lijin Xinhe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yangzhai <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Yiyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Weifang CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver •<br />

Linqu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhucheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Weifang Even <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Qingdao Jinjialing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Qingdao Qingxin <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Pingdu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jimo Aoshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Pan Jiaozhou Bay <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huangdao Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Longkou Nanshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yantai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Haiyang Lvneng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Penglai Liugou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Laizhou<br />

CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Donghai New Material <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Weihai<br />

Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wendeng Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Rongcheng Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Weihai Huapeng Glass <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Jinan Eastern <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaving Station • Yangqiang <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver •<br />

Pingyin <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Taishan Steel <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jining <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver •<br />

Chengwu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shandong Dongming Petrochemical <strong>LNG</strong> • Rizhao Xin'ao<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Rizhao Zhongneng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wulian Yida <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • PetroChina Yida <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Rizhao Binhai Gas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Liaocheng City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xiangguang Copper <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Linqing Xilan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Liaocheng Houde <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Linyi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Taiyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Storage, Distribution and<br />

Peakshaving Center • Huguan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Heqi Industry Zone <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Xinxiang <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Changyuan Tongyong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Zhengzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Shangjie Tianlun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gongyi <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Zhengzhou Dayou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xinmi Zhongyu <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Xinmi Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Kaifeng Andusi <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Luohe <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Ruyang <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Mangshan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Peakshaver • Luoyang Yingzhou Road <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Yiyang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Xin'an ENN Zhongrun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xin'an Zhongjing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Luoning Zhongjing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiyuan Zhongyu Dongguo Road <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Sanmenxia Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lushi County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Zhoukou Port Logistics Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fugou<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhoukou Yellow River Flood Area Farm <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Huangchuan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shangqiu ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Yongcheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Hubei Lichuan Minsheng <strong>LNG</strong> Plant • Yichang Xinjie <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Yichang Lineng <strong>LNG</strong> Plant • Yidu Xilan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Honghu Xintan New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gong'an County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Xiangyang CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xiangyang Xilan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Shiyan Xingye Road <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhuxi County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Shennongjia Songbo <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shennongjia Muyu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Yuyang Changling New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fangxian County Qingfeng Town <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Jingmen <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Qianjiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wuhan<br />

Ping'anpu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wuhan Anshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xianning <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Daye Ganghu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yueyang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Xingsha <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ningxiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Huangmaochong <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Shaoshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changde Yanping<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shengtong Changde Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Zhuzhou County's Nanzhou New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Liling <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Youxian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hengyang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhongyou<br />

Jinhong South China <strong>LNG</strong> Storage Center • Hengdong Shiwan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Hengdong Dapu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Changning <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Shuikoushan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hunan Qidong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Leiyang<br />

Guochu Energy <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaoyang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaoyang<br />

2nd <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaodong County Taihua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaoyang<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Longhui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dongkou Senbo <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Wugang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xinning <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Chengbu Xinhexing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Sangzhi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jishou<br />

Qinnianwan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Luxi County Wuxi Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Fenghuang County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huayuan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Baojing County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huaihua South <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Jingzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wanling <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wanling Guanghui<br />

Qingfeng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huitong County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hongjiang<br />

Zhongyu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huaihua Jingzhen Energy <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Huaihua Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mayang Sentai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Tongdao Sentai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xupu Juneng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chenxi<br />

Sentai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chenzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zixing <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yongxing Zhongtian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Rucheng Zhongtian <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Guiyang Jinhuang <strong>LNG</strong> Storage Station • Linwu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Jiahe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yizhang CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yongzhou<br />

ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xintian County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiangyong County<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qiyang CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ningyuan CRC Gas<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jianghua Shenran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lanshan Shenran<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Youyang Longjiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xiushan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Xipeng Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Chongqing Nan'an Chayuan<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chongqing Yongchuan Maliuhe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • An'gang<br />

Beika'erte Shuangqiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chongqing Shuangqiao Youting <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yuyang County Fengming <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fengjie County<br />

Western New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fengjie County Southern <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Chongqing Wushan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chengdu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Wanyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wuliangye <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zigong<br />

Yantan Industry Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Leshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shimian<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xichang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mianning County Rare<br />

