2017.9 Directory of China's City Gas Franchising Zones

2017.9 Directory of China's City Gas Franchising Zones

2017.9 Directory of China's City Gas Franchising Zones


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附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong> • 1<br />

Appendix A12: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong><br />

附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单<br />

No. <strong>of</strong> Projects / 项 目 数 :3,404<br />

Statistics Update Date / 统 计 截 止 时 间 :<strong>2017.9</strong><br />

Source / 来 源 :http://www.chinagasmap.com<br />

Natural gas project investment in China was relatively simple and easy just 10<br />

years ago because <strong>of</strong> the brand new downstream market. It differs a lot since<br />

then: LNG plants enjoyed seller market before, while a LNG plant investor today<br />

will find himself soon fighting with over 300 LNG plants for buyers; West East<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Pipeline 1 enjoyed virgin markets alongside its paving route in 2002, while<br />

today's Xin-Zhe-Yue Pipeline Network investor has to plan its route within territory<br />

<strong>of</strong> a couple <strong>of</strong> competing pipelines; In the past, city gas investors could choose to<br />

sign golden areas with best sales potential and easy access to PNG supply, while<br />

today's investors have to turn their sights to areas where sales potential is limited<br />

...Obviously, today's investors have to consider more to ensure right decision<br />

making in a much complicated gas market. China Natural <strong>Gas</strong> Map's associated<br />

project directories provide readers a fundamental analysis tool to make their<br />

decisions. With a completed idea about venders, buyers and competitive projects,<br />

analyst would be able to shape a better market model when planning a new<br />

investment or marketing program.<br />

中 国 天 然 气 市 场 发 展 的 早 期 阶 段 , 培 育 市 场 是 投 资 者 业 务 的 主 旋 律 , 投 资 决 策<br />

和 市 场 占 领 往 往 更 加 简 单 。 时 至 今 日 , 多 种 因 素 正 在 改 变 这 一 情 况 :10 年 前 ,LNG<br />

厂 商 更 容 易 操 控 买 家 , 今 天 , 投 资 者 将 发 现 自 己 的 LNG 厂 很 快 会 和 超 过 300 家 厂<br />

商 共 同 竞 争 买 家 ;10 年 前 , 西 气 东 输 一 线 沿 线 几 乎 均 为 空 白 市 场 , 今 天 , 新 浙 粤 管<br />

网 的 投 资 者 将 发 现 沿 线 非 但 早 已 部 署 有 多 条 竞 争 性 管 道 , 且 主 要 竞 争 者 在 下 游 城 市<br />

燃 气 版 块 已 成 为 第 一 集 团 成 员 ;10 年 前 , 城 市 燃 气 投 资 者 可 在 全 国 范 围 优 先 选 择 经<br />

济 和 人 口 优 势 兼 备 的 黄 金 宝 地 , 今 天 , 新 的 投 资 者 往 往 不 得 不 把 目 光 转 向 远 离 长 输<br />

管 线 、 售 气 潜 力 有 限 的 三 线 城 区 …… 中 国 天 然 气 投 资 事 业 动 辄 以 亿 为 单 位 。 面 对 更<br />

加 复 杂 的 投 资 环 境 , 空 谈 宏 观 将 导 致 高 概 率 的 决 策 误 判 ! 中 华 天 然 气 全 图 、 配 套 项<br />

目 名 录 和 行 业 报 告 编 委 为 读 者 提 供 成 规 模 的 基 础 项 目 数 据 。 项 目 规 划 的 分 析 团 队 可<br />

在 此 基 础 上 , 自 下 而 上 地 建 立 更 完 整 的 市 场 模 型 , 帮 助 投 资 者 谨 慎 决 策 。<br />

T<br />

★ ★ ★ ★ ★<br />

his list introduces, in alphabetical order, project names in 2017 DIRECTORY<br />

OF CHINA'S CITY GAS FRANCHISERS. This directory records <strong>China's</strong> 3,404<br />

city gas franchising project zones. For each recorded project, its project status,<br />

location, gas supply sources (PNG, LNG or CNG), investor, frontline operator,<br />

company ownership type, general manager in charge, company contact number<br />

and address are available.<br />


1. Pr<strong>of</strong>essional gas industry analyst can save at least 2,500 working hours;<br />

2. <strong>City</strong> gas project investors can understand the latest market share by regions.<br />

With associated LNG directory and CNG directory, the investors can better<br />

select new market for entrance or plan an acquisition target;<br />

3. LNG/CNG suppliers can better design their marketing program by<br />

understanding who and where their current and potential buyers are;<br />

4. L/CNG fueling station investors can better plan project sites with a complete<br />

idea about potential market entrance barriers by regions;<br />

5. Long-distance pipeline investors can, with associated natural gas pipeline<br />

directory, better understand their main users' locations and competitive gas<br />

supplies for planning future pipeline route.<br />


1. <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Project Investors<br />

2. LNG Plants and LNG importers<br />

3. L/CNG Fueling Station Investors<br />

4. Long-distance Pipeline Investors<br />

5. <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Equipment & Service Providers<br />

6. Industry Consulting Companies<br />

本<br />

文 件 为 《 中 国 城 市 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 项 目 名 录 2017》 按 首 字 母 顺 序 排 列 之 名<br />

单 。 该 名 录 包 括 中 国 3,404 个 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 ( 县 、 区 和 主 要 工 业<br />

区 ) 的 状 态 、 所 处 地 理 位 置 、 目 前 主 供 气 源 和 次 供 气 源 的 类 型 ( 长 输 管 道 、LNG 或<br />

CNG)、 控 股 投 资 者 ( 上 级 管 理 机 构 ) 和 一 线 运 营 单 位 的 当 前 主 官 经 理 、 公 司 企 业<br />

所 有 制 类 型 和 联 系 方 式 。<br />

这 套 名 录 的 作 用<br />

1. 在 基 础 数 据 收 集 验 证 层 面 为 您 的 专 业 信 息 团 队 节 省 2,500 小 时 之 工 作 量 ;<br />

2. 使 城 市 燃 气 项 目 投 资 者 了 解 当 前 特 许 区 域 最 新 分 布 、 其 他 燃 气 公 司 的 控 股 势 力 范<br />

围 ; 结 合 中 国 LNG 项 目 名 录 和 中 国 CNG 项 目 名 录 时 , 投 资 者 更 易 于 选 择 新 项<br />

目 区 域 或 谋 划 收 购 对 象 ;<br />

3. 使 LNG 和 LNG 生 产 商 掌 握 采 购 商 的 最 新 布 局 , 提 前 为 充 分 市 场 竞 争 做 准 备 ;<br />

4. 便 于 L/CNG 加 气 站 投 资 者 了 解 市 场 进 入 壁 垒 , 并 在 此 基 础 上 谨 慎 规 划 选 址 ;<br />

5. 结 合 中 国 天 然 气 管 道 名 录 时 , 长 输 管 线 项 目 的 投 资 者 可 根 据 竞 争 性 供 气 管 道 当 前<br />

格 局 和 下 游 用 户 的 分 布 , 对 管 道 路 线 和 分 输 口 建 立 初 步 规 划 框 架 。<br />

这 套 名 录 主 要 用 户<br />

1. 城 市 燃 气 项 目 投 资 者<br />

2. LNG 生 产 商 和 进 口 商<br />

3. LNG/CNG 加 气 站 投 资 者<br />

4. 长 输 管 线 项 目 投 资 者<br />

5. 城 市 管 道 燃 气 设 备 和 服 务 提 供 商<br />

6. 进 行 信 息 再 加 工 的 行 业 咨 询 机 构<br />

Namelist / 项 目 名 单<br />

Ma'anshan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Ma'anshan Zhengpu Port New District • Ma'anshan <strong>City</strong><br />

Dangtu County • Ma'anshan Bowang District • Ma'anshan <strong>City</strong> Hexian County • Hanshan<br />

County, Hanshan Economic Development Zone • Wuhu <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Wuhu County<br />

• Wuhu Economic and Technology Development Zone • Anhui Jiangbei Industrial<br />

Concentration Area • Nanling County • Fanchang County • Wuwei County • Hefei <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area, Hefei Economic and Technology Development Zone • Hefei <strong>City</strong> Baohe<br />

Industry Zone • Feixi County • Feidong County, Hefei Recycling Economy Demonstration<br />

Garden • Feidong County's Cuozhen Town • Changfeng County • Hefei <strong>City</strong>'s Binhu New<br />

District • Lujiang County Development Zone • Lujiang County • Anhui Lujiang Economic<br />

Development Zone • Chaohu <strong>City</strong> • Chaohu <strong>City</strong>'s Zhongmiao, Huanglu, Tongyang and<br />

Huailin Towns • Liu'an <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Shucheng County • Huoqiu County • Jinzhai<br />

County • Jinzhai County Modern Industry Park • Huoshan County • Huoshan Economic<br />

Development Zone, Hengshan Industry Park, Gaoqiaowan Industry Park and Huoshan<br />

County's Towns • Chuzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Chahe Industrial Park • Quanjiao County •<br />

Laian County • Laian County's Economic Development Zone • Mingguang <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Tianchang <strong>City</strong> • Dingyuan County's Central Area and Industrial Park • Dingyuan County<br />

(West to the 101 Provincial Road Except Dingcheng Town) • Dingyuan Salt Chemical<br />

Industrial Park • Fengyang County • Huai'nan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Anhui Maoji Nantional<br />

Sustainable Development <strong>of</strong> Experimentation Area • Fengtai County's Central Area, Xinji<br />

Town • Shouxian County • Bengbu <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Huaiyuan County's Central Area •<br />

Bengbu Tianhe Technology Park • Huaiyuan County Economic & Technology Zone •<br />

Wuhe County • Wuhe County Mohekou Industrial Zone • Guzhen County's Central Area •<br />

Guzhen County Economic Development Zone • Fuyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Fuyang Hefei<br />

Modern Industry Park • Funan County • Yingshang County • Yingshang County Economy<br />

Development Zone • Linquan County, Linquan Industrial Park • Taihe County Central<br />

Area, Economic Development Zone • Taihe County's Economic Development Zone •<br />

Jieshou <strong>City</strong> • Jieshou <strong>City</strong> Yawang Economic Industry Zone • Huaibei <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Huaibei <strong>City</strong> Duanyuan Industry Park • Suixi County, Suixi Economic Development Zone<br />

• Suzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area (South to the Bianhe River and Suma Industy Park) • Suzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area (North to the Bianhe River and Fuli Town) • Suzhou <strong>City</strong> Economic<br />

Development Zone • Suzhou Circular Economy Zone, Suzhou Yongqiao Economic<br />

Development Zone • Xiaoxian County's Central Area • Xiaoxian County Economic<br />

Development Zone • Dangshan County • Lingbi County • Suzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Sixian County •<br />

Sixian County Development Zone • Bozhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Bozhou Wuhu Modern<br />

Industry Park • Woyang County • Lixin County • Mengcheng County • Anqing <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Susong County's Central Area • Susong County Linjiang Industry Park, Fuxing<br />

Town • Taihu County • Tongcheng <strong>City</strong> • Huaining County • Wangjiang County • Qianshan<br />

County • Yuexi County • Chizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Chizhou <strong>City</strong> Economic<br />

Development Zone • Qingyang County • Chizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Jiuhuashan New District •<br />

Chizhou Jiangnan Industrial Concentration Area • Dongzhi County • Shitai County •<br />

Tongling <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Zongyang County • Xuancheng <strong>City</strong>‘s Central Area,<br />

Economic Development Zone • Xuancheng <strong>City</strong>‘s Liqiao Economic Development Zone •<br />

Xuancheng <strong>City</strong>‘s Shuidong Town • Jingxian County • Ningguo <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area and<br />

Development Zone • Ningguo Port Ecological Industrial Park • Xinhang Town Economic<br />

Development Zone, Shijie Town • Langxi County • Guangde County • Ningguo <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Ningguo Economic and Technology Development Zone • Jixi County • Jingde County •<br />

Huangshan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Huangshan <strong>City</strong>'s Huizhou District • Huangshan <strong>City</strong>'s

2 • 附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong><br />

Huangshan District, Huangshan Industrial Park • Shexian County • Xiuning County •<br />

Qimen County • Yixian County • Macao Special Administrative Region • Beijing <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone (Yizhuang)<br />

Eastern Region • Pinggu District Dingfu New District • Pinggu District • Huairou District •<br />

Changping District • Beijing <strong>City</strong> Changping District's Beiqijia Town • Beijing <strong>City</strong> Daxing<br />

District's Yinghai Town • Beijing <strong>City</strong> Fangshan District's Yancun, Doudian, Liulihe and<br />

Zhoukoudian Towns • Miyun County • Yanqing County • Majuqiao Town Industrial Park •<br />

Ningde <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Fuding <strong>City</strong> • Fu'an <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Fu'an <strong>City</strong>'s Wanwu<br />

Economic Development Zone • Zherong County • Xiapu County • Zhouning County •<br />

Shouning County • Pingnan County • Gutian County • Fuzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Gulou<br />

District, Taijiang District, Jinan District) • Cangshan District Pushang Road North •<br />

Cangshan District Pushang Road South • Changle <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Jinfeng Town •<br />

Changle <strong>City</strong> (Except Central Area and Jinfeng Town) • North <strong>of</strong> Lianjiang County • South<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lianjiang County • Minhou County • Ningde <strong>City</strong>'s Luoyuan County (Central Area) •<br />

Ningde <strong>City</strong>'s Luoyuan County (Except Luoyuan Anran's Territory) • Yongtai County •<br />

Fuqing <strong>City</strong> • Pingtan County • Mawei District, Fuzhou Economic and Technological<br />

Development Zone • Fuzhou Railway Subsidiary Bureau • Minqing County • Nanping <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Nanping <strong>City</strong>'s Baxian and Xiadao Towns • Nanping <strong>City</strong>'s Shunchang<br />

County • Guangze County • Pucheng County's Central Area • Pucheng County's<br />

Ronghuashan Industry Park • Jianyang <strong>City</strong> Minbei Industry Zone (Tongyou) • Jianyang<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Jianyang District • Shaowu <strong>City</strong> • Zhenghe County • Jian'ou <strong>City</strong> • Sanming <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area • Sanming <strong>City</strong>'s Sanyuan Economic Development Zone • Sanming <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Jikou Novel Industry Park • Yongan <strong>City</strong> • Shaxian County's Central Area • Shaxian<br />

County Jingu Industrial Park • Haixi Sanming Ecological New <strong>City</strong> • Ninghua County •<br />

Mingxi County's Central Area • Mingxi County's Economic Development Zone • Youxi<br />

County • Jiangle County's Central Area • Jiangle County Jiangle Economic Development<br />

Zone • Sanming <strong>City</strong>'s Datian County • Sanming <strong>City</strong>'s Qingliu County • Sanming <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Taining County • Putian <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Xianyou County • Quanzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area<br />

• Shishi <strong>City</strong> • Nanan <strong>City</strong> • Huian County • Quangang District • Jinjiang <strong>City</strong> • Dehua<br />

County • Yongchun County • Anxi County • Xiamen <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Xiamen <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Xinglin Town • Xiamen Torch High-tech Zone Industrial Zone • Zhangzhou <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Zhangzhou China Merchants Group Economic Development Zone • Longhai <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area • Longhai <strong>City</strong>'s Longchi Development Zone • Zhangpu County • Jiaomei<br />

Industrial Development Zone, Longchi Development Zone • Changtai County • Yunxiao<br />

County • Hua'an County • Hua'an County Industry Zone Jiulong Industry Park • Pinghe<br />

County Huangjing Industry Zone • Pinghe County • Dongshan County • Zhangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Zhao'an County • Nanjing County's Central Area • Nanjing County's Jingcheng New<br />

District • Nanjing County High & New Technology Industry Park • Zhangzhou <strong>City</strong> Gulei<br />

Port Economic Development Zone • Zhangzhou Changshan Huaqiao Economic<br />

Development Zone • Longyan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Longyan Economic Development Zone<br />

• Longyan <strong>City</strong>'s Yongding District • Shanghang County's Previous Central Area •<br />

Shanghang County's New Central Area • Changting County • Changting Tombarthite<br />

Industry Park • Zhangping <strong>City</strong> • Wuping County • Liancheng County's Central Area •<br />

Liancheng County's Industry Park • Jiuquan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Dunhuang <strong>City</strong> • Kazak<br />

Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Aksay • Jinta County • Yumen <strong>City</strong> • Guazhou County • Mongolian<br />

Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Subei • South <strong>of</strong> Jiayuguan <strong>City</strong>, Industrial Users • Jiayuguan <strong>City</strong><br />

Railway District • Zhangye <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Zhangye <strong>City</strong>'s Economic Pilot Park •<br />

Shandan County • Linze County • Jinchang Central Area • Yongchang County • Wuwei<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Minqin County • Tibetan Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Tianzhu • Gulang<br />

County • Lanzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Lanzhou New District, Yongdeng County • Lanzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong> Gaolan County • Lanzhou <strong>City</strong> Yuzhong County • Lanzhou <strong>City</strong> Xigu District •<br />

Lanzhou <strong>City</strong> Honggu District • Baiyin <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Eastern Part) • Baiyin <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area (Western Part) • Baiyin <strong>City</strong> Jintai County • Baiyin <strong>City</strong> Jintai County Zhenglu<br />

Industry Park • Jingyuan County • Pingchuan District • Huining County • Linxia <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Linxia County's Tuqiao Town • Linxia Yongjing County • Linxia Hezheng<br />

County • Linxia Kangle County • Guanghe County's Central Area, Sanjiaji Economic<br />

Development Zone • Jishishan County • Hezuo <strong>City</strong> • Xiahe County • Luqu County •<br />

Zhouqu County • Diebu County • Lintan County • Zhuoni County • Maqu County • Dingxi<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Dingxi <strong>City</strong> Lintao County's Economic Development Zone • Dingxi<br />

<strong>City</strong> Lintao County's Central Area • Dingxi <strong>City</strong> Min County • Longxi County • Tongwei<br />

County • Zhangxian County • Weiyuan County's Central Area, Huichuan Town • Tianshui<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Tianshui Wushan County • Gan'gu County • Qin'an County • Qingshui<br />

County • Zhangjiachuan Huizu Autonomous County • Longnan <strong>City</strong>'s Wudu District •<br />

Wenxian County • Tangchang County • Longnan <strong>City</strong>'s Xihe County • Longnan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Chengxian County • Longnan <strong>City</strong>'s Huixian County • Lixian County • Liangdang County •<br />

Pingliang <strong>City</strong>‘ Central Area • Lingtai County • Huating County • Zhuanglang County •<br />

Jingning County • Jingchuan County • Chongxin County • Qingyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Qingyang <strong>City</strong>'s Xifeng District • Zhenyuan County • Heshui County • Qingyang <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Huachi County • Qingcheng County's Central Area • Zhengning County • Shaoguan <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Wengyuan County • Shixing County • Nanxiong <strong>City</strong> • Qujiang District •<br />

Ruyuan Yaozu Autonomous County • Renhua County • Lechang <strong>City</strong> • Xinfeng County •<br />

Qingyuan <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Qingyuan High-tech Industrial Zone, Qingxin District's Taihe,<br />

Taiping, Shantang and Sankeng Towns • Qingyuan <strong>City</strong> Qingcheng District's Yuantan and<br />

Feilaixia Town • Qingyuan <strong>City</strong> Qingxin District's Binjiang Longjing, Heyun, Jingtan,<br />

Shitan, Foshan Chancheng (Qingxin) Industry Park • Yingde <strong>City</strong> Yinghong New <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Guangdong Shunde Qingyuan (Yingde) Economic Cooperation Zone • Yingde <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Qingyuan <strong>City</strong> Fogang County • Yangshan County • Lianzhou <strong>City</strong> • Lianshan Zhuangzu<br />

and Yaozu Autonomous County • Guangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Baiyun District •<br />

Guangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Zengcheng District, Zengcheng Economic & Technology Development<br />

Zone • Guangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Nansha District • Guangzhou <strong>City</strong> Huadu District's Central Area<br />

• Guangzhou <strong>City</strong> Huadu District's Timian, Shiling, Chini and Tanbu Towns • Guangzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong> Huadu District's Airport Development Zone • Guangzhou <strong>City</strong> Panyu District's Central<br />

Area • Guangzhou <strong>City</strong> Panyu District's Nancun, Hualong, Xinzao Towns, Nansha<br />

District's Dongyong, Dagang and Lanhe Towns • Guangzhou Economic and<br />

Technological Development Zone, Yonghe Economic Zone and the Science <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Guangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Conghua District • Dongguan <strong>City</strong> • Huizhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Boluo<br />

County • Dayawan Economic and Technological Development Zone • Longmen County •<br />

Shenzhen <strong>City</strong> • Zhaoqing <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Zhaoqing <strong>City</strong> Gaoxin District • Sihui <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Fengkai County • Guangning County • Huaiji County • Zhaoqing <strong>City</strong> High-tech Zone's<br />

Asia Aluminum and Asia Aluminum Industry Zone • Zhaoqing <strong>City</strong>'s Gaoyao District •<br />

Deqing County • Foshan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Gaoming District • Shunde District • Nanhai<br />

District • Zhongshan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Zhongshan <strong>City</strong>'s Xiaolan Town • Zhongshan<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Huoju Development Zone (Linhai Industry Park), Nantou, Huangpu, Nanlang,<br />

Tanzhou, Henglan, Dayong, Minzhong, Sanjiao, Dongfeng, Dongsheng, Busha,<br />

Sanxiang, Shenwan, Banfu and Guzhen Towns • Zhuhai <strong>City</strong>'s Xiangzhou District •<br />

Zhuhai <strong>City</strong>'s Western Area (Jinwan District, Doumen District and Gaolan Port Economic<br />

Zone) and Hengqin New District • Yunfu <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Xinxing County • Luoding<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Yunan County • Foshan (Yunfu) Industrial Transfer Industrial Park (Binjiang New<br />

<strong>City</strong>) • Yun'an County • Jiangmen <strong>City</strong> Jianghai District • Kaiping <strong>City</strong> • Jiangmen <strong>City</strong><br />

Xinhui District • Jiangmen New & High Technology Development Zone • Heshan <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Heshan <strong>City</strong>'s Hecheng Town • Enping <strong>City</strong> Shaohu Town's Haochang Industry Park •<br />

Enping <strong>City</strong> Dahuai Town's Liujiasong Industry Park • Taishan <strong>City</strong> Sijiu Town's<br />

