C13 Microeconomics Online Exams 1-8 Answers (Ashworth College)

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40<br />

One reason that professional baseball players earn higher incomes than college professors is that<br />

__________ .<br />

A. the training costs to enter the baseball profession are<br />

low<br />

B. there no barriers to entry in the baseball profession<br />

C. few people have the skill to play professional baseball<br />

D. being a college professor requires less education<br />

Question 36 of<br />

2.5/ 2.5 Points<br />

40<br />

Other things being equal, as diminishing marginal returns begin to occur, the marginal revenue<br />

product of labor __________ .<br />

A. decreases as more workers are used<br />

B. increases as more workers are used<br />

C. remains unchanged as more workers are<br />

used<br />

D. none of the above<br />

Question 37 of<br />

0.0/ 2.5 Points<br />

40<br />

The relationship between the wage and the quantity of labor that a given worker is willing to<br />

provide is called __________ .<br />

A. individual labor<br />

demand<br />

B. market labor demand

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