Earth Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huili <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huidong<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ganluo County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yuexi County<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dechang County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinyang Mingfeng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Zhaojue Mingfeng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Meigu Mingfeng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Puge Mingfeng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xide Mingfeng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Panzhihua Fulin Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Miyi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Panzhihua Hongge <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Panzhihua Hongbinfannie <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Danba <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Litang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Ganzi County Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Maoxian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Barkam <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lixian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wenchuan Shuimo <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Heishui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xiaojin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Rangtang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chuanzhusi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Hongyuan<br />

County Guanghui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jinchuan Yiyang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Guiyang Xiaohe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guiyang Jinyang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Guiyang Baiyun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guiyang Wudang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

CHALCO Guizhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qingzhen CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Kaiyang Shida <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zuenyi Gaoqiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zuenyi<br />

Nanbai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Renhuai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Renhuai Rongchangba<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Maotai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jinlan Aluminum <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Xishui County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xishui Alcohol Industry Park<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Suiyang County Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zuenyi<br />

Al2O3 <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zuenyi Honghuagang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yuqing<br />

Shengzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Meitan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fenggang<br />

Zhongjin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wuchuan Zhongjin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Bijie <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Bijie City's Bailidujuan Tourism Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinsha<br />

Waizhai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dafang County Drug & Food Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Hezhang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qianxi County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Weining Wuligang Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Liupanshui Kunlun Gas<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Liupanshui Hongqiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Liuzhi Guomao<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Anshun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huangguoshu <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Guanling County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guizhou Anda <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Anshun City Pingba District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xingyi <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jinglong County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xingren County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Zhenfeng County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wangmo County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Duyun Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Longli<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Weng'an Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Guizhou Wenzhen Aluminum <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guizhou Huishui Economic<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changshun County Xinkun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Changshun County Jindi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guiding County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Guizhou Changming Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guizhou<br />

Yazhou Ceramics Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fuquan Xinkun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Fuquan Guiran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Libo Kunlun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Kaili <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jingping Kunlun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jingping Economic<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhenyuan County Zhonghong Energy <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Jianhe County Xinkun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tianzhu County Xinkun<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tongren <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Songtao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Songtao Mengxi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dejiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Sinan<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yinjiang County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yuping County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Kunming Huamao <strong>LNG</strong> Peak-shaving Station • Kunming High-tech Zone<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kunlun Gas Yunnan <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kunming New<br />

Airport <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kunming Lanlongtan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kunming<br />

China Aluminum <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yunnan Baiyao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Kunming Haikou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xundian CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xundian<br />

Jinsuo Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yiliang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dongchuan<br />

CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yunnan Minsheng Energy Kunming <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Jinning <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shilin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Qujing City<br />

Central <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shizong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Luoping <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Fuyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huize <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •

附 录 A08: 中 国 液 化 天 然 气 卫 星 站 收 录 名 单 Appendix A08: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Stations</strong> • 3<br />

Luliang Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xuanwei Hongqiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Qujing Baishui Power and Aluminum Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Suijiang County<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chuxiong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Muguodian <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Shuangbai County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yuanmou County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Dali <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xiangyun County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Nanjian County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Heqing County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Lijiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yongsheng County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yuxi<br />

Jiulongchi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chengjiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiangchuan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Xinping County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yuanjiang County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Eshan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huaning County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Yimen County Maizitian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tonghai County<br />

Hardware Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mengzi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jianshui<br />

Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jianshui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yunnan Luxi<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Mile <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shiping <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station<br />

• Honghe County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yunnan Tin Company Distillery <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Gejiu Datong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hekou County Datong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Wenshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Qiubei County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Maguan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yanshan County Datong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station<br />

• Guangnan County Datong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Mangshi North <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Changning County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Linxiang District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Fengqing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gengma (Mengding) State Border Economic<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhenkang Puguang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Yongde Puguang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Pu'er South <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Jiangcheng County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ximeng County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Jinghong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Lhasa <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nagqu <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shigatse <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xuzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station<br />

• Tongshan Heqiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tongshan Zhangji <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Tongshan Weiji <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tongshan Liuxin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Tongshan Mailou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Suining <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Suining<br />

Shuanggou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fengxian Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Peixian<br />

Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiawang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiangsu Xinyi <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Pizhou Novel and High Technology Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Xuzhou Wazhuang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xuzhou Zhengji <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Songtiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ganyu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guanhe<br />

Peninsula Port <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Donghai County Fangshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Suqian Yanghe New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shuyang CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Siyang West <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Siyang East <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Suqian Hubin New City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huai'an Salt and Alkali Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Huai'an Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huai'an Airport Industry<br />

Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lianshui Tianda <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xuyi Economic<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jinhu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dafeng CRC<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dafeng Port Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yancheng<br />

Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Funing Tianda <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Tianda Dongyi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Funing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Binhai<br />

Tianda <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Binhai County's Coastal Industry Park • Yancheng Shuangmin<br />

Chenjia Port <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xiangshui Fuchen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Baoying<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gaoyou Anyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • COSCO Jiangsu<br />

Shipyard <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yangzhou Kejin Shipping <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Jiangsu Guoxin Yizheng Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jingjiang Siyu Road <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiangyan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dainan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Xinghua Zhuhong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Taixing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Taizhou<br />

Gaogang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Taixing Huangqiao Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Towngas Nanjing <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Nanjing Baguazhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiangning<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nanjing Binhai Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Lishui Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nanjing Jingqiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Jiangsu Jinling Shipping <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wujiazui Shipping <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Zhenjiang CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yangzhong Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Liyang Nandu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changzhou ENN Wujin <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Changzhou Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changzhou Xinbei <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiangsu Jiangrun Copper <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nantong<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Nantong Dazhong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Nantong Tongzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nantong Wujie <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Rudong Dazhong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Rudong Yangkou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Rugao Port <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Hai'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qidong Fuchen <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Qidong CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wuxi New District <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Wuxi Lantian Gas Thermal Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yixing<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Suzhou Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Suzhou Towngas Weiting<br />

Base <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Suzhou Chefang Base Phase 2 <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Suzhou CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yuexi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kunshan CRC Gas<br />

Zhoushi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Kunshan Litong Zhoushi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Kunshan Yongxin Glass Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changshu Guli <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Zhangjiagang Fenghuang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Bluescope Suzhou <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Chongming Island <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changxing Island West<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • ZPMC Changxing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • COSCO Changxing<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shanghai Lanbin Petrochemical <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Shanghai Wanshihong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yadong Petrochemical Plant <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Huzhou Miaoxi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Anji County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Changxing Meishan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhejiang Jinlei <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Deqing Nabel Ceramics <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiaxing Nanhu <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiaxing Xiuzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tongxiang <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Haining Zhangdian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Haining Jianshan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Haiyan ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Haiyan County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiashan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiaxing Port <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Hangzhou East <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Hangzhou West <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Hangzhou Binjiang<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Yuhang Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hangzhou<br />

Dongneng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Hangzhou Dajiangdong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Fuyang CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tonglu Jiangnan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lin'an<br />

Hangran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Lin'an Zhe'neng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Cun'an <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiande <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiande Shouchang<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Jiande Mamu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiande Datong Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shaoxing City No.1 <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaoxing City No.2 <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shaoxing City No.3 <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yubei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Shaoxing City Coastal New City's Jiangbin District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shangyu<br />

Zhenneng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shengzhou Kunlun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhuji<br />

Ciwu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhuji Datang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xinchang Dashiju<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ningbo Lvyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ningbo Daxie<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shantouzhu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ninghai<br />

County Dajin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ninghai CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Xiangshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Daishan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Daishan County<br />

Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhoushan Shuangyang <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Zhoushan Daobei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhoushan Zhujiajian <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Zhoushan Jintang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhoushan Liuheng Xiaohu<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Taizhou CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Taizhou China Gas<br />

Eastern <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Taizhou Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Linhai CRC <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Linhai Beiyang Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tiantai <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Sanmen CRC Sanda Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xianju CRC Gas<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wenling Shangma Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Wenling Downtown <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wenling East <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Zhejiang Zhongyou Longchang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wenzhou Shizhong <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Wenzhou Guoxi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wenzhou Ruiming <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yueqing CRC <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wenzhou ENN Longwan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Wanzhou Dongtou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yongjia Oubei <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Cangnan Longgang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Cangnan Zhongyou <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Rui'an Dingsan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Rui'an Mayu <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Aojiang Mocheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wencheng County Huoju<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jinhua Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jinhua Jinyi New City <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Jinhua Jinxi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yiwu Kecun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Yiwu Shangcheng Avenue <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yiwu Fotang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Dongyang City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dongyang Hengdian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Lanxi Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huatai Lvlun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wuyi<br />

CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yongkang Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Pujiang<br />

Ga<strong>of</strong>eng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Pan'an County Central <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Pan'an<br />

County Jianshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lishui Fuling <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinyun<br />

County Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jinyun County Huzhen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Longquan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Suicang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yunhe<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Qingtian County Central <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Qingtian<br />

County Haikou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qingtian County Lakou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Songyang Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Quzhou ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Quzhou Central <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Quzhou Juhua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Quzhou<br />

Dazhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Longyou Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiangshan<br />

Hejiashan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changshan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kaihua<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Bozhou Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mengcheng Haite<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huaibei CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huaibei Duanyuan<br />

Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Suzhou Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Dangshan CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lingbi CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Si<br />

County Economic Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Mingguang Shenran <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Tianchang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chuzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Lai'an ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dingyuan Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Fengyang Silicon Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hefei <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver •<br />

Feidong Shenran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Feixi <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Hefei Beicheng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Peakshaver • Lujiang County North <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Anhui Lujiang Economic<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wanwei Huashan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Caihong Hefei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Anhui Anran Longtang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

CNOOC Liu'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Liu'an Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinzhai<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinzhai County Modern Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Ma'anshan Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Wuhu <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Wuhu Xinyi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Anqing North New District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huai'ning Haite Gas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Susong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Susong County Linjiang Industry Park<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chizhou Jiuhuashan Tourism Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Qingyang Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shitai CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Tongling Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zongyang Haite <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Langxi County Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ningguo Wangxi <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Huangshan Huizhou Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huangshan<br />

Taiping Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shexian Anshun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yixian<br />

Shenran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Bengbu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mohekou Industry<br />

Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiujiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Lushan Mountain<br />

Nv'ercheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xiushui <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wuning <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Lushan Mountain Xihai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Duchang County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jingdezhen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fuliang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Jingdezhen Sanlong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Leping <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Nanchang Yunwan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nanchang Photovoltaic Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • PetroChina Nanchang North <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiangxi Guoneng<br />

Jinxian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiangxi Yichun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gao'an <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Fengxin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhangshu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Jiangxi Towngas Fengcheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yifeng Towngas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yifeng Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tonggu County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shanggao County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xinyu Yuzesen <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Fenyi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Pingxiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Luxi Shangbu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lianhua County Shengfang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Yingtan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Long'gang Xincheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guixi<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Poyang County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wuyuan County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Qianshan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shangrao <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Fuzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fuzhou Dongxiang <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Jiangxi Lichuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Nancheng County Hedong<br />

Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nanfeng Kuangyuan Energy <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Le'an Chennuo <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yihuang Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Ji'an West <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ji'an County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • State<br />

Jinggangshan Economic and Technology Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Taihe<br />

CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinggangshan Ceramics Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Yongfeng County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ganzhou Shahe <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Ganzhou Shenran <strong>LNG</strong> Storage Center • Ganxian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Nankang<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dingnan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ruijin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Longnan County Jintang Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Longnan County<br />

Fukang Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yudu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shicheng<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xinfeng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xunwu County Gu<strong>of</strong>a<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Anyuan Shengbang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Quannan<br />

Chuangtong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chongyi Chuangtong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Dayu<br />

Zhongyou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huichang County Huiyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Ningdu County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Ningde <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fuding <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Fuding Wendu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fuding Long'an <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Gutian ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xiapu ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Pingnan ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fu'an Dingxin Keji <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Junjie Ceramic <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Naval 4807 Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • •<br />

Shanxi <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Lianjiang Detong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Luoyuan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Fuqing Export Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fuqing Xinfuxing <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Pingtan Jinjingwan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changle Yingqian <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Changle Airport Industry Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changle Gukui<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Changle Binhai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Luoyuan Bay

4 • 附 录 A08: 中 国 液 化 天 然 气 卫 星 站 收 录 名 单 Appendix A08: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>LNG</strong> <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Stations</strong><br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Minqing Chipu Industry Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Minqing Baoxin Industry Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Minqing Daye Ceramics <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Liyushan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Gui'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Yuxing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nanping Mazhan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nanping<br />