Changlong Industry Park • Taishan <strong>City</strong> Guanghai Bay Industry Zone • Taishan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Guanghai Town • Yangjiang <strong>City</strong> Jiangcheng District • Yangjiang <strong>City</strong> Hailing District,<br />

Yangjiang New & High Technology Development Zone • Yangdong County • Yangxi<br />

County • Yangchun <strong>City</strong> • Maoming <strong>City</strong> • Maoming <strong>City</strong>'s Dianbai District • Gaozhou <strong>City</strong><br />

• Huazhou <strong>City</strong> • Xinyi <strong>City</strong> • Zhanjiang <strong>City</strong>'s Chikan District, Xiashan District, Zhanjiang<br />

Economic and Technological Zone, Mazhang District • Zhanjiang <strong>City</strong>'s Potou District •<br />

Lianjiang <strong>City</strong> • Zhanjiang <strong>City</strong>'s East Sea Island • Wuchuan <strong>City</strong> Huangbo Town's<br />

Zhongshan Development Zone • Leizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Leicheng, Xincheng and Xihu Areas<br />

(Including Wushi Industry Park, Shentang Industry Zone and Kelu Industry Zone) • Suixi<br />

County • Xuwen County • Shantou <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Jinping District, Haojiang District,<br />

Longhu District) • Shantou <strong>City</strong> Chenghai District, Chaoyang District • Shanwei <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Shanwei <strong>City</strong>'s Luhe County • Shanwei <strong>City</strong> Lufeng <strong>City</strong> • Shanwei <strong>City</strong><br />

Haifeng County • Guangdong Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone • Jieyang <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Puning <strong>City</strong> • Chaozhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Jingnan Industrial Zone • Chaozhou<br />

<strong>City</strong> Chaoan District • Chaozhou <strong>City</strong> Chaoan District's Fengtang Town, Ancun Helong<br />

Industry Park • Chaozhou <strong>City</strong> Xiangqiao and Fengxi Districts, Chaoan District's<br />

Dengtang, Guxiang, Longhu, Fuyang, Dongfeng, Jiangdong and Caitang Towns •<br />

Chaozhou <strong>City</strong> Fengxi District • Chaozhou <strong>City</strong> Raoping County • Qitou Industrial Zone •<br />

Chaozhou <strong>City</strong> Fuyang, Longhu and Dongfeng Town • Meizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Meizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Meixian District • Guangzhou (Meizhou) Industry Migration Zone • Wuhua<br />

County • Dapu County's Central Area • Dapu County's Gaobei, Taoyuan and Guangde<br />

Industry Park • Fengshun County • Pingyuan County • Jiaoling County's Central Area •<br />

Meizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Jiaohua Industry Park • Meizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Xingning <strong>City</strong> • Heyuan <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area, Dongyuan County Central Area and Hudieling Industry Park • Lianping<br />

County • Heyuan <strong>City</strong>'s Gaoxin District • Heyuan <strong>City</strong>'s Jiangdong New District •<br />

Dongyuan County's Silicon Industry Park • Dongyuan County's Luohu Town Novel<br />

Construction Material Base • Heping County, Fuhe Industry Park • Longchuan County •<br />

Wuzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Wuzhou <strong>City</strong> Industry Park • Wuzhou <strong>City</strong> Imported Recycling<br />

Resources Process Industry Park • Wuzhou <strong>City</strong> Yue-Gui Cooperation Trial Zone •<br />

Wuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Longyu District's Central Area (Former Cangwu County's Central Area) •<br />

Wuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Stainless Steel Industry Park • Wuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Teng County • Cenxi <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Mengshan County • Hezhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Hezhou Pinggui District, Hezhou Yue-Gui<br />

County Economy Industry Cooperation Trial Zone • Zhongshan County • Zhaoping<br />

County • Guigang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Pingnan County's Central Area • Guiping <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Yulin <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Bobai County • Beiliu <strong>City</strong> • Yulin <strong>City</strong>'s Rongxian County • Yulin<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Luchuan County • Yulin <strong>City</strong>'s Xingye County • Guilin <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Guilin<br />

State High & New Technology Development Zone • Lingchuan County • Xingan County •<br />

Lingui County • Pingle County • Ziyuan County • Lipu County • Yongfu County's Suqiao<br />

Economic Development Zone • Guanyang County • Yangshuo County • Yongfu County •<br />

Liuzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Liuzhou <strong>City</strong> Liudong New District • Luzhai County • Sanjiang<br />

Tongzu Autonomous County • Rongshui Miaozu Autonomous County • Laibin <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Heshan <strong>City</strong> • Wuxuan County • Xincheng County • Xiangzhou County • Nanning<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • The ASEAN Economic Development Zone • Nanning <strong>City</strong>'s Wuming<br />

District • Mashan County • Longan County • Hengxian County • Heng County Liujing<br />

Industry Park • Nanning's Binyang County • Shanglin County • Chongzuo <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Chongzuo <strong>City</strong>'s Tiandeng County • Fusui County • Longzhou County • Pingxiang <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Chongzuo <strong>City</strong>'s Daxin County • Qinzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Qinzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Qinzhou<br />

Port, Petrochemical Industry Park • Lingshan County • Beihai <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Hepu<br />

County • Fangchenggang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Wuhan Steel Fangchenggang Base •<br />

Fangchenggang Dongxing <strong>City</strong> • Fangchenggang Shangsi County • Hechi <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Jinchengjiang District • Dahua Yaozu Autonomous County • Du'an Yaozu Autonomous<br />

County • Donglan County • Luocheng Mulaozu Autonomous County • Bama Yaozu<br />

Autonomous County • Fengshan County • Huanjiang Maonanzu Autonomous County •<br />

Hechi <strong>City</strong>'s Yizhou <strong>City</strong> • Nandan County • Baise <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Guangxi Baise<br />

Industry Park • Baise <strong>City</strong>'s Tianlin County • Leye County • Jingxi <strong>City</strong> • Lingyun County •<br />

Xilin County • Longlin Gezu Autonomous County • Baise <strong>City</strong>'s Napo County • Pingguo<br />

County's Central Area • Pingguo County Industrial Zone • Tianyang County's Central<br />

Area, Eastern Industry Park • Baise Xinshan Industry Park • Tiandong County's Central<br />

Area, Guangxi Tiandong Petrochemical Industry Park • Baise <strong>City</strong>'s Debao County •<br />

Guiyang <strong>City</strong> • Guiyang <strong>City</strong>'s Xiuwen County • Qingzhen <strong>City</strong>, Guizhou Qingzhen<br />

Economic Development Zone • Kaiyang County • Guiyang <strong>City</strong>'s Xifeng County • Guizhou<br />

Gui-An New District • Zunyi <strong>City</strong> Huichuan District • Zunyi County • Zunyi County's<br />

Shangji Town (Zunyi Alumina Plant) • Guizhou Heping (Yaxi) Economic Development<br />

Zone (Leshan, Shiban, Fengxiang, Banshui, Mati, Yaxi, Pingzheng and Hongguan<br />

Towns) • Tongzi County • Renhai <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Renhuai <strong>City</strong> Wine Industrial Park<br />

• Xishui County's Central Area • Xishui County's Alcohol Industry Park • Xishui County's<br />

Xianyuan Town • Suiyang County's Central Area • Suiyang County's Industry Park and<br />

Economic Development Zone • Honghuagang District • Zheng'an County • Yuqing<br />

County's Central Area • Daozhen Yilao and Miaozu Autonomous County • Chishui <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Meitan County • Fenggang County • Wuchuan County • Bijie <strong>City</strong>'s Qixingguan District,<br />

Shuangshan New District • Bijie <strong>City</strong>'s Bailidujuan Tourism Zone • Bijie <strong>City</strong> Shuangshan<br />

Development Zone • Jinsha County's New District, Waizhai Equipment Manufacture<br />

Zone, Dashui Industry Park and Lengshuihe Tourism Zone • Jinsha County's Original<br />

Central Area • Dafang County Downtown • Dafang County Drug & Food Industry Park,<br />

Shunde, Jinlong and Yuchong Industry Park • Hezhang County's Original Central Area •<br />

Hezhang County's Western Central Area • Qianxi County • Weining Yizu, Huizu and<br />

Miaozu Autonomous County's Central Area • Weining Yizu, Huizu and Miaozu<br />

Autonomous County's Industry Park • Nayong County • Liupanshui <strong>City</strong> Central Area,<br />

Fenghuang New District • Liupanshui <strong>City</strong> Hongqiao New District • Liuzhi Special District<br />

• Anshun <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Anshun <strong>City</strong> Pingba District • Puding County • Guanling Buyi<br />

and Miaozu Autonomous County • Xingyi <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Jinglong County • Xingren<br />

County's Central Area • Xingren County's Baide Town • Ceheng County • Zhenfeng<br />

County • Anlong County • Pu'an County • Wangmo County • Duyun <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Duyun <strong>City</strong>'s Economic Development Zone • Guiding County's Central Area • Guizhou<br />

Changming Economic Development Zone • Weng'an County • Weng'an County<br />

Economic Development Zone • Huishui County's Central Area, Guizhou Huishui<br />

Economic Development Zone • Changshun County's Central Area • Changshun County's<br />

Guangshun Town • Pingtang County • Dushan County • Longli County • Fuquan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area • Fuquan <strong>City</strong> Economic Development Zone • Libo County • Luodian County<br />

• Sandu Shuizu Autonomous County • Kaili <strong>City</strong> • Kaili <strong>City</strong> Economic Development Zone<br />

• Zhenyuan County • Sansui County • Rongjiang County • Leishan County • Huangping<br />

County • Cengong County • Congjiang County • Liping County • Jingping County • Jianhe<br />

County • Tianzhu County's Central Area • Tongren <strong>City</strong> • Songtao Miaozu Autonomous<br />

County • Songtao Miaozu Autonomous County Surburban • Yanhe County • Sinan<br />

County's Central Area • Sinan County's Shuangtang New District, Sizhou New District,<br />

Shaojiaqiao, Tangtou, Sunjiaba and Xujiaba Towns • Dejiang County • Yinjiang County •

附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong> • 3<br />

Tongren Shiqian County • Tongren <strong>City</strong>'s Wanshan District • Yuping Tongzu Autonomous<br />

County • Haikou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Haikou <strong>City</strong> Meilan District's Yanfeng Town • Sanya<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Dongfang <strong>City</strong> • Hainan Yangpu Economic Development Zone •<br />

Danzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (Nada Town) • Danzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Binhai New Area • Chengmai<br />

County Laocheng Economic Development Zone • Ding'an County • Qionghai <strong>City</strong>'s Jiaji<br />

Town, Bo'ao Town • Wanning <strong>City</strong>'s Xinglong Town • Wanning <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area,<br />

Shenzhou Peninsula • Ledong Lizu Autonomous County • Lingshui Lizu Autonomous<br />

County • Qiongzhong County • Baoting Lizu and Miaozu Autonomous County •<br />

Wenchang <strong>City</strong> • Lin'gao County's Central Area • Tunchang County • Changjiang Lizu<br />

Autonomous County's Shilu Town, Qiziwan Tourism Zone • Zhangjiakou <strong>City</strong>'s Central<br />

Area, Zhangjiakou <strong>City</strong> Agglomeration • Zhangjiakou <strong>City</strong>'s Xuanhua District •<br />

Zhangjiakou Xuanhua County • Yangyuan County • Huailai County's Central Area •<br />

Huailai County's Suburban Towns • Huailai County's Guanting and Xiaonanxinbao Towns<br />

• Zhuolu County • Zhuolu County Industrial Zone • Zhuolu County Science and<br />

Technology Park • Wanquan County • Wanquan County Economic Development Zone,<br />

Zhangjiakou Industry Zone (Wanquan) • Zhangbei County's Central Area • Zhangbei<br />

County's Industry Park • Chicheng County • Kangbao County • Shangyi County • Chabei<br />

Management Area • Saibei Management District • Chongli County • Huai'an County •<br />

Guyuan County • Weixian County • Zhangjiakou <strong>City</strong>'s Xiahuayuan District • Chengde<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Chengde <strong>City</strong>'s Luanping County • Chengde County • Pingquan<br />

County • Chengde <strong>City</strong> Shuangqiao District's Fengyingzi Town • Weichang Mongolia and<br />

Manchu Autonomous County • Fengning Manchu Autonomous County • Xinglong County<br />

• Kuangcheng Manchu Autonomous County • Longhua County • Qinhuangdao <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area, Shanhaiguan District, Beidaihe District • Qinhuangdao <strong>City</strong> Economic and<br />

Technological Development Zone • Shanhaiguan District Lin'gang Industry Park •<br />

Qinhuangdao <strong>City</strong> Funing District • Qinhuangdao <strong>City</strong> Funing District's Du Zhuang<br />

Industrial Park • Changli County • Qinxi Industrial Park, Changli Park • Lulong County •<br />

Western Qinhuangdao Industry Zone's Lulong Industry Park • Qinglong Manchu<br />

Autonomous County • Tangshan <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Fengrun District • Tangshan New &<br />

High Technology Industry Zone • Tangshan Hangu District's Central Area, Hanfeng<br />

Industry Park • Tangshan Hangu District Linjin Industry Zone • Tangshan Lutai Economic<br />

and Technology Development Zone • Tangshan Nanpu Economic Development Zone •<br />

Tangshan <strong>City</strong>'s Ca<strong>of</strong>eidian District (Private Economy Development Zone) • Tangshan<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Ca<strong>of</strong>eidian Industry Zone • Ca<strong>of</strong>eidian International Eco <strong>City</strong> • Tangshan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Ca<strong>of</strong>eidian District (Central Area) • Ca<strong>of</strong>eidian Small and Medium Business Park •<br />

Ca<strong>of</strong>eidian Industry Zone Comprehensive Bonded Zone • Qian'an <strong>City</strong> Hedong District •<br />

Qian'an <strong>City</strong> Hexi District • Zunhua <strong>City</strong> • Luanxian Industrial Park and Development<br />

Zone • Luanxian <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Qianxi County • Laoting County • Laoting New<br />

District, Laoting County Lingang Industrial Zone • Laoting County's Changlu Daqinghe<br />

Saltern • Luannan County • Luannan County steel shovels Industrial Park • Tangshan<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Fengnan District • Fengnan Coastal Industrial Zone • Yutian County • Yutian<br />

County • Langfang <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Langfang Development Zone • Langfang Dachang<br />

County • Langfang Xianghe County • Jingdong (Xianghe) Environment Protection<br />

Industry Park • Langfang Sanhe <strong>City</strong> • Langfang Sanhe <strong>City</strong>'s Yanjiao Development Zone<br />

• Langfang Gu'an County • Yongqing County • Yongqing County Industry Zone • Bazhou<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Kangxianzhuang Town • Bazhou <strong>City</strong>'s Shengfang and Xin'an Towns<br />

• Bazhou <strong>City</strong>'s Yangfengang Jin'gang Industry Park • Dacheng County's Central Area •<br />

Dacheng County's Dacheng Industry Park, Suburban Towns • Langfang <strong>City</strong>'s Anci<br />

Industrial Park • Wen'an County • Wen'an County Xinzhen • Wen'an County<br />

Xinglonggong Town • Baoding <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Baoding Hi-tech Industrial<br />

Development Zone • Zhuozhou <strong>City</strong> • Zhuozhou Economic Development Zone • Gaoyang<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Dingzhou <strong>City</strong> • Yixian County • Laiyuan County • Laishui County • Laishui County<br />

Yi'an Town's Industry User (Hebei Shuntian Electrode Company) • Gaopidian <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Gaopidian <strong>City</strong> Baigou New District • Dingxing County • Xushui County • Qingyuan<br />

County • Baoding <strong>City</strong>'s Mancheng District • Wangdu County • Tangxian County • Quyang<br />

County • Fuping County • Anguo <strong>City</strong>'s Northern Part (Areas North to the Yaohua Road) •<br />

Anguo <strong>City</strong>'s Southern Part (Areas South to the Yaohua Road) • Anguo <strong>City</strong>'s Traditional<br />

Chinese Medicine Industry Part (North Park) • Baoding <strong>City</strong>'s Boye County • Lixian<br />

County Central Area, Development Zone, Rubber Industry Zone and Fur Leather Industry<br />

Zone • Lixian County Industry Zone • Anxin County • Anxin County Color Metal Logistics<br />

Center • Xiongxian County • Shunping County • Rongcheng County • Cangzhou <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Cangzhou <strong>City</strong> Economic and Technological Development Zone •<br />

Cangzhou <strong>City</strong> High and New Technology Development Zone • Cangxian County • Nanpi<br />

County • Huanghua <strong>City</strong> • Huanghua <strong>City</strong>'s Huanghua Port Development Zone •<br />

Cangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Bohai New District • Cangzhou Lin'gang Economic & Technology<br />

Development Zone's Zhongjie Industry Park • Suning County • Xianxian County's Central<br />

Area • Xianxian County Economic Development Zone • Xianxian County's Suburban<br />

Towns • Dongguagn County • Hejian <strong>City</strong> • Renqiu <strong>City</strong> • Qingxian County • Botou <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Wuqiao County • Mengcun Hui Autonomous County • Mengcun Hui Autonomous County<br />

Dingzhuangzi Industry Park, Songzhuangzi Industry Park • Yanshan County • Haixing<br />

County, Haixing Economic Development Zone • Nanda Management Area • Hengshui<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Zaoqiang County • Zaoqiang County (Central Area) • North <strong>of</strong><br />

Hengshui Economic Development Zone • Hengshui <strong>City</strong>'s Taocheng District Economic<br />

Development Zone • Hengshui <strong>City</strong>'s Taocheng District, Zhaojiaquan Industry Park •<br />

Fucheng County • Wuyi County • Wuqiang County • Jizhou Economic Development Zone<br />

• Jizhou <strong>City</strong> • Gucheng County's Central Area • Gucheng County's Suburban Towns •<br />

Jingxian County • Shenzhou <strong>City</strong> • Raoyang County • Anping County • Hengshui <strong>City</strong><br />

Wuzhou, Dushixinju Residential Districts, Gucheng County's Di'aojiayuan Residential<br />

District • Shijiazhuang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Shijiazhuang <strong>City</strong>'s Luquan District •<br />

Shijiazhuang Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone • Shijiazhuang <strong>City</strong> Northwestern<br />

Region • Shijiazhuang <strong>City</strong> Southern Industry Zone • Shijiazhuang Chemical Industry<br />

Park • Jingxing County • Jingxing Mine District • Xingtang County's New District and<br />

Development Zone • Xingtang County's Original Central Area • Wuji County • Lingshou<br />

County • Shenze County's Central Area • Shenze County's Suburban Towns • Pingshan<br />

County • Pingshan Xibaipo Industrial Park • Xinle <strong>City</strong> • Shijiazhuang <strong>City</strong>'s Gaocheng<br />

District • Zhengding County • Jinzhou <strong>City</strong> Dongcheng District • Jinzhou <strong>City</strong> • Jinzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Mayu Town • Xinji <strong>City</strong> • Gaoyi County Central Area • Gaoyi Chengdong Industrial<br />

Park • Gaoyi Shiliangzhuang Zinc Industry Park • Luancheng County • Zhaoxian County •<br />

Zanhuang County • Yuanshi County • Luquan <strong>City</strong> • Shijiazhuang <strong>City</strong> Xinhua District's<br />

Napaxigu Residential Area • Xingtai <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Nanhe County's Suburban<br />

Towns • Nanhe County's Suburban Towns • Boxiang County's Central Area • Lincheng<br />

County • Renxian County's Central Area • Shahe <strong>City</strong> • Ningjin County • Ningjin County<br />

(Central Area), Sujiazhuang Town • Longyao County • Qinghe County • Xinhe County •<br />

Xinhe County (South to Shidai Road and Yingxiong Road) • Neiqiu County • Linxi<br />

County's Central Area • Linxi County's Suburban Towns • Nangong <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Nangong <strong>City</strong>'s Suburban Towns • Julu County's Central Area • Julu County Economic<br />

Development Zone • Julu County's Villages • Guangzong County • Weixian County •<br />

Pingxiang County • Handan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Handan <strong>City</strong> Development Zone •<br />

Handan <strong>City</strong>'s Matou Industry Park • Cixian County • Handan <strong>City</strong> Fengfeng Mining<br />

District's Central Area, Pengcheng Town, Sunzhuang • Handan <strong>City</strong> Fengfeng Mining<br />

District's Northern Suburban Towns • Handan <strong>City</strong>'s Feixiang County • Wuan <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Yongniang County • Quzhou County • Guangping County • Guangping County's Villages<br />

• Daming County • Weixian County's Central Area • Weixian County's Suburban Towns •<br />

Handan Linzhang County • Handan Jize County • Cheng'an County's Central Area •<br />

Cheng'an County's Suburban Towns • Anyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Shuiye Town • Anyang<br />

County • Tangyin County • Neihuang County, Neihuang Ceramic Industrial Park • Anyang<br />

<strong>City</strong> Huaxian County's Central Area and Industry Zone • Anyang <strong>City</strong> Huaxian County's<br />

Suburban Towns • Linzhou <strong>City</strong> • Hebi <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Heqi Industrial Agglomeration,<br />

Shilin Industrial Agglomeration Area • Xunxian County • Hebi <strong>City</strong>'s Qixian County •<br />

Puyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Puyang Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone • Puyang<br />

County • Puyang Fanxian County • Puyang Taiqian County • Qingfeng County • Nanle<br />

County • Xinxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Fengquan Industry Zone • Xinxiang County •<br />

Xinxiang County's Development Zone • Huojia County • Huixian <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Huixian <strong>City</strong>'s South Taihang Tourism Zone • Xinxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Pingyuan New District •<br />

Changyuan County • Fengqiu County • Yanjin County • Yanjin County Industry Zone<br />

Southern District • Yuanyang County • Xinxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Weihui <strong>City</strong> • Zhengzhou <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Zhengzhou Airport Zone • Zhengzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Shangjie District • Xinzheng<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Xinzheng <strong>City</strong>'s Xuedian Town • Xinzheng <strong>City</strong>'s Longhu Town •<br />

Gongyi <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Gongyi <strong>City</strong> (Except <strong>City</strong> Planning Area and Yulian Industrial<br />

Park) • Gongyi <strong>City</strong>'s Kangdian Town • Gongyi <strong>City</strong> Industrial Cluster District • Xinmi <strong>City</strong><br />

Industrial Users • Xinmi <strong>City</strong> • Zhongmou County • Zhengzhou Zhongmou Industry Park •<br />

