Viva Lewes Issue #134 November 2017

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Is print journalism dying?<br />

Times deputy editor Emma Tucker<br />

Is it fair to say the newspaper industry is in<br />

crisis in the UK? Yes - although some papers<br />

are worse affected than others. The crisis is most<br />

acute in the local press where many titles have<br />

disappeared. We've also seen the first national<br />

title - the Independent - go digital only and it's<br />

safe to say others will follow.<br />

How much is this down to the internet?<br />

Almost entirely - digital technology has totally<br />

disrupted the old print business model that<br />

sustained newspapers for the last 200 years and<br />

introduced intense competition for readers<br />

and advertisers. The way we consume news has<br />

changed completely - I meet plenty of young<br />

people who have never picked up a paper in<br />

their lives. People increasingly consume news via<br />

social media. Meanwhile, Google and Facebook<br />

are expected to take half of all digital revenue<br />

worldwide this year leaving not very much for<br />

traditional media to fight over. As print advertising<br />

sales fall off a cliff, newspapers are unable to<br />

make up the shortfall via digital advertising.<br />

It wasn't the Sun wot won it... Is it fair to say<br />

that newspapers' influence over the outcome<br />

of elections is fading? I think it's questionable<br />

as to how far newspapers influenced the outcome<br />

of the last general election. The competition<br />

from digital outlets and social media is now intense.<br />

The Labour Party in particular used social<br />

media to great effect in the last election - which<br />

definitely helped to galvanise young people to<br />

vote for Corbyn.<br />

Is there more ‘false news’ around than before?<br />

Yes. It's a huge problem and we're only just<br />

uncovering the extent to which it is manipulating<br />

public discourse. Every day we learn more about<br />

how Putin uses social media to disrupt western<br />

democracies and influence elections - not just in<br />

the US, but during the French and German elections<br />

and the recent referendum in Catalonia.<br />

The Times and other publications from the<br />

Times group aside, which is your favourite<br />

newspaper? Probably the Financial Times - my<br />

old newspaper - mainly because it has such solid<br />

reporting values and is very trustworthy. It also<br />

has great columnists. Otherwise, when I lived in<br />

<strong>Lewes</strong> I was a devotee of the Sussex Express - I<br />

still am!<br />

What’s the first section you turn to? I don't<br />

turn to anything. I swipe. I read the Times on my<br />

phone or tablet every morning starting with the<br />

top news stories and then the comment section.<br />

As Deputy Editor of the Times, how much do<br />

you come into personal contact with Rupert<br />

Murdoch. What’s he like? I see him from time<br />

to time when he is in town. He absolutely loves<br />

newspapers and news and always wants to know<br />

what's going on. He's old fashioned and courteous<br />

and not at all the ogre that everyone thinks<br />

he is. Interview by Alex Leith<br />

Emma Tucker, who was brought up in <strong>Lewes</strong>, is<br />

talking at the <strong>Lewes</strong> Literary Society, All Saints,<br />

14th <strong>November</strong>, 8pm, £11<br />

lewesliterarysociety.co.uk<br />


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