Aluminum <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shunchang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Nanping Pucheng<br />

County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Pucheng County Ronghuashan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Jianyang Qingfeng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jianyang CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Shaowu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhenghe County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jian'ou CRC<br />

Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Sanming City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaoxian Anran <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Yong'an City's Southern <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huangsha <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jingdong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaxian Jingu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Ninghua County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiangle Anran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Jiangle Tiancheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mingxi Tiancheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Youxi County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Datian Jingkou Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Qingliu County Longjin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Putian Chengxiang <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Xianyou Linan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fengting <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Quanzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shishi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jinjiang<br />

Cizao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Quanzhou Nan'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Quanzhou<br />

Dehua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Quanzhou Quangang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Quanzhou<br />

Yongchun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Quanzhou Yongchun Taiyang Ceramics <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Anxi County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiacheng Fujian Petrochemical <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Xiamen Shihushan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xiamen Jimei <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Xiamen Xiang'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhangzhou Jinfeng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Zhangzhou Zhangpu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhangpu Taibo <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Zhangzhou An'ran Pinghe County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhangzhou<br />

An'ran Yunxiao County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhangzhou An'ran Dongshan County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Dongshan Qibin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hua'an Haitou Gas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Pinghe Zhongsheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jianian Steel <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Zhao'an Jindu Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Nanjing County<br />

High & New Technology Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Changshan Huaqiao Economic<br />

Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Longyan Longzhou Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Longyan Yongding Southern Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Shanghang County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shanghang County Longxiang <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shanghang County Jiaoyang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Changting<br />

Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fujian Longgong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wuping<br />

County Zhongming <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shaoguan Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Nanxiong Foran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Ruyuan Dongyangguang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station<br />

• Qujiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Renhua County Nonferrous Metals Industry Base <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Renhua County Pinggang Industry Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Lechang City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shixing County Huaju <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Xinfeng County Minli <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qingyuan City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Qingyuan Shijiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Qingyuan Taiping <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Foshan Chancheng (Qingxin) Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guangdong Haomei<br />

Aluminum <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yinghong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yingde<br />

Guanyinshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fogang CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Qinghuayuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Lianzhou ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guangzhou<br />

Shatoujie <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guangzhou Qiaodai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Guangzhou Dongyong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guangzhou Conghua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Panyu Hualong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Nansha <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Guangzhou<br />

Yifeng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guangzhou JFE Steel <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Guangzhou Fengshen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jinbang Alloy <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Zhongxin Guangzhou Knowledge City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shenzhen Yantian <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shenzhen Julongshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shenzhen Meiling<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Shenzhen Guangming <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Shenzhen Qiuyuling <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Peakshaver • Huizhou Industrial Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huizhou Dongjiang <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Huizhou Jiangbei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dayawan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Longmen Pingling <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Longmen Yonghan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jizhun Jingmi Huizhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huizhou Caiyu Weijing<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dongguan Bozhoubian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dongguan<br />

Chang'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Mayong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • CGN Dongli Gas<br />

Dalang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhaoqing Duanzhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Gaoyao<br />

Jindu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gaoyao Lubu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhaoqing Fengkai<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guangning <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Huaiji ENN <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Shunde Longjiang (Deqing) Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Zhaoqing Asia Aluminum <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Foshan Shakou <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Foshan<br />

Mingcheng <strong>LNG</strong> Peakshaver • Foshan Hecheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Foshan Fuwan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Foshan Xiaodong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shunde Xingtan <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Foshan Shishan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Foshan Jiujiang <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shunde Western Ecoindustrial Park Distributed Energy Station <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhongshan<br />

Nanlang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhongshan Xiaolan Yongning Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Guodian Minzhong Gas Thermal Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Zhuhai Qianshan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yufu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yufu Binjiang<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Luoding <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Yufu Xinxing <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yunan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yun'an County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Jiangmen West Highway Rim <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Tangxia <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Kaiping <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Kaiping Cuishanhu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Xinhui Yamen <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xinhui Siqian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Jiangmen<br />

New & High Technology Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Hecheng ENN <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Enping Zhujiang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Taishan Zhujiang Gas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jiangmen Guodian Shengtang Distributed Energy Station <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yangjiang Tongneng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yangjiang New & High<br />