Dengfeng <strong>City</strong> • Dengfeng <strong>City</strong> Xuanhua Town • Luoyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Luoyang<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Jili District • Xin'an County's Central Area • Xin'an County's Wanshanhu Industry<br />

Park • Xin'an County Industrial Cluster District • Xin'an County's Suburban Towns •<br />

Yichuan County <strong>Gas</strong> Industry Base • Yichuan County's Central Area • Yichuan County's<br />

Suburban Towns • Yanshi <strong>City</strong> • Ruyang County • Yiyang County's Central Area, Industry<br />

Zone and Industry Users • Yiyang County's Suburban Towns • Songxian County •<br />

Luanchuan County • Luoning County • Luoning County's Central Area and Industry Zone<br />

North to the Luohe River • Luoning County's Industry Zone South to the Luohe River •<br />

Jiyuan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Jiaozuo <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Qinyang <strong>City</strong> • Xiuwu County • Boai<br />

County • Boai County Motou <strong>Gas</strong> Inudustrial Park • Boai County's Yangmiao Town •<br />

Mengzhou County • Mengzhou County's Nanzhuang Town • Wuzhi County • Wenxian<br />

County • CHALCO Zhongzhou Plant • Sanmenxia <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Sanmenxia <strong>City</strong><br />

Industry Park • Shaan County • Sanmenxia <strong>City</strong>'s Lingbao Eastern Industry Zone •<br />

Lingbao <strong>City</strong> • Shanxian County Industrial Zone, Mianchi County's Zhangcun Town •<br />

Mianchi County • Yima <strong>City</strong> • Sanmenxia Lushi County • Kaifeng <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Kaifeng County • Lankao County's Central Area • Lankao County's Industry Zone •<br />

Weishi County Gangwei New District, Xinwei Industry Park and Henan Weibei Science,<br />

Technology and Food Industry Park • Weishi County • Qixian County • Tongxu County •<br />

Shangqiu <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Yudong Logistics Industry Zone • Suixian County • Xiayi<br />

County's Central Area (Southern Section) • Xiayi County's Central Area (Northern<br />

Section) • Minquan County • Minquan County • Yucheng County • Ningling County's<br />

Central Area • Zhecheng County's Central Area • Zhecheng County's Suburban Area •<br />

Yongcheng County's Central Area and Industry Zone • Yongcheng County's Suburban<br />

Area • Zhoukou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Xiangcheng <strong>City</strong> • Luyi County • Xihua County •<br />

Dancheng County • Shenqiu County • Taikang County • Fugou County • Zhoukou Yellow<br />

River Flood Area Farm • Huaiyang County • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s Wugang <strong>City</strong> Central Area and Industry <strong>Zones</strong> • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Suburban Towns • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s Yexian County • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s Shilong<br />

District • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s Lushan County Central Area, Lushan County's Industry<br />

Zone • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s Lushan County Southern New District • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Jiaxian County, Anliang Industry Park • Pingdingshan <strong>City</strong>'s Ba<strong>of</strong>eng County Central<br />

Area, Ba<strong>of</strong>eng County Coal Industry Park • Ba<strong>of</strong>eng County's Industry Zone • Xuchang<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Dengzhuang New <strong>City</strong>, Xuchang County • Changge County •<br />

Xiangcheng County • Yanling County • Yuzhou County • Luohe <strong>City</strong> Central Area,<br />

Economic Development Zone and Industry Park • Wuyang County • Linying County •<br />

Zhumadian <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Shangcai County's Central Area and<br />

Industry Park • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Shangcai County's Suburban Towns • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong><br />

Suiping County's Central Area and Industry Park • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Suiping County's<br />

Suburban Towns • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Ru'nan County • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Xincai County's<br />

Central Area and Industry Park • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Xincai County's Suburban Towns •<br />

Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Biyang County • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Zhengyang County's Central Area and<br />

Industry Park • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Zhengyang County's Suburban Towns • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong><br />

Queshan County • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Pingyu County • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Xiping County's<br />

Central Area • Zhumadian <strong>City</strong> Xiping County's Suburban Towns • Xinyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central<br />

Area • Xinyang <strong>City</strong>'s Industrial <strong>City</strong> and Par <strong>of</strong> Pingqiao District's Wuli Industry Park •<br />

Luoshan County • Guangshan County's Central Area and Industry Zone • Guangshan<br />

County's Northwestern Suburban Towns • Guangshan County's Southeastern Suburban<br />

Towns • Huangchuan County • Gushi County • Xixian County • Huaibin County's Central<br />

Area and Industry Zone • Huaibin County's Western 10 Suburban Towns • Xinxian<br />

County's Central Area • Xinxian County's Xinji, Shawo, Wuchenhe, Suhe, Balipan,<br />

Huwan, Zhouhe, Doushanhe, Qianjin, Kafang, Guojiahe, Chendian, Jianchanghe, Sidian,<br />

Tianpu, Jinlanshan and Qiangshanhu Areas • Shangcheng County • Nanyang <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area, Yehe Industry Zone, Guanzhuang Industry Zone • Zhenping County •<br />

Fangcheng County's Central Area • Fangcheng County's Suburban Towns • Dengzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Tanghe County • Xinye County • Nanyang Nanzhao County's Central Area,<br />

Yunyang, Xiaodian and Liushan Towns • Nanyang Neixiang County • Nanyang Xichuan<br />

County's Central Area • Danjiangkou Reservoir Region (Xichuan County) • Nanyang Xixia<br />

County • Tongbo County • Ruzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Ruzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Zhifang, Xiaotun<br />

and Mangchun Towns • Jagdaqi District • Heihe <strong>City</strong>'s Aihui District • Nenjiang County •<br />

Beian <strong>City</strong> • Wudalianchi Scenic Area • Yichun <strong>City</strong>'s Yichun District • Yichun <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Wumahe District • Yichun <strong>City</strong>'s Xinqing District • Yichun <strong>City</strong>'s Jinshantun District • Jiayin<br />

County • Yichun Tieli <strong>City</strong> • Suihua <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Suihua <strong>City</strong> Beilin District's Dongfu<br />

Industry Park • Suileng Forestry Bureau Administrative Planning Area • Lanxi County •<br />

Mingshui County • Qinggang County • Zhaodong <strong>City</strong> • Anda <strong>City</strong> • Qing'an County •<br />

Hailun <strong>City</strong> • Qiqihar <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Qiqihar <strong>City</strong>'s Fulaerji District • Qiqihar <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Ang'angxi District • Qiqihar Longsha District • Qiqihar Nahe <strong>City</strong> • Qiqihar Nianzishan<br />

District • Qiqihar Meilisi Dawoer Zu District • Qiqihar Longjiang County • Qiqihar Fuyu<br />

County • Yi'an County Ceramic Industry Base • Daqing <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Zhaozhou<br />

County • Duerbote Mongolia County • Lindian County • Zhaoyuan County • Harbin <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Shuangcheng <strong>City</strong> • Shuangcheng <strong>City</strong> Xinxing Development Zone •<br />

Harbin Limin Economic Development Zone, Songbei District • Mulan County • Harbin<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Echeng District • Fangzheng County • Wuchang <strong>City</strong> • Binxian County, Binxi<br />

Development Zone • Tonghe County • Shangzhi <strong>City</strong> • Hanan New Industrial Park •<br />

Harbin Hanan Economic and Technological Development Zone's Central Area • Harbin<br />

Yanshou County • Harbin Bayan County • Mudanjiang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Hailin <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Ning'an <strong>City</strong> • Suifenhe <strong>City</strong> • Linkou County's Central Area • Linkou County's Zhenxi<br />

Industry Park • Suiyang Town, Dongning County • Dongning County's Central Area •

4 • 附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong><br />

Muling <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Muling <strong>City</strong>'s Xiachengzi Town • Jixi <strong>City</strong>'s Jiguan District •<br />

Jixi <strong>City</strong>'s Chengzihe District • Jixi <strong>City</strong>'s Jiguan New District • Mishan <strong>City</strong> • Hulin <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Qitaihe <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Jinsha New District and Economic Development Zone • Boli<br />

County • Shuangyashan <strong>City</strong>'s Jianshan District • Shuangyashan <strong>City</strong>'s Baoshan District<br />

• Shuangyashan <strong>City</strong>'s Sifangtai District • Shuangyashan <strong>City</strong>'s Lingdong District • Youyi<br />

County • Juxian County • Baoqing County • Raohe County • Hegang <strong>City</strong>'s Mining<br />

District, Xiangyang District • Hegang <strong>City</strong>'s Dongshan District, Gongnong District • Suibin<br />

County • Luobei County • Jiamusi <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Huachuan County • Huanan County<br />

• Tongjiang <strong>City</strong> • Tangyuan County • Fujing <strong>City</strong> (Jiamusi) • Baoquanling Farms & Land<br />

Reclamation Territory • Jiansanjiang Farms & Land Reclamation Territory's Qixing New<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Hongxinglong Farms & Land Reclamation Territory's Beixing Farm Development<br />

Zone • Hongxinglong Farms & Land Reclamation Territory • Xiangyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central<br />

Area • Xiangyang Nanzhang County • Xiangyang Yicheng <strong>City</strong>, Leihe Development Zone<br />

• Xiangyang Zaoyang <strong>City</strong> • Xiangyang Gucheng County • Xiangyang Laohekou <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Xiangyang Baokang County • Shiyan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Danjiangkou <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Wudangshan Area • Zhuxi County • Shennongjia Forestry District • Shiyan <strong>City</strong>'s Yunyang<br />

District (Central Area, Changling New District, Yunyangdao, Yangxi Town and Yangbei<br />

Town) • Zhushan County • Fangxian County's Central Area • Fangxian County's Qingfeng<br />

Town • Jinmen <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Jinmen <strong>City</strong>'s Zhanghe New District • Liangshan<br />

County • Liangshan County's Suburban Towns • Shayang County • Shayang County's<br />

Hougang Town • Zhongxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Zhongxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Huji Economic<br />

Development Zone • Jinmen <strong>City</strong>'s Qujialing Management Zone • Suizhou <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Suizhou Guangshui <strong>City</strong> • Suizhou Suixian County • Suizhou Qixing Group • Enshi<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Enshi Sankong Bridge, State Economic Development Zone, Jingui<br />

Avenue and Enshi Economic and Technological Development Zone • Enshi <strong>City</strong><br />

Baiyangping, Tunbao, Longfeng Town Xiangjia Village and Sanhe Village, Wuyang Offi ce<br />

Qiliping • Enshi <strong>City</strong>'s Baiguo, Shengjiaba and Bajiao Towns • Lichuan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area<br />

and Industry Zone • Lichuan <strong>City</strong>'s Suburban Towns • Xianfeng County • Xuan'en<br />

County's Central Area • Xuan'en <strong>City</strong>'s Suburban Towns • Laifeng County • Jianshi<br />

County • Badong County • Hefeng County • Yichang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Dangyang <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Yichang Development Xiaoting Park • Zigui County • Yichang <strong>City</strong>'s Yuanan County •<br />

Yidu County • Changyang County • Zhijiang <strong>City</strong> • Zhijiang Baiyang Industry Park •<br />

Wufeng County Yuyangguan • Wufeng County • Jingzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Gongan<br />

County's Central Area • Gongan County's Ouchi Town • Honghu <strong>City</strong> • Honghu <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Xintan New District • Songzi <strong>City</strong> • Songzi <strong>City</strong>'s Suburban Towns (Weishui, Lin'gang<br />

Industry Park, Liujiachang Towns) • Jianli County • Jiangling County • Shishou <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Tianmen <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Tianmen Industry Park, Yuekou Industry Park • Tianmen<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Suburban Towns • Qianjiang <strong>City</strong> • Xiantao <strong>City</strong>'s Northern Central Area (North to<br />

Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway) • Xiantao <strong>City</strong>'s Southern Central Area (South to<br />

Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway) • Xiantao <strong>City</strong> Maozui Town • Xiantao <strong>City</strong>'s Pengchang<br />

and Other 12 Towns • Xiaogan <strong>City</strong> Xiaonan District (Central Area) • Xiaogan <strong>City</strong><br />

Xiaonan District (Sancha, Pengxing, Wolong, Xiaogang, Dougang, Zhuzhan Towns) •<br />

Hanchuan <strong>City</strong> • Yunmeng County • Yingcheng <strong>City</strong> • Xiaogan <strong>City</strong>'s Anlu County •<br />

Xiaochang County's Central Area • Xiaochang County's Suburban Towns • Dawu<br />

County's Central Area • Dawu County's High-Speed Railway New District • Wuhan <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Wuhan <strong>City</strong> Economic & Technology Development Zone (Hannan District)<br />

• Wuhan <strong>City</strong>'s Hannan District • Wuhan <strong>City</strong>'s Wugang Jiangxia Base • Jiangxia District •<br />

Huangpi District • Xinzhou District • Wuhan <strong>City</strong>'s Xinzhou District (Zhucheng) • Wuhan<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Qingshan District • Wuhan <strong>City</strong>'s Donghu District, Chemical District, Beihu • Main<br />

Commercial Areas <strong>of</strong> Wuhan <strong>City</strong>'s Wuchang District, Hongshan District • Wuhan Donghu<br />

Development Zone • Wuhan Donghu Development Zone (Part) • Wuhan Chemical<br />

Industry Park • Caidian District • Xianning <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Xianning <strong>City</strong> Central Area<br />

(Northern G107 Road), Zishanhu Technology New <strong>City</strong>, Weijia Lin'gang New <strong>City</strong> • Chibi<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Xianning Jiayu County • Xianning Jiayu County's Panjiawan Town, Fanhu Industry<br />

Park • Xianning Jiayu County's Gaotieling Town • Tongshan County • Xianning Tongcheng<br />

County • Ezhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Hubei Gedian Economic and Technology<br />

Development Zone • Huangzhou District • Huangmei County • Luotian County's Central<br />

Area • Luotian County's Suburban Towns • Yingshan County's Central Area • Yingshan<br />

County's Suburban Towns • Tuanfeng County's Central Area • Tuanfeng County's<br />

Suburban Towns • Wuxue <strong>City</strong> • Xishui County • Qichun County's Original Central Area •<br />

Qichun County's Hexi New District, Ceramics Industry Park and Suburban Towns •<br />

Qichun County's Suburban Towns • Huangmei County Wuzu Town Development Zone •<br />

Hong'an County, Hong'an Economic Development Zone • Macheng <strong>City</strong> • Huanggang<br />

<strong>City</strong> Chemical Industry Park, Chencelou Town • Huangshi <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Daye <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Daye <strong>City</strong>'s Jinniu Town • Yangxin County's Central Area • Yangxin County's Suburban<br />

Towns • Yueyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Yueyang Economic Development Zone, Nanhu<br />

New District • Yueyang Nanhu Tourism Zone • Yueyang County • Yueyang County •<br />

Linxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Linxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Taokuang Subdistrict • Pingjiang County,<br />

Pingjiang Industrial Park • Yunxi District • Huarong County • Yueyang <strong>City</strong>'s Junshan<br />

District • Miluo <strong>City</strong> • Xiangyin County • Quyuan Management District • Changsha <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area, Wangcheng County Hedong Four Town, Liuyang Manufacturing Industry<br />

Base and Jinzhou Industrial Park • Ningxiang County, Ningxiang County Ningxiang<br />

Development Zone • Changsha County's Xingsha, Quantang, Xianglong, Muyun, Langli,<br />

Huanghua, Huangxing, Ganshan and Tiaoma Towns • Changsha County Ansha Industrial<br />

Park • Liuyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Liuyang Economic & Technology Development Zone<br />

(Previously Liuyang Biomedical Park) • Liuyang <strong>City</strong> (Southeast Part) • Changsha <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Wangcheng District • Xiangtan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Xiangtan <strong>City</strong> Yuhu District's<br />

Nanzhushan Town • Xiangxiang <strong>City</strong> • Xiangtan County's Central Area • Xiangtan Jiuhua<br />

Economic & Technology Development Zone • Shaoshan <strong>City</strong> • Zhuzhou <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area, Zhuzhou County • Zhuzhou <strong>City</strong> Yunlong Demonstration Zone • Zhuzhou <strong>City</strong> New<br />

District, Industrial Park • Zhuzhou County's Nanzhou New District • Liling <strong>City</strong> • Chaling<br />

County • Youxian County • Yanling County • Hengyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Nanyue<br />

District • Hengshan County's Central Area • Hengshan County's Norhern Suburban<br />

Towns • Hengdong County's Central Area, Shiwan Ceramics Industry • Hengdong<br />

County's Dapu Industry Park • Qidong County • Hengyang County • Hengnan County •<br />

Changning <strong>City</strong> • Leiyang <strong>City</strong> • Loudi <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Louxing District • Lianyuan <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Lengshuijiang <strong>City</strong> • North <strong>of</strong> Liudi <strong>City</strong> Lianshuihe, East <strong>of</strong> Xinxing Road • Shuangfeng<br />

County • Xinhua County • Shaoyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Xinshao County's Central Area<br />

• Xinshao County's Quetang Industry Park • Xinshao County's Chenjiafang, Tanxi,<br />

Jukoupu, Daxin Towns • Shaodong County Central Area • Shaodong County's Towns<br />

(Except Central Area) • Shaoyang County • Longhui County • Dongkou County • Wugang<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Xinning County • Chengbu Miaozu Autonomous County • Shaoyang <strong>City</strong>'s Suining<br />

County • Yiyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Yiyang <strong>City</strong> Datonghu District Hebazhen Industry<br />

Park • Yuanjiang <strong>City</strong> • Nanxian County • Taojiang County's Central Area • Taojiang<br />

County's Huishan'gang Town • Anhua County's Pingkou Town • Changde <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Changde <strong>City</strong>'s Dingcheng District • Changde <strong>City</strong>'s Xihu Management District •<br />

Jinshi <strong>City</strong> • Hanshou County • Anxiang County • Linli County • Lixian County • Taoyuan<br />

County • Shimen County • West Dongting Management Zone • Zhangjiajie <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Zhangjiajie Economic Development Zone • Wulingyuan District • Sangzhi County •<br />

Cili County • Jishou <strong>City</strong> • Longshan County • Luxi County • Fenghuang County's Central<br />

Area • Huayuan County • Baojing County's Central Area, Zhonglingshan, Innovation and<br />

Other Industry Parks • Huaihua <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Huaihua Industry Park • Jingzhou<br />

Miaozu Dongzu Autonomous County • Yuanling County's Central Area • Yuanling<br />

County's Qijiaping, Wuqiangxi, Maxipu, Shaojiwan Towns • Yuanling County Guanzhuang<br />

Chenzhou Industry Zone • Xinhuang Dongzu Autonomous County • Huitong County •<br />

Hongjiang <strong>City</strong> • Huaihua <strong>City</strong>'s Hongjiang District • Mayang Miao Autonomous County •<br />

Tongdao Tongzu Autonomous County • Xupu County's Central Area • Huaihua <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Chenxi County • Zhongfang County Industry Park • Chenzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Chenzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area (North to Shihu Avenue) and Wangxian, Qiaokou, Qifengdu,<br />

Matouling, Wulipai, Xujiadong Towns • Zixing <strong>City</strong> • Yongxing County • Rucheng County •<br />

Guiyang County • Guidong County • Anren County • Jiahe County • Linwu County •<br />

Yizhang County • Yongzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Lengshuitan District • Yongzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Lingling District<br />

• Xintian County • Jiangyong County • Shuangpai County • Qiyang County • Yongzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Ningyuan County (Central Area and Industry Parks) • Jianghua Yaozu Autonomous<br />

County • Yongzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Lanshan County • Changchun <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Changchun<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Airport Economy Development Zone • Changchun <strong>City</strong>'s Shuangyang District •<br />

Dehui <strong>City</strong> • Nong'an County‘ Central Area • Nong'an County‘ Helong Town • Changchun<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Jiutai District • Yushu <strong>City</strong> • Jilin <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Yongji County • Jiangnan<br />

National High-tech Industrial Park • Huadian <strong>City</strong> • Jiaohe <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Jilin<br />

Baishishan Forestry Bureau's Territory • Shulan <strong>City</strong> • Panshi <strong>City</strong> • Songyuan <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Qian Gorlos Mongolian Autonomous County • Changling County • Qian'an<br />

County • Fuyu <strong>City</strong> • Baicheng <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Yaonan <strong>City</strong> • Zhenlai County • Daan<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Tongyu County • Siping <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Lishu County's Central Area • Lishu<br />

County's Shijiabao, Guojiadian and Caijia Towns • Shuangliao <strong>City</strong> • Siping Automobile<br />

Industrial Park, Industrial Park • Hongzui Economic Development Zone • Liaoning Heat<br />

Exchange Equipment Industry Base • Lishu County Economic Development Zone,<br />

Guojiadian Development Zone, Huojiadian Economic Park • Gongzhuling <strong>City</strong>'s Central<br />

Area • Gongzhuling <strong>City</strong>'s Daling Town • Gongzhuling <strong>City</strong>'s Zhaoyangpo, Heilinzi, Taojia,<br />

Liufangzi, Dayushu and Xiangshui Towns • Siping <strong>City</strong>'s Tiedong District (Shanmen, Yehe<br />

and Shiling Towns) • Yitong Manzu Autonomous County • Siping Liaohe Farms & Land<br />

Reclamation Zone's Central Area (Gujiazi Town) • Liaoyuan <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Liaoyuan<br />

Economic Development Zone • Dongfeng County • Dongliao County • Tonghua <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area • Tonghua <strong>City</strong>'s Pharmaceutical Industry Park • Ji'an <strong>City</strong> • Tonghua County<br />

• Meihekou <strong>City</strong> • Huinan Economic Development Zone • Liuhe County • Baishan <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area, Fusong County Songjianghe Town's Changbai Mountain Tourism Zone •<br />

Fusong County's Songjianghe District • Fusong County's Fusong New <strong>City</strong> • Baishan<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Magnesium Industry Park • Jingyu County • Yanji <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Yanji <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

West New District, Airport Development Zone • Dunhua <strong>City</strong> • Antu County • Helong <strong>City</strong><br />

• Wangqing County • Tumen <strong>City</strong> • Longjing <strong>City</strong> • Huichun <strong>City</strong> • Huichun <strong>City</strong> Border<br />

Economic Cooperation Zone • Changbai Mountain (Chixi District) • Lianyungang <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area • Guannan County's Central Area, Bandao Lin'gang Industry Zone •<br />

Guannan Economic Development Area • Guanhe Peninsula Port Industrial Zone •<br />

