Viva Lewes Issue #134 November 2017

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Photo by Nikolaj Lund<br />

FRI 3 RD , 7.30PM<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> Concert Orchestra: Autumn Concert<br />

featuring Nicolai’s Overture to the Merry Wives<br />

of Windsor, Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto and<br />

Brahms’ Symphony No. 2. <strong>Lewes</strong> Town Hall, £12<br />

on the door, students and under-18s £5.<br />

FRI 10 TH , 7.45PM<br />

Nicholas Yonge<br />

Society: Trio con<br />

Brio Copenhagen.<br />

Including works<br />

by Sandstrom,<br />

Beethoven and<br />

Tchaikovsky. Cliffe<br />

Building, Sussex Downs College. £15, free for 8-25 yrolds.<br />

Pre-concert talk at 6.30.<br />

SAT 11 TH , 7.45PM<br />

Musicians of All Saints. Ian McCrae directs performances<br />

of Holst’s Brook Green Suite, Mozart’s<br />

Violin Concerto No 4, Dvorák’s Nocturne in B<br />

major and Haydn’s Symphony no 46 in B major.<br />

St Michael’s Church, £12/£9/U18 free<br />

mas-lewes.co.uk / mas@lewes.uk.com.<br />

SUN 12 TH , 5PM<br />

St Michael’s Church First Sunday Recital:<br />

Clarinettist Nick Carpenter and pianist Nicholas<br />

Houghton play a programme of English music,<br />

with works by Thomas Dunhill, Gerald Finzi,<br />

Alec Templeton and Adrian Cruft. St Michael’s<br />

Church, free with retiring collection, note NOT first<br />

Sunday or usual time.<br />

SAT 18 TH , 7.30PM<br />

The Esterhazy Chamber Choir: Renaissance<br />

masterpieces including Palestrina’s Missa Papae<br />

Marcelli, Allegri’s Miserere, Lotti’s Crucifixus and<br />

works by Lhéritier, Taverner and Victoria.<br />

St Michael’s Church, £10 in advance from Tourist<br />

Information Centre, £12 on the door (under 16s free).

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