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Our core aim in <strong>Smorgasboarder</strong> magazine always was and will be to be inclusive.<br />

We love all kinds of surfing, all kinds of surfers from the best to the worst (whatever<br />

that means to you personally) and all kinds of boards from long to short.<br />

When it comes to art we feel no differently. Art is as personal as is surfing, and<br />

there as as many varied forms of expression as there are waves to ride. Furthermore,<br />

art in any form is completely subjective - what makes art great for one person is as<br />

personal as what makes a good day out surfing for each of us. Art and hand shaping<br />

a surfboard could also not be more closely aligned as both take talent, skill and<br />

thousands of hours of practice to understand and never ever fully master…<br />

There will also be a new personal height to reach. But most importantly when all the<br />

stars align perfectly, both art and surfing simply make you happy.<br />

It’s with that intent that we’re so chuffed to present our second ever dedicated art<br />

edition! This mag is packed with some of our personal favourite artists - artists of<br />

vastly varying styles, levels of recognition and even commercial success, yet all tied<br />

together by an underlying love for surfing, surf culture and the ocean. Some paint<br />

boards, some paint canvases, some paint walls, some draw pictures, other sculpt in<br />

metal - all of them make many of you happy by putting their work out into the world<br />

and brightening someone’s day.<br />

Enjoy, get inspired, and go surfing!<br />

Cheers!<br />

the <strong>Smorgasboarder</strong>s<br />

An artist with a lens... Sydney photographer Brad Bessant sees Snapper<br />

Rocks on the Gold Coast from an angle not too many would imagine.<br />

Photo: Brad Bessant - Find him on Facebook at Brad-Bessant-Photography<br />

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SMORGASBOARDER | SUMMER <strong>2016</strong>

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