Guanyun County • Donghai County's Central Area • Donghai County's Shilianghe,<br />

Baitabu Towns • Donghai County's Shanzuokou, Taolin, Hongzhuang, Shihu Towns •<br />

Lianyungang <strong>City</strong>'s Ganyu District Economic Development Zone, Ocean Economy<br />

Development Zone, Haizhou Bay Bio-technology Park, Jiangsu Zhewang Lin'gang<br />

Industry Zone • Lianyungang <strong>City</strong>'s Ganyu District • Xuzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Not<br />

Including Jiawang District, Chengnan Development Zone) • • Xuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Tongshan<br />

District (East <strong>of</strong> Beijing-Shanghai Railway, South <strong>of</strong> Zhujiang Road) • Xuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Tongshan District (West <strong>of</strong> Beijing-Shanghai Railway, North <strong>of</strong> Zhujiang Road) • Xuzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Tongshan District (Zhengji Town) • Xuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Jiawang District, Xuzhou<br />

Industrial Park • Pizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Nianzhuang Town Industry Park • Pizhou<br />

Novel and High Technology Development Zone, Chenlou Town • Pizhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Gangshang, Sihu, Zhouzhuang Xinglou Yanzibu Chahe Daizhuang Chefushan<br />

and Picheng Towns • Xinyi <strong>City</strong> (North and East to 323 Provincial Road) • Xinyi <strong>City</strong><br />

(South and West to 323 Provincial Road) • Xinyi <strong>City</strong>'s Wuxi - Xinyi Industry Park •<br />

Suining County • Peixian County's Central Area • Peixian County‘s Economic<br />

Development Zone • Xuzhou's Fengxian County Central Area • Xuzhou's Fengxian<br />

County Economic Development Zone • Suqian <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Suqian <strong>City</strong> Yanghe<br />

New District, Sucheng District Urban and Rural Integration Experiment Zone • Shuyang<br />

County • Siyang County Central Area • Hubin New <strong>City</strong> Development Zone • Sihong<br />

County • Huaian <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Huai'an Salt and Alkali Industry Park • Huaian <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Airport Industry Park • Huaian Industrial Park • Huai'an District (Formerly Chuzhou<br />

District) • Huai'an District's Songji, Shunhe, Qin'gong, Jiaoling, Suzui Towns • Huaian<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Huaiyin District (Dingji Town) • Jinhu County (Downtown) • Jinhu County Economic<br />

Development Zone • Lianshui County's Central Area • Lianshui County Economic<br />

Development Zone • Lianshui County's Hongyao Town • Xuyi County (Including<br />

Development Zone) • Xuyi County's Tianquanhu Tourism Zone • Xuyi County's Maba<br />

Town • Huaian <strong>City</strong>'s Hongze District • Yancheng <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Tinghu<br />

Development Zone and Yancheng <strong>City</strong> Development Zone • Yancheng <strong>City</strong>'s Yandu New<br />

District • Yancheng <strong>City</strong> Dafeng District's Central Area, Xinfeng and Xituan Towns •<br />

Yancheng <strong>City</strong>'s Dafenggang Economic Zone, Nanyang Town • Hu-Su Dafeng Industry<br />

Zone (Previous Dafenggang Guangming Industry Zone) • Dongtai <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Dongtai <strong>City</strong>'s Shiyan and Fu'an Towns • Sheyang County • Jianhu County • Jianhu<br />

County's Shanggang Town • Funing County (North <strong>of</strong> Sheyang River, East <strong>of</strong> Tongyu<br />

Road) • Funing County (South <strong>of</strong> Sheyang River, North <strong>of</strong> Changchun Road) • Funing<br />

County (New Planned Area, Including Aoyang Industrial Park, Development Zone, Jinsha<br />

Lake) • Funing County Donggou and Yilin Towns • Binhai County's Central Area • Binhai<br />

County's Coastal Industry Park, Binhai Port Economic Zone, Binhaigang, Binhuai and<br />

Batan Towns • Xiangshui County • Xiangshui Economic Development Zone (East to the<br />

Xuanyu River) • Xiangshui County's Guandong New Material Industry Park • Chenjiagang<br />

Coastal Economic Zone • Nantong <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Nantong <strong>City</strong> Economic and<br />

Technology Development Zone • Haimen <strong>City</strong>, Haimengang Industrial Zone • Haimen<br />

Port New District, Haiyong and Baochang Towns • Rugao <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Rugaogang Economic Development Zone • Tongzhou District, Binhai New Area, Wujie<br />

Ship Structure <strong>of</strong> core Industrial Zone • Qidong <strong>City</strong> (East to Dingcanggang, South to<br />

Yanjiang Road, West to Xiyuan Road, North to Highway) • Qidong <strong>City</strong> (Except CRC<br />

<strong>Gas</strong>'s Franchised Territories) • East <strong>of</strong> Haian County New State Road 204 • West <strong>of</strong><br />

Haian County New State Road 204 • Rudong County's Central Area • Rudong County<br />

Coastal Economic Development Zone • Jiangsu Yangkou Port Economic Development<br />

Zone (Lin'gang Development Zone) • Taizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Gaogang Core Area<br />

(Including Binjiang <strong>City</strong>, Kouan Industrial Park) • Gaogang District • Taizhou Economic<br />

Development Zone • Xinghua <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Zhuhong Town • Xinghua <strong>City</strong> Dainan<br />

Industrial Park • Xinghua <strong>City</strong> Economic Development Zone • Jiangyan <strong>City</strong> • Taixing<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Western Section • Taixing <strong>City</strong>'s Eastern Section (Huangqiao Town) • Jingjiang <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Yangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Gaoyou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Gaoyou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Huxi New District • Gaoyou <strong>City</strong>'s Economic Development Zone • Yangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s

附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong> • 5<br />

Jiangdu District Except Yanjiang Development Zone and Xiannv Town • Jiangdu District<br />

Yanjiang Development Zone • Yangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Jiangdu District (Xiannv Town) • Yizheng<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Yizheng <strong>City</strong> Automobile Industrial Park • Yizheng <strong>City</strong> Yangzhou<br />

Chemical Industrial Park • Yizheng Economic Development Zone • Yizheng <strong>City</strong>'s Maji,<br />

Yuetang, Chenji, Liuji, Xinji, Dayi Towns • Baoying County's Anyi and Wangzhigang<br />

Towns, Development Zone • Baoying County's Northern Suburban Towns (Sheyanghu,<br />

Xi'anfeng, Chaodian, Jinghe, Huangcheng and Shanyang Towns) • Baoying County's<br />

Xiaoguanzhuang Town • Baoying County Fanshui Town • Nanjing <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Nanjing <strong>City</strong>'s Gaochun County • Nanjing <strong>City</strong>'s Liuhe District, Pukou District • Jiangning<br />

District, Jiangning Development Zone • Lishui Development Zone, Yongyang Town and<br />

Nanjing Aviation Industrial Park • Nanjiing Lishui District's Gonglan Town • Nanjiing Lishui<br />

District Central Area • Nanjing <strong>City</strong> Lishui Development Zone Jinqiaozhen Industry Park •<br />

Nanjiing Lishui District's Dongping Town • Nanjiing Lishui District's Hefeng Town and<br />

Hefeng Industry Zone • Zhenjiang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Jurong <strong>City</strong> • Yangzhong <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Danyang <strong>City</strong> • Changzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Changzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Jintan District • Wujin<br />

District • Liyang <strong>City</strong> • Wuxi <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Luoshe Development Zone • Jiangyin <strong>City</strong><br />

• Yixing <strong>City</strong> • Suzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Suzhou Industrial Park • Suzhou Gaoxin<br />

District, Huqiu District • Changshu <strong>City</strong> • Changshu Economic and Technological<br />

Development Zone (Including Bixi New Area) • Taicang <strong>City</strong> • Taicang <strong>City</strong> (Sukuntai<br />

Expressway to the North) • Kunshan <strong>City</strong> • Kunshan <strong>City</strong>'s Original Downtown,<br />

Development Zone, the Northern Region and Western Ecological Living Area •<br />

Zhangjiagang <strong>City</strong> • Suzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Wujiang District • Jiujiang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Jiujiang<br />

County • Jiujiang <strong>City</strong>'s Riverside Industry Base • Lushan Mountain Tourism Zone •<br />

Lushan Mountain Xihai Tourism Zone • Jiujiang Economic Development Zone • Lushan<br />

District Chemical Industrial Base • Jiujiang County Chihu Industry Park • Ruichang <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Hukou County • Xingzi County • Dean County • Gongqing <strong>City</strong> • Yongxiu County, Yunshan<br />

Economic and Technology Development Zone • Xiushui County • Wuning County Wanfu<br />

Economic and Technology Development Zone • Duchang County • Jiujiang <strong>City</strong> Penze<br />

County • Jingdezhen <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Jingdezhen High-tech Industrial Park • Fuliang<br />

County • Jingdezhen <strong>City</strong>'s Sanlong Ceramic Industrial Park • Liping <strong>City</strong> • Nanchang <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Nanchang County • Xinjian County • Wanli District • Honggutan New<br />

District, Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone • Anyi County •<br />

Jinxian County • Yichun <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Gaoan <strong>City</strong> • Gao'an <strong>City</strong> Jiangxi Province<br />

Ceramics Industry Base • Gao'an Dacheng Changxi Culture Industry Park • Shanggao<br />

County • Yifeng County, Yifeng County Industry Park • Fengxin County • Jing'an County •<br />

Wanzai County • Fengcheng <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Fengcheng <strong>City</strong> Ceramics Industry Base<br />

• Fengcheng Industrial Park, Fengcheng Mining Bureau • Zhangshu <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Zhangshu <strong>City</strong> Industrial Park, Hexi District Township • Tonggu County • Xinyu <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area • Xinyu <strong>City</strong>'s Xiacun Industry Park • Fenyi County • Pingxiang <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Pingxiang <strong>City</strong> Development Zone Wanxin Pioneering Park, Shangli County • Luxi<br />

County • Shangli County, Shangli County Economic Development Zone • Shangli County<br />

• Lianhua County • Pingxiang <strong>City</strong>'s Xiangdong District • Fuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Fubei Industrial Park • Dongxiang County • Dongxiang County Economic Development<br />

Zone, Dongteng Industry Park • Lichuan County • Nancheng County • Fuzhou <strong>City</strong><br />

Guangchang County • Fuzhou <strong>City</strong> Chongren County • Fuzhou <strong>City</strong> Jinxi County •<br />

Fuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Le'an County (except Central Area) • Fuzhou <strong>City</strong> Le'an County's Central<br />

Area • Fuzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Yihuang County • Nanfeng County • Yingtan <strong>City</strong> Yuehu District,<br />

Xiabu District, Longgang New <strong>City</strong> • Guixi <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Guixi Copper Smelting<br />

Plant, Copper Dismantling Industry Park, Phosphorus Chemical Industry Base • Yujiang<br />

County • Shangrao <strong>City</strong> Xinzhou District, • Shangrao Economic Development Zone •<br />

Shangrao County • Shangrao County Chating Industry Park • Poyang County • Poyang<br />

Industry Park (Lutian) • Dexing <strong>City</strong> • Wuyan County • Wannian County • Yugan County,<br />

Huangjinbu Characteristic Industrial District • Yiyang County • Hengfeng County •<br />

Yanshan County • Guangfeng County • Yushan County • Shangrao Sanqingshan Tourism<br />

Zone • Ji'an <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Ji'an County <strong>City</strong> Area, Jian High-tech Industrial<br />

Development Zone • State Jinggangshan Economic and Technology Development Zone<br />

• Ji'an <strong>City</strong> Taihe County • Ji'an <strong>City</strong> Jishui County • Wan'an County • Wan'an County<br />

Industry Park • Jinggangshan <strong>City</strong> Xincheng District • Jinggangshan China <strong>City</strong> Industrial<br />

Park • Yongfeng County • Yongxin County • Suichuan County • Ji'an <strong>City</strong> Xin'gan County<br />

• Ganzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Zhanggong District, Ganzhou Development Zone, Sanjiang, Fenggang,<br />

Tankou and Tandong Towns • Ganxian County • Shangyou County • Ruijin <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Ganzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Longnan County • Ganzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Nankang District • Xinfeng County •<br />

Xingguo County • Yudu County • Ganzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Shicheng County • Dayu County •<br />

Dingnan County • Xunwu County • Anyuan County • Quannan County • Chongyi County's<br />

Central Area • Chongyi County's Suburban Towns • Huichang County • Ningdu County •<br />

Fushun <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Qingyuan County • Qingyuan County's Hongtoushan Town •<br />

Xinbin Manzu Autonomous County • Fushun Petrochemical New Area • Tieling <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Yinzhou District, Tieling Development Zone • Tieling <strong>City</strong>'s Xincheng District • Tieling<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Qinghe District • Kaiyuan <strong>City</strong> • Tieling Special Vehicle Manufacture Base • Tieling<br />

Economic Development Zone, Tieling Gaoxin District, Tieling Industrial Park • Tieling<br />

Dongbei Logistics Industry Park, Fanhe Town • Changtu County • Changtu County<br />

Industry Zone • Xifeng County • Tiaobingshan <strong>City</strong> • Shenyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Shenyang <strong>City</strong>'s Sujiatun District • Shenyang Coastal Economic Zone • Liaozhong<br />

County • Shengyang Metallurgy Industry Park • Xinmin <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area and Part <strong>of</strong><br />

Economic Development Zone • Xinmin <strong>City</strong>'s Hutai, Fahaniu, Qiandangbao Towns and<br />

Part <strong>of</strong> Economic Development Zone • Faku County • Faku County Ceramics Industrial<br />

Park • Kangping County • Shenyang <strong>City</strong> Yuhong District's Puhe Hot Spring Town •<br />

Liaoyang <strong>City</strong>'s Large Industrial Users Area • Liaoyang <strong>City</strong>'s Hongwei District, Hedong<br />

New <strong>City</strong> • Liaoyang <strong>City</strong>'s Baita District and Taizihe District • Liaoyang <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Gongchengling District • Liaoyang County • Dengta <strong>City</strong> • Benxi <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area •<br />

Benxi Manchu Autonomous County • Benxi <strong>City</strong>'s Nanfen District • Hengren Manchu<br />

Autonomous County • Benxi <strong>City</strong>'s Xihu District, Dongfenghu Industry Park • Panjin <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area (Excluding Oil Region) • Panjin <strong>City</strong> Oil Field Region • Panjin <strong>City</strong>'s Dawa<br />

District • Panjin <strong>City</strong> Liaobin Economic Zone • Panshan County (New Area) • Panshan<br />

County Gaosheng Economic Area • Anshan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Anshan <strong>City</strong>'s Dadaowan,<br />

Lingshan, Ningyuan Industrial Park • Anshan <strong>City</strong>'s Tanggangzi New <strong>City</strong> (Wangtai,<br />

Ganquan Towns) • Haicheng <strong>City</strong> • Haicheng <strong>City</strong> Houying Group Industrial Users •<br />

Haicheng <strong>City</strong>'s Pailou Town • Haicheng <strong>City</strong>'s Dongsi Management Zone • Tai'an County<br />

• Tai'an County Industrial Park • Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County • Jinzhou <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Jinzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone • Jinzhou Binhai<br />

New District • Linghai <strong>City</strong> • Linghai <strong>City</strong> Dayou Development Zone • Beizhen <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Jinzhou Goubangzi Economic Development Zone • Yixian County's Central Area • Yixian<br />

County's Qilihe Industry Park • Heishan County • Huludao <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Nanpiao<br />

District • Huludao Xingcheng <strong>City</strong>, Xingcheng Coastal Industry Zone • Jianchang County<br />

• Suizhong County • Suizhong County Binhai Economic Area • Yangjiazhangzi Economic<br />

Development Zone • Dandong <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Lingang Industrial Zone, Huangjinping<br />

Economic Zone • Fengcheng <strong>City</strong> • Fengcheng <strong>City</strong>'s Tongyuanbao Town • Donggang<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Donggang <strong>City</strong>'s Dagushan Economic Development Zone • Dandong Qianyang<br />

Economic Development Zone, Dandong <strong>City</strong> Environmental Protection Industrial Park •<br />

Dalian <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Dalian <strong>City</strong>'s Jinzhou District • Dalian <strong>City</strong> Lvshunkou<br />

District‘s Beihai, Shuangdaowan, Jiangxi Towns, Lvshun Economic and Technology<br />

Development Zone (North to the Shunle Street) • Zhuanghe <strong>City</strong> • Dalian <strong>City</strong>'s Pulandian<br />

District • Wafangdian <strong>City</strong> • Wafangdian <strong>City</strong> Changxingdao Lingang Industrial Park<br />

(Industry Zone) • Wafangdian <strong>City</strong> Changxingdao Lingang Industrial Park (General Zone)<br />

• Longmen Tourism Economic Zone, Taiping Bay Port Economic Zone, Hongyanhe<br />

Nuclear Power Cycle Economic Zone, Binhai Economic Zone, Wafangdian <strong>City</strong> Industrial<br />

Park • Dalian Huayuankou Economic zone • Dalian Bonded Area • Dalian Economic and<br />

Technology Development Zone • Qingshan Industrial Park, Jinzhou New District • Dalian<br />

Bay • Yingkou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • North <strong>of</strong> Yingkou Economic And Technology<br />

Development Zone • Yingkou Economic and Technological Development Zone in<br />

Southern New District, Binhai Industrial Zone, Lingang Industrial Zone, Marine Industrial<br />

Park, Haidong Industrial Park, Luan Industrial Park and Xiongyue Town, Hongqi Town,<br />

Lutun Zhen, Wang Hai Office • Dashiqiao <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Dashiqiao <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Nonferrous Metals (Chemical) Industry Park • Dashiqiao <strong>City</strong>'s Nonferrous Metals<br />

(Chemical) Industry Park (Jinqiao Section) • Gaizhou <strong>City</strong> • Yingkou <strong>City</strong>'s Laobian<br />

District, Yingdong New <strong>City</strong> • Yingkou <strong>City</strong>'s Bayuquan District (Novel Equipment Industry<br />

Park and Binhai Industry Park) • Yingkou <strong>City</strong>'s 5 New Districts • Fuxin Xihe District and<br />

Taiping District • Fuxin Xinqiu District • Haizhou District • Qinghemen District • Zhangwu<br />

County • Fuxin <strong>City</strong>'s Taiping District • Xinqiu District • Fuxin Mongolian Autonomous<br />

County • Chaoyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Chaoyang <strong>City</strong>'s New & High Technology Industry<br />

Zone • Harqin Left Wing Mongolian Autonomous County • Chaoyang County • Jianping<br />

County • Jianping County Ceramics Industry Park • Beipiao <strong>City</strong> • Lingyuan <strong>City</strong> • Baotou<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Guyang County, Guyang Jinshan Industry Park • Daerhang County •<br />

Tumedyou Qi • Liangcheng County • Baotou <strong>City</strong>'s Bayan Obo Mining District • Hohhot<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Tumedzuo Qi • Tuoketuo County • Wuchuan County • Horinger<br />

County's Shengle Economic Zone • Qingshuihe County • Hohhot Jinchuan Development<br />

Zone • Hohhot Saihan District • Hohhot Sha'erqing New District • Ordos Kangbashi New<br />

District • Ordos Dongsheng District • Wushen Qi • Hangjin Qi • Dalate Qi • Etuoke Qi •<br />

Etuokeqian Qi • Etuokeqian Qi's Shanghaimiao Town • Yijinhuoluo Qi • Wuhai <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Wuhai <strong>City</strong> Wuda Economic Development Zone • Bayannur <strong>City</strong>'s Linhe<br />

District • Dengkou County • Hangjinhou Qi • Wulatehou Qi • Wulateqian Qi • Wulatezhong<br />

Qi • Wuyuan County • Alashanzuo Qi • Alxa Wusitai Economic Development Zone,<br />

Wulanbuhe Industry Park, Bayin'aobao Industry Park, Jin'an District and Helan District •<br />

Alxa Tengri Economic & Technology Development Zone (Putaodun and Tengri District) •<br />

Ulanqab <strong>City</strong>'s Jining District • Chahar Youyiqian Qi • Chahar Youyihou Qi • Fengzhen<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Zhuozi County • Zhuozi County's Central Area • Zhuozi County's New District •<br />

Huade County's Central Area • Huade County's New District • Shangdu County •<br />

Liangcheng County • Xilinhaote <strong>City</strong> • Erenhot <strong>City</strong> • Zhenglan Qi • Xianghuang Qi •<br />

Taipusi Qi • Zhengxiangbai Qi • Duolun County • Abaga Qi • Ulgai Management Area • Xi<br />

Ujimqin Banner's Central Area (Balage'ergaole Town) • Ulanhot <strong>City</strong> • Tuquan County •<br />

A'ershan <strong>City</strong> • Zhalaite Qi • Horqin Youyiqian Qi • Hulunbuir <strong>City</strong>'s Hailar District •<br />

Hulunbuir Economic & Technology Development Zone • Manchuria <strong>City</strong> • Zhalantun <strong>City</strong><br />

• Ewenki Autonomous Qi • Chenbaerhu Qi • Xinbaerhuzuo Qi • Morin Dawa Daur<br />

Autonomous Qi • Yakeshi <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Yakeshi <strong>City</strong> Xing'an New District •<br />

Hulunbuir Arun Qi • Chifeng <strong>City</strong>'s Hongshan District, Songshan District, Baoshan District<br />

• Chifeng <strong>City</strong>'s Xincheng District • Ningcheng County • Balinzuo Qi • Keshenketeng Qi •<br />

Linxi County • Aohan Qi's Central Area (Xinhui Town) • Balinyou Qi • Ar Horqin Banner's<br />

Tianshan Town New District • Tongliao <strong>City</strong> Horqin District, Tongliao Development Zone,<br />

Tongliao Industrial Park • Nai Man Qi's Central Area (Daxintala Town) • Huolinguole <strong>City</strong>,<br />

Huolinguole <strong>City</strong> Industry Park • Huolinguole <strong>City</strong> • Kailu County • Kulun Qi • Horqin<br />

Zuoyizhong Qi • Horqin Zuoyihou Qi • Jarud Banner, Zaha Nur Industry Park • Yinchuan<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Ningdong Energy Chemical Base • Yinchuan Jinfeng District (Part) •<br />

Lingwu <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Lingwu <strong>City</strong> Ningdong Town • Helan County • Yongning<br />

County, Wangyuan Town • Yongning County's Yanghe and Shengli Town • Yongning<br />