Technology Development Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yangdong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station<br />

• Yangjiang ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Yangchun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Maoming<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Gaozhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Huazhou <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Guangdong Xinyi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhanjiang ENN Baoman <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Lianjiang Hongxing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhanjiang Potou ENN<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Lianjiang ENN <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Wuchuan ENN Huangpo<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Leizhou ENN Fenyong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Zhanjiang<br />

Chenming Paper <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Suixi CRC Gas Suicheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Suixi CRC Gas Lingbei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xuwen CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Shantou East <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shantou West <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Shantou Tariff-free Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shantou Linghai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station<br />

• Chaoyang Min'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shante Gas Thermal Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Shanwei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Lufeng CRC Gas <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Haifeng Haicheng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Jiedong <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Yujiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Puning Dajing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Tiepu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chao'an Huaming <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Chaozhou Yuantai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fengtang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chaozhou<br />

Fuzhong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chaozhou Beipian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chaozhou<br />

Dengtang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Raoping Towngas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chaozhou<br />

Longhu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chao'an Zhongkanlianda <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Chao'an Jindonghuagong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chaozhou Xianghua Donglong <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Chaozhou Huayang Energy <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chaozhou Huahe<br />

Energy Xiangqiao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Chaozhou Huawei Energy Raoping County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Meizhou Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guangzhou (Meizhou)<br />

Industry Migration Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Meizhou Wuhua <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Meizhou Dapu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Meizhou Dapu Gaobei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Meizhou Dapu Guangde <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Meizhou Dapu Taoyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Meizhou Fengshun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guangzhou Nansha (Pingyuan) Industry<br />

Migration Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Meizhou Jiaoling <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Meizhou Jiaohua Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xingning CRC Gas Meizhou <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Heyuan Wanlv Oriental International Hotel <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Lianping County Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Longchuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Heyuan High Technology District <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Dongyuan Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Wuzhou Hongling <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wuzhou Zhonghe Ceramics<br />

Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Cenxi Hengxing <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Mengshan<br />

Hongji <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hezhou Guidong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Zhongshan<br />

Zhongwei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guigang Xin'ao <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Pingnan<br />

Zhongwei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guiping China Gas <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guangxi<br />

Yulin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Beiliu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xingye County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Guilin East <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Suqiaoyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Pingle Zhongwei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xing'an <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Lingui<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guanyang Tianlun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guilin Fuda <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Banliyuan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Liuzhou Dongcheng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Liuzhou Shangqi <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Luzhai County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Sanjiang Yanjun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Rongshui Yaneng <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Laibin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Heshan Zhongjin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Wuxuan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Xincheng Zhongwei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation<br />

Station • Xiangzhou Senzhong <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Nanning Santang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Nanning ASEAN Economic Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Long'an <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Mashan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Guangxi Hengxian Shengda <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Heng County Liujing Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Binyang<br />

County Lantian <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Chongzuo <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Fusui<br />

Zhongwei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Longzhou Zhongjin <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Qinzhou<br />

<strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Beihai <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hepu <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Fangchenggang <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Guangxi Jinchuan Metal <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Wuhan Steel Fangchenggang Base Qisha <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Shangsi<br />

Zhongwei <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Fangchenggang Dongxing City <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station<br />

• Du'an Guoli <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Nandan County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Baise<br />

Zhongran <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Tianlin County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Pingguo<br />

County Xinneng <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Pingguo Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station •<br />

Tianyang East Light Industry Zone <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Baise Xinshan Industry Park <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasification Station • Jingxi Order <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Xiling County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Lingyun County <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Longlin Gezu Autonomous County <strong>LNG</strong><br />

Regasifi cation Station • Debao County Yuanrun <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hainan Jinhai Pulp &<br />

Paper Company <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Shimeiwan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Haikou<br />

Shengzhiye <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station • Hainan Zhonghang Tebo <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station •<br />

Yalongwan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wenchang Qinglan Power Plant <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification<br />

Station • Changjiang County Qiziwan <strong>LNG</strong> Regasification Station • Wanning City Shenzhou<br />

Peninsula <strong>LNG</strong> Regasifi cation Station

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