County's Minning Town • Yinchuan <strong>City</strong>'s Binhe New District • Shizuishan <strong>City</strong>'s Dawukou<br />

District • Shizuishan <strong>City</strong>'s Huinong District • Shizuishan <strong>City</strong>'s Huinong District<br />

Hongguozi Town • Pingluo County's Central Area • Pingluo County's Bio-economy Zone •<br />

Shizuishan <strong>City</strong>'s Shahu Tourism Zone • Zhongwei <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Zhongning County<br />

• Guyuan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Guyuan Salt Chemical Industry Park • Pengyang County •<br />

Jingyuan County • Longde County • Xiji County • Wuzhong <strong>City</strong> Litong District • Wuzhong<br />

<strong>City</strong> Taiyangshan Development Zone • Wuzhong <strong>City</strong> Hongsibao District • Qingtongxia<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Qingtongxia <strong>City</strong> Qingtongxia Town • Yanchi County • Xining <strong>City</strong> Central Area,<br />

Economic Development Zone • Ganhe Inustrial Park • Huangzhong County • Huangyuan<br />

County, Dahua Industrial Park • Datong Huizu and Tuzu Autonomous County, Datong<br />

County's Beichuan Industry Park • Huzhu Tuzu Autonomous County • Ping'an County •<br />

Haidong <strong>City</strong>'s Ledu District • Minhe Huizu and Tuzu Autonomous County • Salar<br />

Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Xunhua • Longhua Huizu Autonomous County • Delingha <strong>City</strong><br />

Central Area • Delingha Industrial Park, Tao Wang Industrial Park • Golmud <strong>City</strong> • Ulan<br />

County • Dachaidan Management District • Dachaidan Management District's Yinmaxia<br />

Industry Park • Cold Lake Commission, Mangya Commission • Yushu <strong>City</strong>'s Jiegu Town •<br />

Menyuan Huizu Autonomous County • Menyuan Huizu Autonomous County Gedatan<br />

Industry Zone • Haiyan County's Xihai and Sanjiaocheng Towns • Gonghe County Central<br />

Area • Guide County • Tongde County • Dezhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Dezhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Tianqu Industry Park • Users alongside Qingyun - Dezhou Natural <strong>Gas</strong> Pipeline •<br />

yucheng <strong>City</strong> • Wucheng County • Xiajin County's Central Area • Xiajin County's<br />

Zhaozhuang, Songlou, Nancheng, Shuangmiao and Baimahu Towns • Dezhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Lingcheng District • Linyi County Downtown • Linyi County's Linpan, Linnan, Xinglong,<br />

Linzi and Deping Area • Pingyuan County's Central Area • Pingyuan County Economic<br />

Development Zone (West District) • Ningjin County's Central Area • Ningjin County's<br />

Economic Development Zone • Leling <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Leling <strong>City</strong>'s Suburban Towns<br />

• Qingyun County • Qihe County (Areas North to the Jin-Pu Railway) • Qihe County<br />

(Areas South to the Jin-Pu Railway) • Qihe Economic Development Zone • Binzhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area • Binzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Northeast Part) • Binzhou High & New<br />

Technology Industry Development Zone • Binzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Zhanhua District • Wudi County<br />

Economic Development Zone, Xigang Economic Zone, Wudi Xinhai Economic Zone,<br />

Lubei New High-tech Development Zone • Wudi County's Central Area • Yangxin<br />

County's Central Area • Yangxin County's Central Area (Part), Heliu, Laodian, Shuiluopo,<br />

Shangdian, Diwang, Wendian, Liupowu and Yanghu Towns • Zouping County<br />

Development Zone and the County Township • Zouping County Chengnan New District •<br />

Zouping County Central Area • Zouping County Changshan Town • Zouping County's<br />

Economic Development Zone, Linchi, Jiuhu, Taizi and Matou Towns • Huimin County<br />

Central Area • Huimin County New <strong>City</strong> Area, Huimin Economic Development Zone •<br />

Boxing County • Boxing County Economic Development Zone • Boxing County's<br />

Enterprise Users • Boxing County's Jingqiu Subdistrict Offi ce • Boxing County's Dianzi<br />

Industry Park • Binzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Beihai New District • Dongying Economic and<br />

Technological Development Zone • Dongying <strong>City</strong>'s Hekou District • Dongying Hekou

6 • 附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong><br />

Economic Development Zone • Lijin County • Lijin County's Binhai New District •<br />

Guangrao County • Guangrao County Economic Development Zone • Guangrao Binhai<br />

New District (Eastern to Dongba Road) • Guangrao Binhai New District (Western to<br />

Dongba Road) • Dongyinggang Economic Development Zone • Zichuan District Industrial<br />

Users • Zibo <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Yiyuan County • Zichuan District • Zichuan <strong>City</strong> Area •<br />

Linzi District • Boshan District • Outside the Region <strong>of</strong> Huantai County • Huantai County •<br />

Zhoucun District • Gaoqing County (East to Nan-Bei Road) • Gaoqing County (West to<br />

Nan-Bei Road) • Yantai <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Longkou <strong>City</strong> • Longkou <strong>City</strong> Nanshan<br />

Industrial Park, Donghai Industrial Park • Penglai <strong>City</strong> • Laizhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area,<br />

Laizhou Development Zone and Hutouya Town • Laizhou Tushan Yinhai Industry Zone •<br />

Laizhou Industrial Park, Jincang Street, Jincheng, Zhujiao, Pinglidian, Tushan, Shahe,<br />

Hutouya Towns • Laizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Yidao, Zhacun, Xiaqiiu and Guojiadian Towns •<br />

Zhaoyuan <strong>City</strong>, Zhaoyuan <strong>City</strong> Economic Development Zone • Zhaoyuan <strong>City</strong> Linglong<br />

Town Industry Park • Zhaoyuan <strong>City</strong> Binhai Science and Technology Industry Park •<br />

Qixia <strong>City</strong> • Laiyang <strong>City</strong> • Haiyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Development Zone, Bicheng<br />

District and Liugezhuang Nuclear Power Zone • Haiyang Tourism Resort • Haiyang <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Ershilidian, Panshidian and Xiaoji Towns • Weihai <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Weihai <strong>City</strong> (Part <strong>of</strong><br />

Economic & Technology Development Zone, Part <strong>of</strong> High & New Technology Industry<br />

Park, Part <strong>of</strong> Huancui District, Huancui Provincial Tourism Zone) and Rongcheng <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Chengshan Town • Rushan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Haiwan New District, Haiyangsuo and<br />

Rushankou • Rongcheng <strong>City</strong>'s Shidao, Chishan, Ninjin, Hushan, Shangzhuang and<br />

Renhe Towns • Rongcheng <strong>City</strong>'s Datuan Town, Tengjia Town and Nothern Region to the<br />

two towns • Weihai <strong>City</strong>'s Wendeng District Central Area, Nanhai New District and<br />

Gaocun Town • Jinhaiwan Industrial Park • Weihai <strong>City</strong>'s Nanhai New District • Weifang<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Weifang <strong>City</strong> Fangzi District • Weifang New & High Technology Zone<br />

• Anqiu <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Linghe, Guanzhuang, Shibuzi, Dazhen, Huiqu, Wushan and<br />

Zheshan Towns • Qingzhou <strong>City</strong> • Qingzhou Naoshan Economic Development Zone •<br />

Gaomi Economic Development Zone • Gaomi <strong>City</strong> • Changyi <strong>City</strong> • Changyi Binhai<br />

(Xiaying) Economic Development Zone • Changle County • Changle County (Western<br />

Part) • Shouguang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Shouguang <strong>City</strong>'s Yangkou Industry Park,<br />

Houzhen Industry Park • Shouguang <strong>City</strong>'s Taitou Industry Park, Chenming Industry Park<br />

• Shouguang <strong>City</strong>'s Dongcheng Industry Park, Beiluo Industry Park • Linqu County Area,<br />

Chengguan Street, Dongcheng Street • Outside the Linqu County Town, Street and<br />

Community • Zhucheng <strong>City</strong> • Weifang Binhai Economic Development Zone • Binhai<br />

Economic Development Zone, Houzhen Industrial Park, Yangkou Development Area •<br />

Qingdao <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Pingdu <strong>City</strong> • Pingdu <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (Part), Pingdu<br />

Xinhe Ecological Chemical and Technology Industrial Base, Huibu, Xinhe, Zhangshe,<br />

Magezhuang, Mingcun, Tianzhuang, Mencun, Baibu, Dianzi, Zhanggezhuang, Malan,<br />

Renzhao, Guxian and Yunshan Towns • Qingdao <strong>City</strong>'s Chengyang District • Qingdao<br />

Economic Development Zone, Huangdao District • Jimo <strong>City</strong>'s Tianheng Town, Tianheng<br />

Island, Aoshanwei and Wenquan Street • Laoshan <strong>City</strong>, Jimo <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area,<br />

Aoshanwei (Part), Wenquan Street (Part), Daxin, Jinkou, Lingshan, Lancun, Yifengdian<br />

and Duanbolan Towns, Provincial High & New Technology Zone • Jiaozhou <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Jiaozhou <strong>City</strong>'s New Central Area • Jiaozhou Economic & Technology Development<br />

Zone • Jiaonan <strong>City</strong> Area • Qingdao <strong>City</strong>'s Western Coastal District (East to Huanhai<br />

West Road South and South to Fenghe River), Dongjiakou Port Economic Zone •<br />

Qingdao Jiaonan • Jiaozhouwan Industrial Park, Taiwan Industrial Park, Haier Industrial<br />

Park • Laixi <strong>City</strong> • Liaocheng <strong>City</strong>'s Dongchangfu District • Liaocheng Development Zone<br />

(Eastern to the Zhonghua Road) • Linqing <strong>City</strong> • Guanxian County • Chiping County's<br />

Central Area • Chiping County's Boping, Hantun, Xiaoping, Hongtun, Laitun, Jiazhai,<br />

Yangtun Towns and Wenchen Street • Gaotang County Economic Development Zone •<br />

Gaotang County Central Area • Gaotang Shifeng Automobile Industry Industrial Park •<br />

Dong'e County • Yanggu County • Guyun Town, Dazhangjia Town and Shibalipu Town,<br />

Xinxian County • Xinxian County's Guyun Town Industry Park • Xinxian <strong>City</strong><br />

Area(Mengguan Road West, Hongtu Road South, Ganquan Road West, Xinfan Road<br />

West) • Xinxian <strong>City</strong> Area(Mengguan Road Eat, Hongtu Road North, Ganquan Road<br />

East, Xinfan Road East) • Jinan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Jinan <strong>City</strong> Western Area • Jinan<br />

<strong>City</strong> Licheng District Liubu Town, Jiyang County's Cuizhai and Sungeng Towns • Ji'nan<br />

Daqiao town and Sangzi Town Administrative Region (Including Ji'nan Chemical Industry<br />

Park, Queshan Longhu Area) • Jinan <strong>City</strong> Changqing District • Shanghe County's Central<br />

Area • Shanghe County's Downtown Industry Park • Jiyang County's Central Area •<br />

Jiyang County's Jibei Development Zone • Jiyang County's Cuizhai (Part) and Sungeng<br />

Towns • Jiyang County's Renfeng, Qudi, Duoshi, Xinshi and Taiping Towns • Pingyin<br />

County • Pingyin Industrial Park • Zhangqiu <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Zhangqiu <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Diaozhen, Xinxinzhai, Shuizhai, Gaoguanzhai, Huanghe, Xiuhui, Ningjiabu, Baiyunhu,<br />

Xianggongzhuang Towns • Zhangqiu <strong>City</strong> Shengjing Industrial Park • Tai'an <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Tai'an Dawenkou Gypsum Industrial Park • Xintai <strong>City</strong> • Ningyang County's<br />

Central Area • Ningyang Economic Development Area, Ciyao Town • Ningyang County's<br />

Huafeng Town • Feicheng <strong>City</strong> • Shiheng Town Industrial Park • Feicheng <strong>City</strong> High-<br />

Technology Development Area, Wangguadian Street Office, Hutun Town • Dongping<br />

County • Tai'an <strong>City</strong>'s Dongping International Logistics Zone, Dongping County's Towns •<br />

Laicheng District • Laifu <strong>City</strong>'s Gangcheng District • Laiwu Fengcheng Industry Park •<br />

Laiwu Kouzhen Industry Park, Gaozhuang, Niuquan and Dawangzhuang Towns • Jining<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Jining <strong>City</strong>'s Yanzhou District • Yutai <strong>City</strong> • Qufu <strong>City</strong> • Qufu New<br />

District • Zoucheng <strong>City</strong> • Jining Zoucheng Industry Park • Sishui County's Central Area •<br />

Sishui County's Suburban Towns • Weishan County • Liangshan County • Jinxiang<br />

County Dongcheng District and Nearby Towns • Jinxiang County Central Area •<br />

Wenshang County • Jiaxiang County • Heze <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (East to Guangzhou<br />

Road) • Heze <strong>City</strong> Development Zone • Heze <strong>City</strong> Central Area (West to Mudan Road,<br />

North to Zhonghua Road) and High-tech Zone • Heze <strong>City</strong> Mudan District's Gaozhuang,<br />

Lvling, Malinggang, Wanggaotun and Dahuangji Towns • Dongming County's Central<br />

Area • Dongming County's Southern Chemical Industry Park • Juye County's Central<br />

Area • Heze Caoxian New Material Industry Park • Heze Caoxian County's Central Area<br />

• Shanxian County Economic and Technology Development Zone • Dingtao County<br />

(Dingtao and Tutang Towns, Part <strong>of</strong> Chenji and Fangshan Towns) • Chengwu County •<br />

Yuncheng County • Juancheng County • Linyi <strong>City</strong>'s Lanshan District, Part <strong>of</strong> Luozhuang<br />

District • Gaoxin District, Luozhuang District West Industrial Park • Hedong District,<br />

Beicheng New District, Feixian County • Luozhuang District • Mengyin County • Yishui<br />

County • Yishui County Economic Development Zone • Yinan County • Tancheng County<br />

• Pingyi County • Junan County Dadian Industrial Park, Daokou, Lingquan,<br />

Banquanxiang Town, Junan Ecnonomic Development Zone • Junan county, Junan<br />

County Economic Development Zone • Lingang Economic Development Zone • Linshu<br />

County‘s Central Area, Qingyun Town • Linshu County Economic Development Zone •<br />

Linyi <strong>City</strong> Economic Development Zone • Lanling County (Cangshan County) • Rizhao<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Donggang District • Wulian County • Rizhao <strong>City</strong> North Economic Development<br />

Zone, Gaoze Town • Lanshan District • Juxian County's New Central Area and Suburban<br />

Towns • Juxian County's Original Central Area • Zaozhuang <strong>City</strong>'s Shizhong District,<br />

Yicheng District, Tai'erzhuang District, Xuecheng District, New & High Technology<br />

Development Zone • Tengzhou <strong>City</strong> • Zaozhuang <strong>City</strong>'s Shanting District • Zaozhuang<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Xuecheng Economic Development Zone • Zaozhuang <strong>City</strong>'s Tai'erzhuang District •<br />

Datong <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Tianzhen County • Yanggao County • Datong <strong>City</strong> • Hunyuan<br />

County • Zuoyun County • Guangling County • Lingqiu County • Datong <strong>City</strong> Xinrong<br />

District Carbon Industry Park (Machang Industry Park) • Shuozhou <strong>City</strong>'s Shuocheng<br />

District • Shuozhou <strong>City</strong>'s Pinglu District • Youyu County • Huairen County • Yingxian<br />

County's Central Area (Northern to the Sihuan Road), Yingxian New <strong>City</strong> • Yingxian<br />

County's Central Area (Southern to the Sihuan Road), Beicaoshan Development Zone •<br />

Shanyin County • Yangquan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Pingding County • Pingding County<br />

Industrial Park • Mengxian County • Xinzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Baode County •<br />

Yuanping <strong>City</strong> • Wutai County • Ningwu County • Shenchi County • Kelan County •<br />

Pianguan County • Wutai County • Jingle County • Dingxiang County • Fanshi County •<br />

Daixian County • Taiyuan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Taiyuan <strong>City</strong> South Central Area (Xuefu<br />

Street South Area) • Yangqu County, Taiyuan Industrial Park • Qingxu County • Gujiao<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Loufan County • Lvliang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Xiaoyi <strong>City</strong> • Fangshan County •<br />

Jiaokou County • Jiaocheng County • Wenshui County • Fenyang <strong>City</strong> • Linxian County •<br />

Liulin County • Zhongyang County • Lanxian County • Xingxian County • Shilou County •<br />

Jinzhong <strong>City</strong>'s Yuci District, Jinzhong Economic and Technology Development Zone,<br />

Yuci Industry Park) • Jinzhong <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Pingyao County • Qixian County •<br />

Taigu County • Jiexiu <strong>City</strong> • Lingshi County • Zuoquan County • Heshun County • Yushe<br />

County • Puyang County • Changzhi <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Changzhi County • Changzhi<br />

Kegongmao Industry Zone • Changzi County • Tunliu County • Tunliu County<br />

Kangzhuang Industry Park • Xiangyuan County • Qingyuan County • Lucheng <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Licheng County • Pingshun County • Wuxiang County • Wuxiang County Panhong<br />

Industry Park • Huguan County • Qingxian County • Linfen <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Linfen<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (G108 to Western Highway Rim, Northern Highway Rim to Southern<br />

G108) • Linfen <strong>City</strong>'s Airport New District • Linfen <strong>City</strong> Development Zone • Puxian<br />

County • Daning County • Xixian County • Anze County • Guxian County • Fushan<br />

County • Yicheng County • Fenxi County • Yonghe County • Xiangfen County • Houma<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Hongdong County • Huozhou <strong>City</strong> • Quwo County • Jixian County • Xiangning<br />

County • Yuncheng <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Yanhu District • Xiaxian County • Linyi County •<br />

Wenxi County • Xinjiang County • Jishan County • Wanrong County • Hejin County •<br />

Yongji <strong>City</strong> • Pinglu County • Ruicheng County • Jiangxian County • Yuanqu County •<br />

Jincheng <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Qinshui County • Zezhou County's Gaodu, Beiyi and<br />

Jinmiaopu Towns, Gaoping <strong>City</strong>'s Macun Town • Gaoping County • Lingchuan County •<br />

Yangcheng County's Central Area • Yangcheng County Beiliu Industry Park • Yangcheng<br />

County' Qinchi and Dingdian Towns, Dingdian Industry Park • Yulin <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Yulin <strong>City</strong>'s Yuyang District, Tiexi New District, Yuheng Industrial Park • Shenmu County's<br />

Yushen Industry Park • Yujia Industry New District • Jingbian County • Fugu County •<br />

Shenmu County • Shenmu County Daliuta Town • Mizhi County • Zizhou County • Jiaxian<br />

County • Suide Count • Suide Logistics Park • Hengshan County • Dingbian County •<br />

Qingjian County • Yan'an <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Ansai County • Zhidan County • Wuqi<br />

County • Yanchang County • Yanchuan County • Zichang County • Ganquan County •<br />

Fuxian County • Luochuan County • Yichuan County • Huangling County • Huanglong<br />

County • Tongchuan <strong>City</strong>'s Wangyi District, Yaozhou District, Yintai District • Yijun County<br />

• Xianyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Sanyuan County • Jingyang County • Qianxian County •<br />

Liquan County • Chunhua County • Xingping <strong>City</strong> • Wugong County • Yangling<br />

Demonstration Zone • Yongshou County • Binxian County • Changwu County • Xunyi<br />

County's Central Area • Xunyi County's Suburban Towns • Weinan <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Hancheng <strong>City</strong> • Heyang County • Chengcheng County • Dali County • Huayin <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Pucheng County • Baishui County • Tongguan County • Fuping County • Fuping County<br />

East New District, Eastern Industrial Transfer Demonstration Park, Modern Agricultural<br />

Demonstration Base • Huaxian County • Xi'an <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Xi'an <strong>City</strong>'s Chang'an<br />

District • Lantian County's Central Area • Lantian County's Tangyu Town • Huxian County<br />

• Yanliang County • Xi'an Yanliang State Aviation Technology Industry Base • Shaanxi<br />

Xixian New District Qinhan New <strong>City</strong> • Shaanxi Xixian New District Airport New <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Xi'an <strong>City</strong>'s Gaoling District • Jingkai District Jingwei Industrial Park (North) • Jinhe<br />

Industrial Park (South) • Xi'an <strong>City</strong>'s Lintong District • Zhouzhi County's Central Area •<br />

Zhouzhi County's Mazhao Town • Baoji's Jintai District, Weibin District, Chencang District<br />

• Baoji's Qishan County and Northern Weihe River Part <strong>of</strong> Meixian County • Baoji's<br />

Linyou County • Meixian County (Southern Weihe River) • Meixian Taibai National<br />

Tourism Development Zone • Fengxiang County • Qianyang County • Fengxian County •<br />

Longxian County • Taibai County • Fufeng County • Hanzhong <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Hantai<br />

District • Liuba County • Mianxian County • Nanzheng County • Yangxian County •<br />

Zhenba County • Foping County • Lueyang County • Ningqiang County • Ningqiang<br />

County's Guangping Town, Ningqiang County Economic Industry Zone • Gucheng<br />

County • Xixiang County • Ankang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Ankang <strong>City</strong> Hanbin District's<br />

Hengkou, Datong, Wuli Towns and Part <strong>of</strong> High Tech Development Zone • Hanyin<br />

County • Ningshan County • Baihe County • Zhenping County • Lan'gao County • Ziyang<br />

County • Ankang <strong>City</strong>'s Shiquan County • Pingli County • Xunyang County • Zhangzhou<br />

District • Danfeng County • Luonan County • Shanyang County • Shangnan County •<br />

Zhen'an County • Zhashui County • Shanghai <strong>City</strong> (West to Huangpu River and North to<br />

Suzhou River) • Shanghai <strong>City</strong> (West to Huangpu River, South to Suzhou River) •<br />

Shanghai Pudong New District, Minhang District's Pujiang Town, Nanhui Kangqiao •<br />

Shanghai Pudong New District (Previous Nanhui Region Except Kangqiao) • Shanghai<br />

Songjiang District • Shanghai Fengxian District • Shanghai Chongming District •<br />

Shanghai Jinshan District • Shanghai Jinshan District's Fengjing Town • Shanghai<br />

Qingpu District • Shanghai Baoshan District (Youyi Road, Guoyuan, Yuepu and<br />

Shengqiao Regions) • Chengdu <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Chendu <strong>City</strong>'s Longtan Area •<br />

Chendu <strong>City</strong> (South to <strong>City</strong> Rim Highway, East to Fuhe River, West to Yuanhua Road,<br />

North to Huayang) • Chendu <strong>City</strong> (Outside 3rd <strong>City</strong> Rim Road and West to Yuanhua<br />

Road, South to Qingyang and Wuhou District's Border) • Chengdu <strong>City</strong>'s Chenghua<br />

District (Outside Chengdu 3rd Highway Rim) • Chengdu <strong>City</strong> Qingbaijiang District •<br />

Chengdu <strong>City</strong> Qingbaijiang District's Industry Park • Chengdu <strong>City</strong> Longquanyi District •<br />

Chengdu <strong>City</strong> Xindu District's New <strong>City</strong>, Taixing Town, Northern Commercial <strong>City</strong> and<br />

Part <strong>of</strong> Sanhe Town • Chengdu <strong>City</strong> Xindu District's East Industry Zone • Chengdu <strong>City</strong><br />

Xindu District's Central Area • Pengzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Pengzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Industry<br />

Development Zone, Southern New <strong>City</strong> and Petrochemical Industry Zone • Dujiangyan<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Dayi County • Dayi County's Industry Park • Dayi County Shaqu Industry Park,<br />

Dongchang, Caichang and Hanchang • Qionglai <strong>City</strong> • Xinjin County's Central Area,<br />

Puxing Logistics Industry Park • Xinjin County's Puxing Town, New Material Industry<br />

Park • Xinjin County Wujin Town's Xinjin Industry Park (For Selected Industry Users) •<br />

Xinjin County's Huayuan Town • Chongzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Industry Park, Yangma<br />

New <strong>City</strong>, Sanjiang, Qiquan, Dahua, Jiangyuan, Tingjiang, Jixian, Jixie, Daoming,<br />

Guansheng, Gongyi, Baitou, Wangchang Towns • Chongzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Yangma Town •<br />

Chongzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Huaiyuan Town • Chendu <strong>City</strong> Wenjiang District's Previous Central<br />

Area and Yongsheng Town • Chendu <strong>City</strong> Wenjiang District's Chengdu Haixia Liang'an<br />

Technology Industry Zone • Wenjiang District's Gongping, Yongning, Wanchun, Zhenzi,

附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong> • 7<br />

Hesheng, Shou'an Towns • Pixian County's Pitong, Hongguang, Deyuan, You'ai, Xipu<br />

Towns • Pixian County's Chengdu Modern Industry Port, Part <strong>of</strong> Xipu and Hongguang<br />

Towns • Pixian County's Anjing, Tuanjie Towns • Pixian County's Tangchang, Gucheng,<br />

Tangyuan, Sandaoyan and Xinminchang Towns • Pixian County's Ande, Huayuan Towns<br />

• Jintang County's Central Area • Jintang County's Zuli, Gaoban, Jinlong, Youxin,<br />

Guangxing, Yunhe, Zhuanglong, Longsheng, Tuqiao and Pingqiao Towns, Jintang<br />

Industry Park • Jintang County's Chengdu Industry Strategic Pilot Zone • Jintang<br />

County's Huaikou and Zhaozhen Towns, Chengdu - Aba Industry Zone • Chengdu <strong>City</strong><br />

Shuangliu District • Chengdu <strong>City</strong> Shuangliu District's Xinxing Town • Chengdu <strong>City</strong><br />

Shuangliu District's Zhoujiachang • Pujiang County • Pujiang County (Ganxi, Linji and<br />

Shitou Towns) • Jianyang <strong>City</strong>'s Jiancheng, Shiqiao, Xinshi, Dongxi, Sancha, Yucheng,<br />

Dongjiageng, Caochi, Futian, Xinmin, Danjing, Wumiao, Gaoming, Tan'guan, Hailuo,<br />

Taipingqiao, Pingquan, Hefeng, Pu'an, Pingwu, Shizhong, Zhenjin, Qingfeng, Luxia,<br />

Shibandeng, Laolong, Wangshui, Leijia, Jiangyuan, Yongning, Laojunjing and Wuzhi<br />

Towns • Jianyang <strong>City</strong>'s Jiajia, Shipan and Yangma Towns • Jianyang <strong>City</strong>'s Feilong,<br />

Wuxing, Shijia, Anle, Pingxi, Yongquan, Yunlong, Wuhe, Jinma, Sanhe, Tashui, Xinxing,<br />

Qinglong, Pingwo and Zhuangxi Towns • Jianyang <strong>City</strong>'s Sanxing, Hongyuan and Tonghe<br />

Towns • Deyang <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Deyang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (Part) • Deyang <strong>City</strong><br />

Jingyang District Industrial Development Zone • Deyang <strong>City</strong> Jingyang District's Huangxu<br />

Town (Part), Tianyuan, Xiaogan and Yangjia Towns • Deyang <strong>City</strong> Jingyang District's<br />

Xiaoquan Town • Deyang <strong>City</strong> Jingyang District's Dexin Town • Deyang <strong>City</strong> Jingyang<br />

District's Jindong and Tingjiang New Area • Deyang Economic & Technology<br />

Development Zone • Guanghan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Guanghan <strong>City</strong> Northern<br />

Development Zone's Jinyu, Beiwai, Beiwai and Xinglong Towns • Guanghan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Luocheng (Excluding <strong>City</strong> Central Area), Xinfeng, Nanxing, Xiwai, Xinping, Xigao Towns<br />

and Part <strong>of</strong> Baiwai, Xiangyang and Xiaohan Towns • Guanghan <strong>City</strong>'s Hexing Town •<br />

Shifang <strong>City</strong> (Except Luoshui, Majing and Yinfeng Towns) • Shifang <strong>City</strong>'s Luoshui,<br />

Majing and Yinfeng Towns • Mianzhu <strong>City</strong>'s Jiannan, Dongbei, Xinan, Tumen, Fuxin,<br />

Zuendao, Jiulong, Banqiao, Xinglong and Part <strong>of</strong> Qingdao Towns • Mianzhu <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Hanwang Town • Mianzhu <strong>City</strong> Xinshi Industrial Park • Mianzhu <strong>City</strong> Jiangsu Industrial<br />

Park • Luojiang County's Central Area • Luojiang County Luojiang Industrial Park •<br />

Luojiang County Economic Development Zone (Southern Section) • Zhongjiang County •<br />

Zhongjiang County (Fengdian, Jijin, Tai'an, Yuanxing, Yongfeng and Cangshan Towns) •<br />

Zhongjiang County's Shilong, Tongshan, Baishu, Qingshi, Wadian, Yuelai, Lianhe,<br />

Huanglu(Part), Yongtai(Part), Tongji(Part), Huilong(Part) Towns • Mianyang <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Mianyang <strong>City</strong> Fucheng District's Shitang, Wujia, Fenggu, Xinzao, Yangjia,<br />

Guandi, Yuhuang, Shidong and Hebian Towns, Mianyang High & New Technology<br />

Development Zone (Part) and Yongxing Town, Mianyang Economic Development Zone<br />

(Part), Santai County's Luxi Town • Mianyang <strong>City</strong>'s High & Novel Technology Industry<br />

Zone • Mianyang <strong>City</strong> Economic Development Zone (Part) • Santai County's Tongchuan,<br />

Beiba, Xiping, Fushun, Xinsheng, Shi'an, Yongxin, Zhongxin, Lingxing (Part), Xinde and<br />

Xiaxin Towns • Santai County's Xinde, Yongxin, Tongchuan, Beiba, Shi'an and Lingxing<br />

Towns • Santai County's Liangjiang Industry Zone (Eastern District) • Santai County's<br />

Zihe, Baoquan and Jianzhong Towns • Santai County's Gujing, Wan'an and Shangxin<br />

Towns • Santai County's Qiulin Town • Jiangyou <strong>City</strong> • Mianyang <strong>City</strong> Jiangyou Industry<br />

Park • Mianyang <strong>City</strong>'s Qinglian, Jiuling and Xiping Towns • Anxian County • Beichuan<br />

Qiangzu Autonomous County • The New Beichuan County • Pingwu County • Zitong<br />

County's Central Area (Wenchang Town), Changqing, Guanyi, Manao, Ziqiang, Liya,<br />

Renhe, Baiyun, Wolong, Shiniu, Wenxing and Baoshi Towns • Zitong County's Xuzhou<br />

Town • Zitong County's Maying, Ziqiang, Renhe, Shuangfeng, Jiaotai, Dingyuan, Baoshi,<br />

Erdong and Daxin Towns • Yanting County's Yanting Economic Development Zone,<br />

Yunxi, Xinnong and Mayang Towns • Yanting County's Bozi, Maogong, Lianghe,<br />

Shuangbei, Fenghe, Fuyi, Linshan, Huangdian, Liangchahe and Huangxi Towns •<br />

Yanting County's Julong Town • Yanting County's Yulong Town • Meishan <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area (South <strong>of</strong> Peicheng Road) • Meishan <strong>City</strong> Central Area (North <strong>of</strong> Peicheng Road) •<br />

Meishan <strong>City</strong> Dongpo District's Chongren and Simeng Towns • Meishan <strong>City</strong> Dongpo<br />

District's Duoyue, Qinjia, Wansheng, Shangyi and Yuexing Towns, Meishan Economic<br />

Development New Zone, Meishan Al-Si Industry Park • Meishan <strong>City</strong> Dongpo District's<br />

Xiuwen Town, Meishan Aluminum & Silicon Industrial Park • Meishan <strong>City</strong>'s Mindong<br />

New District • Renshou County's Wenlin, Wangyang, Fujia, Manjing, Zhongxiang,<br />

Baoma, Zhangjia, Cihang, Dahua, Shijian, Wen'gong, Longma, Fangjia, Zhujia,<br />

Longwang, Qujiang, Caojia, Guansi, Longqiao, Yuantong, Gaojia, Zhonggang, Sigong,<br />

Songfeng, Tujia, Yulong, Qinggang, Xiangjia, Gufo, Outang, Banyan, Shizui, Aoling,<br />

Banqiao, Zhaojia, Hexing, Jingxian and Cujin Towns • Renshou County's Shigao,<br />

Longzheng, Heilongtan, Qingshui, Hongfeng, Liren, Yucheng and Xingsheng Towns •<br />

Renshou County (Ba<strong>of</strong>ei, Lujia, Hejia, Fengling, Shuangbao, Xindian, Hekou,<br />

Zhongnong, Zhongnong, Beidou, Yachi, Chengyan and Xie'an Towns) • Danleng County<br />

• Meishan <strong>City</strong> Pengshan District's Baosheng, Xiejia, Gongyi, Guanyin, Pengxi,<br />

Fengming, Huangfeng, Yihe and Jiangkou Towns • Meishan <strong>City</strong> Pengshan District's<br />

Muma, Wuyang and Jingjiang Towns • Meishan <strong>City</strong> Pengshan District's Qinglong<br />

Economic Development Zone • Hongya County's Central Area • Hongya County (For<br />

Selected Industry Users) • Qingshen County (Central Area) • Meishan <strong>City</strong> Dongpo<br />

District's Songjiang Town (Industry <strong>Gas</strong> for Areas South to the Liquan River) • Meishan<br />

<strong>City</strong> Dongpo District's Songjiang Town (Residential <strong>Gas</strong> for Areas South to the Liquan<br />

River) and Qingshen County' Towns (Songjiang, Nancheng) • Leshan <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Leshan <strong>City</strong> Industrial Park • Leshan <strong>City</strong> Wutongqiao District's Niuhua Town Mianba<br />

Hebang Industry Park, Zhuzhengeng Town Yiba Hebang Industry Park • Leshan <strong>City</strong><br />

Wutongqiao Industry Park, Jinli, Qiaogou, Xiba, Guanying, Shiling and Caijin Towns •<br />

Leshan <strong>City</strong> Wutongqiao District's Qiaogou Town • Leshan <strong>City</strong> Wutongqiao District's<br />

Huishan, Xinyun, Jinshan, Niuhua and Yangliu Towns • Leshan <strong>City</strong> Shawan District •<br />

Leshan <strong>City</strong> Shawan District's Taiping (Except Taiping Town Industry Park), Tashui, Fulu,<br />

Bishan, Tanba and Tongci Towns • Leshan <strong>City</strong> Shawan District's Hulu, Niushi, Gongzui,<br />

Zhenxi and Fandian Towns, Shawan Meinvfeng Shilin Tourism Zone • Leshan <strong>City</strong><br />

Shizhong District's Suburban Towns • Qianwei County's Central Area • Qianwei County's<br />

Suburban Towns (Eastern Minjiang River) • Emeishan <strong>City</strong>'s Suishan, Eshan, Shengli,<br />

Guihuaqiao, Luomu, Jiuli, Shuangfu, Dongdu, Fuxi, Gaoqiao, Huangwan, Puxing and<br />

Chuanzhu Towns • Jiajiang County's Economic Development Zone • Jiajiang County's<br />

Yancheng, Huangtu, Ganjiang, Xinchang, Jiepai and Ganlin Towns • Jiajiang County's<br />

Tumen, Wuchang, Sandong, Yongqing, Qingzhou, Wufeng, Macun, Zhongxing,<br />

Mucheng, Yingjiang, Nan'an, Huatou, Xiema, Longtuo and Maliu Towns • Jiajiang<br />

County's Shunhe Town • Jingyan County (Except Wangcun Town's Wangcun Industry<br />

Park) • Jingyan County's Shiniu Town • Jingyan County's Jinfeng Town • Jingyan<br />

County's Wangcun Town • Leshan <strong>City</strong> Jinkouhe District's Jinhe, Yonghe, Heping and<br />

Gong'an Towns • Mabian Yizu Autonomous County's Minjian, Laodong, Jianshe,<br />

Rongding, Xiaxi Towns • Ebian Yizu Autonomous County • Muchuan County • Muchuan<br />

County's Muxi, Xinfu and Jianhe Towns • Muchuan County's 16 Suburban Towns (Except<br />

Muxi, Xinfu and Jianhe Town) • Ya'an <strong>City</strong> Yucheng District's Central Area, Yaoqiao New<br />

Area, Duoying, Beijiao, Shangli, Caoba, Nanjiao, Kongping Towns; Duiyan Town's<br />

Longgang Village, Daxing Town's Gaojia and Shunlu Villages. • Ya'an <strong>City</strong> Yucheng<br />

District's Suburban Towns • Ya'an <strong>City</strong> Yucheng District's Daxing Town (Except Gaojia<br />

Village) • Ya'an Industrial Park • Ya'an <strong>City</strong> Mingshan District's Central Area (Mengyang<br />

Town), Mengdingshan, Yongxing, Chengdong and Xindian Towns • Ya'an <strong>City</strong> Mingshan<br />

District's Liaochang, Heizhu, Maohe, Baizhang and Hongxing Towns etc • Ya'an <strong>City</strong><br />

Mingshan District's Lianjiang Town • Lushan County's Central Area, Luyang,<br />

Feixianguan, Siyan, Qingren, Shuangshi, Longmen, Baosheng, Taiping and Dachuan<br />

Towns (Except Qingren, Wuxing, Koujiaba and Xiangyangba Industry Parks) • Lushan<br />

County's Industry Development Zone • Mingshan County • Tianquan County • Yingjing<br />

County • Baoxing County • Shimian County • Hanyuan County • Guang'an <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area (except Qianfeng) and Xiexing, Guangmen, Chuanshi, Guansheng, Fangping,<br />

Guangluo, Hualong, Long'an, Dalong, Nongxi, Chongwang Towns • Guang'an <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Qianfeng District (except Guang'an Xinqiao Energy Chemical Industry Zone), Guige,<br />

Hu'an, Guantang, Hucheng, Daishi, Guixing, Xinqiao, Xiaojin, Longtan, Guange,<br />

Guangxing, Guanghui, Dafosi, Longtang Towns • Guang'an <strong>City</strong> Guang'an District's<br />

Shisuen, Yuelai Towns • Guang'an <strong>City</strong> Guang'an District's Huaqiao Town • Huaying<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Shuanghe, Guqiao, Tianchi, Hongyan and Mingyue(Part) Towns • Huaying <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Yongxing, Yanghe, Gaoxing, Guanyinxi, Xikou, Qinghua, Mingyue Towns • Linshui<br />

County's Central Area (Dingping, Chengnan, Chengbei Towns), Xingren, Shiyong,<br />

Jiulong, Fenghe, Yuanshi, Gaotan, Longqiao, Guanhe Towns • Linshui County's Shizi,<br />

Moujia and Changtan Towns • Wusheng County's Central Area • Wusheng County's<br />

Shipan, Shuangxing, Mengshan, Mingzhong and Li'an Towns) • Wusheng County's<br />

Gaoshi, Saima, Shengli and Baozhensai Towns • Wusheng County's Xinxue, Qingping,<br />

Zhongxin, Zhenjing, Yongsheng and Longting Towns • Wusheng County's Gujiang,<br />

Sanxi, Leshan Towns • Wusheng County's Jiezi and Longnv Towns • Wusheng County's<br />

Bayi and Liemian Towns • Wusheng County's Feilong Town • Wusheng County's<br />

Jin'guang, Jinniu, Baiping and Wanshan Towns • Wusheng County's Wanlong and<br />

Huafeng Towns (Excluding County Central Area) • Yuechi County's Central Area • Yuechi<br />

County's Pu'an, Yumin, Dafo and Sailong Towns • Yuechi County's Zhonghe, Linxi,<br />

Fulong Towns • Yuechi County's Luodu, Huaban and Qifu Towns • Yuechi County's<br />

Shuangyan, Dongban, Changtian, Beicheng, Xinglong, Huanglong, Qinxi, Tuanjie,<br />

Gonglong and Tongxing Towns • Yuechi County's Pailou, Zhenyu, Shigu, Xiban, Jialing<br />

and Ping'an Towns • Yuechi County's Tianping Town • Yuechi County's Zhenlong and<br />

Dashi Towns and Shiya Town's Hongmiao Area • Dazhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Dazhou<br />

Economic Development Zone • Dazhou <strong>City</strong> Dachuan District Nanwai Town, Yangliuyang<br />

and Hu<strong>of</strong>engshan Villages • Dazhou <strong>City</strong> Dachuan District's Heshi Town • Dazhou <strong>City</strong><br />

Dachuan District's Zhaojia Town • Xuanhan County's Dongxiang and Tiansheng Towns •<br />

Dazhou Puguang Economic Development Zone, Liuchi Industry Park • Xuanhan County<br />

Nanba Town • Xuanhan County Hujia Town • Kaijiang County's Central Area • Kaijiang<br />

County's Xinning, Huilong, Tianshi, Qilong, Baoshi, Shabachang, Meijia and Jiangshi<br />

Towns • Kaijiang County's Bamiao, Guangfu, Changling, Xinjie and Renshi Towns •<br />

Kaijiang County's Yongxing and Pu'an Towns • Kaijiang County's Gantang, Jing'an and<br />

Jiangshi Towns • Kaijiang County's Xintai, Lingyan and Changtian Towns • Kaijiang<br />

County Pu'an Industry Zone's Hardware Industry Park, Clean Energy Industry Park,<br />

Marine <strong>Gas</strong> Turbine Industry Base, Huilong and Renshi Town Industry Parks • Wanyuan<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Taiping Town • Wanyuan <strong>City</strong>'s Baisha Town • Dazhu County's Zhuyang, Wumu,<br />

Miaoba, Dongliu, Zhaoyang, Huangjia, Chengxi, Lianyin, Zhubei Towns • Dazhu County's<br />

Qingshui, Shihe, Shuanggong, Zhoujia, Guanyin, Baiba and Badu Towns • Dazhu<br />

County's Mama, Oujia and Yaoshi Towns • Dazhu County's Yangjia, Qinghe, Bolin, Bojia,<br />

Erlang, Yuehua, Zhonghua Towns • Dazhu County's Zhubei, Renhe, Lijiaxiang Towns •<br />

Dazhu County's Gaoxue, Huangtan, Jinji, Chuanzhu and Paifang Towns • Dazhu<br />

County's Wenxing, Tongjia, Shenhe, Gaoming and Tiancheng Towns • Dazhu County's<br />

Shizi, Sihe and Yangtong Towns • Dazhu County's Zhangjia Town • Dazhu County's<br />

Shiqiaopu, Xinsheng, Shuangxi Towns • Quxian County's Qujiang, Qubei, Qunan,<br />

Qinglong Towns • Quxian County's Hedong District's Tianxing Town • Quxian County's<br />

Youqing, Pingxi, Dingyuan, Baocheng, Xiandu, Jiahe, Qingxichang and Zhongtan Towns<br />

• Quxian County's Lidu Town • Guangyuan <strong>City</strong>'s Lizhou District • Guangyuan <strong>City</strong><br />

Zhaohua District's Central Area • Guangyuan <strong>City</strong> Zhaohua District's Wangjia, Motan,<br />

Bolin'gou, Weizi, Taigong, Ziyun, Wenzu, Jinxian, Shijingpu, Qingshui and Xiangxi Towns<br />

• Guangyuan <strong>City</strong> Zhaohua District's Zhaoyang, Shaba, Dachao, Shejian, Mingjue,<br />

Baiguo, Huanglong, Dingjia, Chenjiang, Qingniu and Zhangjia Towns • Guangyuan <strong>City</strong><br />

Chaotian District's Chaotian, Shahe, Xiao'an, Yudong, Pujia, Xibei, Yangmu, Dongxihe,<br />

Huashi, Chenjia, Baiyang, Datan and Wen'an Towns • Guangyuan <strong>City</strong> Chaotian<br />

District's Zhongzi, Xuanhe, Zhuandou, Qinglin, Majiaba, Zengjia, Lianghekou, Lijia,<br />

Wangjia, Maliu, Pingxi and Linxi Towns • Cangwang County's Central Area, Donghe,<br />

Baishui, Jiachuan, Shangwu, Huangyang, Puji, Sanjiang, Jingle and Chenjialing Towns •<br />

Cangwang County's Mumen, Wuquan and Jinxi Towns • Qingchuan County's Jinzishan,<br />

Zhuyuan, Malu, Jianfeng, Baijia, Louzi, Liangshui, Dayuan, Huangping, Daba,<br />

Qiaozhuang, Kongxi, Banqiao, Muyu,Yingpan and Magong Towns • Qingchuan County's<br />

Guanzhuang, Shazhou, Qima, Yaodu, Guanyindian, Qifo, Maoba, Suhe, Hongguang,<br />

Shiba, Qianjin, Quhe, Fangshi, Le'ansi, Sanguo, Qiaolou, Chaba, Wali, Haoqi and Qingxi<br />

Towns • Cangxi County's Central Area (Lingjiang and Jiangnan Towns), Wulong, Yuanba,<br />

Sanchuan, Qiping, Dongxi, Longshan, Wenchang and Dongqing Towns • Guangyuan<br />

Industry Park (Cangxi) • Jiange County's New Central Area (Xiasi Town), Shangsi and<br />

Jianmenguan Towns • Jiange County's Pu'an, Chengbei, Yaojia, Beimiao, Wenxi,<br />

Jiangshi Towns • Jiange County's Bailong, Gongxing, Longyuan, Jinxian, Quanlong,<br />

Heling, Yangcun, Xiangchen, Houshi, Jingping, Guangping, Yinshui, Yaoling, Beiya,<br />

Hefeng, Tushan, Yangling, Jiaodian, Dianzi, Boya, Tianjia, Muma Towns • Jiange<br />

County's Kaifeng, Zhengxing, Wulian, Dongba, Liugou, Guoguang, Wanquan, Madeng,<br />

Xiuzhong, Yixing, Gaochi, Maoba, Chuiquan, Yandian, Ximiao, Liangshan Hanyang,<br />

Jiangkou, Zhangwang, Gaoguan Towns • Nanchong <strong>City</strong> Shunqing District, Jialing<br />

District's Industry Zone, Gaoping District's Dujing Town and Gaoping Town's Guanya<br />

Village • Nanchong <strong>City</strong> Shunqing District's Lijia Town, Nanbu County's Longmiao Town •<br />

Nanchong <strong>City</strong> Jialing District • Nanchong <strong>City</strong> Jialing District's Lidu, Qushui, Hexi, Ji'an,<br />

Linjiang, Huaxing, Shuangdian, Anfu and Yishan Towns • Nanchong <strong>City</strong> Gaoping<br />

District's Central Area, Dongguan, Changle, Longmen and Qingju Towns, Shunqing<br />

District's Hongxing and Banzeng Towns • Nanchong <strong>City</strong> Gaoping District's Huilong Town<br />

• Nanchong <strong>City</strong>'s Chemical Industry Park • Langzhong <strong>City</strong> • Langzhong <strong>City</strong>'s Qili<br />

Industry Zone (Part <strong>of</strong> Industry Users) • Nanbu County's Central Area (Binjiang, Shubei,<br />

Hedong, Nanlong, Panlong, Dingshui and Hu<strong>of</strong>eng Towns), Shengzhong, Fuhu, Jianxing,<br />

Dawang, Dongba and Pingqiao Towns • Xichong County • Xichong County's Huaishu<br />

Town • Yilong County's Zhongba, Jincheng, Shuangpan, Tonggu, Tumen and Lishan<br />

Towns • Yilong County's Xinzheng(Part) and Shuangsheng Towns • Yilong County's<br />

Xinzheng(Part), Guanghua and Dumen Towns • Yilong County's Hezuo, Yilu, Yimen,<br />

Daluo, Qiuya, Wazi, Side, Liuya, Longqiao, Sanhe, Yangqiao, Dengta, Dayin, Banqiao,<br />

Wupeng, Yongle, Wenxing, Baoping, Fengyi, Wufu, Saijin, Fuxing and Erdao Towns •<br />

Yilong County's Biquan, Laiyi, Fulin, Dafeng, Zhouhe, Rixing, Shuangqing, Lexing,<br />

Dingziqiao, Shifo and Ma'an Towns • Yilong County's Zhanggong, Laomu, Xianfeng,

8 • 附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong><br />

Dayi, Guanzi and Sanjiao Towns • Yilong County's Yongguang, Juguang, Jiulong and<br />

Bajiao Towns • Yilong County's Huichun and Chaijing Towns • Yingshan County • Pengan<br />

County's Central Area • Pengan County's Julong, Qunle, Lianglu, Longyun, Gaomiao,<br />

Muba, Zhengyuan and Changliang Towns • Pengan County's Pingtou, Xiandian and<br />

Shimen Towns • Pengan County's Luojia, Yangjia, Fude, Xinhe, Yinhan, Nanyan,<br />

Xingwang, Haitian, Jidu, Fengshi, Tiancheng Towns • Bazhong <strong>City</strong> Bazhou District's<br />

Central Area • Bazhong <strong>City</strong> Bazhou District's Suburban Towns • Bazhong <strong>City</strong>'s Enyang<br />

District • Bazhong <strong>City</strong>'s Enyang New District • Pingchang County's Central Area •<br />

Pingchang County's Dazhai Town • Pingchang County's Sima Industry Park • Nanjiang<br />

County's Nanjiang and Dongyu Towns • Tongjiang County's Central Area (Nuojiang<br />

Town) • Tongjiang County's Zhicheng, Hongkou, Shaxi, Caochi, Banqiao, Qingyu,<br />

Nuoshuihe, Guangna and Fuyang Towns • Suining <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Anju District •<br />

Suining Economy Development Zone (Southern Section), Suining Innovation Industry<br />

Park, Suining Anju Industry Park • Suining <strong>City</strong> Chuanshan District's Xinqiao Town •<br />

Shehong County's Central Area, Wensheng, Jin'he, Guansheng, Wangtai, Dayu,<br />

Guangxing, Jinjia, Chen'gu, Fenglai, Wanlin, Quhe, Taiyi and Mingxing Towns, Part <strong>of</strong><br />

Taihe Town • Shehong County Meifeng Industry Zone • Pengxi County • Pengxi County<br />

Jinqiao Industry Port • Daying County's Central Area • Daying County (Hebian,<br />

Zhuotongjing, Jinyuan, Tianbao and Longsheng Towns) • Daying County's Longsheng,<br />

Tianbao, Jinyuan Towns, Tongxin, Minzhu, Shimen, Jiangping and Yongqianjie Area •<br />

Luzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (Central Peninsula, Western, Northern, Shaxi, Yutang, Tai'an<br />

and Gaoba Clusters) • Luzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (South Part <strong>of</strong> the Southern Cluster,<br />

Naxi Cluster) • Luzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (North Part <strong>of</strong> the Southern Cluster, Anning<br />

Shidong Cluster and Gaoba Cluster alongside Yangtze River) • Luzhou <strong>City</strong> Jiangyang<br />

District's Tai'an, Huangyi, and Kuangchang Towns • Luzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (Texing<br />

Cluster) • Luzhou <strong>City</strong> Longmatan District's Shidong Town • Luzhou <strong>City</strong> Longmatan<br />

District's Hushi Town • Luzhou <strong>City</strong> Naxi District's Central Area • Luzhou <strong>City</strong> Naxi<br />

District's Xiyanyuan, Mianhuapo Towns • Luzhou <strong>City</strong> Naxi District's Shangma Town •<br />

Luzhou <strong>City</strong> Naxi District's Dadukou Town • Luxian County's Central Area, Qifeng, Lishi,<br />

Taifu, Zhaoya, Xuantan, Shiqiao and Yulong Towns' Central Area • Luxian County's<br />

Jiaming and Yusi Towns' Central Area, Jiaming Town's Shiyan Village, Fangdong Town's<br />

Longdongshan Area • Luxian County's Southern Industry Park, Western Industry Park,<br />

Luxian County Changqing Glass Company • Luxian County's Part <strong>of</strong> Yunlong, Taifu,<br />

Zhaoya, Baihe, Desheng and Qifeng Towns • Luxian County's Part <strong>of</strong> Fuji, Yuchan, Taifu,<br />

Xuantan, Qifeng, Lishi, Baihe, Pilu, Desheng, Jiaming Towns, Chaohe Town, Jiaming<br />

Industry Park • Luxian County's Desheng Town's Central Area and Shangdingshan,<br />

Baixiang, Desheng, Yukan and Jieguanba Villages • Luxian County's Niutan Town, Part<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lishi, Pilu, Yujing Towns • Luxian County's Part <strong>of</strong> Yunjing, Baihe, Qifeng, Xuantan,<br />

Tianxing, Fangdong, Pilu, Fuji, Yuchan, Desheng, Zhaoya, Yunlong, Shiqiao, Yusi and<br />

Jiaming Towns • Luxian County's Part <strong>of</strong> Shiqiao, Desheng and Qifeng Towns • Luxian<br />

County's Tianxing Town (Except Tianxing and Yixin Area), Fuji Town's Shishan Village •<br />

Luxian County's Part <strong>of</strong> Fangdong, Jiaming and Yusi Towns • Luxian County's<br />

Shengxianqiao Lin'gang Industry Park • Luxian County's Haichao Area • Hejiang<br />

County's Central Area • Hejiang County's Ganyu, Nantan, Shilong, Fubao and Xiantan<br />

Towns • Hejiang County's Yaoba Town • Xuyong County's Central Area and Xinglong,<br />

Maling, Tianchi, Longfeng, Xianglin Towns • Xuyong County's Southern Suburban Towns<br />

• Xuyong County's Jiangmen Town • Gulin County's Central Area • Yibin <strong>City</strong> Cuiping<br />

District, Lingang Economic Development Zone • Yibin <strong>City</strong> Cuiping District's Liduan<br />

Towns • Yibin <strong>City</strong> Nanxi District's Central Area • Yibin <strong>City</strong> Nanxi District's Jiulong Food<br />

Industry Park, Peishi Light Industry Park • Yibin <strong>City</strong> Nanxi District's Liubin Town • Nanxi<br />

County (Towns) • Changning County's Changning, Zhuhai, Kaifo, Guhe, Longtou and<br />

Shuanghe Towns • Changning County's Meibai, Xiachang, Jingjiang, Tongluo, Dongdi,<br />

Taoping, Laoweng, Fuxing and Meidong Towns • Changning County's Tonggu, Sanyuan<br />

and Huatan Towns • Gongxian County's Xuchang, Hongquan Towns • Gongxian<br />

County's Southern Suburban Towns • Gaoxian County • Gaoxian County's Fuxi Industry<br />

Zone (Industry Users) • Junlian County • Yibin County's Central Area • Yibin County's<br />

Hengjiang, Shuanglong, Fulong and Fengyi Towns • Yibin County's Anbian Town • Yibin<br />

County's Juexi Town • Yibin County's Gaochang and Xijie Towns • Pingshan County's<br />

New Central Area (Pingshan Town), Dacheng Town • Pingshan County's Shulou and<br />

Yachi Towns • Pingshan County's Furong, Jinping, Longxi, Longhua, Xin'an, Taiping,<br />

Zhongdu, Xinshi, Xiaxi, Pingbian and Qingping Towns • Jiang'an County's Central Area •<br />

Jiang'an County's Suburban Towns • Jiang'an County's Tongzi and Yangchun Towns •<br />

Jiang'an County's Xijiashan, Dajing and Dipeng Towns, Part <strong>of</strong> Jiang'an Town • Jiang'an<br />

County's Simianshan Town • Jiang'an County's Ying'an and Tieqing Towns • Jiang'an<br />

County's Shuiqing Town • Jiang'an County's Hongqiao, Wukuang Towns • Xingwen<br />

County's Yuping, Bowangshan, Gongle, Guzong, Taiping, Lianhua, Wanshou, Dahe,<br />

Daba and Qilin Towns • Zigong <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Zigong <strong>City</strong>'s Bancang Town and<br />

Nanhu Bio <strong>City</strong> etc • Zigong <strong>City</strong> Da'an District's Dashanpu Town • Zigong <strong>City</strong> Da'an<br />

District's Huilong, Xindian Towns; Fushun County's Shishi, Tongshi, Baoqing, Gufo,<br />

Zhongshi, Huaide, Pipa, Qilong, Wanshou, Longwan, Changtan Towns; Luxian County's<br />

Haichao Town • Zigong <strong>City</strong> Yantan District's Xinglong, Ga<strong>of</strong>eng and Weiping Towns,<br />

Da'an District's Sanduozhai, Yongjia and Tuanjie Towns • Zigong <strong>City</strong>'s Chengjia Industry<br />

Park • Zigong <strong>City</strong> Gongjing District's Part <strong>of</strong> Changtu and Shuping Towns • Zigong <strong>City</strong><br />

Gongjing District's Lianhua Town • Rongxian County's Central Area • Rongxian County's<br />

Changshan, Laimou Towns • Rongxian County's Dingxin, Lede Towns • Rongxian<br />

County's Shuangshi Town • Rongxian County's Gaoshan Town • Rongxian County's<br />

Wangjia Town • Rongxian County's Shuanggu, Tiechang, Zhengzi, Xinqiao, Dongjia,<br />

Yujia and Fuxing Towns • Rongxian County's Dujia, Baohua, Guoshui and Gujia Towns •<br />

Fushun County's Fushi, Huzhu, Zhaohua, Shidao, Washi Towns and Part <strong>of</strong> Donghu<br />

Town • Fushun County's Banqiao, Fuhe, Liqiao and Fushan Towns • Fushun County's<br />

Daisi Town • Fushun County's Zigong Chen'guang Science and Technology Industry<br />

Park • Neijiang <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Neijiang <strong>City</strong> Dongxing District's Guobei Town •<br />

Neijiang <strong>City</strong> Dongxing District's Beinan Town • Longchang County Central Area •<br />

Longchang County's Part <strong>of</strong> Hujia, Xiangshi, Shengdeng, Longshi and Jieshi Towns,<br />

Neijiang <strong>City</strong>'s Yongdong Town • Longchang County's Zhouxing, Shinian and Yujian<br />

Towns • Longchang County's Part <strong>of</strong> Longshi Towns, Jieshi Town's Northern New <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Longchang County's Shuangfeng, Yingxiang and Purun Towns • Zizhong County's<br />

Central Area • Zizhong County's Suburban Towns • Zizhong County's Longjiang Town •<br />

Zizhong County's Taiping Town • Weiyuan County's Yanling, Longhui, Gaoshi,<br />

Huangjinggou, Puziwan and Qingwei Towns • Weiyuan County's Suburban Towns •<br />

Weiyuan County's Jiepai Town • Weiyuan County's Zhenxi Town • Ziyang <strong>City</strong> Central<br />

Area • Ziyang <strong>City</strong> Yanjiang District Houjiaping Industrial Park • Ziyang <strong>City</strong> Yanjiang<br />

District's Industry Users, Cheng - Zi Industry Park's Industry Users • Ziyang <strong>City</strong> Yanjiang<br />

District's Zhonghe, Danshan, Baohe, Laojun, Huilong and Xinchang Towns • Ziyang <strong>City</strong><br />

Yanjiang District's Kanjia, Xiaoyuan, Dongfeng, Wuhuang and Shiling Towns, Nanjin<br />

Town's Liujia, Zhenshu and Guanyin Areas • Lezhi County's Central Area • Lezhi<br />

County's Tonglv, Shituan, Shuanghe, Longxi and Jinshun Towns • Anyue County's<br />

Yueyang, Tongxian, Changhebian, Yaoshi, Yongshun, Yongqing, Shiqiaopu, Sixian,<br />

Yunfeng, Gaosheng, Qianlong, Hengmiao, Pinghe, Pianyan, Tuanjie and Renhe Towns,<br />

Industry Park • Anyue County's Honghe, Xiehe, Hujian, Qingliu, Yulong, Gaowu, Nuli,<br />

Heping, Heyi and Zhongyi Towns • Anyue County's Yangda, Chengbei, Tianma, Yuelai,<br />

Danian, Chengxi, Shigu, Laifeng, Zhaoyang, Zizhi, Gongqiao, Qianfo and Bamiao Towns<br />

• Anyue County's Maojia, Liangbanqiao, Hulong, Shuanglongjie, Baitasi, Dingxin and<br />

Dongsheng Towns • Anyue County's Longtai, Shiyang, Linfeng, Yuexin, Baishui, Ruiyun<br />

Towns • Anyue County's Tianlin, Tianbao, Nanxun, Daping, Baohua and Jiulong Towns •<br />

Anyue County's Zhouli, Zhenzi, Xunlong, Xinglong, Wenhua, Yueyuan, Yuqingchang,<br />

Xinmin Towns • Panzhihua <strong>City</strong> Vanadium and Titanium Industry Park, Huacheng New<br />

District, Renhe District • Panzhihua <strong>City</strong> West District • Panzhihua <strong>City</strong> East District •<br />

Miyi County • Xichang <strong>City</strong> • Mianning County • Huili County • Ganluo County • Yuexi<br />

County • Dechang County • Huidong County • Jinyang County • Zhaojue County • Meigu<br />

County • Puge County • Xide County • Leibo County • Kangding County • Danba County<br />

• Litang County • Ganzi County • Maerkang County's Zhuokeji, Ma'erkang, Songgang,<br />

Suomo, Baiwan, Dangba, Mu'erzong, Jiaomuzu, Sha'erzong, Long'erjia, Dazang,<br />

Kangshan, Caodeng and Ribu Towns • Wenchuan County's Central Area • Wenchuan<br />

County • Rangtang County • Heishui County • Xiaojin County • Maoxian County •<br />

Songpan County • Jiuzhaigou County • Hongyuan County's Qiongxi Town • Jinchuan<br />

County's Jinchuan, Lewu, Sha'er and Ke'er Towns • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Except<br />

Binhai New District) • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Jinnan District • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Jinnan District<br />

(Xiaozhan Industry Park) • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Ninghe District • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Baodi District •<br />

Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Nankai District (Huayuan Industry Park) • Tianjin Economic and<br />

Technological Development Zone • Tianjin Economic and Technological Development<br />

Zone (West) • Tianjin Dongli District Huaming Industry Park • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New<br />

District's Lingang Economic Zone • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New District's Central Area •<br />

Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New District's Previously Tanggu District Area • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai<br />

New District's Airport Economic Zone Phase 2, 3 and 4 • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New<br />

District's High & Novel Technology Zone Binhai Industry Park • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New<br />

District's Textile Economic Zone • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Binhai Tourism Zone • China (Tianjin)<br />

Pilot Free Trade Zone (TJFTZ) • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New District's Sino-Singapore Tianjin<br />

Eco-<strong>City</strong> • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New District's Dagang Economic Development Zone •<br />

Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New District's Previously Dagang Oilfi eld Area • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai<br />

New District's Dagang Ocean Petrochemical Technology Industry Park • Tianjin <strong>City</strong><br />

Binhai New District's Dagang Petrochemical Industry Park, Dagang Economic<br />

Development Zone, Tianjin China Privately-owned Enterprises Zone, Nangang Industry<br />

Park, Zhongtang Industry Zone • Tianjin <strong>City</strong> Binhai New District's Nan'gang Industry<br />

Park • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Wuqing District, Wuqing Development Zone • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Wuqing<br />

Development Zone Phase 3 • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Wuqing District (Dawangguzhuang Town) •<br />

Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Baodi District Central Area • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Baodi District Suburan Towns •<br />

Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Baodi District Shigezhuang Town • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Jinghai District (Central<br />

Area, Tianyu Industry Park, Ziya Industry Park, Tuanbo New <strong>City</strong> and Jinghai<br />

Development Zone) • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Jinghai District (Zhongwang Development Zone) •<br />

Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Jinghai District (Xidizhuang Town) • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Jinghai District<br />

(Tangguantun Town) • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Xiqing District (Central Area) • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Xiqing<br />

Economic Development Zone • Tianjin <strong>City</strong>'s Xiqing Economic Development Zone<br />

(Tianxiang Industry Park) • Jixian County's Central Area, Jixian County Economic<br />

Development Zone, Economic New <strong>City</strong> • Jixian County's Tianjin Shangcang Industry<br />

Park • Lhasa <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Lhasa Economic Development Zone • Hongkong Special<br />

Administrative Region • No.2 Agricultural Division's 22 Regiment, 29 Regiment, 30<br />

Regiment, 31 Regiment, 33 Regiment, 34 Regiment, 36 Regiment Farms • No.2<br />

Agricultural Division's 23 Regiment, 24 Regiment, 223 Regiment • Tumu Shuker <strong>City</strong> •<br />

No.3 Agricultural Division's 41 Regiment • No.3 Agricultural Division's 44 Regiment, 50<br />

Regiment, 51 Regiment, 53 Regiment • No.3 Agricultural Division's 45 Regiment • No.3<br />

Agricultural Division's 42 Regiment, 43 Regiment, 46 Regiment, 48 Regiment, 49<br />

Regiment, Hongqi Farm, Jiashi Farm, Tuoyun Farm, Yecheng No.2 Farm, Yingjisha<br />

Dongfeng Farm, Shache Meadow • Wujiaqu <strong>City</strong> • Wusu <strong>City</strong> • No.7 Agricultural<br />

Division's Wuwu Industry Park • Shihezi <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Shihezi <strong>City</strong> Industrial Zone<br />

• Shihezi <strong>City</strong>'s Beiquan, Xin'an and Huayuan Towns • No.3 Agricultural Division's 164<br />

Regiment, 166 Regiment, 168 Regiment, Tuanjie Farm • No.13 Agricultural Division's<br />

Territory • Aletai <strong>City</strong> • Jeminay County • Habahe County • Burqin County • Fuhai County<br />

• Fuyun County • Qinghe County • Karamay <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Baijiantan District •<br />

Karamay <strong>City</strong>'s Dushanzi District • Tacheng <strong>City</strong> • Tacheng <strong>City</strong>'s Yumin County •<br />

Mongolian Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Hoboksar (Hebukesai'er and Heshituoluogai Towns) •<br />

Mongolian Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Hoboksar (Heshituoluogai Town) • Emin County •<br />

Shawan County • Wush <strong>City</strong>'s Original Central Area • Wush <strong>City</strong>'s New District • Bole<br />

<strong>City</strong> Central Area • Jinghe County (Jingfu, Lvyuan and Heping Residential Areas) •<br />

Jinghe County (Binghe and Dongcheng Residential Areas) • Wenquan County •<br />

Alashankou <strong>City</strong> • Yining <strong>City</strong>, Huocheng County • Yining Border Economic Cooperation<br />

Zone • Yining County • the Turks County • Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County • Gongliu<br />

County • Nilka County • Xinyuan County • Qingshuihe State Development Zone • Horgos<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Kuytun <strong>City</strong> • Xinyuan County • Urumqi <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Urumqi <strong>City</strong>'s Toutunhe<br />

Industrial Park • Urumqi <strong>City</strong>'s Midong District • Urumqi <strong>City</strong>'s Dabancheng District •<br />

Urumqi County • Changji <strong>City</strong> • Changji State High & Novel Technology Industry<br />

Development Zone • Qitai County • Kazak Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Mori • Jimsar County •<br />

Jimsar County Zhundong Economic Development Zone (Wucaiwan) • Hutubi County •<br />

Manas County • Fukang <strong>City</strong> • Aksu <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area, Akesu Textile Industrial <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Kuqa County's Central Area, Chemical Industry Park • Kuqa County's Economic and<br />

Technology Development Zone • Wushi County • Awat County • Baicheng County •<br />

Wensu County • Xinhe County • Xayar County • Kalpin County • Korla <strong>City</strong> Central Area<br />

• Korla Economic and Technology Development Zone • Weili County • Ruoqiang County<br />

• Hejing County • Hejing County Industrial Park • Hejing County's Novel Industry Park,<br />

E'lezaite Light Industry Park, Ha'ermodun Mine Zone, Barunha'ermodun Agriculture<br />

Processing Industry Park, Ha'ermodun and Barunha'ermodun Towns • Qiemo County •<br />

Heshuo County • Heshuo County's Bakeshu Town • Bohu County • Bohu County's<br />

Bositeng Industry Park • Hui Autonomous County <strong>of</strong> Yanqi • Hui Autonomous County <strong>of</strong><br />

Yanqi's Bao'erhai and Qigexing Towns • Luntai County's Central Area, Hongqiao Industry<br />

Zone • Luntai County's Layisu Chemical Industry Park • Luntai County's State-Owned<br />

Vegetable Farm, Qunbake Town • Kashi <strong>City</strong> • Shule County • Shufu County • Shufu<br />

County • Yengisar County • Shache County • Zepu County • Yecheng County • Yuepuhu<br />

County • Markit County • Jiashi County • Bachu County • Atushi <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> for Industrial<br />

Use • Atushi Civil <strong>Gas</strong> • Wuqia County • Aheqi County • Akto County • Hetian <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Luopu County • Moyu County • Pishan County • Yutian County • Cele County • Minfeng<br />

County • Hami <strong>City</strong> • Barkol Kazak Autonomous County • Yiwu County • Turpan <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Shanshan county • Toksun County • Toksun County Energy Heavy Chemical Industrial<br />

Park • Alar <strong>City</strong> • Kunming <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (Xishan District, Wuhua District, Panlong<br />

District, Guandu District) • Anning <strong>City</strong> Industrial Park • Anning <strong>City</strong> • Kunming <strong>City</strong>'s New<br />

District • Kunming <strong>City</strong> Xishan District's Haikou Town and Industrial Park • Kunming <strong>City</strong><br />

Yangzonghai Tourism Zone • Xundian Huizu Yizu Autonomous County • Xundian Huizu

附 录 A12: 中 国 城 市 管 道 燃 气 特 许 经 营 区 收 录 名 单 Appendix A03: List <strong>of</strong> <strong>China's</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Franchising</strong> <strong>Zones</strong> • 9<br />

Yizu Autonomous County Jinsuo Industry Park • Kunming <strong>City</strong>'s Dongchuan District,<br />

Tianshengqiao Industry Park • Luquan Yizu Miaozu Autonomous County • Jinning<br />

County • Jinning County Industry Park (Ba<strong>of</strong>eng Zone) • Yiliang County • Kunming Hitech<br />

Industrial Development Zone • Fumin County • Songming County • Songming<br />

County Yanglin Industry Park • Shilin Yizu Autonomous County • Qujing <strong>City</strong>‘s Central<br />

Area, Qilin District • Qujing <strong>City</strong> Economic & Technology Development Zone • Qujing <strong>City</strong><br />

Zhanyi District‘s Central Area • Qujing <strong>City</strong> Zhanyi District‘s Baishui Town and Industry<br />

Park • Malong County's Central Area • Malong County's Malong Industry Park,<br />

Dianzhong Industry Zone (New Section), Malong Modem Industry Park • Shizong<br />

County • Luoping County • Fuyuan County • Huize County • Luliang County • Qujing<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Xuanwei <strong>City</strong> • Zhaoyang District • Shuifu County • Suijiang County • Yanjin<br />

County's Central Area and Shizi, Yanjin, Pu'er, Dousha Towns • Daguan County • Weixin<br />

County • Yiliang County • Ludian County • Zhenxiong County • Qiaojia County • Shuifu<br />

County Taiping Town • Yongshan County • Chuxiong <strong>City</strong> • Mouding County • Lufeng<br />

County • Wuding County • Yaoan County • Shuangbai County • Yuanmou County •<br />

Nanhua County • Chuxiong Dayao County • Dali <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Dali <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Suburban Towns • Xiangyun County • Yongping County • Weishan Yizu Huizu<br />

Autonomous County • Nanjian Yizu Autonomous County • E'yuan County • Jianchuan<br />

County • Binchuan County • Heqing County • Dali <strong>City</strong>'s Midu County • Yunlong County,<br />

Yunlong County Caojian Industry Park • Lijiang <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Lijiang Fu'an <strong>City</strong><br />

Pipeline <strong>Gas</strong> Co., Ltd.) • Lijiang <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Lijiang PetroChina Kunlun <strong>Gas</strong> Co.,<br />

Ltd.) • Yongsheng County • Shangri-La • Weixi Lisuzu Autonomous County • Lushui<br />

County • Yuxi <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Yimen County Industry Park Maizitian District •<br />

Jiangchuang County • Chengjiang County • Xinping Yizu Daizu Autonomous County •<br />

Yuanjiang Hanizu Yizu Daizu Autonomous County • Eshan Yizu Autonomous County •<br />

Huaning County • Yuxi <strong>City</strong>'s Tonghai County • Mengzi <strong>City</strong> • Honghe County • Luxi<br />

County • Mile County • Shiping County • Jianshui County • Jianshui County Industrial<br />

Park • Gejiu <strong>City</strong> • Hekou Yaozu Autonomous County • Honghe Lvchun County • Jinping<br />

Miaozu Daizu Autonomous County • Kaiyuan <strong>City</strong> • Wenshan <strong>City</strong> • Wenshan <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Matang Industry Park, Sanqi Industry Park • Qiubei County • Malipo County • Maguan<br />

County • Yanshan County • Guangnan County • Funing County • Mangshi <strong>City</strong> (Luxi <strong>City</strong>)<br />

• Ruili <strong>City</strong> • Longchuan County • Yingjiang County • Lianghe County • Mangshi Natural<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> Chemical Industrial Park • Baoshan <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Tengchong County •<br />

Longling County • Changning County • Shidian County • Linchang <strong>City</strong> Central Area •<br />

Linchang <strong>City</strong>'s Linxiang District • Fengqing County • Yunxian County • Cangyuan Wazu<br />

Autonomous County • Gengma Daizu Wazu Autonomous County, Gengma (Mengding)<br />

State Border Economic Development Zone • Zhenkang County • Yongde County • Simao<br />

District • Mojiang Hani Autonomous County • Jiangcheng County • Ximeng Wazu<br />

Autonomous County • Jinghong <strong>City</strong> • Mengla County • Huzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area,<br />

Wuxing District • Huzhou <strong>City</strong>'sNanxun District • Huzhou Fenghuang Development Zone,<br />

Xisaishan District (North), Renhuangshan New District and Taihu Tourism Resort •<br />

Deqing County's Central Area (Wukang) • Deqing County's Qianyuan, Leidian and<br />

Luoshe Towns • Deqing County's Linhang Industry Zone, Xin'an, Zhongguan, Xinshi,<br />

Yuyue and Sanhe Towns • Changxing County • Anji County • Jiaxing <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area<br />

• Jiaxing Port District • Tongxiang <strong>City</strong> • Haining <strong>City</strong> (Industrial Users) • Haining <strong>City</strong><br />

(Industrial Users) • Haining <strong>City</strong>'s Agriculture Development Zone • Haiyan County's<br />

Central Area • Haiyan Economic Development Daqiao New District • Haiyan County<br />

(Except Central Area and Haiyan Economic Development Daqiao New District) • Pinghu<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Jiashan County • Jiashan County's Yaozhuan Town, Part <strong>of</strong> Jiashan Development<br />

Zone and Weitang Town • Hangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area (Not Including Xiaoshan District,<br />

Yuhang District and Hangzhou Economic Development Zone) • Tonglu County • Jiande<br />

Economic Development Zone, Shouchang Town, Hangtou Town • Ling'an <strong>City</strong>‘s<br />

Qingshan, Hengpan, Jinnan, Linglong Towns • Ling'an <strong>City</strong>‘s Jincheng, Jinbei Towns •<br />

Ling'an <strong>City</strong> (West to the Linglong Street) • Ling'an <strong>City</strong>‘s Gaohong Town • Yuhang<br />

District • Xiaoshan District • Xiaoshan Central Area, Xiaoshan Development Zone •<br />

Xiaoshan District Jiangdong Development Zone • Hangzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Fuyang District •<br />

Chunan County • Jiande <strong>City</strong> • Shaoxing <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Shaoxing <strong>City</strong> Keqiao<br />

District's Central Area, Qixian, Anchang and Hutang Towns • Shaoxing County Keqiao<br />

District's Coastal Industry Zone • Shaoxing <strong>City</strong>'s Shangyu District • Shaoxing <strong>City</strong><br />

Coastal New <strong>City</strong>'s Jiangbin District • Zhuji <strong>City</strong> • Zhuji <strong>City</strong> Diankou Town • Shengzhou<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Xinchang County's Central Area • Xinchang County's Qixing Town • Xinchang<br />

County's Nanyan Provincial Novel & High Technology Industry Zone • Ningbo <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Central Area, Ningbo Economic & Technology Development Zone • Ningbo <strong>City</strong>'s Beilun<br />

District • Ningbo <strong>City</strong> Yinzhou District's Coastal Areas • Ningbo <strong>City</strong>'s Yinzhou District •<br />

Ningbo <strong>City</strong> Yinzhou District's Shiqi, Jishigang, Hengjie, Wangchun Industry Park •<br />

Ningbo <strong>City</strong>'s Daxie Development Zone • Yuyao <strong>City</strong> • Cixi <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area,<br />

Guanhaiwei Town • Cixi <strong>City</strong>'s Cidong Coastal District • Ningbo <strong>City</strong>'s Hangzhou Bay<br />

New District • Ningbo <strong>City</strong>'s Fenghua District • Ninghai County's Central Area (Except<br />

Ninghai Economic Development Zone's Ningdong New <strong>City</strong>, Liyang, Chayuan and<br />

Changjie Towns) • Ninghai County Sanmenwan New District • Xiangshan County •<br />

Zhoushan <strong>City</strong>'s Central Area • Zhoushan Economic Development Zone (Xin'gang) •<br />

Zhoushan <strong>City</strong>'s Jintang Island • Putuo District • Daishan County • Zhejiang Daishan<br />

Economic Development Zone • Zhoushan <strong>City</strong>'s Liuheng Island • Taizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Jiaojiang<br />

District (Jiaojiang River's South Bank) • Taizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Huangyan District • Taizhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Luqiao District • Taizhou <strong>City</strong>'s Taizhou Bay Industry Zone • Sanmen County • Linhai <strong>City</strong><br />

• Tiantai County • Xianju County • Linhai <strong>City</strong> Beiyang Industrial Park • Wenling <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Yuhuan County • Wenzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area, Chashan Higher Education Park, Lucheng<br />

Industrial Park, Ouhai District • Wenzhou <strong>City</strong>'s Longwan District • Wenzhou <strong>City</strong>'s<br />

Dongtou District • Yueqing <strong>City</strong>'s Lecheng, Chengdong, Chengnan, Yanpan, Wengyang<br />

Towns and Yueqing Economic Development Zone • Yueqing <strong>City</strong>'s Hongqiao, Tiancheng,<br />

Shifan, Danxi, Puqi, Nanyue, Furong, Qingjiang, Nantang, Lingdi, Dajing, Xianxi,<br />

Yandang, Huwu, Longxi and Zhiren Towns • Yueqing <strong>City</strong>'s Liushi, Beibaixiang, Panshi<br />

and Baishi Towns • Ruian <strong>City</strong>‘ Previous Downtown, Anyang New District and Ruixiang<br />

New District • Zhejiang Rui'an Economic Developmet Zone • Pingyang County's<br />

Kunyang and Aojiang Towns • Pingyang County (Except Kunyang and Aojiang Towns) •<br />

Cangnan County's Jinxiang, Qianku, Yishan, Longgang New District and Yunyan Towns<br />

• Cangnan County Shangjiang Industrial Zone • Wencheng County • Yongjia County •<br />

Jinhua <strong>City</strong> Central Area the South <strong>of</strong> Wujiang River, Economic and Technological<br />

Development Zone • Jinhua city Central Area the North <strong>of</strong> Wujiang River • Jindong<br />

Development Zone, Jinxi Development Zone, Wucheng New District • Lanxi <strong>City</strong> •<br />

Pujiang County • Yiwu <strong>City</strong> • Dongyang <strong>City</strong> • Wuyi County • Pan'an County • Yongkang<br />

<strong>City</strong> • Lishui <strong>City</strong> Central Area • Lishui <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Southern Part) • Jinyun County<br />

• Longquan <strong>City</strong> • Songyang County, Songyang County Industrial Economy Concentrated<br />

Area • Suichang County • Yunhe County • Qingtian County • Quzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area<br />

(Except Juhua Group's Territory) • Quzhou <strong>City</strong> Central Area (Juhua Group's Territory) •<br />

Longyou County, Huzhen, Zhanjia and Tashi Towns • Jiangshang <strong>City</strong> • Changshan<br />

County • Kaihua County • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> (Yuxi District, Dadukou District, Shapingba<br />

District, Jiulongpo District, Nanan District, Jiangbei District, Yuzhong District) •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Dadukou District's Jianqiao Industry Park (Section C) • Chongqing <strong>City</strong><br />

Dadukou District's Lanyu Yintie Company Territory • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiulongpo District's<br />

Zhongliangshan Mining Bureau Territory • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Western High & New<br />

Technology Zone (West Section: Jiulongpo District's Bafu, Hangu, Jinfeng and Baishiyi<br />

Towns) • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiulongpo District's Xipeng and Taojia Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong><br />

Jiulongpo District's Zouma Town • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiulongpo District's Yijing Huakai<br />

Xiangdi Residential Zone • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiulongpo District's Wulidian Town •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Shapingba District's Xiyong Bonded Area, Micro-electronic Industry<br />

Park, Taiwan Investment Business Park • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Yubei District's Central Area •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Yubei District's Airport Industry Park • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Yubei District's<br />

Renhe and Longxi Towns, Huayuan New Village • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Yubei District's<br />

Xinglong Town • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Yubei District's Zhangguan, Yongqing and Yufengshan<br />

Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Banan District's Yudong, Huiming and Yipin Towns • Chongqing<br />

<strong>City</strong> Banan District's Huaxi, Jieshi, Lujiao, Lijiatuo and Nanquan Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong><br />

Banan District's Jielong Town • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Banan District's Baijie Area • Chongqing<br />

Liangjiang New District's Yuzui Town • Chongqing Liangjiang New District's Northen New<br />

District Gaoxin Park • Chongqing Liangjiang New District's Northern New Area, Longxing<br />

and Shichuan Towns (Industry Parks), Mu'er and Gulu Towns (Industry Parks), Part <strong>of</strong><br />

Airport New <strong>City</strong> • Chongqing Liangjiang New District's Caijia and Shuifu Areas, Shuitu,<br />

Longxing and Yufu Industry Parks, Jiangbei District's Fusheng Town • Chongqing<br />

Kaizhou District's Central Area • Chongqing Kaizhou District's Changsha Town •<br />

Chongqing Kaizhou District's Fengle, Houba and Jinfeng Towns • Chongqing Kaizhou<br />

District's Zhaojia Industry Park • Chongqing Kaizhou District's Yuexi Town • Chongqing<br />

Kaizhou District's Industry Park's Zhaojia Food Industry District • Chongqing Kaizhou<br />

District's Linjiang Town • Chongqing Kaizhou District's Nanya Town • Chongqing Kaizhou<br />

District's Jiulongshan and Dade Towns • Chongqing Wuxi County • Chengkou County's<br />

Central Area • Chengkou County's Suburban Towns • Yunyang County's Central Area •<br />

Yunyang County's Hongshi, Qixia, Shuikou, Longdong, Yu'an and Yuyang Towns •<br />

Yunyang County's Gaoyang, Nanxi, Jiangkou and Luyang Towns • Yunyang County's<br />

Renhe, Ping'an and Yanglu Towns • Yunyang County's Suburban Towns South to<br />

Yangtze River (Panlong, Fengming and Longjiao Towns) • Yunyang County's Industry<br />

Park, Northern New District, Renhe and Huangshi Towns • Fengjie County's Central<br />

Area, Western New District and Suburban Towns North to Yangtze River • Fengjie<br />

County's Suburban Towns South to Yangtze River • Wushan County's Central Area •<br />

Wushan County's Northern Area • Wushan County's Luoping Town, Chuyang Industry<br />

Park • Wushan County's Suburban Towns South to Yangtze River • Wanzhou District<br />

Central Area • Wanzhou District's Zhoujiaba Area, Longbaojinlong Economic<br />

Development Zone, Hongguang Immigration Economic Development Zone, Shenmingba<br />

Tianzi Industrial Park • Wanzhou District Economy & Technology Development Zone •<br />

Wanzhou District's Fenshui, Huangni, Guojia, Xiangshui, Longsha, Yujia, Changping,<br />

Xinxiang, Yanshan and Xikou Towns • Wanzhou District Economy & Technology<br />

Development Zone's Ga<strong>of</strong>eng Park • Wanzhou District's Luotian, Luju, Changtan,<br />

Baiyang, Tai'an and Tailong Towns • Wanzhou District's Zouma, Shuangliu and Cizu<br />

Towns • Liangping County's Central Area, Liangshan, Shuanggui, Jindai, Renxian, Jukui,<br />

Lirang, Ansheng, Chengbei, Hexing, Fuping and Wenhua Towns • Liangping County's<br />

Pingjing, Huilong Town • Liangping County's Hucheng, Longsheng Town • Liangping<br />

County's Yuanyi Town • Liangping County's Yuanyi Town (Part) • Liangping County's<br />

Qushui, Fulu and Shi'an Towns • Liangping County's Yunlong, Renxian (Part), Helin,<br />

Pingjing (Part), Xinsheng, Mingda Towns • Liangping County's Bojia, Qiqiao and Panlong<br />

Towns • Liangping County's Hucheng Town (Part) • Zhongxian County's Central Area,<br />

Zhongzhou (Part) and Fuxing (Part) Towns • Zhongxian County's Maguan, Baishi,<br />

Yongfeng Towns • • Zhongxian County's Renjia and Xinsheng Towns • Dianjiang County<br />

• Dianjiang County's Nanshan Area • Fengdu County's Central Area • Fengdu County's<br />

Gaojia, Xingyi, Shifo, Shuanglu, Longhe, Jiangchi, Wuping, Longkong, Shizhi, Shuren,<br />

Baohe, Sanyuan, Dongjia, Feilong, Shuanglong, Qinglong, Nantianhu, Lizi and Sanba<br />

Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Fuling District's Central Area • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Fuling District's<br />

Lidu Industry Park Equipment Industrial Zone • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Fuling District's Qingxi,<br />

Longqiao and Baitao Industry Park • Fuling Jianfeng Group Two <strong>of</strong> 4580 Device •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Changshou District's Central Area • Chongqing Chemical Industry Park,<br />

Yanjia Industry Park, Changshou Economic Development Zone's Migration Base •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Changshou District's Taohua New Area • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Changshou<br />

District's Honghu Town • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Bishan District's Central Area • Chongqing <strong>City</strong><br />

Bishan District's Suburban Area • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Bishan District's Dingjia, Zhengxing<br />

Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiangjin District's Central Area • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiangjin<br />

District's Binjiang New Area, Degan Industry Park • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiangjin District's<br />

Shuangfu New Area, Degan (Linfeng and Changchong), Wutan, Xihu and Youxi Towns •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiangjin District's Dushi, Gaoxie, Luohuang (Mazong Section) and<br />

Zhiping Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Jiangjin District's Dushi (Sancai Area) Town • Chongqing<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hechuan District's Central Area, Hechuan Industry Park • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Hechuan<br />

District's Qingping Town Industry Zone • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Beibei District • Chongqing <strong>City</strong><br />

Beibei District's Sansheng Hongbin Base • Yongchuan District's Central Area (Including<br />

Part <strong>of</strong> Qingfeng Town), Sanjiao, Shuangshi, Honglu and Yongrong Towns • Yongchuan<br />

District Wujian, Hegeng Town • Yongchuan District's Sanjiao Industry Park • Yongchuan<br />

District's Fenghuanghu Industry Park • Chongqing Shuangqiao Economic and<br />

Technological Development Zone • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Wansheng Economic & Technology<br />

Development Zone's Wansheng, Donglin, Nantong and Wandong Towns • Chongqing<br />

<strong>City</strong> Wansheng Economic & Technology Development Zone's Industry Park • Chongqing<br />

<strong>City</strong> Wansheng Economic & Technology Development Zone's Qingnian Town, Guanba<br />

Town • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Wansheng Economic & Technology Development Zone's<br />

Conglin, Jinqiao and Shilin Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Nanchuan District's Central Area,<br />

Daguan Town, Nanchuan Anping <strong>City</strong> Industry Park • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Nanchuan District's<br />

Shuijiang, Daguan and Xinglong Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Nanchuan District's Nanping<br />

Town • Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County • Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County Nanbin<br />

Park • Wulong County • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Qianjiang District • Pengshui Miaozu Tujia<br />

Autonomous County's Original Central Area • Pengshui Miaozu Tujia Autonomous<br />

County's Dianshui New <strong>City</strong> and Suburban Towns • Xiushan Tujia Miaozu Autonomous<br />

County • Yongyang County • Tongnan County • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Tongliang District •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong>'s Dazu District • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Rongchang District's Central Area •<br />

Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Rongchang District's Anfu, Hebao, Tonggu, Qingjiang, Qingsheng, Wujia<br />

and Xinfeng Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Rongchang District's Industrial Users, Lishi Town,<br />

Shuangfeng Town, Yingxiang Town, Purun Township • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Qijiang District's<br />

Wenlong, Gunan and Sanjiang Towns • Chongqing <strong>City</strong> Qijiang District's Yongxin, Beidu,<br />

Sanhui, Wanxing, Zhuantang, Gaishi, Zhenzi, Dongxi, Ganshui, Fuhuan, Dingshan,<br />

Anwen, Shihao and Datong Towns

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